CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
Objective To investigate associations between adverse
childhood experiences (ACEs) and later-life depressive
symptoms; and to explore whether perceived social
support (PSS) moderates these.
Method We analysed baseline data from the
Mitchelstown (Ireland) 2010–2011 cohort of 2047
men and women aged 50–69 years. Self-reported
measures included ACEs (Centre for Disease Control
ACE questionnaire), PSS (Oslo Social Support Scale) and
depressive symptoms (CES-D). The primary exposure
was self-report of at least one ACE. We also investigated
the effects of ACE exposure by ACE scores and ACE
subtypes abuse, neglect and household dysfunction.
Associations between each of these exposures and
depressive symptoms were estimated using logistic
regression, adjusted for socio-demographic factors. We
tested whether the estimated associations varied across
levels of PSS (poor, moderate and strong).
Results 23.7% of participants reported at least
one ACE (95% CI 21.9% to 25.6%). ACE exposures
(overall, subtype or ACE scores) were associated with a
higher odds of depressive symptoms, but only among
individuals with poor PSS. Exposure to any ACE (vs
none) was associated with almost three times the odds
of depressive symptoms (adjusted OR 2.85; 95% CI
1.64 to 4.95) among individuals reporting poor PSS,
while among those reporting moderate and strong PSS,
the adjusted ORs were 2.21 (95% CI 1.52 to 3.22) and
1.39 (95% CI 0.85 to 2.29), respectively. This pattern
of results was similar when exposures were based on
ACE subtype and ACE scores, though the interaction was
clearly strongest among those reporting abuse.
Conclusions ACEs are common among older adults in
Ireland and are associated with higher odds of later-life
depressive symptoms, particularly among those with
poor PSS. Interventions that enhance social support, or
possibly perceptions of social support, may help reduce
the burden of depression in older populations with ACE
exposure, particularly in those reporting abuse.
A life-course approach to mental health views
mental illness as a product of biological and
social factors that operate across the lifespan.
The stress sensitisation theory
suggests that
childhood adversity reduces an individual’s
threshold for developing depressive reactions
towards stressful events, causing one to have
depressive reactions towards current mild
stressors or greater reactivity towards severe
stressful events. For example, young women
who were exposed to childhood adversities
such as domestic violence, parent psychopa-
thology and alcoholism are at a higher risk for
depression following exposure to mild stress
than women without a history of adversity.
Women with a history of childhood abuse
have higher adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH), cortisol and heart rate responses
to psychosocial stress such as public speaking
compared with those without a history of
childhood abuse.
The relationship persists
into older adulthood; data from the Health
and Retirement Study, a US population-based
study of adults age 50+, showed that in accor-
dance with the stress sensitisation theory,
childhood trauma (especially physical abuse)
amplifies the effect of stresses in adulthood
on depressive symptoms.
These psychosocial and neurobiological
findings converge on the idea that early-life
adversities have an enduring effect on how
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
and later-life depression: perceived
social support as a potential protective
E Von Cheong,
Carol Sinnott,
Darren Dahly,
Patricia M Kearney
To cite: CheongEV, SinnottC,
DahlyD, etal. Adverse
childhood experiences (ACEs)
and later-life depression:
perceived social support as a
potential protective
factor. BMJ Open
2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history and
additional material for this
paper are available online. To
view these les please visit the
journal online (http:// dx. doi.
org/ 10. 1136/ bmjopen- 2016-
Received 28 June 2016
Revised 26 March 2017
Accepted 29 March 2017
School of Medicine, University
College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Department of General Practice,
University College Cork, Cork,
Department of Epidemiology
and Public Health, University
College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Correspondence to
DrE VonCheong;
111123401@ umail. ucc. ie
Strengths and limitations of this study
Awide range of demographic and health information
collected using validated, standardised instruments
and questionnaires.
Large sample size (n=2047), study population is
representative of the source population reported in
national census data.
Assessment of 10 types of adverse childhood
experiences(ACEs) under three ACE subtypes, that
is, abuse, neglect household dysfunction.
Informs future interventions seeking to prevent or
manage mental ill-health among those with ACE
Risk of recall bias from retrospective self-report.
