Revised 8/2720
Temecula/Hilton Head
Message from the President .......................... 3
Welcome to the College. ............................... 4
Attendance .................................................... 5
Appearance ................................................... 5
Attitude. ....................................................... 6
Alcoholic Beverages. .................................... 6
Career Placement ........................................ 6
Cheating ...................................................... 6
Complaint Procedures. ................................ 6
Conduct........................................................ 6
Illegal & Unauthorized Activities. ............... 7
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Program. ...................................................... 7
Drug Screening ............................................ 8
Student Conferences .................................... 8
Golf Course Conduct. .................................. 8
Maintenance of College Area ..................... 9
PGCC Tournaments ................................... 9
Tee Time Policy. .......................................... 10
Range Procedures....................................... 10
Tuition Information .................................... 11
Privacy Rights of Students in
Educational Records ................................... 11
Disclosure of Educational
Records ...................................................... 12
Filing a Grievance ..................................... 13
Sexual Assault Policy. ................................ 14
Right to Cancellation ................................. 15
Right to Withdraw and Receive a
Refund ......................................................... 15
Cancellation of Refund Amount… .............. 16
Transfer Credits to Other
Colleges… ................................................. 17
Dear Student,
The Professional Golfers Career College has been educating the future leaders in the world of
golf since 1990. PGCC is a recognized leader throughout the world in golf education. Our
graduates are located throughout the world and work as golf professionals, tournament directors,
golf instructors, general managers of country clubs, sales representatives of golf club companies
and playing professionals.
We are proud of our graduates and our college. But, PGCC is not for everyone. It is a college
for serious minded and focused students who want to succeed in the golf world. PGCC is a
college where traditional values of character and honesty and doing the right things are taught.
Students are expected to be ahead of time for classes, not miss any classes, and act with
politeness toward all faculty and fellow students.
Unprofessionalism will not be tolerated at the college or on the golf course or anywhere in the
community. Every student must represent PGCC in a professional manner.
If you are thinking about enrolling at PGCC please read and understand all parts of this
handbook. We want our students to have a good experience, but this college is definitively not
for everyone.
Dr. Tim Somerville
Over the next 16 months, you will embark on a journey of learning that will lead you into the
highly competitive golf industry. Your education here at The Professional Golfers Career
College has been designed to provide you the best possible learning environment, coupled with
great golf and work opportunities. The goal? Successful placement in a position within the golf
industry that you can excel in and love at the same time.
The possibilities at PGCC are endless and largely up to you! You will have the opportunity to
play golf at some of the best courses in the country while training and working under top-notch
professionals. While here, let me also encourage you to enjoy the cultural, social and
recreational activities that are prevalent here in the beautiful Temecula Valley. The Temecula
Valley is known for its great weather, numerous golf courses and resorts, Old Town Temecula
and cultural diversity. I encourage you to make the most out of this experience by getting
involved. Remember, the more you know, the more you grow!
In order to maximize this experience, The Professional Golfers Career College has set forth
rules that are expected to be followed. These rules have been outlined for your benefit, and we
reserve the right to alter or add to them as we see the need. While there may seem to be a lot of
them, our intent is to provide a fulfilling and a safe learning experience for all students that is
centered around good communication. Therefore, if you have any questions about this document
or anything related to your experience here at PGCC, please don’t hesitate to ask me or any of
the PGCC staff and we’ll be glad to help any way we can.
It is my hope that this journey will be packed full of beneficial learning experiences and marked
with excellence. I also hope you have fun as well! The Professional Golfers Career College
staff is here because of your passion for the game of golf and we are happy you chose the
Temecula campus to begin your golf journey!!
Dr. Tim Somerville
Regular attendance is essential for academic progress and success in your golf career. Absences
may jeopardize a student’s ability to complete their program in a timely manner. All students are
encouraged to complete the specified hours for the program by the end of each week. If a student
is unable to attend or leaves campus early on a given day(s), they should contact their instructor
or their class coach. Students are encouraged to make up missed attendance. The instructor will
assist in creating a makeup plan. Attendance is checked on a daily basis.
PGCC encourages 100% attendance and requires 80% attendance for graduation. Any student
who has an unexcused absence of fourteen (14) consecutive days will be automatically
withdrawn. Instructors turn in absence sheets the first 15 minutes of each class. This data is kept
on the computers in the Administration Offices and are tracked on a weekly basis and attendance
reports are generated.
