Policy On Financial Assistance for Sutter Hospitals (Charity
The effective date of this Policy on Financial Assistance for Sutter Hospitals (Charity Care) is
January 1, 2024.
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for Financial Assistance (Charity Care)
available at Sutter hospital facilities and to outline the process for determining eligibility for
Financial Assistance.
It is policy to provide patients, regardless of ability to pay, with understandable written
information regarding Financial Assistance and to provide income-based Financial Assistance
(Charity Care) to qualified patients. Unless otherwise specified, this policy does not apply to
physicians or other medical providers, including emergency room physicians, anesthesiologists,
radiologists, hospitalists, pathologists, etc., whose services are not included in a hospital's bill.
This policy does not create an obligation for the hospital to pay for such physicians' or other
medical providers' services. In California, an emergency physician, as defined in Health and
Safety Code section 127450, who provides emergency services in a hospital is required to
provide discounts to uninsured patients or patients with high medical costs who are at or below
400 percent of the federal poverty level. Sutter provides, without discrimination, an examination,
medical screening and care for emergency medical conditions (within the meaning of section
1867 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395dd)) to individuals regardless of their eligibility
under the Policy on Financial Assistance for Sutter Hospitals (Charity Care), within the
capabilities and capacity of the facility. Sutter will not engage in any actions that discourage
individuals from seeking treatment for emergency medical conditions.
This policy applies to Sutter Health and any legal entity for which Sutter Health is the sole
member or directly or indirectly controls greater than 50% of the voting power or equity interest
and does not have a third-party manager (herein referred to as Sutter).
Charity Care means full financial assistance (i.e., 100% discount) to qualifying patients that
relieves the patient and his or her guarantor of their entire financial obligation to pay for eligible
services. Charity Care does not reduce the amount, if any, that a third-party may be required to
pay for eligible services provided to the patient.
Complex/Specialized Services means services that a Sutter hospital determines are complex and
specialized (e.g., transplants, experimental and investigational services) as well as certain
elective services that are typically excluded from coverage under health plan coverage
agreements (e.g., cosmetic procedures).
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) means the measure of income level published annually by the
United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is used by hospitals for
determining eligibility for Financial Assistance.
Financial Assistance means to provide full charity care adjustments and/or high medical cost
charity care adjustments (as outlined in section A (Eligibility)).
Hospital Services means all services that a hospital is licensed to provide, including emergency
and other medically necessary care (excluding Complex/Specialized Services).
Insured Patient means a patient who has a third-party source of payment for a portion of their
medical expenses.
NHSC Clinic means a Rural Health Clinic that has been approved by the Health Resources and
Services Administration as a National Health Service Corps site.
Patient Responsibility means the amount that an Insured Patient is responsible to pay out-of-
pocket after the patient's third-party coverage has determined the amount of the patient's benefits.
Primary Language of Hospital's Service Area means a language used by the lesser of 1,000
people or 5% of the community served by the hospital based upon the most recent community
health needs assessment performed by hospital.
Uninsured Patient means a patient who has no third-party source of payment for any portion of
their medical expenses, including without limitation, commercial or other insurance, government
sponsored healthcare benefit programs, or third-party liability, and includes a patient whose
benefits under all potential sources of payment have been exhausted prior to an admission.
1. Eligibility Criteria (non-NHSC Clinic): During the application process set forth
in sections B and C below, hospitals shall apply the following eligibility criteria
for Financial Assistance:
Patient Eligibility
Available Discount
Patient is an Uninsured
Patient with a family
income (as defined below)
at or below 400% of the
most recent FPL.
Full write-off of all
charges for Hospital
CARE (for Insured
Patient is an Insured
Patient with a family
income (as defined
below) at or below
400% of the most
recent FPL; and
Medical expenses
for themselves or
their family
(incurred at the
hospital or paid to
other providers in
the past twelve (12)
months) that exceed
10% of the patient's
family income.
