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In addition, following the DOH issuance of a pending denial letter to the provider and employee,
a favorable final employment eligibility determination can also be made by DOH attorneys in the
form of a final non-denial (a) or final non-denial (b) letter (letters 6 and 7) as referenced above.
12. A 12
type of letter, referred to as a Charge notification-after hire letter,
concerning a subsequent arrest, is sent only to the health care employer. When
subsequent arrests involve particularly egregious circumstances, DOH attorneys
may also telephone the employer to read the charges to that employer, thereby
allowing the employer to make a timely risk management decision concerning
ongoing employment.
Results of CHRCs must be kept confidential unless provided to an authorized party. Access to
results must be restricted to the employee, the provider and/or the provider’s authorized
designee, others involved in the hiring decision, and the Department of Labor. Criminal history
record information must remain strictly confidential and be kept in a separate area that only
authorized persons have access to.
• Please note that if the Department issues a denial of employment eligibility in the
form of a final denial (a) or final denial (b) letter (letters 10 and 11) as referenced
above, or when an employee is no longer employed by an agency, the employee
must be terminated in the CHRC application.
• Within the CHRC application, select “Terminate an Employee.” Click each checkbox
associated with an employee(s) to be terminated. Then click the “Terminate” button.
A confirmation page will appear, listing the employee(s) selected for termination. To
process the termination(s), click the “Terminate” button. After successful termination,
click the “Print” button on the next screen to print a CHRC 105 (Termination Form)
for each employee terminated, to be retained in your files for a minimum of six years.
Ongoing monitoring will occur to ensure compliance.
• Please note that in addition to the Termination Form, CHRC 102 (Fingerprint
Consent Form) and 103 (Submission Receipt) forms must also be retained even if
the individual was not hired by your agency.
Statewide Central Register Database Check (SCR) through NYS OFCS
The Statewide Central Register (SCR) maintains a database of records of child abuse and
maltreatment reports. The purpose of the Database Check is to find out if a prospective
employee of a Health Home or Health Home Care Management Agency is a confirmed subject
of an indicated report of child abuse or maltreatment. The SCR Database Check is required for
those employees that will have regular and substantial contact with members, which includes
but is not limited to Health Home Care Managers.
SCR Database Checks will be required for prospective employees hired on or after April 1, 2018
that will have the potential for regular and substantial contact with individuals under the age of
21. SCR Database Checks are not transferable and are prohibited from being re-disclosed.
There is a cost for the SCR Database Check (2018-2019 SCR Database Check is $25.00) that