The Evidence Report
Obesity Education Initiative
The Evidence Report
NO. 98-4083
National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute in
cooperation with
The National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative
Expert Panel on the Identification,
Evaluation, and Treatment of
Overweight and Obesity in Adults
F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, M.D., M.P.H.
Chair of the Panel
Chief, Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition
Director, Obesity Research Center
St. Luke's/Roosevelt Hospital Center
Professor of Medicine
Columbia University College of Physicians and
New York, NY
Diane M. Becker, Sc.D., M.P.H.
Center for Health Promotion
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Claude Bouchard, Ph.D.
Professor of Exercise Physiology
Physical Activity Sciences
Laval University
Sainte Foy, Quebec
Richard A. Carleton, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Brown University School of Medicine
Pawtucket, RI
Graham A. Colditz, M.D., Dr.P.H.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Channing Laboratory
Boston, MA
William H. Dietz, M.D., Ph.D.
Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA
John P. Foreyt, Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine and Director
Nutrition Research Clinic
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Robert J. Garrison, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Tennessee, Memphis
Memphis, TN
Scott M. Grundy, M.D., Ph.D.
Center for Human Nutrition
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Dallas, TX
Barbara C. Hansen, Ph.D.
Professor of Physiology
Director of Obesity and Diabetes Research Center
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Millicent Higgins, M.D.
Department of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
James O. Hill, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Research
Center for Human Nutrition
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Denver, CO
Barbara V. Howard, Ph.D.
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, DC
Robert C. Klesges, Ph.D.
University of Memphis Prevention Center
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Robert J. Kuczmarski, Dr.P.H., R.D.
Nutrition Analyst
National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hyattsville, MD
Shiriki Kumanyika, Ph.D., R.D., M.P.H.
Professor and Head
Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
R. Dee Legako, M.D.
Prime Care Canyon Park Family Physicians, Inc.
Edmond, OK
T. Elaine Prewitt, Dr.P.H., R.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Preventive Medicine and
Loyola University Medical Center
Maywood, IL
Albert P. Rocchini, M.D.
Chief of Cardiology
University of Michigan Medical Center
Ann Arbor, MI
Philip L. Smith, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
The Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center
Baltimore, MD
Linda G. Snetselaar, Ph.D., R.D.
Associate Professor
Head of Preventive Nutrition Education
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
James R. Sowers, M.D.
Professor of Medicine and Physiology
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and
Wayne State University School of Medicine
University Health Center
Detroit, MI
Michael Weintraub, M.D.
Office of Drug Evaluation V
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
David F. Williamson, Ph.D., M.S.
Division of Diabetes Translation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chamblee, GA
G. Terence Wilson, Ph.D.
Oscar K. Buros Professor of Psychology
Director, Rutgers Eating Disorders Clinic
Piscataway, NJ
Ex-Officio Members
Clarice D. Brown, M.S.
Project Manager
CODA Research, Inc.
Silver Spring, MD
Karen A. Donato, M.S., R.D.*
Executive Director of the Panel
NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Nancy Ernst, Ph.D., R.D.*
Nutrition Coordinator
Office of the Director
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
D. Robin Hill, Ph.D.*
Social Science Analyst
Behavioral Medicine Branch
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Michael J. Horan, M.D., Sc.M.*
Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Van S. Hubbard, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, NIH Division of Nutrition Research
Chief, Nutritional Sciences Branch
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
James P. Kiley, Ph.D.*
Airway Biology and Disease Program
Division of Lung Diseases
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Eva Obarzanek, Ph.D., R.D., M.P.H.*
Research Nutritionist
Prevention Scientific Research Group
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
David Schriger, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.E.P.
Associate Professor
UCLA Emergency Medicine Center
University of California at Los Angeles
School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA
San Antonio Cochrane Center
Elaine Chiquette, Pharm.D.
V.A. Cochrane Center at San Antonio
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital
San Antonio, TX
* NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative Task Force Members
Cynthia Mulrow, M.D., M.Sc.
V.A. Cochrane Center at San Antonio
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital
San Antonio, TX
Adrienne Blount, B.S.
R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.
Rockville, MD
Maureen Harris, M.S., R.D.
R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.
Rockville, MD
Anna Hodgson, M.A.
R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.
Rockville, MD
Pat Moriarty, M.Ed., R.D.
R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.
Rockville, MD
The panel acknowledges the assistance of Dr.
Rashid Chotani, Johns Hopkins University; Dr.
Robert Klesges, University of Memphis; Dr.
Walter Pories, East Carolina University; Dr. Ivan
Baines, NHLBI; Dr. Christine Kelly, NHLBI;
Glen Bennett, NHLBI; Dr. Fred Heydrick,
BioReview; Debbie Lurie, Prospect Associates;
Estelle Schwalb, Prospect Associates; Lori
McCray, R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.; and
Niyati Pandya, R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.
Foreword vii
Executive Summary xi
1. Introduction 1
A. Rationale for Guidelines Development 1
B. Objectives of the Guidelines 2
C. Guideline Development Methodology 2
D. Statement of Assumptions 5
E. Intended Users of These Guidelines 5
2. Overweight and Obesity: Background 6
A. Health and Economic Costs 6
1. Prevalence and Time Trends 6
2. Demographic Variations in
Overweight and Obesity Prevalence 9
3. Economic Costs of Overweight
and Obesity 9
B. Prevention of Overweight and Obesity 11
C. Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity 12
1. Morbidity 12
2. Overweight/Obesity and Morbidity
in Minority Populations 23
3. Obesity and Mortality 23
D. Weight Loss and Mortality 25
E. Environment 26
F. Genetic Influence in the Development
of Overweight and Obesity 27
3 Examination of Randomized Controlled
Trial Evidence 29
A. Why Treat Overweight and Obesity? 29
1. Blood Pressure 29
2. Serum/Plasma Lipids and
Lipoproteins 33
3. Impaired Glucose Tolerance
and Diabetes 39
4. Decreases in Abdominal Fat with
Weight Loss 41
B. What Treatments are Effective? 42
1. Dietary Therapy 42
2. Physical Activity 44
3. Combined Therapy 47
4. Behavior Therapy 48
5. Pharmacotherapy 53
6. Surgery 54
7. Other Interventions for Overweight
and Obesity Treatment 55
4. Treatment Guidelines 56
A. Overview 56
B. Assessment and Classification of
Overweight and Obesity 56
1. Assessment of Overweight and
Obesity 56
2. Classification of Overweight and
Obesity 58
C. Assessment of Risk Status 62
D. Evaluation and Treatment Strategy 65
E. Exclusion from Weight Loss Therapy 70
F. Patient Motivation 70
G. Goals of Weight Loss and
Management 71
1. Weight Loss 71
2. Weight Maintenance at
Lower Weight 72
3. Prevention of Further Weight Gain 73
H. Strategies for Weight Loss and
Weight Maintenance 73
1. Dietary Therapy 73
2. Physical Activity 77
3. Behavior Therapy 81
4. Combined Therapy 83
5. Pharmacotherapy 83
6. Surgery 86
I. Smoking Cessation in the Overweight
or Obese Patient 91
J. Role of Health Professionals in
Weight Loss Therapy 92
5. Summary of Recommendations 95
6. Future Research 98
A. Intervention Approaches 98
B. Causes and Mechanisms of
Overweight and Obesity 99
C. Abdominal Fat, Body Weight and
Disease Risk 99
D. Assessment Methods 99
7. Appendices 100
Appendix I.A.1 Guidelines Development
Methodology 100
Appendix I.A.2 Literature Review 109
Appendix II Description of Evidence 112
Appendix III Special Populations 117
Appendix IV Obesity and Sleep Apnea 137
Appendix V Body Mass Index Chart—
How to Measure Obesity 139
Appendix VI Practical Dietary Therapy
Information 141
Appendix VII Resource List 165
Appendix VIII Glossary of Terms 168
List of Abbreviations 179
Reference List 181
Publication List 226
In 1995, the National Obesity Education
Initiative of the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute (NHLBI), in cooperation with
the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), convened the
first Expert Panel on the Identification,
Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and
Obesity in Adults to develop clinical practice
guidelines for primary care practitioners.
The impetus for these guidelines was the recog-
nition that the prevalence of overweight and
obesity in the United States is increasing, and
that practitioners need to be alerted to the
accompanying health risks. According to the lat-
est statistics from the third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 97 million
Americans are overweight or obese. Excess
weight is often accompanied by high blood pres-
sure, high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes,
coronary heart disease, and other health prob-
lems. The total costs attributable to obesity-relat-
ed disease approach $100 billion annually in the
United States.
The panel used the principles of evidence-based
medicine, including an evidence model and evi-
dence categories. It was the first time a panel
thoroughly examined the scientific evidence for
risks associated with overweight and obesity, and
their treatments, and developed clinical practice
recommendations based on their conclusions.
The panel was headed by Dr. F. Xavier Pi-
Sunyer, of St. Lukes/Roosevelt Hospital Center
in New York City. He and the other 23 panel
members methodically and critically examined a
vast amount of published scientific evidence.
The panel also obtained scientific input from
approximately 115 outside reviewers. The result
was The Clinical Guidelines on the Identification,
Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and
Obesity in Adults: The Evidence Report. Dr.
David Schriger of the University of California at
Los Angeles, who is a methodologist consultant
in the area of evidence-based practice guidelines,
and Dr. Elaine Chiquette of the San Antonio
Cochrane Center in Texas, who developed the
evidence tables, served as key advisors to the
Evidence examined by the panel included:
research on the relationship of overweight and
obesity to high blood pressure, high blood cho-
lesterol, type 2 diabetes, stroke, congestive heart
failure, coronary heart disease, various cancers,
osteoarthritis, and sleep apnea; risks associated
with the distribution and amount of body fat;
and various treatment strategies, including diet,
physical activity, behavior therapy, pharma-
cotherapy, and surgery. The resulting guidelines
document how different treatment strategies
affect weight loss and how weight control affects
the major risk factors for heart disease and
The guidelines have been reviewed and endorsed
by many professional organizations. In fact,
because of the associated risks between high
blood pressure and high blood cholesterol and
overweight and obesity, the document represents
the first clinical practice guidelines to be
reviewed and endorsed by members of the coor-
dinating committees of both the National
Cholesterol Education Program and the
National High Blood Pressure Education
Program which comprise approximately 52 pro-
fessional societies, government agencies, and
consumer organizations. Two additional groups
endorsing the guidelines are the North American
Association for the Study of Obesity and the
NIDDK National Task force on the Prevention
and Treatment of Obesity.
The report, the evidence model and its accom-
panying evidence tables, and a body mass index
calculator are available on the NHLBI website at
the following location: http://www.nhlbi.nih.
An abbreviated version of the evidence report is
being prepared and will be distributed to prima-
ry care physicians, nurses, registered dietitians
and nutritionists, and other health care practi-
It is our hope that these clinical guidelines will
not only help the health care practitioner under-
stand the importance of weight management but
also provide them with the tools to assess and
treat their patients more effectively. Equally
important, we hope that the guidelines lead to a
greater public understanding of obesity and a
greater appreciation for the persistent efforts of
millions of people to lose weight.
Claude Lenfant, M.D.
National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute
Coordinating Committee Member Organizations
Theodore G. Ganiats, M.D., American Academy of Family Physicians, Gary Graham, M.D., American Academy of Insurance
Medicine, Ronald Kleinman, M.D., American Academy of Pediatrics, Ann Smith, R.N., C.O.H.N.-S., American Association of
Occupational Health Nurses, Richard C. Pasternak, M.D., F.A.C.C., American College of Cardiology, Gerald T. Gau, M.D., American
College of Chest Physicians, Ruth Ann Jordan, M.D., American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Thomas E.
Nolan, M.D., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Alan J. Garber, M.D., Ph.D., American Diabetes Association, Inc.,
Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., R.D., American Dietetic Association, Scott Grundy, M.D., Ph.D., American Heart Association, Sandra
Cornett, R.N., Ph.D., American Hospital Association, Yank D. Coble, Jr., M.D., American Medical Association, Joan Watson, R.N.,
Ph.D., F.A.A.N., American Nurses’ Association, Michael Clearfield, D.O., American Osteopathic Association, Joanne Mitten, M.H.E.,
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Gerald J. Wilson, M.B.A., Citizens for Public Action on Blood Pressure and
Cholesterol, Inc., Linda Burnes-Bolton, Dr.P.H., R.N., National Black Nurses’ Association, Inc., Luther T. Clark, M.D., National
Medical Association, Darlene Lansing, M.P.H., R.D., Society for Nutrition Education
Associate Member Coordinating Committee Organizations
Stanley Wallach, M.D., American College of Nutrition, Donald O. Fedder, Dr.P.H., M.P.H., Society for Public Health Education
Federal Agency Liaison Coordinating Committee Representatives
Yvonne L. Bronner, Sc.D., R.D., L.D., NHLBI Ad Hoc Committee on Minority Populations, Francis D. Chesley, M.D., Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research, William H. Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Thomas M. Lasater,
Ph.D., Coordinating Committee for the Community Demonstration Studies, Alanna Moshfegh, M.S., R.D., Department of Agriculture,
Col. Michael Parkinson, M.D., M.P.H., Department of Defense, Pamela Steele, M.D., Department of Veterans Affairs, Celia Hayes,
M.P.H., R.D., Health Resources and Services Administration, Clifford Johnson, M.P.H., National Center for Health Statistics, Linda
Meyers, Ph.D., Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Coordinating Committee Member Organizations
Lee A. Green, M.D., M.P.H., American Academy of Family Physicians, Jack P. Whisnant, M.D., American Academy of Neurology,
Barry N. Hyman, M.D., F.A.C.P., American Academy of Ophthalmology, Lisa Mustone-Alexander, M.P.H., P.A., American Academy
of Physician Assistants, Henry Guevara, B.S.N., R.N., C.O.H.N.-S., American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Edward D.
Frohlich, M.D., American College of Cardiology, Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D., American College of Chest Physicians, Ron Stout, M.D.,
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Jerome D. Cohen, M.D., American College of Physicians, Carlos
Vallbona, M.D., American College of Preventive Medicine, James R. Sowers, M.D., American Diabetes Association, Inc., Mary C.
Winston, Ed.D., R.D., American Dietetic Association, Daniel W. Jones, M.D., American Heart Association, Roxane Spitzer, Ph.D.,
F.A.A.N., American Hospital Association, Nancy Houston Miller, B.S.N., American Nurses’ Association, Linda Casser, O.D., American
Optometric Association, William A. Nickey, D.O., American Osteopathic Association, Raymond W. Roberts, Pharm.D., American
Pharmaceutical Association, Pamela J. Colman, D.P.M., American Podiatric Medical Association, Nancy McKelvey, M.S.N., R.N.,
American Red Cross, Barry L. Carter, Pharm.D., F.C.C.P., American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Norman M. Kaplan, M.D.,
American Society of Hypertension, Jackson T. Wright, M.D., Ph.D., Association of Black Cardiologists, Gerald J. Wilson, M.B.A.,
Citizens for Public Action on Blood Pressure and Cholesterol, Inc., Joseph L. Izzo, Jr., M.D., Council on Geriatric Cardiology, James W.
Reed, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.E., International Society on Hypertension in Blacks, Rita Strickland, Ed.D., R.N., National Black Nurses
Association, Inc., William Manger, M.D., Ph.D., National Hypertension Association, Inc., Murray Epstein, M.D., National Kidney
Foundation, Inc., Otelio S. Randall, M.D., F.A.C.C., National Medical Association, Edwin Marshall, O.D., M.P.H., National
Optometric Association, Harold W. “Pete” Todd, National Stroke Association, Kathryn M. Kolasa, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.N., Society for
Nutrition Education
Federal Agency Liaison Coordinating Committee Representatives
Keith Ferdinand, M.D., F.A.C.C., NHLBI Ad Hoc Committee on Minority Populations, Francis D. Chesley, M.D., Agency for Health
Care Policy and Research, H. Mitchell Perry, Jr., M.D., Department of Veterans Affairs, Jay Merchant, M.H.A., Health Care Financing
Administration, Vicki Burt, R.N., Sc.M., National Center for Health Statistics, Elizabeth H. Singer, M.S., National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
An estimated 97 million adults in the United
States are overweight or obese, a condition that
substantially raises their risk of morbidity from
hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes,
coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder dis-
ease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory
problems, and endometrial, breast, prostate, and
colon cancers. Higher body weights are also asso-
ciated with increases in all-cause mortality. Obese
individuals may also suffer from social stigmati-
zation and discrimination. As a major contributor
to preventive death in the United States today,
overweight and obesity pose a major public
health challenge.
Overweight is here defined as a body mass index
(BMI) of 25 to 29.9 kg/m
and obesity as a BMI
of 30 kg/m
. However, overweight and obesity
are not mutually exclusive, since obese persons
are also overweight. A BMI of 30 is about 30 lb
overweight and equivalent to 221 lb in a 6'0"
person and to 186 lb in one 5'6". The number
of overweight and obese men and women has
risen since 1960; in the last decade the percent-
age of people in these categories has increased to
54.9 percent of adults age 20 years or older.
Overweight and obesity are especially evident in
some minority groups, as well as in those with
lower incomes and less education.
Obesity is a complex multifactorial chronic dis-
ease that develops from an interaction of geno-
type and the environment. Our understanding of
how and why obesity develops is incomplete, but
involves the integration of social, behavioral, cul-
tural, physiological, metabolic and genetic factors.
While there is agreement about the health risks
of overweight and obesity, there is less agreement
about their management. Some have argued
against treating obesity because of the difficulty
in maintaining long-term weight loss and of
potentially negative consequences of the fre-
quently seen pattern of weight cycling in obese
subjects. Others argue that the potential hazards
of treatment do not outweigh the known hazards
of being obese. The intent of these guidelines is
to provide evidence for the effects of treatment
on overweight and obesity. The guidelines focus
on the role of the primary care practitioner in
treating overweight and obesity.
Evidence-Based Guidelines
To evaluate published information and to deter-
mine the most appropriate treatment strategies
that would constitute evidence-based clinical
guidelines on overweight and obesity for physi-
cians and associated health professionals in clini-
cal practice, health care policy makers, and clini-
cal investigators, the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institutes Obesity Education Initiative in
cooperation with the National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases con-
vened the Expert Panel on the Identification,
Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and
Obesity in Adults in May 1995. The guidelines
are based on a systematic review of the published
scientific literature found in MEDLINE from
January 1980 to September 1997 of topics iden-
tified by the panel as key to extrapolating the
data related to the obesity evidence model.
Evidence from approximately 394 randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) was considered by the
The panel is comprised of 24 members, 8 ex-
officio members, and a methodologist consul-
tant. Areas of expertise contributed to by panel
members included primary care, epidemiology,
clinical nutrition, exercise physiology, psycholo-
gy, physiology, and pulmonary disease. There
were five meetings of the full panel and two
additional meetings of the executive committee
comprised of the panel chair and four panel
The San Antonio Cochrane Center assisted the
panel in the literature abstraction and in orga-
nizing the data into appropriate evidence tables.
The center pretested and used a standardized
25-page form or “Critical Review Status Sheet”
for the literature abstraction. Ultimately, 236
RCT articles were abstracted and the data were
then compiled into individual evidence tables
developed for each RCT. The data from these
RCTs served as the basis for many of the recom-
mendations contained in the guidelines.
The panel determined the criteria for deciding
on the appropriateness of an article. At a mini-
mum, studies had to have a time frame from
start to finish of at least 4 months. The only
exceptions were a few 3-month studies related to
dietary therapy and pharmacotherapy. To con-
sider the question of long-term maintenance,
studies with outcome data provided at approxi-
mately 1 year or longer were examined.
Excluded were studies in which self-reported
weights by subjects were the only indicators used
to measure weight loss. No exclusions of studies
were made by study size. The panel weighed the
evidence based on a thorough examination of
the threshold or magnitude of the treatment
effect. Each evidence statement (other than
those with no available evidence) and each rec-
ommendation is categorized by a level of evi-
dence which ranges from A to D. Table ES-1
summarizes the categories of evidence by their
source and provides a definition for each category.
Who is at Risk?
All overweight and obese
adults (age 18 years of age or older) with a
BMI of 25 are considered at risk for devel-
oping associated morbidities or diseases such
as hypertension, high blood cholesteral, type
2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and other
diseases. Individuals with a BMI of 25 to
29.9 are considered overweight, while individ-
uals with a BMI 30 are considered obese.
Treatment of overweight is recommended
only when patients have two or more risk fac-
tors or a high waist circumference. It should
focus on altering dietary and physical activity
patterns to prevent development of obesity
and to produce moderate weight loss.
Treatment of obesity should focus on produc-
ing substantial weight loss over a prolonged
period. The presence of comorbidities in over-
weight and obese patients should be consid-
ered when deciding on treatment options.
Why Treat Overweight and Obesity?
Obesity is
clearly associated with increased morbidity
and mortality. There is strong evidence that
weight loss in overweight and obese individu-
als reduces risk factors for diabetes and car-
diovascular disease (CVD). Strong evidence
exists that weight loss reduces blood pressure
in both overweight hypertensive and nonhy-
pertensive individuals; reduces serum triglyc-
erides and increases high-density lipoprotein
(HDL)-cholesterol; and generally produces
some reduction in total serum cholesterol and
low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol.
Weight loss reduces blood glucose levels in
overweight and obese persons without dia-
betes; and weight loss also reduces blood glu-
cose levels and HbA
in some patients with
type 2 diabetes. Although there have been no
prospective trials to show changes in mortality
with weight loss in obese patients, reductions
in risk factors would suggest that develop-
Sources of
controlled trials
(rich body of
Evidence is from endpoints of well-designed RCTs (or trials
that depart only minimally from randomization) that provide
a consistent pattern of findings in the population for which
the recommendation is made. Category A therefore requires
substantial numbers of studies involving substantial numbers
of participants.
controlled trials
(limited body
of data)
Evidence is from endpoints of intervention studies that
include only a limited number of RCTs, post hoc or subgroup
analysis of RCTs, or meta-analysis of RCTs. In general,
Category B pertains when few randomized trials exist, they are
small in size, and the trial results are somewhat inconsistent, or
the trials were undertaken in a population that differs from the
target population of the recommendation.
Evidence is from outcomes of uncontrolled or nonrandomized
trials or from observational studies.
Expert judgment is based on the panel’s synthesis of evidence
from experimental research described in the literature and/or
derived from the consensus of panel members based on clinical
experience or knowledge that does not meet the above-listed
criteria. This category is used only in cases where the provision
of some guidance was deemed valuable but an adequately
compelling clinical literature addressing the subject of the rec-
ommendation was deemed insufficient to justify placement in
one of the other categories (A through C).
Table ES-1:
ment of type 2 diabetes and CVD would be
reduced with weight loss.
What Treatments Are Effective?
A variety of
effective options exist for the management of
overweight and obese patients, including
dietary therapy approaches such as low-calorie
diets and lower-fat diets; altering physical
activity patterns; behavior therapy techniques;
pharmacotherapy*; surgery; and combinations
of these techniques.
Clinical Guidelines
Treatment of the overweight or obese patient is a
two-step process: assessment and treatment man-
agement. Assessment requires determination of
the degree of overweight and overall risk status.
Management includes both reducing excess body
weight and instituting other measures to control
accompanying risk factors.
When assessing a patient for risk
status and as a candidate for weight loss therapy,
consider the patient’s BMI, waist circumference,
and overall risk status. Consideration also needs
to be given to the patients motivation to lose
Body Mass Index.
The BMI, which describes
relative weight for height, is significantly cor-
related with total body fat content. The BMI
should be used to assess overweight and obesi-
ty and to monitor changes in body weight. In
addition, measurements of body weight alone
can be used to determine efficacy of weight
loss therapy. BMI is calculated as weight
(kg)/height squared (m
). To estimate BMI
using pounds and inches, use: [weight
(pounds)/height (inches)
] x 703. Weight clas-
sifications by BMI, selected for use in this
report, are shown in Table ES-2. A conversion
table of heights and weights resulting in
selected BMI units is provided in Table ES-3.
Waist Circumference.
The presence of excess
fat in the abdomen out of proportion to total
body fat is an independent predictor of risk
factors and morbidity. Waist circumference is
positively correlated with abdominal fat con-
tent. It provides a clinically acceptable mea-
surement for assessing a patient's abdominal
fat content before and during weight loss
treatment. The sex-specific cutoffs noted on
the next page can be used to identify
Obesity Class BMI (kg/m
Underweight < 18.5
Normal 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9
Obesity I 30.0 – 34.9
II 35.0 – 39.9
Extreme Obesity III 40
* As of September 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested the voluntary withdrawal from the market of dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine due
to a reported association between valvular heart disease and the use of dexfenfluramine or fenfluramine alone or combined with phentermine. The use of these
drugs for weight reduction, therefore, is not recommended in this report. Sibutramine is approved by FDA for long-term use. It has limited but definite effects on
weight loss and can facilitate weight loss maintenance (Note: FDA approval for orlistat is pending a resolution of labeling issues and results of Phase III trials.)
increased relative risk for the development of
obesity-associated risk factors in most adults
with a BMI of 25 to 34.9 kg/m
These waist circumference cutpoints lose their
incremental predictive power in patients with
a BMI 35 kg/m
because these patients will
exceed the cutpoints noted above. Table ES-4
adds the disease risk of increased abdominal
fat to the disease risk of BMI. These cate-
gories denote relative risk, not absolute risk;
that is, relative to risk at normal weight. They
should not be equated with absolute risk,
which is determined by a summation of risk
factors. They relate to the need to institute
weight loss therapy and do not directly define
the required intensity of modification of risk
factors associated with obesity.
Risk Status.
Assessment of a patient’s absolute
risk status requires examination for the pres-
ence of:
Disease conditions:
established coronary heart
disease (CHD), other atherosclerotic diseases,
type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea; patients with
these conditions are classified as being at very
high risk for disease complications and mor-
Other obesity-associated diseases:
cal abnormalities, osteoarthritis, gallstones
and their complications, and stress inconti-
Cardiovascular risk factors:
cigarette smoking,
hypertension (systolic blood pressure 140
mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure 90 mm
Hg, or the patient is taking antihypertensive
agents), high-risk LDL-cholesterol (160
mg/dL), low HDL-cholesterol (< 35 mg/dL),
impaired fasting glucose (fasting plasma glu-
cose of 110 to 125 mg/dL), family history of
premature CHD (definite myocardial infarc-
tion or sudden death at or before 55 years of
age in father or other male first-degree rela-
tive, or at or before 65 years of age in mother
or other female first-degree relative), and age
(men 45 years and women 55 years or
postmenopausal). Patients can be classified as
being at high absolute risk if they have three
of the aforementioned risk factors. Patients at
high absolute risk usually require clinical
management of risk factors to reduce risk.
Patients who are overweight or obese often
have other cardiovascular risk factors.
Methods for estimating absolute risk status for
developing cardiovascular disease based on
these risk factors are described in detail in the
National Cholesterol Education Programs
Second Report of the Expert Panel on the
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High
Blood Cholesterol in Adults (NCEP’s ATP II)
and the Sixth Report of the Joint National
Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure (JNC VI). The intensity of interven-
tion for cholesterol disorders or hypertension
is adjusted according to the absolute risk sta-
tus estimated from multiple risk correlates.
These include both the risk factors listed
above and evidence of end-organ damage pre-
sent in hypertensive patients. Approaches to
therapy for cholesterol disorders and hyper-
tension are described in ATP II and JNC VI,
respectively. In overweight patients, control of
cardiovascular risk factors deserves equal
emphasis as weight reduction therapy.
Reduction of risk factors will reduce the risk
for cardiovascular disease whether or not
efforts at weight loss are successful.
Other risk factors:
physical inactivity and
high serum triglycerides (> 200 mg/dL).
When these factors are present, patients can
Men > 102 cm ( > 40 in)
Women > 88 cm ( > 35 in)
Table ES-3:
Body weight in pounds (kg)
Height in inches (cm) BMI 25 kg/m
BMI 27 kg/m
BMI 30 kg/m
58 (147.32) 119 (53.98) 129 (58.51) 143 (64.86)
59 (149.86) 124 (56.25) 133 (60.33) 148 (67.13)
60 (152.40) 128 (58.06) 138 (62.60) 153 (69.40)
61 (154.94) 132 (59.87) 143 (64.86) 158 (71.67)
62 (157.48) 136 (61.69) 147 (66.68) 164 (74.39)
63(160.02) 141 (63.96) 152 (68.95) 169 (76.66)
64 (162.56) 145 (65.77) 157 (71.21) 174 (78.93)
65 (165.10) 150 (68.04) 162 (73.48) 180 (81.65)
66 (167.64) 155 (70.31) 167 (75.75) 186 (84.37)
67 (170.18) 159 (72.12) 172 (78.02) 191 (86.64)
68 (172.72) 164 (74.39) 177 (80.29) 197 (89.36)
69 (175.26) 169 (76.66) 182 (82.56) 203 (92.08)
70 (177.80) 174 (78.93) 188 (85.28) 207 (93.89)
71 (180.34) 179 (81.19) 193 (87.54) 215 (97.52)
72 (182.88) 184 (83.46) 199 (90.27) 221 (100.25)
73 (185.42) 189 (85.73) 204 (92.53) 227 (102.97)
74 (187.96) 194 (88.00) 210 (95.26) 233 (105.69)
75 (190.50) 200 (90.72) 216 (97.98) 240 (108.86)
76 (193.04) 205 (92.99) 221(100.25) 246 (111.58)
Metric conversion formula = Non-metric conversion formula =
weight (kg)/height (m)
[weight (pounds)/height (inches)
] x 703
Example of BMI calculation: Example of BMI calculation:
A person who weighs 78.93 kilograms and is A person who weighs 164 pounds and is
177 centimeters tall has a BMI of 25: 68 inches (or 5' 8") tall has a BMI of 25:
weight (78.93 kg)/height (1.77 m)
= 25
weight (164 pounds)/height (68 inches)
703 = 25
Disease Risk* Relative to Normal Weight
and Waist Circumference
Obesity Men 102 cm ( 40 in) > 102 cm (> 40 in)
BMI (kg/m
) Class Women 88 cm ( 35 in) > 88 cm (> 35 in)
Underweight <18.5
18.5 –24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9 Increased High
Obesity 30.0 – 34.9 I High Very High
35.0 – 39.9 II Very High Very High
Extreme Obesity 40 III Extremely High Extremely High
* Disease risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and CVD.
+ Increased waist circumference can also be a marker for increased risk even in persons of normal weight.
be considered to have incremental absolute
risk above that estimated from the preceding
risk factors. Quantitative risk contribution is
not available for these risk factors, but their
presence heightens the need for weight reduc-
tion in obese persons.
Patient Motivation.
When assessing the
patient’s motivation to enter weight loss ther-
apy, the following factors should be evaluated:
reasons and motivation for weight reduction;
previous history of successful and unsuccess-
ful weight loss attempts; family, friends, and
work-site support; the patient’s understanding
of the causes of obesity and how obesity con-
tributes to several diseases; attitude toward
physical activity; capacity to engage in physi-
cal activity; time availability for weight loss
intervention; and financial considerations. In
addition to considering these issues, the
health care practitioner needs to heighten a
patient’s motivation for weight loss and pre-
pare the patient for treatment. This can be
done by enumerating the dangers accompany-
ing persistent obesity and by describing the
strategy for clinically assisted weight reduc-
tion. Reviewing the patients’ past attempts at
weight loss and explaining how the new treat-
ment plan will be different can encourage
patients and provide hope for successful
weight loss.
Evaluation and Treatment:
The general goals of
weight loss and management are: (1) at a mini-
mum, to prevent further weight gain; (2) to
reduce body weight; and (3) to maintain a lower
body weight over the long term. The overall
strategy for the evaluation and treatment of
overweight and obese patients is presented in the
Treatment Algorithm on the next page. This
algorithm applies only to the assessment for
overweight and obesity and subsequent decisions
Table ES-4:
Patient Encounter
Hx of 25 BMI?
Measure weight,
height, and waist
Calculate BMI
Brief reinforcement/
educate on weight
Periodic Weight
Advise to maintain
other risk factors
Clinician and patient
devise goals and
treatment strategy for
weight loss and risk
factor control
Assess reasons for
failure to lose weight
Maintenance counseling:
• Dietary therapy
• Behavior therapy
• Physical activity
Assess risk factors
Ye s
15 13
11 10
4 6
Ye s
Ye s
measured in past
2 years?
Hx BMI 25?
Ye s
Ye s
patient want to
lose weight?
Ye s
being made/goal
waist circumference
> 88 cm (F)
> 102 cm (M)
30 OR
{[BMI 25 to 29.9
OR waist circumference
cm (F)
102 cm (M)]
2 risk
Treatment Algorithm*
* This algorithm applies only to the assessment for overweight and obesity and subsequent decisions based on that assessment. It does not include any initial overall assessment for
cardiovascular risk factors or diseases that are indicated.
based on that assessment. It does not include
any initial overall assessment for cardiovascular
risk factors or diseases that are indicated.
Goals of Weight Loss and Management.
The initial goal of weight loss therapy is to
reduce body weight by approximately 10 per-
cent from baseline. If this goal is achieved,
further weight loss can be attempted, if indi-
cated through further evaluation.
A reasonable time line for a 10 percent reduc-
tion in body weight is 6 months of therapy.
For overweight patients with BMIs in the typ-
ical range of 27 to 35, a decrease of 300 to
500 kcal/day will result in weight losses of
2 to 1 lb/week and a 10 percent loss in
6 months. For more severely obese patients
with BMIs > 35, deficits of up to 500 to
1,000 kcal/day will lead to weight losses of
about 1 to 2 lb/week and a 10 percent weight
loss in 6 months. Weight loss at the rate of 1
to 2 lb/week (calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000
kcal/day) commonly occurs for up to 6
months. After 6 months, the rate of weight
loss usually declines and weight plateaus
because of a lesser energy expenditure at the
lower weight.
Experience reveals that lost weight usually will
be regained unless a weight maintenance pro-
gram consisting of dietary therapy, physical
activity, and behavior therapy is continued
After 6 months of weight loss treatment,
efforts to maintain weight loss should be put
in place. If more weight loss is needed, anoth-
er attempt at weight reduction can be made.
This will require further adjustment of the
diet and physical activity prescriptions.
For patients unable to achieve significant
weight reduction, prevention of further
weight gain is an important goal; such
patients may also need to participate in a
weight management program.
Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight
Dietary Therapy:
A diet that is individually
planned and takes into account the patients
overweight status in order to help create a
deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day should be an
integral part of any weight loss program. A
patient may choose a diet of 1,000 to 1,200
kcal/day for women and 1,200 to 1,500
kcal/day for men. Depending on the patients
risk status, the low-calorie diet (LCD) recom-
mended should be consistent with the
NCEP’s Step I or Step II Diet (see page 74 of
the guidelines). Besides decreasing saturated
fat, total fats should be 30 percent or less of
total calories. Reducing the percentage of
dietary fat alone will not produce weight loss
unless total calories are also reduced.
Isocaloric replacement of fat with carbohy-
drates will reduce the percentage of calories
from fat but will not cause weight loss.
Reducing dietary fat, along with reducing
dietary carbohydrates, usually will be needed
to produce the caloric deficit needed for an
acceptable weight loss. When fat intake is
reduced, priority should be given to reducing
saturated fat to enhance lowering of LDL-
cholesterol levels. Frequent contacts with the
practitioner during dietary therapy help to
promote weight loss and weight maintenance
at a lower weight.
Physical Activity:
An increase in physical
activity is an important component of weight
loss therapy, although it will not lead to sub-
stantially greater weight loss over 6 months.
Most weight loss occurs because of decreased
caloric intake. Sustained physical activity is
most helpful in the prevention of weight
regain. In addition, it has a benefit in reduc-
ing cardiovascular and diabetes risks beyond
that produced by weight reduction alone. For
most obese patients, exercise should be initiat-
ed slowly, and the intensity should be
increased gradually. The exercise can be done
all at one time or intermittently over the day.
Initial activities may be walking or swimming
at a slow pace. The patient can start by walk-
ing 30 minutes for 3 days a week and can
build to 45 minutes of more intense walking
at least 5 days a week. With this regimen, an
additional expenditure of 100 to 200 calories
per day can be achieved. All adults should set
a long-term goal to accumulate at least 30
minutes or more of moderate-intensity physi-
cal activity on most, and preferably all, days
of the week. This regimen can be adapted to
other forms of physical activity, but walking is
particularly attractive because of its safety and
accessibility. Patients should be encouraged to
increase “every day” activities such as taking
the stairs instead of the elevator. With time,
depending on progress and functional capaci-
ty, the patient may engage in more strenuous
activities. Competitive sports, such as tennis
and volleyball, can provide an enjoyable form
of exercise for many, but care must be taken
to avoid injury. Reducing sedentary time is
another strategy to increase activity by under-
taking frequent, less strenuous activities.
Behavior Therapy:
Strategies, based on learn-
ing principles such as reinforcement, that pro-
vide tools for overcoming barriers to compli-
ance with dietary therapy and/or increased
physical activity are helpful in achieving
weight loss and weight maintenance. Specific
strategies include self-monitoring of both eat-
ing habits and physical activity, stress manage-
ment, stimulus control, problem solving, con-
tingency management, cognitive restructur-
ing, and social support.
Combined Therapy:
A combined intervention
of behavior therapy, an LCD, and increased
physical activity provides the most successful
therapy for weight loss and weight mainte-
nance. This type of intervention should be
maintained for at least 6 months before con-
sidering pharmacotherapy.
In carefully selected
patients, appropriate drugs can augment
LCDs, physical activity, and behavior therapy
in weight loss. Weight loss drugs that have
been approved by the FDA for long-term use
can be useful adjuncts to dietary therapy and
physical activity for some patients with a BMI
of 30 with no concomitant risk factors or
diseases, and for patients with a BMI of 27
with concomitant risk factors or diseases. The
risk factors and diseases considered important
enough to warrant pharmacotherapy at a
BMI of 27 to 29.9 are hypertension, dyslipi-
demia, CHD, type 2 diabetes, and sleep
apnea. Continual assessment by the physician
of drug therapy for efficacy and safety is nec-
At the present time, sibutramine is available
for long-term use. (Note: FDA approval of
orlistat is pending a resolution of labeling
issues and results of Phase III trials.) It
enhances weight loss modestly and can help
facilitate weight loss maintenance. Potential
side effects with drugs, nonetheless, must be
kept in mind. With sibutramine, increases in
blood pressure and heart rate may occur.
Sibutramine should not be used in patients
with a history of hypertension, CHD, conges-
tive heart failure, arrhythmias, or history of
stroke. With orlistat, fat soluble vitamins may
require replacement because of partial malab-
sorption. All patients should be carefully
monitored for these side effects.
Weight Loss Surgery:
Weight loss surgery is
one option for weight reduction in a limited
number of patients with clinically severe obe-
sity, i.e., BMIs 40 or 35 with comorbid
conditions. Weight loss surgery should be
reserved for patients in whom efforts at med-
ical therapy have failed and who are suffering
from the complications of extreme obesity.
Gastrointestinal surgery (gastric restriction
[vertical gastric banding] or gastric bypass
[Roux-en Y]) is an intervention weight loss
option for motivated subjects with acceptable
operative risks. An integrated program must
be in place to provide guidance on diet, phys-
ical activity, and behavioral and social support
both prior to and after the surgery.
Adapt Weight Loss Programs To Meet the
Needs of Diverse Patients.
Standard treat-
ment approaches for overweight and obesity
must be tailored to the needs of various
patients or patient groups. Large individual
variation exists within any social or cultural
group; furthermore, substantial overlap
among subcultures occurs within the larger
society. There is, therefore, no “cookbook” or
standardized set of rules to optimize weight
reduction with a given type of patient.
However, to be more culturally sensitive and
to incorporate patient characteristics in obesi-
ty treatment programs: consider and adapt
the setting and staffing for the program; con-
sider how the obesity treatment program inte-
grates into other aspects of patient health care
and self care; and expect and allow for pro-
gram modifications based on patient respons-
es and preferences.
The issues of weight reduction after age 65
involve such questions as: does weight loss
reduce risk factors in older adults; are there
risks associated with obesity treatment that
are unique to older adults; and does weight
reduction prolong the lives of older adults?
Although there is less certainty about the
importance of treating overweight at older
ages than at younger ages, a clinical decision
to forgo obesity treatment in older adults
should be guided by an evaluation of the
potential benefit of weight reduction and the
reduction of risk for future cardiovascular
In the obese patient who smokes, smoking
cessation is a major goal of risk factor man-
agement. Many well-documented health ben-
efits accompany smoking cessation, but a
major obstacle to cessation has been the
attendant weight gain observed in about 80
percent of quitters. This weight gain averages
4.5 to 7 lb, but in 13 percent of women and
10 percent of men, weight gain exceeds 28 lb.
Weight gain that accompanies smoking cessa-
tion has been quite resistant to most dietary,
behavioral, or physical activity interventions.
The weight gained with smoking cessation is
less likely to produce negative health conse-
quences than would continued smoking. For
this reason, smoking cessation should be
strongly advocated regardless of baseline
weight. Prevention of weight gain through
diet and physical activity should be stressed.
For practical reasons, it may be prudent to
avoid initiating smoking cessation and weight
loss therapy simultaneously. If weight gain
ensues after smoking cessation, it should be
managed vigorously according to the guide-
lines outlined in this report. Although short-
term weight gain is a common side effect of
smoking cessation, this gain does not rule out
the possibility of long-term weight control.
The recommendation to treat overweight and
obesity is based not only on evidence that relates
obesity to increased mortality but also on RCT
evidence that weight loss reduces risk factors for
disease. Thus, weight loss may not only help
control diseases worsened by obesity, it may also
help decrease the likelihood of developing these
diseases. The panel reviewed RCT evidence to
determine the effect of weight loss on blood
pressure and hypertension, serum/plasma lipid
concentrations, and fasting blood glucose and
fasting insulin. Recommendations focusing on
these conditions underscore the advantages of
weight loss.
1. Blood Pressure
To evaluate the effect of weight loss on blood
pressure and hypertension, 76 articles reporting
RCTs were considered for inclusion in these
guidelines. Of the 45 accepted articles, 35 were
lifestyle trials and 10 were pharmacotherapy tri-
als. There is strong and consistent evidence from
these lifestyle trials in both overweight hyperten-
sive and nonhypertensive patients that weight
loss produced by lifestyle modifications reduces
blood pressure levels. Limited evidence exists
that decreases in abdominal fat will reduce blood
pressure in overweight nonhypertensive individ-
uals, although not independent of weight loss,
and there is considerable evidence that increased
aerobic activity to increase cardiorespiratory fit-
ness reduces blood pressure (independent of
weight loss). There is also suggestive evidence
from randomized trials that weight loss pro-
duced by most weight loss medications, except
for sibutramine, in combination with adjuvant
lifestyle modifications will be accompanied by
reductions in blood pressure. Based on a review
of the evidence from the 45 RCT blood pressure
articles, the panel makes the following recom-
Weight loss is recommended to lower ele-
vated blood pressure in overweight and
obese persons with high blood pressure.
Evidence Category A.
2. Serum/Plasma Lipids
Sixty-five RCT articles were evaluated for the
effect of weight loss on serum/plasma concentra-
tions of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, very
low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-cholesterol,
triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol. Studies were
conducted on individuals over a range of obesity
and lipid levels. Of the 22 articles accepted for
inclusion in these guidelines, 14 RCT articles
examined lifestyle trials while the remaining 8
articles reviewed pharmacotherapy trials. There
is strong evidence from the 14 lifestyle trials that
weight loss produced by lifestyle modifications
in overweight individuals is accompanied by
reductions in serum triglycerides and by increas-
es in HDL-cholesterol. Weight loss generally
produces some reductions in serum total choles-
terol and LDL-cholesterol. Limited evidence
exists that a decrease in abdominal fat correlates
with improvements in lipids, although the effect
may not be independent of weight loss, and
there is strong evidence that increased aerobic
activity to increase cardiorespiratory fitness
favorably affects blood lipids, particularly if
accompanied by weight loss. There is suggestive
evidence from the eight randomized pharma-
cotherapy trials that weight loss produced by
weight loss medications and adjuvant lifestyle
modifications, including caloric restriction and
physical activity, does not result in consistent
effects on blood lipids. The following recom-
mendation is based on the review of the data in
these 22 RCT articles:
Weight loss is recommended to lower ele-
vated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cho-
lesterol, and triglycerides, and to raise low
levels of HDL-cholesterol in overweight
and obese persons with dyslipidemia.
Evidence Category A.
3. Blood Glucose
To evaluate the effect of weight loss on fasting
blood glucose and fasting insulin levels, 49 RCT
articles were reviewed for inclusion in these
guidelines. Of the 17 RCT articles accepted, 9
RCT articles examined lifestyle therapy trials
and 8 RCT articles considered the effects of
pharmacotherapy on weight loss and subsequent
changes in blood glucose. There is strong evi-
dence from the nine lifestyle therapy trials that
weight loss produced by lifestyle modification
reduces blood glucose levels in overweight and
obese persons without diabetes, and weight loss
reduces blood glucose levels and HbA
in some
patients with type 2 diabetes. There is suggestive
evidence that decreases in abdominal fat will
improve glucose tolerance in overweight individ-
uals with impaired glucose tolerance, although
not independent of weight loss; and there is lim-
ited evidence that increased cardiorespiratory fit-
ness improves glucose tolerance in overweight
individuals with impaired glucose tolerance or
diabetes, although not independent of weight
loss. In addition, there is suggestive evidence
from randomized trials that weight loss induced
by weight loss medications does not appear to
improve blood glucose levels any better than
weight loss through lifestyle therapy in over-
weight persons both with and without type 2
diabetes. Based on a full review of the data in
these 17 RCT articles, the panel makes the fol-
lowing recommendation:
Weight loss is recommended to lower ele-
vated blood glucose levels in overweight
and obese persons with type 2 diabetes.
Evidence Category A.
Patients should have their BMI and levels of
abdominal fat measured not only for the initial
assessment of the degree of overweight and obe-
sity, but also as a guide to the efficacy of weight
loss treatment. Although there are no RCTs that
review measurements of overweight and obesity,
the panel determined that this aspect of patient
care warranted further consideration and that
this guidance was deemed valuable. Therefore,
the following four recommendations that are
included in the Treatment Guidelines were based
on nonrandomized studies as well as clinical
1. BMI To Assess Overweight and Obesity
There are a number of accurate methods to
assess body fat (e.g., total body water, total body
potassium, bioelectrical impedance, and dual-
energy X-ray absorptiometry), but no trial data
exist to indicate that one measure of fatness is
better than any other for following overweight
and obese patients during treatment. Since mea-
suring body fat by these techniques is often
expensive and is not readily available, a more
practical approach for the clinical setting is the
measurement of BMI; epidemiological and
observational studies have shown that BMI pro-
vides an acceptable approximation of total body
fat for the majority of patients. Because there are
no published studies that compare the effective-
ness of different measures for evaluating changes
in body fat during weight reduction, the panel
bases its recommendation on expert judgment
from clinical experience:
Practitioners should use the BMI to assess
overweight and obesity. Body weight alone
can be used to follow weight loss, and to
determine efficacy of therapy. Evidence
Category C.
2. BMI To Estimate Relative Risk
In epidemiological studies, BMI is the favored
measure of excess weight to estimate relative risk
of disease. BMI correlates both with morbidity
and mortality; the relative risk for CVD risk fac-
tors and CVD incidence increases in a graded
fashion with increasing BMI in all population
groups. Moreover, calculating BMI is simple,
rapid, and inexpensive, and can be applied gen-
erally to adults. The panel, therefore, makes this
The BMI should be used to classify over-
weight and obesity and to estimate rela-
tive risk of disease compared to normal
weight. Evidence Category C.
3. Assessing Abdominal Fat
For the most effective technique for assessing
abdominal fat content, the panel considered
measures of waist circumference, waist-to-hip
ratio (WHR), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), and computed tomography. Evidence
from epidemiological studies shows waist cir-
cumference to be a better marker of abdominal
fat content than WHR, and that it is the most
practical anthropometric measurement for
assessing a patient’s abdominal fat content before
and during weight loss treatment. Computed
tomography and MRI are both more accurate
but impractical for routine clinical use. Based on
evidence that waist circumference is a better
marker than WHR—and taking into account
that the MRI and computed tomography tech-
niques are expensive and not readily available for
clinical practice—the panel makes the following
The waist circumference should be used to
assess abdominal fat content. Evidence
Category C.
4. Sex-Specific Measurements
Evidence from epidemiological studies indicates
that a high waist circumference is associated
with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, dys-
lipidemia, hypertension, and CVD. Therefore,
the panel judged that sex-specific cutoffs for
waist circumference can be used to identify
increased risk associated with abdominal fat in
adults with a BMI in the range of 25 to 34.9.
These cutpoints can be applied to all adult eth-
nic or racial groups. On the other hand, if a
patient is very short, or has a BMI above the 25
to 34.9 range, waist cutpoints used for the gen-
eral population may not be applicable. Based on
the evidence from nonrandomized studies, the
panel makes this recommendation:
For adult patients with a BMI of 25 to
34.9 kg/m
, sex-specific waist circumference
cutoffs should be used in conjunction with
BMI to identify increased disease risks.
Evidence Category C.
The general goals of weight loss and manage-
ment are to reduce body weight, to maintain a
lower body weight over the long term, and to
prevent further weight gain. Evidence indicates
that a moderate weight loss can be maintained
over time if some form of therapy continues. It
is better to maintain a moderate weight loss over
a prolonged period than to regain from a
marked weight loss.
1. Initial Goal of Weight Loss from Baseline
There is strong and consistent evidence from
randomized trials that overweight and obese
patients in well-designed programs can achieve a
weight loss of as much as 10 percent of baseline
weight. In the diet trials, an average of 8 percent
of baseline weight was lost. Since this average
includes persons who did not lose weight, an
individualized goal of 10 percent is reasonable.
The panel, therefore, recommends that:
The initial goal of weight loss therapy
should be to reduce body weight by approx-
imately 10 percent from baseline. With
success, further weight loss can be attempt-
ed if indicated through further assessment.
Evidence Category A.
2. Amount of Weight Loss
Randomized trials suggest that weight loss at the
rate of 1 to 2 lb/week (calorie deficit of 500 to
1,000 kcal/day) commonly occurs for up to 6
Weight loss should be about 1 to 2 lb/week
for a period of 6 months, with the subse-
quent strategy based on the amount of
weight lost. Evidence Category B.
The panel reviewed relevant treatment strategies
designed for weight loss that can also be used to
foster long-term weight control and prevention
of weight gain. The consequent recommenda-
tions emphasize the potential effectiveness of
weight control using multiple interventions and
strategies, including dietary therapy, physical
activity, behavior therapy, pharmacotherapy, and
surgery, as well as combinations of these strate-
1. Dietary Therapy
The panel reviewed 86 RCT articles to deter-
mine the effectiveness of diets on weight loss
(including LCDs, very low-calorie diets
(VLCDs), vegetarian diets, American Heart
Association dietary guidelines, the NCEP’s Step
I diet with caloric restriction, and other low-fat
regimens with varying combinations of
macronutrients). Of the 86 articles reviewed, 48
were accepted for inclusion in these guidelines.
These RCTs indicate strong and consistent evi-
dence that an average weight loss of 8 percent of
initial body weight can be obtained over 3 to 12
months with an LCD and that this weight loss
effects a decrease in abdominal fat; and,
although lower-fat diets without targeted caloric
reduction help promote weight loss by produc-
ing a reduced caloric intake, lower-fat diets with
targeted caloric reduction promote greater
weight loss than lower-fat diets alone. Further,
VLCDs produce greater initial weight losses
than LCDs (over the long term of >1 year,
weight loss is not different than that of the
LCDs). In addition, randomized trials suggest
that no improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness
as measured by VO
max appears to occur in
obese adults who lose weight on LCDs alone
without physical activity. The following recom-
mendations are based on the evidence extracted
from the 48 accepted articles:
LCDs are recommended for weight loss in
overweight and obese persons. Evidence
Category A. Reducing fat as part of an
LCD is a practical way to reduce calories.
Evidence Category A.
Reducing dietary fat alone without reduc-
ing calories is not sufficient for weight loss.
However, reducing dietary fat, along with
reducing dietary carbohydrates, can facili-
tate caloric reduction. Evidence Category A.
A diet that is individually planned to help
create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day
should be an intregal part of any program
aimed at achieving a weight loss of 1 to 2
lb/week. Evidence Category A.
2. Physical Activity
Effects of Physical Activity on Weight Loss
Twenty-three RCT articles were reviewed to
determine the effect of physical activity on
weight loss, abdominal fat (measured by waist
circumference), and changes in cardiorespiratory
fitness (VO
max). Thirteen of these articles
were accepted for inclusion in these guidelines.
A review of these articles reveals strong evidence
that physical activity alone, i.e., aerobic exercise,
in obese adults results in modest weight loss and
that physical activity in overweight and obese
adults increases cardiorespiratory fitness, inde-
pendent of weight loss. Randomized trials sug-
gest that increased physical activity in over-
weight and obese adults reduces abdominal fat
only modestly or not at all, and that regular
physical activity independently reduces the risk
for CVD. The panel’s recommendation on phys-
ical activity is based on the evidence from these
13 articles:
Physical activity is recommended as part of
a comprehensive weight loss therapy and
weight control program because it: (1)
modestly contributes to weight loss in over-
weight and obese adults (Evidence
Category A), (2) may decrease abdominal
fat (Evidence Category B), (3) increases
cardiorespiratory fitness (Evidence Category
A), and (4) may help with maintenance of
weight loss (Evidence Category C).
Physical activity should be an integral part
of weight loss therapy and weight mainte-
nance. Initially, moderate levels of physical
activity for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 to 5 days
a week, should be encouraged. All adults
should set a long-term goal to accumulate
at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-
intensity physical activity on most, and
preferably all, days of the week. Evidence
Category B.
Effects of Physical Activity and Diet on Weight
Loss (Combined Therapy)
Twenty-three RCT articles were reviewed to
determine the effects on body weight of a com-
bination of a reduced-calorie diet with increased
physical activity. Fifteen of these articles were
accepted for inclusion in the guidelines. These
articles contain strong evidence that the combi-
nation of a reduced-calorie diet and increased
physical activity produces greater weight loss
than diet alone or physical activity alone, and
that the combination of diet and physical activi-
ty improves cardiorespiratory fitness as measured
by VO
max in overweight and obese adults
when compared to diet alone. The combined
effect of a reduced calorie diet and increased-
physical activity seemingly produced modestly
greater reductions in abdominal fat than either
diet alone or physical activity alone, although it
has not been shown to be independent of weight
loss. The panel’s following recommendations are
based on the evidence from these articles:
The combination of a reduced calorie diet
and increased physical activity is recom-
mended since it produces weight loss that
may also result in decreases in abdominal
fat and increases in cardiorespiratory fit-
ness. Evidence Category A.
3. Behavior Therapy
Thirty-six RCTs were reviewed to evaluate
whether behavior therapy provides additional
benefit beyond other weight loss approaches, as
well as to compare various behavioral tech-
niques. Of the 36 RCTs reviewed, 22 were
accepted. These RCTs strongly indicate that
behavioral strategies to reinforce changes in diet
and physical activity in obese adults produce
weight loss in the range of 10 percent over 4
months to 1 year. In addition, no one behavior
therapy appeared superior to any other in its
effect on weight loss; multimodal strategies
appear to work best and those interventions with
the greatest intensity appear to be associated
with the greatest weight loss. Long-term follow-
up of patients undergoing behavior therapy
shows a return to baseline weight for the great
majority of subjects in the absence of continued
behavioral intervention. Randomized trials sug-
gest that behavior therapy, when used in combi-
nation with other weight loss approaches, pro-
vides additional benefits in assisting patients to
lose weight short-term, i.e., 1 year (no additional
benefits are found at 3 to 5 years). The panel
found little evidence on the effect of behavior
therapy on cardiorespiratory fitness. Evidence
from these articles provided the basis for the fol-
lowing recommendation:
Behavior therapy is a useful adjunct when
incorporated into treatment for weight loss
and weight maintenance. Evidence
Category B.
There is also suggestive evidence that patient
motivation is a key component for success in a
weight loss program. The panel, therefore,
makes the following recommendation:
Practitioners need to assess the patient’s
motivation to enter weight loss therapy;
assess the readiness of the patient to imple-
ment the plan and then take appropriate
steps to motivate the patient for treatment.
Evidence Category D.
4. Summary of Lifestyle Therapy
There is strong evidence that combined inter-
ventions of an LCD, increased physical activity,
and behavior therapy provide the most success-
ful therapy for weight loss and weight mainte-
nance. The panel makes the following recom-
Weight loss and weight maintenance therapy
should employ the combination of LCDs,
increased physical activity, and behavior ther-
apy. Evidence Category A.
5. Pharmacotherapy
A review of 44 pharmacotherapy RCT articles
provides strong evidence that pharmacological
therapy (which has generally been studied along
with lifestyle modification, including diet and
physical activity) using dexfenfluramine, sibu-
tramine, orlistat, or phentermine/fenfluramine
results in weight loss in obese adults when used
for 6 months to 1 year. Strong evidence also
indicates that appropriate weight loss drugs can
augment diet, physical activity, and behavior
therapy in weight loss. Adverse side effects from
the use of weight loss drugs have been observed
in patients. As a result of the observed associa-
tion of valvular heart disease in patients taking
fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine alone or in
combination, these drugs have been withdrawn
from the market. Weight loss drugs approved by
the FDA for long-term use may be useful as an
adjunct to diet and physical activity for patients
with a BMI of 30 with no concomitant obesi-
ty-related risk factors or diseases, as well as for
patients with a BMI of 27 with concomitant
risk factors or diseases; moreover, using weight
loss drugs singly (not in combination) and start-
ing with the lowest effective doses can decrease
the likelihood of adverse effects. Based on this
evidence, the panel makes the following recom-
Weight loss drugs approved by the FDA
may be used as part of a comprehensive
weight loss program, including dietary
therapy and physical activity for patients
with a BMI of 30 with no concomitant
obesity-related risk factors or diseases, and
for patients with a BMI of 27 with
concomitant obesity-related risk factors or
diseases. Weight loss drugs should never be
used without concomitant lifestyle modifi-
cations. Continual assessment of drug ther-
apy for efficacy and safety is necessary. If
the drug is efficacious in helping the
patient to lose and/or maintain weight loss
and there are no serious adverse effects, it
can be continued. If not, it should be dis-
continued. Evidence Category B.
