Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
Written Contract
Domestic Worker Bill of Rights requirements:
Under Philadelphia Code Chapter 9-4500, there must be a written contract that governs the
employment between the hiring entity and the domestic worker.
The contract must include the following:
- A specific list of job duties
- Hourly wage and overtime wage
- Weekly schedule including number of hours
per week
- The manner and frequency of payment
- Breaks for rest and meals
- Paid or unpaid leave including sick time
- Paid holidays
- Any other benefits provided
- Modes of transportation required
and whether provided
- Value of housing if provided
- Sleeping period and personal time for
live-in workers
- The term of the contract
- Any additional terms and conditions
of employment
The contract must be signed and dated by all parties after ample opportunity to review.
The contract must be in English and other preferred languages by the worker. A referral agency
must provide domestic workers and hiring entities with information concerning contract
requirements as defined by the law. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees
for exercising their rights.
The Office of Benefits and Wage Compliance
Model Template
For more information contact our office at [email protected] v or call 215.686.0802
Employers must keep record of this contract in order to demonstrate compliance.
This written contract is an agreement between ______________________________________________ and
__________________________________________________ on the date of ___________________________________
with the following terms of employment:
1) The employee will start employment on the date of ________________________________________ .
2) The term of employment:
Until the date of __________________________________
Until either party ends this agreement
Employer name
Employee name Date
Hire date
Last day date
The employee is entitled to two weeks notice or two weeks severance pay or four weeks notice or four weeks severance
pay for live in employees.
For more information contact our office at [email protected] v or call 215.686.0802
Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
Written Contract
The Office of Benefits and Wage Compliance
Model Template
Employers must keep record of this contract in order to demonstrate compliance.
For more information contact our office at [email protected] v or call 215.686.0802
3) Workplace location:
4) This position is a:
Live in the employers home
Live out of the employers home
5) Job duties for the following position of ________________________________________ include:
Describe caretaking duties:
Other Duties:
Job title
Taking out trash/ recycling
Bathrooms, # __________________
Bedrooms. # __________________
Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
Written Contract
6) Work Schedule: # of hours per week: _______________
Sunday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
Monday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
Tuesday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
Wednesday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
Thursday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
Friday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
Saturday Start time:______________________ End Time:_______________________
7) Compensation
Hourly wage: _____________________ Overtime wage: ____________________
Payment will be every _______________________ on _______________________ by _____________________.
Day/ week/ biweekly /etc
Day of payment Type of payment
Additional compensation includes:
The following will be paid holidays at _________________________ :
Rate of pay
The Office of Benefits and Wage Compliance
Model Template
Employers must keep record of this contract in order to demonstrate compliance.
For more information contact our office at [email protected] v or call 215.686.0802
Employer can choose to provide a raise: _______________% every _______________.
Employers must provide live-in employee with 1 day off after 6 consecutive days of work.
The Office of Benefits and Wage Compliance
Model Template
Employers must keep record of this contract in order to demonstrate compliance.
For more information contact our office at [email protected] v or call 215.686.0802
Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
Written Contract
8) Benefits
Employer must provide employees with paid and unpaid leave time as defined by the law.
Employee will accrue at least 1 hour for every 40 hours worked and capped at 40 hours earned
per calendar year. Live-in employees will accrue time only for on-duty hours. Employer must
inform employees of this right and track accrual and use. Employee may use their paid or
unpaid leave for health reasons and preventative care, to care for oneself or a family member,
or to replace lost work time.
Additional benefits:
9) Modes of transportation required and whether provided:
10) Live-in terms:
Sleeping period: From: _______________ Until:_________________
Paid _________________
Wage per hour
Personal time: From: _______________ Until:_________________
Value of housing: ___________________/ month
Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
Written Contract
11) Breaks for rests and meals
9-4503 (2)
(a) The hiring entity shall allow the domestic worker an uninterrupted paid rest-period of not less than ten minutes for each four
consecutive hours worked, unless the nature of the work prevents the domestic worker from being relieved of all duties for such period
of time, such as some types of child care and caretaker work for a sick, elderly or disabled person. The hiring entity shall pay the
domestic worker for the time spent on a rest break at the domestic worker's regular rate of pay.
(b) The hiring entity shall allow an uninterrupted 30-minute meal break after more than ve consecutive hours worked. Unless the
domestic worker is relieved of all work duties during such 30-minute period, the meal period shall be considered an "on-duty" meal
period and shall be paid at the domestic worker's 1164.2 regular rate of pay.
(i) An "on-duty" meal period shall be permitted only when the nature of the work prevents a domestic worker from being relieved
of all duties and when, by written agreement between the parties, an "on-duty" meal period is agreed to. Such agreement may be revoked
by the domestic worker, in writing, at any time.
(c) The hiring entity shall not impede or discourage a domestic worker from taking such meal or rest breaks.
(d) Failure to allow a meal or rest period in accordance with this subsection 9-4503(2) shall entitle the domestic worker to one
additional hour of pay at the domestic worker's regular rate of compensation for each workday that the meal or rest period was not
provided. Payment of this extra pay shall not excuse non-compliance with this subsection.
Employer will provide breaks in accordance with the law defined below.
The undersigned parties were given ample opportunity to review and agree to the terms within
this agreement.
Employee Name
Employee Signature
Employer Name
Employer Signature
Additional terms and conditions of employment:
The Office of Benefits and Wage Compliance
Model Template
Employers must keep record of this contract in order to demonstrate compliance.
For more information contact our office at [email protected] v or call 215.686.0802