Applications of recombinant
DNA technology
Biotechnology is not new. The making of beer, wine,
bread, yoghurt and cheese was practised by ancient
civilizations, such as the Babylonians, the Romans
and the Chinese. Much, much later came vaccines,
the production of basic chemicals (e.g. glycerol,
citric acid, lactic acid) and the development of anti-
biotics. In each of these examples, existing properties
of microorganisms were exploited. For example,
Penicillium species naturally make penicillin. What
the scientists have done is to increase the yield of
penicillin by repeated rounds of mutation and
selection, coupled with optimization of the growth
medium. Similarly, sexual crosses between related
plant species have created high-yielding and disease-
resistant varieties of cereals. These improved cereals
represent new combinations of genes and alleles
already existing in wild strains.
With the development of gene manipulation tech-
niques in the 1970s, there was a major paradigm
shift. For the first time microorganisms could be
made to synthesize compounds that they had never
synthesized before, e.g. insulin production in E. coli
( Johnson 1983). Soon all sorts of commercially or
therapeutically useful proteins were being made in
bacteria, principally E. coli, and thus the modern
biotechnology industry was born. As the techniques
developed for manipulating genes in bacteria were
extended to plants and animals there was a con-
comitant expansion of the biotechnology industry
to exploit the new opportunities being provided.
Today there are many different facets to the com-
mercial exploitation of gene manipulation tech-
niques as shown in Fig. 14.1. Rather than discuss
all these topics in detail, for that would take a book
in itself, we have chosen to focus on six inter-
disciplinary themes that reflect both the successes
achieved to date and the likely successes in the next
Theme 1: Nucleic acid sequences
as diagnostic tools
Introduction to theme 1
Nucleic acid sequences can be used diagnostically in
two different ways. The first is to determine whether
a particular, relatively long sequence is present in or
absent from a test sample. A good example of such
an application is the diagnosis of infectious disease.
By choosing appropriate probes, one can ascertain
in a single step which, if any, microorganisms are
present in a sample. Alternatively, a search could be
made for the presence of known antibiotic-resistance
determinants so that an appropriate therapeutic
regime can be instituted. In the second way in which
sequences are used diagnostically, the objective is to
determine the similarity of sequences from different
individuals. Good examples of this approach are
prenatal diagnosis of genetic disease and forensic
profiling (‘DNA fingerprinting’).
Detection of sequences at the gross level
Imagine that a seriously ill individual has a disorder
of the gastrointestinal tract. A likely cause is a
microbial infection and there are a number of candid-
ate organisms (Table 14.1). The question is, which
organism is present and to which antibiotics is it
susceptible? The sooner one has an answer to these
questions, the sooner effective therapy can begin.
Traditionally, in such a case, a stool specimen would
be cultured on a variety of different media and would
be examined microscopically and tested with vari-
ous immunological reagents. A simpler approach
is to test the sample with a battery of probes and
determine which, if any, hybridize in a simple dot-
blot assay. With such a simple format it is possible to
vary the stringency of the hybridization reaction to
accommodate any sequence differences that might
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 275
exist between the probe and the target. The down-
side of this approach is that if one wishes to test the
sample with 10 different probes, then 10 different
dot blots are required; otherwise there is no way of
determining which probe has bound to the target.
Another disadvantage of this approach is that
sufficient target DNA must be present in the sample
to enable a signal to be detected on hybridization.
Both of these problems can be overcome by using the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
In a traditional dot-blot assay, the sample DNA is
immobilized on a membrane and hybridized with a
selection of labelled probes. An alternative is a
‘reverse dot blot’, where the probes are immobilized
on the membrane and hybridized with the sample.
In this way, only one hybridization step is required,
because each probe occupies a unique position on
the membrane (Fig. 14.2). For this approach to
work, the sample DNA needs to be labelled and this
can be achieved using the PCR. This has the added
Small molecules
Therapeutic proteins
Improved plants
Therapeutic proteins
Small molecules
Diagnostic probes
Gene therapy/repair
Anti-senseTherapeutic proteins
Improved farm
Disease models
Fig. 14.1 The different ways that recombinant DNA technology has been exploited.
Table 14.1 Pathogens causing infection of the
gastrointestinal tract.
Salmonella spp.
Shigella spp.
Yersinia enterocolitica
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
Clostridium difficile
Clostridium welchii
Campylobacter spp.
Aeromonas spp.
Enteric adenoviruses
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia Iamblia
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276 CHAPTER 14
benefit of amplifying the sample, thereby minimizing
the amount of target DNA required. The downside
of this approach is that the amplification step needs
to be done with multiple pairs of primers (multiplex
PCR), one for each target sequence. Although
multiplex PCR is now an established method, con-
siderable optimization is needed for each application
(Elnifro et al. 2000). The major problems encoun-
tered are poor sensitivity or specificity and/or pre-
ferential amplification of certain specific targets.
The presence of more than one primer pair in the
reaction increases the chance of obtaining spurious
amplification products because of the formation of
primer dimers. Such non-specific products may be
amplified more efficiently than the desired target.
Clearly, the design of each primer pair is crucial to
avoiding this problem. Another important feature is
that all primer pairs should enable similar amplifica-
tion efficiencies for their respective targets.
Despite the difficulties noted above, multiplex PCR
has been used successfully in the diagnosis of infec-
tious diseases. For example, Heredia et al. (1996)
have used the method to simultaneously examine
blood for the presence of HIV-1, HIV-2, human
T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-I and HTLV-II.
Similarly, Grondahl et al. (1999) have used the
method to identify which of nine different organisms
is responsible for respiratory infections. Once the
clinical microbiologist knows the identity of a micro-
organism in a specimen, he/she can select those
antibiotics that might be effective, provided that
the organism in question does not carry multiple
drug-resistance determinants. The presence of these
determinants can also be established using multi-
plex PCR. Alternatively, if a virus causes the infec-
tion, one can monitor the progress of the infection by
using quantitative PCR (see p. 23). This approach
has been used to monitor cytomegalovirus infec-
Reverse dot blot
Probe A Probe EProbe B Probe C Probe D
test DNA
Conventional dot blot
Test DNA Test DNA Test DNA Test DNA Test DNA
Fig. 14.2 Comparison of conventional
dot blot assay with reverse dot blot
method. Note that in the latter there
is only a single hybridization reaction,
regardless of the number of probes
used, whereas in the former each
probe has to be tested in a separate
hybridization step.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 277
tions in kidney-transplant patients (Caballero et al.
1997). It is worth noting that the development
of multiplex PCR technology is being facilitated by
the rapid progress in the sequencing of microbial
genomes (for an up-to-date list, see http//igweb.integ-, since the data gener-
ated enable species-specific genes or sequences to be
Comparative sequence analysis: single-
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
In prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders, there is
a need to determine which alleles of a particular
locus are being carried by the fetus, i.e. is the fetus
homozygous for the normal or the deleterious allele
or is it heterozygous? In forensic DNA profiling the
requirement is to match DNA from the perpetrator
of a crime with that of a suspect. In each case, a
definitive answer could be obtained by sequencing
the relevant samples of DNA. While this is possible, it
is not practicable for mass screening. An alternative
could be to detect hybridization of specific probes.
This has been done for the detection of sickle-cell
anaemia by Conner et al. (1983). They synthesized
two 19-mer oligonucleotides, one of which was
complementary to the amino-terminal region of the
normal β-globin (β
) gene and the other of which
was complementary to the sickle-cell β-globin gene
). These oligonucleotides were radiolabelled and
used to probe Southern blots. Under appropriate
conditions, the probes could distinguish the normal
and mutant alleles. The DNA from normal homo-
zygotes only hybridized with the β
probe and DNA
from sickle-cell homozygotes only hybridized with
the β
probe. DNA of heterozygotes hybridized with
both probes. These experiments, therefore, showed
that oligonucleotide hybridization probes can dis-
criminate between a fully complementary DNA and
one containing a single mismatched base. Similar
results have been obtained (Fig. 14.3) with a point
mutation in the α-antitrypsin gene, which is implic-
ated in pulmonary emphysema (Cox et al. 1985).
The single-base changes that occur in the two
clinical examples just quoted are examples of single-
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, pronounced
‘snips’). Many such polymorphisms occur through-
out an entire genome and in humans the frequency
is about once every 1000 bases. Their distribution is
not entirely random. SNPs that alter amino acid
M-specific probe
Z-specific probe
Fig. 14.3 Schematic representation
of the use of oligonucleotide probes
to detect the normal α
gene (M) and its Z variant. Human
DNA obtained from normal (MM),
heterozygous (MZ) and homozygous
variant (ZZ) subjects is digested
with a restriction endonuclease,
electrophoresed and fragments
Southern blotted on to a nitrocellulose
membrane. The patterns shown were
obtained on autoradiography of the
filter following hybridization with
either the normal (M-specific) or
variant (Z-specific) probe.
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278 CHAPTER 14
sequences occur much less frequently than silent
substitutions and SNPs in non-coding regions (Cargill
et al. 1999). However, they are stably inherited.
In some instances, these polymorphisms result in
the creation or elimination of a restriction-enzyme
site and this can be used diagnostically. A classical
example is sickle-cell anaemia (Fig. 14.4), where
the mutation from GAG to GTG eliminates restric-
tion sites for the enzymes DdeI (CTNAG) and MstII
(CCTNAGG) (Chang & Kan 1981, Orkin et al. 1982).
The mutation has been detected by digesting mutant
and normal DNA with the restriction enzyme and
performing a Southern-blot hybridization with a
cloned β-globin DNA probe.
Many of the SNPs that cause genetic diseases
do not lie within a restriction-enzyme site, as is the
case in sickle-cell anaemia. However, the restriction
fragment length poymorphisms (RFLPs) caused by
other SNPs can be used diagnostically, as shown
in Fig. 14.5. In this case there is a close linkage
between a polymorphic restriction site and the locus
of interest and this can be used to trace the inher-
itance of the gene. When this approach was first
developed, a major limitation was the availability
of suitable polymorphic markers. Following the
sequencing of the entire human genome, an ency-
clopedia of SNPs is being created (currently 1.4
million) and this will greatly facilitate association
studies. Indeed, this approach is now being used to
match patients with appropriate drugs (see p. 292).
Again, when this approach was developed, RFLPs
were detected by genomic Southern blotting. This
laborious step can be bypassed by use of the PCR.
Enough DNA can be synthesized in the PCR reaction
so that after digestion with the restriction enzyme
and electrophoresis, the DNA bands are directly
visible following staining with ethidium bromide.
Another advantage of PCR is that the gel step can be
omitted altogether and the SNPs detected directly,
using microarrays (‘DNA chips’) (p. 116).
Pro Glu
Base sequence in
normal (β
) gene
Base sequence in
mutant (sickle, β
) gene
β-globin gene
Fig. 14.4 Antenatal detection of sickle-cell genes. Normal individuals are homozygous for the β
allele, while sufferers from
sickle-cell anaemia are homozygous for the β
allele. Heterozygous individuals have the genotype β
. In sickle-cell anaemia,
the 6th amino acid of β-globin is changed from glutamate to valine. (a) Location of recognition sequences for restriction
endonuclease MstII in and around the β-globin gene. The change of A T in codon 6 of the β-globin gene destroys the
recognition site (CCTGAGG) for MstII as indicated by the asterisk. (b) Electrophoretic separation of MstII-generated fragments
of human control DNAs (AA, AS, SS) and DNA from amniocytes (Amn). After Southern blotting and probing with a cloned
β-globin gene, the normal gene and the sickle gene can be clearly distinguished. Examination of the pattern for the amniocyte
DNA indicates that the fetus has the genotype β
, i.e. it is heterozygous.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 279
Variable number tardem repeat
(VNTR) polymorphisms
In higher eukaryotes, genes and their associated
introns occupy only a small proportion of the
genome. The intergenic DNA, which makes up the
majority of the genome, is composed of a mixture of
unique sequences and repetitive sequences. Many of
the repetitive DNA sequence elements are arranged
in tandem and are known as satellite DNA. Three
types of satellite DNA can be distinguished on the
basis of the level of repetition and the repeat-unit
length (Table 14.2). Not only is satellite DNA dis-
persed throughout the genome, it is highly variable
and provides a valuable tool for genetic individual-
ization. An example of this is shown schematically
in Fig. 14.6. In this case the RFLPs detected are due
to variations in the number of repeat units (VNTR
polymorphisms) between restriction sites, rather
than changes in the location of the restriction sites,
as discussed in the previous section.
VNTR polymorphisms are of importance to
clinical geneticists because a number of important
hereditary diseases are associated with alterations
in the degree of repetition of microsatellites (for
reviews see Bowater & Wells 2000, Gutekunst et al.
2000, Usdin & Grabczyck 2000). Probably the best
example of such a disease is Huntington’s chorea,
which is caused by an expansion of a CAG trinu-
cleotide repeat in exon 1 of the gene coding for a
protein of unknown function, which has been
named huntingtin. Expansion beyond 40 repeat
units correlates with the onset and progression of
the disease (for review see Reddy et al. 1999).
Forensic applications of VNTRs
The existence of VNTR polymorphisms is of great
utility in paternity testing and criminal investigations,
since they allow ready comparison of DNA samples
in the absence of detailed genetic information by the
generation of a DNA profile or fingerprint. In prin-
ciple, a multilocus DNA fingerprint can be generated
either by the simultaneous application of several
probes, each one specific for a particular locus, or by
applying a single DNA probe that simultaneously
detects several loci. When DNA profiling was first
developed (Jeffreys et al. 1985a), multilocus probes
were used and these were derived from a tandemly
repeated sequence within an intron of the myo-
globin gene (Fig. 14.7). These probes can hybridize
to other autosomal loci – hence their utility. The
first criminal court case to use DNA fingerprinting
was in Bristol, UK, in 1987, when a link was shown
between a burglary and a rape. In the following
7 kb
10 kb
Chromosomes of parents
Gene map of
10 kb
7 kb
10 kb
7 kb
Family studied by gene mapping
Gene map of
brother and fetus
Fig. 14.5 An example of prenatal diagnosis using restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage analysis. The
parents are both carriers for a deleterious gene (A): one of
their chromosomes carries this determinant, the other its
normal allele (N). One of the parental chromosomes carries
a polymorphic restriction enzyme site P, which is close
enough to A or N for them not to be separated in successive
generations. On the chromosome which does not contain this
site (–), a particular restriction enzyme cuts out a piece of DNA
10 kb long which contains another locus (M), for which we
have a radioactive probe. On the chromosome containing the
polymorphism (+), a single base change produces a new site
and hence the DNA fragment containing locus M is now only
7 kb. On gene mapping of the parents’ DNA using probe M,
we see two bands representing either the + or chromosomes.
A previously born child had received the deleterious gene
A from both parents and on mapping we find that it has the
++ chromosome arrangement, i.e. only a single 7 kb band.
Hence the mutation must be on the + chromosome in both
parents. To identify the disease in a fetus in subsequent
pregnancies, we shall be looking for an identical pattern,
i.e. the 7 kb band only. (Reproduced courtesy of Professor
D. Weatherall and Oxford University Press.)
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280 CHAPTER 14
year, DNA-fingerprinting evidence was used in the
USA. It is worth noting that DNA evidence has been
used to prove innocence as well as guilt (Gill &
Werrett 1987).
Multilocus probes can also be used to prove or
disprove paternity and a unique example, which
was part of an immigration test case, is shown in
Box 14.1. The technique also has application in
many other areas, such as pedigree analysis in cats
and dogs ( Jeffreys & Morton 1987), confirming
cell-line authenticity in animal cell cultures (Devor
et al. 1988, Stacey et al. 1992) and monitoring the
behaviour and breeding success of bird populations
(Burke & Bruford 1987).
In criminal cases, a major disadvantage of multi-
locus probes is the complexity of the DNA fingerprint
provided. Showing innocence is easy, but proving
identity is fraught with problems. The issue boils
down to calculations of the probability that two
profiles match by chance as opposed to having come
from the same person (Lewontin & Hartl 1991). For
this reason forensic scientists have moved to the use
of single-locus probes and an example is shown in
Fig. 14.8. The latest variation of the technique,
introduced in the UK in 1999, targets 10 distinct
loci, and the likelihood of two people sharing the
same profile is less than one in a billion (thousand
million). Chance matches are even less likely in the
USA, where the FBI routinely examines 13 VNTR
loci. Another advantage of single-locus probes is
Degree of repetition Repeat-unit
Type of repeat per locus Number of loci length (bp)
Satellite 10
One to two 1000–3000
per chromosome
Minisatellite 10–10
Thousands per 9–100
Microsatellite 10–10
Up to 10
per genome
Table 14.2 Classification of satellite
H1 H1
Fig. 14.6 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
caused by a variable number of tandem repeats between
the two HinfI restriction sites. The upper part of the diagram
shows the DNA structure for three different individuals.
