Title: ChatGPT-4 as a Board-Certified Surgeon: A Pilot Study
Authors and Affiliations: Joshua Roshal MD
, Caitlin Silvestri MD
, Tejas Sathe MD
, Courtney Townsend MD
, V. Suzanne Klimberg MD PhD MSHCT MAMSE FACS
, Alexander Perez MD MSHCT FACS
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Department of Surgery, New York, NY
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Corresponding Author Information:
Joshua Roshal, MD
Mailing Address: 301 University Blvd, Galveston, TX 77551
Authors’ ORCID IDs:
JR 0009-0004-5117-1878
CS 0009-0004-2124-0473
TS 0000-0003-0449-4469
VSK 0000-0003-2167-0698
AP 0000-0003-1416-5730
Abstract: (224 words)
Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 (OpenAI; San Francisco, CA), are promising tools for surgical
education. However, skepticism about their accuracy and reliability remains a significant barrier to their widespread
adoption. Although GPT-4 has demonstrated a remarkable ability to pass multiple-choice tests, its general surgery
knowledge and clinical judgment in complex oral-based examinations are less clear. This study aims to evaluate GPT-
4's general surgery knowledge using written and oral board-style examinations to drive improvements that will enable
the tool to revolutionize surgical education and practice.
We tested GPT-4’s ability to answer 250 random multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from the Surgical Council on
Resident Education (SCORE) question bank and navigate four oral board scenarios derived from the Entrustable
Professional Activities (EPA) topic list. Two former oral board examiners assessed the responses independently for
On MCQs, GPT-4 answered 197 out of 250 (78.8%) correctly, corresponding to a 99% probability of passing the
American Board of Surgery Qualifying Examination (ABS QE). On oral board scenarios, GPT-4 committed critical
failures in three of four (75%) clinical cases. Common reasons for failure were incorrect timing of intervention and
incorrect suggested operation.
While GPT-4’s high performance on MCQs mirrored prior studies, the model struggled to generate accurate long-
form content in our mock oral board examination. Future efforts should use specialized datasets and advanced
reinforcement learning to enhance GPT-4’s contextual understanding and clinical judgment.
see manuscript DOI for details
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review)
The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted June 1, 2024. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.31.24307894doi: medRxiv preprint
NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
artificial intelligence (AI), oral boards, surgical education, board certification, simulation, ChatGPT
Joshua Roshal is a consultant for McGraw Hill, an American publishing company whose mission is the education of
current and future healthcare professionals.
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Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 (OpenAI; San Francisco, CA) represent a subset of generative
artificial intelligence (AI) tools that can create human-like content from text-based prompts. Various education
technology companies already harness LLMs to facilitate cost-effective content creation. For example, Duolingo
(NASDAQ: DUOL), the most popular education app worldwide, incorporates language learning exercises generated
by GPT-4 [1, 2]. However, concerns about accuracy and reliability have limited the adoption of LLMs in health
professions education, given the detrimental effects of misinformation to patient safety [3]. To address these concerns,
several groups have sought to validate GPT-4’s knowledge in specialized domains. In the absence of validated scoring
rubrics, early researchers have relied on multiple-choice questions (MCQ) because of their simplicity and efficiency
in evaluating the accuracy of LLM outputs. In these studies, GPT-4 achieved passing scores on all three parts of the
United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) as well as MCQ banks designed for neurosurgery written and oral
board preparation [4, 6].
However, GPT-4's specific knowledge of General Surgery remains unknown. In the United States (US),
general surgeons demonstrate their mastery of surgical principles through two examinations. The American Board of
Surgery Qualifying Examination (ABS QE) is an eight-hour, multiple-choice test designed to evaluate knowledge of
general surgical principles and applied science. Since MCQs only capture a narrow aspect of the knowledge and skills
required for surgical practice, candidates also complete an oral examination. The ABS Certifying Examination (CE)
is a dynamic and interactive testing experience in which the examinee is orally assessed on their ability to sequentially
evaluate, plan, treat, and manage general surgical problems [7, 8]. While one prior study has highlighted the feasibility
of using GPT-4 to simulate oral board examinations in anesthesiology, the model's accuracy in answering MCQs and
free-response questions in general surgery contexts has not been assessed [9].
This study aims to evaluate GPT-4's general surgery knowledge using written and oral examinations modeled
after the ABS QE and CE. By identifying GPT-4’s knowledge gaps, these findings serve to inform the development
of generative AI tools that will enable surgeon-educators to prioritize quality review over content creation in the
instruction and assessment of trainees.
Chatbot Creation and Prompt Generation
To simulate the mock written and oral examinations in this study, we built a custom generative AI chatbot
based on the GPT-4 LLM. We modified a Vercel (Vercel, San Francisco, CA) template to provide our chatbot with a
standard user interface and Supabase (Supabase Pvt. Ltd, Singapore) to store completed chats. Supplementary domain-
specific clinical knowledge was not provided, and internet browsing capabilities were disabled, which ensured that
generated outputs were based on the pretraining data of the GPT-4 model (last update: September 2021). Our code is
available here: https://github.com/JRoshal/chatgpt-facs.
For the oral exam, in an effort to mimic the characteristic dialogue of oral general surgery examinations and
shape the quality and relevance of responses to approximate the expertise of a surgeon eligible for board certification,
we created a 594-word initial prompt and included the Essential Attributes of a Certifiable Surgeon, which are used
to inform the assessment of surgical residents on oral examinations by ABS examiners (Figure 1) [8].
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Figure 1: Initial Prompt for Mock Oral Examination
ChatGPT, you are about to engage in a Mock American Board of Surgery Certifying Examination, simulating the dynamics of a real-world oral
examination with human examiners. You are going to be assessed on difficult oral board surgical scenarios. You are the primary surgeon
responsible for managing the patient's surgical needs and complications. You will first prioritize obtaining a specific history and physical
examination before considering labs and imaging. No consults from other surgical specialties are allowed; use your own expertise. The scenarios
will be complex and involve patients with comorbidities or other not straightforward features. You will not be prompted for the next steps or
given any hints or help unless you ask for it. Each brief clinical vignette will begin with the patient’s age, sex, chief complaint, and care setting,
and you will be asked about initial management. I will not provide vitals unless you specifically ask for them. I will only provide the specific
history findings that you ask for. I will not provide a generalized history. I will only provide the specific exam findings that you ask for. I will
not provide a generalized exam. I will only provide lab results for tests you specifically ask for. I do not provide all labs. I only provide the
imaging study results you specifically ask for. I will not provide results for imaging you don't ask for. When requesting vitals or labs, use a
markdown table. You will be asked to describe the preoperative workup if an operation is required. Then, you will be asked to detail the steps
of the operation. You will be asked about post-operative care. You will be thrown for a loop by asking how you would manage a possible intra-
op or post-op operation complication.
1. Scenarios:
a. You will be presented with four clinical cases during each 30-minute session, with approximately 7 minutes dedicated to each
case. Be mindful of the time to ensure each case is addressed adequately.
2. Response Expectations:
a. Engage in Conversation: Treat this as a dialogue with the examiners. Listen (or "read") carefully to their queries and respond
promptly and decisively in a step-by-step manner.
b. Clinical Actions: Describe the steps you'd take with clarity and confidence while maintaining a conversational tone.
c. Rationale: Provide concise yet clear reasoning behind your actions and decisions. Explain not just the "what" but also the
d. Communication: Be clear, concise, and decisive. Tailor your answers directly to the questions asked without overloading
them with unnecessary details. Be prepared to expand if prompted.
3. Evaluation Criteria:
a. Examiners are evaluating your ability to handle real-world situations in a conversational manner as you would in your own
practice. Be authentic in your responses, focusing on patient-centered care, safety, and optimal outcomes. It's crucial to back
up your decisions with logical and evidence-based reasoning.
Remember, the goal is to provide the 'right' answer and demonstrate sound clinical judgment, clear decision-making, and a thorough
understanding of the subject matter.
You will be assessed according to the following essential attributes of a certifiable surgeon:
Demonstrates an organized approach and solid rationale for planned actions.
Rapidly determines and interprets key findings in a clinical presentation.
Effectively and efficiently uses clinical knowledge to solve clinical problems; effectively addresses key management points.
Avoids errors and critical fails (omission and commission) associated with the case.
Recognizes personal limitations in knowledge and expertise when diagnosing and treating clinical problems.
Reacts promptly but flexibly to alterations in the patient's course, e.g., disease or treatment complications.
Overall, demonstrates appropriate surgical judgment, clinical reasoning skills, and problem-solving ability.
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. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review)
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Examination Administration and Data Analysis
To simulate the ABS QE, we selected 250 MCQs at random from the Surgical Council on Resident Education
(SCORE) online question bank based on the distribution percentage of categories as published by the ABS. We
individually prompted the chatbot with each question once. We calculated the total number and percentage of
questions the chatbot answered correctly. From the percent scores, we derived percentile rankings using a formula
from a prior study that examined the influence of SCORE-based simulated ABSITE exam performance on true
ABSITE performance [10]. Finally, we referenced a published relationship between ABSITE scores and ABS QE
pass rates to determine the chatbot's likelihood of passing the ABS QE [11].
For the oral exam, access to validated scenarios and scoring rubrics is restricted by the ABS to maintain
testing integrity. Additionally, there was a notable lack of standardized or validated frameworks for assessing the
accuracy of long-form LLM outputs within general surgery contexts. As such, the authors recruited two former general
surgery oral board examiners and Members of the Academy of Master Surgeon Educators (MAMSE). The
internationally recognized MAMSE designation is bestowed upon individuals who have made significant
contributions to surgical education in their lifetimes after a rigorous peer-review process by the American College of
Surgeons (ACS) [12].
Dr. Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., MD, FRCSEd(hon), MAMSE, FACS is a distinguished Professor of Surgery
at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and holds the Robertson-Poth Distinguished Chair in
General Surgery. With a career spanning nearly five decades in general surgery and surgical oncology, Dr.
Townsend has held various leadership roles, including the John Woods Harris Distinguished Chairman of
Surgery at UTMB, President of the ACS, Chair of the ABS, and Editor-in-Chief of the Sabiston Textbook of
Surgery. He has been actively involved in numerous committees and editorial boards, received many
accolades for his contributions to surgery and medicine, and has a prolific research and editorial record with
numerous publications, book chapters, and grant-funded research projects.
Dr. V. Suzanne Klimberg, MD, PhD, MSHCT, MAMSE, FACS is a renowned Professor and Division Chief
of Surgical Oncology and Colorectal Surgery at UTMB, specializing in breast surgical oncology with over
three decades of experience. She holds the Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., MD Distinguished Chair in General
Surgery and leads as the Clinical Director of the UTMB Cancer Center and Medical Director of the Breast
Cancer Service Line. Dr. Klimberg is a pioneer in breast cancer treatment and has contributed extensively to
the field with over 260 publications, 49 book chapters, several patents, and editorship of 13 surgical
textbooks. Dr. Klimberg also holds prestigious positions in various medical organizations and editorial
boards, and her work has been widely recognized and honored for its impact and excellence in surgical
The MAMSEs evaluated ChatGPT’s clinical decision-making skills on four mock clinical case scenarios
with topics that were randomly selected from the ABS’s Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) topic list: acute
abdomen, gallbladder disease, right lower quadrant pain and appendicitis, and benign and malignant breast disease.
The EPA project, announced by the ABS in 2022, redefined the learning objectives of contemporary graduate surgical
education and aims to steer the certification standards of general surgery residents in the United States toward a
competency-based assessment paradigm [13]. Competencies are defined as abilities that blend knowledge, skills,
values, and attitudes, and the EPAs are an assessment framework and tool used to evaluate competency [13]. A resident
is deemed ready for independent practice when faculty members consistently assess them as capable of safely
executing EPA-specific learning objectives without supervision.
The MAMSE-chatbot dialogue was facilitated by an external microphone that captured MAMSE voices and
speech-to-text transcription software. Each MAMSE led two clinical cases each, starting with an improvised history
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of a fictional patient presenting with a common chief complaint related to the EPA-in-question, which prompted the
chatbot to respond. The conversations continued until both MAMSEs independently determined whether the chatbot's
responses demonstrated readiness for independent practice or not.
Written Examination:
Our chatbot answered 197 out of 250 (78.8%) SCORE MCQs correctly. This percent score corresponds to
the 90th percentile of fifth-year US general surgery residents (Figure 2) and approximates the 99% probability of
passing the ABS QE.
Figure 2: ABSITE Percentile Corresponding to the Average ABSITE Percent for each PGY level* (Shebrain et al.,
*Abstracted from the ABSITE Score Graphs & Percentiles Reports (2014-2020). Numbers in the bars represent the
mean value of ABSITE percent scores for that percentile during this period (e.g., if a PGY-1 resident answered 42%
of questions correctly, this corresponds to the 1st percentile).
see manuscript DOI for details
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review)
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Oral Examination:
Our chatbot demonstrated readiness for independent practice in only one of four (25%) scenarios. Common
reasons for failure were incorrect choice of operation or timing of operation suggested. Detailed information on each
scenario is provided here:
1. (Acute Abdomen): A 25-year-old waitress experiences an acute onset of the worst abdominal pain she's
ever had while walking to her car after finishing her shift at 3:00 PM. She faints. A friend finds her, picks
her up, and takes her to the emergency room. Upon arrival, her blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg, pulse 120
BPM, and respiratory rate 30 breaths/min. She is complaining of terrible abdominal pain.
The MAMSEs presented the chatbot with a case of a 25-year-old woman with acute-onset severe lower
abdominal pain, fainting, hypotension, and tachycardia. The chatbot appropriately recognized the patient's symptoms
as concerning for an acute intra-abdominal pathology requiring immediate attention. The chatbot requested a history
and physical examination, which were focused and relevant to the differential diagnosis, including life-threatening
conditions like ectopic pregnancy and ovarian torsion. The chatbot prioritized laboratory testing like beta-hCG and
appropriate imaging studies based on the patient's pregnancy status. The proposed management plan was tailored to
the potential diagnoses, emphasizing the need for immediate surgical intervention for possible ectopic pregnancy or
ovarian torsion. Overall, the chatbot's approach demonstrated a clear understanding of the urgency of the situation and
the necessary steps for evaluation and treatment. As such, both MAMSEs independently determined that the chatbot
demonstrated readiness for independent practice in the management of this patient with an acute abdomen.
2. (Gallbladder Disease): A 60-year-old male presents to the emergency room with right upper quadrant pain,
fever, and appears jaundiced on physical examination.
The MAMSEs presented the chatbot with a case of a 60-year-old man with right upper quadrant pain, fever,
and jaundice, a presentation concerning for acute cholangitis and concomitant pancreatitis. The chatbot failed to
request a serum lipase level, which is a crucial diagnostic test in the evaluation of suspected pancreatitis. Furthermore,
the chatbot did not contemplate the need for an emergent procedure, such as an endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography with possible sphincterotomy or surgical common bile duct exploration, which are critical
intervention options for patients presenting with acute cholangitis. While the chatbot correctly identified the need for
a cholecystectomy, the recommended timing was incorrect. The chatbot suggested waiting 2-6 weeks after discharge,
but at the time of writing the standard of care is to perform it during the same hospital admission once the episode of
pancreatitis has resolved [14]. These oversights demonstrate a lack of understanding of the optimal timing and key
components of management for a patient presenting with acute cholangitis. As such, both MAMSEs independently
determined that the chatbot did not demonstrate readiness for independent practice in the management of this patient
with gallbladder disease.
3. (Benign and Malignant Breast Disease): A 30-year-old woman presents to your clinic with a breast lump.
The MAMSEs presented the chatbot with a case of a 30-year-old woman with a painful breast lump and skin
changes, a presentation concerning for a breast abscess. The chatbot initially gathered information about the lump's
duration, associated symptoms, personal and family cancer history, menstrual and obstetric history, and any relevant
medical conditions or medications. It then ordered a bilateral mammography and breast ultrasound as initial imaging
studies. However, when the ultrasound showed a mixed hypoechoic mass, the chatbot jumped to recommend a core
needle biopsy. It overlooked less invasive office-based interventions like an ultrasound-guided needle aspiration that
could have immediately differentiated an abscess from a solid mass. Even when the fictional radiologist later aspirated
pus, increasing the suspicion for an abscess, the chatbot failed to fully adapt its plan, remaining focused on cancer
rather than abscess management. It struggled to synthesize information, refine its differential diagnosis, and tailor its
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. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted June 1, 2024. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.31.24307894doi: medRxiv preprint
approach based on new findings. Despite generating some relevant points, the chatbot's limitations in integrating
information and adaptive reasoning undermine its reliability for clinical decision-making. As such, both MAMSEs
independently determined that the chatbot did not demonstrate readiness for independent practice in the management
of this patient with benign breast disease.
4. (Right Lower Quadrant Pain and Appendicitis): A 55-year-old woman presents to the emergency room
with a 48-hour history of abdominal pain. The pain initially began in the mid-abdomen and then localized to
the right lower quadrant.
The MAMSEs presented the chatbot with a case of a 55-year-old woman with a 48-hour history of worsening
abdominal pain that began in the mid-abdomen and localized to the right lower quadrant. Although the patient’s vital
signs were normal, her physical examination revealed exquisite generalized abdominal tenderness with right-sided
rigidity. The chatbot appropriately gathered information about her symptoms (e.g., nausea, fever) and surgical history,
which included an appendectomy. It then ordered laboratory studies (leukocytosis count of 15,000/μL) and cross-
sectional imaging, which revealed a complex mass involving the right colon, suggesting a potential diagnosis of
complicated right-sided diverticulitis. Despite these findings, the chatbot failed to recommend expedited surgical
intervention. It instead suggested antibiotics and possibly a biopsy, and inappropriately pursued a colonoscopy. The
chatbot generated relevant considerations but overlooked the patient’s critical physical examination findings, thereby
delaying the recognition of an urgent surgical condition. As such, both MAMSEs independently determined that the
chatbot did not demonstrate readiness for independent practice in the management of this patient with right lower
quadrant abdominal pain.
Despite the enticing potential of generative AI in surgical education, rigorous testing is still required to
validate its clinical accuracy and mitigate safety risks arising from incorrect or misleading information. In this study,
we demonstrated the GPT-4 LLM, without additional knowledge retrieval or fine-tuning, achieves high performance
in multiple-choice exams but lower performance in oral examinations. GPT-4's predicted percent correct on the
ABSITE, which is derived from its percent correct on our SCORE-based exam, surpasses 90% of scores achieved by
fifth-year general surgery residents in the US and correlates to a 99% probability of passing the ABS QE [10, 11].
This performance suggests that GPT-4 possesses a level of knowledge in general surgical principles and applied
science that meets the benchmarks established by the ABS. However, it is important to interpret these results with
caution because of the inherent limitations of using MCQs as a measure of LLMs' capabilities. One study comparing
GPT-4's performance on multiple-choice questions (MCQs) across various knowledge domains suggested that the
LLM may select answers based on their physical position within the input prompt [15]. This phenomenon aligns with
prior research demonstrating that shifting relevant information within the input prompt can decrease LLM question-
answering performance. Notably, LLMs appear to perform most poorly when required to use information embedded
within lengthy input prompts [16]. Given these challenges, GPT-4's predicted performance on our SCORE-based
exam in this study may not accurately represent its general surgery knowledge base.
