The new england journal of medicine
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
Review Article
uring the past 30 years, the assumption that addiction is a dis-
ease or pathology has crystallized into the “brain disease model of addic-
This trend was driven by the convergence of 12-step thinking with
residential treatment approaches in the latter half of the 20th century,
the explo-
sion of neuroimaging technologies that began in the 1990s, and promotion by pro-
fessional organizations
and community groups.
According to the brain disease
model, addiction is a chronic disease brought about by changes in the brain sys-
tems that mediate the experience and anticipation of reward and in higher-order
systems that underlie judgment and cognitive control.
The proponents of the
model propose that these changes are driven by exposure to drugs of abuse or
alcohol, though links with behavioral addictions have also been explored.
The brain disease model is the most prevalent model of addiction in the western
world. Particularly in the United States, it dominates professional and public dis-
course on prevention, treatment, research agendas, and policy issues. Because the
disease model focuses on brain change, it has helped explain why persons with
addictions find it difficult to change their thoughts and behaviors quickly or easily.
Because it focuses on biologic factors rather than moral arguments, it has helped
reduce the stigma faced by those with addictions and their families, at least in
some respects. (See Table 1 for a broader discussion of stigma.) The brain disease
model has also legitimized the role of doctors and other medical professionals in
addiction treatment and driven research on new drugs to combat addiction, and it
has been used to advocate for access to treatment and care rather than segregation
and punishment.
These aims and outcomes are well intended, and they have been beneficial in
some contexts, but the narrow focus of the disease model on the neurobiologic
substrates of addiction has diverted attention (and research funding) from other
Alternatives to the brain disease model often highlight the social and
environmental factors that contribute to addiction, as well as the learning pro-
cesses that translate these factors into negative outcomes.
For example, it has
been shown repeatedly that adverse experiences in childhood and adolescence in-
crease the probability of later addiction.
Also, exposure to physical, economic,
or psychological trauma greatly increases susceptibility to addiction.
models propose that addiction, though obviously disadvantageous, is a natural,
context-sensitive response to challenging environmental contingencies, not a dis-
Yet the brain disease model construes addictive learning in terms of patho-
logic brain changes triggered mainly by substance abuse. Learning models also
favor individual solutions for overcoming addiction, facilitated by cognitive modi-
fications and personal agency. (See Table 2 for a discussion of empowerment.)
Learning models can include multiple levels of analysis: societal, social, psycho-
logical, and biologic. According to experts both inside and outside the medical
From the University of Toronto, Toronto.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Lewis at
Klingelbeekseweg 24, 6812DH Arnhem, the
Netherlands, or at m . lewis@ psych . ru . nl.
N Engl J Med 2018;379:1551-60.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1602872
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor
Brain Change in Addiction as Learning,
Not Disease
Marc Lewis, Ph.D.
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
The new england journal of medicine
these levels of analysis should ideally be
integrated for a comprehensive understanding of
addiction. Unfortunately, however, the neural level
of analysis is almost always ignored by nondis-
ease models that emphasize learning. (Work by
Szalavitz is a notable exception.
) Rather than
ignore (or dispute) evidence of brain change in
addiction, the current learning model reinterprets
such evidence. Psychological change, develop-
ment, and indeed all learning involve brain
change. It is therefore unnecessary and perhaps
unreasonable for a learning model of addiction
to dismiss neural findings.
In this review, I examine addiction within a
learning framework, informed by classic and
contemporary cognitive principles, which can
incorporate the brain changes seen in addiction
without reference to pathology or disease. In do-
ing so, I hope to connect neurobiologic and en-
vironmental accounts to make sense of addiction
with a degree of depth and precision that could
not be achieved by either one alone. I also inter-
pret key neurocognitive findings from both learn-
ing and disease perspectives to highlight their
parallels as well as their disparities (Table 3).
Addiction as Learning
Psychologists have historically divided learning
into operant conditioning, by which animals
work to receive rewards predicted by specific
cues, and Pavlovian conditioning, by which ani-
mals respond automatically to the stimulus prop-
erties of cues themselves. Advances in cognitive
psychology reveal that learning also involves
planning, decision making, inhibitory control,
and strings of cues that eventually lead to pre-
dicted rewards. The contemporary view from
cognitive science has extended this understand-
ing with models of “embodied cognition,” which
propose that all cognitive activity (including
learning) results from iterative, self-perpetuat-
ing interactions (i.e., feedback) between the ani-
mal and the environment.
From this perspec-
tive, learning occurs when the animal’s neural
capacities become entrained with an environ-
mental context. Thus, learning is not just a re-
sponse to stimuli but active engagement with
meaningful aspects of the environment.
The brain disease model does not dismiss the
importance of learning but views this learning
as pathologic. Addictive behaviors are proposed
to begin as impulsive bids for highly motivating
rewards, consolidated through operant condi-
tioning, but to end up as automatic (Pavlovian)
responses that bypass intention, augmented by
a loss of inhibitory control and a capacity for
choice. This observation is consistent with mod-
els of “delay discounting,” which propose that
immediate payoffs are inflated in their perceived
value, whereas longer-term rewards are “dis-
counted” (devalued).
Psychologists view delay
discounting as an intrinsic cognitive bias, not
only in humans but in other mammals as well.
Yet delay discounting seems to be augmented in
addiction, with long-term rewards falling off the
radar almost entirely. “Dual process” models of
addiction may help to explain this phenomenon,
in that a cognitive “overseer” loses the capacity
to override impulsive choices.
Although none
Proponents of the brain disease model of addiction have consistently claimed
that the disease definition has major social benefits for people with addic-
tion. Before addiction was defined as a disease, it was mostly viewed as a
moral failure, and “addicts” were reviled as self-indulgent, weak, dirty, or
malicious. But if addiction is viewed as a disease (like any other disease),
then the behaviors of people with addiction should not be seen as their
fault. In this way, the disease model was proposed to reduce stigma, blame,
and the assumption that people with addiction should be punished or re-
moved from society. The disease model should be commended for even
partial success in achieving these humanitarian goals.
Yet the disease definition can replace one kind of stigma with another. The
notion of a mental illness or disease can hurt more than help those with
behavioral problems such as addiction, because it fuels discrimination
and alienation of another sort. The disease designation can reinforce the
belief that an inviolable or essentialist “badness” is built in and perma-
nent, resulting in a sense that one is fundamentally different from “normal”
people, with concomitant feelings of inferiority and shame.
The label can
also curtail attempts to improve one’s functioning without medical care.
Biogenetic explanations carry the implication that people with addictions
are not really trustworthy, now or in the future, because of a biologic pro-
clivity they cannot control.
Not only does this fuel one kind of stigmatiza-
tion; it also helps rationalize a long-standing policy of withholding employ-
ment benefits and positions of authority from anyone who has ever been
labeled an addict.
It is true that some people with addiction feel consoled by the disease label.
In fact, psychiatric classifications have provided people who have diverse
emotional and mental problems with a label and (sometimes) a hypotheti-
cal explanation for adversities that can otherwise seem indefinable, amor-
phous, and yet blameworthy. Distinct categories with concrete labels can
help provide closure, context, and even a sense of belonging (to a particu-
lar group).
Yet many people with addiction recoil from the disease label. Especially when
they are successful in galvanizing their willpower and rejigging their habits
(i.e., recovering), they often find it confusing and debilitating to be told they
are chronically ill. People with previous addictions (“recovered addicts”)
usually want to feel that they have developed beyond their addiction and
become better people as a result. Many would prefer respect for that
achievement over the pity bequeathed by the disease definition.
Table 1. Brain Disease Model and Stigma.
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
Brain Change in Addiction as Learning, Not Disease
of these learning mechanisms are necessarily
unique, the brain disease model of addiction
views the progression of decreasing control as a
reflection of pathologic brain changes.
Addiction neuroscience explores these brain
changes. The shift from impulsive (operant,
reward-driven) actions to compulsive (automatic,
Pavlovian) associations is a case in point. When
drug taking is found to be highly rewarding, the
ventral striatum (including the nucleus accum-
bens) focuses attention on the desired goal, acti-
vates a behavioral sequence to achieve that goal,
and produces a motivational urge to energize
that behavior.
Over time, however, as behavior
becomes more compulsive and less impulsive
(less reward-driven), activation increases in the
dorsal striatum, the region most associated with
automatic responses.
This progression is
thought to eradicate willpower,
because con-
scious choice is no longer driving the behavior.
The neurotransmitter dopamine has often
been the focus of neural models of addiction.
But dopamine has many functions, both in the
striatum and in the prefrontal cortex, depending
partly on the receptor type absorbing it. For the
purposes of this discussion, we can think of
dopamine as activating synaptic activity and,
over time, synaptic change, both in the ventral
and dorsal striatum and in the prefrontal cortex
(partly through its effect on glutamate transmis-
sion). The release of dopamine to these and
other systems is triggered by the perception of
cues paired with anticipated rewards (in the case
of operant learning) or with automatic responses
(in the case of Pavlovian conditioning). Yet dopa-
mine metabolism also responds to the experi-
ence of rewards, increasing when rewards ex-
ceed expectations and decreasing when they fall
short. Addiction neuroscientists highlight the
long-lasting sensitization of the dopamine sys-
tem to addictive rewards or the cues that predict
them, resulting in craving and narrowed atten-
as well as the subsequent blunting of the
dopamine system over time.
Striatal systems engage in constant cross-talk
with regions of the prefrontal cortex. Prefrontal
activation (in the orbitofrontal cortex) determines
the attractiveness of potential rewards and also
(in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) the exer-
cise of judgment and perspective shifting. In fact,
disrupted activation of the lateral prefrontal cor-
tex has been shown to increase delay discount-
ing (i.e., the proportion of impulsive choices).
A key finding in support of the brain disease
model is that drug use reduces connectivity be-
tween the prefrontal cortex and striatum, and
long-term addiction corresponds with reduced
gray-matter density (synaptic loss) in several
prefrontal and related regions. Such changes are
hypothesized to underlie diminished capacities
for judgment and self-control, or “impaired re-
sponse inhibition,” in people with addictions.
According to the brain disease model, the
cognitive and neural changes characterizing ad-
Viewing addiction in terms of learning rather than disease may have direct
advantages for those who are struggling. If people think that their addic-
tion results from an underlying pathology, as implied by the brain disease
model, and that the pathology is chronic, as highlighted both by profes-
sional bodies and by the 12-step movement, then they are less likely to
believe they will ever be free of it, especially as a result of their personal ef-
This characterization of addiction flies in the face of research show-
ing that a majority of persons with addictions recover without professional
In fact, addiction workers generally agree that personal mo-
tivation, a sense of empowerment, and belief in one’s own agency are the
most important psychological resources for overcoming addiction. These
qualities would seem peripheral rather than mandatory if addiction were
indeed a disease.
In response to this argument, proponents of the brain disease model have
pointed out that defining something as a disease does not exempt patients
from responsibility for self-care (e.g., making lifestyle choices that improve
their prognosis). There is some truth to this counterargument; a sense
of empowerment can bolster self-care for patients with various medical
Yet viewing oneself as a patient implies that one’s primary duty is to follow
the instructions of knowledgeable professionals rather than examine one’s
own motivations, beliefs, and intuitions. Taking on the role of a patient
may be especially counterproductive in institutional settings, where people
with addictions tend to offload responsibility to treatment staff.
over, biogenetic explanations for psychological problems induce “prog-
nostic pessimism.”
People dealing with addiction will try to change only
that which they feel is within their power to change.
Thus, their own faith
in their recovery and the confidence of those around them are hampered
by the disease definition.
The choice of terminology suggests specific guidelines for treatment. If replac-
ing the disease nomenclature with an emphasis on motivation and self-
direction increases the probability of successful outcomes, then treatment
professionals (including doctors) should advise those seeking help that
they do not have a chronic disease. They should encourage people with ad-
diction not to strive for obedience to a set of rules or pharmaceutical sub-
stitutes (unless heroin use prioritizes the need for medication-assisted
treatment) but instead to seek counseling or psychotherapy to help them
organize and modify their own attentional and motivational habits. For ex-
ample, a psychotherapeutic technique called motivational interviewing has
been developed in which nonconfrontational counseling by the clinician
encourages increased awareness of one’s own motives, conscious choices
that are consistent with one’s long-term goals, and reduced ambivalence;
this approach is best known for its success in reducing substance use.
More conventional psychotherapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy
also show efficacy in overcoming addiction,
and cognitively oriented
group interventions such as Self-Management and Recovery Training
(SMART Recovery) are quickly gaining recognition.
Table 2. Learning Models and Empowerment.
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
The new england journal of medicine
diction are unique and pathologic. Some theories
highlight distinct phases or stages: drug taking
is driven by positive reinforcement at first, then
by negative reinforcement (underpinned by re-
duced dopamine signaling and blunted receptor
responses), and finally by the loss of prefrontal
A closely related theory suggests that
addictive urges are increasingly driven by the
brain’s rebound from drug stimulation — an
antireward” effect resulting from an overactive
stress-response system, dopamine blunting, and
physical withdrawal symptoms.
These theories
emphasize repeated episodes of negative reinforce-
ment (learning to avoid an aversive outcome) and
positive reinforcement, plus changes in neuro-
chemistry and circuitry.
But are the neurocognitive processes that give
rise to addiction actually pathologic, or are they
constituents of normal learning with detrimen-
tal consequences? To help resolve this question,
I examine four neurocognitive changes central to
brain disease models. The first is the hypothe-
sized shift from impulsive behavior mediated by
the ventral striatum to compulsive responses
mediated by the dorsal striatum.
The second
change, which also supports the presumption of
involuntary behavior, is a reduction in functional
and structural connectivity between the striatum
and prefrontal cortex.
The third change is in-
creased and enduring sensitivity (i.e., sensitiza-
tion) to cues predicting addictive rewards, under-
pinned by mesolimbic dopamine.
The fourth
change is a decrease in sensitivity, not only to
alternative rewards but even to addictive rewards
I argue that these four neurocogni-
tive changes are not specific to addiction and do
not indicate a disease process.
the Neurocognitive Data
Role of Compulsive or Automatic Responses
According to the brain disease model, impulsive
drug seeking and use are linked with activation
of the ventral striatum or nucleus accumbens at
first, but these behaviors become compulsive and
automatic with activation of the dorsal striatum
over time.
Yet behavior generally becomes
more automatic with practice, as novelty is re-
placed by familiarity, and dorsal striatal (includ-
ing globus pallidus) involvement underlies this
automatization even in a simple finger-tapping
As Everitt and Robbins, acknowledged
experts on the ventral-to-dorsal shift, state, “There
is nothing aberrant or unusual about devolving
behavioural control to a dorsal striatal S-R [stimu-
lus–response or Pavlovian] ‘habit’ mechanism.
They assert that this shift is to be expected in
Disease Model Learning Model Evidence for Learning
Addiction is characterized by a shift from
impulsive to compulsive processing,
loss of free will, and a shift of activation
to dorsal striatum.
All behavioral habits devolve to stimulus–
response mechanisms; automatization
is a normal outcome of learning.
Dorsal striatal activation or behavioral automati-
zation is seen with practice of even simple
(e.g., motor) tasks; for people with addiction,
operant contingencies facilitate the choice to
abstain from using drugs.
Functional connectivity between striatum
and PFC is lost, with reduced synaptic
density in specific PFC regions.
When planning and decision making are
bypassed, PFC demand is reduced; ex-
tended plasticity is normal; underused
synapses may be pruned.
Immediate or valued rewards lead to increased
striatal activation and decreased dorsolateral
PFC activation and cognitive control; synaptic
density in the PFC has been shown to rebound
with recovery.
Sensitization to drug cues is increased
(and enduring), mediated by increased
mesolimbic dopamine uptake.
Sensitization to valued rewards is normal;
an ongoing need or desire leads to on-
going sensitization (e.g., love, attachment,
wealth acquisition, religious practice).
Motivated goal pursuit leads to increased dopa-
mine, cue sensitization, and learning; high
emotional salience facilitates lasting synaptic
alterations (e.g., after trauma).
Ongoing drug use leads to loss of receptor
availability or sensitivity and reduced
pleasure (dopaminergic blunting).
Adversity, trauma (with or without drug
use), isolation, and overstimulation
lead to reduced dopamine-receptor
response or pleasure.
Loss of social status or trauma leads to reduced
D2 or D3 receptor availability; high levels of
mating behavior, eating, engagement with
pornography, and Internet use lead to a hypo-
dopaminergic system.
* PFC denotes prefrontal cortex.
Table 3. Comparison of Claims Made by Disease and Learning Models of Addiction and Sample Evidence for Learning.*
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
Brain Change in Addiction as Learning, Not Disease
many aspects of our lives, including eating and
other habitual activities. “Automatisation of be-
haviour frees up cognitive processes,” Everitt and
Robbins continue, which explains why we can
talk, eat, and drive at the same time.
Not only is normal behavior partly automatic,
but also addictive behavior, even in its later stages,
remains partly operant (reward-driven).
ing evidence comes from numerous studies in
which the reward value of the addictive goal
(e.g., the amount of drug offered) shifts in rela-
tion to the reward value of an alternative goal
(e.g., money).
In fact, these studies show that
the probability of abstaining is proportional to
the relative reward value of the two choices; this
sensitivity to environmental contingencies is the
hallmark of operant learning. Contingency man-
agement programs, based on these principles,
have shown a consistent effect in the reduction
of drug use.
The ventral striatum continues
to be involved in reward seeking in later-stage
addiction, even when the dorsal striatum domi-
nates behavior control.
In sum, a combination
of deliberate and automatic neurobehavioral
mechanisms characterizes both addiction and
“normal” habitual behavior.
Loss of Prefrontal Connectivity
and Synaptic Pruning
Evidence of a functional and (in some studies)
structural disconnection between the prefrontal
cortex and striatum has been pivotal for defin-
ing addiction as a brain disease.
these findings come from cross-sectional, not
longitudinal, research, so some cortical differ-
ences must precede rather than follow addiction,
as acknowledged by the researchers. Yet even
cortical changes that arise from (or with) addic-
tive drug use need not be considered pathologic.
When skills become streamlined with prac-
tice, they no longer engage conscious, reflective,
or effortful control. In fact, higher-order cogni-
tion is unnecessary once behavior becomes habit-
ual, as any professional musician or athlete can
demonstrate. Also, rewards perceived as both
immediate and valuable often bypass cognitive
control, as seen in the reduction of planning,
decision making, and concomitant prefrontal in-
volvement when it comes to sex, gambling, and
eating fast food.
Research points to an inverse
correlation between striatal activation and dorso-
lateral prefrontal engagement, both in delay dis-
and more generally in effortful reward
But would this loss of functional con-
nectivity normally lead to structural changes?
Indeed, the elimination, or “pruning,” of under-
used synapses is considered a key mechanism of
Massive cortical pruning has tradi-
tionally been associated with adolescence,
most addictions develop. However, since pruning
makes the brain more efficient when new skills
are practiced and consolidated, it is now thought
to underpin learning over the lifespan.
57,6 0
Synaptic density in certain prefrontal regions
decreases with the duration of drug use, but a
contrasting increase in synaptic density (in simi-
lar but not identical regions) correlates with the
number of weeks of abstinence.
In studies using
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
cocaine-dependent” participants who became
abstinent no longer differed from controls with
respect to the activation of inhibitory control
networks in the prefrontal cortex or the perfor-
mance of motor-inhibition tasks.
Thus, reduc-
tions in prefrontal involvement and synaptic
density appear to be restricted to the period of
habitual drug use, which may be followed by a
period of synaptic growth when a new skill —
abstinence — is learned. This two-way street in
frontal neuroplasticity is consistent with evidence
that most people with addiction recover,
most of those who recover do so without treat-
This finding would seem to be impos-
sible if prefrontal changes were permanent and
therefore pathologic.
Sensitization to Cues
People with drug addiction are highly sensitive
to drug-related cues, even after they quit using
drugs. To account for this sensitization, the brain
disease model points to a sharp rise in mesolim-
bic (reward-related) dopamine uptake.
The moti-
vational drive provided by mesolimbic dopamine
is essential for survival, because it ensures that
we prioritize eating, social relationships, and pro-
creation. Addiction neuroscientists acknowledge
that the levels of cue-triggered dopamine seen in
addiction can parallel those related to “natural”
Indeed, romantic relationships de-
pend on motivational dopamine uptake,
desire after romantic rejection matches the crav-
ing for cocaine.
Motivated pursuits (natural or
otherwise), including shopping, sports, religious
practice, wealth acquisition, gambling, binge eat-
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
The new england journal of medicine
ing, romantic love, and pornography, correspond
with cue sensitization and increased activation
of striatal dopamine.
Even a simple in-
crease in reward availability on a computer screen
is sufficient to increase mesolimbic dopamine,
with a concomitant increase in effort.
Proponents of the brain disease model empha-
size that cue sensitivity in addiction is not only
extreme but also prolonged, whereas cue sensitiv-
ity returns to normal levels in relation to natural
reinforcers, once the need has been met.
prolonged sensitization is seen as the cause of
Yet prolonged sensitization also results
from normal learning of emotionally salient
associations, through synaptic alterations in re-
gions that process emotion, such as the amyg-
Stimuli associated with past triumphs or
traumas or even a once-loved song will reliably
trigger strong feelings. Because these cues refer
to still-meaningful experiences, dopamine uptake
remains adaptive (rather than pathologic) for
ongoing behavioral adaptations.
Perhaps the most parsimonious explanation
for enduring cue sensitivity is that, in addiction,
goal seeking remains unfulfilled. The drug or
activity that was pursued to satisfy emotional
needs may have lost its effect because of a short
duration of action, chemical tolerance, or habitu-
ation. The value of addictive rewards is always
determined by context, including both the strength
of aversive feelings and the effectiveness of drugs,
for example, in quelling them. Unresolved needs
can make drug taking relevant indefinitely.
Desensitization to Drug-Related
and Natural Rewards
In parallel with cue sensitization and increased
levels of dopamine release, there is an appar-
ently paradoxical decrease in sensitivity to alter-
native rewards and even to drugs themselves.
This reward desensitization is thought to con-
tribute to increasing drug consumption. Brain
disease models ascribe this blunting to the down-
regulation (reduced availability or responsiveness)
of dopamine receptors (e.g., D2 and D3 recep-
tors), a pathologic process that may be mani-
fested as tolerance or withdrawal effects.
many studies of addiction use psychostimulants
(e.g., cocaine and methamphetamine), serious-
ly confounding this observation.
The buildup
(e.g., delayed reuptake) of dopamine resulting
from psychostimulants may directly trigger a
chemical rebound effect, independent of addictive
But even if addictive learning results in dopa-
minergic blunting, it need not denote pathologic
brain change. Poverty, trauma, and diminished
social status reduce the availability of the D2 and
D3 dopamine receptors in humans and nonhu-
man primates.
In fact, a reduction in D2 or D3
receptor availability has been shown to corre-
spond with reduced social dominance or isola-
tion, driving drug or alcohol use as a means of
countering anxiety or distress.
As noted above,
early adversity and trauma are reliable predictors
of subsequent drug use.
However, social
adversity may also result from drug use itself.
Society responds to illicit drug use by excluding
or punishing users, which in turn leads to bro-
ken relationships and erosion of self-esteem.
Thus, social and psychological hardships may
result in dopaminergic blunting, which then en-
courages addictive activities, amplifying these
Dopaminergic blunting can also result from
nondrug rewards. Mating behavior in rats reduces
dopamine output in mesolimbic dopamine cir-
cuitry, leading to “a hypodopaminergic system,
and identical changes result from prolonged ex-
posure to opiates.
In addition, obesity has been
linked to reduced dopamine receptivity, with the
hypothetical explanation that dopaminergic blunt-
ing leads to increased food consumption.
posure to other potentially habit-forming plea-
surable activities also leads to dopaminergic
blunting, as shown with pornography use
extensive Internet use.
Thus, it seems that dopa-
minergic blunting can result from frequent acti-
vation of the mesolimbic dopamine system by
any repetitive reward-seeking behavior rather than
by drug exposure itself. Kent Berridge, a renowned
addiction neuroscientist, views dopaminergic
suppression as a temporary effect of overstimu-
lation, which may result from drug addiction but
does not cause it.
Addiction as Organism
Environment Entrainment
Most alternatives to the brain disease model
of addiction share the view that explanations of
addiction should include societal, social, and fa-
milial factors that predict drug misuse. The brain
disease model has acknowledged these factors,
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
Brain Change in Addiction as Learning, Not Disease
but its emphasis on brain pathology sidelines
their causal status and their relevance to preven-
tion and treatment efforts. Yet viewing addiction
solely as the product of environmental forces
tends to ignore the properties of the organism,
its nervous system, and its response proclivities.
A comprehensive, balanced model of addiction
needs to recognize that the organism and its
environment are connected at every level, from
perception to cognition to behavior, and interact
continuously as an open system.
I have presented arguments and evidence that
automatization, reduced neural flexibility, endur-
ing cue sensitization, and reward desensitization
are normal features of learning highly motivat-
ing, repetitive, and habitual behavioral patterns.
Thus, I dispute the idea that addiction is patho-
logic. Nevertheless, there is considerable poten-
tial for reconciliation between aspects of the brain
disease model and an environmental model of
addiction, given that both view a rigidified be-
havioral pattern as learned, and learned deeply.
Classic learning models have limited value for
this synthesis, since they view the learner as an
independent agent responding to a static environ-
ment. In contrast, principles of embodied cogni-
tion construe learning as a process of reciprocal
adjustments between the activities of the organ-
ism and meaningful features of the environment.
What is meaningful is assumed to be con-
strained by biologic antecedents and emerging
biologic sensitivities, as well as the stimulus
properties of the animal’s environment (i.e.,
features of the environment that afford or invite
specific actions, known as affordances).
For a young human, the range of potentially
meaningful environmental features can be vast,
at least until social, familial, and psychological
setbacks narrow it down to a small subset of
suboptimal rewards. For example, many children
grow up with an unpredictable, disengaged, or
violent parent. As adolescents, they may face
disruptions in education, employment, or rela-
tionships as a result of financial or other disad-
vantages. These persons tend to find increased
meaning in drugs that reduce stress or promote
feelings of security and well-being, especially
because these effects can be attained without
mediation by other people. As drug use pro-
gresses and becomes a more consistent focus of
attention and behavior, the properties of the in-
dividual and of the environment tend to become
synchronized through mutual adjustments. Be-
havioral outcomes continue to shape a social en-
vironment that progressively narrows behavioral
options. For example, the social environment may
become increasingly limited to people who can
supply drugs (dealers or doctors), people with
whom to take drugs, and “friends” who remain
apathetic and disengaged. Behavioral proclivities
will change accordingly. Besides the increasing
habit strength of drug pursuit itself, there is
likely to be increased lying to avoid rejection or
punishment, as well as disengagement from
romantic partners and family members, further
limiting the chance to feel connected and pro-
tected. These changes would be mediated by cog-
nitive modifications — changes in attentional
foci, belief systems, identity, and self-esteem — as
well as by immature habits of emotion regula-
tion (e.g., suppression or denial) more generally.
But how might this addiction spiral get
started? The embodied-cognition view encour-
ages us to look for biologic and environmental
vulnerabilities that amplify and reinforce each
other. The goal here is not to list organismic
(e.g., genetic) and environmental risk factors and
add them together, but instead to track the inter-
action of factors that reciprocally influence each
other. I suggest that the addiction spiral gets
started with early psychosocial adversity. First,
we already know that early adversity and trauma
are strong predictors of later addiction.
Second, developmental psychologists have shown
that early trauma (physical, emotional, or sexual)
leaves enduring effects on nervous system func-
tion, such as sympathetic or parasympathetic
overattunement (causing hyperreactivity or hypo-
reactivity), oversensitivity to threat based on ac-
celerated amygdala development, and hippocam-
pal damage resulting from excessive cortisol
levels. Third, in animal models, researchers have
pinpointed epigenetic changes (e.g., methylation
of a gene that tunes the glucocorticoid feedback
loop) that take place in utero or the first year of
life in response to inadequate nurturing. But
these neuropsychological insults do not emerge
in a vacuum. Both trauma and “stress methyla-
tion” can begin with overstressed parents and
even grandparents
in families challenged by
unemployment, marital discord, histories of abuse,
or alienation from the community, affecting the
stress response in childhood and throughout life.
From these beginnings, a narrowing spiral of
n engl j med 379;16 October 18, 2018
The new england journal of medicine
ineffective coregulation emerges between devel-
oping children and their caregivers, leading even-
tually to entrainment between drug seeking and
its environmental concomitants. From the Rat
Park studies of the 1970s and 1980s, in which
even addicted rats avoided ingesting morphine
when allowed to socialize and play,
to contem-
porary evidence of the adverse consequences of
socioeconomic fragmentation,
Bruce Alexander
has shown that addiction emerges universally
as a response to the disruption of normal social
interactions. Therefore, models of addiction pred-
icated on embodied cognition should focus on
environments in which social stressors affect
early neuropsychological development, as a gate-
way to ongoing reciprocal adjustments between
disadvantageous organismic adaptations and nar-
rowing environmental opportunities.
In summary, the embodied-cognition frame-
work can help model the interaction between
neurobiologic and social-environmental contrib-
utors to addiction. Addictive activities are deter-
mined neither solely by brain changes nor solely
by social conditions. Although they indeed result
from and contribute to brain changes, addictive
activities also feed back to the social environ-
ment, further narrowing what are often already
limited opportunities for well-being, which in
turn further narrows cognitive and neural flex-
ibility. It follows that the narrowing seen in ad-
diction takes place within the behavioral reper-
toire, the social surround, and the brain — all
at the same time. It also follows that growth
beyond addiction can be facilitated by improved
social support, extended behavioral opportuni-
ties, targeted pharmacologic interventions, or
some combination of these strategies.
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
full text of this article at
I thank Shaun Shelly (University of Pretoria, Department of
Family Medicine) for providing information and references sup-
porting the arguments reviewed here, as well as feedback on
previous versions of the manuscript.
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