This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No
AARHUS INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES ....................................................................................................... 1
AIAS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
AIAS-COFUND II Fellowships 2021/2022 .................................................................................................................. 1
GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 About Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) ............................................................................................ 4
2 The Fellowship Programme ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Types and duration of fellowships .................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Processing procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Four different bodies will be involved in the evaluation and selection process: ...................................................... 5
Administrative eligibility screening ........................................................................................................................... 5
Individual peer review ................................................................................................................................................ 5
The Selection Committee ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Rebuttal opportunities ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3 When and how to apply ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Who can apply .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Application deadline ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
MSCA Mobility rule .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Career breaks ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
4 Application content and requirements................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Start date .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Additional information ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Area of research ................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 Keywords ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.5 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.6 Project description / Research plan ................................................................................................................ 11
4.7 List of references ............................................................................................................................................ 11
4.8 Figures ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.9 Ethics issues form ........................................................................................................................................... 12
4.10 Arguments for working within the AIAS framework...................................................................................... 12
4.11 Collaborations or connections at Aarhus University ...................................................................................... 12
4.12 Statement of no conflict of interest ............................................................................................................... 12
4.13 CV .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.14 PhD diploma ................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.15 List of publications .......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.16 Budget indication............................................................................................................................................ 13
4.17 Included in the fellowship ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.18 Events at AIAS ................................................................................................................................................ 14
5 Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................................................... 14
6 Online application system ................................................................................................................................. 15
7 Application process and evaluation ................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 Timeline .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
8 Working at AIAS and in Denmark ...................................................................................................................... 15
8.1 Benefits and services at AIAS ......................................................................................................................... 15
8.2 Employment conditions ................................................................................................................................. 16
8.3 Life in Aarhus .................................................................................................................................................. 16
9 Sources of help and additional information ....................................................................................................... 17
AIAS-COFUND II Fellowships 2021/2022
1 About Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS)
Curiosity-driven and independent research for excellent scholars worldwide and across all research
disciplines is the hallmark of Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) as AIAS focuses exclusively on
research excellence and training of research talent. The AIAS fellowship programme selects fellows on the
basis of research proposals from applicants with excellence as the sole selection criterion. The programme
offers a multidisciplinary research platform and creates an opportunity for researchers to gain freedom
and independence to advance their own ideas. A fellowship at AIAS gives the possibility to explore the
methodologies and approaches taken in other scientific disciplines, thus making cross-disciplinary
inspiration and initiatives possible.
2 The Fellowship Programme
A fellowship at AIAS provides international researchers with the possibility of collaborating and sharing
knowledge with researchers at Aarhus University within the same discipline, and at the same time, be part
of a multidisciplinary and international environment of excellence at AIAS.
This offers the individual fellow a unique opportunity to focus on developing her/his research, while also
interacting and collaborating with researchers with different research perspectives. The Programme
contributes to transnational mobility among researchers and optimizes the circulation of the access to and
the transfer of scientific knowledge to strengthen the skills of the individual researcher.
A long-term aim of the Fellowship Programme is that fellowships will result in a fruitful research
collaboration and knowledge exchange between research groups at Aarhus University and the AIAS-
COFUND II fellows. It is an ambition that this collaboration will continue after the termination of a
fellowship and that it may open for collaborations between Aarhus University and the fellow’s future
The AIAS fellows must be based in Aarhus and situated physically in the AIAS building in order to
participate in the academic life of AIAS, and to organize academic activities such as workshops, public
talks or speakers' series to contribute to the intellectual life at the Institute and at Aarhus University.
2.1 Types and duration of fellowships
The AIAS-COFUND II fellowship programme is co-funded by the European Union’s H2020 Programme
under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (Grant Agreement No 754513) and Aarhus University Research
Foundation. The AIAS-COFUND II programme will contribute with approximately 77 fellowships over a
period of 5 years. In this call up to 15 fellowships are available.
