Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 1 of 10
Version 2.0
PI – Guidelines for Preparation and Management of Provider
Appeals Related to Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
1. Describe the preparation and management of cases entering the provider appeal
2. Ensure all provider appeals are handled in accordance with Code of Federal
Regulations, Iowa Administrative Code, Iowa Code, and Medicaid policy. When
a recoupment is identified, a findings letter is sent to the provider. The provider
may appeal the findings in writing within 90 calendar days from the date of the
findings letter.
3. Individuals involved in the case (e.g., appellant(s), recipient(s), provider(s),
appellant(s) legal team or other parties participating in the appeal on behalf of
the appellant) are prohibited from having (ex parte) communication about the
appeal with the ALJ or any Iowa Medicaid Directors during the appeal process.
4. Providers are instructed in the PI findings letter to direct their appeal to the
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); although, it is acceptable
for appeals to be sent informally via email or telephone call, which are then
forwarded to the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.
5. All provider appeals approved by the Iowa Department of Health and Human
Services are certified and sent to the Department of Inspection and Appeals
(DIA) for the ALJ to set a Prehearing Conference date. If the request for an
appeal is not granted, the DIA sends a letter stating why the appeal was denied.
Identification of Roles:
RACI Definitions
simple spreadsheets or tables highlight the different states of responsibility a stakeholder has over a
particular task or deliverable and denotes it with the lett
ers R, A,
C, or I.
Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator – Responsible for preparation and management of
provider appeals related to their assigned cases on which an appeal is requested. (R)
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 2 of 10
Version 2.0
Iowa Medicaid Medical Necessity Review Manager – Supports appeals on cases where
clinical review decisions were made by a nurse investigator. (A)
Iowa Medicaid PI Audits & Investigations Manager – Liaison between State and AAG and
provides support as needed throughout the appeals process. (A)
Iowa Medicaid PI DirectorProvides direction regarding whether to appeal an ALJ
Proposed Decision to the Director. (C)
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) – Presides over the hearing process and issues a
Proposed Decision to the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Director
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Director– Performs Director review of
ALJ Proposed Decision if requested and renders a Final Decision. (C)
Assistant Attorney General (AAG) Office of the Attorney General of Iowa – Is informed
if a provider has legal representation or obtains legal representation at any time
throughout the appeal process. AAG provides legal counsel support or may assume
primary responsibility for an appeal where the provider obtains legal representation. (I)
Performance Standards:
Prepare documents and assist in appeal hearings for all PI cases where an appeal is
requested by a provider.
Path of Business Procedure:
1) Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals (Refer to the Appeal desk
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator documents whether the provider has
indicated the involvement of legal counsel and notifies their manager. If the
provider has obtained legal counsel, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or
their manager notifies the AAG and requests support in the appeal process.
If the AAG assumes primary responsibility for a case, the Iowa Medicaid PI
Investigator should not directly communicate with the provider or the legal
representative, unless instructed otherwise. All inquiries should be referred
to the AAG. The AAG may interject himself or herself into the process at
any time if she or he determines to be appropriate.
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 3 of 10
Version 2.0
If legal counsel for the appellant becomes involved at any time during the
appeal process, the assigned Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or their manager
notify the AAG and proceed as instructed by the AAG. The instructions of
the AAG preclude any differing instructions contained in this process
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or their manager must communicate
regularly with the AAG regarding open cases for which the AAG has
assumed responsibility and must include the AAG in any and all activities
and/or communications related to these cases in a timely manner (same
business day, when possible). If the AAG has not assumed responsibility for
an appeal, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or their manager should
communicate with the AAG as needed for assistance, instruction, and
support during the appeal process.
2) Receipt of Provider Appeal
When a provider appeal certification (Notice of Hearing) is received by the
Iowa Medicaid PI Unit, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator saves an electronic
copy of the original request. A copy of all the documentation relating to
each specific appeal will have a separate designated folder within the case file
created by the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator scans a copy of the appeal certification
into OnBase. The appeal certification then becomes a permanent part of the
OnBase provider file. The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator also places a copy of
the appeal certification in the appeal folder within the case file.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or a designee enters the appeal
information into the Appeals Log and is responsible for updating this log as
information becomes available. Information includes:
Provider Name and Number
Project ID
Administrative Law Judge assigned to the case
Appeal Number
Recoupment amount
Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator ’s Name
Status of the case-dates and times along with descriptions, e.g., Certified
Known Legal Representation
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 4 of 10
Version 2.0
3) Receipt of Notice of Prehearing Conference and Requesting a Prehearing
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator may receive a Notice of Prehearing
Conference. At times, the appeal may be scheduled for appeal Hearing
without a Prehearing Conference. In that case, the Iowa Medicaid PI
Investigator should determine whether a Prehearing Conference is needed.
If so, as soon as possible, the request for Prehearing Conference along with
the reason for the request should be filed (with the assigned ALJ) and a copy
of the request should be sent to the appealing provider by the Iowa Medicaid
PI Investigator.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator reserves a conference room for the
scheduled date and time of the Prehearing Conference and sends a calendar
appointment with the date of the Prehearing Conference, including the
assigned conference room, via email to:
AAG if involved in the case,
Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator and their manager,
The Iowa Medicaid PI Unit or Policy staff who may also be involved in the
case. (Additional information regarding the appeal may be sent with the
calendar appointment or in subsequent e-mails.)
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator scans a copy of the Notice of Prehearing
and/or Hearing into OnBase.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator updates the appeal information into
the iSight database.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator will send a copy of the Findings Letter
(Notice of Determination – NOD) to the appointed Administrative Law
Judge (ALJ) and/or upload it into the Appeals Information System (AIS).
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator continues updating the iSight database,
as new appeal information is provided.
4) Preparing for the Prehearing Conference
The Prehearing Conference Notice may require the parties to prepare for
the Prehearing Conference and may set deadlines for preparation. The Iowa
Medicaid PI Investigator must follow all of the requirements and deadlines in
that Prehearing Conference Notice. Any of the preparations identified
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 5 of 10
Version 2.0
below may be replaced or supplemented by any requirements and deadlines
in the Prehearing Conference Notice.
Generally, the Prehearing Conference Notice will require that one week
before the Prehearing Conference, the parties file a jointly compiled list or
table containing the information required by the Prehearing Conference
Notice. Therefore, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator must confer with the
Appellant to prepare such a list. If the Appellant is unavailable or
uncooperative, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator may file a proposed list or
table. The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator must make that information
available to the Appellant before the Hearing.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator is to be prepared to identify and provide
the following information at the Prehearing Conference.
Names of the individuals the parties intend to call as witnesses.
General kinds of documents the parties intend to introduce as exhibits.
Anticipated length of the Hearing.
Whether an in-person or telephone Hearing is desired.
Other procedural matters the parties may raise.
Available dates and times for future Hearing related activities.
Generally, by close of business on the day before the Prehearing Conference,
the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator emails the ALJ and the Appellant with the
names and telephone numbers of all persons they wish to have participation
in the Prehearing Conference.
5) The Prehearing Conference
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or their manager will take their calendar
schedule to the Prehearing Conference to ensure that future appointments
can be made without conflicting with other scheduled events. All persons
who will participate in the Formal Hearing should be present or should make
their calendars available to the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator before the
Prehearing Conference.
To participate in the Prehearing Conference, the attendees should call into
the toll-free number indicated in the Prehearing Conference Notice at the
time indicated. Generally, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator and their
manager will be present. The Iowa Medicaid PI Account Manager may attend
as available or as needed. If legal counsel is involved, the AAG will attend.
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 6 of 10
Version 2.0
Additionally, other Iowa Medicaid PI Investigators or Clinical Nurse
Reviewers may attend.
At the Prehearing Conference, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or their
manager may object to the presence of anyone other than the appellant or a
representative of the appellant.
If an attorney is unexpectedly present on behalf of the appellant, ask for a
continuance to have opportunity to get the AAG involved. If the request is
denied, proceed with the Prehearing Conference, and notify the AAG Iowa
immediately following the Prehearing Conference.
If the appellant does not show up, move to dismiss the appeal as abandoned
under 441 I.A.C. 7.8(9).
At the Prehearing Conference, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator will identify
and provide the following information:
Identification of the issues.
Names of the individuals the parties intend to call as witnesses.
General kinds of documents the parties intend to introduce as exhibits.
Anticipated length of the hearing.
Whether an in-person or telephone hearing is desired.
Other procedural matters the parties may raise.
Available dates and times for future hearing related activities
At the end of the Prehearing Conference, the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator
updates the appeals log and iSight database.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator reserves a conference room, if needed, for
the hearing and notifies the appropriate parties.
6) Preparing for Formal Hearing
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator develops a reminder of dates that required
exhibits or other documents are due to the ALJ or appellant. The Iowa
Medicaid PI Investigator will complete tasks within the timelines below unless
the Prehearing Conference or Hearing Notice assigns different deadlines.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator prepares a complete exhibit package with
each exhibit clearly labeled. An index or table of contents is prepared to
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 7 of 10
Version 2.0
detail the list of exhibits. Each item that might be used in the appeal must be
included in the exhibit.
At least two weeks before the hearing, the parties exchange the exhibits they
plan to offer at the hearing. Exhibits are marked at the bottom of the page.
Generally, the notices require HHS to mark its exhibits numerically from 1-
100 in sequence (e.g., Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3, etc.). All pages of the
exhibits must be numbered.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator prepares the exhibit books, CDs or
electronic copies to be sent. Four copies are made of all documents
requested. One for the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator, one for the ALJ
(and/or uploaded into the AIS), one for the provider/appellant and one for
the legal counsel (if represented).
Each letter and/or fax document related to appeals, as with regular review
projects, must contain an Outgoing Correspondence Tracking Log Number,
so that the documents are tracked appropriately.
At least two weeks before the hearing (or earlier as directed by the ALJ),
the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator sends the ALJ one complete copy of the
exhibits and/or uploads it into the AIS, as well as sending a list of
witnesses the Department will call.
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator must ensure that the ALJ does not
receive exhibits or case information before the appellant or material
different than was provided to the appellant.
The exhibits to the ALJ are provided in well-organized and labeled
All written materials compiled by the PI Unit undergo the Quality
Assurance process.
7) The Formal Appeal
General progression: Preliminary Matters; Opening Statements; Offer
Exhibits into Evidence; Iowa Medicaid’s Case; Petitioner’s Case; Iowa
Medicaid Rebuttal Case if needed; Closing Arguments.
If the Petitioner or a representative for Petitioner do not show up, move for
default under 441 I.A.C. 7.13(4).
Make sure only parties, representatives, and witnesses are present. Ask
Judge to exclude any others.
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 8 of 10
Version 2.0
The parties may be allowed to offer exhibits not exchanged before the
hearing at the discretion of the ALJ. If allowed, exhibits not previously
exchanged must be provided to the ALJ and the appellant per the ALJ’s
8) After the Formal Hearing
After the formal hearing, the ALJ will issue a Proposed Decision to the Iowa
Department of Health and Human Services Director (“Director”). The Iowa
Medicaid PI Investigator must notify the Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator or
designee in writing within two business days of the PI Unit’s receipt of the
Proposed Decision of the ALJ.
If neither party requests Director Review, the Proposed Decision becomes
the ALJ’s Final Decision.
9) After the Formal Appeal – Director Review
Both parties have 10 days following the issuance of the Proposed Decision to
request Review by the DHHS Director.
Following the issuance of the Proposed Decision by the ALJ, Iowa Medicaid
PI Investigator and their manager will review the Proposed Decision to
evaluate whether it is acceptable.
If the ruling is not considered acceptable, the Iowa Medicaid PI Audits &
Investigations Manager or designee will consult the AAG and Iowa Medicaid
PI Director to determine whether to appeal the Proposed Decision to the
If an appeal is approved, the Iowa Medicaid PI Audits & Investigations
Manager or designee will draft a letter requesting the Director to review and
reverse or amend the Proposed Decision. This letter will be given to the
designated Policy person who will present it to the Appeals Advisory
Committee. It must be dated and delivered within 10 days of the date of the
ALJ’s Proposed Decision.
The Request for Review of Proposed Decision must explain why the ruling is
deficient and how the legal and supplementary references were not followed.
If the Director grants a Review of the Proposed Decision, either party may
request oral argument, but the Director has the discretion to grant or deny
oral argument.
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 9 of 10
Version 2.0
After Review, the Director must issue a Final Decision within 90 days from
the date of the Request for Review. However, that time-frame may be
extended for essential reasons by up to an additional 30 days when approved
by the Administrative Law Judge.
If the Final Decision of the Director does not fully affirm the PI findings,
within seven days of receipt of the Final Decision, the Iowa Medicaid PI
Investigator sends a revised findings letter and explanatory spreadsheet to
the provider with a copy to the ALJ. Corrective payments due must be
made within seven days and should be retroactive to the date of the
incorrect action.
10) Provider Appeal of Final Decision
If the provider does not agree with the Director’s Final Decision, the
provider may appeal the case to the judicial system. The appeal must be
made within 30 days of the Final Decision of the ALJ. If the PI Unit receives
an appeal, the AAG should be notified immediately.
11) Closing the File
The Iowa Medicaid PI Investigator updates the case on the Appeals Log and
moves the case to the Sr. Financial Analyst to collect payment or closes the
case if the identified balance has been paid in full.
Refer to “Conducting a Full Review” standard operating procedure to follow
review process through to closure. (Also refer to all i-Sight desk guides for
database documentation guidelines.)
Appeals Tracking Log
Appeal Notification to the ALJ
Appeal Notification to the Provider
Final Decision Second Notice Payment Past Due Letter
FOR – Final affirmed Decision by ALJ or Director with Recoupment
Modified Final Decision by ALJ – Revised Recoupment
Prehearing Requirements ALJ
Referral for Review of Proposed Decision (Director Review)
DHS Staff Submitting Request for Director Review
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Program Integrity Unit
Preparation and Management of Provider Appeals Related to FWA Page 10 of 10
Version 2.0
Appeals Information System (AIS)
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Department of Inspection and Appeals (DIA)
Assistant Attorney General (AAG)-Iowa Medicaid
Appeals Tracking Log:
\\dhsime\PI\PI Appeals Log\PI Appeals Tracking Log_2016-CURRENT.xlsx
Appeals templates:
Appeal Notification
to the ALJ - 18_v.2.dotx
Appeal Notification
to the Provider - 18_v.2.dotx
Final Decision -
Second Notice Payment Past Due - 18_v.2.dotx
FOR - Final
Affirmed Decision by ALJ or Director with Recoupment - 18_v.2.docx
Modified Final
Decision by ALJ - Revised Recoupment - 18_v.2.dotx
Requirements ALJ - 18_v.2.dotx
Referral for Review
of Proposed Decision.docx
DHS Staff Submitting
Request for Director Review (1).docx
Desk Guide for Appeals
Desk Guide for