The lower part of the diagram shows the pattern obtained on
electrophoresis of HinfI cut DNA from the three individuals
after hybridization with a probe complementary to the
sequence shown in pink.
Core sequence
Probe 33.6
Probe 33.15
Probe 33.5
[(A G G G C T G G A G G )
(A G A G G T G G G C A G G T G G)
(G G G A G T G G G C A G G A G G)
Fig. 14.7 Probes used for DNA fingerprinting.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 281
In 1984, a Ghanaian boy was refused entry into
Britain because the immigration authorities were
not satisfied that the woman claiming him as her son
was in fact his mother. Analysis of serum proteins and
erythrocyte antigens and enzymes showed that the
alleged mother and son were related but could not
determine whether the woman was the boy’s mother
or aunt. To complicate matters, the father was not
available for analysis nor was the mother certain
of the boy’s paternity. DNA fingerprints from blood
samples taken from the mother and three children
who were undisputedly hers, as well as the alleged
son, were prepared by Southern blot hybridization to
two of the mini-satellite probes shown in Fig. B14.1.
Although the father was absent, most of his DNA
fingerprint could be reconstructed from paternal-
specific DNA fragments present in at least one of
the three undisputed siblings but absent from the
mother. The DNA fingerprint of the alleged son
contained 61 scorable fragments, all of which
were present in the mother and/or at least one of the
siblings. Analysis of the data showed the following.
The probability that either the mother or the
father by chance possess all 61 of the alleged son’s
bands is 7 × 10
. Clearly the alleged son is part
of the family.
There were 25 maternal-specific fragments in
the 61 identified in the alleged son and the chance
probability of this is 2 × 10
. Thus the mother and
alleged son are related.
If the alleged mother of the boy in question is in
fact a maternal aunt, the chance of her sharing the
25 maternal-specific fragments with her sister is
6 × 10
When presented with the above data (Jeffreys et al.
1985b), as well as results from conventional marker
analysis, the immigration authorities allowed the boy
residence in Britain. In a similar kind of investigation,
a man originally charged with murder was shown to
be innocent (Gill & Werrett 1987).
Box 14.1 Use of DNA fingerprinting in an immigration test case
Fig. B14.1 DNA fingerprints of a Ghanaian
family involved in an immigration dispute.
Fingerprints of blood DNA are shown for
the mother (M), the boy in dispute (X), his
brother (B), sisters (S1, S2) and an unrelated
individual (U). Fragments present in the
mother’s (M) DNA are indicated by a
short horizontal line (to the right of each
fingerprint); paternal fragments absent
from M but present in at least one of the
undisputed siblings (B, S1, S2) are marked
with a long line. Maternal and paternal
fragments transmitted to X are shown with
a dot. (Photo courtesy of Dr A. Jeffreys and
the editor of Nature.)
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282 CHAPTER 14
that it is possible to convert the DNA profile into a
numerical format. This enables a database to be
established and all new profiles can be matched to
that database.
Detection of VNTR polymorphisms requires that
an adequate amount of DNA be present in the test
sample. This is not a problem in paternity disputes
but can be an issue in forensic testing. With the
advent of single-locus probes, the amount of DNA
required is much less of an issue, since the test loci
in the sample can be amplified by PCR. As a result,
it now is possible to type DNA from a face-mask
worn by a bank robber, a cigarette-butt discarded
at the scene of a crime or the back of a stamp on an
envelope used to send a ‘poison-pen’ or blackmail
Historical genetics
Just as multilocus probes have been used for many
applications other than in crime testing, so too have
single-locus probes. A good example is the determina-
tion of the parentage of grapevines used for wine
making. Grapevines are propagated vegetatively, so
that individual vines of a cultivar are genetically
identical to each other and to the single original
seedling from which the cultivar originated. Most of
the cultivars in existence in north-eastern France
are centuries old and their provenance was not
known. However, using 17 microsatellite loci,
Bowers et al. (1999) were able to show that 16 of
the common cultivars have genotypes consistent
with their being progeny of a single pair of grape
cultivars that were widespread in the region in the
Middle Ages.
VNTRs can be found in mitochondrial DNA, as
well as nuclear DNA, and these have particular
applications. The reasons for this are threefold. First,
mitochondrial sequences are passed from mother to
child in the egg. Thus, brothers and sisters have
identical mitochondrial DNA. Secondly, the small
size of mitochondrial DNA (16–20 kb) means that
there is less scope for variability, but this is more
than compensated for by the copy number (~10 000
copies per cell). That is, mitochondrial DNA is
naturally amplified. Thirdly, in very old or degraded
specimens, the nuclear DNA may be totally de-
composed, but mitochondrial DNA can still be
recovered. For example, mitochondrial-DNA ana-
lysis was used to confirm that skeletons found in
Ekaterinburg, Russia, were the remains of the last
tsar and his family (Gill et al. 1994). A similar ana-
lysis showed that an individual living in Cheddar
Gorge in the UK was related to a Stone Age indi-
vidual whose skull was found nearby. Since bones
are more likely than soft tissue to survive in the
event of major accidents that involve fire, mito-
chondrial DNA analysis will play an increasingly
important role in identifying victims. Indeed, such
an analysis was done in the UK following the 1999
4 kb
CAD D A CAnorak Swab
Fig. 14.8 Use of a single locus probe to determine the
identity of a rapist. Semen was extracted from an anorak
and a vaginal swab. The victim’s profile is in track D and
that of two suspects in tracks A and C. The profile matches
individual A. (Photo courtesy of Dr. P. Gill.)
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 283
Paddington train crash, in which one carriage was
completely incinerated.
Just as the mitochondrion is transmitted maternally,
the Y chromosome is transmitted only through male
descendants. Because there is only a single copy of
the Y chromosome in normal diploid cells, recom-
bination between different Y chromosomes does not
occur. Any changes that do occur in the Y chromo-
some from generation to generation must arise
from DNA rearrangements or by accumulation of
random mutations. That is, the Y chromosome
should be highly conserved. Sykes and Irven (2000)
obtained proof of this. They probed a randomly
ascertained sample of males with the surname ‘Sykes’
with four Y-chromosome microsatellites and found
that half of them had the same Y haplotype. This
suggests that all those with the same haplotype have
a common ancestor, even though conventional
genealogical analysis suggests otherwise.
Theme 2: New drugs and new therapies
for genetic diseases
Introduction to theme 2:
proteins as drugs
One of the earliest commercial applications of
gene-manipulation techniques was the production
in bacteria of human proteins with therapeutic
applications. Not surprisingly, the first such prod-
ucts were recombinant versions of proteins already
used as therapeutics: human growth hormone and
insulin. Prior to the advent of genetic engineering,
human growth hormone was produced from pitu-
itary glands removed from cadavers. Not only did
this limit the supply of the hormone but, in some
cases, it resulted in recipients contracting Creutzfeld–
Jakob syndrome. The recombinant approach resulted
in unlimited supplies of safe material. This safety
aspect has been extended to various clotting factors
that were originally isolated from blood but now
carry the risk of HIV infection. As the methods for
cloning genes became more and more sophisticated,
an increasing number of lymphokines and cytokines
were identified and significant amounts of them
produced for the first time. A number of these were
shown to have therapeutic potential and found their
way into clinical practice (Table 14.3).
The first generation of protein drugs were exact
copies of the human molecules but protein engineer-
ing is now being used to develop second-generation
molecules with improved properties (see theme 4,
p. 299). More recently, macromodifications have
been made to proteins, as exemplified by the recently
approved drug (Table 14.3) for rheumatoid arth-
ritis, which consists of the tumour necrosis factor
receptor fused to the Fc portion of human IgG1.
Transgenic animals and plants as
bioreactors: ‘pharming’
‘Pharming’ is the play on words that refers to the use
of transgenic animals and plants to produce recom-
binant therapeutic proteins. As discussed in earlier
chapters, recombinant-protein synthesis in animal
cells has a number of advantages over microbial
expression systems, the most important of which
is the authentic post-translational modifications
that are performed in animal cells. However, large-
scale culture of animal cells is expensive, due to
the amount of medium and serum required and
the necessity for precise and constant growth condi-
tions. The production of growth hormone in the
serum of transgenic mice (Palmiter et al. 1982a) (see
p. 209) provided the first evidence that recombinant
proteins could be produced, continuously, in the
body fluids of animals. Five years later, several groups
reported the secretion of recombinant proteins in
mouse milk. In each case, this was achieved by join-
ing the transgene to a mammary-specific promoter,
such as that from the casein gene. The first proteins
produced in this way were sheep β-lactoglobulin
(Simons et al. 1987) and human tissue-plasminogen
activator (tPA) (Gordon et al. 1987, Pittius et al.
1988). There have been over 100 such reports since
these early experiments, and a selection is listed in
Table 14.4.
Although proteins can be produced at high con-
centrations in mouse milk (e.g. 50 ng/ml for tPA),
the system is not ideal, due to the small volume of
milk produced. Therefore, other animals, such as
sheep and goats, have been investigated as pos-
sible bioreactors. Such animals not only produce
large volumes of milk, but the regulatory practices
regarding the use of their milk are more accept-
able. An early success was Tracy, a transgenic ewe
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284 CHAPTER 14
Table 14.3 Some recombinant proteins that are used therapeutically.
Human insulin
Human growth hormone
Hepatitis B vaccine
Tissue plasminogen activator
Granulocyte–macrophage-colony-stimulating factor
Granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor
Human interleukin-2
Factor VIII
Human DNase
Factor IX
Consensus interferon
Platelet growth factor
Platelet-derived growth factor b
Tumour necrosis factor receptor linked to Fc portion
of human IgG1
Factor VIIa
Clinical indication
Pituitary dwarfism
Prevention of hepatitis B infection
Hairy-cell leukaemia
Acute myocardial infarction
Anaemia associated with chronic renal failure
Chronic granulomatous disease
Bone-marrow transplant
Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia
Renal-cell carcinoma
Haemophilia A
Cystic fibrosis
Gaucher’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Haemophilia B
Chronic HCV infection
Chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia
Lower-extremity diabetic ulcers
Rheumatoid arthritis
Table 14.4 Some recombinant proteins produced in the secretions of animal bioreactors.
Blood serum
Sheep b-lactoglobulin
Human tissue-plasminogen activator
Human urokinase
Human growth hormone
Human fibrinogen
Human nerve growth factor
Spider silk
Human erythropoietin
Human a
Human tissue-plasminogen activator
Human a
Recombinant antibodies
Human growth hormone
Human growth hormone
Simons et al. 1987
Gordon et al. 1987
Meade et al. 1990
Devinoy et al. 1994
Prunkard et al. 1996
Coulibaly et al. 1999
Karatzas et al. 1999
Massoud et al. 1996
Wright et al. 1991
Ebert et al. 1991
Massoud et al. 1991
Lo et al. 1991, Weidle et al. 1991
Kerr et al. 1998
Dyck et al. 1999
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 285
producing extremely high levels (30 g/l) of human
-antitrypsin (AAT) in her milk (Wright et al. 1991).
Artificially inseminated eggs were microinjected
with a DNA construct containing an AAT gene
fused to a β-lactoglobin promoter. These eggs were
implanted into surrogate mothers, of which 112
gave birth. Four females, including Tracy, and one
male were found to have incorporated intact copies
of the gene and all five developed normally. Over the
lactation period, sheep can produce 250800 l of
milk, so the production potential is significant.
Using similar protocols, Ebert et al. (1991) have
demonstrated the production of a variant of human
tPA in goat milk. Of 29 offspring, one male and one
female contained the transgene. The transgenic
female underwent two pregnancies and one out of
five offspring was transgenic. Milk collected over her
first lactation contained only a few milligrams of tPA
per litre, but improved expression constructs have
since resulted in an animal generating several
grams per litre of the protein. Recombinant human
antithrombin III, which is used to prevent blood
clots forming in patients that have undergone heart-
bypass operations, was the first protein expressed
in transgenic animal milk to reach commercial
production, and is currently marketed by Genzyme
Transgenics Corporation.
The production of foreign proteins in secreted
body fluids has the obvious advantage that trans-
genic animals can be used as a renewable source of
the desirable molecule. In addition to milk, other
production systems have been investigated, includ-
ing serum (Massoud et al. 1991), semen (Dyck et al.
1999) and urine (Kerr et al. 1998). In each case, an
important consideration is whether the protein is
stable and whether it folds and assembles correctly.
The assembly of complex proteins comprising up to
three separate polypeptides has been demonstrated
in milk, e.g. fibrinogen (Prunkard et al. 1996), colla-
gen ( John et al. 1999) and various immunoglobulins
(e.g. Castilla et al. 1998). Other abundantly secreted
fluids that are likely to be exploited for recombinant-
protein expression in the future include the albumen
of hens’ eggs and silkworm cocoons. There has
already been some success with the latter, using
both microinjection (e.g. Nagaraju et al. 1996) and
infection of silkworm larvae with baculovirus
vectors (Tamura et al. 1999, Yamao et al. 1999) (see
Chapter 10). The use of animals as bioreactors has
been extensively reviewed (Clark 1998, Rudolph
1999, Wall 1999, Houdebine 2000).
Plants as bioreactors
Plants are a useful alternative to animals for
recombinant-protein production because they are
inexpensive to grow and scale-up from laboratory
testing to commercial production is easy. Therefore,
there is much interest in using plants as production
systems for the synthesis of recombinant proteins
and other speciality chemicals. There is some con-
cern that therapeutic molecules produced in animal
expression systems could be contaminated with
small quantities of endogenous viruses or prions, a
risk factor that is absent from plants. Furthermore,
plants carry out very similar post-translational modi-
fication reactions to animal cells, with only minor
differences in glycosylation patterns (Cabanes-
Macheteau et al. 1999). Thus plants are quite
suitable for the production of recombinant human
proteins for therapeutic use.
A selection of therapeutic proteins that have been
expressed in plants is listed in Table 14.5. The first
such report was the expression of human growth
hormone, as a fusion with the Agrobacterium nopal-
ine synthase enzyme, in transgenic tobacco and
sunflower (Barta et al. 1986). Tobacco has been the
most frequently used host for recombinant-protein
expression although edible crops, such as rice, are
now becoming popular, since recombinant proteins
produced in such crops could in principle be admin-
istered orally without purification. The expression of
human antibodies in plants has particular relevance
in this context, because the consumption of plant
material containing recombinant antibodies could
provide passive immunity (i.e. immunity brought
about without stimulating the host immune system).
Antibody production in plants was first demon-
strated by Hiatt et al. (1989) and During et al.
(1990), who expressed full-size immunoglobulins in
tobacco leaves. Since then, many different types of
antibody have been expressed in plants, predomin-
antly tobacco, including full-size immunoglobulins,
Fab fragments and single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs).
For example, a fully humanized antibody against
herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) has been expressed
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286 CHAPTER 14
in soybean (Zeitlin et al. 1998). Even secretory IgA
(sIgA) antibodies, which have four separate poly-
peptide components, have been successfully expressed
in plants. This experiment involved the generation
of four separate transgenic tobacco lines, each
expressing a single component, and the sequential
crossing of these lines to generate plants in which
all four transgenes were stacked (Ma et al. 1995).
Plants producing recombinant sIgA against the oral
pathogen Streptococcus mutans have been generated
(Ma et al. 1998), and these plant-derived antibodies
(‘plantibodies’) have recently been commercially
produced as the drug CaroRx
, marketed by Planet
Biotechnology Inc. A number of other biotechnology
companies are bringing antibody-expressing trans-
genic plants into commercial production (see Fischer
& Emans 2000).
The impact of genomics
Many of the drugs currently on the market treat the
symptoms of the disease rather than the cause of the
disease. This is analogous to reversing a mutant
phenotype by selecting a mutation at a second
site. Not surprisingly, many of these drugs have
side-effects quite separate from those (e.g. toxicity)
caused by their metabolism. Now that the first drafts
of the human genome sequence are available, it
will be possible to convert disease phenotypes into
nucleotide changes in specific genes (Bailey et al.
2001). These genes will then become targets for new
small-molecule drugs. Already drugs have been
developed based on such genotype–phenotype
correlations. For example, Wettereau et al. (1998)
identified a molecule that normalizes atherogenic
lipoprotein levels caused by a genetic deletion of a
microsomal triglyceride transfer protein.
The identification of genetic changes associated
with particular disease phenotypes offers a number
of novel approaches to the development of therapies.
As well as using such changes as novel targets for
small-molecule drug design, there is an opportunity
to use the techniques described in Chapter 11 to gen-
erate animals with the exact same genetic defect and
which can be used as models to test new drug candid-
ates (disease modelling). Furthermore, where drugs
cannot be developed to treat a particular disorder,
there might be an opportunity to correct the disease
by further modification to the genome (gene therapy).