The commencement dates are 1 October 2021 and 1 February 2022. Please note that fellowships of 36
months can only commence in October 2021.
The programme encompasses two types of fellowships:
o Junior fellowships: For researchers with at least 2-10 years of full-time postdoctoral research
experience after completion of their PhD, at the time of the application deadline.
o Senior fellowships: For researchers with 10+ years of full-time postdoctoral research experience
since the completion of the PhD degree.
Please note: Years of research experience are counted from the date of completion of the PhD.
The duration of a fellowship varies from 6 months and up to 36 months (12-36 months for junior fellows
and 6-18 months for senior fellows) depending on what is suitable and realistic in relation to the research
proposal. The fellowship period should be consecutive and therefore it is not possible to split up the
fellowship period into smaller parts. The fellowship is a full time position and it is not possible to prolong
the fellowship by working part time (See section 8.2).
2.2 Processing procedures
Four different bodies will be involved in the evaluation and selection process:
o The AIAS administration team (administrative screening)
o Three individual peer reviewers in remote evaluation
o The Selection Committee
o The Quality Assurance group
Administrative eligibility screening
Immediately after the deadline for applications, the applications will be subject to an eligibility screening
by the AIAS administration team. The eligibility screening will be carried out in a strict and consistent
manner, and the screening is final with no possibility of resubmission in the current call. Applications that
are not eligible will be rejected and applicants will receive a rejection letter explaining the administrative
Individual peer review
The applicants must provide five keywords when submitting the application. Based on these keywords, the
scientific field and subfield, three external reviewers are chosen from databases such as the ‘EU Participant
Portal Database of Reviewers’ that includes both European and Non-European experts. Applicants are
reviewed by peers at their own academic level or higher. The identity of the external individual reviewers
will not be disclosed to the applicants. The reviews of the individual peer reviewers will be sent to the
applicants when the final answer regarding the fellowship is announced.
The Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will perform the final selection based on the assessments and scores provided by
the external individual reviewers. The identity of the members of the Selection Committee is public
(https://aias.au.dk/opportunities-at-aias/aiasfellowships/aias-cofund-fellowships/); however, the applicant shall
not seek contact to members of the AIAS-COFUND Selection Committee.
The Quality Assurance group
The Quality Assurance group (QA group) is involved if the AIAS administration team is in doubt regarding
rebuttals of the administrative eligibility of the applications. The members of the QA group are listed here:
2.3 Rebuttal opportunities
If an applicant finds that there has been an administrative error, the applicant has the opportunity of filing
a rebuttal to the AIAS administration team. A rebuttal must be done in writing, and can be based on
procedural errors only. Hence, a rebuttal cannot be based on the scientific evaluation remarks or on the
selection of reviewers. The rebuttal must be filed within the rebuttal opportunity period as stated in the
rejection letter sent after the administrative eligibility screening.
The AIAS administration team will, if in doubt, forward any rebuttal to the QA group. If the QA group
decides that the rebuttal is justified, the applicant will be offered to have her/his proposal re-evaluated
without having to wait for the next call.
AIAS is an independent institute initiated by Aarhus University. Aarhus University is a modern
European university that offers an inspiring education and research environment for 38,000
students and 8000 employees, ensuring results of a high international standard. The
university's strategy and development contract are available on: http://international.au.dk/ .
The university is dedicated to research, talent development, knowledge exchange and
education in all fields from the humanities to business and social sciences, and from science
and technology to medicine. In recent years, Aarhus University has been advancing in the most
important international rankings. Aarhus University has produced two Nobel Prize Laureates in
the past fifteen years.
3 When and how to apply
3.1 Who can apply
The programme’s target group is talented researchers. The MSCA Mobility rule applies (see more below
in section 3.3). Selection is based solely on excellence and all research disciplines and research topics are
3.2 Application deadline
Friday, 15 January 2021 at 12.00 (noon) CET.