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CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
one responds to stressful life events, hence, setting the
life-course trajectory for one’s mental health.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) encompass
any acts of commission or omission by a parent or other
caregiver that result in harm, potential for harm or
threat of harm to a child in the first 18 years of life,
even if harm is not the intended result.
While the
association between ACEs and poor mental health has
been reported previously,
there remains a lack of
research on factors that may modify this relationship.
Identifying factors that alter the processing of stressful
events following exposure to ACEs may be a valuable
tool in developing interventions aimed at preventing or
mitigating the long-term mental health consequences
of ACEs.
Social support may have a protective or buffering
effect against the consequences of a stressful event
by enhancing cognitive and emotional processing of
the experience.
12 13
This facilitates reappraisal of the
stressful event in a manner that is psychologically adap-
12 13
Findings from meta-analyses have found a lack
of social support to be the single strongest predictor
of post-traumatic stress symptoms in both military
and civilian populations with a history of psycholog-
ical trauma.
12 14
The term social support encompasses
perceived and received support. It is suggested that
perceived support is best understood as an individual
difference variable, with evidence that those who report
that others will provide them with aid when they are
in need (perceived social support (PSS)) are protected
from the pathogenic effects of life stress.
Studies on PSS
have consistently shown it to be associated with reduced
stress and improved physical and mental health,
that perception of available social support was found to
be a better buffer of psychological distress than actual
availability of social support in some studies.
12 17
suggests that enhancing perception of available support
may be just as important, if not more, than increasing
actual social support in interventions aimed at moder-
ating psychological effects of stress. Although a number
of studies have generated findings supportive of the role
of PSS, most of these studies were focused on female
victims of childhood sexual abuse.
18 19
Therefore, PSS
is a potentially modifiable risk factor, with evidence to
show that social support interventions are associated
with improvements in measures of quality of life and
burden of illness.
This present study aims to build on prior research
by examining whether three ACE subtypes (abuse,
neglect and household dysfunction) are related to
later-life depressive symptoms, and if so, whether
these associations vary across levels of PSS. In line with
recent work that suggests that multiple ACEs have
an increasingly greater effect on mental health, this
study also aims to examine the association between
ACE scores and depressive symptoms and if PSS differ-
entially impacts depressive symptoms across an accu-
mulation of ACEs.
Study design and population
Our analysis uses baseline data from the Mitchelstown
a study of 50–69-year-old adults randomly
selected from patients attending the Livinghealth Clinic
in Mitchelstown, Ireland, in 2010–2011. The study popu-
lation is representative of the profile of the source popu-
lation reported in national census data.
A complete
description of the study was sent out to all selected partic-
ipants with a reply slip indicating acceptance or refusal.
After written, informed consent was obtained, the partic-
ipants completed a detailed health and lifestyle question-
naire and attended a physical examination conducted
by research nurses using standardised and validated
instruments. Participants were offered separate sealed
envelopes to submit their responses to the ACE ques-
tionnaire during data collection. Ethical approval for the
original study was granted by the Clinical Research Ethics
Committee of the Cork Teaching Hospitals.
Adverse childhood experiences
Exposure to ACE was assessed using the ACE question-
22 23
which addresses 10 individual ACEs under three
abuse: emotional, physical and sexual abuse
neglect: emotional and physical neglect
household dysfunction: parental separation/divorce,
violence against mother, household substance abuse,
household mental illness and incarceration of house-
hold member.
The ACE questionnaire is a reliable and valid measure
of childhood adversity that has been used extensively in
large-scale ACE studies.
22 23
All questions about ACEs pertained to the respondents’
first 18 years of life and were binary (yes vs no). From
these, a dichotomous variable was created to reflect expo-
sure to any ACE, and similar variables were created to
reflect any exposure to each ACE subtype (abuse, neglect,
household dysfunction). We also calculated a total ACE
score for each participant (+1 for each of the 10 types of
ACE reported). ACE scores of 3 were combined into one
category due to small sample sizes in some strata, and the
score was treated as a categorical variable (0, 1, 2 or 3) to
capture any potential non-linearities in the relationship
with depressive symptoms. This method of ACE score
categorisation has been used previously.
24 25
Perceived social support
PSS was assessed using the self-administered Oslo Social
Support Scale with three questions
Oslo 1: How many people are you so close to that you
can count on them if you have great personal prob-
lems? (none (1), 1–2 (2), 3–5 (3), 5+ (4))
Oslo 2: How much interest and concern do people
show in what you do? (a lot (5), some (4), uncer-
tain (3), little (2), none (1))
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CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
Oslo 3: How easy is it to get practical help from neigh-
bours if you should need it? (very easy (5), easy (4),
possible (3), difficult (2), very difficult (1))
The response categories were assessed independently
for each of the three questions, and a sum score was
created by summarising the three scores. The Oslo
Social Support Scale has been used in several studies,
thus supporting its feasibility and predictive validity with
respect to psychological distress.
27 28
A sum score ranging
between 3 and 8 was categorised as poor, a score between 9
and 11 as moderate and a score of 12–14 as strong PSS.
categorisation was used previously in a study assessing PSS
in a population of older adults.
Depressive symptoms
The CES-D questionnaire
was used to assess for depres-
sive symptoms. The items of the scale are symptoms
associated with depression which have been used in
longer, previously validated instruments, and have been
tested in both household and clinical settings.
It has
very high internal consistency and adequate test–retest
The score is a sum of 20 questions. The possible range
of scores is 0–60, with higher scores indicating the pres-
ence of greater symptomatology. A score between 16 and
21 on the CES-D scale indicates the presence of mild to
moderate depressive symptoms while a score of 22 indi-
cates the possibility of major depression.
with a score of 16 were defined as having depressive
This cut-off point has been used extensively
in other studies in identifying individuals at risk of clinical
31 32
Educational attainment was ascertained by the ques-
tion ‘What is the highest level of education you have
completed?’ and responses were categorised into primary,
secondary or tertiary level.
Current marital status was ascertained by the question
‘What is your current marital status?’ and the options were
single (never married), separated, cohabiting, divorced,
married or widowed.
Participants were asked whether they were covered
by the General Medical Services (GMS) scheme, which
entitles those covered to free medical care at the point of
access. Responses were categorised as GMS patient (yes/
no). GMS eligibility is based on low-income thresholds.
Smoking status was categorised as never smoked,
current smoker or former smoker in response to the
questions ‘Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your
entire life?’ and ‘Are you a current smoker?’
Alcohol consumption was derived from the question
‘During the past 7 days how many standard drinks of any
alcoholic beverage did you have each day?’ and was cate-
gorised as non-drinker (<1 unit/week), moderate drinker
(1–14 units/week) and heavy drinker (>14 units/week).
Physical activity was measured as metabolic equivalents
(METs) minutes per week using the short-form Interna-
tional Physical Activity Questionnaire
and was catego-
rised into three groups (low, moderate or high) based on
MET minutes per week in all activity types.
Height and weight were measured using standardised
methods by study personnel and used to calculate body
mass index (BMI, kg/m
). Participants were classified as
underweight if their BMI was <18.5 kg/m
, normal if 18.5
to <25 kg/m
, overweight if 25 to <30 kg/m
and obese
if 30 kg/m
Statistical methods
Descriptive data and crude tests of association
Continuous variables were described by means and
SD. Categorical variables were described by counts and
percentages. Student’s t-test, one-way analysis of variance
or Pearson’s χ
test were used as appropriate to test for
differences in the distributions of demographic, health
and lifestyle measures between the groups with and
without ACE.
Logistic regression
Associations between each ACE exposure (any ACE, each
ACE subtype and ACE score; and in a set of supplemental
models, each of the 10 individual ACEs) and depressive
symptoms were estimated using logistic regression in two
models, A and B. Model A included the main effects of
the ACE exposure, PSS and a product interaction term
between the two. Model B included additional effects to
adjust for potential confounding and selection biases.
These were age, gender and educational attainment,
current marital status and GMS cover. Results were
reported as ORs with 95% CIs. Interaction terms were
tested using type II sums of squares likelihood ratio χ
test (LRT), and exact p values were reported.
Quantile regression
Our main analyses use categorisations of the CES-D and
the Oslo Social Support Scale to define depressive symp-
toms (yes/no) and PSS (low/medium/strong). While
these categorisations are not uncommon, there will be
some loss of power associated with their use. We thus used
quantile regression
in a supplemental analysis to model
the association between CES-D scores and ACE (any ACE,
any abuse, any neglect or any household dysfunction),
conditional on the selected covariates. Quantile regres-
sion is analogous to multiple linear regression, except
that it models a given centile of the outcome’s distribu-
tion, the median in our case, rather than the outcome’s
mean. It is thus robust to departures from the normally
distributed errors assumption of linear regression, which
is relevant given the skewed distribution of CES-D scores
in our sample.
Missing data
Missing data were handled using multiple imputation, so
that all participants who completed the baseline question-
naire were included in the analytical sample, even if they
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CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
were missing values for one or more variables. For each
estimated statistical model, 30 imputed data sets were
created, after a burn-in of 30 replications using predicted
mean matching.
Each imputation model included all
variables used in a given statistical model, allowed for
non-linear relationships using restricted cubic splines
with three knots, and included the key interaction of
interest (ACE × PSS). The statistical model of interest
was then estimated in each imputed data set, and param-
eter estimates were combined using Rubin’s rules.
complete case sensitivity analysis was also performed for
All parameter estimates are reported with 95% CIs and/
or exact p values. While we have estimated a fairly large
number of parameters, we have not selectively reported
any of these, nor made any other decisions based on statis-
tical significance testing. This is consistent with current
practice in major epidemiological journals, particularly
with observational study designs, and recent guidance
from the American Statistical Association.
All analyses were conducted using the R Project for
Statistical Computing (V.3.3.1).
Research reporting
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational
Studies in Epidemiology guidelines were used to inform
the study report.
Baseline characteristics
Of the 3051 people invited to participate in this study,
2047 (67%) completed the baseline assessment. The
mean age at baseline was 55.8 years and 51% of the partic-
ipants were female.
Of these, 1926 (94%) completed the ACE question-
naire. 23.7% (n=457; 95% CI 21.9 to 25.6) of the respon-
dents reported at least one form of ACE. 16.1% (n=302,
95% CI 14.4 to 17.7) of the participants reported depres-
sive symptoms.
The characteristics of respondents with and without
self-reported ACEs are summarised in table 1. Prevalence
of participants with a CES-D score indicative of major
depression was significantly higher among participants
who reported ACE compared with participants who did
not (14.1% vs 6.0%, p0.001). Prevalence of poor PSS
was also higher among participants who reported ACEs
(19.6% vs 10.7%, p0.001). Participants who reported
ACEs tended to be younger, separated/divorced, have
GMS cover, reported long-term illness/disability and had
attained tertiary education.
Logistic regression
Table 2 gives ORs and 95% CIs for models A and B where
any ACE was the exposure variable. Exposure to any
ACE was associated with almost three times the odds for
depressive symptoms among participants reporting low
PSS (adjusted OR 2.85, 95% CI 1.64 to 4.95). The asso-
ciation between any ACE and depressive symptoms was
substantially attenuated with moderate PSS (OR 2.21,
95% CI 1.52 to 3.22) and strong PSS (OR 1.39, 95% CI
0.85 to 2.29) (figure 1). The LRT p value for the inter-
action term was 0.19 in the full adjusted model. The esti-
mates were similar in the unadjusted and adjusted models
(table 2), as were results from the complete case analysis
(online supplementary table 1).
Similarly, each ACE subtype was also associated with
increased odds of depressive symptoms among individ-
uals reporting low PSS, and this association was reduced
among individuals reporting moderate and high PSS
(figure 1 and online supplemental tables 2-4). The odds
of depressive symptoms among those reporting abuse
(vs not) were more than five times greater in individuals
reporting low PSS (OR 5.20, 95% CI 2.71 to 9.99), three
times greater in those reporting moderate PSS (OR
3.22, 95% CI 2.11 to 4.92), but only slightly increased
in those reporting high PSS (OR 1.29, 95% CI 0.68 to
2.45). Among those reporting neglect, those figures
were OR 3.31 (95% CI 1.76 to 6.20), OR 3.31 (95% CI
1.63 to 5.73) and 1.81 (95% CI 0.83 to 3.95), respec-
tively; and among those reporting household dysfunc-
tion, the estimates were OR 2.24 (95% CI 1.24 to 4.06),
OR 1.87 (95% CI 1.20 to 2.90) and OR 1.24 (95% CI
0.68 to 2.28).
The odds of depressive symptoms were progressively
higher among individuals who experienced a greater ACE
score (figure 2 and online supplementary table 5). These
associations were again strongest in those reporting poor
PSS, for whom an ACE score of 1 (vs 0) was associated
with 1.44 times the odds of depressive symptoms (95% CI
0.61 to 3.37), the OR for an ACE score of 2 was 3.08 (95%
CI 1.24 to 7.65) and the OR for an ACE score of 3+ was
5.33 (95% CI 2.56 to 11.10). Overall, evidence for effect
modification of ACE exposures by PSS was strongest for
abuse, with an LRT p value of 0.011 (online supplemen-
tary table 2), while it was 0.16 and 0.23 for neglect and
household dysfunction, respectively (online supplemen-
tary tables 3 and 4).
Regarding individual ACEs, those reflecting
abuse (online supplementary table 6) and neglect
(online supplementary table 7) tended to be more
strongly associated with depressive symptoms than those
reflecting the various forms of household dysfunction
(online supplementary table 8). Further, the effect modi-
fication by PSS was most clearly demonstrated for the esti-
mated effects of abuse.
The quantile regression model for continuously
measured CES-D scores gave qualitatively similar esti-
mated to the logistic regression models (online supple-
mentary table 9): any ACE, any abuse, any neglect and any
household dysfunction were each associated with higher
median CES-D scores, as was lower PSS score. Further, the
association between ACE and CES-D score was highest in
those with lower PSS scores.
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CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants in the Mitchelstown cohort study, 2010–2011, stratied by self-reported
adverse childhood experience(ACE) (n=1926)
With ACE
(n=457; 23.7%)
Without ACE
(n=1469; 76.3%) Group difference
Estimate* Test statistic† df p Value N (%)
Age (years) 53.6 (16.9) 56.6 (15.2) 3.54 1924 ≤0.001 0
Male 234 (51.2) 707 (48.1) 1.32 1 0.25 0
Female 223 (48.8) 762 (51.9)
Marital status
Single (never married) 45 (10.0) 116 (8.0) 28.85 3 ≤0.001 18 (0.9)
Cohabiting/married 334 (74.2) 1175 (80.6)
Separated/divorced 52 (11.6) 73 (5.0)
Widowed 19 (4.2) 94 (6.4)
Perceived social support
Poor 86 (19.8) 148 (10.6) 27.10 2 ≤0.001 101 (5.2)
Moderate 193 (44.5) 632 (45.4)
Strong 155 (35.7) 611 (43.9)
Primary 116 (26.9) 382 (27.7) 10.57 2 0.01 117 (6.1)
Secondary 192 (44.4) 701 (50.9)
Tertiary 124 (28.7) 294 (21.4)
General Medical Services
Yes 158 (34.6) 432 (29.4) 4.31 1 0.04 0
No 299 (65.4) 1037 (70.6)
Personal health behaviours
Never smoked 200 (45.0) 750 (52.9) 8.93 2 0.01 64 (3.3)
Former smoker 175 (39.4) 462 (32.6)
Current smoker 69 (15.5) 206 (14.5)
Non-drinker 56 (17.7) 202 (21.4) 3.07 2 0.22 667 (34.6)
Moderate drinker 208 (65.6) 610 (64.8)
