AEIOU Foundation ph 07 3320 7500 f 07 3320 7599 e researc[email protected] w
Central Office 3 Balaclava Street Woolloongabba Q 4111. PO Box 8072, Woolloongabba Q 4102
ABN 19 135 897 255 Registered Charity CH1818
AEIOU Research Application
AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism aims to support research that promises to inform future
directions of services for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. Accordingly,
AEIOU makes a substantial ongoing investment in a coordinated program of research conducted in its
centres and collaborates with researchers outside the organisation to address identified research gaps.
AEIOU recognises the rights of potential participants in research to privacy and confidentiality and
protection from physical, psychological and other forms of harm. AEIOU also seeks to ensure that the
research activity does not disrupt current AEIOU programs. To ensure these safeguards are in place,
researchers seeking support from AEIOU to advertise or conduct research are required to undergo a
screening process conducted by the AEIOU Research and Innovation Committee (ARIC). Part of this process
involves the completion of a research application which is distributed to members of the AEIOU Research
and Innovation Committee, to consider at their next meeting.
ARIC will only consider applications that address one or more of the current AEIOU Research Priority Areas.
AEIOU Research Priority Areas:
1. Evaluation of the AEIOU curriculum.
2. Transition research: understanding specific child and family issues (including cultural matters)
related to aiding children to have the best outcomes when they transition from AEIOU and for
AEIOU to deliver more informed early intervention services.
3. School readiness research: Identifying and examining critical skills that are needed to enable a
child to make a successful transition from an early intervention setting to a school setting.
4. Early intervention program essentials: e.g., level of intensity and type of EI program to deliver the
best outcomes for children at different stages of their developmental trajectory
5. Research that examines specific early intervention practices relevant to the delivery of the AEIOU
6. Scientific Merit: in certain circumstances applications may be considered, if they are deemed to be of
outstanding scientific merit.
The AEIOU Research and Innovation Committee will not approve projects that:
Do not fit under one of the research priorities stated above
Are similar to existing projects and/or
Are considered of low benefit, or overly demanding on participants.
In addition, high demand for involvement in research means that from time to time no new projects will
be approved to avoid overloading children, families, and staff. Projects will only be considered if deemed
to have significant potential for participants and can be justified under one of the current AEIOU research
Researchers are required to complete and return this application to:
AEIOU Research and Innovation Committee Secretariat at [email protected]
AEIOU Foundation ph 07 3320 7500 f 07 3320 7599 e researc[email protected] w
Central Office 3 Balaclava Street Woolloongabba Q 4111. PO Box 8072, Woolloongabba Q 4102
ABN 19 135 897 255 Registered Charity CH1818
SECTION 1: Investigators
Principal Researcher
Title: e.g., Dr/ Miss/Ms/Mrs/ Mr
First name:
Designation: e.g., Principal Investigator, Masters
student etc.
Contact Address:
Co-Investigators and/or Supervisors (please insert additional boxes as required)
First name:
Contact Address:
SECTION 2: Research Information
Title of Research:
Research aim and purpose: (1 paragraph max)
Which AEIOU research priority does your research address and how? (1 paragraph max)
Summary of the research in plain language (e.g., approach, design and strategies employed to
ensure validity and reliability):
(1 paragraph max)
Finish date:
SECTION 3: Research Method
Participants and sample sizes (e.g., 10 students, 50 teachers):
Instruments: (e.g., Survey form, interview questions, reliability, validity)
Please attach data collection instruments and/or example questions
Administration: (How will research be administered, by whom? e.g., interview, survey form
distributed by researcher) Please attach consent forms
Research stages: (e.g., description, duration, anticipated research timeline)
SECTION 4: Perceived Benefits and Risks
Please attach approval letters from your institutions Ethics Committee/s. Please note ethical
approval is a requirement of advertising or conducting research with AEIOU.
Blue card:
Please attach a copy of your (or the person conducting the research if it is to be completed by
another individual e.g., a research assistant) current blue card.
Commercialisation: Does this research have the potential for current or future financial gain
(whether that be for a service, product or other means)? Yes/No
If yes, please elaborate:
What processes do you have in place to ensure that the privacy and confidentiality of information
related to the participants is respected?
What demands or risks may occur to the following participants (e.g., time, inconvenience, need to
travel, interruption to programs, psychological or physical stress etc.)?
a. Individuals with ASD
b. Families of individuals with ASD
c. AEIOU staff
d. Staff from other organisations that provide services to individuals with ASD (e.g. teachers
from other organisations, allied health professionals etc)
How will this research benefit individuals with ASD? (In terms of contribution to current knowledge
base regarding our understanding of ASD, efficacy of programs, service provision models, family
functioning etc.)
How would you like us to advertise your research? (Centre newsletters, flyer in centres, etc).
How do you intend to disseminate the results of the research to the participants and AEIOU staff?
SECTION 6: Principal Researcher’s Declaration
Conditions applicable to all research undertaken with AEIOU. Please tick:
All data to be treated as confidential, anonymity of participants to be preserved
All copies of publications will be provided to the ARIC Secretariat when they are submitted
and/or accepted.
An electronic copy of any report, conference abstract and presentation(s) will be provided to
the ARIC Secretariat. The conference abstract should be provided as soon as the abstract has
been accepted and the slides or posters should be provided as soon as the presentation has
been given.
A progress report will be provided to the ARIC secretariat after 6 months of the project has
been completed.
An executive summary of the research findings will be provided to the ARIC secretariat at the
completion of the study.
The support of AEIOU will be acknowledged in all presentations and publications arising from
the research in the form of: Supported by the AEIOU Foundation.
Please read the following information carefully before signing.
I declare that the information I have supplied in this form is true and correct.
I declare that identifying documents (including ethical approval documents), shown in order
for me to complete my research, are true and correct
I understand that I must provide evidence of a Suitability for Working with Children Card
(“Blue Card”) for any members of the research team/associates who will come into contact
with children
I guarantee that I will immediately advise AEIOU if the Suitability for Working with Children
Card conditions, or relevant exemption, changes during the period of research indicated
Principal Researcher:
Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _______________
Student Supervisor (if applicable):
Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _______________
Note: it is an offence under the Oaths Act to deliberately make a false or misleading statement.