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Alternative Medicine Review
Volume 6, Number 3 2001 Page 293
Rhodiola rosea:
A Possible Plant Adaptogen
Gregory S. Kelly, ND
Rhodiola rosea (“golden root” or “Arctic root”) is widely distributed at high altitudes in
Arctic and mountainous regions throughout Europe and Asia. It is a popular plant in traditional
medical systems in Eastern Europe and Asia, with a reputation for stimulating the nervous
system, decreasing depression, enhancing work performance, eliminating fatigue, and prevent-
ing high altitude sickness.
In addition to Rhodiola rosea, over 200 different species of Rhodiola
have been identified and at least 20 are used in traditional medical systems in Asia, including R.
alterna, R. brevipetiolata, R. crenulata, R. kirilowii, R. quadrifida, R. sachalinensis, and R.
Rhodiola rosea has been intensively studied in Russia and Scandinavia for more than 35
years. Although the majority of this research on Rhodiola rosea is unavailable for review, avail-
able literature is supportive of its adaptogenic properties. Similar to other plant adaptogens
investigated by Russian researchers, such as Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng) and
Panax ginseng (Korean ginseng), extracts of this plant produce favorable changes in a variety of
diverse areas of physiological function, including neurotransmitter levels, central nervous sys-
tem activity, and cardiovascular function.
Rhodiola rosea
is a popular plant in traditional medical systems in Eastern Europe and
Asia with a reputation for stimulating the nervous system, decreasing depression,
enhancing work performance, eliminating fatigue, and preventing high altitude sickness.
Rhodiola rosea
has been categorized as an adaptogen by Russian researchers due to
its observed ability to increase resistance to a variety of chemical, biological, and physical
stressors. Its claimed benefits include antidepressant, anticancer, cardioprotective, and
central nervous system enhancement. Research also indicates great utility in asthenic
conditions (decline in work performance, sleep difficulties, poor appetite, irritability,
hypertension, headaches, and fatigue) developing subsequent to intense physical or
intellectual strain. The adaptogenic, cardiopulmonary protective, and central nervous
system activities of
Rhodiola rosea
have been attributed primarily to its ability to influence
levels and activity of monoamines and opioid peptides such as beta-endorphins.
Altern Med Rev
Gregory S. Kelly, ND –Associate Editor, Alternative Medicine Review; Correspondence address: 179 Dwight St Apt 303,
New Haven, CT 06511. E-mail: [email protected]
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Page 294 Alternative Medicine Review
Volume 6, Number 3 2001
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Rhodiola rosea has been categorized
as an adaptogen by Russian researchers due
to its observed ability to increase resistance to
a variety of chemical, biological, and physi-
cal stressors. Origination of the term adaptogen
has been dated to 1947 and credited to a Rus-
sian scientist, Lazarev. He defined an
“adaptogen” as an agent that allows an organ-
ism to counteract adverse physical, chemical,
or biological stressors by generating non-spe-
cific resistance. Inherent in his definition is the
concept that administration of the adaptogenic
agent allows an organism to pre-adapt itself
in a manner that allows it to be more capable
of responding appropriately when diverse de-
mands are eventually placed on it. In 1969,
Brekhman and Dardymov proposed specific
criteria that need to be fulfilled in order for a
substance to qualify as an adaptogen
(Table 1).
Subjecting animals and humans to a
period of stress produces characteristic
changes in several hormones and parameters
associated with the central nervous system and
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
(HPA). HPA changes include an increase in
cortisol, a reduced sensitivity of the HPA to
feedback down-regulation, and a disruption in
the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion.
Central nervous system changes include the
stress-induced depletion of catecholamine neu-
rotransmitters such as norepinephrine and
dopamine. An acute increase in beta-endorphin
levels is also observed under stressful condi-
To successfully combat stress and
stressful situations, adaptation is required.
Adaptation might be best thought of as the
ability to be exposed to a stressor, while re-
sponding with either decreased or no charac-
teristic hormonal perturbations. Adaptation
also implies being prepared to and capable of
rapidly reassuming homeostasis after the stres-
sor is withdrawn. As an example, a well-trained
athlete can participate in an event that would
induce a large HPA perturbation (stress re-
sponse) in a sedentary person, and yet the ath-
lete will be relatively unaffected. This is a re-
sult of adaptation that has occurred during the
athlete’s training process. Additionally, if ath-
letes are exposed to stressors they were not
trained for, hormonal perturbations character-
istic of a stress response would be expected;
however, this response might not be as great
as that found in less fit individuals. Further-
more, after the stress ended, their physiology
1. An adaptogen produces a non-specific response in an organism; i.e., an increase
in power of resistance against multiple stressors including physical, chemical, or
biological agents.
2. An adaptogen has a normalizing influence on physiology, irrespective of the
direction of change from physiological norms caused by the stressor.
3. An adaptogen is incapable of influencing normal body functions more than
required to gain non-specific resistance
Rhodiola rosea is considered by Russian researchers to satisfy all three criteria.
Table 1. Criteria for Defining an Adaptogen
Rhodiola rosea
Alternative Medicine Review
Volume 6, Number 3 2001 Page 295
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would be expected to re-establish homeosta-
sis rapidly. This is a result of non-specific re-
sistance to stress gained by virtue of a train-
ing-induced higher level of fitness.
The utility of plant adaptogens is
analogous to the training an athlete undergoes
in order to prepare for competition. Plant
adaptogens cause our physiology to begin the
adaptation process to stress. When a stressful
situation occurs, consuming adaptogens gen-
erates a degree of generalized adaptation (or
non-specific resistance) that allows our physi-
ology to handle the stressful situation in a more
resourceful manner.
As an example of this process,
Rhodiola rosea administration promotes a
moderate increase in the amount of serum
immunoreactive beta-endorphin in rats under
basal conditions. This moderate increase is
similar to that found when rats are adapted to
exercise. When Rhodiola rosea-treated rats
were subjected to a 4-hour period of non-spe-
cific stress, the expected elevation in beta-en-
dorphin was either not observed or substan-
tially decreased. Consequently, the character-
istic perturbations of the HPA were decreased
or totally prevented.
In these rats administra-
tion of Rhodiola rosea appears to have gener-
ated non-specific resistance and prepared the
rats to respond more appropriately to the even-
tual stressful situation.
Chemical Composition
The chemical composition and physi-
ological properties of Rhodiola species are to
a degree species-dependent, although some
overlap in constituents and physiological prop-
erties does exist in many Rhodiola species.
Twenty-eight compounds have been
isolated from the roots and above-ground parts
of Rhodiola rosea, including 12 novel
compounds. The roots contain a range of
biologically active substances including
organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, and
phenolic glycosides. The stimulating and
adaptogenic properties of Rhodiola rosea were
originally attributed to two compounds
isolated from its roots, identified as p-tyrosol
and the phenolic glycoside rhodioloside.
Rhodioloside was later determined to be
structurally similar to the known glycoside
salidroside found in several other plant species.
Salidroside, rhodioloside, and occasionally
rhodosin are used to describe this compound
and are considered to be synonyms. Additional
glycoside compounds isolated from the root
include rhodioniside, rhodiolin, rosin, rosavin,
rosarin, and rosiridin. These glycoside
compounds are also thought to be critical for
the plant’s observed adaptogenic properties.
A range of antioxidant compounds
have been identified in Rhodiola rosea and
related species, including p-tyrosol, organic
acids (gallic acid, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic
acid), and flavonoids (catechins and
Significant free-radical
scavenging activity has been demonstrated for
alcohol and water extracts of Rhodiola sp. and
is attributed to the variety of antioxidant com-
p-Tyrosol has been shown to be
readily and dose-dependently absorbed after
an oral dose,
and appears to produce a sig-
nificant antioxidant
and modest 5-
lipoxygenase inhibitory activity
in vivo.
Salidroside (rhodioloside), the addi-
tional salidroside-like glycoside compounds
(rhodiolin, rosin, rosavin, rosarin, and
rosiridin), and p-tyrosol are thought to be the
most critical plant constituents needed for
therapeutic activity.
The contents of
salidroside and p-tyrosol in root samples gath-
ered from various areas in China have been
shown to range from 1.3-11.1 mg/g and 0.3-
2.2 mg/g, respectively.
These two compounds
have been found in all studied species of
Rhodiola; however, the other active glycosides,
including rosavin, rosin, and rosarin, have not
been found in all examined Rhodiola species.
Because of this variation within the Rhodiola
genus, verification of Rhodiola rosea by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
is dependent on the content of the additional
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Volume 6, Number 3 2001
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glycosides (rather than salidroside and
p-tyrosol); rosavin (Figure 1) is the constitu-
ent currently selected for standardization of
Proposed Mechanisms of Action
The adaptogenic properties, cardio-
pulmonary protective effects, and central ner-
vous system activities of Rhodiola rosea have
been attributed primarily to its ability to influ-
ence levels and activity of monoamines and
opioid peptides such as beta-endorphins.
Oral administration of a water extract
of Rhodiola rosea to rats for 10 days modu-
lated biogenic monoamines in the cerebral
cortex, brain stem, and hypothalamus. In the
cerebral cortex and brain stem, levels of nor-
epinephrine and dopamine decreased, while
the amount of serotonin increased substan-
tially. In the hypothalamus, the results were
reversed with a 3-fold increase in the amount
of norepinephrine and dopamine, and a trend
toward reduced serotonin levels. It is believed
these changes in monoamine levels are a re-
sult of Rhodiola rosea inhibiting the activity
of the enzymes responsible for monoamine
degradation, monoamine oxidase and cat-
echol-O-methyltransferase. It is also believed
Rhodiola rosea facilitates the transport of neu-
rotransmitters within the brain.
In addition
to these central effects on monoamines,
Rhodiola rosea has been reported to prevent
both catecholamine release and subsequent
cAMP elevation in the myocardium, and the
depletion of adrenal catecholamines induced
by acute stress.
Abstracts of untranslated Russian re-
search indicate that a great deal of the activity
of Rhodiola rosea might be secondary to an
ability to induce opioid peptide biosynthesis
and through the activation of both central and
peripheral opioid receptors.
Lack of cur-
rent availability of the complete text of these
articles make verification of these effects im-
Experimental Studies
Adaptogenic Activity
Rhodiola rosea appears to offer gen-
eralized resistance against physical, chemical,
and biological stressors in rats and other ani-
mals studied. Evidence also suggests
cardioprotective and anticancer benefits in
In the test of swimming “to the limit,”
Rhodiola rosea administration increased the
swimming time of rats 135-159 percent. Work-
ing capacity of the rats consistently improved
throughout the supplementation period.
Figure 1. Structure of Rosavin
Rhodiola rosea
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Volume 6, Number 3 2001 Page 297
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Eggs from the freshwater snail Lym-
naea stagnalis were incubated in water extracts
of Rhodiola rosea and subsequently exposed
to a variety of environmental stressors, includ-
ing heat shock (43°C for four minutes), oxi-
dative stress (600 µM menadione for two
hours), and heavy metal-induced stress (one-
hour exposure to 150 µM copper sulphate or
20 µM cadmium chloride). Exposure to these
environmental stressors kills 80-90 percent of
larvae within four days post-exposure. Pre-in-
cubation with Rhodiola rosea extract afforded
a significant degree of non-specific resistance
against each of these environmental stressors
as measured by rate of survival. While only
nine percent of the control population survived
exposure to heat shock, approximately 90 per-
cent of snail larvae pre-incubated with
Rhodiola rosea (40.5 µg/ml) survived. Pre-in-
cubation with Rhodiola resulted in non-spe-
cific resistance to oxidative stress (survival of
approximately 68 percent) and heavy metal
stress (approximately 28-35 percent of larvae
survived depending on the metal exposure).
Two experiments have suggested pos-
sible benefit on various aspects of learning and
memory in rats under certain experimental
conditions. Rhodiola rosea extract adminis-
tered orally at a dose of 0.1 mL/day for 10
days resulted in a non-significant trend toward
protection against impairments in memory, as
assessed by step-down passive avoidance, in-
duced by electroshock in rats.
Rhodiola rosea
extract was administered in a single dose of
0.10 mL. Improvements in both learning and
memory retention, as determined by using a
maze test with negative reinforcement, were
observed. Repeated dosing with the same
quantity of the extract over a 10-day period
generated significant improvement in long-
term memory as assessed by the maze test with
negative enforcement and the “staircase”
method with positive enforcement. However,
in this experiment two other doses were tested
(0.02 and 1.0 mL) and were found to have no
substantial effect on learning and memory.
This suggests the possibility of an efficacious
dose of Rhodiola rosea administration, above
and below which beneficial physiological ef-
fects might be less likely. In the other experi-
mental conditions investigated (active avoid-
ance with negative reinforcement using a
“shuttle box” and passive avoidance using
“step down” and “step through”) no benefi-
cial effects on either learning or memory were
observed with any of the administered doses
of Rhodiola rosea.
Cardioprotective Activity
Rhodiola rosea has been shown to
moderate against stress-induced damage and
dysfunction in cardiovascular tissue. Treat-
ment with Rhodiola rosea extract prevents the
decrease in cardiac contractile force second-
ary to environmental stress in the form of acute
cooling and contributes to stable contractility.
In animals, acute cooling leads to a decrease
in myocardial contractile activity that partially
recovers during the first 18 hours after the cold-
stress is removed. This recovery is viewed as
only partial, since the heart tissue is incapable
of stable contractility during perfusion. Pre-
treatment with Rhodiola rosea extracts appears
to create a beneficial adaptive response in this
type of stress. When Rhodiola pretreated rats
were exposed to acute cooling, the decrease
in contractility was prevented and stable con-
tractility of heart tissue occurred during per-
Other reports suggest administration of
Rhodiola rosea protects cardiovascular tissue
from stress-induced catecholamine release
and mitigates against adrenaline-induced
arrhythmias in rats.
The antiarrhythmic
effect of Rhodiola rosea is suggested to be
secondary to an ability to induce opioid pep-
tide biosynthesis
and related to the stimula-
tion of peripheral kappa-opioid receptors.
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Volume 6, Number 3 2001
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Anticancer Activity
Administration of Rhodiola rosea ap-
pears to have potential as an anticancer agent,
and might be useful in conjunction with some
pharmaceutical antitumor agents. In rats with
transplanted solid Ehrlich adenocarcinoma and
metastasizing rat Pliss lymphosarcoma,
supplementation with Rhodiola rosea extract
inhibited the growth of both tumor types, de-
creased metastasis to the liver, and extended
survival times.
Administration of Rhodiola
rosea extract also directly suppressed the
growth of and the extent of metastasis from
transplanted Lewis lung carcinomas.
Rhodiola rosea extract was combined with the
antitumor agent cyclophosphamide in these
same tumor models, the antitumor and
antimetastatic efficacy of drug treatment was
enhanced. The authors also commented that,
“complete abrogation of the haematotoxicity
of cyclophosphamide” was observed.
chemotherapeutic drug Adriamycin is known
to induce pronounced liver dysfunction, gen-
erally reflected by an increase in transaminase
levels. In animal experiments, adding Rhodiola
rosea extract to a protocol with Adriamycin
resulted in an improved inhibition of tumor
dissemination (as compared to that found with
Adriamycin alone), and the combined proto-
col prevented liver toxicity.
Clinical Studies
Although Rhodiola rosea has been
studied in the former Soviet Union for more
than 35 years, this research is presently un-
available for review. This makes it impossible
to verify the Russian claims of its antidepres-
sant, anticancer, cardioprotective, and central
nervous system enhancing properties.
able animal evidence seems supportive of a
possible role for this plant adaptogen in many
of these conditions. Table 2 outlines the con-
ditions suggested to benefit from Rhodiola
There have also been claims that this
plant has great utility as a therapy in asthenic
conditions (decline in work performance, sleep
disturbances, poor appetite, irritability, hyper-
tension, headaches, and fatigue) developing
subsequent to intense physical or intellectual
strain, influenza and other viral exposures, and
other illness.
Two randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trials of the standardized
extract of Rhodiola rosea root (SHR-5) pro-
vide a degree of support for these claimed
adaptogenic properties and indicate possible
utility in asthenic conditions induced by over-
work or over study. SHR-5 is standardized to
contain rosavin (3.6%), salidroside (1.6%), and
p-tyrosol (<0.1%).
Table 2. Conditions Suggested to Benefit from Rhodiola rosea
Amenorrhea Depression Insomnia
Asthenia Fatigue Periodontal Disease
Cancer Headaches Schizophrenia
Colds Hypertension Sexual Dysfunction
and Flus (males)
Rhodiola rosea
Alternative Medicine Review
Volume 6, Number 3 2001 Page 299
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Darbinyan et al evaluated the effect of
chronic administration of 170 mg of SHR-5
for 14 days on aspects of mental performance
and fatigue on 56 healthy male and female
physicians (age 24-35) on night duty. Mental
performance was evaluated using tests to de-
termine speed of visual and auditory percep-
tion, attention capacity, and short-term
memory. Based on the results of the battery of
tests used, a Fatigue Index was calculated. The
trial was divided into three periods: (1) a two-
week test period of one SHR-5 or placebo tab-
let daily; (2) a two-week washout period; and
(3) a third two-week cross-over period of one
placebo or SHR-5 tablet daily. A statistically
significant improvement in Fatigue Index was
observed during the first two-week period in
the SHR-5 group, and the improved mental
performance reverted toward baseline values
during the washout period. Administration of
SHR-5 for the final two weeks of the six-week
night duty period was unable to significantly
offset declines in mental performance.
Spasov et al investigated the effects of
SHR-5 on male medical students during an
exam period. Forty students were randomized
to receive either 50 mg SHR-5 or placebo twice
daily for a period of 20 days. The students re-
ceiving the standardized extract of Rhodiola
rosea demonstrated significant improvements
in physical fitness, psychomotor function,
mental performance, and general wellbeing.
Subjects receiving the Rhodiola rosea extract
also reported statistically significant reductions
in mental fatigue, improved sleep patterns, a
reduced need for sleep, greater mood stabil-
ity, and a greater motivation to study. The av-
erage exam scores between students receiv-
ing the Rhodiola rosea extract and placebo
were 3.47 and 3.20, respectively.
Dosage and Toxicity
In the two double-blind clinical trials,
the dose of a standardized Rhodiola rosea ex-
tract ranged from 100-170 mg per day. The
content of rosavin consumed in these daily
doses is approximately 3.6-6.14 mg. The thera-
peutic dose of available Rhodiola rosea prepa-
rations will vary depending on degree of stan-
dardization; however, for chronic administra-
tion rosavin content within the above range
seems prudent. This would suggest a dose of
approximately 360-600 mg Rhodiola rosea
daily of an extract standardized for one-per-
cent rosavin, 180-300 mg of an extract stan-
dardized for two-percent rosavin, or the dose
of between 100-170 mg for an extract stan-
dardized for 3.6-percent rosavin. As an
adaptogen, chronic administration is normally
begun several weeks prior to a period of ex-
pected increased physiological, chemical, or
biological strain, and continued throughout the
duration of the challenging event or activity.
When using Rhodiola rosea as a single dose
for acute purposes (e.g., for an exam or ath-
letic competition), the suggested dose is three
times the dose used for chronic supplementa-
The Russian approach to long-term
supplementation with adaptogens generally
calls for repeating cycles characterized by
short periods of adaptogen administration, fol-
lowed by an interval with no supplementa-
Rhodiola rosea has been administered
for periods ranging from as little as one day
(acute administration) up to four months. Un-
til more specific information is available, a
dosing regime following the established pat-
terns used with other plant adaptogens, with
periodic intervals of abstinence, seems war-
ranted when Rhodiola rosea is being used
At the doses administered in the clini-
cal trials, a complete absence of all side ef-
fects has been reported. However, preliminary
clinical feedback indicates that at doses of 1.5-
2.0 grams and above of Rhodiola rosea ex-
tract standardized for two-percent rosavin,
some individuals might experience an increase
in irritability and insomnia within several days.
It is possible that other physiological param-
eters that benefit from a lower dose of Rhodiola
Page 300 Alternative Medicine Review
Volume 6, Number 3 2001
Copyright©2001 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
rosea extract might be exacerbated by a dose
that is inappropriately high and/or sustained
for prolonged periods of time.
Evidence on the safety and appropri-
ateness of Rhodiola rosea supplementation
during pregnancy and lactation is currently
Consistent with benefits found with
other adaptogenic substances, Rhodiola rosea
appears to offer generalized resistance to
physical, chemical, and biological stressors.
Available evidence suggests it can be a suit-
able substitute in conditions where other
adaptogens might be considered. However,
Rhodiola rosea also appears to be unique
among the currently available adaptogenic
herbs and might offer an advantage in some
clinical conditions and stressful circumstances.
Unlike Korean and Siberian ginseng, which
are thought to exert their adaptogenic activity
primarily at the level of HPA function,
Rhodiola rosea appears to exert its adaptogenic
effects by working centrally and peripherally
on monoamine and opioid synthesis, transport,
and receptor activity. If this is in fact the case
in humans, it suggests the potential for thera-
peutic utility of Rhodiola rosea in conditions
not particularly responsive to administration
of ginseng products. It also suggests the pos-
sibility of potential synergistic interactions
among Rhodiola rosea and other plant
Based on the proposed mechanism of
action and available experimental data,
Rhodiola rosea appears to offer an advantage
over other adaptogens in circumstances of
acute stress. A single dose of Rhodiola rosea
prior to acute stress produces favorable results
and prevents stress-induced disruptions in
function and performance. Acute stress tends
to initially impact monoamine levels and en-
dorphins, while chronic stress places greater
demands on the HPA axis. While this is a gen-
eralization and there is obvious overlap in the
stress response, Rhodiola does seem to exert a
pronounced effect on aspects of the acute stress
response. Since many stressful situations are
acute in nature, and sometimes unexpected, an
adaptogen that can be taken acutely in these
circumstances, rather than requiring chronic
advance supplementation, could be very use-
Rhodiola rosea also offers some
cardioprotective benefits not associated with
other adaptogens. Its proposed ability to mod-
erate stress-induced damage and dysfunction
in cardiovascular tissue might make Rhodiola
rosea the adaptogen of choice among patients
at higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
Since Rhodiola rosea administration
appears to impact central monoamine levels,
it might also provide benefits and be the
adaptogen of choice in clinical conditions char-
acterized by an imbalance of central nervous
system monoamines. This is consistent with
Russian claims for improvements in depres-
sion and schizophrenia. It also suggests that
research in areas such as seasonal affective
disorder, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue
syndrome, to name a few clinical conditions,
is warranted.
Administration of Rhodiola rosea ap-
pears to have potential as an anticancer agent,
and might be useful in conjunction with some
pharmaceutical antitumor agents. While avail-
able evidence is limited to animal models, re-
sults appear promising. This is an area that
would benefit from additional research.
The clearest indication for Rhodiola
rosea administration is for the asthenic condi-
tion resulting from acute or chronic overwork,
which may manifest as decline in work per-
formance, sleep disturbances, poor appetite,
irritability, hypertension, headaches, and fa-
Some animal and preliminary clinical
evidence suggests the need for a narrow range
of therapeutic dosage of Rhodiola rosea, above
and below which beneficial physiological ef-
fects might be less likely. Because of this, it
Rhodiola rosea
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Volume 6, Number 3 2001 Page 301
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seems prudent to keep doses at a moderate
level both in terms of the quantity and dura-
tion of supplementation. While Rhodiola rosea
appears to be a promising plant medicine, and
has been investigated intensively in Russia,
additional research is required before any con-
clusions with respect to its therapeutic utility
can be made.
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