1 Passenger Terminal Design
Passenger Terminal Design
As passenger terminals are important interfaces
where passengers transition from land-based
transportation modes to aircraft, special care
needs to be given to ensure air travel is not only
safe, but also accessible, enjoyable and affordable.
While every passenger terminal’s design and
requirements are different it is always
recommended to follow consistent best practice
design principles:
Provide a Safe and Secure Environment
Safety and security are of the highest importance in
the planning, design and operation of terminal
buildings. Passenger terminals provide a critical
component in maintaining the safety and security
of the global aviation system through the
prevention of the passage of people and objects
that can cause harm or lead to acts of unlawful
Passenger terminals, along with all other airport
facilities must meet both international and national
safety and security requirements. Threats to safety
and security may be of malicious intent, such as
terrorists or criminals, or unintentional, such as
people carrying large quantities of batteries. Due to
the evolution of threats planners should work
closely with authorities to determine appropriate
solutions, including bringing in best practice
emerging from the global aviation community.
Solutions for safe and secure terminal buildings will
be anchored in the building concept and will
normally require a range of controls and
surveillance with significant reliance on
technologies such as access control, e-gates,
CCTV, screening equipment, video analytics and
communications. Technology can also be used to
help minimize the impact of such controls on the
passenger journey and experience.
Provide Optimum Level of Service
IATA's primary objective is to inform the planning
process with recommendations to determine the
optimum, balanced capacity and level of service.
The IATA Level of Service (LoS) framework
provides a set of industry guidelines for passenger
terminal facilities, in terms of the space to be
provided to passengers as well as the time
passengers can expect to be queueing at individual
facilities. These performance guidelines represent
international best practice at many airports around
the world.
The guidelines strive to promote efficiently sized
facilities by finding an optimal balance between
infrastructure costs with passenger comfort. IATA
strongly recommends that all parties involved
collaborate to jointly provide terminal facilities with
an “Optimum Level of Service”.
Provide Efficient, Consolidated Facilities
Providing intuitive and efficient navigation and
circulation throughout the terminal is a key planning
and design objective. Consolidated processing
areas are generally desired and typically provide a
number of benefits, most notably for the
passenger, and also from a reduced land use,
operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and
sustainability perspective.
Consolidated terminal processing areas allow an
airport to be more efficient in terms of its own
resource deployment. This efficiency applies to its
own staff, governmental agency staff, airline
partners, ground handlers, and other stakeholders.
Provide Seamless Passenger Journeys
The best airport terminals are those that provide
the most clear and direct path across all passenger
journey paths (domestic, international, and transfer
traffic). Intuitive wayfinding, limiting decision points
and level changes, the use of materials, lighting,
outdoor views and other physical directional clues
that enhance passenger orientation are
significantly more effective than reliance on
signage. Passenger orientation within the
passenger terminal can be greatly enhanced by
adopting a transparent building philosophy.
There is no simpler way to orientate
passengers than to allow them to see their final
2 Passenger Terminal Design
The simplest way to maintain passenger flow
and orientation is to limit the number of choices
available. “Straight ahead” is always the
simplest way to maintain passenger orientation.
Convoluted circulation routes that include
changes in direction or level complicate the
passenger journey.
Passengers should not be subjected to
changes in direction greater than 90 degrees
and should not be made to perform repeated
90 degree turns within a short distance.
Passenger routes that backtrack or cross other
flows should be avoided.
Walking distances from the forecourt to the
gate and vice versa should be minimized.
Walking distances in excess of 300 meters
should be augmented with moving walkways.
Commercial areas should be “on the way not in
the way” and provide convenient access
without impeding direct access to gates or
increasing the overall walking distance.
Quick, easy and direct routings through
terminals should also be accommodated.
Level changes should be avoided. When there
is no alternative, then level changes should be
achieved by modes of conveyance (i.e.,
escalators and elevators) with an associated
staircase and/or ramp as backup.
Enable Efficient Operations
Before embarking on a capital investment program,
it is recommended that airports review their current
operational processes and procedures to identify
any opportunity to improve efficiency. By adjusting
current processes and proceduresthus, better
utilizing existing facilitiesthe airport can gain
efficiencies, increase the level of service, and often
add capacity with little or no cost.
Beyond process improvements, the planning and
design of passenger terminals (including
renovations and expansions to existing facilities)
should be based on sound planning guidelines.
There should be a strong focus on efficiency which
should be a goal across all aspects of the terminal.
This should be supported by a concept of
operations focusing on outcomes, agreed with
airport users.
Efficient outcomes mean higher levels of service,
lower operations and maintenance costs, and a
lower carbon footprint; three desirable outcomes
for any airport.
Provide Cost-Effective Design Solutions
Terminal design projects should identify cost-
effective solutions seeking to ensure that
functional requirements are addressed efficiently
and that design solutions are selected in order to
minimize operating costs for airports and users.
Proposals to extend or construct new passenger
terminal facilities should consider a detailed
business case and cost-benefit analysis. Business
Cases must demonstrate and quantify clear
benefits in terms of increased capacity, improved
passenger experience and operational efficiency,
as well as providing sustainable design solutions.
Business cases must consider not just the required
capital expenditure (CAPEX) but ideally the whole-
life-cycle cost of the project. It is also
recommended to consider operating and
replacement costs (OPEX/REPEX), to achieve an
optimum balance between initial investment and
the need for ongoing maintenance.
Airport capital investments should ultimately only
proceed where a clear business case exists,
supported by a positive cost benefit analysis and
the explicit agreement of airlines. This recognizes
that a direct cost relatedness exists between
airport infrastructure investments and airport
charges that airlines pay for. See IATA airport
infrastructure business cases position paper for
further guidance.
In order to facilitate future growth, designs should
seek to ensure that airports can be expanded
incrementally. Additional infrastructure should be
added in an economically efficient manner on a
“just in time” basis to meet increasing demand.
Furthermore, expansions must be planned to
ensure their compatibility with the airport master
plan to avoid negative impacts to airport operations
and future constraints.
Provide Accessible Facilities
A key objective of every project should be to
ensure that airport facilities are planned and
designed to be used by everyone, including those
with disabilities, without the need for adaptation or
specialized design.
Airports should follow the principles of Universal
Design from the outset of all new projects. For
brownfield projects where adapting legacy facilities
can be challenging, every effort should be made to
3 Passenger Terminal Design
incorporate Universal Design principles, accepting
that it might not always be possible to fully address
the needs of all passengers with disabilities.
Greenfield projects, on the other hand, can benefit
greatly (and avoid subsequent costs) by
incorporating universal design and inclusion early
on as part of the planning process.
Plan for Integrated Systems
The systems environment of a terminal can be
complex. An extensive variety of sophisticated
mechanical and data systems support the
operation of the airport and its partners (i.e., the
airlines, governmental agencies, and others).
Examples of such systems include, among many
others, check-in systems, Baggage Handling
Systems (BHS), data management systems
including Airport Operations Data Bases (AODB), or
Flight Information Display Systems (FIDS).
Many of these systems exchange data information
with each other in order to provide a
comprehensive airport operational system.
Integrating and coordinating the input and output
of these various data systems is an important part
of airport management.
One of the most important systems, and the one
that has the biggest impact on terminal design is
the BHS. BHS are expensive to build, maintain and
operate, and are an important factor in the footprint
and cost of the terminal building. The BHS has a
bigger impact on the design and spatial planning of
a passenger terminal than any other processing
systems and can be difficult to retrofit into an
existing passenger terminal design.
For new terminals, the BHS needs to be considered
early in the design process and should be aligned
with the terminal's planning assumptions.
The processing of passengers and baggage are
fully interdependent therefore any constraint in the
handling of baggage can limit the overall passenger
Design for Passenger Satisfaction
Designing for passenger satisfaction should follow
all the journey steps and for all different users
including staff and visitors. Particular attention
should be paid to journey steps that can create
higher levels of stress in passengers. Good
facilities for staff are important in their delivery of
service excellence.
Designers should ensure that all the core
components are resilient in their operation with
necessary redundancy to enable maintenance to
be carried out without affecting the journey.
There is increasing public interest in airports
making positive interventions on important issues
such as sustainability and inclusivity and clear
demonstration of such values will likely add to the
passenger experience.
Consider the Local Context
The journey through the passenger terminal
provides an excellent opportunity for identification
with the region that the airport serves, acting as a
gateway with its unique culture and sense of place.
The planning and design of the airport terminal
should consider the local context through
showcasing the culture, heritage, spirit, and
amenities that can be expected. Input from local
communities is to be encouraged.
The design of the terminal will also need to meet all
local standards and regulations. This may result in
different layouts for similar functional
requirements, in particular for fire protection,
security, seismic, religion, sustainability and climate
Plan for Flexible, Modular Expansion
Each of the interconnected subsystems in an
airport terminal will likely need to adapt as
passenger traffic evolves. Whether it is capacity
enhancement, a modification in operating
protocols or the regulatory environment, utilizing
modular, expandable building designs, materials
and systems facilitates accommodating such
required changes over time.
Terminal facilities must be designed so that they
can respond to growth in a logical, phased manner.
It is recommended that, on an unconstrained site, a
plan be based on modular flexibility and
expandability, starting from a single terminal
complex or “campus” capable of accommodating
the passenger handling needs for as long as
possible before embarking on the implementation
of further terminals.
Each of the terminal sub-systems must be in
balance with the others as there is no benefit in
having surplus capacity in one sub-system if others
are constrained.
4 Passenger Terminal Design
A modular design philosophy enables capacity
enhancements to be added to individual
subsystems and facilities without unnecessarily
disrupting existing operations.
Clustered siting of physical elements that are
difficult, costly and disruptive to relocate (i.e.,
structural elements, vertical circulation and service
cores) is effective.
Airports must be designed to minimize the physical
constraints each element imposes on future
expansion by ensuring that all elements address
Safeguard for Innovation and Future
Operational Changes
As the aviation industry continues to be an
extremely dynamic business, major changes will
continue to affect the way airlines operate,
passengers interact with airlines, and airlines and
passengers use airports. In addition, changing
governmental regulations, new industry standards,
availability of user data and the constant search for
new revenue opportunities will further drive
Airlines and passengers will continue to challenge
airports to optimize their processes and operate
efficient facilities at the least cost generating
efficiencies that can be passed on to the
Airport owners, developers, and designers are
faced with the challenge of providing cost-effective
airport facilities that respond to airline
requirements and changing business models, all
while offering the greatest possible flexibility.
It is recommended that forward looking
opportunities to improve safety and operations,
increase efficiencies, reduce costs (all with a focus
on meeting the level of service), should be a
constant airport initiative.
Champion Collaborative Partnering in
Design and Development
The process of collaborative partnering brings
together all project development team members,
including owners, architects, engineers,
construction managers, and contractors, and all
project stakeholders, including airport users,
operations, maintenance, properties,
environmental systems, security, inspections,
concessionaires, airlines, and regulators, in a formal
cooperative working environment. With
collaborative partnering, common goals to achieve
improvements in key project performance
outcomes such as safety, quality, schedule, and
cost, are established and agreed at the beginning
of the project and steering committees measure
performance throughout the life of the project.
Consultation with stakeholders is a key component
of a successful collaborative partnering
arrangement. A collaborative approach between
airports and airlines is essential to the overall
success of a project and, when managed correctly,
will ultimately deliver benefits for all parties.
Meaningful consultation requires identifying key
stakeholders early in the planning process before
irreversible decisions are made. While there are
many stakeholders who vary by location, airlines
should be regarded as a primary stakeholder. In
particular, a regular, structured dialogue between
subject matter experts is beneficial, to ensure user
requirements are captured during concept and
options selection.
Supporting Documents
IATA Airport Development Reference Manual 12
IATA Level of Service (LoS) Best Practice
IATA Airport Infrastructure Business cases
IATA Infrastructure Investment Best Practice