Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
Georgi Z. Georgiev
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
This book is dedicated to explaining the tools of statistical inference and
estimation through online controlled experiments; a.k.a. A/B tests. It
views them in a risk-management context of balancing the risks and
rewards of innovation. With the help of this text, user experience and
conversion rate optimization practitioners will be able to harness the
power of data-driven decision-making, and enable their business to
innovate, while controlling the risk to which it is exposed.
An issue with much of the current statistical theory and practice in online
A/B testing is that it is misguided and frequently misinterpreted. It is often
applied without a good understanding of the role and limitations of
statistical methods, instead blindly copying scientific applications without
due consideration of many of the unique features of online business. This
book approaches this problem by laying solid statistical foundations, and
providing clear definitions and a multitude of practical examples, while
constantly keeping an eye on the overarching business goal of A/B testing.
By making constant use of the business context, and ample practical
examples, this text presents A/B testing statistics in a uniquely useful way.
Georgi Z. Georgiev is the Managing Director of Web Focus LLC, and a
veteran web marketer and web developer. His diverse 15-year experience
includes owning, developing, and managing dozens of successful online
projects, working as an SEO, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and
statistics consultant, as well as delivering training and lectures on
multiple seminars and events, including in his capacity as a Google
Regional Trainer. He is also developer of statistical tools at Analytics-, as well as the author of numerous articles and white papers
on the topic of statistics in online A/B testing. His most notable works
have been “Efficient A/B Testing in Conversion Rate Optimization: The
AGILE Statistical Method”, and the first extensive glossary of statistical
terms in online A/B testing. His vast experience with online business and
statistics positions him uniquely to deliver an accessible book on the topic
of statistics applied to online A/B tests.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
MOTIVATION .......................................................................................................... 8
WHO IS THE READER OF THIS BOOK? ....................................................... 11
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................... 12
NOTATIONS.......................................................................................................... 13
1. USING STATISTICS IN BUSINESS ......................................................... 14
1.1. When are statistics useful? ..................................................................... 14
1.2. Statistical inference in business ........................................................... 19
1.3. Primary uses of statistics in online A/B testing ............................ 21
1.4. The necessity for counterfactual reasoning ................................... 25
1.5. Establishing causality ............................................................................... 29
1.6. Ruling out alternative explanations for the data .......................... 34
1.7. Statistical methods and efficient use of data .................................. 35
1.8. Caveats in using statistical methods in business .......................... 37
VALUES, OTHER ESTIMATES. ........................................................................ 39
2.1. Substantive hypotheses ........................................................................... 39
2.2. Statistical hypotheses ............................................................................... 41
2.3. Standard deviation and Z-Scores ......................................................... 46
2.4. p-value and type I errors ......................................................................... 54
2.5. p-value: utility and interpretation ...................................................... 59
2.6. Confidence intervals .................................................................................. 63
2.7. Misinterpretations of p-values and confidence intervals ......... 69
2.8. p-values and confidence intervals in decision-making .............. 73
2.9. Maximum likelihood estimate .............................................................. 75
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
2.10. Severity ........................................................................................................... 77
3.1. The importance of statistical assumptions ..................................... 80
3.2. Probabilistic assumptions of statistical models............................ 82
3.3. Probabilistic assumptions in different practical cases .............. 84
3.4. Assumptions imposed by the design of the experiment ........... 86
3.5. Assessing statistical adequacy through statistical tests ............ 88
3.6. Assessing statistical adequacy through A/A tests ....................... 89
4.1. Errors of the second kind (type II errors) ....................................... 92
4.2. Statistical power ......................................................................................... 95
4.3. The role of statistical power in A/B testing ................................. 101
4.4. Minimum effect of interest vs. minimum detectable effect .. 103
4.5. Underpowered and overpowered tests ......................................... 106
4.6. Sample size calculations ....................................................................... 108
4.7. False positive and false negative rates ........................................... 118
4.8. Misunderstandings about statistical power ................................ 119
5. TYPES OF STATISTICAL HYPOTHESES ........................................... 121
5.1. One-sided tests and confidence intervals ..................................... 121
5.2. Misconceptions about one-sided tests ........................................... 125
5.3. Strong superiority tests ........................................................................ 128
5.4. Non-inferiority tests ............................................................................... 131
5.5. p-value notation ....................................................................................... 135
6. TESTS WITH MORE THAN ONE VARIANT ...................................... 137
6.1. Type I error in an A/B/n test ............................................................. 137
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
6.2. p-value and CI corrections for testing multiple variants ....... 141
6.3. Sample size calculations for A/B/n tests ...................................... 145
6.4. Dynamically dropping or adding variants .................................... 149
6.5. Do factorial designs make sense in online A/B testing? ........ 151
6.6. Testing the perfect shade of blue ..................................................... 157
7.1. The Šidák correction .............................................................................. 160
7.2. Analyses of segments of the sample of an online experiment
7.3. Designs with more than one primary parameter of interest 164
7.4. Designs with secondary parameters of interest ........................ 167
8. WORKING WITH CONTINUOUS DATA ............................................ 169
8.1. Standard deviation, p-values, and confidence intervals ......... 169
8.2. Statistical power and sample size calculations .......................... 171
8.3. Is the Normal distribution assumption adequate? ................... 174
8.4. A workaround for incomplete ARPU data .................................... 178
9. PERCENTAGE CHANGE ......................................................................... 181
9.1. Percentage change (lift) vs. absolute change .............................. 181
9.2. Confidence intervals for percentage change ............................... 186
9.3. p-values for percentage change ........................................................ 187
9.4. Sample size calculations for percentage change ....................... 188
10.1. The issue of repeated significance tests on accumulating data
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
10.2. The sequential probability ratio test .............................................. 193
10.3. Fixed analysis time group sequential trials ................................. 196
10.4. Alpha-spending functions and efficacy boundaries ................. 201
10.5. Beta-spending and futility boundaries .......................................... 205
10.6. Expected sample size and efficiency of sequential A/B tests
10.7. Estimation following a group sequential A/B test .................... 218
11.1. Defining “success” for a business experiment ............................ 225
11.2. Costs, benefits, risks, and rewards in A/B testing .................... 229
11.3. Test parameters and their relationship to costs and benefits
11.4. Distribution of expected effect sizes ............................................... 237
11.5. Calculating risk/reward ratios and key points .......................... 242
11.6. Testing with 50% confidence threshold? ..................................... 248
11.7. Inherent cost of A/B testing................................................................ 251
11.8. Limitations of Risk/Reward calculations ..................................... 255
RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 257
12.1. What is external validity (generalizability)? ............................... 257
12.2. Threats to the external validity of online experiments .......... 259
12.3. Improving the generalizability of A/B test results ................... 263
12.4. Representative samples and sequential tests ............................. 265
12.5. Running multiple concurrent A/B tests ........................................ 267
13. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS................................................................ 273
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
13.1. Equal or unequal allocation between test groups? .................. 273
13.2. Holdout groups ......................................................................................... 276
13.3. Time to event analysis. Hazard ratio .............................................. 278
13.4. Meta-analyses of A/B test results .................................................... 283
13.5. Adaptive Designs ..................................................................................... 286
13.6. A word on multi-armed bandits ........................................................ 289
13.7. Bayesian methods ................................................................................... 291
14. COMMUNICATING STATISTICAL RESULTS ............................... 296
14.1. Changing the perception of data variability ................................ 296
14.2. Translating business questions into statistical models .......... 299
14.3. Presenting statistical results .............................................................. 302
EPILOGUE ........................................................................................................... 315
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 316
INDEX ................................................................................................................... 327
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
The most straightforward way to explain why this book exists is via a brief
description of my journey from a statistical know-nothing to an author of
a book on statistics.
Some years back, I set out to learn more about the application of state-of-
the-art scientific methods to the business world of data-driven decision-
making. Starting with analyses of observational data, I quickly shifted my
focus to online controlled experiments. These are commonly referred to
as A/B tests, or split tests.
At the time, I had no formal training in statistics, and only college-level
understanding of mathematics, so, to be honest, I didn’t even know where
to start! Available books on A/B testing barely had anything to say about
statistics, so I started reading online blog posts and educational resources
from universities, such as online lectures and courses, as well as the odd
scientific paper.
In doing so, I had to face an entirely new jargon full of counterintuitive
terms, such as statistical significance, which has little to do with
significance, statistical power which has nothing to do with power in the
casual sense, confidence interval’, which has nothing to do with any kind
of confidence, and so on. And, above all else, I had to familiarize myself
with a notation full of small and capital Greek letters (α, β, γ, δ, θ, µ etc.),
which would sometimes mean different things in different contexts, while
different letters would also denote the same concept.
To make things worse, there were ample examples of vague or
conflicting information. There were dozens of definitions for what a p-
value is and how it should be interpreted. Almost nobody seemed to care
to define what a family of hypotheses is supposed to be when discussing
the Family-Wise Error Rate. One source would claim one-tailed tests are
preferable, while others would swear by two-tailed tests, and scare you
with the heavens coming down on you if you were so reckless as to
consider a one-tailed test.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
Practitioners and academics alike were battling over which approach is
best overall, or squabbling over the merits of particular applications -
frequentist inference vs. decision-theoretic vs. Bayesian approaches. To
make matters even more confusing, there seemed to be noticeable
schisms within each school of thought.