Finally, it is likely that, in the near future, transgenic
animals could be used to provide healthy organs for
humans requiring transplants (xenotransplantation)
(Box 14.2). These topics are discussed in more detail
Transgenic animals as models
of human disease
Mammals have been used as models for human
disease for many years, since they can be exploited to
Table 14.5 A selection of pharmaceutical recombinant human proteins expressed in plant systems.
Species Recombinant human product Reference
Tobacco, sunflower (plants) Growth hormone Barta et al. 1986
Tobacco, potato (plants) Serum albumin Sijmons et al. 1990
Tobacco (plants) Epidermal growth factor Higo et al. 1993
Rice (plants) a-Interferon Zhu et al. 1994
Tobacco (cell culture) Erythropoietin Matsumoto et al. 1995
Tobacco (plants) Haemoglobin Dieryck et al. 1997
Tobacco (cell culture) Interleukins-2 and 4 Magnuson et al. 1998
Tobacco (root culture) Placental alkaline phosphatase Borisjuk et al. 1999
Rice (cell culture) a
-Antitrypsin Terashima et al. 1999
Tobacco (seeds) Growth hormone Leite et al. 2000
Tobacco (chloroplasts) Growth hormone Staub et al. 2000
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 287
carry out detailed analyses of the molecular basis of
disease and to test newly developed therapeutics
prior to clinical trials in humans. Before the advent
of transgenic animal technology, however, models
of inherited diseases (i.e. diseases with a genetic basis)
were difficult to come by. They could be obtained as
spontaneously occurring mutants, suitable mutant
animals identified in mutagenesis screens and sus-
ceptible animal strains obtained by selective breeding.
Gene manipulation now offers a range of alternative
strategies to create specific disease models (see
reviews by Smithies 1993, Bedell et al. 1997, Petters
& Sommer 2000).
Some of the earliest transgenic disease models
were mice predisposed to particular forms of cancer,
because the germ line contained exogenously derived
oncogenes (e.g. Sinn et al. 1987). This exemplifies
so-called gain-of-function diseases, which are caused
by a dominantly acting allele and can be modelled
simply by adding that allele to the normal genome,
e.g. by microinjection into eggs. Other gain of func-
tion diseases that have been modelled in this way
include the Gerstmann–Straussler–Scheinker (GSS)
syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease caused by a
dominantly acting mutated prion protein gene. In
one patient suffering from this disease, a mutation
was identified in codon 102 of the prion protein
gene. Transgenic mice were created carrying this
mutant form of the gene in addition to the wild-type
locus and were shown to develop a similar neuro-
degenerative pathology to their human counter-
parts (Hsiao et al. 1990). Other examples of
Transplantation is widely used to treat organ failure
but there is a shortage of organ donors resulting in
long waiting times and many unnecessary deaths.
In the future, transgenic animals could be used to
supply functional organs to replace failing human
ones. This process is termed xenotransplantation.
There is vigorous debate concerning the ethics of
xenotransplantation but, ethics aside, the technique
remains limited by the phenomenon of hyperacute
rejection, which is caused by the host immune
system. Hyperacute rejection is dependent both on
antibodies raised against the foreign organ and the
activation of the host complement system. In both
cases, the major trigger for rejection appears to be a
disaccharide group (Gal-a(1,3)-Gal) which is present
in pigs but not in primates (Cooper et al. 1994,
Sandrin et al. 1994).
Transgenic strategies have been investigated to
avoid hyperacute rejection, including the expression
of complement-inactivating protein on the cell
surface (Cozzi & White 1995, reviewed by Pearse
et al. 1997), the expression of antibodies against
the disaccharide group (Vanhove et al. 1998)
and attempts to inhibit the expression of a(1,3)
galactosyltransferase, the enzyme that forms this
particular carbohydrate linkage, an enzyme that is
present in pigs but not in primates. In the latter case,
the simplest strategy would be to knock out the gene
by homologous recombination. Gene targeting has
not yet been achieved in pigs, although the success
of gene targeting/nuclear transfer in sheep (Chapter
11) suggests that knockout pigs could be produced
in the next few years. Alternative procedures include
introducing genes encoding other carbohydrate-
metabolizing enzymes, so that the Gal-a(1,3)-
Gal groups are modified into some other less
immunogenic moiety (e.g. Sandrin et al. 1995,
Cohney et al. 1997, Osman et al. 1997). Once
hyperacute rejection has been overcome, there
may be further problems, including delayed rejection,
involving natural killer cells and macrophages (Bach
et al. 1996), and the requirement for T-cell tolerance
(Bracy et al. 1998, Kozlowski et al. 1998, Yang et al.
1998). There are also concerns that endogenous
pig retroviruses could be activated following
transplantation, perhaps even recombining with
human retroviruses to produce potent new hybrids
with unknown properties. Detailed studies have
so far shown no evidence of such a phenomenon (e.g.
Heneine et al. 1998, Patience et al. 1998). For recent
reviews on the prospects of xenotransplantation
(particularly porcine-to-human), the reader should
consult Lambrigts et al. (1998), Sandrin and
McKenzie (1999) and Logan (2000).
Box 14.2 Xenotransplantation
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288 CHAPTER 14
gain-of-function disease models include Alzheimer’s
disease, which was modelled by overexpression of the
amyloid precursor protein (Quon et al. 1991), and
the triplet-repeat disorder spinocerebellar ataxia
type 1 (Burright et al. 1995). Simple transgene addi-
tion can also be used to model diseases caused by
dominant negative alleles, as recently shown for
the premature ageing disease, Werner’s syndrome
(Wang et al. 2000).
Recessively inherited diseases are generally caused
by loss of function, and these can be modelled by
gene knockout. The earliest report of this strategy
was a mouse model for hypoxanthine-guanine
phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency, gen-
erated by disrupting the gene for HRPT (Kuehn et al.
1987). A large number of genes have been modelled
in this way, including those for cystic fibrosis (Dorin
et al. 1992, Snouwaert et al. 1992), fragile-X syn-
drome (Dutch–Belgian Fragile X Consortium, 1994),
β-thalassaemia (Skow et al. 1983, Ciavattia et al.
1995) and mitochondrial cardiomyopathy (Li et al.
2000). Gene targeting has been widely used to
model human cancers caused by the inactivation
of tumour suppressor genes, such as TP53 and
RB1 (reviewed by Ghebranious & Donehower 1998,
Macleod & Jacks 1999).
While the studies above provide models of single-
gene defects in humans, attention is now shifting
towards the modelling of more complex diseases,
which involve multiple genes. This is a challenging
area of research but there have been some encour-
aging early successes. In many cases, the crossing of
different modified mouse lines has led to interesting
discoveries. For example, undulated mutant mice lack
the gene encoding the transcription factor Pax-1,
and Patch mutant mice are heterozygous for a null
allele of the platelet-derived growth-factor gene.
Hybrid offspring from a mating between these two
strains were shown to model the human birth defect
spina bifida occulta (Helwig et al. 1995). In other
cases, such crosses have pointed the way to possible
novel therapies. For example, transgenic mice over-
expressing human α-globin and a mutant form of
the human β-globin gene that promotes polymeriza-
tion provide good models of sickle-cell anaemia
(Trudel et al. 1991). However, when these mice are
crossed to those ectopically expressing human fetal
haemoglobin in adulthood, the resulting transgenic
hybrids show a remarkable reduction in disease
symptoms (Blouin et al. 2000). Similarly, crossing
transgenic mice overexpressing the anti-apoptotic
protein Bcl-2 to rds mutants, which show inherited
slow retinal degeneration, resulted in hybrid off-
spring in which retinal degeneration was strikingly
reduced. This indicates that Bcl-2 could possibly
be used in gene therapy to treat the equivalent
human retinal-degeneration syndrome (Nir et al.
The most complex diseases involve many genes,
and transgenic models would be difficult to create.
However, it is often the case that such diseases can
be reduced to a small number of ‘major genes’ with
severe effects and a larger number of minor genes.
Thus, it has been possible to create mouse models of
Down’s syndrome, which in humans is generally
caused by the presence of three copies of chromo-
some 21. Trisomy for the equivalent mouse chro-
mosome 16 is a poor model because the two
chromosomes do not contain all the same genes.
However, a critical region for Down’s syndrome has
been identified by studying Down’s patients with
partial deletions of chromosome 21. The generation
of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenic
mice carrying this essential region provides a useful
model of the disorder (Smith et al. 1997) and has
identified increased dosage of the Dyrk1a (minibrain)
gene as an important component of the learning
defects accompanying the disease. Animal models of
Down’s syndrome have been reviewed (Kola &
Hertzog 1998, Reeves et al. 2001).
Gene transfer to humans – gene therapy
The scope of gene therapy
Gene therapy is any procedure used to treat disease
by modifying the genetic information in the cells of
the patient. In essence, gene therapy is the antithesis
of the disease modelling discussed above. Whereas
disease modelling takes a healthy animal and uses
gene-manipulation techniques to induce a specific
disease, gene therapy takes a diseased animal (or
human) and uses gene-manipulation techniques
in an attempt to correct the disorder and return
the individual to good health. Gene transfer can be
carried out in cultured cells, which are then reintro-
duced into the patient, or DNA can be transferred
to the patient in vivo, directly or using viral vectors.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 289
The ex vivo approach can be applied only to certain
tissues, such as bone marrow, in which the cells are
amenable to culture. Gene therapy can be used to
treat diseases caused by mutations in the patient’s
own DNA (inherited disorders, cancers), as well as
infectious diseases, and is particularly valuable in
cases where no conventional treatment exists or
where that treatment is inherently risky. Strategies
include the following (Fig. 14.9):
Gene-augmentation therapy (GAT), where DNA is
added to the genome with the aim of replacing a
missing gene product.
Gene targeting to correct mutant alleles.
Gene-inhibition therapy, using techniques such
as antisense RNA expression or the expression of
intracellular antibodies to treat dominantly acting
The targeted ablation of specific cells.
1 Gene augmentation therapy
X Mutant (disease) gene loss of function
D Mutant (disease) gene dominant gain of function
2 Gene inhibition therapy
gene etc.
3 Gene targeting
functional gene
4 Assisted killing
cytokine etc.
Immune system
5 Prodrug therapy
TK etc
Fig. 14.9 Overview of gene-therapy
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290 CHAPTER 14
Therapeutic gene transfer effectively generates
transgenic human cell clones and, for this reason,
only somatic cells can be used as targets. The prospect
of germ-line transgenesis in humans raises serious
ethical concerns and, with the rapid advances in
technology allowing germ-line transformation and
nuclear transfer in numerous mammals, these
concerns will need to be addressed in the very near
future ( Johnson 1998). As an alternative to perman-
ent gene transfer, transient gene therapy can be
achieved using oligonucleotides, which can disrupt
gene expression at many levels but do not per-
manently change the genetic material of the cell
(Pollock & Gaken 1995).
The tools and techniques for gene therapy are
essentially similar to those used for gene transfer to
any animal cells. Transfection, direct delivery or
transduction (see Chapter 11) can be used to intro-
duce DNA into cells. Viral vectors are most popular
because of their efficiency of gene transfer in vivo.
However, extreme precautions need to be taken to
ensure the safety of such vectors, avoiding potential
problems, such as the production of infectious viruses
by recombination and the pathological effects of
viral replication. A number of viral vectors have
been developed for gene therapy, including those
based on oncoretroviruses, lentiviruses, adenovirus,
adeno-associated virus, herpes virus and a number
of hybrid vectors combining advantageous elements
of different parental viruses (Robbins et al. 1998,
Reynolds et al. 1999). The risks associated with viral
vectors have promoted research into other delivery
methods, the most popular of which include direct
injection of DNA into tissues (e.g. muscle), the injec-
tion of liposome–DNA complexes into the blood and
direct transfer by particle bombardment. Although
inherently much safer than viruses, such procedures
show a generally low efficiency (Scheule & Cheng
1996, Tseng & Huang 1998).
Gene-augmentation therapy for recessive diseases
The first human genetic-engineering experiment was
one of gene marking, rather than gene therapy, and
was designed to demonstrate that an exogenous
gene could be safely transferred into a patient and
that this gene could subsequently be detected in
cells removed from the patient. Both objectives were
met. Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (cells that
naturally seek out cancer cells and then kill them by
secreting proteins such as tumour necrosis factor
(TNF)) were isolated from patients with advanced
cancer. The cells were then genetically marked with
a neomycin-resistance gene and injected back into
the same patient (Rosenberg et al. 1990).
The first clinical trial using a therapeutic gene-
transfer procedure involved a 4-year-old female
patient, Ashanthi DeSilva, suffering from severe com-
bined immune deficiency, resulting from the absence
of the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA). This dis-
ease fitted many of the ideal criteria for gene-therapy
experimentation. The disease was life-threatening
(therefore making the possibility of unknown treat-
ment-related side-effects ethically acceptable), but
the corresponding gene had been cloned and the
biochemical basis of the disease was understood.
Importantly, since ADA functions in the salvage
pathway of nucleotide biosynthesis (p. 177), cells
in which the genetic lesion had been corrected had
a selective growth advantage over mutant cells,
allowing them to be identified and isolated in vitro.
Conventional treatment for ADA deficiency involves
bone-marrow transplantation from a matching donor.
Essentially the same established procedure could be
used for gene therapy, but the bone-marrow cells
would be derived from the patient herself and would
be genetically modified ex vivo (Fig. 14.10). Cells
from the patient were subjected to leucophaeresis
and mononuclear cells were isolated. These were
grown in culture under conditions that stimulated
T-lymphocyte activation and growth and then
transduced with a retroviral vector carrying a nor-
mal ADA gene as well as the neomycin-resistance
gene. Following infusion of these modified cells, both
this patient and a second, who began treatment in
early 1991, showed an improvement in their clin-
ical condition as well as in a battery of in vitro and in
vivo immune-function studies (Anderson 1992).
However, the production of recombinant ADA in
these patients is transient, so each must undergo
regular infusions of recombinant T lymphocytes.
Research is ongoing into procedures for the trans-
formation of bone-marrow stem cells, which would
provide a permanent supply of corrected cells.
Gene-augmentation therapies for a small number
of recessive single-gene diseases are now undergoing
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 291
clinical trials. We consider cystic fibrosis (CF) as an
example. CF is a disorder that predominantly affects
the lungs, liver and pancreas. The disease is caused
by the loss of a cAMP-regulated membrane-spanning
chloride channel. This results in an electrolyte
imbalance and the accumulation of mucus, often
leading to respiratory failure. CF is a recessive dis-
order suggesting that the loss of function could
be corrected by introducing a functional copy of
the gene. Indeed, epithelial cells isolated from CF
patients can be restored to normal by transfecting
them with the cloned cystic-fibrosis transmembrane
regulator (CFTR) cDNA. Unlike ADA deficiency, the
cells principally affected by CF cannot be cultured
and returned to the patient, so in vivo delivery strateg-
ies must be applied. Targeted delivery of the CFTR
cDNA to affected cells has been achieved using
adenoviral vectors, which have a natural tropism
for the epithelial lining of the respiratory system.
Recombinant viruses carrying the CFTR cDNA have
been introduced into patients using an inhaler
(Zabner et al. 1993, Hay et al. 1995, Knowles et al.
1995). The CFTR cDNA has also been introduced
using liposomes (e.g. Caplen et al. 1995). While such
treatments have resulted in CFTR transgene expres-
sion in the nasal epithelium, there were neither con-
sistent changes in chloride transport nor reduction
in the severity of CF symptoms, i.e. they have been
largely ineffective.
Gene-therapy strategies for cancer
Cancer gene therapy was initially an extension of
the early gene-marking experiments. The tumour-
infiltrating leucocytes were transformed with a gene
for TNF in addition to the neomycin-resistance gene,
with the aim of improving the efficiency with which
these cells kill tumours by increasing the amount of
TNF they secrete. Although TNF is highly toxic to
humans at levels as low as 10 µg/ kg body weight,
there have been no side-effects from the gene ther-
apy and no apparent organ toxicity from secreted
TNF (Hwu et al. 1993). One alternative strategy is
to transform the tumour cells themselves, making
them more susceptible to the immune system through
the expression of cytokines or a foreign antigen.
Another is to transform fibroblasts, which are easier
to grow in culture, and then co-inject these together
with tumour cells to provoke an immune response
against the tumour. A number of such ‘assisted
killing’ strategies have been approved for clinical
trials (see review by Ockert et al. 1999).
Direct intervention to correct cancer-causing genes
is also possible. Dominantly acting genes (oncogenes)
have been targeted using antisense technology,
either with antisense transgenes, oligonucleotides
(see Carter & Lemoine 1993, Nellen & Lichtenstein
1993) or ribozymes (Welch et al. 1998, Muotri
et al. 1999). An early report of cancer gene therapy
Select stable
(or transduce) with
functional ADA gene
mononuclear cells
ex vivo
Return modified
cells to patient
Remove bone
marrow from
Fig. 14.10 Procedure for ex vivo gene
therapy, based on the treatment for
ADA deficiency.
