{00140153 }
Memorandum of Agreement
To establish a
3+2 Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program
East Carolina University
(Greenville, North Carolina, USA)
Anyang Institute of Technology
(Anyang, Henan, China)
After mutual consideration and review of programs and curricula offered at each institution of
higher education, East Carolina University (ECU), an accredited and recognized university
located in Greenville, North Carolina, USA and Anyang Institute of Technology (AYIT), an
accredited and recognized university located in Anyang, Henan, China agree to establish a 3+2
Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program in Biology.
Principles and Guidelines:
1. Mutual Consent: The Program will be established by mutual consent by the respective
academic departments (or colleagues/schools) of both institutions.
2. Degree Program Guidelines: Guidelines for each degree within the Program are attached as
Supplement A. Supplement A can be changed by written agreement of both sides if more
majors/departments want to join this Program.
3. Conferring of Degrees: Successful completion of this Program will lead to a bachelor's
degree conferred by AYIT, and a Master's degree conferred by ECU.
4. Study Plan: Students admitted to the Program must complete three years of undergraduate
study at AYIT prior to attending ECU. Eligible students will then have the opportunity to
apply for admission to ECU as a visiting non-degree seeking undergraduate student and
complete their AYIT bachelor’s degree by taking approved courses listed in Exhibit A at
ECU during year four of the Program. Upon earning their bachelor's degree from AYIT,
students may be invited to apply as a graduate student and continue in year five with the
Master's degree program at ECU.
5. Program Period: The Program is developed to allow for participating students to complete
both the bachelor's and Master's degrees within a five (5) calendar year period. However, this
is dependent on the performance of individual students.
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6. Undergraduate Admission Criteria: AYIT students must meet the educational and admission
requirements of AYIT. Neither acceptance by AYIT nor completion of the AYIT
requirements alone will entitle students for admission to ECU. For completion of the AYIT
bachelor's program at ECU, each student must meet all requirements for admission to ECU,
including, but not limited to English language proficiency. Students will be required to have
a minimum US equivalent cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75, and
TOELF of 71 or IELTS score of 6.0. As an alternative, AYIT students who do not meet the
English language proficiency requirements may be admitted by attending and successfully
completing the ECU Language Academy’s academic preparatory program. ECU reserves the
right to make all admission decisions based on its criteria, standards, and enrollment
7. Graduate Admission Criteria: The application fee will not be required as part of the ECU
Graduate School application package for AYIT partner participants and will be operationally
handled as a fee waiver. ECU reserves the right to make all admission decisions based on
their criteria, standards, and enrollment capacities. If a student does not receive his/her
bachelor’s degree from AYIT prior to the beginning of his/her second year at ECU, ECU
reserves the right to terminate the student from this program. Details regarding how
participants in the AYIT partnership can register for graduate level courses prior to earning
their undergraduate degree as well as the graduate application process and timeline are listed
in Supplement A.
8. Undergraduate Visa Status: ECU agrees, subject to the requirements detailed in Section 6
above, to enroll the AYIT students as non-degree seeking F-1 undergraduate students for the
time period that the students are enrolled at ECU and completing the AYIT bachelor's
degree. Students under this visa category are required to enroll for a minimum of 12 credits
each semester they are enrolled at ECU and are subject to the same rules and regulations
governing all students attending ECU on F-1 student visas.
9. Graduate Visa Status: ECU agrees, subject to the requirements detailed in Sections 4 and 7
above, to enroll the AYIT students who have completed their bachelor’s degree as degree-
seeking F-1 graduate students for the time period during which the students are enrolled at
ECU and working exclusively toward their Master’s degree. Students under this visa
category are required to enroll for a minimum of 9 credits each semester they are enrolled at
ECU and are subject to the same rules and regulations governing all students attending ECU
on F-1 student visas.
10. Tuition and Fees: Neither ECU nor AYIT shall be responsible for the costs of tuition and
fees, surcharges, books, equipment, room, board, travel, transportation, or other personal
expenses. ECU will inform the students, at the time of their acceptance, of the approximate
costs they will be responsible for.
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11. Transfer Credits: AYIT agrees to recognize the transfer credits earned at ECU as detailed in
Exhibit A, allowing the students in the Program to use the credits earned at ECU to meet the
requirements for a bachelor's degree. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that the
specific courses taken (as well as the number of credits earned) will satisfy requirements for
the bachelor's degree at AYIT.
12. Housing: ECU will make every effort to assist participating students in securing on-campus
housing for the period of time that they will be at ECU; however, on-campus housing is not
guaranteed and if secured, the cost of room and board will be the responsibility of the
student. The participating student is responsible for following ECU's on-campus housing
application procedures and policies.
13. Student Standards of Conduct: Visiting students shall be governed by the same regulations
and performance standards as all students in their host institution. The host institution
reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any participating student whose academic
standing or conduct warrants such action, provided that the student is notified of the intent to
release him/her, and is provided the opportunity to respond. Whenever possible, the host
institution will consult with the visiting student’s home university before finalizing each such
action. The host institution's Administrative Liaison will inform the home institution of the
student's last date of attendance if such action is taken.
14. Access to Facilities: Students shall be entitled to participate in any introduction or orientation
programs that may customarily be arranged for international students at ECU and shall have
the same rights of access to academic and social facilities as all ECU students.
15. Administrative Liaison: Both universities agree to appoint a coordinator or administrative
liaison to support the Program. Undergraduate students should identify a planned course of
study and have this approved by the coordinator or administrative liaison prior to submitting
an application to ECU. If a new coordinator or administrative liaison is appointed at either
participating institution, a written notice of the change should be given to the other
16. Academic Transcripts: (1) Due to U.S. privacy laws, students must submit a written request
to ECU that will allow ECU to release a copy of the student's transcript to AYIT at the
conclusion of each semester. This request will be done in accordance with standard ECU
policies and procedures, and as permitted under FERPA. Pending receipt of the written
request, academic achievement reports for undergraduate students will be sent to AYIT from
ECU at the conclusion of each semester for which a student is enrolled at ECU. This will
occur generally within one week, but in no case later than three weeks, after the last day of
final examinations. In most cases, the reports will be in the form of a university transcript, to
be used at the discretion of AYIT. (2) AYIT will send the ECU Graduate School an updated
official transcript showing the conferral of a baccalaureate degree for each AYIT participant
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who wishes to continue into the master’s portion of this agreement at ECU. AYIT
participants accepted into an ECU graduate program will be considered provisionally
admitted until such a time that the updated transcript showing an earned baccalaureate degree
is received. Transcripts should be received within eight weeks into the first semester the
AYIT participant is considered a graduate student. ECU reserves the right to rescind
Graduate School admission if evidence of an earned baccalaureate degree is not provided as
stated above.
17. Academic Exchange: Both parties agree to facilitate the research and educational
collaborations between faculty at ECU and AYIT. ECU may provide visiting professor
positions for AYIT faculty members provided that ECU has sufficient availability of space
and other resources. No remuneration will be associated with a visiting AYIT faculty
member's appointment. AYIT takes full responsibility to cover visiting AYIT faculty
member's cost including airfare, housing, food, health insurance, as well as their personal and
incidental expenses. Cooperative activities and teaching duties will be determined on a case-
by-case basis, following the existing policies of the institutions. ECU will assist AYIT
faculty with obtaining a J-1 exchange visitor visa. JNSU will assist ECU faculty with
obtaining Chinese visa and providing potential office and resources for performing
collaborative educational research in AYIT campus.
18. Intellectual Property: In the event an activity under this agreement contemplates Intellectual
Property then both parties agree to negotiate a separate agreement based on context of the
19. Publications: Both universities agree to acknowledge participation of the other in
publications resulting from activity under this Agreement and, subject to any conflicting
rights of third parties, agree that both universities may use the results obtained from the
activities conducted under this Agreement for internal education and research purposes.
20. Cost Sharing: No monetary consideration will be exchanged between the two institutions, nor
any indemnities, reimbursements for expenses, or sharing of fees or profits arising from the
21. Definition of Relationship: The relationship between ECU and AYIT under this Agreement
shall be that of independent contractors, and neither ECU nor AYIT shall be deemed, nor
hold itself out as being, a partner or agent of the other party. Neither ECU nor AYIT shall be
liable for acts of the other, nor shall they be liable for the acts of students participating in the
Program. Neither institution will use the name or logo of the other except to accurately
describe the services or benefits being provided by each institution. Any such description of
services or benefits shall be reviewed and confirmed for accuracy by the institution of which
the description is intended to reference. Neither ECU nor AYIT will in any manner state or
imply that any degree will be or has been obtained from the other.
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22. Equal Opportunity Policies: Both institutions subscribe to a policy of equal opportunity and
shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, height, genetic information, marital status, disabled veteran
status, veteran status, or disability.
23. Limitations of Agreement: The obligations of the two institutions under this Agreement are
limited to transfer students only and do not extend to spouses or dependents.
24. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement is subject to review at the end of the first year and
shall be effective for five (5) academic years beginning the semester after the final signature.
It shall be subject to revision, modification or renewal by mutual written agreement. Either
party may terminate the Agreement by written notice submitted at least 90 days in advance of
the upcoming academic-year semester. Termination of the agreement by either party will not
affect students already engaged in the Agreement, allowing students to remain enrolled for an
amount of time necessary to complete the program, but in no event for a maximum period of
time to exceed two (2) academic years. If the Agreement is not renewed by mutual consent,
or sooner terminated as allowed, the Agreement will conclude at the end of the specified time
period. Further, either party may terminate this agreement by giving notice in the event that
there has been a legislative or regulatory change under the laws of the local jurisdiction or the
United States of America or their respective subdivisions or a change in the accreditation
requirements for parties respectively that makes participation in the matters contemplated in
this agreement impractical. Termination shall be effective upon the date given in such notice,
which shall be as close to the end of the next session as possible under the circumstances.
25. Limitation of Resources Committed: This agreement does not create an obligation for either
party to provide resources necessary to carry out any part of the Agreement except as
approved by the party responsible for providing these resources.
26. Compliance and Dispute Resolution: Each party agrees to comply with and to be separately
responsible for compliance with all laws, including, but not limited to immigration
compliance, employment and anti-discrimination laws, which may be applicable to their
respective activities under the Program. The Parties record their intention that, if any dispute
or difference arises out of or in relation to this Agreement, it will be resolved in a spirit of
good faith and on a realistic basis by negotiation.
27. Accreditation statement: ECU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges to award Bachelor’s, Master’s, Educational
Specialist and Doctor’s degrees. Anyang Institute of Technology is not accredited by SACS
Commission on Colleges and the accreditation of East Carolina University does not extend to
or include Anyang Institute of Technology or its students. Further, although East Carolina
University may agree to accept certain course work from Anyang Institute of Technology to
be applied toward an award from East Carolina University, that course work may not be
{00140153 }
accepted by other colleges or universities in transfer, even if it appears on a transcript from
East Carolina University. The decision to accept course work in transfer from any institution
is made by the institution considering the acceptance of credits or course work.
28. U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: AYIT warrants that it is familiar with the U.S. laws
prohibiting corruption and bribery under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The parties
agree that, in connection with the activities undertaken pursuant to this agreement, they shall
not offer or provide money or anything of value to any governmental official or employee or
any candidate for political office in order to influence their actions or decisions, to obtain or
retain business arrangements, or to secure favorable treatment in violation of the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act, either directly or indirectly. Any breach of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act shall be deemed a breach of this agreement for purposes of termination.
29. Export Control: Under no circumstances will any collaboration include or require disclosure
of export controlled items or information, such as equipment, components, software, and
technology specifications, subject to Export Administration Regulations (EAR)(CFR 15 Parts
300-799), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)(CFR 22 Parts 120-130), or any
other export control related regulations (including but not limited to, Office of Foreign Assets
Control). ECU will conduct export control screens on all visiting faculty, staff and/or
scholars selected for participation. Visiting students, faculty and/or scholars will not be
accepted at ECU if they are listed on any U.S. federal restricted or prohibited list.