6. Weight Loss Surgery
The panel reviewed 14 RCTs that examined the
effect of surgical procedures on weight loss; 8
were deemed appropriate. All of the studies
included individuals who had a BMI of 40
or above, or a BMI of 35 to 40 kg/m
with comorbidity. These trials provide strong
evidence that surgical interventions in adults
with clinically severe obesity, i.e., BMIs 40 or
35 with comorbid conditions, result in sub-
stantial weight loss, and suggestive evidence that
lifelong medical surveillance after surgery is nec-
essary. Therefore, the panel makes the following
Weight loss surgery is an option for careful-
ly selected patients with clinically severe
obesity (BMI 40 or 35 with comorbid
conditions) when less invasive methods of
weight loss have failed and the patient is at
high risk for obesity-associated morbidity
or mortality. Evidence Category B.
Once the goals of weight loss have been success-
fully achieved, maintenance of a lower body
weight becomes the challenge. Whereas studies
have shown that weight loss is achievable, it is
difficult to maintain over a long period of time
(3 to 5 years). In fact, the majority of persons
who lose weight, once dismissed from clinical
therapy, frequently regain it—so the challenge to
the patient and the practitioner is to maintain
the weight loss. Successful weight reduction thus
depends on continuing a maintenance program
on a long-term basis. In the past, obtaining the
goal of weight loss has been considered the end
of weight loss therapy. Observation, monitoring,
and encouragement of patients who have suc-
cessfully lost weight should be continued long
term. The panel’s recommendations on weight
loss maintenance are derived from RCT evi-
dence as well as nonrandomized and observa-
tional studies.
1. Weight Maintenance Phase
RCTs from the Behavior Therapy section above
suggest that lost weight usually will be regained
unless a weight maintenance program consisting
of dietary therapy, physical activity, and behavior
therapy is continued indefinitely. Drug therapy
in addition may be helpful during the weight
maintenance phase. The panel also reviewed
RCT evidence that considered the rate of weight
loss and the role of weight maintenance. These
RCTs suggest that after 6 months of weight loss
treatment, efforts to maintain weight loss are
important. Therefore, the panel recommends the
After successful weight loss, the likelihood
of weight loss maintenance is enhanced by
a program consisting of dietary therapy,
physical activity, and behavior therapy
which should be continued indefinitely.
Drug therapy can also be used. However,
drug safety and efficacy beyond 1 year of
total treatment have not been established.
Evidence Category B.
A weight maintenance program should be
a priority after the initial 6 months of
weight loss therapy. Evidence Category B.
Strong evidence indicates that better weight loss
results are achieved with dietary therapy when
the duration of the intervention is at least 6
months. Suggestive evidence also indicates that
during dietary therapy, frequent contacts
between professional counselors and patients
promote weight loss and maintenance.
Therefore, the panel recommends the following:
The literature suggests that weight loss and
weight maintenance therapies that provide
a greater frequency of contacts between the
patient and the practitioner and are pro-
vided over the long term should be utilized
whenever possible. This can lead to more
successful weight loss and weight mainte-
nance. Evidence Category C.
The needs of special patient groups must be
addressed when considering treatment options
for overweight and obesity. The guidelines focus
on three such groups including smokers, older
adults, and diverse patient populations.
1. Smokers
Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for car-
diopulmonary disease. Because of its attendant
high risk, smoking cessation is a major goal of
risk-factor management. This aim is especially
important in the overweight or obese patient,
who usually carries excess risk from obesity-asso-
ciated risk factors. Thus, smoking cessation in
these patients becomes a high priority for risk
reduction. Smoking and obesity together appar-
ently compound cardiovascular risk, but fear of
weight gain upon smoking cessation is an obsta-
cle for many patients. Therefore, the panel rec-
ommends that:
All smokers, regardless of their weight sta-
tus, should quit smoking. Evidence
Category A. Prevention of weight gain
should be encouraged and if weight gain
does occur, it should be treated through
dietary therapy, physical activity, and
behavior therapy, maintaining the primary
emphasis on the importance of abstinence
from smoking. Evidence Category C.
2. Older Adults
The general nutritional safety of weight reduc-
tion at older ages is of concern because restric-
tions on overall food intake due to dieting could
result in inadequate intake of protein or essential
vitamins or minerals. In addition, involuntary
weight loss indicative of occult disease might be
mistaken for success in voluntary weight reduc-
tion. These concerns can be alleviated by provid-
ing proper nutritional counseling and regular
body weight monitoring in older persons for
whom weight reduction is prescribed. A review
of several studies indicates that age alone should
not preclude treatment for obesity in adult men
and women. In fact, there is evidence from
RCTs that weight reduction has similar effects in
improving cardiovascular disease risk factors in
older and younger adults. Therefore, in the
panel’s judgment:
A clinical decision to forego obesity treat-
ment in older adults should be guided by
an evaluation of the potential benefits of
weight reduction for day-to-day function-
ing and reduction of the risk of future car-
diovascular events, as well as the patients
motivation for weight reduction. Care
must be taken to ensure that any weight
reduction program minimizes the likeli-
hood of adverse effects on bone health or
other aspects of nutritional status. Evidence
Category D.
3. Diverse Patient Populations
Standard obesity treatment approaches should be
tailored to the needs of various patients or
patient groups. It is, however, difficult to deter-
mine from the literature how often this occurs,
how specific programs and outcomes are influ-
enced by tailoring, and whether it makes weight
loss programs more effective. After reviewing
two RCTs, four cross-sectional studies, and four
intervention studies, as well as additional pub-
lished literature on treatment approaches with
diverse patient populations, the panel recom-
mends the following:
The possibility that a standard approach to
weight loss will work differently in diverse
patient populations must be considered
when setting expectations about treatment
outcomes. Evidence Category B.
An estimated 97 million adults in the United
States are overweight or obese,
a condition that
substantially raises their risk of morbidity from
type 2 diabetes,
gallbladder disease,
14, 15
apnea and respiratory problems,
endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancers.
As a major contributor to preventive
death in the United States today,
and obesity pose a major public health challenge.
Not only is the prevalence of this serious medical
condition soaring among adults (between 1960
and 1994, overweight increased from 30.5 to 32
percent among adults ages 20 to 74 and obesity
increased from 12.8 percent to 22.5 percent),
but it is also affecting ever greater numbers of
American youth and exacting a particularly harsh
toll from low income women and minorities.
The Third National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES III) estimated
that 13.7 percent of children and 11.5 percent of
adolescents are overweight, while a number of
smaller, ethnic-specific studies suggest that over-
weight and obesity may afflict up to 30 to 40
percent of children and youth from minority
26 , 27
The prevalence of overweight and obesity in
adults in the United States increased markedly
during the last decade. According to NHANES
III data, 54.9 percent of U.S. adults aged 20
years and older are either overweight or obese;
32.6 percent are overweight, defined as having a
body mass index (BMI)* of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m
and 22.3 percent are obese with a BMI of 30
The panel acknowledges that overweight
and obesity are not mutually exclusive; obese
persons are also overweight. Since overweight
and obesity lead to increased morbidity and mor-
tality, these figures demonstrate the enormity of
the public health problem, as well as the clinical
problem, of overweight and obesity in this country.
In this report, overweight is defined as a BMI of
25.0 to 29.9 kg/m
and obesity as a BMI of 30
. The rationale behind these definitions is
based on epidemiological data that show increas-
es in mortality with BMIs above 25 kg/m
The increase in mortality, however, tends to be
modest until a BMI of 30 kg/m
is reached.
28, 31,
For persons with a BMI of 30 kg/m
, mor-
tality rates from all causes, and especially from
cardiovascular disease, are generally increased by
50 to 100 percent above that of persons with
BMIs in the range of 20 to 25 kg/m
28, 31, 32
Overweight and obesity result from a complex
interaction between genes and the environment
characterized by long-term energy imbalance due
to a sedentary lifestyle, excessive caloric con-
sumption, or both.
They develop in a sociocul-
tural environment characterized by mechaniza-
tion, sedentary lifestyle, and ready access to
abundant food. Attempts to prevent overweight
and obesity are difficult to both study and
achieve. Indeed, few research efforts have investi-
gated either individual or community-based
prevention strategies.
* The BMI is calculated as follows: BMI = weight (kg)/ height squared (m
). Conversion: [weight (pounds)/height (inches)
] x 703 (1 lb = 0.45 kg) (1.in
= 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m). A BMI of 25 is equivalent to 184 lb in a 6’0” person and to 155 lb in one5’6”. A BMI of 30 is equivalent to 221 lb in a 6’0”
person and to 186 lb in one 5’6”. (The conversion of BMI according to weight for height is provided in Appendix V.)
Chapter 1: Introduction
A substantial body of research, however, does
exist on the health risks of overweight and obesi-
ty, and on methods for treatment. This report,
which bases its recommendations primarily on
published evidence, emphasizes the important
role of primary care practitioners in evaluating all
overweight and obese adults and promoting
weight control through the use of multiple inter-
ventions and strategies tailored to particular
patient needs. Although the recommendations
and guidelines included in this report focus on
the clinical assessment and treatment of over-
weight and obese patients, a second important
goal is to encourage primary care practitioners to
take an active role in preventing inappropriate
weight gain among all their patients.
To identify, evaluate, and summarize pub-
lished information about the assessment and
treatment of overweight and obesity;
To provide evidence-based guidelines for
physicians, other health care practitioners, and
health care organizations for the evaluation
and treatment of overweight and obesity in
adults; and
To identify areas for future research.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes
(NHLBI) Obesity Education Initiative, in coop-
eration with the National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, convened
the Expert Panel on the Identification,
Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and
Obesity in Adults. These guidelines address the
treatment of overweight and obesity only in
adults, but it is the judgment of the panel that
guidelines for treating obesity in children are
equally important and should be drafted as soon
as possible (see Appendix III for information on
overweight and obesity in children). The panel’s
charge was to develop evidence-based clinical
guidelines for primary care practitioners; howev-
er, the guidelines should also be useful for certain
specialists. The decision to develop “evidence-
based” guidelines was based on the increased
attention being paid to clinical practice guide-
lines from methodologists, professional associa-
tions, third-party payers and policy makers, and
the NHLBI’s mission to analyze research results
with the goal of providing information that may
enable health care practitioners to enhance their
ability to detect, treat, and prevent disease.
keeping with this approach, the panel
defined topics to be included in the guide-
developed an evidence model depicting the
strategy of inquiry for each area of scientific
established criteria for searching and abstract-
ing the literature;
constructed and reviewed evidence tables of
individual studies and summary tables of stud-
ies falling within a specific category of evi-
dence; and
identified the level or strength of the evidence
that served as the basis for the recommenda-
A complete description of the methodology used
to develop the guidelines is included in the
report as Appendix I.A.1.
The guidelines are based primarily on a systemat-
ic review of the published scientific literature in
English found in MEDLINE from January 1980
through September 1997. This was done in the
interest of time and economy. This information
was supplemented by material provided by the
panel and an ancestral search of appropriate ref-
erences in eligible articles. The literature was
searched and systematically reviewed by
establishing a priori eligibility criteria for
inclusion of studies;
and may require surgery. These guidelines are
not intended for pregnant women. Excluded
from the analysis were adults with pharmacologi-
cally induced obesity and those with specific
genetic syndromes associated with overweight
and obesity.
The selection of weight loss interventions to be
considered was determined by the literature
review. Namely, the panel considered any topic
for which articles meeting inclusion criteria were
found, including diet, physical activity, behavior
therapy, pharmacological therapy, surgery, and
combinations of these modalities. No clinical
interventions were excluded at the outset.
However, the panel did not consider other inter-
ventions such as acupuncture or hypnosis, for
which no randomized trial articles were available.
Clinical interventions to prevent further weight
gain in individuals already overweight were also
considered relevant.
The panel also evaluated population factors and
clinical situations that might potentially influ-
ence the physiological, medical, behavioral, or
sociocultural context for obesity identification
and treatment. Evidence on special populations
and situations was provided from RCTs and
non-RCTs when available, but in many cases
such evidence was meager. Population factors
and clinical situations selected for special consid-
eration for obesity classification and treatment
were age, gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic
status, pregnancy, eating disorders, sleep apnea,
extreme obesity (BMI 40), concurrent treat-
ment of other major conditions (such as heart
disease or diabetes), and treatment of obesity in
conjunction with smoking cessation. When evi-
dence on these special populations or clinical
conditions was insufficient to meet standards for
inclusion in the main text of the guidelines, rele-
vant issues are identified for the user, and in
some cases are cross-referenced to an appendix
(see Appendix III) or discussed in sidebar text as
a commentary.
reviewing titles and abstracts to select promis-
ing articles;
reviewing these full articles; and
compiling evidence tables summarizing those
articles that met the inclusion criteria.
As a priority, the panel identified randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) as the strongest level of
evidence for the evaluation of treatment efficacy.
Only RCTs lasting 4 months or more were con-
sidered. The only exceptions were a few 3-
month trials in the diet and pharmacotherapy
sections. With the assistance of the San Antonio
Cochrane Center*, 394 publications of RCTs
were reviewed for data abstraction. RCT evi-
dence serves as the basis for the many recom-
mendations contained in these guidelines related
to treatment efficacy. Instances when the panel
had to make recommendations where RCTs
were insufficient or absent are clearly indicated
in the text. These instances most often pertain to
issues of obesity assessment, classification, and
measurement where RCT evidence would not be
appropriate to answer the question. These issues
are best addressed by epidemiological/observa-
tional studies of large population groups. In
those few cases where the literature could not
credibly support a recommendation, panel mem-
bers relied on clinical experience and knowledge.
The panel recognizes that by relying primarily
on only published literature, a publication bias
(a positive result is more likely to be published
than is a negative result) may exist, so that treat-
ment efficacy may be overstated.
no other reliable sources of information were
The targeted population for the guidelines is all
overweight and obese adults (18 years of age and
older) with a BMI 25, with particular empha-
sis on those with cardiovascular risk factors.
While the guidelines are appropriate for patients
with a BMI 40, their care is often complicated
* The San Antonio Cochrane Center is one of 12 centers around the world that comprise the Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane Collaboration is an interna-
tional organization established in 1993 whose mission is to prepare, maintain, and disseminate systematic reviews and meta-analyses of health care interventions.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The panel recognized the possibility of an advo-
cacy “bias” due to the large number of panel
members drawn from organizations with an
advocacy role in the treatment of obesity. As a
result, it was agreed to obtain formal external
reviews of the document from 59 professional
societies, consumer groups and goverment agen-
cies representing a wide spectrum of expertise
and concern about obesity.
The format for those sections of the report based
on the RCT evidence begins with an evidence
statement followed by the rationale for that
statement. At the end of a series of related evi-
dence statements, a recommendation is given.
Each evidence statement (other than those with
no available evidence) and each recommenda-
tion is categorized by a level of evidence (A
through D) as described below. Statements for
which there is no available evidence are so indi-
Category A:
Evidence is from endpoints of well-
designed RCTs (or trials that depart only mini-
mally from randomization) that provide a con-
sistent pattern of findings in the population for
which the recommendation is made. Category A
therefore requires substantial numbers of studies
involving substantial numbers of participants.
Category B:
Evidence is from endpoints of inter-
vention studies that include only a limited num-
ber of RCTs, post-hoc or subgroup analysis of
RCTs, or meta-analysis of RCTs. In general,
Category B pertains when few randomized trials
exist, they are small in size, and the trial results
are somewhat inconsistent, or the trials were
undertaken in a population that differs from the
target population of the recommendation.
Category C:
Evidence is from outcomes of
uncontrolled or nonrandomized trials or from
observation studies.
Category D:
Expert judgment is based on the
panel’s synthesis of evidence from experimental
research described in the literature and/or
derived from the consensus of panel members
based on clinical experience or knowledge that
does not meet the above-listed criteria. This cat-
egory is used only in cases where the provisions
of some guidance was deemed valuable but an
adequately compelling clinical literature address-
ing the subject of the recommendation was
deemed insufficient to justify placement in one
of the other categories (A through C).
In applying these guidelines, the reader should
note some caveats:
The emphasis of these guidelines was to iden-
tify effective interventions, not to rank-order
them in terms of their efficacy or effective-
ness. The panel chose not to emphasize com-
parisons among interventions because there
were few studies that compared long-term
outcomes. Also, since individual preferences
and circumstances often dictate choice of
therapy, the panel wished to present a menu
of options rather than a ranked list of choices.
When no evidence was available on the effica-
cy of a treatment, the panel usually rendered
no opinion. An absence of studies should not
be confused with an absence of effect. While
clinicians may prefer to use proven therapies
rather than untested ones, the lack of testing
does not denote that the untested therapy
does not work.
The limitations of RCTs must be kept in
mind. The RCT is the primary method for
demonstrating efficacy. Often, participants
enrolled in RCTs differ from the individuals
in a primary care practice, and effectiveness in
the community may differ from efficacy as
measured in an RCT.
The potential exists for misinterpretation of
clinical trial results. Analysis of endpoints not
specified at the outset, or post hoc or sub-
group analysis, should be viewed as hypothe-
sis-generating rather than hypothesis-testing.
The panel has made every attempt to base its
recommendations on published evidence, with
particular attention to RCTs. Data from RCTs
provide the strongest evidence regarding the
impact of an intervention. The RCT literature
predominantly describes short-term outcomes
(< 1 year), although there are a small number of
published RCTs of intermediate and long-term
treatment and maintenance of weight loss. The
panel chose to examine RCTs lasting 4 months
or longer as their first priority. However, there
are some 3-month studies included in the diet
and pharmacotherapy sections.
Evidence of beneficial effects of weight reduction
on risk factors and on diseases with which obesi-
ty is associated, and evidence of the association
of obesity and mortality, are also available in the
non-RCT epidemiological literature. Therefore,
although the treatment recommendations in
these guidelines are derived primarily from RCT
evidence, they also come in part from the con-
sidered judgment of the expert panel members
who weighed the non-RCT epidemiological evi-
In setting forth its recommendations, the panel
assumes that, for most individuals, the benefits
of weight loss on overall health outweigh the
harmful effects, and that weight loss can be
maintained in many individuals with resulting
long-term health benefits. The recommendations
apply to all segments of the adult population,
although apparent differences in applicability
have been considered and some guidance is pro-
vided with respect to certain sectors of the popu-
lation such as the elderly and in clinical situa-
tions. This additional guidance is in the form of
notations within the text and is sometimes sup-
plemented by an appendix (Appendix III).
These guidelines were developed primarily for
use by physicians and associated health profes-
sionals in clinical practice. They should also be
useful to managed care organizations or other
groups that define benefit plans for patients or
handle health care resources. Users of these
guidelines are encouraged to note text and
appendix references to situations in which
weight reduction treatment may be contraindi-
cated or may involve special treatment tech-
niques or safety considerations (e.g., in older
adults or in certain sociocultural contexts).
These guidelines also provide a state-of-the-art
review of the scientific basis of the relation
between obesity and major disease endpoints
and of the scientific rationale for the manage-
ment of the overweight and obese patients. The
systematic assessment of the literature contained
in this document should be a valuable resource
to health care policy makers and clinical investi-
In 1973, and again in 1977, the John E. Fogarty
International Center at the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), as part of its preventive medicine
series, sponsored two conferences that dealt with
obesity as a public health problem; controversy
was apparent regarding the cause-and-effect rela-
tionship between obesity and ill health.
40, 41
1985, an NIH Consensus Development
Conference was held on the health implications
of obesity. This conference provided important
national recognition that obesity is a serious
health condition that leads to increased morbidi-
ty and mortality. The Consensus Development
Conference concluded that both prevention and
treatment of obesity were medical priorities in
the United States
. In that conference, the
terms ‘overweight’ and ‘obesity’ were defined as
part of a continuum of increasing health risk.
In 1990, the Nations health goals for the year
2000 were set forth with the release of Healthy
People 2000
, in which a national goal to
reduce the prevalence of overweight was articu-
lated. In 1993, the Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Health (J. Michael McGinnis) and the for-
mer Director of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) (William Foege) co-
authored a journal article, “Actual Causes of
Death in the U.S.” It concluded that a combina-
tion of dietary factors and sedentary activity pat-
terns accounts for at least 300,000 deaths each
year, and, obesity was a key contributor.
1995, the Institute of Medicine issued a report
that expressed concern about the growing preva-
lence of overweight and obesity in this country,
and suggested ways to evaluate various weight
loss and weight maintenance programs available
to U.S. consumers.
1. Prevalence and Time Trends
Nationally representative U.S. health examina-
tion surveys, in which weight and height were
measured in samples of the population, date
back to 1960. Beginning with the Second
National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES II) (1976-1980), the defini-
tion of overweight that has been used to com-
pare these epidemiologic surveys has been a sta-
tistical one that corresponded to the 85th per-
centile of body mass index (BMI) for men and
women aged 20 through 29 years in NHANES
II with no particular relation to a specific
increase in disease risk.
Adults in these surveys
have been categorized as overweight with a BMI
27.8 kg/m
for men and 27.3 kg/m
The rationale for using persons aged
20 to 29 years as the reference population is sup-
ported largely by the observation that the
increases in body weight after age 29 that com-
monly occur with aging are attributable primari-
ly to fat accumulation.
However, the BMI
levels used for the definition of overweight and
obesity are somewhat arbitrary, since the rela-
tionship between body weight and disease risk is
continuous with the exception of the extremely
underweight: disease risk increases as weight
Figure 1 depicts data from several NHANES
surveys using the panel’s definition of over-
weight as a BMI of 25 to 29.9 kg/m
and of
obesity as a BMI of 30 kg/m
. From 1960 to
1994, the prevalence of overweight increased
slightly from 37.8 to 39.4 percent in men and
from 23.6 to 24.7 percent in women (National
Center for Health Statistics/CDC)
. In men
and women together, overweight increased from
30.5 to 32.0 percent.
During the same time
period, however, the prevalence of obesity
increased from 10.4 to 19.9 percent in men and
from 15.1 to 24.9 percent in women. In men
and women together, obesity increased from
12.8 to 22.5 percent. Most of the increase
occurred in the past decade. In addition to
adults, obesity in U.S. children increased
markedly as well
(see Appendix III) and, if
unchecked, portends an even greater increase in
adult obesity in the future.
Table II-1 shows the combined prevalence of
overweight and obesity, defined as a BMI of
25.0 kg/m
, among persons aged 20 to 80 plus
years, by age, race/ethnicity, and gender in the
United States, 1960 to 1994.
The increase in
overweight and obesity appears to have occurred
among U.S. adults across all ages, genders, and
racial/ethnic groups. The most recent NHANES
III surveys, conducted from 1988-1994, reported
that 59.4 percent of men and 50.7 percent of
women in the United States are overweight or
obese. The prevalence is much higher in non-
Hispanic Black women (66.0 percent), in
Mexican-American women (65.9 percent), and
in Mexican-American men (63.9 percent).
Using the definition of obesity as a BMI of 30
, Table II-2 shows that in the United
States, 19.5 percent of men and 25.0 percent of
Source: CDC/NCHS, United States, 1960-94
(ages 20-74 years)
Figure 1. Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Overweight
(BMI 25-29.9) and Obesity (BMI 30)
BMI 25-29.9
NHES I (1960-62)
NHANES I (1971-74)
NHANES II (1976-80)
NHANES III (1988-94)
BMI 30
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
Gender, race/ethnicity, age 20 1960-62 1971-74 1976-80 1982-84 1988-94
years and older, age adjusted: (age 20-74) (age 20-74) (age 20-74) (age 20-74) (age 20)
Both Sexes 43.3 46.1 46.0 54.9
Men 48.2 52.9 51.4 59.4
Women 38.7 39.7 40.8 50.7
White men 48.8 53.7 52.3 61.0
White women 36.1 37.6 38.4 49.2
Black men 43.1 48.9 49.0 56.5
Black women 57.0 57.6 61.0 65.8
White, non-Hispanic men 52.0 60.6
White, non-Hispanic women 37.6 47.4
Black, non-Hispanic men 48.9 56.7
Black, non-Hispanic women 60.6 66.0
Mexican-American men 59.7 63.9
Mexican-American women 60.1 65.9
Age and gender-specific categories:
20-29 39.9 38.6 37.0 43.1
30-39 49.6 58.1 52.6 58.1
40-49 53.6 63.6 60.3 65.5
50-59 54.1 58.4 60.8 73.0
60-69 52.9 55.6 57.4 70.3
70-79 36.0 52.7* 53.3* 63.1
80+ N/A** N/A** N/A** 50.6
20-29 17.0 23.2 25.0 33.1
30-39 32.8 35.0 36.8 47.0
40-49 42.3 44.6 44.4 52.7
50-59 55.0 52.2 52.8 64.4
60-69 63.1 56.2 56.5 64.0
70-79 57.4 55.9* 58.2* 57.9
80+ N/A** N/A** N/A** 50.1
, R
: U
, 1960-1994.
* Prevalence for age 70 to 74 years ** Not available
women are obese.
The prevalence of obesity is
much higher in minority women, being 36.7
percent in non-Hispanic Black women and 33.3
percent in Mexican-American women.
2. Demographic Variations in Overweight and
Obesity Prevalence
Although NHANES III data show that the
prevalence of overweight and obesity is much
higher in African-American and Mexican-
American women than in white women or in
men, these data provide ethnicity-specific esti-
mates of overweight and obesity prevalence for
only three racial-ethnic groups: non-Hispanic
whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican-
Americans. Examination survey data indicating a
high overweight and obesity prevalence in other
ethnic groups (e.g., for Puerto Ricans and
Cuban-Americans) are available from the
Hispanic HANES (HHANES) (1982-1984)
and for American Indians
and Pacific-Islander
from smaller population-specific
studies (see Appendix III). The prevalence of
overweight and obesity is generally higher for
men and women in racial-ethnic minority popu-
lations than in U.S. whites, with the exception
of Asian-Americans, for whom overweight and
obesity prevalence is lower than in the general
In the 1982-1984 HHANES, the
age-adjusted prevalence of a BMI of 27.3 in
Puerto Rican women was 40 percent.
Strong Heart Study reported the average preva-
lence of overweight using BMI 27.8 or 27.3
for men and women, respectively, in three
groups of American Indians studied during
1988-1989 as follows: in Arizona, 67 percent of
the men and 80 percent of the women; in
Oklahoma, 67 percent of the men and 71 per-
cent of the women; and in South Dakota and
North Dakota, 54 percent of the men and 66
percent of the women.
Women in the United States with low incomes
or low education are more likely to be obese
than those of higher socioeconomic status; the
association of socioeconomic status with obesity
is less consistent in men
(Appendix III).
Obesity is less common after the age of 70
among both men and women, possibly due to a
progressive decrease in BMI with increasing age
past the fifth decade or to an excess in mortality
associated with increasing BMI in the presence
of increasing age.
3. Economic Costs of Overweight and Obesity
Alarm about the increasing prevalence of over-
weight and obesity in the United States in recent
54, 55
centers on the link between obesity and
increased health risks,
42, 56
which translates into
increased medical care and disability costs.
The total cost attributable to obesity amounted
to $99.2 billion in 1995. Approximately $51.6
billion of these dollars were direct medical costs
associated with diseases attributable to obesity.
The direct costs also associated with obesity rep-
resent 5.7 percent of the national health expen-
diture within the United States.
The indirect
costs attributable to obesity are $47.6 billion
and are comparable to the economic costs of cig-
arette smoking.
58, 59
Indirect costs represent the
value of lost output caused by morbidity and
mortality, and may have a greater impact than
direct costs at the personal and societal levels.
Although a comprehensive cost analysis of obesi-
ty is beyond the scope of this panel, a systematic
review of the literature identified studies estimat-
ing the current economic burden of obesity in
several Western countries.
57, 60-63
Published esti-
mates of the economic costs of obesity such as
those noted above use the prevalence-based
approach, assuming that obesity is causally relat-
ed to a range of chronic illnesses. Estimating the
economic benefits of weight loss requires details
of long-term weight maintenance and the time
course of risk reduction following weight loss,
and ultimately must also consider the costs of
treatment to reduce weight.
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
) A
: U
, 1960-1994.
Gender, race/ethnicity, age 20 1960-62 1971-74 1976-80 1982-84 1988-94
years and older, age adjusted: (age 20-74) (age 20-74) (age 20-74) (age 20-74) (age 20)
Both Sexes 12.8 14.1 14.4 22.3
Men 10.4 11.8 12.2 19.5
Women 15.1 16.1 16.3 25.0
White men 10.1 11.4 12.0 20.0
White women 13.7 14.7 14.9 23.5
Black men 13.9 15.9 15.2 20.6
Black women 25.0 28.6 30.2 36.5
White, non-Hispanic men 12.0 19.9
White, non-Hispanic women 14.8 22.7
Black, non-Hispanic men 15.0 20.7
Black, non-Hispanic women 30.0 36.7
Mexican-American men 15.4 20.6
Mexican-American women 25.4 33.3
Age and gender-specific categories:
20-29 9.0 8.0 8.1 12.5
30-39 10.4 13.3 12.1 17.2
40-49 11.9 14.2 16.4 23.1
50-59 13.4 15.3 14.3 28.9
60-69 7.7 10.3 13.5 24.8
70-79 8.6 11.1 13.6 20.0
80+ N/A N/A N/A 8.0
20-29 6.1 8.2 9.0 14.6
30-39 12.1 15.1 16.8 25.8
40-49 17.1 17.6 18.1 26.9
50-59 20.4 22.0 22.6 35.6
60-69 27.2 24.0 22.0 29.8
70-79 21.9 21.0 19.4 25.0
80+ N/A N/A** N/A 15.1
* *
** **
* Prevalence for age 70 to 74 years ** Not available
Prevention of overweight and obesity is as
important as treatment. Prevention includes pri-
mary prevention of overweight or obesity itself,
secondary prevention or avoidance of weight
regain following weight loss, and prevention of
further weight increases in obese individuals
unable to lose weight.
44 , 64
National and international observational data
suggest that environmental and behavioral fac-
tors are likely to be important in the tendency of
individuals within and between populations to
be obese during childhood or to gain weight
progressively with age during adulthood.
These factors are also influenced by the genetic
makeup of individuals. There has been a paucity
of intervention research to demonstrate how
these factors can be manipulated to prevent obe-
In two community studies, namely the
Minnesota Heart Health Program and the
Stanford Five City Study, multifaceted weight
loss and weight control programs within the
community were not associated with prevention
of weight gain in longitudinally followed cohorts.
In another community study, the Pawtucket
Heart Health Program, BMI levels did not
change in the intervention cities while they
increased in the comparison cities.
One obesi-
ty prevention study of American Indian children
who are at high risk of becoming obese is under
Otherwise, the only long-term report
suggesting an effective approach to obesity pre-
vention is from follow-up of obese children in
an experimental study in which they had been
treated with or without a family-oriented treat-
ment program. Long-term follow-up (10 years)
of these children supported the importance of
family involvement in reducing the progression
of obesity.
One population-based randomized
controlled pilot study of obesity prevention sug-
gests that programs for weight gain prevention
are feasible and effective in adults.
study in China has shown that the prevention of
weight gain through diet, physical activity, and
their combination can help prevent diabetes.
It has been suggested that primary prevention of
obesity should include environmentally based
strategies that address major societal contributors
to over-consumption of calories and inadequate
physical activity such as food marketing prac-
tices, transportation patterns, and lack of oppor-
tunities for physical activity during the workday.
People at lower socioeconomic levels living in
urban areas also lack access to physical activity
sites. Such strategies will be essential for effective
initial and long-term prevention of obesity for
large numbers of individuals and for the com-
munity at large. Research is needed to clarify the
role of societal policies, procedures, laws, and
other factors that serve as disincentives to life-
long caloric balance. The importance of obesity
prevention needs to be brought to the attention
of health care payors and practitioners, employ-
ers, educators, and public officials as an impor-
tant priority to be addressed in policies, pro-
grams, and direct services to individuals and
families. The development and implementation
of appropriate policies and programs will require
outcomes research that identifies effective weight
gain prevention approaches. These programs
must be useful for multiple settings, including
health care facilities, schools, worksites, commu-
nity and religious institutions, and be applicable
to a broad population. In the end, efforts should
be made to make the general public more aware
of the need to prevent overweight and obesity.
Efforts to understand the genetic, developmen-
tal, environmental, and behavioral underpin-
nings of obesity and to mount successful preven-
tion strategies are particularly critical for popula-
tions in which overweight and obesity and relat-
ed health problems such as diabetes are dispro-
portionately prevalent; for example, women in
lower socioeconomic groups and women and
sometimes men in many racial/ethnic minority
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
populations as described in Chapter 2.A.2 of
this report. Public health approaches for pre-
venting obesity, that is, approaches designed to
reduce the difficulty for any given individual of
adopting healthful eating and activity patterns,
will particularly benefit the socially disadvan-
taged, who—compared to the more advan-
taged— may have less access to preventive health
services and fewer feasible options for making
changes in their daily routines and lifestyles.
Primary care practitioners are an important ele-
ment in preventing and managing obesity in the
United States. Prevention of overweight and
obesity in primary care settings is compatible
with efforts to prevent their health conse-
quences, through control of dyslipidemia, high
blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Thus, both
the quality and quantity of life may be enhanced
through preventive strategies. As detailed else-
where in this report, high blood pressure, high
blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes should be
aggressively treated in overweight patients and
may be treated prior to and in conjunction with
weight loss.
1. Morbidity
Above a BMI of 20 kg/m
, morbidity for a num-
ber of health conditions increases as BMI increas-
es. Higher morbidity in association with over-
weight and obesity has been observed for hyper-
2-6, 76-80
type 2 diabetes,
7, 8, 10, 81, 82, 84-89
nary heart disease (CHD),
gallbladder disease,
16-18, 91-95
sleep apnea and respiratory problems
21, 96-98
some types of cancer (endometrial, breast,
prostate, and colon).
Obesity is also associ-
ated with complications of pregnancy, menstrual
irregularities, hirsutism, stress incontinence, and
psychological disorders (depression).
112, 116-128
The nature of obesity-related health risks is simi-
lar in all populations, although the specific level
of risk associated with a given level of over-
weight or obesity may vary with race/ethnicity,
and also with age, gender, and societal condi-
tions. For example, the absolute risk of morbidi-
ty in chronic conditions such as CHD is highest
in the aged population, while the relative risk of
having CHD in obese versus nonobese individu-
als is highest in the middle adult years.
A high prevalence of diabetes mellitus in associa-
tion with obesity is observed consistently across
races/ethnicities, while the relative prevalence of
hypertension and CHD in obese versus
nonobese populations varies between groups.
The health risks of overweight and obesity are
briefly described below:
Data from NHANES III show that the age-
adjusted prevalence of high blood pressure
increases progressively with higher levels of BMI
in men and women (Figure 2).
High blood
pressure is defined as mean systolic blood pres-
sure 140 mm Hg, or mean diastolic blood
pressure 90 mm Hg, or currently taking anti-
hypertensive medication. The prevalence of high
blood pressure in adults with BMI 30 is 38.4
percent for men and 32.2 percent for women,
respectively, compared with 18.2 percent for
men and 16.5 percent for women with BMI
< 25, a relative risk of 2.1 and 1.9 for men and
women, respectively. The direct and indepen-
dent association between blood pressure and
BMI or weight has been shown in numerous
cross-sectional studies
, including the large
international study of salt (INTERSALT) carried
out in more than 10,000 men and women.
INTERSALT reported that a 10 kg (22 lb) high-
er body weight is associated with 3.0 mm Hg
higher systolic and 2.3 mm Hg higher diastolic
blood pressure.
These differences in blood pres-
sure translate into an estimated 12 percent
increased risk for CHD and 24 percent
increased risk for stroke.
Positive associations
have also been shown in prospective studies.
Obesity and hypertension are co-morbid risk
factors for the development of cardiovascular
disease. The pathophysiology underlying the
development of hypertension associated with
obesity includes sodium retention and associated
increases in vascular resistance, blood volume,
and cardiac output. These cardiovascular abnor-
malties associated with obesity are believed to be
related to a combination of increased sodium
retention, increased sympathetic nervous system
activity, alterations of the renin-angiotensin sys-
tem and insulin resistance. The precise mecha-
nism whereby weight loss results in a decrease in
blood pressure is unknown. However, it is
known that weight loss is associated with a
reduction in vascular resistance, total blood vol-
ume and cardiac output, an improvement in
insulin resistance, a reduction in sympathetic
nervous system activity, and suppression of the
activity of the renin angiotensin aldosterone
1.b.Dyslipidemia, manifested by:
High total cholesterol
The relationship of the age-adjusted prevalence
of high total cholesterol, defined as 240
mg/dL (6.21 mmol/L), to BMI from NHANES
III is shown in Figure 3.
At each BMI level, the
prevalence of high blood cholesterol is greater in
women than in men. In a smaller sample, higher
body weight is associated with higher levels of
total serum cholesterol in both men
at levels of BMI > 25. Several large
longitudinal studies also provide evidence that
overweight, obesity and weight gain are associat-
Figure 2. NHANES III Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Hypertension*
According to Body Mass Index
BMI Levels
* Defined as mean systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg, mean diastolic
as 90 mm Hg, or currently taking antihypertensive medication.
BMI <25
BMI 25-26
BMI 27-29
BMI 30
Source: Brown C. et al. Body Mass Index and the Prevalence of Risk
Factors for Cardiovascular Disease (submitted for publication).
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
ed with increased cholesterol levels.
women, the incidence of hypercholesterolemia
also increases with increasing BMI.
In addi-
tion, the pattern of fat distribution appears to
affect cholesterol levels independently of total
weight. Total cholesterol levels are usually higher
in persons with predominant abdominal obesity,
defined as a waist-to-hip circumference ratio of
0.8 for women and 1.0 for men.
High triglycerides
The strong association of triglyceride levels with
BMI has been shown in both cross-sectional and
longitudinal studies, for both sexes and all age
133, 134, 140, 141
In three adult age groups,
namely 20 to 44 years, 45 to 59 years, and 60 to
74 years, higher levels of BMI, ranging from 21
or less to more than 30, have been associated
with increasing triglyceride levels; the difference
in triglycerides ranged from 61 to 65 mg/dL
(0.68 to 0.74 mmol/L) in women
and 62 to
118 mg/dL (0.70 to 1.33 mmol/L) in men.
Low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
The age-adjusted prevalence of low high-density
lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol in relation to
BMI levels, based on NHANES III data, is
shown in Figure 4.
HDL-cholesterol levels at
all ages and weights are lower in men than in
women. Although low HDL-cholesterol in this
study was defined as < 35 mg/dL (0.91 mmol/L)
in men and < 45 mg/dL (1.16 mmol/L) in
, the panel accepts the definition of low
HDL-cholesterol as < 35 mg/dL for men and
women used by the National Cholesterol
Education Programs Second Report of the Expert
Panel on the Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment
of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult
Treatment Panel II Report).
studies have reported that HDL-cholesterol lev-
els are lower in men and women with higher
Longitudinal studies have found that
changes in BMI are associated with changes in
HDL-cholesterol. A BMI change of 1 unit is
associated with an HDL-cholesterol change of
1.1 mg/dL for young adult men and an HDL-
cholesterol change of 0.69 mg/dL for young
adult women.
Normal to elevated low-density lipoprotein
The link between total serum cholesterol and
CHD is largely due to low-density lipoprotein
(LDL). A high-risk LDL-cholesterol is defined as
a serum concentration of 160 mg/dL. This
lipoprotein is the predominant atherogenic
lipoprotein and is therefore the primary target of
cholesterol-lowering therapy. Cross-sectional
data suggest that LDL-cholesterol levels are
higher by 10 to 20 mg/dL in relation to a 10
unit difference in BMI, from levels of 20 to 30
According to extensive epidemiolog-
ical data, a 10 mg/dL rise in LDL-cholesterol
corresponds to approximately a 10 percent
increase in CHD risk over a period of 5 to 10
Small, dense low-density lipoprotein particles
Few large-scale epidemiological data are available
on small, dense LDL particles.
studies have shown that small, dense LDL parti-
cles are particularly atherogenic and tend to be
present in greater proportion in hypertriglyceri-
demic patients with insulin resistance syndrome
associated with abdominal obesity.
1.c. Diabetes Mellitus
The increased risk of diabetes as weight increases
has been shown by prospective studies in
, the United States
, Sweden
, and
More recently, the Nurses’ Health
Study, using data based on self-reported weights,
found that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
increases as BMI increases from a BMI as low as
Since women in particular tend to under-
report weight, the actual BMI values associated
with these risks are likely to be higher than the
Nurses’ Health Study data would suggest. An
association between type 2 diabetes and increas-
ing relative weight is also observed in popula-
tions at high risk for obesity and diabetes, such
as in American Indians.
In recent studies,
the development of type 2 diabetes has been
found to be associated with weight gain after age
18 in both men
and women.
The relative
risk of diabetes increases by approximately 25
percent for each additional unit of BMI over 22
In addition, in a prospective study rep-
resentative of the U.S. population, it was recent-
ly estimated that 27 percent of new cases of dia-
betes was attributable to weight gain in adult-
hood of 5 kg (11 lb) or more.
Both cross-sec-
and longitudinal studies
that abdominal obesity is a major risk factor for
type 2 diabetes.
1.d.Coronary Heart Disease
Observational studies have shown that over-
weight, obesity, and excess abdominal fat are
directly related to cardiovascular risk factors,
including high levels of total cholesterol, LDL-
cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, fibrino-
gen and insulin,
and low levels of HDL-cho-
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
causing impaired fibrinolytic activity is elevated
in persons with abdominal obesity.
weight, obesity, and abdominal fat are also asso-
ciated with increased morbidity and mortality
from CHD.
Recent studies have shown that the risks of
nonfatal myocardial infarction and CHD death
increase with increasing levels of BMI. Risks are
lowest in men and women with BMIs of 22 or
less and increase with even modest elevations of
BMI. In the Nurses’ Health Study, which con-
trolled for age, smoking, parental history of
CHD, menopausal status, and hormone use, rel-
Figure 3. NHANES III Age-Adjusted Prevalence of High Blood Cholesterol*
According to Body Mass Index
BMI Levels
*Defined as 240 mg/dL
Source: Brown C. et al. Body Mass Index and the Prevalence of Risk
Factors for Cardiovascular Disease (submitted for publication).
BMI <25
BMI 25-26
BMI 27-29
BMI 30
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
ative risks for CHD were twice as high at BMIs
of 25 to 28.9, and more than three times as high
at BMIs of 29 or greater, compared with BMIs
of less than 21.
Weight gains of 5 to 8 kg (11
to 17.6 lb) increased CHD risk (nonfatal
myocardial infarction and CHD death) by 25
percent, and weight gains of 20 kg (44 lb) or
more increased risk more than 2.5 times in com-
parison with women whose weight was stable
within a range of 5 kg (11 lb).
In British men,
CHD incidence increased at BMIs above 22 and
an increase of 1 BMI unit was associated with a
10 percent increase in the rate of coronary
Similar relationships between increas-
ing BMI and CHD risk have been shown in
Finnish, Swedish, Japanese, and U.S. popula-
90, 163, 164
A relationship between obesity and CHD has
not always been found. Two reasons may
account for this: the first is an inappropriate
controlling for cholesterol, blood pressure, dia-
betes, and other risk factors in statistical analysis;
and the second is that there was not an adequate
control for the confounding effect of cigarette
smoking on weight.
People who smoke often
have a lower body weight but more CHD.
1.e.Congestive Heart Failure
Overweight and obesity have been identified as
important and independent risk factors for con-
gestive heart failure (CHF) in a number of stud-
ies, including the Framingham Heart Study.
11, 165-
CHF is a frequent complication of severe obe-
sity and a major cause of death; duration of the
obesity is a strong predictor of CHF.
Figure 4. NHANES III Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Low HDL-Cholesterol*
According to Body Mass Index
BMI Levels
*Defined as <35 mg/dL in men and <45 mg/dL in women.
BMI <25
BMI 25-26
BMI 27-29
BMI 30
Source: Brown C. et al. Body Mass Index and the Prevalence of Risk
Factors for Cardiovascular Disease (submitted for publication).
hypertension and type 2 diabetes are positively
associated with increasing weight, the coexis-
tence of these conditions facilitates the develop-
ment of CHF.
Data from the Bogalusa Heart
Study demonstrate that excess weight may lead
to acquisition of left ventricular mass beyond
that expected from normal growth.
can result in alterations in cardiac structure and
function even in the absence of systemic hyper-
tension or underlying heart disease. Ventricular
dilatation and eccentric hypertrophy may result
from elevated total blood volume and high car-
diac output. Diastolic dysfunction from eccen-
tric hypertrophy and systolic dysfunction from
excessive wall stress result in so-called “obesity
172, 173
The sleep/apnea obesity
hyperventilation syndrome occurs in 5 percent
of severely obese individuals, and is potentially
life-threatening. Extreme hypoxemia induced by
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome may result in
heart failure in the absence of cardiac dysfunc-
1.f. Stroke
The relationship of cerebrovascular disease to
obesity and overweight has not been as well
studied as the relationship to CHD. A report
from the Framingham Heart Study suggested
that overweight might contribute to the risk of
stroke, independent of the known association of
hypertension and diabetes with stroke.
recently published reports
12, 13
are based on larg-
er samples and delineate the importance of
stroke subtypes in assessing these relationships.
They also attempt to capture all stroke events,
whether fatal or nonfatal. These studies suggest
distinct risk factors for ischemic stroke as com-
pared to hemorrhagic stroke, and found over-
weight to be associated with the former, but not
the latter. This may explain why studies that use
only fatal stroke outcomes (and thus overrepre-
sent hemorrhagic strokes) show only weak rela-
tionships between overweight and stroke. These
recent prospective studies demonstrate that the
risk of stroke shows a graded increase as BMI
rises. For example, ischemic stroke risk is 75 per-
cent higher in women with BMI > 27, and 137
percent higher in women with a BMI > 32,
compared with women having a BMI < 21.
The risk of gallstones increases with adult
weight. Risk of either gallstones or cholecystec-
tomy is as high as 20 per 1,000 women per year
when BMI is above 40, compared with 3 per
1,000 among women with BMI < 24.
According to NHANES III data, the prevalence
of gallstone disease among women increased
from 9.4 percent in the first quartile of BMI to
25.5 percent in the fourth quartile of BMI.
Among men, the prevalence of gallstone disease
increased from 4.6 percent in the first quartile of
BMI to 10.8 percent in the fourth quartile of
Individuals who are overweight or obese increase
their risk for the development of osteoarthritis.
The association between increased weight
and the risk for development of knee
osteoarthritis is stronger in women than in men.
In a study of twin middle-aged women, it was
estimated that for every kilogram increase of
weight, the risk of developing osteoarthritis
increases by 9 to 13 percent. The twins with
knee osteoarthritis were generally 3 to 5 kg (6.6
to 11 lb) heavier than the co-twin with no dis-
An increase in weight is significantly
associated with increased pain in weight-bearing
There is no evidence that the develop-
ment of osteoarthritis leads to the subsequent
onset of obesity.
A decrease in BMI of 2 units
or more during a 10-year period decreased the
odds for developing knee osteoarthritis by more
than 50 percent; weight gain was associated with
a slight increase in risk.
A randomized controlled trial of 6 months
duration examined the effect of weight loss on
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
clinical improvement in patients with
Patients taking phentermine
had an average weight loss of 12.6 percent after
6 months while the control group had an aver-
age weight loss of 9.2 percent. There was
improvement in pain-free range of motion and a
decrease in analgesic use in association with
weight loss; patients with knee disease showed a
stronger association than those with hip disease.
Similarly, improvement of joint pain was
observed in individuals who had undergone gas-
tric stapling, resulting in an average weight loss
of 45 kg (99 lb).
94, 95
1.i. Sleep Apnea
Obesity, particularly upper body obesity, is a risk
factor for sleep apnea and has been shown to be
related to its severity.
The major pathophysi-
ologic consequences of severe sleep apnea
include arterial hypoxemia, recurrent arousals
from sleep, increased sympathetic tone, pul-
monary and systemic hypertension, and cardiac
Most people with sleep apnea
have a BMI > 30.
Large neck girth in both
men and women who snore is highly predictive
of sleep apnea. In general, men whose neck cir-
cumference is 17 inches or greater and women
whose neck circumference is 16 inches or greater
are at higher risk for sleep apnea.
information on sleep apnea is included as
Appendix IV.
1.j. Cancer
Colon Cancer
Many studies have found a positive relation
between obesity and colon cancer in men but a
weaker association in women.
recent data from the Nurses’ Health Study sug-
gest that the relationship between obesity and
colon cancer in women may be similar to that
seen in men. Twice as many women with a BMI
of > 29 kg/m
had distal colon cancer as women
with a BMI < 21 kg/m
In men, the relation-
ship between obesity and total colon cancer was
weaker than that for distal colon cancer.
Other data from the Nurses’ Health Study show a
substantially stronger relationship between waist-
to-hip ratio and the prevalence of colon polyps
on sigmoidoscopy, than with BMI alone.
among leaner women, a high waist-to-hip ratio
is also associated with significantly increased risk
of colon polyps.
Breast Cancer
Epidemiologic studies consistently show that
obesity is directly related to mortality from
breast cancer, predominantly in postmenopausal
but inversely related to the incidence
of premenopausal breast cancer.
Ten or
more years after menopause, the premenopausal
“benefit” of obesity has dissipated.
postmenopausal women, peripheral fat is the
primary source of estrogens, the major modifi-
able risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer.
This crossover in the relationship of obesity with
breast cancer, pre- and postmenopausally, com-
plicates prevention messages for this common
female cancer. Recent data from the Nurses
Health Study, however, show that adult weight
gain is positively related to risk of post-
menopausal breast cancer. This relation is seen
most clearly among women who do not use
postmenopausal hormones. A gain of more than
20 lb from age 18 to midlife doubles a womans
risk of breast cancer. Even modest weight gains
are positively related to risk of postmenopausal
Endometrial Cancer
Obesity increases the risk of endometrial cancer.
The risk is three times higher among obese
women (BMI 30 kg/m
) compared to normal-
weight women.
However, the absolute risk of
this condition is low when compared to breast
cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Adult weight
gain is also related to increased risk.
Gallbladder Cancer
Obesity is related to the risk of gallbladder can-
cer, particularly among women.
Using a
weight index of 100 as the average weight with a
corresponding mortality ratio of 1.0 for the
cohort, mortality ratios were 1.16 at a weight
index of 120 to 129, 1.22 at 130 to 139, and
1.53 at 140.
1.k.Obesity and Women’s Reproductive Health
Menstrual Function and Fertility
Obesity in premenopausal women is associated
with menstrual irregularity and amenorrhea.
As part of the Nurses’ Health Study, a case con-
trol study suggested that the greater the BMI at
age 18 years, even at levels lower than those con-
sidered obese, the greater the risk of subsequent
ovulatory infertility.
The most prominent
condition associated with abdominal obesity is
polycystic ovarian syndrome,
a combination
of infertility, menstrual disturbances, hirsutism,
abdominal hyperandrogenism, and anovulation.
This syndrome is strongly associated with hyper-
insulinemia and insulin resistance.
Pregnancy can result in excessive weight gain
and retention. The 1988 National Maternal and
Infant Survey observed that 41.6 percent of
women reported retaining 9 lb of their gained
weight during pregnancy, with 33.8 percent
reporting 14 lb of retained weight gain.
retained weight gain associated with pregnancy
was corroborated by the study of Coronary
Artery Risk Development in Young Adults
(CARDIA). As a result of their first pregnancy,
both black and white young women had a sus-
tained weight gain of 2 to 3 kg (4.4 to 6.6 lb) of
body weight.
Another study on a national
cohort of women followed for 10 years reported
that weight gain associated with childbearing
ranged from 1.7 kg (3.7 lb) for those having one
live birth during the study to 2.2 kg (4.9 lb) for
those having three.
In addition, higher
prepregnancy weights have been shown to
increase the risk of late fetal deaths.
Obesity during pregnancy is associated with
increased morbidity for both the mother and the
child. A tenfold increase in the prevalence of
hypertension and a 10 percent incidence of ges-
tational diabetes have been reported in obese
pregnant women.
Obesity also is associated
with difficulties in managing labor and delivery,
leading to a higher rate of induction and prima-
ry Caesarean section. Risks associated with anes-
thesia are higher in obese women, as there is
greater tendency toward hypoxemia and greater
technical difficulty in administering local or gen-
eral anesthesia.
Finally, obesity during preg-
nancy is associated with an increased risk of con-
genital malformations, particularly of neural
tube defects.
A certain amount of weight gain during preg-
nancy is desirable. The fetus itself, expanded
blood volume, uterine enlargement, breast tissue
growth, and other products of conception gener-
ate an estimated 13 to 17 lb of extra weight.
Weight gain beyond this, however, is predomi-
nantly maternal adipose tissue. It is this fat tissue
that, in large measure, accounts for the postpar-
tum retention of weight gained during pregnan-
cy. In turn, this retention reflects a postpartum
energy balance that does not lead to catabolism
of the gained adipose tissue. In part, this may
reflect reduced energy expenditure through
decreased physical activity, even while caring for
young children, but it may also reflect retention
of the pattern of increased caloric intake
acquired during pregnancy.
One difficulty in developing recommendations
of optimal weight gain during pregnancy relates
to the health of the infants. A balance must be
achieved between high-birth-weight infants who
may pose problems during delivery and who
may face a higher rate of Caesarean sections and
low-birth-weight infants who face a higher
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
infant mortality rate.
However, data from the
Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System from
the CDC showed that very overweight women
would benefit from a reduced weight gain dur-
ing pregnancy to help reduce the risk for high-
birth-weight infants.
The 1990 Institute of Medicine report made
recommendations concerning maternal weight
It recommended that each woman have
her BMI measured and recorded at the time of
entry into prenatal care. For women with a BMI
of less than 20, the target weight gain should be
0.5 kg (1.1 lb) of weight gain per week during
the second and third trimester. For a woman
whose BMI is greater than 26, the weight gain
target is 0.3 kg (0.7 lb) per week during the last
two trimesters.
Women who are overweight or obese at the
onset of pregnancy are advised to gain less total
weight during the pregnancy (see box above).
1.l. Psychosocial Aspects of Overweight and
A number of reviews have been published on the
psychosocial aspects of obesity.
The spe-
cific topics that will be reviewed here include
social stigmatization, psychopathology, binge
eating, and body image perceptions.
Social stigmatization
In American and other Westernized societies
there are powerful messages that people, espe-
cially women, should be thin, and that to be fat
is a sign of poor self-control.
125, 126, 128, 184, 185
Negative attitudes about the obese have been
reported in children and adults,
in health
care professionals,
and in the overweight
195, 196
People’s negative attitudes toward the obese
often translate into discrimination in employ-
ment opportunities,
college acceptance,
less financial aid from their parents in paying for
195, 201
job earnings,
rental availabilities,
and opportunities for marriage.
Much of the research on the social stigma of
obesity has suffered from methodological limita-
tions. For example, a number of the early studies
relied on line drawings rather than more lifelike
representations of obese people and on checklists
that forced one to make YES or NO choices.
More importantly, there has been a lack of
research that has looked at the impact of obesity
in the context of other variables, such as physical
attractiveness, the situational context, and the
degree of obesity.
In addition, social stigma
toward the obese has primarily been assessed
among white individuals. There is some evi-
dence that members of other racial and ethnic
groups are less harsh in their evaluation of obese
persons. One study assessed 213 Puerto Rican
immigrants to the United States, and found a
wide range of acceptable weights among them.
Crandall found that Mexican students were sig-
BMI Kilograms Pounds
<19.8 12.5 to 18 28 to 40
19.8 to 26 11.5 to 16 25 to 35
>26 to 29 7 to 11.5 15 to 25
>29 6 13
nificantly less concerned about their own weight
and were more accepting of other obese people
than were U.S. students.
In addition, the
degree of acceptance of obesity among people of
lower education and income has not been well
studied. Thus, these data are very incomplete
with respect to racial and ethnic groups other
than whites.
Psychopathology and Obesity
Research relating obesity to psychological disor-
ders and emotional distress is based on commu-
nity studies and clinical studies of patients seek-
ing treatment. In general, community-based
studies in the United States have not found sig-
nificant differences in psychological status
between the obese and nonobese.
However, several recent European studies in gen-
eral populations do suggest a relationship
between obesity and emotional problems.
Thus, it may be premature to state that there is
no association between obesity and psy-
chopathology or emotional distress in the gener-
al population. More focused, hypothesis-driven,
and long-term studies are needed.
127, 212
Overweight people seeking weight loss treatment
may, in clinic settings, show emotional distur-
In a review of dieting and depression,
there was a high incidence of emotional illness
symptoms in outpatients treated for obesity.
However, several factors influenced these emo-
tional responses, including childhood onset ver-
sus adult onset of obesity (those with childhood
onset obesity appear more vulnerable). Another
study that compared different eating disorder
groups found that obese patients seeking treat-
ment showed considerable psychopathology,
most prominently mild to severe depression.
Sixty-two percent of the obese group seeking
treatment showed clinically significant elevations
on the depression subscale of the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and 37 per-
cent of this same group showed a score of 20 or
higher (indicating clinical depression) on the
Beck Depression Inventory. Focusing on depres-
sion was considered an important component of
the weight loss program. Another study com-
pared obese people who had not sought treat-
ment to an obese group that had sought treat-
ment in a professional, hospital-based program,
and to normal weight controls.
Again, obese
individuals seeking treatment reported more psy-
chopathology and binge eating compared to the
other groups. Both obese groups reported more
symptoms of distress than did normal weight
controls. The authors suggest that the obese
population is not a homogenous group, and
thus, may not respond in the same way to stan-
dardized treatment programs. In particular,
obese individuals seeking treatment in clinic set-
tings are more likely than obese individuals not
seeking treatment and normal controls to report
more psychopathology and binge eating.
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eating disorder (BED) is characterized by
eating larger amounts of food than most people
would eat in a discrete time period (e.g., 2
hours) with a sense of lack of control during
these episodes.
It is estimated to occur in 20 to
50 percent of individuals who seek specialized
obesity treatment.
216 -218
In community-based
samples, the prevalence is estimated to be
approximately 2 percent.
Comparisons have
been made between BED and bulimia nervosa
(BN), an eating disorder characterized by recur-
rent and persistent binge eating, accompanied by
the regular use of behaviors such as vomiting,
fasting, or using laxatives. Studies comparing
normal weight individuals who have BN with
obese BED individuals have found that obese
binge eaters are less likely to demonstrate dietary
restraint and show few if any adverse reactions
to moderate or severe dieting. Most obese binge
eaters do not engage in inappropriate compen-
satory behaviors such as purging.
with BN, the demographic distribution of BED
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
is broader with respect to age, gender, and race
218, 219, 221-225
while data suggest that BED is as
common in African-American women as in
white women.