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292 CHAPTER 14
with antisense oligonucleotides was that of Szczylik
et al. (1991) for the treatment of chronic myeloid
leukaemia. They used two 18-mers specific for the
BCRABL gene junction generated by the chromoso-
mal translocation that causes this particular cancer,
and showed that colony formation was suppressed
in cells removed from cancer patients. Cancers
caused by loss of tumour-suppressor gene function
have been addressed by replacement strategies, in
which a functional copy of the appropriate gene is
delivered to affected cells (e.g. see Cai et al. 1993,
Harper et al. 1993, Smith et al. 1993, Hahn et al.
1996). A further strategy, known as prodrug activa-
tion therapy, involves the activation of a particular
enzyme specifically in cancer cells, which converts a
non-toxic ‘prodrug’ into a toxic product, so killing
the cancer cells. This can be achieved by driving the
expression of a so-called ‘suicide gene’ selectively
in cancer cells. An example is the HSV thymidine
kinase gene, in combination with the prodrug
ganciclovir. Thymidine kinase converts ganciclovir
into a nucleoside analogue, which is incorporated
into DNA and blocks replication by inhibiting the
DNA polymerase. Activation of the enzyme speci-
fically in cancer cells can be achieved by preferential
delivery to dividing cells through the use of onco-
retroviruses (e.g. Moolten 1986, Culver et al. 1992,
Klatzmann et al. 1996). Another way is to use
transcriptional regulatory elements that are active
only in cancer cells (e.g. Harris et al. 1994, Su et al.
The importance of SNPs
As noted earlier (p. 277), SNPs are single-base vari-
ations that occur about once every 1000 bases
along the human genome. With the availability of
the human genome sequence, a high-resolution
SNP map is being developed and this will facilitate
disease therapy in a number of ways (Rothberg
2001). Two examples will be cited here: understand-
ing polygenic disorders and pharmacogenomics.
The disease studies cited above have all focused on
single-gene disorders. However, many of the com-
mon diseases of humans are polygenic in origin and
attempts to map genes for these complex conditions
have generally failed. The availability of SNP maps is
providing a new tool for use in genetic association
studies to identify genes for polygenic disorders, and
success has already been achieved with hyperten-
sion (Geller et al. 2000), non-insulin-dependent dia-
betes (Deeb et al. 2000) and cardiovascular disease
(Mason et al. 1999).
Pharmacogenomics is the term used to describe
the identification and elucidation of genetic vari-
ations that will have an impact on the efficacy of
drugs. SNPs are essential to pharmacogenomics
(McCarthy & Hilfiker 2000), for they provide an easy
means of determining the genotype of the patient.
For example, the 2-adrenergic receptor agonists
are the most widely used agents in the treatment
of asthma and several polymorphisms have been
described within the target genes. Several studies
have shown associations between SNPs in these
genes and response to therapy. One study (Buscher
et al. 1999) found that homozygotes for one allele
were up to 5.3 times more likely to respond to
albuterol than homozygotes for the other allele.
Another striking example is the response of
Alzheimer’s patients to the drug tacrine. Approx-
imately 80% of patients not carrying the ApoE4
allele improved after tacrine treatment, whereas
60% of patients with the allele deteriorated after
treatment (Poirier et al. 1995). One scenario for the
future is that, before prescribing a drug, patients will
be genotyped by SNP analysis to determine the most
effective therapy.
Another use for pharmacogenomics is the pre-
vention of adverse drug reactions resulting from
drug metabolism. For example, between 3 and 10%
of the Caucasian population fail to metabolize the
adrenergic-blocking drug debrisoquine and treatment
results in severe hypotension. In Afro-Americans
the frequency of this ‘poor metabolizer’ condition is
5% and in Asians it is only 1%. Affected individuals
are homozygous for a mutant cytochrome P450
gene (CYP2D6) and they also fail to metabolize over
20% of all commonly prescribed drugs, including
codeine (Gonzalez et al. 1988). The same gene also
has alleles that cause an elevated-metabolizer pheno-
type, which has been correlated with increased
susceptibility to cancer. Clearly, before selecting
patients for clinical trials of new drugs, it would
make sense to screen candidates for their drug-
metabolizing phenotype and most large pharma-
ceutical companies now do this.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 293
Theme 3: Combating infectious disease
Introduction to theme 3
The usual way of treating bacterial and infectious
diseases is with antibiotics. As is well known, certain
microbes quickly develop resistance to the anti-
biotics in current use and this means that new anti-
biotics are required. The traditional way of obtaining
new antibiotics is the screening of new microbial
isolates from nature. An alternative way will be
described in theme 5: combinatorial biosynthesis
(p. 306). Another way is to identify new cellular
targets and screen chemical libraries for inhibitory
activities. A number of methods for identifying key
genes involved in pathogenesis have been developed
and these are described later in this section. In con-
trast to bacteria and fungi, viruses are not sensitive
to antibiotics and few therapies have been available.
However, this could change with the development of
antisense drugs, as described in the previous section
(p. 291). Where suitable therapies do exist, it can be
advantageous to know the identity of the pathogen
as soon as possible. Conventional laboratory proced-
ures take several days, but PCR methodology offers a
more rapid identification, as was described on p. 274.
For many pathogens, prevention is much better than
cure, and hence vaccines are of great value. Gene-
manipulation techniques have greatly facilitated the
development of new vaccines, as described below.
Novel routes to vaccines
An effective vaccine generates humoral and/or cell-
mediated immunity, which prevents the develop-
ment of disease upon exposure to the corresponding
pathogen. This is accomplished by presenting pertin-
ent antigenic determinants to the immune system in
a fashion which mimics that in natural infections.
Conventional viral vaccines consist of inactivated,
virulent strains or live, attenuated strains, but they
are not without their problems. For example, many
viruses have not been adapted to grow to high titre
in tissue culture, e.g. hepatitis B virus. There is a
danger of vaccine-related disease when using inact-
ivated virus, since replication-competent virus may
remain in the inoculum. Outbreaks of foot-and-
mouth disease in Europe have been attributed to this
cause. Finally, attenuated virus strains have the
potential to revert to a virulent phenotype upon
replication in the vaccinee. This occurs about once
or twice in every million people who receive live
polio vaccine. Recombinant DNA technology offers
some interesting solutions.
Given the ease with which heterologous genes
can be expressed in various prokaryotic and eukary-
otic systems, it is not difficult to produce large quant-
ities of purified immunogenic material for use as a
subunit vaccine. A whole series of immunologically
pertinent genes have been cloned and expressed but,
in general, the results have been disappointing. For
example, of all the polypeptides of foot-and-mouth
disease virus, only VP1 has been shown to have
immunizing activity. However, polypeptide VP1
produced by recombinant means was an extremely
poor immunogen (Kleid et al. 1981). Perhaps it is not
too surprising that subunit vaccines produced in
this way do not generate the desired immune
response, for they lack authenticity. The hepatitis B
vaccine, which is commercially available (Valenzuela
et al. 1982), differs in this respect, for expression of
the surface antigen in yeast results in the formation
of virus-like particles. A similar phenomenon is seen
with a yeast Ty vector carrying a gene for HIV coat
protein (Adams et al. 1987). These subunit vaccines
also have another disadvantage. Being inert, they
do not multiply in the vaccinee and so they do not
generate the effective cellular immune response
essential for the recovery from infectious disease.
Recombinant bacterial vaccines
An alternative approach to the development of
live vaccines is to start with the food-poisoning
organism Salmonella typhimurium. This organism
can be attenuated by the introduction of lesions
in the aro genes, which encode enzymes involved
in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids, p-
aminobenzoic acid and enterochelins. Whereas
doses of 10
wild-type S. typhimurium reproducibly
kill mice, aro mutants do not kill mice when fed orally,
even when doses as high as 10
organisms are
used. However, the mutant strains can establish self-
limiting infections in the mice and can be detected
in low numbers in organs such as the liver and
spleen. Such attenuated strains of S. typhimurium
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294 CHAPTER 14
are particularly attractive as carriers of heterologous
antigens because they can be delivered orally and
because they can stimulate humoral, secretory and
cellular immune responses in the host (Charles &
Dougan 1990). Already a wide range of heterolog-
ous antigens have been expressed in such vaccine
strains (Hackett 1993).
The use of the BCG vaccine strain as an altern-
ative vector has many advantages, including its
known safety, low cost, widespread use as a child-
hood vaccine and ability of a single dose to induce
long-lasting protection. Several recombinant BCG
strains have been constructed that stably express
foreign genes (Stover et al. 1991) and preliminary
results from animal studies are very encouraging.
An alternative vector is the human oral commensal
Streptococcus gordonii (Fischetti et al. 1993).
A different procedure for attenuating a bacterial
pathogen to be used as a vaccine has been proposed
by Kaper et al. (1984). They attenuated a pathogenic
strain of Vibrio cholera by deletion of DNA sequences
encoding the A
subunit of the cholera enterotoxin.
A restriction-endonuclease fragment encoding the
, but not the A
or B, sequence was deleted in vitro
from cloned cholera-toxin genes. The mutation
was then recombined into the chromosome of a
pathogenic strain. The resulting strain produces the
immunogenic but non-toxic B subunit of cholera
toxin but is incapable of producing the A subunit.
This strain has been found to be safe and immu-
nogenic in carefully controlled clinical trials in a
number of countries (Cryz 1992).
Yet another approach to vaccine preparation has
been developed by Pizza et al. (2000), based on
whole-genome sequencing. They wanted to develop
a vaccine against group B meningococci but were
hampered by the fact that there was considerable
sequence variation in surface-exposed proteins.
Starting with the entire genome sequence of a group
B strain of Neisseria meningitidis, they identified 350
proteins as potential protective antigens. All 350
candidate antigens were expressed in E. coli, purified
and used to immunize mice. The sera from the mice
allowed the identification of proteins that are surface-
exposed in meningococci, that are conserved across
a range of strains and that induce a bactericidal anti-
body response, a property known to correlate with
vaccine efficacy in humans.
Recombinant viruses as vaccines
Recombinant viruses can be used as vectors to
express heterologous antigens, and thus function as
live vaccines. The first animal virus to be exploited in
this way was vaccinia, which had been used pre-
viously as a non-recombinant vaccine providing
cross-protection against variola virus, the causative
agent of smallpox. Contributing to its success as a
live vaccine were its stability as a freeze-dried pre-
paration, its low production cost and the ability to
administer the vaccine by simple dermal abrasion.
Vaccinia remains the most widely explored recom-
binant viral vaccine, and many antigens have been
expressed using this vector, essentially using the
methods described on p. 197 (Ulaeto & Hruby 1994,
Moss 1996). The most successful recombinant-virus
vaccination campaign to date involved the use of
recombinant vaccinia virus expressing rabies-virus
glycoprotein. This was administered to the wild popu-
lation of foxes in central Europe by providing a bait
consisting of chicken heads spiked with the virus.
The epidemiological effects of vaccination were most
evident in eastern Switzerland, where two decades
of rabies came to a sudden end after only three vac-
cination campaigns (Brochier et al. 1991, Flamand
et al. 1992), and in Belgium, where the disease was
all but eliminated (Brochier et al. 1995).
One disadvantage of this approach in humans is
the unacceptably high risk of adverse reactions to
the vaccine. For use in humans, vaccinia must be fur-
ther attenuated to make it replication-deficient and
to minimize the likelihood of replication-competent
viruses arising by recombination (e.g. Cooney et al.
1991, Sutter & Moss 1992, Tartaglia et al. 1992).
Highly attenuated vaccinia derivatives (Table 14.6)
have been used to express a range of viral, bacterial
and parasite antigens, with some reaching clinical
trials (reviewed by Moss 1996, Paoletti 1996). Other
poxviruses, such as canarypox, have also been
developed as potential vaccines (e.g. see Perkus et al.
1995, Fries et al. 1996, Myagkikh et al. 1996).
As well as vaccinia, adenovirus and alphavirus
vectors have also been investigated as potential
recombinant vaccines. Adenovirus has been used to
express various antigens, including HSV and rabies
virus glycoproteins (Gallichan et al. 1993, Xiang
et al. 1996). Among the alphaviruses, Semliki Forest
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 295
virus has been used to express the gp160 protein
of HIV (Berglund et al. 1997) and Sindbis virus
has been used to express antigens from Japanese
encephalitis virus (Pugachev et al. 1995).
Recombinant proteins expressed by viruses have
been shown to be immunogenetic. However, stronger
stimulation of the immune response can often be
achieved by presenting the antigen on the surface of
the virus attached to a host virus-derived carrier
protein. The advantage of this strategy is that the
recombinant antigen is presented as multiple copies.
This strategy is borrowed from the surface display
of foreign antigens on bacteria that are used as live
vaccines (see above) but is much safer. Indeed, while
a number of conventional viral vaccines, such as
vaccinia, have been developed as surface-display
systems (e.g. see Katz & Moss 1997, Katz et al. 1997),
even plant viruses can be used for this purpose,
as discussed below (Porta & Lomonossoff 1996,
Johnson et al. 1997).
Plants as edible vaccines
Plants have been explored as a cheap, safe and
efficient production system for subunit vaccines
(Table 14.7), with the added advantage that orally
administered vaccines can be ingested by eating the
plant, therely eliminating the need for processing
and purification (reviewed by Mason & Arntzen
1995, Walmsey & Arntzen 2000). The earliest
demonstration was the expression of a surface anti-
gen from the bacterium S. mutans in tobacco. This
bacterium is the causative agent of dental caries,
and it was envisaged that stimulation of a mucosal
immune response would prevent the bacteria colon-
izing the teeth and therefore protect against tooth
decay (Curtis & Cardineau, 1990).
A number of edible transgenic plants have been
generated expressing antigens derived from animal
viruses. For example, rabies glycoprotein has been
expressed in tomato (McGarvey et al. 1995), hepatitis
Table 14.6 Immune response to heterologous antigens expressed by vaccinia virus recombinants.
Antigen Neutralizing antibodies Cellular immunity Animal protection
Rabies virus glycoprotein +++
Vesicular stomatitis glycoprotein +++
Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D +++
Hepatitis B surface antigen +++
Influenza virus haemagglutinin +++
Human immunodeficiency virus envelope ++not determined
Reproduced with permission from Tartaglia & Paoletti (1988).
Antigen Host-plant system Reference
Herpes virus B surface antigen Tobacco Mason et al. 1992
Rabies glycoprotein Tomato McGarvey et al. 1995
Norwark virus coat protein Tobacco, potato Mason et al. 1996
Foot-and-mouth virus VP1 Arabidopsis Carrillo et al. 1998
Cholera toxin B subunit Potato Arakawa et al. 1998
Human cytomegalovirus Tobacco Tackaberry et al. 1999
glycoprotein B
Table 14.7 A selection of recombinant
vaccines against animal viruses
produced in plants.
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296 CHAPTER 14
B virus antigen in lettuce (Ehsani et al. 1997) and
cholera antigen in potato (Arakawa et al. 1997). As
well as animal virus antigens, autoantigens associ-
ated with diabetes have also been produced (Ma et al.
1997, Porceddu et al. 1999). Plants have also
been infected with recombinant viruses expressing
various antigen epitopes on their surfaces. Cowpea
mosaic virus (CMV) has been extensively developed
as a heterologous antigen-presenting system (Porta
et al. 1994, Lomonossoff & Hamilton 1999). There
have been some recent successes in vaccination
trials using recombinant CMV vectors expressing
epitopes of HIV gp41 (McLain et al. 1995, 1996a,b)
and canine parvovirus (Dalsgaard et al. 1997). The
first clinical trials using a plant-derived vaccine
were conducted in 1997 and involved the ingestion
of transgenic potatoes expressing the B subunit of
the E. coli heat-labile toxin, which causes diarrhoea.
This resulted in a successful elicitation of mucosal
immunity in test subjects (Tacket et al. 1994).
DNA vaccines
The immune system generates antibodies in response
to the recognition of proteins and other large mole-
cules carried by pathogens. In each of the examples
above, the functional component of the vaccine
introduced into the host is the protein responsible
for the elicitation of the immune response. The intro-
duction of DNA into animals does not generate an
immune response against the DNA molecule, but, if
that DNA is expressed to yield a protein, that protein
can stimulate the immune system. This is the basis
of DNA vaccination, as first demonstrated by Ulmer
et al. (1993). DNA vaccines generally comprise a
bacterial plasmid carrying a gene encoding the
appropriate antigen under the control of a strong
promoter that is recognized by the host cell. The
advantages of this method include its simplicity, its
wide applicability and the ease with which large
quantities of the vaccine can be produced. The DNA
may be administered by injection, using liposomes
or by particle bombardment. In the original demon-
stration, Ulmer and colleagues introduced DNA
corresponding to the influenzavirus nucleoprotein
and achieved protection against influenza infection.
