MJA 195 (6) · 19 September 2011340
vast body of literature in eth-
ics, law and medicine
addresses informed consent
— the process by which patients
make decisions about participation in
medical treatment and research
through learning the benefits, risks
and options.
Most of this scholarship
is normative.
Although empirical
research on the topic has grown in the
last 20 years,
there remains remark-
ably little empirical information on
how the consent process actually
functions (and malfunctions) in clini-
cal practice.
Medicolegal data can provide a valu-
able window on this crucial aspect of
care. We identified informed consent
disputes in a large sample of medical
negligence claims and health care
complaints resolved over a 7-year
period. Our aim was to describe the
frequency, characteristics, clinical cir-
cumstances and outcomes of these
cases to inform efforts to prevent them.
Avant Mutual Group Limited (Avant)
and the Office of the Health Services
Commissioner of Victoria (HSC) pro-
vided data for the study. Avant,
through its wholly owned subsidiary
Avant Insurance Limited, provides
coverage to about 55% of registered
medical practitioners in Australia. The
HSC has statutory responsibility for
receiving, investigating and resolving
written complaints about providers
made by the users of health care ser-
vices in Victoria.
The human research ethics com-
mittee at the University of Melbourne
approved the study.
Case identification
We established definitions for claims,
complaints and cases (Box 1). Our
study definition of what constituted a
dispute over informed consent (a
“case”) was patient centred.
We did
not seek to evaluate the reasonable-
ness or legitimacy of patients’ allega-
tions, with one exception: if a patient
alleged a failure to warn of the risks of
an outcome that occurred, and there
was strong clinical evidence in the
case file that the outcome had not in
fact occurred, we excluded the case.
Our sample frame consisted of all
medical negligence claims brought
against Avant-insured doctors in New
South Wales, Victoria and Queens-
land between 1 January 2002 and 31
December 2008, and complaints
lodged with the HSC during the same
From 7846 claims, we identified 397
candidate cases through searching for
keywords (eg, informed, consent,
warn, risks, explain, disclose) in free-
text précis of the allegations (two to
five sentences written by claim man-
agers). We then examined the full
When informed consent goes poorly:
a descriptive study of medical negligence
claims and patient complaints
Objective: To describe the frequency, characteristics, and outcomes of
medicolegal disputes over informed consent.
Design and setting: Retrospective review and analysis of negligence claims
against doctors insured by Avant Mutual Group Limited and complaints lodged
with the Office of the Health Services Commissioner of Victoria that alleged
failures in the informed consent process and were adjudicated between
1 January 2002 and 31 December 2008.
Main outcome measures: Case frequency (by medical specialty), type of
allegation, type of treatment.
Results: A total of 481 cases alleged deficiencies in the informed consent
process (218 of 1898 conciliated complaints [11.5%]; 263 of 7846 negligence
claims [3.4%]). 57% of these cases were against surgeons. Plastic surgeons
experienced dispute rates that were more than twice those of any other
specialty or subspecialty group. 92% of cases (442/481) involved surgical
procedures and 16% (77/481) involved cosmetic procedures. The primary
allegation in 71% of cases was that the clinician failed to mention or properly
explain risks of complications. Five treatment types — procedures on
reproductive organs (12% of cases), procedures on facial features excluding
eyes (12%), prescription medications (8%), eye surgery (7%) and breast
surgery (7%) — accounted for 46% of all cases.
Conclusions: The typical dispute over informed consent involves an operation,
often cosmetic, and allegations that a particular complication was not properly
disclosed. With Australian courts now looking to patient preferences in setting
legal standards of care for risk disclosure, medicolegal disputes provide valuable
insights for targeting both quality improvement efforts and risk management
Andrew J Gogos
MB BS, Neurosurgical
Richard B Clark
DHSc, Epidemiologist
Marie M Bismark
MBChB, LLB, Senior
Research Fellow
Russell L Gruen
MB BS, PhD, Professor
David M Studdert
Federation Fellow and
1 Royal North Shore
Hospital, Sydney, NSW.
2 Avant Mutual Group
Limited, Melbourne, VIC.
3 Melbourne School of
Population Health,
University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC.
4 Department of Surgery,
The Alfred Hospital,
Monash University,
Melbourne, VIC.
5 Melbourne Law School,
University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC.
MJA 2011; 195: 340–344
doi: 10.5694/mja11.10379
1 Definitions
Claim: a written demand for
Complaint: a written request to the Health
Services Commissioner of Victoria for
assistance in resolving a dispute with a
health care provider.
Case: a claim or complaint in which a
patient (or patient representative) alleged
the quality or quantity of information
provided about a treatment before the
patient’s decision about whether to
undertake it was deficient; or
the process through which the patient
was asked to consider such information
and make a decision was deficient.
341MJA 195 (6) · 19 September 2011
claim file on each of these to determine
whether it met our case definition (Box
2). About 20% of complaints received
by the HSC cannot be resolved easily
by the parties involved and are referred
to a dispute resolution process. These
“conciliated” complaints were our
focus. After ruling out conciliated com-
plaints in several categories (access,
administration, cost) that were
extremely unlikely to have involved
consent issues, three physician
reviewers examined the hard-copy
files associated with the rest (1415) to
determine which met our case defini-
tion (Box 2).
Data, variables and study
The data for this study came primarily
from hard-copy files. The variables of
interest were determined through a
review of the informed consent litera-
ture and a pre-review of 20 claim files
and 20 complaint files. We collected
information on patient characteristics
(sex, age); doctor characteristics (sex,
age, trainee status, specialty); location
of the incident (type of facility, clinical
setting); the specific treatment
involved in the episode of care; the
patient’s allegations; and the case
Patientsallegations regarding how
the consent was deficient were coded
into eight predefined categories
derived from a review of the informed
consent literature and refined in our
pilot work. Reviewers were permitted
to code up to five allegation types, but
were directed to identify a primary
allegation, defined as the one about
which the patient was most concerned.
This information typically came from
the initial statement of claim or com-
plaint letter, or subsequent allegations
made by the patient during the litiga-
tion or conciliation process.
We developed an electronic data
collection instrument to facilitate col-
lection of these variables and con-
ducted a pilot test of the instrument
on 30 cases before the formal review
began, making minor modifications
as appropriate.
Case file review
Two medically qualified reviewers
conducted the reviews onsite at
Avant offices (Melbourne, Sydney
and Brisbane) and the HSC (Mel-
bourne) between March 2009 and
January 2010. The reviewers under-
went a day-long training session that
covered the structure and content of
claim and complaint files, use of the
data collection instrument, and con-
To test the reliability
of the review, a
random subsample of cases consisting
of about 10% (27) of the claims and
10% (23) of the complaints was re-
reviewed by the second reviewer, who
was blinded to the first review. We
κ scores
for the primary allega-
tion type and all allegation types
because they are the only variables
that required implicit judgements by
the reviewers.
Statistical analysis
Our analyses are descriptive. Counts
and percentages for the variables of
interest generally did not differ
between claims and complaints. We
therefore reported results in aggre-
gated form, except for variables with
intrinsic differences in structure (eg,
case outcomes).
We calculated the frequency of
informed consent disputes by spe-
cialty using rates and rate ratios.
Complaint rates are the total
number of consent-related com-
plaints over the study period,
divided by the sum of annual counts
of registered doctors in Victoria over
the study period (“doctor-years”).
Complaint rate ratios were calcu-
lated by dividing the complaint rate
for each specialty by the complaint
rate for a reference group (general
practitioners). Differences between
rate ratios for specialties were calcu-
lated using
2 Derivation of study sample
Excluded 7217
complaints not
referred to
Study sample: n
263 claims
218 complaints
referred to
Excluded 483
complaints regarding
access, administration
or costs
Files not available:
28 claims, 13 complaints
Informed consent not at issue:
93 claims, 1167 complaints
13 claims, 17 complaints
3 Characteristics of informed
consent cases (n =481)
No. (%)
Case type
263 (55%)
218 (45%)
334 (69%)
Age, median years (IQR)
45 (35–56)
Female* 46 (10%)
median years (IQR)
50 (43–57)
19 (4%)
Facility ownership
368 (77%)
113 (23%)
Clinical setting
Primary care clinic
47 (10%)
Consulting rooms
303 (63%)
131 (27%)
IQR = interquartile range. *The sex of the
doctor was missing for 25 complaints. Data
available for claims only, and missing for six
MJA 195 (6) · 19 September 2011342
We used the same method to calcu-
late rates and rate ratios for claims by
specialty. However, Avant’s member
numbers within each specialty are
commercially sensitive and could be
back-calculated from specialty-level
claim rates. Therefore we present only
rate ratios for claims.
All analyses were conducted using
Stata SE, version 10.0 (Stata Corp,
College Station, Tex, USA).
A total of 3.4% (263/7846) of medical
negligence claims and 11.5% (218/
1898) of conciliated complaints
involved allegations of deficiencies in
the consent process. This corre-
sponds to rates of 1.3 claims per 1000
Avant member-years (95% CI, 1.2–
1.5) and 1.9 complaints per 1000 reg-
istered Victorian doctor-years (95%
CI, 1.7–2.2). In 65% of claims (95%
CI, 59%–71%) and 54% of com-
plaints (95% CI, 47%–61%), the con-
sent allegation stood alongside other
allegations about the quality of care
Sixty-nine per cent of cases
involved female patients (Box 3).
Three-quarters of the incidents that
prompted cases occurred in privately
owned health care facilities and nearly
two-thirds occurred in consulting
Cases by medical specialty
More than half (57%) of the cases
were against surgeons (Box 4). Four
surgical subspecialties — plastic, gen-
eral, orthopaedic and ophthalmic sur-
gery — accounted for 81% of all cases
against surgeons. Obstetrics–gynae-
cology (14%) and general practice
(11%) were the other prevalent spe-
cialties. Collectively, surgeons, obste-
trician-gynaecologists and GPs were
involved in 82% of cases.
The rate of complaints against plas-
tic surgeons was significantly higher
than that against any other type of
specialist. Rate ratios indicated that
this was true for claims as well.
A comparison of rate ratios
between claims and complaints
exposed some noteworthy differ-
ences. Plastic surgery, neurosurgery,
orthopaedics and vascular surgery
had the highest rate ratios for claims.
By contrast, there were no informed
consent complaints against neuro-
surgeons; and dermatology ranked
second highest for complaints, com-
pared with its ranking of ninth for
Type of allegation
In 71% of cases, the primary allega-
tion concerned a complication of
treatment that had not been men-
tioned or fully understood, and then
materialised (Box 5). The next most
common types of primary allegations
were that the scope of the consent
had been exceeded (10% of cases), the
risk that the procedure would confer
no benefit (as opposed to harm) had
not been mentioned (6%), and the
process by which consent was
obtained was unsatisfactory (6%).
Process allegations involved situa-
tions in which patients felt rushed,
pressured to proceed, or regarded the
language used as incomprehensible.
No case had as its primary allegation
that there were problems with con-
sent to experimental treatments or
research protocols.
Our instrument allowed the coding
of secondary allegations, of which
there were 205 (43% of cases; mean,
1.6 per case). Widening the analysis
in this way showed increased domi-
nance of undisclosed complications
(78% of cases) as an allegation; it also
increased the proportions of cases in
which patients were dissatisfied with
5 Allegations made in informed consent cases
* Sum to > 481 due to cases with multiple allegations.
Complication not mentioned
Scope of consent exceeded
Lack of benefit not mentioned
Process of obtaining consent was poor
No consent obtained
Alternative treatment not described
Identity of treating doctor not disclosed
Experimental nature
Primary allegation
Any allegation*
0 100 200 300 400
Number of cases
4 Frequency of informed consent cases, by medical specialty
Frequency (no. [%]) Rate* Rate ratio (RR)
Specialty All cases Claims Complaints Complaints Claims Complaints
n =481 n =263 n =218
276 (57%) 144 (55%) 134 (61%) 18 22 69
65 (14%) 33 (13%) 32 (15%) 15 16 59
63 (13%) 34 (13%) 29 (13%) 45 63 173
57 (12%) 31 (12%) 26 (12%) 16 26 61
38 (8%) 16 (6%) 22 (10%) 15 18 56
11 (2%) 5 (2%) 6 (3%) 18 24 70
8 (2%) 8 (3%) 0 (0) 0 32
66 (14%) 42 (16%) 24 (11%) 10 18 38
General practice
54 (11%) 43 (16%) 11 (5%) 0.3 1 1
23 (5%) 12 (5%) 9 (4%) 0.9 1 3
18 (4%) 3 (1%) 15 (7%) 21 4 81
18 (4%) 12 (5%) 6 (3%) 1 2 4
26 (5%) 7 (3%) 19 (9%)
* Per 1000 doctor-years. Rates not given for claims, owing to commercial sensitivity of insurance company raw data. † RRs are
the rate for each specialty divided by the rate for general practice. All RRs are significantly different from the general practice rate
(P < 0.05) except the RR for physicians.
343MJA 195 (6) · 19 September 2011
the consent process (to 17%) and
were unaware of alternative treatment
options (to 14%).
Reliability testing, based on 50 pairs
of reviews, showed excellent agree-
ment between reviewers. They agreed
on the primary allegation type in 92%
of the double reviews and overlapped
on the allegations identified in 99% of
cases. The
κ scores were 0.81 (95% CI,
0.58–0.95) and 0.98 (95% CI, 0.92–
1.00), respectively.
Type of treatment
The disputes arose in relation to a wide
array of treatments; however, cluster-
ing was evident. Thirty specific treat-
ments accounted for 71% of cases (Box
6). There was a heavy orientation
toward operations: 92% (442/481) of
cases involved surgical procedures and
16% (77/481) involved cosmetic proce-
dures. Five types of treatments pro-
cedures involving reproductive organs
(57/481; 12% of cases), procedures
involving facial features excluding eyes
(57/481; 12%), prescription medica-
tions (40/481; 8%), eye surgery (36/
481; 7%) and breast surgery (32/481;
7%) — accounted for 46% of all cases.
Case outcomes
The cases took an average of 1.8 years
(interquartile range [IQR], 0.5–3.6
years) from filing to closure, with com-
plaints (median, 1.0 years; IQR, 0.6–1.6
years) resolved more quickly than
claims (median, 2.3 years; IQR, 1.3–3.5
years). Plaintiffs received payments in
51% (135/263) of claims. Eleven claims
proceeded to court verdict, and plain-
tiffs won damages in three. Monetary
restoration was paid to complainants
in 27% (59/218) of complaints but,
consistent with the functions of the
HSC, a much wider range of remedies
was sought and obtained in these and
other complaints.
Of nearly 10000 Australian medico-
legal cases resolved in the 7 years
2002–2008, around one in 30 medical
negligence claims and one in nine con-
ciliated complaints included allega-
tions of problems with informed
consent. Five treatment types
accounted for nearly half of all cases:
reproductive, facial, medication, eye
and breast. Ninety-two percent of
cases involved surgical procedures and
16% involved cosmetic procedures.
The heavy concentration of informed
consent disputes around surgical pro-
cedures was also evident in other
aspects of our findings. Plastic sur-
geons, orthopaedic surgeons, vascular
surgeons, and dermatologists experi-
enced disproportionately high rates of
consent disputes. Moreover, about
three-quarters of the cases centred on
the allegation that certain complica-
tions, which ultimately affected the
patient, were not mentioned or prop-
erly explained before the treatment.
Thus, the concept of a “typical
informed consent dispute has real cur-
rency: it is an operation, often under-
taken for cosmetic purposes, in which
the patient alleges that a complication
was not properly disclosed.
To the best of our knowledge, this is
the first study to investigate in a real-
world setting what happens when
informed consent goes poorly from
the patient’s perspective — poorly
enough to prompt complaints or liti-
gation. Unlike studies that have
probed patients’ views on what they
want or hope to be told before treat-
we profiled situations in
which patients “voted with their feet
in proclaiming unmet expectations.
Improved understanding of these sit-
uations helps to spotlight facets of
care in which there is a gap between
what doctors do and what patients
want; it may also be instructive for
clinicians who are eager to avoid the
vicissitudes of medicolegal processes.
In our sample, the predominance of
cases alleging undisclosed risks related to
surgery is striking. High-profile court
battles over informed consent in the
United States,
New Zealand,
and Canada
have centred on precisely this scenario.
Concerns about surgical risks not prop-
erly explained appear to be the heartland
of contemporary disputes between
patients and doctors over consent, at
least in Australia. By contrast, other types
of breakdowns in the consent process
that have attracted intense scholarly
attention and debate (eg, failure to can-
vass alternative treatments, patient com-
petence) appear to be infrequent triggers
of formal disputes, and still others (eg,
consent to services rendered as part of
research), however interesting from an
ethical perspective, are exotic in medico-
legal fora.
We found that one in six disputes
stemmed from cosmetic procedures.
The frequency of such cases is high,
but plausible. As the ultimate form of
elective treatment, patients’ tolerance
for risk in cosmetic procedures is
likely to be low, complications are
often visible, and the need to meet
the full cost of care through out-of-
pocket payments probably heightens
Additionally, our results show that
disputes over informed consent are
usually associated with concerns that
the episode of care was substandard
in other ways. Different types of con-
cerns may interact. Dissatisfaction
with other aspects of care, such as its
6 Treatments associated with
informed consent cases (n =481)
Treatment No. (%)
40 (8%)
Skin or superficial lesion
23 (5%)
Facial cosmetic
21 (4%)
20 (4%)
Breast enlargement or
17 (4%)
Liposuction or lipectomy
15 (3%)
Nasal surgery
14 (3%)
Breast reduction 13 (3%)
Arthroscopy 12 (2%)
12 (2%)
Refractive surgery
12 (2%)
Spinal surgery
12 (2%)
Hernia surgery
11 (2%)
10 (2%)
Epidural or spinal
9 (2%)
Joint replacement
9 (2%)
Vaginal delivery
9 (2%)
9 (2%)
8 (2%)
General anaesthesia
7 (1%)
Treatment of varicose veins
7 (1%)
Bowel resection
6 (1%)
Dilatation and curettage
6 (1%)
Fracture repair
6 (1%)
Sterilisation — laparoscopic
6 (1%)
Sterilisation — vasectomy
6 (1%)
Termination of pregnancy
6 (1%)
Delivery lower uterine
segment caesarean section
5 (1%)
Laparoscopic gastric banding
5 (1%)
Regional anaesthesia
5 (1%)
140 (29%)
MJA 195 (6) · 19 September 2011344
technical quality, may prompt patients
to reflect unhappily on the consent
process; misunderstandings emanat-
ing from the consent process may lead
patients to second-guess the quality
of the care that followed; it may also
be true that clinicians who have prob-
lems with the consent processs also
experience problems delivering other
aspects of care. The most likely sce-
nario is that a mix of concerns operate
synergistically, producing a suffi-
ciently negative perception of the
overall care experience to move
patients to complain or litigate.
Our study has several limitations.
First, we describe perceived problems
with the consent process that spark
claims and complaints against doctors
and health care institutions, but our
sample may be unrepresentative of
broader quality problems in this area
because they are refracted through the
lens of patients’ claiming behaviour.
Second, we were constrained by the
information set available in claim and
complaint files. Finally, we took cases
at face value and did not seek to make
objective determinations about their
legitimacy, although whether this is a
true limitation is questionable in light
of the study objectives.
In setting legal standards for
informed consent, courts in many
have moved towards
paying deference to what reasonable
patients would want to know before
choosing a treatment course. Our
study sheds light on patient prefer-
ences in a legal context. Consistent
with the quality improvement mantra
that “every defect is a treasure,
ther research into disputes over
informed consent and other prevent-
able breakdowns in care is warranted.
It has dual potential to inform risk
management strategies and to guide
efforts to improve the way clinicians
and patients communicate about treat-
ment choices.
Acknowledgements: This study was supported by a
Linkage Grant from the Australian Research Council
(LP0989178), with partner contributions from the
Office of the Health Services Commissioner of Victo-
ria, the Victorian Department of Health, and Avant
Mutual Group Limited. David Studdert was supported
by a Federation Fellowship from the Australian
Research Council. Russell Gruen was supported by a
Career Development Award from the National Health
and Medical Research Council.
We thank the leadership group and staff at Avant and
the Health Services Commissioner of Victoria, whose
generous assistance made this study possible — in
particular, Beth Wilson and her staff, especially Lynn
Griffin. Dr Paul Nisselle helped conceive and launch
the project and Dr Atul Gawande provided helpful
comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.
Competing interests: No relevant disclosures.
Received 30 Mar 2011, accepted 29 Jun 2011.
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