See a detailed timeline in section 7.1. The research proposal must be submitted online at:
www.efond.dk/aias. Information about the online application system can be found in section 6.
3.3 Eligibility
In order to be eligible for an AIAS-COFUND II fellowship two conditions apply: 1) Personal eligibility:
Applicants must have at least 2 years of postdoctoral research experience (after completion of PhD) and
must comply with the MSCA Mobility rule; and 2) Application eligibility: The application must be
complete and comprehensive and contain all mandatory documents. All mandatory documents must meet
the requirements listed below, including format, page limitations and necessary content.
All applications are screened and will be rejected if one or both conditions are not met.
MSCA Mobility rule
The MSCA Mobility rule applies. This means that applicants must not have resided or carried out their
main activities (work, studies etc.) for more than 12 months in Denmark in the three years immediately
prior to the application deadline. Time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the
Geneva Convention, compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into
Please indicate the period(s) and the country/countries in which you have legally resided and/or had your
main activity (work, studies etc.) during the last five years up until the application deadline (in Step 1
under ”Mobility Statement). Wrong or missing information may cause your proposal to be ineligible. Any
additional information you wish to make known to the evaluators should be included in the CV.
Make sure to tick the box to confirm the accuracy of your mobility statement.
Career breaks
When assessing applicants’ research productivity, the reviewers and the Selection Committee will take the
applicants’ individual career into account. Attention will be paid to individual career paths and
circumstances caused by career interruptions and changes, e.g. maternity/paternity/parental/sick leave
and compulsory military service.
In order to apply for a Junior Fellowship (with a duration of 12-36 months) the PhD degree must have
been obtained less than 10 years ago from the time of the call deadline. Time spent on
maternity/paternity/parental/sick leave or compulsory military service is deducted from the age of the PhD
Please account for any career breaks in the application form (in Step 1 under “Career breaks”) and in the
CV. For periods of leave, indicate the cause and state precisely the starting date and end date of the leave
The actual months of maternity/paternity leave will be multiplied by 1.5 and subtracted from the age of
the applicant’s PhD degree. This is to ensure that the evaluation of applicants is gender fair.
Example: A female applicant has been employed full-time in academia since obtaining her PhD degree 1
September 2009. She has two children and has had 10 months of maternity leave with each child. If she
does not declare these career breaks, she would only be eligible to apply for a senior fellowship. However,
if she declares her breaks (20 months * 1.5) 30 months will be subtracted from the age of her PhD. Thus,
she will be able to apply for a junior fellowship.
As for other career breaks such as military service or sick/care leave the actual number of months of leave
will be subtracted. The exact period of the leave, with a start date and an end date, must be stated in the
application system (in Step 1 under “Career breaks”) and in the applicant’s CV.
4 Application content and requirements
Below is an overview of the content needed for the application and of the flow in the online application
system (www.efond.dk/aias):
Step 1: Personal contact information etc. :
o Name ( as stated in your passport), title and contact information (telephone + email)
o Year of completed PhD
o Date of birth, gender and nationality
o Home institution (department and name of faculty)
o Mobility statement
o Information about career breaks
o Statement of no-conflict-of-interest with the Quality Assurance group and the Selection
Step 2: Project
o Area of research
o Desired start date
o Project duration
o Project title
o Five keywords
o Project abstract and description
o Argumentation for choosing AIAS why the research should be carried out at AIAS
o Collaborations or connections at AIAS or Aarhus University
Step 3: Upload of mandatory documents
All applicants must upload the following five documents as attachments to the application:
1. CV
2. PhD diploma
3. List of publications
4. Budget indication
5. Ethical issues form
Please make sure that all the requested information is included in the application, and that the mandatory
files are uploaded (in Step 3) before submitting the application. If the requirements are not met, the
application will be rejected.
The template for budget and the ethical issues form are provided at the AIAS website and must be
used. See more below on how to access the budget template and ethics issues form.
4.1 Start date
In this call up to 15 fellowships are available. The fellowships will commence on the 1 October 2021 or 1
February 2022. The preferred date of commencement can be stated in the application form. Please note
that another start date may be proposed and that a fellowship of 36 months can only commence on 1
October 2021.
4.2 Additional information
A brief outline of your personal background, professional life achievements and expectations to the future.
Not a listing of previous jobs and education as this information should be provided in the CV, which is to be
uploaded in step 3. This section is optional.
4.3 Area of research
The research project must be categorized in one of the listed scientific areas that are grouped in five main
areas. First, select the main area:
1. Natural Sciences
2. Technical Sciences
3. Health & Medical Sciences
4. Business & Social Sciences
5. Arts & Humanities
Secondly, select one primary scientific sub area.
The sub areas are:
Agronomical Sciences
Ancient history
Ancient literature
Anthropology (cultural)
Anthropology (social)
Arctic sciences
Art History
Biology (aquatic)
Biology (plant physiology)
Biology (zoo physiology)
Business and Marketing
Chemical Sciences
Clinical Medicine
Communication and Information Studies
Computer Science
Cultural Studies
Digital Media Studies
Earth Sciences
Eco informatics and Biodiversity
Economic Sciences and Statistics
Environmental Sciences
Food Science
Forensic Sciences
Gender Studies
Genetics, Ecology and Evolution
Global Studies
Green Transition
Heritage Studies
Juridical Sciences
Languages Studies
Linguistic Studies
Medical Sciences
Molecular Biology
Neuro Sciences
Pedagogical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Political Sciences
Public Health
Veterinary Medicine
A second sub area can be selected, if necessary. This is optional.
4.4 Keywords
List five keywords/terms that describe the research area and project proposed. The keywords will be
applied when selecting an appropriate reviewer to evaluate the application. For this reason, please
choose the keywords carefully so that the best-suited reviewer can be selected for review.
4.5 Abstract
The abstract (max. 2,000 characters incl. blanks) should provide the reader with a clear understanding of
the objectives of the proposal, how these will be achieved, and their relevance. This summary will be used
as the short description of the proposal in the evaluation process when communicating with the reviewers.
It must therefore be short and precise and should not contain any confidential information. Please use
plain typed text, avoiding formulae and other special characters.
4.6 Project description / Research plan
5000 - 12,500 characters incl. blanks (excl. list of references) are allowed.
The project description should give the reader a clear and comprehensive understanding of the specific
research project. Applications must have a detailed project description since the reviewers cannot
evaluate poorly defined proposals adequately.
The project description should be a clear, convincing and compelling account of the proposed research
project, describing the current state of the art within the field, the novelty and originality and the potential
for the creation of new knowledge. Please also justify the appropriateness of the research methods,
infrastructures, requested resources, equipment and fieldwork (if relevant). The project description should
also cover the activities in the project such as fieldwork, travel, networking and dissemination (seminars,
workshops or conferences arranged by the applicant). Ethical issues and the compliance with the standard
norms and ethical practices when dealing with safety and security, use of animals and human subjects,
environment, embargos and sanctions should also be clarified (and declared in the Ethical issues form).
The project description must include justification of fellowship duration/and or a project timeline.
See section 5 for the general assessment criteria. Please use line breaks to organize your project
description, since all formatting (bold and italic font) will be reset in the application system.
Please note that an extended project description cannot be uploaded to supplement the one in the
application system. If uploaded, it will not be included in the documents to the reviewers. The reviewers
will only review the application based on the project description in the application system.
4.7 List of references
List of references is a separate text box (max. 2,500 characters incl. blanks). The online application
system will only allow text when pasted in.
4.8 Figures
Figures relating to the project description must be uploaded in step 3 as pdf-files. Two figures or photos
are allowed.