Since then, many DNA vaccines have been used
to target viruses (e.g. measles (Cardoso et al. 1996);
HIV (Wang et al. 1993, Fuller et al. 1997, Hinkula
et al. 1997); Ebola virus (Xu et al. 1998) ), other
pathogens (e.g. tuberculosis (Huygen et al. 1996) )
and even the human cellular prion protein in mice
(Krasemann et al. 1996).
The DNA-vaccination approach has several addi-
tional advantages. These include the following:
Certain bacterial DNA sequences have the innate
ability to stimulate the immune system (see Klinman
et al. 1997, Roman et al. 1997).
Other genes encoding proteins influencing the func-
tion of the immune response can be co-introduced
along with the vaccine (e.g. Kim et al. 1997).
DNA vaccination can be used to treat diseases that
are already established as a chronic infection (e.g.
Mancini et al. 1996).
In principle, DNA vaccination has much in
common with gene therapy (discussed above), since
both processes involve DNA transfer to humans,
using a similar selection of methods. However, while
the aim of gene therapy is to alleviate disease, by
either replacing a lost gene or blocking the expres-
sion of a dominantly acting gene, the aim of DNA
vaccination is to prevent disease, by causing the
expression of an antigen that stimulates the immune
Selecting targets for new
antimicrobial agents
In attempting to develop new antimicrobial agents,
including ones that are active against intractable
pathogens such as the malarial parasite, it would be
useful to know which genes are both essential for
virulence and unique to the pathogen. Once these
genes have been identified, chemical libraries can be
screened for molecules that are active against the
gene product. Two features of this approach deserve
further comment. First, inhibition of the gene prod-
uct could attenuate the organism’s virulence but
would not result in death of the organism in vitro;
that is, no effect would be seen in whole-organism
inhibition assays and so molecules only active in
vivo would be missed. Secondly, target genes can be
selected on the basis that there are no human coun-
terparts. Thus, active molecules will be less likely
to be toxic to humans. A number of different appro-
aches have been developed for identifying virulence
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 297
determinants, and details are presented below for
three of these: in vivo expression technology (IVET),
differential fluorescence induction and signature-
tagged mutagenesis.
In vivo expression technology (IVET)
IVET was developed to positively select those genes
that are induced specifically in a microorganism
when it infects an animal or plant host (Mahan et al.
1993). The basis of the system is a plasmid carrying
a promoterless operon fusion of the lacYZ genes
fused to the purA or thyA genes downstream of a
unique BglII cloning site (Fig. 14.11). This operon
fusion was constructed in a suicide-delivery plas-
mid. Cloning of pathogen DNA into the BglII site
results in the construction of a pool of transcrip-
tional fusions driven by promoters present in the
Cut with Bgl II
and ligate
thyA lacZ
Bgl II
Salmonella DNA
thyA lacZPl
Transfer to thyA strain of Salmonella.
Grow in presence of thymine
Isolate pathogen on
media + thymine + Xgal
thyA expressed
from promoter
only active in vivo
thyA expressed
from promoter
active in vitro
Fig. 14.11 The basic principle of IVET.
See text for details.
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298 CHAPTER 14
cloned DNA. The pool of fusions is transferred to
a strain of the pathogen carrying a purA or thyA
deletion and selection made for integration into the
chromosome. The recombinant pathogen is then
used to infect a test animal. Fusions that contain
a promoter that is active in the animal allow
transcription of the purA or thyA gene and hence
bacterial survival. When the surviving pathogens
are reisolated from the test animal, they are tested in
vitro for their levels of β-galactosidase. Clones that
contain fusions to genes that are specifically induced
in the test animal show little lacZ expression on
laboratory media and DNA sequencing can be used
to identify the genes to which these promoters belong.
The IVET system was initially developed for use in
a murine typhoid model. Since it was first described,
IVET has been used with a wide variety of Gram-
positive and Gram-negative organisms, including
‘difficult’ organisms, such as Mycobacterium. One
disadvantage of the original IVET system is that it
inherently selects for promoters that are constitut-
ively and highly expressed in vivo. An alternative
IVET system uses tnpR operon fusions in place of
purA or thyA. The tnpR locus encodes a site-specific
resolvase and is used as the selection gene. Expres-
sion of this gene results in resolvase synthesis
and the deletion of a resolvase-specific reporter.
The advantage of this system is that it can be used
to identify those genes that are expressed only
transiently during animal infection (Camilli &
Mekalanos 1995, Camilli 1996). Handfield and
Levesque (1999) have described a number of other
modifications to the IVET technology.
Differential fluorescence induction
This technique represents a different way of identify-
ing environmentally controlled promoters and was
originally developed to facilitate identification of
Salmonella genes that are differentially expressed
with macrophages (Valdivia & Falkow 1997). Frag-
ments of DNA from Salmonella were fused to a pro-
motorless gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP)
and returned to the Salmonella, which was then used
to infect macrophages. Cells that became fluorescent
were recovered using a fluorescence-activated cell
sorter (FACS) and grown on media in the absence of
macrophages. Bacteria that were non-fluorescent in
the extracellular environment were sorted and used
for a second round of macrophage infection. Bacteria
still capable of generating fluorescent macrophages
were found to contain GFP fusions that were
up-regulated by the macrophage’s intracellular
Signature-tagged mutagenesis
This technique is a variation on the use of trans-
poson mutagenesis that has been applied to the
identification of bacterial virulence genes. The basic
principle is to create a large number of different
transposon-generated mutants of a pathogenic
organism and to identify those mutants that can
survive in vitro but not in vivo – that is, it is a whole-
genome scan for habitat-specific genes. Although
one could test each mutant individually, this would
be very laborious and would use large numbers
of animals. By using signature-tagged mutagenesis,
one can test large numbers of different mutants
simultaneously in the same animal. This is achieved by
tagging each transposon mutant with a different
DNA sequence or tag.
The use of sequence-tagged mutagenesis was first
described for the identification of virulence genes
from S. typhimurium in a mouse model of typhoid
fever (Hensel et al. 1995), as shown in Fig. 14.12.
The tags comprise different sequences of 40 bp
, where N = A, C, G or T and K = G or T. The
arms were designed so that the amplification of the
tags by PCR with specific primers would produce
probes with 10 times more label in the central region
than in each arm. The double-stranded tags were
ligated into a Tn5 transposon and transferred from
E. coli to S. typhimurium by conjugation. A library of
over 1500 exconjugants resulting from transposi-
tion events was stored in microtitre dishes. Of these
exconjugants, 1152 were selected and prepared as
12 pools of 96 mutants. Each pool was injected into
the peritoneum of a different mouse and infection
allowed to proceed. Bacteria were then recovered
from each mouse by plating spleen homogenates
on culture media. DNA was extracted from the
recovered bacteria and the tags in this DNA were
amplified by PCR. Those tags present in the initial
pool of bacteria but missing from the recovered
media represent mutations in genes essential for
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 299
virulence. In this way 28 different mutants with
attenuated virulence were identified and some of
these mutants were in genes not previously identified.
The principle of signature-tagged mutagenesis
has been extended to the analysis of pathogenicity
determinants in a wide range of bacteria (for a review,
see Handfield & Levesque 1999) and to fungi (Brook-
man & Denning 2000).
The techniques described above to identify bacterial
virulence genes can be applied to other microbe
host interactions, e.g. protozoan infections of humans,
bacterial or fungal pathogenesis of plants, or even
beneficial rhizosphere–microbe interactions (Rainey
1999). Essentially, these techniques are methods
for scanning the entire microbial genome for genes
that are expressed under particular environ-
mental conditions. This approach has been termed
Theme 4: Protein engineering
Introduction to theme 4
One of the most exciting aspects of recombinant
DNA technology is that it permits the design, devel-
opment and isolation of proteins with improved
operating characteristics and even completely novel
proteins. The simplest example of protein engineer-
ing involves site-directed mutagenesis to alter key
residues, as originally shown by Winter and col-
leagues (Winter et al. 1982, Wilkinson et al. 1984).
From a detailed knowledge of the enzyme tyrosyl-
tRNA synthetase from Bacillus stearothermophilus,
including its crystal structure, they were able to
predict point mutations in the gene that should
increase the enzyme’s affinity for the substrate ATP.
These changes were introduced and, in one case, a
single amino acid change improved the affinity for
ATP by a factor of 100. Using a similar approach, the
stability of an enzyme can be increased. Thus Perry
and Wetzel (1984) were able to increase the ther-
mostability of T4 lysozyme by the introduction of a
disulphide bond. However, although new cysteine
residues can be introduced at will, they will not
necessarily lead to increased thermal stability (Wetzel
et al. 1988).
Improving therapeutic proteins with
single amino acid changes
As noted earlier (p. 283), many recombinant
proteins are now being used therapeutically. With
some of them, protein engineering has been used to
generate second-generation variants with improved
7 Screen DNA from mouse isolates and determine which tags
are absent relative to those that are present in microtitre trays.
Tags that are missing must be attached to transposons that
have inserted into a gene essential for mouse virulence.
6 Pool groups of 96 clones and infect mouse. After period for
infection to be established, re-isolate kanamycin resistant cells
from mouse. Extract DNA.
5 Arrange each individual kanamycin resistant clone, which
should be result of different insertion event and will have
different tag, in 8×12 grid in 96 well microtitre plates.
4 Conjugate plasmids into Salmonella and select for transposition
of tagged transposon. Each kanamycin resistant cell should
carry a different tag.
3 Transform tagged transposon plasmids into E.coli selecting
for kanamycin resistance. The individual transformants are
not isolated but kept as a pool.
2 Clone tags into transposon Tn5 resident in plasmid vector.
1 Construct 10
oligonucleotide tags with
the structure
Fig. 14.12 The basic methodology for signature tagged
POGC14 9/11/2001 11:11 AM Page 299
300 CHAPTER 14
pharmacokinetics, structure, stability and bioavail-
ability (Bristow 1993). For example, in the neutral
solutions used for therapy, insulin is mostly assembled
as zinc-containing hexamers. This self-association
may limit absorption. By making single amino acid
substitutions, Brange et al. (1988) were able to
generate insulins that are essentially monomeric at
pharmaceutical concentrations. Not only have
these insulins preserved their biological activity, but
they are also absorbed two to three times faster.
Similarly, replacing an asparagine residue with
glutamine altered the glycosylation pattern of TPA.
This in turn significantly increased the circulatory
half-life, which in the native enzyme is only 5 min
(Lau et al. 1987). Proteins can also be engineered to
be resistant to oxidative stress, as has been shown
with AAT (see Box 14.3).
Improving enzymes: subtilisin as a
paradigm for protein engineering
Proof of the power of gene manipulation coupled
with the techniques of in vitro (random and site-
directed) mutagenesis as a means of generating
improved enzymes is provided by the work done on
subtilisin over the past 15 years (for review, see
Bryan 2000). Every property of this serine protease
has been altered, including its rate of catalysis, sub-
strate specificity, pH-rate profile and stability to
oxidative, thermal and alkaline inactivation. In the
process, well over 50% of the 275 amino acids of
subtilisin have been changed. At some positions in
the molecule, the effects of replacing the usual
amino acid with all the other 19 natural amino acids
have been evaluated.
Cumulative damage to lung tissue is thought to be
responsible for the development of emphysema, an
irreversible disease characterized by loss of lung
elasticity. The primary defence against elastase
damage is AAT, a glycosylated serum protein of
394 amino acids. The function of AAT is known
because its genetic deficiency leads to a premature
breakdown of connective tissue. In healthy
individuals there is an association between AAT and
neutrophil elastase followed by cleavage of AAT
between methionine residue 358 and serine
residue 359 (see Fig. B14.2).
After cleavage, there is negligible dissociation of
the complex. Smokers are more prone to emphysema,
because smoking results in an increased
concentration of leucocytes in the lung and
consequently increased exposure to neutrophil
elastase. In addition, leucocytes liberate oxygen
free radicals and these can oxidize methionine-
358 to methionine sulphoxide. Since methionine
sulphoxide is much bulkier than methionine, it does
not fit into the active site of elastase. Hence oxidized
AAT is a poor inhibitor. By means of site-directed
mutagenesis, an oxidation-resistant mutant of AAT
has been constructed by replacing methionine-358
with valine (Courtney et al. 1985). In a laboratory
model of inflammation, the modified AAT was an
effective inhibitor of elastase and was not inactivated
by oxidation. Clinically, this could be important,
since intravenous replacement therapy with plasma
concentrates of AAT is already being tested on
patients with a genetic deficiency in AAT production.
Met 358
Ser 359
Met 358
Fig. B14.2 The cleavage of α
-antitrypsin on
binding to neutrophil elastase.
Box 14.3 Oxidation-resistant variants of a
-antitrypsin (AAT)
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 301
Many of the changes described above were made
to improve the ability of subtilisin to hydrolyse pro-
tein when incorporated into detergents. However,
serine proteases can be used to synthesize peptides
and this approach has a number of advantages over
conventional methods (Abrahmsen et al. 1991).
A problem with the use of subtilisin for peptide
synthesis is that hydrolysis is strongly favoured over
aminolysis, unless the reaction is undertaken in
organic solvents. Solvents, in turn, reduce the half-
life of subtilisin. Using site-directed mutagenesis, a
number of variants of subtilisin have been isolated
with greatly enhanced solvent stability (Wong et al.
1990, Zhong et al. 1991). Changes introduced
included the minimization of surface changes to reduce
solvation energy, the enhancement of internal polar
and hydrophobic interactions and the introduction
of conformational restrictions to reduce the tendency
of the protein to denature. Designing these changes
requires an extensive knowledge of the enzyme’s
structure and function. Chen and Arnold (1991,
1993) have provided an alternative solution. They
utilized random mutagenesis combined with screen-
ing for enhanced proteolysis in the presence of
solvent (dimethyl formamide) and substrate (casein).
The engineering of subtilisin has now gone one
step further, in that it has been modified such that
aminolysis (synthesis) is favoured over hydrolysis,
even in aqueous solvents. This was achieved by
changing a serine residue in the active site to cys-
teine (Abrahmsen et al. 1991). The reasons for this
enhancement derive mainly from the increased
affinity and reactivity of the acyl intermediate for the
amino nucleophile (Fig. 14.13). These engineered
‘peptide ligases’ are in turn being used to synthesize
novel glycopeptides. A glycosyl amino acid is used
in peptide synthesis to form a glycosyl peptide ester,
which will react with another C-protected peptide
in the presence of the peptide ligase to form a larger
glycosyl peptide.
Methods for engineering proteins:
the rational approach
Given the range of modifications made to subtilisin,
the question is not ‘what modifications are possible?’
(for review, see Arnold 2001) but ‘how do I achieve
the modifications that I wish to make?’ There are
two general techniques: the rational approach and
‘directed evolution’. There are two variations on the
rational approach. The first of these makes use of
comparisons between related proteins. For example,
barnase and binase are ribonucleases that have 85%
sequence identity but differ in their thermal stability.
Using site-directed mutagenesis, Serrano et al. (1993)
tested the impact on thermostability of barnase of
all 17 amino acid differences between barnase and
binase. They observed effects between +1.1 and 1.1
kcal/mol and a multiple mutant combining six of
the substitutions displayed a stability increase of
3.3 kcal/mol over the wild-type enzyme.
The second variation on the rational approach
requires that the three-dimensional structure of the
protein be known. Based on an analysis of this struc-
ture, particular residues are selected for mutagenesis
and the biological effects then evaluated. That this
approach works was clearly shown by the early
work on lysozyme and subtilisin, but the chances of
success are not predictable. One disadvantage of this
approach is illustrated by the results of Spiller et al.
(1999), who were investigating the thermostability
of an esterase using directed evolution. When they
evaluated the effect of certain mutations, they
concluded that no amount of rational analysis of
the crystal structure would have led them to predict
the results obtained.
Protein engineering through
directed evolution
Directed evolution involves repeated rounds of
random mutagenesis, followed by selection for the
improved property of interest. Any number of
methods can be used to introduce the mutations,
including mutagenic base analogues, chemical
Fig. 14.13 The aminolysis (synthetic) and hydrolysis
reactions mediated by an acylated protease.
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302 CHAPTER 14
mutagenesis, error-prone PCR and spiked synthetic
oligonucleotides. The key element in the process is
the ability to screen large numbers of mutants. An
example is the isolation of a more thermostable
subtilisin. Up to 1000 mutant clones are gridded
out on replica plates and, once they are grown, one
plate is incubated at an elevated temperature long
enough to inactivate the wild-type enzyme. When
an assay for hydrolytic activity is subsequently
performed, only mutants with stability greater than
that of the wild type will display measurable activity.
Once stable mutants have been identified, the replic-
ate colony can be grown to identify the mutation.