A write-off of the
Patient Responsibility
amount for Hospital
2. Eligibility Criteria (NHSC Clinics): During the application process set forth in
sections B and C of this policy, NHSC Clinics and the emergency department
(ED) of Sutter Lakeside Hospital shall apply the following eligibility criteria for
Financial Assistance (see Attachment C - application for NHCS Clinic patients):
Financial Assistance
Patient Eligibility
Available Discount
All Patients with a family
income (as defined
below) of no more than
400% of the most recent
A full write-off (full
100% discount) of
patient responsibility
charges for NHSC
Clinic Services (SLCC
and SLMP) and
Hospital Services
provided by the ED of
Sutter Lakeside
1. To determine a patient's eligibility for Financial Assistance, the hospital shall first
calculate the patient's family income, as follows:
a. Patient Family: The patient family shall be determined as follows:
i. Adult Patients: For patients over eighteen (18) years of
age, the patient family includes their spouse, domestic
partner, and dependent children less than twenty-one (21)
years of age, whether living at home or not.
ii. Minor Patients: For patients under eighteen (18) years of
age, the patient family includes their parents, caretaker
relatives, and other children less than twenty-one (21) years
of age of the parent(s) or caretaker relatives.
b. Proof of Family Income: Patient shall only be required to provide recent
pay stubs or tax returns as proof of income when submitting an
application. Family income is earnings of all members of the patient
family as shown by the recent pay stubs or income tax returns, less
payments made for alimony and child support. Recent tax returns are tax
returns that document a patient's income for the year in which the patient
was first billed or 12 months prior to when the patient was first billed.
Recent paystubs are paystubs within a 6-month period before or after the
patient is first billed by the hospital, or in the case of preservice, when the
application is submitted. Income included in this calculation is every form
of income, e.g., salaries and wages, retirement income, near cash
government transfers like food stamps, and investment gains. Annual
income may be determined by annualizing year-to-date family income.
Sutter may validate income by using external presumptive eligibility
service providers, provided that such service must determine eligibility
using only information permitted by this policy.
c. Calculating Family Income for Expired Patients: Expired patients, with
no surviving spouse, may be deemed to have no income for purposes of
calculation of family income. Documentation of income is not required for
expired patients; however, documentation of estate assets may be required.
The surviving spouse of an expired patient may apply for Financial
d. Calculating Family Income as a Percentage of FPL: After determining
family income, hospital shall calculate the family income level in
comparison to the FPL, expressed as a percentage of the FPL. For
example, if the FPL for a family of three (3) is $20,000, and a patient's
family income is $60,000, the hospital shall calculate the patient's family
income to be 300% of the FPL. Hospitals shall use this calculation during
the application process to determine whether a patient meets the income
criteria for Financial Assistance. Use U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines as
the guide for eligibility, see Attachment E.
e. Special Circumstance Benefits Exhausted During Inpatient Stay:
When an Insured Patient's third-party coverage pays only a portion of the
expected reimbursement for the patient's stay because the patient
exhausted their benefits during the stay, the hospital should collect from
the patient the balance of the expected reimbursement that would have
been due from the third-party coverage if the benefits were not exhausted.
A hospital shall not pursue from the patient any amount in excess of the
amount that would have been due from the third-party coverage if the
benefits were not exhausted, plus the patient's share of cost or co-
insurance. A patient who exceeded their benefit cap during a stay is
eligible to apply for Financial Assistance. If the patient is eligible for
Financial Assistance, the hospital shall write off all charges for services
that the hospital provided after the patient exceeded the benefit cap.
f. Medi-Cal/Medicaid Denied Patient Days and Non-covered Services:
Medi-Cal/Medicaid patients are eligible for charity care write-offs related
to denied charges and non-covered services. These Treatment
Authorization Request (TAR) denials and any lack of payment for non-
covered services provided to Medi-Cal/Medicaid patients are to be
classified as charity, excluding share of cost identified in Section B.1.g.ii
g. Financial Assistance Exclusions/Disqualification: The following are
circumstances in which Financial Assistance is not available under this
i. Uninsured Patient seeks Complex/Specialized Services:
Generally, Uninsured Patients who seek
Complex/Specialized Services (e.g. transplants,
experimental or investigational procedures), and seek to
receive Financial Assistance for such services, must receive
administrative approval from the individual responsible for
finance at the hospital (or designee) prior to the provision
of such services. Hospitals shall develop a process for
patients to seek prior administrative approval for services
that require such approval. Elective services that are
normally exclusions from coverage under health plan
coverage agreements (e.g., cosmetic procedures) are not
eligible for Financial Assistance.
