Office of Local School Council Relations
2651 W. Washington Blvd., 3
Chicago, IL 60612
Brandon Johnson
Mayor of the City of Chicago
Jianan Shi, President
Dr. Elizabeth Todd-Berland, Vice President
Mariela Estrada
Mary Fahey Hughes
Rudy Lozano
Michelle Morales
Tanya D. Woods, JD
Pedro Martinez
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Fatima Cooke
Chief Equity, Engagement & Strategy Officer
Kishasha Williams-Ford, JD
Director of Local School Council Relations
©Copyright 2023 by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Public Schools. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
It is the policy of the Chicago Board of Education not to discriminate based on race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, age, disability, or sex. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated thereunder concerning sex discrimination should
be referred to the Title IX Officer, Chicago Public Schools, 42 W. Madison Street, Chicago, IL 60602
Dear Friends:
It is both an honor and a privilege to play a role in the upward trajectory of a student’s life. The
ability to positively impact a child has a resounding effect on the student, the family, and the
community. This is at the heart of what we do at the Chicago Public Schools. This is at the heart
of who we are. And we need you.
Local School Councils are an integral component of school reform by ensuring innovative
leadership, expanded learning, and excellence in student achievement. In conjunction with the
Chicago Board of Education, the Office of Local School Council Relations has been designated
to coordinate the process of selecting qualified candidates for the Local School Councils for the
new term of office beginning July 1, 2024.
The 2024 Local School Council Election Guide is designed so potential candidates can easily
access and better understand the election and polling process. We hope that you’ll find the
insight and details helpful. The Chicago Board of Education is committed to its role in the
election and appointment process: to uphold the letter and intent of the School Reform Act.
This important responsibility includes: 1) conducting fair elections and polls for candidates for
the parent, school staff, and high school student member positions of LSCs, and 2) providing
clear and consistent procedures that foster public trust and promote broad-based candidate and
voter participation.
CPS, as the fourth largest school district in the United States, LSCs provide valuable
collaboration that propels the District’s vision. This continuing commitment helps to bring
positive change and continued advancement at all levels of our educational system. For your
dedication, we are most grateful. We sincerely thank you for your efforts and look forward to
continued collaboration that promotes the mission of Chicago Public Schools to provide a
high-quality public education for every child in every neighborhood that prepares each for
success in college, career, and civic life. With your support, we certainly can. Please join us by
running for a seat on your school’s council.
Kishasha Williams-Ford, JD, LLM, MEd, MPA
Director, CPS Office of Local School Council Relations
Important Reminders…………………………………………………………..……………………….5
Local School Council Election Timeline…………………………………………………….……....6
Part I: Parent/Community Election and Staff Poll……………….……………………………....12
Before Election Day…………………………………………………..……………………………….12
Candidate Eligibility………………………………………….…………………..…………..13
Candidate Nomination Procedures…………………………………..…………………..16
Candidate Identification Requirements ………………………………………………...17
Candidate Statement………………………………………………………………..……...18
Publication of Candidates’ Names………………………......……………………….….18
Candidate Forums…………………………………………...…………………..…………..19
Ballot Position Lottery……………………………………….……………………..……………….…20
Posting of Specimen Ballots……………………………….………………………………..22
Candidate Literature Distribution Day………………………….…………………...……22
Use of School Resources…………………………………………………………………….23
Campaign Contribution Disclosure Requirement……………………………………………….24
Election Judges (New ONLINE Application Process).......………….….…..………..…24
Election Day………………………………………………………………………………..…………..27
Voting for Parent and Community Representatives…………….……………….....…27
Required Identification to Vote
in Parent/Community Election……………………………….……………………….……27
Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Non-binding Advisory Poll…….………………..…..……29
Required Identification to Vote in Staff Non-binding Advisory Poll……………........31
Student Election …..…………………….…………………………………………………....31
Part II: The Role of the Principal and Network Office……………..……………………….……34
Principal or Designees………………………………………………………...…..………………….34
Pre-election Responsibilities…………………………….………………………..…………34
Preparing for Election Day ……………………………………………………..……..……39
Election Day………………………………………………………………..……………….....40
After Election Day…………………………………………………………………………….43
Network Offices……………………………………………………..…………………………………45
Before Election Day…………………………………………………………………………..45
Election Day……………………………………………………………………………………46
After Election Day……………………………………………………..……………..............46
Part III: The Role of the LSC After the Election…………………………………………………….46
LSC Meeting to Certify Election Results and Break Candidate Ties………………………….46
Annual Organizational Meeting - First Meeting of New LSC……………………………….….48
Filling LSC Vacancies……………………………………………………………………………….…48
Documents Available to Newly Elected LSC Members……………………………………..…49
Important Reminders……………………………………………………………………………….…49
Part IV: Pre-Election Challenges………………………………………………………………...….50
Part V: Post-Election Challenges……………………………………………………………………55
October 16, 2023: LSC Candidate Nomination Period Begins.
The number of students in Regular LSCs in high Schools is 3 student members.
Elementary schools with grades 7 and/or 8 have 1 student LSC member.
3:00 p.m., February 8, 2024: Deadline for filing LSC candidate forms in person in
the school where the candidate intends to run or in the Office of LSC Relations,
2651 W. Washington Blvd., 3
Floor. Mailed, emailed, faxed or copied forms will
not be accepted.
3:00 p.m., February 21, 2024: Deadline to complete the online Application for
Election Judge and to upload the IRS W-9 Form and CPS Internal Accounts
Vendor Request Form. Email [email protected] to obtain the link to the online
Judge Application process. Call 773-553-1400 if you need assistance.
3:00 p. m., March 22, 2024: Deadline for school staff candidates to deliver
campaign literature to principal for Candidate Literature Distribution Day.
3:00 p.m., March 22, 2024: Deadline for parent and community candidates to
deliver campaign literature to school for Candidate Literature Distribution Day.
April 8, 9 or 11: Elementary schools with grades seven(7) and eight (8) conduct
Student LSC Election.
April 8, 9 or 10: High schools conduct Student LSC Election.
6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., April 10, 2024: Elementary School LSC Election for Parent
and Community Candidates and the School Staff Candidate Preference Poll
6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., April 11, 2024: High School LSC Election for Parent and
Community Candidates and the School Staff Candidate Preference Poll Day.
8:00 p.m., April 18, 2024: Deadline for LSC to break parent, community and
student ties by lottery and certify Election and Non-binding Advisory Preference
Polls Results.
June 27, 2024: Board appoints students and school staff members of Local
School Councils.
For additional information, contact:
LSC Election Central
Office of Local School Council Relations
2651 West Washington Blvd., 3
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Period for Principal to distribute Letter I to parents and school staff and post letter and
LSC Election materials at school. Election materials should be available so that parents
attending Parent-Teacher Conferences on 10/27 can complete the nomination forms.
10/16 - 2/08
Period for filing original LSC candidate forms in person in schools where the
candidates will run or in person at the Office of Local School Council Relations
(OLSCR), 2651 W. Washington Blvd., 3
Floor. Mailed, faxed, emailed or copied
forms will NOT be accepted.
10/16 - 2/21
Period for filing election judge applications online, including W-9 Form and CPS
Internal Accounts Vendor Request Form.
Period for LSC to set and publicize the date of Candidate Forum (to be held between
3/11 and 3/19) and set the date of the meeting to certify election results and break
parent, community, and student candidate vote total ties. The certification meeting is to
be held between 4/11 and 4/18 for elementary schools and between 4/12 and 4/18 for
high schools.
Note: If LSC does not set a date for the Candidate Forum, the Principal shall do
so on February 22
and the Chairperson will set the date of the Certification
Meeting Special meeting if the LSC has not set the meeting date on February
10/16 - 2/28
5:00 p.m. Deadline to file Pre-Election Challenges. Challenge Forms must be
emailed to [email protected] or filed in person in the lobby at 42 W.
Madison St., Chicago, Illinois.
10/16 –
Principal/LSC to publicize the date that campaign literature must be submitted to the
school for distribution. School campaign distribution day is April 4
3:00 p.m. Deadline to file LSC candidate forms in person at the school where the
candidate seeks to run. Mailed, faxed, emailed or copied forms will NOT be
3:00 p.m. Deadline to file LSC candidate forms in person at the Office of LSC
Relations (“OLSCR”), 2651 W. Washington Blvd., 3
Floor. Mailed, faxed, emailed
or copied forms will NOT be accepted.
12:00 Noon. Principal to post final List of Candidates For the LSC (Form 8-24) and
Candidate Statement Forms (Form 4-24), if any.
3:00 p.m. Principal to forward, in the envelopes provided: a copy of the final List of
Candidates for the LSC (Form 8-24); copies of all Candidate Statements (Form 4-24)
and candidate identification and originals of all other candidate forms (Form 1-24,
2-24, 3-24, 5-24 and 6-24) to OLSCR, 2651 W. Washington Blvd., 3
Floor, GSR 38
(and copies of Form 8-24 and copies of all candidate IDs and forms to the Network
Office). Note: if the nomination period is extended, send the forms on the third school
day after the extension deadline.
Deadline at 3:00 p.m. to submit the Judge Application to be an Election Judge. The
judge application MUST be completed via the ONLINE FORM. The IRS W-9 Form and
CPS Internal Accounts Vendor Request Form must be uploaded to the ONLINE
application. The name and address information on all forms must match. The
judge applicant may email [email protected] to obtain a link to the ONLINE
judge application process. Schools having LSC elections or the Office of Local
School Council Relations (2651 W. Washington Blvd., 3
Floor, Chicago Illinois
60612) can assist judge applicants in completing the ONLINE process.
Principal to set date of Candidate Forum between 3/11 and 3/19 if LSC fails to do so by
8:00 p.m. on February 21, 2024, and to inform all candidates of date and time of Forum
in writing and by telephone at least seven (7) days in advance.
If the LSC fails to set a date to certify the election results by February 21, 2024 by
8:00 p.m, the Chairperson will set the date. The certification meeting shall be held
between 4/11 and 4/18 for elementary schools and between 4/12 and 4/18 for high
Principal to distribute Letter II to classrooms for students to take home to parents and
to school staff and post-Letter II at the school (include date, time and location of
Candidate Forum and Form 8-24, List of Candidates for the LSC).
It is strongly recommended to Copy Form 8-24 on the back of Letter II.
5:00 p.m. Deadline to file Pre-Election Challenges. Challenge Forms must be
emailed to [email protected] or filed in person in the lobby at 42 W.
Madison St., Chicago, Illinois.
12:00 Noon. Law Department to send a list of challenged candidates, by school, to
concerned schools.
12:00 Noon. Deadline for anyone requiring a sign language interpreter or other
accommodation at the Candidate Forum to inform the school principal or election
3:00 p.m. Deadline for the Principal to notify the Office of LSC Relations of need for a
sign language interpreter or other accommodation at the Candidate Forum OR the
need for election judges who speak a language other than English.
3/11 – 3/19
Schools conduct Candidate Forums (LSC or Principal to post notice and agenda for
Forum at school at least 48 hours in advance).
At Forum:
1. All Candidates are allowed equal time to address the public in attendance.
2. LSC or Principal conducts ballot position lotteries.
3. Principal distributes three (3) Pollwatcher Credentials to all candidates in
4. LSC and Principal announce election date and time and polling place location.
NOTE: Pre-election Challenged Candidates must be included in the Candidate
The Law Department conducts reviews of Pre-election Candidate Challenges and
conducts hearings if necessary.
12:00 Noon. Principal posts list of full-time CPS staff assigned to the school who
are eligible to vote in the staff poll.
12:00 Noon. Deadline for the Law Department to send Hearing Officer
Recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer or designee.
5:00 p.m. Deadline for civic organizations to apply to OLSCR for Pollwatcher
3:00 p.m. Deadline for Principal to report any missing election day materials (Box
2; Ballot Box; privacy screens; Spindle for Applications for Ballot) to OLSCR
3:00 p.m. Deadline for parent and community candidates to deliver campaign literature
to school.
3:00 p.m. Deadline for school staff candidates to deliver campaign literature to the
3:00 p.m. Deadline for candidates to withdraw without a notarized signature (NOTE: The
Principal may require a notarized signature). Withdrawing candidates’ names are to
be coded as “withdrawn” and a line drawn through their name in the List of Candidates
for the LSC (Form 8-24). Schools are to code as “withdrawn” all withdrawn candidates
from LSC Dashboard and to email all Withdrawal of Candidacy Forms (Form 7-24) to
OLSCR [email protected] and the Network Office.
5:00 p.m. Chief Executive Officer or designee to rule on Pre-Election Candidate
Challenges and forward results to challenger(s), challenged candidate, and concerned
12:00 Noon. Deadline. Principal prepares and posts Specimen Ballot(s) listing
candidates in lottery order (the names of any withdrawn candidates or against whom a
pre-election challenge was successful shall be excluded, with all other candidates'
names remaining in lottery order).
12:00 Noon. Deadline for schools to code as “withdrawn” all withdrawn candidates from
LSC Dashboard. Schools are to email all Withdrawal of Candidacy Forms (Form 7-24)
to [email protected] and to their Network Office by 5:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. Deadline for all candidates to inspect Specimen Ballot(s) and inform principal
of errors.
9:00 a.m. Principal posts revised List of Candidates for the LSC (Form 8-24 and
Specimen Candidate Ballots to correct any errors and to exclude any parent or staff
candidates who withdrew or against whom a pre-election challenge was successful
with all other candidates' names remaining in lottery order.
At Student Dismissal: Candidate Literature Distribution Day for All Candidates
(including Students). Principal to send parent, community and student
representative candidates’ literature home with students. (Make sure that all
teachers have picked up the campaign literature by noon and understand that it
is to be sent home with students at the end of the day.) School staff candidates'
literature is to be placed in staff mailboxes.
12:00 Noon Deadline Last opportunity for candidates to examine the ballot and
report errors to the principal by 12:00 Noon.
1:00 p.m. Principal to correct any errors on Specimen Ballots and post final Specimen
3:00 p.m. Principal to print and secure Official Ballots.
NOTE: Student Candidate Statements (Form 4-24) to be removed the day before
the student election.