In the mock oral examination component of our study, GPT-4 demonstrated readiness for independent
practice in a mere one out of four clinical scenarios (25%). The MAMSEs identified two themes of errors in GPT-4's
responses: inaccuracies and omissions. For instance, the chatbot recommended pursuing a biopsy for a patient
presenting with signs and symptoms of a breast abscess and a colonoscopy for a patient presenting with signs and
symptoms of acute complicated diverticulitis, which are both deviations from standards of care [17, 18]. On the other
hand, GPT-4 failed to consider the necessity of an emergent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
and possible sphincterotomy or surgical common bile duct exploration to adjudicate the common bile duct for a patient
presenting with acute cholangitis. An interesting observation emerged from the acute abdomen scenariothe only
case GPT-4 managed to navigate successfullywhere a shorter exchange with the MAMSEs appeared to facilitate
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. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted June 1, 2024. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.31.24307894doi: medRxiv preprint
better information integration by the chatbot, suggesting a potential limitation in handling long-form dialogues.
Despite the limited number of cases in this study, this finding reiterates the importance of the physical arrangement
of relevant information within prompts on LLM performance. More recent work has highlighted GPT-4's ability to
accurately mimic the cognitive processes of physicians, which offers promising implications for the integration of
LLMs into clinical workflows
[19]. However, another study of ChatGPT-generated management recommendations
for 362 breast cancer cases highlighted the inconsistency of the model in generating uniform long-form content in
response to identical inputs and its difficulty in managing more advanced stages of cancer [20]. Therefore, future
research should explore the parameters and characteristics of prompts that optimally enable LLMs to engage in clinical
reasoning within long-form content generation. This will be crucial for the safe and effective incorporation of LLMs
into surgical education and practice.
The intersection of surgical education and generative AI indeed represents a pivotal opportunity in the
evolution of healthcare training and delivery. Surgical knowledge has traditionally been transmitted via the “see one,
do one, teach one” method, in which learners are expected to conceptualize knowledge through repetition and pattern
recognition on live patients. In response to public concerns about patient safety, simulation education has emerged as
a tool to better prepare trainees for patient encounters and high-stakes procedures in surgery [21]. However, traditional
simulation methods, including computer-based virtual environments, high-fidelity mannequins, task trainers, and
standardized patients, can be expensive [22, 23]. For instance, one study found that it can cost upwards of $4.2 million
to implement the American College of Surgeons (ACS)/Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS)-based
surgical skills curriculum [24]. In another study of pharmacy students, using standardized patients to cultivate
interpersonal communication skills can cost about $100 per student [25, 26]. These expenses often overlook the
valuable time and expertise that surgeon-educators contribute to developing and leading learning sessions, which is
estimated to be $30,000 in relative teaching value units per participating faculty member per year [24]. Unfortunately,
the sustainability of the national instructor workforce is also at risk as programs continue to struggle to recruit faculty
members to meet education demands and must instead rely on a small, committed group of instructors to shoulder the
increasing burden of training the next generation of surgeons. One study from the University of Minnesota Department
of Surgery found that between 2006 and 2014, the number of hours that department faculty had dedicated annually to
resident and medical student simulation events surged from 81 to 365 [27]. These temporal and financial barriers can
preclude the democratization of simulation-based surgical education in resource-poor institutions and regions [28, 29].
However, generative AI presents a promising avenue for more effective and cost-efficient tools in simulation
education in various knowledge domains [30]. In surgery, AI systems are already being used to generate performative
feedback from live operative videos and have informed the design of tailored educational interventions to strengthen
interprofessional teamwork in the operating room [3136]. With the ability to generate “unique” text-based clinical
scenarios, LLMs may offer a cost-effective alternative to cultivating select competencies in graduate surgical
education, such as diagnostic reasoning and communication skills [37]. Generative AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT
(OpenAI; San Francisco, CA), are actively being explored as tools to simulate mock oral examinations in preparation
for board certification in general surgery, given that in-person sessions replicating real-life testing conditions are
infrequent, geographically limited, and can cost $35 per resident examinee [38, 39]. Another proof-of-concept study
demonstrated the utility of using ChatGPT to teach emergency physicians how to break bad news [40]. In the future,
these technologies may offer an opportunity to democratize access to quality surgical education in low- and middle-
income countries such as Ukraine, where the scarce surgeon workforce is desperate for an improved surgical education
infrastructure in response to recent influxes of patients with traumatic injuries [4143].
