Monitoring Cisco AppDynamics
Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack version 102
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
What is Cisco AppDynamics? 3
What Does the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack Monitor? 4
Installing the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack 4
Configuration and Discovery 6
Prerequisites for Monitoring Cisco AppDynamics 6
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics 7
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics in the SL1 Classic User Interface 8
Configuring an AppDynamics Device Template 9
Configuring the Cisco:AppDynamics Application Discovery Run Book Action 11
Creating an AppDynamics Virtual Device 12
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications 13
Counting AppDynamics Component Devices 13
Counting AppDynamics Component Devices in the SL1 Classic User Interface 14
Discovering AppDynamics Applications and Component Devices 15
Discovering AppDynamics Applications and Component Devices in the SL1 Classic User Interface 17
Discovering Multiple AppDynamics Accounts 19
Viewing Component Devices 20
Viewing Component Devices in the SL1 Classic User Interface 20
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers 22
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers in the SL1 Classic User Interface 23
What is Cisco AppDynamics?
This manual describes how to monitor Cisco AppDynamics Applications in SL1 using the Cisco:
AppDynamics PowerPack.
The following sections provide an overview of Cisco AppDynamics and the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack:
This chapter covers the following topics:
What is Cisco AppDynamics? 3
What Does the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack Monitor? 4
Installing the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack 4
NOTE: ScienceLogic provides this documentation for the convenience of ScienceLogic customers. Some of
the configuration information contained herein pertains to third-party vendor software that is subject
to change without notice to ScienceLogic. ScienceLogic makes every attempt to maintain accurate
technical information and cannot be held responsible for defects or changes in third-party vendor
software. There is no written or implied guarantee that information contained herein will work for all
third-party variants. See the End User License Agreement (EULA) for more information.
What is Cisco AppDynamics?
Cisco AppDynamics is a real-time data platform for application and business performance monitoring.
AppDynamics enables users to monitor applications at the code level to help them better understand their users'
experience while also providing a real-time view of their applications' performance.
What Does the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack Monitor?
The Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack enables you to monitor configuration and performance metrics for
AppDynamics applications, tiers, and nodes. The PowerPack includes the following features:
Dynamic Applications that discover and monitor AppDynamics devices
Device Classes for each type of AppDynamics component device that the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack
can monitor
Event Policies and corresponding alerts that are triggered when AppDynamics devices meet certain status
A sample SOAP/XML Credential for discovering AppDynamics devices
Run Book Actions and Policies that automatically create AppDynamics Application virtual devices
A device template that is used to align the PowerPack's Dynamic Applications to AppDynamics Application
virtual devices
NOTE: ScienceLogic recommends running the latest version of the AppDynamics Agent when monitoring
Cisco AppDynamics applications in SL1.
Installing the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack
Before completing the steps in this manual, you must import and install the latest version of the Cisco:
AppDynamics PowerPack.
TIP: By default, installing a new version of a PowerPack overwrites all content from a previous version of that
PowerPack that has already been installed on the target system. You can use the Enable Selective
PowerPack Field Protection setting in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior) to
prevent new PowerPacks from overwriting local changes for some commonly customized fields. (For
more information, see the System Administration manual.)
To download and install a PowerPack:
1. Download the PowerPack from the ScienceLogic SupportSite at
2. Go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks).
What Does the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack Monitor?
Installing the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack
3. In the PowerPack Manager page, click the [Actions] button, then select Import PowerPack. The Import
PowerPack dialog box appears:
4. Click the [Browse] button and navigate to the PowerPack file.
5. When the PowerPack Installer modal appears, click the [Install] button to install the PowerPack.
NOTE: If you exit the PowerPack Installer modal without installing the imported PowerPack, the imported
PowerPack will not appear in the PowerPack Manager page. However, the imported PowerPack
will appear in the Imported PowerPacks modal. This page appears when you click the [Actions]
menu and select Install PowerPack.
Prerequisites for Monitoring Cisco AppDynamics
Configuration and Discovery
The following sections describe how to configure and discover Cisco AppDynamics applications for monitoring
by SL1 using the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack:
This chapter covers the following topics:
Prerequisites for Monitoring Cisco AppDynamics 6
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics 7
Configuring an AppDynamics Device Template 9
Configuring the Cisco:AppDynamics Application Discovery Run Book Action 11
Creating an AppDynamics Virtual Device 12
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications 13
Viewing Component Devices 20
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers 22
Prerequisites for Monitoring Cisco AppDynamics
Before you can monitor Cisco AppDynamics applications using the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack, you must
first create a user account that is assigned the "Applications and Dashboard Viewer" role in the AppDynamics
account portal. This user account must also have sufficient permissions to obtain metrics information from the
AppDynamics REST API.
For more information about creating the AppDynamics user account, see
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics
To use the Dynamic Applications in the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack, you must first define a SOAP/XML
credential in SL1. This credential allows SL1 to communicate with the AppDynamics applications.
The Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack includes a sample credential you can use as a template for creating
SOAP/XML credentials for AppDynamics.
NOTE:If you are using an SL1 system prior to version 11.1.0, the new user interface does not include the
Duplicate option for sample credential(s). ScienceLogic recommends that you use the classic user
interface and the Save As button to create new credentials from sample credentials. This will
prevent you from overwriting the sample credential(s).
To configure a SOAP/XML credential for AppDynamics:
1. Go to the Credentials page (Manage >Credentials).
2. Locate the "AppDynamics Example" sample credential, click its [Actions] icon ( ) and select Duplicate. A
copy of the credential appears.
3. Click the [Actions] icon ( ) for the "AppDynamicsExample copy" credential copy and select Edit. The Edit
Credential modal page appears.
4. Enter values in the following fields:
Name. Type a new name for the credential.
All Organizations. Toggle on (blue) to align the credential to all organizations, or toggle off (gray)
and then select one or more specific organizations from the Select the organizations the
credential belongs to drop-down field to align the credential with those specific organizations.
URL. Type the URL for the AppDynamics account controller.
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics
HTTP Auth User. Type the username of an AppDynamics user account that is assigned the
"Applications and Dashboard Viewer" role in the AppDynamics portal.
HTTP Auth Password. Type the AppDynamics user account password.
Embed Value [%1]. Type your AppDynamics account name.
5. Click [Save &Close].
6. In the confirmation message, click [OK].
Creating a SOAP/XML Credential for Cisco AppDynamics in the SL1
Classic User Interface
To use the Dynamic Applications in the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack, you must first define a SOAP/XML
credential in SL1. This credential allows SL1 to communicate with the AppDynamics applications.
The Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack includes a sample credential you can use as a template for creating
SOAP/XML credentials for AppDynamics.
To configure a SOAP/XML credential for AppDynamics:
1. Go to the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).
Locate the AppDynamics Example credential and then click its wrench icon ( ). The Edit SOAP/XML
Credential modal page appears:
3. Enter values in the following fields:
Basic Settings
Profile Name. Type a new name for the credential.
URL. Type the URL for the AppDynamics account controller.
HTTP Auth User. Type the username of an AppDynamics user account that is assigned the
"Applications and Dashboard Viewer" role in the AppDynamics portal.
HTTP Auth Password. Type the AppDynamics user account password.
Proxy Settings
Hostname/IP. If you are connecting to AppDynamics via a proxy server, type the server's hostname
or IP address. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Port. If you are connecting to AppDynamics via a proxy server, type the port number you opened
when setting up the proxy server. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
User. If you are connecting to AppDynamics via a proxy server, type the server's administrator
username. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Password. If you are connecting to AppDynamics via a proxy server, type the server's administrator
password. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
SOAP Options
Embed Value [%1]. Type your AppDynamics account name.
4. Click [Save As].
5. In the confirmation message, click [OK].
NOTE: You must rename the sample AppDynamics Example credential and click [Save As] to save it. If
you do not rename the sample credential, then your credential will be overwritten the next time you
upgrade the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack.
Configuring an AppDynamics Device Template
A device template allows you to save a device configuration and apply it to multiple devices. The Cisco:
AppDynamics PowerPack includes the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Template." You must configure this
device template to use the AppDynamics SOAP/XML credentials that you created.
If you configure this device template correctly, then when you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application
Discovery" Dynamic Application to the AppDynamics account controller virtual device, SL1 will use the device
template to automatically align the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications to each of the AppDynamics
applications it discovers in your account.
Configuring an AppDynamics Device Template
Configuring an AppDynamics Device Template
To configure the AppDynamics device template:
1. Go to the Configuration Templates page (Devices > Templates, or Registry > Devices > Templates in
the SL1 classic user interface).
Locate the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Template" and click its wrench icon ( ). The Device
Template Editor page appears.
3. Click the [Dyn Apps] tab. The Editing Dynamic Application Subtemplates page appears.
4. Complete the following fields:
Template Name. Type a new name for the device template.
Credentials. Select the SOAP/XMLcredential that you created for AppDynamics.
5. Click the next Dynamic Application listed in the Subtemplate Selection section on the left side of the page
and then select the AppDynamics SOAP/XML credential in the Credentials field.
6. Repeat step 5 until the you have selected the AppDynamics SOAP/XML credential in the Credentials field
for all of the Dynamic Applications listed in the Subtemplate Selection section.
7. Click [Save As].
NOTE: You must rename the sample Cisco: AppDynamics Application Template and click [Save As] to
save it. If you do not rename the device template, then your device template will be overwritten the
next time you upgrade the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack.
Configuring the Cisco:AppDynamics Application Discovery
Run Book Action
The "Cisco:AppDynamics ApplicationDiscovery"Run Book action creates AppDynamics virtual devices and
aligns Dynamic Applications to each AppDynamics Application discovered. Before aligning the
"Cisco:AppDynamics Application Discovery"Dynamic Application to your virtual device, ensure that the
credential used in the run book action has a valid database credential.
NOTE: The run book action logs information in /tmp/application_virtual_device.log. If this file
is empty, go to /var/log/sl1/snippet.log, which should contain all information that the run
book action logs during execution.
To view the credential aligned to the "Cisco:AppDynamics ApplicationDiscovery"run book action:
1. Go to the Action Policy Manager page (Registry > Run Book > Actions).
Locate the "Cisco:AppDynamics ApplicationDiscovery"run book action and click its wrench icon ( )
3. In the Action Policy Editor page, ensure that a database credential with a valid username and password
that will connect to the database is selected in the Snippet Credential drop-down:
Configuring the Cisco:AppDynamics Application Discovery Run Book Action
Creating an AppDynamics Virtual Device
4. In the Action Policy Editor page, ensure that a database credential with a valid username and password
that will connect to the database is selected in the Snippet Credential drop-down:
Creating an AppDynamics Virtual Device
Because the AppDynamics account controller does not have a static IP address, you cannot discover it using a
typical discovery session. Instead, you must create a virtual device that represents the account controller. A
virtual device is a user-defined container that represents a device or service that cannot be discovered by SL1.
You can use the virtual device to store information gathered by policies or Dynamic Applications.
To create a virtual device that represents your AppDynamics account controller:
1. Go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager, or Registry > Devices > Device Manager in
the SL1 classic user interface).
2. Click the [Actions] button and select Create Virtual Device from the menu. The Create Virtual Device
modal page appears.
3. Enter values in the following fields:
Device Name. Type a name for the device.
Organization. Select the organization for this device. The organization you associate with the device
limits the users that will be able to view and edit the device. Typically, only members of the
organization will be able to view and edit the device.
Device Class. Select Cisco Systems| AppDynamics Controller.
Collector. Select the collector group that will monitor the device.
4. Click [Add] to create the virtual device.
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
The Dynamic Applications in the Cisco: AppDynamics PowerPack are divided into the following types:
Count. This Dynamic Application polls AppDynamics to determine the number of component devices
monitored by SL1.
Discovery. These Dynamic Applications poll AppDynamics for new applications or changes to existing
Configuration. These Dynamic Applications retrieve configuration information about each application and
component device and retrieve any changes to that configuration information.
Performance. These Dynamic Applications poll AppDynamicsfor performance metrics.
Counting AppDynamics Component Devices
If you want to determine the number of AppDynamics component devices that will be monitored prior to running
discovery (for instance, to estimate license usage), you can manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Component
Count"Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics application controller virtual device.
To manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Component Count" Dynamic Application:
1. Go to the Devices page.
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
2. Locate the AppDynamics controller virtual device and click on it.
3. In the DeviceInvestigator page, click the [Collections] tab.
4. Click [Edit] and then click the[ Align Dynamic App] button. The Align Dynamic Application window
5. Click Choose Dynamic Application. The Choose Dynamic Application window appears.
6. Select the "Cisco:AppDynamics Component Count" Dynamic Application and click [Select]. The name of
the selected Dynamic Application appears in the Align Dynamic Application window.
7. If a default credential is listed below the Dynamic Application and it is the credential you created for your
AppDynamics device, skip ahead to step 10. Otherwise, uncheck the box next to the credential name.
8. Click Choose Credential. The Choose Credential window appears.
9. Select the credential you created for your AppDynamics device for the Dynamic Application and click
the [Select] button. The name of the selected credential appears in the Align Dynamic Application
10. Click the [Align Dynamic App] button. When the Dynamic Application is successfully aligned, it is added
to the Collections tab, and a confirmation message appears at the bottom of the tab.
NOTE: If your AppDynamics account has a large number of applications, tiers, or nodes, ScienceLogic
recommends discovering your account on a Collector Group with a sufficient number of Data
Collectors. For guidelines about the number of Data Collectors you might need, see the
ScienceLogic Architecture manual.
Counting AppDynamics Component Devices in the SL1 Classic User Interface
If you want to determine the number of AppDynamics component devices that will be monitored prior to running
discovery (for instance, to estimate license usage), you can manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Component
Count"Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics application controller virtual device.
To manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Component Count" Dynamic Application:
1. Go to the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager).
Locate the AppDynamics controller virtual device and then click its wrench icon ( ).
3. In the Device Administration panel, click the [Collections] tab.The Dynamic Application Collections
page appears.
4. Click the [Actions] button and select Add Dynamic Application from the menu.
5. In the Dynamic Application Alignment modal:
In the Dynamic Applications field, select Cisco: AppDynamics Component Count.
In the Credentials field, select the credential you created for AppDynamics.
6. Click [Save] to align the Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics account controller virtual device.
NOTE: If your AppDynamics account has a large number of applications, tiers, or nodes, ScienceLogic
recommends discovering your account on a Collector Group with a sufficient number of Data
Collectors. For guidelines about the number of Data Collectors you might need, see the
ScienceLogic Architecture manual.
Discovering AppDynamics Applications and Component Devices
To discover all of the applications and components of your AppDynamics account, you must manually align the
"Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics account controller
virtual device.
To manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application:
1. Go to the Devices page, locate the AppDynamics controller virtual device, and click on it.
2. In the Device Investigator, click the [Collections] tab.
3. Click [Edit] and then click the [Align Dynamic App] button.
4. In the Align Dynamic Application window, click Choose Dynamic Application. The Choose Dynamic
Application window appears.
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
5. Select the "Cisco:AppDynamics ApplicationDiscovery" Dynamic Application and click [Select]. The name
of the selected Dynamic Application appears in the Align Dynamic Application window.
6. If a default credential is listed below the Dynamic Application in the Align Dynamic Application window
and it is the credential you created for your AppDynamics device, skip ahead to step 9. Otherwise,
uncheck the box next to the credential name.
7. Click Choose Credential. The Choose Credential window appears.
8. Select the credential you created for your AppDynamics device for the Dynamic Application and click
the [Select] button. The name of the selected credential appears in the Align Dynamic Application
9. Click the [Align Dynamic App] button. When the Dynamic Application is successfully aligned, it is added
to the Collections tab, and a confirmation message appears at the bottom of the tab.
When you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics
controller virtual device, and if you have configured the AppDynamics device template correctly, then the
following happens:
Events are triggered indicating that AppDynamics application virtual devices are being created for each
application discovered in the AppDynamics account.
Those events trigger Run Book Actions that apply the AppDynamics device template to each of the
application virtual devices
The device template aligns additional Dynamic Applications to each of the application virtual devices,
which results in the creation of child component devices representing the tiers and nodes under those
CAUTION: After you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application to the
AppDynamics account controller virtual device, it is important to let the Dynamic Application run
at its predetermined polling interval; you should not run the Dynamic Application manually.
Running the Dynamic Application manually will result in the application virtual devices not being
created. If this happens, you must delete the account controller virtual device and repeat the
process again.
CAUTION: If the application virtual devices are not discovered when you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics
Application Discovery" Dynamic Application to the AppDynamics account controller virtual
device or if the application virtual devices are discovered but the Dynamic Applications aligned
to those application virtual devices are using the incorrect credentials because the "Cisco:
AppDynamics Application Template" Device Template was not modified to use your
correct AppDynamics credentials, then you must delete all devices including the account
controller virtual device and repeat the process again.
NOTE: SL1 is unable to discover applications with names that include special characters.
NOTE: If a tier or node name includes special characters, SL1 replaces the special characters with empty
spaces in the device name. This does not affect data collection, but it does prevent a relationship
from being created between a physical server and a component node if the node's machine name
contains special characters.
Discovering AppDynamics Applications and Component Devices in the SL1
Classic User Interface
To discover all of the applications and components of your AppDynamics account, you must manually align the
"Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics account controller
virtual device.
To manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application:
1. Go to the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager).
Locate the AppDynamics controller virtual device and then click its wrench icon ( ).
3. In the Device Administration panel, click the [Collections] tab.The Dynamic Application Collections
page appears.
4. Click the [Actions] button and select Add Dynamic Application from the menu.
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
5. In the Dynamic Application Alignment modal:
In the Dynamic Applications field, select Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery.
In the Credentials field, select the credential you created for AppDynamics.
6. Click [Save] to align the Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics account controller virtual device.
When you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics
controller virtual device, if you have configured the AppDynamics device template correctly, then the
following happens:
Events are triggered indicating that AppDynamics application virtual devices are being created for each
application discovered in the AppDynamics account.
Those events trigger Run Book Actions that apply the AppDynamics device template to each of the
application virtual devices
The device template aligns additional Dynamic Applications to each of the application virtual devices,
which results in the creation of child component devices representing the tiers and nodes under those
CAUTION: After you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application to the
AppDynamics account controller virtual device, it is important to let the Dynamic Application run
at its predetermined polling interval; you should not run the Dynamic Application manually by
clicking its lightning bolt icon ( ). Clicking the lightning bolt icon ( ) for the "Cisco:
AppDynamics Application Discovery" Dynamic Application will result in the application virtual
devices not being created. If this happens, you must delete the account controller virtual device
and repeat the process again.
CAUTION: If the application virtual devices are not discovered when you align the "Cisco: AppDynamics
Application Discovery" Dynamic Application to the AppDynamics account controller virtual
device or if the application virtual devices are discovered but the Dynamic Applications aligned
to those application virtual devices are using the incorrect credentials because the "Cisco:
AppDynamics Application Template" Device Template was not modified to use your
correct AppDynamics credentials, then you must delete all devices including the account
controller virtual device and repeat the process again.
NOTE: SL1 is unable to discover applications with names that include special characters.
NOTE: If a tier or node name includes special characters, SL1 replaces the special characters with empty
spaces in the device name. This does not affect data collection, but it does prevent a relationship
from being created between a physical server and a component node if the node's machine name
contains special characters.
Discovering Multiple AppDynamics Accounts
To discover multiple AppDynamics accounts, you must:
1. Create a separate credential for each account, using a unique Profile Name for each credential.
2. Create a separate device template for each account, using a unique Template Name and aligning the
appropriate credential to the Dynamic Applications in each device template.
3. Create a separate AppDynamics account controller virtual device for each account.
4. Discover each account's applications and components.
Aligning the AppDynamics Dynamic Applications
Viewing Component Devices
Viewing Component Devices
When SL1 performs collection for your AppDynamics account, SL1 will create component devices that represent
each device and align other Dynamic Applications to those component devices. Some of the Dynamic
Applications aligned to the component devices will also be used to create additional component devices. All
component devices appear in the Devices page just like devices discovered using the ScienceLogic discovery
In addition to the Devices page, you can view the AppDynamics account controller, applications, and all other
component devices in the following places in the user interface:
The DeviceInvestigator Map page (click Map in the DeviceInvestigator page) displays a map of a
particular device and all of the devices with which it has parent-child relationships. Double-clicking any of
the listed devices reloads the page to make the selected device the primary device.
The Device Components page (Devices > Device Components) displays a list of all root devices and
component devices discovered by SL1 in an indented view, so you can easily view the hierarchy and
relationships between child devices, parent devices, and root devices. To view the component devices
associated with an AppDynamics account, find the AppDynamics root device and click its plus icon (+):
The Component Map page (Classic Maps >Device Maps >Components) allows you to view devices by
root node and view the relationships between root nodes, parent components, and child components in a
map. This makes it easy to visualize and manage root nodes and their components. SL1 automatically
updates the Component Map as new component devices are discovered. The platform also updates each
map with the latest status and event information. To view the map for an AppDynamics account, go to the
Component Map page and select the map from the list in the left NavBar. To learn more about the
Component Map page, see the Views manual.
Viewing Component Devices in the SL1 Classic User Interface
When SL1 performs collection for your AppDynamics account, SL1 will create component devices that represent
each device and align other Dynamic Applications to those component devices. Some of the Dynamic
Applications aligned to the component devices will also be used to create additional component devices. All
component devices appear in the Device Manager page just like devices discovered using the ScienceLogic
discovery process.
In addition to the Device Manager page, you can view the AppDynamics account controller, applications, and
all other component devices in the following places in the user interface:
The Device View modal page (click the bar-graph icon [ ] for a device, then click the Topology tab)
displays a map of a particular device and all of the devices with which it has parent-child relationships.
Double-clicking any of the devices listed reloads the page to make the selected device the primary device:
The Device Components page (Registry > Devices > Device Components) displays a list of all root
devices and component devices discovered by SL1 in an indented view, so you can easily view the hierarchy
and relationships between child devices, parent devices, and root devices. To view the component devices
associated with an AppDynamics account, find the AppDynamics root device and click its plus icon (+):
Viewing Component Devices
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers
The Device Component Map page (Classic Maps >Device Maps >Components) allows you to view
devices by root node and view the relationships between root nodes, parent components, and child
components in a map. This makes it easy to visualize and manage root nodes and their components. SL1
automatically updates the Device Component Map as new component devices are discovered. SL1 also
updates each map with the latest status and event information. To view the map for an AppDynamics
account, go to the Device Component Map page and select the map from the list in the left NavBar. To
learn more about the Device Component Map page, see the Views manual.
NOTE: If a tier is renamed in AppDynamics, the device name does not update in SL1 unless you go to the
tier's Device Properties page (Registry > Devices > wrench icon) and uncheck the Preserve
Hostname option.
NOTE: When an application is deleted from AppDynamics, it should be deleted from SL1 automatically.
(This process will also cause the application's tiers and nodes to vanish.) If the application does not
delete automatically, the Dynamic Applications aligned to the device will generate error messages in
the log and you might need to manually delete the application.
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers
If you want to create a device relationship between AppDynamics nodes and the physical servers where they
reside, you must manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship" Dynamic Application to
the physical server device. The "Cisco: AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship" Dynamic Application can
create relationships between a single server and one or more nodes.
To manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship" Dynamic Application:
1. Go to the Devices page, locate the AppDynamics physical server device, and click on it. In the Device
Investigator, click the [Collections] tab.
2. Click [Edit] and then click the [Align Dynamic App] button.
4. In the Align Dynamic Application window, click Choose Dynamic Application. The Choose Dynamic
Application window appears.
5. Select the "Cisco:AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship" Dynamic Application and click [Select]. The
name of the selected Dynamic Application appears in the Align Dynamic Application window.
6. If a default credential is listed below the Dynamic Application in the Align Dynamic Application window
and it is the credential you created for your AppDynamics device, skip ahead to step 9. Otherwise,
uncheck the box next to the credential name.
7. Click Choose Credential. The Choose Credential window appears.
8. Select the credential you created for your AppDynamics device for the Dynamic Application and click
the [Select] button. The name of the selected credential appears in the Align Dynamic Application
9. Click the [Align Dynamic App] button. When the Dynamic Application is successfully aligned, it is added
to the Collections tab, and a confirmation message appears at the bottom of the tab.
10. To view the relationship, go to the DeviceInvestigator Map page (click the [Map] tab) or the Component
Map page (Classic Maps >Device Maps >Components) for the node device.
NOTE: You must ensure that the server hostname matches the node machine name that is collected by the
"Cisco: AppDynamics Node Configuration" Dynamic Application. If the physical server device name
is an IP address or otherwise differs from the machine name collected by the "Cisco: AppDynamics
Node Configuration" Dynamic Application, you can go to the server's DeviceInvestigator page,
click [Edit], and edit the Device Name to match the node machine name.
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers in the SL1
Classic User Interface
If you want to create a device relationship between AppDynamics nodes and the physical servers where they
reside, you must manually align the "Cisco: AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship" Dynamic Application to
the physical server device. The "Cisco: AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship" Dynamic Application can
create relationships between a single server and one or more nodes.
To create device relationships between nodes and servers:
1. Go to the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager).
Locate the AppDynamics physical server device and then click its wrench icon ( ).
3. In the Device Administration panel, click the [Collections] tab.The Dynamic Application Collections
page appears.
4. Click the [Actions] button and select Add Dynamic Application from the menu.
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers
5. In the Dynamic Application Alignment modal:
In the Dynamic Applications field, select Cisco: AppDynamics Node to Server Relationship.
In the Credentials field, select the credential you created for AppDynamics.
6. Click [Save] to align the Dynamic Application with the AppDynamics physical server device.
To view the relationship, go to the Device View modal page (click the bar-graph icon [ ] for a device,
then click the Topology tab) or the Device Component Map page (Classic Maps >Device Maps
>Components) for the node device.
NOTE: You must ensure that the server hostname matches the node machine name that is collected by the
"Cisco: AppDynamics Node Configuration" Dynamic Application. If the physical server device name
is an IP address or otherwise differs from the machine name collected by the "Cisco: AppDynamics
Node Configuration" Dynamic Application, you can go to the server's Device Properties page
(Registry > Devices > wrench icon) and edit the Device Name to match the node machine name.
Creating Device Relationships Between Nodes and Servers
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