Aetna Integrated
Health and Disability
Aetna stands alone in
integrating medical and
disability data in real-time
and implementing holistic
care management to
improve outcomes for
employers and their
Features and Capabilities of Truly Integrated Plans
Real-time data integration to predict medical events
and employee disabilities and facilitate coordinated
care management within HIPAA guidelines.
Combined disability management and patient
management expertise
to coordinate services for
members, and manage costs and resources.
A holistic view of an individual’s situation to create
administrative efficiencies and opportunities for early
intervention and physician involvement.
Coordinated consistent disability, medical and
rehabilitation services
to provide assessments and
address each individual’s medical condition and
functional requirements at work. (2/04)
Through real-time data integration, predictive
modeling of medical and disability events,
and prospective early intervention, Aetna
gives members the advantage of the earliest
possible clinical support and case management.
In todays business environment,
controlling benefits costs and maximizing
employee health and productivity are
crucial issues. Aetna can make a
difference with our new model for
linking medical, short term disability
and long term disability plans.
Under our Integrated Health and
Disability (IHD) approach, Aetna
integrates medical and disability
programs two ways:
1.With the employees consent, we
integrate medical and disability case
management to coordinate care.
By looking at an employees medical
needs and ability to work, we can
identify opportunities to help an
employee prevent a disability altogether,
or return to the workplace sooner and
avoid an extended disability claim.
2.We integrate medical and disability data
through Aetna Integrated Informatics
our data integration and analysis
experts. By analyzing historical claims
data, we have developed medical and
disability predictive models that identify
members at risk for adverse health and
disability events. This allows us to
implement early intervention programs
designed to avoid or lessen disabilities
and time away from work.
IHD is our way of doing business,
and there is no additional cost for
these value-added services.
Linking medical and disability
claims information, claims
processes and case management
offers you several advantages:
Providing a consistent medical
case manager for the employee
Supporting complete, efcient
interactions between your
employees and Aetna staff on
complex clinical issues
Assuring seamless coordination of
health, disability and behavioral
health services, thereby reducing
multiple phone calls from Aetna to
your employees and benets staff
Improving plan administration
Increasing employee satisfaction
Integrated data analysis and reports
All disabilities involve medical
treatment as a key component of
restoring functionality. Aetna is an
expert in both health and disability,
so we are able to apply a holistic
approach to disabilities that focuses
on employee health needs.
Aetna is a leading benefits company
integrating health and disability data
in real time:
We have the ability to
predict both medical and disability
events, and take
prospective action,
giving us a distinct advantage in being
more timely in our interventions.
This means we can offer improvements
in productivity and absenteeism by:
Identifying employees at risk
for adverse medical and related
disability events within HIPAA
guidelines, and helping individuals
and their doctors take steps to
improve health.
Coordinating Aetna resources
that can offer early intervention
services designed to assist
employees in their efforts to
successfully address these events.
Assisting you in identifying
issues that adversely impact the
health and productivity of the
work force, and offering solutions
to foster increased wellness and
Simplifying utilization and
improving access to health and
disability benets.
Helping decrease days out of work.
Ultimately, by integrating
health and disability
plans with Aetna, you
can build a healthier, more
productive work force.
A Look at How IHD Works
Employees who have coverage under an
Aetna health plan and an Aetna disability
plan, as well as a diagnosis that triggers case
management, will benet from this model.
IHD coordinates the activities of Aetnas
Medical Case Management program,
Aetna Disability, Aetnas Behavioral Health
program services, and Aetna Integrated
Informatics (AetInfo), our data integration
and analysis experts.
IHD is fully HIPAA-compliant. If Aetna
determines that the employee may benet
from integrated case management, the
employee will be asked if he or she wishes
to have Aetna medical and Aetna disability
staff share data and coordinate activities.
When the employee agrees, and signs
and returns a Release of Information
form (ROI) available online or by mail,
the medical and disability staffs can share
clinical information and jointly work with
the employee to help him or her address
medical and disability issues.
Located together, medical and behavioral
health case managers act as the clinical
consultants to disability claim analysts for
the disability event as long as the case
remains in case management. Disability
analysts make disability claim decisions.
Contact your broker or local Aetna
representative today!
Find out more about how we can work
together to make a difference in the
outcomes of employee illnesses and injuries.
A Case in Point: Mary’s Story
Mary is a 47-year-old in a sedentary
ofce job. She underwent elective
surgery for a gastrointestinal condition
a few years ago, but continued to
have problems.
During this time, she saw her regular
doctor and some specialists, and
required a number of prescriptions,
home health care and special medical
supplies. Her frequent short-term
hospitalizations triggered our case
management process and she was
referred to a more formal health care
management program.
Another surgical procedure would
require Mary to be out of work and,
when she inquired about her disability
benets, she learned about Aetnas
integrated approach to health and
disability and gave permission to share
information. Our disability and health
care managers were then able to use
data integrated in real-time in Aetnas
common system platform to develop
a course of action.
Mary suffered more setbacks following
her surgery and she was readmitted to
the hospital without being able to
contact her disability specialist to update
her disability status. However, with
combined disability management and
patient management services
, the
disability staff was able to review the
information gathered previously by the
medical nurse case manager and extend
Marys disability benets appropriately.
There was no lapse in Marys disability
certication, and no need for her to
re-start the benets process after
discharge from the hospital.
Taking a
holistic view of Marys
as she continued to recover,
the nurse case manager and disability
specialist worked together on a plan to
monitor Marys progress.
The result: Because Marys health and
disability benets were coordinated
in a consistent, seamless manner
a valuable connection was created
between the two specialists working
on her care. Mary did not suffer
any interruption in her disability
benets, her physician and employ-
er were not contacted multiple
times for information, and she had
a high degree of satisfaction with
the process. By following her care
management plan, Mary was able
to avoid further short-term
hospitalizations and absences
from work.
“Aetna” is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of
the Aetna group of subsidiary companies.HMO, Quality Point-of-Service
, Aetna Open
, Aetna Choice
POS and USAccess
plans are provided or administered by Aetna
Health Inc., Aetna Health of California Inc., Aetna Health of the Carolinas Inc., Aetna
Health of Illinois Inc., Corporate Health Insurance Company, Aetna Health Insurance
Company of Connecticut, Aetna Health Insurance Company of New York and/or Aetna
Health Insurance Company; and in Arizona — Aetna Health Inc. and/or Corporate Health
Insurance Company. Elect Choice, Managed Choice
POS, Open Choice
PPO, Aetna
POS II, Aetna Open Access
Managed Choice
, Aetna Open Access
Elect Choice,
Traditional Choice
and Aetna HealthFund
medical plans are provided or administered by
Aetna Life Insurance Company.
Group Disability products are provided or administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company. (2/04) ©2004 Aetna Inc.
People experience health along a continuum of care
Keep healthy
Avoid migration to
unhealthy condition
Informed Health
Line (Self care)
Aetna InteliHealth
Simple Steps
Benefit design
Coverage bulletins
Identify risks &
behaviors early
Target interventions
Manage condition
Avoid migration
to acute condition
or disability
Informed Health
Line (Self care)
Aetna InteliHealth
Aetna Pharmacy
Aetna Behavioral
Effective decision
Provider, case manager,
patient interaction
Appropriate treatment
Avoid migration
to disability
Informed Health
Line (Self care)
Aetna InteliHealth
> Case management
> Disability management
> Behavioral health
National Medical
Excellence Program
Specialist network
Aetna Pharmacy
Aetna Behavioral
Minimize duration
Support return to
Facilitate return to
Avoid migration to
permanent disability
Informed Health
Line (Self care)
Aetna InteliHealth
> Case management
> Disability management
> Behavioral health
Clinical duration tools
Vocational rehabilitation
Specialist network
Aetna Pharmacy
Residual function
Chronic condition
Permanent disability
Aetna Long Term
Aetna Long Term
Care Insurance
Disability stems from health deterioration/health needs.
A consumer-oriented philosophy of medical care offers the opportunity to integrate care, including disability.