Students are expected to call the campus if they are unable to attend classes for the day. At any
time during the program a student will be placed on warning status and can result in probation
status for violation of attendance.
Attendance violation is including but not limited to:
Over 20% absenteeism
Leaving the campus early without letting their class coach know.
If a student is in violation of Attendance, they will be placed on warning status. Failure to
successfully return to good standing from warning will lead to probation. Failure to successfully
return to good standing following probation will lead to program termination.
TARDY POLICY. Being late for class equals an absence. Low attendance can result in warning
or probation status or termination from the program as stated above.
Any student missing 20% or more of the scheduled class time will be marked absent.
PGCC is a business college and business attire (appropriate golf attire) will be worn while
attending classes, on the golf course or at the driving range. Slacks, golf shirts, sweaters, and
wind breakers, customarily recognized as golf attire, will be permitted. If sweaters are worn,
they must be accompanied by a collared shirt or turtleneck underneath. No shirts worn outside
of pants (untucked). Blue jeans, cargo pants, sweats, hoodies, warm-ups, and t-shirts are not
permitted. No “Loud Mouth” pants are allowed. Belts must be worn. Women’s shorts must not
exceed 4" above the knee and not be tight, mini-skirts are not allowed. All attire must be clean
and pressed. The PGCC Faculty will be the sole judge of appropriate attire.
Every Friday is “dress for success” day. All students are required to purchase a PGCC blazer
and tie to be worn to class on Fridays.
As part of the college’s dress code appropriate footwear is a factor. The school allows dress
shoes, along with golf teaching shoes. The college does allow golf specific shoes that are spike-
less, and professional looking. Any other type of shoe is not permitted unless approved by
Campus Director please consult with him for any questions or guidance.
Hair must be neatly styled. Bleached hair, spiked hair styles or any other extreme hair styles are
not acceptable and male students must wear their hair less than collar length. Neatly trimmed
moustaches are permitted (trimmed at the corner of the mouth). Beards and goatees are not
permitted, and students are expected to be clean-shaven daily. Men are not permitted to wear
earrings. Facial piercings or tongue rings are not allowed. Students can be sent home and marked
absent for not shaving and can also lose golf privileges.
There will be no hats allowed in the classrooms or administrative building at any time.
A student on campus for any reason must be dressed as a golf professional and well groomed.
Self-confidence comes in part from knowing one looks like a professional; the college will help;
make it a habit every day.
Suspension of play, practice and lessons will be given to a student not obeying these guidelines.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted at the college or at the golf courses. No
alcoholic beverages will be served by PGCC at any College sponsored activity.
A cheerful, cooperative and positive attitude is expected of all students. Complaints of any
improper behavior towards any member of the staff or student body are to be directed to the
PGCC does not guarantee placement for a job for any student. We work with and try to help
each student in placement. It is the student’s responsibility to work hard and follow the
Placement Director’s suggestions in finding employment. Students need to prepare their resume,
confer with the Placement Director and follow up on leads provided by the college.
PGCC does not guarantee placement.
Cheating will not be tolerated. Instructors and faculty will provide students extra help whenever
needed. IMMEDIATE suspension or termination from the college will result if a student is
discovered cheating.
Students who have a complaint or are experiencing problems are encouraged to contact
administrative personnel or a faculty member directly to attempt to resolve the complaint. In the
event this contact does not resolve the complaint, the student is encouraged to make an
appointment with the College President so that the complaint may be officially registered, and
solutions discussed. In the event a student submits their complaint in writing to the College
President, a written response will be forwarded to the student within ten days. Decisions of the
College President are final.
CONDUCT Any Un-Professional Behavior by a Student…
Knowledgeable violation of college rules and regulations or rules of golf may constitute grounds
for disciplinary action. Specifically, but not limited to, the following acts will not be tolerated:
Use of loud, obscene, or crude language
Use controlled substances, including marijuana
Any disturbance in the classroom by a student
Smoking of any substance, or using tobacco product, is not permitted at or around the
college including e-cigarettes and vaping
Food or beverage in the classroom
Unprofessional attitude on the golf course
Underage drinking.
Any disturbing act or issue that may bring a bad light on the reputation of PGCC. This
could occur anywhere (example: Apartments, off-campus, etc.).
Any student receiving a DUI while in attendance at PGCC will be terminated from the
College and must sit out that semester and the following semester and then apply for
Use of the internet that may reflect poorly on you as a student or PGCC.
No cell phones are permitted in the building or laptops used in the classroom except for a
presentation to the class.
Disciplinary action may result in suspension or termination from the college for any
unprofessional conduct while a student at PGCC, whether on campus or off campus.
The following activities are prohibited and are grounds for immediate suspension and/or
termination from the College:
Possession of illegal drugs, chemicals, narcotics, controlled substances, alcohol, stolen
property or firearms on college property or while on college business at any location;
Use of alcohol on college property or while on college business at any location.
Attending any college function while under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants or illegal
Distribution or sale of illegal drugs, chemicals, narcotics, controlled substances, alcohol,
stolen property or firearms on college property while on college business at any location.
"College property” shall include but is not limited to all premises operated and utilized by the
College, including golf courses.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
To prevent drug and alcohol abuse, PGCC prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution
of drugs and alcohol including but not limited to recreational drugs and any form of marijuana by
students and employees on school property, or as part of the school's activities. The legal
sanctions for the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol include
criminal prosecution, the payment of court fines or incarceration.
Serious health risks are associated with the illicit use of drugs and alcohol, including the risks of
dependency, injury and death. Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs one's ability to drive
a car or operate machinery and may cause health problems. According to the U.S. Surgeon
General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risks of
birth defects. In addition, the school will impose sanctions on students (consistent with local,
state and federal law), up to and including expulsion from school or mandatory participation in a
substance abuse program, and referral for prosecution, for violation of this policy.
Students may seek drug counseling from the professional staff at the Hill Solutions Counseling
Center. Student contact with the Counseling Center is confidential. Students may contact the
Counseling Center at Hill Alcohol and Drug Treatment by phoning 951-303-1230.
All students may be tested for drug use. Failing the test will result in immediate counseling from
a drug counselor. A student may be asked by the Administration to enter a drug awareness
program. Golf privileges will be immediately suspended for a first offense until a student passes
his or her drug retest. The student will be tested a second time throughout his/her attendance at
PGCC. A second positive test will result in immediate termination.
Each student will have a private conference with a director/class coach each semester. The
purpose of these is to discuss performance, goals and career choices. Students are encouraged to
seek the director’s/class coaches and staff assistance on personal or college matters whenever the
need arises.
Books that are required for each class are mandatory. Students who attend class without the
required textbooks will receive a warning and risk being dropped from the class if they continue
to attend class without their textbook. Build a professional library by keeping all of your books.
Your books will benefit you in your golf career.
As a future leader in the world of golf, one's conduct on the course should be professional at all
The following acts will not be tolerated:
Slow play
Use of loud, obscene, or crude language
Use of alcohol or drugs
Club throwing or breaking
Temper tantrums or conduct unbecoming a professional
Disciplinary action may result in suspension or termination from the college
All students are expected to maintain and keep the college clean. Not only do clean classrooms
and grounds project a favorable impression, they also reveal the standards we set for ourselves.
SMOKING (which includes use of all tobacco products e-cigarettes and vaping)
PGCC is a non-smoking college.
Smoking or use of any tobacco product is only permitted in your car and cigarettes must be put
out in your car. Violation of this rule will be an automatic 2-week suspension of golf privileges.
This is a mandatory class for all students who are not in the Advance Skills class.
Each student starts off with a letter grade of A. Maintaining the A is based on the student’s
behavior, appearance and attendance. Grades are dropped one letter grade for each violation of
tournament guidelines. Violations of the following may lead to the student being disqualified
from playing in any Cup Matches.
Any and all decisions regarding violations will be handled by the Director of Golf.
BE ON TIME - Show up 20 minutes before your assigned tee time. If you miss your tee time
you will be disqualified and will not be allowed to play.
If you are absent from school the day of your tournament you will not be able to play without
consent from the Director of Golf.
DRESS CODE - If you are out of school dress code you will not be allowed to play and your
round will not be made up.
Students must comply with the following:
Clean shaven
Clean golf shoes
Collared shirt and slacks
Any unprofessional attitude or activity, such as the following:
Total disregard of rules and etiquette
Club throwing
Disregard for tournament chairperson and or committee members or golf course staff
Purposely disqualifying yourself because of poor play by:
Walking off the course
Not signing the score card
Violation of any of the above-mentioned rules can result in you being disqualified form playing
in any cup matches. Should a student be disqualified, he is still required to play in weekly
tournaments in order to earn a letter grade.
The tee sheets will be posted on Friday for the following week.
Each student is responsible for their own name on the tee sheet
You should plan your week as to when you want to practice, take lessons, or play.
If you are not in school on that day, you will not be allowed to play, take lessons, or use the
practice range.
If you play golf, take lessons, or use the practice range on a day that you are not in school,
your privileges will be suspended for one week. 2
offense - 2-week suspension, etc.
Any cancellation of your tee time must take place no later than 24 hours prior to your tee
No shows - any student who does not show up for their tee time will be responsible for
paying their green fee ($25.00) before their playing privileges are restored.
Tee sheets are faxed 24 hours in advance. No changes to the tee sheet will be made after it
has been faxed.
Report to the pro shop and show your current student I.D.
The Legends at Temeku Hills is the home practice facility for the Professional Golfers Career
The following procedures are to be followed at the range:
Range hours are 1:00 through 4:00 PM Monday thru Friday.
All lessons will be conducted at The Legends range unless otherwise stated.
PGCC dress code and conduct procedures are to be followed at the range at all times.
Students are limited to three buckets or range balls daily.
Failure to follow range procedures will result in loss of privileges.
The Legends’s rules and policies are to be followed without question.
Violation of range golf policy may result in the loss of privileges for one week. The
second violation may result in a three-week suspension or possible termination from the
college. Students are limited to three buckets of range balls daily.
Tuition is due on the 1
of the month prior to the start of the new semester. If tuition is not
paid on time, there will be a $200.00 late fee added.
The due dates are as follows:
April 1
- for the Summer Semester
August 1
- for the Fall Semester
December 1
- for the Spring Semester
Tuition and Fees
Tuition payment and fees for U.S. students are:
Non-Refundable Application Fee: $45
Tuition: $28,840 ($7,210/semester)
Fees: $5,688 ($1,422/semester)
Textbooks: Approximately $1,000 (for four semesters)
Total Cost: $35,573
Tuition payment and fees for international students are:
Non-Refundable Application Fee: $75
Tuition: $28,840 ($7,210/semester)
Visa Processing $1,200 ($300/semester)
Fees: $5,688 ($1,422/semester)
Textbooks: Approximately $1,000 (for four semesters)
Total Cost: $36,803
Tuition includes all of the academic classes plus green fees, lessons from our golf staff, and
range balls. Fees include: Administration, Library, Internet Access, Tournament Fees, Computer
Lab, Club Repair Lab and Supplemental Class Resources.
All balances must be paid in full before any student will be allowed to start a new semester.
Outstanding Tuition Balance
Outstanding Pro Shop Balance
Questions regarding any monies owed should be directed to the Financial Manager.
Privacy Rights of Students in Educational Records
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and
regulations adopted there under (34 C.F.R. 99) set out requirements designed to protect the
privacy of students concerning their records maintained on campus. Specifically, the statute and
regulations govern access to student records maintained by the campus and the release of such
records. In brief, the law provides that the campus must provide students access to records
directly related to the student and an opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records on the
grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate. The student may request
a paper copy of his/her student academic file by filing out a request form and submitting it to the
Admissions Office. The right to file a grievance under the law does not include any right to
challenge the appropriateness of a grade determined by an instructor.
The types of student records and the information contained in the student files are:
Application and backup documentation, submitted transcripts, health records, housing
records, signed file completion forms, PGCC transcripts and conference records,
disciplinary records, veteran’s records, financial aid records, immigration records, and
placement information.
Students who wish to view the contents of their student records must make a written
request to the Executive Administrator. The Executive Administrator will meet with the
student during normal business hours, at a time set by the Executive Administrator, and
in the Executive Administrator’s office. The original records may not leave the Executive
Administrator’s office. The Executive Administrator must comply with the student's
request within fifteen working days.
The campus is authorized under the Act to release "directory information" concerning students.
Currently, in response to a specific inquiry, the Administration Office releases the following:
name, address and telephone number, place and date of birth, field of study, dates of attendance,
and degrees and awards received. The above-designated information is subject to release by the
campus at any time unless the campus has received prior objection from the student specifying
information that the student requests not be released.
Refusal to Provide Copies
While the student retains the right to inspect his or her records, Professional Golfers Career
College may deny copies of records, including transcripts, in the following situation:
The student has an unpaid financial obligation to the College.
Fees for Copies of Records
With the exception of academic transcripts, which are covered by executive order, the fee for
copies will be 25 cents ($.25) per page.
Disclosure of Education Records
The campus is authorized to provide access to student records to campus officials and employees
who have legitimate educational interest in such access. These persons are those who have
responsibilities in connection with the campus’ academic, administrative or service functions and
who have reason for using student records connected with their campus or other related academic
responsibilities. Disclosure may also be made to other persons or organizations under such
conditions as part of accreditation or program evaluation; in response to court order or subpoena;
in connection with financial aid; to other institutions to which the student is transferring.
PGCC will not permit third party access to information contained in a student's education records
without the written consent of the student, except under the circumstances described below.
PGCC may permit access by third parties under the following conditions:
To school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.
To officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, and
State and local educational authorities, in connection with audit or evaluation of certain
State or federally supported education programs.
In connection with a student's request for or receipt of financial aid to determine the
eligibility, amount, or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and
conditions of the aid.
To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the College.
To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.
To comply with a federal or state judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.
To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
The results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College against an alleged
perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged victim of that crime.
To U.S. Military recruiters pursuant to 32 CFR 216 (Solomon Amendment).
A grievance is a complaint arising out of any alleged unauthorized or unjustified act or decision
by a member of the faculty, member of the administration, or member of the staff which in any
way adversely affects the status, rights, or privileges of a member of the student body. The
burden of proof shall rest with the complainant.
The procedures for challenging the content of student records are for the student to file a
grievance by submitting a formal written statement to the President of the College. A meeting
will be held with the disagreeing parties and the President. Upon reviewing the facts presented
by the student, faculty or staff, the President will render a decision. All decisions made by the
President are final.
The Professional Golfers Career College has a policy prohibiting any act involving sexual assault
or harassment by any of its employees, students, staff, faculty, or anyone conducting business on
College premises, which includes the college building, and any location used for an off-site
school function.
Sexual Assault includes but is not limited to rape, forced sodomy, forced oral copulation, rape by
a foreign object, sexual battery or threat of sexual assault.
If a student believes he/she is a victim of sexual assault he/she should report the assault
immediately to the nearest faculty or staff member, who will notify the school president and the
Any observer of a sexual assault crime should notify the school president immediately rather
than take the initiative to contact the police. It is critical that the rights of the victim are protected
so that they are the one to call authorities and report the facts of the crime accurately.
The police will arrive to review the crime, take a description of the attacker, etc. and ensure that
the victim and his/her escort are transported to a medical facility.
The student, as the victim, will be referred to specific counseling centers in your area. Below are
some counseling centers in the Temecula area:
Bethesda Counseling Service
Linda Hardin
41661 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 115
Temecula, CA 92591
Hill Alcohol and Drug Treatment
44099 Margarita Rd
Temecula, CA 92592
Confidentiality is required in order to protect all parties involved with the assault.
Any inquiries from newspapers, employees, parents, or other students will be immediately
forwarded to Dr. Tim Somerville, President, to avoid misrepresentation of the facts and breach of
Efforts will be made by the school staff or faculty member to help the victim deal with academic
difficulties resulting from the crime. Should another student, faculty members, or staff member
be accused of the crime, appropriate disciplinary action will occur until a formal investigation is
completed. The victim will be informed of any further disciplinary action or appeal in connection
with the sexual assault.