Once stabilizing single amino acid changes have
been identified, building a highly stable subtilisin
can be accomplished by combining individual amino
acids into the same molecule (Pantoliano et al. 1988,
1989, Zhao & Arnold 1999).
One of the disadvantages of the screening method
described above is that it is labour-intensive and the
maximum feasible number of mutants that can be
examined in a single screen is 10
. By combin-
ing mutagenesis with phage display, up to 10
ent mutants can theoretically be screened in a single
experiment. The constraint with this approach is
that phage display is really best suited to selecting
proteins with altered binding characteristics, rather
than the other properties one might wish to engin-
eer. Despite this, a number of groups (Atwell &
Wells 1999, Demartis et al. 1999, Olsen et al. 2000)
were able to select variant proteases with novel
substrate specificities.
Gene families as aids to
protein engineering
An alternative approach to directed evolution is
‘DNA shuffling’, which is also known as ‘molecular
breeding’ (Minshull & Stemmer 1999, Ness et al.
2000). This method can only be adopted if the target
protein belongs to a known protein family. If it does,
the genes for the different family members are
isolated and artificial hybrids created (Fig. 14.14).
As an example of this approach, Ness et al. (1999)
Ancestral species
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
DNA shuffling
in vitro
Hybrid genes
Fig. 14.14 Schematic representation of
gene shuffling.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 303
started with the genes for 26 members of the sub-
tilisin family and created a library of chimeric
proteases. When this library was screened for four
distinct enzyme properties, variants were found that
were significantly improved over any of the parental
enzymes for each individual property. In a similar
way, Powell et al. (2000) were able to select
retroviruses with increased stability for use as
gene-therapy vectors.
As a final twist on the methods for engineering
proteins, Lehmann et al. (2000) have combined the
use of protein families with a rational approach.
They started with a family of mesophilic phytases
whose amino acid sequences had been determined.
Using these data they constructed a ‘consensus’
phytase sequence and found that enzyme with this
sequence was much more thermostable than any of
the parent enzymes. Refinement of the approach
combined with site-directed mutagenesis resulted in
the isolation of an enzyme whose unfolding temper-
ature was 27–34°C higher than that of the parent
enzymes. Whereas all the methods described earlier
tend to yield mutants with single amino acid changes,
this method generated variants with multiple amino
acid changes spread throughout the molecule.
Theme 5: Metabolic engineering
Introduction to theme 5
When the large-scale production of penicillin was
begun in the 1940s, the yields of penicillin were
measured in micrograms per litre of culture. Demand
for the antibiotic was outstripping supply and higher-
yielding strains were badly needed. Since nothing
was known about the biosynthetic pathway, a pro-
gramme of strain improvement was set in place that
involved random mutation and screening. The best
strain from each cycle of improvement then became
the starting-point for the next round of selection. In
this way the yield of penicillin was steadily increased
until it reached the tens of grams per litre that can be
achieved today. As each new antibiotic was discov-
ered, the same process of strain improvement was
applied. In every case, the biochemical and genetic
basis of the beneficial mutations was not known.
Only when the details of gene regulation and
metabolic-pathway regulation (allosteric control)
had been elucidated could we even begin to under-
stand how antibiotic yields might have been improved.
Based on our current knowledge of metabolic
regulation we can predict that the changes in the
improved strains described above will involve all of
the following:
Removal of rate-limiting transcriptional and allo-
steric controls.
Kinetic enhancement of rate-limiting enzymes.
Genetic blockage of competing pathways.
• Enhanced carbon commitment to the primary
metabolic pathway from central metabolism.
Modification of secondary metabolic pathways to
enhance energy metabolism and availability of
enzymatic cofactors.
Enhanced transport of the compound out of the cell.
Today, if one starts with a wild-type strain and
wants to turn it into an overproducer, then the
approach would be to use recombinant DNA tech-
nology to make these desired changes in a rational
way, as exemplified below by phenylalanine. There
are many other examples of rational ‘metabolic
engineering’ and these have been reviewed by
Chotani et al. (2000).
Designed overproduction of
Phenylalanine is a key raw material for the synthesis
of the artificial sweetener aspartame. Phenylalanine
can be synthesized chemically but is too expensive if
made this way. In the 1980s bacterial strains that
overproduced phenylalanine were developed, using
the traditional mutation and selection method. At
the same time, a programme of rational strain devel-
opment was instituted at G.D. Searle, the company
who owned the patent for aspartame. The starting-
point for this programme was an analysis of the
biosynthetic pathway (Fig. 14.15). Removing feed-
back inhibition of key steps is an essential first
step. In the case of a phenylalanine producer, it is
essential to knock out any feedback inhibition of the
pathway from chorismate to phenylalanine and this
was achieved by selecting strains resistant to pheny-
lalanine analogues. The conversion of erythrose-4-
phosphate (E4P) and phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP)
to DAHP is also subject to feedback inhibition, but,
since there are three different enzymes here, each
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304 CHAPTER 14
inhibited by a different aromatic end-product, all
that is necessary for a phenylalanine overproducer
is to clone the tryptophan-sensitive enzyme and
have it overexpressed. To overcome repression of
enzyme synthesis, the existing promoters were
removed and replaced with one that could be con-
trolled more easily in industrial-scale fermentations.
The above changes removed the natural control
circuits. The next step was to remove competing
pathways, i.e. the synthesis of tyrosine and trypto-
phan. This was easily achieved by making a tyrosine
and tryptophan double auxotroph. Note that stable
(non-reverting) auxotrophs can best be made by
deleting part or all of the relevant genes. This is a
task that is easy using recombinant DNA techno-
logy. Once all the control circuits and competing
pathways had been removed, attempts were made to
increase the carbon flux through the biosynthetic
pathway. Surprisingly, overexpressing all the genes
in the pathway did not enhance the yield of phenyl-
alanine. One explanation was that the supply of pre-
cursors (E4P and/or PEP) was rate-limiting. This
was confirmed when cloning transketolase (to
enhance E4P levels) and eliminating pyruvate kinase
(to enhance PEP levels) enhanced yields.
New routes to small molecules
Recombinant DNA technology can be used to
develop novel routes to small molecules. Good
examples are the microbial synthesis of the blue dye
indigo (Ensley et al. 1983) and the black pigment
melanin (Della-Cioppa et al. 1990). Neither com-
pound is produced in bacteria. The cloning of a
single gene from Pseudomonas putida – that encoding
naphthalene dioxygenase – resulted in the genera-
tion of an E. coli strain able to synthesize indigo in a
medium containing tryptophan (Fig. 14.16). Sim-
ilarly, cloning a tyrosinase gene in E. coli led to
conversion of tyrosine to dopaquinone, which spon-
taneously converts to melanin in the presence of air.
To overproduce these compounds, one generates a
strain of E. coli that overproduces either tryptophan
or tyrosine, rather than phenylalanine, as described
Erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P) + phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP)
Feedback inhibition
Indoleglycerol phosphate
Fig. 14.15 The regulation of the
biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. Note
that indoleglycerol phosphate is converted
to tryptophan via indole but that the indole
normally is not released from the tryptophan
synthase complex.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 305
above. With both indigo and melanin, yields are
improved by increasing the levels of cofactors. Also,
in the case of indigo biosynthesis, it is necessary to
engineer the tryptophan synthase gene. The reason
for this is that indole is an intermediate in the
biosynthesis of tryptophan (Fig. 14.15). However,
normally it is not free in the cytoplasm but remains
trapped within the tryptophan synthase complex.
By modifying the trpB gene, encoding the subunit of
tryptophan synthase, it was possible for the indole
to be released for conversion by the dioxygenase
(Murdock et al. 1993).
One disadvantage of the new route to indigo is
that one of the intermediates in its synthesis,
indoxyl, can undergo an alternative spontaneous
oxidation to isatin and indirubin. The latter com-
pound is an isomer of indigo with similar dyeing
properties, but instead of being blue it is a deep
Tryptophanase (E.coli )
Naphthalene dioxygenase
Air oxidation
Isatic acid
Indigo Indirubin
Air oxidation
cis-indole-2, 3-dihydrodiol
Fig. 14.16 The biosynthesis of indigo
in E. coli and the formation of
alternative end products.
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306 CHAPTER 14
burgundy colour. To make textile-quality indigo,
there must be no indirubin present. Screening soil
microorganisms with the capacity to degrade indole
resulted in the identification of an enzyme, isatin
hydrolase, that can degrade isatin to isatic acid.
After cloning the gene for isatin hydrolase in the
indigo overproducing strains, the indigo product
obtained performed as well as chemically produced
A slightly different approach to that above has
yielded a new route to vitamin C. The conventional
process starts with glucose and comprises one
mirobiological and four chemical steps (Fig. 14.17).
By cloning in Erwinia a single gene – that from
Corynebacterium encoding 2,5-diketogluconic acid
reductase – the process can be simplified to a single
microbiological and a single chemical step (Ander-
son et al. 1985). After observations of unexpectedly
low yields of 2-ketogulonic acid in the recombinant
strain, it was found that 2-ketogulonic acid was
converted to l-idonic acid by an endogenous 2-
ketoaldonate reductase. Cloning, deletion mutagen-
esis and homologous recombination of the mutated
reductase gene into the chromosome were some
of the several steps taken to develop an organism
capable of accumulating large amounts (120 g/l) of
2-ketogulonic acid (Lazarus et al. 1990). So far,
attempts to manufacture vitamin C directly from
glucose have been unsuccessful. However, enzymes
that can convert 2-ketogulonic acid to ascorbic acid
have been identified and the objective now is to
clone these activities into Erwinia (Chotani et al.
Combinatorial biosynthesis
A number of widely used antibiotics and immuno-
suppressants belong to a class of molecules known
-2 keto-
gulonic acid
2 keto-L-
gulonic acid
Ascorbic acid
Chemical Chemical
gulonic acid
2,5 diketo-
gluconic acid
2,5 DKG
Fig. 14.17 Simplified route to vitamin
C (ascorbic acid) developed by cloning
in Erwinia the Corynebacterium gene for
2,5-diketogluconic acid reductase.
(a) Classical route to vitamin C. (b) The
simplified route to 2-ketogulonic acid,
the immediate precursor of vitamin C.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 307
as polyketides. These molecules, which are syn-
thesized by actinomycetes, have a fairly complex
structure (Fig. 14.18). The genes involved in the
biosynthesis of polyketides are clustered, thereby
facilitating the cloning of all of the genes controlling
the synthetic pathway. The first cluster (the act genes)
to be cloned was that for actinorhodin. When parts
of the act gene cluster were introduced into strepto-
mycetes making related polyketides, completely new
antibiotics were produced (Hopwood et al. 1985).
For example, introducing the actVA gene from Strep-
tomyces coelicolor into a strain that makes medermycin
leads to the synthesis of mederrhodinA (Fig. 14.19).
This approach has been repeated many times since
Fig. 14.18 Some examples of
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308 CHAPTER 14
with other polyketides (for review, see Baltz 1998)
and is known as combinatorial biosynthesis.
Once a number of polyketide biosynthetic gene
clusters had been cloned and sequenced, new
insights were gained on the mechanism of synthesis.
In particular, two enzymic modes of synthesis were
discovered. In particular, polyketide synthesis takes
place on an enzyme complex in a manner analogous
to fatty acid synthesis. Furthermore, there are two
types of complex. In type II complexes, the different
enzymic activities are encoded by separate subunits.
In contrast, in type I synthesis all the different
enzyme activities are encoded by a single, very large
gene. Clearly, the polyketide synthases are prime
candidates for DNA shuffling, as described in the
previous theme (p. 302), and this approach has
been widely adopted (Baltz 1998). However, novel
polyketides can also be generated by simply chang-
ing the order of the different activities in type I
synthases (McDaniel et al. 1999).
Engineering metabolic control over
recombinant pathways
When a recombinant cell overproduces a protein or
the components of a biosynthetic pathway, there is a
marked reduction in metabolic activity, coupled with
a retardation of growth (Kurland & Dong 1996).
These phenotypic characteristics result from the fact
that the constant demands of production placed
upon the cell interfere with its changing require-
ments for growth. To alleviate this problem, Farmer
and Liao (2000) designed a dynamic control circuit
that is able to sense the metabolic state of the cell and
thereby regulate the expression of a recombinant
pathway. This approach is termed ‘metabolic control
An essential component of a dynamic controller is
a signal that will reflect the metabolic state of the
cell. Acetyl phosphate was selected as the signal,
since it is known to be a regulator of various operons
influenced by nutrient availability. A component of
the Ntr regulon in E. coli, NRI, is capable of sensing
the acetyl phosphate level in the cell. When phos-
phorylated by acetyl phosphate, it is capable of
binding to the glnAp2 promoter and activating
transcription (Fig. 14.20). To reconstruct this
control module, the NRI-binding site and the glnAp2
promoter were inserted into a plasmid vector up-
stream of a cloning site.
When the lacZ gene was placed under the control
of the glnAp2 promoter, there was no significant β-
galactosidase synthesis until late in the exponential
phase of growth, just as expected. A similar result
was obtained when the lacZ gene was replaced
with a construct encoding two different metabolic
enzymes. Finally, as a real test of the system, an en-
gineered construct encoding a pathway for the
synthesis of the carotenoid lycopene was placed
under the control of the glnAp2 promoter. This was
a particularly interesting test because one of the pre-
cursors of lycopene, pyruvate, is also an immediate
precursor of acetyl phosphate. Once again, product
actVA gene
Fig. 14.19 The formation of the new antibiotic mederrhodin
from medermycin by the actVA gene product.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 309
(lycopene) formation was controlled by the meta-
bolic state of the cell. Although metabolic control
engineering is still at an early stage, it represents a
significant degree of sophistication of control com-
pared with the use of simple controllable promoters.
Metabolic engineering in plant cells
Plants synthesize an incredibly diverse array of
useful chemicals. Most are products of secondary
metabolism – that is, biochemical pathways that are
not involved in the synthesis of essential cellular
components but which synthesize more complex
molecules that provide additional functions. Examples
of these functions are attraction of pollinators and
resistance to pests and pathogens. In many cases,
these secondary metabolites have specific and potent
pharmacological properties in humans: well-known
examples include caffeine, nicotine, morphine and
Plants have long been exploited as a source of
pharmaceutical compounds, and a number of species
are cultivated specifically for the purpose of extract-
ing drugs and other valuable molecules. We dis-
cussed above how gene transfer to bacteria and
yeast can be used to produce novel chemicals, so in
theory it would be possible to transfer the necessary
components from these useful plants into microbes
for large-scale production. However, the secondary
metabolic pathways of plants are so extensive and
complex that, in most cases, such a strategy would
prove impossible. Fortunately, advances in plant
transformation have made it possible to carry out
metabolic engineering in plants themselves, and
large-scale plant cell cultures can be used in the
same manner as microbial cultures for the produc-
tion of important phytochemicals (reviewed by
Verpoorte 1998, Verpoorte et al. 2000).
The secondary metabolic pathways of most plants
produce the same basic molecular skeletons, but
these are ‘decorated’ with functional groups in a
highly specific way, so that particular compounds
may be found in only one or a few plant species.
Furthermore, such molecules are often produced in
extremely low amounts, so extraction and purification
can be expensive. For example, the Madagascar
periwinkle Catharanthus roseus is the source of two
potent anti-cancer drugs called vinblastine and
vincristine. These terpene indole alkaloids are too
complex to synthesize in the laboratory and there
are no alternative natural sources. In C. roseus, these
molecules are produced in such low amounts that
over 1 ha of plants must be harvested to produce a
single gram of each drug, with a commercial value of
over $1 million.
It would be much more convenient to produce
such drugs in fermenters containing cultured plant
cells, and this has been achieved for a number of
lacZ or lycopene biosynthesis
Fig. 14.20 Construction of a metabolic
control circuit. See text for details.
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310 CHAPTER 14
compounds, two of which (paclitaxel and shikonin)
have reached commercial production (see Verpoorte
et al. 2000). However, cell-suspension cultures often
do not produce the downstream products made by
the parent plant. This applies to vinblastine and vin-
cristine from C. roseus, and also to other important
drugs, such as morphine, codeine and hyoscyamine.
Part of the reason for this is the complexity of sec-
ondary metabolism. The entire pathway is not com-
pleted in a single cell, but is often segregated into
different cell types, with consequent shuttling of
intermediates between cells. Within the cell, differ-
ent stages of the pathway are also compartmental-
ized, so that intermediates must be transported
between organelles. As in bacteria, knowledge of the
target biosynthetic pathway is therefore essential
for metabolic engineering, but in plants only a few
secondary pathways are understood in sufficient
detail. Examples include the phenylpropanoid and
flavonoid pathways, which yield anthocyanins
(plant pigments) and phytoalexins (antimicrobial
compounds), and the terpene indole alkaloid biosyn-
thetic pathway, which generates important alka-
loids, such as vinblastine and vincristine. As more
plant genomes are sequenced, we are likely to learn
much more about such pathways.
