As the planning department launched their network redesign, PSTA’s execuve leadership began
the process of nding partners to ll current and potenal future service gaps. In 2014, Uber had
launched a pilot program with the University of Florida, complemenng a late-night circulator bus
with subsidized Uber trips. The University of Florida student council proposed this pilot as a means
to discourage late-night driving between campus housing and nearby bars, as well as to migate
safety concerns of having students wait at bus stops late at night. In the pilot, students could
enter a code provided by the council government to receive half o the cost of rides beginning
and ending within geo-fenced zones during late night hours.
PSTA execuve leadership had a
similar idea, but inially were not able to contact anyone in a senior posion with Uber. Eventually,
PSTA reached Uber’s markeng team with the help of same local senator who had opposed the
referendum and at the me was working to dra a TNC preempon bill for the state legislature.
From there, PSTA engaged in discussions with Uber’s local markeng and operaons sta about
adapng some version of the University of Florida model to improve “intermodal” connecvity, per
the PSTA board’s mandate, by subsidizing Uber trips to specic bus stops.
Later that summer, sta introduced a phased plan that included the redesign or eliminaon of
ve low-performing routes (1, 30, 58, 811, and 444), the laer two of which were circulator
services. Route 444, the Pinellas Park Circulator, made ve trips a day and connected several large
residenal developments, an assisted-living facility, and a Walmart Supercenter. Route 811, the
East Lake Connector, ran on weekdays every 70 minutes between three major shopping centers on
a 14-seat bus that, with advance scheduling, could deviate up to ¾ of a mile along its route corridor.
Most stops along these two routes served fewer than three riders a day. Compared to a system-wide
average of around 17 passengers per revenue hour, these two routes carried fewer than ve.
late August, the Board voted to disconnue the East Lake Connector (along with routes 1 and 30),
while connuing Pinellas Park Circulator and route 58 operaons to allow more me for public
outreach and addional service planning in light of input received from neighborhood residents.
The augmentaons to the Pinellas Park Circulator and the replacement of the East Lake Connector
became the basis of the “Direct Connect” pilot—a subsidy program for rst- and last-mile trips to
specic xed-route bus stops, oered for trips on parcipang for-hire vehicle providers. By this
me, Uber’s markeng team had informed PSTA that a stop-based discount system could work
using geo-fences. PSTA also sought out more tradional service providers to accommodate riders
preferring to pay in cash or call for rides through a dispatcher.
Independent Florida Alligator, April 2015
SB 340/HB 221 was signed into law by Gov. Rick Sco in May 2017
PSTA Performance Measurement Tool version 3.4, 2016
PSTA Board of Directors Meeng Minutes, August 26, 2015