Most confusing of all, statistics as such turned out to be very context-
dependent - it meant different things in different scientific and business
fields. Practitioners in those fields had, over time, developed somewhat
separate branches of statistics. Therefore, statistics would mean
something different for you depending on whether you come from
physics, medicine, social studies, econometrics, environmental studies, or
industrial quality control.
It was simply a nightmare attempting to navigate this fractured jungle of
jargon, conflicting stances, and math-heavy explanations. Yet, I
persevered! And through painstaking reading, practice,
implementing/coding methods, and countless simulation runs, I was able
to garner a good enough understanding of the matter to begin writing
methodological white papers and in-depth articles, to start delivering
lectures and courses on statistics in A/B testing, and to become a
developer of statistical tools.
From my current position, I see both the immense value of statistical
methods applied to business risk management, estimation and prediction
problems, and the immense harm done by improper applications or
misguided understanding of those same methods. Thus, in-depth
explanations of the practical application of statistical methods, as well as
common errors and how to avoid them, are key elements of this work.
Furthermore, in 2019 the difficulties that I went through are about as
severe as they were a few years before, despite the valiant efforts of some
in the statistics and A/B testing communities. Addressing common
mistakes, misconceptions, and misapplications of statistical methods is,
therefore, a central part of this work.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
My aim with this book is to carve a clear path through the statistical
jungle, and thus save the reader weeks, months or even years of
wandering around in circles, falling into gorges, and crossing rivers,
metaphorically speaking! While the book does use the established jargon,
each term is explained with painstaking detail and accuracy using the
simplest language possible. Math and formulas are kept to a sanitary
minimum in order to facilitate reading, while also satisfying the needs of
technically-inclined readers, who will also find the detailed references
supporting each chapter to be particularly useful. Since this is a book on
statistical methods, and not on decision theory per se, the text also sticks
to the frequentist error-statistical approach, and only briefly touches on
current decision-theoretic and Bayesian methods.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
This book aims to introduce the complex topic of statistical estimation and
inference to readers with somewhere between little and no mathematical
and statistical background. The text makes few assumptions, and builds
each topic from the ground up, explaining the rationale behind each
concept, and following it with a multitude of practical examples from the
world of online A/B testing. It contains detailed explanations, so that one
can understand the statistical methods deeply enough in order to
correctly put them into practice, but steers clear of some of the difficult
parts of set theory, calculus, etc., which are typical of many other books on
A background in conversion rate optimization, operating an online
business or mobile app, design of user experiences, or similar, would be
helpful for an easier reading, as the primary audience for this work is
conversion rate optimization professionals who design, execute, and
analyze A/B tests in an online environment. However, due to the
similarities with other fields where controlled experimentation is
possible and valuable, the book can be a useful guide to A/B testing in
areas other than website and mobile application development. Product
managers and growth experts should benefit from it regardless of the
particular product or service they are focused on.
The overall framing of the presentation is always mindful of the topic of
business objectives achieved through statistical methods. This will be
useful for those readers who have some experience of statistics in other
disciplines, and who are now looking to understand the use of statistical
tools in facilitating decision-making through online A/B testing.
However, I must emphasize that the unique research presented in this
book, in terms of ideas, models, and simulation results, will be valuable to
all readers, regardless of background.
Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing
© Georgi Z. Georgiev. All Rights Reserved.
This is the end of this free pdf preview of “Statistical Methods in Online
A/B Testing”. If you are looking for the eBook version of the book, it can
be purchased on Kobo while the paperback is available on Amazon.
If you are looking for free works of mine, then please consider the
vast amount I’ve already shared for free:
Close to one hundred articles on the Analytics Toolkit blog, full
of high-quality information.
Several hundred entries of an A/B testing glossary which will
get you up to speed with key statistical and experimentation
Several whitepapers, available completely for free as well.
You are welcome to read all these free materials before you decide
whether it is worth it for you to spend money on the book.
“Statistical methods in online A/B testing” has been the product of
many months of effort which built on top of years of experience. If
you are looking to obtain its value, you should do so by purchasing
it on Amazon or Kobo - the two vendors I have authorized to
distribute my work. This will help motivate me make more of my
work available to the public one way or another.
Thank you.
Georgi Georgiev
Author of “Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing”