Waiver of Moral Rights
[Note: Omit words in brackets that are not applicable].
I, ____________________________________,
(Name of Author waiving moral rights)
[identify the nature of the relationship between the author and the organization named
below, if applicable]
[of ____________________________________________________]
(Name of University/Firm/Company)
assert that I am the author (one of the authors) of ……[Describe the copyrighted
work]……………………… ("Work").
Whereas pursuant to s. 14.1(1) of the Copyright Act, R.S., 1985, c. C-42 (Copyright Act) I
have the right to the integrity of the Work and the right, where reasonable, to be associated
with the Work as its author by name or under a pseudonym and the right to remain
anonymous (Moral Rights).
I hereby permanently waive in favour of Her Majesty in Right of Canada, my Moral Rights
in the Work, pursuant to s.14.1(2) of the Copyright Act.
Executed at [City] __________, this ________ day of _________, 20__.
(Signature of Individual Waiving Moral Rights)
(Printed Name of Individual Waiving Moral Rights)
Please send your completed form to:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Communications Branch
200 Kent Street
13th Floor, Station 13E225
Ottawa ON K1A 0E6
Telephone: 613-993-0999
Facsimile: 613-990-1866
Email: copyrights@dfo-mpo.gc.ca