Prevention is the best tool for elimination of sexual assault. All staff, faculty, and students will
take all steps necessary to prevent sexual assault from occurring such as expressing strong
disapproval, using self-defense techniques, and increasing awareness of what sexual assault
Right to Cancellation
The Buyer/Student has the right to cancel the Enrollment Agreement, without any penalty or
obligation, until midnight of the seventh business day following the date of the first class of the
first semester. If the Buyer/Student cancels, any payment made on his/her behalf will be returned
to the payee within ten days following the Seller/School's receipt of the Buyer/student's written
and dated cancellation. If the Seller/School gave the Buyer/Student any equipment, the
Buyer/Student shall return the equipment within ten days of the date of the Buyer/Student signed
the cancellation notice. If the Buyer/Student does not return the equipment within this ten-day
period, the Seller/School may keep an amount out of what the Buyer/Student paid that equals the
documented costs of the equipment. The Seller/School is required to refund any amount over that
as provided above and the Buyer/Student may keep the equipment. To cancel the Enrollment
Agreement, the Buyer/Student must mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of the cancellation
notice, or send a telegram to the School at the address on the first page of this Agreement, NOT
LATER THAN MIDNIGHT of the seventh business day after the first class. REMEMBER, THE
BUYER/STUDENT MUST CANCEL IN WRITING. The Buyer/Student does not have the right
to cancel by merely telephoning the School or by not coming to class.
Once purchased, the equipment and materials specified on the Equipment Schedule become the
property of the Buyer/Student unless the materials are returned in usable condition (excluding
health or sanitary items) within ten (10) days following the date of the Buyer/Student's
withdrawal from the School. The Seller/School will refund only the amount that exceeds the
documented costs of those materials. Clearly recognized health and sanitary restrictions prevent
the School from accepting return of the equipment and/or materials so specified on the
Equipment Schedule
Costs of the medical or other examination, if required, are to be borne by the Buyer/Student.
School/Seller agrees charges collected from Buyer/Student which the Seller/School holds for the
purpose of paying to any other public or private person, firm, organization or agency, such as for
bond, license application, or examination fees, or any similar fees or charges, shall, where the
Buyer/Student cancels or withdraws from the course at any time prior to completion, be refunded
in full. Such charges are not subject to any refund if the Seller/School has paid them prior to
receipt of notice of withdrawal or cancellation, or if the Buyer/Student did not give written notice
to the School of withdrawal or cancellation, or if the Buyer/Student did not give written notice to
the School of withdrawal during the first 21 days of the unofficial withdrawal period.
The Buyer/Student may be terminated from enrollment, at the discretion of the School Director,
if the Student's/Buyer's behavior, attendance or dress does not conform to the requirements,
rules, and regulations of the School as set forth in this catalog and the Student Handbook.
The Buyer/Student release holds harmless and indemnifies the Seller/School and its agents from
and against all liabilities and other expenses which may be imposed upon, incurred by, or
asserted against it or them by any reason or bodily injury, or property damage or loss which the
Student/Buyer may suffer from any cause while enrolled in the School.
Right to Withdraw and Receive Refund
The Buyer/Student has the right to withdraw at any time from the course of instruction after
midnight of the seventh business day described above (see "Right to Cancellation"). If the
Buyer/Student withdraws or is terminated, or expelled, by the Seller/School, the Seller/school
shall remit a refund as provided in this section less a Registration fee not exceeding seventy-five
dollars ($75.00) within ten (10) days following withdrawal, termination or expulsion. The
Buyer/Student shall be deemed by the School to have withdrawn from the course of instruction
when any of the following occur: (1) the Buyer/Student notifies the School of withdrawal or of
the date of the Buyer/Student's withdrawal, whichever is later; (2) the School terminated the
Buyer/Student's enrollment as provided above; (3) the Buyer/Students fails to attend classes for
the (3) week period. For the purpose of the calculation of this part, the date of the
Buyer/Student's withdrawal shall be deemed to be the last day of recorded attendance.
Cancellation of Refund Amount
The refund shall be in the amount the Buyer/Student paid for instruction multiplied by a fraction,
the numerator of which is the elapsed time not attended, and the denominator of which is the
total number of hours (weeks as above) of instruction for which student has paid, up to the 60%
completion point of the semester.
The College will accept credits for work done at other postsecondary institutions. A "C" or
higher grade must be made for credit to be transferred and the course must have relevance to a
course offered at the Professional Golfers Career College. Students must submit an official
transcript and catalog to the Administrative Office in order for transfer credit to be considered.
Students may earn no more than 20% of the credit required for graduation using transfer credit.
The transferability of credits you earn at the Professional Golfers Career College is at the
complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree
you earn, in Professional Golf Management is also at the complete discretion of the institution to
which you may seek to transfer. If the credits or degree that you earn at this institution are not
accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or
all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason, you should make certain that your
attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an
institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending the Professional Golfers Career
College to determine if your credits or degree will transfer.