4/8, 4/9, or
4/8, 4/9, or
(Elementary schools with 7
and 8
grades). The School conducts the Binding
Election for Students. All students are eligible to vote in the election. Remove the
student candidate statements prior to the election. The principal should enter election
results on the LSC Dashboard for elementary elections conducted on 4/8 or 4/9 after 7
pm on April 10
. If the election is held on 4/11 please enter the Election Results on the
LSC Dashboard by the end of the day on April 12
(High Schools) the School conducts Binding Election for Students. Remove the
student candidate statement prior to the election. Please remember to enter the
Student Election Results on the LSC Dashboard after 7:00 p.m. on April 11
(ELEM) Principal or designee removes all staff candidate and parent/community
candidate literature and statements.
(HIGH SCHOOl) Principal or designee removes all staff candidate and
parent/community candidate literature and statements
5:15 a.m. The Principal and Engineer arrive at school.
5:30 a.m. Judges arrive at the school to set up polling place.
6:00 a.m. Polls Open.
Conduct election for parent and community candidates.
Conduct non-binding advisory poll for staff.
12:00 Noon. Principal takes the first “spindle count” of total parent and community
voters and enters total in the LSC Dashboard.
3:00 p.m. Principal takes the second “spindle count” of total parent and community
voters and enters the total in the LSC Dashboard.
7:00 p.m. Polls Close. (Note: If polls opened late, they must remain open after
7:00 p.m. for the same number of minutes as they opened late.)
7:00 p.m. Principal takes total number of parent, community and staff voters and, if
applicable, student voters and enters totals in LSC Dashboard.
After all votes cast in the parent and community election and staff polls are counted,
the Principal shall post the total votes for all candidates, enter all vote totals into the
LSC Dashboard and notify OLSCR of entries before leaving the school. Schools
conducting elections must also enter all student election results. Note: Elementary
schools conducting the election on 4/11 will need to go back into the Dashboard and
record the student results on 4/12.
Elementary Schools conducting the student election on April 11
will need to enter the
results of the student election on the LSC Dashboard.
5:00 p.m. Deadline to file Post-election challenges. Challenge Forms must be emailed
to [email protected] or filed in person in the lobby at 42 W. Madison St.,
Chicago, Illinois
8:00 p.m. Deadline for LSCs to convene the meeting to break parent, community or
student ties by lottery and to certify the results of the parent and community election,
the staff polls and if applicable, the student election.
4/18 - 5/13
Law Department Reviews and Conducts Post-Election Challenge Hearings, if
12:00 Noon. Deadline for Principal to enter results of tie-breaker lottery in LSC
Dashboard or notify Network Office of LSC failure to conduct tie-breaker lottery.
3:00 p.m. Principal to email Certification of Election Results Form (Form 28-24) to
3:00 p.m. Deadline for schools to deliver Security Envelope B to the Network Office.
2:00 p.m. Deadline for Network Offices to conduct tie-breaker lotteries for schools
whose LSCs failed to do so by 4/18.
3:00 p.m. Deadline for Network Office to notify concerned schools of results of
tie-breaker lotteries and to complete and email Certification of LSC Election Results
Form (Form 28-24) reflecting tie-breaker results to concerned school and OLSCR
3:00 p.m. Deadline for Principal to record results of tie-breaker lottery conducted by
Network Office in LSC Dashboard
5:00 p.m. Deadline for Network Office to deliver Security Envelope B to OLSCR.
12:00 Noon. Deadline for the Law Department to send the Hearing Officer’s
Recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer or designee.
5:00 p.m. Chief Executive Officer or designee to rule on Post-Election challenges.
Chief Executive Officer or designee to mail Post-election Challenge Results to
challengers, challenged or interested candidates and concerned school Principal.
The Board of Education appoints teachers, non-teacher staff, and students as LSC
members for new term of office beginning July 1, 2024 at the June Board meeting.
7/01 – 7/14
LSCs conduct the annual organizational meeting.
Local School Councils consist of the Principal, six (6) parents, two (2) community
residents, two (2) teachers, one (1) non-teacher staff member and three (3) students in
secondary attendance centers (high schools), and one (1) student in schools serving
seventh or eighth grade. Parent, community, and school staff members serve a
two-year term, beginning July 1 every even-numbered year and ending June 30 two
years later. The school student member(s) serve a one-year term, beginning July 1 and
ending the following June 30.
An election for the parent and community representatives and a non-binding advisory
preference poll for the school staff representatives who will serve for the new LSC term
are held every even-numbered year on Spring Report Card Pick-up Day (a poll for the
student representative(s) is held earlier in the spring every year). Parents and
community members elect parent and community representative candidates and
school staff members vote for school staff representative candidates, who are
appointed by the Board of Education.
The Board of Education conducts the elections and polls in consultation with Local
School Councils. The Chief Executive Officer is authorized to establish rules and
procedures for the election. The rules and procedures are contained in this Guide to
Local School Council Elections. The Guide is available at schools conducting elections
and the Office of LSC Relations and may be reproduced as needed. Schools are
required to make at least one (1) copy of the LSC Election Guide available to
candidates and the public in the main office beginning October 25, 2024 until the day
of the election at the school, either April 10 or 11, 2024.
Role of the LSC in the Election
During the election process, Local School Councils are encouraged to:
Engage in outreach activities to promote wider parent and community member
participation in the election of the parent and community representatives as
either candidates or voters;
Support Principals as they carry out their election-related duties;
Plan and publicize the date, time, and place of a Candidate Forum and the
Election by ensuring that posters and other publicity materials are prominently
displayed in the school and the school community;
Develop a format and agenda for the Candidate Forum, including a ballot
position lottery, and set rules for candidate presentations at the Forum allowing
all candidates an equal opportunity to make their presentations at the Forum;
Develop a plan for the systematic removal of campaign literature from the
school community after the election.
By February 21, 2024, the LSC must meet to set the date of the Candidate Forum and
the date of the meeting to certify the election results and to break parent, community
representative and student candidate vote total ties, if necessary, by lottery. The
Candidate Forum must be held between March 11 and March 19, 2024 and the
meeting to certify the election results and to break vote total ties must be held between
April 11 and 8:00 p.m., April 18, 2024 for elementary schools and between April 12 and
8:00 p.m., April 18, 2024 for high schools.
Note: The Board of Education will break ties among the teacher and non-teacher staff.
The Board of Education will appoint the student members to the LCS. Individuals
appointed by the Board do not take office or vote at LSC meetings until the date
specified in the appointment Board Report.
Candidate Eligibility
All Candidates
Generally, candidates must be qualified to serve in the positions for which they seek
office on the date that they file their nomination forms and must remain qualified
through and after July 1, 2024. This means that the qualifications to be a candidate are
the same as the qualifications for service on the LSC with the following exceptions:
1. CPS employees may run for election as a parent or community
representative, but will be automatically disqualified from taking office if they
have not resigned from their CPS employment by June 30, 2024.
2. Parents of a child or children enrolled in a school's highest grade may run for
election as a community representative, but will be automatically disqualified
from taking office if their child or children remain enrolled in the school as of
June 30, 2024.
3. Parents of a child or children enrolled in a school's highest grade may run for
election as a parent representative but will be automatically disqualified from
taking office if their child or children is/are not enrolled in the school as of
June 30, 2024.
4. All potential candidates who are related to the principal of the school where
they intend to become candidates are ineligible to run for the LSC at that
school. Ethics Policy Section VI (H).
5. ALL schools that have any of the following grades: nine, ten, eleven, and
twelve will have three (3) student LSC representative seats. These schools may
also have grades lower than grade nine.
6. All schools that have grades seven and eight, but no grade higher than
grade eight will have one (1) student LSC representative seat. All full time
students in grades six and above are eligible to be candidates for the student
LSC representative seat(s).
7. ALL STUDENTS in the school are eligible to vote to elect the LSC student
representative(s). Each student who votes, may cast only one vote.
All candidates must file Candidate Forms, including a Criminal Conviction Disclosure
Form (Form 2-24). All candidates are required to disclose convictions for any of the
offenses listed in the Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form (Form 2-24) and Required
Disclosures section of the document, "Required Disclosures and Disqualifying
Convictions for Local School Council” (Enumerated Offenses List)." Failure to make such
a disclosure will render a person ineligible for election or to serve on a local school
council. Regardless of whether an offense is disclosed, a candidate who is found to
have been convicted of any of the offenses outlined in the Disqualifying Offenses
section of the Enumerated Criminal Offenses List (See Appendix, Section 5) is ineligible
for election or appointment to a local school council.
Please refer to the Required Disclosures and Disqualifying Convictions for
Local School Council in the Appendix, Section 5 for more information.
Candidates may not be a relative of the Principal. "Relative" means a person related to
the Principal as spouse, domestic partner, partner to a civil union, child, step-child,
parent, step-parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, step-sibling, half-sibling,
parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt, great-aunt,
uncle, great-uncle, niece, nephew, or first cousin and shall include any similar
relationship created by blood, legal adoption, in loco parentis status, marriage,
domestic partnership, partnership to a civil union, or parenting relationship.
Parent Representatives
Six (6) parent representatives are to be elected. Any number of candidates may be
nominated as long as each candidate meets the eligibility requirements.
To be nominated and to serve as a parent representative, a person must:
be the parent or legal guardian, as defined in Board Rule 6-28, of a child who is
enrolled in and currently attending the school (once elected, a parent
representative's LSC membership terminates automatically when the parent’s
child graduates or when the parent voluntarily transfers the child from school);
not be an employee of the Board of Education after June 30, 2024 ("employees"
include, but are not limited to, all faculty, staff, career and civil service
employees, bus attendants, school aides, social center aides and “paid
Community Representatives
Two (2) community representatives are to be elected. Any number of candidates may
be nominated as long as each candidate meets the eligibility requirements.
To be nominated and to serve as a community representative, a person must:
reside in the school's attendance area or established voting district (for
"multi-area" schools);
Be seventeen (17) years of age or older;
not be an employee of the Board of Education after June 30, 2024 ("employees"
include, but are not limited to, all faculty, staff, career and civil service
employees, bus attendants, school aides, social center aides and “paid
volunteers”); and
not be the parent or legal guardian, as defined in Board Rule 6-28, of a child
enrolled in the school.
Teacher Representatives
Two (2) teacher representatives are to be appointed to the LSC by the Board of
Education following a non-binding advisory staff preference poll. Any number of
candidates may be nominated. Any person employed full-time by the Board of
Education and assigned to the school in a teaching position (or in a position for which
qualification as a teacher is required), and who works and performs the majority of their
employment duties at the school may be nominated, including PAT/TAT teachers.
Assistant principals are not eligible for appointment as teacher representatives.
Non-Teacher Staff Representative
One (1) member of the non-teacher staff is to be appointed to the LSC by the Board of
Education following the non-binding advisory staff preference poll. Any number of
candidates may be nominated. Any person employed full-time by the Board of
Education and assigned to the school in a non-teacher position (i.e. in a position for
which qualification as a teacher is not required) and who works and performs the
majority of his or her employment duties at the school may be nominated. Assistant
principals and other staff members in a position requiring teaching credentials are not
eligible for appointment as the non-teacher staff representative.
The School Student Representative
Following a student election the Board of Education will appoint three (3) students to
each high school LSC and one (1) student in schools with grades 7th and or 8th. Any
number of eligible students may be nominated as candidates for the election. A
candidate must be a full-time student at the school where they are nominated. ALL
students who are full time students in schools with the following grades: 7th, 8th, 9th,
10th, 11th and 12th may vote for a student representative. Students in grades 6th-12th
may run for a student member seat. All students in the school are eligible to vote in
the student election.
Candidate Nomination Procedures
To be eligible for election or appointment, all candidates must file a fully completed set
of original LSC Candidate forms and must present the required identification. The
candidate or a designated representative must file the forms in person. No mailed,
emailed, faxed or copied forms will be accepted. While LSC Candidate forms may be
filed by a candidate's representative, the candidate must sign all forms as required and
must provide the representative with the required forms of identification to present with
the forms.
Blank LSC Candidate forms may be obtained from any Chicago public school
conducting a local school council election and the Office of LSC Relations located at
2651 West Washington Blvd., 3
Floor. Forms may also be downloaded from the CPS
website https://www.cps.edu/about/local-school-councils/lsc-elections/ Forms are
available upon request in Braille, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Tagalog, Urdu, and
Vietnamese. Blank forms may be reproduced as needed. For more information, call the
Office of LSC Relations, (773) 553-1400.
Candidates or their representatives must file the completed original LSC Candidate
forms with the required identification with the Principal of the school where the
candidate seeks election or appointment in person by 3:00 p.m. February 8, 2024 or by
3:00 p.m. on the last day of any extended candidate filing deadline. The Office of LSC
Relations will also accept original LSC Candidate forms filed in person until 3:00 p.m.
February 8, 2024.
Complete nomination packets include:
Form 1-24 Candidate Nomination Form
Form 2-24 Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form
Form 3-24 Telephone Number Disclosure Form
Form 4-24 Candidate Statement Form (This form is optional)
Form 4S-24 Student Candidate Statement Form (This form is optional)
(Student candidates only)
Form 5-24 Teacher or Non-Teacher Staff Candidate Information Form
(Teacher and Non-Teacher staff candidates only)
Form 6-24 Student Candidate Information Form
(Student candidates only)
The Principal shall receive all original nomination documents filed in person and may not
refuse to accept any original LSC Candidate forms during the filing period. A photocopy
of Form 1-24, the Candidate Nomination Form, or the perforated receipt at the bottom of
the form stating the date and time when candidate forms were received, shall be issued
to the candidate or representative filing the original candidate forms. The Principal shall
photocopy or record on Form 1-24 the two forms of identification submitted by or for
The period for filing nomination papers for all candidates begins October 16, 2023. Candidate forms will be
accepted at the school where the candidate is running or at the Office of LSC Relations until 3:00 p.m.,
February 8, 2024 or by 3:00 p.m. of the last day of any extended filing deadline. No mailed, emailed, faxed
or copied forms will be accepted.
Withdrawal of Candidacy
Candidates who have filed LSC Candidate Forms may withdraw their candidacy for any
reason by 3:00 p.m. on March 22, 2024, by submitting a Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy
Form (Form 7-24) to the Principal. If required by the Principal, a candidate shall submit a
Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy Form bearing the candidate's notarized signature by 3:00
p.m. on March 22, 2024.