Heavy drinker 53 (16.7) 130 (13.8)
Physical activity
Low 211 (49.8) 667 (47.7) 0.70 2 0.70 104 (5.4)
Moderate 120 (28.3) 423 (30.3)
High 93 (21.9) 308 (22.0)
Personal health history
Self-rated health status
Very good 123 (27.2) 435 (30.1) 12.06 4 0.02 30 (1.5)
Good 235 (52.0) 804 (55.7)
Fair 81 (17.9) 178 (12.3)
Poor 11 (2.4) 20 (1.4)
Very poor 2 (0.4) 7 (0.5)
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CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
With ACE
(n=457; 23.7%)
Without ACE
(n=1469; 76.3%) Group difference
Estimate* Test statistic† df p Value N (%)
Long-term illness/
Yes 74 (19.6) 144 (11.8) 14.66 1 ≤0.001 331 (17.2)
No 304 (80.4) 1073 (88.2)
Hypertensive 198 (43.3) 699 (52.4) 2.62 1 0.11 2 (0.1)
Non-hypertensive 259 (56.7) 768 (47.6)
Diabetic 39 (8.8) 121 (8.4) 0.05 1 0.90 44 (2.3)
Non-diabetic 406 (91.2) 1316 (19.6)
Body mass index
Normal 97 (21.2) 329 (22.5) 2.82 3 0.28 4 (0.2)
Overweight 196 (42.9) 669 (45.7)
Obese 164 (35.9) 467 (31.9)
Mental health
No symptoms 309 (71.2) 1153 (84.8)
44.34 2 ≤0.001 133 (6.9)
Mild to moderate 64 (14.7) 125 (9.2)
Possibility of major
61 (14.1) 81 (6.0)
*Estimates are reported as mean (SD) for continuous variables; and N (%) for categorical variables.
†Differences in means were tested using Student’s t-test)
; dependence between categorical variables was tested using Pearson’s χ
Table 1 Continued
In this population-based study, exposure to ACEs and
reporting poor social support were both related to a
higher odds of depressive symptoms later in life, even after
controlling for demographic and socioeconomic factors.
While other studies have reported an association between
ACE and later-life depression,
few have explored the
role of PSS as a potential effect modifier. Importantly, we
found that the deleterious impact of ACEs was typically
limited to those individuals who also reported poor and
moderate PSS. However, the statistical evidence for this
interaction was only strong among those reporting abuse.
In this sample, 23.7% reported having experienced
at least one form of ACE. This is low compared with
international and national estimates. The prevalence of
self-reported ACE was ~66% in the ACE study,
a collab-
oration between the Centers for Disease Contol and
Prevention (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente, while in the
Irish Longitudinal Study of Ageing (TILDA), the prev-
alence was 33.6%.
The higher prevalence of ACE in
TILDA may be explained by the broader nature of the
ACE measure. In contrast to the 10-item ACE question-
naire used in the current study, a 4-item measure was
used in TILDA to capture socioeconomic disadvantage,
parental substance abuse, physical abuse and sexual
Prevalence of depressive symptoms and poor PSS were
substantially higher among participants who reported ACE
compared with those who did not. Perception of social
support level did not significantly differ between men and
women in our study, contrary to literature suggesting that
women tend to perceive their social support as stronger
than men do.
Prevalence of separation/divorce, GMS
cover and long-term illness/disability was found to be
markedly higher among participants who reported ACEs.
These findings suggest that exposure to childhood adver-
sity could affect a multitude of factors across the lifespan.
Animal studies have shown that early stressors result in
long-term changes in oxytocin, a peptide that regulates
pair bonding and social attachment.
45 46
It is possible that
this may extend to individuals with ACEs, accounting for
their impaired ability in forming long-term social attach-
ments, but it is important to note that our study does not
speak directly to this speculation.
