4. Interdisciplinary Conference on Electrics and Computer (INTCEC 2024)
11-13 June 2024, Chicago-USA
Areas of Improvement for Autonomous Vehicles: A
Machine Learning Analysis of Disengagement
Tyler Ward
Department of Engineering Sciences
Morehead State University
Morehead, United States
AbstractSince 2014, the California Department of Motor
Vehicles (CDMV) has compiled information from manufacturers
of autonomous vehicles (AVs) regarding factors that lead to the
disengagement from autonomous driving mode in these vehicles.
These disengagement reports (DRs) contain information detailing
whether the AV disengaged from autonomous mode due to
technology failure, manual override, or other factors during
driving tests. This paper presents a machine learning (ML) based
analysis of the information from the 2023 DRs. We use a natural
language processing (NLP) approach to extract important
information from the description of a disengagement, and use the
k-Means clustering algorithm to group report entries together.
The cluster frequency is then analyzed, and each cluster is
manually categorized based on the factors leading to
disengagement. We discuss findings from previous years’ DRs,
and provide our own analysis to identify areas of improvement for
KeywordsAutonomous vehicles, Clustering algorithms,
Clustering methods, Data analysis, Machine learning, Natural
language processing, Text analysis
In recent years, there has been a marked increase of
autonomous vehicles (AVs) being deployed on roads around the
world. Recent studies have found that 18.43 million new cars
sold in 2024 will have a level of automation built in that will
allow drivers to take their hands off the wheel, and it is estimated
that by 2030, 95% of all new vehicles on the market will offer a
high or full level of automation [1]. With an estimated 33 million
AVs expected to be on the road by 2040 [1], it is becoming
increasingly important to understand the limitations of AV
Since 2014, the California Department of Motor Vehicles
(CDMV) has monitored and released annual disengagement
reports (DRs) for AVs. These DRs contain information from
various manufacturers of autonomous vehicles about incidents
where their vehicles were disengaged from autonomous mode
during driving tests, be it because of a technology failure, or in
instances where the test driver/operator had to take manual
control of the vehicle to ensure safe operation [2]. This paper
analyzes the 2023 reports, although insights gained from
previous years’ reports are detailed in later sections.
The analysis presented in this paper moves beyond
traditional data analysis, instead employing advanced machine
learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP)
techniques to gain a deeper understanding of the DR data. Our
methodology, which will be detailed in the next section, includes
preprocessing, topic modeling, clustering, and categorization
techniques. With this paper, we hope to provide a platform for
further research into modern limitations of AVs.
A. Combining Datsets
The CDMV provides three different categories of DRs. The
first category contains information from DRs where the AV had
a driver present in the vehicle, and the vehicle was not capable
of operating without a driver, the second category contains
information from first-time filers of DRs for AVs, and the third
category contains information from DR where the AV was
operating fully autonomously, with no driver present.
Each of these categories were provided as separate datasets,
so the first stage of preprocessing was to combine these
individual datasets into one comprehensive file. This was a
simple task, as the features were the same across all three
original datasets. Once combined, the conjoined dataset
contained 6,584 DRs from 21 AV manufacturers: aiMotive,
Apollo, Apple Inc., Aurora Innovation, Bosch, Didi Research
America, Gatik, Ghost Autonomy, Imagry, Motional, Nissan
USA, Nuro, Pony.ai, Qualcomm, Valeo, Veuron, Waymo,
WeRide, Woven by Toyota, Inc., and Zoox. The dataset
consists of nine features: Manufacturer’, Permit Number’,
BY (AV System, Test Driver, Remote Operator, or Passenger)’,
Highway, Rural Road, Street, or Parking Facility)’, and
B. Preprocessing
Given that the DR data was given to the CDMV by each
manufacturer themselves, upon manual review it was found that
each manufacturer generally followed unique templates for
writing descriptions about the factors leading to the
disengagement from autonomous mode. This meant that the
descriptions from each manufacturer were distinct from each
other, but descriptions from the same manufacturer could be
repetitive. To make this data easier for our machine learning
(ML) models to deal with, the data underwent a preprocessing
Data preprocessing is a set of techniques used prior to the
application of a ML model to make the data more suitable for
the requirements of the model [3]. To simplify the analysis of
the DRs, a short Python script was used to extract only the
unique descriptions of events leading to a disengagement from
the original dataset. Following this extraction, we were left with
312 unique descriptions from the 6,584 DRs. These 312
descriptions were then used as the input for our ML models.
C. Topic Modeling
Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield within ML
that deals with the analysis of human language through
computational means [4]. Within the context of NLP, topic
modeling is a technique used to extract latent variables from a
dataset so an NLP system can better understand what events or
concepts a document is discussing [5]. Given that the goal for
this research is to employ ML for the purpose of analyzing DRs
from AVs, topic modeling is an important component in our
analysis system, as it facilitates a deeper understanding of the
abstract “topics” that appear in each description of
disengagement factors in the DRs.
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is one of the most popular
topic modeling methods [5], and it is the one used in this
research. LDA assumes that documents are mixtures of topics
and that each topic is a mixture of words [5]. This method allows
for each document to be described by a distribution of topics and
each topic to be described by a distribution of words [5].
To apply LDA in the context of this research, a variety of
Python libraries for data manipulation were used: Pandas [6, 7],
NumPy [8], NLTK [9], and Gensim [10]. The first step towards
implementing LDA was to preprocess the Pandas DataFrame
containing the 312 unique descriptions by using NLTK and
Gensim to tokenize the text by splitting it into words, convert it
to lowercase, remove stop words like “the” and “is”, and filter
out non-alphabetic words. An example of a description before
and after undergoing preprocessing is shown in Table 1.
Before Preprocessing
After Preprocessing
Safety Driver disengaged
autonomous mode upon judging
that vehicle was too close to
road/lane boundary. Root cause:
object, lane detection or other issue.
Conditions: Non-inclement
weather, dry roads, no other factors
'safety', 'driver', 'disengaged',
'autonomous', 'mode', 'upon',
'judging', 'vehicle', 'close',
'boundary', 'root', 'cause', 'object',
'lane', 'detection', 'issue',
'conditions', 'weather', 'dry', 'roads',
'factors', 'involved'
A Python dictionary was then created from the processed
texts, mapping each unique word to an integer ID. Tokens that
appeared in less than one description or more than half of the
descriptions were filtered out, because they were either too rare
or too common. Finally, a corpus was created by converting the
list of words from each description into a bag-of-words format.
LDA was then applied to the DataFrame. The LDA call was
configured to discover ten topics in each description. Once LDA
had been performed, a custom function was used to format the
topics into a readable format by extracting the dominant topic,
its percentage contribution, and the keywords defining the topic
for each description. This information was passed into a new
DataFrame which was then merged with the DataFrame
containing the unique descriptions to create a final DataFrame
with the unique descriptions and their associated dominant topic
and topic keywords. An example row from this DataFrame is
shown in Table 2. Once this DataFrame was created, the topic
distribution for each description was calculated and pushed to an
array, representing the contribution of each topic to a
Driver disengaged
with steering input.
Driver took over
because ego
vehicle went into a
fallback trajectory
state immediately
after engaging.
reduce, trajectory, yield,
judging, upon, car, state,
way, immediately, error
D = Description, DT = Dominant Topic, PC = Percentage Contribution, TK = Topic Keywords
D. Clustering
Once the topic distributions were obtained, the next step in
the process was to use these distributions as the input to a
clustering algorithm. In ML, clustering is a technique to group
unlabeled data and extract meaning information from the
subsequent clusters [11]. For the purposes of this research,
clustering is used to group the unique descriptions together
based on the frequency of topics present in them. From there,
the clusters will be manually categorized to determine existing
challenges in AVs.
This research uses the k-Means approach to clustering. The
k-Means algorithm is a simple and efficient clustering
technique that partitions a given dataset into k clusters, where
each data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean
[11]. The algorithm seeks to minimize the within-cluster
variances, but not the between-cluster variances [11].
One of the most importance considerations for ensuring the
best performance of the k-Means algorithm is accurately
determining the optimal number of clusters, k. There are several
methods of visually or numerically determining the optimal
number of clusters. This research employs the silhouette
method for determining the optimal number of clusters.
The silhouette method relies on the use of the silhouette
score, which is a measure of how similar an object is to its own
cluster compared to other clusters [12]. The silhouette score for
each point is a ratio that ranges from -1 to 1 where a value closer
to 1 indicates that the point is well inside its cluster and far from
neighboring clusters, a value of 0 indicates that the point is on
the border of two clusters, and a value close to -1 indicates that
the point may have been assigned to the wrong cluster [12]. Fig.
1 shows a scatter plot for the average silhouette scores for
values of k from 2 to 10.
Fig. 1. Average silhouette scores for a range of k-values
Because the average silhouette score is highest for a k-value
of eight, the k-Means algorithm is applied to the dataset to
group the data points into eight clusters. Once k-Means has
been applied, the efficacy of the clustering can be evaluated by
visualizing the clusters. Because there are eight dimensions to
the data, in order to be visualized by traditional means, the
number of dimensions needed to be reduced.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most
common methods of dimensionality reduction [13]. However,
PCA is a linear reduction technique, and the way data is
distributed in the reduced dimensionality after performing PCA
may not be accurate to its structure in higher dimensions [13].
To address this issue, this research employs the t-distributed
stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) dimensionality
reduction technique.
The first stage of t-SNE is the calculation of the similarity
between pairs of instances in the high-dimensional space [14].
From there, a similar probability distribution is defined in the
low-dimensional space and the Kullback-Leibler divergence
between the two distributions with respect to the location of the
points in the map is minimized using gradient descent [14]. The
visualization of the clusters after undergoing t-SNE
dimensionality reduction is shown in Fig 2.
Once the eight clusters were defined, a new feature was
added to the DataFrame containing the unique descriptions,
mapping each description to their respective clusters. Once the
feature was added, a heatmap was generated showing the most
common words in each cluster. This heatmap is shown in Fig
Following this visualization, the DataFrame containing the
unique descriptions and their respective clusters was merged
back into the original DataFrame containing the information
from the 6,584 DRs. This resulted in each of the 6,584 data
points having an associated cluster, which could then be used
to manually categorize the clusters based on the most common
words in each cluster to determine areas for improvement in
AVs. The frequency of the clusters in the merged DataFrame is
represented in the bar chart in Fig. 4.
Fig. 2. Visualization of the data clusters after t-SNE
Fig. 3. Heatmap showing the most common words per cluster
E. Categorization
With the clusters merged back with the original DataFrame,
the next phase of the analysis phase was to manually review the
Fig. 4. Frequency of clusters in the final DataFrame
information obtained from the clusters, and identify notable
challenges in AVs based on the categorization of the clusters by
the most common words found in each cluster. The categories
these clusters were grouped into are defined below:
Cluster 0 Perception and Timing Failures: Primarily
focused on safety disengagements due to issues with
perception, inappropriate timing, and braking.
Cluster 1 Complex Navigation Difficulties: Spans a
broad range of navigation-related issues, such as
turning, lane changes, and speed adjustments.
Cluster 2 Sensor and Tracking Malfunctions: Deals
with technical malfunctions or limitations, specifically
in terms of sensor placement, unexpected sensor
readings, and loss of tracking.
Cluster 3 Adverse Condition System Failures:
Relates to software or system failures, particularly
under specific conditions like adverse weather.
Cluster 4 Multifactorial Incident Spectrum: This
cluster is a mix of several topics, indicating incidents
in complex scenarios involving multiple factors, such
as software failures, safety disengagements, and
perception issues.
Cluster 5 Safety Protocol Deviations: Focuses on
discrepancies between autonomous mode decisions
and expected safe behaviors.
Cluster 6 Varied Navigation and Control Issues:
Covers a range of issues involving navigation and
control, such as unexpected behaviors relating to ghost
Cluster 7 Specific Navigation Challenges: Focuses
on specific scenarios or types of maneuvering
difficulties, such as the cause of navigation errors, the
types of maneuvers involved, or the conditions under
which these issues arise.
With these categories identified, the analysis can begin. The
next section of this paper details existing research in this area,
drawing from insights from previous years AV DRs released by
the CDMV. Following this, there will be a discussion of the
analysis, and conclusions regarding the state of modern AV
systems will be drawn.
The first dataset of DRs from AVs released by the CDMV
contained information from September 2014 to November 2015.
The authors of [15] analyzed this data in an attempt to gain
insight into the factors influencing disengagement from
autonomous mode. They identified a strong correlation between
autonomous miles driven and accidents, highlighting the
potential of autonomous miles as a risk assessment measure for
disengagements and accidents. The study also underscored the
impact of trust on driver engagement, with a lack of trust leading
to quicker manual intervention. The authors highlighted the
importance of further research into human-machine interfaces,
driver expectations, and the psychological aspects of AV
A subsequent study [16], analyzed the same set of data as the
previous, but also included the next year’s data, up to January
2017. A notable finding from this study was that
disengagements rarely lead to accidents, with an average of one
accident per 178 disengagements. This study highlighted the
importance of analyzing disengagements as potential indicators
of future accidents, while criticizing the regulatory framework
for AV testing in California, pointing out limitations in the
regulation’s wording and structure that hinder the clarity and
usefulness of the reported data.
Another study analyzed the DRs up to November 2018 [17].
Their findings showed that AV systems are less likely to
disengage on streets and roads compared to freeways and
interstates, suggesting that complex urban environments with
diverse interactions pose fewer unforeseen challenges to the
AVs than high-speed, less complex freeway environments. The
authors also found that disengagements are more likely due to
hardware and software discrepancies, planning errors, or
environmental factors and interactions with other road users,
highlighting the limitations of AV systems in processing and
responding to real-world scenarios compared to human drivers.
DR data up to 2019 was analyzed in [18]. Notably, a key
finding of this survey was that automated disengagement events
tend to decrease with the accumulation of experience and miles
driven autonomously. This is notable because it is opposition
with the findings of [15], indicating that over time, the
accumulation of autonomous miles driven plays less of a factor
in disengagements as technology has improved. However, while
the number of autonomous disengagements has decreased, the
authors of [18] found that the rate of manual disengagement has
remained high, indicating the continued lack of human trust in
AV technology, which is in-line with the findings of [15].
The findings of [15, 18] were further verified by [19], which
examined the DR data up to 2020. The authors found that 80%
of the disengagements were initiated by test drivers, who either
felt uncomfortable about the maneuver of the AVs or made
precautionary takeovers because of insufficient trust. This study
also suggested that discrepancies in perception, localization,
mapping, planning, and control were the primary causes that led
to the AV struggling to perform certain tasks.
An analysis of the DR data from 2017 to 2021 [20] found
that factors related to human error, system failure, surrounding
vehicles, and roadway failures could cause an AV-involved pre-
crash disengagement. One study sought to use the DR data up to
2022 to create virtual test scenarios for improving the
performance of AVs under certain conditions [21]. However,
they found that the DR data was very repetitive and, in many
cases, did not contain enough information to be able to
reconstruct the situation causing the disengagement.
Now that information has been gathered from the 2023 AV
DR data and past insights have been discussed, the question
remains: What are the current limitations and challenges
towards the use of AVs on public roads? From the cluster
analysis, it is apparent that cluster five is by far the most
represented cluster, with over half of the DRs belonging to this
cluster. As mentioned, this cluster was categorized as
describing incidents where the decisions made by the AV in
autonomous mode deviated from expected safe behaviors.
However, this description is fairly broad, and needs to be
analyzed further to truly be representative of current AV
challenges and limitations.
Using the methods described previously, this cluster was
isolated for further analysis. It was found that the cause of
disengagements in this cluster could be categorized into more
specific categories: hardware issues, motion planning and
control issues, incorrect predictions, perception issues,
localization issues, incorrect maps, issues in the recording
module, incorrect router transitions, planning issues, deviance
from expected behavior, and a hybrid category containing
descriptions with multiple events that led to a disengagement.
A pie chart showing a breakdown of issues found in
combination in the hybrid category is shown in Fig. 5.
From the pie chart, we can see that six of the eight
combinations of factors from the hybrid category include issues
with the motion plan of the AVs. This indicates that one of the
major problems with modern AV systems is flawed decision
making in terms of the movement of the vehicle after an issue
in a dependent component. This signals the need for further
research into understanding the interconnectivity of
components of an AV, and how an error in one component can
affect the operation of another.
Once merged back into the full dataset containing cluster
five, the final frequency of the categories is shown in Fig. 6. We
can see that of the 3,566 DRs in this cluster, 1,926 of the
disengagements were caused by incorrect predictions leading to
a dissatisfactory motion plan. This indicates that there is still a
long ways to go in terms of being able to produce fully
automous cars that can exist simultaneously with human drivers
in the road.
Cluster analysis of the 2023 AV DRs released by the
CDMV revealed distinct categories of challenges faced by
modern AVs, ranging from perception and timing failures to
complex navigation difficulties, sensor malfunctions, adverse
condition system failures, multifactorial incident spectrums,
Fig. 5. Statistics on combined factors leading to disengagement from
autonomous mode
Fig. 6. Final frequency of the categories of disengagement
safety protocol deviations, varied navigation and control issues,
and specific navigation challenges. The cluster regarding
deviations from safety protocols was the most represented
cluster, with ~54% of the DRs falling into this cluster. Further
analysis of this cluster identified specific causes of
disengagements, such as issues related to hardware, motion
planning and control, predictions, perception, localization,
maps, recording modules, router transitions, planning, and
deviance from expected behavior.
A notable finding was the prevalence of failures in other
components leading to the AV generating unsatisfactory
motion plans. Specifically, in circumstances where the AV
incorrectly predicted an outcome, the odds of an unsatisfactory
motion plan being generated were significantly higher. This
observations indicates the need for further research and
development aimed at enhancing the decision-making
capabilities of AVs to mitigate risks and improve their
compatibility with human drivers on public roads. The analysis
of the 2023 DR data highlighted some of the existing limitation
and challenges of AV development. Addressing these
challenges will require a multifaceted approach of
technological advancements, a deeper understanding of the
interconnectivity within AV systems, the development of
rigorous testing protocols, and regulatory frameworks focused
on enhancing the safety of these vehicles.
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