30. Notices: Any notices or other communications between the parties shall be in writing and
shall be given effectively if: posted by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt requested or delivered by an overnight delivery service that keeps proof of delivery.
Any notice of communication shall be addressed as follows or at such other address as may
be from time to time designated in writing in accordance with this Section 12.06:
If to ECU: Office of Global Affairs
306 East Ninth Street
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
With a copy to: University Attorney
215 Spilman Building
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
If to AYIT: Dan Li, Deputy Director
220 A-13 Building
West of Huanghe Road
Anyang Institute of Technology
Anyang City, Henan Province
{00140153 }
Supplement A
ECU-AYIT Integrated Bachelor’s and Masters’ Degree Program in Biology
1. Administrative Liaisons:
John Stiller, Ph.D. Phone: 01-252-328-2738 (Office)
Graduate Director Email: [email protected]
Department of Biology Address: S301A Howell Science Complex
East Carolina University East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858
Dan Li Phone: 85-372-2909821
Deputy Director Email: [email protected]
School of Biology and Food Engineering Address: 220 A-13 Building
Anyang Instiute of Technology West of Huanghe Road
Anyang Institute of Technology
Anyang City, Henan Province
2. Initial Admissions: AYIT students who have successfully completed the first three years
of Bachelor's degree program in Biology (School of Biology and Food Engineering) at
AYIT with a minimum GPA of 2.75 and who have scored 71 or above on the TOEFL
exam or 6.0 or above on the IELTS exam may apply for admission to ECU as visiting,
non-degree seeking undergraduate students.
AYIT students who have not scored 71 or above on the TOEFL exam or 6.0 or above on
the IELTS exam may apply for conditional admission to ECU.
Students who have scored between 55 and 71 on the TOEFL exam or between 4.5
and 6.0 on the IELTS exam will be admitted to the ECU Language Academy
(ECULA) and must successfully complete one semester of English Language
Students who have scored between 45 and 55 on the TOEFL exam or between 4.0
and 4.5 on the IELTS exam will be admitted to ECULA and must successfully
complete two semester of English Language training.
Students who have scored below 45 on the TOEFL exam or below 4.0 on the
IELTS exam will be admitted to ECULA and must successfully complete three
semesters of English Language training.
{00140153 }
Students who do not have TOEFL or IELTS scores will be admitted to ECULA
and must successfully complete between one and three semesters of English
Language training, depending on an internal evaluation of their proficiency.
The ECU Language Academy offers up to 18 hours of academic English training per semester,
some of which may be transferred to AYIT and considered as part of the student’s undergraduate
degree program.
3. Graduate School Course Registration Prior to Earned UG Degree
Participants will follow ECU’s accelerated degree protocols to register for graduate level
courses as outlined in the Graduate School Catalog.
4. Graduate School Admission: AYIT students interested in pursuing an advanced degree
at ECU must submit a Graduate School application for an entry term immediately
preceding their anticipated undergraduate degree graduation date.
5. Student Visa: If the student is successfully admitted to ECU, the Office of Global
Affairs will assist the student in obtaining their F-1 Student Visa to study in the United
States. ECU will issue students the Form I-20, also known as the Certificate of Eligibility
for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status For Academic and Language Students. To issue
the Form I-20, admitted students must provide ECU’s Office of Global Affairs with the
following documents.
a. Copy of passport identification page
b. ECU’s Confidential Financial Information Form
c. Documents demonstrating sufficient financial resources to fund U.S.