ii. Medi-Cal/Medicaid Patients with Share of Cost: Medi-
Cal/Medicaid patients who are responsible to pay share of
cost are not eligible to apply for Financial Assistance to
reduce the amount of share of cost owed. Hospitals shall
seek to collect these amounts from the patients.
iii. Patient declines covered services: An Insured Patient who
elects to seek services that are not covered under the
patient's benefit agreement (such as an HMO patient who
seeks out-of-network services from Sutter, or a patient
refuses to transfer from a Sutter hospital to an in-network
facility) is not eligible for Financial Assistance.
iv. Insured Patient does not cooperate with third-party
payer: An Insured Patient who is insured by a third-party
payer that refuses to pay for services because the patient
failed to provide information to the third-party payer
necessary to determine the third-party payer's liability is
not eligible for Financial Assistance.
v. Payer pays patient directly: If a patient receives payment
for services directly from an indemnity, Medicare
Supplement, or other payer, the patient is not eligible for
Financial Assistance for the services.
vi. Information falsification: Hospitals may refuse to award
Financial Assistance to patients who falsify information
regarding family income, household size or other
information in their eligibility application.
vii. Third party recoveries: If the patient receives a financial
settlement or judgment from a third-party tortfeasor that
caused the patient's injury, the patient must use the
settlement or judgment amount to satisfy any patient
account balances and is not eligible for Financial
viii. Professional (physician) Services: Services of
physicians such as anesthesiologists, radiologists,
hospitalists, pathologists, etc. are not covered under this
policy. Any exceptions are set forth in Attachment A.
Many physicians have charity care policies that allow
patients to apply for free or discounted care. Patients should
obtain information about a physician's charity care policy
directly from their physician.
1. Each hospital shall make all reasonable efforts to obtain from the patient or their
representative information about whether private or public health insurance may
fully or partially cover the charges for care rendered by the hospital to a patient. A
patient, upon initial presentation, annually, and any time the patient indicates
financial need will be evaluated for ability to pay and when indicated for
Financial Assistance. To qualify as an Uninsured Patient, the patient or the
patient's guarantor must verify that they are not aware of any right to insurance or
government program benefits that would cover or discount the bill. All patients
should be encouraged to investigate their potential eligibility for government
program assistance if they have not already done so.
2. Patients may request assistance with completing the application for financial
assistance in person at the Sutter hospitals listed (see Attachment A), over the
phone at 855-398-1633, through the mail, or via the Sutter website
3. Patients who wish to apply for Financial Assistance shall use the Sutter
standardized application form, the application for Financial Assistance (see
Attachment B (for non-NHCS Clinics) and Attachment C (for NHCS
4. Patients should mail applications for Financial Assistance to Sutter Health, P. O.
Box 619010, Roseville, CA 95661-9998 Attn: Charity Care Application.
5. Patients should complete the application for Financial Assistance as soon as
possible after receiving Hospital Services. Failure to complete and return the
application within two hundred and forty (240) days of the date the hospital first
sent a post-discharge bill to the patient may result in the denial of Financial
1. The hospital will consider each applicant's application for Financial Assistance
regardless of ability to pay and grant Financial Assistance when the patient meets
the eligibility criteria set forth in section A.1. or section A.2., depending upon
location of services. Non-NHSC sites may use Attachment D to determine
eligibility; otherwise, eligibility will be based upon family size and income alone.
2. Patients also may apply for governmental program assistance, which may be
prudent if the particular patient requires ongoing services.
a. The hospital should assist patients in determining if they are eligible for
any governmental or other assistance, or if a patient is eligible to enroll
with plans in the California Health Benefit Exchange (i.e., Covered
California) or for Hawaii residents, the federal health insurance
marketplace (see healthcare.gov).
b. If a patient applies, or has a pending application, for another health
coverage program while they apply for Financial Assistance, the
application for coverage under another health coverage program shall not
preclude the patient's eligibility for Financial Assistance.
3. Once a full charity care or high medical cost charity care determination has been
made, a notification form (see Attachment F) will be sent to each applicant
advising them of the hospital's decision.
4. Patients are presumed to be eligible for Financial Assistance for a period of one
(1) year after the hospital issues the notification form to the patient. After one
(1) year, patients must re-apply for Financial Assistance.
5. If the Financial Assistance determination creates a credit balance in favor of a
patient, the refund of the credit balance shall include interest on the amount of the
overpayment from the date of the patient's payment at the statutory rate (10% per
annum) pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 127440, provided that
hospitals are not required to refund a credit balance that is, together with interest,
less than five dollars ($5).
A patient may seek review of any decision by the hospital to deny Financial Assistance
by notifying the individual responsible for finance at the hospital or designee, of the basis
of the dispute and the desired relief within thirty (30) days of the patient receiving notice
of the circumstances giving rise to the dispute. Patients may submit the dispute orally or
in writing. The individual responsible for finance at the hospital or designee shall review
the patient's dispute as soon as possible and inform the patient of any decision in writing.
1. Languages: This policy shall be available in the Primary Language(s) of
Hospital's Service Area. In addition, all notices/communications provided in this
section shall be available in Primary Language(s) of Hospital's Service Area and
in a manner consistent with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
2. Information Provided to Patients During the Provision of Hospital Services:
a. Preadmission or Registration, and Discharge: During preadmission or
registration (or as soon thereafter as practicable) hospitals shall provide all
patients with a copy of Attachment G (non-NHCS Clinics) or
Attachment H (NHCS Clinics), which includes a plain language
summary of the Financial Assistance policy and also contains information
regarding their right to request an estimate of their financial responsibility
for services. If the hospital does not provide a copy of Attachment G or H
to the patient during preadmission or registration, it shall be provided upon
the patient’s discharge. If Attachment G or H is not provided upon
discharge, it shall be mailed to the patient’s last known address within 72
hours of their discharge. Hospitals shall maintain a contemporaneous
record that Attachment G or H was provided to the patient, and such
record shall be retained in accordance with the hospital's record retention
requirements outlined in state and federal law. Hospitals shall identify the
department that patients can visit to receive information about, and
assistance with applying for, Financial Assistance.
b. Financial Assistance Counselors: Patients who may be Uninsured
Patients shall be assigned financial counselors, who shall visit with the
patients in person at the hospital. Financial counselors shall give such
patients a Financial Assistance application, as well as contact information
for hospital personnel who can provide additional information about this
Financial Assistance policy and assist with the application process.
c. Emergency Services: In the case of emergency services, hospitals shall
provide all patients a plain language summary of the Financial Assistance
policy as soon as practicable after stabilization of the patient's emergency
medical condition or upon discharge.
d. Government Program Applications Provided at Discharge: At the time
of discharge, hospitals shall provide all Uninsured Patients with
applications for Medi-Cal/Medicaid and California Children's Services or
any other potentially applicable government program.
3. Information Provided to Patients at Other Times:
a. Billing Statements: Hospitals shall bill patients in accordance with the
Policy on Billing and Collections for Sutter Health Hospitals. Billing
statements to patients shall include Attachment I (non-NHCS Clinics) or
Attachment J (NHCS Clinics), which contains a plain language summary
of the Financial Assistance policy, a phone number for patients to call
with questions about Financial Assistance, and the website address where
patients can obtain additional information about Financial Assistance
including the Financial Assistance Policy, a plain language summary of
the policy, and the application for Financial Assistance. A summary of
patient’s legal rights is included in Attachment I and J, and shall be
included on the patient's final billing statement.
b. Contact Information: Patients may call 1-855-398-1633 or contact the
hospital department listed on Attachment K to obtain additional
information about Financial Assistance and assistance with the application
c. Upon Request: Hospitals shall provide patients with paper copies of the
Financial Assistance Policy, the application for Financial Assistance, and
the plain language summary of the Financial Assistance Policy upon
request and without charge.
4. Publicity of Financial Assistance Information
a. Public Posting: Hospitals shall post copies of the Financial Assistance
Policy, the application for Financial Assistance, the plain language
summary of the Financial Assistance Policy, and the Help Paying You
Bill notice (see Attachment L) in a prominent location in the emergency
room, admissions area, and any other location in the hospital where there
is a high volume of patient traffic, including, but not limited to, the
waiting rooms, billing offices, and hospital outpatient service settings
(including observation units). These public notices shall include
information about the right to request an estimate of financial
responsibility for services.
b. Website: The Financial Assistance Policy, application for Financial
Assistance and plain language summary shall be available in a prominent
place on the Sutter website (www.sutterhealth.org) and on each individual
hospital's website. Persons seeking information about Financial Assistance
shall not be required to create an account or provide any personal
information before receiving information about Financial Assistance. The
Sutter website shall include the information require by 22 California Code
of Regulations section 96051.11.
c. Mail: Patients may request a copy of the Financial Assistance Policy,
application for Financial Assistance and plain language summary be sent
by mail, at no cost to the Patient.
d. Advertisements/Press Releases: As necessary and on at least an annual
basis, Sutter will place an advertisement regarding the availability of
Financial Assistance at hospitals in the principal newspaper(s) in the
communities served by Sutter, or when doing so is not practical, Sutter
will issue a press release containing this information, or use other means
that Sutter concludes will widely publicize the availability of the policy to
affected patients in our communities.
e. Community Awareness: Sutter will work with aligned organizations,
physicians, community clinics and other health care providers to notify
members of the community (especially those who are most likely to
require Financial Assistance) about the availability of Financial
1. Recordkeeping: Records relating to Financial Assistance must be readily
accessible. Hospitals must maintain information regarding the number of
Uninsured Patients who have received services from the hospital, the number of
Financial Assistance applications completed, the number approved, the estimated
dollar value of the benefits provided, the number of applications denied, and the
reasons for denial. In addition, notes relating to a patient's approval or denial for
Financial Assistance should be entered into the patient's account.
2. Payment Plans: Patients may be eligible for a payment plan. Payment plans shall
be offered and negotiated per the Policy on Billing and Collections for Sutter
Health Hospitals.
3. Billing and Collections: Hospitals may employ reasonable collection efforts to
obtain payment from patients. Information obtained during the application process
for Financial Assistance may not be used in the collection process, either by the
hospital or by any collection agency engaged by the hospital. General collection
activities may include issuing patient statements, phone calls, and referral of
statements have been sent to the patient or guarantor. Affiliates and revenue cycle
departments must develop procedures to confirm that patient questions and
complaints about bills are researched and corrected where appropriate, with
timely follow up with the patient. Hospital or collection agencies will not engage
in any extraordinary collection actions (as defined by the Policy on Billing and
Collections for Sutter Health Hospitals). Copies of the Policy on Billing and
Collections for Sutter Health Hospitals policy may be obtained free of charge on
the Sutter website at www.sutterhealth.org, by calling 855-398-1633, or within
the hospital patient registration, patient financial services offices and the
emergency department.
4. Submission to HCAI: Sutter hospitals will submit Financial Assistance policies
to the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) and
information can be located on the HCAI website.
5. Amounts Generally Billed: In accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section1.
501(r)-5, Sutter adopts the prospective Medicare method for amounts generally
billed; however, patients who are eligible for Financial Assistance are not
financially responsible for more than the amounts generally billed because
eligible patients do not pay any amount.
Internal Revenue Code section 501(r)
26 Code of Federal Regulations 1.501(r)-1 through 1.501(r)-7
California Health and Safety Code section 124700 through 127446
22 California Code of Regulations sections 96051 through 96051.37
Policy on Billing and Collections for Sutter Health Hospitals
Attachment A Providers Covered and Not Covered by Policy
Attachment B Application for Financial Assistance (non-NHCS Clinics)
Attachment C -- Application for Financial Assistance (NHCS Clinics)
Attachment D Financial Assistance Calculation Worksheet
Attachment E: U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines
Attachment F Notification Form Sutter Health Eligibility Determination for Charity Care
Attachment G Important Billing Information for Patients (non-NHCS Clinics)
Attachment H -- Important Billing Information for Patients (NHCS Clinics)
Attachment I Notice of Rights (non-NHCS Clinics)
Attachment J Notice of Rights (NHCS Clinics)
Attachment K Sutter Health Affiliate Hospitals, Physical Address and Website Address for
Financial Assistance
Attachment L Help Paying Your Bill
Attachment A
Providers Covered and Not Covered by Policy
Unless otherwise specified, the Sutter Health Financial Assistance Policy for Hospitals
does not apply to physicians or certain other medical providers who care for you while
you are in the hospital. This includes emergency room doctors, anesthesiologists,
radiologists, hospitalists, pathologists, and other providers. These doctors will bill you
separately from the hospital bill. This policy does not create an obligation for the
hospital to pay for the services of these physicians or other medical providers.
Some medical professionals who care for you in the hospital are covered by the
Financial Assistance Policy for Hospitals. Those categories of providers are listed
Nurses who do not have advance practice licenses
Registered nurses, including registered nurse first assistants
Licensed vocational nurses
Certified nursing assistants, medical assistants and other non-licensed
assistants (dental, et cetera.)
Physical therapists, occupational therapists (including hand therapists), speech-
language therapists and therapy assistants
Technologists or technicians all types
Laboratory scientists
Respiratory therapists
Registered dietitians
Diabetes educators (who are typically licensed as registered dieticians or
registered nurses)
Attachment B
PATIENT NAME ____________________________ SPOUSE ___________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE___________________________
ACCOUNT# ____________________________ SNN _____________ ___________
FAMILY STATUS: List any spouse, domestic partner, or children under the age of 21. If patient is a minor,
list all parents, caretaker relatives, and siblings under 21
Name Age Relationship
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
Employer: ___________________________________ Position: ______________________________________
Contact Person & Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________
If Self-Employed, Name of Business: _____________________________________________________________
Spouse Employer: _____________________________ Position: ________________________________
Contact Person & Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________
If Self-Employed, Name of Business: _____________________________________________________________
Gross Pay (before deductions)
Add: Income from Operating Business (if Self-Employed) ___________ __________
Add: Other Income:
Interest and Dividends ___________ __________
From Real Estate or Personal Property ___________ __________
Social Security ___________ __________
Other (specify): ___________ __________
Alimony or Support Payments Received ___________ __________
Subtract: Alimony, Support Payments Paid ___________ __________
Equals: Current Monthly Income ___________ __________
Total Current Monthly Income (add Patient + Spouse) ___________ __________
Income from above ___________ __________
Total Family Members ___________
(Add patient, parents (for minor patients), spouse and children from above)
Yes No
Do you have health insurance?
Do you have other Insurance that may apply (such as an auto policy)?
Were your injuries caused by a third party (such as during a car accident or slip and fall)?
By signing this form, I agree to allow Sutter Health to check employment for the purpose of determining
my eligibility for a financial discount, I understand that I may be required to provide proof of the
information I am providing in the form of recent pay stubs or tax returns. Sutter Health will consider other
forms of proof of income if submitted.
_________________________________________ ___________________
(Signature of Patient or Guarantor) (Date)
_________________________________________ ___________________
(Signature of Spouse) (Date)
Attachment C
PATIENT NAME ____________________________ SPOUSE ___________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE___________________________
ACCOUNT# ____________________________ Social Security Number________________
FAMILY STATUS: List any spouse, domestic partner, or children under the age of 21. If patient is a minor,
list all parents, caretaker relatives, and siblings under 21
Name Age Relationship
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
_____________________________ ___________ ________________
Employer: ___________________________________ Position: _______________________________
Contact Person & Telephone: _____________________________________________________
If Self-Employed, Name of Business:_____________________________________________________
Spouse Employer: _____________________________ Position: _______________________________
Contact Person & Telephone: _____________________________________________________
If Self-Employed, Name of Business: _____________________________________________________
Gross Pay (before deductions)
Add: Income from Operating Business (if Self-Employed) ___________ __________
Add: Other Income:
Interest and Dividends ___________ __________
From Real Estate or Personal Property ___________ __________
Social Security ___________ __________
Other (specify): ___________ __________
Alimony or Support Payments Received ___________ __________
Subtract: Alimony, Support Payments Paid ___________ __________
Equals: Current Monthly Income ___________ __________
Total Current Monthly Income (add Patient + Spouse) ___________ __________
Income from above ___________ __________
Total Family Members ___________
(Add patient, parents (for minor patients), spouse and children from above)
By signing this form, I agree to allow Sutter Health to check employment for the purpose of determining
my eligibility for a financial discount, I understand that I may be required to provide proof of the information
I am providing in the form of recent pay stubs or tax returns. Sutter Health will consider other forms of
proof of income if submitted.
_________________________________________ ________________
(Signature of Patient or Guarantor) (Date)
_________________________________________ ________________
(Signature of Spouse) (Date)
Attachment D
Patient Name: ________________________________ Patient Account #: ______________________
Sutter Health Affiliate: _______________________________________________________________________
Special Considerations/Circumstances: ____________________________________________________________
Yes No
Does Patient have Health Insurance?
Is Patient Eligible for Medicare?
Is Patient Eligible for Medi-Cal/Medicaid?
Is Patient Eligible for Other Government Programs (i.e. Crime Victims,
If the patient applies, or has a pending application, for another health coverage program at the same time
that he or she applies for a charity care or discount payment program, neither application shall preclude
eligibility for the other program.
Does Patient have other insurance (i.e., auto medpay)?
Was Patient inured by a third party?
Is Patient Self-Pay?
Charity/Financial Assistance Calculation:
Total Combined Current Monthly Income
(From Statement of Financial Condition) $
Family Size (From Statement of Financial Condition)
Qualification for Charity Care/Financial Assistance (circle one): Full/High Medical Cost/Catastrophic
(Identify using eligibility guide) No Eligibility
Catastrophic Charity Write-off Calculation (complete section only if patient qualifies for catastrophic charity w/o):
A. Patient Liability (total charges unless another discount $
has been applied)
B. Annual Income $
C. Patient Liability as Percent of Annual Income. $
D. Is Line A divided by Line B greater than .30 (30%)? Yes No
E. If no, patient is not eligible for this type of write-off $ 0
F. If yes, multiply Line B by 30 % to identify the patient liability amount $
G. If yes, subtract line F from Line A to identify the write-off amount. $
Total Amount of Recommended Charity Write-offs(s): $
Worksheet Completed by: Phone:
Approved by: Date:
Attachment E:
U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines (Excludes Hawaii and Alaska)
Annualized: Based on Family Size
of 1
of 2
of 3
Family of
Family of
Family of
Family of
Family of
< or = 400%
From U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines, 2024
Attachment F
Sutter Health has conducted an eligibility determination for financial assistance for:
________________________ ______________________ _____________________
The request for financial assistance was made by the patient or on behalf of the patient
This determination was completed on _____________________.
Based on the information supplied by the patient or on behalf of the patient, the following
determination has been made:
Your request for financial assistance has been approved for services rendered
After applying the financial assistance reduction, the amount owed is
$___________________________. You may elect to make payment arrangements for this
amount. A Financial Agreement must be signed before the Patient Financial Services
office can accept payment arrangements that allow patients to pay their hospital bills
over time. These arrangements are interest-free for low income uninsured patients and
certain income-eligible patients with high medical costs. The payment plan is
negotiated between the Hospital and the patient. