Oklahoma State University Policy and Procedure
August 2021
1.01 Class attendance is a critical component of learning. Students are expected to attend and
participate fully in all scheduled class meetings.
1.02 A written attendance policy should be provided to students within the nonrestricted add
period of the semester. The nonrestricted add period is defined as the sixth class day of a regular
semester, or the third class day of an eight-week session, or the proportionate period for block or
short courses. (For additional information see P&P 2-0206: Adding and Dropping Courses and
Withdrawing from the University.)
1.03 Faculty may choose to set a maximum total number of excused, sick, and unexcused
absences. Faculty may also specify when absences will not be excused under any circumstance,
excluding the excused absences referenced in this policy. Students are strongly encouraged to
meet with the instructor during the first week of classes to discuss any anticipated absences (See
Section 1.06).
1.04 If no written attendance policy is provided before the end of the nonrestricted add period,
no penalty may be assessed for class absences although students may not be permitted to make up
certain in-class activities such as presentations, labs and “pop” quizzes.
1.05 Faculty must provide reasonable accommodation for students who must miss a class,
laboratory, or studio meeting because they are required to participate in sponsored activities of the
University. For the purpose of this policy, sponsored activities can include but are not limited to:
academic or professional presentations, conferences and workshops; intercollegiate athletics,
academic, judging competitions, and musical, theatrical, dance, and other artistic performances.
Students involved in activities which may require them to miss course meetings have the
responsibility to notify the instructor as early as possible in a semester, and certainly in advance
of the absences, to request permission for the absences (preferably in writing) from the instructor
and discuss how the absences will affect their ability to meet the course requirements. Under ideal
circumstances, discussions should occur during the first week of the semester. While instructors
must make reasonable accommodation for any student involved in University-sponsored activities,
students should recognize not every course can accommodate absences and neither the absence
nor the notification of an absence relieves them from meeting the course requirements.
1.06 The designated University sponsor for a sponsored activity must provide to the students
involved documentation requesting the absence for specific dates and times. The documentation
must demonstrate the sponsor has no reasonable option in scheduling the activity except during
regular class periods. Students must provide this documentation to instructors in advance of the
activity or event, except when such notice is not possible. The written documentation must be
provided at the earliest point available in the semester.
1.07 Absence Due to Military Service
All students are entitled to a leave of absence from their studies at OSU in order to
engage in military service in the U.S Armed Forces and National Guard. Military
service includes mandatory training and short-term deployment (typically two weeks
or less). Students will not be penalized for such absences and will be given the
opportunity to earn equivalent credit for missed activities, including (but not limited
to) assignments and exams. The student should always consult with the instructor to
determine the potential impact of any absence. A student who is called to active duty
for a period of at least 30 days is eligible to complete a Military Leave of Absence Form
(available from the Office of the Registrar).
A student shall provide the instructor with advance notice of military service in the
form of written documentation. No advance notice is required if the giving of such notice
is precluded by military necessity (as per regulations prescribed by the Secretary of
Defense) such as deployment to a natural disaster or national crisis. The student and/or
instructor may ask the OSU Office of Student Veteran Success for guidance on the
documentation requirement and/or the verification of documents.
In certain courses, such as short-term courses, it may not be possible for a student
to make-up a missed session. In courses with extensive laboratory exercises, group
projects, group performances, or participation requirements, equivalent exercises or
assessments may not be possible as determined by the instructor. In these cases, the student
may be eligible for a retroactive withdrawal per OSU policy.
Arriving at a reasonable accommodation for an excused absence is often the result
of clear communication between an instructor and student. If a student feels they have
been unfairly penalized due to an excused absence, they may present their case to the
University’s Grade Appeals Board.
1.08 Faculty, at their discretion, may require homework, reports, papers, compositions, and
projects to be turned in ahead of or after the missed classes and examinations to be taken before or
after any planned or unplanned absence.
1.09 The decision to grant access to materials from missed learning experiences (lectures, labs,
etc.) lies with the faculty member who sets the attendance policy for the course and has the
authority to determine the circumstances under which accommodations for absences are permitted.
1.10 If a student believes a faculty member has denied a reasonable and appropriate
accommodation, the student may appeal the decision to the Department Head or School Director.
Since class attendance is a critical component of learning, such appeals would be considered on a
case-by-case basis. The OSU Ombuds Office is available to all Oklahoma State University
students, faculty, and staff to discuss and advise on any matter of campus related concern.
1.11 Attendance policy statements in the “OSU Syllabus Attachment” should, at all times, be
consistent with this policy.
Faculty Council, March 10, 2009
Instruction Council, March 13, 2009
Council of Deans, April 9, 2009
Executive Team, July 2009
Revisions Approved:
Faculty Council, January 10, 2012
Faculty Council, May 8, 2012
Instruction Council, September 7, 2012
Council of Deans, September 13, 2012
Executive Team Policy Committee, March 1, 2013
Revisions Approved:
Faculty Council, May 14, 2013
Instruction Council, October 4, 2013
Council of Deans, November 14, 2013
Executive Team, August 2014
Revisions Approved:
Faculty Council, March 9, 2021
Instruction Council, April 15, 2021
Council of Deans, May 13, 2021
Executive Team, August 25, 2021