The difference between BED
and BN is dramatic regarding gender. Very few
men have BN,
whereas the distribution is
close to equal in BED.
225, 228, 229
Compared to obese nonbingers, obese individu-
als with BED tend to be heavier,
greater psychological distress, and are more likely
to have experienced a psychiatric illness (espe-
cially affective disorders).
They also
report an earlier onset of obesity and a greater
percentage of their lifetime on a diet.
237, 238
studies have shown histories of greater weight
fluctuation or weight cycling in obese binge
eaters compared with nonbingers,
219, 237, 238
others have not.
These individuals are also
more likely than nonbinging obese people to
drop out of behavioral weight loss programs,
and to regain weight more quickly.
Critics of behavioral treatment of obesity have
argued that caloric restriction may cause or con-
tribute to the episodes of binge eating and BN.
Three studies have tested this hypothesis.
218, 242,243
Neither moderate nor severe caloric restriction
exacerbated binge eating. All three studies
showed that weight control treatment featuring
caloric restriction significantly reduced the fre-
quency of binge eating in these patients.
Body Image
Body image is defined as the perception of ones
own body size and appearance and the emotion-
al response to this perception.
perception of body size or proportion and nega-
tive emotional reactions to size perceptions con-
tribute to poor body image. Obese individuals,
especially women, tend to overestimate their
body size.
People at greater risk for a poor body image are
binge eaters, women, those who were obese dur-
ing adolescence or with early onset of obesity,
and those with emotional disturbances.
127, 235, 244,
It is no surprise, then, that in some groups
of obese persons, these individuals are more dis-
satisfied and preoccupied with their physical
appearance, and avoid more social situations due
to their appearance.
254, 255
Body image dissatisfac-
tion and the desire to improve physical appear-
ance often drives individuals to seek weight loss.
However, obese persons seeking weight reduc-
tion must come to terms with real limits in their
biological and behavioral capacities to lose
weight. Otherwise, weight loss attempts may
only intensify the sense of failure and struggle
that is already present among many obese indi-
viduals. For this reason, psychosocial interven-
tions which incorporate strategies to improve
body image may be helpful for those who want
to lose weight and are very concerned about
their physical appearance. A review of body
image interventions in obese persons can be
found in Rosen (1996).
Body image perceptions of individuals in various
ethnic and racial groups may be different, on
average, from those of the mainstream culture.
There may be a similar range of attitudes but on
a different scale; for example, it may take a
much greater degree of overweight to elicit nega-
tive reactions.
Differences in body image and
weight-related concerns between black and white
girls and women have been observed.
In gen-
eral, black girls and women report: less social
pressure to be slim,
fewer incidences of
weight-related discrimination,
less weight and
body dissatisfaction, and greater acceptance of
overweight than their white counterparts.
College-age black women report less concern
and fear about fatness, less drive to be thin, and
less concern about dieting than do college-age
white women.
In addition, black women may
ascribe some positive qualities to being large,
such as having stamina, strength, and solidity,
and are less likely to link body size to health
than white women. Black elementary school and
high school girls were more likely to be trying to
gain weight
268, 269
and less likely to be trying to
lose weight as compared to white girls.
Because of the above, it is possible that weight
control initiatives may elicit different reactions
from black and white women. Less is known
about the relationship between obesity and body
image disturbance in other racial and ethnic
2. Overweight/Obesity and Morbidity in
Minority Populations
The data on overweight and obesity in minority
populations include men and women across a
wide age range and geographic area. Relevant
studies increasingly consist of well-designed,
population-based surveys and longitudinal stud-
ies. These studies have standardized, objective
measurements of overweight and obesity and
risk factors or disease outcomes. There is now a
wealth of evidence to demonstrate that over-
weight and obesity incidence (both generalized
and abdominal) predisposes to chronic diseases
in racial/ethnic minority populations as it does
in whites, though the absolute risk may differ.
51-52, 271-284
Indications for treatment of overweight and obe-
sity in minority populations are, therefore, the
same as those for non-Hispanic whites. Apparent
differences in the strength of association between
obesity and disease in various populations are
not necessarily relevant to individuals in clinical
settings, and obesity should be treated in any sit-
uation in which excess weight is associated with
an observable or probable risk of morbidity. In
addition, from a public health perspective, the
need for obesity prevention and treatment is
particularly pressing in racial/ethnic minority
populations because of the high proportion of
overweight and obese persons in many such
3. Obesity and Mortality
As stated in the introduction to the guidelines,
in the majority of epidemiologic studies, mortal-
ity begins to increase with BMIs above 25
The increase in mortality generally
tends to be modest until a BMI of 30 kg/m
28, 29, 31, 32
For persons with a BMI of 30
or above, mortality rates from all causes,
and especially from cardiovascular disease, are
generally increased by 50 to 100 percent above
that of persons with BMIs in the range of 20 to
25 kg/m
Three aspects of the association
between obesity and mortality remain unre-
3.a.Association of Body Mass Index With
Many of the observational epidemiologic studies
of BMI and mortality have reported a ‘U-’ or
‘J-shaped’ relationship between BMI and mortal-
Mortality rates are elevated in persons with
low BMI (usually below 20) as well as in persons
with high BMI.
28, 31, 32
In some studies, adjust-
ment for factors that potentially confound the
relationship between BMI and mortality, such as
smoking status and pre-existing illness, tends to
reduce the upturn in mortality rate at low BMI,
but in a meta-analysis the higher mortality at low
BMIs was not eliminated after adjustment for
confounding factors.
It is unclear whether the
elevated mortality observed at low BMI is due to
an artifact of incomplete control for confounding
inadequate body fat and/or inadequate
body protein stores that result from unintention-
al weight loss,
or individual genetic factors.
Currently, there is no evidence that intentional
weight gain in persons with low BMIs will lead
to a reduction in mortality.
3.b.Association of Body Mass Index With
Mortality in Older Adults
Many of the observational epidemiologic studies
suggest that the relationship between BMI and
mortality weakens with increasing age, especially
among persons aged 75 and above.
287- 290
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
factors have been proposed to explain this obser-
vation. Older adults are more likely than
younger adults to have diseases that both
increase mortality and cause weight loss leading
to lower body weight.
In addition, as peo-
ple age, they tend to have larger waist circumfer-
ences that increase their risk of mortality even at
lower BMIs.
Also, weight in middle age is
positively related to risk of mortality in old age.
The impact of smoking on body weight and
mortality is likely to be much stronger in older
adults because of the cumulative health effects of
BMI, which is an indirect estimate of adiposity,
may underestimate adiposity in older adults
whose BMI is similar to younger adults.
It is
also possible that persons most sensitive to the
adverse health effects of obesity are more likely
to have died before reaching older ages, resulting
in older cohorts that are more “resistant” to the
health effects of obesity. Recently, a 20-year
prospective study of a nationally representative
sample of U.S. adults aged 55 to 74 years sug-
gested that lowest mortality occurs in the BMI
range of 25 to 30.
297 298
After adjusting for smok-
ing status and pre-existing illness, lowest mortal-
ity occurred at a BMI of 24.5 in white men,
26.5 in white women, 27.0 in black men, and
29.8 in black women (see commentary on older
adults on pages 90-91).
3.c. Association of Body Mass Index With
Mortality in Ethnic Minorities
The levels of BMI associated with increased
mortality are based on epidemiological studies of
primarily white populations. The interest in con-
firming the association between BMI and mor-
tality in other racial/ethnic groups stems partly
from observations that lower-than-average total
mortality has been observed among some popu-
lations with a high BMI level,
and partly from
observations that within certain populations
there appears to be no effect of obesity at all or
at the BMI levels that are associated with higher
mortality in whites.
Three small cohort studies of narrowly defined
populations of African-Americans failed to show
the expected association of BMI and mortality
based on data from white populations.
Although the shape of the association of BMI
and mortality in two large, representative U.S.
data sets (the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Follow-up Study and the National
Health Interview Survey) is similar for black and
white males and females,
the BMI-related
increase in risk begins at a 1 to 3 kg/m
BMI level for blacks than for whites. For exam-
ple, in the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Follow-up Survey, the estimated
BMI associated with minimum mortality was
27.1 for black men and 26.8 for black women,
compared with 24.8 and 24.3, respectively, for
white men and women. On the basis of these
data, the use of the cutpoint of BMI 30 kg/m
for defining obesity is clearly applicable to
African-Americans as well as to whites.
Other Ethnic Minority Populations:
Limited data relating obesity to mortality in
American Indians were identified, but no data
were found relating obesity to mortality in
Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, or Pacific
The lowest mortality rate among
Pima men is observed at a BMI range of 35 to
40 kg/m
for men, and no relationship between
BMI and mortality is observed among Pima
306, 307
Based on mortality data alone, it
would be hard to justify using the same standard
for defining obesity in populations, such as
American Indians, among whom the mean BMI
is much higher than in the general U.S. popula-
tion. However, diabetes-related morbidity
among obese American Indians is extremely
and the overall age-specific mortality
among American Indians is generally higher
than in the U.S. general population.
obesity in American Indians is associated with a
compromised overall survival of the population.
Although the data on mortality are still fragmen-
tary for many minority populations, there are no
studies that would support the exclusion of any
racial/ethnic group from the current definitions
of obesity. Secular trends in many populations in
the United States and throughout the world
have demonstrated that longstanding overweight
and obesity eventually leads to the emergence of
chronic diseases. Therefore, prevalent overweight
and obesity cannot be ignored even where the
associated health problems have not reached the
level that would be expected on the basis of data
for white populations.
A number of studies of “generic weight loss
(cause of weight loss unknown), “weight cycling
(cycles of weight loss followed by weight regain),
and mortality have been published.
308- 311
but not all,
of these studies,
generic weight loss and weight cycling are associ-
ated with increases in mortality. None of these
studies, however, differentiated between inten-
tional and unintentional weight loss.
the exception of the studies below, very little is
currently known about factors related to inten-
tional and unintentional weight loss in the gen-
eral population or about the relationship
between weight loss intention and mortality.
Two studies of factors related to weight loss
intention have been carried out in the general
population: French and colleagues assessed cor-
relates of intentional and unintentional weight
loss of > 20 lb in the Iowa Womens Health
Study, a cohort study of approximately 29,000
women with a mean age of about 65 years;
and Meltzer and Everhart analyzed data on 1-
year self-reported weight change from approxi-
mately 9,000 participants in the nationally rep-
resentative U.S. National Health Interview
Survey, aged 45 years and above.
The results
of these two studies suggest the following:
In cross-sectional studies of weight loss recall,
heavier persons are more likely to report
intentional weight loss than unintentional
weight loss, while the reverse is true for leaner
Intentional and unintentional weight losses
occur with similar frequency in the U.S. pop-
ulation and contribute similarly to long-term
weight fluctuation;
The frequency of intentional weight loss is
lower at older ages, while the frequency of
unintentional weight loss is higher at older
ages; and
Unintentional weight loss occurs more often
in persons who report that their health status
is poor, who use medications for chronic
health conditions, and who smoke.
To date, only three studies have examined the
relationship between intentional weight loss and
mortality. Singh and colleagues
results from a 1-year randomized controlled trial
of a “cardioprotective diet” in East Indian
patients hospitalized with recent myocardial
infarction (mean age 50 years, mean BMI about
24 kg/m
). Although this study was not
designed to specifically test the efficacy of inten-
tional weight loss on lower mortality, the
authors found that those who lost at least 0.5 kg
(1.1 lb) had a 50 percent lower incidence of car-
diac events and a 54 percent lower risk of overall
mortality compared with counterparts who lost
< 0.5 kg (1.1 lb).
Williamson and colleagues
published a 12-
year prospective observational study of weight
loss and mortality that directly assessed weight
loss intention. They analyzed data from 43,457
overweight (BMI > 27), never-smoking, white
women ages 40 to 64 years. Mortality ratios
were compared for women who intentionally
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
lost weight with those for women who had no
change in weight. In women with obesity-related
comorbidities, intentional weight loss of any
amount was associated with a statistically signifi-
cant 20 percent reduction in all-cause mortality,
primarily due to a significant 40 to 50 percent
reduction in mortality from obesity-related can-
cers; diabetes-related mortality was also signifi-
cantly reduced by 30 to 40 percent in those who
intentionally lost weight. In women with no
comorbidities, intentional weight loss was gener-
ally unrelated to mortality; however, after subdi-
viding intentional weight loss by time interval, it
was found that a loss of at least 20 lb that
occurred within the previous year was associated
with small to modest increases in mortality. The
authors concluded that the association between
intentional weight loss and longevity in middle-
age overweight women depends on health status.
In addition, preliminary evidence suggests that
intentional weight loss in middle-age overweight
men may be associated with a similar reduction
of diabetes-related mortality as was observed in
the overweight women.
The ongoing Swedish Obesity Study is a con-
trolled trial of surgically induced weight loss and
subsequent morbidity and mortality over a 10-
year follow-up period (1,006 participants aged
37 to 57 years; initial BMI of 34 in men and 38
in women
320, 321
). Although the study is not ran-
domized (participants self-select for surgery), the
controls (who receive a behavioral weight loss
program) are computer-matched to surgical par-
ticipants on a large number of potential con-
founders including weight.
In a preliminary
the study reported the 2-year inci-
dence rates shown in Table II-3.
These results for disease and risk factor inci-
dences suggest that 10-year mortality will ulti-
mately be lower in the surgical intervention
group. Definitive mortality results have not been
reported to date.
The environment is a major determinant of
overweight and obesity. Environmental influ-
ences on overweight and obesity are primarily
related to food intake and physical activity
. In countries like the United States,
there is an overall abundance of palatable, calo-
rie-dense food. In addition, aggressive and
sophisticated food marketing in the mass media,
supermarkets, and restaurants, and the large por-
tions of food served outside the home, promote
high calorie consumption. Many of our socio-
cultural traditions promote overeating and the
preferential consumption of high calorie foods.
For many people, even when caloric intake is
Control Surgery
Diabetes 16 percent 0.5 percent
Hypertriglyceridemia 23 percent 6.0 percent
Low High-Density 16 percent 5.0 percent
Lipoprotein Levels
not above the recommended level, the number
of calories expended in physical activity is insuf-
ficient to offset consumption. Mechanization
limits the necessity of physical activity required
to function in society. Many people are
entrenched in sedentary daily routines consisting
of sitting at work, sitting in traffic, and sitting in
front of a television or a computer monitor for
most of their waking hours.
In this obesity-promoting environment, individ-
ual attitudes and behaviors are critical in weight
management. Many individuals may need
extended treatment in clinical or community
settings to enable them to cope with the com-
plexities of long-term weight management, espe-
cially if there is a history of unsuccessful
attempts at self-treatment.
When the typical
daily routine is so strongly biased towards pro-
moting and perpetuating overweight and obesi-
ty, very high levels of knowledge, motivation,
personal behavioral management skill, and
lifestyle flexibility are required for an overweight
or obesity-prone individual to avoid becoming
overweight, or progressing to moderate or severe
Although there are undoubtedly some inter- and
intrapopulation variations in the genetic predis-
position to become overweight or obese, several
lines of evidence suggest that genetic factors
alone cannot explain the demographic and eth-
nic variations in overweight and obesity preva-
lence. For example, there is a difference in obesi-
ty prevalence among low- and high-income
white women in industrialized societies.
Other studies of populations, including migra-
tion studies, have shown an increase in average
body weight in those who move from a tradi-
tional to a Westernized environment.
Culturally determined attitudes about food,
physical activity, and factors that vary with
income, education, and occupation may increase
the level of difficulty in weight management.
Body image concerns and other motivations for
avoiding obesity or controlling weight within
given limits also vary with ethnic background,
age, socioeconomic status, and gender. Thus, the
competence of practitioners in working with
diverse sociocultural perspectives can be a critical
factor in the success of obesity treatment.
a discussion of cultural issues in obesity treat-
ment and related references, see Appendix III.
Obesity is a complex multifactorial chronic dis-
ease developing from interactive influences of
numerous factors—social, behavioral, physiolog-
ical, metabolic, cellular, and molecular. Genetic
influences are difficult to elucidate and identifi-
cation of the genes is not easily achieved in
familial or pedigree studies. Furthermore, what-
ever the influence the genotype has on the etiol-
ogy of obesity, it is generally attenuated or exac-
erbated by nongenetic factors.
A large number of twin, adoption, and family
studies have explored the level of heritability of
obesity; that is, the fraction of the population
variation in a trait (e.g., BMI) that can be
explained by genetic transmission. Recent stud-
ies of individuals with a wide range of BMIs,
together with information obtained on their par-
ents, siblings, and spouses, suggest that about 25
to 40 percent of the individual differences in
body mass or body fat may depend on genetic
However, studies with identical
twins reared apart suggest that the genetic con-
tribution to BMI may be higher, i.e., about 70
There are several other studies of
monozygotic twins reared apart that yielded
remarkably consistent results.
Some of the
reasons behind the different results obtained
from twin versus family studies have been
The relative risk of obesity for
first-degree relatives of overweight, moderately
obese, or severely obese persons in comparison
to the population prevalence of the condition
Chapter 2: Overweight and Obesity: Background
reaches about 2 for overweight, 3 to 4 for mod-
erate obesity, and 5 and more for more severe
Support for a role of specific genes in human
obesity or body fat content has been obtained
from studies of Mendelian disorders with obesity
as one of the clinical features, single-gene rodent
models, quantitative trait loci from crossbreed-
ing experiments, association studies, and linkage
studies. From the research currently available,
several genes seem to have the capacity to cause
obesity or to increase the likelihood of becoming
The rodent obesity gene for leptin, a
natural appetite-suppressant hormone, has been
as has been its receptor.
In addition,
other single gene mutants have been cloned.
341, 342
However, their relationship to human disease
has not been established, except for one study
describing two subjects with a leptin mutation.
This suggests that for most cases of human obe-
sity, susceptibility genotypes may result from
variations of several genes.
Severely or morbidly obese persons are, on the
average, about 10 to 12 BMI units heavier than
their parents and siblings. Several studies have
reported that a single major gene for high body
mass was transmitted from the parents to their
children. The trend implies that a major reces-
sive gene, accounting for about 20 to 25 percent
of the variance, is influenced by age and has a
frequency of about 0.2 to 0.3.
However, no
gene(s) has (have) yet been identified. Evidence
from several studies has shown that some per-
sons are more susceptible to either weight gain
or weight loss than others.
It is important
for the practitioner to recognize that the phe-
nomenon of weight gain cannot always be
attributed to lack of adherence to prescribed
treatment regimens.
The recommendation to treat overweight and
obesity is based not only on the previously pre-
sented evidence that shows overweight is associ-
ated with increased morbidity and mortality, but
also on randomized controlled trial (RCT) evi-
dence that weight loss reduces risk factors for
disease. Thus, weight loss may help control dis-
eases worsened by overweight and obesity and
may also decrease the likelihood of developing
these diseases. The evidence meeting the panel’s
inclusion criteria is presented in the following
section in the form of evidence statements with a
corresponding rationale for each statement. The
details of the studies reviewed but not discussed
here are provided in Appendix II.
Many of the RCTs examined by the panel
included the use of pharmacotherapy for weight
loss. When the panel began its deliberations in
1995, two weight loss drugs, fenfluramine and
dexfenfluramine, were being used widely for
long-term weight loss, i.e., 14 million prescrip-
tions were given out over 1
2 years. However, as
of September 1997, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) requested the voluntary
withdrawal of these drugs from the market due to
a reported association between valvular heart dis-
ease and the use of dexfenfluramine and fenflu-
ramine alone or combined with phentermine.
In November 1997, the FDA approved the drug
sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate for the
management of obesity, including weight loss
and maintenance of weight loss when used in
conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet. Thus, at
the present time only one weight loss drug is
available for long-term weight loss. (Note: FDA
approval for orlistat is pending a resolution of
labeling issues and results of Phase III trials.)
However, due to rapidly evolving information
regarding the use of pharmacotherapy for weight
loss, the panel decided to present (below) their
critique of those pharmacotherapy trials meeting
their criteria for consideration.
1. Blood Pressure
To evaluate the effect of weight loss on blood
pressure and hypertension, 76 articles reporting
the results of RCTs were potentially eligible for
inclusion. Sixty articles included lifestyle trials
that studied diet and/or physical activity, and 16
articles were of pharmacotherapy trials. Dietary
interventions included low-calorie diets and diets
that promoted macronutrient composition
changes, such as amount and type of dietary fat.
Physical activity, when included, was used to
help promote increased energy expenditure.
These trials did not always control for other
dietary factors that lower blood pressure, such as
dietary salt, and the degree to which those taking
the blood pressure measurements were blinded to
the patient’s change in weight.
Of the 35 lifestyle RCT articles deemed accept-
able, 16 included hypertensive patients,
19 were conducted in individuals with normal or
high-normal blood pressure.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
1.a.(1). Lifestyle Trials in Hypertensive Patients
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss pro-
duced by lifestyle modifications reduces
blood pressure in overweight hypertensive
patients. Evidence Category A.
A 1987 meta-analysis
covering five
of the acceptable studies
351, 352, 356-358
in hyperten-
sive patients concluded that weight loss accom-
plished by dietary interventions significantly
lowered blood pressure. In hypertensive patients,
10 kg (22 lb) of weight loss was associated with
an average reduction of 7 mm Hg systolic and 3
mm Hg diastolic blood pressure compared with
Since publication of this meta-analysis in 1987,
almost all relevant studies have reported that
weight loss reduces blood pressure or the need
for medication in hypertensive patients:
346- 348, 350,
The Trial of Antihypertensive Interventions
and Management (TAIM), conducted in
hypertensive individuals not taking medica-
tion for 6 months, reported that, compared
with controls, a mean net weight reduction of
4.7 kg (10.4 lb) reduced systolic and diastolic
blood pressure by 2.8 mm Hg and 2.5 mm
Hg, respectively;
the effects on blood pres-
sure were equivalent to drug therapy among
those participants who lost 4.5 kg (9.9 lb) or
One study in older (age 60 to 80 years)
hypertensive adults whose blood pressure
medication was withdrawn (Trial of
Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the
Elderly, TONE) showed that after 2 years,
mean net weight loss of nearly 4 kg (9 lb)
resulted in more participants free of trial end-
points (occurrence of high blood pressure,
resumption of blood pressure medication, or
occurrence of a cardiovascular-clinical compli-
cation [39.2 percent versus 26.2 percent]).
Furthermore, blood pressure control was simi-
lar for men and women and for African-
Americans and whites.
In other studies of primarily middle-aged
hypertensive adults, compared with controls,
weight loss significantly reduced a return to
hypertension medication at 1 year
and at 4
to 5 years.
348, 359
The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial,
which recruited 12,866 high-risk men, 30
percent of whom had hypertension, delivered
an integrated intervention addressing several
lifestyle behaviors and included weight loss as
an important component. Significant reduc-
tions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
were found over 6 years compared with the
usual care group and were directly related to
weight loss: 1 kg (2.2 lb) of weight loss was
associated with a reduction of 0.4 mm Hg
systolic and 0.3 mm Hg diastolic blood pres-
sure in men not taking antihypertensive med-
ications. The effect was slightly lower for men
taking antihypertensive medications.
Only one RCT conducted in hypertensive
patients reported no significant change in
blood pressure despite weight loss of 3.3 kg
(7.3 lb).
Another study conducted in hypertensive
individuals suggested that weight loss reduced
blood pressure only when sodium intake was
also reduced.
This finding was not consis-
tent with a prior study of hypertensive
and has not been corroborated in
subsequent larger trials conducted in nonhy-
pertensive individuals.
378, 379
1.a.(2). Lifestyle Trials in Nonhypertensive
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss pro-
duced by lifestyle modifications reduces
blood pressure in overweight nonhyperten-
sive individuals. Evidence Category A.
A semiquantitative review
four of the acceptable studies
363, 366, 372, 374
in non-
hypertensive individuals concluded that weight
loss through dietary interventions significantly
lowered blood pressure. In nonhypertensives,
excluding one outlier trial that showed very large
reductions in blood pressure,
1 kg (2.2 lb) of
weight loss was associated with a reduction of
0.45 mm Hg in both systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. Since this review, published in 1991,
almost all relevant studies have reported that
weight loss reduces blood pressure in nonhyper-
tensive individuals.
364, 365, 367-371, 373, 375-380, 384
The Trials of Hypertension Prevention Phase 1
(TOHP I) and Phase 2 (TOHP II) are among
the larger, well-designed randomized trials, hav-
ing follow-up rates exceeding 90 percent. They
followed the participants for 18 months
and 3
to 4 years.
The sample size of the weight loss
intervention arms ranged from approximately
300 (TOHP I) to 600 (TOHP II). The popula-
tions were diverse, consisting of 30 to 35 percent
women and 15 to 18 percent African-
Americans, and were recruited from 10 centers
in TOHP I and 9 centers in TOHP II. Results
from both TOHP I and TOHP II demonstrated
that weight loss reduced blood pressure and the
incidence of hypertension. Compared with con-
trols, in both trials 10 kg (22 lb) of weight loss
was associated with a reduction of 7 mm Hg sys-
tolic and 5 to 6 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure
at 18 months. At 36 months, systolic and dias-
tolic blood pressure was reduced by 6 and 4 mm
Hg, respectively, for every 10 kg of weight loss.
In addition, weight loss reduced the incidence of
hypertension at 18 months by 20 to 50 percent
378, 379
and at 3 years by 19 percent.
analyses from TOHP I
and analyses under
way from TOHP II
demonstrated that the
greater the weight loss the greater the blood
pressure reduction, and as long as weight loss
was maintained, blood pressure remained
reduced. One study that focused on older
African-American diabetics showed that weight
loss of 2.4 kg (5.3 lb) at 6 months resulted in a
reduction of 3.9 and 4.0 mm Hg systolic and
diastolic blood pressure.
Only one study in
nonhypertensive individuals
showed inconsis-
tent results, where weight reduction decreased
systolic (significant) and diastolic (nonsignifi-
cant) blood pressure at 12 months in women
but not in men. Another study
showed short-
term (3 months) blood pressure reduction but
no longer-term (9 months) blood pressure
reduction despite maintenance of weight loss of
9 kg (19.8 lb).
1.b.Pharmacotherapy Trials
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss produced
by most weight loss medications (except for
sibutramine) and adjuvant lifestyle modi-
fications is accompanied by reductions in
blood pressure. Evidence Category B.
To determine the effects of pharmacological
therapy on weight loss and subsequent changes
in blood pressure levels, 10 RCT articles were
Weight loss studies using phar-
macotherapy were conducted predominantly in
white women and assumed that dietary changes
were uniform in the active drug and placebo
groups. All of these studies had a placebo-con-
trol group for which dietary recommendations
for weight loss were provided; weight loss also
occurred in the placebo group. No studies exam-
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
ined whether weight loss using pharmacotherapy
results in blood pressure reductions similar to
weight loss produced by diet therapy, nor were
the results compared with a pure control group
with no weight loss. In addition, none of the
studies that examined the effect of pharma-
cotherapy on blood pressure controlled for
weight loss. In general, the use of phentermine,
fenfluramine, and dexfenfluramine resulted in
similar or better weight loss than that seen in the
control or placebo group, and reductions in sys-
tolic and diastolic blood pressure were concomi-
tantly similar to or better than those observed in
the diet plus placebo group.
386, 390-393, 395
one study on dexfenfluramine
increased blood pressure compared to controls,
even though weight loss was greater with dexfen-
fluramine than with placebo. Another study
showed blood pressure lowering consistent with
weight reduction produced by dexfenfluramine
in women with upper-body obesity, but not in
women with lower-body obesity.
In a com-
bined summary of data on orlistat presented at
the FDA Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs
Advisory Committee Meeting (held in Bethesda,
Maryland, in May 1997), only a small decrease
in systolic (approximately 2 mm Hg) and dias-
tolic (approximately 1 mm Hg) blood pressure
was observed compared to the placebo.
In a
study of sibutramine, a net weight loss at 3
months of approximately 2 kg (4.4 lb) did not
result in lower blood pressure compared with
placebo controls.
Eleven double-blind place-
bo-controlled trials lasting from 12 to 52 weeks
showed that sibutramine is associated with mean
increases in systolic blood pressure of 1 to 3 mm
Hg, in diastolic pressure of 1 to 2 mm Hg, and
mean increases in pulse rate of 3 to 5 beats per
minute relative to placebo. In hypertensive obese
patients, the mean change in blood pressure was
the same in the sibutramine group and the
placebo group; both dropped. Systolic pressure
decreased 5.4 mm Hg in the sibutramine group
and 5.8 mm Hg in the placebo group, while the
diastolic drop was 5.9 mm Hg and 3.7 mm Hg,
respectively. At the FDA recommended doses,
45 percent of patients had an increase, 35 per-
cent had a decrease, and 20 percent had no
change in blood pressure.
1.c. Abdominal Fat
Evidence Statement:
Limited evidence sug-
gests that decreases in abdominal fat reduce
blood pressure in overweight nonhyperten-
sive individuals, although this has not been
shown to be independent of weight loss.
Evidence Category C.
Five RCTs
365,369,373, 375,377
testing the
effects of weight loss on blood pressure also mea-
sured abdominal fat by waist circumference or
by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. In all five
studies, waist circumference was reduced along
with weight, and blood pressure was decreased.
These studies were not designed to test whether
reduction in abdominal fat reduces blood pres-
sure independent of weight loss.
Evidence Statement:
Increased aerobic
activity to increase cardiorespiratory fitness
reduces blood pressure independent of
weight loss. Evidence Category A.
Seven RCTs testing the effects of
weight loss on blood pressure in overweight and
obese individuals also had measures of cardiores-
piratory fitness, as measured by maximal oxygen
346, 363, 369, 375, 377, 380
; or submaximal heart rate
Weight loss was accompanied by
increased fitness, primarily if the intervention
included increased physical activity or physical
activity combined with diet.
346, 363, 375, 377, 380
Fourteen RCT articles that studied
the effects of diet and/or physical activity on
lipids were reviewed.
365, 368, 370, 373, 380, 384, 399-406
Table III-1 summarizes RCTs in which diet
alone was used to produce weight loss. Entries
under percentage change were calculated as fol-
lows: the percentage change (value at the end of
study minus the value at baseline, divided by the
value at baseline) was determined for the inter-
vention group and the control group; the per-
centage change for the control group was then
subtracted from the percentage change for the
intervention group, giving the numerical value
presented. When a run-in period was used, the
“baseline” subtracted was the value at the end of
the run-in, which was when the intervention
Reductions in body weight varied from 5 to 13
percent compared to the control group. The fol-
lowing changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins
were observed: total cholesterol, 0 to -18 per-
cent; triglycerides, -2 to -44 percent; LDL-cho-
lesterol, -3 to -22 percent; and HDL-cholesterol,
-7 to +27 percent. Most of the trials were of suf-
ficient duration to ensure that these changes
were not the result of acute caloric deficit.
Table III-2 summarizes RCTs in which diet plus
physical activity or physical activity alone was
used to produce weight loss. Entries under per-
centage change were calculated as for Table III-1.
Similar changes were observed as for diet alone,
although there was perhaps a more consistent
trend for all the lipid parameters with the com-
bination of diet and physical activity and with
physical activity alone.
studies were not designed to test whether
increased cardiorespiratory fitness reduces blood
pressure independent of weight loss in over-
weight and obese adults. By contrast, in 3 meta-
analyses of 68 controlled studies of physical
activity conducted in normotensive and hyper-
tensive individuals, obesity was not an outcome
measure nor was it included in the eligibility cri-
teria. These meta-analyses showed that aerobic
exercise to increase cardiorespiratory fitness sig-
nificantly reduces blood pressure independent of
or in the absence of weight loss.
Weight loss is recom-
mended to lower elevated blood pressure in
overweight and obese persons with high
blood pressure. Evidence Category A.
2. Serum/Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins
Sixty-five RCT articles were evaluated for the
effect of weight loss on serum/plasma concentra-
tions of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
(LDL)-cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, triglycerides, and high-density
lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol. Studies were
conducted on individuals over a range of over-
weight and lipid levels. Weight loss in 52 of
these trials was induced by various lifestyle mod-
ifications, including diet modification (reducing
calories, or saturated fat and cholesterol, or
both) and increased physical activity.
2.a.Lifestyle Trials
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss produced
by lifestyle modifications reduces serum
triglycerides and increases HDL-cholesterol,
and generally produces some reductions in
serum total cholesterol, and LDL-choles-
terol. Evidence Category A.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
TC= Total Cholesterol TG= Triglycerides BMI= Body Mass Index
LDL-C= Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
HDL-C= High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
N, Sex, and Percentage Change
Study Duration Weight Loss TC TG LDL-C HDL-C
28M experimental -12 -9 -36 -9 -3
14M control
9 months
40M experimental BMI -1 -2 -3 +2
39M control -2
6 months
24 experimental (wt) -5 -7 -28 +8
22 experimental (lipid)
25 control (wt)
22 control (lipid)
12 months
71F experimental -6 -2 +12
76F control
12 months
22M experimental -11 0 +27
20M control
12 months
37 (27F/10M) mixed -13 -4 -41 +18
42 (32F/10M)
12 months
31 (23F/8M) -11 -4 -21 +10
42 (32F/10M)
12 months
22M experimental -8 -7 -27 +9
20M control
18 weeks
Simkin- 253F experimental -7 -8 -11 -9 +4
267F control
6 months
50F experimental -13 -18 -44 -22 +3
20F control
12 weeks
40M experimental -7 -5 -21 -5 +6
40M control
12 months
31F experimental -7 -7 -5 -8 -7
39F control
12 months
42M experimental -8 -2 -22 -3 +13
42M control
12 months
TC= Total Cholesterol TG= Triglycerides BMI= Body Mass Index
LDL-C= Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
HDL-C= High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
N, Sex, and Percentage Change
Study Duration Weight Loss TC TG LDL-C HDL-C
Diet+physical activity BMI -5 -12 -4 -1
39M experimental -4
39M control
6 month
Physical activity only BMI 0 -11 0 +2
39M experimental -2
39M control
6 months
Physical activity only BMI -6 +2 -1
40M high intensity group -1
41M control
12 months
Physical activity only BMI 0 -1 +1
42M high intensity home -1
41M control
12 months
Physical activity only BMI -14 0 +3
45M low intensity -4
41M control
12 months
Physical activity only BMI +1 -4 +1
34F high intensity group +2
34F control
12 months
Physical activity only BMI -2 +3 0
35F high intensity home 0
34F control
12 months
Physical activity only BMI +4 +3 0
29F low intensity -2
34F control
12 months
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
TC= Total Cholesterol TG= Triglycerides BMI= Body Mass Index
LDL-C= Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
HDL-C= High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
N, Sex, and Percentage Change
Study Duration Weight Loss TC TG LDL-C HDL-C
Diet+physical activity BMI -3 -4 -3 -1
30 (24M/6F) -2
29 (22M/7F)
12 months
Physical activity only -3 -6 -3 -5 +2
13 (8M/5F)
12 (7M/5F)
4 months
Diet+physical activity -5 -10 -7 -10 +3
56M experimental
57M control
12 months
Diet+physical activity -14 -17 -35 -26 0
48F experimental
20F control
12 weeks
Diet+physical activity -11 -4 -46 -2 +17
39M experimental
40M control
12 months
Diet+physical activity -9 -5 -18 -8 +5
42F experimental
39F control
12 months
2.b.Pharmacotherapy Trials
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss pro-
duced by weight loss medications and adju-
vant lifestyle modifications produces no
consistent change in blood lipids. Evidence
Category B.
The effects of pharmacological thera-
py on weight loss and subsequent changes in
total serum cholesterol levels were evaluated by
examining eight RCTs
386, 390-393, 395, 407,408
(Table III-3).
The four trials of dexfenfluramine showed no
consistent effects on total cholesterol; three trials
showed decreases in triglycerides ranging from
14 to 40 percent and two trials showed increases
in HDL-cholesterol of 8 percent in women to
27 percent in men. One trial of phentermine
plus fenfluramine showed a 24 percent decrease
in triglycerides and a slight change in HDL-cho-
The trial of orlistat showed a decrease
in total cholesterol and an increase in triglyc-
erides, while the trial of fluoxetine showed the
407, 408
Other RCTs using orlistat have
shown a modest improvement in lipids with
weight loss.
In a combined summary of data presented at the
FDA Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs
Advisory Committee Meeting (held in Bethesda,
Maryland, in September 1996), use of sibu-
tramine, which resulted in a greater net weight
loss of 2.4 kg (5.3 lb) at 4 months, also resulted
in modestly lower levels of total cholesterol,
LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides, along with
slightly higher HDL-cholesterol levels, compared
to placebos.
2.c. Abdominal Fat
Evidence Statement:
Limited evidence
suggests that decreases in abdominal fat
correlate with improvements in the lipid
profile of overweight individuals, although
these improvements have not been shown to
be independent of weight loss. Evidence
Category C.
Four RCTs testing the effects of
weight loss on blood lipids also included mea-
sures of abdominal fat, as measured by waist cir-
365,373,375, 399
In each study, waist cir-
cumference was reduced along with weight, and
blood lipids were improved. These studies were
not designed to test whether reductions in
abdominal fat reduce blood lipids independent
of weight loss. However, evidence exists from
epidemiologic observational studies that abdom-
inal fat is related to an adverse lipid profile,
including higher levels of total cholesterol, LDL-
cholesterol, and triglycerides, and lower levels of
2.d. Fitness
Evidence Statement:
Increased aerobic
activity to increase cardiorespiratory fitness
favorably affects blood lipids, particularly
if accompanied by weight loss. Evidence
Category A.
Nine RCTs testing the effects of
weight loss on lipoproteins measured cardiores-
piratory fitness, as measured by maximal oxygen
369, 375, 380, 384, 399, 401, 404-406
Weight loss was
accompanied by increased fitness if the interven-
tion included increased physical activity or phys-
ical activity combined with diet.
375, 380, 401, 404-406
These studies were not designed to test whether
increased cardiorespiratory fitness reduces blood
lipids independent of weight loss in overweight
and obese adults. However, considerable evi-
dence exists that aerobic exercise decreases
triglycerides and total cholesterol and may
increase HDL-cholesterol in men and women,
particularly if accompanied by weight loss.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
TC= Total Cholesterol TG= Triglycerides BMI= Body Mass Index
LDL-C= Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
HDL-C= High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
N, Sex, and Percentage Change
Study Duration Weight Loss TC TG LDL-C HDL-C
Dexfenfluramine -6 -14 -40 -9 +15
12 (8M/4F)
14 (8M/6F)
12 weeks
Mathus- Dexfenfluramine -4 +7 -14
17 experimental
18 control
12 months
Dexfenfluramine -6 +5 -26 +27M
27 (6M/21F) +8F
24 (14M/10F)
6 months
Dexfenfluramine -2 -3 +26
19 experimental
15 control
12 months
Fen/Phen -13 -6 -24 -2 -1
53 Fen/Phen
51 placebo
34 weeks
Orlistat -2 -2 +8
20 (3M/17F)
19 (3M/16F)
12 weeks
Fluoxetine -6 +9 -25
7 Fluoxetine
9 placebo
Weight loss is recom-
mended to lower elevated levels of total
cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyc-
erides and to raise low levels of HDL-cho-
lesterol in overweight and obese persons
with dyslipidemia. Evidence Category A.
3. Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Diabetes
Forty-nine articles of RCTs were reviewed to
evaluate the effect of weight loss on fasting
blood glucose and fasting insulin. Studies were
conducted in individuals with normal blood glu-
cose levels (fasting plasma glucose < 115 mg/dL
[< 6.4 mmol/L]), in individuals with impaired
glucose tolerance (fasting plasma glucose of
< 140 mg/dL [7.8 mmol/L] or 2 hours post-
prandial plasma glucose of 140 to < 200
mg/dL [7.8-11.1 mmol/L]), or in individuals
with diabetes (fasting plasma glucose of > 140
mg/dL or 2 hours postprandial plasma blood
glucose 200 mg/dL).*
The methods of weight loss included diet, physi-
cal activity, or both; behavior therapy; and phar-
macotherapy. The dietary interventions included
low calorie and very low calorie, and those that
promoted changes in diet composition, such as
amount and type of dietary fat. Physical activity
varied from controlled individualized exercise
programs to informal group sessions coupled
with behavior therapy and dietary changes. The
degree of blinding of outcome measures was not
always well described, nor was there a systematic
consideration of concurrent effects of changes in
medication or adherence to medication among
diabetic patients enrolled in these weight reduc-
tion studies.
Of the 17 RCT articles considered acceptable,
10 included normoglycemic individuals,
367, 373, 386,
387, 390-393, 403, 412
2 included patients with impaired
glucose tolerance,
70, 369
and 5 included
patients with type 2 diabetes.
362, 404, 408, 413, 414
3.a.Lifestyle Trials
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss produced
by lifestyle modifications, reduces blood
glucose levels in overweight and obese per-
sons without type 2 diabetes, and reduces
blood glucose levels and HbA
in some
patients with type 2 diabetes. Evidence
Category A.
Nine RCTs examined lifestyle therapy.
70, 362, 367, 369, 373, 403, 404, 412, 413
Five RCTs among normo-
glycemic overweight individuals examined the
effects of behavior therapy or lifestyle change on
weight loss. Changes in fasting glucose or fasting
insulin are used as secondary outcome measures.
Improvements in the levels of fasting insulin
with weight loss ranged from 18 to 30 percent.
While weight loss was maintained, improve-
ments were observed for fasting glucose, fasting
insulin, and glucose and insulin levels during
oral glucose tolerance testing compared to
367, 373, 403, 412
Three RCTs of lifestyle modifications were
conducted among overweight diabetic patients.
One RCT of diet and physical activity in
African-Americans aged 55 to 79 years with type
2 diabetes showed a 2.4 kg (5.3 lb) weight loss
at 6 months compared to the usual-care control
group. The intervention group also decreased
by 2.4 percentage units at 6 months.
In another study, weight loss of 5 kg (11 lb)
through diet resulted in a reduction of HbA
2 percentage units at 6 months compared with
the controls.
At 1 year, the difference in
weight loss between the two groups was reduced,
and diabetic control was similar in each group.
In the third study, weight loss, through physical
activity in 25 type 2 diabetes patients randomly
* The reviewed articles used the “old” definitions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes. As of
November 1997, the new ADA definitions define “impaired fasting glucose” as those individuals having a fasting plasma glucose of 110 to 125 mg/dL,
and “diabetes” as those individuals having a fasting plasma glucose of
126 mg/dL or 2 hours postprandial plasma glucose of
200 mg/dL.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
assigned to physical activity (13 patients) or con-
trol (12 patients) groups, was associated with
improved HbA
One RCT of 530 individuals in China with
impaired glucose tolerance compared the effects
of diet, physical activity, and diet plus physical
activity on the incidence of diabetes. The data
were analyzed for the group as a whole and for
the lean and overweight groups separately. The
overweight individuals in the diet and diet plus
physical activity groups lowered their BMIs,
while the lean individuals did not. After 6 years,
the cumulative incidence rates of diabetes were
significantly lower in all three intervention
groups than they were in the controls (43.8 per-
cent in the diet group, 41.1 percent in the phys-
ical activity group, 46 percent in the diet plus
physical activity group, and 67.7 percent in the
controls). This was true also if only the over-
weight persons were included in the analysis.
3.b. Pharmacotherapy Trials
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss produced
by weight loss medications has not been
shown to be any better than weight loss
through lifestyle modification for improving
blood glucose levels in overweight or obese
persons both with and without type 2 dia-
betes. Evidence Category B.
Eight RCT articles considered the
effects of pharmacotherapy on weight loss and
subsequent changes in blood glucose.
386, 387, 390-393
408, 414
Six trials in nondiabetic individuals reported
weight loss with anorexiant drugs.
386, 387 390-393
One study of 75 subjects with refractory obesity
showed that those taking dexfenfluramine had a
significantly better improvement in their blood
glucose levels as compared to placebo controls.
Another trial showed that after 6 months on
dexfenfluramine, fasting serum insulin levels fell
from 105 at baseline to 89 at 6 months, but
glucose levels did not decrease.
This study
was difficult to interpret. Four other RCTs of
dexfenfluramine failed to show any significant
differences between the active drug and placebo
groups for glucose or insulin, despite significant
differences in weight reduction.
386, 387, 391, 393
Among diabetic patients, there were two trials of
anorexiant drugs. One trial of dexfenfluramine
compared with standard clinic practice showed
significantly greater weight loss at 3 months but
not at 6 or 12 months.
Weight loss at 3
months was 3.4 kg (7.5 lb) in the dexfenflu-
ramine group and 1.59 kg (3.5 lb) in the clinic
group. At 6 months, the weight loss was 3.13 kg
(6.9 lb) in the dexfenfluramine group and 1.70
kg (3.7 lb) in the clinic group. By 1 year, both
groups had regained some weight. Despite more
than a 1 kg (2.2 lb) difference of weight between
the dexfenfluramine group and the control
group, there were no significant differences
between groups in changes from baseline for
at any of the follow-up times (3, 6, or 12
months). In the trial of fluoxetine, those patients
on 60 mg of fluoxetine daily compared with the
placebo group had significant weight loss at 6
months, a finding that was associated with
improvements in glucose and HbA
. At 12
months, these differences were no longer signifi-
The RCTs of orlistat showed a drop in
both fasting glucose and HBA
in diabetic
patients on a combination therapy of lifestyle
change and orlistat for weight loss.
3.c. Abdominal Fat
Evidence Statement:
Decreases in abdom-
inal fat improve glucose tolerance in over-
weight individuals with impaired glucose
tolerance, although this has not been shown
to be independent of weight loss. Evidence
Category C.
Two RCTs testing the effects of
weight loss on changes in glucose tolerance and
insulin also had measures of abdominal fat, as
measured by waist circumference.
In each
study, waist circumference was reduced along
with weight loss and glucose tolerance improved.
Neither study was designed to test whether
reductions in waist circumference improved glu-
cose tolerance or diabetic control independent
of weight loss.
Evidence exists from observational studies that
abdominal fat is related to impaired glucose tol-
erance or type 2 diabetes independent of BMI.
For instance, a few studies have found a signifi-
cant relationship between abdominal fat loss and
improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin
3.d. Fitness
Evidence Statement:
Increased cardiores-
piratory fitness improves glucose tolerance
in overweight individuals, but no evidence
shows this relationship to be independent
of weight loss. Evidence Category C.
Two RCTs that examined the effects
of weight loss on glucose tolerance in older men
and in persons with diabetes
also had mea-
sures of VO
max (oxygen consumption) as a
measure of fitness. In both studies, physical
activity resulted in a net weight loss of approxi-
mately 2.3 to 2.5 kg (2 to 3 percent) and
increased VO
max by 9 to 18 percent. In one
most measures of glucose tolerance
improved, whereas in the other study
only 2-
hour insulin improved. Neither study was
designed to test whether increased fitness
improves glucose tolerance independent of
weight loss.
Weight loss is recom-
mended to lower elevated blood glucose lev-
els in overweight and obese persons with
type 2 diabetes. Evidence Category A.
4. Decreases in Abdominal Fat With Weight
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss is asso-
ciated with decreases in abdominal fat, as
measured by waist circumference. Evidence
Category A.
Six acceptable RCTs on weight loss
that measured waist circumferences all show that
weight loss is associated with reductions in waist
365, 369, 373, 375, 384, 399
Waist circumfer-
ence is commonly used as a surrogate measure
for abdominal visceral fat.
420, 421
Although no
RCTs examined changes in visceral fat per se,
one observational study
showed significant
decreases in visceral fat with a mean weight loss
of 12.9 kg (28.4 lb).
In addition, many observational and non-RCT
interventional studies have reported that weight
loss caused by a variety of treatments reduces
abdominal visceral fat levels.
417, 423-428
Fat located
in the abdominal region is associated with
greater health risks than that in peripheral
regions, e.g., the gluteal-femoral area.
155-159, 429, 430
Many studies used the waist-to-hip ratio as the
measure of abdominal fat; however, the panel
considered waist circumference to be a better
marker of abdominal fat content than the waist-
to-hip ratio. For more information on abdomi-
nal fat, see Section 4.B.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
A variety of modalities may be used to treat over-
weight and obesity. To assess their effectiveness
on weight loss, loss of abdominal fat, and car-
diorespiratory fitness, evidence from RCTs was
examined. These trials considered dietary thera-
py, physical activity, combined therapy, behavior
therapy, pharmacotherapy, and surgery. The
details of the studies reviewed and subsequently
not included are provided in Appendix II.
1. Dietary Therapy
Eighty-six RCT articles evaluated the effective-
ness of many different diets on weight loss: low-
calorie diets (LCDs), very low-calorie diets
(VLCDs), vegetarian, American Heart
Association guidelines and the National
Cholesterol Education Programs Step I diet with
caloric restriction, and other low-fat regimens
with varying combinations of macronutrients.
The trials that included participants who were
not overweight were rejected. Some trials were
done in patient populations with diabetes,
hypertension, or hyperlipidemia. Many of the
trials do not mention whether concomitant
physical activity programs were promoted, and
many do not give information about the behav-
ioral approaches that were used to deliver the
diet or physical activity intervention.
Approximately 60 percent of the trials are equal
to or greater than 6 months in duration.
1.a Low-Calorie Diets
Evidence Statement:
LCDs can reduce
total body weight by an average of 8 per-
cent over 3 to 12 months. Evidence
Category A.
Thirty-four RCT articles examined
the impact on weight loss of an LCD consisting
of approximately 1,000 to 1,200 kilocalories/day.
Many of these LCDs also promoted low fat
intake as a practical way to reduce calories.
Twenty-five RCT articles covered interventions
lasting 6 or more months.
346-348, 350, 354, 355, 359, 363-366,
368, 369, 373, 375, 378-380, 399, 400, 406, 413, 431-433
Another nine RCTs lasted 12 to 21 weeks.
349, 351,
356, 370, 371, 377, 384, 434, 435
All of the studies, regardless of the length of the
intervention, showed that LCDs result in weight
loss. From the 25 RCT articles with a duration
of 6 months, compared to controls, LCDs
brought about a mean weight loss of approxi-
mately 8 percent of body weight over a period of
6 months and up to 1 year. The nine studies
with an intervention lasting from 3 months up
to 6 months also averaged approximately 8 per-
cent weight loss compared to controls. Four
studies that included a long-term weight loss
and maintenance intervention lasting 3 to 4.5
years reported an average weight loss of 4 per-
cent over the long term.
348, 359, 366, 379
Evidence Statement:
LCDs resulting in
weight loss effect a decrease in abdominal
fat. Evidence Category A.
Four RCTs testing the effects of LCDs alone on
weight loss also had measures of abdominal fat,
as measured by waist circumference.
365, 369, 375, 399
The studies showed consistently that waist cir-
cumference decreases along with weight loss pro-
duced by LCDs. After 6 to 12 months, LCDs
resulted in a mean weight loss of as little as 0.3
BMI unit to as much as 11 kg (24.3 lb) body
weight, and a concomitant reduction in waist
circumference of 1.5 to 9.5 cm compared to
Evidence Statement:
No improvement in
cardiorespiratory fitness as measured by
max appears to occur in overweight or
obese adults who lose weight on LCDs
without increasing physical activity.
Evidence Category B.
Ten RCTs examined whether weight
loss through diet alone without increased physi-
cal activity had an effect on cardiorespiratory fit-
ness as measured by VO
max when compared
to controls with no weight loss. Four RCTs
reported no improvement in VO
while six RCTs reported an improvement.
346, 369,
380, 384, 406, 432
In three of the six studies, improve-
ment in those on the LCD was shown because
the control group had a large decrease in VO
In all six studies that showed
improvement, VO
max was expressed as
ml/kg/min rather than liters/min. Because the
ratio of ml O
/kg/min increases with weight loss
alone and not necessarily from an improvement
in oxygen uptake, results from studies reporting
max in terms of ml O
/kg/min are equivo-
cal. The three studies that reported VO
max as
liters/min consistently showed no improvement
from diet alone.
1.b. Very Low-Calorie Diets
Evidence Statement:
VLCDs produce
greater initial weight loss than LCDs.
However, the long-term (> 1 year) weight
loss is not different from that of the LCD.
Evidence Category A.
Four RCTs compared VLCDs to LCDs.
The VLCDs provided about 400 to 500
kcal/day, whereas the LCDs provided approxi-
mately 1,000 to 1,500 kcal/day. During the
active phase, VLCDs were given exclusively for
12 to 16 weeks and then were followed by
LCDs for a total duration ranging from 24
weeks to 5 years. The participants in these trials
were primarily women who were extremely
VLCDs either alone or, usually, combined with
behavioral therapy, promoted weight loss of
approximately 13 to 23 kg (28.7 to 50.7 lb)
during the active phase of the VLCD interven-
tion, compared to 9 to 13 kg (19.8 to 28.7 lb)
with LCDs. In three of the four studies, VLCDs
resulted in 4 to 12 kg (8.8 to 26.5 lb) greater
weight loss than the LCDs at the end of the
active phase.
Over the medium term of 6 to
12 months, weight loss on the VLCDs ranged
from 1.1 kg (2.4 lb) to as much as 10.4 kg (22.9
lb) greater than weight loss on LCDs. One study
did not show a particular advantage of VLCD
over LCD either during the active phase or at 24
After 1 year, there was no long-term
advantage of VLCDs over LCDs.
436, 437
1.c. Lower-Fat Diets
Evidence Statement:
Although lower-fat
diets without targeted caloric reduction
help promote weight loss by producing a
reduced caloric intake, lower-fat diets cou-
pled with total caloric reduction produce
greater weight loss than lower-fat diets
alone. Evidence Category A. Lower-fat
diets produce weight loss primarily by
decreasing caloric intake. Evidence
Category B.
Nine RCTs testing the effects of diet
on weight loss promoted diets that varied in fat
and caloric content.
317, 364, 369, 434, 440-444
diets varied from 20 to 30 percent of calories
from fat, and calories ranged from 1,200 to
2,300 calories.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
Three RCTs, all 6 months or greater in dura-
tion, promoted lower-fat diets with ad libitum
caloric intake. Two of the three RCTs reported
that lower-fat diets with ad libitum energy
intake resulted in a reduction in caloric intake of
85 kcal and 300 kcal,
317, 444
and all three RCTs
produced greater weight loss by 1 to 3.9 kg (2.2
to 8.6 lb), compared to a higher-fat diet.
317, 441, 444
The third RCT had a large disparity in baseline
caloric intake between the two diet groups, mak-
ing the reported caloric intakes at the end of the
study difficult to compare.
Three RCTs compared lower-fat diets with tar-
geted caloric reduction to lower-fat diets alone,
and all three found that weight loss is greater in
the lower-fat diet with caloric reduction than
with the lower-fat diet alone.
369, 434, 442
When similar caloric levels occur between lower-
fat and higher-fat diets, similar amounts of
weight loss were reported in two studies,
364, 443
whereas one study showed 1.8 kg (4 lb) greater
weight loss on the lower-fat compared with the
higher-fat diet, despite similar reported calorie
Taken together, these studies show that lower-fat
diets ranging from 20 to 30 percent of calories
can contribute to lower caloric intake even when
caloric reduction is not the focus of the inter-
317, 444
but when LCDs are targeted with
lower-fat diets, better weight loss is achieved.
434, 442
However, there is little evidence that lower-
fat diets (per se) cause weight loss independent
of caloric reduction.
LCDs are recom-
mended for weight loss in overweight and
obese persons. Evidence Category A.
Reducing fat as part of an LCD is a prac-
tical way to reduce calories. Evidence
Category A.
2. Physical Activity
Twenty-four RCT articles were reviewed for the
effect of physical activity on weight loss, abdom-
inal fat (measured by waist circumference), and
changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (VO
Thirteen articles were deemed acceptable.
346, 363,
365, 369, 375, 401, 404, 406, 432, 434, 445-447
Only one of these
RCTs compared different intensities and format
with a control group, although the goal was to
increase physical activity and not specifically to
produce weight loss.
Results from this trial
were subsequently reported after 2 years, but
these no longer included the control group.
One additional study did not have a no-treat-
ment control group, but compared three active
treatment groups with each other: diet only,
exercise only, and combination exercise plus diet.
Most RCTs described the type of physical activi-
ty as cardiovascular endurance activities in the
form of aerobic exercise such as aerobic dancing,
brisk walking, jogging, running, riding a station-
ary bicycle, swimming, and skiing, preceded and
followed by a short session of warmup and cool
down exercises. Some physical activity programs
also included unspecified dynamic calisthenic
363, 369, 406, 446
The intensity of the physical activity was adapt-
ed to each individual and varied from 60 to 85
percent of the individual’s estimated maximum
heart rate, or was adjusted to correspond to
approximately 70 percent of maximum aerobic
capacity (VO
max). The measure of physical fit-
ness included VO
max. The frequency of physi-
cal activity varied from three to seven sessions a
week and the length of the physical activity ses-
sion ranged from 30 to 60 minutes. Some physi-
cal activity programs were supervised, and some
were home-based. Adherence to the prescribed
physical activity program was recorded and
reported in some studies and not mentioned in
others. Most studies did not estimate the caloric
expenditure from the physical activity or report
calorie intake. The duration of the intervention
varied from 16 weeks to 1 year; six articles
reported on trials that lasted at least 1 year.
346, 363,
375, 401, 406, 432
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity,
i.e., aerobic exercise, in overweight and
obese adults results in modest weight loss
independent of the effect of caloric reduc-
tion through diet. Evidence Category A.
Twelve RCT articles examined the
effects of physical activity, consisting primarily
of aerobic exercise, on weight loss compared to
346, 363, 365, 369, 375, 401, 404, 406, 432, 434, 445, 446
Ten of
the 12 RCT articles reported a mean weight loss
of 2.4 kg (5.3 lb) (or 2.4 percent of weight)
369, 375, 406, 419, 432, 434
or a mean reduction in BMI of
0.7 kg/m
(2.7 percent reduction)
346, 365, 401
in the
exercise group compared to the control group.
In three of these ten studies, the weight loss was
< 2 percent of body weight (< 2 kg) (4.4 lb).
375, 434
In contrast, two RCTs showed no benefit
on weight from exercise, reporting weight gain
in the exercise group compared to the control
445, 446
In one of these studies, the control
group received only diet advice but nevertheless
lost 9 kg (19.8 lb), whereas the exercise group
lost only 7 kg (15.4 lb).
In the second study,
there was a total of only 10 participants, all hav-
ing noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and
the control group lost 3 kg (6.6 lb) whereas the
exercise group lost only 2 kg (4.4 lb).
A meta-
analysis of 28 publications of the effect on
weight loss of exercise compared to diet or con-
trol groups showed that aerobic exercise alone
produces a modest weight loss of 3 kg (6.6 lb) in
men and 1.4 kg (3.1 lb) in women compared to
Ten articles reported on RCTs that had a diet-
only group in addition to an exercise-only group.
346, 363, 365, 369, 375, 406, 432, 434, 445, 448
In every case except
the exercise-only group did not experi-
ence as much weight loss as the diet-only group.
The diet-only group produced approximately 3
percent, or 3 kg (6.6 lb), greater weight loss than
the exercise-only group.
No single study examined the length of the
intervention in relation to the weight loss out-
come. Only one study compared the effect on
maximum oxygen uptake of different intensities
and formats of physical activity over a 1-year fol-
and 2-year follow-up period.
adherence over 1 year was found if the exercise
was performed at home rather than in a group
setting, regardless of the intensity level.
Subsequently, the different exercise groups were
compared with each other over the longer term
(2 years), and better long-term adherence was
found in the higher intensity home-based exer-
cise group compared to the lower intensity
home-based or higher intensity group-based
exercise groups.
The question of whether physical activity
enhances long-term maintenance of weight loss
has not been formally examined in RCTs.
Examination of long-term weight loss mainte-
nance produced by physical activity interven-
tions compared with diet-only interventions can-
not easily be compared between RCTs because
of numerous differences between studies with
respect to design, sample size, intervention con-
tent and delivery, and characteristics of the study
population samples. However, a number of
analyses of observational and post hoc analyses
of intervention studies have examined whether
physical activity has a beneficial effect on
weight. Cross-sectional studies have generally
shown that physical activity is inversely related to
body weight
and rate of weight gain with
Longitudinal studies with 2 to 10 years of
follow-up results have observed that physical activ-
ity is related to less weight gain over time
less weight gain after smoking cessation in
and weight loss over 2 years.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
addition, post hoc analyses of several weight loss
intervention studies reported that physical activi-
ty was a predictor of successful weight loss.
454, 462, 463
The results of these RCTs showed that physical
activity produces only modest weight loss and
observational analyses from other studies suggest
that physical activity may play a role in long-
term weight control and/or maintenance of
weight loss.
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity in
overweight and obese adults modestly reduces
abdominal fat. Evidence Category B.
Only three RCTs testing the effect of
physical activity on weight loss also had mea-
sures of abdominal fat as assessed by waist cir-
365, 369, 375
One study demonstrated
that physical activity reduced waist circumfer-
ence compared with the control group,
another study showed a small effect on waist cir-
cumference (0.9 cm) in men but not women.
One study in men showed a small increase in
waist circumference.
Weight loss was modest
in all of these studies. These studies were not
designed to test the effects of physical activity on
abdominal fat independent of weight loss.
However, several large studies in Europe,
and the United States
that physical activity has a favorable effect on
body fat distribution. These studies showed an
inverse association between energy expenditure
through physical activity and several indicators
of abdominal obesity, such as waist circumfer-
ence and waist-to-hip and waist-to-thigh cir-
cumference ratios.
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity in
overweight and obese adults increases car-
diorespiratory fitness independent of weight
loss. Evidence Category A.
Eleven RCT articles testing the effect
of physical activity alone on weight loss in men
and women also included measures of cardiores-
piratory fitness, as measured by maximal oxygen
uptake (VO
346, 363, 369, 375, 401, 404, 406, 432, 434, 445, 446
All 11 showed that physical activity increased
maximum oxygen uptake in men and women in
the exercise groups by an average of 14 percent
(ml/kg body weight) to 18 percent (L/min).
Even in studies with modest weight loss (< 2
percent), physical activity increased VO
max by
an average of 12 percent (L/min) to 16 percent
369, 375, 434
One study that compared different formats and
intensities of physical activity on VO
reported that improvement in VO
max was
related to adherence to the physical activity
regime. In that study, the lower-intensity pro-
gram was equally effective on VO
max as a
higher-intensity program, largely as a result of
different levels of adherence.
The results of the RCTs strongly demonstrate
that physical activity increases cardiorespiratory
fitness in overweight and obese individuals.
Physical activity is
recommended as part of a comprehensive
weight loss therapy and weight mainte-
nance program because it: (1) modestly
contributes to weight loss in overweight
and obese adults (Evidence Category A),
(2) may decrease abdominal fat (Evidence
Category B), (3) increases cardiorespiratory
fitness (Evidence Category A), and (4)
may help with maintenance of weight loss
(Evidence Category C).
3. Combined Therapy (Diet and Physical
Twenty-three RCT articles investigated the
effects on body weight of a combination of a
reduced calorie diet with increased physical
activity. The control groups used diet alone or
physical activity alone.
Of the 15 studies deemed acceptable, each of
them compared the combined intervention with
diet alone,
346, 365, 375, 377, 380, 384, 434, 435, 445, 448, 469-473
and 6
of them also compared the combined interven-
tion to physical activity alone.
346, 365, 375, 434, 448, 474
The studies varied in terms of the length of the
active intervention period as well as the length
of the follow-up. Many of the programs lasted
for more than 6 months, and five studies had
intervention or follow-up data for at least 1 year.
346, 375, 380, 445, 473
Two studies included patients with
type 2 diabetes.
470, 473
Participants in the diet and
physical activity group most often participated
in supervised group-based physical activity con-
sisting of 30- to 60-minute sessions 3 times a
week, and they were encouraged to maintain a
maximum heart rate between 60 and 80 percent.
There were three diet components: general
dietary advice, caloric reduction of 500 to 1,000
kcal per day, or a diet containing 1,200 kcal per
Evidence Statement:
The combination of
a reduced calorie diet and increased physi-
cal activity produces greater weight loss
than diet alone or physical activity alone.
Evidence Category A.
Of the 15 RCT articles, 12 observed
that the combined diet and physical activity
group had a mean greater weight loss of 1.9 kg
(4.2 lb) and a mean greater BMI reduction of
0.4 (range of 0.3 to 0.5) than the diet-alone
346, 365, 375, 377, 380, 384, 434, 435, 448, 469, 470, 473
One study compared different forms of physical
activity in combination with diet and found
that, compared to diet alone, the greatest weight
loss occurred when the combination interven-
tion included both aerobic and resistance train-
ing: 0.9 kg (2 lb) greater weight loss than aero-
bic exercise plus diet.
Another study reported
that participants receiving resistance training in
combination with diet had 2.2 and 5.0 kg (4.9
and 11 lb) greater weight loss than the diet-alone
group after 24 and 48 weeks, respectively.
Five of the six studies that compared combined
intervention with physical activity alone
observed that the combined intervention group
had a 5.3 kg (11.7 lb) (range of 3.6 to 6.2 kg)
(7.9 to 13.7 lb) greater weight loss and 0.9
change in BMI unit than the physical activity-
alone group.
346, 365, 375, 434, 448
This greater weight
loss was significant in three studies.
365, 375, 448
Three RCTs compared the longer-term versus the
shorter-term effects of the combination of physi-
cal activity and diet versus diet alone.
384, 469, 473
three studies found that the combination result-
ed in approximately 1.5 to 3 kg (3.3 to 6.6 lb)
greater weight loss than diet alone over the
longer term of 9 months to 2 years.
Evidence Statement:
The combination of a
reduced calorie diet and increased physical
activity produces greater reductions in
abdominal fat than either diet alone or
physical activity alone, although it has not
been shown to be independent of weight loss.
Evidence Category B.
Three RCTs
365, 375, 471
that examined the
combined effect of diet and physical activity on
weight loss also had measures of abdominal fat,
as measured by waist circumference. Two of the
three RCTs showed that the combination inter-
vention resulted in greater reduction in waist cir-
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
cumference than diet alone in men
365, 375
(only one) in women.
In the other RCT, no
differences in reduced waist circumference were
Of the three RCTs comparing com-
bination therapy to physical activity alone, one
study reported a greater waist reduction of 2.7
to 3.8 cm in women and men, respectively,
and by less than 1 cm in another study.
effects of combination therapy on abdominal fat
in these studies are not separable from the effects
on weight loss.
Evidence Statement:
A combination of a
reduced calorie diet and increased physical
activity improves cardiorespiratory fitness as
measured by VO
max when compared to
diet alone. Evidence Category A.
Nine RCTs examined the effect of a
combination of diet and physical activity on fit-
ness compared to diet alone.
346, 375, 377, 380, 434, 435, 445,
448, 475
In most studies, the physical activity was in
the range of 60 to 80 percent VO
max. All nine
RCTs showed that a combination of diet and
physical activity improved cardiorespiratory fit-
ness, as measured by VO
max, more than diet
alone, whether reported relative to body mass in
ml O
/kg/min or in absolute values by ml
346, 375, 377, 380, 434, 435, 445, 448, 475
Studies of
longer duration tended to show the greatest
improvement. This improvement was significant
in six of the studies.
346, 375, 377, 380, 434, 448
The combination of
a reduced calorie diet and increased physi-
cal activity is recommended, since it pro-
duces weight loss, decreases abdominal fat,
and increases cardiorespiratory fitness.
Evidence Category A.
4. Behavior Therapy
Behavior therapy constitutes those strategies,
based on learning principles such as reinforce-
ment, that provide tools for overcoming barriers
to compliance with dietary therapy and/or
increased physical activity. Two questions are
important in assessing the effect of behavior
therapy in the treatment of overweight and obe-
sity. First, does behavior therapy provide addi-
tional benefits above and beyond the other
weight loss approaches—diet, physical activity,
or drug therapy? Second, are there behavioral
strategies that are more effective than others?
4.a. Additional Benefits Beyond Other Weight
Loss Approaches
Thirty-six RCT articles were examined to evalu-
ate whether behavior therapy provides additional
benefits beyond other weight loss approaches.
The acceptable RCTs compared behavior thera-
py plus another weight loss strategy to that
weight loss strategy without behavior therapy.
Evidence Statement:
Behavior therapy,
when used in combination with other
weight loss approaches, provides additional
benefits in assisting patients to lose weight
short term (1 year). Evidence Category B.
No additional benefits are found at 3 to 5
years in the absence of continued interven-
tion. Evidence Category B.
Four RCTs addressed the question of
whether behavior therapy, in order to reinforce a
healthy diet, provides additional benefits above
and beyond other weight loss approaches. Three
studies compared behavior therapy plus dietary
intervention to a dietary intervention alone.
476, 477
No studies were found that examined the
added benefit of behavior therapy when com-
bined with either physical activity or diet and
physical activity. One study was found that com-
pared behavior therapy to drug therapy.
One study compared 36 obese women in one of
three groups of 12 participating in a 16-week
intervention: (1) individual counseling; (2)
group counseling; and (3) group counseling plus
behavior therapy. All groups lost weight at the
end of treatment, and there were no significant
differences among the groups. By the 1-year fol-
low-up, participants in groups 1 and 3 were
equally successful in maintaining weight loss,
while most participants in group 2 regained
most of their weight.
Other studies examined the effect of VLCD
alone and in combination with behavior therapy.
436, 477
Subjects were randomly assigned to either:
(1) VLCD alone; (2) behavior therapy plus LCD
(1,000 to 1,200 kcal), denoted as the behavior
therapy-alone group; or (3) VLCD plus behavior
therapy (combined treatment). They were
assessed at the end of treatment and at 1- and 5-
year follow-ups. At the end of treatment, and at
the 1-year follow-up, weight loss was significant-
ly greater for the combination group as com-
pared to the other two groups. About one-third
of those receiving behavior therapy (either in
combination with an LCD or VLCD) were able
to maintain their full end-of-treatment weight
loss at 1 year, compared to only 5 percent of
those in the diet-alone group. By the 5-year fol-
low-up, the mean weight loss was not signifi-
cantly different across groups.
Thus, although the weight loss results of behav-
ioral treatment in combination with either an
LCD or VLCD were quite good at the end of
treatment and at the 1-year follow-up, they were
not maintained by 5 years. These results may
well have been due to the infrequent practice of
the behavioral strategies by the subjects. Wadden
and colleagues recommended that patients par-
ticipate in a 6- to 12-month weight maintenance
program after weight loss (which subjects did
not do in the study described above), and that if
they experience a gain of 5 kg (11 lb) which
they cannot reverse on their own, that they
should reenter a weight loss therapy program.
One study assessed the short- and long-term
weight loss of behavior therapy, fenfluramine, or
a combination of the two in 120 obese women.
Patients in the drug group and those in the
combined drug plus behavior therapy group lost
significantly more weight than did the group
that received behavior therapy only and the con-
trol group; the drug-only group and combina-
tion group did not differ from each other at the
end of the 6-month treatment. However, at the
1-year follow-up, significantly less weight was
regained by the patients in the behavior-therapy-
only group compared to the combined treat-
ment group and the pharmacotherapy group,
resulting in significantly better overall net weight
loss. Results of this study suggest that the vari-
ous interventions had different effects at the end
of treatment and at follow-up.
To summarize, three of the four studies demon-
strated that behavior therapy, when used in con-
junction with other weight loss approaches, was
more effective in reducing weight or delaying
weight regain, either at the end of treatment or
at the 1-year follow-up or both.
therapy was not better in its effect on weight loss
at the 5-year follow-up.
No RCTs examined the additional effect of
behavior therapy combined with diet and physi-
cal activity on cardiorespiratory fitness or
abdominal fat.
4.b. Comparison of Behavior Therapy Strategies
Another way to examine the efficacy of behavior
therapy in the treatment of overweight and obe-
sity is to evaluate studies that compare various
behavioral techniques with one another. Of 31
RCTs that compared one or more behavioral
interventions, 19 were deemed acceptable.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
Evidence Statement:
No one behavior
therapy appeared superior to any other in
its effect on weight loss; rather, multimodal
strategies appeared to work best and those
interventions with the greatest intensity
appeared to be associated with the greatest
weight loss. Evidence Category A.
Of the 19 RCTs, 17 produced weight loss.
367, 476,
Behavioral strategies to reinforce changes in
diet and physical activity in obese adults pro-
duce weight loss in the range of 10 percent of
baseline over 4 months to 1 year. The greatest
amount of weight loss was usually observed in
less than 12 months of the intervention; howev-
er, weight loss was observed for up to 2
2 years in
some studies. Multimodal strategies worked best,
and the intensity (number of contacts and dura-
tion) and degree (albeit difficult to discern in
some of these studies) of a particular reinforce-
ment were most related to weight loss. Although
initial therapy proved successful, it also appeared
that when behavioral therapy ceased, weight was
regained on average, but not all subjects relapsed
back to baseline levels. Ten of the 19 studies
were based on at least 1-year results.
367, 476, 479, 480,
484, 486-488, 492, 493
Fourteen trials compared different behavior
therapy strategies. Two trials compared cognitive
behavior therapy techniques, specifically cogni-
tive rehearsal, social pressure, and cue avoidance
(see Glossary) with other behavior therapies.
479, 480
With regard to weight loss, cognitive rehearsal
was no more effective than the group support or
social pressure” condition and was less effective
than cue avoidance.
Another study indicated
no clear benefits for cognitive rehearsal above
and beyond other behavioral strategies.
of two studies that assessed the effect of mon-
etary incentives reported greater weight loss.
367, 483
The effect of extending treatment in various
ways was evaluated in several studies.
486, 487, 489, 494
One study evaluated 20 weeks versus 40 weeks
of standard behavior therapy and found greater
weight loss with the extended therapy that was
maintained at 72 weeks.
Another study evalu-
ated behavior therapy and the effect of a post-
treatment therapist on weight loss.
The study
evaluated the effect of extended treatment using
therapist contact in general, therapist contact
emphasizing social influence, and extended
treatment emphasizing physical activity. The
emphasis of physical activity plus social influ-
ence produced greater weight loss than not hav-
ing contact emphasizing these components.
Extended contact with a therapist produced
about 10 kg (22 lb) greater weight loss than no
extended contact, even over the long term. At 18
months, all strategies that combined behavior
therapy with a post-treatment maintenance pro-
gram yielded a significantly greater long-term
weight loss than behavior therapy alone.
Another study examined the effect of extending
cognitive behavior therapy for 3 months in addi-
tion to the initial 3 months of therapy for obese
patients with binge eating disorder, and found
that extended cognitive behavior therapy
improved binge eating behavior, although not
A pilot study of women with type 2
diabetes compared a 16-week group-behavioral
weight loss program to the same group, but with
three individualized motivational interviewing
sessions added. Both groups demonstrated sig-
nificant weight loss with the motivational group
losing 5.5 kg (12.1 lb) on average and the stan-
dard behavioral group losing 4.5 kg (9.9 lb);
there were no differences between the two.
However, those in the motivational interviewing
group demonstrated better attendance at meet-
ings (attending on average 13.3 meetings versus
8.9 meetings), had significantly better glucose
control, and recorded blood glucose and food
diaries more frequently
than did members of
the standard behavioral group.
A study that involved self-instruction plus incen-
tives versus group instruction plus incentives
demonstrated no effect of the group treatment
on weight loss.
Weight loss was positively
associated with attendance; however, mandatory
attendance did not seem to increase program
effectiveness and seemed to discourage atten-
dance among men. The program was equally
effective when implemented through either self-
help materials or by professionals. Another study
compared stimulus-narrowing during the rein-
troduction of food (achieved by providing
prepackaged food) for those on VLCDs to pro-
viding regular food during the reintroduction.
They also compared reintroduction of foods
based on progress in losing weight or maintain-
ing weight loss versus a time-dependent basis.
Neither strategy was helpful in maximizing
weight loss or weight maintenance.
Two trials evaluated the impact of spousal
involvement versus no spousal involvement in
behavior therapy.
488, 492
One study found no over-
all differences in weight loss between those treat-
ed with spouses and those treated without spous-
es; however, women lost more weight when treat-
ed with a spouse, and men did better when treat-
ed alone (P < .01 at end of treatment; P < .06 at
1 year).
Another study found a positive effect
of spousal involvement on weight loss soon after
treatment was completed; however, this effect
had largely dissipated by the 3-year follow-up.
In summary, a variety of behavioral therapy
strategies promote weight loss, with no one par-
ticular behavioral strategy having the greatest
efficacy. Multimodal strategies with greater
intensity appear to be most effective.
Evidence Statement:
Long-term follow-up
of patients undergoing behavior therapy
shows a return to baseline weight in the great
majority of subjects in the absence of contin-
ued behavioral intervention. Evidence
Category B.
Studies have shown that while weight
loss is achieved, it is very difficult to maintain
over a long period of time (1 to 5 years) in the
absence of continued intervention.
436, 477, 486, 491
This emphasizes the great importance of contin-
uing a maintenance program on a long-term
Evidence Statement:
Little evidence exists
on the effect of behavior therapy in combi-
nation with diet and physical activity on
cardiorespiratory fitness.
One RCT examined the impact of
different levels of behavior therapy in combina-
tion with diet and aerobic exercise on cardiores-
piratory fitness.
Subjects were randomly
assigned to one of three groups which varied in
their degree of training in, and detailed applica-
tion of, behavioral change principles (described
as the basic, extended, and maximal behavioral
therapy groups). All groups incorporated fre-
quent intensive therapist contact, self-monitor-
ing of behavior, regular objective assessment,
and feedback of change in status. The three
groups differed in the degree of emphasis given
to behavioral self-management training, amount
of detail provided on individual risk factors and
overall coronary heart disease risk, and establish-
ment of realistic short-term goals for coronary
risk factor change. In terms of cardiorespiratory
fitness, the group receiving the extended behav-
ioral therapy and the group receiving the maxi-
mal behavior therapy showed improvements in
max of 2.90 and 3.40 mL/kg/min, respec-
tively, when compared with controls who
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
received the basic behavior therapy. However, it
is unlikely that behavior therapy caused these
improvements independent of weight loss.
No RCT evidence exists on the effect of behav-
ior therapy combined with diet and physical
activity on changes in abdominal fat as mea-
sured by waist circumference.
Behavior therapy is
a useful adjunct when incorporated into
treatment for weight loss and weight main-
tenance. Evidence Category B.
Commentary: Do the same treatment
approaches for overweight and obesity
fit diverse patient populations?
Whether or not the same weight reduction
program will accomplish equivalent weight
change in ethnically diverse population
groups can be questioned on theoretical
grounds. Weight reduction programs address
motivations and behaviors strongly influ-
enced by sociocultural factors that vary with
257, 496, 497
Sociocultural factors may
also influence the relative efficacy of behav-
ioral programs in young, middle, and older
adulthood; men or women; or any other
patient groups where the motivations and
lifestyle factors targeted may vary from those
commonly assumed to be in operation. Innate
or acquired physiological factors that affect
energy metabolism may also influence the
relative efficacy of behavioral weight reduc-
tion programs. For example, some cross-sec-
tional comparisons have suggested that the
relative weight loss achieved for a given
degree of calorie restriction will be lower in
African-Americans than whites because of a
lower resting metabolic rate in African-
Another study suggests meta-
bolic influences on weight loss in premeno-
pausal versus postmenopausal women.
The diversity of populations in obesity treat-
ment studies is limited, and there is not a
coherent body of studies evaluating systematic
differences in the outcomes of overweight and
obesity treatment by age, socioeconomic sta-
tus, or other participant characteristics that
might be expected to influence outcome.
However, the possibility of differences in the
effectiveness of behavioral weight reduction
approaches between African-Americans and
whites has been suggested by reports from
several intervention studies.
360, 503-505
In some
of these trials, weight reduction was the only
intervention; in other instances it was com-
bined with sodium reduction or other
dietary or lifestyle changes. Taken together,
these studies suggest that, on average, within
the same program, weight losses of African-
Americans are less than those of their white
counterparts, particularly among women. A
formal analysis of this issue in two RCTs—
the Hypertension Prevention Trial and Phase
1 of the Trials of Hypertension Prevention—
suggested that the weight gain in control
participants was also higher among African-
Americans than whites, but, in women, the
net weight loss (i.e., active intervention
minus control) was still less in African-
Americans. There is ample evidence to sup-
port explanations of this differential weight
loss on the basis of cultural or behavioral fac-
tors related to program adherence.
However, data to evaluate the alternative or
additional contribution of metabolic factors
to this differential are lacking. To date, no
published studies permit separation of meta-
bolic and behavioral influences on the
observed ethnic differences in weight loss.
(Also see commentary on pages 89 to 91
under treatment guidelines.)
The possibility that
a standard approach to weight loss will
work differently in diverse patient popula-
tions must be considered when setting
expectations about treatment outcomes.
Evidence Category B.
5. Pharmacotherapy
Since 1995, the use of the prescription drugs
fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine for weight loss
had increased greatly to 14 million prescriptions
in 1
2 years. The increased interest in drug treat-
ment of obesity derives from the poor long-term
results often obtained with behavior therapy,
including diet and physical activity, as noted ear-
lier in this report. The rationale for the addition
of drugs to these regimens is that a more suc-
cessful weight loss and maintenance may ensue.
However, as of September 1997, the FDA
requested the voluntary withdrawal of fenflu-
ramine and dexfenfluramine from the market,
due to a reported association between valvular
heart disease with the drugs dexfenfluramine
and fenfluramine, alone or combined with phen-
In November 1997, the FDA pro-
vided clearance for marketing the drug sibu-
tramine hydrochloride monohydrate for the
management of obesity, including weight loss
and maintenance of weight loss when used in
conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet. Due to
the rapidly evolving information regarding the
use of pharmacotherapy for weight loss, the
panel decided to present their critique of those
pharmacotherapy trials meeting their criteria for
Forty RCT articles evaluated the effect of phar-
macotherapy on weight loss. In most studies,
advice or behavioral therapy promoting reduced
energy intake and increased physical activity was
included in all treatment arms, including the
placebo group.
Drugs that have been evaluated alone or in com-
bination for at least 1 year by RCTs are phenter-
mine, d,l-fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, sibu-
tramine, and orlistat. Two reports addressing
390, 506
represent a subset of a
larger multicenter trial, the International
Dexfenfluramine Study (INDEX trial).
the nine trials with dexfenfluramine, four had
interventions of approximately 1 year, three of
approximately 6 months, and two of 3 months.
Most of the trials included a majority of white
women, and some included persons with dia-
betes. Most of the trials have weight regain data.
evaluated the effect of dexfenflu-
ramine versus placebo on patients who had been
on an 8-week VLCD for an additional 24 weeks.
evaluated the effect of phentermine
versus placebo on patients with osteoarthritis.
evaluated the effect of various
doses of sibutramine on weight loss over a 24-
week period. Two RCTs of 12 and 8 weeks in
duration studied phenylpropanolamine versus
511, 512
One used phenylpropanolamine
with diet,
and the other with diet, exercise,
and behavior therapy.
is available as an over-the-counter drug. The
average weight loss after 8 weeks of treatment
was 2.59 kg (5.7 lb) for the drug versus 1.07 kg
(2.4 lb) for the placebo, a difference of 1.5 kg
(3.3 lb).
Short-term, but not long-term (over
1 year), effectiveness has been documented.
Evidence Statement:
which has generally been studied along
with lifestyle modification including diet
and physical activity, using dexfenflu-
ramine, sibutramine, orlistat, or phenter-
mine/fenfluramine, results in weight loss in
obese adults when used for 6 months to 1
year. Evidence Category B.
Chapter 3: Examination of Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence
Data reporting the results of 52 weeks
of drug treatment are available only for dexfen-
fluramine, orlistat, phentermine, d,l-fenflu-
ramine, and sibutramine. The effect on weight
loss from these drugs after 1 year is modest: 2.6
kg (5.7 lb) difference on average between
dexfenfluramine and placebo (9.8 kg [21.6 lb]
versus 7.2 kg [15.9 lb], baseline weights of
98.0 kg [216 lb] and 96.6 kg [213 lb]).
sibutramine, a difference of 2.8 kg (6.2 lb) was
seen at 1 year (4.4 kg [9.7 lb] versus 1.6 kg [3.5
In another study of sibutramine, the dif-
ference was a net loss of 5.5 kg (12.1 lb) at 24
weeks with a 20 mg dose.
In all of the weight
loss studies that were up to 1 year in duration,
the majority of the weight loss occurred in the
first 6 months with a plateauing or actual
increase in weight in the following 6 months.
389, 507, 514
For orlistat, a difference of 2.2 kg (4.9
lb) (4.3 kg [9.5 lb] versus 2.1 kg [4.6 lb]) was
found in a 16-week study.
After a 210-week
study on phentermine and d,l-fenfluramine, par-
ticipants averaged a weight loss of 1.4 kg (3.1 lb)
from baseline weight at week 210.
395, 514
There are no known pharmacologic agents
whose specific effect is to reduce abdominal fat
or to improve cardiorespiratory fitness. Any
improvements in abdominal fat or fitness would
be secondary to weight loss or other interven-
Sibutramine is approved for long-term use.
(Note: FDA approval of orlistat is pending a res-
olution of labeling issues and results of Phase III
trials.) Such drugs can then be used as an
adjunct to modifications in behavior, including
diet and physical activity. Drugs should be dis-
continued if significant weight loss is not
achieved, i.e., a loss of < 4 pounds in the first 4
weeks, or if serious adverse effects occur.
Weight loss drugs
may only be used as part of a comprehen-
sive weight loss program including diet and
physical activity for patients with a BMI
of 30 with no concomitant obesity-relat-
ed risk factors or diseases, or for patients
with a BMI of 27 with concomitant
obesity-related risk factors or diseases.
Evidence Category B.
6. Surgery
Fourteen RCTs compared the weight-reducing
effect of different surgical interventions. They
did not compare surgery versus no intervention.
Because of the nature of the intervention, there
is a reluctance to do such a randomized trial.
Evidence Statement:
Surgical interven-
tions in adults with a BMI 40 or a
BMI 35 with comorbid conditions
result in substantial weight loss. Evidence
Category B.
Of the 14 RCTs that examined the
effect of surgical procedures on weight loss, 8
were deemed appropriate. All the studies includ-
ed individuals who had a BMI of 40 kg/m
above, or a BMI of 35 to 40 kg/m
with comor-
bidity; most of the study participants were
women. Weight loss due to surgical intervention
such as the gastric bypass ranged from 50 kg
(110 lb) to as much as 100 kg (220 lb) over a
period of 6 months to 1 year. Gastroplasty with
diet had a favorable net outcome on weight loss
after 2 years compared to diet alone.
banded gastroplasty was more effective than hor-
izontal-banded gastroplasty.
Gastric resection
with a modest biliopancreatic diversion without
intestinal exclusion resulted in significantly
greater weight loss than conventional Roux-en Y
gastric bypass; this long-limb modification of
Roux-en Y gastric bypass was shown to be safe
and effective in patients who were 200 lb or
more overweight and did not cause additional
metabolic sequelae or diarrhea.
The Swedish Obesity Study (SOS),
a non-
RCT, found that gastric bypass produced greater
weight loss than gastroplasty, 42.3 kg (93.3 lb)
versus 29.9 kg (67 lb), at 1 year. The gastric
bypass was deemed superior to gastroplasty or
gastric partitioning in other RCTs as well.
The SOS also evaluated the correlation between
stoma size and weight loss in patients assigned to
gastric bypass or gastroplasty, and found no sig-
nificant correlation in the gastric bypass group.
Comorbidity factors associated with weight loss
showed improvement after surgery. One study
showed that medical illnesses either improved
(47 percent) or resolved (43 percent) in all but
four patients (9 percent), and these four had
unsatisfactory weight loss.
The Adelaide Study
showed that 60 percent of the patients who ini-
tially had obesity-related comorbidity were free
of medication for these comorbidities 3 years
after surgery.
Extremely obese persons often do not benefit
from the more conservative treatments for
weight loss and weight maintenance. Obesity
severely impairs quality of life, and these indi-
viduals are at higher risk for premature death.
The National Institutes of Health Consensus
Development Conference consensus statement,
“Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity,
concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks
and that this more aggressive approach is reason-
able in individuals who strongly desire substan-
tial weight loss and have life-threatening comor-
bid conditions.
The effects of surgery on abdominal fat or car-
diorespiratory fitness independent of weight loss
are unknown. One small study demonstrated
that surgery (adjustable silicone gastric banding)
reduced abdominal visceral fat. No analyses were
performed to examine whether visceral fat
reduction was independent of weight loss.
There are no data on the effects of surgery on
changes in cardiorespiratory fitness.
Surgical interven-
tion is an option for carefully selected
patients with clinically severe obesity (a
BMI 40 or 35 with comorbid condi-
tions) when less invasive methods of weight
loss have failed and the patient is at high
risk for obesity-associated morbidity and
mortality. Evidence Category B.
7. Other Interventions for Overweight and
Obesity Treatment
Other types of interventions considered for over-
weight and obesity treatment included acupunc-
ture, herbal remedies, supplements, and hypno-
sis. However, these treatments did not fulfill the
a priori inclusion criteria, and for that reason
were not included in this review.
The presence of overweight and obesity in a
patient is of medical concern because it increases
the risk for several diseases, particularly cardio-
vascular diseases (CVDs) and diabetes mellitus
(see Chapter 2.C.) and it increases all-cause
mortality. Treatment of the overweight and
obese patient is a two-step process: assessment
and management. Assessment requires determi-
nation of the degree of obesity and absolute risk
status. Management includes both weight con-
trol or reducing excess body weight and main-
taining that weight loss as well as instituting
other measures to control associated risk factors.
The aim of this guideline is to provide useful
advice on how to achieve weight reduction and
maintenance of a lower body weight. Obesity is
a chronic disease, and both the patient and the
practitioner need to understand that successful
treatment requires a life-long effort.
1. Assessment of Overweight and Obesity
Determination of total body fat. Overweight is
defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to
29.9 kg/m
. Obesity is defined as an excess of
total body fat that is documented by a BMI
of 30 kg/m
. Several methods are available
for determining or calculating total body fat:
total body water, total body potassium, bio-
electrical impedance, and dual-energy X-ray
Evidence Statement:
Measures of body fat
give reasonably equivalent values for fol-
lowing overweight or obese patients during
treatment. Evidence Category D.
Even though accurate methods to
assess body fat exist, measuring body fat content
by these techniques is often expensive and is not
readily available clinically. Although bioelectrical
impedance devices are becoming more readily
available, they lose accuracy in severely obese
persons and are of limited usefulness for tracking
changes in total body fat in persons losing
weight. Thus, bioelectrical impedance offers no
significant advantage over BMI in the clinical
management of patients. No trial data exist to
indicate that one measure of fatness is better
than any other for following overweight and
obese patients during treatment. No studies have
been published to compare the effectiveness of
different measures for evaluating changes in
body fat during weight reduction. BMI provides
a more accurate measure of total body fat than
relying on weight alone. It has an advantage over
percent above ideal weight (e.g., based on the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables). Ideal body
weight tables were developed primarily from
white, higher socioeconomic status populations
and have not been documented to accurately
reflect body fat content in the public at large. In
addition, separate tables are required for men
and women. The weight tables also are based on
mortality outcomes and do not necessarily pre-
dict morbidity. BMI is recommended as a prac-
tical approach for the clinical setting. BMI pro-
vides an acceptable approximation for assess-
ment of total body fat for the majority of
However, simply measuring body
weight is a practical approach to follow weight
Practitioners should
use the BMI to assess overweight and obesi-
ty. Body weight alone can be used to follow
weight loss and to determine efficacy of
therapy. Evidence Category C.
The panel concentrated on tools
available in the office, i.e., weight, height and
the BMI. BMI is a practical indicator of the
severity of obesity, and it can be calculated from
existing tables. BMI is a direct calculation based
on height and weight, regardless of gender. The
limitations of BMI as a measure of total body
fat, nonetheless, must be recognized. For exam-
ple, BMI overestimates body fat in persons who
are very muscular and can underestimate body
fat in persons who have lost muscle mass (e.g.,
the elderly).
The BMI is calculated as follows:
BMI = weight (kg)/height squared (m
To estimate BMI from pounds and inches use:
[weight (pounds)/ height (inches)
] x 703
(1 lb = 0.4536 kg)
(1 in = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m)
A simple BMI chart is provided in Appendix V.
A patient should be weighed with shoes off and
clad only in a light robe or undergarments.
Determination of degree of abdominal obesity.
The presence of excess fat in the abdomen,
out of proportion to total body fat, is an
independent predictor of risk factors and
morbidity. Relatively accurate measures of
total abdominal fat can be made by magnetic
resonance imaging
or computed tomogra-
500, 530
These methods, however, are expen-
sive and not readily available for clinical prac-
tice. Research with these techniques, nonethe-
less, has shown that the waist circumference
correlates with the amount of fat in the
abdomen, and thus is an indicator of the
severity of abdominal obesity. In this docu-
ment the term “waist” circumference is used
instead of “abdominal” circumference because
it more accurately describes the anatomical
site of measurement.
Evidence Statement:
Waist circumference
is the most practical anthropometric mea-
surement for assessing a patient’s abdomi-
nal fat content before and during weight
loss treatment. Computed tomography and
magnetic resonance imaging are both more
accurate but are impractical for routine
clinical use. Evidence Category C.
Fat located in the abdominal region is
associated with greater health risks than that in
peripheral regions, e.g., the gluteal-femoral area.
155-159, 429, 430
Abdominal fat is described as having
three compartments: visceral, retroperitoneal,
and subcutaneous.
529, 531, 532
Several studies sug-
gest that the visceral fat component of abdomi-
nal fat is the most strongly correlated with risk
160, 161, 533, 534
other studies, however, indi-
cate that the subcutaneous component is the
most highly correlated with insulin resistance.
535, 536
Therefore, the relative contributions of dif-
ferent components of abdominal fat to overall
risk remain to be determined with certainty.
Nonetheless, the presence of increased total
abdominal fat appears to be an independent risk
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
predictor when the BMI is not markedly
Therefore, waist or abdominal cir-
cumference, as well as BMI, should be measured
not only for the initial assessment of obesity, but
also as a guide to the efficacy of weight loss
The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) also has been
used in a number of epidemiologic studies to
show increased risk for diabetes, coronary artery
disease, and hypertension.
However, waist cir-
cumference has been found to be a better mark-
er of abdominal fat content than is WHR.
Whether WHR imparts any independent infor-
mation about disease risk beyond waist circum-
ference is uncertain, but between the two, the
waist circumference appears to carry greater
prognostic significance. Therefore, in clinical
practice, abdominal fat content should be
assessed and followed by measuring waist cir-
The waist circum-
ference should be used to assess abdominal
fat content. Evidence Category C.
2. Classification of Overweight and Obesity
According to BMI. The primary classification
of obesity is based on the measurement of
BMI. This classification is designed to relate
BMI to risk of disease. It should be noted
that the relation between BMI and disease
risk varies among individuals and among dif-
ferent populations. Therefore, the classifica-
tion must be viewed as a broad generalization.
Individuals who are very muscular may have a
BMI placing them in an overweight category
when they are not overly fat. Also, very short
persons (under 5 feet) may have high BMIs
that may not reflect overweight or fatness. In
addition, susceptibility to risk factors at a
given weight varies among individuals. Some
individuals may have multiple risk factors
Instructions for Measuring Waist
Circumference, According to NHANES III
To define the level at which waist circum-
ference is measured, a bony landmark is
first located and marked. The subject
stands and the examiner, positioned at the
right of the subject, palpates the upper hip
bone to locate the right iliac crest. Just
above the uppermost lateral border of the
right iliac crest, a horizontal mark is drawn,
then crossed with a vertical mark on the
midaxillary line. The measuring tape is
placed in a horizontal plane around the
abdomen at the level of this marked point
on the right side of the trunk. The plane of
the tape is parallel to the floor and the tape
is snug, but does not compress the skin.
The measurement is made at a normal
minimal respiration (see Figure 5).
REF: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, PHS. NHANES III
Anthropometric Procedures Video. U.S.
Government Printing Office Stock Number
017-022-01335-5. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
GPO, Public Health Service; 1996.
with mild obesity, whereas others may have
fewer risk factors with more severe obesity. It
should also be noted that the risk levels
shown for each increment in risk are relative
risks; that is, relative to risk at normal weight.
They should not be equated with absolute
risk which is determined by a summation of
risk factors. No randomized controlled trial
studies exist that support a specific system for
classification that establishes the degree of dis-
ease risk for patients during weight loss or
weight maintenance. The classification is
based on observational and prospective epi-
demiological studies.
Figure 5. Measuring tape position for waist (abdominal) circumference
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
be used to classify overweight and obesity
and to estimate relative risk for disease
compared to normal weight. Evidence
Category C.
Overweight and obesity are classified
by BMI (see Table IV-1).
Calculating BMI is simple, rapid, and inexpen-
sive. The classification can be applied generally
to adults. See Appendix III for comments about
obesity and its classification in children. The
basis for this BMI classification scheme stems
from observational and epidemiologic studies
which relate BMI to risk of morbidity and mor-
11, 81-83, 131, 155, 278, 539-541
For example, relative risk
for CVD increases in a graded fashion with
increasing BMI in all population groups, although
absolute risk in obese versus nonobese persons
depends on the summed contribution of all risk
Evidence Statement:
The same BMI cut-
points (see Table IV-1) can be used to clas-
sify the level of overweight and obesity for
adult men and adult nonpregnant women,
and generally for all racial/ethnic groups.
Evidence Category C.
Clinical judgment must be used in
interpreting BMI in situations in which it may
not be an accurate indicator of total body fat.
Examples are the presence of edema, high mus-
cularity, muscle wasting, or for very short peo-
ple. The relationship between BMI and body fat
content varies somewhat with age, sex, and pos-
sibly ethnicity because of differences in factors
such as composition of lean tissue, sitting
height, and hydration state.
526, 542
For example,
older persons often have lost muscle mass and
have more fat for a given BMI than younger
persons, women may have more fat for a given
BMI than men, and persons with clinical edema
Source (adapted from): Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic of Obesity. Report of the World Health
Organization Consultation of Obesity. WHO, Geneva, June 1997.
Obesity Class BMI (kg/m
Underweight < 18.5
Normal 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9
Obesity I 30.0 – 34.9
II 35.0 – 39.9
Extreme Obesity III 40
* Pregnant women who, on the basis of their prepregnant weight, would be classified as obese may encounter certain obstetrical risks.
However, the inappropriateness of weight reduction during pregnancy is well recognized.
Hence, this guideline specifically excludes
pregnant women.
may have less fat for a given BMI than persons
without edema. Nevertheless, these differences
generally do not markedly influence the validity
of BMI cutpoints either for classifying individu-
als into broad categories of overweight and obe-
sity or for monitoring weight status of individu-
als in clinical settings.
According to waist circumference. Although
waist circumference and BMI are interrelated,
waist circumference provides an independent
prediction of risk over and above that of
BMI. Waist circumference measurement is
particularly useful in patients who are catego-
rized as normal or overweight on the BMI
scale. At BMIs 35, waist circumference has
little added predictive power of disease risk
beyond that of BMI. It is therefore not neces-
sary to measure waist circumference in indi-
viduals with BMIs 35.
Evidence Statement:
Sex-specific cutoffs
for waist circumference can be used to
identify increased risk associated with
abdominal fat in adults with a BMI in the
range of 25 to 34.9 kg/m
. An increase in
waist circumference may also be associated
with increased risk in persons of normal
weight. Evidence Category C.
Waist circumference cutpoints can generally
be applied to all adult ethnic or racial
groups. On the other hand, if a patient is
very short (under 5 feet) or has a BMI
above the 25 to 34.9 kg/m
range, waist
cutpoints used for the general population
may not be applicable. Evidence
Category D.
A high waist circumference is associ-
ated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes,
dyslipidemia, hypertension, and CVD in
patients with a BMI in a range between 25 and
34.9 kg/m.
2 82
Monitoring changes in waist cir-
cumference over time may be helpful, in addi-
tion to measuring BMI, since it can provide an
estimate of increased abdominal fat even in the
absence of a change in BMI. Furthermore, in
obese patients with metabolic complications,
changes in waist circumference are useful predic-
tors of changes in CVD risk factors.
waist circumference at which there is an
increased relative risk is defined as follows:
To evaluate health risks, it is not necessary to
measure waist circumference in patients with a
BMI 35 kg/m
; the measurement usually will
be greater than the cutpoints given above, and
waist measurements lose their predictive power
at very high BMIs.
There are ethnic and age-related differences in
body fat distribution that modify the predictive
validity of waist circumference as a surrogate for
abdominal fat.
These variations may partly
explain differences between ethnic or age groups
in the power of waist circumference or WHR to
predict disease risks.
429, 543
In some populations, waist circumference is a
better indicator of relative disease risk than is
BMI; examples include Asian-Americans or per-
sons of Asian descent living elsewhere.
51, 273, 544
Waist circumference also assumes greater value
for estimating risk for obesity-related disease at
older ages. Table IV-2 incorporates both BMI
and waist circumference in the classification of
overweight and obesity, and provides an indica-
tion of disease risk.
Men > 102 cm ( > 40 in)
Women > 88 cm ( > 35 in)
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
For adult patients
with a BMI of 25 to 34.9 kg/m
, sex-specif-
ic waist circumference cutoffs should be used
in conjunction with BMI to identify
increased disease risk. Evidence Category C.
The patient’s risk status should be assessed by
determining the degree of overweight or obesity
based on BMI, the presence of abdominal obesi-
ty based on waist circumference, and the pres-
ence of concomitant CVD risk factors or comor-
bidities. Some obesity-associated diseases and
risk factors place patients in a very high risk cat-
egory for subsequent mortality. These diseases
will require aggressive modification of risk fac-
tors in addition to their own clinical manage-
ment. Other obesity-associated diseases are less
lethal, but still require appropriate clinical thera-
py. Obesity also has an aggravating influence on
several cardiovascular risk factors. Identifying
these risk factors is required as a guide to the
intensity of clinical intervention.
1. Determination of relative risk status based
on overweight and obesity parameters.
Table IV-2 defines relative risk categories accord-
ing to BMI and waist circumference. It is impor-
tant to note that these categories denote relative
risk, not absolute risk. They relate to the need to
institute weight loss therapy, and do not directly
define the required intensity of risk factor modi-
fication. The latter is determined by estimation
Source (adapted from): Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic of Obesity. Report of the World Health
Organization Consultation of Obesity. WHO, Geneva, June 1997.
Disease Risk* Relative to Normal Weight
and Waist Circumference
Obesity Men 102 cm (40 in) >102 cm (>40 in)
BMI (kg/m
) Class Women 88 cm (35 in) >88 cm (>35 in)
Underweight <18.5
18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9 Increased High
Obesity 30.0 – 34.9 I High Very High
35.0 – 39.9 II Very High Very High
Extreme Obesity 40 III Extremely High Extremely High
* Disease risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and CVD.
+ Increased waist circumference can also be a marker for increased risk even in persons of normal weight.
of absolute risk based on the presence of associ-
ated disease or risk factors.
2. Identification of patients at very high
absolute risk.
The following disease conditions or target organ
damage in hypertensive patients denote the pres-
ence of very high absolute risk that triggers the
need for intense risk factor modification as well
as disease management. For example, the pres-
ence of very high absolute risk indicates the need
for aggressive cholesterol-lowering therapy.
Established coronary heart disease (CHD)
2.a.1. History of myocardial infarction
2.a.2. History of angina pectoris (stable or
2.a.3. History of coronary artery surgery
2.a.4. History of coronary artery procedures
. Presence of other atherosclerotic diseases
2.b.1. Peripheral arterial disease
2.b.2. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
2.b.3. Symptomatic carotid artery disease
. Type 2 diabetes
Sleep apnea (For more information, see
Appendix IV.)
3. Identification of other obesity-associated
Obese patients are at increased risk for several
conditions that require detection and appropri-
ate management, but that generally do not lead
to widespread or life-threatening consequences.
These include:
Gynecological abnormalities
Gallstones and their complications
Stress incontinence
Management options of risk factors for pre-
venting CVD, diabetes mellitus, and other
chronic diseases are described in detail in
other reports. For details on the management
of serum cholesterol and other lipoprotein dis-
orders, refer to the National Cholesterol
Education Program’s Second Report of the
Expert Panel on the Detection, Evaluation,
and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol
in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel II/ATP II)
For the treatment of hypertension,
the National High Blood Pressure Education
Program recently issued the Sixth Report of
the Joint National Committee on
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC VI)
For the most recent recommenda-
tions about type 2 diabetes from the American
Diabetes Association, see the ADA Clinical
Practice Recommendations (1998).
smoking cessation is strongly recommended in
obese smokers, with particular attention to
methods that diminish the weight gain associ-
ated with cessation (see pages 91-92). For
strategies and recommendations for supporting
and delivering effective smoking cessation
intervention, see the Agency for Health Care
Policy and Research’s Clinical Practice
Guidelines on Smoking Cessation.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Although obese patients are at increased risk for
gallstones, this risk increases even more during
periods of rapid weight reduction.
4. Identification of cardiovascular risk factors
that impart a high absolute risk.
Patients can be classified as being at high
absolute risk for obesity-related disorders if they
have three or more of the multiple risk factors
listed below. The presence of high absolute risk
increases the intensity of cholesterol-lowering
and blood pressure management.
Cigarette smoking
. Hypertension—A patient is classified as
having hypertension if systolic blood pressure is
140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure is
90 mm Hg, or if the patient is taking antihy-
pertensive agents.
High-risk low-density lipoprotein choles-
terol—A high-risk LDL-cholesterol is defined as
a serum concentration of 160 mg/dL. A bor-
derline high-risk LDL-cholesterol (130 to 159
mg/dL) together with two or more other risk
factors also confers high risk.
Low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol—
A low HDL-cholesterol is defined as a serum
concentration of < 35 mg/dL.
Impaired fasting glucose (IFG)—The pres-
ence of clinical type 2 diabetes (fasting plasma
glucose of 126 mg/dL or 2 hours postprandial
plasma glucose of 200 mg/dL) is a major risk
factor for CVD, and its presence alone places a
patient in the category of very high absolute risk
(see above). IFG (fasting plasma glucose 110 to
125 mg/dL) is considered by many authorities
to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascu-
lar (macrovascular) disease, justifying its inclu-
sion among risk factors contributing to high
absolute risk. Although including IFG as a sepa-
rate risk factor for CVD departs from the ATP
II and JNC VI reports, its inclusion in this list
may be appropriate. IFG is well established as a
risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
Family history of premature CHD—A posi-
tive family history of premature CHD is defined
as definite myocardial infarction or sudden
death at or before 55 years of age in the father
or other male first-degree relative, or at or before
65 years of age in the mother or other female
first-degree relative.
4.g.1. Male 45 years
4.g.2. Female 55 years (or postmenopausal)
Methods for estimating absolute risk status for
developing CVD based on these risk factors are
described in detail in the ATP II and JNC VI
reports. The intensity of intervention for high
blood cholesterol or hypertension is adjusted
depending on the absolute risk estimated by
these factors. Approaches to therapy for choles-
terol disorders and hypertension are described in
the ATP II and JNC VI, respectively.
5. Other risk factors
deserve special considera-
tion for their relation to obesity. When these fac-
tors are present, patients can be considered to
have incremental absolute risk above that esti-
mated from the preceding risk factors. Quanti-
tative risk contributions are not available for
these risk factors, but their presence heightens
the need for weight reduction in obese persons.
Physical inactivity—A lack of physical activ-
ity imparts an increased risk for both CVD and
type 2 diabetes. Physical inactivity enhances the
severity of other risk factors, but it also has been
shown to be an “independent” risk factor for all-
cause mortality or CVD mortality.
411, 548
Although physical inactivity is not listed as a risk
factor that modifies the intensity of therapy
required for elevated cholesterol or blood pres-
sure, increased physical activity is indicated for
management of these conditions (see the ATP II
and JNC VI). Increased physical activity is espe-
cially needed in obese patients because it pro-
motes weight reduction and favorably modifies
obesity-associated risk factors. Conversely, the
presence of physical inactivity in an obese person
warrants intensified efforts to remove excess
body weight, because physical inactivity and
obesity both heighten disease risks.
High triglycerides—Obesity is commonly
accompanied by elevated serum triglycerides.
The relationship between high triglycerides and
CHD is complex. Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins
may be directly atherogenic. In addition, elevat-
ed serum triglycerides are the most common
manifestation of the atherogenic lipoprotein
phenotype (high triglycerides, small LDL parti-
cles, and low HDL-cholesterol levels).
142, 549
Moreover, in the presence of obesity, high serum
triglycerides are commonly associated with a
clustering of metabolic risk factors known as the
metabolic syndrome (atherogenic lipoprotein
phenotype, hypertension, insulin resistance and
glucose intolerance, and prothrombotic states).
Thus, in obese patients, elevated serum triglyc-
erides are a marker for increased cardiovascular
risk. According to current guidelines (ATP II
and JNC VI), the presence of high triglycerides
does not modify the intensity of cholesterol or
blood pressure-lowering therapy. Their presence
in obese patients, however, calls for an intensi-
fied effort to achieve weight reduction and
increase physical activity. Both will reduce the
various risk factors characteristic of the metabol-
ic syndrome, and thus should reduce overall car-
diovascular risk as well as decrease the risk for
type 2 diabetes.
According to the ATP II guide-
triglyceride levels are clas-
sified as follows:
Patients with very high triglycerides are at
increased risk for acute pancreatitis and must
undergo immediate triglyceride-lowering
When physicians encounter patients in the clini-
cal setting, the opportunity exists for identifying
overweight and obesity and accompanying risk
factors and for initiating treatment for both the
weight and the risk factors, as well as chronic
diseases such as CVD and type 2 diabetes.
When assessing a patient for treatment of over-
weight and obesity, consider the patient’s weight,
waist circumference, and the presence of risk fac-
tors. The strategy for the evaluation and treat-
ment of overweight patients is presented in
Figure 6 (Treatment Algorithm). This algorithm
applies only to the assessment for overweight
and obesity and subsequent decisions based on
that assessment. It does not reflect any initial
overall testing for other conditions and diseases
that the physician may wish to do. Approaches
to therapy for cholesterol disorders and hyper-
tension are described in ATP II and JNC VI,
respectively. In overweight patients, control of
cardiovascular risk factors deserves equal empha-
sis as weight loss therapy. Reductions of risk fac-
tors will reduce the risk for cardiovascular dis-
ease whether or not efforts at weight loss are suc-
cessful. The panel recognizes that the assessment
for overweight and obesity may take place as
part of an overall health assessment; however, for
clarity, the algorithm focuses only on the evalua-
tion and treatment of overweight and obesity.
Category Serum Triglyceride Levels
Normal triglycerides Less than 200 mg/dL
Borderline-high triglycerides 200 to 400 mg/dL
High triglycerides 400 to 1,000 mg/dL
Very high triglycerides Greater than 1,000 mg/dL
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Patient Encounter
Hx of 25 BMI?
Measure weight,
height, and waist
Calculate BMI
Brief reinforcement/
educate on weight
Periodic Weight
Advise to maintain
other risk factors
Clinician and patient
devise goals and
treatment strategy for
weight loss and risk
factor control
Assess reasons for
failure to lose weight
Maintenance counseling:
• Dietary therapy
• Behavior therapy
• Physical activity
Assess risk factors
15 13
11 10
4 6
measured in past
2 years?
Hx BMI 25?
patient want to
lose weight?
being made/goal
waist circumference
> 88 cm (F)
> 102 cm (M)
30 OR
{[BMI 25 to 29.9
OR waist circumference
cm (F)
102 cm (M)]
2 risk
Figure 6. Treatment Algorithm*
* This algorithm applies only to the assessment for overweight and obesity and subsequent decisions based on that assessment. It does not include any initial overall assessment for
cardiovascular risk factors or diseases that are indicated.
Each step (designated by a box) in this process is
reviewed in this section and expanded upon in
subsequent sections.
Box 1: “Patient Encounter”
A patient encounter is defined as any interaction
between a health care practitioner (generally a
physician, nurse practitioner or physicians assis-
tant) that provides the opportunity to assess a
patient’s weight status and provide advice, coun-
seling, or treatment.
Box 2: “History of Overweight or Recorded
BMI 25”
The practitioner must seek to determine
whether the patient has ever been overweight.
While a technical definition is provided, a sim-
ple question such as “Have you ever been over-
weight?” will accomplish the same goal.
Questions directed towards weight history,
dietary habits, physical activities, and medica-
tions may provide useful information about the
origins of obesity in particular patients.
Box 3: “BMI Measured in Past 2 Years”
For those who have not been overweight, a 2-
year interval is appropriate for the reassessment
of BMI. While this time span is not evidence-
based, it is believed to be a reasonable compro-
mise between the need to identify weight gain at
an early stage and the need to limit the time,
effort, and cost of repeated measurements.
Box 4: “Measure Weight, Height, Waist
Circumference; Calculate BMI”
Weight must be measured so that the BMI can
be calculated. Most charts are based on weights
obtained with the patient wearing undergar-
ments and no shoes. BMI can be manually cal-
culated (kg/[height in meters]
), but is more eas-
ily obtained from a nomogram (see Appendix
V). Waist circumference is important because
evidence suggests that abdominal fat is a particu-
larly strong determinant of cardiovascular risk in
those with a BMI of 25 to 34.9 kg/m
. Increased
waist circumference can also be a marker of
increased risk even in persons of normal weight.
The technique for measuring waist circumfer-
ence is described on page 58. A nutrition assess-
ment will also help to assess the diet and physi-
cal activity habits of overweight patients.
Box 5: “BMI 25, OR Waist Circumference >
88 cm(F) or > 102 cm(M)”
These cutpoints divide overweight from normal
weight and are consistent with other national
and international guidelines. The relation
between weight and mortality is J-shaped, and
evidence suggests that the right side of the “J”
begins to rise at a BMI of 25. Waist circumfer-
ence is incorporated as an “or” factor because
some patients with BMI lower than 25 will have
disproportionate abdominal fat, and this increas-
es their cardiovascular risk despite their low BMI
(see page 61). These abdominal circumference
values are not necessary for patients with a BMI
35 kg/m
Box 6: “Assess Risk Factors”
Risk assessment for CVD and diabetes in a per-
son with evident obesity will include special
considerations for the history, physical examina-
tion, and laboratory examination. Of greatest
urgency is the need to detect existing CVD or
end-organ damage. Since the major risk of obe-
sity is indirect (obesity elicits or aggravates
hypertension, dyslipidemias, and diabetes, which
cause cardiovascular complications), the manage-
ment of obesity should be implemented in the
context of these other risk factors. While there is
no direct evidence demonstrating that addressing
risk factors increases weight loss, treating the risk
factors through weight loss is a recommended
strategy. The risk factors that should be consid-
ered are provided on pages 63-65. With regard
to age, please see commentary on pages 90-91.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Box 7: “BMI 30, OR ([BMI 25 to 29.9 OR Waist
Circumference > 88 cm(F) or > 102 cm(M)] AND
2 risk factors)”
The panel recommends that all patients meeting
these criteria attempt to lose weight. However, it
is important to ask the patient whether or not
they want to lose weight. Those with BMIs
between 25 and 29.9 kg/m
who have one or no
risk factors should work on maintaining their
current weight rather than embark on a weight
reduction program. The panel recognizes that
the decision to lose weight must be made in the
context of other risk factors (e.g., quitting smok-
ing is more important than losing weight) and
patient preferences.
Box 8: “Clinician and Patient Devise Goals”
The decision to lose weight must be made
jointly between the clinician and patient.
Patient involvement and investment is crucial
to success. The patient may choose not to lose
weight but rather to prevent further weight
gain as a goal. The panel recommends as an
initial goal the loss of 10 percent of baseline
weight, to be lost at a rate of 1 to 2 lb/week,
establishing an energy deficit of 500 to 1,000
kcal/day. (See pages 71-72.) For individuals
who are overweight, a deficit or 300 to 500
kcal/day may be more appropriate, providing
a weight loss of about 1/2 lb/week. Also, there
is evidence that an average of 8 percent of
weight can be lost in a 6-month period. Since
the observed average 8 percent weight loss
includes people who do not lose weight, an
individual goal of 10 percent is reasonable.
After 6 months, most patients will equilibrate
(caloric intake balancing energy expenditure)
and will require adjustment of energy balance
if they are to lose more weight. (See pages
The three major components of weight loss
therapy are dietary therapy, increased physical
activity, and behavior therapy. (See pages 73-
82.) Lifestyle therapy should be tried for at
least six months before considering pharma-
cotherapy. In addition, pharmacotherapy
should be considered as an adjunct to lifestyle
therapy in patients with a BMI 30 with no
concomitant obesity-related risk factors or dis-
eases, or for patients with a BMI 27 with
concomitant obesity-related risk factors or dis-
eases. The risk factors or diseases considered
important enough to warrant pharmacothera-
py at a BMI of 27 to 29.9 are hypertension,
dyslipidemia, CHD, type 2 diabetes, and
sleep apnea. However, sibutramine, the only
FDA approved drug for long-term use, should
not be used in patients with a history of
hypertension, CHD, congestive heart failure,
arrhythmias, or history of stroke. Certain
patients may be candidates for weight loss
surgery. Each component of weight loss thera-
py can be introduced briefly. The selection of
weight loss methods should be made in the
context of patient preferences, analysis of past
failed attempts, and consideration of the avail-
able resources.
