J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2017; 21(2) (57)
Kermanshah University of
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The psychometric properties of the third version of Addenbrooke's
Cognitive Examination (ACE-III) in a sample of Iranian older adults
Majid Mahmoud Alilou
, Zeinab Khanjani
, Touraj Hashemi
, Soheila Parvaz
1. Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Education & Psychology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, East Azarbaijan, Iran
Article Info
Keywords: ACE, psychometric
properties, older adult, factor
*Corresponding Author:
29 Bahman Boulevard, Faculty of
Education & Psychology,
University of Tabriz, Tabriz, East
Azarbaijan, Iran
Tel: +98 9185627601
Parvaz_soheil[email protected]
Received: 02 May, 2017
Accepted: 05 September, 2017
J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci.
2017; 21(2): 57-61
Introduction: Cognitive problems such as dementia are common in older adults and
their prevalence increases with age. The early identification and diagnosis of patients
with dementia can help with their treatment and improve their quality of life. The
present study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties and validate
the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE) in a sample comprising older adult
Methods: The present cross-sectional and correlational study recruited 300 older
adults in Kahrizak Geriatric Nursing Home in Iran, including 198 men and 102
women selected using simple random sampling. The data collection tools comprised
the ACE-III, the MiniMental State Examination (MMSE) and the Geriatric
Depression Scale (GDS). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the
construct validity of the test, and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient to examine its
convergent and divergent validity. Cronbach’s alpha was also used to investigate the
internal consistency of the items. To examine the diagnostic validity, cut-off point,
sensitivity and specificity of the test were calculated.
Results: The results found correlations between the ACE-III and other tools
(P>0.01), thus suggesting a proper convergent and divergent validity. The test-retest
reliability coefficient with a two-week interval and the Cronbach’s alpha of the
ACE-III were respectively calculated as 0.90 and 0.95. The optimal cut-off point that
struck a balance between sensitivity and specificity was found to be 75, with a
sensitivity of 0.99 and specificity of 0.95. The results of the factor analysis indicated
a good fit of the single-factor structure of this test.
Conclusion: The ACE-III has good psychometric properties and it can be used to
screen for dementia.
Given advancements in medical sciences and
improvements in nutrition and health, today’s world is
experiencing a new phenomenon, namely population
aging (1). The population of older adults is estimated to
rise from 694 million in 1970 to 1.2 billion in 2025 and
close to 2 billion in 2050 (2). Old age is associated with
certain physiological changes that disrupt the
performance of the body systems and cause more
vulnerability to diseases (3). Cognitive impairment is a
common disorder associated with severe and progressive
disability in old ages. Despite the growing public
awareness about old-age problems, many people still
consider cognitive impairment and progressive memory
loss a normal part of the aging process; nevertheless,
given today’s promoted neuropsychological knowledge
of aging and advanced medical technology, normal
changes in the aging period can be discriminated from
brain-damaging processes. Dementia is a common
disorder associated with cognitive processes in old age
that highlights the importance of screening (4).
Dementia is a disorder which is characterized by
numerous cognitive defects, including serious memory
loss (5). Cognitive changes in dementia are normally
associated with mood, behavior and personality
disorders (6). The prevalence of cognitive impairment in
older adult populations has rarely been investigated in
Iran. A study conducted by Sharifi et al. (7) is the first
comprehensive research on the prevalence of dementia
in Iranian older adults. These researchers found the
prevalence of dementia to be 7.9%, i.e. 7.8% in women
and 6.9% in men, in the population aged over 60. They
estimated this prevalence at 8.1%, i.e. 9.6% in women
and 6.5% in men, based on age-associated WHO
standards. They also found the dementia prevalence to
be 3.7% in 60-64-year-olds, 6.2% in 65-69-year-olds,
10.4% in 70-74-year-olds, 14.4% in 75-79-year-olds and
13% in those aged over 80. This study found the lowest
prevalence of dementia to be in East Azarbaijan and the
highest to be in North Khorasan. Rashedi et al. (8) used
the MMSE to investigate the prevalence of cognitive
impairment in older adults and to examine its
relationship with demographic variables such as age and
level of education in the day care center of Hamadan,
Iran. The results showed mild cognitive impairment in
(58) Mahmoud Alilou & et al
45.3% of the subjects, moderate cognitive impairment in
51.9% and severe cognitive impairment in 2.8% of
them. They also found that older age and lower level of
education were associated with lower the MMSE scores
and higher intensity of cognitive impairment.
Evaluating one’s performance through a mini-
cognitive test is a common method of diagnosing
dementia and a prerequisite for more tests and
investigations, which are usually called screening tools.
Compelling evidence suggests that the early diagnosis of
patients with cognitive impairment and referring them to
counseling services can help reduce stress in the families
and caregivers of these patients. It is worth mentioning
that dementia is not only the cause of much suffering
and debilitation in these patients, but also it heavily
involves families who are mainly responsible for their
care. The stress caused by taking care of patients with
dementia is high and research suggests a high
prevalence of psychological disorders in the caregivers
(9-10). Simple-to-use and reliable tools are therefore
urgently needed for daily clinical routines. Western
countries, which faced the phenomenon of population
aging for several decades, have designed and developed
different tools over the last forty years. Some of these
tools were globally accredited, translated to different
languages and standardized. Given the recent growing
population of Iranian older adults, simple tools are
needed to be developed and normalized to identify cases
with a suspected dementia and to reliably document the
cognitive changes caused by the damaging processes
and therapeutic factors (9). The benefits of developing
this type of tools are as follows: 1) Conducting
community-based epidemiological studies with the
minimum cost and time (the statistics obtained from
these studies will help health planning and contribute to
the optimal use of resources). 2) Given the introduction
of new treatments including such as acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors, which slow down the disease progression,
simplify the control of the symptoms and improve the
cognitive and psychological status of the patient (9),
highly-valid tools, which can be used to quantitatively
record the changes caused by the medication, play a key
role in determining the beginning and end of the
treatment as well as detecting responsive and non-
responsive cases to the treatment. 3) Given the high cost
of medical therapies and the fact that these medicines
are effective only in the initial and mild stages of the
disease and lose their impact with the progression of the
damaging process, the quantitative evaluation of the
cognitive status of the patients is necessary. These tools
play a key role in clinical trials and determining the
effectiveness of new medicines which are rapidly
introduced to the market. The timely diagnosis and
referring of the patient leads to the early start of the
treatment, helps the relatives and caregivers use
counseling and support services, and reduces the
financial, social, psychological and physical costs of the
Neuropsychological investigations constitute a
fundamental part of evaluating cases with a suspected
dementia. Several screening and diagnostic tests have
been developed for dementia, most of which are beyond
the cognitive evaluation range and require special
equipment or trained people. MMSE (12) is extensively
used for evaluating the psychological status. Although
MMSE can detect dementia with a relatively high
sensitivity and specificity (15-16), it is criticized for
inadequately examining cognitive functions, including
fronto-executive functions, visual-spatial functions and
semantic memory. All these functions can contribute to
fundamental defects in specific declining circumstances
such as frontotemporal dementia and Lewy body
dementia (15-16). Other weaknesses of the MMSE
include its variable accuracy for diagnosing patients
with dementia with different ages, levels of education
and ethnicity (17), and its low sensitivity for detecting
mild cases of cognitive impairment (18-19).
Given these limitations, the ACE was developed by
Mathuranath et al. (20) in the memory clinic of
Edinburgh Hospital in Cambridge, the UK to diagnose
dementia and differentiate Alzheimer’s disease from
frontotemporal dementia (21). These developers felt a
need for screening this test for three reasons as follows.
1- A large proportion of patients already diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s disease presented other declining
conditions such as Lewy body dementia and
frontotemporal dementia (22). 2- Accessibility of factors
and techniques modifying the disease highlights the
importance of the early diagnosis of dementia (20). 3-
Growing concerns about memory loss in declining years
in ordinary populations (23). ACE was revised in 2006
and ACE-R (24) was developed to increase sensitivity
and specificity of the test for detecting cognitive
impairment associated with dementia. The other purpose
of this test was to increase sensitivity to mild cognitive
impairment. Owing to some weaknesses, a few items
were replaced in ACE-R to develop ACE-III. This tool
is used today as a valid test for diagnosing dementia in
diagnostic and treatment centers. This test can enter the
diagnostic and treatment system of Iran through
preliminary investigations, and can be used as a reliable
instrument for diagnosing and screening for dementia in
Iranian older adults. Given that these patients present to
different centers, this test can be used in clinics, nursing
homes, psychiatric hospitals, health homes, outpatient
clinics and rehabilitation centers. Although Iran has a
young population, the fear is that the prevalence of
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia significantly
increases after today’s young population reach old age.
It therefore appears reasonable to upgrade our
knowledge about the screening and diagnosis of this
disease and achieve a proper tool for this purpose.
Materials and Methods
The present study is correlational in terms of
objective and descriptive in terms of data collection
method. The data collected were analyzed in SPSS-20
and LISREL-8 using the Pearson correlation coefficient
and confirmatory factor analysis. Simple random
sampling was used to select 300 older adults from
Kahrizak Geriatric Nursing Home, including 198 men
and 102 women with an age of 65-90 years. The mean
age of the study men was 75±1.92 and that of women
ACE-III: The main version of ACE-III was
developed by Mathuranath et al. (20) in the memory
J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2017; 21(2) (59)
clinic of Edinburgh Hospital to diagnose dementia and
differentiate Alzheimer’s disease from frontotemporal
dementia (21). Two revisions of ACE include ACE-R
and ACE-III. ACE-III comprises five domains, namely
attention/orientations, memory, verbal fluency, language
and visual-spatial skills. This test takes an average of 15
minutes to be completed, the maximum score is 100 and
higher scores denote better cognitive performance.
ACE-III has an internal consistency coefficient of 0.88,
a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity as high as 0.96
with a cut-off point of 88 (23). Research confirms the
effectiveness of this test for the early diagnosis of
dementia and differentiating frontotemporal dementia
from Lewy body dementia (25). No studies have
validated ACE-III in Iran.
MMSE: This questionnaire was introduced to
clinical experts by Folsein et al. (12) in 1975 as a
practical method of scaling the psychological status of
patients. Five to ten minutes is required to respond to its
11 items. The domains of this test include orientation to
time and place, attention/concentration, language, as
well as immediate and delayed recall. The split-half
method was used and the reliability coefficient was
reported to be 0.72, specificity 0.84 and sensitivity 0.90
(10). Foroghan et al. (26) normalized this test in Iran.
The results suggested that the internal consistency of the
test is 0.87 based on calculating the Cronbach’s alpha
and the reliability coefficient is 0.71 using the split-half
method. With a cut-off point of 21, sensitivity was
obtained as 0.90 and specificity as 0.84. This test was
used in the present study to investigate the convergent
validity of ACE-III.
GDS: Yesavage et al. (27) developed this test in 1983 as
a tool for screening depression in older adults. The long-
form GDS includes 30 items and the short-form 15
items, which are rated by Yes and No. The internal
consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of this tool was reported
as 0.94, and its reliability coefficient was calculated as
0.94 using the split-half method. The test-retest also
suggested a reliability coefficient of 0.85 after a week.
The concurrent validity coefficients between this test
and the Beck Depression Inventory, the Zung Self-
Rating Depression Scale and the Hamilton Rating Scale
for Depression was respectively reported to be 0.73,
0.84 and 0.83 (28). A study was conducted on 300
randomly-selected older adults in Iran to examine the
reliability and factor structure of GDS (29). The internal
consistency coefficient was calculated as 0.4 and the
Cronbach’s alpha as 0.9. The reliability coefficient was
calculated as 0.89 using the split-half method and 0.58
using the test-retest after two weeks (29). This test was
used in the present study to investigate the divergent
validity. Numerous studies have examined the
relationship between depression and cognitive decline.
The findings suggest relationships between cognitive
impairment and depression, which abound in senior care
centers (30). Investing on family ties and social support
appears to help older adults resist depression and
cognitive impairment (30).
Table 1 shows the mean values of the study variables.
The test-retest coefficient of ACE-III was also obtained
by calculating the correlation between performing the
test twice with a two-week interval.
Table 1. The mean values associated with ACE-III and its dimensions and the test-retest coefficient (n=30)
Cognitive dimension
Standard Deviation
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Verbal Fluency
Visual-Spatial Skills
Overall ACE-III Score
** P<0.01
The findings associated with convergent validity, i.e.
correlation with MMSE, and divergent validity, i.e.
correlation with GDS, confirm the validity of ACE-III
(Table 2). Table 3 indicates that there are correlations
among all dimensions of the ACE-III (P<0.01).
Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the
internal constructs of the items of ACE-III subscales,
and the findings suggested that the single-factor pattern
has a good fitness in the study sample, since some of the
measured indices associated with the fit of the model
were within the acceptable range; the root mean square
Table 2. Findings associated with convergent validity
(correlation with MMSE) and divergent validity (correlation
with GDS)
Cognitive Dimension
Verbal Fluency
Visual-Spatial Skills
Overall Score
** P<0.01
Table 3. Matrix of correlation among the dimensions of ACE-III
Cognitive Dimension
3-Verbal Fluency
5-Visual-Spatial Skills
** P<0.01
(60) Mahmoud Alilou & et al
error of approximation (RMSEA) was acceptable, i.e.
equal to 0.65, and the values of the fit indices, including
NFI, AGFI, GFI, CFI and NINFI, were all acceptable,
i.e. equal to 0.90. In addition, the ratio of X
/df was
found to be less than 5 and thus acceptable (P<0.01).
Moreover, investigating the internal consistency of the
items and the correlation coefficient of the score of
every item with the overall factor score suggested that
there are no needs for eliminating any of the items.
To assess ACE-III in terms of discriminating patients
with dementia from normal subjects, 30 patients with
Alzheimer's disease were matched with 30 healthy
subjects in terms of age and level of education and
compared and the ROC was obtained (Figure 1). Given
the ROC, with a cut-off point of 75, sensitivity was
found to be 0.99, specificity 0.95 and the area under the
ROC was 0.94.
Figure 1. The ROC for discriminating patients with
dementia from normal cases
ACE-III was developed by Mathuranath et al. for the
early diagnosis and screening of people with a suspected
dementia. This tool assesses five dimensions, namely
memory, verbal fluency, language and visual-spatial
skills. The present study was conducted to investigate
the psychometric properties of this test. The results
confirmed the discriminant, convergent and divergent
validity of this test. The internal consistency coefficient
and the scale reliability were also confirmed. The
confirmatory factor analysis of the ACE-III showed that
the single-factor pattern has a good fitness. A review of
the literature suggests the lack of studies on the factor
structure of ACE-III. The results associated with the
discriminant validity of the test and its dimensions
showed that the questionnaire dimensions can well
discriminate patients with dementia from healthy
subjects. These findings are consistent with those found
in the literature (25 and 31). The diagnostic ability of
ACE-III and the closeness between the results it
produced and clinical diagnosis highlight its value as far
as the main purpose of the scale is concerned. The
relationship between depression and dementia has
frequently been emphasized in older adults (33). The
negative correlation between depression and ACE-III
can indicate an aspect of its validity given the divergent
validity shown. The correlations of ACE-III and its
dimensions with the MMSE were found to be positive.
Lower scores obtained from ACE-III indicate higher
risks of dementia. ACE-III must therefore show a
positive correlation with MMSE. The present study
findings thus confirmed the reliability and validity of
ACE-III in Iranian older adults. Given the limitations of
the present study, it can be used to examine dementia in
the Iranian older adult population. ACE-III has been
found to be significantly correlated with standard
neurological tests used to evaluate attention, language,
verbal memory and visual-spatial skills (21). The ACE-
III has also been shown to be correlated with ACE-R.
Hsieh et al. (25) validated ACE-III in patients with
frontotemporal dementia and patients with Alzheimer's
disease and compared it with other standard tests. The
results still suggested a high sensitivity and specificity
for this test. With a cut-off point of 88, sensitivity was
100 and specificity 96. The relationship between every
cognitive dimension of ACE-III and the associated tests,
e.g. the relationship between memory and digit span in
the Wechsler intelligence scale, suggested high
correlations and confirmed the test validity. The study
conducted by Mathuranath et al. (20) suggested a high
sensitivity of the test in diagnosing dementia and
discriminating Alzheimer's disease from frontotemporal
dementia. In fact, one of the strengths of ACE-III
compared to other tests is that it measures cognitive
domains that are damaged in different types of dementia.
ACE-III possesses favorable psychometric properties
which are adapted to the Iranian culture. It can be used
in clinical practices to differentiate patients with
dementia from normal cases. This test can also be used
as a screening method for identifying patients with a
suspected dementia in different outpatient clinics and
also in different research projects.
The authors would like to express their sincere
gratitude to all who helped conduct the present research.
It is worth noting that we received no funding for this
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