All terpene indole alkaloids derive from a single
universal precursor called strictosidine. This is
formed by the convergence of two pathways, the iri-
doid pathway (culminating in secologanin) and the
terpenoid pathway (culminating in tryptamine).
Strictosidine is formed by the condensation of seco-
loganin and tryptamine, catalysed by the enzyme
strictosidine synthase, and is then further modified
in later steps to produce the valuable downstream
alkaloids (Fig. 14.21). The conversion of tryptophan
Ajmalicine Vindoline
Strictosidine synthase
Fig. 14.21 Abbreviated pathway of
terpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis,
showing the conversion of tryptophan
into tryptamine by the enzyme
tryptophan decarboxylase, the
condensation of tryptamine and
secologanin into strictosidine, and the
later diversification of strictosidine into
valuable akaloids, such as ajmalicine
and vindoline (a precursor of both
vinblastine and vincristine).
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 311
to tryptamine is a rate-limiting step in the terpenoid
pathway, and this has been addressed by overex-
pressing the enzyme tryptophan decarboxylase in
C. roseus cell-suspension cultures. However, while
transformed cultures produced much higher levels
of tryptamine, no downstream alkaloids were syn-
thesized (Goddijn et al. 1995, Canel et al. 1998). The
simultaneous overexpression of the next enzyme in
the pathway, strictosidine synthase, did increase the
levels of the alkaloid ajmalicine, a useful sedative, in
some cultures, but did not result in the synthesis of
vinblastine or vincristine (Canel et al. 1998).
Thus it seems that single-step engineering may
remove known bottlenecks only to reveal the posi-
tion of the next. The limited success of single-gene
approaches has resulted in the development of
alternative strategies for the coordinated regulation
of entire pathways using transcription factors. Using
the yeast one-hybrid system (Vidal et al. 1996a), a
transcription factor called ORCA2 has been ident-
ified that binds to response elements in the genes
for tryptophan decarboxylase, strictosidine synthase
and several other genes encoding enzymes in the
same pathway. A related protein, ORCA3, has been
identified using insertional vectors that activate
genes adjacent to their integration site. By bringing
the expression of such transcription factors under
the control of the experimenter, entire metabolic
pathways could be controlled externally (see review
by Memelink et al. 2000).
Apart from the modification of endogenous
metabolic pathways to produce more (or less) of a
specific endogenous compound, plants can also be
engineered to produce heterologous or entirely novel
molecules. An example is the production of the
alkaloid scopolamine, an anticholinergic drug, in
Atropa belladonna (Hashimoto et al. 1993, Hashimoto
& Yamada 1994). Scopolamine is produced in Hyo-
scyamus niger but not in A. belladonna, which accu-
mulates the immediate precursor hyoscyamine. H.
niger converts hyoscyamine into scopolamine using
the enzyme hyoscyamine-6-hydroxylase (H6H),
which is absent in A. belladonna. Hashimoto and
colleagues isolated a complementary DNA (cDNA)
encoding H6H from H. niger and expressed it in A.
belladonna. The transgenic A. belladonna plants pro-
duced scopolamine because they were able to extend
the metabolic pathway beyond its endogenous
end-point. Another example of the production of
novel chemicals in plants is the diversion of carbon
backbones from fatty acid synthesis to the formation
of polyhydroxyalkanoates, which form biodegrad-
able thermoplastics (Steinbuchel & Fuchtenbusch
1998). In this case, the foreign genes derive not from
other plants, but from bacteria.
Theme 6: Plant breeding in the
twenty-first century
Introduction to theme 6
We have discussed several uses for transgenic plants
earlier in this chapter, i.e. as bioreactors producing
recombinant proteins (p. 285) and novel metabol-
ites (see previous section). Transgenic plants can
potentially express any foreign gene, whether that
gene is derived from bacteria, yeast, other plants or
even animals. The scope for exploitation and improve-
ment is virtually limitless, and gene-manipulation
techniques have therefore given the biotechnology
industry a new lease of life. In the following sections,
we consider the development of plant biotechnology
in two key areas: improvement of agronomic traits
and modification of production traits.
Improving agronomic traits
The initial focus of plant biotechnology was on
improving agronomic traits, i.e. the protection of
crops against pests, pathogens and weeds, and thus
increasing yields. Major crop losses are caused every
year by these so-called ‘biotic’ constraints, as well
as physical (or ‘abiotic’) factors, such as flooding,
drought, soil quality, etc. The aims of the biotechno-
logy industry went hand in hand with those of
conventional breeders, but offered the possibility of
importing useful genes from distant species that could
not be used for breeding. It has been found that, in
many cases, single genes transferred from another
organism can provide high levels of protection.
Herbicide resistance
Herbicides generally affect processes that are unique
to plants, e.g. photosynthesis or amino acid biosyn-
thesis (see Table 14.8). Both crops and weeds share
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312 CHAPTER 14
these processes, and developing herbicides that are
selective for weeds is very difficult. An alternative
approach is to modify crop plants so that they
become resistant to broad-spectrum herbicides, i.e.
incorporating selectivity into the plant itself rather
than relying on the selectivity of the chemical. Two
approaches to engineering herbicide resistance have
been adopted. In the first, the target molecule in the
cell either is rendered insensitive or is overproduced.
In the second, a pathway that degrades or detoxifies
the herbicide is introduced into the plant. An ex-
ample of each strategy is considered below.
Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that
inhibits 5-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP)
synthase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of
aromatic amino acids in plants and bacteria. A
glyphosate-tolerant Petunia hybrida cell line obtained
after selection for glyphosate resistance was found to
overproduce the EPSP synthase as a result of gene
amplification. A gene encoding the enzyme was sub-
sequently isolated and introduced into petunia plants
under the control of a cauliflower mosaic virus
(CaMV) 35S promoter. Transgenic plants expressed
increased levels of EPSP synthase in their chlo-
roplasts and were significantly more tolerant to
glyphosate (Shah et al. 1986). An alternative approach
to glyphosate resistance has been to introduce a
gene encoding a mutant EPSP synthase. This
mutant enzyme retains its specific activity but has
decreased affinity for the herbicide. Transgenic
tomato plants expressing this gene under the control
of an opine promoter were also glyphosate-tolerant
(Comai et al. 1985). Following on from this early
research, several companies have introduced gly-
phosate tolerance into a range of crop species, with
soybean and cotton the first to reach commercializa-
tion (Nida et al. 1996, Padgette et al. 1996). Currently,
nearly three-quarters of all transgenic plants in the
world are resistant to glyphosate (James 2000).
Phosphinothricin (PPT) is an irreversible inhibitor
of glutamine synthetase in plants and bacteria.
Bialaphos, produced by Streptomyces hygroscopicus,
consists of PPT and two alanine residues. When
these residues are removed by peptidases the herb-
icidal component PPT is released. To prevent self-
inhibition of growth, bialaphos-producing strains
of S. hygroscopicus also produce the enzyme phos-
phinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT), which in-
activates PPT by acetylation. The bar gene that
encodes the acetylase has been introduced into
potato, tobacco and tomato cells using Agrobacterium-
mediated transformation. The resultant plants were
Table 14.8 Mode of action of herbicides and method of engineering herbicide-resistant plants.
Pathway inhibited
Aromatic amino acid
Branched-chain amino
acid biosynthesis
Branched-chain amino
acid biosynthesis
Glutamine biosynthesis
Photosystem II
Target enzyme
5-Enol-pyruvyl shikimate-
3-phosphate (EPSP)
Acetolactate synthase
Glutamine synthetase
Basis of engineered resistance to herbicide
Overexpression of plant EPSP gene or introduction of
bacterial glyphosate-resistant aroA gene
Introduction of resistant ALS gene
Introduction of mutant ALS gene
Overexpression of glutamine synthetase or introduction
of the bar gene, which detoxifies the herbicide
Introduction of mutant gene for Q
protein or
introduction of gene for glutathione-S-transferase,
which can detoxify atrazines
Introduction of nitrilase gene, which detoxifies
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 313
resistant to commercial formulations of PPT and
bialaphos in the laboratory (De Block et al. 1987)
and in the field (De Greef et al. 1989) (Fig. 14.22).
More recently, it has been shown that bialaphos-
resistant transgenic rice plants that were inoculated
with the fungi causing sheath blight disease and
subsequently treated with the herbicide were com-
pletely protected from infection (Uchimiya et al.
1993). This agronomically important result depends
on the observation that bialaphos is toxic to fungi as
well as being a herbicide. PPT resistance is widely
used in plants as a selectable marker (see p. 231);
however, it has also been introduced into a number
of different crops for weed control, including sugar
cane and rice (Gallo-Meagher & Irvine 1996, Oard
et al. 1996). Thus far, PPT-resistant transgenic
plants have not been commercially released.
The benefit of herbicide-resistant transgenic crops
is the increased yield and seed quality as competing
weed species are eliminated. However, there was ini-
tial concern that this would come with an associated
penalty of increased herbicide use, which could have
a serious impact on the environment. Contrary to
these predictions, the introduction of herbicide-
resistant plants has actually reduced chemical use
by up to 80% in many areas, as farmers adopt better
weed-control policies and switch to herbicides with
low use rates. A further risk is that transgenes for
herbicide tolerance could spread to weed species,
resulting in a new breed of ‘superweeds’ (Kling
1996). It is too early to say whether this will be a
problem. Although a range of herbicide-resistant
transgenic crops are being tested, only crops resist-
ant to glyphosate or bromoxynil are currently grown
on a commercial scale. The benefits and risks of
herbicide-resistant crops and strategies to combat
gene transfer to weeds are discussed in recent
reviews (Gressel 1999, 2000).
Virus resistance
Major crop losses occur every year as a result of viral
infections, e.g. tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) causes
losses of over $50 million per annum in the tomato
industry. There is a useful phenomenon known as
cross-protection, in which infection of a plant with
one strain of virus protects against superinfection
with a second, related strain. The mechanism of
cross-protection is not fully understood, but it is
believed that the viral coat protein is important.
Powell-Abel et al. (1986) developed transgenic
plants that express the TMV coat protein and which
had greatly reduced disease symptoms following
virus infection. Since that observation, the principle
of heterologous coat-protein expression has been
extended to many different plants and viruses
(reviewed by Beachy et al. 1990). In the case of resist-
ance to TMV, the coat protein must be expressed in
the epidermis and in the vascular tissue, through
which the virus spreads systemically (Clark et al.
1990). Transgenic squash containing multiple viral
coat-protein genes and demonstrating resistance to
cucumber mosaic virus, water-melon mosaic virus
2 and zucchini yellow mosaic virus was the first
Fig. 14.22 Evaluation of phosphinothricin in transgenic tobacco plants under field conditions. (a) Untransformed control plants.
(b) Transgenic plants. (Photographs courtesy of Dr J. Botterman and the editor of Biotechnology.)
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314 CHAPTER 14
virus-resistant transgenic crop to reach commercial
production (Tricoli et al. 1995).
While the heterologous coat-protein approach
can be successful, it has been demonstrated that, in
many cases, the effect of transgene expression is
mediated at the RNA rather than the protein level.
This can be proved by generating transgenic plants
carrying coat-protein genes that cannot be trans-
lated to yield functional protein, as first shown by
Lindbo and Dougherty (1992) using the tobacco
etch virus coat-protein gene. The transgene RNA
apparently interferes with viral replication (a
phenomenon called RNA-mediated viral resistance
(RMVR)). This requires homology between the
transgene and the target virus, and involves high-
level transgene transcription but low-level accumu-
lation of the transcript. This has much in common
with post-transcriptional gene silencing (discussed
in more detail in Chapter 13), which can lead to
transgene silencing and the cosuppression of homo-
logous endogenous genes, as well as viral resistance.
The interested reader can consult several excellent
reviews covering this and related phenomena
(Waterhouse et al. 1998, Grant 1999, Plasterk &
Ketting 2000, Hammond et al. 2001).
A different method of minimizing the effects of
plant virus infection was developed by Gehrlach
et al. (1987). They generated plants that expressed
the satellite RNA of tobacco ringspot virus and such
plants were resistant to infection with tobacco
ringspot virus itself. Another potential method of
inducing resistance to viruses is the production
of antiviral proteins in transgenic plants. American
pokeweed produces an antiviral protein called
dianthrin that functions as a ribosome-inactivating
protein. The cDNA for this protein has been cloned
(Lin et al. 1991) and expressed in Nicotiana bentham-
iana (a relative of tobacco), providing resistance
against African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV)
(Hong et al. 1996). Interestingly in this experiment,
the dianthrin gene was expressed under the control
of an ACMV promoter, such that the antiviral pro-
tein was expressed only upon viral infection. In this
manner, the toxic effects of constitutive transgene
expression were avoided.
Antibodies specific for virion proteins have also
been used to protect plants from viruses. In the first
demonstration of this approach, Tavladoraki et al.
(1993) expressed a single-chain Fv fragment (scFv)
specific for ACMV in transgenic N. benthamiana, and
demonstrated resistance to viral infection. Other
groups have generated transgenic tobacco plants
expressing antibodies specific for TMV, resulting in
reduced infectivity. Voss et al. (1995) expressed full-
size IgGs, while Zimmermann et al. (1998) expressed
scFv fragments. Targeting scFv fragments to the
plasma membrane also provides protection against
virus infection (Schillberg et al. 2001).
Resistance to microbial pathogens
Progress has also been made in developing resistance
to plant-pathogenic fungi which are traditionally
controlled by appropriate farming practices (e.g.
crop rotation) and the application of expensive and
environmentally harmful fungicides. A straightfor-
ward approach is to engineer plants with antifungal
proteins from heterologous species. This was first
demonstrated by Broglie et al. (1991) who showed
that expression of bean chitinase can protect tobacco
and oil-seed rape from post-emergent damping off
caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Plants synthesize a
wide range of so-called ‘pathogenesis-related pro-
teins’ (PR proteins), such as chitinase, which are
induced by microbial infection. They also synthesize
antifungal peptides called defensins and other
antifungal proteins. As the genes for more of these
proteins have been cloned and characterized, the
number of transgenic plants constitutively express-
ing such proteins continues to rise. For example,
tobacco osmotin has been expressed in transgenic
potato, providing resistance to Phytophthora infes-
tans (Liu et al. 1994), and in transgenic rice, provid-
ing resistance to R. solani (Lin et al. 1995). Instead
of using a protein to provide direct protection,
a metabolic-engineering strategy can be utilized.
Phytoallexins are alkaloids with antifungal activity,
and transforming plants with genes encoding the
appropriate biosynthetic enzymes can increase
their synthesis. Hain et al. (1993) generated tomato
plants expressing the grapevine gene for stilbene
synthase, and these plants demonstrated increased
resistance to infection by Botrytis cinerea. Similarly,
Anzai et al. (1989) have used a bacterial gene
facilitating tabtoxin detoxification to protect tomato
plants against Pseudomonas syringae infection.
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 315
An alternative to the use of antifungal proteins or
metabolites is to manipulate the hypersensitive
response, which is a physiological defence mechan-
ism used by plants to repel attacking pathogens.
Resistance occurs only in plants carrying a resist-
ance gene (R) that corresponds to an avirulence
(avr) gene in the pathogen. Elicitors (signalling
molecules) released by pathogens are detected by
the plant and activate a range of defence responses,
including cell death, PR-gene expression, phyto-
allexin synthesis and the deposition of cellulose at the
site of invasion, forming a physical barrier. Import-
antly, the hypersensitive response is systemic, so
that neighbouring cells can pre-empt pathogen
invasion. A recently developed strategy is to transfer
avirulence genes from the pathogen to the plant,
under the control of a pathogen-inducible promoter.
This has been demonstrated in tomato plants
transformed with the avr9 gene from Chladosporium
fulvum, resulting in resistance to a range of fungal,
bacterial and viral diseases (Keller et al. 1999,
reviewed by Melchers & Stuiver 2000).
Resistance to insects and other pests
Insect pests represent one of the most serious biotic
constraints to crop production. For example, more
than a quarter of all the rice grown in the world is
lost to insect pests, at an estimated cost of nearly
US$50 billion. This is despite an annual expenditure
of approximately US$1.5 billion on insecticides for
this crop alone. Insect-resistant plants are therefore
desirable not only because of the potential increased
yields, but also because the need for insecticides
is eliminated and, following on from this, the
undesirable accumulation of such chemicals in the
environment is avoided. Typical insecticides are
non-selective, so they kill harmless and beneficial
insects as well as pests. For these reasons, transgenic
plants have been generated expressing toxins that
are selective for particular insect species.