Box 9: “Progress Being Made/Goal Achieved”
During the acute weight loss period and at 6-
month and 1-year follow-up visits, the patients
should be weighed, BMI calculated, and
progress assessed. If at any time it appears that
the program is failing, a reassessment should
take place to determine the reasons (see Box 10).
If pharmacotherapy is being used, appropriate
monitoring for side effects is recommended (See
page 86). If a patient can achieve the recom-
mended 10 percent reduction in body weight in
6 months to 1 year, this change in weight can be
considered good progress. The patient can then
enter the phase of weight maintenance and long-
term monitoring. It is important for the practi-
tioner to recognize that some persons are more
apt to lose or gain weight on a given regimen
and that this phenomenon cannot always be
attributed to degree of compliance. However, if
significant obesity remains and absolute risk
from obesity-associated risk factors remains high,
at some point an effort should be made to rein-
stitute weight loss therapy to achieve further
weight reduction. Once a limit of weight loss
has been obtained, the practitioner is responsible
for long-term monitoring of risk factors and for
encouraging the patient to maintain a reduced
weight level.
Box 10: “Assess Reasons for Failure to Lose
If a patient fails to achieve the recommended 10
percent reduction in body weight in 6 months
or 1 year, a reevaluation is required. A critical
question is whether the level of motivation is
high enough to continue clinical therapy. If
motivation is high, revise the goals and strategies
(see Box 8). If motivation is not high, clinical
therapy should be discontinued, but the patient
should be encouraged to embark on efforts to
lose weight or to at least avoid further weight
gain. Even if weight loss therapy is stopped, risk
factor management must be continued.
Failure to achieve weight loss should prompt the
practitioner to investigate energy intake (dietary
recall including alcohol intake, daily intake
logs), energy expenditure (physical activity
diary), attendance at behavior therapy group
meetings, recent negative life events, family and
societal pressures, or evidence of detrimental
psychiatric problems (depression, binge eating
disorder). If attempts to lose weight have failed,
and the BMI is 40, surgical therapy should be
Box 11: “Maintenance Counseling”
Evidence suggests that over 80 percent of per-
sons who lose weight will gradually regain it (see
page 72). Patients who continue on weight
maintenance programs have a greater chance of
keeping weight off. Maintenance consists of con-
tinued contact with the health care practitioner
for continued education, support, and medical
monitoring (see page 72 and 75).
Box 12: “Does the Patient Want to Lose
All patients who are overweight (BMI 25 to
29.9), or do not have a high waist circumfer-
ence, and have few (0 to 1) cardiovascular risk
factors and do not want to lose weight, should
be counseled regarding the need to keep their
weight at or below its present level. Patients who
wish to lose weight should be guided per Boxes
8 and 9. The justification for offering these over-
weight patients the option of maintaining
(rather than losing) weight is that their health
risk, while higher than that of persons with a
BMI < 25, is only moderately increased (page
Box 13: “Advise to Maintain Weight/Address
Other Risk Factors”
Those who have a history of overweight and are
now at appropriate weight, and those who are
overweight and not obese but wish to focus on
maintenance of their current weight, should be
provided with counseling and advice so that
their weight does not increase. An increase in
weight increases their health risk and should be
prevented. The physician should actively pro-
mote prevention strategies including enhanced
attention by the patient to diet, physical activity,
and behavior therapy. For addressing other risk
factors, see Box 6, because even if weight loss
cannot be addressed, other risk factors should be
Box 14: “History of BMI 25”
This box differentiates those who are not over-
weight now and never have been from those
with a history of overweight; see Box 2.
Box 15: “Brief Reinforcement”
Those who are not overweight and never have
been should be advised of the importance of
staying in this category.
Box 16: “Periodic Weight, BMI, and Waist
Circumference Check”
Patients should receive periodic monitoring of
their weight, BMI, and waist circumference.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Patients who are not overweight or have no his-
tory of overweight should be screened for weight
gain every 2 years. This time span is a reasonable
compromise between the need to identify weight
gain at an early stage and the need to limit the
time, effort, and the cost of repeated measure-
Patients in whom weight loss therapy is not
appropriate include most pregnant or lactating
women, those with serious psychiatric illness,
and patients who have a variety of serious ill-
nesses in whom caloric restriction might exacer-
bate the illness.
Assessment of patient motivation is a prerequi-
site for weight loss therapy. Weight reduction in
the clinical setting represents a major investment
of time and effort on the part of the health care
team and expense to the patient. For these rea-
sons, motivation for weight loss should be rela-
tively high before initiating clinical therapy. At
the same time, it is the duty of the primary care
practitioner to heighten a patients motivation
for weight loss when such is perceived to be of
significant benefit for risk reduction. This can be
done by enumerating the dangers associated
with persistent obesity and by describing the
strategy for clinically assisted weight reduction.
For patients who are not motivated (or able) to
enter clinical weight loss therapy, appropriate
management of risk factors (e.g., high serum
cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, and type 2
diabetes) is still necessary. Sustained weight
reduction may facilitate control of cardiovascular
risk factors and delay the onset of type 2 dia-
Evidence Statement:
Patient motivation
is a key component for success in a weight
loss program. Evidence Category D.
Assessment of the patient’s motiva-
tion for treatment by the practitioner is impor-
tant in the decision to initiate a weight loss pro-
gram. The following factors must be evaluated:
Reasons and motivation for weight loss—
What is the extent of the patients seriousness
and readiness to undergo a sustained period
of weight loss at this time? What is the
patient’s current attitude about making a life-
long commitment to behavior change?
Previous history of successful and unsuccess-
ful weight loss attempts—What factors were
responsible for previous failures and successes
at weight loss or maintenance of normal body
Family, friends, and work-site support—What
is the social framework in which the patient
will attempt to lose weight, and who are the
possible helpers and antagonists to such an
The patients understanding of overweight
and obesity and how it contributes to obesity-
associated diseases—Does the patient have an
appreciation of the dangers of obesity, and are
these dangers of significant concern to the
Attitude toward physical activity—Is the
patient motivated to enter a program of
increased physical activity to assist in weight
Time availability—Is the patient willing to
commit the time required to interact with
health professionals in long-term weight loss
Barriers—What are the obstacles that will
interfere with the patients ability to imple-
ment the suggestions for change?
Financial considerations—Is the patient will-
ing to pay for obesity therapy? This may
include having to pay for travel to the med-
ical facility, time lost from work, and paying
for professional counseling that is not covered
by insurance.
One of the most important aspects of the initial
evaluation is to prepare patients for treatment.
Reviewing patients’ past attempts at weight loss
and explaining how the new treatment plan will
be different can encourage patients and provide
hope for successful weight loss. It is helpful to
discuss the proposed course of treatment and
describe necessary behaviors, such as keeping
diaries of food intake and physical activity.
Finally, given the social stigmatization that obese
patients often feel, even from health care profes-
sionals, the initial evaluation is an opportunity
to show the patient respect, concern, and
A patient who has shared feelings about
being overweight and previous attempts to lose
weight with a sympathetic listener may be more
willing to consider new ideas and information. A
partnership in which the patient feels supported
and understood can help to sustain the necessary
motivation for the difficult task of weight loss
and maintenance.
Practitioners need to
assess the patient’s motivation to enter
weight loss therapy; assess the readiness of the
patient to implement the plan; and then
take appropriate steps to motivate the
patient for treatment. Evidence Category D.
The general goals of weight loss and manage-
ment are: (1) to reduce body weight; and (2) to
maintain a lower body weight over the long
term; or (3) at a minimum, to prevent further
weight gain. Specific targets for each of these
goals can be considered.
1. Weight Loss
1.a. Target levels for weight loss
—The initial
target goal of weight loss therapy for overweight
patients is to decrease body weight by about 10
percent. If this target can be achieved, considera-
tion can be given to the next step of further
weight loss.
Evidence Statement:
Overweight and
obese patients in well-designed programs
can achieve a weight loss of as much as 10
percent of baseline weight, a weight loss
that can be maintained for a sustained
period of time (1 year or longer). Evidence
Category A.
The rationale for this initial goal is
that even moderate weight loss, i.e., 10 percent
of initial body weight, can significantly decrease
the severity of obesity-associated risk factors. It
can also set the stage for further weight loss, if
indicated. Available evidence indicates that an
average weight loss of 8 percent can be achieved
in 6 months; however, since the observed aver-
age 8 percent includes people who do not lose
weight, an individual goal of 10 percent is rea-
sonable. This degree of weight loss can be achieved
and is realistic, and moderate weight loss can be
maintained over time. It is better to maintain a
moderate weight loss over a prolonged period
than to regain from a marked weight loss. The
latter is counterproductive in terms of time, costs,
and self-esteem. Patients generally will wish to
lose more weight than 10 percent, and will need
to be counseled and persuaded of the appropri-
ateness of this initial goal.
553, 554
Further weight
loss can be considered after this initial goal is
achieved and maintained for 6 months.
The initial goal of
weight loss therapy should be to reduce
body weight by approximately 10 percent
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
from baseline. With success, further weight
loss can be attempted, if indicated through
further assessment. Evidence Category A.
1.b. Rate of weight loss
—A reasonable time line
for weight loss is to achieve a 10 percent reduc-
tion in body weight over 6 months of therapy.
For overweight patients with BMIs in the typical
range of 27 to 35, a decrease of 300 to 500
kcal/day will result in weight losses of about
2 to
1 lb/week and a 10 percent weight loss in 6
months. For more severely obese patients with
BMIs 35, deficits of up to 500 to 1,000
kcal/day will lead to weight losses of about 1 to
2 lb/week and a 10 percent weight loss in 6
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss at the
rate of 1 to 2 lb/week (calorie deficit of
500 to 1,000 kcal/day) commonly occurs
for up to 6 months, at which point weight
loss begins to plateau unless a more restric-
tive regimen is implemented. Evidence
Category B.
To achieve significant weight loss, an
energy deficit must be created and maintained.
Weight can be lost at a rate of 1 to 2 lb/week
with a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day.
After 6 months, this caloric deficit theoretically
should result in a loss of 26 to 52 lb. However,
the average amount of weight lost actually
observed over this time period usually is in the
range of 20 to 25 lb. A greater rate of weight
loss does not yield a better result at the end of 1
It is difficult for most patients to contin-
ue to lose weight after a period of 6 months due
to changes in resting metabolic rates and diffi-
culty in adhering to treatment strategies,
although some can do so. To continue to lose
weight, diet and physical activity goals need to
be revised to create an energy deficit at the lower
weight, since energy requirements decrease as
weight is decreased. To achieve additional weight
loss, the patient must further decrease calories
and/or increase physical activity. Many studies
show that rapid weight reduction almost always
is followed by regaining of weight. Moreover,
with rapid weight reduction, there is an
increased risk for gallstones and, possibly, elec-
trolyte abnormalities.
Weight loss should
be about 1 to 2 lb/week for a period of 6
months with the subsequent strategy based
on the amount of weight lost. Evidence
Category B.
2. Weight Maintenance at Lower Weight
Once the goals of weight loss have been success-
fully achieved, maintenance of a lower body
weight becomes a major challenge. In the past,
obtaining the goal of weight loss has been con-
sidered the end of weight loss therapy.
Unfortunately, once patients are dismissed from
clinical therapy, they frequently regain the lost
weight. This report recommends that observa-
tion, monitoring, and encouragement of patients
who have successfully lost weight be continued
on a long-term basis.
Evidence Statement:
After 6 months of
weight loss treatment, efforts to maintain
weight loss through diet, physical activity,
and behavior therapy are important.
Evidence Category B.
After 6 months of weight loss, the
rate of weight loss usually declines and plateaus.
395, 507, 555
The primary care practitioner and
patient should recognize that at this point, weight
maintenance, the second phase of the weight
loss effort, should take priority. Successful
weight maintenance is defined as a weight regain
of < 3 kg (6.6 lb) in 2 years and a sustained
reduction in waist circumference of at least 4
cm. If a patient wishes to lose more weight after
a period of weight maintenance, the procedure
for weight loss outlined above can be repeated.
A weight mainte-
nance program should be a priority after
the initial 6 months of weight loss therapy.
Evidence Category B.
Evidence Statement:
Lost weight usually
will be regained unless a weight mainte-
nance program consisting of dietary thera-
py, physical activity, and behavior therapy
is continued indefinitely. Drug therapy can
also be used; however, drug safety and effi-
cacy beyond 1 year of total treatment have
not been established. Evidence Category B.
After a patient has achieved the goals
of weight loss, the combined modalities of thera-
py (dietary therapy, physical activity, and behav-
ior therapy) must be continued indefinitely; oth-
erwise, excess weight likely will be regained.
Numerous strategies are available for motivating
the patient; all of these require that the practi-
tioner continue to communicate frequently with
the patient. Long-term monitoring and encour-
agement can be accomplished in several ways: by
regular clinic visits, at group meetings, or via
telephone or E-mail. The longer the weight
maintenance phase can be sustained, the better
the prospects for long-term success in weight
reduction. Drug therapy may also be helpful
during the weight maintenance phase.
After successful
weight loss, the likelihood of weight loss
maintenance is enhanced by a program
consisting of dietary therapy, physical activ-
ity, and behavior therapy, which should be
continued indefinitely. Drug therapy can
also be used. However, drug safety and
efficacy beyond 1 year of total treatment
have not been established. Evidence
Category B.
3. Prevention of Further Weight Gain
Some patients may not be able to achieve signifi-
cant weight reduction. In such patients, an
important goal is to prevent further weight gain
that would exacerbate disease risk. Thus, preven-
tion of further weight gain may justify entering
a patient into weight loss therapy. Prevention of
further weight gain can be considered a partial
therapeutic success for many patients. Moreover,
if further weight gain can be prevented, this
achievement may be an important first step
toward beginning the weight loss process.
Primary care practitioners ought to recognize the
importance of this goal for those patients who
are not able to immediately lose weight. The
need to prevent weight gain may warrant main-
taining patients in a weight management pro-
gram for an extended period.
1. Dietary Therapy
In the majority of overweight and obese
patients, adjustment of the diet to reduce caloric
intake will be required. Dietary therapy consists,
in large part, of instructing patients on how to
modify their diets to achieve a decrease in caloric
intake. A key element of the current recommen-
dation is the use of a moderate reduction in
caloric intake to achieve a slow but progressive
weight loss. Ideally, caloric intake should be
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
reduced only to the level required to maintain
weight at the desired level. If this level of caloric
intake is achieved, excess weight will gradually
disappear. In practice, somewhat greater caloric
deficits are used in the period of active weight
loss, but diets with very low calories are to be
avoided. Finally the composition of the diet
should be modified to minimize other cardiovas-
cular risk factors.
The centerpiece of dietary therapy for weight
loss in overweight patients is a low-calorie diet
(LCD) (800 to 1,500 kcal/day). This diet is to
be distinguished from a very low-calorie diet
(VLCD) (250 to 800 kcal/day), which has been
unsuccessful in achieving weight loss over the
long term. The LCD recommended in this
report also contains nutrient compositions that
will decrease other risk factors, notably, high
serum cholesterol and hypertension.
Evidence Statement:
LCDs can reduce
total body weight by an average of 8 per-
cent and help reduce abdominal fat con-
tent over a period of approximately 6
months. Evidence Category A.
Rationale: A decrease in calorie intake is the
most important dietary component of weight
loss and maintenance. LCDs have been shown
to reduce total body weight by an average of 8
percent over a period of 6 months, accompa-
nied by significant reductions in waist circum-
ference. Since this represents an average that
includes individuals who did not lose weight,
an individual average goal of 10 percent is fea-
sible. When weight loss occurs, the loss con-
sists of about 75 percent fat and 25 percent
lean tissue.
556, 557
A deficit of 500 to 1,000
kcal/day will produce a weight loss of 70 to
140 grams/day, or 490 to 980 grams/week (1
to 2 lb/week). A deficit of 300 to 500
kcal/day will produce a weight loss of 40 to
70 grams/day, or 280 to 490 grams/week (1/2
to 1 lb/week) A patient may choose a diet of
1,000 to 1,200 kcal for women and 1,200 to
1,500 kcal for men.
VLCDs (less than 800 kcal/day) are not recom-
mended for weight loss therapy because the
deficits are too great, and nutritional inadequa-
cies will occur unless VLCDs are supplemented
with vitamins and minerals
Moreover, clini-
cal trials show that LCDs are just as effective as
VLCDs in producing weight loss after 1 year
Although more weight is initially lost with
VLCDs, more is usually regained. Further, rapid
weight reduction does not allow for gradual
acquisition of changes in eating behavior.
Successful behavior therapy is the key to long-
term maintenance of weight at a reduced level.
Finally, patients using VLCDs are at increased
risk for developing gallstones.
Successful weight reduction by LCDs is more
likely to occur when consideration is given to a
patient’s food preferences in tailoring a particular
diet. Care should be taken to be sure that all of
the recommended dietary allowances are met;
this may require use of a dietary supplement.
Dietary education is a necessary ingredient in
achieving adjustment to an LCD. Educational
efforts should pay particular attention to the fol-
lowing topics:
energy value of different foods;
food composition—fats, carbohydrates
(including dietary fiber), and proteins;
reading nutrition labels to determine caloric
content and food composition;
new habits of purchasing—preference to low-
calorie foods;
food preparation—avoiding adding high-calo-
rie ingredients during cooking (e.g., fats and
avoiding overconsumption of high-calorie
foods (both high-fat and high-carbohydrate
maintain adequate water intake
reducing portion sizes; and
limiting alcohol consumption.
The Step I Diet in ATP II provides an appropri-
ate nutrient composition for an LCD diet. The
composition of the diet is presented in Table IV-
3. Additional practical dietary advice for patients
is included in Appendix VI.
A diet that is indi-
vidually planned to help create a deficit of
500 to 1,000 kcal/day should be an inte-
gral part of any program aimed at achiev-
ing a weight loss of 1 to 2 lb/week.
Evidence Category A.
Reducing dietary
fat alone without reducing calories is not
sufficient for weight loss. However, reduc-
ing dietary fat, along with reducing
dietary carbohydrates, can facilitate caloric
reduction. Evidence Category A.
Evidence Statement:
Optimally, dietary
therapy should last at least 6 months.
Evidence Category A.
Many studies suggest that the rate of
weight loss diminishes after about 6 months.
Shorter periods of dietary therapy usually result
in lesser weight reductions. Therapeutic efforts
should be directed toward behavior therapy as
well as maintaining LCDs.
486, 570, 571
Evidence Statement:
During dietary ther-
apy, frequent contacts between professional
counselors and patients promote weight loss
and maintenance. Evidence Category C.
Frequent clinical encounters during
the initial 6 months of weight reduction appear
to facilitate reaching the goals of therapy.
During the period of active weight loss, regular
visits of at least once per month and preferably
more often with a health professional for the
purposes of reinforcement, encouragement, and
monitoring will facilitate weight reduction.
Weekly group meetings can be conducted at a
low cost, and can contribute to favorable behav-
ior changes. However, no clinical trials have
been specifically designed to test the relative effi-
cacy of different frequencies of encounters with
physicians, dietitians, or others in the weight
loss team.
Evidence Statement:
The amount of time
spent with the patient favorably affects
weight change in overweight or obese
adults given dietary therapy. Evidence
Category D.
Training of a health professional in
techniques of weight reduction, especially in
behavior therapy and dietary principles, is
expected to facilitate weight reduction. Further,
adequate time must be made available to the
patient to convey the information necessary, to
reinforce behavioral and dietary messages, and to
monitor the patient’s response. Despite these
judgments, none of the studies reviewed were
designed to specifically address the type or quali-
fications of the health professional who imple-
mented the various weight loss approaches.
Many of the studies differed in the types of
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Nutrient Recommended Intake
Approximately 500 to 1,000 kcal/day reduction from usual intake
Total Fat
30 percent or less of total calories
Saturated Fatty Acids
8 to 10 percent of total calories
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Up to 15 percent of total calories
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Up to 10 percent of total calories
< 300 mg/day
Approximately 15 percent of total calories
55 percent or more of total calories
Sodium Chloride No more than 100 mmol per day (approximately 2.4 g of sodium
or approximately 6 g of sodium chloride)
1,000 to 1,500 mg
20 to 30 g
A reduction in calories of 500 to1,000 kcal/day will
help achieve a weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs/week. Alcohol
provides unneeded calories and displaces more nutri-
tious foods. Alcohol consumption not only increases the
number of calories in a diet but has been associated
with obesity in epidemiological studies
as well as in
experimental studies.
The impact of alcohol calo-
ries on a persons overall caloric intake needs to be
assessed and appropriately controlled.
Fat-modified foods may provide a helpful strategy for
lowering total fat intake but will only be effective if
they are also low in calories and if there is no compen-
sation of calories from other foods.
Patients with high blood cholesterol levels may need
to use the Step II diet to achieve further reductions in
LDL-cholesterol levels; in the Step II diet, saturated fats
are reduced to less than 7 percent of total calories, and
cholesterol levels to less than 200 mg/day. All of the
other nutrients are the same as in Step I.
Protein should be derived from plant sources and
lean sources of animal protein.
Complex carbohydrates from different vegetables,
fruits, and whole grains are good sources of vitamins,
minerals, and fiber. A diet rich in soluble fiber, includ-
ing oat bran, legumes, barley, and most fruits and veg-
etables may be effective in reducing blood cholesterol
levels. A diet high in all types of fiber may also aid in
weight management by promoting satiety at lower levels
of calorie and fat intake. Some authorities recommend
20 to 30 grams of fiber daily, with an upper limit of 35
546, 567, 568
During weight loss, attention should be given to
maintaining an adequate intake of vitamins and miner-
als. Maintenance of the recommended calcium intakes
of 1,000 to 1,500 mg/day is especially important for
women who may be at risk of osteoporosis.
dietary intervention provided. Most programs
involved dietitians and nutritionists as primary
therapists and used group therapy rather than
individual sessions. The length of time spent
during each session and the nature of the practi-
tioner/patient interaction tended not to be pro-
The literature sug-
gests that weight loss and weight mainte-
nance therapies that provide a greater fre-
quency of contacts between the patient and
the practitioner and are provided over the
long term should be put in place. This can
lead to more successful weight loss and
weight maintenance. Evidence Category C.
2. Physical Activity
An increase in physical activity is an important
component of weight loss therapy since it leads
to increased expenditure of energy. Increased
physical activity may also inhibit food intake in
overweight patients. Physical activity can also be
helpful in maintaining a desirable weight. In
addition, sustained physical activity has the ben-
efit of reducing overall CHD risk beyond that
produced by weight reduction alone.
Several experts believe that a progressive decrease
in the amount of energy expended for work,
transportation, and personal chores is a major
cause of obesity in the United States. These
authorities note that total caloric intake has not
increased over the last few decades; instead, the
caloric imbalance leading to overweight and obe-
sity is the result of a substantial decrease in phys-
ical activity and, consequently, a decrease in
daily energy expenditure. However, this hypoth-
esis is difficult to prove because appropriate data
are lacking. Successful restoration of normal
weight in many overweight and obese persons
requires a higher level of energy expenditure.
Increased regular physical activity is the way to
achieve this goal of augmenting daily energy
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity
contributes to weight loss, both alone and
when it is combined with dietary therapy.
Evidence Category A.
Increased physical activity alone can
create a caloric deficit and can contribute to
weight loss. However, efforts to achieve weight
loss through physical activity alone generally
produce an average of a 2 to 3 percent decrease
in body weight or BMI. Even so, increased phys-
ical activity is a useful adjunct to LCDs in pro-
moting weight reduction.
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity in
overweight and obese adults increases car-
diorespiratory fitness independent of weight
loss. Evidence Category A.
There is strong evidence that
increased physical activity increases cardiorespi-
ratory fitness, with or without weight loss.
346, 363,
369, 375, 401, 404, 406, 432, 434, 445, 447, 448
Improved cardiovas-
cular fitness also improves the quality of life in
overweight patients by improving mood, self-
esteem, and physical function in daily activities.
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity
independently reduces CVD risk factors
(Evidence Category A), and reduces risk
for cardiovascular disease. Evidence
Category C.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
There is considerable evidence that
physical inactivity is an independent risk factor
for CVD and diabetes.
Furthermore, the
more active an individual is, the lower the risk.
By the same token, increased physical activity
appears to independently reduce risk for CVD
morbidity and mortality, and diabetes.
411, 548, 573, 574
Physical activity reduces elevated levels of CVD
risk factors, including blood pressure and triglyc-
erides, increases HDL-cholesterol, and improves
glucose tolerance with or without weight loss.
Evidence Statement:
Physical activity
contributes to a decrease in body fat,
including a modest effect on abdominal
fat. Evidence Category B.
Physical activity appears to have a
favorable effect on distribution of body fat.
Several large cross-sectional studies in Europe,
and the United States
an inverse association between energy expendi-
ture through physical activity and several indica-
tors of body fat distribution, such as WHR and
waist-to-thigh circumference ratio. Fewer data
are available on the effects of physical activity on
waist circumference, although the ratio changes
noted above suggest a decrease in abdominal
obesity. Only a few randomized controlled trials
that have tested the effect of physical activity on
weight loss measured waist circumference. In
some (but not all) studies, physical activity was
found to produce only modest weight loss and
decreased waist circumference.
365, 369, 375
it is not known whether the effects of physical
activity on abdominal fat are independent of
weight loss.
2.a. Strategies to increase physical activity
Many people live sedentary lives, have little
training or skills in physical activity, and are dif-
ficult to motivate toward increasing their activity.
For these reasons, starting a physical activity reg-
imen may require supervision for some people.
The need to avoid injury during physical activity
is high. Extremely obese persons may need to
start with simple exercises that can gradually be
intensified. The practitioner must decide
whether exercise testing for cardiopulmonary dis-
ease is needed before embarking on a new physi-
cal activity regimen. This decision should be
based on a patient’s age, symptoms, and con-
comitant risk factors.
For most obese patients, physical activity should
be initiated slowly, and the intensity should be
increased gradually. Initial activities may be
walking or swimming at a slow pace. With time,
depending on progress, the amount of weight
lost, and functional capacity, the patient may
engage in more strenuous activities. Some of
these include fitness walking, cycling, rowing,
cross-country skiing, aerobic dancing, and rope
jumping. Jogging provides a high-intensity aero-
bic exercise, but can lead to orthopedic injury. If
jogging is desired, the patients ability to do this
must first be assessed. The availability of a safe
environment for the jogger is also a necessity.
Competitive sports, such as tennis and volleyball,
can provide an enjoyable form of physical activi-
ty for many, but again, care must be taken to
avoid injury, especially in older people. As the
examples listed in Table IV-4 show, a moderate
amount of physical activity can be achieved in a
variety of ways. People can select activities that
they enjoy and that fit into their daily lives.
Because amounts of activity are functions of
duration, intensity, and frequency, the same
amounts of activity can be obtained in longer
sessions of moderately intense activities (such as
brisk walking) as in shorter sessions of more
strenuous activities (such as running).
A regimen of daily walking is an attractive form
of physical activity for many people, particularly
those who are overweight or obese. The patient
can start by walking 10 minutes, 3 days a week,
and can build to 30 to 45 minutes of more
intense walking at least 5 days a week and
preferably most, if not all, days.
577, 578
With this
regimen, an additional 100 to 200 calories per
day of physical activity can be expended. Caloric
expenditure will vary depending on the individ-
ual’s body weight and intensity of the activity
(see Table IV-5).
This regimen can be adapted to other forms of
physical activity, but walking is particularly
attractive because of its safety and accessibility.
Washing and waxing a car for 45-60 minutes
Less Vigorous,
Washing windows or floors for 45-60 minutes
More Time
Playing volleyball for 45 minutes
Playing touch football for 30-45 minutes
Gardening for 30-45 minutes
Wheeling self in wheelchair for 30-40 minutes
Walking 1
4 miles in 35 minutes (20 min/mile)
Basketball (shooting baskets) for 30 minutes
Bicycling 5 miles in 30 minutes
Dancing fast (social) for 30 minutes
Pushing a stroller 1
2 miles in 30 minutes
Raking leaves for 30 minutes
Walking 2 miles in 30 minutes (15 min/mile)
Water aerobics for 30 minutes
Swimming laps for 20 minutes
Wheelchair basketball for 20 minutes
Basketball (playing a game) for 15-20 minutes
Bicycling 4 miles in 15 minutes
Jumping rope for 15 minutes
Running 1
2 miles in 15 minutes (10 min/mile)
More Vigorous,
Shoveling snow for 15 minutes
Less Time
Stairwalking for 15 minutes
* A moderate amount of physical activity is roughly equivalent to physical activity that uses approximately 150 calories of
energy per day, or 1,000 calories per week.
** Some activities can be performed at various intensities; the suggested durations correspond to expected intensity of effort.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
With time, a larger weekly volume of physical
activity can be performed that would normally
cause a greater weight loss if it were not com-
pensated by a higher caloric intake.
Reducing sedentary time is another approach to
increasing activity. Patients should be encour-
aged to build physical activities into each day.
Examples include leaving public transportation
one stop before the usual one, parking further
than usual from work or shopping, and walking
up stairs instead of taking elevators or escalators.
New forms of physical activity should be sug-
gested, e.g., gardening, walking a dog daily, or
new athletic activities. Engaging in physical
activity can be facilitated by identifying a safe
area to perform the activity, e.g., community
parks, gyms, pools, and health clubs. However,
when these sites are not available, an area of the
home can be identified and perhaps outfitted
with equipment such as a stationary bicycle or a
Health professionals should encourage patients
to plan and schedule physical activity 1 week in
advance, budget the time necessary to do it, and
document their physical activity by keeping a
diary and recording the duration and intensity
of exercise.
Physical activity
should be an integral part of weight loss
therapy and weight maintenance. Evidence
Category A. Initially, moderate levels of
physical activity for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 to
5 days per week should be encouraged. All
adults should set a long-term goal to accu-
Intensity Activity Approximate
in minutes
Moderate Volleyball, noncompetitive 43
Moderate Walking, moderate pace (3mph, 20 min/mile) 37
Moderate Walking, brisk pace (4mph, 15 min/mile) 32
Moderate Table tennis 32
Moderate Raking leaves 32
Moderate Social dancing 29
Moderate Lawn mowing (powered push mower) 29
Hard Jogging (5 mph, 12 min/mile) 18
Hard Field hockey 16
Very Hard Running (6 mph, 10 min/mile) 13
150 K
) A
Source: Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health
mulate at least 30 minutes or more of
moderate-intensity physical activity on
most, and preferably all, days of the week.
Evidence Category B.
3. Behavior Therapy
Behavioral strategies to reinforce changes in diet
and physical activity can produce a weight loss
in obese adults in the range of 10 percent of
baseline weight over 4 months to 1 year. Unless
a patient acquires a new set of eating and physi-
cal activity habits, long-term weight reduction is
unlikely to succeed. The acquisition of new
habits is particularly important for long-term
weight maintenance at a lower weight. Most
patients return to baseline weights in the absence
of continued intervention. Thus, the physician
or staff members must become familiar with
techniques for modifying life habits of over-
weight or obese patients.
The goal of behavior therapy is to alter the eat-
ing and activity habits of an obese patient.
Techniques for behavior therapy have been
developed to assist patients in modifying their
life habits.
Evidence Statement:
Behavior therapy,
in combination with an energy deficit,
provides additional benefits in assisting
patients to lose weight short-term (1 year).
Its effectiveness for long-term weight main-
tenance has not been shown in the absence
of continued behavioral intervention.
Evidence Category B.
The primary assumptions of behavior
therapy are that:
by changing eating and physical activity
habits, it is possible to change body weight;
patterns of eating and physical activity are
learned behaviors and can be modified; and
to change these patterns over the long term,
the environment must be changed.
Behavior therapies provide methods for over-
coming barriers to compliance with dietary ther-
apy and/or increased physical activity, and are
thus important components of weight loss thera-
py. Most weight loss programs incorporating
behavioral strategies do so as a package that
includes education about nutrition and physical
activity. However, this standard “package” of
management should not ignore the need for
individualizing behavioral strategies.
3.a. Behavior Therapy Strategies Used in
Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance
Studies reviewed for this report examined a
range of modalities of behavioral therapy. No
single method or combination of behavioral
methods proved to be clearly superior. Thus,
various strategies can be used by the practitioner
to modify patient behavior. The aim is to change
eating and physical activities behaviors over the
long term. Such change can be achieved either
on an individual basis or in group settings.
Group therapy has the advantage of lower cost.
Specific behavioral strategies include the follow-
Self-monitoring of both eating habits and
physical activity—Objectifying ones own
behavior through observation and recording is
a key step in behavior therapy. Patients should
be taught to record the amount and types of
food they eat, the caloric values, and nutrient
composition. Keeping a record of the fre-
quency, intensity, and type of physical activity
likewise will add insight to personal behavior.
Extending records to time, place, and feelings
related to eating and physical activity will
help to bring previously unrecognized behav-
ior to light.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Stress management—Stress can trigger dys-
functional eating patterns, and stress manage-
ment can defuse situations leading to overeat-
ing. Coping strategies, meditation, and relax-
ation techniques all have been successfully
employed to reduce stress.
Stimulus control—Identifying stimuli that
may encourage incidental eating enables indi-
viduals to limit their exposure to high-risk sit-
uations. Examples of stimulus control strate-
gies include learning to shop carefully for
healthy foods, keeping high-calorie foods out
of the house, limiting the times and places of
eating, and consciously avoiding situations in
which overeating occurs.
Problem solving—This term refers to the self-
correction of problem areas related to eating
and physical activity. Approaches to problem
solving include identifying weight-related
problems, generating or brainstorming possi-
ble solutions and choosing one, planning and
implementing the healthier alternative, and
evaluating the outcome of possible changes in
Patients should be encouraged to
reevaluate setbacks in behavior and to ask
“What did I learn from this attempt?” rather
than punishing themselves.
Contingency management—Behavior can be
changed by use of rewards for specific actions,
such as increasing time spent walking or
reducing consumption of specific foods.
Verbal as well as tangible rewards can be use-
ful, particularly for adults. Rewards can come
from either the professional team or from the
patients themselves. For example, self-rewards
can be monetary or social and should be
Cognitive restructuring—Unrealistic goals
and inaccurate beliefs about weight loss and
body image need to be modified to help
change self-defeating thoughts and feelings
that undermine weight loss efforts. Rational
responses designed to replace negative
thoughts are encouraged.
For example, the
thought, “I blew my diet this morning by eat-
ing that doughnut; I may as well eat what I
like for the rest of the day,” could be replaced
by a more adaptive thought, such as, “Well, I
ate the doughnut this morning, but I can still
eat in a healthy manner at lunch and dinner.”
Social support—A strong system of social
support can facilitate weight reduction.
Family members, friends, or colleagues can
assist an individual in maintaining motivation
and providing positive reinforcement. Some
patients may benefit by entering a weight
reduction support group. Overweight patients
should be asked about (possibly) overweight
children and family weight control strategies.
Parents and children should work together to
engage in and maintain healthy dietary and
physical activity habits.
3.b. Treatment of Obese Individuals with Binge
Eating Disorder
If a patient suffers from binge eating disorder
(BED), consideration can be given to referring
the patient to a health professional who special-
izes in BED treatment. Behavioral approaches to
BED associated with obesity have been derived
from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) used to
treat bulimia nervosa.
Among the techniques
are self-monitoring of eating patterns, encourag-
ing regular patterns of eating (three meals a day
plus planned snacks), cognitive restructuring,
and relapse prevention strategies.
Behavior therapy
strategies to promote diet and physical
activity should be used routinely, as they
are helpful in achieving weight loss and
weight maintenance. Evidence Category B.
4. Combined Therapy
To achieve the greatest likelihood of success
from weight loss therapy, the combination of
dietary therapy with an LCD, increased physical
activity, and behavior therapy will be required.
Inclusion of behavior therapy and increased
physical activity in a weight loss regimen will
provide the best opportunity for weight loss, and
hopefully for long-term weight control. In order
to achieve weight loss, such a regimen should be
maintained for at least 6 months before consid-
ering pharmacotherapy.
Evidence Statement:
Combined inter-
vention of an LCD, increased physical
activity, and behavior therapy provides the
most successful therapy for weight loss and
weight maintenance. Evidence Category A.
Clinical trials have demonstrated that
combining behavior therapy, LCDs, and
increased physical activity provides better out-
comes for long-term weight reduction than pro-
grams that use only one or two of these modali-
ties. A lower-fat diet markedly improves the
potential of physical activity to achieve a nega-
tive energy balance.
317, 369, 434, 444, 582
In addition,
lower-fat diets that are also low in saturated fats
reduce serum cholesterol levels, which would
reduce CVD risk. It is difficult to achieve a neg-
ative energy balance and weight loss with physi-
cal activity of moderate duration and intensity
in individuals who consume a high-fat diet and
583, 584
Weight loss and
weight maintenance therapy should employ
the combination of LCDs, increased physi-
cal activity, and behavior therapy. Evidence
Category A.
5. Pharmacotherapy
Drug therapy has undergone radical changes in
the last 2 years. With the publication of the tri-
als with phentermine and fenfluramine by
Weintraub in 1992 (210 weeks), drug therapy
began to change from short-term to long-term
use. Both dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine
alone, as well as the combination of phenter-
mine/fenfluramine, were used long term.
However, concerns about recently reported
unacceptable side effects, such as valvular lesions
of the heart causing significant insufficiency of
the valves,
have led to the withdrawal of the
drugs dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine from
the market in September 1997.
No drugs
remained that were approved by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) for use longer than
3 months. In November 1997, the FDA
approved a new drug, sibutramine, for use in
obesity and is in the process of evaluating orlis-
tat for long-term use.
Evidence Statement:
Appropriate weight
loss drugs can augment diet, physical activ-
ity, and behavior therapy in weight loss.
Evidence Category B.
The purpose of weight loss and
weight maintenance is to reduce health risks. If
weight is regained, health risks increase once
more. The majority of persons who lose weight
regain it,
so the challenge to the patient and
the practitioner is to maintain the weight loss.
Because of the tendency to regain weight after
weight loss, the use of long-term medication to
aid in the treatment of obesity may be indicated
in carefully selected patients.
The drugs used to promote weight loss have
been anorexiants or appetite suppressants. Three
classes of anorexiant drugs have been developed,
all of which affect neurotransmitters in the
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
brain: those that affect catecholamines, those
that affect serotonin, and those that affect both.
They work by increasing the secretion of
dopamine, norepinephrine, or serotonin into the
synaptic neural cleft, or by inhibiting the reup-
take of these neurotransmitters back into the
neuron, or by both mechanisms. The new agent
sibutramine has norepinephrine and serotonin
effects. Another new agent, orlistat, has a differ-
ent mechanism of action, the blockage of fat
absorption. Very few trials longer than 6 months
have been done with any drug. The ones tested
for at least 1 year that received FDA approval for
long-term use are shown in Table IV-6.
These drugs are effective but modest in their
ability to produce weight loss. Net weight loss
attributable to drugs generally has been reported
to be in the range of 2 to 10 kg (4.4 to 22 lb),
although some patients lose significantly more
weight. It is not possible to predict how much
weight an individual may lose. Most of the
weight loss usually occurs in the first 6 months
of therapy.
Adverse effects include primary pulmonary
hypertension with fenfluramine and dexfenflu-
395, 586, 587
valvular heart disease with
dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine,
increases in blood pressure and pulse with sibu-
With orlistat, there is a possible
decrease in the absorption of fat-soluble vita-
mins; overcoming this may require vitamin sup-
plementation. People with a history of high
blood pressure, CHD, congestive heart failure,
arrhythmias, or history of stroke should not take
sibutramine, and all patients taking the medica-
tion should have their blood pressure monitored
on a regular basis. Depression has been described
with the serotonergic drugs but it is generally
not clinically significant. Neurotoxic effects with
neuronal atrophy have been described with high
doses of dexfenfluramine in rats and primates,
but not in humans.
The risks for using
Drug Action Adverse Effects
dexfenfluramine* serotonin reuptake inhibitor valvular heart disease
fenfluramine* serotonin releaser primary pulmonary hypertension
sibutramine norepinephrine, dopamine, increase in heart rate and blood pressure
and serotonin reuptake inhibitor
orlistat± inhibits pancreatic lipase, decrease in absorption of fat-soluble
decreases fat absorption vitamins
soft stools and anal leakage
possible link to breast cancer
+ Ephedrine and caffeine, and, fluoxetine have also been tested for weight loss, but are not approved for use in the treatment of
obesity. Mazindol, phentermine, benzphetamine, and phendimetrazine are approved for only short-term use for the treat-
ment of obesity.
* FDA approval withdrawn
± FDA approval pending
appetite suppressant drugs during pregnancy is
Evidence Statement:
Weight loss drugs
approved by the FDA for long-term use
may be useful as an adjunct to diet and
physical activity for patients with a BMI
of 30 with no concomitant obesity-relat-
ed risk factors or diseases, and for patients
with a BMI of 27 with concomitant
obesity-related risk factors or diseases.
Evidence Category B.
If after at least 6 months on a weight
loss regimen of an LCD, increased physical
activity, and behavior therapy, the patient has
not lost the recommended 1 lb/week, careful
consideration may be given to pharmacotherapy.
There are few long-term studies evaluating the
safety or effectiveness of many currently
approved weight loss medications. At present,
sibutramine is available for long-term use.
(Note: FDA approval for orlistat is pending a
resolution of labeling issues and results of Phase
III trials.) Their risk/benefit ratio is such that
they can be recommended for use with the
degree of obesity outlined above.
Weight loss
medications should be used only by patients
who are at increased medical risk because of
their weight and should not be used for “cos-
metic” weight loss. The risk factors and diseases
considered serious enough to warrant pharma-
cotherapy at BMI of 27 to 29.9 are hyperten-
sion, dyslipidemia, CHD, type 2 diabetes, and
sleep apnea.
Not every patient responds to drug therapy.
Tests with weight loss drugs have shown that
initial responders tend to continue to respond,
while initial nonresponders are less likely to
respond even with an increase in dosage.
395, 507
a patient does not lose 2 kg (4.4 lb) in the first 4
weeks after initiating therapy, the likelihood of
long-term response is very low.
This finding
may be used as a guide to treatment, either con-
tinuing medication in the responders or stop-
ping it in the nonresponders. If weight is lost in
the initial 6 months of therapy or is maintained
after the initial weight loss phase, this should be
considered a success, and the drug may be con-
tinued. It is important to remember that the
major role of medications should be to help
patients stay on a diet and physical activity plan
while losing weight. Medication cannot be
expected to continue to be effective in weight
loss or weight maintenance once it has been
590, 591
The use of the drug may be con-
tinued as long as it is effective and the adverse
effects are manageable and not serious. There are
no indications for specifying how long a weight
loss drug should be continued. Therefore, an
initial trial period of several weeks with a given
drug or combination of drugs may help deter-
mine their efficacy in a given patient. If a patient
does not respond to a drug with reasonable
weight loss, the physician should reassess the
patient to determine adherence to the medica-
tion regimen and adjunctive therapies, or con-
sider the need for dosage adjustment. If the
patient continues to be unresponsive to the
medication, or serious adverse effects occur, the
physician should consider its discontinuation.
Evidence Statement:
Adverse side effects
from the use of weight loss drugs have been
observed in patients. Evidence Category A.
The potential for side effects from
the use of weight loss drugs is of great concern.
Adverse effects with sibutramine include
increased blood pressure and tachycardia.
With orlistat there are oily and loose stools and
some fat-soluble vitamin malabsorption.
Thus, a multivitamin supplement is recom-
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
mended. Side effects are generally mild and may
improve with continued use, although their
persistence may result in discontinuation of
the drug.
There is a great interest in weight loss drugs
among consumers. Because of the possibility of
serious adverse effects, it is incumbent on the
practitioner to use drug therapy with caution.
Practitioners should be sure that patients are not
taking drugs that have been withdrawn from the
market for safety reasons, and herbal medica-
tions are not recommended as part of a weight
loss program. These preparations have unpre-
dictable amounts of active ingredients and
unpredictable and potentially harmful effects.
In those patients with a lower level of obesity risk,
nonpharmacological therapy is the treatment of
choice. It is important for the physician to moni-
tor both the effectiveness and the side effects of
the drug.
Evidence Statement:
Using weight loss drugs
singly (not in combination) and starting with
the lowest effective doses can decrease the likeli-
hood of adverse effects. Evidence Category C.
Given the fact that adverse events
may increase in association with combination
drug therapy, it seems wise that, until further
safety data are available, using weight loss drugs
singly would be more prudent. Some patients
will respond to lower doses, so that full dosage is
not always necessary. The short-term use of
drugs (< 3 months) has not generally been
found to be effective.
Drugs should be used only as part of a compre-
hensive program that includes behavior therapy,
diet, and physical activity. Appropriate monitor-
ing for side effects must be continued while
drugs are part of the regimen. Patients will need
to return for followup in 2 to 4 weeks, then
monthly for 3 months, and then every 3 months
for the first year after starting the medication.
After the first year, the doctor will advise the
patient on appropriate return visits. The purpos-
es of these visits are to monitor weight, blood
pressure, and pulse, discuss side effects, conduct
laboratory tests, and answer questions.
Since obesity is a chronic disorder, the short-
term use of drugs is not helpful. The health pro-
fessional should include drugs only in the con-
text of a long-term treatment strategy.
risk/benefit ratio cannot be predicted at this
time, since not enough long-term data (> 1 year)
are available on any of the available drugs.
Weight loss drugs
approved by the FDA may only be used as
part of a comprehensive weight loss pro-
gram, including dietary therapy and physi-
cal activity, for patients with a BMI
of 30 with no concomitant obesity-relat-
ed risk factors or diseases, and for patients
with a BMI of 27 with concomitant
obesity-related risk factors or diseases.
Weight loss drugs should never be used
without concomitant lifestyle modifica-
tions. Continual assessment of drug therapy
for efficacy and safety is necessary. If the
drug is efficacious in helping the patient
lose and/or maintain weight loss and there
are no serious adverse effects, it can be con-
tinued. If not, it should be discontinued.
Evidence Category B.
6. Surgery for Weight Loss
Surgery is one option for weight reduction for
some patients with severe and resistant obesity.
The aim of surgery is to modify the gastroin-
testinal tract to reduce net food intake. Most
authorities agree that weight loss surgery should
be reserved for patients with severe obesity, in
whom efforts at other therapy have failed, and
who are suffering from the complications of
Considerable progress has been made in devel-
oping safer and more effective surgical proce-
dures for promoting weight loss. Surgical inter-
ventions commonly used include gastroplasty,
gastric partitioning, and gastric bypass. These
procedures are designed primarily to reduce food
consumption. They have replaced previous pro-
cedures that were designed to promote malab-
sorption of nutrients. The latter procedures were
fraught with side effects that made their use
impractical or dangerous.
Evidence Statement:
surgery (gastric restriction [vertical gastric
banding] or gastric bypass [Roux-en Y])
can result in substantial weight loss, and
therefore is an available weight loss option
for well-informed and motivated patients
with a BMI 40 or 35, who have
comorbid conditions and acceptable opera-
tive risks. Evidence Category B.
According to the National Institutes
of Healths Consensus Development Conference
on Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity,
the risk for morbidity and mortality accompany-
ing obesity increases with the degree of over-
weight. Thus, treatment of clinically severe obe-
sity involves an effort to create a caloric deficit
sufficient to result in weight loss and reduction
of weight-associated risk factors or comorbidi-
ties. Surgical approaches can result in substantial
weight loss, i.e., from 50 kg (110 lb) to as much
as 100 kg (220 lb) over a period of 6 months to
1 year. A major limitation of nonsurgical
approaches is the failure to maintain reduced
body weight in many individuals.
Surgical procedures in current use (gastric
restriction [vertical gastric banding] and gastric
bypass [Roux-en Y]) can induce substantial
weight loss, and serve to reduce weight-associat-
ed risk factors and comorbidities. Compared to
other interventions available, surgery has pro-
duced the longest period of sustained weight
loss. Assessing both perioperative risk and long-
term complications is important and requires
assessing the risk/benefit ratio in each case.
Patients whose BMI equals or exceeds 40 kg/m
are potential candidates for surgery if they
strongly desire substantial weight loss, because
obesity severely impairs the quality of their lives.
Less severe obese patients (BMIs between 35 and
39.9 kg/m
) also may be considered for surgery.
This group primarily includes those patients
with high-risk comorbid conditions (cardiovas-
cular, sleep apnea, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes)
or weight-induced physical problems interfering
with performance of daily life activities.
A recent retrospective study of severely over-
weight patients with noninsulin-dependent dia-
betes, who were referred for consideration of a
gastric bypass procedure, allowed for a compari-
son of those who opted for the surgical proce-
dure versus those who did not undergo the pro-
cedure because of personal preference or refusal
of insurance payment. Patients undergoing the
surgical procedure had a decrease in mortality
rate for each year of follow up.
This latter
observation provides initial documentation of
the significant impact that reduction in weight
may have on mortality.
Most of the surgery studies primarily included
women of childbearing age. Caution should be
exercised in selecting candidates for surgery to
treat obesity, as pregnancy demands increase
nutritional needs and a normal need for weight
gain. Women with reproductive potential should
be advised to avoid pregnancy until their weight
has stabilized postoperatively and potential
micronutrient deficiencies have been identified
and treated.
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Of special note is that many of the studies
reported to date have not had population sam-
ples representative of the general severely over-
weight population with respect to race, ethnicity,
cultural or socioeconomic background, or gen-
Evidence Statement:
Patients opting for
surgical intervention should be followed by a
multidisciplinary team (medical, behavioral,
and nutritional). Evidence Category D.
As for all other interventions for obe-
sity, an integrated program should be in place
that will provide guidance concerning the neces-
sary dietary regimen, appropriate physical activi-
ty, and behavioral and social support both prior
to and after the surgical procedure.
Evidence Statement:
Lifelong medical
surveillance after surgical therapy is a
necessity. Evidence Category C.
Since surgical procedures result in
some loss of absorptive function, the long-term
consequences of potential nutrient deficiencies
must be recognized and adequate monitoring
must be performed, particularly with regard to
vitamin B
, folate, and iron. Some patients may
develop other gastrointestinal symptoms such as
dumping syndrome” or gallstones. Occasionally,
patients may have postoperative mood changes
or their presurgical depression symptoms may
not be improved by the achieved weight loss.
Thus, surveillance should include monitoring of
indices of inadequate nutrition and modification
of any preoperative disorders. Table IV-7 illus-
trates some of the complications that can occur
following gastric bypass surgery.
Vitamin B
deficiency 239 39.9 percent
Readmit for various reasons 229 38.2 percent
Incisional hernia 143 23.9 percent
Depression 142 23.7 percent
Staple line failure 90 15.0 percent
Gastritis 79 13.2 percent
Cholecystitis 68 11.4 percent
Anastomotic problems 59 9.8 percent
Dehydration, malnutrition 35 5.8 percent
Dilated pouch 19 3.2 percent
: 14-Y
Data derived from source (Pories WJ
) and modified based on personal communication.
Weight loss surgery
is an option for carefully selected patients
with clinically severe obesity (BMI 40
or 35 with comorbid conditions) when
less invasive methods of weight loss have
failed and the patient is at high risk for
obesity-associated morbidity or mortality.
Evidence Category B.
COMMENTARY: Adapting Weight Loss Programs
To Meet the Needs of Diverse Patient
Standard obesity treatment approaches should be
tailored to the needs of patients. It is, however, dif-
ficult to determine from the literature how often
this occurs and whether it makes weight loss pro-
grams more effective. Very few published reports of
such adapted programs can be identified, particu-
larly when a distinction is made from reports that
include or focus on special populations but do not
report any particular steps taken to modify the inter-
vention for these populations. In addition, it is
impossible to compare directly the amount of
weight lost using specially adapted programs with
that achieved when more standard approaches are
used. Studies reporting these programs are sometimes
pilot studies or descriptive reports that do not meet
the standards of evidence set forth elsewhere in these
guidelines. Where randomized controlled trials or
quasi-experiments are available, they usually do
not include an internal comparison with a program
involving no adaptations. Appendix III illustrates
the types of adaptations that have been reported.
Large individual variation exists within any social
or cultural group; furthermore, there is substantial
overlap among subcultures within the larger society.
There is, therefore, no “cookbook” or standardized
set of rules to optimize weight reduction with a
given type of patient. A theoretical and qualitative
analysis of cultural appropriateness in obesity treat-
ment programs has been conducted, and it provides
some guidance for incorporating patient character-
istics and perspectives when designing and deliver-
ing weight loss programs.
Some examples follow:
Adapt the setting and staffing to the patient
population. The setting should:
be physically accessible to the patient;
have features likely to be familiar to the
be free of negative psychosocial connotations;
be devoid of aspects that create a large
social distance among patients or between
patient and practitioner; and
promote active patient participation and
high patient self-esteem and self-efficacy.
The staff should be culturally self-aware
and culturally competent in working with
persons of diverse cultural backgrounds
and income or educational levels. For
example, cultural adaptation of programs
has been approached with the assumption
that community centers may be preferable
to hospitals or medical offices as venues for
conducting lifestyle weight reduction pro-
grams. Or, some programs have included
peer educators as a possible way of helping
to overcome background and social class
differences by providing a bridge of knowl-
edge, experience, and perspective between
patients and practitioners (see Appendix III).
List assumptions about the type of patient
for whom the program will be best suited
and evaluate the extent to which these
assumptions are appropriate for prospective
patients. Where appropriate, modify the
program to avoid the need for certain
assumptions. Consider patients’—
preexisting knowledge base;
day-to-day routine;
discretionary time;
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
financial resources and living situation;
cultural preferences for types of food and
For example, redesign printed materials
to be suitable for patients with low lit-
eracy skills or poor vision. Offer dietary
and physical activity recommendations
that will be feasible for low-income
patients living in inner-city areas with
limited access to supermarkets or with
high crime rates.
Consider how the obesity treatment program
fits in other aspects of the health care and self-
care of the patient(s), and integrate other
aspects where appropriate. For example, for
those patients with diabetes, information about
weight reduction should be aligned with other
diabetes management advice.
Expect and allow for program modifications
based on patient feedback and preferences.
Program appropriateness can be increased
when patients can express their needs and pref-
erences, and the program is then adapted to
those needs and preferences. This is especially
applicable when practitioners have limited
common experience with patients.
In recent years, a fat acceptance, nondieting advo-
cacy group has developed. This has emerged from
concerns about weight cycling and its possible
adverse effects on morbidity and mortality.
However, recent evidence suggests that intentional
weight loss is not associated with increased morbid-
ity and mortality. For this reason, the guidelines
have been made explicit on the importance of
intervention for weight loss and maintenance in
the appropriate patient groups.
COMMENTARY: Weight Reduction After Age
65—What Are the Issues?
Are the indications for treating obesity in older
adults the same as those for younger adults?
Does weight loss reduce risk factors in older
Does weight reduction prolong the lives of older
Are there risks associated with obesity treatment
that are unique to older adults?
The higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors
in overweight versus nonoverweight persons is
clearly observed at older ages.
596, 597
In addition,
obesity is a major predictor of functional limita-
tions and mobility impairments in older adults.
Both observational data
and applicable
randomized controlled trials cited in these guide-
lines suggest that weight loss reduces risk factors
and improves functional status in older persons in
the same manner as in younger adults.
The question of whether weight reduction leads to
increased survival among older adults has been
raised because of observations that weight reduction
after age 60 or 65 years may be unable to reverse
the deleterious effects of longstanding obesity.
288, 596,
601, 602
Also, weight loss at older ages has been associ-
ated with increased mortality.
318, 603-607
Some of the
association of weight loss with higher mortality
may be due to the increased frequency at older ages
of involuntary weight loss due to identified or
occult illness. In any case, the association of weight
loss with higher mortality applies most clearly to
individuals who enter old age with a BMI in the
lower part of the range. It is not clear that it
applies to overweight older persons with CVD risk
factors. This issue has been difficult to clarify in
observational data, but there are no randomized
trials in which the effects of obesity treatment on
mortality can be directly assessed, at any age.
The wisdom or importance of treating obesity at
older ages has also been questioned because of epi-
demiological observations suggesting a decreased
significance of obesity-related relative risks at older
ages (see chapter 2.3.b.). However, these relative-
risk data are not a useful reference point for con-
sidering whether obese older persons will benefit.
Relative risks are influenced by the characteristics
of the comparison group. In this case, the compari-
son group is lower-weight older persons who have
also had high morbidity and mortality.
Concerns about potential adverse effects of obesity
treatment in older adults have been raised with
respect to bone health and to dietary adequacy.
Weight reduction may accelerate aging-related bone
loss and thereby increase the risk of osteoporotic
fractures in high-risk groups such as older white
This concern is more relevant to
weight loss in thin persons than in obese persons.
Some evidence suggests that including resistance
training and moderate weight-bearing exercise as a
part of a weight reduction program may help
maintain bone integrity.
611, 612
The general nutritional safety of weight reduction
at older ages is of interest because restrictions on
overall food intake due to dieting could result in
inadequate intakes of protein or essential vitamins
and minerals. In addition, involuntary weight loss
indicative of occult disease might be mistaken for
success in voluntary weight reduction. These con-
cerns can be alleviated by providing proper nutri-
tional counseling and regular body weight moni-
toring for older persons for whom weight reduction
is prescribed.
Evidence Statement:
Age alone should
not preclude treatment for obesity in adult
men and women. Evidence Category D.
There is little evidence at present to
indicate that obesity treatment should be with-
held from adult men and women on the basis of
age alone up to 80 years of age.
A clinical decision
to forego obesity treatment in an older
adult should be guided by an evaluation of
the potential benefits of weight reduction
for day-to-day functioning and reduction
of the risk of future cardiovascular events,
as well as the patients motivation for
weight reduction. Care must be taken to
ensure that any weight reduction program
minimizes the likelihood of adverse effects
on bone health or other aspects of nutri-
tional status. Evidence Category D.
Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for car-
diopulmonary disease. Because of its attendant
high risk, smoking cessation is a major goal of
risk-factor management. This aim is especially
important in the overweight or obese patient,
who usually carries excess risk from obesity-asso-
ciated risk factors. Thus, smoking cessation in
such patients becomes a high priority for risk
Evidence Statement:
Smoking and obesity
together increase cardiovascular risk, but
fear of weight gain upon smoking cessation
is an obstacle for many patients who
smoke. Evidence Category C.
Both smoking and obesity are accom-
panied by increased risks for cardiovascular dis-
ease. Many well-documented health benefits are
associated with smoking cessation, but a major
obstacle to successful smoking cessation has been
the attendant weight gain observed in about 80
percent of quitters. This weight gain averages 4.5
to 7 lb, but in 13 percent of women and 10 per-
cent of men, weight gains in excess of 28 lb have
been noted among quitters.
Weight gain is
an important barrier to smoking cessation, par-
ticularly in women.
616, 617
Chapter 4: Treatment Guidelines
Weight gain that accompanies smoking cessation
so far has been relatively resistant to most
dietary, behavioral, or physical activity interven-
618, 619
Postcessation weight gain has been
associated with a reduction in energy expendi-
ture of up to 100 kcal/day, accounting for
approximately one-third of the weight gain after
smoking cessation.
620, 621
The reduction in ener-
gy expenditure appears to be the result of a
decrease in the resting metabolic rate.
In gen-
eral, no differences in the level of physical activi-
ty have been observed after smoking cessation.
About two-thirds of the weight gain after smok-
ing cessation appears to result from increased
caloric intake.
However, dietary counseling
programs combined with smoking cessation pro-
grams have not been very successful. There are
several products that reduce postcessation weight
gain during drug administration, including nico-
tine replacement therapy,
and bupropion.
No matter what the
drug, however, it appears that these drugs merely
delay rather than prevent postcessation weight
gain. That is, while providing weight gain sup-
pression during drug administration, subjects on
these drugs experience a rebound of weight gain
once they go off the products and long-term
weight gain is equal to that in those not receiv-
ing these drugs.
624, 626
The weight gained with smoking cessation is less
likely to produce negative health consequences
than would continued smoking. For this reason,
smoking cessation should be strongly reinforced
in persons regardless of their baseline weight.
Smoking is not an acceptable weight control
therapy, although it seems to be used for this
purpose by a great many people. Overweight
patients, as well as all others, should be coun-
seled to quit smoking. For practical reasons, it
may be prudent to avoid initiating smoking ces-
sation and weight loss therapy simutaneously.
Prevention of weight gain through diet and
physical activity should be stressed. If weight
gain ensues after smoking cessation, it should be
managed vigorously according to the guidelines
outlined in this report. Although short-term
weight gain is a common side effect of smoking
cessation, this gain does not rule out the possi-
bility of long-term weight control. There are no
clinical trials to test whether ex-smokers are less
likely to successfully achieve long-term weight
reduction than those who never smoked.
All smokers, regard-
less of their weight status, should quit
smoking. Evidence Category A. Prevention
of weight gain should be encouraged and if
weight gain does occur, it should be treated
through dietary therapy, physical activity,
and behavior therapy, maintaining the
primary emphasis on the abstinence from
smoking. Evidence Category C.
Evidence Statement:
A number of health
professionals can play an important role in
a weight loss and management program.
Evidence Category B.
Various randomized controlled trials
were reviewed that highlighted the role of the
413, 476
exercise physiologists and
physical education instructors,
401, 447
and psychologists
476, 487
in addition to the physi-
cian in providing assessment, treatment, and fol-
low up during weight loss. As a result, it is sug-
gested that the health professionals avail them-
selves of the various disciplines that offer exper-
tise in dietary counseling, physical activity, and
behavior change. The relationship between the
physician and these disciplines can be a direct,
formal one or a more indirect referral. It is
important to emphasize that a positive attitude
of support and encouragement from all profes-
sionals is crucial to continuing success.
A weight loss and
maintenance program can be conducted by
a practitioner without specialization in
weight loss so long as that person has the
requisite interest and knowledge. However,
various health professionals with different
expertise are available and helpful to a
practitioner who would like assistance.
Evidence Category B.
Weight loss is recommended to lower elevated
blood pressure in overweight and obese per-
sons with high blood pressure. Evidence
Category A.
Weight loss is recommended to lower elevated
levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipopro-
tein cholesterol, and triglycerides and to raise
low levels of high-density lipoprotein choles-
terol in overweight and obese persons with
dyslipidemia. Evidence Category A.
Weight loss is recommended to lower elevated
blood glucose levels in overweight and obese
persons with type 2 diabetes. Evidence
Category A.
Practitioners should use the body mass index
(BMI) to assess overweight and obesity. Body
weight alone can be used to follow weight
loss, and to determine efficacy of therapy.
Evidence Category C.
The BMI should be used to classify over-
weight and obesity and to estimate relative
risk for disease compared to normal weight.
Evidence Category C.
The waist circumference should be used to
assess abdominal fat content. Evidence
Category C.
For adult patients with a BMI of 25 to 34.9
, sex-specific waist circumference cutoffs
should be used in conjunction with BMI to
identify increased disease risks. Evidence
Category C.
The initial goal of weight loss therapy should
be to reduce body weight by approximately
10 percent from baseline. With success, fur-
ther weight loss can be attempted, if indicat-
ed, through further assessment. Evidence
Category A.
Weight loss should be about 1 to 2 lb/week
for a period of 6 months, with the subsequent
strategy based on the amount of weight lost.
Evidence Category B.
1. Dietary Therapy
Low-calorie diets are recommended for
weight loss in overweight and obese persons.
Evidence Category A. Reducing fat as part of
a low-calorie diet is a practical way to reduce
calories. Evidence Category A.
Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing
calories is not sufficient for weight loss.
However, reducing dietary fat, along with
reducing dietary carbohydrates, can facilitate
caloric reduction. Evidence Category A.
A diet that is individually planned to help
create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day
should be an integral part of any program
aimed at achieving a weight loss of 1 to 2
lb/week. Evidence Category A.
2. Physical Activity
Physical activity is recommended as part of a
comprehensive weight loss therapy and weight
maintenance program because it: (1) modestly
contributes to weight loss in overweight and
Chapter 5: Summary of Recommendations
obese adults (Evidence Category A), (2) may
decrease abdominal fat (Evidence Category
B), (3) increases cardiorespiratory fitness
(Evidence Category A), and (4) may help
with maintenance of weight loss (Evidence
Category C).
Physical activity should be an integral part of
weight loss therapy and weight maintenance.
Evidence Category A. Initially, moderate lev-
els of physical activity for 30 to 45 minutes, 3
to 5 days per week should be encouraged. All
adults should set a long-term goal to accumu-
late at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-
intensity physical activity on most, and
preferably all, days of the week. Evidence
Category B.
The combination of a reduced calorie diet
and increased physical activity is recommend-
ed since it produces weight loss, decreases
abdominal fat, and increases cardiorespiratory
fitness. Evidence Category A.
3. Behavior Therapy
Behavior therapy is a useful adjunct when
incorporated into treatment for weight loss
and weight maintenance. Evidence Category
Practitioners need to assess the patient’s moti-
vation to enter weight loss therapy; assess the
readiness of the patient to implement the plan
and then take appropriate steps to motivate
the patient for treatment. Evidence Category
Behavior therapy strategies to promote diet
and physical activity should be used routinely,
as they are helpful in achieving weight loss
and weight maintenance. Evidence Category
4. Combined Therapy
Weight loss and weight maintenance therapy
should employ the combination of low-calorie
diets, increased physical activity, and behavior
therapy. Evidence Category A.
5. Pharmacotherapy
Weight loss drugs approved by the FDA may
be used as part of a comprehensive weight
loss program including diet and physical
activity for patients with a BMI of 30 with
no concomitant obesity- related risk factors or
diseases, and for patients with a BMI of 27
with concomitant obesity-related risk factors
or diseases. Drugs should never be used with-
out concomitant lifestyle modification.
Continual assessment of drug therapy for effi-
cacy and safety is necessary. If the drug is effi-
cacious in helping the patient lose and/or
maintain weight loss and there are no serious
adverse effects, it can be continued. If not, it
should be discontinued. Evidence Category B.
6. Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss surgery is an option in carefully
selected patients with clinically severe obesity
(BMI 40 or 35 with comorbid condi-
tions) when less invasive methods of weight
loss have failed and the patient is at high risk
for obesity-associated morbidity or mortality.
Evidence Category B.
After successful weight loss, the likelihood of
weight loss maintenance is enhanced by a
program consisting of dietary therapy, physi-
cal activity, and behavior therapy, which
should be continued indefinitely. Drug thera-
py can also be used. However, drug safety and
efficacy beyond 1 year of total treatment have
not been established. Evidence Category B.
A weight maintenance program should be a
priority after the initial 6 months of weight
loss therapy. Evidence Category B.
The literature suggests that weight loss and
weight maintenance therapies that provide a
greater frequency of contacts between the
patient and the practitioner and are provided
over the long term should be put in place.
This can lead to more successful weight loss
and weight maintenance. Evidence Category
A weight loss and maintenance program can
be conducted by a practitioner without spe-
cialization in weight loss so long as that per-
son has the requisite interest and knowledge.
However, various health professionals with
different expertise are available and helpful to
a practitioner who would like assistance.
Evidence Category B.
All smokers, regardless of their weight status,
should quit smoking. Evidence Category A.
Prevention of weight gain should be encour-
aged and if weight gain does occur, it should
be treated through diet, physical activity, and
behavior therapy, maintaining the primary
emphasis on the abstinence from smoking.
Evidence Category C.
A clinical decision to forego obesity treatment
in older adults should be guided by an evalua-
tion of the potential benefits of weight reduc-
tion for day-to-day functioning and reduction
of the risk of future cardiovascular events, as
well as the patients motivation for weight
reduction. Care must be taken to ensure that
any weight reduction program minimizes the
likelihood of adverse effects on bone health or
other aspects of nutritional status. Evidence
Category D.
The possibility that a standard approach to
weight loss will work differently in diverse
patient populations must be considered when
setting expectations about treatment out-
comes. Evidence Category B.
Obesity is a heterogeneous chronic disorder that
has many causes, although the fundamental basis
is an imbalance between energy intake and ener-
gy expenditure. Future research needs to exam-
ine the most effective ways to treat and prevent
obesity, the causes of obesity and their mecha-
nisms, the influence of fat distribution on health
risk, and the development of better methods for
assessing energy intake and energy expenditure.
Considerable research is needed on intervention
approaches to treat and prevent obesity.
Increased research on behavioral theory specifi-
cally addressing obesity treatment and preven-
tion for all individuals, including children and
adolescents, needs to be conducted. Intervention
methods to prevent weight gain with smoking
cessation are of particularly high priority in
helping achieve smoking cessation.
More research is needed on behavioral interven-
tion methods conducted in various settings, par-
ticularly the primary care setting. Effective pro-
grams to treat or prevent obesity in culturally,
ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse popu-
lations need to be developed and tested. Simple
screening tools should be tested for their predic-
tive value in achieving lifestyle modifications
that lead to weight loss or weight control prac-
tices. Research is needed on identifying appro-
priate and successful intervention content; for
example, magnitude of weight loss goals (smaller
changes versus larger changes), and goals for the
rate of weight loss (1 lb versus 2 lb per week;
initial weight loss goal of 5 percent of body
weight and, subsequently, an additional 5 per-
cent versus a single initial goal of 10 percent at
the outset). Of particular importance is research
on the optimal amount of physical activity to
promote weight loss, the maintenance of weight
loss, and the prevention of obesity. Also impor-
tant are strategies which preserve muscle and
bone in the face of weight loss. More research is
needed on identifying the characteristics of indi-
viduals who have successfully maintained their
weight loss over the long term.
Research on surgical interventions for weight
loss should include evaluating surgical risk,
including not only complications, morbidity,
and mortality, but also long-term postoperative
surveillance to monitor vitamin and mineral
nutritional adequacy. Evaluation of the health
benefits of weight loss from surgery should
include changes in fat distribution; cardiorespi-
ratory fitness; obesity-related comorbidities,
including blood pressure, blood lipids, and glu-
cose tolerance; and degree of success in long-
term weight loss maintenance. Finally, research
is needed on techniques for integrating behav-
ioral methods to promote long-term mainte-
nance of weight loss after surgical treatment.
Likewise, research on pharmacologic interven-
tions for weight loss should include evaluating
changes in fat distribution, cardiorespiratory fit-
ness, obesity-related comorbidities, and the
degree of success of long-term weight loss main-
tenance. Better methods for integrating behav-
ioral methods, along with pharmacologic treat-
ment, should also be investigated.
Finally, research is needed on environmental and
population-based intervention methods, includ-
ing community- and school-based interventions,
to augment public health approaches toward
promoting weight maintenance and preventing
obesity in the general population.
The regulation of energy balance needs to be
explored, including the neuroendocrine factors
that control energy intake, energy expenditure,
and the differentiation of adipose tissue resulting
from excess calories. The genes that are impor-
tant in human obesity need to be identified.
These include those that alter eating and physi-
cal activity behaviors, those that affect thermoge-
nesis, and those associated with the comorbidi-
ties of obesity. The roles of environmental and
behavioral influences on metabolic factors
important in obesity, as well as gene-environ-
ment interactions, need to be studied. Predictive
factors should be examined to identify who is
most at risk of developing obesity, and whether
there are critical periods of life when these fac-
tors are most operative. In addition, the influ-
ence of the intrauterine environment on the
development of obesity needs to be investigated,
particularly to determine whether early depriva-
tion leads to a later propensity for overweight
and associated comorbidities, such as insulin
resistance, or if high maternal weight gain and
high birth weight are related to the risk of obesi-
ty and its comorbidities.
, B
The influence of abdominal fat independent of
total body fat on health risk needs to be further
defined. More information is needed on the rela-
tionship between differential body fat compart-
ments and increased risk, the distribution of
body fat compartments among various racial
group populations, and the relationship between
abdominal fat and disease risk in racial groups.
Weight loss studies should include measure-
ments of abdominal fat, as well as cardiorespira-
tory fitness, to better assess health improvement.
Intentional weight loss treatments need to be
examined in terms of their acute and chronic
effect on the development and progression of
diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality.
Large prospective studies are needed to examine
the relationship of body mass index and body fat
distribution to overall mortality.
Much of the current research is hampered by the
lack of good methods to accurately, objectively,
and economically assess energy intake and
expenditure, including physical activity, body
composition and fat distribution, and behavioral
and psychological variables. More research is
therefore needed to focus on measures to assess
intake of fat and other dietary components, lev-
els of physical activity, energy metabolism, and
body fat and visceral obesity. In addition, better
methods for assessment of psychological, behav-
ioral, and psychosocial variables that may be
related to behavioral risk factors for obesity
(such as poor diet and inactive lifestyle) are
needed, and particularly so for special popula-
tion segments based on race, ethnicity, and
socioeconomic status. Methods for assessing cul-
ture, social integration, and psychological stress
should also be developed.
I.A.1. G
The panel has attempted to provide primary care
practitioners with recommendations regarding
effective strategies to evaluate and treat over-
weight and obesity in adults. The panel antici-
pates that the recommendations also will be fol-
lowed by the large proprietary weight loss indus-
try in the United States. The guideline is based
on a systematic review of the scientific literature
published in MEDLINE from January 1980
through September 1997. This was done in the
interest of time and economy. This information
was supplemented by material provided by the
panel and a search of appropriate references in
eligible articles. The panel identified randomized
controlled trials as the strongest level of evidence
for the evaluation of treatment efficacy. Thus,
evidence from randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) serves as the basis for many of the rec-
ommendations contained in this guideline.
However, in some instances, the panel had to
make recommendations in the absence of RCTs.
Each evidence statement (other than those with
no available evidence) and each recommenda-
tion is categorized by level of evidence (A
through D) as described on page 108.
Statements for which there is no available evi-
dence are so indicated.
1.a. Panel Selection
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
(NHLBI) Obesity Education Initiative Task
Force recommended panel members represent-
ing the various expertise required to deal with
the issues of cardiovascular disease and body
weight. The executive director of the American
Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) also pro-
vided recommendations for the primary care
practitioner who would represent AAFP. The
panel members include primary care practition-
ers, clinicians from academic medical centers,
nutritionists, exercise physiologists, pulmonolo-
gists, cardiologists, psychologists, behaviorists,
epidemiologists, and experts on cost issues.
Some of the panel members were also members
of the National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
National Task Force on the Prevention and
Treatment of Obesity. The funding source for
the guidelines was primarily the NHLBI, with
the cooperation of the NIDDK of the National
Institutes of Health.
1.b. Topics Included in the Guidelines
The panel decided to focus on all adult (18 years
of age and older) overweight and obese patients
with a body mass index (BMI) 25, and partic-
ularly those with cardiovascular risk factors.
Excluded from the analysis were patients with
known genetic or hormonal syndromes and
pharmacologically induced obesity.
In addition, since pediatric obesity contributes
to about one-third of adult obesity, the panel felt
that some attention needed to be focused on the
issue of overweight in children and adolescents
(see Appendix III). Treatment issues surrounding
overweight children and adolescents are quite
different from the treatment of adults. The panel
recommended that this issue warrants its own
project as soon as possible.
The therapeutic interventions requiring exami-
nation included diet, physical activity, behavior
therapy, pharmacological therapy, surgery, and
combinations of these. No clinical interventions
were excluded at the outset. Because of the
importance and complexity of the primary pre-
vention of obesity, the panel decided not to deal
with these concerns in detail and that the issue
be addressed in a separate document. However,
clinical interventions to prevent further weight
gain in patients already overweight, or those
patients not currently overweight at high risk for
becoming overweight, were considered relevant
therapeutic interventions. The guideline also
contains some information on the cost of obesity.
In terms of reliable diagnostic measures, the
panel decided to concentrate on useful tools
readily available in a physicians office, i.e.,
weight, height and BMI. The panel did not
search for evidence to prove that measures of
body composition or metabolic rate are useful
tools; however, they did include studies using
these diagnostic measures.
1.c. Development of the Evidence Model
The panel determined the evidence model used
to develop the guidelines for the evaluation and
treatment of obesity (Figure 7, and Figures 7a
and 7b). The model contains two broad cate-
gories, the association of weight to cardiovascu-
lar and noncardiovascular mortality and morbid-
ity in the population and the clinical issues relat-
ed to the treatment of the overweight individual.
The population portion of the model addresses
such questions as, “Is there an association
between weight and cardiovascular risk factors?”,
and “Is there an association between weight and
cardiovascular and noncardiovascular morbidity
and mortality?” The patient portion of the
model focuses on the clinical setting and
addresses such questions as, “Does a reduction
in weight result in a decrease in cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality?”
The model illustrates the areas requiring a thor-
ough examination of the relevant scientific liter-
ature through data abstraction and evaluation
(the hollow shaded arrows), the areas where the
literature has been firmly established (the hollow
arrows), and the areas requiring a consideration
of the preexisting evidence for minority popula-
tions (the crosshatched arrows). The arrows in
the model represent the questions the panel con-
sidered when looking at the evidence (see the
Evidence Model questions on pages 110 to 111).
1.d. Search and Review of the Literature
The literature was searched and systematically
reviewed by
establishing a priori eligibility criteria for
inclusion of studies;
reviewing titles and abstracts to select promis-
ing articles;
reviewing these full articles; and
compiling evidence tables summarizing those
articles that met the inclusion criteria.
The panel decided on the parameters for the lit-
erature search, particularly for the search dealing
with the model linking treatment to weight loss.
The parameters of the search included year of
publication, country, language, study design,
length of the study, outcome measures (which,
what, and when), and patient characteristics (age
and weight).
The panel decided to limit its search to English-
language studies, but included foreign studies
that provide an English abstract and are ran-
domized controlled clinical trials. The search
included human studies only published in
MEDLINE from January 1980 to September
1997. No editorials, letters, or case reports were
accepted. The panel was aware that two books
published in the early 1980s coded the bulk of
the obesity literature written to that point.
Chapter 7: Appendices
Abdominal Fat
Evidence Model
Figure 7
Note: All arrows were examined
for heterogeneity across
demographic factors
(e.g., sex, age, ethnicity)
High Blood Pressure
Cardiovascular Disease
8 (abd fat), 38 (wt)
7 (abd fat), 37 (wt)
34, 35, 36
10 18
19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24
25, 26, 27
12 13 14
16 15
9 (abd fat), 39 (wt)
Noncardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Overweight Individual
Assess Treat
Kcal Out( ) ( )
Do Not Examine
Examine for Minority Population
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Noncardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Kcal In
High Blood
Note: All arrows were examined for
heterogeneity across demographic factors
(e.g., sex, age, ethnicity)
10 18
19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24
25, 26, 27
12 13 14
16 15
Overweight Individual
Assess Treat
Kcal Out( ) ( )
Relationship Well Established
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Noncardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Kcal In
High Blood
Treatment Evidence Model
Figure 7a
Chapter 7: Appendices
Abdominal Fat
Figure 7b
Evidence Model
Association of Weight to Cardiovascular and Noncardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
High Blood Pressure
Cardiovascular Disease
8 (abd fat), 38 (wt)
7 (abd fat), 37 (wt)
34, 35, 36
Note: All arrows were examined for
heterogeneity across demographic factors
(e.g., sex, age, ethnicity)
Relationship Well Established
Examine for Minority Population
9 (abd fat), 39 (wt)
Noncardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity
Panel staff and librarians at the National Library
of Medicines National Information Center for
Health Services Research determined the med-
ical subject heading terms used in the literature
review. The number of citations found by topic
area is provided in Appendix I.A.2.
Figure 8 illustrates the various steps used to col-
lect the evidence. Of the 43,627 titles acquired
from the MEDLINE search, 18,217 were dupli-
cates, leaving 25,410 titles to be considered.
Using the ProCite reference database, the 25,410
titles were screened by two reviewers and ulti-
mately marked for their appropriateness.
Abstracts for the appropriate 8,040 remaining
titles were then screened for relevance in two
rounds. Two individuals independently reviewed
each abstract using the inclusion and exclusion
criteria developed by the panel. A third reviewer
would sporadically check the quality of the
screening. This review led to 2,440 possibly rele-
vant abstracts. Due to the greater quality of the
evidence, the decision was made that random-
ized controlled trials pertinent to the treatment
portion of the model be the top priority for data
abstraction. Ultimately, 394 articles of random-
ized controlled trials were reviewed for data
1.e. Literature Abstraction and Preparation of
Evidence Tables
In order to abstract the correct data related to
the treatment portion of the model in a consis-
tent manner, a 25-page form called the “Critical
Review Status Sheet (CRSS)” was developed.
The CRSS was reviewed and approved by the
panel. It took into account the inclusion and
exclusion criteria described below and allowed
for (1) the collection of data on the study's pur-
pose and design; (2) the intervention parame-
ters, including the format, setting, practitioners,
population demographics, and detailed descrip-
tions of the intervention per se, be it dietary,
physical activity, behavioral, pharmacotherapy,
or other types of interventions (surgery,
acupuncture, hypnosis, etc.); and (3) outcome
measures, including the method of determining
the outcome, and adverse events. The CRSS was
pilot-tested by staff as well as by staff of the San
Antonio Cochrane Center.
The San Antonio Cochrane Center is one of 12
centers around the world that comprise the
Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane
Collaboration is an international organization
established in 1993 whose mission is to prepare,
maintain, and disseminate systematic reviews
and meta-analysis of health care interventions.
The San Antonio Center provides advice on
multiple aspects of systematic review, including
searching and selecting materials, abstracting
materials, organizing materials into evidence
tables, and performing meta-analysis.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria—The appropri-
ateness of an article was determined by applying
criteria determined by the panel. These criteria
included the time frame for the study, i.e., the
minimum amount of time that must pass before
the outcome measure is made; how body weight
was reported; and the type and size of the study.
In defining the time frame, the panel needed to
clarify if the important outcome was weight loss
or sustained weight loss. Due to the importance
of both outcomes, the panel decided to include
studies that considered the effects during the
acute phase of weight loss, and those that exam-
ined effects during the maintenance phase. Both
types of studies were deemed important, and
two cutpoints were considered appropriate for
follow-up. At a minimum, studies had to have a
time frame from start to finish of at least 4
months. However, in order to consider the ques-
tion of long-term maintenance, studies with out-
come data provided at approximately 1 year or
longer were examined. The panel decided to
exclude studies that used only self-reported
weights for their measurement. No exclusion of
studies was made by study size.
Chapter 7: Appendices
Figure 8
Obesity Guideline Development Process
Evidence Collection Schema
Final Evidence
Model defines ~ 39
NLM MEDLINE literature search
assesses each relationship in
Evidence Model
NLM MEDLINE literature search
merged into Procite reference
database (43,627 records)
Print titles of Procite database
(25,410 records)
(Two rounds of screening)
Procite reference database
marked for duplicates
(18,217 dupes)
19,596 records not relevant
2,440 abstracts marked
as possibly relevant for
article retrieval
Critical review status sheet
database and 394 articles
(primarily RCTs) sent to the San
Antonio Cochrane Center
5,600 abstracts not relevant
8,040 abstracts screened
for relevance
(Two rounds)
Expert Panel member
literature search performed
and merged into Procite
database (2,226 abstracts)
Preparation of evidence tables—Of the 394 arti-
cles of randomized controlled trials considered
for data abstraction by the San Antonio
Cochrane Center, 158 were rejected for a variety
of reasons; i.e., randomization was not adequate
or subjects were not all overweight or obese.
Ultimately, 236 articles were abstracted by two
separate reviewers who independently read and
abstracted each article according to the CRSS.
The reviewers met, compared coding, and re-
solved discrepancies. The data were then com-
piled into individual evidence tables developed
for each RCT. In addition, summary tables were
developed to compile the evidence necessary to
address the 23 questions relevant to the treat-
ment portion of the model. All of the evidence
tables will be available for online retrieval (see
information regarding availability of the full
obesity evidence report and other resources relat-
ed to weight control on pages 165-167, and
1.f. The Formulation of the Evidence into the
In order to consider the evidence for each of the
23 questions, the panel met in groups of 6 to 10
members. During the first round of considering
the evidence, 12 small groups of panel members
were randomly assigned to consider the evidence
for 2 or 3 questions. They developed evidence
statements and determined the strength of the
evidence using the criteria noted on page 108.
Their recommendations were presented to the
full panel, which then made additional recom-
mendations regarding their conclusions.
After considering additional studies for ques-
tions where adequate RCTs were not available,
another iteration of evidence statements and rec-
ommendations was developed. The full panel
met again to consider this iteration, which was
considered by small groups assigned to focus on
either a specific treatment modality or outcome
measure. The small groups brought their recom-
mendations back to the full panel for their final
consideration. The panel weighed the evidence
based on a thorough examination of the thresh-
old or magnitude of the treatment effect.
Each evidence statement (other than those with
no available evidence) and each recommenda-
tion is categorized by a level of certainty (A
through D) as described on the next page. The
consensus process used for drawing conclusions
and writing the recommendations was a group
process that took into account all opinions.
Conclusions reflect the widest possible agree-
ment of the panel.
1.g. Consideration of Special Populations and
The panel also evaluated population factors and
clinical situations that might potentially influ-
ence the physiological, medical, behavioral, or
sociocultural context for obesity identification
and treatment. Evidence on special populations
and situations was captured from non-RCT evi-
dence when available, but in many cases such
evidence was meager. Population factors selected
for special consideration with respect to obesity
classification and treatment were age, gender,
race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, pregnancy,
eating disorders, sleep apnea, extreme obesity,
concurrent treatment of other major conditions
(such as heart disease or diabetes), and treatment
of obesity in conjunction with smoking cessa-
These considerations were addressed in all stages
of guideline development. Persons with relevant
special expertise were invited to serve on the
panel. The search for evidence was formulated to
ascertain studies that include special popula-
tions. Studies evaluated were coded to permit
analysis of the extent to which the special popu-
lations or situations of interest had been includ-
ed and whether findings for these populations
and situations deviated from those for the
majority populations in these studies. In the
numerous cases where evidence on these special
Chapter 7: Appendices
Sources of
controlled trials
(rich body of
Evidence is from endpoints of well-designed RCTs (or trials
that depart only minimally from randomization) that provide
a consistent pattern of findings in the population for which
the recommendation is made. Category A therefore requires
substantial numbers of studies involving substantial numbers
of participants.
controlled trials
(limited body
of data)
Evidence is from endpoints of intervention studies that
include only a limited number of RCTs, post hoc or subgroup
analysis of RCTs, or meta-analysis of RCTs. In general,
Category B pertains when few randomized trials exist, they are
small in size, and the trial results are somewhat inconsistent, or
the trials were undertaken in a population that differs from the
target population of the recommendation.
Evidence is from outcomes of uncontrolled or nonrandomized
trials or from observational studies.
Expert judgment is based on the panel’s synthesis of evidence
from experimental research described in the literature and/or
derived from the consensus of panel members based on clinical
experience or knowledge that does not meet the above-listed
criteria. This category is used only in cases where the provision
of some guidance was deemed valuable but an adequately
compelling clinical literature addressing the subject of the rec-
ommendation was deemed insufficient to justify placement in
one of the other categories (A through C).
issues was insufficient to meet standards for
inclusion in the main text of the guideline,
potentially important issues were identified for
the user and cross-referenced to an appendix or
discussed in sidebar text.
1.h. External Review of the Guidelines
The external review of the guidelines included
115 reviewers from 59 government agencies,
professional societies, and consumer groups rep-
resented on the Coordinating Committees of the
National Cholesterol Education Program and
the National High Blood Pressure Education
Program, as well as the NIDDK’s National Task
Force on the Prevention and Treatment of
Obesity, and selected members of the North
American Association for the Study of Obesity.
Reviewers were asked to evaluate the guideline
based on five criteria: validity, clarity, flexibility,
completeness, and clinical applicability.
Reviewers were also encouraged to provide addi-
tional comments. Comments of the peer review-
ers were evaluated by the panel and panel staff,
and were incorporated into the guideline where
1.i. Caveats to Recommendation Use
In applying these guideline recommendations,
the reader should note some caveats:
The emphasis of these guidelines was to iden-
tify effective interventions, not to rank-order
interventions in terms of relative efficacy or
effectiveness. The panel chose not to empha-
size comparisons among interventions,
because there were few studies that compared
long-term outcomes, and, since patient pref-
erence often dictates choice of therapy, we
wished to present a menu of options rather
than a ranked list of choices.
When no evidence was available on the effica-
cy of various treatments, the panel usually
rendered no opinion. An absence of studies
should not be confused with an absence of
effect. While clinicians may wish to use
proven therapies in preference to untested
therapies, the lack of testing does not prove
that the untested therapy does not work.
The limitations of RCTs must be kept in
mind. The RCT is the primary method for
demonstrating efficacy. Often, patients
enrolled in RCTs differ from the patients in a
primary care practice, and effectiveness in the
community may differ from efficacy as mea-
sured in an RCT. The potential exists for mis-
interpretation of clinical trial results. Analysis
of endpoints not specified at the outset, post
hoc, or subgroup analyses should be viewed as
hypothesis-generating rather than hypothesis-
I.A.2. L
The results of the literature search are provided
below in terms of the population (top) and clini-
cal (bottom) portions of the evidence model. A
total of 43,627 records were obtained from the
search; the following notes the number of
records per topic.
Population model search citations by topic area
(22,017 total):
cardiovascular disease 3,675 citations
hypertension 93 citations
diabetes 65 citations
dyslipidemia 73 citations
cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality 225 citations
noncardiovascular morbidity
and mortality 4,272 citations
Clinical model search citations by topic area
(11,268 total):
cardiovascular disease 1,866 citations
hypertension 616 citations
diabetes 380 citations
dyslipidemia 917 citations
Chapter 7: Appendices
Number Question
1 Not considered
2 What is the evidence that relates weight to abdominal fat?
3 Not considered
4 What is the evidence that relates abdominal fat to high blood pressure in
minority populations?
5 What is the evidence that relates abdominal fat to dyslipidemia in minority
6 What is the evidence that relates abdominal fat to diabetes in minority
7 What is the evidence that relates abdominal fat to cardiovascular disease?
8 What is the evidence that relates abdominal fat to noncardiovascular mortality
and morbidity?
9 What is the evidence that relates abdominal fat to cardiovascular mortality and
34 What is the evidence that relates weight to high blood pressure in minority
35 What is the evidence that relates weight to dyslipidemia in minority
36 What is the evidence that relates weight to diabetes in minority populations?
37 What is the evidence that relates weight to cardiovascular disease?
38 What is the evidence that relates weight to noncardiovascular mortality
and morbidity?
39 What is the evidence that relates weight to cardiovascular mortality and
Number Question
10 Not considered
11 Not considered
12 What is the evidence that treatment directly affects abdominal fat?
13 What is the evidence that treatment directly affects weight loss?
14 What is the evidence directly relating treatment and fitness?
15 What is the evidence that fitness is directly related to weight loss?
16 What is the evidence that weight loss directly affects abdominal fat?
17 What is the evidence that a reduction of abdominal fat is directly related to
cardiovascular disease?
18 What is the evidence that a reduction of abdominal fat is directly related to
cardiovascular mortality and morbidity?
19 What is the evidence that a reduction in abdominal fat directly affects high blood
20 What is the evidence that a reduction in abdominal fat directly affects
dyslipidemia (cholesterol)?
21 What is the evidence that a reduction in abdominal fat directly affects glucose
22 What is the evidence that weight loss directly affects high blood pressure?
23 What is the evidence that weight loss directly affects dyslipidemia (cholesterol)?
24 What is the evidence that weight loss directly affects glucose tolerance?
25 What is the evidence that fitness directly affects high blood pressure?
26 What is the evidence that fitness directly affects dyslipidemia (cholesterol)?
27 What is the evidence that fitness directly affects glucose tolerance?
28 What is the evidence that fitness is directly related to noncardiovascular mortality?
29 What is the evidence that fitness is directly related to cardiovascular mortality
and morbidity?
30 What is the evidence that fitness is directly related to cardiovascular disease?
31 What is the evidence directly relating weight loss and noncardiovascular mortality
and morbidity?
32 What is the evidence directly relating weight loss and cardiovascular mortality
and morbidity?
33 What is the evidence directly relating weight loss and cardiovascular disease?
Chapter 7: Appendices
cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality 71 citations
noncardiovascular morbidity
and mortality 6,507 citations
Note: The number of citations per topic do not
add up to the total citations per top or bottom
model or the overall NLM search. The total
number includes all of those listed above plus
the citations for fitness, weight loss, and abdom-
inal fat.
A. Why Treat Overweight and Obesity?
Blood Pressure
To evaluate the effect of weight loss on blood
pressure and hypertension, 76 articles reporting
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were
reviewed. Of these, 60 were lifestyle trials that
studied diet and/or physical activity and 16 were
pharmacotherapy trials of anorexiants. The 60
lifestyle trials were:
346-352, 354-380, 405, 470, 473, 484, 490, 674-694
The 16 articles on pharmacotherapy trials of
anorexiants were:
386-395, 512, 695-699
Lifestyle Trials
Of the 60 lifestyle trials reviewed, 35 were
accepted and 25 were not included for these rea-
the no-treatment control group also lost
470, 473, 484, 490, 675-680, 683, 684, 688, 690, 692, 693
there was no appropriate control group;
the dropout rate was more than 35 percent;
685, 686
the results were not compared according to
randomized treatment assignments;
the population at baseline was not overweight;
blood pressure was not reported as a primary
or secondary outcome;
the intervention period was less than 4 weeks.
Pharmacotherapy Trials
Of the 16 pharmacotherapy trials reviewed, 10
were accepted and 6 were not included because:
the drug that was tested is not recommended
for weight loss
[ephedrine alone]
[a beta-
adrenoceptor agonist]
[ephedrine com-
bined with caffeine]
[cimetidine], or
only very short-term data are available.
Serum/Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins
Sixty-five RCT articles were evaluated for the
effect of weight loss on serum/plasma concentra-
tions of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein choles-
terol, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol. In 52 of these trials weight loss was
induced by various lifestyle modifications,
including diet modification and increased physi-
cal activity.
356, 365, 367-370, 373, 380, 384, 399-406, 412, 431, 433, 434, 440,
446, 447, 469, 470, 473, 475, 484, 490, 677-679, 681, 683-685, 688-690, 693, 694, 700-709
Thirteen RCT articles were reviewed that con-
sidered the effects of pharmacological therapy on
weight loss and subsequent changes in total
serum cholesterol level.
386, 390-393, 395, 407, 408, 696-698, 710, 711
Lifestyle Trials
Of the 52 lifestyle trials:
27 RCT articles examined the effect on plas-
ma lipids of weight loss induced by diet
alone, i.e., these studies simply included a
diet intervention without a formal physical
activity program or medications.
356, 368-370, 373, 399,
400, 402, 412, 431, 433, 440, 484, 490, 677, 679, 683, 688-690, 693, 701, 702, 704,
706, 708, 709
11 RCT articles examined weight loss
induced by increased physical activity alone;
365, 401, 404, 406, 447, 678, 685, 700, 703, 705, 707
14 RCT articles considered the combination
of caloric restriction and physical activity.
380, 384, 403, 405, 434, 446, 469, 470, 473, 475, 681, 684, 694
Of the 52 lifestyle trials reviewed, 14 met the
criteria for inclusion.
365, 368, 370, 373, 380, 384, 399-406
remaining 38 were not considered because:
The no-treatment control group also lost
434, 446, 469, 470, 473, 475, 484, 490, 677-679, 683, 684, 688, 690,
693, 694, 701, 705, 706, 708, 709
There was no appropriate control group;
431, 700
There was no difference in weight loss
between the treatment and control group;
702, 703
The dropout rate was more than 35 percent;
The population was not overweight;
689, 690
The results were not reported according to
randomized treatment;
The outcome measures were not reported sep-
arately for the overweight and not overweight
There was no measure of at least one lipopro-
tein fraction or measure of change in lipids
between the beginning and end of treatment;
356, 367, 412, 433, 704
Lipoprotein concentrations could not be
determined from the figures in the paper,
or it was difficult to get precise measures.
Pharmacotherapy Trials
The effects of pharmacological therapy on
weight loss and subsequent changes in total
serum cholesterol levels were evaluated by exam-
ining 13 RCT articles: 5 on the effect of dexfen-
386, 390- 393
2 on fluoxetine;
408, 711
1 on
the combination of phentermine and fenflu-
ramine (phen/fen);
2 on orlistat;
407, 710
1 on
testosterone decanoate;
1 on ephedrine alone
or in combination with caffeine;
and 1 on a
beta adrenoceptor agonist.
Of the 13 pharma-
cotherapy trials reviewed, 8 were accepted and 5
were not considered for these reasons:
The main outcome of the treatment was not
weight loss;
The drug in question is not currently being
recommended for weight loss;
The dropout rate was more than 35 percent;
It was a marginal 12-week study.
Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Diabetes
Forty-nine articles on RCTs were reviewed to
evaluate the effect of weight loss on fasting
blood glucose and fasting insulin.
70, 362, 367, 369, 373, 386,
387, 390-393, 403, 404, 408, 412-415, 439, 440, 446, 470, 473, 474, 482, 485, 490, 492, 493,
576, 676-678, 681, 683, 684, 689, 690, 693, 694, 696-698, 700-702, 708, 709, 712
Studies were conducted in individuals with nor-
mal blood glucose levels (fasting plasma glucose
< 115 mg/dL [< 6.4mmol/L]),
367, 373, 386, 387, 390-393, 403,
412, 415, 677, 678, 681, 683, 684, 689, 690, 694, 696-698, 700
in individuals
with impaired glucose tolerance (fasting plasma
glucose of < 140 mg/dL [7.8 mmol/L] or 2
hours postprandial plasma glucose of 140 to <
200 mg/dL [7.8 to 11.1 mmol/L]),
70, 369
or in
individuals with diabetes (fasting plasma glucose
of > 140 mg/dL or 2 hours postprandial plasma
blood glucose 200mg/dL).
362, 404, 408, 413, 414, 439, 440,
446, 470, 473, 474, 482, 485, 490, 492, 493, 576, 676, 693, 701, 702, 708, 709, 712
Lifestyle Trials
Of the 38 trials reviewed on the role of lifestyle
in weight loss and subsequent changes in blood
glucose levels, 16 were on diet alone,
70, 373, 412, 413,
415, 439, 440, 576, 677, 683, 689, 693, 701, 702, 708, 709
8 dealt with
physical activity alone
70, 369, 404. 474, 676, 678, 690, 700
, 8
focused on diet plus physical activity,
70, 362, 403, 446, 470,
473, 681, 684
and 5 examined the role of behavior thera-
367, 482, 485, 490, 493
One study included diet, behav-
ior therapy and physical activity.
One study
included diet, behavior therapy and physical
One study
included diet, behav-
ioral therapy and drug therapy. Of the 38 trials,
9 were accepted, and 29 were not considered for
these reasons:
There was a control group that had a weight
loss intervention or there was no difference in
weight loss between the treatment and control
* The reviewed articles used the “old” definitions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes. As of
November 1997, the new ADA definitions define “impaired fasting glucose” as those individuals having a fasting plasma glucose of 110 to 125 mg/dL,
and “diabetes” as those individuals having a fasting plasma glucose of
126 mg/dL or 2 hours postprandial plasma glucose of
200 mg/dL.
Chapter 7: Appendices
439, 446, 470, 473, 474, 482, 485, 490, 492, 493, 576, 676-678, 683,
684, 690, 693, 694, 701, 702, 708, 709
The dropout rate was more than 35 percent;
The results were not reported according to
randomized treatment assignments;
Outcome measures were not reported sepa-
rately for the obese and nonobese people who
lost weight;
There was no appropriate control group;
The population was not overweight.
689, 690
Pharmacotherapy Trials
Of the 12 pharmacotherapy trials reviewed, 8
were accepted and 4 were excluded for these rea-
The main outcome of the treatment was not
weight loss;
The drug used is not currently being recom-
mended for weight loss.
696-698, 712
B. What Treatments Are Effective?
Dietary Therapy
Of the 86 RCT articles evaluated for the effec-
tiveness of dietary therapy on weight loss, 49
were accepted; 37 were not considered for the
following reasons:
Diet alone was not evaluated;
376, 405
There was no control group;
442, 446, 675, 676, 680, 683,
686, 688, 693, 702, 709, 713-720
There was no appropriate control group;
677, 704
The dropout rate was more than 35 percent;
The weight loss intervention was less than 12
402, 474, 477, 576, 674, 708, 714, 721-723
The study did not provide specific informa-
tion to assess the diet;
The patients were not overweight.
Physical Activity
Twenty-three RCT articles were reviewed for the
effect of physical activity on weight loss, body
fat distribution (abdominal fat), and fitness
level; of these, 13 were accepted and 10 were not
considered. The 23 RCTs were:
346, 363, 365, 369, 375, 401,
404, 406, 432, 434, 445-447,474, 475,678, 685, 700, 705, 707, 725-727
Of the 23
RCTs, 11 were conducted on overweight or
obese populations with an average body mass
index > 25 kg/m
346, 365, 369, 401, 434, 445-447, 685, 700, 725
Four RCTs were conducted on an overweight or
obese population with an average weight of 120
percent to 160 percent of ideal body weight.
406, 432, 475
One RCT was conducted on obese or
overweight populations with a percent of body
fat > 25 for men or > 30 for women.
Nine RCT articles presented results on men,
365, 369, 406, 432, 700, 705, 707, 726
six RCTs were conducted
on women,
434, 445, 446, 678, 685, 725
and seven RCTs cov-
ered both men and women.
346, 401, 404, 447, 474, 475, 727
One RCT article included hypertensive individ-
three RCTs included people with type 2
404, 446, 474
and one RCT included individ-
uals with hyperlipidemia.
Ten RCT articles were not included because:
The population at baseline was not over-
705, 727
or it was not clear if the popula-
tion was overweight;
707, 726
The intervention period was less than 12
There was no appropriate control group;
475, 678,
700, 725
The dropout rate was more than 35 percent.
Combined Therapy
Twenty-three RCT articles investigated the
effects on body weight of a combination of a
reduced-calorie diet with increased physical
activity. The control groups used diet alone or
exercise alone.
346, 365, 375-377, 380, 384, 405, 434, 435, 445, 448, 469-475,
681, 684, 728, 729
Of the 23, 15 were accepted and 8
were not considered for the following reasons:
There was no exercise-alone or diet-alone
comparison group;
376, 405, 475, 681, 684, 728, 729
The intervention was less than 12 weeks.
Behavior Therapy
Additional Benefits Beyond Other W
Loss Approaches
Thirty-six RCT articles were reviewed to evalu-
ate whether behavior therapy provides additional
benefit beyond other weight loss approaches. Of
the 36, 4 were accepted and 32 were not consid-
ered. The 36 trials were:
350, 373, 376, 379, 395, 399, 400, 412, 414,
415, 436-438, 443,444, 469, 470, 473, 476,-478, 490, 510, 677, 679, 688, 700,708, 709, 730-736
Four RCT articles that compared behavior ther-
apy plus another weight loss strategy to that
weight loss strategy without behavior therapy,
and that met the inclusion criteria, were accept-
ed. Three of the accepted studies compared
behavior therapy to a dietary intervention.
436, 476,477
No studies were found that compared behavior
therapy to either exercise or to a combination of
diet and exercise. One study was found that
compared behavior therapy to drug therapy.
Thirty-two of the articles were not considered
Either behavior therapy was not used or it
was not possible to ascertain whether it was
412, 490, 677, 730
Behavior therapy was used either alone or as
part of an intervention, but the comparison
groups used did not allow for determining the
unique effect of behavior therapy;
350, 373, 376, 399,
400, 414, 415, 444, 470, 700, 732, 735
Behavior therapy was integrated into all of the
intervention groups, making it impossible to
detect the unique effect of behavior therapy.
379, 395, 437, 438, 443, 469, 473, 510, 679, 688, 708, 709, 731, 733, 734, 736
Comparison of Behavior Therapy Strategies
Another way to examine the efficacy of behavior
therapy in the treatment of obesity is to evaluate
studies that compare various behavioral tech-
niques to one another. These studies are primarily
from the behavioral psychology literature.
Thirty-one RCT articles were reviewed that
compared one or more behavioral interventions.
367, 445, 476, 479-495, 632, 680, 694, 737-744
Most of the trials used
a group format and followed subjects over time;
three included booster sessions.
484, 487, 491
of the studies provided 1 year or more of follow-
up weights. Most studies lacked a pure, no-treat-
ment, control group. There were limited inter-
vention data on special populations, including
various ethnic groups and populations with low
income and education. Men and women were
well represented. The majority of patients were
young and middle-aged adults.
Nine of the trials studied special patient popula-
tions: subjects with type 2 diabetes;
482, 485, 489, 490, 492
493, 739
subjects at high risk for coronary artery dis-
and subjects with binge eating disorder.
Trials with subjects with type 2 diabetes used
behavioral approaches to increase adherence to
the American Diabetes Association diet and
improve glycemic control, rather than to lose
weight as the primary objective (although all
reported an effect on weight).
Of the 31 articles reviewed, 19 were accepted
and the following 12 were not included because:
The results were not presented by treatment
The dropout rate was more than 35 percent;
445, 632, 742, 744
Self-reported body weight was used;
There was no control group;
The treatment duration was less than 12
737-739, 743
The population was not overweight.
Chapter 7: Appendices
Forty RCTs evaluated the effect of pharma-
cotherapy on weight loss. In most studies, advice
or behavioral therapy that promoted reduced
energy intake and increased physical activity was
included in all treatment arms, including the
placebo group. The RCTs addressed the follow-
ing pharmacotherapies: BRL 26830A,
386, 387, 390-393, 414, 478, 506-508, 711,
745, 746
695, 697, 747
ramine and phentermine,
395, 514, 748, 749
408, 712, 730, 734, 751, 752
407, 710
511, 512
176, 754
and sibutramine.
Most of the patients in
these trials weighed more than 120 percent of
their ideal body weight or had a BMI of 25 to 30.
RCTs that examined cimetidine, mianserine,
yohimbine, testosterone, femoxetine, and BRL
26830A were not considered either because they
are not now being studied for obesity treatment
or because they are not approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) for obesity
treatment. Fluoxetine, and other selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors commonly used for
the treatment of depression, have not been
approved for use as antiobesity agents.
Ephedrine has been tested alone and in combi-
nation with caffeine. Although a significant 3.4
kg difference was found at 6 months in patients
treated with this combination compared with
those on placebo
, the ephedrine/caffeine com-
bination is not approved by the FDA for use in
the United States. In addition, studies with a
dropout rate greater than 35 percent were not
. As of September 1997, two FDA-
approved drugs, dexfenfluramine and fenflu-
ramine, were withdrawn from the market by the
manufacturer due to an observed association
with valvular heart disease in patients taking the
combination of phentermine/fenfluramine, or
“Redux.” The panel’s deliberations on the evi-
dence regarding these drugs are included in the
report for informational purposes only.
Weight Loss Surgery
Fourteen RCTs compared the weight-reducing
effect of different surgical interventions.
515-522, 524,
692, 706, 733, 756, 757
One study compared the effective-
ness of a very low-calorie diet to surgery.
Another study compared the effectiveness of
horizontal-banded to vertical-banded gastroplas-
ty in a pretreated, very low-calorie formula diet
Six studies compared two or more of
the following procedures: gastroplasty (vertical
or horizontal), gastric bypass, and gastric parti-
Seven studies reported long-term
(1 year or more) follow up.
515, 517-522
Two studies
looked at comorbidity factors associated with
weight loss.
517, 519
Of these 14 RCT studies, the following five
were not included because:
Two studies looked at the effect on weight
loss of jejunoileostomy, a procedure that is no
longer recommended; they were not included
because of the complications associated with
this procedure;
692, 706
Three studies compared the use of the gastric
balloon to sham procedures;
733, 756, 757
this procedure is no longer utilized except in
research studies.
A.1. Prevalence of Overweight/Obesity in U.S.
a. Number and percentage of children (ages 6 to
11 years) and adolescents (ages 12 to 17 years)
who were overweight, by gender and race/eth-
nicity—United States, Third National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
III), 1988-1994.
b. Prevalence of overweight (BMI 85th per-
centile) in Native American school-age children
by gender and age, 1990-1991.
c. Selected studies describing the prevalence of
overweight in Native Americans, 1981-1993.
A.2.Overweight or BMI Data for Puerto Rican-
Americans, Cuban-Americans, and Selected
Samples of American Indians, Asians, and
Pacific Islanders.
a. Percentage of overweight Cuban and Puerto
Rican males and females, age 20 to 74, 1982-
b. Selected studies describing the prevalence of
overweight in Native Americans, 1981-1993.
c. Prevalence of overweight (BMI 85th per-
centile) and obesity (BMI 95th percentile) in
American Indians and Alaska Natives and
United States all races, by gender and age, 1987.
d. Overweight prevalence and BMI data for
Asian-Americans (n = 13,031) examined in a
northern California HMO, 1978-1985.
e. Body mass index in four groups of adult
Samoans, by age and gender.
f. Prevalence of obesity (BMI 30 kg/m
) in
1991, by age, sex, and western Samoa location.
A.3. Socioeconomic Status Differences in the
Prevalence of Overweight/Obesity
a. Prevalence of overweight in U.S. adults by
race/ethnicity, gender, and education, 1988-
b. Prevalence of overweight in U.S. adults by
race/ethnicity, gender, and annual family
income, 1988-1991.
c. Prevalence of overweight in U.S. adults by
age, race/ethnicity, gender, and occupation,
d. Age-adjusted percentage of people 20 years of
age and older who are overweight (high BMI) by
gender, race/ethnicity, and income level, 1988-
e. Percentage of medicare beneficiaries who are
overweight by race, gender, and education,
f. Percentage of medicare beneficiaries who are
overweight by race, gender, and annual family
income, 1991.
Note: Due to the fact that the prevalence esti-
mates in this appendix are based on available
published data, the definitions used to define
overweight and obesity are not the same as those
used by the panel.
Chapter 7: Appendices
, T
(NHANES III), 1988-1994
Overweight is defined as a BMI (kg/m
) at or above gender- and age-specific 95th-percentile BMI cutoff points calculated at 6-month age intervals, derived respectively
from National Health Examination Survey, cycles 2 and 3.
Numbers for other racial/ethnic groups were too small for meaningful analysis.
Confidence interval
Excludes pregnant females and one person with an outlier sample weight.
Total estimates include racial/ethnic groups not shown.
Source: MMWR, 3-7-97
Children Adolescents
Characteristic No. (%) (95% CI)
No. (%) (95% CI)
White, non-Hispanic 446 (13.2) (8.7%-17.6%) 281 (11.6) (7.6%-15.6%)
Black, non-Hispanic 584 (14.7) (11.2%-18.3%) 412 (12.5) (9.2%-15.8%)
Mexican-American 565 (18.8) (14.6%-23.0%) 406 (15.0) (10.8%-19.1%)
Total 1,673 (14.7) (11.5%-17.9%) 1,154 (12.3) (9.3%-15.3%)
White, non-Hispanic 428 (11.9) (7.2%-16.5%) 342 (9.6) (5.5%-13.6%)
Black, non-Hispanic 538 (17.9) (14.5%-21.2%) 447 (16.3) (11.9%-20.8%)
Mexican-American 581 (15.8) (10.3%-21.3%) 412 (14.0) (6.8%-21.2%)
Total 1,606 (12.5) (9.4%-15.7%) 1,274 (10.7) (7.7%-13.7%)
3,279 (13.7) (11.4%-15.9%) 2,428 (11.5) (9.0%-14.0%)
Boys Girls
Age Number % Number %
5 364 36.0 404 30.3
6 539 30.6 494 37.0
7 482 46.5 538 43.1
8 524 42.6 495 42.2
9 511 45.2 469 38.8
10 493 40.5 404 37.6
11 419 36.0 384 35.4
12 369 47.4 311 41.8
13 281 43.8 231 42.4
14 246 35.4 228 36.4
15 249 39.0 209 55.0
16 204 26.5 181 39.8
17 165 35.8 152 40.4
18 75 32.0 43 39.5
, 1990-91*
* Adapted from Jackson MY and Strauss KF.
Source: Broussard et al. Toward comprehensive obesity prevention programs in Native American communities. Obesity Res
Chapter 7: Appendices
Definition of
Population Source Age Year Overweight
Total Males Females
Preschool children
Native Americans,
national Measured <5 1988 a 11.2
Mescalero Apache,
NM Measured 1-5 1988 a 19.5
School-age children
Native Americans,
national Measured 5-18 1990-1991 b 39.3
Devils Lake Sioux, ND Measured 9-13 1989 b 32.1 30.6
Winnebago and Omaha, NE Measured 7-17 1990 b 32.7 34.4
Pueblo Indians, NM Measured 9-13 1988-1991 b 40.4
Navajo Indians, NM Measured 9-13 1988-1991 b 29.1
Navajo Indians, NM & AZ Measured 5-17 1989 c 12.5 11.2
Navajo Indians, NM & AZ Measured 14-18 1988-1990 b 25.0 33.0
, 1981-1993
* Definition of Overweight:
a=Weight-for height>95th percentile NCHS reference population
b=BMI 85th% NHANES II reference population
c=Weight-for-age > 95th NCHS reference population
Source: Broussard et al. Toward comprehensive obesity prevention programs in Native American communities. Obesity Res 1995;3:289-97S.
Gender/Age Cubans Puerto Ricans
20-74 yrs 29.4 25.2
20-74 yrs (age adjusted*) 28.5 25.7
20-24 yrs 21.2 15.8
25-34 yrs 27.9 18.9
35-44 yrs 25.8 33.4
45-54 yrs 34.6 32.9
55-64 yrs 31.7 26.4
65-74 yrs 31.1 31.6
20-29 yrs** 23.5 15.6
20-74 yrs 34.1 37.3
20-74 yrs (age adjusted*) 31.9 39.8
20-24 yrs 13.6 23.6
25-34 yrs 23.8 26.5
35-44 yrs 32.7 42.7
45-54 yrs 37.2 50.2
55-64 yrs 51.4 49.0
65-74 yrs 39.6 61.0
20-29 yrs** 16.2 22.5
, A
20-74, 1982-1984
* Age adjusted by the direct method to the 1980 census population 20 to 74 years of age using 6 age groups.
** Overweight is defined as a sex-specific body mass index (kilograms divided by height in meters squared) equal to or greater
than the 95th percentile for examinees 20 to 29 years of age examined in the second National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES II).
Note: Excludes pregnant women.
Source: Najjar MF, Kuczmarski RJ. 1989. Anthropometric data and prevalence of overweight for Hispanics: 1982-1984.
National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 11(239).
Chapter 7: Appendices
Definition of
Population Source Age Year Overweight
Total Males Females
Native Americans,
national Self-report 18+ 1987 a 33.7 40.3
Native Americans by Self-report 18+ 1985-1988 a
Southwest 30.0 28.5
Plains 27.8 35.7
West 22.7 26.8
Other regions 24.0 23.9
Alaskan Yup’ik Eskimos Measured 18+ 1987-1988 a 34.0 56.0
Alaskan Athabascan Indians Measured 18+ 1987-1988 a 29.0 55.0
Cherokee Indians, NC Measured 18-27 1982 c 59.1
Navajo Indians, NM & AZ Measured 20+ 1988 a 43.7 33.1 50.7
Navajo Indians, NM & AZ Measured 20-74 1986-1987 d 42.1 54.7
Penobscot Indians, ME Self-report 18+ 1981 c 35.0
Pima Indians, AZ Measured 20-54 1981-1988 a 61-78 81-87
55+ 1981-1988 a 31-53 44-74
Zuni Indians, NM Measured 20-39 1987 e 40.0 33.8 56.2
40-59 1987 e 70.7 55.6 79.2
, 1981-1993
* Definition of overweight and obesity used by NHANES/NCHS:
a=BMI85th%NHANES II reference population d=BMI > 85th% NHANES I reference population
b=Weight-for-age>95th NCHS reference population e=BMI > 27 kg/m
for males, BMI > 26 kg/m
for females
c=>120% desirable weight for height, NHANES I
Source: Broussard et al. Toward comprehensive obesity prevention programs in Native American communities. Obesity Res 1995;3:289-97S.
