Tommy Guynes
Career Preparation Teacher
What is Career Preparation Cooperative Education?
Career Preparation Cooperative Education is a program that combines school and work
experiences to develop employees who can enter the workforce trained and prepared to
succeed. Students will engage in skilled training within a wide variety of occupations
including retail, customer service, restaurant, hospitality and educational occupations. Local
businesses cooperate by providing on-the-job training opportunities for students.
Classroom instruction assists to prepare students for workplace success.
Students will utilize entry-level jobs which may include cashiering, selling merchandise,
stocking, food preparation, office work, including entrepreneurship / management aspects.
Individuals will explore various aspects of careers within specific pathways of interest.
Students can also expect to acquire job skills, which will help them obtain work directly out
of high school on a full or part-time basis. College and career development is emphasized.
Students are scheduled for one academic classroom period and two periods off campus.
Individuals will receive 1.5 credits per semester / 3.0 credits per year for course completion.
Class Web Support classroom websites recommended for employment assistance weekly teacher blog about class topics: employment,
current topics, local employers and career ideas
What are the requirements in order to receive credit for Coop?
Be employed at an approved training station throughout the school year
Each student must turn in a Training Plan and Employer Verification Form for
each job site. This Training Plan is required for course credit and represents a
major grade.
Obtain 270 hours (18 weeks first semester) in the fall semester and 285
hours (19 weeks second semester) in the spring semester. Students must work a
minimum of 15 hours per week a portion of the 15 hours per week should be
obtained during weekdays
Proof of Employment - Students are required to show proof of employment
which may include paycheck stubs, work schedule signed by the employer, work
schedule with your name printed or some other proof approved by the teacher.
Failure to show employment proof on Mondays each week of the school year will
result in loss of hours for that pay period and may result in a failing grade for the
nine weeks/semester. Such documentation results in a daily grade each week.
Each week, when documenting work hours, students can assist with this
verification in several ways picture of a work schedule, weekly work schedule
signed by employer, or a bank deposit from the employer. All done on a weekly
or bi-weekly basis.
Each student must have a training plan on file documenting his / her present job
signed by the student, parent, employer and teacher.
Attend class regularly - all classes
Complete and master classwork with a minimum of 70%
(Mastery of this course includes job performance and behavior)
Must be 16 years old and have a valid social security number or other id
Provide and adequately use reliable transportation
How are absences from school and work handled?
One of the leading causes of job loss for young workers is poor attendance and a lack of
punctuality at work. Because attendance is so important for school and job success, a good
attendance record and punctuality is expected of Career Preparation Coop students. In
addition to the requirements of the school’s attendance office (refer to student handbook), a
student will not get credit for hours worked if they are absent from school and go
to work without the approval of their teacher / coordinator.
Students are expected to adhere to the employer’s work schedule. Individuals should
communicate in advance (before the schedule is published) for days off. If sick, students
must contact the manager early enough to allow time for a replacement. The student
should also call his/her work site as soon as possible to inform the employer of his/her
absence from work. Employers prefer that the student (rather than the parent) notify them
of absences or late arrivals to work. If a student will be absent for several days, parents
are encouraged to contact the teacher/coordinator.
Summarily, if a student is too sick to attend school, it is assumed that the individual is too
sick to attend work.
The PESH tardy and make-up policies will be followed by the teacher/coordinator. The
policies can be found in the student handbook and it is the responsibility of the student
to follow these policies.
Per Plano ISD District Policy, 10 unexcused absences results in an absence fail for the
What are the guidelines regarding the training station?
Students are required to be employed by Friday, September 1, 2023, in a
qualified job. A Training Plan and Job Verification Form must be returned to
the teacher by this date major grade. Those who are not employed by this time
may expect failing grades. Students may be considered for removed from Career
Preparation and scheduled into a full day of classes.
Those returning the Training Plan and Job Verification Form by September 1 will
receive a first major grade of 100. All others will receive a “0” until such point
that these two documents are returned to the teacher. This grade can be
adjusted once documents have been returned.
We have an abundance of employers in the Plano area. I suggest being open to
new experiences and challenges. Your teacher visits employers weekly and has
personal contacts with employers. When in doubt, refer continually to and look for job leads. Opportunities are posted weekly!!!
Do not put off finding employment or remain selective your grade will suffer.
A student must acquire a job within a fifteen-mile radius of the school.
Employment locations will be considered on an individual basis outside this
A student is required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week, a portion of these
hours should obtained Monday - Friday. When the student reaches the required
number of hours for the semester, they are still required to be employed for the
entire semester and work at least 15 hours per week. Failure to follow this
requirement can result in a failing grade.
A student is expected to maintain his/her job throughout the entire school
year. However, if for justifiable reasons a change is necessary, the student must
follow the correct procedures for leaving a job to prevent failure for the nine weeks.
All employment changes must be discussed beforehand with the instructor.
Procedures for leaving a job include:
Your teacher visits your job site very often. Transparency is important. Because of
these visits and other communications with employers, it is important to understand
that workplace events may already be known. You are encouraged to share
information relevant to this class with your teacher.
1. Prior approval from teacher / coordinator
2. Two-week written notice visit with the instructor for assistance
3. Job Termination Form completed and on file
4. Training Plan for new job completed and on file
5. Proof of employment by another business - Employer Verification Form
REMEMBER: Being fired or quitting a job without permission may result in failure
for the grading period and possible dismissal from the program at the end of the
semester! If relieved from employment, your instructor will discover this during a
periodic visit with the manager / lack of pay stubs.
If a student is unemployed he/she will have two weeks to secure another job.
However, students are still held accountable for hours during those two weeks.
During that time, a student must contact a minimum of three employers each
day and report in writing the following:
1. Place of business
2. Person with whom the student talked
3. Telephone number of the business
4. Employer’s reply - interested or not?
Students not obtaining a job within the two-week period may be removed from
the co-op program and enrolled in a full day class schedule.
If a student is fired or discharged from his/her job due to unacceptable conduct,
poor performance, or for ethical reasons (i.e. theft), he/she may fail for the
nine weeks / semester and may be dismissed from the program.
If a student is fired, he/she must immediately notify the teacher. The
consequences for being fired will vary depending upon the reason for dismissal.
They include but are not limited to:
1. Removal from the program and being scheduled into a full day of classes.
2. Receiving a failing grade for the nine-week period.
3. Being required to sign a probationary contract in order to remain in the
Career Preparation program.
If a student chooses to quit her/his job without prior teacher approval, he/she
will receive a failing grade for the current grade period. Students must have
teacher approval prior to changing jobs.
Students must understand that the purpose of the Career Preparation program is
to give hands-on experience in the business world and to provide a transition
from school to work.
Job-hopping is not allowed. You must have a job ready when you quite a job.
Students must understand and learn that problems do exist in the workplace and
that they must be dealt with in an adult manner.
Misconduct, drug and/or alcohol abuse, theft or criminal acts, or dishonesty at
the training station can result in the student being withdrawn from the program
with loss of credit.
All placements must be at a training station that is an ongoing business and
offers adult supervision at all times. A student may not work alone. A
student will not be allowed to work in a business under the direct supervision of a
parent or relative. Since the student’s training station is viewed as an extension
of the school day, all uniforms must be appropriate as determined by the Plano
ISD dress code policy or the student will not be allowed to work in that
business. Inappropriate or unprofessional dress at work is not allowed.
A student is not allowed to drive on a regular basis as a part of the job, even
with parent permission.
A student’s job site must be approved by the teacher - babysitting, door-to-door
sales, home-business locations, telemarketing, vapor shops, or mall kiosk are not
The Training Plan and Employer Verification Form with a business card will be
due within two weeks of starting a new job.
The teacher has the final approval regarding job consideration for credit.
What if a student has a problem on the job or is terminated?
Students are encouraged to talk to their teacher-coordinator immediately if a situation
occurs at their job. Each week students fill out hourly record forms this provides an
opportunity for the student to communicate privately to the teacher any problems that
might arise on the job. The teacher is the liaison with the employer and can provide
guidance and support for the student in difficult situations. If a parent has a concern, they
are also encouraged to contact the teacher. If a student loses his/her job, he/she must
immediately notify the teacher and turn in the Job Termination Form within one
school day. The teacher visits employment sites each nine weeks. Do not hide the fact if
you have been fired or terminated.
How do school rules relate to work?
All co-op students who are assigned to the in-school suspension program will
serve as assigned by their sub-school principal.
The classroom portion of Career Preparation Coop promotes a professional
standard of conduct both on the campus and at the workplace. Career
Preparation Coop students are expected to abide by all school and workplace
policies and regulations. Students should learn early what is expected, both in
class and on the job, and should adhere to those rules.
Tardiness is a very unprofessional trait in the business world. Punctuality on the
job and in class is mandatory. The Plano East tardy policy will be strictly
enforced. This policy is in the student handbook and posted in the classroom. A
student assigned detention for being tardy is expected to serve, even if
scheduled to work
Zero Hour Career Preparation students with tardy / attendance issues will be
removed from this class period and scheduled to attend an additional class period
later in the day.
How are grades determined?
Daily Grades
25% of the grade is based on daily grades such as class work and class participation
A weekly work schedule will be turned in each Monday.
o By Friday of the same week, if the Monday work schedule has not been
completed, then a “0” will be assigned. Completion means “Hours have
been scheduled or worked for said week. Your work schedule must be
submitted to Eduthings Via Webdesk with a pdf or jpg attached as proof
Quiz grades are offered to demonstrate individual understanding
Major Grades
75% of the grade is determined by major grades such as tests, projects, written reports,
employer evaluation, and check stub verification, etc.
Work Evaluation Each nine weeks will count for three major grades.
Basically, your Work Evaluation grade will repeat every 3
, 6
and 9
week. For
every three weeks a student is unemployed, the Work Evaluation grade will be
“0” these nine weeks do not have to be consecutive.
o The Career Preparation teacher will visit your job site throughout the
semester and collaborate with the employer regarding the Work
Evaluation grade
o Expect your teacher to visit the work site. On average, three to
four visits are made each semester. Your employer evaluation accounts
for three major grades.
Project grades and written essays
If a student fails the first semester, they will be subject to removal from the class.
Missed Assignments
Make-up work is the responsibility of the student as required by the Plano ISD policy.
Students with absences are responsible for all assignments. If the absence is excused,
late work may be accepted. Assignments not returned will be marked in the gradebook as a
“0” until returned.
Assignments and notes are posted in Google Classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to
retrieve these items.
No remote submission of course assignments through Google Classroom or electronically, if
absent. Basically, you must attend class.
Unexcused absences are not allowed course make-up. You will receive a “0” for
the day’s assignment until subschool has marked your absence as EXCUSED.
Due Dates
Students have plenty of time in class to complete in-class assignments and projects
requiring outside attention.
To avoid late points, contact your teacher through email student or parent.
Communication is key. The teacher will work with the students on due dates. If students
do not contact the teacher in advance, then the following Due Date Policy will be in effect.
Ten points will be deducted from the overall grade on the first day after the due date. Upon
three days late, the maximum grade will be a 70. After five school days late, the maximum
grade given to the assignment will be a 50.
If an assignment is not returned, a “0” will be assigned until said work has been returned to
the teacher. Once late work has been returned, a completion grade will be assigned based
upon how many days it is late.
It is the student’s responsibility to email the teacher if an unforeseen event will cause to
date to be missed. Your teacher is very responsive to emails; use this to your advantage.
Students are encouraged to communicate freely; self-advocacy is important for any
concerns or problems.
Tutorials are available Mondays at 4:15 - after school. This tutorial is at the student’s
request appointment required. If another day is preferred, the student should
communicate with the teacher.
Test Retakes
Test retakes are offered during B Lunch in B1-101. Before completing a retake, the student
must complete a tutorial of the material during said session. If the student has A Lunch,
then the teacher will accommodate an after school time suggested by the student.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phone use is not allowed during instructional lessons. Students are expected to store
personal electronics / phones during class periods.
First action - verbal warning
Second - teacher will hold phone until the end of class. Do not argue the point
Third - phone call to parents detailing the electronic device issue - requesting a
teamed solution
Forth - Involvement of sub-school principal is student refuses to cooperate