6. Program Structure:
a. AYIT enrollment period: JNSU participants will enroll in and successfully complete
three years of undergraduate study at AYIT according to standards set by AYIT. In the
third year participants will apply to ECU as non-degree visiting undergraduate
students for enrollment in their fourth year.
b. Dual enrollment period: During the fourth year of the program, participants will be
considered to be enrolled in both JNSU and ECU. Participants fulfill the fourth year
of AYIT bachelor’s degree requirements through coursework taken at ECU as per
agreement with the Department of Biology at ECU and approval jointly by AYIT and
ECU. The courses student participants take at ECU during year 4 will transfer to AYIT
and be credited towards the completion of the bachelor’s degree from AYIT.
{00140153 }
During the first semester, students are expected to take one 3 credit hour English
course, one 3 credit hour biology elective, and two 3 credit hour biology research
courses. At the end of the first semester, students will choose between two program
options: (1) a thesis-based Master’s degree and (2) a non-thesis based Master’s degree.
If they select thesis-based Master’s degree, the students, with help of the Graduate
Program Director, will find a host lab and perform thesis research.
During the second semester, students are expected to take two 3 credit hour biology
elective courses and two 3 credit hour research courses.
The Undergraduate Program director at AYIT and Graduate Program Director at ECU
will work together to assist the students in the selection of appropriate biology courses,
depending upon their background and research interests, and also make sure the taken
courses can be count for both the Bachelor degree in their home institution (AYIT)
and the Master degree in the host institution (ECU). Participants will follow ECU’s
accelerated degree protocols to register for graduate level courses. The total of 24
credits will be transferred back to AYIT for the completion of their bachelor's degree
conferred by AYIT.
A bachelor’s degree will be conferred by AYIT upon successful completion of year 4
courses and submission of an official transcript from ECU. Once AYIT confirms
student participants have completed the undergraduate degree and ECU confirms
student participants meet all ECU graduate admission requirements/contingencies, the
student participants’ provisional admission to the master’s program will be confirmed
and their student visa will be automatically transferred to the corresponding ECU
Master’s program.
c. ECU enrollment period: During the fifth year of the program students admitted to the
Graduate School will be enrolled as Master’s students in Biology at ECU. Students
will take 9 credit hours of course work during the first and second semester according
to the advice of the Graduate Program Director. All degree requirements including
coursework, research, and thesis, are required for completion of the program. A
Master’s degree will be conferred by ECU upon successful completion of the program.
Time Limit: It is expected, but not guaranteed, that the participating students will complete the
requirements for a master's degree within two years in the host university. If necessary, the
participating students may extend their time for another one or two semesters for completing the
requirements for a Master's degree. Semesters spent in the ECU Language Academy will not
count against student’s time limits in the program.
{00140153 }
Exhibit A
ECU-AYIT Integrated Bachelor’s and Masters’ Degree Program in Biology
The following ECU courses have been evaluated by AYIT and will transfer to AYIT in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the AYIT bachelor’s degree.
ECU Courses
AYIT Courses
BIOL 5260/5261: Microbial
Ecology and Lab
19061305: General Microbiology and lab
BIOL 5450/5451: Histology
and Lab
19061306: Genetics and lab
BIOL 5510/5511: Transmission
Electron Microscopy Lab
19061308: Cell Biology and lab
BIOL 5630/5631: Comparative
Animal Physiology and Lab
19061307: Biochemistry and lab
BIOL 5870: Molecular Biology
of the Gene
19061307: Molecular Biology and lab
BIOL 5890: Virology
19061304: General Biology
BIOL 5900 Biotechniques
19061311: Gene and Bioengineering
BIOL 5901 - Biotechniques Lab
19061310: Comprehensive Experiment of
Basic Biology
BIOL 5930 - Microcomputer
Applications in Molecular
19063310: Computational Biology and
ENGL 1100 - Foundations of
College Writing
19063316: English Writing
ENGL 3820 - Scientific Writing
19063317: Scientific Writing in English
Biol 4992 Internship
19001602: Career development planning
and employment guidance
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BIOL 3504 Research in
Biology (1)
Biol4504 Research Problems
in Biology (2)
Biol 4514- Research problems
in Biology (2)
Biol 3550- Honors in Biology
Biol 4550 -Honors in Biology
Biol 4995 Honors in Biology
Undergraduate Thesis