Candidate Identification Requirements
All candidates must provide identification at the time of filing of their LSC Candidate
forms to establish their eligibility to serve in the office to which they are seeking election
or appointment. A failure to provide the required identification may result in a
candidate being declared ineligible to run for election or appointment or to serve.
Community representative candidates must provide two (2) reliable forms of
identification, one of which must bear a residential address within the attendance area
or voting district (for “multi-area schools) of the school at which they are seeking
The forms of identification for community voters listed in the “Required Identification for
Voters in the Parent/Community Election” Section are acceptable forms of
identification for community representative candidates.
Parent representative candidates must provide two (2) reliable forms of identification,
one of which must establish that they are the parent or legal guardian of a child
enrolled in the school or such documentation must be present in the school’s records.
Excluding the forms of identification establishing that a voter has temporary custody of
a student enrolled in the school, the forms of identification for parent voters listed in the
“Required Identification for Voters in the Parent/Community Election” Section are
acceptable forms of identification for parent representative candidates.
Teacher and non-teacher staff representative candidates must present two (2) reliable
forms of identification, one of which must be the candidate’s CPS Employee I. D.
Candidate Statement
The Candidate Statement Form (Form 4-24) is optional. The Statement allows
candidates to briefly state their qualifications and goals as an LSC member if elected.
The Candidate Statement may be completed in the candidate’s native language. If
desired, candidates must arrange for the translation of their Statements into other
languages. The Candidate Statement must be no more than one side of one (1) page,
8.5 inches x 11 inches in size. Principals shall post the originals of all Candidate
Statements (Form 4-24) as filed. The Candidate Statements shall remain posted in the
school for public inspection until 3:00 p.m. on April 9, 2024, in elementary schools and
until 3:00 p.m. on April 10, 2024, in high schools.
The Student Candidate Statement Form (Form 4S-24) is optional. The Student
Candidate Statement must be no more than one side of one (1) page, 8.5 inches x 11
inches in size. Principals shall post the originals of all Student Candidate Statements
(Form 4S-24) as filed. The Student Candidate Statements shall remain posted in the
school for public inspection until 3:00 p.m. on the day before the student election. The
candidate statement removal time is 3:00 p.m. on April 5
for elections conducted on
April 8
, 3:00 p.m. on April 8
for elections conducted on April 9
, 3:00 p.m. on April 9
for elections conducted on April 10
and 3:00 p.m. on April 10
for elections conducted
on April 11
Publication of Candidates’ Names
The Principal shall maintain an original master list of candidates, in the order of filing and
by category of candidate (parent, community, teacher, non-teacher staff and the
school student, if applicable), using the List of Candidates for the Local School Council
Form (Form 8-24). At the end of each day that there is a candidate filing, the Principal
shall add the names of the new candidates to the master list, photocopy the updated
list and sign and date the photocopy. The Principal shall post the updated photocopy
by 10:00 a.m. of the following school day.
By 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on March 8, 2024, or the first school day following the end of any
extended candidate filing deadline, the Principal shall post a List of Candidates For the
Local School Council Form (Form 8-24) with the word "Final" added at the top of the
The Principal shall include a copy of Form 8-24 with Letter II, which is to be distributed to
the parents and the school staff and posted in the school by February 26, 2024.
Schools may also facilitate the posting of the list of candidates in public places
throughout the school community.
Candidate Forums
All schools conducting a parent/community election and staff poll must conduct a
forum or forums to which all candidates must be invited to make presentations to
parents, community members, school staff members. The school may conduct one
forum for all candidates or one forum for the parent and community candidates,
another forum for the staff candidates and one for student candidates. At the forums,
candidates may distribute campaign literature to the parents, community members and
staff members and to students in attendance. Candidates will be responsible for
ensuring that no campaign literature is left in the school when the forum ends. Forums
may also be held virtually. If a virtual option is provided then the school must provide a
meeting link at least 48 hours in advance of the forum and space for the public to
attend in person. Schools are encouraged to record the forums and post the recordings
on the school website.
On or after October 16, 2023, but no later than February 21, 2024, the LSC must, by a
vote in an open meeting, set the date and time of a Candidate Forum, to be held
between March 11, 2024 and March 19, 2024, for the parent and community
representative candidates. If the LSC does not set the date or time of the Forum by
February 21, the Principal shall do so. The date and time of the Forum shall be included
in Letter II, which is to be distributed to parents and the school staff and posted in the
school by February 26, 2024. If the forum has a virtual component, the meeting link shall
be included in Letter II and posted on the school website.
All parent and community representative candidates shall be notified in writing and by
telephone of the date and time of the Forum at least seven (7) days before the Forum.
All parent and community representative candidates shall be invited to make a
presentation at the school’s Candidate Forum.
The Forum may also include the teacher and non-teacher staff representative
candidates and, in schools eligible to have student members, the student representative
candidates. If included in the Forum, those candidates must be afforded the same
notice of the date and time of the Forum as the parent and community representative
candidates. If not included in the parent and community representative forum, the
Principal shall provide the teacher and non-teacher staff representative candidates at
least one separate opportunity to address the staff and, if applicable, the school student
representative candidates at least one separate opportunity to address the students. If
necessary, ballot position lotteries for the school staff and student representative
candidates shall be conducted during such opportunities.
If the Board extends the candidate filing deadline beyond February 8, 2024, and
additional candidates file to run in a school's parent/community election or staff poll
during the extension, the school shall provide those candidates notice of the date and
time of the Candidate Forum in writing and by telephone call at least seven (7) days in
advance if the date of the Forum is more than seven (7) days after the extended filing
deadline. If the date of the Candidate Forum is seven (7) or fewer days after the
extended candidate filing deadline, the school shall provide the candidates' notice of
the date and time of the Forum by telephone call at least two (2) school days before
the Forum.
Under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Candidate Forum must be held
in a location accessible to persons with disabilities, even if it is necessary to hold the
forum in a location other than the school. Minimal accessibility includes a location
without even a single step at the entrance and no steps to the site where the forum
takes place unless there is also a ramp, lift, or elevator to provide access. There should
be a clear path of travel from the entrance to the forum area at least 32" wide and free
of any obstacles. If possible, there should be a restroom with a wheelchair-accessible
stall, again with a clear path of travel from the entrance and forum site.
The LSC shall develop and post a notice and agenda for the Forum. The agenda shall
allow all candidates equal time to present their qualifications and goals and shall
include the Ballot Position Lottery. The agenda shall also state whether the location for
the Forum is wheelchair accessible.
If the LSC fails to do so, the Principal shall develop and post the notice and agenda for
the Forum. The notice and agenda shall be posted at least forty-eight (48) hours before
the Forum. Letter II, to be distributed on February 26, 2024, shall include the location,
date, and time of the Candidate Forum. If the forum has a virtual component, include
the meeting link in the letter.
Any person requiring a sign language interpreter or other accommodation for the
Candidate Forum must submit their request to the school by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on
March 1, 2024. The Principal shall notify the Office of LSC Relations of a request for a sign
language interpreter at the Candidate Forum by 3:00 p.m. on March 1, 2024.
The Principal shall distribute three (3) Candidate Pollwatcher Credential Forms (Form
15-24) to each candidate attending the Forum.
Ballot Position Lottery
At the Candidate Forum, the LSC shall conduct a public lottery to determine the
randomly selected ballot position for each candidate. Other methods of determining
ballot order, such as alphabetical listing or order of filing, are not permitted. Should the
LSC fail to hold a ballot position lottery complying with these rules, the Principal shall
ensure that the lottery is conducted at the Forum. The Principal shall record the ballot
position of all candidates for use in preparing the sample and official ballots.
The ballot position lottery shall be conducted in the following manner:
The ballot position numbers assigned to the candidates must correspond to the
official parent/community and teacher/non-teacher staff candidate ballots:
Parent candidates must be assigned numbers 1 through 25.
Community candidates must be assigned numbers 26 through 50.
Teacher candidates must be assigned numbers 51 through 70.
Non-Teacher staff candidates must be assigned numbers 71 through 90.
A separate lottery shall be conducted for each category of candidate (parent,
community, teacher, non-teacher staff, and student, if applicable).
The names of every candidate in every category shall be written on separate
slips of paper of the same size, color, and shape.
The slips of paper with the names of the parent candidates shall be folded in the
same manner so that the candidate's name is not visible and placed in a large
bowl or other receptacle. Someone other than the Principal, a candidate, or a
known supporter of a candidate shall be chosen to draw the names. The person
selected to draw the names shall reach into the bowl or receptacle and
vigorously stir the folded slips of paper bearing parent candidate names. While
looking away from the receptacle, the person shall draw one folded slip of
paper, open it, and announce the name. The name shall then be written on a
blackboard, flip chart, poster board, or something large enough for the public
present to view.
The first parent candidate name drawn shall be placed on line 1, the second
parent candidate name drawn shall be placed on line 2, and the third parent
candidate name drawn shall be placed on line 3, etc. Continue to draw parent
candidates' names and assign ballot positions in the same manner until all are
The ballot position lottery for the community candidates shall proceed in the
same manner. The first community candidate’s name drawn shall be placed on
line 26, the second name drawn shall be placed on line 27, and the third name
drawn shall be placed on line 28, etc. Continue to draw community candidates’
names and assign ballot position numbers until all are drawn.
If there are fewer than either 13 parent or community candidates, the
candidates' names may be placed on every other line beginning with line 1 for
parent candidates and line 26 for community candidates If all candidates in the
category agree.
The ballot position lotteries for teacher, non-teacher staff, and student
candidates (if necessary) may also be conducted at the Candidate Forum and
shall be conducted in the same manner. Alternatively, those ballot position
lotteries may be conducted as follows:
o For teacher and non-teacher staff candidates, the lotteries may be
conducted at an open staff meeting during the school day at which the
candidates are to be given an equal opportunity to address the staff.
o For student candidates, the lottery may be conducted at a school
assembly (or similar student gathering) at which the candidates are to be
given an equal opportunity to address the students.
o Principal is to enter the candidate’s ballot position number in Dashboard
using Election Update and then Candidate Information.
Posting of Specimen Ballots
By 12:00 Noon, on March 20, 2024, the Principal shall post outside the school office, for
public and candidate inspection, a Parent/Community Candidate SPECIMEN Ballot
and a Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Candidate SPECIMEN Ballot, with the word
“SPECIMEN” appearing at the bottom.
The Principal shall notify all parent and community representative candidates by letter
or telephone call and all school staff representative candidates in person or by leaving
a message in their school mailboxes that the Specimen Candidate Ballots will be
posted for inspection at 12:00 Noon on March 20, 2024. It is incumbent upon all
candidates to inspect the ballot(s) before 3:00 p.m. on April 3, 2024, to ensure that their
names are: (a) included; (b) spelled correctly; (c) in lottery order; and (d) in the correct
candidate category. Candidates must notify the Principal of any errors in the
Specimen Ballots by 3:00 p.m. on April 3, 2024.
If necessary, due to errors in the original Specimen Ballot(s), Principals shall post a
revised List of Candidates for the LSC (Form 8-24) and revised Specimen Candidate
Ballot(s) by 9:00 a.m. on April 4, 2024. Candidates shall inspect the revised Specimen
Ballot(s) and inform the principal of errors by 12:00 Noon on April 5, 2024. The Principal
shall correct any errors in the Specimen Ballot(s) and post the final Specimen Ballot(s) by
1:00 p.m. on April 5, 2024. The Principal shall also print and secure the official ballot(s)
by 3:00 p.m. on April 5, 2024.
Important Note
The Specimen Ballot posted on March 20, 2024. If a challenge is sustained or a candidate has
withdrawn, the candidate’s name will not be included in the Specimen Ballot posted on March
20, 2024, and will not be printed on the Official Ballot. The space next to the ineligible or
withdrawn Candidate’s ballot position number will remain blank. This will allow all other
candidates to retain their assigned ballot position and line number
Candidate Literature Distribution Day
Thursday, April 4, 2024, is the date for the distribution of campaign literature through the
school for all parent and community representative candidates or groups of candidates
and for all teacher and non-teacher staff representative candidates.
For parent and community representative candidates' campaign literature to be
Candidates must deliver their campaign literature to the school by 3:00 p.m. on
March 22, 2024. Late deliveries will not be accepted. No exceptions;
The literature must be limited to a single 8-1/2 inch by 11-inch page (printed on
one or both sides)*;
The literature must be divided into sets of 35 or fewer or in sets as directed by the
school for distribution to classrooms**.
*Candidates may provide some of their one-page literature translated into foreign
languages or may provide foreign language translations on one side of their literature.
**Candidates may obtain Information about total student enrollment and class size from
the school.
For teacher and non-teacher staff representative candidates' literature to be distributed
in the staff's mailboxes:
Candidates must deliver their campaign literature to the Principal by 3:00 p.m. on
March 22, 2024. Late deliveries will not be accepted. No exceptions;
The literature must be limited to a single 8-1/2 inch by 11-inch page (printed on
one or both sides).
All candidates must produce or reproduce campaign literature at their own expense.
As described below, no school resources may be used to produce or reproduce
campaign literature. School resources include the school website/newsletter and the
use of CPS email.
Use of School Resources
Illinois law prohibits using school resources to endorse, promote or support any
candidate or group (slate) of candidates. School resources include both human and
material resources, such as staff services during working hours, copying facilities, paper
or supplies, space for meetings, and use of CPS telephone, computer, and e-mail
Staff members who either use or allow the use of school resources to support candidates
are put on notice that they are subject to disciplinary action.
Note: Principals who choose to post the candidate statements (Form 4-24) on the
school’s website must post the statements for ALL candidates. The candidate
statements must be removed from the school’s website the day before the LSC Election.
This posting does not constitute an endorsement, promotion, or support of any
candidate but is informational only.
Campaign Contribution Disclosure Requirement
The law requires a candidate or slate of candidates receiving a campaign contribution
that exceeds $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) from any person or group to file an initial
D-1 Statement of Organization form no later than thirty (30) days after receiving the
contribution with the Cook County Clerk’s Office or the State Board of Elections
disclosing said contribution. Call (312) 603-5656 or (312) 814-6440 for further information.
Persons who wish to serve as judges for the LSC election may apply between October 16,
2023, and February 21, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. The judge application MUST be completed via the
ONLINE FORM. The IRS W-9 Form and CPS Internal Accounts Vendor Request Form must be
uploaded to the online application. The name and address information on all forms must
match. The judge applicant may email [email protected] to obtain a link to the online
judge application process.
Applicants must complete all sections of the application form and must answer all
questions asked on the form, including the names of the school(s) where the applicant
prefers to serve, the applicant's previous experience and bilingual proficiency (if any),
and whether the applicant is an LSC candidate or related to the principal or an LSC
candidate at the school where the applicant is applying or prefers to serve as an
election judge.
In the event the school is assisting a prospective judge, the original forms should be
returned to the prospective judge. The school is not to scan and email the IRS W-9 Form
and the CPS Internal Accounts Vendor Request Form to the judge applicant as this
violates Board Policy (Section 102.9) and state law (5 ILCS 179/1 et seq.). The school will
NOT retain a copy of the IRS W-9 Form.
Note: Judges may not serve in schools where they work, are candidates, or are related
to the principal or other candidates.
Between October 16, 2023 and February 21, 2024, the Principal or Election Coordinator
at the school and the Office of Local School Council Relations can support judge
candidates in uploading their documents to the Judge Application online form. Be sure
to return the original documents to the applicant. After February 21, 2024, the Principal
should call the Office of LSC Relations to ask whether judge applications are still being
received via the online form.
The number of judges assigned to a particular school will be based on the availability of
judges, student enrollment, number of candidates, and anticipated voter turnout.
Principals shall ensure that the individual election judges assigned to their school have
been verified and registered with CPS. Prior to allowing a person to serve as a judge,
the Principal must confirm that the person has been added to the IAMS database by
the Business Services and has a vendor number. The judge must also provide the
principal with the “Attendance Receipt for Judge of Election Training” This receipt will
have the Judge's Vendor Number. Note: Judges cannot serve or be paid unless they
have a vendor number.
If a judge applicant’s name is in IAMS, the applicant has been approved as a vendor
and can be paid for serving as a judge. If the applicant’s name is not in IAMS, the
applicant has not been approved as a vendor, cannot be paid for serving as a judge,
and must not be allowed to serve as a judge. Principals shall record the judges’ names
and vendor numbers on the Judge of Election Payroll Sheet (Form 20-24). Upon the
completion of all required election tasks and duties on LSC Election Day, judges will
receive compensation ($275.00) for their services, including their attendance at a
mandatory training session. Remember to obtain the second signature on the checks
early in the day.
Eligibility to Serve as a Judge:
To be eligible to serve as judges, applicants:
must be 18 years of age or older (except Chicago Public School high school
students, who may serve as election judges at a high school they do not attend);
must submit an Application for Judge of Election, IRS W-9 Form and CPS Internal
Accounts Vendor Request Form online. Email [email protected] to obtain the
link to the ONLINE judge application. School Financial Services will use the W-9
Form to validate their ability to work with the Internal Revenue Service and issue
their vendor number;
must be able to speak, read, and write English, be skilled in basic mathematics,
and be generally competent;
cannot be employees or candidates for the Local School Council at the school
where they serve as judges;
cannot be Immediate family members (spouse, domestic partner, partner to a
civil union, parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren) of LSC
candidates or the Principal (or of persons residing in the same household as LSC
candidates or the Principal) at the school where they serve;
must attend a training session and receive the “Attendance Receipt for Judge of
Election Training.”
Note: Board of Education employees may serve as judges with the approval of
their direct supervisor (principal) at a school where they are not employed.
However, they cannot receive compensation for serving as judges.
Judge Training
All judge applicants who are verified by the IRS must attend a mandatory training session
to serve as judges. All verified applicants will receive information concerning the
mandatory training by mail. Applicants who fail to attend the mandatory training may
not serve as judges. Any applicant who serves as a judge without attending the
mandatory training will not be paid. All applicants who complete the mandatory
training will receive a receipt for attending the training that must be presented to the
Principal at the beginning of the Election Day. Any applicant who does not present a
training receipt to the Principal will not be allowed to serve as a judge and will not be
Criteria for Selection and Assignment of Judges
The ideal panel of election judges should include:
Judges who are bilingual in English and the home language of any substantial
number of the school’s parents and community residents.
Judges who have experience with previous LSC elections or regular elections.
Judges who are non-partisan and are trained in detecting vote fraud.
Judges who reflect the racial and ethnic makeup of the student body.
Judges who are familiar with the boundaries and streets around the school and
who live close enough to arrive at the school by 5:30 a.m. on the morning of the
Judge Placement
Judge Placement Officers in the Office of Local School Council Relations will screen
and assign IRS-verified judge applicants. Screening will assure that judges meet
eligibility requirements and criteria. All judge applicants recruited by a school may not
be assigned to the recruiting school. Judges will be assigned to schools where and as
needed. The names and addresses of the judge applicants assigned to schools will be
entered in and accessible through the LSC Dashboard at
http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx scroll down to "Schools" Section and using the “Local
School Councils” icon then using "Election Update," "Judge Assignment". Applicants will
be informed by mail, email or phone call of their assignment at a school for one or both
of the Election/Non-binding Advisory Preference Poll Day(s).
Judges' Duties
Judges will be responsible for conducting the parent and community representative
election and the non-binding advisory staff poll at the school to which they are
assigned. Judges will arrive at 5:30 a.m. to set up the polling place to open by 6:00 a.m.
Judges will decide questions of voter eligibility and perform all other required election
procedures described in detail in the Judge of Election Manual, including the counting
and recording of votes for the parent, community, and staff representative candidates.
They will have the authority to arbitrate and adjudicate election disputes in the polling
place. They are encouraged to address questions to any Election Monitor present or to
Election Central at (773) 553-1400. The decision of the Election Monitor or Election
Central shall be final.
The Office of LSC Relations reserves the right to determine the qualification of applicants
to serve as election judges and to not assign as election judges applicants determined
to be unqualified to serve.
Voting for Parent and Community Representatives
The following individuals are eligible to vote in a school's election for parent and
community representatives:
Parents, legal guardians, and temporary custodians of students enrolled in the
Persons at least 17 years old who reside within the school's attendance area or
voting district.
Each eligible voter in the election for parent and community representatives shall be
entitled to cast one (1) ballot and one (1) vote per candidate for up to, but no more
than, any five (5) candidates in the election.
Casting more than five (5) valid votes will SPOIL the voter's ballot while casting fewer
than five (5) valid votes will not. Voters may cast only one (1) ballot for
parent/community representatives at each school at which they are eligible to vote.
To vote, voters must be present at the school and vote in person. There will be no
absentee voting, and no one may give his or her votes to a substitute or proxy. For
example, a wife cannot vote twice, once for herself and once for her husband.
In the event that a person with a disability who is eligible to vote cannot enter a school,
election judges must provide a ballot at curbside. Additionally, any voter with a
disability who requests assistance in voting shall be assisted by a judge or person of his
or her choice after the voter and person assisting the voter in voting complete and sign
an Affidavit of Assisted Voter (Form 13-24). No person who is otherwise eligible will be
denied the opportunity to vote based on a disability.
Board of Education employees may vote in the parent and community representative
election at any school their children attend and any school in whose attendance area
or voting district they reside.
Required Identification to Vote in the Parent/Community Election
To establish their eligibility to vote in a school's parent/community election, all voters
must present at least two (2) current (unexpired) forms of identification which are
determined to be reliable by the election judges
Community Voters
Community voters must present at least one (1) form of identification which bears the
voter's current residential address within the school’s attendance area or voting district
(for "multi-area" schools) and which may be from the list below. The second form of
identification may also be from the list below or any other identification determined to
be reliable by the election judges.
Examples of Acceptable Forms of Identification
Driver’s License
State of Illinois ID
Voter Registration Card
MediPlan/Medicaid Card
Permanent Resident Card
Matrícula Consular
Student ID
Public Library Card
Other Governmental Agency I.D.
Current Lease
Current Utility Bill
Credit or Debit Card
Employment ID
Court Documents
Chicago CityKey Card
If a community voter does not provide the required identification and insists on voting,
the voter shall be allowed to vote after completing an Affidavit of Challenged Voter
(Form 14-24) pursuant to the Challenged Voter Procedure, as described in the Judge of
Election Manual.
Parent Voters
Parent voters must present at least one (1) form of identification or documentation
which establishes that the voter is the parent, legal guardian, or temporary custodian of
a child enrolled in the school and which must be from the list below.
The second form of identification may be from the list of "Examples of Acceptable
Forms of Identification" above, from the list below, or any other identification
determined to be reliable by the election judges.
The forms of identification or documentation that the parent must present to establish
that he or she is the parent, legal guardian, or temporary custodian of a child enrolled
at the school are:
Student's Report Card
Student's Birth Certificate naming the voter as a parent
Court Documents naming the voter as the Legal Guardian
Illinois State Board of Education Affidavit of Enrollment and Residency previously
filed with the school naming the voter as temporary custodian of a child enrolled
in the school
Letter from a parent or legal guardian previously filed with the school
naming the voter as Temporary Custodian of a child enrolled in the school
Tax Return for the voter identifying the student as a dependent
Other Legal Documents or Records determined to be reliable by the judges
If the voter does not present a form of identification or documentation establishing that
he or she is the parent, legal guardian or temporary custodian of a child enrolled in the
school, the election judges shall examine the Student "Alpha List." If the Alpha List
contains the voter's name, the judges shall allow the voter to vote as a parent.
If the Student "Alpha List" does not contain the voter's name, the election judges shall, if
feasible, request that the Principal or a designee verify that the voter is the parent, legal
guardian, or temporary custodian of a child enrolled in the school. If it is not feasible for
the election judges to request such verification, the voter may do so. Upon verification
of the voter's status by the Principal or a designee, the election judges shall allow the
voter to vote as a parent.
If a parent voter does not present identification or documentation to establish that he
or she is the parent, legal guardian, or temporary custodian of a child enrolled in the
school and the voter's name does not appear in the Student Alpha List and the
Principal or a designee does not verify the voter's status as a parent, legal guardian or
temporary custodian of a child enrolled in the school, the judges shall allow the voter to
vote as:
a community member if the voter presents two (2) reliable forms of identification
and at least one (1) bears a residential address within the school's attendance
area or voting district (for "multi-area" schools);
a Challenged Voter pursuant to the Challenged Voter Procedure, as described
in the Judge of Election Manual.
Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Non-Binding Advisory Poll
The teacher and non-teacher staff representative candidates run in a Non-Binding
Advisory Preference Poll of the school staff conducted on the same day and in the
same location as the election for the parent and community representatives.
The poll is a non-binding advisory preference poll because the Illinois School Code
authorizes the Board of Education to appoint the teacher and non-teacher staff
members of the local school council and to exercise "absolute discretion" in the
appointment process. In exercising its absolute discretion in the appointment process,
the Board may consider, but is not bound by, the results of the staff poll. The Board may
also consider other factors, including, but not limited to professional development,
membership in professional organizations, and other similar experiences.
Any staff member seeking candidacy shall be allowed to inquire in writing to the Board
to determine if the Board may deny the appointment of the staff member.
In the Staff Non-Binding Advisory Poll, each member of the school staff is entitled to
indicate his or her preference for up to, but no more than, two (2) candidates from
among both the teacher and non-teacher staff candidates on the ballot. Casting more
than two (2) valid votes on the ballot will SPOIL the ballot while casting one (1) valid vote
will not. Voters may cast only one (1) ballot for the teacher and non-teacher staff
“School staff” means all certificated and uncertificated school personnel, including all
assistant principals, classroom teachers, administrative staff (other than the principal), all
custodial, food service, and other civil service employees who are full-time employees of
the Board of Education assigned to perform the majority of their employment duties at
one attendance center served by the same local school council.
If a school staff member is not a full-time CPS employee or does not perform a majority
of his or her duties at a particular school, he or she is not entitled to vote at the school.
(The principal is not entitled to vote in the staff poll and shall not in any way influence the
outcome of the poll.)
Full-time food service and custodial personnel employed full-time by CPS are
eligible to vote. Any food service or custodial personnel not employed full-time
by CPS are not eligible to vote.
A teacher or other full-time Board employee who works at a school more than
fifty percent (50%) of their scheduled time is eligible to vote.
A teacher or other full-time Board employee who works 5 days a week for the
system and works at a particular school two and a half (2.5) days or less per
week is not eligible to vote at the school.
School Code defines "school staff" as personnel employed and assigned to perform the
majority of their duties at one attendance center, there will be instances in which
full-time Board employees are not entitled to vote in the Staff Non-Binding Advisory Poll
of any school at which they work. In no case should a Board employee be entitled to
vote in the Staff Non-Binding Advisory Poll at more than one school.
Persons employed by third-party vendors who work in the school may not vote in the
Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Non-binding Advisory Poll.
Neither proxy nor absentee voting is permitted.
All school staff members eligible to vote in the non-binding polls shall be included on a
list prepared by the Principal for use by the election judges. This list shall be
comprehensive and include all full-time CPS employees who perform the majority of
their duties at the attendance center, including TAT and PAT teachers. The list should
include faculty, staff, career/civil service employees, custodial personnel, and food
service personnel who are employed full-time by CPS at the school. The Principal shall
post the school staff list no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on March 20, 2024. Staff must
bring any errors in the list of staff eligible to vote to the Principal's attention by 3:00 p.m.,
April 4, 2024. The Network Office shall settle any disputes relating to staff eligibility to
Required Identification to Vote in the Staff Non-Binding Advisory Poll
Members of the school staff must present two forms of identification, at least one of
which shall be a valid CPS Employee I. D.
The second form of identification may be from the list on page 28 or any other form of
identification determined to be reliable by the election judges.
If a staff member does not have a second form of identification, the judges may rely on
the inclusion of the staff member's name on the List of Staff Eligible to Vote provided by
the Principal, and the staff member shall be allowed to vote.
If persons present themselves to vote in the Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Non-binding
Advisory Poll whose names do not appear on the staff list, the election judges shall
consult with the Principal.
Student Election
All students enrolled full-time in a school with a student LSC representative seat may
indicate their preference for only one candidate from among those who are student
representative candidates by participating in the student election. To be eligible to vote,
a school student must present a student ID. The student election shall be conducted
between April 8, 2024 and April 11, 2024. Neither proxy nor absentee voting is permitted.
The Principal shall allow the student candidates and/or pollwatchers designated by the
student representative candidates to observe the counting and recording of votes in the
Student Election.
The results of the Student Election shall be entered in the LSC Dashboard at
http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and go to the “Schools” Section and using “Local
School Councils” icon then after the polls close on April 10 or 11, 2024 using, "Election
Update," "Candidate Vote Totals". For elementary schools conducting the student
election on April 11, 2024, the student election results should be entered in LSC
Dashboard on April 12, 2024.
The Illinois School Code authorizes the Board to appoint three (3) high school student
representatives and one (1) elementary student in schools serving 7th and or 8th grade.
Students with the largest vote total(s) will be appointed. In the case of a tie vote the
Local School Council shall determine the winner by lottery.
Pollwatchers play a critical role as part of the checks and balances which assure that
every voter’s vote is counted and recorded properly.
Each parent, community, and staff candidate is entitled to receive three (3)
Candidate's Pollwatcher Credential Forms (Form 15-24). Principals shall distribute
Pollwatcher Credentials to all candidates attending a Candidate Forum at the Forum.
All other candidates shall be entitled to receive their Pollwatcher Credentials prior to or
on, LSC Election Day.
Civic not-for-profit organizations with an interest in the LSC elections may also request a
Civic Organization's Pollwatcher Credential Form (Form 15-24A) from the Office of LSC
Relations, 2651 West Washington Blvd., 3
Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60612. To qualify, an
organization requesting credentials must provide proof of 501(c)(3) status. A civic
organization is entitled to one (1) credential for every school within the area it covers.
Citywide organizations are entitled to one (1) credential for every school holding an LSC
The deadline for civic organizations to apply for pollwatcher credentials (FORM 15-24A)
is 5:00 p. m., March 20, 2024.
Each candidate or qualified civic organization is entitled to one pollwatcher in the
polling place at any given time. A candidate may serve as his or her own pollwatcher.
Pollwatchers are authorized to observe the election process upon surrendering an
official, signed credential to the election judges on Election Day. Other than voters and
judges, election monitors, the Principal or security/police, only credentialed pollwatchers
may be present in the polling place on Election Day. This applies to all political
organization workers, all Local School Council members, all candidates and all
supporters of candidates.
After surrendering a signed credential to the election judges, pollwatchers may: (a) be
present before the polls open as the polling place is being set up; (b) enter and leave
the polling place at any time; and (c) observe the closing of the polling place, the
counting of the votes and the recording of the election results.
Pollwatchers have the right to: observe the process of identification of qualified voters;
challenge a voter’s right to vote (See “Special Voter Procedures” in the Judge of
Election Manual); inspect each voting station when not in use; and be present and
close enough to observe all counting and recording processes. They may not,
however, interfere with voters in the voting process or with judges in the voter
qualification process or handle any election materials.
Electioneering is attempting to persuade voters in an election through verbal or
nonverbal means to vote for or against a particular candidate or group (slate) of
candidates. Nonverbal means of electioneering include displaying or distributing items
o names or images of candidates; and/or
o statements of, or information on, the qualifications or positions of
candidates; and/or
o information on how to cast a vote for a candidate or candidates.
All forms of electioneering are prohibited in school buildings on Election Day. To
comply with this prohibition, Principals shall take down Student Candidate statements
and other posted candidate campaign materials by 3:00 p.m. on the day before the
student election.
Principals shall take down all Candidate Statements and any election materials posted
in the school by 3:00 p.m. on April 9, 2024, for elementary schools and by 3:00
p.m., on April 10, 2024, for high schools. Principals shall also inform all school staff
that they may not discuss any candidates during the report card pickup process.
Electioneering is also prohibited within fifty (50) feet of any entrance used by the public
on Election Day to enter the school building in which the polling place is located.
School security personnel shall be utilized to assist in enforcing the prohibition.
Supervisory security personnel and Chicago Police Department officers shall be
deployed as needed.
If candidates wish to campaign in the school or on school grounds through nonverbal
means on any day(s) other than the date of the Candidate Forum or Election Day, they
must first obtain the principal's permission per Board Rule 6-18 ("Circulation and
Distribution of Unauthorized Written Materials"). If the Principal grants a candidate such
permission, the Principal shall inform all candidates of the opportunity to campaign in
the school or on school grounds through nonverbal means on days other than the
dates of the Candidate Forum or election with his or her permission.
For additional information, contact:
Election Central
Office of Local School Council Relations
2651 West Washington Blvd., 3
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Principals or their designees are charged with the performance of selected
administrative duties and responsibilities before, on and after Election Day, as outlined
in this Guide to Local School Council Elections.
Pre-election Responsibilities
Letter I to Parents, School Staff and Community Members
The Office of LSC Relations will provide a letter (Letter I) announcing the
commencement of the LSC election process to all schools in English and Spanish and,
upon request, in other languages and in Braille. Between October 16, 2023 and
October 25, 2023 the Principal shall distribute Letter I to all parents through the children
and to all school staff and shall post it throughout the school.
Election Notices
By October 25, 2023 the Principal shall post signs provided by the Office of LSC Relations
announcing the candidate nomination procedures, candidate eligibility requirements
and the election timeline throughout the school.
Principals shall post in a prominent location within the school a clear and accurate map
depicting the school's attendance area boundaries or, for "multi-area" schools,
established voting district boundaries. The map and a written description of the
school’s boundaries shall be made available to potential candidates for determining
eligibility and campaign boundaries. (The map shall also be made available to the
Election Judges on Election Day.)
Maps for schools with attendance areas are available on the CPS website,
www.cps.edu. To obtain a map of your school's attendance area boundaries:
Go to http://www.cps.edu
Click on "Schools" link at top of the homepage
Click on "School Locator” link
Click on the “Select a School” Window and scroll down to your school
Click on your school's name
X out of the School Information Window to reveal attendance area map
If desired, click inside of shaded school attendance area map to increase size
Print Page
For "multi-area" schools that enroll students from throughout the city, the Board has
established community voting district boundaries. If the Principal of a "multi-area"
school does not know the school's voting district boundaries, please call the Office of
LSC Relations, (773) 553-1400.
Receipt of LSC Candidate Forms
From October 16, 2023 through February 8, 2024, or any extended candidate filing
deadline, the Principal shall make blank LSC candidate forms available in the main
office and shall receive all original forms filed in person during the original and any
extended candidate filing period and may not refuse to accept any original forms filed
during the original or any extended filing period.
The Principal shall photocopy and attach to, or record on, the Candidate Nomination
Form (Form 1-24), the two (2) forms of identification submitted by or for candidates. The
principal shall issue a photocopy of Form 1-24 or the perforated receipt at the bottom
of the form reflecting the date and time when the LSC candidate forms were received
to the candidate or representative filing original nomination forms. The principal will
print the two forms of identification. All forms except forms 3-24 and 6-24 must be made
available for public examination.
If any of the LSC candidate forms are incomplete or the candidate does not submit the
required identification, the Principal must immediately contact the Office of LSC
Relations. Upon the request of the Principal, the Office of LSC Relations will review LSC
candidate forms or submitted identification and will determine the candidate's eligibility
to be elected or appointed to the school's LSC. The Office of LSC Relations may
authorize the Principal to contact the candidate to provide an opportunity to
supplement incomplete filings. In such cases, the candidates will have until the
deadline for filing LSC candidate forms to supplement incomplete filings. Any
candidates failing to supplement incomplete forms by the filing deadline may be ruled
ineligible by the Office of LSC Relations to be candidates in the election.
Alternatively, the Principal may challenge the candidacy of any candidate whose
forms or forms of identification are incomplete on the last day of filing pursuant to the
Pre-election Challenge procedures.
A failure to bring deficiencies in LSC candidate forms or forms of identification to the
attention of the Office of LSC Relations or to file a Pre-election Challenge based on the
deficiencies shall constitute a waiver of such deficiencies and any candidate whose
forms of identification are deficient shall be included in the official election ballot.
Entry of Candidates' Information in LSC Dashboard
The Principal shall ensure that all candidates’ information is correctly entered in the LSC
Dashboard at http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and go to the “Schools” Section and
using “Local School Councils” icon then using "Election Update," "Candidate," "Add
New Candidate".
New candidates’ information must be entered no later than twenty-four (24) hours after
receipt of their candidate forms.
Public Candidate Information
Within 24 hours after the first candidate filing, the Principal shall post in a public place in
the school:
(i) Form 8-24 (List of Candidates for the Local School Council)
(ii) all original Candidate Statement Forms (Form 4-24 and/or
Form 4S-24) filed; and
(iii) information relating to the availability of candidate forms and
materials for public inspection.
Principals shall maintain and update an original Form 8-24 at the end of every day that
a candidate or representative files candidate forms at the school. The candidates shall
be listed on the original Form 8-24 in the order in which they file their forms. A
photocopy of the updated Form 8-24 shall be signed, dated and posted by 10:00 a. m.
of the following school day.
By 12:00 p.m. (Noon) February 21, 2024, or by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on the first school day
following any extended candidate filing deadline, the Principal shall post a final List of
Candidates For the Local School Council Form (Form 8-24) with the word "Final" added
at the top of the form.
The Principal shall photocopy all original LSC candidate forms, including the forms of
identification submitted by candidates to establish their eligibility.
The Principal shall make photocopies of the following LSC candidate forms available for
public inspection:
Form 1-24 Candidate Nomination Form
Form 2-24 Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form
Form 4-24 Candidate Statement Form (if filed, as this form is optional)
Form 4S-24 Candidate Statement Form (if filed, as this form is optional)
Form 5-24 Teacher or Non-Teacher Staff Candidate Information Form
Note: The Telephone Number Disclosure Form (Form 3-24) and Student
Candidate Information Form (Form 6-24) shall not be made available for public
The Principal shall also make photocopies of the forms of identification submitted
by candidates to establish their eligibility available for public inspection.
However, prior to making the photocopies available, the Principal shall redact
(or obscure in some manner) so as to render unreadable from the photocopies:
Social Security Numbers
Driver's License Numbers
Credit and Debit Card Numbers
Employee Numbers
Bank Account Numbers
Telephone Numbers
E-mail Addresses
Home Addresses*
*Because community representatives must be at least seventeen (17) years old and
must reside in a school's attendance area or voting district, the date of birth and home
address information of such community candidates may not be redacted or obscured.
The Principal shall also redact or otherwise obscure to render unreadable from the
photocopies any other information not relevant to a candidate's eligibility that the
candidate requests be redacted or obscured from the photocopy.
Delivery of Candidate Forms
The Principal shall forward, in the pre-addressed envelope provided, all original paper
Candidate Nomination Forms (Form 1-24), Criminal Conviction Disclosure Forms (Form
2-24), Telephone Number Disclosure Forms (Form 3-24), Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff
Information Forms (Form 5-24) and Student Information Forms (Form 6-24), along with a
copy of the final List of Candidates for the LSC Form (Form 8-24) and copies of all
Candidate Statements (Form 4-24), Student Candidate Statements (Form 4S-24) and all
submitted forms of identification, to the Office of LSC Relations, 2651 West Washington
Blvd., 3
Floor, GSR 38, by 3:00 p.m. on February 21, 2024 or on the third (3
) school day
after any extended candidate filing deadline. The Principal shall also forward a copy
of the final Form 8-24 and copies of all LSC candidate forms to the Network Office by
February 21, 2024.
If the LSC has not set the date of the candidate Forum by 8:00 p.m., February 21, 2024,
then the principal will set the date on February 22, 2024. The date of the Candidate
Forum will be between March 11, 2024, and March 19, 2024. The principal will notify all
candidates in writing and by telephone at least seven (7) days in advance of the date,
time, and location of the candidate forum(s).
If the LSC fails to set the Certification of Election Results meeting date by 8:00 p.m.,
February 21, 2024, then the LSC Chair will set the Certification of Election Results meeting
date on February 22, 2024. The Certification Meeting will be scheduled between April
11, and April 18, 2024, for elementary schools and between April 12, and April 18, 2024,
for high schools. The LSC will break any ties for parent, community, and student seats
by lottery.
Letter II to Parents, School Staff, and Community Members
The Office of LSC Relations will provide a letter (Letter II) to all schools to announce the
date and time of the Candidate Forum. The letter will include the link to if the forum has
a virtual component, the date and hours of the LSC election, and the location within
the school of the polling place. The letter will be provided in English and Spanish and,
upon request, in other languages and in Braille. The Principal shall fill in the date and
time of the Candidate Forum and the location of the polling place. Letter II shall be
distributed to all parents through the children, to all school staff, and posted throughout
the school on February 26, 2024. The List of Candidates for the Local School Council
Form (Form 8-24) shall be included with Letter II.
Candidate Forum
See Candidate Forum Section.
Ballot Position Lottery
If the LSC does not conduct the Ballot Position Lottery, the Principal shall do so. For
further information, see the Ballot Position Lottery Section. The Principal will enter the
candidate’s ballot position number in Dashboard using the “Election Update” and then
“Candidate Information” options.
Pollwatcher Credentials
Schools will receive a sufficient number of Pollwatcher credentials for all candidates. At
the Candidate Forum or other date prior to, or on election day, the Principal shall
distribute three (3) Candidate’s Pollwatcher Credentials to each candidate or his or her
The Principal shall provide secure storage for all undistributed credentials and shall
maintain a complete record, including the signatures of the candidates who have
received their pollwatcher credentials.
See the Pollwatcher Section for more information.
Candidate Literature Distribution Day
The Principal shall oversee the distribution of all candidates’ literature on Monday, April
4, 2024. The Principal shall provide information to parent and community representative
candidates regarding the school's enrollment and class sizes to allow candidates to
produce campaign literature in sufficient quantities for distribution.
See the Candidate Literature Distribution Day Section for more information.
Withdrawal of Candidacy
Candidates who have filed LSC Candidate Forms may withdraw their candidacy for
any reason by 3:00 p.m. on March 22, 2024, by filing a Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy
Form (Form 7-24) with the Principal of the school where they are running. If required by
the Principal, a candidate shall submit a Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy Form bearing
the candidate's signature witnessed by a Notary Public by 3:00 p.m. on March 22, 2024.