Overweight Obese
American American
Indians and Indians and
Age Alaska Natives U.S. All Races Alaska Natives U.S. All Races
Total (18+) 33.7 24.1** 13.8 9.1**
18-24 21.5 13.1** 11.0 5.5***
25-34 31.8 19.5** 11.2 7.6
35-44 37.8 27.0** 11.2 10.4
45-54 49.1 33.8** 28.2 14.1**
55-64 45.5 33.1** 16.5 13.0***
65+ 25.2 23.0** 11.1 5.4***
Total (18+) 40.3 25.0** 16.6 8.2**
18-24 25.2 11.5** 11.7 3.9**
25-34 45.1 17.4** 13.8 6.0**
35-44 48.5 28.1** 19.7 10.8**
45-54 54.0 32.0** 18.7 10.9
55-64 45.6 36.2** 18.8 11.5
65+ 45.6 30.1** 20.7 7.7**
, 1987
* Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES). American Indians and
Alaska Natives who are eligible for care through the Indian Health Service (IHS) and who live on or near reservations. BMI,
body mass index in kg/m
** Statistically significant at oc =0.05.
*** Relative SE greater 30%
Source: Broussard et al. Prevalence of obesity in American Indians and Alaska Natives. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:1535-42S.
Chapter 7: Appendices
Trait Chinese Filipino Japanese Other Asian
Age (mean ± SD)
Males 40.2 ± 14.2 39.2 ± 13.4 42.1 ± 14.1 35.9 ± 10.4
Females 38.0 ± 13.6 36.8 ± 11.6 40.9 ± 13.4 34.1 ± 10.5
BMI 24.4 kg/m
Males 26.9 41.8 38.0 28.9
Females 12.8 25.5 18.0 14.6
Mean BMI*
Males 22.9 23.9 23.7 23.6
Females 21.2 22.8 21.6 22.2
=13,031) E
HMO, 1978-1985
* Adjusted for age, marital status, education, and alcohol intake.
Source: Klatsky AL, Armstrong MA. Cardiovascular risk factors among Asian-Americans living in Northern California. Am J
Public Health 1991;81:1423-1428.
Gender/Age Samoa Manu’a Tutuila Hawaii
20-24 24.6 ± 2.8 26.4 ± 2.6 26.5 ± 3.6 30.4 ± 4.6
25-34 25.1 ± 3.2 30.7 ± 4.4 30.2 ± 5.0 31.3 ± 6.0
35-44 26.5 ± 4.3 29.2 ± 4.7 30.4 ± 5.5 32.6 ± 5.4
45-54 27.1 ± 4.9 27.2 ± 4.7 32.0 ± 6.4 31.3 ± 5.7
55-64 28.8 ± 5.4 28.0 ± 5.9 28.8 ± 5.5 32.1 ± 5.0
65-74 26.5 ± 3.9 28.7 ± 4.5 28.6 ± 6.2 31.6 ± 8.9
Total 26.2 ± 4.2 28.6 ± 5.0 29.8 ± 5.7 31.6 ± 5.7
20-24 25.3 ± 3.9 29.5 ± 7.9 27.9 ± 4.9 29.9 ± 5.8
25-34 26.7 ± 4.1 32.3 ± 6.0 32.4 ± 6.6 34.3 ± 7.8
35-44 29.0 ± 4.7 35.1 ± 5.8 34.4 ± 6.6 35.8 ± 7.7
45-54 29.6 ± 4.8 33.8 ± 7.4 35.3 ± 6.7 34.7 ± 6.5
55-64 31.0 ± 8.4 30.7 ± 6.1 33.3 ± 7.5 34.1 ± 5.5
65-74 28.6 ± 4.1 29.5 ± 5.8 32.3 ± 5.9 33.4 ± 6.9
Total 27.7 ± 4.8 32.7 ± 6.9 33.0 ± 6.9 33.6 ± 7.2
* SD. BMI in kg/m
Source: McGarvey ST. Obesity in Samoans and a perspective on its etiology in Polynesians. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:1586S-
Chapter 7: Appendices
Apia Poutasi Tuasivi
Gender/Age No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
25-34 71 45.1 58 36.2 51 21.6
35-44 77 70.1 58 43.1 58 46.6
45-54 64 67.2 48 52.1 51 45.1
55-64 78 51.3 40 57.5 44 40.9
65+ 40 60.0 28 32.1 30 43.3
Overall 330 58.5 232 44.4 234 39.3
Age-std* 56.9 43.5 35.9
95% CI 51.2 - 62.6 36.9 - 50.1 29.7 - 42.1
25-34 97 57.7 74 52.7 61 52.5
35-44 83 89.2 48 66.7 77 57.9
45-54 120 84.2 40 70.0 63 66.7
55-64 96 86.5 34 64.7 40 52.5
65+ 43 62.8 27 63.0 30 46.7
Overall 439 77.7 223 61.9 271 57.2
Age-std* 74.3 61.5 56.5
95% CI 69.9 - 78.7 55.1 - 68.0 50.2 - 62.7
(BMI 30
, G
* Age-std=age standardized by direct method to 1986 census population.
Source: Hodge AM, Dowse GK, Toelupe P, Collins VR, Imo T, Zimmet PZ. Dramatic increase in the prevalence of obesity in
Western Samoa over the 13-year period 1978-1991. Int J Obesity 1994;18:419-428.
Black Mexican American White
Gender <12y 12y >12y Total <12y 12y >12y Total <12y 12y >12y Total
Males 29 29 36 31 39 43 40 40 39 36 30 34
Females 55 51 49 52 53 40 47 49 39 38 30 35
U.S. A
, G
, 1988-1991
* Overweight is defined as 27.8 kg/m
for men and 27.3 kg/m
for women.
Source: NCHS/CDC NHANES III Phase 1, 1988-1991.
Black Mexican American White
<$10K $10- $30- $50,001+ Total <$10K $10- $30- $50,001+ Total <$10K $10- $30- $50,001+ Total
Gender 29,999 49,999 29,999 49,999 29,999 49,999
Males 23 31 34 42 31 33 39 45 48 40 33 35 36 31 34
Females 53 50 54 49 52 52 51 43 42 49 43 35 37 27 35
U.S. A
, G
, 1988-1991
* Overweight is defined as 27.8 kg/m
for men and 27.3 kg/m
for women.
Source: NCHS/CDC NHANES III Phase 1, 1988-1991.
Chapter 7: Appendices
Black Mexican American White
White Blue White Blue White Blue
Gender/Age Collar Collar Farm Service Total Collar Collar Farm Service Total Collar Collar Farm Service Total
25-44 28 35 15 32 31 46 32 30 36± 35 30 31 24 30± 30
45-64 44 35 15 38± 37 41 58 38 54± 51 38 38± 47 21± 37
25-44 47 48 55 48 48 40 41 46 27 38 31 29
45-64 56 55 66 60± 55 55 58 57 41 45± 43 42
U.S. A
, R
, 1988-1991
* Overweight is defined as 27.8 kg/m
for men and 27.3 kg/m
for women.
± Estimate not reliable because of small sample size.
Source: NCHS/CDC NHANES III Phase 1, 1988-1991.
Total Population
Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Mexican American
Sex and Poverty Sample Percent SE Sample Percent SE Sample Percent SE Sample Percent SE
Below poverty 712 30.4 2.24 142 29.8 3.02 211 29.6 2.53 338 36.9 4.22
At or above poverty 3,069 31.9 1.00 1,625 32.3 1.02 724 32.8 1.65 621 40.6 1.02
Under 131% poverty 1,034 32.8 2.49 238 33.3 3.18 313 28.4 2.20 453 37.2 3.44
131-350% poverty 1,793 32.7 1.38 865 33.6 1.64 460 33.2 2.26 401 41.4 1.75
Over 350% poverty 954 29.0 1.34 664 28.7 1.39 162 36.4 3.31 105 46.1 5.72
Below poverty 850 47.3 2.70 189 46.9 5.12 290 50.0 3.96 347 50.5 3.02
At or above poverty 2,710 32.2 1.20 1,442 30.1 1.34 637 49.0 1.61 540 44.4 2.89
Under 131% poverty 1,185 46.1 2.11 321 44.7 3.88 390 51.1 3.42 441 50.3 2.79
131-350% poverty 1,643 33.8 1.49 806 31.9 1.54 421 49.0 2.12 349 44.4 4.21
Over 350% poverty 732 28.0 2.30 504 26.4 2.39 116 46.1 3.11 97 40.0 6.81
20 Y
, R
* Includes data for racial/ethnic groups not shown separately.
Note: BMI is an index used to relate weight to stature. For this analysis, overweight in men is defined as a BMI 27.8 kg/m
for women, it is defined as a BMI 27.3 kg/m
Source: HHS, NHANES III, 1988-1991.
Chapter 7: Appendices
Gender/ Black White
Age <HS HS >HS Total <HS HS >HS Total
65-74 32.1 33.9** 47.5** 34.0 34.0 30.1 25.5 29.8
75+ 20.1 14.9** 16.6** 21.8 18.1 11.1 11.1 15.0
All ages 27.4 26.5 35.5** 28.9 27.8 22.7 19.9 23.8
65-74 61.8 45.7 45.0** 54.1 40.6 34.5 27.9 34.6
75+ 44.7 12.3 43.9 40.2 29.2 21.9 19.6 24.7
All ages 55.2 32.7 44.6 48.7 36.2 29.6 24.6 30.9
, G
, 1991
* Overweight is defined as a BMI 27.8 kg/m
for males and 27.3 kg/m
for females.
** Based on samples of fewer than 30 persons.
Source: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey: 1991, Non-Institutionalized Persons only (N=9,721).
Black White
Gender/ $10,000 $10,001- $30,001- $50,001+ Unknown/ Total $10,000 $10,001 $30,001- $50,001+ Unknown/ Total
Age 30,000 50,000 not rep 30,000 50,000 not rep
65-74 24.0 41.7 27.2 59.02** 0.0** 34.0 26.2 32.3 30.7** 23.9 25.6 29.8
75+ 17.8 27.9 0.0 21.8 16.1 17.3 9.9 9.3 11.5 15.0
All ages 20.6 35.2 11.3 0.0** 0.0** 28.9** 22.0 26.3 22.7 18.0 19.8 23.8
65-74 59.1 46.1 27.2 34.0** 0.0 54.1 43.2 36.3 25.7** 20.8 25.3 34.6
75+ 43.4 28.1 23.0 100.0** 0.0 40.2 27.7 24.4** 20.1** 18.2 20.0 24.7
All ages 53.0 38.2 29.3 30.5** 0.0 48.7** 37.9 31.4 23.1 20.6 23.8 30.9
, 1991
* Overweight is defined as 27.8 kg/m
for men and 27.3 kg/m
for women.
** Based on samples of fewer than 30 persons.
Source: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey: 1991, Non-Institutionalized Persons only (N=9,721).
Chapter 7: Appendices
A.4. Annotated Bibliography of Studies
Specifically Designed To Achieve Weight
Reduction in Special Populations.
The following annotations describe weight
reduction studies in special populations or situa-
tions. From the total number of studies identi-
fied in which minorities or other special popula-
tions were included, the studies listed below are
those for which the treatment or intervention
program included design features specifically
geared to the needs of a minority population or
other special population of interest. Thus, these
studies provide examples of ways in which
researchers or service practitioners have attempt-
ed to adapt conventional weight reduction
approaches to the needs of diverse client groups.
The annotations highlight the published reports
with respect to the setting and the nature of the
program. Study results are not included because
relatively few studies are randomized controlled
trials, several are pilot studies or program
descriptions, and many do not lend themselves
to a clear evaluation of success rates. Boldface
material indicates the particular population or
situation studied.
Agurs-Collins TD, Kumanyika SK, TenHave TR,
Adams-Campbell LL. A randomized controlled
trial of weight reduction and exercise for diabetes
management in older African-American sub-
jects. Diabetes Care 1997;20:1503-1511.
A randomized controlled trial conducted at an
urban hospital in Washington, DC. The inter-
vention group was offered 12 weekly group ses-
sions, 1 individual session, and 6 biweekly group
sessions; the usual care group was offered one
class and two informational mailings.
Participants were recruited through various clin-
ics and through community outreach, including
announcements in newsletters and church bul-
letins, flyers distributed at clinics and churches,
and presentations at community gatherings.
Program materials depicted African-American
individuals, families, and community settings
and reflected language, social values, and situa-
tions relevant to older Americans or African-
Americans. All guidance about foods and recipes
was based on types of foods and flavorings char-
acteristic in African-American communities.
Recipes were provided by participants and used
in direct instruction. Ample time was allowed
for the participants to discuss and work through
dietary adherence issues unique to their social
contexts (e.g., church meals).
Avila P, Hovell MF. Physical activity training for
weight loss in Latinas: A controlled trial. Int J
Obes 1994;18:476-482.
A 10-week physical activity program designed
for obese Latino women in San Diego,
California. Volunteers were recruited through
flyers that were distributed in a low-income
community medical clinic, the local church,
English as a Second Language classes, and the
local grocery store. Sessions focused on self-
change behavior, nutrition education, gaining
support from a “buddy,” and an exercise compo-
nent. The sessions were led by a bicultural, bilin-
gual physician.
Cousins JH, Rubovits DS, Dunn JK, Reeves RS,
Ramirez AG, Foreyt JP. Family versus individual-
ly-oriented intervention for weight loss in Mexican
American women. Public Health Rep
A study that compared three groups of obese
Mexican American women in Texas, ages 18 to
45 years. Families were recruited through media
promotion and local contacts within the com-
munity, primarily through churches and health
agencies. The comparison group received a bilin-
gual manual with information on nutrition,
exercise, and behavioral principles for weight
loss. The manual was designed to reflect the cul-
tural values of the population. The comparison
group also received a cookbook with recipes for
fat-modified traditional Mexican American
foods. The individual group received the same
printed materials and attended weekly classes led
by bilingual registered dietitians. Classes provid-
ed individual and group activities. The family
group received the materials and attended classes
that emphasized a family-oriented approach to
making changes in eating habits and exercise
behavior; spouses and children were invited.
Family group members received a modified ver-
sion of the manual with additional information
on partner support and parenting skills to
encourage family changes in eating and exercise
behaviors. Spouses were encouraged to attend
classes with the participants, and separate classes
were held for preschool-age children.
Daniel EL. A multi-intervention weight manage-
ment program for low-income rural women. J
Am Diet Assoc 1989;89:1310-1311.
A pilot weight management program involving
low-income rural women who were enrolled in
the Special Supplemental Food Program for
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and/or
food stamp programs in rural western New York
State. The program included five biweekly ses-
sions that focused on nutrition, behavior modifi-
cation, aerobic exercise, and stress management.
Handouts were designed for low-literacy or non-
English-speaking adults, and plastic food models
were used to discuss serving sizes and portion
control. Suggestions for healthful eating were
based on WIC foods whenever possible. Exercise
focused on aerobic dance because it can done at
home with no special equipment or child care
needed and can be adapted to almost any kind
of music.
Domel SB, Alford BB, Cattlett HN, Gench BE.
Weight control for black women. J Am Diet
Assoc 1992;92(3):346-348.
A program for black women with low educa-
tional levels at four literacy program sites in eco-
nomically disadvantaged areas of Dallas, Texas.
The program consisted of 11 weekly sessions
taught by a registered dietitian and included
nutrition education, behavior modification,
active learner participation, and self-respons-
ibility. It stressed practical, lifelong methods for
weight control. Materials were geared toward
low-literacy participants; for example, a green
traffic light was used for low-calorie foods, and a
yellow traffic light was used for high-calorie
foods. Shopping tips included ways to save
money and decrease calories; audiocassettes
included a radio show format with disk jockey,
guest speaker, and “phoned-in” questions from
Domel SB, Alford BB, Cattlett HN, Rodriguez
ML, Gench BE. A pilot weight control program for
Hispanic women. J Am Diet Assoc 1992
A 10-session pilot weight control program for
Hispanic women in Dallas, Texas. Modifications
to fit the Hispanic culture included adding
appropriate ethnic foods and recipes, stressing
the importance of health for the entire family,
and reformatting some of the materials. To this
end, some of the pamphlets were changed to a
comic book format, and audiocassetes were
changed from a radio show format to a dialog
between two comadres. The program was taught
in Spanish by a bilingual Hispanic dietitian at a
local church. Handouts were available in English
and Spanish. Participants were recruited through
articles in Spanish and English newspapers, pub-
lic service announcements on Spanish radio sta-
tions, church bulletins, and various flyers. A pro-
motional event was also held at each site 1 week
before the program began.
Fox RA, Haniotes H, Rotatori A. A streamlined
weight loss program for moderately retarded
adults in a sheltered workshop setting. Appl Res
Ment Retard 1984;5(1):69-79.
A 15-week behavioral weight loss program for
obese, moderately retarded adults that included
10 weeks of treatment and 5 weeks of mainte-
nance. The program was conducted in the shel-
tered workshop where all of the participants
worked, and participants were given time off
during the day to attend sessions. Picture mate-
rials were developed to facilitate the learning and
Chapter 7: Appendices
practice of the behavioral weight loss strategies;
no reading skills were required. All participants
in the study lived with their parents, and all par-
ents were instructed in the behavioral weight
reduction techniques and the forms so that they
could provide guidance and support to their
child at home during the course of the program.
Daily homework assignments were given so that
participants could practice behavioral strategies
outside of the training setting. Bimonthly phone
calls to the parents were made to discuss their
child’s progress and difficulties in implementing
behavior techniques. To encourage attendance,
at each session, participants were entered into a
drawing to win small prizes, and awards were
also given for each pound of weight lost. Follow-
up was conducted for 1 year.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Hampson SE, Brown JE,
Lewinsohn PM, Donnely J. Improving self-care
among older patients with type 2 diabetes. The
“Sixty-Something...” Study. Patient Educ Couns
A 10-session, self-management training program
designed for persons older than 60 years of age.
Recruitment was conducted through local dia-
betes care professionals, presentations, mailings,
newsletters of local and State diabetes associa-
tions, presentations at health fairs, flyers distrib-
uted at grocery stores and pharmacies, and local
television and radio advertising. The program
was offered at no cost, and participants were
provided glucose testing materials and a coupon
for a pair of walking shoes. Sessions were held
during daylight hours in well-known, accessible,
and pleasant facilities that earlier focus group
participants thought were most convenient. In
response to focus group feedback, the program
focused on dietary and exercise self-care behav-
iors. The group was led by an interdisciplinary
team of psychologists, a registered dietitian, cer-
tified exercise leaders, and other educators.
Group meetings were kept small and focused on
developing individualized plans to overcome
barriers to adherence. Participants chose the spe-
cific self-care area on which they wished to
focus. Follow-up was conducted for 6 months.
Heath GW, Wilson RH, Smith J, Leonard BE.
Community-based exercise and weight control.
Diabetes risk reduction and glycemic control in
Zuni Indians. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:1642S-
A 2-year exercise intervention in the Zuni
Indian community in western New Mexico.
Participants were recruited through personal
invitation, recommendation from the medical
staff, and a general community advertising cam-
paign. Community events such as foot races
were offered throughout the year, supported by
community agencies and local businesses. The
program was coordinated by a health educator,
two health education assistants, and 48 Zuni
Indians who were trained in exercise and group
Kanders BS, Ullmann-Joy P, Foreyt JP, Heymsfield
SB, Heber D, Elashoff RM, Ashley JM, Reeves RS,
Blackburn GL. The black American lifestyle inter-
vention (BALI): The design of a weight loss pro-
gram for working-class African-American
women. J Am Diet Assoc 1994;94(3):310-312.
A 10-week weight loss program for obese, low-
income African-American women ages 40 to 64
years in Boston, New York, Houston, and Los
Angeles. The program focused on diet, exercise,
and behavior modification using information
obtained from interviews of obese African-
American women concerning these issues.
Participants were placed on a culturally appro-
priate, low-fat diet, including two free meal
replacement shakes. Lactaid was provided to
those participants who were lactose intolerant.
Group sessions involving goal-setting, problem-
solving, and role-playing were led by a female
African-American nutritionist. All educational
materials, recipes, and menu plans were reviewed
by minority health professionals to ensure cul-
tural appropriateness.
Kumanyika SK, Brancato J, Brewer A, Carnaghi
M, Doroshenko LH, Rosen R, Rosofsky W, Self MS.
Interventions in the Trials of Nonpharmacologic
Intervention in the Elderly. Effective approaches to
weight and sodium reduction among older adults.
Circulation 1996;94(8):I-690.
The Trials of Nonpharmacologic Intervention in
the Elderly (TONE) was a randomized compari-
son of weight reduction, sodium reduction, and
combined weight/sodium reduction programs
versus a no-treatment control group conducted
in four university research centers located in
Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, and
Tennessee. Education and counseling addressed
relevant nutrition knowledge and behavior
change skills. Contacts were weekly for 4
months, biweekly for 4 months, and then
monthly. The study addressed challenges that an
older population faces, such as literacy limita-
tions, and used oral and visual examples to
explain new concepts; concrete, step-by-step
instruction; limited use of complex sentences;
and minimal need for abstract reasoning. Only a
small amount of information was given at one
time to prevent overload. Easy-to-read typeface
was used, as well as generous use of graphics.
Physical changes of aging (e.g., impaired hear-
ing, vision, or memory and speed of absorbing
new information) were addressed by using
simultaneous oral and visual presentation and
seating and room arrangements to accommodate
those who wished to be close to the speaker.
Large typeface was used in all visual materials,
and the room was arranged to avoid glare.
Graphics and text references were chosen to
depict older persons, and counseling was geared
to build on previously learned nutrition prac-
tices, preferences, and food-related attitudes.
Kumanyika SK, Charleston JB. Lose weight and
win: A church-based weight loss program for blood
pressure control among black women. Patient
Educ Couns 1992;19(1):19-32.
A behaviorally oriented weight control program
offering eight weekly diet counseling/exercise
sessions. The program was a component of the
Baltimore Church High Blood Pressure Program
(CHBPP), which encompassed black churches
in the Baltimore, Maryland, black community.
Recruitment was through CHBPP networks,
including lay volunteers from each congregation
who had also been trained as blood pressure
measurement specialists. Advertisement of the
program was by word of mouth as well as by
presentations at meetings of the ministerial
alliance. Announcements were also placed in
church bulletins. The meetings were held on
church property, often following other scheduled
church activities such as choir practice. The
group format emphasized an unrushed, support-
ive, relaxed environment and included a diet
component led by a registered dietitian and an
exercise component consisting of low-impact
Lasco RA, Curry RH, Dickson VJ, Powers J, Menes
S, Merritt RK. Participation rates, weight loss, and
blood pressure changes among obese women in a
nutrition-exercise program. Public Health Rep
A 10-week exercise and nutrition intervention
targeted to obese residents of a black urban
community in Atlanta between the ages of 18
and 59 years. Free transportation and child care
were provided to encourage participation.
Classes on nutrition, community resources, and
exercise were offered, including low-impact aero-
bic dance, water exercises, and walking. Home
visits by a public health educator were planned
to build family support and alleviate spousal
concerns. Participants were asked to comment
on the program, and their suggestions were
incorporated into the special interest sessions.
Participation was monitored, and absentees were
called and encouraged to attend the next session.
Chapter 7: Appendices
McNabb W, Quinn M, Kerver J, Cook S, Karrison
T. The Pathways church-based weight loss program
for urban African-American women at risk for
diabetes. Diabetes Care 1997;20:1518-1523.
A randomized, 14-week, church-based weight
loss program targeting urban, obese African-
American women. The program was developed
using locally conducted focus groups with the
target population and administered by trained
lay facilitators recruited from urban churches.
Facilitators assisted participants in identifying
and providing solutions for their dietary prob-
lems. Aspects of the program included empha-
sizing weight loss for general well-being and
health rather than improved physical appear-
ance, achieving culturally appropriate body size,
and using ethnic foods and food combinations.
McNabb WL, Quinn MT, Rosing L. Weight loss
program for inner-city black women with non-
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: PATHWAYS.
J Am Diet Assoc 1993;93(1):75-77.
An 18-week weight loss program, including 12
core weekly sessions that focused on nutrition
information and behavior modification and 6
follow-up or “reinforcement” sessions that pro-
vided support and strategies for overcoming
obstacles the women faced along the way. The
program was designed to deal with the obstacles
obese, inner-city black women face in trying to
exercise and lose weight and was partly based on
feedback from a sample of women who were
interviewed before the study was designed. An
expert panel composed of local minority health
care professionals reviewed program materials,
which were written at a low-literacy level.
Participants were provided with information
about foods, including ethnic and regional foods
such as greens, salt pork, and ham hocks.
Mount MA, Kendrick OW, Draughon M, Stitt
KR, Head D, Mount R. Group participation as a
method to achieve weight loss and blood glucose
control. J Nutr Educ 1991;23:25-29.
A biweekly, 10-session nutrition, diabetes, and
weight loss education program with 30 black
adults in rural west Alabama. The program
used self-help groups to assist participants with
diabetes management by providing peer interac-
tion and support. Groups were led by a public
health nutritionist, nutrition graduate student,
and a lay facilitator chosen from each group.
Topics included definition of diabetes, meal
planning, diet modification to reduce complica-
tions, and weight control.
Mulrow C, Bailey S, Sönksen PH, Slavin B.
Evaluation of an audiovisual diabetes educa-
tion program. Negative results of a randomized
trial of patients with non-insulin dependent dia-
betes mellitus. J Gen Intern Med 1987;2:215-
A randomized, controlled trial conducted at a
hospital in central London. The intervention
focused on improving glucose and weight con-
trol in low-income, low-literacy obese patients
with non-insulin dependent diabetes. The trial
excluded those patients who were taking insulin
and patients who were older than 70 years of
age. Of the 120 patients recruited, 55 percent
were female, and 49 percent were West Indian
black. Patients within the intervention group
participated in monthly group sessions that
included materials specifically designed for dia-
betic patients with low literacy or monthly
group sessions without low-literacy materials.
Low-literacy sessions used standardized audiovi-
sual lessons and written materials and included
common West Indian foods.
Pleas J. Long-term effects of a lifestyle-change obe-
sity treatment program with minorities. J Natl
Med Assoc 1988;80(7):747-752.
A 12-week weight management program with
lifestyle change as its central focus (n=12) locat-
ed at a neighborhood YMCA. Recruiting was
conducted through articles and announcements
in local newspapers and church bulletins. The
weekly sessions lasted 2 hours, with the first
hour devoted to lectures on nutrition, behavioral
change, and weight loss; the second hour
involved exercise, which included endurance
exercises and walking.
Shintani TT, Hughes CK, Beckham S, O’Connor
HK. Obesity and cardiovascular risk intervention
through the ad libitum feeding of traditional
Hawaiian diet. Am J Clin Nutr
Under the premise that, historically, Native
Hawaiians have been thin due to their tradi-
tional diet, a diet intervention for Native
Hawaiians was conducted with traditional
Hawaiian foods on the western coast of the
island of Oahu. Recruitment was conducted
through newspaper advertisements, articles, fly-
ers, and a public presentation about the pro-
gram. The selection of food for the program
consisted of foods available in Hawaii before
Western contact, such as taro, poi, sweet pota-
toes, yams, breadfruit, greens, fruit, seaweed,
fish, and chicken. Foods were prepared in the
traditional manner. Breakfast was eaten together,
and cultural or health education sessions were
conducted during the group dinner session.
Sullivan J, Carter JP. A nutrition-physical fitness
intervention program for low-income black par-
ents. J Natl Med Assoc 1985;77(1):39-43.
An 8-week intervention for obese, low-income
black mothers (n=10) of children younger than
3 years was conducted at the Parent Child
Development Center of the Urban League in
New Orleans, Louisiana. Aerobic exercise with
soul music was incorporated into the sessions
because it was thought to appeal to the popula-
tion and because dancing can be done safely in
the home with no special equipment. Child care
was provided for the mothers during the ses-
Obstructive sleep apnea is defined as an absence
of breathing during sleep. Currently, it is recog-
nized that sleep apnea is part of a continuum
from health to disease.
649, 650
Apnea is currently
defined as cessation of airflow for at least 10 sec-
onds and is characterized as either central (if no
respiratory effort occurs), obstructive (if contin-
ued effort is noted), or mixed (if both central
and obstructive components are present).
Apnea is associated with either a fall in oxyhe-
moglobin desaturation or an arousal from sleep.
Hypopneas, which are defined as partial reduc-
tions in airflow associated with falls in oxygen
saturation or arousals from sleep, are also recorded.
The sleep apnea syndrome has been clinically
defined as recurrent apnea or hypopnea associat-
ed with clinical impairment usually manifested
as increased daytime sleepiness or altered car-
diopulmonary function. In general, the average
number of episodes of apnea and hypopnea per
hour are reported as an index (AHI) or as a res-
piratory disturbance index (RDI). Classically, an
AHI of greater than five episodes per hour has
been the definition of the presence of the sleep
apnea syndrome.
651, 652
Other commonly used
cutoff points are an AHI of 10 or 15 episodes
per hour or an overnight total of 30 apneic-
hypopneic episodes.
There are several correlates of sleep apnea. It is
well recognized that it is more prevalent in
males, although the difference is less pronounced
in population-based studies than in laboratory-
based studies.
Some studies have suggested
that the prevalence of sleep apnea in women
increases after menopause. Snoring also corre-
lates with sleep apnea, increasing up to late mid-
dle age and decreasing thereafter.
20, 282, 654, 655
other major correlate of sleep apnea is obesity
653, 654, 656
in both men and women. In general,
women have to be significantly more obese than
men for the clinical syndrome to be apparent.
At present, no published epidemiologic studies
Chapter 7: Appendices
have examined the relationship between race and
sleep apnea. Given the high prevalence of obesi-
ty among specific populations and minorities,
sleep apnea may be highly prevalent in these
The major pathophysiologic consequences of
severe sleep apnea include severe arterial hypox-
emia, recurrent arousals from sleep, increased
sympathetic tone, pulmonary and systemic
hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmias.
phenomena may result in acute hemodynamic
and chronic structural change in the coronary
arteries, possibly associated with relative myocar-
dial ischemia, rupture of atheromatous plaques,
and increased risk for thrombosis at the site of
any unstable plaque.
Similar mechanisms act-
ing in the cerebrovascular system may be
involved in an increased risk of stroke. Finally,
the sympathetic tone may be associated with
hypertension as well as increased platelet aggre-
The primary goal for treatment of individuals
with sleep apnea is to reduce the severity of the
respiratory events that are associated with oxyhe-
moglobin desaturation and arousal from sleep.
There are only two cohort studies in clinic-based
populations that demonstrate a significant
reduction in cardiovascular mortality among
sleep apnea patients who are treated progressive-
ly compared to those who are treated conserva-
661, 662
However, both of these studies were
retrospective and suffered from a significant bias
of ascertainment.
The evidence that treatment of obesity amelio-
rates obstructive sleep apnea is reasonably well
established. Although the studies are small, both
surgical and medical approaches to weight loss
have been associated with a consistent but vari-
able reduction in the number of respiratory
events, as well as improvement in oxygenation.
In general, surgical interventions, which have
included a gastric bypass or jejunoileostomy,
have been reserved for people who are severely
While this approach to weight
reduction was commonly used in patients with
severe obstructive sleep apnea, they recently
have been abandoned because of complications
and side effects. However, the use of surgical
gastric procedures has been successful in
improving sleep apnea in a number of studies.
On the other hand, weight reduction has been
associated with comparable reduction in the
severity of sleep apnea, as well as improved evi-
dence of renal function and hypertension
Both medical and surgical studies have demon-
strated that as little as 10-percent weight reduc-
tion is associated with a more than 50-percent
reduction in the severity of sleep apnea.
Moreover, more recent data suggest a possible
threshold” effect that is directly related to the
collapsibility of the upper airway. Those individ-
uals who demonstrate a minimally collapsible
upper airway apparently achieve a greater effect
for the same percentage of weight reduction.
Finally, there is evidence that standard treat-
ments for sleep apnea do reduce specific cardio-
vascular risk factors. Specifically, the most com-
monly employed treatment, continuous positive
airway pressure, has been shown to reduce wak-
ing arresting carbon dioxide and reduced heart
rate, and pulmonary artery pressure decreased
hematocrit and improved ventricular ejection
Other standard surgical approaches
that have been employed to widen the upper
airway have been shown to reduce the severity
of the apnea, but there are no data examining
the associated cardiovascular risk factors. No
studies have specifically examined the effects of
treatment of sleep apnea on obesity, but it gen-
erally has been noted that all nonweight loss
treatments of sleep apnea have not been associ-
ated with any significant weight loss other than
might be accrued from surgical interventions
that temporarily reduce the ability to eat in the
immediate postoperative period.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Height Body Weight (pounds)
58 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 148 153 158 162 167
59 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173
60 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 174 179
61 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 164 169 174 180 185
62 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 169 175 180 186 191
63 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 175 180 186 191 197
64 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174 180 186 192 197 204
65 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 198 204 210
66 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186 192 198 204 210 216
67 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191 198 204 211 217 223
68 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197 203 210 216 223 230
69 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 209 216 223 230 236
70 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 209 216 222 229 236 243
71 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 222 229 236 243 250
72 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221 228 235 242 250 258
73 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 235 242 250 257 265
74 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233 241 249 256 264 272
75 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 279
76 156 164 172 180 189 197 205 213 221 230 238 246 254 263 271 279 287
V. B
Body mass index (BMI) is usually measured with the Quetelet index as follows: weight divided by height
squared (W/H
To use the table, find the appropriate height in the left-hand column. Move across to a given weight. The
number at the top of the column is the BMI at that height and weight. Pounds have been rounded off.
Chapter 7: Appendices
To use the table, find the appropriate height in the left-hand column. Move across to a given weight. The number at the top of
the column is the BMI at that height and weight. Pounds have been rounded off.
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Height Body Weight (pounds)
58 172 177 181 186 191 196 201 205 210 215 220 224 229 234 239 244 248 253 258
59 178 183 188 193 198 203 208 212 217 222 227 232 237 242 247 252 257 262 267
60 184 189 194 199 204 209 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 261 266 271 276
61 190 195 201 206 211 217 222 227 232 238 243 248 254 259 264 269 275 280 285
62 196 202 207 213 218 224 229 235 240 246 251 256 262 267 273 278 284 289 295
63 203 208 214 220 225 231 237 242 248 254 259 265 270 278 282 287 293 299 304
64 209 215 221 227 232 238 244 250 256 262 267 273 279 285 291 296 302 308 314
65 216 222 228 234 240 246 252 258 264 270 276 282 288 294 300 306 312 318 324
66 223 229 235 241 247 253 260 266 272 278 284 291 297 303 309 315 322 328 334
67 230 236 242 249 255 261 268 274 280 287 293 299 306 312 319 325 331 338 344
68 236 243 249 256 262 269 276 282 289 295 302 308 315 322 328 335 341 348 354
69 243 250 257 263 270 277 284 291 297 304 311 318 324 331 338 345 351 358 365
70 250 257 264 271 278 285 292 299 306 313 320 327 334 341 348 355 362 369 376
71 257 265 272 279 286 293 301 308 315 322 329 338 343 351 358 365 372 379 386
72 265 272 279 287 294 302 309 316 324 331 338 346 353 361 368 375 383 390 397
73 272 280 288 295 302 310 318 325 333 340 348 355 363 371 378 386 393 401 408
74 280 287 295 303 311 319 326 334 342 350 358 365 373 381 389 396 404 412 420
75 287 295 303 311 319 327 335 343 351 359 367 375 383 391 399 407 415 423 431
76 295 304 312 320 328 336 344 353 361 369 377 385 394 402 410 418 426 435 443
A.1. Shopping—What To Look For
a. Low-Calorie Shopping List
b. Low-Calorie, Lower-Fat Alternatives
c. Fat-Free Versus Regular—Calorie Comparisons
d. Good Sources of Calcium
A.2. Food Preparation—What To Do
Low-Calorie, Low-Fat Cooking/Serving Methods
A.1.a. Low-Calorie Shopping List
Make a shopping list. Include the items you
need for your menus and any low-calorie basics
you need to restock in your kitchen.
Dairy case
Low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) milk
Low-fat or reduced-fat cottage cheese
Fat-free cottage cheese
Low-fat cheeses
Low-fat or nonfat yogurt
Light or diet margarine (tub, squeeze or
Reduced-fat or fat-free sour cream
Fat-free cream cheese
Eggs/Egg substitutes
Breads, muffins, rolls
Bread, bagels, pita bread
English muffins
A.3. Dining Out—How To Choose
a. General Tips for Healthy Dining Out
b. Tips for Healthy Multicultural Dining Out
A.4. Sample Reduced-Calorie Menus
a. Traditional American Cuisine—Reduced Calorie
b. Asian-American Cuisine—Reduced Calorie
c. Southern Cuisine—Reduced Calorie
d. Mexican-American Cuisine—Reduced Calorie
e. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Cuisine—Reduced Calorie
Yeast breads (whole wheat, rye, pumpernick-
el, multi-grain, raisin)
Corn tortillas (not fried)
Low-fat flour tortillas
Fat-free biscuit mix
Rice crackers
Cereals, crackers, rice, noodles, and pasta
Plain cereal, dry or cooked
Saltines, soda crackers (low sodium or unsalt-
ed tops)
Graham crackers
Other low-fat crackers
Rice (brown, white, etc.)
VI. A.1. Shopping—What To Look For
Chapter 7: Appendices
Pasta (noodles, spaghetti)
Bulgur, couscous, kasha
Potato mixes (made without fat)
Rice mixes (made without fat)
Wheat mixes
Tabouli grain salad
Hominy grits
Meat case
White meat chicken and turkey (skin-off)
Fish (not battered)
Beef, round or sirloin
Extra lean ground beef such as ground round
Pork tenderloin
95% fat-free lunch meats or low-fat deli
Meat equivalents:
Tofu (or bean curd)
Beans (see bean list)
Eggs/egg substitutes (see dairy list)
Fruit (fresh, canned, and frozen)
Fresh Fruit:
Dried Fruits
Exotic Fresh Fruit:
Ugli fruit
Dried pickled plums
Litchee nuts
Winter melons
Canned Fruit (in juice or water):
Canned pineapple
Other canned fruits (mixed or plain)
Frozen Fruits (without added sugar):
Frozen blueberries
Frozen raspberries
Frozen 100% fruit juice
Dried Fruit:
Raisins/dried fruit (these tend to be higher in
calories than fresh fruit)
Vegetables (fresh, canned, frozen)
Fresh Vegetables:
Green Beans
Green Leafy Vegetables
Carrots or celery
Green peppers
Canned Vegetables: (low sodium or no salt added)
Canned tomatoes
Tomato sauce or pasta
Other canned vegetables
Canned vegetable soup, reduced sodium
Frozen Vegetables: (without added fats)
Frozen broccoli
Frozen spinach
Frozen mixed medley, etc.
Frozen yucca
Exotic Fresh Vegetables
Chapter 7: Appendices
Grape leaves
Mustard greens
Prickly pear cactus
Bamboo shoots
Chinese celery
Water chestnuts
Bok choy
Burdock root
Napa cabbage
Bean sprouts
Choy sum
Sea vegetables
Beans and legumes (if canned, no salt added)
Black beans
Red beans (kidney beans)
Navy beans
Black beans
Pinto beans
Blackeyed peas
Fava beans
Mung beans
Italian white beans
Great white northern beans
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
Dried beans, peas, and lentils (without flavor-
ing packets)
Canned bean soup
Baking items
Imitation butter (flakes or buds)
Nonstick cooking spray
Canned evaporated milk—fat free (skim) or
reduced-fat (2%)
Nonfat dry milk powder
Cocoa powder, unsweetened
Baking powder
Baking soda
Unflavored gelatin
Gelatin, any flavor (reduced calorie)
Pudding mixes (reduced calorie)
Angel food cake mix
Other low-fat mixes
Frozen foods
Frozen fish fillets— unbreaded
Egg substitute
Frozen 100 percent fruit juices (no sugar
Frozen fruits (no sugar added)
Frozen vegetables (plain)
Other frozen foods
Condiments, sauces, seasonings, and spreads
Low-fat or nonfat salad dressings
Mustard (Dijon, etc.)
Barbecue sauce
Other low-fat sauces
Jam, jelly, or honey
Spices __________________________
Flavored vinegars
Hoisin sauce, plum sauce
Salsa or picante sauce
Canned green chilies
Soy sauce (low sodium)
Bouillon cubes/granules (low sodium)
No-calorie drink mixes
Reduced-calorie juices
Unsweetened iced tea
Carbonated water
Chapter 7: Appendices
Low-Calorie Shopping List
Product: Check for:
Serving size
Number of servings
Total fat in grams
Saturated fat in grams
Cholesterol in milligrams
Sodium in milligrams
Here, the label gives the amounts for the different nutrients in
one serving. Use it to help you keep track of how many calories,
fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium you are getting from
different foods.
The “% Daily Value” shows you how much of the recommended
amounts the food provides in one serving, if you eat 2,000 calo-
ries a day. For example, one serving of this food gives you 18 per-
cent of your total fat recommendation.
Here you can see the recommended daily amount for each
nutrient for two calorie levels. If you eat a 2,000 calorie diet, you
should be eating less than 65 grams of fat and less than 20 grams
of saturated fat. If you eat 2,500 calories a day, you should eat less
than 80 grams of fat and 25 grams of saturated fat. Your daily
amounts may vary higher or lower depending on the calories
you eat.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 cup (228g)
Servings Per Container 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories 250 Calories from Fat 110
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 12g
Saturated Fat 3g
Cholesterol 30mg
Sodium 470mg
Total Carbohydrate 31g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 5g
Protein 5g
Vitamin A 4%
Calcium 20%
Vitamin C 2%
Iron 4%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie
diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower
depending on your calorie needs:
Calories per gram:
Fat 9 • Carbohydrates 4 • Protein 4
Total Fat
Sat Fat
Total Carbohydrate
Dietary Fiber
Less than
Less than
Less than
Less than
We live in a fast-moving world. To reduce the time you spend in the kitchen you can improve your
organization by using a shopping list and keeping a well-stocked kitchen. Shop for quick low-fat food items,
and fill your kitchen cupboards with a supply of low-calorie basics.
Read labels as you shop. Pay attention to the serving size and the servings per container. All labels list total
calories in a serving size of the product. Compare the total calories in the product you choose with others
like it; choose the one that is lowest in calories. Below is a label that identifies important information.
These low-calorie alternatives provide new ideas
for old favorites. When making a food choice,
remember to consider vitamins and minerals.
Some foods provide most of their calories from
sugar and fat but give you few if any vitamins
and minerals.
This guide is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
We stress reading labels to find out just how
many calories are in the specific products you
decide to buy.
Dairy Products
Evaporated whole milk
Evaporated fat-free (skim) or reduced-fat (2%) milk
Whole milk
Low-fat (1%), reduced-fat (2%), or fat-free (skim) milk
Ice cream
Sorbet, sherbet, low-fat or fat-free frozen yogurt, or ice milk (check label
for calorie content)
Whipping cream
Imitation whipped cream (made with fat-free [skim] milk) or low-fat
vanilla yogurt
Sour cream
Plain low-fat yogurt
Cream cheese
Neufchatel or “light” cream cheese or fat-free cream cheese
Cheese (Cheddar, Swiss,
Reduced-calorie cheese, low-calorie processed cheeses, etc.
American cheese
Fat-free cheese
Regular (4%) cottage
Fat-free American cheese or other types of fat-free cheeses
Low-fat (1%) or reduced-fat (2%) cottage cheese
Whole milk mozzarella
Part-skim milk, low-moisture mozzarella cheese
Whole milk ricotta
Part-skim milk ricotta cheese
Coffee cream (
2 and
Low-fat (1%) or reduced-fat (2%) milk or non-fat dry milk powder
or nondairy creamer
(liquid, powder)
Cereals, Grains, and Pasta
Ramen noodles
Rice or noodles (spaghetti, macaroni, etc.)
Pasta with white sauce
Pasta with red sauce (marinara)
Pasta with cheese sauce
Pasta with vegetables (primavera)
Bran flakes, crispy rice, etc.
Cooked grits or oatmeal
Reduced-fat granola
VI. A.1.b. Low-Calorie, Lower-Fat Alternatives
Chapter 7: Appendices
Meat, Fish, and Poultry
Coldcuts or lunch meats
Low-fat coldcuts (95 to 97% fat-free lunch meats, low-fat pressed meats)
(bologna, salami, liverwurst, etc.)
Hot dogs (regular)
Lower-fat hot dogs
Bacon or sausage
Canadian bacon or lean ham
Regular ground beef
Extra lean ground beef such as ground round or ground turkey (read labels)
Chicken or turkey with
Chicken or turkey without skin (white meat)
skin; duck, or goose
Oil-packed tuna
Water-packed tuna (rinse to reduce sodium content)
Beef (chuck, rib, brisket)
Beef (round, loin) (trimmed of external fat) (choose select grades)
Pork (spareribs,
Pork tenderloin or trimmed, lean smoked ham
untrimmed loin)
Frozen breaded fish or
Fish or shellfish, unbreaded (fresh, frozen, canned in water)
fried fish (homemade
or commercial)
Whole eggs
Egg whites or egg substitutes
Frozen TV dinners
Frozen TV dinners (containing less than 13 grams of fat per serving and
lower in sodium)
Chorizo sausage
Turkey sausage, drained well (read label)
Vegetarian sausage (made with tofu)
Baked Goods
Croissants, brioches, etc.
Hard french rolls or soft brown ’n serve rolls
Donuts, sweet rolls,
English muffins, bagels, reduced-fat or fat-free muffins or scones
muffins, scones, or
Party crackers
Low-fat crackers (choose lower in sodium)
Saltine or soda crackers (choose lower in sodium)
Cake (pound,
Cake (angel food, white, gingerbread)
chocolate, yellow)
Reduced-fat or fat-free cookies (graham crackers, ginger snaps, fig bars)
(compare calorie level)
(containing more
than 13 grams of
fat per serving)
Snacks and Sweets
Popcorn (air-popped or light microwave), fruits, vegetables
Ice cream, e.g., cones
Frozen yogurt, frozen fruit or chocolate pudding bars
or bars
Custards or puddings
Puddings (made with skim milk)
(made with whole milk)
Fats, Oils, and Salad Dressings
Regular margarine or
Light spread margarines, diet margarine, or whipped butter, tub or
butter squeeze bottle
Regular mayonnaise
Light or diet mayonnaise or mustard
Regular salad dressings
Reduced-calorie or fat-free salad dressings, lemon juice, or plain or herb
flavored or wine vinegar
Butter or margarine on
Jelly, jam, or honey on bread or toast
toast or bread
Oils, shortening, or lard
Nonstick cooking spray for stir-frying or sautéing
As a substitute for oil or butter, use applesauce or prune puree in baked
Canned cream soups
Canned broth-based soups
Canned beans and
Canned baked beans in tomato sauce
Gravy (homemade
Gravy mixes made with water or homemade with the fat skimmed off and
with fat and/or milk) fat-free milk
Fudge sauce
Chocolate syrup
Avocado on sandwiches
Cucumber slices or lettuce leaves
Guacamole dip or
refried beans with lard
Chapter 7: Appendices
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie…whether it
comes from fat or carbohydrate. Anything eaten
in excess can lead to weight gain. You can lose
weight by eating less calories and by increasing
your physical activity. Reducing the amount of
fat and saturated fat that you eat is one easy way
to limit your overall calorie intake. However,
eating fat-free or reduced-fat foods isnt always
the answer to weight loss. For example, if you
eat twice as many fat-free cookies as regular
cookies you may not have reduced your overall
calorie intake. The following list of foods and
their fat-free varieties will show you that just
because a product is fat-free, it doesnt mean that
it is “calorie-free.” And, calories do count!
Fat-Free or Reduced Fat Regular
Calories Calories
Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter, 190 Regular Peanut Butter, 190
2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons
Cookies: Cookies:
Reduced-Fat Chocolate Chip Cookie, 128 Regular Chocolate Chip Cookie, 136
1 cookie 1 cookie
Fat-Free Fig Cookie, 70 Fig Cookie, 50
1 cookie 1 cookie
Ice Cream: Ice Cream:
Premium Nonfat Frozen Yogurt 190 Regular Ice Cream 180
2 cup
2 cup
Premium Reduced-Fat Ice Cream 190 Regular Ice Cream 180
2 cup
2 cup
Fat-Free Caramel Topping, 130 Butterscotch Caramel Topping, 130
2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons
Reduced-Fat Granola Cereal, 110 Granola Cereal, 130
4 cup
4 cup
Reduced-Fat Croissant Roll, 110 Regular Croissant Roll, 130
1 roll 1 roll
Baked Tortilla Chips, 110 Regular Tortilla Chips, 130
1 ounce 1 ounce
Reduced-Fat Breakfast Bar, 140 Breakfast Bar, 130
1 bar 1 bar
VI. A.1.c. Fat-Free Versus Regular—Calorie Comparison
Calcium is not just for growing children. It is an
important mineral that adults also need to keep
their bones and teeth strong and their muscles
functioning. Many people do not eat enough
calcium everyday. The following is a list of good
sources of calcium and tips on how to include
more calcium in your diet everyday.
Source Calcium (milligrams)
Milk (1 cup)
Whole 300
2% reduced-fat 300
1%* low-fat 300
Fat free* 300
Yogurt* (1 cup)
Plain, low-fat 415
Flavored, low-fat 315
Plain, fat free 315
Cheese (1 ounce)
Reduced-fat Cheddar* 120
American 175
Swiss Cheese 270
Mozzarella, part-skim 185
Cottage Cheese (
2 cup)
2% reduced-fat 75
Calcium fortified cottage cheese 300
Ice Cream
2 cup 90
2 cup 100
Frozen Yogurt
2 cup 100
Beans, dried cooked, 1 cup 90
Salmon, with bones, 3 ounces 205
Tofu, processed with calcium sulfate,
2 cup 435
Spinach, fresh cooked 244
Turnip Greens, fresh cooked, 1 cup 100
Kale, fresh cooked 94
Broccoli, fresh cooked 75
Waffle, 7” diameter 180
Pancakes, (2) 4” diameter 115
Pizza, with vegetables,
4 12” pie 180
* Low-fat and nonfat varieties of foods are still good sources of calcium.
VI. A.1.d. Good Sources of Calcium
Chapter 7: Appendices
Age Women Men
19-24 1,200 mg 1,200 mg
25-50 1,000 mg 800 mg
Tips for Fitting in Calcium
Eat cereal with fat-free milk. Try adding fresh
Drink an extra glass of milk every day; try cal-
cium-fortified milk.
Spread calcium-fortified cottage cheese* on
crackers or bagel. Add fresh fruit.
Drink calcium-fortified orange juice.*
Blend a yogurt smoothie with low-fat or fat-
free yogurt and milk, and fresh or frozen
Make instant pudding with low-fat or fat-free
Choose frozen yogurt for dessert instead of
cake or cookies.
Add a slice of low-fat or fat-free cheese to
Substitute calcium fortified tofu in stir-fries
for chicken, shrimp, or beef.
Sauté greens (kale, bok choy, collard greens)
in cooking spray and lemon juice and herbs.
*Read food labels for products with added
Low-Calorie, Low-Fat Cooking/
Serving Methods
Cooking low-calorie, low-fat dishes may not
take a long time, but best intentions can be lost
with the addition of butter or other added fats at
the table. It is important to learn how certain
ingredients can add unwanted calories and fat to
low-fat dishes—making them no longer lower in
calories and lower in fat! The following list pro-
vides examples of lower fat-cooking methods
and tips on how to serve your low-fat dishes.
Low-Fat Cooking Methods
These cooking methods tend to be lower in fat:
Roast—for vegetables and/or chicken without
Lightly stir-fry or sauté in cooking spray,
small amounts of vegetable oil, or reduced
sodium broth
Grill seafood, chicken or vegetables
How To Save Calories and Fat
Look at the following examples for how to save
calories and fat when preparing and serving
foods. You might be surprised at how easy it is!
Two tablespoons of butter on a baked potato
can add an extra 200 calories and 22 grams of
fat! However,
4 cup salsa only adds 18 calories
and no fat!
Two tablespoons of regular clear Italian salad
dressing will add an extra 136 calories and 14
grams of fat. Reduced fat Italian dressing only
adds 30 calories and 2 grams of fat!
Try These Low-Fat Flavorings—added during
preparation or at the table
Herbs—oregano, basil, cilantro, thyme, pars-
ley, sage, or rosemary
Spices—cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, or paprika
Reduced-fat or fat-free salad dressing
Fat-free or reduced-fat mayonnaise
Fat-free or reduced-fat sour cream
Fat-free or reduced-fat yogurt
Reduced sodium soy sauce
Lemon or lime juice
Fresh ginger
Sprinkle of butter flavor (not made with real
Red pepper flakes
Sprinkle of parmesan cheese (stronger flavor
than most cheese)
Sodium-free salt substitute
Jelly or fruit preserves on toast or bagels
VI. A.2. Food Preparation—What to Do
Chapter 7: Appendices
VI. A.3.a. General Tips for Healthy
Dining Out
Whether or not youre trying to lose weight, you
can eat healthy when dining out or bringing in
food, if you know how. The following tips will
help you move toward healthier eating as you
limit your calories, as well as fat, saturated fat,
cholesterol, and sodium when eating out.
You Are the Customer -
Ask for what you want! Most restaurants will
honor your requests.
Ask questions! Dont be intimidated by the
menu - your server will be able to tell you
how foods are prepared or suggest substitu-
tions on the menu.
If you wish to reduce portion sizes - try
ordering appetizers as your main meal.
General Tips: Limiting your calories and fat can
be easy as long as you know what to order. Try
asking these questions when you call ahead or
before you order. Ask the restaurant “Do you or
would you on request...”:
Serve margarine (rather than butter) with the
Serve fat-free (skim) milk rather than whole
milk or cream?
Use less oil when cooking?
Trim visible fat off poultry or meat?
Leave all butter, gravy, or sauces off a side
dish or entree?
Serve salad dressing on the side?
Accommodate special requests if made in
advance by telephone or in person?
Above all else, dont get discouraged. There
are usually several healthy choices to choose
from at most restaurants.
Reading the Menu -
Choose lower-calorie, low-fat cooking meth-
ods. Look for terms like steamed, in its own
juice (au jus), garden fresh, broiled, baked,
roasted, poached, tomato juice, dry boiled (in
wine or lemon juice), and lightly sautéed or
Be aware of foods high in calories, fat, and
saturated fat. Watch out for terms like butter
sauce, fried, crispy, creamed, in cream or
cheese sauce, au gratin, au fromage, escal-
loped, parmesan, hollandaise, bernaise, mari-
nated (in oil), stewed, basted, sautéed, stir-
fried, casserole, hash, prime, pot pie and pas-
try crust.
Specific Tips for Healthy Choices
Fresh fruit or small glass of citrus juice
Whole grain bread, bagel or English muffin
with jelly or honey
Whole grain cereal with low-fat (1%) or fat-
free milk
Oatmeal with fat-free milk topped with fruit
Omelet made with egg whites or egg substi-
Multigrain pancakes without butter on top
Nonfat yogurt (try adding cereal or fresh
Water with lemon
Flavored sparkling water (noncaloric)
Juice spritzer (half fruit juice and half
sparkling water)
Iced tea
Tomato juice (reduced sodium)
VI. A.3. Dining Out—How to Choose
Most bread and breadsticks are low in calories
and low in fat. The calories add up when you
add butter, margarine, or olive oil to the bread.
Also, eating a lot of bread in addition to your
meal will fill you up with extra unwanted calo-
ries and not leave enough room for fruits and
Steamed seafood
Shrimp* cocktail (limit cocktail sauce - its
high in sodium)
Melons or fresh fruit
Bean soups
Salad with reduced fat dressing (or add lemon
juice or vinegar)
*If you are on a cholesterol-lowering diet, eat
shrimp and other shellfish in moderation.
Poultry, fish, shellfish and vegetable dishes are
healthy choices
Pasta with red sauce or with vegetables (pri-
Look for terms like baked, broiled, steamed,
poached, lightly sautéed or stir-fried
Ask for sauces and dressings on the side
Limit the amount of butter, margarine, and
salt you use at the table
Salads/Salad Bars
Fresh greens, lettuce and spinach
Fresh vegetables - tomato, mushroom, carrots,
cucumber, peppers, onion, radishes, and broc-
Beans, chick peas and kidney beans
Skip the nonvegetable choices: deli meats,
bacon, egg, cheese, croutons
Choose lower-calorie, reduced-fat or fat-free
dressing, lemon juice, or vinegar
Side Dish
Plain vegetables and starches (rice, potato,
noodles) make good additions to meals and
can also be combined for a lower-calorie alter-
native to higher-calorie entrees
Ask for side dishes without butter or mar-
Ask for mustard, salsa or low-fat yogurt
instead of sour cream or butter
Fresh fruit
Nonfat frozen yogurt
Sherbet or fruit sorbet (these are usually fat
free, but check the calorie content)
Try sharing a dessert
Ask for low-fat milk for your coffee (instead
of cream or half-’n-half)
VI. A.3.b. Tips for Healthy Multicultural
Dining Out
If youre dining out or bringing in, it is easy to
find healthy foods. Knowing about American
food terms, as well as other ethnic cuisines can
help make your dining experience healthy and
enjoyable! The following list includes healthy
food choices (lower in calories and fat) and
terms to look for when making your selection.