4.9 Ethics issues form
The AIAS ethics issues form must be used otherwise the application will be rejected. The form is
available for download at https://aias.au.dk/opportunities-at-aias/aiasfellowships/aias-cofund-fellowships/.
All applicants must disclose any ethical issues in the proposed research project and how these ethical
issues will be handled. The form must be filled in, signed and attached to the application even if there
are no ethical issues to be reported.
4.10 Arguments for working within the AIAS framework
2,000 - 5,000 characters incl. blanks. Please explain how and why your research will benefit from being
carried out in a multidisciplinary setting as AIAS instead of a Department or a Centre at Aarhus University.
Especially why AIAS as a multidisciplinary institute would add value to your research and how it can
contribute to the development of your career. The argumentation should also include your visions and
ideas on how you expect to add actively to the creation of the social and academic environment of AIAS.
This part should only focus on the environment at AIAS and not the collaborators (if any) at Aarhus
University. Copy-pasted text from the AIAS website is not considered sufficient.
4.11 Collaborations or connections at Aarhus University
Established collaborations at Aarhus University are not a requirement, but such collaborations are in many
cases helpful for a successful fellowship. Please state if connections to AU research environments have
already been established and describe plans for further cooperation and note the contact information of
the collaborator. Letters of agreement from such collaborators can be uploaded in step 3 in the application
system as pdf-files. Letters of agreement is not part of the evaluation of the application as excellence of
the applicant and of the proposed research is the main criterion of evaluation.
4.12 Statement of no conflict of interest
Applicants must declare if there is any potential conflict of interest between the applicant and any of the
members of the Quality Assurance group (QA group) and any of the members of the Selection Committee.
The applicant must declare that she/he has had no research collaborations or co-published any papers with
any of the Selection Committee members and any members of the QA group within the past 10 years prior
to the application deadline. The members of the QA group and the Selection Committee are listed on the
website: https://aias.au.dk/opportunities-at-aias/aiasfellowships/aias-cofund-fellowships/.
4.13 CV
The CV should be a maximum of five pages (not incl. publications) in one pdf-file and uploaded in step 3 in
the online application system. The CV must describe your personal background, education and career until
now. In the evaluation of scientific achievements both achieved results and the potential of the applicant
will be assessed the latter is particularly the case for junior fellows. Please note: If the CV file is more
than 5 pages, the application will be rejected. CV and publication list must be uploaded as two
separate documents in step 3.
4.14 PhD diploma
The PhD diploma must be uploaded as an attached file in step 3 in the online application system as a pdf-
file. When selecting the year of completed PhD in the application system, the year must be identical with
the date stated on the diploma. The diploma must be written in the Latin alphabet. If not, a certified
translated copy must also be attached.
4.15 List of publications
A maximum of five pages in one pdf-file must be uploaded in step 3 in the online application system.
Please note: If the publication list file is more than five pages, the application will be rejected. The
publication list should be one separate file and not merged with the CV file.
4.16 Budget indication
The AIAS budget template must be used otherwise the application will be rejected. The template is
available for download at https://aias.au.dk/opportunities-at-aias/aiasfellowships/aias-cofund-fellowships/.
At AIAS all fellowships are different as they vary in duration and in research discipline, some are lab based,
others not lab based research etc. Some fellowships require larger budgets than others do, so there will be
individual budget limits depending on the research. The proposed budget must reflect the research
proposal and all costs should be justified. The budget limit is up to 10.000 EUR per year. If the research
requires a larger budget than the up to 10.000 EUR per year, it should be indicated how the additional
funds are secured. The budget proposal will be negotiated in case a fellowship is awarded. Please note, a
fellowship offer is not an immediate approval of the indicated budget.