When a candidate withdraws, the Principal shall delete or omit their name from the
posted List of Candidates for the LSC (Form-8-24). Their names shall also be omitted from
any Specimen Ballots and the Official Ballot. The line on the Specimen and Officials
Ballots assigned to a candidate who withdraws after the Ballot Lottery or against whom
a pre-election challenge was successful shall be left blank and the names of all other
candidates in the same category will remain on their assigned lines on the Ballot.
Deadline of 12:00 Noon, April 3, 2024, for the the Principal to code all withdrawn
candidates’ names from the LSC Dashboard at http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and go
to the “Schools” Section and use “Local School Councils” icon then using the "Election
Update," "Candidate," "Withdraw.” The Principal shall also email to OLSCR
[email protected] and to Network Office by 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2024, a copy of all
Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy Forms.
Election Judges
See the Election Judges Section.
Use of School Resources to Promote Candidates
The Principal shall take steps to ensure that no school resources (human or material) are
used to promote the candidacy of any candidate or group of candidates. Members of
the school staff that either use or allow the use of school resources in violation of this
provision are put on notice that they will be subject to disciplinary action. Violations
shall be reported to (773) 553-1400.
Preparing for Election Day
Receipt of Election Materials
Prior to LSC Election Day, the Principal shall accept delivery of, and sign for, all election
materials. The Principal shall ensure that all election materials listed in the enclosed
inventory have been received. If any materials are missing, Principals must call the
Office of LSC Relations at (773)553-1400 to deliver the missing materials.
Polling Place Location
Prior to Election Day, the Principal shall determine the location of the polling place in an
adequately heated and lighted location in the school, which is accessible to persons
with disabilities. Voting areas for people with disabilities must be located in an
accessible area with a clear path of travel from a primary entrance or one well-marked
as an alternate entrance for persons with disabilities. The path of travel must be at least
32 inches wide and free from any obstacles. In addition, at wheelchair-access voting
stations, tables must have a minimum height of 27 inches from the floor to
accommodate wheelchairs. Such a table must be located before Election Day and
placed in the voting room. If such a table is unavailable, wooden blocks shall be
securely placed under the legs of an otherwise suitable table to raise the table to the
required height. The location or conversion of such a table should take place before
Election Day.
School Staff List
The Principal shall prepare and post, by 12:00 p.m. (Noon), March 20, 2024, a list of all
full-time staff eligible to vote in the Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Non-binding Advisory
Poll. Errors in the list must be brought to the Principal's attention by 3:00 p.m., April 4,
2024. The Principal shall inform the Network Office of any unresolved disputes
concerning the eligibility of any school staff member to vote in the staff poll and request
that the Network Office resolve the dispute.
Specimen Ballots
The Principal shall prepare and post specimen candidate ballots as described in the
Posting Specimen Ballots Section.
Engineer and School Security
At least two (2) weeks before the election, the Principal shall confirm to the Network
Office that the Principal or designee, the school engineer, and a school security person,
if any, will be present at 5:15 a.m. on Election Day to open the school to the election
judges (and any pollwatchers present) and will remain present until all votes are
counted and recorded and the Principal or designee officially closes the school. If the
school does not have security personnel, the Principal should contact the Department
of Safety and Security (773) 553-3030.
Electioneering by Staff
The Principal shall inform all staff of the prohibition against electioneering in the school
or within fifty (50) feet of any voter entrance on Election Day. Prohibited electioneering
includes the display or distribution of candidate signs, posters, handouts, and lists and
the mention or discussion of candidates or slates of candidates during parent
conferences. The Principal shall warn all staff that offending staff members will be
Election Day
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Elementary Schools
Thursday, April 11, 2024 High Schools
On Election Day, principals or their designees must be on site by 5:15 a.m. and remain
until the polls close and the election results are entered into the LSC Dashboard.
Principals are to arrange for administrative coverage for the day. [No vacation days
will be granted for working on Election Day.]
On Election Day, the Principal’s role in the election process is that of a resource person.
The election judges have sole responsibility for the conduct of the election. They will
follow the procedures outlined in the Judge of Election Manual and will contact the
Election Hotline or consult an Election Monitor, if present if they have questions.
Decisions of the Election Monitor and Election Central shall be followed.
Election Day Materials and Supplies
By 5:30 a.m. on Election Day, the Principal shall provide the following materials and
supplies in the polling place: the election materials delivered to the school and the
official ballots they prepared for the conduct of the election by the judges; an
adequate number of tables and chairs for the judges' stations, voting stations and;
pollwatchers; pens or pencils for the judges' stations and voting stations; and masking
tape, a stapler, string, and thumbtacks for the judges' stations.
The Principal shall also purchase a light breakfast, lunch, and dinner (after 7:00 p.m.) for
the judges with the funds for election supplies provided by the Office of LSC Relations.
The school may select the establishment from which the judge’s meals will be
purchased. Once the selection is made, the schools must provide the judges with the
establishments’ menus to allow them to select their meals. Schools are not to exceed a
total of $45.00 per judge for all the judge’s meals combined. Example: $9.54 Breakfast,
$15.25 lunch, and $19.17 dinner for $43.96. Keep receipts for documentation.
If possible, judges' dietary restrictions are to be considered when selecting the
establishment from which their meals will be purchased. Still, schools will not be
obligated to provide meals satisfying such restrictions.
School's Attendance or Voting District Boundaries
The Principal shall also provide the election judges with a map and a written description
of the school’s attendance area or voting district boundaries. Adjacent schools should
be noted on the map to allow judges to redirect community voters to other schools
where they can vote.
Telephone Access
The Principal shall provide the election judges and any Election Monitors access to a
working telephone between 5:30 a.m. and the conclusion of the tallying of the election
results after 7:00 p.m.
Principal's Administrative Duties on Election Day
The chief administrative duties of the Principal on LSC Election Day are:
The Principal shall arrange and ensure administrative coverage from 5:15 a.m.
until the polls close, all votes are tallied, election results are posted in a public
location and the election results are entered in the LSC Dashboard.
Upon the arrival of the judges at 5:30 a.m., the Principal shall confirm that each
has been assigned a vendor number in IAMS by School Financial Services.; The
Judge Training Receipt should have the number.
has been assigned to work at the school by the Office of LSC Relations; and
possesses a receipt for attending the mandatory judges' training.
If a judge meets all of the foregoing requirements, the Principal shall record the
judge's name and vendor number on the Judge of Election Payroll Sheet (Form
20-24) and staple the judge's training receipt to the Judge of Election Payroll
During the election, at the request of the election judges or voters, the Principal
shall verify whether persons seeking to vote as parents in the parent/community
election are the parents, legal guardians or temporary custodians of a child or
children enrolled in the school.
Spindle Count at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and 3:00 p.m., the Principal shall enter the
total number of parent and community voters combined into the LSC Dashboard
at http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and go to the “Schools” Section and using
“Local School Councils” icon then using "Election Update," "Enter Spindle/Voter
Category Counts". The total number of parent and community voters combined
will be the same as the total number of completed Applications for Ballot.
Judge Check preparation: Noon is a good time to prepare the checks for the
election judges while the second signatory is still in the building.
At 7:00 p.m., the Principal shall enter the total number of voters by category
(parents, community members, school staff, and, if applicable, students) in the
LSC Dashboard. The exact number of parent and community voters will be
determined by counting the number of community voters' signatures on the
Community Sign-In Sheet(s) and the number of parents by subtracting the
number of community voters from the total number of completed Applications
for Ballot. The total number of staff voters will be determined by counting the
number of staff members' signatures on the Staff Sign-In Sheet(s). The Principal
shall enter separate totals for parent, community, staff, and, if applicable,
student voters into the LSC Dashboard at http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and
go to the “Schools” Section and use “Local School Councils” icon then using
"Election Update," "Enter Spindle/Voter Category Counts."
The Principal shall enter final vote totals for each candidate into the LSC
Dashboard at http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and go to the “Schools” Section
and using “Local School Councils” icon then using "Election Update," "Candidate
Vote Totals" as soon as all votes are tallied on election night.
Principals must also remember to enter the results of the student election poll in
the LSC Dashboard after 7:00 p.m. on April 10 or 11, 2024 using "Election Update,"
"Candidate Vote Totals".
The Principal must obtain a “Summary of Results” for the parent/community
election and a “Summary of Results” for the staff poll from the election judges
and post copies of each “Summary of Results” in publicly accessible locations in
the school after all votes are counted on election night. Note: the Summary of
Results is an unused ballot with “Summary of Results” printed at the top and with the
number of votes each candidate received following their name.
The Principal will receive all security envelopes (A, B, C, D, E and F) from the
election judges for placement in a locked school safe. These envelopes shall
The completed Applications for Ballot;
The used School Staff and Community Sign-in Sheets;
All Official Ballots (used and counted, challenged, spoiled,
defective, i.e., over-voted, and unused);
The used Vote Tally Sheets;
Judges' Certificates of Ballots and Votes Cast; and
Summary of Results Forms.
Judge Payment - The Principal shall prepare the checks to pay the judges while
the required signatories of the checks are still in the school. The Principal shall
pay the judges after all votes are counted and recorded, all election materials
are packed and all Security Envelopes and the spindle, ballot box, and privacy
screens are turned in. Central Office staff or Network staff deployed as standby
judges will not receive a check.
After Election Day
Certification of Election Results and Tie-Breaking Lotteries
By 8:00 p. m. on April 18, 2024, the LSC must meet to certify the parent, community,
school staff and, if applicable, student election/poll results and, if necessary, break ties
for the sixth parent representative and second community representative seat. For the
student election, the LSC will break ties for the third student seat in secondary
attendance centers and the first student seat in elementary attendance centers with 7th
and 8th grades.
After the Local School Council meets, the LSC Chair or Vice-Chair and Principal shall
complete and sign the Certification of LSC Election Results Form (Form 28-24). The
Principal shall make and retain a copy of the Certification Form, open Security
Envelope B, place the original in Security Envelope B and re-seal Security Envelope B. If
the LSC fails to certify the election results by April 18, 2024, the Principal shall not open
Security Envelope B to insert a Certification of Results Form.
By 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on Monday, April 22, 2024 the Principal shall also record the results
of tie-breaker lotteries in the LSC Dashboard at http://cps.edu/Pages/Staff.aspx and go
to the “Schools” Section and using “Local School Councils” icon then by adding one (1)
vote to the total votes for the winning candidate or candidates using the LSC "Election
Update," "Candidate Vote Totals".
If the LSC fails to break ties for the sixth parent representative position or the second
community representative position or the student ties by April 18, 2024, then the
Principal shall notify the Network Office by 12:00 p.m. (Noon), April 22, 2024 that the
Network will need to break the ties.
By 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, the Principal shall also email the
Certification of LSC Election Results Form (Form 28-24) to the Office of LSC Relations
[email protected] and to the Network Office.
By 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, 2024, the Principal shall deliver Security Envelope B
to the Network Office.
The Security Envelope must contain:
two (2) Judges' Certificates of Ballots and Votes Cast (Form 19-24);
two (2) Judges' Summary of Results Forms for the Parent/Community Election;
two (2) Judges’ Summary of Results Forms for the Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff
Non-Binding Advisory Poll; and
the Certification of LSC Election Results Form (Form 28-24).
Security Envelopes A, C, D, E, and F remain in the school safe for two years.
Tie-Breaking Lottery by Network Office
By 2:00 p.m. April 26, 2024, the Network Office shall conduct a lottery to break ties for
the sixth parent representative seat and second community representative seat at
schools whose LSCs did not break the ties by April 18, 2024. The Network Office will
break ties for the third student seat in secondary attendance centers and the first
student seat in elementary attendance centers with 7th and 8th grades whose LSC did
not break ties by April 18, 2024. After conducting the tie-breaker, the Network Office
shall complete the section at the bottom of the Certification of LSC Election Results
Form (Form 28-24) with the tie-breaker information and shall email the form to the
concerned school and the Office of LSC Relations [email protected]du by 3:00 p.m.
on April 30, 2024. The Network office will unseal the Security Envelope B and insert the
Certification of LSC Election Results Form (Form 28-24) with the tie-breaker information
and reseal the Envelope B
By 3:00 p.m., on May 3, 2024, the Principal shall record the results of tie-breaker lotteries
conducted by the Network Office in the LSC Dashboard by adding one (1) vote to the
total votes for the winning candidate or candidates.
The Network office will deliver the Security Envelope B to the Office of Local School
Council Relations, 2651 W. Washington Blvd., by 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2024.
Funds Provided for the Election by Central Office and Reconciliation of Unused Funds
Each school will receive an electronic transfer from CPS to cover payment to the
election judges for their services. These funds must be deposited into the school's
internal accounts under the 27901 subaccount. Funds for miscellaneous election
supplies and the judges' meals will be transferred to the school’s budget. Prior to
Election Day, Principals will receive a memorandum from the Office of LSC Relations
with detailed information on the transfer to the internal accounts and the school’s
budget, and the process for returning any unused funds.
Network Offices are charged with the performance of certain administrative tasks prior
to Election Day, on Election Day and after Election Day.
Before Election Day
LSC Candidate Forms and List of Candidates
On February 21, 2024, Network Offices will receive a copy of the final List of Candidates
for the LSC Form (Form 8-24) and copies of all LSC candidate forms and the forms of
identification submitted by the candidates from each school. The forms will include:
Candidate Nomination Form (Form 1-24);
Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form (Form 2-24);
Telephone Number Disclosure Form (Form 3-24);
Candidate Statement Form (Form 4-24, if filed;
Student Candidate Statement (Form 4S-24, if filed;
Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Candidate Information Form (Form 5-24); and
Student Candidate Information Form (Form 6-24), if applicable.
If a school does not transmit the copies of the LSC candidate forms to the Network
Office, we ask that the Network Office call the school to obtain the copies.
Withdrawal of Candidacy Forms
Principals will email to their Network Office and to the Office of LSC Relations
[email protected] any Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy Forms (Form 7-24) received.
(See the Withdrawal of Candidacy Section for more information.)
Resolution of Staff Voter Eligibility Disputes
If the Principal does not identify a school staff member as eligible to vote in the
Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Non-binding Advisory Poll and the staff member disputes
that determination, the Principal shall inform the Network Office and request that the
Network Office resolve the dispute.
Election Day
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Elementary Schools
Thursday, April 11, 2024 High Schools
Network Offices are asked to assist the Office of LSC Relations with ensuring that
Principals or their designees and school engineers arrive at school by 5:15 a.m. on
Election Day to ensure that the school is opened by 5:30 a.m. for the Election Judges
and that the polls open on time at 6:00 a.m.
If a school is not opened for the Election Judges by 5:30 a.m., the Network Offices and
the Network Officers will be asked to contact the Principal to direct them or their
designee to arrive at and open the school to the Election Judges as soon as possible.
After Election Day
Receipt of Security Envelope B
Schools shall deliver to their Network Offices a sealed Security Envelope B containing
documentation of the parent/community election and staff poll results by 3:00 p.m.,
April 25, 2024. If the envelope is not delivered by that time, we ask that the Network
Office contact the principals of the schools that are not in compliance. We ask that
the Network Offices deliver their schools' Security Envelopes B to the Office of LSC
Relations by 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2024 to 2651 W. Washington Blvd, 3
Breaking Candidate Ties
By April 26, 2024, the Network Office shall conduct a lottery to break vote total ties for
the sixth parent representative position and/or the second community representative
position at any school whose LSC failed to do so. The Network Office shall notify the
tied candidates by telephone call at least seven (7) days in advance of the date, time
and location of the tie-breaking lottery. After conducting the tie-breaking lottery, the
Network Office shall complete the section at the bottom of the Certification of LSC
Election Results Form (Form 28-24) with the tie-breaker information and shall emailed
the form to the concerned school and the Office of LSC Relations [email protected]
by 3:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2024.
LSC Meeting to Certify Election Results and Break Candidate Ties
Certification of Parent/Community Election and Staff Poll Results
The Illinois School Code requires the Local School Council to certify the election results
determined by the election judges on Election Day and to publish the results in the
LSC’s meeting minutes. The meeting to certify the election results and to break vote
total ties shall be held between April 11 and April 18 by 8:00pm, 2024 for elementary
schools and between April 12 and April 18, 2024 by 8:00pm for high schools. The LSC
shall meet between October 16, 2023 and February 21, 2024 to set the date of the April
certification meeting. The LSC shall provide notice of the meeting to the public
pursuant to the Open Meetings Act. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(ADA), all LSC meetings must be held in locations accessible to persons with disabilities.
Breaking Candidate Ties
At the meeting to certify the election results, the incumbent LSC shall also break any ties
for the sixth parent representative position or the second community representative
position by lottery.
If the school has a seat or seats for student(s) the LSC will break any ties for the final
student seat by lottery and the Board of Education will appoint the winning student
The Board of Education will break any ties between teacher and non-teacher staff and
will appoint the staff candidates that clear a review of their disciplinary history.
The Principal shall notify all tied candidates of the date, time and place of the
tie-breaking lottery in writing and by telephone call not later than seven (7) days before
the meeting. If the Principal fails to notify all tied candidates of the date, time and
place of the tie-breaking lottery, the lottery shall be rescheduled, with appropriate
notice to the public and tied candidates.
The tie-breaking lottery shall be conducted in the following manner:
The names of all tied parent representative candidates shall be written on slips of
paper of the same size, color and shape, which are to be folded in the same
manner so that the names of the candidates are not visible.
The slips of paper with the tied parent candidates' names shall be placed in a
large, clear bowl or receptacle.
Someone other than the Principal, the tied candidates, or a known supporter of
a candidate should be chosen to draw one of the slips of paper.
The person chosen should reach into the bowl or receptacle and vigorously stir
the folded slips of paper.
While looking away from the receptacle, the person should draw out one folded
slip of paper from the bowl or receptacle, open it, and announce the name.
Thereafter, the lottery for the tied community representative candidates shall be
conducted in the same manner.
Thereafter, the lottery for the tied student representative candidates shall be
conducted in the same manner.
After the meeting, the Principal and LSC Chair/Vice-Chair shall complete and sign the
Certification of Election Results by Local School Council Form (Form 28-24). The LSC's
certification of the election results does not certify the correctness of the results; only
that they were the results declared by the election judges. Any post-election
challenges which may be filed do not affect the certification.
Annual Organizational Meeting - First Meeting of New LSC
Between July 1 and 14, 2024, all newly-constituted LSCs must conduct an annual
organizational meeting at the school at which they serve. The outgoing LSC may set the
date and time of the meeting by voting in an open meeting prior to June 30, 2024.
Alternatively, prior to the end of his or her term on June 30, the outgoing chairperson
may set the date and time of the meeting by calling it as a special meeting.
Alternatively, either before or after June 30, any four (4) members of an elementary
school or five (5) members of a high school, including the principal, may set the date
and time of the meeting by calling it as a special meeting. If the meeting is a special
meeting all other LSC members must also be given written notice of the time, place and
purpose of the meeting prior to the meeting.
At the organizational meeting, the LSC is required to select a Chairperson (must be a
parent member) and a Secretary (may be any member) and to set a regular meeting
schedule for the coming school year. After the regular meeting schedule is set, it must
be posted at the school in a location accessible to the public.
Under the Open Meetings Act, notice of the meeting and the agenda must be posted
at the school at least 48 hours before the meeting. If called as a special meeting by the
outgoing chairperson or by four (4) members of an elementary school or five (5)
members of a high school, all other LSC members must also be given written notice of
the time, place and purpose of the meeting prior to the meeting.
All votes must take place in the open; secret ballots are prohibited.
Filling LSC Vacancies
If, as of July 1, vacancies exist in any parent or community representative positions and
no post-election challenges to any parent or community candidates remain unresolved,
the newly-constituted LSC may select eligible persons to fill the vacancies. Any teacher,
non-teacher staff or student vacancies are to be filled by the Board of Education after
considering the preferences of the school staff as ascertained through non-binding
advisory polls. The student vacancies are to be filled with the winner of the student
election being appointed by the Board of Education.
A Candidate Nomination Form, Criminal Conviction Form, Statement of Economic
Interests, and Telephone Number Disclosure Form shall be required of all persons
considered for a vacancy.
All parent and community appointments to fill vacancies shall be made by majority
vote of the members then serving on the LSC. Appointment shall be made at public
meetings with appropriate notice under the Open Meetings Act.
Documents Available to Newly-Elected LSC Members
Newly-elected LSC members are entitled to receive copies of the following documents
from the Principal:
The School's current Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP);
The School's current Budget and a current Position Report;
The Principal's Contract, if any;
The LSC Bylaws, if any.
Important Reminders
All LSC members must complete a fingerprint-based criminal background check
during every two-year term that they serve. If an LSC member has previously
provided his or her fingerprints for completion of the criminal background check
during a previous LSC term, he or she will be asked to do so during the new term.
All LSC members are required to complete a sixteen (16)-hour training program
within six (6) months of taking office.
All LSC members must complete and submit a Statement of Economic Interests for
the 12 months preceding the beginning of their term and for each year of their
No parent or community member of an LSC may be employed by the Board of
No LSC member may be employed by a third party to work at the school where
he or she serves.
Except for the school staff members, former LSC members cannot be employed
to work in any capacity at the school where they served for at least one year
after their LSC membership ends.
LSC members related to any school staff member may not vote on the school's
Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP), Budget or any Budget transfers that
may directly or indirectly benefit their relatives.
Challenges to candidate eligibility (Pre-Election Challenges) must be filed at 42 W.
Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60602 and directed to the attention of “Deputy General
Counsel, School Law Unit” no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 28, 2024. Challenges
must be filed in person or by email at [email protected]. Pre-Election
Challenge Petitions (Form 9-24) will be available at the Office of LSC Relations, 2651
West Washington Blvd., 3
Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60612 and on the CPS website:
Any person is entitled to file a Pre-Election Challenge Petition. However, no Petition will
be favorably considered unless the challenger states specific facts, which, if true,
demonstrate that the candidate challenged is not legally eligible to serve in the office
he or she seeks and/or at the school at which he or seeks to serve.
The Law Department will review all challenges to determine whether a challenge
requires a hearing or shall be determined without a hearing. If the Law Department
determines that a hearing is warranted, it shall notify the challenged candidate. The
notification shall include a copy of the petition, any evidence which was attached to
the petition and the date, time and place of the hearing on the petition. A copy of the
notification shall be forwarded to the challenger.
Board-appointed independent Hearing Officers, with the assistance of the Law
Department, may hold hearings on referred petitions. The appointed Hearing Officers
will be responsible for conducting hearings and issuing a recommended decision to the
Chief Executive Officer or designee.
If any hearings on pre-election challenges to candidate eligibility are held, they will be
held between February 5, 2024 and March 19, 2024.
The Chief Executive Officer or designee shall consider the recommendation of the
Hearing Officer in making a written decision. The decision of the Chief Executive Officer
or designee will be final.
The Chief Executive Officer or designee’s rulings on Pre-Election Challenge Petitions
shall be issued by 5:00 p.m. on March 22, 2024.
Candidates whose eligibility has not been challenged within the filing period for a
Pre-Election Challenge will be presumed eligible. Their names will be printed on the
official Candidate Ballot.
When the pre-election challenge proceedings are over, the Chief Executive Officer or
designee shall order appropriate remedies for any deficiencies proved, including, but
not limited to, the declaration that the particular Local School Council candidate is
ineligible to be a candidate for the office to which, or at the school at which, he or she
seeks election and that his or her name shall not appear on the Candidate Ballot.
If a candidate has filed for an office for which he or she is ineligible but is eligible for
election to another office, the Chief Executive Officer or designee shall order the
appearance of the candidate’s name on the Candidate Ballot as a candidate for
the office for which he or she is eligible, if the candidate consents.
If a candidate has filed for an office at a school at which he or she is ineligible to be
a candidate but is eligible at a different school, the Chief Executive Officer or
designee shall order the candidate forms corrected and delivered to the school at
which the candidate is eligible and order the appearance of that candidate’s
name on the Candidate Ballot of the school at which he or she is eligible, if the
candidate consents.
1. Qualification of Petitioners. Any person may file a Pre-Election Challenge Petition
against any parent, community, teacher, non-teacher staff or student representative
2. Filing Deadline. Pre-Election Challenge Petitions must be filed by 5:00 p.m. on
February 28, 2024 in the Law Department (Attn: Deputy General Counsel, School Law
Unit) in person at 42 West Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60602 or by email at
3. Requirements of a Pre-Election Challenge Petition. The Petition must state specific
facts which, if true, would demonstrate that the challenged candidate is (or was on the
last day for filing of candidate forms) not eligible to be a candidate for the office for
which the candidate has filed to run or is not eligible to be a candidate at the school at
which the candidate has filed to run.
The Petition must be signed by the petitioner and must have been prepared and filed in
conformity with all applicable rules.
Any Petition which does not, on its face, state specific facts upon which relief can be
granted or is not filed in conformity with all applicable rules is subject to a determination
without a hearing by the Law Department. All other Petitions may be referred for a
hearing by the Law Department
4. Hearings. Pre-Election Challenge Petitions may be referred for hearings. Hearings
pursuant to these rules are public proceedings. Observation, but not public
participation, is permitted.
In order to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and to
facilitate participation by persons who are non-English speakers, parties or observers
who require sign language or other interpretation at hearings must notify the Office of
LSC Relations at (773) 553-1400 of such requirement at least 48 hours in advance of any
5. Hearing Date. At the date and time set for hearing, both the petitioner and the
candidate challenged must be prepared to present their case. There will be no
continuances, except for good cause shown or on the Hearing Officer’s own motion.
6. Appearance. The appearance of petitioners and challenged candidates at
hearings must be in person or by a representative with written authorization. All parties
must provide the Hearing Officer, at the time of appearance, contact information, for
notification to the party of any matter requiring notice in these proceedings. The
parties shall be reasonably available for receipt of such notification during the course of
the proceedings.
The failure of a challenged candidate or challenger to appear or make arrangements
for an alternate hearing date with the Deputy General Counsel, School Law Unit, Law
Department (773-553-1700) may result in the hearing proceeding in their absence and
a waiver of the right to be heard. If no challenger appears for a hearing, the Hearing
Officer may dismiss the petition.
7. Hearing Officers. The Hearing Officer shall conduct and preside over all hearings
and take necessary action to avoid delay, maintain order, ensure compliance with all
notice requirements, and ensure development of a clear and complete record. The
Hearing Officer shall have all the powers necessary to conduct a fair and impartial
hearing including, but not limited to, the power to:
a) Conduct the hearing, set the time and place for continuances and set the time
for filing of documents;
b) Have exclusive control over the conduct of the proceedings, including the
manner in which testimony and evidence will be received, the scope and
extent of testimony and the exclusion or inclusion of any witness in order to
minimize duplicate or redundant testimony;
c) Examine witnesses and call upon witnesses to testify;
d) Order any party to produce documents or evidence relevant to the proceeding;
e) Consider all evidence presented;
f) Consider and rule on all motions;
g) Maintain a record of the proceedings. A transcript will not be prepared as a
matter of course. Any party may record the proceedings with an audio tape
recorder or may employ, at the party’s own expense, a certified court reporter.
A party relying on a transcript must present a complete and certified copy to the
Hearing Officer and all relevant parties at the time of such use. The official
record of proceedings, however, shall be that record kept by the Hearing
Officer; and
h) Issue Findings of Fact or Law and make a recommendation to the Chief
Executive Officer or designee concerning the final disposition of the Pre-Election
Challenge Petition.
8. Order of Presentation/Burden of Proof. Petitioners shall have the burden of going
forward and of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that a Pre-Election
Challenge Petition should be sustained.
At the conclusion of the petitioner's case, the challenged candidate may present his or
her case, including offering testimony and evidence in support thereof.
9. Failure to Adhere to Rules. Failure to adhere to these Rules may be grounds for
dismissal of the Pre-Election Challenge Petition or for granting the Petition.
10. Final Decision By the Chief Executive Officer or Designee. Upon receipt of a
Hearing Officer's findings and recommended final disposition of a Pre-Election
Challenge Petition, the Chief Executive Officer or designee shall issue a written decision
on the Petition. The decision shall take into consideration the testimony and evidence
presented in the hearing and the Hearing Officer's recommendation. The decision of
the Chief Executive Officer or designee shall be final.
11. Notice of Final Decision. The person filing a Pre-Election Challenge Petition, the
challenged candidate and the Principal of the affected school will be notified of the
final decision on the Petition. Notification shall be given by U.S. Mail. If practicable, the
final decision may also be communicated to the parties by email.
12. Filings with the Law Department or Hearing Officer. Parties to Pre-Election
Challenges may file motions, pleadings or other documents, along with an executed
Notice of Filing, with the Law Department or the Hearing Officer.
Unless the Hearing Officer has provided an address at which to deliver or transmit filings
to the Hearing Officer directly, all filings, along with the Notice of Filing, shall be directed
to the Law Department (Attn: Deputy General Counsel, School Law Unit), Chicago
Board of Education, 42 W. Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60602, by personal delivery or
The filing party shall also serve a copy of the filing and Notice of Filing upon the other
parties to the proceeding by personal delivery or e-mail. If the filing party does not
have the address(es) or e-mail(s) of the other party or parties to the proceeding, the
filing party shall attempt to give notice of the filing by telephone call and shall, if
necessary, make at least three (3) calls to give such notice, with not less than thirty (30)
minutes between each call.
The Notice of Filing shall contain a verified statement that:
a) the filing and the notice of filing have been served by personal delivery or
e-mail upon the other party or parties to the proceeding; or
b) notice of the filing was given by telephone (stating the party called, the
number called and the time the call was made); or
c) notice of the filling was attempted by telephone at least three times
(stating the party called, the number called and the time the calls were
Unless otherwise agreed to, all documents to be filed with the Law Department or
Hearing Officer shall be filed in the manner prescribed above.
13. Legal Authority. The Board promulgates the foregoing rules to “ensure fair
elections.” 105 ILCS 5-34-2.1(n). Because the Illinois School Code is silent on the
definition of “fair elections,” the Hearing Officer may look to general election law for
guidance to accomplish the purposes of 105 ILCS 5/34-2.1(n).
Challenges to the election results (post-election challenges) must be filed in the Law
Department, 42 W. Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60612, and directed to the attention of
"Deputy General Counsel, School Law Unit'' no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 18 2024.
Challenges must be filed in person or by email at [email protected].
Post-Election Challenge Petition Forms (17-22) will be available at the Office of LSC
Relations, 2651 West Washington Blvd., 3
Floor, and on the cps website:
A separate petition must be filed for each candidate, election or poll challenged. At
least five (5) persons who were eligible to vote for the candidate or in the election or poll
being challenged must sign a Post-Election Challenge Petition. No petition shall be
considered unless the challengers state specific facts in writing, which, if true, would
change which candidates were elected in the parent/community election, or the
number of votes received by the candidates in the non-binding advisory staff poll or
would warrant the disqualification of a candidate or candidates or the invalidation of
the results of the election or poll in their entirety.
Only persons eligible to vote in the Parent/Community election may challenge the
results of the election. Only school staff eligible to vote in the Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff
Non-Binding Poll may challenge the results of the poll. Only school students eligible to
vote in the Student Election may challenge the results of the election.
The Law Department will review all challenges to determine whether a challenge
requires a hearing or shall be determined without a hearing. If the Law Department
determines that a hearing is warranted, it shall notify the challenged candidate(s) or all
candidates if the Petition requests a new election or poll. The Notification shall include
a copy of the petition, any evidence which was attached to the petition and the date,
time and place of the hearing on the petition. A copy of the notification shall be sent
to the first five (5) eligible challengers who validly signed the Petition and provided their
Board-appointed independent Hearing Officers, with the assistance of the Law
Department, will hold hearings on referred petitions. The appointed Hearing Officers will
be responsible for conducting hearings and issuing a recommended decision to the
Chief Executive Officer or designee.
Hearings on post-election challenges will be held between April 18, 2024 and May 13,
2024. The Chief Executive Officer or designee shall consider the recommendation of the
Hearing Officer in making a written decision. The decision of the Chief Executive Officer
or designee will be final.
Decisions shall be finalized by 5:00 p.m., May 22, 2024 and will be mailed to the
challengers, all challenged and concerned candidates and to the school Principal
between May 24 and May 30, 2024.
After receipt of all hearing officers' recommended decisions, the Chief Executive Officer
or designee shall grant appropriate remedies for any deficiencies proved, including but
not limited to:
1. Ordering a recount of votes to determine the official results of a challenged
election or poll;
2. Declaring that a challenged candidate does not meet the eligibility
requirements for the office for which he or she ran and is ineligible to serve
in the office;
3. Declaring that, because of unrepaired gross irregularities which substantially
affected the integrity and the outcome of an election or poll process, a
candidate is ineligible to serve in the office for which he or she ran or a new
election or poll must be conducted (a new election or poll ordered by the
Chief Executive Officer or designee will be limited to the candidates in the
original election or poll.)
If a challenge alleges that a candidate is ineligible to serve in the office for which
he or she ran and the challenge is upheld, the challenged candidate will be
declared ineligible to serve. If the challenged candidate ran for a parent or
community representative office, a vacancy in the office will be declared and
the newly elected Local School Council may fill the vacancy after July 1. If the
challenged candidate ran for a teacher, non-teacher staff or school student
representative office, the challenged candidate shall not be appointed to the
office by the Board.
If a challenge alleges that a parent or community candidate is an employee of
the Chicago Public Schools, a letter of resignation from the candidate’s
employment with CPS, effective not later than June 30, 2024, and submitted to
the Law Department prior to a hearing or to the hearing officer at a hearing will
cure the defect and the candidate will be declared elected. If the candidate
does not submit a letter of resignation, then the candidate with the next highest
vote total in the same candidate category will be declared elected.
If a challenge alleges irregularities in the counting and recording of votes and
the challenge is upheld, a recount shall be ordered. The results of the recount
shall determine the official results of the challenged election or poll.
If a challenge is based on an allegation of unrepaired gross irregularities which
substantially affected the integrity and outcome of the election or poll process,
and the challenge is upheld, the candidate or candidates responsible for, or
benefiting from, the irregularities may be disqualified from election or
appointment to the LSC or the challenged election or poll may be declared null
and void and a new election or poll will be ordered with any additional
safeguards necessary to prevent the recurrence of the irregularities found. (The
new election or poll will be limited to the candidates in the original election or
1. Qualifications of Petitioners. Only parents or community members entitled to vote in
the parent/community election may challenge the election results. Only school staff
members entitled to vote in the teacher/non-teacher staff poll may challenge the staff
poll results and only students entitled to vote in the student poll may challenge the
student poll results.
2. Filing Deadline. Post-Election Challenge Petitions must be filed by 5:00 p.m. on April
18, 2024, at CPS (Attn: "Deputy General Counsel, School Law Unit") in person at 42 West
Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60602 or by email at [email protected].
3. Requirements of a Post-Election Challenge Petition. The Petition must be signed by at
least five (5) persons eligible to vote in the election or poll being challenged. Any
Petition not signed by at least five (5) persons eligible to vote in the election or poll
which is the subject of the petition or not filed in conformity with all applicable rules is
subject to dismissal by the Law Department without a hearing.
The Petition must state specific facts which, if true, would demonstrate that: (1) a
challenged candidate is (or was on the last day for filing of candidate forms) not
eligible to be a candidate for the office for which the candidate filed to run or was not
eligible to be a candidate at the school at which the candidate had filed to run; or (2)
substantial and unrepaired irregularities in an election or poll process substantially
affected the integrity and outcome of the election or poll, and warrant the
disqualification of a particular candidate or candidates or a new election or poll.
Any Petition which does not, on its face, state specific facts upon which relief can be
granted is subject to dismissal without a hearing by the Law Department.
4. Hearings. Unless dismissed by the Law Department, Post-Election Challenge Petitions
will be referred for a hearing. Hearings pursuant to these rules are public proceedings.
Observation, but not public participation, is permitted.
In order to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and to
facilitate participation and observation by persons who are non-English speakers,
parties or observers who require sign language or other interpretation must notify the
Office of LSC Relations at (773) 553-1400 of such requirement at least 48 hours in
advance of any hearing.
5. Hearing Date. At the date and time set for hearing, both the petitioners and any
challenged or interested candidate(s) must be prepared to present their cases. There
will be no continuances, except for good cause shown or on the Hearing Officer’s own
6. Appearance. The appearance of the petitioners and challenged or interested
candidates at hearings must be in person or by a representative with written
authorization. All parties must provide the Hearing Officer, at the time of appearance,
a telephone number, for notification to the party of any matter requiring notice in these
proceedings. The parties shall be reasonably available by telephone of such
notification during the course of the proceedings.
The failure of a challenged or interested candidate or challenger to appear or make
arrangements for an alternate hearing date with the Deputy General Counsel, School
Law Unit, Law Department (773-553-1700) may result in the hearing proceeding in their
absence and a waiver of the right to be heard. If no challenger appears for a hearing,
the Hearing Officer may dismiss the petition.
7. Hearing Officers. The Hearing Officer shall conduct and preside over all hearings
and take necessary action to avoid delay, maintain order, ensure compliance with all
notice requirements and ensure development of a clear and complete record. The
Hearing Officer shall have the powers necessary to conduct a fair and impartial hearing
including, but limited to, the power to:
a) Conduct the hearing, set the time and place for continuances and set the time
for filing documents;
b) Have exclusive control over the conduct of the proceedings, including the
manner in which testimony and evidence will be received, the scope and extent
of testimony, and the exclusion or inclusion of any witness in order to minimize
duplicate or redundant testimony;
c) Examine witnesses and direct witnesses to testify;
d) Order any party to produce documents or evidence relevant to the proceeding;
e) Consider all evidence presented;
f) Consider and rule on all motions;
g) Maintain a record of the proceedings. A transcript will not be prepared as a
matter of course. Any party may record the proceedings with an audio tape
recorder or may employ, at the party’s own expense, a certified court reporter.
A party relying on a transcript must present a complete and certified copy to the
Hearing Officer and all relevant parties at the time of such use. The official record
of proceedings, however, shall be the record kept by the Hearing Officer.
h) Issue Findings of Fact or Law and make a recommendation to the Chief
Executive Officer or designee concerning the final disposition of the Post-Election
Challenge Petition.
8. Order of Presentation/Burden of Proof. Petitioners shall have the burden of going
forward and of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that a Post-Election
Challenge Petition should be sustained.
At the conclusion of the petitioners' case, any challenged or interested candidate may
present his or her case, including offering testimony and evidence in support thereof.
9. Failure to Adhere to Rules. Failure to adhere to these Rules may be grounds for
dismissal of the Post-Election Challenge Petition or for granting the Petition.
10. Final Decision By the Chief Executive Officer or Designee. Upon receipt of a
Hearing Officer's findings and recommended final disposition of a Post-Election
Challenge Petition, the Chief Executive Officer or designee shall issue a written decision
on the Petition. The decision shall take into consideration the testimony and evidence
presented in the hearing and the Hearing Officer's recommendation. The decision of
the Chief Executive Officer or designee shall be final.
11. Notice of Final Decision. The first five (5) Petitioners who validly signed a
Post-Election Challenge Petition and provided their address, all challenged and
concerned candidates and the Principal of the affected school will be notified of the
final decision on the Petition. Notification shall be given by U.S. Mail. If practicable, the
final decision may also be communicated to the parties by either email or telephone
12. Filings with the Law Department or Hearing Officer. Parties to Post-Election
Challenge Petitions may file motions, pleadings or other documents, along with an
executed Notice of Filing, with the Law Department or the Hearing Officer.
Unless the Hearing Officer has provided an address at which to deliver or transmit filings
to the Hearing Officer directly, all filings, along with the Notice of Filing, shall be directed
to the Law Department (Attn: Deputy General Counsel, School Law Unit), 42 West
Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60602, by personal delivery or by email at
The filing party shall also serve a copy of the filing and Notice of Filing upon the other
parties to the proceeding by personal delivery or e-mail. If the filing party does not
have the address(es) or e-mail(s) of the other party or parties to the proceeding, the
filing party shall attempt to give notice of the filing by telephone call and shall, if
necessary, make at least three (3) calls to give such notice, with not less than thirty (30)
minutes between each call.
The Notice of Filing shall contain a verified statement that:
a) the filing and the notice of filing have been served by personal delivery or
e-mail upon the other party or parties to the proceeding; or
b) notice of the filing was given by telephone (stating the party called, the
number called and the time the call was made); or
c) notice of the filling was attempted by telephone at least three times
(stating the party called, the number called and the time the calls were
Unless otherwise agreed to, all documents to be filed with the Law Department
or Hearing Officer shall be filed in the manner prescribed above.
13. Legal Authority. The Board promulgates the foregoing rules to “ensure fair
elections.” 105 ILCS 5-34-2.1(n). Because the Illinois School Code is silent on the
definition of “fair elections,” the Hearing Officer may look to general election law for
guidance to accomplish the purposes of 105 ILCS 5/34-2.1(n).
1. Letter I Re: LSC Election
2. LSC Candidate Packet Letter
3. Candidate Nomination Form (Form 1-24)
4. Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form (Form 2-24)
5. Definition of Conviction, Required Disclosures and
Disqualifying Convictions for Local School Council
6. Telephone Number Disclosure Form (Form 3-24)
7. Candidate Statement Form (Form 4-24)
8. Student Candidate Statement (Form 4S-24)
9. Teacher/Non-Teacher Staff Candidate Information Form (Form 5-24)
10. Student Candidate Information Form (Form 6-24)
11. Withdrawal of LSC Candidacy Form (Form 7-24)
12. List of Candidates for the Local School Council Form (Form 8-24)
13. Letter II Re: LSC Election
14. Pre-Election Challenge Petition Form (Form 9-24)
15. Post-Election Challenge Petition Form (Form 21-24
16. Certification of LSC Election Results Form (Form 28-24)
17. Judge of Election Applicant Packet Letter
18. Application for Judge of Election Form (Form 18-24)
19. IRS W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form
20. CPS Internal Accounts Vendor Request Form