Exposure to all ACE subtypes among those who
perceived poor social support was significantly related
to higher odds for later-life depression. Though the esti-
mated impact on depressive symptoms was strongest for
abuse, the less severe forms of childhood adversity such
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CheongEV, etal. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013228. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013228
Open Access
Table 2 Logistic regression analyses for adverse childhood experience(ACE) and later-life depression (n=2047*)
Model A (unadjusted) Model B (fully adjusted)
ORs 95% CI ORs 95% CI
ACE (and poor perceived social support)
No 1 1
Yes 2.82 1.64 to 4.85 2.85 1.64 to 4.95
Perceived social support (and no ACE)
Poor 1 1
Moderate 0.51 0.34 to 0.78 0.52 0.34 to 0.80
Strong 0.34 0.223 to 0.53 0.35 0.22 to 0.54
ACE × perceived social support† p=0.31 p=0.19
No ACE × poor social support 1 1
ACE × moderate social support 0.76 0.40 to 1.48 0.77 0.40 to 1.51
ACE × strong social support 0.52 0.25 to 1.09 0.49 0.23 to 1.02
Age (years) 0.98 0.96 to 1.00
Male 1
Female 1.36 1.05 to 1.75
Primary 1
Secondary 0.91 0.68 to 1.21
Tertiary 0.67 0.46 to 0.96
Current marital status
Cohabiting/married 1
Separation/divorce 0.73 0. to 1.21
Single (never married) 1.24 0.71 to 2.20
Widowed 1.53 0.84 to 2.80
General Medical Services (status)
Not covered 1
Covered 1.11 0.85 to 1.45
*Parameter estimates based on the complete sample with missing data accounted for with multiple imputation with predictive mean
†pvalues are from the type II sum of squares likelihood ratio χ
test for the interaction term.
as neglect and household dysfunction may also have long-
term effects on mental health. Further, the experience of
any number of childhood adversity, from having experi-
enced one type of ACE to three or more types of ACE, is
associated with increased odds for later-life depression, in
the presence of poor PSS.
Consistent with the stress buffering model,
the rela-
tionship between ACE (overall, subtype or ACE score)
and depression later in life was found to vary according
to level of PSS, though this interaction was clearly stron-
gest among those reporting abuse. These findings high-
light that the strengthening of social support among
childhood adversity survivors may benefit mental health.
Social support may enhance cognitive and emotional
processing of the experience, hence, facilitating
reappraisal of the stressful event in a manner that is
psychologically adaptive.
12 13
Findings from experience
sampling method studies highlight the role of posi-
tive emotional content in buffering negative reactivity
of stress
47 48
and in improving responsiveness towards
antidepressant medications.
These findings suggest
that in addition to preventing depression improving
social support may serve as an important adjunct in the
medical management of depression. The role of social
support may be especially important for older persons
as this is a phase of major social transitions such as
retirement and bereavement.
There is also evidence for the role of PSS among
those with chronic medical conditions. Higher levels
of PSS have been associated with longer survival
following heart attacks
and improved well-being,
that is, mental health, perceived burden of illness and
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Open Access
Figure 1 ORs and 95% CIs from a logistic regression model of later-life depressive symptoms and any adverse childhood
experience(ACE) or ACE subtypes, illustrating the interaction with perceived social support (PSS)(n=2047).
quality of life among patients with end-stage renal
Strengths and limitations
Demographic information and personal histories in this
study were obtained using validated, standardised instru-
ments and questionnaires of health and well-being.
Although the sample is a relatively homogenous, Cauca-
sian population taken from a single, large primary care
centre, it is representative of the profile of the source
population reported in national census data.
ACE was measured by retrospective self-report of events
that happened ~30 years previously. There may be a risk
of recall bias due to the time lapse between the events
in question and the survey. Questions that concerned
less objective events such as whether the participant felt
unloved may also be subject to greater recall bias and
individual interpretation. Despite the risk of recall bias,
the ACE questionnaire has been previously shown to have
good test–retest reliability.
The sensitive nature of the
questions and the participant’s perception of the ‘social
taboos’ of responding to such questions may also be an
important limitation. This was acknowledged during data
collection by offering patients a separate sealed envelope
in which to submit their responses.
We have reported models for each of the 10 individual
ACEs. However, given the relatively small number of partic-
ipants experiencing any one specific ACE, the respective
parameter estimates will be volatile. While those results
qualitatively conformed with the models for any ACE and
ACE subtypes, a larger study would be needed to further
examine the impact of the individual ACEs.