Choose More Often…
Jum (poached)
Chu (boiled)
Kow (roasted)
Shu (barbecued)
Hoison sauce with assorted Chinese vegeta-
bles: broccoli, mushroom, onion, cabbage,
snow peas, scallions, bamboo shoots, water
chestnuts, asparagus
Chapter 7: Appendices
Oyster sauce (made from seafood)
Lightly stir-fried in mild sauce
Cooked in light wine sauce
Hot and spicy tomato sauce
Sweet and sour sauce
Hot mustard sauce
Reduced sodium soy sauce
Dishes without MSG added
Garnished with spinach or broccoli
Fresh fish filets, shrimp, scallops
Chicken, without skin
Lean beef
Bean curd (tofu)
Moo Shu vegetable, chicken or shrimp
Steamed rice
Lychee fruit
Choose More Often…
Dinner salad with vinegar or lemon juice
dressing (or other reduced fat dressing)
Crusty bread without butter
Fresh fish, shrimp, scallops, steamed mussels
(without sauces)
Chicken breast, without skin
Rice and noodles without cream or added
butter or other fat
Fresh fruit for dessert
Choose More Often…
Lightly sautéed with onions
Peppers and mushrooms
Artichoke hearts
Sun-dried tomatoes
Red sauces - spicy marinara sauce (arrabiata),
marinara sauce or cacciatore
Light red sauce or light red or white wine
Light mushroom sauce
Red clam sauce
Primavera (no cream sauce)
Lemon sauce
Herbs and spices - garlic and oregano
Crushed tomatoes and spices
Florentine (spinach)
Grilled (often fish or vegetables)
Piccata (lemon)
Manzanne (eggplant)
Middle Eastern
Choose More Often …
Lemon dressing, lemon juice
Blended or seasoned with Middle Eastern
Herbs and spices
Mashed chickpeas
Fava beans
Smoked eggplant
With tomatoes, onions, green peppers and
Spiced ground meat
Special garlic sauce
Basted with tomato sauce
Chopped parsley and/or onion
Couscous (grain)
Rice or bulgur (cracked wheat)
Stuffed with rice and imported spices
Grilled on a skewer
Marinated and barbecued
Charbroiled or charcoal broiled
Fresh fruit
Choose More Often…
House salad with fresh ginger and cellophane
(clear rice) noodles
Chicken, fish or shrimp teriyaki, broiled in
Menrui or soba noodles, often used in soups
Yakimono (broiled)
Tofu or bean curd
Grilled vegetables
Choose More Often…
Tikka (pan roasted)
Cooked with or marinated in yogurt
Cooked with green vegetables, onions, toma-
toes, peppers, and mushrooms
With spinach (saag)
Baked leavened bread
Cooked with curry, marinated in spices
Lentils, chick beans, garbanzo beans, beans
Garnished with dried fruits
Chickpeas (garbanzo) and potatoes
Basmati rice (pullao)
Matta (peas)
Chicken or shrimp kebab
Choose More Often…
Shredded spicy chicken
Rice and black beans
Ceviche (fish marinated in lime juice and
mixed with spices)
Served with salsa (hot red tomato sauce)
Served with salsa verde (green chili sauce)
Covered with enchilada sauce
Topped with shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes
and onions
Served with or wrapped in a corn or wheat
flour (soft) tortilla
Picante sauce
Simmered with chili vegetarian tomato sauce
Choose More Often…
Barbecued, sautéed, broiled, boiled, or
steamed, braised, marinated
Basil sauce, basil or sweet basil leaves
Lime sauce or lime juice
Chili sauce or crushed dried chili flakes
Thai spices
Served in hollowed-out pineapple
Fish sauce
Hot sauce
Napa, bamboo shoots, black mushrooms, gin-
ger, garlic
Bed of mixed vegetables
Scallions, onions
Choose More Often…
Lean broiled beef (no more than 6 ounces) -
London broil, filet mignon, round and flank
Baked potato without added butter, mar-
garine or sour cream. Try low-fat yogurt or
Green salad with reduced fat dressing
Steamed vegetables without added butter or
margarine. Try lemon juice and herbs.
Seafood dishes (usually indicated as “surf” on
Fast Food
Grilled chicken breast sandwich without may-
Single hamburger without cheese
Grilled chicken salad with reduced-fat dress-
Garden salad with reduced-fat dressing
Low-fat or nonfat yogurt
Fat-free muffin
Cereal with low-fat milk
Deli/Sandwich Shop
Choose More Often…
Fresh sliced vegetables in pita bread with low-
fat dressing, yogurt or mustard
Cup of bean soup (lentil, minestrone)
Turkey breast sandwich with mustard, lettuce,
Fresh fruit
Total CHO Total Fat Sodium SFA Cholesterol Protein
Calories % kcal % kcal (mg) % kcal (mg) % kcal
1,600 1,613 55 29 1,341 8 142 19
1,200 1,247 58 26 1,043 7 96 19
1,600 1,609 56 27 1,296 8 148 20
1,200 1,220 55 27 1,043 8 117 21
1,600 1,653 53 28 1,231 8 172 20
1,200 1,225 50 31 867 9 142 21
1,600 1,638 56 27 1,616 9 143 20
1,200 1,239 58 26 1,364 8 91 19
Lacta-Ovo Vegetarian
1,600 1,650 56 27 1,829 8 82 19
1,200 1,205 60 25 1,335 7 44 18
Chapter 7: Appendices
1,600 Calories 1,200 Calories
Whole Wheat Bread 1 slice 1 slice
Jelly, regular 2 tsp 2 tsp
Cereal, Shredded Wheat 1 cup
2 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat 1 cup 1 cup
Orange Juice
4 cup
4 cup
Coffee, Regular 1 cup 1 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat 1 oz –––
Roast Beef Sandwich
Whole Wheat Bread 2 slices 2 slices
Lean Roast Beef, unseasoned 2 oz 2 oz
American Cheese, low-fat, low-sodium 1 slice (
4 oz) –––
Lettuce 1 leaf 1 leaf
Tomato 3 slices 3 slices
Mayonnaise, low-calorie 2 tsp 1 tsp
Apple 1 medium 1 medium
Water 1 cup 1 cup
Salmon 3 oz 2 oz
Vegetable Oil 1
2 tsp 1
2 tsp
Baked Potato
4 medium
4 medium
Margarine 1 tsp 1 tsp
Carrots seasoned with
2 cup
2 cup
2 tsp –––
Green Beans seasoned with
2 cup
2 cup
2 tsp
2 tsp
White Dinner Roll 1 medium 1 small
Ice Milk
2 cup –––
Iced Tea, unsweetened 1 cup 1 cup
Water 2 cups 2 cups
Popcorn, air popped 2
2 cups 2
2 cups
Margarine 1
2 tsp
4 tsp
: T
1,600: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 99%, Iron 73%, Zinc 91%
1,200: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 80%, Vit B
96%, Vit B
94%, Calcium 68%, Iron 63%, Zinc 73%
* No salt added in recipe preparation or as seasoning. Consume at least 32 oz. water.
Calories: 1,613 Calories: 1,247
Total Carb,
0 kcals: 55 Total Carb,
0 kcals: 58
Total Fat,
0 kcals: 29 Total Fat,
0 kcals: 26
*Sodium, mg: 1,341 *Sodium, mg: 1,043
0 kcals: 8 SFA,
0 kcals: 7
Cholesterol, mg: 142 Cholesterol, mg: 96
0 kcals: 19 Protein,
0 kcals: 19
1,600 Calories 1,200 Calories
Banana 1 small 1 small
Whole Wheat Bread 2 slices 1 slice
Margarine 1 tsp 1 tsp
Orange Juice
4 cup
4 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat
4 cup
4 cup
Beef Noodle Soup, canned, low-sodium
2 cup
2 cup
Chinese Noodle and Beef Salad
Beef Roast 3 oz 2 oz
Peanut Oil 1
2 tsp 1 tsp
Soy Sauce, low-sodium 1 tsp 1 tsp
2 cup
2 cup
2 cup
2 cup
4 cup
4 cup
Chinese Noodles, soft-type
4 cup
4 cup
Apple 1 medium 1 medium
Tea, unsweetened 1 cup 1 cup
Pork Stir-fry with Vegetables
Pork Cutlet 2 oz 2 oz
Peanut Oil 1 tsp 1 tsp
Soy Sauce, low-sodium 1 tsp 1 tsp
2 cup
2 cup
Carrots 1 cup
2 cup
4 cup
2 cup
Steamed White Rice 1 cup
2 cup
Tea, unsweetened 1 cup 1 cup
Almond Cookies 2 cookies –––
Milk, 1% low-fat
4 cup
4 cup
: A
1,600: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Zinc 95%, Iron 87%, Calcium 93%
1,200: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 75%, Calcium 84%, Magnesium 98%, Iron 66%, Zinc 77%
* No salt added in recipe preparation or as seasoning. Consume at least 32 oz. water.
Calories: 1,609 Calories: 1,220
Total Carb,
0 kcals: 56 Total Carb,
0 kcals: 55
Total Fat,
0 kcals: 27 Total Fat,
0 kcals: 27
*Sodium, mg: 1,296 *Sodium, mg: 1,043
0 kcals: 8 SFA,
0 kcals: 8
Cholesterol, mg: 148 Cholesterol, mg: 117
0 kcals: 20 Protein,
0 kcals: 21
Chapter 7: Appendices
1,600 Calories 1,200 Calories
Oatmeal, prepared with 1% low-fat milk
2 cup
2 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat
2 cup
2 cup
English Muffin 1 medium –––
Cream Cheese, light, 18% fat 1 T –––
Orange Juice
4 cup
2 cup
Coffee 1 cup 1 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat 1 oz 1 oz
Baked Chicken, without skin 2 oz 2 oz
Vegetable Oil 1 tsp
2 tsp
2 cup
2 cup
2 cup
2 cup
2 cup
2 cup
Oil and Vinegar Dressing 2 tsp 1 tsp
White Rice, seasoned with
2 cup
4 cup
margarine, diet
2 tsp
2 tsp
Baking Powder Biscuit, prepared with 1 small
2 small
vegetable oil
Margarine 1 tsp 1 tsp
Water 1 cup 1 cup
Lean Roast Beef 3 oz 2 oz
4 cup
4 cup
Beef Gravy, water-based 1 T 1 T
Turnip Greens, seasoned with
2 cup
2 cup
margarine, diet
2 tsp
2 tsp
Sweet Potato, baked 1 small 1 small
Margarine, diet
2 tsp
4 tsp
Ground Cinnamon 1 tsp 1 tsp
Brown Sugar 1 tsp 1 tsp
Cornbread prepared with margarine, diet
2 medium slice
2 medium slice
Honeydew Melon
4 medium
8 medium
Iced Tea, sweetened with sugar 1 cup 1 cup
Saltine Crackers, unsalted tops 4 crackers 4 crackers
Mozzarella Cheese, part-skim, low-sodium 1 oz 1 oz
: S
, R
1,600: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 97%, Magnesium 98%, Iron 78%, Zinc 90%
1,200: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 82%, Vit B
& B
95%, Vit B
99%, Vit B
88%, Magnesium 83%,
Iron 56%, Zinc 70%
* No salt added in recipe preparation or as seasoning. Consume at least 32 oz. water.
Calories: 1,653 Calories: 1,225
Total Carb,
0 kcals: 53 Total Carb,
0 kcals: 50
Total Fat,
0 kcals: 28 Total Fat,
0 kcals: 31
*Sodium, mg: 1,231 *Sodium, mg: 867
0 kcals: 8 SFA,
0 kcals: 9
Cholesterol, mg: 172 Cholesterol, mg: 142
0 kcals: 20 Protein,
0 kcals: 21
1,600 Calories 1,200 Calories
Cantaloupe 1 cup
2 cup
Farina, prepared with 1% low-fat milk
2 cup
2 cup
White Bread 1 slice 1 slice
Margarine 1 tsp 1 tsp
Jelly 1 tsp 1 tsp
Orange Juice 1
2 cup
4 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat
2 cup
2 cup
Beef Enchilada
Tortilla, corn 2 tortillas 2 tortillas
Lean Roast Beef 2
2 oz 2 oz
Vegetable Oil
3 tsp
3 tsp
Onion 1 T 1 T
Tomato 4 T 4 T
2 cup
2 cup
Chili Peppers 2 tsp 2 tsp
Refried Beans, prepared with
vegetable oil
4 cup
4 cup
Carrots 5 sticks 5 sticks
Celery 6 sticks 6 sticks
Milk, 1% low-fat
2 cup –––
Chicken Taco
Tortilla, corn 1 tortilla 1 tortilla
Chicken Breast, without skin 2 oz 1 oz
Vegetable Oil
3 tsp
3 tsp
Cheddar Cheese, low-fat, low-sodium 1 oz
2 oz
Guacamole 2 T 1 T
Salsa 1 T 1 T
Corn, seasoned with
2 cup
2 cup
2 tsp –––
Spanish Rice without meat, seasoned
2 cup
2 cup
without margarine
Banana 1 large
2 large
Coffee 1 cup 1 cup
Milk 1% 1 oz 1oz
: M
1,600: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 97%, Zinc 84%
1,200: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 71%, Vit B
& B
91%, Vit B
& Iron 90%,
Calcium 92%, Magnesium 95%, Zinc 64%
* No salt added in recipe preparation or as seasoning. Consume at least 32 oz. water.
Calories: 1,638 Calories: 1,239
Total Carb,
0 kcals: 56 Total Carb,
0 kcals: 58
Total Fat,
0 kcals: 27 Total Fat,
0 kcals: 26
*Sodium, mg: 1,616 *Sodium, mg: 1,364
0 kcals: 9 SFA,
0 kcals: 8
Cholesterol, mg: 143 Cholesterol, mg: 91
0 kcals: 20 Protein,
0 kcals: 19
Chapter 7: Appendices
1,600 Calories 1,200 Calories
Orange 1 medium 1 medium
Pancakes, made with 1% low-fat milk, 3 4” circles 2 4” circles
egg whites
Pancake Syrup 2 T 1 T
Margarine, diet 1
2 tsp 1
2 tsp
Milk, 1% low-fat 1 cup
2 cup
Coffee 1 cup 1 cup
Milk, 1% low-fat 1 oz 1 oz
Vegetable Soup, canned, low-sodium 1 cup
2 cup
Bagel 1 medium
2 medium
Processed American Cheese, low-fat
4 oz –––
and low sodium
Spinach Salad
Spinach 1 cup 1 cup
8 cup
8 cup
Salad Dressing, regular calorie 2 tsp 2 tsp
Apple 1 medium 1 medium
Iced Tea, unsweetened 1 cup 1 cup
Egg Whites 4 large eggs 4 large eggs
Green Pepper 2 T 2 T
Onion 2 T 2T
Mozzarella Cheese, made from
part-skim milk, low-sodium 1
2 oz 1 oz
Vegetable Oil 1 T
2 T
Brown Rice, seasoned with
2 cup
2 cup
margarine, diet
2 tsp
2 tsp
Carrots, seasoned with
2 cup
2 cup
margarine, diet
2 tsp
2 tsp
Whole Wheat Bread 1 slice 1 slice
Margarine, diet 1 tsp 1 tsp
Fig Bar Cookie 1 bar 1 bar
Tea 1 cup 1 cup
Honey 1 tsp 1 tsp
Milk, 1% low-fat
4 cup
4 cup
: L
1,600: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 92%, Vit B
97%, Vit B
67%, Magnesium 98%, Iron 73%, Zinc 68%
1,200: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 75%, Vit B
92%, Vit B
69%, Vit B
59%, Iron 54%, Zinc 46%
* No salt added in recipe preparation or as seasoning. Consume at least 32 oz. water.
Calories: 1,650 Calories: 1,205
Total Carb,
0 kcals: 56 Total Carb,
0 kcals: 60
Total Fat,
0 kcals: 27 Total Fat,
0 kcals: 25
*Sodium, mg: 1,829 *Sodium, mg: 1,335
0 kcals: 8 SFA,
0 kcals: 7
Cholesterol, mg: 82 Cholesterol, mg: 44
0 kcals: 19 Protein,
0 kcals: 18
Chapter 7: Appendices
For additional information on overweight and
obesity, and related conditions or diseases, you
may wish to contact the professional organiza-
tions listed below.
The Federal consumer health information gate-
way, healthfinder, (www.healthfinder.gov) offers
convenient access to these and many other
American Dietetic Association
216 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
(800) 877-1600
FAX: (312) 899-1979
Eat Right America program
List of nutrition resources
Find a dietitian, 1-800-366-1655
American College of Sports Medicine
P.O. Box 1440
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1440
(317) 637-9200
FAX: (317) 634-7817
Health and Fitness Summit and Exposition
National Coalition for Promoting Physical
Public information
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Education Programs Information Center
P.O. Box 30105
Bethesda, MD 20824-0105
(301) 251-1222
FAX: (301) 251-1223
http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/nhlbi/nhlbi.htm (gen-
eral NHLBI site)
Online publications on blood pressure,
overweight, cholesterol, heart disease, sleep
disorders, and asthma
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
31 Center Drive, MSC-2560
Building 31, Room 9A-04
Bethesda, MD 20892-2560
(301) 496-3583
FAX: (301) 496-7422
Many online patient information publications
on diabetes
Many online publications on nutrition and
WIN — the Weight-Control Information
Network 1-800-WIN-8098
The Weight-Control Information Network
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
Bethesda, MD 20892-3665
(301) 570-2177
FAX: (301) 570-2186
National Digestive Diseases Information
Clearinghouse (NIDDK)
2 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3570
(301) 654-3810
FAX: (301) 907-8906
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases
Information Clearinghouse (NIDDK)
3 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3580
(301) 654-4415
FAX: (301) 907-8906
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
1 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3560
(301) 654-3327
FAX: (301) 907-8906
American Diabetes Association
1660 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
List of publications
American Cancer Society
Atlanta, GA
Dietary guidelines online
List of publications
National Cancer Institute
Office of Cancer Communications
9000 Rockville Pike
Building 31, Room 10A-24
Bethesda, MD 20892
(800) 4-CANCER (800-422-6237)
Many publications online, including those on
nutrition and cancer
National Eating Disorders Organization
6655 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74136
(918) 481-4044
FAX: (918) 481-4076
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Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, Inc.
603 Stewart Street, Suite 803
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 382-3587
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American Anorexia/Bulimia Association, Inc.
165 West 46th Street #1108
New York, NY 10036
(212) 575-6200
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National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and
Associated Disorders
P.O.Box 7
Highland Park, IL 60035
(847) 831-3438
FAX: (847) 433-4632
American Heart Association
7272 Greenville Avenue
Dallas, TX 75231-4596
(214) 706-1220
FAX: (214) 706-1341
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Stroke Connection 1-800-553-6321
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Bethesda, MD 20824
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National Center on Sleep Disorders Research
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Two Rockledge Centre, Suite 7024
6701 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7920
Bethesda, MD 20892-7920
(301) 435-0199
FAX: (301) 480-3451
Chapter 7: Appendices
American Sleep Disorders Association
1610 14th Street NW, Suite 300
Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 287-6006
Fax: (507) 287-6008
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National Mental Health Association
1201 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2971
(703) 684-7722
Fax: (703) 684-5968
800/969-NMHA Information Center
North American Association for the Study of
Obesity (NAASO)
8630 Fenton Street
Suite 412
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 563-6526
Fax: (301) 587-2365
Abdominal fat:
Fat (adipose tissue) that is cen-
trally distributed between the thorax and pelvis
and that induces greater health risk.
Absolute risk:
The observed or calculated proba-
bility of an event in a population under study, as
contrasted with the relative risk.
Aerobic exercise:
A type of physical activity that
includes walking, jogging, running, and danc-
ing. Aerobic training improves the efficiency of
the aerobic energy-producing systems that can
improve cardiorespiratory endurance.
Summary measures of rates of
morbidity or mortality in a population using sta-
tistical procedures to remove the effect of age
differences in populations that are being com-
pared. Age is probably the most important and
the most common variable in determining the
risk of morbidity and mortality.
A drug, process, or event that leads
to anorexia.
Anthropometric measurements:
of human body height, weight, and size of com-
ponent parts, including skinfold measurement.
Used to study and compare the relative propor-
tions under normal and abnormal conditions.
Causing the formation of plaque
in the lining of the arteries.
Behavior therapy:
Behavior therapy constitutes
those strategies, based on learning principles
such as reinforcement, that provide tools for
overcoming barriers to compliance with dietary
therapy and/or increased physical activity.
Biliopancreatic diversion:
A surgical procedure
for weight loss that combines a modest amount
of gastric restriction with intestinal malabsorp-
Body mass index; the body weight in kilo-
grams divided by the height in meters squared
) used as a practical marker to assess obe-
sity; often referred to as the Quetelet Index. An
indicator of optimal weight for health and dif-
ferent from lean mass or percent body fat calcu-
lations because it only considers height and
Body composition:
The ratio of lean body mass
(structural and functional elements in cells, body
water, muscle, bone, heart, liver, kidneys, etc.) to
body fat (essential and storage) mass. Essential
fat is necessary for normal physiological func-
tioning (e.g., nerve conduction). Storage fat con-
stitutes the bodys fat reserves, the part that peo-
ple try to lose.
BRL 26830A:
An atypical B adrenoreceptor ago-
nist drug that in obese rodents showed an
increased metabolic rate and caused a reduction
in weight by decreasing body lipid content. It is
not approved as a weight loss drug by FDA.
A nutrient that supplies 4 calo-
ries/gram. They may be simple or complex.
Simple carbohydrates are called sugars, and com-
plex carbohydrates are called starch and fiber
(cellulose). An organic compound—containing
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen—that is formed
by photosynthesis in plants. Carbohydrates are
heat producing and are classified as monosaccha-
rides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD):
Any abnormal
condition characterized by dysfunction of the
heart and blood vessels. CVD includes athero-
sclerosis (especially coronary heart disease, which
can lead to heart attacks), cerebrovascular disease
(e.g., stroke), and hypertension (high blood
Central fat distribution:
The waist circumfer-
ence is an index of body fat distribution.
Increasing waist circumference is accompanied
by increasing frequencies of overt type 2 dia-
betes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, coronary
heart disease, stroke, and early mortality. In the
body fat patterns called android type (apple
shaped) fat is deposited around the waist and
upper abdominal area and appears most often in
men. Abdominal body fat is thought to be asso-
ciated with a rapid mobilization of fatty acids
rather than resulting from other fat depots,
although it remains a point of contention. If
abdominal fat is indeed more active than other
fat depots, it would then provide a mechanism
by which we could explain (in part) the increase
in blood lipid and glucose levels. The latter have
been clearly associated with an increased risk for
cardiovascular disease hypertension and type 2
diabetes mellitus. The gynoid type (pear-shaped)
of body fat is usually seen in women. The fat is
deposited around the hips, thighs, and buttocks,
and presumably is used as energy reserve during
pregnancy and lactation.
Surgical removal of the gall-
bladder and gallstones, if present.
Inflammation of the gallbladder,
caused primarily by gallstones. Gallbladder dis-
ease occurs most often in obese women older
than 40 years of age.
A soft, waxy substance manufac-
tured by the body and used in the production of
hormones, bile acid, and vitamin D and present
in all parts of the body, including the nervous
system, muscle, skin, liver, intestines, and heart.
Blood cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream.
Dietary cholesterol is found in foods of animal
A weight loss drug that is thought
to work by suppression of gastric acid or sup-
pression of hunger by blocking histamine H
receptors. It is not approved by the FDA.
Cognitive behavior therapy:
A system of psy-
chotherapy based on the premise that distorted
or dysfunctional thinking, which influences a
persons mood or behavior, is common to all
psychosocial problems. The focus of therapy is
to identify the distorted thinking and to replace
it with more rational, adaptive thoughts and
Cognitive rehearsal:
A technique used in cogni-
tive behavior therapy. In a weight loss program,
for example, individuals first imagine the situa-
tion that is causing temptation (such as eating a
high fat food), describe the thoughts and feel-
ings that accompany the imagined situation, and
make positive self-statements about the situation
(e.g., “I am feeling good about choosing a low
calorie drink rather than the high fat cheese.”).
Then the next step is to follow the positive self-
statement with an adaptive behavior (such as
walking away from the buffet line to chat with a
friend). Finally, individuals are encouraged to
reward themselves for doing well in a difficult
situation, with either positive statements or
material rewards, or both. The idea is to rehearse
ones thoughts and behaviors prior to experienc-
ing the potentially difficult situation, and to be
armed with healthy adaptive responses.
Cognitive restructuring:
A method of identify-
ing and replacing fear-promoting, irrational
beliefs with more realistic and functional ones.
Two or more diseases or conditions
existing together in an individual.
Computed tomography (CT) scans:
A radi-
ographic technique for direct visualization and
quantification of fat that offers high image con-
trast and clear separation of fat from other soft
tissues. CT can estimate total body adipose tis-
sue volume and identify regional, subcutaneous,
visceral, and other adipose tissue depots.
Radiation exposure, expense, and unavailability
restrict the epidemiologic use of CT.
Extraneous variables resulting in
outcome effects that obscure or exaggerate the
true” effect of an intervention.
Coronary heart disease (CHD):
A type of heart
disease caused by narrowing of the coronary
arteries that feed the heart, which needs a con-
stant supply of oxygen and nutrients carried by
the blood in the coronary arteries. When the
coronary arteries become narrowed or clogged
by fat and cholesterol deposits and cannot sup-
ply enough blood to the heart, CHD results.
Cue avoidance:
A stimulus control technique
often used in weight loss programs in which
individuals are asked to reduce their exposure to
certain food cues by making a variety of changes
in their habits. The rationale is to make it easier
on oneself and reduce temptation by reducing
contact with food cues. For example, coming
home from work and feeling tired is a time
when many people reach for the high fat foods if
they are available. By not having the high fat
foods within reach, one can avoid eating them.
A serotonin agonist drug used
to treat obesity. FDA approval has been with-
A complex disorder of carbohydrate,
fat, and protein metabolism that is primarily a
result of relative or complete lack of insulin
secretion by the beta cells of the pancreas or a
result of defects of the insulin receptors.
Diastolic blood pressure:
The minimum pres-
sure that remains within the artery when the
heart is at rest.
An appetite suppressant pre-
scribed in the treatment of obesity.
A catecholamine neurotransmitter
that is found primarily in the basal ganglia of
the central nervous system. Major functions
include the peripheral inhibition and excitation
of certain muscles; cardiac excitation; and meta-
bolic, endocrine and central nervous system
Dual energy X-ray absortiometry (DEXA):
method used to estimate total body fat and per-
cent of body fat. Potential disadvantages include
whole body radiation and the long time required
for scanning while the subject lies on a hard
Disorders in the lipoprotein
metabolism; classified as hypercholesterolemia,
hypertriglyceridemia, combined hyperlipidemia,
and low levels of high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol. All of the dyslipidemias can
be primary or secondary. Both elevated levels of
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and
low levels of HDL cholesterol predispose to pre-
mature atherosclerosis.
The extent to which a specific interven-
tion, procedure, regimen, or service produces a
beneficial result under ideal conditions. Ideally,
the determination of efficacy is based on the
results of a randomized control trial.
Energy balance:
Energy is the capacity of a body
or a physical system for doing work. Energy bal-
ance is the state in which the total energy intake
equals total energy needs.
Energy deficit:
A state in which total energy
intake is less than total energy need.
A sympathomimetic drug that stimu-
lates thermogenesis in laboratory animals and
humans. Animal studies show that it may reduce
fat content and, therefore, body weight by
mechanisms that probably involve increased
expenditure and reduced food intake.
Extreme obesity:
A body mass index 40.
A selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor drug used in obese patients for weight
A serotonin agonist drug used in
the treatment of obesity. FDA approval has been
A plasma protein that is converted
into fibrin by thrombin in the presence of calci-
um ions. Fibrin is responsible for the semisolid
character of a blood clot.
An antidepressant drug used to pro-
mote weight loss whose action is mediated by
highly specific inhibition of serotonin reuptake
into presynaptic neurons. Serotonin acts in the
brain to alter feeding and satiety by decreasing
carbohydrate intake, resulting in weight reduc-
Framingham Heart Study:
Study begun in 1948
to identify constitutional, environmental, and
behavioral influences on the development of car-
diovascular disease. Framingham data show that
increased relative weight and central obesity are
associated with elevated levels of risk factors
(e.g., cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose,
uric acid), increased incidence of cardiovascular
disease, and increased death rates for all causes
Constituents in the gallbladder that
are not reabsorbed, including bile salts and lipid
substances such as cholesterol that become high-
ly concentrated. They can cause severe pain
(obstruction and cramps) as they move into the
common bile duct. Risk factors for cholesterol
gallstone formation include female gender,
weight gain, overweight, high energy intake, eth-
nic factors (Pima Indians and Scandinavians),
use of certain drugs (clofibrate, estrogens, and
bile acid sequestrants), and presence of gastroin-
testinal disease. Gallstones sometimes develop
during dieting for weight reduction. There is an
increased risk for gallstones and acute gallblad-
der disease during severe caloric restriction.
Gastric banding:
Surgery to limit the amount of
food the stomach can hold by closing part of it
off. A band made of special material is placed
around the stomach near its upper end, creating
a small pouch and a narrow passage into the
larger remainder of the stomach. The small out-
let delays the emptying of food from the pouch
and causes a feeling of fullness.
Gastric bubble/balloon:
A free-floating intragas-
tric balloon used in the treatment of obesity.
Gastric bypass:
A surgical procedure that com-
bines the creation of small stomach pouches to
restrict food intake and the construction of
bypasses of the duodenum and other segments
of the small intestine to cause food malabsorp-
tion. Patients generally lose two-thirds of their
excess weight after 2 years.
Gastric exclusion:
Same as gastric partitioning
and Roux-en Y bypass. A small stomach pouch
is created by stapling or by vertical banding to
restrict food intake. A Y-shaped section of the
small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow
food to bypass the duodenum as well as the first
portion of the jejunum.
Gastric partitioning:
See gastric exclusion.
See also jejuno-ileostomy. A surgi-
cal procedure that limits the amount of food the
stomach can hold by closing off part of the
stomach. Food intake is restricted by creating a
small pouch at the top of the stomach where the
food enters from the esophagus. The pouch ini-
tially holds about 1 ounce of food and expands
to 2-3 ounces with time. The pouchs lower out-
let usually has a diameter of about 1/4 inch. The
small outlet delays the emptying of food from
the pouch and causes a feeling of fullness.
The entire genetic makeup of an
individual. The fundamental constitution of an
organism in terms of its hereditary factors. A
group of organisms in which each has the same
hereditary characteristics.
Glucose tolerance:
The power of the normal
liver to absorb and store large quantities of glu-
cose and the effectiveness of intestinal absorp-
tion of glucose. The glucose tolerance test is a
metabolic test of carbohydrate tolerance that
measures active insulin, a hepatic function based
on the ability of the liver to absorb glucose. The
test consists of ingesting 100 grams of glucose
into a fasting stomach; blood sugar should
return to normal in 2 to 2
2 hours after inges-
Hemoglobin A
One of the fractions of glycosy-
lated hemoglobin A. Glycosylated hemoglobin is
formed when linkages of glucose and related
monosaccharides bind to hemoglobin A and its
concentration represents the average blood glu-
cose level over the previous several weeks. HbA
levels are used as a measure of long-term control
of plasma glucose (normal, 4 to 6 percent). In
controlled diabetes mellitus, the concentration
of glycosylated hemoglobin A is within the nor-
mal range, but in uncontrolled cases the level
may be 3 to 4 times the normal concentration.
Generally, complications are substantially lower
among patients with HbA
levels of 7 percent
or less than in patients with HbA
levels of 9
percent or more.
Hemorrhagic stroke:
A disorder involving bleed-
ing within ischemic brain tissue. Hemorrhagic
stroke occurs when blood vessels that are dam-
aged or dead from lack of blood supply (infarct-
ed), located within an area of infarcted brain tis-
sue, rupture and transform an “ischemic” stroke
into a hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemia is inade-
quate tissue oxygenation caused by reduced
blood flow; infarction is tissue death resulting
from ischemia. Bleeding irritates the brain tis-
sues, causing swelling (cerebral edema). Blood
collects into a mass (hematoma). Both swelling
and hematoma will compress and displace brain
The proportion of observed varia-
tion in a particular trait that can be attributed to
inherited genetic factors in contrast to environ-
mental ones.
High-density lipoproteins (HDL):
that contain a small amount of cholesterol and
carry cholesterol away from body cells and tis-
sues to the liver for excretion from the body.
Low-level HDL increases the risk of heart dis-
ease, so the higher the HDL level, the better.
The HDL component normally contains 20 to
30 percent of total cholesterol, and HDL levels
are inversely correlated with coronary heart dis-
ease risk.
Presence of excessive body and facial
hair, especially in women; may be present in
normal adults as an expression of an ethnic char-
acteristic or may develop in children or adults as
the result of an endocrine disorder. Apert’s hir-
sutism is caused by a virilizing disorder of
adrenocortical origin. Constitutional hirsutism is
mild-to-moderate hirsutism present in individu-
als exhibiting otherwise normal endocrine and
reproductive functions; it appears to be an
inheritable form of hirsutism and commonly is
an expression of an ethnic characteristic.
Idiopathic hirsutism is of uncertain origin in
women, who may exhibit menstrual abnormali-
ties and sterility. Some authorities believe the
hirsutism reflects hypersecretion of adrenocorti-
cal androgens.
Hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol):
Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid in ani-
mal tissues, especially in bile and gallstones. The
relationship between the intake of cholesterol
and its manufacture by the body to its utiliza-
tion, sequestration, or excretion from the body is
called the cholesterol balance. When cholesterol
accumulates, the balance is positive; when it
declines, the balance is negative. In 1993, the
NHLBI National Cholesterol Education
Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Cholesterol in Adults issued an updated set of
recommendations for monitoring and treatment
of blood cholesterol levels. The NCEP guide-
lines recommended that total cholesterol levels
and subfractions of high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol be measured beginning at age
20 in all adults, with subsequent periodic screen-
ings as needed. Even in the group of patients at
lowest risk for coronary heart disease (total cho-
lesterol <200 mg/dL and HDL >35 mg/dL), the
NCEP recommended that rescreening take place
at least once every 5 years or upon physical
High blood pressure (i.e., abnor-
mally high blood pressure tension involving sys-
tolic and/or diastolic levels). The Sixth Report of
the Joint National Committee on Prevention,
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High
Blood Pressure defines hypertension as a systolic
blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or greater, a dias-
tolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or greater, or
taking hypertensive medication. The cause may
be adrenal, benign, essential, Goldblatts, idio-
pathic, malignant PATE, portal, postpartum,
primary, pulmonary, renal or renovascular.
An excess of triglycerides
in the blood that is an autosomal dominant dis-
order with the phenotype of hyperlipoproteine-
mia, type IV. The National Cholesterol
Education Program defines a high level of
triglycerides as being between 400 and 1,000
The rate at which a certain event
occurs (i.e., the number of new cases of a specif-
ic disease occurring during a certain period).
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type I dia-
A disease characterized by high levels of
blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin
secretion, insulin action, or both. Autoimmune,
genetic, and environmental factors are involved
in the development of type I diabetes.
Ischemic stroke:
A condition in which the blood
supply to part of the brain is cut off. Also called
plug-type” strokes. Blocked arteries starve areas
of the brain controlling sight, speech, sensation,
and movement so that these functions are par-
tially or completely lost. Ischemic stroke is the
most common type of stroke, accounting for 80
percent of all strokes. Most ischemic strokes are
caused by a blood clot called a thrombus, which
blocks blood flow in the arteries feeding the
brain, usually the carotid artery in the neck, the
major vessel bringing blood to the brain. When
it becomes blocked, the risk of stroke is very
See gastroplasty.
J-shaped relationship:
The relationship between
body weight and mortality.
Protein-coated packages that carry
fat and cholesterol throughout the bloodstream.
There are four general classes: high-density, low-
density, very low-density, and chylomicrons.
A general anatomical term for a site
in the body or the position of a gene on a chro-
Longitudinal study:
Also referred to as a “cohort
study” or “prospective study”; the analytic
method of epidemiologic study in which subsets
of a defined population can be identified who
are, have been, or in the future may be exposed
or not exposed, or exposed in different degrees,
to a factor or factors hypothesized to influence
the probability of occurrence of a given disease
or other outcome. The main feature of this type
of study is to observe large numbers of subjects
over an extended time, with comparisons of
incidence rates in groups that differ in exposure
Low-calorie diet (LCD):
Caloric restriction of
about 800 to 1,500 calories (approximately 12
to 15 kcal/kg of body weight) per day.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL):
Lipoprotein that
contains most of the cholesterol in the blood.
LDL carries cholesterol to the tissues of the
body, including the arteries. A high level of LDL
increases the risk of heart disease. LDL typically
contains 60 to 70 percent of the total serum
cholesterol and both are directly correlated with
CHD risk.
Lower-fat diet:
An eating plan in which 30 per-
cent or less of the days total calories are from
Nutrients in the diet that are
the key sources of energy, namely protein, fat,
and carbohydrates.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):
resonance imaging uses radio frequency waves to
provide direct visualization and quantification of
fat. The sharp image contrast of MRI allows
clear separation of adipose tissue from surround-
ing nonlipid structures. Essentially the same
information provided by CT is available from
MRI, including total body and regional adipose
tissue, subcutaneous adipose, and estimates of
various visceral adipose tissue components. The
advantage of MRI is its lack of ionizing radia-
tion and hence its presumed safety in children,
younger adults, and pregnant women. The mini-
mal present use of MRI can be attributed to the
expense, limited access to instrumentation, and
long scanning time.
The cessation of menstruation in
the human female, which begins at about the
age of 50.
Process of using statistical meth-
ods to combine the results of different studies. A
frequent application is pooling the results from a
set of randomized controlled trials, none of
which alone is powerful enough to demonstrate
statistical significance.
An antidepressant sometimes used
in the pharmacotherapy of bulimia nervosa.
Midaxillary line:
An imaginary vertical line that
passes midway between the anterior and posteri-
or axillary (armpit) folds.
Monounsaturated fat:
An unsaturated fat that is
found primarily in plant foods, including olive
and canola oils.
Myocardial infarction (MI):
Gross necrosis of the
myocardium as a result of interruption of the
blood supply to the area; it is almost always
caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arter-
ies, upon which coronary thrombosis is usually
National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey; conducted every 10 years
by the National Center for Health Statistics to
survey the dietary habits and health of U.S. resi-
Neural tube defects:
These defects include prob-
lems stemming from fetal development of the
spinal cord, spine, brain, and skull, and include
birth defects such as spina bifida, anencephaly,
and encephalocele. Neural tube defects occur
early in pregnancy at about 4 to 6 weeks, usually
before a woman knows she is pregnant. Many
babies with neural tube defects have difficulty
walking and with bladder and bowel control.
Neuronal atrophy:
Nerve cell death and func-
tional loss.
The condition of having an abnormally
high proportion of body fat. Defined as a body
mass index (BMI) of greater than or equal to 30.
Subjects are generally classified as obese when
body fat content exceeds 30 percent in women
and 25 percent in men. The operational defini-
tion of obesity in this document is a BMI 30.
Observational study:
An epidemiologic study
that does not involve any intervention, experi-
mental or otherwise. Such a study may be one in
which nature is allowed to take its course, with
changes in one characteristic being studied in
relation to changes in other characteristics.
Analytical epidemiologic methods, such as case-
control and cohort study designs, are properly
called observational epidemiology because the
investigator is observing without intervention
other than to record, classify, count, and statisti-
cally analyze results.
A lipase inhibitor used for weight loss.
Lipase is an enzyme found in the bowel that
assists in lipid absorption by the body. Orlistat
blocks this enzyme, reducing the amount of fat
the body absorbs by about 30 percent. It is
known colloquially as a “fat blocker.” Because
more oily fat is left in the bowel to be excreted,
Orlistat can cause an oily anal leakage and fecal
incontinence. Orlistat may not be suitable for
people with bowel conditions such as irritable
bowel syndrome or Crohns disease.
Noninflammatory degenerative
joint disease occurring chiefly in older persons,
characterized by degeneration of the articular
cartilage, hypertrophy of bone at the margins,
and changes in the synovial membrane. It is
accompanied by pain and stiffness.
An excess of body weight but not
necessarily body fat; a body mass index of 25 to
29.9 kg/m
Peripheral regions:
Other regions of the body
besides the abdominal region (i.e., the gluteal-
femoral area).
A regimen of using appetite
suppressant medications to manage obesity by
decreasing appetite or increasing the feeling of
satiety. These medications decrease appetite by
increasing serotonin or catecholamine—two
brain chemicals that affect mood and appetite.
The entire physical, biochemical,
and physiological makeup of an individual as
determined by his or her genes and by the envi-
ronment in the broad sense.
An adrenergic isomeric with
amphetamine, used as an anorexic; administered
orally as a complex with an ion-exchange resin
to produce a sustained action.
Polyunsaturated fat:
An unsaturated fat found
in greatest amounts in foods derived from
plants, including safflower, sunflower, corn, and
soybean oils.
Postprandial plasma blood glucose:
Glucose tol-
erance test performed after ingesting food.
The number of events, e.g.,
instances of a given disease or other condition,
in a given population at a designated time.
When used without qualification, the term usu-
ally refers to the situation at specific point in
time (point prevalence). Prevalence is a number
not a rate.
Prospective study:
An epidemiologic study in
which a group of individuals (a cohort), all free
of a particular disease and varying in their expo-
sure to a possible risk factor, is followed over a
specific amount of time to determine the inci-
dence rates of the disease in the exposed and
unexposed groups.
A class of compounds composed of
linked amino acids that contain carbon, hydro-
gen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sometimes other
atoms in specific configurations.
Also called random allocation.
Is allocation of individuals to groups, e.g., for
experimental and control regimens, by chance.
Within the limits of chance variation, random
allocation should make the control and experi-
mental groups similar at the start of an investi-
gation and ensure that personal judgment and
prejudices of the investigator do not influence
Randomized clinical trial (RCT):
An epidemiolog-
ic experiment in which subjects in a population
are randomly allocated into groups, usually
called study and control groups, to receive or
not to receive an experimental prevention or
therapeutic product, maneuver, or intervention.
The results are assessed by rigorous comparison
of rates of disease, death recovery, or other
appropriate outcome in the study and control
groups, respectively. RCTs are generally regarded
as the most scientifically rigorous method of
hypothesis testing available in epidemiology.
Recessive gene:
A gene that is phenotypically
expressed only when homozygous.
Refractory obesity:
Obesity that is resistant to
Relative risk:
The ratio of the incidence rate of a
disease among individuals exposed to a specific
risk factor to the incidence rate among unex-
posed individuals; synonymous with risk ratio.
Alternatively, the ratio of the cumulative inci-
dence rate in the exposed to the cumulative inci-
dence rate in the unexposed (cumulative inci-
dence ratio). The term relative risk has also been
used synonymously with odds ratio. This is
because the odds ratio and relative risk approach
each other if the disease is rare (<5 percent of
population) and the number of subjects is large.
Resting metabolic rate (RMR):
RMR accounts
for 65 to 75 percent of daily energy expenditure
and represents the minimum energy needed to
maintain all physiological cell functions in the
resting state. The principal determinant of RMR
is lean body mass (LBM). Obese subjects have a
higher RMR in absolute terms than lean indi-
viduals, an equivalent RMR when corrected for
LBM and per unit surface area, and a lower
RMR when expressed per kilogram of body
weight. Obese persons require more energy for
any given activity because of a larger mass, but
they tend to be more sedentary than lean sub-
The probability that an event will occur.
Also, a nontechnical term encompassing a vari-
ety of measures of the probability of a generally
unfavorable outcome.
Roux-en Y bypass:
See gastric exclusion; the
most common gastric bypass procedure.
Saturated fat:
A type of fat found in greatest
amounts in foods from animals, such as fatty
cuts of meat, poultry with the skin, whole-milk
dairy products, lard, and in some vegetable oils,
including coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils.
Saturated fat raises blood cholesterol more than
anything else eaten. On a Step I Diet, no more
than 8 to 10 percent of total calories should
come from saturated fat, and in the Step II Diet,
less than 7 percent of the days total calories
should come from saturated fat.
Secular trends:
A relatively long-term trend in a
community or country.
A monoamine vasoconstrictor, found
in various animals from coelenterates to verte-
brates, in bacteria, and in many plants. In
humans, it is synthesized in the intestinal chro-
maffin cells or in the central or peripheral neu-
rons and is found in high concentrations in
many body tissues, including the intestinal
mucosa, pineal body, and central nervous sys-
tem. Produced enzymatically from tryptophan
by hydroxylation and decarboxylation, serotonin
has many physiologic properties (e.g., inhibits
gastric secretion, stimulates smooth muscle,
serves as central neurotransmitter, and is a pre-
cursor of melatonin).
A drug used for the management
of obesity that helps reduce food intake and is
indicated for weight loss and maintenance of
weight loss when used in conjunction with a
reduced-calorie diet. It works to suppress the
appetite primarily by inhibiting the reuptake of
the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and sero-
tonin. Side effects include dry mouth, headache,
constipation, insomnia, and a slight increase in
average blood pressure. In some patients it caus-
es a higher blood pressure increase.
Sleep apnea:
A serious, potentially life-threaten-
ing breathing disorder characterized by repeated
cessation of breathing due to either collapse of
the upper airway during sleep or absence of res-
piratory effort.
Social pressure:
A strategy used in behavior
therapy in which individuals are told that they
possess the basic self-control ability to lose
weight, but that coming to group meetings will
strengthen their abilities. The group is asked to
listen and give advice, similar to the way many
self-help groups, based on social support, oper-
Stoma size:
The size of a new opening created
surgically between two body structures.
Stress incontinence:
An involuntary loss of urine
that occurs at the same time that internal
abdominal pressure is increased, such as with
laughing, sneezing, coughing, or physical activi-
Stress management:
A set of techniques used to
help an individual cope more effectively with
difficult situations in order to feel better emo-
tionally, improve behavioral skills, and often to
enhance feelings of control. Stress management
may include relaxation exercises, assertiveness
training, cognitive restructuring, time manage-
ment, and social support. It can be delivered
either on a one-to-one basis or in a group for-
Sudden loss of function of part of the
brain because of loss of blood flow. Stroke may
be caused by a clot (thrombosis) or rupture
(hemorrhage) of a blood vessel to the brain.
Submaximal heart rate test:
Used to determine
the systematic use of physical activity. The sub-
maximal work levels allow work to be increased
in small increments until cardiac manifestations
such as angina pain appear. This provides a more
precise manipulation of workload and gives a
reliable and quantitative index of a persons
functional impairment if heart disease is detect-
Surgical procedures:
See jejuno-ileostomy, gas-
troplasty, gastric bypass, gastric partitioning, gas-
tric exclusion, Roux-en Y bypass and gastric
Systolic blood pressure:
The maximum pressure
in the artery produced as the heart contracts and
blood begins to flow.
A lipid carried through the blood-
stream to tissues. Most of the body’s fat tissue is
in the form of triglycerides, stored for use as
energy. Triglycerides are obtained primarily from
fat in foods.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus:
Usually characterized
by a gradual onset with minimal or no symp-
toms of metabolic disturbance and no require-
ment for exogenous insulin. The peak age of
onset is 50 to 60 years. Obesity and possibly a
genetic factor are usually present.
The degree to which the inferences
drawn from study results, especially generaliza-
tion extending beyond the study sample, are
warranted when account is taken of the study
methods, the representativeness of the study
sample, and the nature of the population from
which it is drawn.
Vertical banded gastroplasty:
A surgical treat-
ment for extreme obesity; an operation on the
stomach that involves constructing a small
pouch in the stomach that empties through a
narrow opening into the distal stomach and
Very low-calorie diet (VLCD):
The VLCD of 800
(approximately 6-10 kcal/kg body weight) or
fewer calories per day is conducted under physi-
cian supervision and monitoring and is restricted
to severely obese persons.
Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL):
lipoprotein particles that initially leave the liver,
carrying cholesterol and lipid. VLDLs contain
10 to 15 percent of the total serum cholesterol
along with most of the triglycerides in the fast-
ing serum; VLDLs are precursors of LDL, and
some forms of VLDL, particularly VLDL rem-
nants, appear to be atherogenic.
Visceral fat:
One of the three compartments of
abdominal fat. Retroperitoneal and subcuta-
neous are the other two compartments.
Maximal oxygen uptake is known as
max and is the maximal capacity for oxygen
consumption by the body during maximal exer-
tion. It is used as an indicator of cardiorespirato-
ry fitness.
Waist circumference:
To define the level at
which the waist circumference is measured, a
bony landmark is first located and marked. The
subject stands, and the technician, positioned to
the right of the subject, palpates the upper hip
bone to locate the right ileum. Just above the
uppermost lateral border of the right ileum, a
horizontal mark is drawn and then crossed with
a vertical mark on the midaxillary line. The
measuring tape is then placed around the trunk,
at the level of the mark on the right side, mak-
ing sure that it is on a level horizontal plane on
all sides. The tape is then tightened slightly
without compressing the skin and underlying
subcutaneous tissues. The measure is recorded in
centimeters to the nearest millimeter.
Waist-hip-ratio (WHR):
The ratio of a person's
waist circumference to hip circumference. WHR
looks at the relationship between the differences
in the measurements of waist and hips. Most
people store body fat in two distinct ways, often
called the “apple” and “pear” shapes, either the
middle (apple) or the hips (pear). For most peo-
ple, carrying extra weight around their middle
increases health risks more than carrying extra
weight around their hips or thighs. Overall obe-
sity, however, is still of greater risk than body fat
storage locations or WHR. A WHR 1.0 is in
the danger zone, with risks of heart disease and
other ailments connected with being overweight.
For men, a ratio of .90 or less is considered safe,
and for women .80 or less.
An alkaloid that possesses adrener-
gic-blocking properties and is used in arterioscle-
rosis and angina pectoris, formerly used as a
local anesthetic and mydriatic and for its pur-
ported aphrodisiac properties.
AAFP American Academy of Family
ADA American Diabetes Association
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy
and Research
AHI Apnea and Hypopnea Index
ATP II Second Report of the Expert
Panel on the Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Cholesterol in Adults
(Adult Treatment Panel II)
BED Binge Eating Disorder
BMI* Body Mass Index
BN Bulimia Nervosa
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CARDIA Coronary Artery Risk
Development in Young Adults
CDC Centers for Disease Control and
CHD* Coronary Heart Disease
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway
CRSS Critical Review Status Sheet
CT* Computed Tomography
CVD Cardiovascular Disease
DEXA* Dual-Energy X-ray
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
FDA Food and Drug Administration
HDL* High-Density Lipoprotein
HHANES Hispanic Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey
HMO Health Maintenance
IGT Impaired Glucose Tolerance
INDEX trial International Dexfenfluramine
INTERSALT International study of SALT
IOM Institute of Medicine
JNC VI Sixth Report of the Joint
National Committee on
Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure
LCD* Low-Calorie Diets
LDL* Low-Density Lipoprotein
MEDLINE MEDLARS (Medical Literature
Analysis and Retrieval System)
MeSH Medical Subject Headings
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory
MRI* Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NAASO North American Association for
the Study of Obesity
NCEP National Cholesterol Education
NCHS National Center for Health
Statistics (CDC)
NHANES* National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey
NHBPEP National High Blood Pressure
Education Program
NHES National Health Examination
NHIS National Health Interview Survey
NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney
NIH National Institutes of Health
NLM National Library of Medicine
RCTs* Randomized Controlled Trials
RDI Respiratory Disturbance Index
SOS Swedish Obesity Study
SSRIs Selective Serotonin Reuptake
TAIM Trial of Antihypertensive
Interventions and Management
TOHP I Trials of Hypertension Prevention
(Phase 1)
TOHP II Trials of Hypertension Prevention
(Phase 2)
TONE Trial of Nonpharmacologic
Interventions in the Elderly
VLCD* Very Low-Calorie Diets
VLDL* Very Low-Density Lipoprotein
max* Oxygen Consumption
WHR* Waist-to-Hip Ratio
*Terms defined in the glossary.
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Obesity and Physical Activity
Strategy Development Workshop for Public
Education on Weight and Obesity--Summary
Report. Summary of a 1992 workshop held to
identify issues in educating the public, identify-
ing priority audiences, approaches, and commu-
nications channels for weight and physical activ-
Available at http: //www.nhlbi.nih.gov/nhlbi/
Methods for Voluntary Weight Loss and Control
(National Institutes of Health Technology
Assessment Conference). An edited summary of a
1992 NIH Technology Assessment Conference
on American weight loss practices, success of
methods of weight loss and control, short- and
long-term benefits and adverse effects of weight
loss, principles for selecting a weight loss and
control strategy, and future directions for
Available at http://text.nlm.nih.gov/
[Full proceedings available in Danford, D.,
Fletcher, S.W. Methods for Voluntary Weight
Loss and Control, National Institutes of Health
Technology Assessment Conference. Annals of
Internal Medicine Supplement, 119(7pt2)641-
NIH Consensus Development Conference on
Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health. An
edited summary of a 1995 NIH Consensus
Development Conference which examined the
accumulating evidence on the role of physical
activity in the prevention and treatment of car-
diovascular disease and its risk factors.
at http: //odp.od.nih.gov/consensus/ state-
[Full proceedings available from Leon, A. (ed.)
Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health: A
National Consensus. Human Kinetics:1995.]
High Blood Pressure
The Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee
on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNCVI).
Provides guidance for primary care clinicians on
the prevention, detection, treatment, and control
of high blood pressure. Lifestyle modification
and pharmacotherapy are discussed. Treatment
algorithms and patient handouts are included.
Working Group Report on Hypertension in
Diabetes. Guides clinicians in the care of persons
with hypertension and diabetes. Addresses epi-
demiological, diagnostic, clinical consideration,
and special concerns, such as kidney disease, sex-
ual dysfunction, obesity, and pregnancy.
Working Group Report on Hypertension in the
Elderly. Assists clinicians in their care of elderly
patients with high blood pressure and health
care professionals in hypertension control pro-
grams that serve the elderly. Presents the preva-
lence and epidemiology, benefits of antihyperten-
sive therapy, detection and evaluation, therapy,
and management considerations for the fastest
growing special population in the United States.
Controlling High Blood Pressure in Older Women:
Clinical Reference Manual. Assists clinicians in
the care of older patients with high blood pres-
sure, especially women. Presents the benefits of
anithypertensive therapy, detection, evaluation,
and treatment strategies. Includes charts to help
clinicians improve patient adherence to therapy
and select antihypertensive drug therapy.
High Blood Cholesterol
Second Report of the Expert Panel on Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Cholesterol in Adults (ATP II). Provides guide-
lines for detecting, evaluating, and treating high
blood cholesterol in adult patients. Discusses
classification of blood cholesterol, patient evalu-
ation, and dietary and drug treatment. Includes
helpful tools for the clinician including a dietary
questionnaire, menus, and patient handouts.
Cholesterol Lowering in the Patient with Coronary
Heart Disease: Physician Monograph. Reviews the
scientific evidence that cholesterol lowering in
patients with coronary heart disease produces
dramatic benefits. Provides guidance on imple-
menting dietary and drug treatment and
improving patient adherence to lowering choles-
terol in the patient with coronary heart disease.
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Obesity and Physical Activity
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mation on ways to improve heart health through
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on the effects of physical activity on their heart,
and practical guidelines for starting and staying
on their own exercise program. The benefits,
risks, and common myths about exercise are dis-
cussed, and tips and sample activity programs are
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure: Treat It For Life. Helps
patients take action against high blood pressure,
by losing weight if overweight, increasing physical
activity, choosing foods lower in salt and sodium,
limiting alcohol, and taking medication as pre-
scribed. Includes information for women taking
birth control pills, older persons, African
Americans, and people with diabetes or high blood
cholesterol. A sample walking program, menu
ideas, and recipes are included.
Eat Right to Help Lower Your High Blood Pressure.
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(5th grade level) conversational text brochure pre-
sented in large type with colorful illustrations.
Helps patients reduce high blood pressure by los-
ing weight, being more active, drinking less alco-
hol, and using less salt and sodium.
Facts About The DASH Diet. Describes the eating
plan from the “Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension” (DASH) study, which was shown
to lower blood pressure. The diet is rich in fruits,
vegetables, and lowfat dairy products, and lower in
saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol. A full weeks
menu, recipes, and helpful tips are included.
Controlling High Blood Pressure: A Womans Guide.
Explains how high blood pressure affects womens
health and tells the simple steps used to prevent
and control high blood pressure, as well as the
types of medication used to treat the condition. A
table of generic names of blood pressure medica-
tions and a chart for recording blood pressure
readings are given.
High Blood Cholesterol
So You Have High Blood Cholesterol. Gives patients
the information on what they need to know about
and what they need to do to lower their high
blood cholesterol level. Diet, physical activity,
weight loss strategies, and medications are dis-
cussed. Case studies highlight stategies for action.
Step by Step: Eating To Lower Your High Blood
Cholesterol. Advises patients on how to make
diet and lifestyle changes to lower their high
blood cholesterol levels. Explains the Step I and
Step II diets and gives practical tips for buying
and preparing foods, eating out, increasing phys-
ical activity and selecting a weight loss program.
Sample menus at two calorie levels and nutrient
content tables of a wide variety of foods are
Eat Right to Lower Your High Blood Cholesterol.
Provides practical information on dietary
changes to high blood cholesterol in an easy-to-
read (5th grade) conversation style. Includes
shopping and cooking tips, sample menu and
snack suggestions, and a tear-off shopping guide.
Live Healthier, Live Longer: Lowering Cholesterol
for the Person With Heart Disease. Gives the
patient with coronary heart disease information
on how to lower high blood cholesterol through
diet, physical activity and weight control to pre-
vent future heart attacks and improve the quality
of life. Practical information included on choos-
ing foods lower in saturated fat, total fat, and
Multiple Risk Factors
Healthy Heart Handbook for Women. Tells
women (both with and without heart disease)
how to take action to make their hearts healthi-
er. Topics include how to talk to the doctor,
blood pressure and blood cholesterol, physical
activity, weight loss, hormone replacement thera-
py, heart attack symptoms, and heart-healthy
Package of Eight Easy-To-Read Booklets in Spanish
and English on Preventing Heart Disease. Written
especially for Latino families, these booklets
include: Watch Your Weight, Stay Active and
Feel Better, Cut Down on Fat--Not Taste, Take
Steps--Prevent High Blood Pressure, Cut Down
on Salt and Sodium, Learn Your Cholesterol
Number, Protect Your Heart--Lower Your Blood
Cholesterol, and Kick the Smoking Habit.
Delicious Heart-Healthy Latino Recipes (bilin-
gual). Provides 23 traditional Latino recipes
lower in calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol,
and sodium.
Improving Cardiovascular Health in African
Americans--Package of Seven Easy-To-Read
Booklets. Written especially for African
Americans, these booklets include: Lose Weight
If You Are Overweight--Embrace Good Health,
Stay Physically Active--Energize Yourself,
Prevent High Blood Pressure--Protect Your
Heart, Eat Less Salt and Sodium--Spice Up Your
Life, Learn Your Cholesterol Number--Empower
Yourself, Eat Foods Lower in Saturated Fat and
Cholesterol--Be Heart Smart, Stop Smoking--
Refresh Yourself.
Heart-Healthy Home Cooking--African American
Style. Provides 20 favorite African American
recipes lower in calories, fat, saturated fat, cho-
lesterol, and sodium.
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Discrimination Prohibited:
Under provisions of applicable
public laws enacted by Congress
since 1964, no person in the
United States shall, on the
grounds of race, color, national
origin, handicap, or age, be
excluded from participation in,
be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity
(or, on the basis of sex, with
respect to any education program
or activity) receiving Federal
financial assistance. In addition,
Executive Order 11141 pro-
hibits discrimination on the
basis of age by contractors and
subcontractors in the perfor-
mance of Federal contracts, and
Executive Order 11246 states
that no federally funded contrac-
tor may discriminate against
any employee or applicant for
employment because of race,
color, religion, sex, or national
origin. Therefore, the Obesity
Initiative Program must be
operated in compliance with
these laws and Executive Orders.
Public Health Service
National Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
NIH Publication No. 98-4083
September 1998