Research is being carried out on a wide range of
insecticidal proteins from diverse sources. However,
all commercially produced insect-resistant transgenic
crops express toxin proteins from the Gram-positive
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Unlike other
Bacillus species, Bt produces crystals during sporula-
tion, comprising one or a small number of ~130 kDa
protoxins called crystal proteins. These proteins are
potent and highly specific insecticides. The specificity
reflects interactions between the crystal proteins
and receptors in the insect midgut. In susceptible
species, ingested crystals dissolve in the alkaline
conditions of the gut and the protoxins are activated
by gut proteases. The active toxins bind to receptors
on midgut epithelial cells, become inserted into the
plasma membrane and form pores that lead to cell
death (and eventual insect death) through osmotic
lysis. Approximately 150 distinct Bt toxins have
been identified and each shows a unique spectrum of
Bt toxins have been used as topical insecticides
since the 1930s, but never gained widespread use,
because they are rapidly broken down on exposure
to daylight and thus have to be applied several times
during a growing season. Additionally, only insects
infesting the exposed surface of sprayed plants are
killed. These problems have been addressed by the
expression of crystal proteins in transgenic plants.
Bt genes were initially introduced into tomato
(Fischhoff et al. 1987) and tobacco (Barton et al.
1987, Vaeck et al. 1987) and later into cotton
(Perlak et al. 1990), resulting in the production of
insecticidal proteins that protected the plants from
insect infestation. However, field tests of these plants
revealed that higher levels of the toxin in the plant
tissue would be required to obtain commercially
useful plants (Delannay et al. 1989). Attempts to
increase the expression of the toxin gene in plants by
use of different promoters, fusion proteins and leader
sequences were not successful. However, examina-
tion of the bacterial cry1Ab and cry1Ac genes
indicated that they differed significantly from plant
genes in a number of ways (Perlak et al. 1991). For
example, localized AT-rich regions resembling plant
introns, potential plant polyadenylation signal
sequences, ATTTA sequences that can destabilize
mRNA and rare plant codons were all found. The
elimination of undesirable sequences and modifica-
tions to bring codon usage into line with the host
species resulted in greatly enhanced expression of
the insecticidal toxin and strong insect resistance
of the transgenic plants in field tests (Koziel et al.
1993). By carrying out such enhancements, Perlak
and colleagues expressed a modified cry3A gene in
potato to provide resistance against Colorado beetle
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316 CHAPTER 14
(Perlak et al. 1993). In 1995, this crop became the
first transgenic insect-resistant crop to reach com-
mercial production, as NewLeaf
potato marketed
by Monsanto. The same company also released the
first commercial transgenic, insect-resistant vari-
eties of cotton (Bollgard
, expressing cry1Ac and
protected against tobacco bollworm) and maize
, expressing cry1Ab and resistant to the
European corn-borer). Many other biotechnology
companies have now produced Bt-transgenic crop
plants resistant to a range of insects.
Although Bt-transgenic plants currently dominate
the market, there are many alternative insecticidal
proteins under investigation. Two types of protein
are being studied in particular: proteins that inhibit
digestive enzymes in the insect gut (proteinase and
amylase inhibitors) and lectins (carbohydrate-
binding proteins). Research into these alternatives is
driven in part by the fact that some insects are not
affected by any of the known Bt crystal proteins.
Homopteran insects, mostly sap-sucking pests such
as planthoppers, fall into this category, but have
been shown to be susceptible to lectins such as
Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA). This lectin has
been expressed in many crops, including potato
(Shi et al. 1994, Gatehouse et al. 1996), rice (Bano-
Maqbool & Christou 1999), tomato and tobacco
(reviewed by Schuler et al. 1998).
Modification of production traits
Production traits can include many characteristics,
such as the colour and smell of flowers and the taste,
consistency and nutritional composition of food.
While modifying flower colour would seem a harm-
less pursuit (experiments in this area are discussed
on p. 261), the genetic modification of food for
human consumption is the subject of intensive cur-
rent debate. Opinions as to the benefits and risks of
the latter differ widely according to region, ethical
standpoint and financial/food security of the nation.
There is no doubt, however, that gene manipulation
has the potential to greatly increase the quality of
food. Examples include modifying the starch or oil
content, facilitating the accumulation of vitamins
and minerals in foods that are normally poor in such
nutrients, and altering the properties of fruits and
vegetables to delay ripening, increase the levels of
soluble solids and facilitate processing. Several ex-
amples are discussed below and Box 14.4 describes
the recently developed terminator technology, which
provides a mechanism by which producers of trans-
genic crops could dictate where and when their
modified plants are grown.
Delayed ripening
The earliest example of quality improvement by
gene transfer was the introduction of antisense
constructs targeting the polygalacturonase (pg)
gene in tomato to delay ripening (Sheehy et al.
1988, Smith et al. 1988), as discussed in Chapter 13
(p. 260). Other strategies to delay ripening include:
cosuppression of the pg gene using sense constructs
(Smith et al. 1990), the use of antisense RNA to
suppress the expression of two key enzymes required
for ethylene synthesis (Hamilton et al. 1990, Oeller
et al. 1991) and the degradation of a key intermedi-
ate in the ethylene biosynthetic pathway (Klee et al.
1991; see review by Fray & Grierson 1993).
Starch and oil modification
Much research has been carried out into strategies
for the modification of the starch and oil content of
seeds. In each case, it is essential to have a thorough
understanding of the normal biosynthetic path-
ways. Starch is the major storage carbohydrate in
higher plants. It consists of two components: amy-
lose, which is a linear polymer, and amylopectin,
which is a branched polymer. The physicochemical,
nutritional and textural properties of food are
significantly influenced by the nature of the starch.
For example, cooked amylose produces fibre-like
structures that are resistant to digestion, serve as
dietary fibre and require less insulin for metabolism.
Amylopectin, in contrast, is waxy and viscous. The
food and other industries use a wide range of differ-
ent starches. These are obtained by sourcing the
starch from different plant varieties coupled with
chemical and enzymatic modification. The genetic
modification of plants offers a new approach to cre-
ating novel starches with new functional properties.
The enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (GP)
catalyses the first step in starch biosynthesis in
plants. Stark et al. (1992) cloned the gene for an E.
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The production of any marketable commodity
requires a great deal of investment in terms of
research and development. Most commodities
are not self-renewing, so manufacturers can
recover their investments through long-term
sales. Transgenic plants, however, are capable of
reproduction. Farmers have to make an initial outlay
for seed purchase, but, by saving a proportion of
seeds from each harvest, they need never return
to the manufacturer again. For producers who
have invested heavily in development, this is
unacceptable. So how can the producers protect
their investment?
Until recently, this was achieved through the use
of contracts that obliged farmers not to save any
seeds. However, such contracts are difficult to
enforce, particularly in developing countries. A
novel strategy is to modify the plants so that the
seeds are sterile, thereby forcing the farmer to return
to the manufacturer year after year for fresh supplies
of seeds. This strategy, which has been termed
technology protection by the biotechnology
companies and terminator technology by disgruntled
consumers and opponents, is perhaps the most
controversial potential use of genetically modified
plants. In essence, the technology works rather like
the anti-copying devices now incorporated into video
recorders the industry is protecting its investment
by preventing unauthorized duplication of its
products. The principle of terminator technology is
the expression of a toxic transgene, the terminator
gene, at a critical stage of embryonic development,
thus killing the embryo and rendering the seeds
incapable of germination. Several variants on this
technology were described in a patent application,
granted in March 1998, to Pine Lands Corporation,
which has since been bought by Monsanto. One of
the variations is discussed below.
In this example, the terminator gene encodes a
ribosomal-inactivating protein and is expressed
under the control of a promoter that is active in late
embryogenesis, such as the promoter of the lea
(late embryogenesis abundant) gene. Seeds produced
from such plants are sterile, but, since seed storage
products (e.g. starch and oil) accumulate in early
and mid-embryonic development, the seeds are
nutritionally unimpaired. In order to maintain a stock
of fertile plants, the terminator gene is controlled by
inducible site-specific recombination, as described in
detail in Chapter 13. The gene is rendered inactive by
inserting a blocking element between the gene and
its promoter. This blocking element is flanked by loxP
sites. The transgenic plant also contains a cre
recombinase gene, which is controlled by a
tetracycline-inducible promoter, and a third
transgene encoding the tetracycline repressor
protein, which is constitutively expressed. In the
absence of tetracycline, the repressor prevents cre
expression, the terminator gene is not activated
and the plants can be grown as normal, allowing
the producer to grow plants and produce seeds in
unlimited quantity. Before distribution, however, the
seeds are soaked in tetracycline, which causes the
repressor to release the cre promoter, thus inducing
the cre gene, leading to excision of the blocking
fragment and activation of the terminator gene.
Since the terminator gene is controlled by an
embryonic promoter, it is not switched on until
the following generation of developing seeds.
The advent of terminator technology was met by
a public outcry, particularly from farmers and from
environmentalists concerned that terminator genes
could spread from the transgenic crops into wild
plants, with unknown consequences. Perhaps in
response to this, Monsanto has since pledged not
to implement the technology now at its disposal.
Box 14.4 Protecting your investment: terminator technology
Oliver et al. (Pine Land Corporation) United States Patent 5 723 765, ‘Control of Plant Gene Expression’, 3 March 1998.
P Tet R P
P Tet R
(a) No tetracycline
(b) Tetracycline present
P Cre
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318 CHAPTER 14
coli mutant GP which was deficient in allosteric reg-
ulation. When this gene was inserted into potato
plants, the tubers accumulated higher levels of
starch but had normal starch composition and gran-
ule size. Since transgenic plants expressing the wild-
type E. coli GP had normal levels of starch, the
allosteric regulation of GP, and not its absolute level,
must influence starch levels. A different method of
modulating GP activity has been used by Muller-
Rober et al. (1992). They used an antisense con-
struct to reduce the level of plant GP to 2–5% of wild
type. These plants had very low levels of starch (also
2–5% of wild type) but had a very much higher
number of tubers. These tubers had six- to eightfold
more glucose and sucrose and much lower levels of
patatin and other storage proteins. Visser et al. (1991)
have modified the starch composition of potato plants.
They demonstrated that potato plants expressing an
antisense gene to the granule-bound starch synthase
have little or no amylose compared with wild-type
potato, where it can be as much as 20%.
Whereas some plants accumulate starch as a
carbon reserve, others accumulate high levels of
triacylglycerols in seeds or mesocarp tissues. Higher
plants produce over 200 kinds of fatty acids, some of
which are of food value. However, many are likely to
have industrial (non-food) uses of higher value
than edible fatty acids (Kishore & Somerville 1993,
Murphy 1999). Thus there is considerable interest
in using gene-manipulation techniques to modify
the fatty acid content of plants. As a first step towards
this goal, a number of genes encoding desaturases
have been cloned, e.g. the MS desaturase, which
converts linoleic acid to α-linolenic acid (Arondel
et al. 1992).
In most plants the 9 stearoyl acyl carrier protein
(ACP) desaturase catalyses the first desaturation
step in seed-oil biosynthesis, converting stearoyl-
ACP to oleoyl-ACP. When antisense constructs were
used to reduce the levels of the enzyme in developing
rape-seed embryos, the seeds had greatly increased
stearate levels (Knutzon et al. 1992). The signi-
ficance of this result is that high stearate content is of
value in margarine and confectionery fats.
Most oil-seed crops accumulate triacylglycerols
with C
to C
acyl chains. However, plants that
accumulate medium-chain triacylglycerols (MCT),
with C
to C
acyl chains, would be very useful, for
these lipids are used in detergent synthesis. Some
plants, such as the California bay, accumulate MCT
because of the presence of a medium-chain specific
thioesterase. When the gene for this thioesterase
was expressed in rape-seed and Arabidopsis, the
transgenic plants accumulated high levels of MCT
(Voelker et al. 1992).
Improving vitamin and mineral content
The vitamin and mineral content of plants varies
from species to species, and from tissue to tissue in a
particular plant. Milled cereal grains – basically the
endosperm component of the seed – are particularly
deficient in essential vitamins and minerals, and
yet they represent the staple food for much of the
world’s population. In developed countries, where
diet is varied, this is seldom a problem. However, in
poorer nations, where cereal grains are often the
only food available, this can cause major health
problems. Iron deficiency is the most widespread
nutrient deficiency in the world, reflecting the com-
bination of low iron in cereal grains and the high
level of phytic acid, which reduces the efficiency of
iron absorption from the gut. Many cereal grains
also lack β-carotene, which is required in the diet for
vitamin A biosynthesis. Vitamin A deficiency in early
childhood leads to blindness, an avoidable conse-
quence of poor diet in many parts of Asia and Africa.
A number of attempts to increase the nutritional
value of cereals have been reported, and we discuss
two examples of genetically engineered rice below,
since this cereal is the staple diet of at least two-
thirds of the world’s population. Lucca et al. (2001)
described three different routes to improving the
iron content of rice grain, which could be used singly
or in combination. The first route was to transform
rice with a gene encoding ferritin, an iron-storage
protein. The overexpression of bean ferritin in rice
endosperm led to the accumulation of iron in a
bioavailable form, resulting in transgenic rice grains
with twice the normal levels of iron. The second
route was to transform rice with a gene from the
fungus Aspergillus fumigatus encoding the enzyme
phytase, which metabolizes phytic acid. Since the
transgenic grain has lower levels of phytic acid, iron
absorption from the gut should be more efficient.
The third approach was to transform rice with a
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Applications of recombinant DNA technology 319
construct causing the overexpression of an endo-
genous cysteine-rich metallothionein-like protein,
since cysteine peptides have been shown to have the
opposite effect to phytic acid, i.e. they enhance iron
absorption. The resulting rice grains had over five
times the normal level of cysteine residues and a
130-fold increase in phytase activity, theoretically
sufficient to eliminate all phytic acid from the grains.
Burkhardt et al. (1997) described rice plants
transformed with the phytoene synthase gene from
the daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). The enzyme
encoded by this gene represents the first of four steps
in the β-carotene biosynthesis pathway, and the
plants were shown to accumulate the immediate
product of the recombinant enzyme, phytoene.
Further work by the same group (Ye et al. 2000)
resulted in rice plants expressing several daffodil
enzymes simultaneously in the endosperm, and
recapitulated the entire heterologous pathway.
Hence, the transgenic rice grains were highly
enriched for β-carotene (provitamin A) and were
consequently golden in colour.
Epilogue: from genes to genomes
Principles of Gene Manipulation tells the story of the
development of genetic-engineering technology, a
story that began in the mid-1970s. When the first
edition of this book was published in 1980, basic
techniques, such as cloning, sequencing and expres-
sion analysis, were all in their infancy and many
of today’s most widely used procedures, including
the PCR, had not been invented. In those days, the
cloning and characterization of a single gene was
an elaborate task that required a great deal of in-
ventiveness and hard work. The sequencing and
analysis of entire cellular genomes was an imposs-
ible goal, as far-fetched as space travel was to people
100 years ago.
Over the last 25 years, however, the technology of
gene manipulation has rapidly increased in sophist-
ication. Through the sharing of information between
laboratories, standard molecular-biology procedures
have become more robust and reliable, new tech-
niques have evolved, and many of the more labori-
ous procedures that scientists had to carry out in the
early years have been streamlined or automated.
Biotechnology companies now take on most of the
burden of developing and refining the tools and
protocols, producing high-quality enzymes, special-
ist molecular-biology kits and premade custom
genomic or cDNA libraries. Most importantly, there
has been a drive to develop high-throughput versions
of many of the techniques discussed in this book,
allowing more and more samples to be processed in
parallel, producing more data in less time than ever
before. Sequencing has been at the forefront of this
paradigm shift, with the result that the sequencing
of entire genomes is now commonplace. As this sixth
edition of Principles of Gene Manipulation goes to press,
over 40 bacterial genomes plus those of four model
eukaryotes have been completely sequenced and the
first draft of the entire human genome sequence
has been published (International Human Genome
Sequencing Consortium 2001, Venter et al. 2001).
These extraordinary achievements have ushered
in a new era in molecular biology, which is analysis
at the whole-genome level. More data are emerging
from genome-sequencing projects and the random
cloning of partial cDNAs (known as expressed
sequence tags (ESTs)) than can be dealt with using
traditional single-gene analysis methods. A new breed
of high-throughput functional-analysis techniques
has been developed, some of which are discussed
briefly in Chapters 6, 9 and 13 of this book. Simple
northern blots and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR
experiments are being replaced by the use of DNA
chips containing hundreds or thousands of indi-
vidual sequences that can be hybridized with a
suitable probe simultaneously. Instead of analysing
single proteins by western blots, two-dimensional
gel electrophoresis is being used to simultaneously
study every single protein expressed under various
conditions. The creation and functional analysis
of individual mutants is being superseded by sys-
tematic approaches to mutating and characterizing
every single gene in the genome. Techniques are
also being developed for the analysis of all possible
protein–protein interactions in the cell.
While the impact of the new genomics is dis-
cussed in this book, as least as far as it affects trends
in gene-manipulation technology, a full account of
its development, application and potential requires
a book of its own. The story continues in our sister
text, Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics
(third edition).
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