There was a non-negligible amount of missing data,
which is not uncommon for such studies. We have used
multiple imputation, rather than case-wise deletion, to
both improve the efficiency of analyses (by retaining
more observations in the analysis) and to reduce chances
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Open Access
Figure 2 ORs and 95% CIs from a logistic regression model of later-life depressive symptoms and adverse childhood
experience(ACE) score, illustrating the interaction with perceived social support(PSS) (n=2047).
of bias. Multiple imputation, assuming the model was
correctly specified, is unbiased given an assumption
that data were missing at random, conditional on other
variables accounted for in the model (ie, the Missing at
random (MAR) assumption). This is a more defensible
position than the assumption that data were missing
completely at random required for valid estimates using
case-wise deletion. However, we cannot rule out the possi-
bility that missing data, particularly for ACEs and the
CES-D, were missing not-at-random.
Lastly, and most importantly, this is an observational
study where both the exposure and outcomes will certainly
share causes. We have tried to adjust for this through the
careful selection and adjustment for confounders, but
these in turn will be measured with some error and will
certainly not represent an optimal set of covariates to
adjust for, so it is important that these results are viewed
as part of a larger and still developing body of research.
Implications of ndings and further research
There is evidence that shows the efficacy of social support
intervention in improving PSS and psychological distress
symptoms, specifically among women who had experi-
enced intimate partner violence.
This intervention was
led by trained nurses and founded on the four modal-
ities of social support, that is, belonging, evaluation,
self-esteem and tangible support.
Belonging was done
through listening and responding to others who had expe-
rienced intimate partner violence.
Evaluation involved
helping women see themselves as others see them.
Self-esteem was promoted by focusing on their strengths
and achievements in surviving domestic violence.
Tangible support involved discussions of resources in the
community for help they need such as financial assistance
and healthcare.
Results of our study have potential implications for
clinicians seeking to prevent mental illness among survi-
vors of childhood adversity. Interventions that aim to
protect mental health among survivors of childhood
adversity might benefit from strengthening social support
or perhaps even just perception of social support. There
is an increasing literature showing the positive effect of
interventions that increase perceptions of social support
in patients with terminal disease or end-stage kidney
By showing the buffering effect of PSS on the
ACE–mental health relationship, our findings highlight
the potential for interventions targeting PSS to reduce
the likelihood of depression in patients who experienced
childhood adversity. Individuals with a history of child-
hood adversity may experience deficits in support-seeking
behaviour and social attachments. Hence, interventions
may include social skills training where participants
are equipped with skills to identify, invite and main-
tain healthy social connections with others.
12 52
research on the implementation and efficacy of such
interventions is indicated.
In addition, our findings show that the contribution
of ACEs to mental health impairment persists across the
life course. Despite such findings, ACE screening is not
routinely undertaken in clinical practice. Twenty-five
per cent of primary care physicians in the Massachusetts
Academy of Family Physicians reported that they never or
rarely screened for childhood trauma in adult patients.
Further work on how this can be implemented effectively
in primary care and medical training is urgently needed.
Previous presentations
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Open Access
1. Medicine and the Humanities and Social Sciences
Conference, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville,
Texas, USA; 4–5 March 2015.
2. The Atlantic Medical Corridor Conference, University
College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland;
10 November 2014.
3. The 18th International Conference on Public Health,
The World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology, London; 23–24 May 2016.
Acknowledgements The authors thank the participants, study nurses,
administrators and clinical staff at the Livinghealth Clinic, Mitchelstown, Cork,
Contributors PMK conceived of the study. PMK, DD and CS provided statistical
expertise in the study design. EVC conducted the secondary data analysis and
interpretation and drafted the manuscript. All authors contributed to critical revision
of the article and approved the nal manuscript.
Funding The Mitchelstown cohort study is supported by a research grant from the
Irish Health Research Board (reference HRC/2007/13).
Competing interests Health Research Board, Ireland (SSS'2014'781 to EVC). DD
was further supported by a HRB Interdisciplinary Capacity Award (ICE/2012/12).
CS was supported by the HRB National SpR Academic Fellowship Award
Patient consent Obtained.
Ethics approval Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Cork Teaching
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement No additional data are available.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http:// creativecommons. org/
licenses/ by- nc/ 4. 0/
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
expressly granted.
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