The budget can include the following types of expenses, if applicable:
1. Running costs, e.g. fieldwork, laboratory expenses, research materials, large computer/server
capacity, special types of software/licenses
2. Publication costs (Please note that AIAS is following the same policy in terms of Open Access as
Aarhus University: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/open-access/open-access-policy/ and
publication costs should thus be kept at a minimum)
3. Conference participation and travel
The budget indication must be made in euros (EUR). It is mandatory to upload the budget template. In
case, no budget is needed, please state ‘0’ under each budget heading. Upload the budget template as a
pdf-file in step 3 in the application system.
4.17 Included in the fellowship
The following are included in a fellowship and should thus not be justified in the budget:
o A full salary equivalent to the Danish wage levels for the period fellows are staying at the Institute.
The salary is negotiated when the fellowship is awarded and based on individual merits and
o The journey to Aarhus (economy class only) for fellows, and for the accompanying family, if any.
o Expenses related to visa and work permit applications (for applicant and accompanying family).
o Expenses for a standard computer, office supplies etc.
o Relocation cost to Aarhus up to a certain limit (subject to prior approval and on the basis of
4.18 Events at AIAS
Extra funding for scholarly events at AIAS, e.g. workshops, seminars and symposiums: During the
fellowship, fellows can apply for funding to carry out scholarly events at AIAS, e.g. workshops, seminars
and symposiums. There will be an open call twice a year and this type of events should thus not be
included in the budget. However, it is appreciated if this type of plans are mentioned in the application.
5 Assessment criteria
The primary assessment criterion is excellence of both the research project and the applicant. The single
most important goal of the evaluation process is to select the most talented and most promising fellows
possible, and to provide them with the best research environment, training and career development
opportunities. The following will be evaluated (weight of the criteria in brackets):
1. Scientific quality of the proposal (30%):
a. Scientific/intellectual merits of the proposed research: clear, convincing and
b. Thoroughness: definition of the problem and proposed solutions, review of
state of the art
c. Novelty and originality
d. Feasibility: scientific, technological, access to infrastructure, project timeline,
research design and deliverables, associated risks
e. Appropriateness of requested resources
f. Networking and dissemination
g. Ethical issues: compliance with standard norms and ethical practices when
dealing with safety and security, use of animals and human subjects,
environment, embargos and sanctions
2. Research environment (20%):
a. An account of whether the AIAS framework as a multidisciplinary institute
would have an added value for the research conducted and how it contributes
to career development
b. The applicant’s visions and ideas on how to actively add to the creation of the
multidisciplinary and academic environment of AIAS.
c. Mobility and career development aspects
3. Quality of the applicant (30%):
a. Academic qualifications and achievements in relation to their stage of career
b. Research experience and level of independence
c. Demonstrated expertise of the applicant in similar projects
d. Publication track record
e. Career breaks, i.e. has the applicant had any career break after obtaining
her/his PhD due to e.g. maternity, paternity or parental leave, or compulsory
military service or inter-sectoral mobility, where the time for research has
been limited. If so, these will be taken into consideration.
f. Potential of the applicant
4. Relevance and expected impact of the proposed research (20%):
a. Motivation and suitability concerning the setting at AIAS
b. Broader impact (scientific, knowledge creation, socio-economic etc.)
c. Associated risks
6 Online application system
Go to the website: www.efond.dk/aias
Choose “Application form, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Create an account using your email address and a personal password. It is important that you use
a valid email address, since all further correspondence will be communicated to this email
address. Once you have registered and logged into the system, the application can be edited until
Please note that each text box in the application form can hold a limited number of characters (as
described in the application requirements, see section 4), but the characters are not calculated
the same way as in Microsoft Word. Hence, the boxes allow for 5% extra. If the limit of characters
is exceeded, a warning makes the section red and the application cannot be sent.
All steps must be filled in and files uploaded (mandatory documents are: CV, PhD diploma, List of
publications, Budget, Ethical issues form and supplementary documents, if any, such as Letters of
agreement from collaborators at Aarhus University) before submitting the application. After
submission, the application can no longer be edited, and it is only possible to view the application.
The application system (Efond) is available in any browser and on tablets both android and Apple.
You will receive an auto generated email receipt from the application system when the application
is submitted correctly. The receipt may end up in the junk folder of your Inbox, so please ensure
that you have received the receipt after submission.
7 Application process and evaluation
7.1 Timeline
o Opening of call: November 2020.
o Deadline for applications: 15 January 2021 at 12.00 (noon) CET.
o Evaluation period: February-May 2021.
o Applicants will receive answers: June 2021.
o Fellowship periods begin: 1 October 2021 or 1 February 2022.
8 Working at AIAS and in Denmark
8.1 Benefits and services at AIAS
The AIAS-COFUND II fellows will be employed at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, and will
receive an employment contract. Foreign employees are entitled to social security benefits in Denmark.
The employment contract will specify the most important terms and conditions of employment such as
salary, income-based contribution to a pension fund, holiday allowance, working hours, etc.
The AIAS fellows can expect assistance with practical and logistical matters that may arise from pre-arrival
to post-departure. AIAS has dedicated relocation employees who, in collaboration with the International
Academic Staff Services at Aarhus University, will be of assistance in solving matters regarding visa
applications, relocation, accommodation, language courses, spouse support, childcare options, finding
schools for accompanying children, etc.
8.2 Employment conditions
The AIAS-COFUND II fellows will be recruited in accordance with The European Charter for Researchers
and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the following conditions apply:
o 37 hour work week (full-time part time is not possible)
o 5 (+ 1) weeks paid holiday annually
o Salary paid during illness
o If you have a sick child, you are entitled to stay at home with your child under the age of 18 on the
first two days of illness with full salary
The Danish working conditions will allow both female and male researchers to combine family and work,
children and career. In Denmark, employment conditions and wages are regulated through collective
agreements negotiated by trade unions and employers organizations. However, holiday, equal
opportunities, health and safety are all areas regulated by law.
Foreign employees are covered by the same rules and regulations as Danish employees, and are therefore
covered by the Danish social security system and entitled to social security benefits. Social security in
Denmark is tax-funded, i.e. as a fellow you will not have to pay health insurance contributions or long-term
healthcare insurance. Danish taxes are high. However, more attractive and special taxation rules (known as
The researcher taxation rule”) are applicable to most foreign researchers. The HR Department at Aarhus
University and the Danish tax authorities will be able to advice foreign researchers whether they qualify for
the special tax rate for foreign researchers.
8.3 Life in Aarhus
Right next to the sea and to ancient forests, the City of Aarhus lies as a vibrant urban environment
surrounded by the beauty of nature. Aarhus is an open, inclusive city where there is room for everyone.
With a population of 320,000, Aarhus is Denmark’s second-largest city and the fastest-growing in the
country. In the past ten years, the city has received 15,000 new residents and created 20,000 new jobs, the
majority within the knowledge, service and innovation industries.
Being a city of engaged citizens, innovative businesses and students from all over the world, Aarhus is
characterised by a strong spirit of cooperation and social cohesion.
Aarhus has often been called the City of Smiles, and is proud of this nickname. Unpretentious, easy-going,
fresh, optimistic, ambitious and buzzing with life. The City of Aarhus’s vision is that Aarhus is and
continues to be a good city for everyone.
Photo of the campus area (the yellow buildings) and part of the city, 2005. Photo: Erik W. Olsson
More information about Denmark can be found on www.workindenmark.dk - a public organization that
offers practical information and general advice on all issues related to working in Denmark.
9 Sources of help and additional information
For additional information regarding the application system, process or the AIAS-COFUND II programme
in general, please feel welcome to contact:
Programme Manager, Helle Villekold at helle@aias.au.dk
For further information about AIAS, please visit: http://aias.au.dk
The AIAS-COFUND II programme has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research
and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754513.
For further information about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, please visit:
This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No