H &
Plant Pests
t Options
Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquatic Plant Management Techniques
John D. Madsen, PhD
Research Biologist
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Environmental Laboratory
Reproduced by permission of the North American Lake Management Society; from LakeLine, v. 20, no.1, pp 22-34.
Spring 2000.
As I work on aquatic plant management research projects around the United States, the most
frequent statement I hear is: "I hope you can figure out some way of getting rid of these weeds."
When I was younger (and more patient), I would explain many of the available options. After a
few years, I realized that the major obstacles to effective management of aquatic plants were
sociological rather than scientific. In most instances, a motivated resource management group
(whether they be a lake association or a local, regional, state or federal agency) could use a half-
dozen of the available options to manage aquatic plants in their lake. The limitations to effective
management are time, patience, and funds, not the lack of an effective management tool.
All aquatic plant management techniques have positive and negative attributes. None of the
techniques is without some adverse environmental impact; all have both strengths and
weaknesses. In selecting management techniques, selections need to be based on economic,
environmental, and technical constraints.
Management decisions should be made on a site-specific basis (Madsen 1997). Management
techniques should be considered on their technical merits. A truly integrated aquatic plant
management approach will vary the use of techniques both spatially and temporally. Spatial
variation in technique selection should be based on site use intensity, economic, environmental
and technical constraints.
Management should be tailored to the priority and goals of each site. All areas within the lake
should be categorized as to use, restrictions, and priority. Based on these categories, management
techniques can be selected. For instance, swimming beaches and boat launches are high-use areas,
and should have a high priority. Wildlife areas (e.g., refuges) have lower intensity use, and some
restrictions to management. Based on these categories, management techniques can be selected.
The high-priority, high-intensity use sites might justify high-cost management techniques such as
benthic barriers or diver-operated suction harvesting. Low-intensity use areas might either remain
untreated if resources are low, or would be categorized for less expensive techniques such as
herbicides. Likewise, areas with higher concentrations of plants should receive more resources
than areas with no plants or with acceptable levels of infestation. Dan Helsels article in this issue
provides more detail about selecting the proper level of management through the preparation of an
aquatic plant management and protection plan.
Eurasian watermilfoil
As dense colonies are brought under control, maintenance management approaches can be used
(Deschenes and Ludlow 1993). After a target plant species has entered a system, continuous
management will be required. However, under no circumstances should management be
discontinued once plant densities are low. If management techniques are very successful,
management may entail only monitoring the system and hand-removing individuals that are
occasionally found. Scale the control technique to the level of infestation, the priority of the site,
the use, and the availability of resources.
Several useful computer programs and other useful information systems are currently available on
a CD-ROM format as the Aquatic Plant Information System (APIS). Some helpful websites are
listed in Table 1. Another excellent source of information on target and nontarget plants and their
management is the Aquatic Plant Information Retrieval System, operated by the University of
Florida's Center for Aquatic Plants. In addition to free bibliographic searches, the Center has a
variety of educational materials available.
Table 1. Useful websites for aquatic plant management information.
Federal Government
Aquatic Plant Control Research
USACE Operational Support Center www.saj.usace.army.mil/conops/apc/apc_page.html
USGS Aquatic Non-indigenous
State Government
Washington State Department of
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu
Professional Society
Aquatic Plant Management Society www.apms.org
North American Lake Management
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
One important rule to remember is that no management technique is intrinsically superior to
another, nor will one management technique (e.g., a single chemical, or herbicides as a group) be
sufficient for all situations in a management program. Rather, all techniques should be considered
tools in the manager's toolbox. Some are more expensive but will better control dense populations
in larger areas. For small nuisance plant populations (<0.1 acres, 0.03 hectare) or new colonies,
hand picking may actually be the best approach. Each site should be evaluated and management
techniques selected based on the desired level of control, and environmental and economic
Biological Management Techniques. Many exotic and native organisms have been used for
biological control programs (Gallagher and Haller 1990); however, current operational or research
and development efforts center on a few: grass carp (or white amur, Ctenopharyngodon idella)
and introduced insects for hydrilla, naturalized pathogens for Eurasian watermilfoil and hydrilla,
and naturalized insects for Eurasian watermilfoil (Table 2).
Table 2. Summary of biological management methods for aquatic plants.
Description Advantages Disadvantages Systems where used
Plant species response
Grass Carp / White
Herbivorous Fish Long-term
Cannot control feeding
sites, difficult to contain in
water body, tendency for
"all or none" community
response, persistent
Isolated water bodies,
effective against hydrilla
and other preferred
species. Operational.
Fish have strong
preference for
hydrilla and some
native plants, avoid
Eurasian watermilfoil,
generally do not
prefer floating plants
Neochetina spp. Waterhyacinth Species selective Not effective in reducing Released in Florida, Gulf Leaf scars, some
weevils areal coverage in many
Coast states.
reduction in growth
Hydrellia spp.
Bagous spp.
Hydrilla fly,
hydrilla stem
Species Selective Has not yet been
Released in Florida,
Alabama, Texas.
lecontei and other
native insects
Weevil - native
or naturalized
established in U.S.
Less selective, currently
under R&D
Currently under study in
Vermont, Minnesota
Plants loose
buoyancy, weevil
interferes with
transfer of
terrestris (Mt)
Fungal pathogen;
acts as a contact
Low dispersion,
fairly broad
Expense, cross-
inconsistent viability and
virulence of formulation
Under R&D for both
Eurasian watermilfoil
and hydrilla
Bioherbicide", plants
rapidly fall apart, but
regrow from roots
Native Plant
Planting of
desirable native
plant species or
Provides habitat,
may slow
reinvasion or
initial invasion
Expensive, techniques still
under development
Under R&D around the
Native plants provide
ecosystem benefits,
slow invasion
Grass carp, a popular control agent for aquatic plants especially in small ponds or isolated bodies
of water, are particularly effective in controlling hydrilla. These fish have strong feeding
preferences (Pine and Anderson 1991) and will selectively feed on plants in a mixed community
from the most to the least preferred. If hydrilla is the target plant, this may be beneficial--at least
until the hydrilla is eaten (Van Dyke et al. 1984). If Eurasian watermilfoil is the target, all other
plants may be eaten first, and grass carp may in fact never completely remove Eurasian
watermilfoil (Fowler and Robson 1978). In addition, there are many concerns about using grass
carp, including the length of time they remain in the system, the difficulty of controlling where
and what they eat, the highly variable results for large systems (>500 acres), the escape of carp
from the managed system, the impact of their feeding on nontarget plant and animal species, and
the difficulty of removing them when control is no longer needed (Bonar et al. 1993).
Grass carp
An initial concern regarding reproduction of grass carp (Stanley et al. 1978, Webb et al. 1994) has
been addressed largely through the use of sterile triploids (Durocher 1994). The effectiveness of
grass carp is strongly influenced by water temperature and seasonality, with northern ecosystems
typically requiring substantially higher stocking rates than southern ones (Stewart and Boyd
1994). In addition, stocking rates can vary by an order of magnitude, depending on whether
adequate results are required in 3 years as opposed to the need for more immediate results
(Stewart and Boyd 1994). The problem of lag time can be moderated by combining stocking of
grass carp with herbicide treatments in the first year (Eggeman 1994). However, a strong tendency
for obtaining either no perceived control with understocking or complete plant elimination with
overstocking remains--it has been termed the "all-or-none" dilemma (Haller 1994). If achieving an
intermediate density of plants is even possible using grass carp, it is certainly very difficult and
must be based on a more sophisticated understanding of interacting factors than have been
considered in the past.
Insect biocontrol agents currently under research and development for hydrilla were discovered
from overseas investigations of native habitats and brought in through the biocontrol "pipeline"
(Cofrancesco 1994). Hydrilla biocontrol agents include the flies Hydrellia pakistanae and H.
balciunasi (Buckingham and Okrah 1993) and the weevils Bagous hydrillae and B. affinis
(Grodowitz et al. 1995). Although several introduced biocontrol agents feed in a complementary
fashion to stress hydrilla populations, it is too early in the research and development process to
predict operational-scale success. For instance, mathematical models of H. pakistanae growth
rates suggest that even if the fly were successful in central Florida, its development rate may be
too slow in the colder climate of northern Alabama to be effective (Boyd and Stewart 1994).
Although foreign surveys for biocontrol agents for Eurasian watermilfoil have been recently
initiated (Buckingham 1995), most effort has been spent looking at naturalized or native insects
that feed on this species (Kangasniemi 1983). In particular, laboratory, mesocosm, and field
research have been vigorously pursued on the pyralid moth Acentria nivea (Creed and Sheldon
1994) and on the weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei (Creed and Sheldon 1993, 1994, Newman and
Maher 1995). Euhrychiopsis lecontei looks promising in that it is capable of cutting off the flow of
carbohydrates to root crowns, reducing the plant's ability to store carbohydrates for over wintering
(Newman et al. 1996) and reducing the buoyancy of the canopy (Creed et al. 1992). However, an
effective strategy for large-scale applications using these naturalized insects at an operational level
has yet to be verified.
Pathogens, like insects, are usually discovered by searching overseas for pathogens in the native
range of the target plant. Despite overseas searches (Harvey et al. 1995), no foreign pathogen
agents are currently under development. Actually, the best potential pathogen control agent for
submersed aquatic plants appears to be an endemic species, Mycoleptodiscus terrestris (Mt)
(Shearer 1995). Small-scale field tests indicated that Mt was an effective mycoherbicide, and
acted like a contact herbicide with little spread or drift (Shearer 1995). In addition, Mt has shown
promise in the laboratory as part of an integrated management strategy in which applications of
Mt combined with low dosage rates of the herbicide fluridone act synergistically (Nelson et al.
1998). However, more research and development effort must be accomplished before an effective
marketable mycoherbicide is available for use.
The last type of biological management technique, native plant restoration, is an ecological
approach to managing for a desired plant community. The basic idea is that restoring a native
plant community should be the end goal of most aquatic plant management programs (Nichols
1991, Smart and Doyle 1995). Lakes currently lacking a native plant community can have these
communities established (Smart et al. 1996a,b). Extant native plant communities should be
protected from invasion by nonnative species through mechanisms detailed later. In communities
that have only recently been invaded by nonnative species, a propagule bank probably exists that
will restore the native community after management of the nonnative plant (Getsinger et al. 1997).
However, in communities that have had monospecific nonnative plant dominance for a long
period of time (e.g., greater than 10 years), native plants may have to be reintroduced after a
successful maintenance management program has been instituted. A healthy native plant
community might slow invasion or reinvasion by nonnative species and will provide the
environmental and habitat needs of an aquatic littoral zone. However, even healthy, well-
developed native plant communities may eventually be invaded and dominated by nonnative
species (Madsen et al. 1991).
Chemical Management Techniques. In many ways, chemical management techniques have
changed dramatically in the past 20 years. Increased concern about the safety of pesticide use in
the 1960s and 1970s changed the review process for all pesticides, particularly for products used
in water. Currently, no product can be labeled for aquatic use if it poses more than a one in a
million chance of causing significant damage to human health, the environment, or wildlife
resources. In addition, it may not show evidence of biomagnification, bioavailability, or
persistence in the environment (Joyce 1991).
The greatest change for herbicides came with the passage of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide
and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) first passed in 1972 and amended in 1988 (Getsinger 1991,
Nesheim 1993). Due to more stringent and costly standards for testing, fewer compounds are now
available for aquatic use. In 1976, 20 active ingredients were available; as of 1995, only six are
available (Table 3), with one additional compound (triclopyr) undergoing the registration process.
Table 3. Characteristics of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-approved aquatic herbicides.
Compound Trade Name Company Formulation;
Contact vs. Systemic
Mode of Action Bluegill 96 hr.
Applied Biochemists (Cutrine)
Griffin Corporation
Various complexing
agents with copper,
superior to CuSO
Plant cell toxicant 1250
Wee-Rhap A-6D
Several Others
Applied Biochemists
BEE salt
DMA liquid
IEE liquid
Selective plant-
growth regulator
Reward Zeneca Liquid
Disrupts plant cell
membrane integrity
Aquathol K
Hydrothal 191
Aquathol granular
Elf Atochem (All Formulations) Liquid or granular
Inactivates plant
protein synthesis
Sonar AS
Sonar SRP
SePRO Liquid or granular
Disrupts carotenoid
synthesis, causing
bleaching of
Rodeo Monsanto Liquid
Disrupts synthesis of
(EUP Only)
Garlon 3A (EUP)
Renovate (EUP)
SePRO Liquid
Selective plant
growth regulator
However, the compounds no longer registered for aquatic use are not necessarily too dangerous;
rather, in most cases, the companies marketing them opted not to pursue registration due to
economic reasons. Their reluctance to invest in registration is understandable--it can take $20-40
million and 8-12 years to navigate successfully the registration process and its accompanying
series of laboratory and field testing, with no guarantee for return on investment (Getsinger 1991).
What remains are six active ingredients that not only are ensured safe for aquatic use (when used
according to the label) but also have manufacturers committed to the aquatic market.
The important caveat to remember is that these products are safe when used according to the label.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved label provides guidelines protecting
the health of the environment, the humans using that environment, and the applicators of the
herbicide. In most states, there are additional permitting or regulatory restrictions on the use of
these herbicides. A typical state restriction requires that these herbicides may be applied only by
licensed applicators. Annual updates from state regulatory and environmental agencies are
necessary to check for changes in label restrictions and application policies or permit
requirements, before developing or implementing any plans for applying herbicides.
Herbicides labeled for aquatic use can be classified as either contact or systemic. Contact
herbicides act immediately on the tissues contacted, typically causing extensive cellular damage at
the point of uptake but not affecting areas untouched by the herbicide. Typically, these herbicides
are faster acting, but they do not have a sustained effect, in many cases not killing root crowns,
roots, or rhizomes. In contrast, systemic herbicides are translocated throughout the plant. They are
slower acting but often result in mortality of the entire plant.
Complexed copper compounds include a variety of formulations from different companies, under
different names and labels, in which copper is chelated in an organic complexing agent that keeps
it in solution. Formerly, copper sulfate was used in applications, predominantly for the control of
phytoplankton. However, the copper rapidly precipitated, especially in harder water, and was no
longer available, leading to the production of complexed copper agents. Complexed copper is very
effective for algal control, somewhat effective for several vascular plants (particularly hydrilla),
and is also used in tank mixes with diquat to increase its effectiveness.
A widely used aquatic herbicide for many broadleaf species, such as Eurasian watermilfoil, is 2,4-
D. A selective systemic herbicide, it effectively controls broadleaf plants with a relatively short
contact time, but does not generally harm the pondweeds or water celery. However, it is also not
effective against elodea or hydrilla.
Diquat is a contact herbicide that will act on a very short contact time. It causes a rapid die-off of
the shoot portions of the plant it contacts, but is not effective on roots, rhizomes or tubers,
requiring subsequent applications. Diquat will bind to particulate and dissolved organic matter,
which restricts its use in some water bodies. It is also effective in a tank mix with copper
Endothall is another contact herbicide. Unlike Diquat, it is not affected by particulates or
dissolved organic material. It should not be used in tank mixtures with copper, as it can have an
antagonistic reaction with chelated copper compounds.
Fluridone is a nonselective systemic aquatic herbicide. It requires very long exposure times but
may be effective at very low concentrations. Fluridone is widely used for both hydrilla and
Eurasian watermilfoil management. It appears to work best where the entire lake or flowage
system can be managed, but not in spot treatments or high water exchange areas.
Glyphosate is not effective on submersed plants, and triclopyr is not yet labeled for general
aquatic use, so neither compound will receive additional attention.
In treating submersed species, the applicator is actually treating the water with a herbicide, and
allowing the plant to take up herbicide from the water. This creates a situation in which the
applicator needs to know the exchange rate of the water to have a successful application
(Getsinger et al. 1991). The exposure time of the plant to the herbicide is determined
predominantly by thewater exchange rate. Theresponse of different plant species to different
herbicides is a function of the properties of both the plant and the herbicide. The applicator also
needs to match a herbicide with an appropriate concentration and exposure-time relationship for
the target species (Netherland 1991). The concentration and exposure-time relationship for a given
compound have been determined from laboratory experiments. For instance, if it is known from
water exchange studies that the exposure time will ensure only 24 hours of contact with 1 mg/liter
of 2,4-D if applied at full label rate, than a 75% control rate for Eurasian watermilfoil can be
expected. If longer exposure times are expected, than lower concentrations can be applied. One
goal of this area of research is to allow for lower application rates, both to save money on
herbicides and to introduce a lower total amount of herbicide into the aquatic environment. For
higher exchange rates, the applicator will have to use higher concentrations of the contact
herbicides such as diquat or endothall; slower exchange rates may allow the use of systemic
herbicides (Tables 3,4). However, some systems are limited in selecting herbicides for use,
because it is never admissible to use concentrations of herbicides higher than the allowed EPA
maximum label rate.
Preparing to apply aquatic herbicide
Some herbicides (e.g., 2,4-D and triclopyr) are intrinsically selective, being very effective for
controlling broadleaf plants such as Eurasian watermilfoil but not narrow-leaved plants or grasses
such as hydrilla (Table 5). Other herbicides may be used selectively but only through application
based on the target and non-target plant's biology. Recent research has shown fluridone may be
used to selectively manage Eurasian watermilfoil and hydrilla at extremely low (e.g., 5 to 8 ppb)
concentrations; however, concentrations must be carefully monitored to avoid failure to control
the target species (Getsinger 1998, Netherland et al. 1997).
Table 4. Application restrictions of US Environmental Protection Agency-approved aquatic
Compound Persistence
(half-life, in
Safety Factor Application Notes WESRecommended
3 1.5
1.0 mg/L >50 Algicide / Herbicide Hydrilla, other
submersed spp.
2,4-D 7.5 0.5 gal/acre 2.0 mg/L >25 Some formulations for
special permits only
watermilfoil, water-
hyacinth, and others
Diquat 1-7 2 gal/acre 2 mg/L 5 Binds with particles All
(suspended solids) in water
Endothall 4-7 13 gal/acre 5.0 mg/L >10 (Aquathol)
<1.0 (Hydrothal)
Fish are sensitive to
Hydrothal 191 - over 1
mg/L may cause fish kill
All submersed spp.
Fluridone 21 1.1 qt/acre 0.15 mg/L
(150 ppb)
>20 Applications have been
successful below 10 ppb
Most submersed
Glyphosate 14 2 gal/acre 0.2 mg/L >20 Aerial portions only - not
for submersed plants
Most emergent and
floating spp.
(EUP Only)
na na 2.5 mg/L >50 EUP/Special Needs only -
US EPA label expected in
watermilfoil, water-
hyacinth, others
Table 5. Use suggestions for US Environmental Protection Agency-approved aquatic
Compound Exposure Time
Advantages Disadvantages Systems where used
Plant species
(18-72 hours)
Inexpensive, rapid
action, approved
for drinking water
Does not
biodegrade, but
biologically inactive
in sediments
Lakes as algicide,
herbicide in higher
exchange areas
acts in 7-10 days or
up to 4-6 weeks
2,4-D Intermediate
(18-72 hours)
Public perception Waterhyacinth and
watermilfoil control,
Lakes and slow-
flow areas, purple
Selective to broad-
leaves, acts in 5-7
days up to 2 weeks
Diquat Short (12-36
Rapid action,
limited drift
Does not affect
Shoreline, localized
treatments, higher
exchange rate areas
acts in 7 days
Endothall Short (12-36
Rapid action,
limited drift
Does not affect
Shoreline, localized
treatments, higher
exchange rate areas
Broad spectrum,
acts in 7-14 days
Fluridone Very long (30-
60 days)
Very low dosage
required, few label
Very long contact
Small lakes, slow
flowing systems
Broad spectrum,
acts in 30-90 days
Glyphosate Not Applicable Widely used, few
label restrictions,
Very slow action,
no submersed
Nature preserves
and refuges;
Emergent and
plants only
Broad spectrum,
acts in 7-10 days, up
to 4 weeks
(EUP Only)
(12-60 hours)
Selective, systemic Not currently
labeled for general
aquatic use
Lakes and slow-
flow areas, purple
Selective to broad-
leaves, acts in 5-7
days, up to 2 weeks
The future of h
erbicide use may include applying plant growth regulators (PGRs), such as
flurprimidol and paclobutrazol, which reduce plant elongation rather than cause plant death (Van
1988). The future of this approach dimmed considerably in the U.S. when Du Pont Corporation
did not pursue the registration of bensulfuron methyl, which showed great promise in restricting
tuber formation in hydrilla (Haller et al. 1992) and PGR activity in Eurasian watermilfoil
(Getsinger et al. 1994).
A second area in the future of herbicide use is integrated control, where herbicides are used in
conjunction with other management techniques to improve their effectiveness. Herbicides have
been used with grass carp (Eggeman 1994), insect biocontrol agents (Haag and Habeck 1991, Van
1988), and pathogens (Nelson et al. 1998, Sorsa et al. 1988) to increase their effectiveness.
Combining herbicides with mechanical and physical control techniques is also possible.
Mechanical and Physical Management Techniques. Mechanical management methods have
been widespread in attempts to control aquatic plants (Table 6). Yet all too often the approach to a
solution is strictly "engineering," rather than applying engineering to a knowledge of biology and
ecology of the target organism. Likewise, the erstwhile inventor often neglects a concern for the
environmental implications of use of the mechanical control, confirmed in the belief that it must
be better than "using poisons."
Table 6. Characteristics of mechanical management techniques.
Description Advantages Disadvantages Systems where used
Plant species
Hand- Cutting/
Direct hand pulling
or use of hand tools
affordable, can be
Labor-intensive, cost
is labor-based
Most of the
undeveloped world,
volunteer labor pools
Very effective in
very localized
Cutting Cut weeds with
mechanical device
(typically boat-
mounted sickle bar)
without collection
More rapid than
Large mats of cut
weeds may become a
health and
problem, may spread
Harvesting (Cut
and Remove)
Mechanical cutting
with plant removal
Removes plant
Slower and more
expensive than
cutting; resuspension
of sediments
Widespread use with
chronic plant
Like cutting, it is
cosmetic, non-
selective short-
Grinder or "Juicer"
(Cut and Grind)
Mechanical cutting
with grinding of
plant material and
in-lake disposal
Immediate relief
of plant nuisance,
no disposal
Resuspension of
decomposition of
plants in lake, floating
plant material
Useful for chronic
plant problems where
disposal of plants is
Like cutting and
harvesting, it is
cosmetic, non-
selective short-
Suction Harvester
Vacuum lift used to
remove plant stems,
roots, leaves,
sediment left in
selective (based
on visibility and
operator), longer-
Slow and cost-
Useful for smaller
nuisance plant
populations in which
plant density is
Typically have
minimal regrowth
for Eurasian
watermilfoil; not
effective for tuber-
setting hydrilla
Rotovating Cultivator on long
arm for tilling
aquatic sediments
Disrupts Eurasian
watermilfoil stem
May spread large
numbers of fragments;
resuspension of
Used extensively in
the Pacific Northwest
and British Columbia,
with mixed results
Effective in
disrupting Eurasian
watermilfoil dense
stands; not
selective and only
The most common form of mechanical control is actually the use of hand cutters, rakes, or bare
hands (no tools) to remove vegetation. Not only is this the most common method worldwide, but
also it is the most widely used method by most lakeshore owners in the U.S. In a do-it-yourself
guide, McComas (1993) listed a large number of hand implements and other small-scale devices
for mechanical control. These techniques are most appropriate for localized nuisance problems of
both nonindigenous and native plants.
Larger-scale control efforts require more mechanization (Table 6). The first uses a mechanical
cutter, which is typically a boat with a sickle-bar cutting blade. Although cutting alone is
relatively rapid, it leaves large mats of plants that can not only spread the plant but also create a
floating obstacle, wash up on shorelines, and cause water-quality problems through
decomposition. Because of these problems, cutting operations are typically combined with plant
removal. However, in some applications, removal is not necessary, in which case cutting alone is
A full aquatic harvester travels to unload its cargo
Aquatic harvester
In mechanical harvesting, cutting operations are combined with plant removal. Occasionally, there
are separate cutting and harvesting boats. More often, the harvesters have both a sickle-bar cutting
blade with a conveyor belt that loads the cut material on a boat. Disposal vehicles carry the plant
material away.
One neglected aspect of harvesting operations is disposal of plant material. The plant material is
generally more than 90% water and not suitable as a feed and cannot be sold or made into
anything truly useful. The common response is to use it as mulch. Due to the disposal problem,
some recent machine designs have included a shredder, chopper, or grinder to dispose of the plant
material back into the lake. Although some concern has been expressed to the release of nutrients,
the actual amount of nutrients released is small relative to other sources. A more realistic concern,
at least in southern water bodies, is the attraction of large carnivores (e.g., alligators) to the
"chum" resulting from chopped fish and other organisms that are a "by-catch."
Several studies have indicated that one harvest per year provides only brief control, whereas two
to three harvests of the same plot in a given year are required to provide adequate annual control.
However, cutting three times in a year may also reduce growth the following year (Madsen et al.
1988, Nichols and Cottam 1972). Most researchers directly ascribed successful control to
reductions in total stored carbohydrates (Kimbel and Carpenter 1981). Although many claim that
harvesting is environmentally superior to herbicide use, most neglect to consider that harvesting
removes large numbers of macroinvertebrates, semi-aquatic vertebrates, forage fishes, young-of-
the-year fishes, and even adult gamefishes (Engel 1990). The harvester acts as a large,
nonselective predator "grazing" in the littoral zone. In addition, harvesting can resuspend bottom
sediments into the water column, releasing nutrients and other accumulated compounds.
However, not all secondary effects of harvesting are negative. Removal of large amounts of plants
can improve the diel oxygen balance of littoral zones and rivers, particularly in shallower water
(Carpenter and Gasith 1978, Madsen et al. 1988). At this point, no studies have indicated whether
native communities respond preferentially to harvesting.
In the past, harvesting was widely touted as a mechanism to remove nutrients from lake systems.
However, ecosystem studies indicated that harvesting was not likely to significantly improve the
trophic status of a lake. For instance, harvesting all available plants in Lake Wingra, Wisconsin
removed only 16% of the nitrogen and 37% of the phosphorus net influxes into the lake; these
removals were insignificant compared to the lake's internal pools of those nutrients (Carpenter and
Adams 1976, 1978). Plant harvesting in Southern Chemung Lake, Ontario removed 20% of the
annual net phosphorus input (Wile 1975). In a more eutrophic system (Sallie Lake, Minnesota),
continuous harvesting of aquatic plants in the littoral zone during summer removed only 1.4% of
the total phosphorus input (Peterson et al. 1974). In a less eutrophic system (East Twin Lake,
Ohio), harvesting the entire littoral zone would have removed from 26% to 44% of the phosphorus
and from 92% to 100% of the nitrogen net loadings to the lake over a 5-year study period
(Conyers and Cooke 1983).
Harvesting aquatic plants is not an effective tool for reducing nutrient loads in a lake; in none of
the above scenarios was the internal nutrient pool reduced. In the best-case scenario, removing all
the plants in the lake only kept pace with the amount of external nitrogen loading and with not
quite half of the external phosphorus loading. Because no operational control program is going to
remove all plants in the littoral zone, it is unlikely that any operational harvesting program will
significantly impact the internal nutrient balance of the system.
The use of diver-operated suction harvesting (or dredging, as it is often called) is a fairly recent
technique. Called "harvesting" rather than "dredging" because, although a specialized small-scale
dredge is used, sediments are not removed from the system. Sediments are resuspended during the
operation, but using a sediment curtain mitigates these effects. Divers use this device to remove
plants from the sediment (NYSDEC and FOLA 1990). The technique can be very selective; divers
can literally choose the plants to be removed. Removal is efficient and regrowth is limited. The
system is very slow (100 m
per person-day; Eichler et al. 1993), and disposal of plant material
must also be resolved. However, it is an excellent method for small beds of plants or areas of
scattered clumps of plants too large for hand harvesting.
The last major mechanical management technique is rotovating, which is widely used in the
Pacific Northwest and, formerly, in British Columbia for management of Eurasian watermilfoil.
This method uses rotovator heads on submersible arms to till up the bottom sediments and to
destroy the root crowns. Rotovating is relatively rapid and can effectively control dense beds of
Eurasian watermilfoil for up to 2 years (Gibbons and Gibbons 1988). However, it spreads
Eurasian watermilfoil fragments, resuspends large amounts of sediments and nutrients, causes
high levels of turbidity, disrupts benthic communities, and is nonselective.
Physical management methods may or may not utilize large equipment but are distinguished from
mechanical techniques in the following manner: in mechanical techniques the machines act
directly upon the plants, in physical techniques the environment of the plants is manipulated,
which in turn acts upon the plants. Several physical techniques are commonly used: dredging,
drawdown, benthic barriers, shading or light attenuation, and nutrient inactivation (Table 7).
Table 7. Characteristics of physical management techniques.
Description Advantages Disadvantages Systems where used
Plant Species Response
Sediment Removal
Use mechanical
sediment dredge to
remove sediments,
deepen water
Creates deeper
water, very long-
term results
Very expensive, must
deal with dredge
Shallow ponds and
lakes, particularly those
filled in by
Often creates large
usable areas of lake, not
Drawdown "De-water" a lake or
river for an
extended period of
Inexpensive, very
Can have severe
impacts, severe
recreational/ riparian
user effects
Only useful for
manmade lakes or
regulated rivers with a
dam or water control
Selective based on
perennation strategy;
effective on evergreen
perennials, less effective
on herbaceous perennials
Benthic Barrier Use natural or
synthetic materials
to cover plants
Direct and
effective, may last
several seasons
Expensive and small-
scale, nonselective
Around docks, boat
launches, swimming
areas, and other small,
intensive use areas
Nonselective, plant
mortality within one
month underneath barrier
Shading / Light
Reduce light levels
by one of several
means: dyes, shade
cloth, plant trees
Nonselective, controls
all plants, may not be
aesthetically pleasing
Smaller ponds, man-
made waterbodies,
small streams
Nonselective, but may be
phosphorus (in
particular) using
Impractical for rooted
plants limited by
Most useful for
phytoplankton by
inactivating water
column P
Dredging is usually not performed solely for aquatic plant management but to restore lakes that
have been filled in with sediments, have excess nutrients, have inadequate pelagic and
hypolimnetic zones, need deepening, or require removal of toxic substances (Peterson 1982).
However, lakes that are very shallow due to sedimentation typically have excess plant growth.
This method is effective in that dredging typically forms an area of the lake too deep for plants to
grow, thus opening an area for riparian use (Nichols 1984). By opening more diverse habitats and
creating depth gradients, dredging may also create more diversity in the plant community (Nichols
1984). Results of dredging can be very long term. Biomass of Potamogeton crispus in Collins
Lake, New York remained significantly lower than pre-dredging levels 10 years after dredging
(Tobiessen et al. 1992). Due to the cost, environmental impacts, and the problem of disposal,
dredging should not be performed for aquatic plant management alone. It is best used as a multi-
purpose lake remediation technique.
Drawdown is another effective aquatic plant management technique that alters the plants
environment. Essentially, the water body has all of the water removed to a given depth. It is best if
this depth includes the entire depth range of the target species. Drawdown, to be effective, needs
to be at least 1 month long to ensure thorough drying (Cooke 1980b). In northern areas, a
drawdown in the winter that will ensure freezing of sediments is also effective. Although
drawdown may be effective for control of hydrilla for 1 to 2 years (Ludlow 1995), it is most
commonly applied to Eurasian watermilfoil (Siver et al. 1986) and other milfoils or submersed
evergreen perennials (Tarver 1980). Drawdown requires that there be a mechanism to lower water
levels. Although it is inexpensive and has long-term effects (2 or more years), it also has
significant environmental effects and may interfere with use and intended function (e.g., power
generation or drinking water supply) of the water body during the drawdown period. Lastly,
species respond in very different manners to drawdown and often not in a consistent fashion
(Cooke 1980b). Drawdown may provide an opportunity for the spread of highly weedy or
adventive species, particularly annuals.
Benthic barriers or other bottom-covering approaches are another physical management technique
that has been in use for a substantial period of time. The basic idea is that the plants are covered
over with a layer of a growth-inhibiting substance. Many materials have been used, including
sheets or screens of organic, inorganic and synthetic materials, sediments such as dredge
sediment, sand, silt or clay, fly ash, and combinations of the above (Cooke 1980a). The problem
with using sediments is that new plants establish on top of the added layer (Engel and Nichols
1984). The problem with synthetic sheeting is that the gasses evolved from decomposition of
plants and normal decomposition activities of the sediments underneath the barrier collect under
the barrier, lifting it (Gunnison and Barko 1992). Benthic barriers will typically kill plants under
them within 1 to 2 months, after which they may be removed (Engel 1984). Sheet color is
relatively unimportant; opaque (particularly black) barriers work best, but even clear plastic
barriers will work effectively (Carter et al. 1994). Sites from which barriers are removed will be
rapidly recolonized (Eichler et al. 1995). In addition, synthetic barriers may be left in place for
multi-year control but will eventually become sediment-covered and will allow colonization by
plants. Benthic barriers, effective and fairly low-cost control techniques for limited areas (e.g., <1
acre), may be best suited to high-intensity use areas such as docks, boat launch areas, and
swimming areas. However, they are too expensive to use over widespread areas, and heavily
effect benthic communities.
A basic environmental manipulation for plant control is light reduction or attenuation. This, in
fact, may have been the first physical control technique. Shading has been achieved by
fertilization to produce algal growth, application of natural or synthetic dyes, shading fabric, or
covers, and establishing shade trees (Dawson 1986, Dawson and Hallows 1983, Dawson and
Kern-Hansen 1978, Madsen et al. 1999). During natural or cultural eutrophication, phytoplankton
growth alone can shade macrophytes (Jones et al. 1983). Although light manipulation techniques
may be useful for narrow streams or small ponds, in general these techniques are of only limited
The final physical management method often discussed is nutrient inactivation. Nutrient
inactivation is commonly done for algal or phytoplankton control by adding alum to the water
column, which binds phosphorus and thus limits the growth of algae (McComas 1993). However,
larger vascular aquatic plants are typically limited by nitrogen rather than phosphorus and derive
most of their nutrients from the sediment rather than from the water column. No chemical is
available that binds nitrogen as readily as alum binds phosphorus. Additionally, the difficulties of
adding a binding agent to the sediment rather than to the water column are obvious. Despite these
limitations, nutrient inactivation has been attempted, but with limited success (Mesner and Narf
1987). At this point, nutrient inactivation for control of aquatic vascular plants is still in the
research and development phase.
The author measuring Eurasian watermilfoil densities
No Action. While doing nothing is not, on the face of it, a management technique; the "no-action"
alternative is one often used as the "baseline condition" for permits or environmental impact
comparisons. "No action" is also the default choice of regulators and managers everywhere. Who
can blame them? The direst of bureaucratic punishments is reserved for those who try and fail,
while those who do nothing are rarely even reprimanded, much less punished.
When evaluating the various management techniques, the assumption is erroneously made that
doing nothing is environmentally neutral. In dealing with nonnative species like hydrilla, giant
salvinia and Eurasian watermilfoil, the environmental consequences of doing nothing may be
high, possibly even higher than any of the effects of management techniques. Unmanaged, these
species can have severe negative effects on water quality, native plant distribution, abundance and
diversity, and the abundance and diversity of aquatic insects and fish (Madsen 1997).
Nonindigenous aquatic plants are the problem, and the management techniques are the collective
solution. Nonnative plants are a biological pollutant that increases geometrically, a pollutant with
a very long residence time and the potential to "biomagnify" in lakes, rivers, and wetlands.
Conclusion. Despite the views of some, there is no single cure-all solution to aquatic plant
problems, no single "best choice." For that matter, several of these techniques can be made to
work to work for most aquatic plant problems, given enough time and money. None of these
techniques are evil or inherently unacceptable; likewise, none of these techniques are without
flaws or potential environmental impacts. Rather, it is up to each management group to select the
most appropriate techniques for their situation given a set of social, political, economic and
environmental conditions.
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