This study has several key limitations. First, the MCQ portion of the exam did not involve prompting GPT-
4 with multiple iterations of the same question, which limits our assessment of the model's consistency and reliability.
For the oral examination component, the sample size of clinical cases was small, and we did not employ a pre-validated
rubric to assess the LLM's responses, instead relying solely on the judgment of MAMSEs, who are recognized for
their teaching excellence through the ACS’s peer-review process. The clinical cases were also formulated on the spot
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. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review)
The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted June 1, 2024. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.31.24307894doi: medRxiv preprint
by the MAMSEs, rather than being pre-designed and validated, which may not have optimally challenged GPT-4’s
clinical decision-making abilities. Furthermore, a traditional oral examination typically consists of three consecutive
30-minute sessions, each featuring four case-based scenarios; our study condensed this to a single session of four
cases, which may have influenced the model's performance, particularly in terms of handling prolonged, complex
dialogues. In addition, while our 594-word initial prompt aimed to simulate the dialogue of a real oral examination,
its length and structure may have inadvertently affected the model's ability to generate accurate long-form content
[16]. Finally, this study only examined GPT-4, and the findings may not generalize to other LLMs. These limitations
underscore the need for future research with larger sample sizes, validated evaluation rubrics, and diverse, pre-
validated clinical scenarios to more comprehensively assess the potential and pitfalls of AI in surgical education.
Looking ahead, several techniques to increase the likelihood of extracting desired LLM outputs have been
described. In addition to optimized prompt engineering, experts advocate for training LLMs on extensive private
datasets meticulously annotated by human experts, a process known as fine-tuning [44]. Of note, this technique is only
possible with particular LLMs, not including GPT-4. The creation of such a health dataset would demand significant
resources and may blur the lines between private innovation and public welfare by jeopardizing the confidentiality of
individually identifiable health information and perpetuating systemic biases arising from seemingly objective data
[45]. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), which instead integrates external data sources (e.g., textbooks, website
data) to anchor LLM responses, maybe a more effective and cost-efficient approach for enhancing accuracy within
specialized domains [46]. In other words, fine-tuning a model is akin to enrolling in a college course; the model is
trained on a specific dataset to enhance its performance in a particular area. RAG resembles taking an open-book test;
the model accesses external information sources to generate more accurate responses. Combining vector embeddings
with RAG is like also having a tutor during that test; the model is directed to the exact information needed, which
improves retrieval speed and accuracy.
As generative AI technologies continue to improve, validation studies and ethical oversight are essential. In
fact, some research groups have started to develop frameworks for the manual evaluation of generative AI outputs in
health professions education [38]. However, methods that rely on human expert review tend to be expensive and
struggle to keep pace with rapid advancements in AI technologies. Fortunately, automated evaluation metrics such as
the bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU) algorithm, which measures the accuracy of machine-translated text
against human translations, offer powerful and efficient potential solutions for assessing LLM outputs in medical
contexts [47]. Therefore, the development of safe, effective, generative AI-powered tools and scalable, cost-efficient
evaluation systems in surgery will require the collaborative expertise and commitment of engineers, surgeons, and
The integration of generative AI into surgical education heralds a new era of training and practice. On one
hand, generative AI may significantly reduce the cost of developing educational content, and thus make it more
accessible. At the same time, the limited clinical reasoning abilities of some untrained models necessitate a cautious
approach to their use in surgical education and care delivery. As this field evolves, ongoing research, ethical
consideration, and collaboration between educators, engineers, and clinicians will be essential to harness AI's full
potential while safeguarding the integrity of surgical education and patient care. Future research should focus on
validating models and enhancing contextual understanding and clinical judgment through targeted prompt engineering
and the integrating specialized datasets.
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