(Revised March 2018)
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1.1 The “Agreement means: (i) the applicable purchase order issued by
Accenture; (ii) these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (“General
Terms”); and (iii) additional written agreements, if any, relating to the transaction
signed by Accenture and the indicated provider such as a master agreement,
statement of work or letter agreement (“Additional Agreements”). The
Agreement is the sole and exclusive agreement between the indicated provider
(“Supplier”) and Accenture with respect to the goods and/or services provided by
Supplier under the applicable purchase order (collectively, “Deliverables”). By
providing any Deliverables to Accenture, Supplier agrees it is bound by the
Agreement. Supplier and/or Accenture may be referred to as a “Party” or
Parties” in these General Terms. “Accenture” means the Accenture entity that is
a party to the Agreement ( “Accenture”).
1.2 In the event of any conflict among the terms of the Agreement, the following
order of precedence will apply: (i) the applicable purchase order issued by
Accenture; (ii) the Additional Agreements; and (iii) these General Terms.
1.3 An “Affiliate means any entity, whether incorporated or not, that is
controlled by or under common control with Accenture plc, a public limited
company incorporated in Ireland with its registered office at 1 Grand Canal
Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (registration number 471706) and
its successors, where "control" means the ability, whether directly or indirectly,
to direct the management and policies of another entity by means of ownership,
contract or otherwise.
Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects
in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or
requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier
warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or
requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and
expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either
correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting
such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a
corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to
require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform
the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection
and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any
specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement.
Prices will be based on delivery at the location specified by Accenture, with all
duties, tariffs, freight, insurance and other costs related to transportation and
delivery being the responsibility of Supplier. Title to and risk of loss/damage for
goods remain with Supplier until the goods have been delivered, inspected and
accepted by Accenture. Supplier is the importer and exporter of record. Supplier
agrees to provide free replacement of goods lost or damaged in transit, at no
additional charge, within 3 business days of receipt of notice from Accenture. For
Supplier's delivery of goods, time is of the essence. In the event Supplier does not
deliver goods on time, Accenture may terminate the Agreement as provided for
in Section 8.
4.1 All prices are exclusive of VAT or similar taxes and will be in the official
currency of the country where the Accenture entity in the Agreement is located.
4.2 Supplier is entitled to invoice Accenture after delivery has taken place in
accordance with Section 3 above. Invoices will be addressed in original to the
invoicing department of the Accenture entity in the Agreement. All invoices
submitted to Accenture must include adequate documentation, including, as
applicable: (i) a statement that the Deliverables comply with the provisions of the
Agreement; (ii) an explanation of the Deliverables provided during the period
covered by the invoice, including applicable purchase order number, invoice
number, invoice date, name of the requestor, description of the Deliverables and
the corresponding price; and (iii) if expense reimbursement is provided for in the
Agreement in relation to Supplier’s services, itemized expenses with receipts or
other documentation if a receipt is unavailable.
4.3 Accenture will make payment within 30 days after receipt of Supplier’s valid
original of invoice in accordance with the Agreement based on the Act of
Acceptance of the Deliverables signed by both Parties. Payment of an invoice (in
whole or in part) will not be deemed acceptance of any Deliverables.
4.4 Accenture is entitled to postpone and/or offset payment if the Supplier owes
Accenture money for any reason or if Accenture disputes the amount due in good
4.5 During the term of the Agreement and for a period of 3 years thereafter,
Accenture will have the right, at its expense, to audit the books and records of
Supplier related to Supplier’s activities under the Agreement.
4.6 Applicable taxes will be billed as a separate item or line item. Accenture will
pay sales, use, value added, goods and services, and all other similar taxes
imposed by any official, authorized governmental entity for Deliverables provided
under the Agreement, excluding taxes based solely on Supplier's income or
property. Accenture will pay such tax(es) in addition to the sums due under the
Agreement provided that Supplier itemizes them on a proper invoice. Accenture
reserves the right to request proof of payment if previously paid by Supplier. If
Accenture is required to withhold or deduct any taxes from any payment,
Accenture will not be required to “gross up” the amount of such payment and
will pay the total amount reflected on the invoice less the applicable withholding
taxes. The Parties will cooperate in good faith to minimize taxes to the extent
legally permissible. Each Party will provide and make available to the other Party
any resale certificates, treaty certifications and other exemption information
reasonably requested by the other Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
provided Accenture furnishes Supplier with a copy of a resale exemption
certificate, no sales taxes will be billed to Accenture.
5.1 Supplier hereby assigns and grants to Accenture all rights and licenses
necessary for Accenture to access, use, transfer, and sell the Deliverables and to
exercise the rights granted under the Agreement, and pass-through the same to
its Affiliates and designated users, for the use and benefit of Accenture and in
providing services to Accenture’s clients and business partners. Except with
respect to any proprietary materials, programs, and documentation provided by
Supplier or its suppliers and in existence prior to the services being performed
under the Agreement (“Pre-Existing Materials”), all right, title and interest in the
Deliverables, including all intellectual property rights, will be the exclusive
property of Accenture, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Supplier hereby
assigns to Accenture ownership of all right, title and interest in the Deliverables
(excluding Pre-Existing Materials) and waives any moral rights therein.
5.2 Supplier hereby assigns and grants to Accenture an irrevocable, non-
exclusive, worldwide, perpetual and fully paid-up right and license to use and
modify the Pre-Existing Materials to the extent necessary for Accenture to use
the Deliverables as provided for in Section 5.1 above. Pre-Existing Materials or
open source software will not be incorporated into any Deliverable without
Accenture’s prior written approval.
5.3 To the extent the Deliverables consist of software, Accenture will be entitled
to install and use the software on equipment owned or controlled by Accenture
or on cloud platforms provided by third parties. For avoidance of doubt, to the
extent that any Deliverables consist of cloud-based services, such cloud-based
services may be used by Accenture as provided for in Section 5.1 above.
5.4 Supplier agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Accenture from any
claim that a Deliverable (or any portion thereof) infringes or misappropriates any
intellectual property right of a third party. In addition, if a claim of infringement
is made, Supplier will, at its own expense, promptly exercise the first of the
following remedies that is practicable: (i) obtain for Accenture the rights granted
under the Agreement; (ii) modify the Deliverable so it is non-infringing and in
compliance with the Agreement; (iii) replace the Deliverable with a non-infringing
one that complies with the Agreement; or (iv) accept the return or cancellation
of the infringing Deliverable and refund any amount paid.
6.1 Supplier represents and warrants that it is aware of, understands, has
complied with, and will comply with, all laws applicable to Supplier in the
performance of the Agreement, including but not limited to: (i) anti-corruption
laws such as the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act and other
local anti-corruption laws; (ii) data privacy laws, regulations and regulatory
guidance, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27
April 2016 (“GDPR”); (iii) export/import and economic sanctions laws (Trade
Control Laws); (iv) immigration, labor and employment laws; (v) employment
opportunity and anti-discrimination laws; and (vi) environmental laws. Supplier
will not provide any Deliverables to Accenture that would cause a violation of any
such laws.
6.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Supplier will not provide any
Deliverables to Accenture that require an export license or other form of
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government authorization under applicable Trade Control Laws to transfer or use
in connection with the Agreement. Upon request, the Supplier will provide
Accenture with the export control classification under applicable Trade Control
Laws of any Deliverables provided in the performance of the Agreement.
6.3 Supplier will promptly notify Accenture of its violation of any applicable laws
in its performance of the Agreement, and will defend, hold harmless and
indemnify Accenture for any violation of such laws or a breach of Section 14.
7.1 To the extent permitted by law, in no event will Accenture be liable for any
lost revenues, lost profits, incidental, indirect, consequential, special or punitive
damages. To the extent permitted by law, in no event will Accenture’s aggregate
liability to Supplier for all claims exceed the total price payable by Accenture to
Supplier under the Agreement.
7.2 Supplier will obtain and maintain all applicable and appropriate insurance,
(including, without limitation, business, workers' compensation, auto, errors and
omissions, professional and commercial general and liability insurance) in an
amount consistent with Supplier's industry practice. If Supplier will have any
access to personal data under the Agreement, such insurance will include cyber
liability (data privacy) coverage. In accordance with Art. 406.1 of the Civil Code of
the Russian Federation in the event that, following the results of a tax audit in
respect of Accenture solely in connection with the performance of this
Agreement, the authorized tax authority will prosecute Accenture or its officials
and / or make additional tax payments, accrual of penalties and all other
payments in use of the budget, the Supplier, on the basis of the written request
of Accenture, undertakes to reimburse such property losses to Accenture as a
result of the Supplier’s guilty actions. Property losses include the amount of
administrative fines for engaging Accenture to tax liability, the amount of
additional tax payments, penalties, as well as the amount of all other
documented costs of Accenture made at the request of the authorized tax
authority in connection with this Agreement.
Accenture may immediately terminate the Agreement for its convenience (for
any or no reason) at any time, in whole or in part, by providing written notification
to Supplier. Unless expressly provided for in the Agreement, Accenture will have
no obligation to pay any early termination fee or extra charges in relation to such
9.1 Supplier will keep the existence, nature and the content of the Agreement,
Accenture Data (as defined in Section 14.1), and any other information of
Accenture, any commercial, financial, technical and other information and / or
material that is not available to the general public, which is formed, collected, or
used by Accenture and is related to the activities of the Accenture, research and
development, customers and other Accenture business partners or employees of
Accenture, confidential and not disclose it to any other person and third parties
without prior written consent of Accenture, except as provided in this Agreement
and the applicable laws of the Russian Federation. Supplier will ensure that its
personnel, contractors and agents (collectively, “Personnel”) are aware of, and
have committed to, confidentiality and legal obligations with respect to such
information. Supplier will not make any reference to the Agreement, its terms,
business information, or use Accenture’s name, logo or trademark in any public
announcements, promotions or any other communication without Accenture’s
prior written consent.
9.2 Supplier may only use such confidential information for the purpose of
performing its obligations under the Agreement.
9.3 Upon: (i) expiration or termination of the Agreement; or (ii) the request of
Accenture; Supplier will return all confidential information of Accenture and
Accenture Data or delete such information.
10.1 Supplier is engaged as an independent contractor. Nothing in the Agreement
will be deemed or construed to create a joint venture, partnership or
employment relationship between Accenture and Supplier (including its
Personnel). Accenture will have no liability or responsibility for Supplier’s
Personnel. Supplier will remove Personnel from any assignment under the
Agreement, for any lawful reason at Accenture’s sole and reasonable discretion.
10.2 Supplier will not assign, transfer or subcontract the Agreement or its rights
or obligations (including its data privacy obligations) to any third party (whether
resulting from a change of control, merger or otherwise) without Accenture’s
prior written consent. In any event Supplier will remain solely responsible for any
and all acts, errors or omissions of its subcontractors (including its sub-
10.3 Accenture's rights, benefits and/or obligations under the Agreement may be
assigned or transferred to any Affiliate. Supplier hereby provides its consent in
advance for such assignment or transfer.
Accenture is committed to conducting its business free from unlawful, unethical
or fraudulent activity. Supplier will act in a manner consistent with the ethical and
professional standards of Accenture as described in the Accenture Supplier
Standards of Conduct, including prompt reporting of unlawful, fraudulent or
unethical conduct. A copy of these standards can be found at
12.1 The Parties will make good faith efforts to resolve, in a confidential manner,
any dispute which may arise under the Agreement, by escalating it to higher
levels of management, prior to resorting to litigation or other legal process.
12.2 The Agreement and any dispute or matter arising under it will be governed
by the laws of the country where the Accenture entity in the Agreement is
located, without giving effect to conflict of laws rules. Subject to Section 12.1,
the Arbitration Court of Moscow will have exclusive jurisdiction. The United
Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not
12.3 The Party which intends to submit a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court shall
notify in a written form the other Party about the subject of the dispute 2 (two)
weeks prior filing a claim to court.
13.1 No delay or failure by either Party to exercise any of its powers, rights or
remedies under the Agreement will operate as a waiver of them. For purpose of
the Agreement an email will be deemed to be “written” or a “writing”.
13.2 If any part of the Agreement is found to be invalid, unlawful or
unenforceable then such part will be severed from the remainder of the
Agreement which will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent
permitted by law.
13.3 Any changes to the Agreement will be valid and binding only if such changes
are set forth in a written agreement signed by Supplier and Accenture. Any click-
through, online or other terms or licenses accompanying any Deliverables are null
and void and will not bind Accenture. The Parties expressly agree that any counter
offer by Supplier or terms contained in the Supplier's response to, or
acknowledgment or acceptance of, the Agreement, if any, that are additional to,
or different from, the terms set forth in the Agreement will not apply and are
hereby expressly rejected by Accenture.
13.4 The provisions of these General Terms, which by their nature survive
termination or expiration, including but not limited to provisions 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,
12, 13, 14 and 15, will survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement.
14.1 In addition to Supplier’s obligations under Sections 6, 9, 10, and 15, Supplier
will comply with this Section 14 when processing Accenture Personal Data.
"Accenture Personal Data" means personal data owned, licensed, or otherwise
controlled or processed by Accenture including personal data processed by
Accenture on behalf of its clients. Accenture Data” means all information, data
and intellectual property of Accenture or its clients or other suppliers, collected,
stored, hosted, processed, received and/or generated by Supplier in connection
with providing the Deliverables to Accenture, including Accenture Personal Data.
14.2 If Supplier processes Accenture Personal Data in the course of providing
Deliverables to Accenture or fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement,
Supplier will: (i) only process Accenture Personal Data in accordance with the
written instructions of Accenture or to the extent reasonably necessary for the
performance of the Agreement, and at all times in compliance with applicable
laws; (ii) provide full cooperation and assistance to Accenture in ensuring that
rights of individuals under applicable laws (including GDPR) are timely and
appropriately addressed, for the fulfilment of Accenture’s obligations to comply
with such laws; (iii) make all reasonable efforts to ensure that Accenture Personal
Data is accurate and up-to-date at all times while in its custody or under its
control, to the extent Supplier has the ability to do so; (iv) fully assist and
(Revised March 2018)
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cooperate with Accenture and its clients in ensuring their compliance with
applicable laws, including Articles 32 to 36 of GDPR where applicable. Supplier
will make available to Accenture and/or any supervisory authority all information
necessary to demonstrate Supplier’s compliance with the Agreement and
applicable laws, and allow for and contribute to audits and inspections conducted
by Accenture; (v) not retain any Accenture Personal Data for longer than is
necessary for the performance of the Agreement or as required by applicable law;
and (vi) ensure that any sub-processor(s) (approved under Section 10.2) must be
bound by a written agreement that includes the same data protection obligations
as set out in the Agreement.
14.3 “Security Incident” means a known, or reasonably suspected, accidental or
unauthorized loss, acquisition, disclosure, access, use or other form of
compromise of Accenture Data. Supplier will implement and maintain
commercially reasonable and appropriate physical, technical and organizational
security measures, including those set out in Section 15 below, to protect
Accenture Data against a Security Incident and all other unauthorized or unlawful
forms of processing. Supplier will (i) notify Supplier’s point of contact at
Accenture in writing and without undue delay, and any event within 48 hours of
Supplier’s discovery of the Security Incident; and (ii) investigate the Security
Incident, taking all necessary steps to eliminate or contain the Security Incident,
including cooperating with Accenture’s remediation efforts, mitigating any
damage, and developing and executing a plan, subject to Accenture´s approval,
that promptly reduces the likelihood of a recurrence of the Security Incident.
14.4 Supplier will notify Accenture promptly in writing of any investigation,
litigation, arbitrated matter or other dispute relating to Supplier’s or its sub-
contractors' information security or privacy practices.
14.5 Supplier will not transfer, access or otherwise process Accenture Personal
Data which originates from the EEA to/from jurisdictions outside of an Approved
Jurisdiction, without first entering into a legally valid data transfer mechanism(s)
and/or additional agreement(s) with Accenture. “Approved Jurisdiction” means
a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or any other jurisdiction or
sector as may be approved by the European Commission as ensuring adequate
legal protections for personal data.
15.1 Industry Standards. Supplier will implement appropriate technical and
organizational security measures that comply with Industry Standards in all
applicable goods, services, equipment, software systems and platforms that
Supplier uses to access, process and/or store Accenture Data. “Industry
Standards” means security measures that are commercially reasonable in the
information technology industry and that are designed to ensure the security,
integrity, and confidentiality of Accenture Data, and to protect against Security
15.2 Illicit Code. Except for the functions and features expressly disclosed in
Supplier's documentation made available to Accenture, Deliverables will be free
of any programs, subroutines, code, instructions, data or functions, (including but
not limited to viruses, malware, worms, date bombs, time bombs, shut-down
devices, keys, authorization codes, back doors or passwords allowing Supplier
access) that may result in any inoperability, damage, interruption, or interference
of the Deliverables or any equipment on which the Deliverables reside or with
which the Deliverables are capable of communicating.
15.3 Security of All Software Components. Supplier will inventory all software
components (including open source software) used in Deliverables, and provide
such inventory to Accenture upon request. Supplier will assess whether any such
components have any security defects or vulnerabilities that could lead to a
Security Incident. Supplier will perform such assessment prior to providing
Accenture with access to such software components and on an on-going basis
thereafter during the term of the Agreement. Supplier will promptly notify
Accenture of any identified security defect or vulnerability and remediate same
in a timely manner. Supplier will promptly notify Accenture of its remediation
plan. If remediation is not feasible in a timely manner, Supplier will replace the
subject software component with a component that is not affected by a security
defect or vulnerability and that does not reduce the overall functionality of the
15.4 Security Assessment. If Accenture reasonably determines, or in good faith
believes, that Supplier’s security practices or procedures do not meet Supplier’s
obligations under the Agreement, then Accenture will notify Supplier of the
deficiencies. Supplier will without unreasonable delay: (i) correct such
deficiencies at its own expense; (ii) permit Accenture, or its duly authorized
representatives, to assess Supplier’s security-related activities that are relevant
to the Agreement; and (iii) timely complete a security questionnaire from
Accenture on a periodic basis upon Accenture’s request. Security issues identified
by Accenture will be assigned risk ratings and an agreed-to timeframe to
remediate. Supplier will remediate all the security issues identified within the
agreed to timeframes. Upon Supplier’s failure to remediate any high or medium
rated security issues within the stated timeframes, Accenture may terminate the
Agreement in accordance with Section 8 above.
15.5 Application Hardening. Supplier will comply with this Section 15.5 if Supplier
is providing Accenture with access to or the use of any software, including
software-as-a-service or cloud-based software. Supplier will maintain and
implement secure application development policies, procedures, and standards
that are aligned to Industry Standard practices (e.g., SANS Top 35 Security
Development Techniques and Common Security Errors in Programming and the
OWASP Top Ten project). This applies to web application, mobile application,
embedded software, and firmware development. All Personnel responsible for
application design, development, configuration, testing, and deployment will be
qualified to perform such activities and receive appropriate training on such
policies, procedures, and standards.
15.6 Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning. Supplier will scan its internal
environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables
monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will
have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk
vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.
15.7 Application Vulnerability Assessment. Supplier will comply with this
Section 15.7 if Supplier is providing Accenture with access to or the use of any
software, including software-as-a-service or cloud-based software. Supplier will
perform an application security vulnerability assessment prior to any new
release. The test must cover all application and/or software vulnerabilities
defined by the OWASP or those listed in the SANS Top Cyber Security Risks or its
successor current at the time of the test. Supplier will ensure all high-risk
vulnerabilities are resolved prior to release. Supplier will provide a summary of
the test results including any open remediation points upon request. Supplier will
have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk
vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days
15.8 Penetration Tests and Security Evaluations of Websites. Supplier will
perform a comprehensive penetration test and security evaluation of all systems
and websites involved in providing Deliverables prior to use and on a recurring
basis no less frequent than quarterly. Supplier will have an industry recognized
independent third party perform one of the quarterly tests. Supplier will have a
defined process to address any findings but any high-risk vulnerabilities must be
addressed within 30 days. Supplier will provide a summary of such tests and
evaluations, including any open remediation points, to Accenture upon request.
15.9 Asset Management. Supplier will: i) maintain an asset inventory of all media
and equipment where Accenture Data is stored. Access to such media and
equipment will be restricted to authorized Personnel; ii) classify Accenture Data
so that it is properly identified and access to it is appropriately restricted; iii)
maintain an acceptable use policy with restrictions on printing Accenture Data
and procedures for appropriately disposing of printed materials that contain
Accenture Data when such data is no longer needed under the Agreement; iv)
maintain an appropriate approval process whereby Supplier’s approval is
required prior to its Personnel storing Accenture Data on portable devices,
remotely accessing Accenture Data, or processing such data outside of Supplier
facilities. If remote access is approved, Personnel will use multi-factor
authentication, which may include the use of smart cards with certificates, One
Time Password (OTP) tokens, and biometrics.
15.10 Access Control. Supplier will maintain an appropriate access control policy
that is designed to restrict access to Accenture Data and Supplier assets to
authorized Personnel. Supplier will require that all accounts have complex
passwords that contain letters, numbers, and special characters, be changed at
least every 90 days, and have a minimum length of 8 characters.
15.11 Cryptography. Supplier will maintain policies and standards on the use of
cryptographic controls that are implemented to protect Accenture Data.
15.12 Secure Disposal or Reuse of Equipment. Supplier will verify that all
Accenture Data has been deleted or securely overwritten using Industry Standard
processes, prior to disposal or re-use of equipment containing storage media.
15.13 Operations Security. Supplier must enable logging and monitoring on all
operating systems, databases, applications, and security and network devices
that are involved in providing Deliverables. Supplier will maintain anti-malware
controls that are designed to protect systems from malicious software, including
malicious software that originates from public networks. In addition, Supplier will
use anti-malware software (of Industry Standard or better quality), maintain such
software at the then current major release, purchase maintenance & support
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available from the vendor for such software, and promptly implement new
releases and versions of such software.
15.14 Information Transfer and Storage. Supplier will use Industry Standard
encryption to encrypt Accenture Data that is in transit. Supplier will also use
Industry Standard encryption to restrict access to Accenture Data stored on
physical media that is transported outside of Supplier facilities.
15.15 Workstation Encryption. Supplier will require hard disk encryption of at
least 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on all workstations and/or
laptops used by Personnel where such Personnel are accessing or processing
Accenture Data.
16. Miscellaneous
16.1 The circumstances of the force majeure include events that the Party cannot
affect and that the Party is not responsible, including: war, of the Parties.
rebellion, strike, earthquake, flood, other natural disasters, fire, power supply
failures that occurred without fault of the Parties, activities and acts of authorities
adopted after the signing of this Treaty and making it impossible to fulfill its
obligations, and other unforeseen circumstances and events beyond the control.
A certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or other
competent authority is sufficient evidence of the existence and duration of the
force majeure circumstances. In case of the Party does not fulfill its obligations as
a result of force majeure circumstances, this Party shall notify the other Party
about such circumstances and their impact on the fulfillment of obligations under
the Agreement no later than within three days.
16.2 This Agreement was prepared both in English and Russian languages. In case
of any discrepancies between the Russian and the English version, the Russian
version shall prevail.
16.3 This Agreement has been drawn up in two copies each having equal legal
force, one copy for each of the Parties.
16.4 This Agreement shall come into force as of the date of its signing by the
authorized representatives of both Parties and shall be valid until [__________].
Accepted and Agreed to by the Parties:
Accenture LLC [Insert Legal Name of Other Party]
By: By:
(Authorized Signature)
(Authorized Signature)
Name: Name:
(Printed or Typed)
(Printed or Typed)
Title: Title:
(Printed or Typed)
(Printed or Typed)
Date: Date: