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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(6): 112-119
ISSN (E): 2277-7695
ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
TPI 2022; SP-11(6): 112-119
© 2022 TPI
Received: 24-04-2022
Accepted: 28-05-2022
Shweta Soni
Department of Vegetable
Science, BUAT, Banda,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Govind Vishwakarma
Department of Fruit Science,
RLBCAU, Jhansi,
Uttar Pradesh, India
SC Singh
Department of Fruit Science,
BUAT, Banda, Uttar Pradesh,
Sunil Kumar
Department of Vegetable
Science, BUAT, Banda,
Uttar Pradesh, India
RK Singh
Department of Vegetable
Science, BUAT, Banda,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Priya Awasthi
Department of Post Harvest
Technology, BUAT, Banda,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Vaishali Gangwar
Department of Plant Physiology,
BUAT, Banda, Uttar Pradesh,
Corresponding Author
Shweta Soni
Department of Vegetable
Science, BUAT, Banda,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Commercial use of plant growth regulators in
horticultural crops: An overview
Shweta Soni, Govind Vishwakarma, SC Singh, Sunil Kumar, RK Singh,
Priya Awasthi and Vaishali Gangwar
Plant growth regulators either synthetic or natural have been found great and wide application in
increasing the crop production or when applied in small amount, they bring rapid changes in the
phenotypes of the plant and also influences the plant growth, right from seed germination to senescence
either by enhancing or by stimulating the natural growth regulatory system. In view of their wide
spectrum effectiveness on every aspect of plant growth, even a modest increase of 10-15% could bring
about an increment in the gross annual productivity by 10-15 million tonnes. The Plant growth regulators
(PBRs) have various economic importance in agricultural field. In vegetable growing, growth regulator
also become more popular for seed soaking, inflorescence spraying, producing hybrid seeds and making
seeds resistant to pest and diseases. Thus, growth regulators improve seed germination power, resistant
power against disease and unfavorable growth conditions, increase and produces yield earlier and
therefore, the yield become more qualitative and quantitative. Hence, advances in PBR technology will
likely to be achieved through a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for developmental
processes and a more comprehensive description of the specificity of substances in mediating key
biochemical steps. So, their importance has been boon and advantageous for farmers and horticulturists
due to whom they took advantage to earn by the practical implication of these hormones and growth
Keywords: Plant, growth, physiology
It has long been believed that the growth of a plant is due to the nutrients absorbed by the soil
and the nutrients in the plant. It is now known that plant growth is largely controlled by certain
chemical substances known as growth controls. PGRs contribute to plant growth and
morphogenesis. They should be used in the correct focus, category of use, details of specific
species, seasons, etc. (Birader and Navalagatti, 2008)
. Gardening is a common term for a
variety of crop combinations, for example, agriculture, pomology, floriculture and finishing,
nursery, restorative, flavor and aromatic plants, mushrooms, among the various circles of
developed plants. The theoretical history of the field of information provided, especially the
use of crop growth controls in agriculture is important in better understanding the emergence,
the way forward and its ideas. Since the 1930's, PGRs have been widely used in various
agricultural activities. Indian agriculture is becoming more and more mechanized and science
is increasing the opportunities to use inputs to improve food production and food security, the
role of crop growth regulators becomes more important; Crop growth controls provide an
immediate impact on crop development programs and do not consume much time. The
powerful role of plant growth control in the various physiological and chemical processes of
plants is well-known, not only making rapid changes in plant phenotype by accelerating
germination or growth but also helping to increase productivity. In addition, the unusual use of
plant growth controllers is known to bring about changes in tree conversion, growth and
distribution of assimilates (source - sink balance) and the number and quality of the desired
economic products of horticultural plants (Nickel, 1982, Nowale and Lawson, 1983)
[74, 75]
Class of plant growth regulators
Auxins: IAA, NAA, IBA, 2-4D, 4-CPA
Gibberellins: GA
Cytokinins: Kinetin, Zeatin
Ethylene: Ethereal
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Abscisic acid: Dormins, Phaseic Acid
Phenolic substances: Coumarin
Flowering hormones: Florigin, Anthesin, Vernalin
Natural substances: Vitamins, Phytochrome Tranmatic
Newly identified PGRs: Brassinosteroids, Jasmonates,
Triacontanol, Salicylic acid, Polyamines, Ancymidol,
Nitrobenzene, Seaweed products, xanthoxins, betasins, alar,
Growth inhibitors: AMO-1618, Phosphon-D, Cycosel, B-
Plant growth regulators and their associated functions
Associated functions
Apical dominance, root induction, control fruits drops, regulation of flowering, parthenocarpy, phototropism, geotropism,
herbicides, inhibit abscission, sex determination, xylem differentiation, nucleic acid activity.
Stimulate cell division and elongation, stimulate germination of seeds Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days,
prevention of genetic dwarfism, increase flower and fruit size, dormancy, induces maleness in dioecious flowers, extending
Promotes cell division, cell enlargement and cell differentiation, stimulate bud initiation and root growth, translocation of
nutrients, prolong storage life of flowers and vegetables, prevent chlorophyll degradation, morphogenesis, lateral bud
development, delay of senescence.
Induce uniform ripening in vegetables, promotes abscission, senescence of leaf.
Act as plant stress hormone, dormancy induction of buds and seeds, induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins, dormancy,
seed development and germination, stomata closing.
Role of PGRs
Plant growth factors play an important role in the various
physiological processes associated with the growth and
development of horticultural plants. It is clear that changes in
the level of endogenous hormones due to biotic and abiotic
stress alter plant growth and any kind of deception including
increased use of growth factors will help improve yields or at
least crop nutrition. PGR (or chemical messengers) is
produced in various areas such as leaves, foliage, root shoots,
etc. They are also distributed throughout the plant system
until they interact with the receptors and produce responses in
targeted cells (Mitchell, 1942 and Rademacher, 2015)
[63, 80]
such compounds primarily increase or decrease plant growth
in length. Because a large number of other processes such as
flowering, fruit formation, ripening, fruit reduction, fat
reduction, or quality factors can also be affected by ``
biological control '', this term will be used for better growth
and metabolic processes (Rademacher, 2015)
. Hormones
influence cell division, cell proliferation, cell formation and
function, and have the ability to control how a plant responds
to environmental stress (Ferguson and Grafton-Cardwell,
. Altering the action of hormones within the plant
(Harms and Oplinger, 1988; Hopkins and Huner, 2004)
[26, 28]
PGRs include plant growth characteristics based on factors
such as crop type, incentive type, amount of incentive used,
application time, growth phase, and location of application
renewal (Mitchell, 1942)
. Growth controls can improve
physical efficiency including photosynthetic ability and can
increase the functional separation of the source from the
source and immersion in field plants (Solaiman et al., 2001)
. The use of oil for growth and chemical controls in the
flowering phase can improve body function and can play a
significant role in increasing plant production (Dashora and
Jain, 1994)
. A large group of PGRs are combined,
reducing the shooting length. Such substances are often
referred to as '' growth retardants '' (Rademacher, 2015)
Commercial use of PGRs in horticultural crops
Reference Citation
2,4-D and
Nawaz et al. (2008)
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and NAA
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Custard apple
Chouksey et al. (2013)
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ABA, Ethylene
Goren et al. (1979)
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Singh et al. (2017)
Bitter gourd
Khatoon et al. (2019)
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Prajapati et al. (2019)
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SA and ABA
Baghizadeh and
Hajmohammadrezaei (2011)
Kumar et al. (2018)
Wajid Khan et al. (2017)
Chaudhary et al. (2016)
2,4-D and IAA
Gelmesa et al. (2013)
Khaled et al. (2015)
Sharma et al. (2018)
Sunidhi and Gandhi, 2019
Nawaz et al. (2012)
Berova and Zlatev (2000)
Nasr A. (1993)
Patel et al. (2010)
Moniruzzaman et al. (2014)
Bora and Sarma (2006)
Sure et al. (2012)
Bottle gourd
Kumari et al. (2019)
Kadi et al. (2018)
Rudich et al. (1969)
Sindhuja et al. (2017)
Sindhuja et al. (2017)
Al Muhairi et al. (2016)
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Bayat et al. (2012)
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Khandaker, M. M. et al.
Susaj et al. (2012)
Meshram et al. (2015)
Mishra (2017)
Kumar et al. (2011)
Muruganandam (2014)
Sajid et al. (2016)
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Reshma et al. (2017)
Kumar et al. (2014)
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Rahmani et al. (2015)
Sajjad et al. (2015)
Ganesh et al. (2013)
China aster
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Hesar et al. (2011)
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Lema-Ruminska et al. (2013)
Dimasi-Theriou et al. (1993)
BA and GA
Danaee et al. (2011)
Malik et al., (2017)
Either synthetic or natural crop growth controllers have been
found to be more efficient and comprehensive in increasing
crop production or when used in small amounts, bring about
rapid changes in plant phenotypes and also contribute to plant
growth, from seed purification to licensing or by enhancing or
revitalizing the growth control system. By looking at their
overall performance in all aspects of plant growth or just a
small increase of 10-15% can bring about an increase of total
annual production by 10-15 million tons. Plant growth
regulators (PGRs) have various type of economic significance
in the agricultural sector. In vegetable growth, growth control
is also popular for seed immersion, inflorescence spraying,
hybrid seed production and seed resistance to pests and
diseases. Therefore, growth regulators improve seed
germination capacity, disease resistance and poor growth
conditions, increase and produce a crop early and, therefore,
yields are better and more balanced. Therefore, advances in
PGR technology are likely to be achieved by a better
understanding of the mechanisms responsible for
development processes and a broader definition of specificity
in designing key chemical steps organic farmers because they
have used their profits by finding out what these hormones
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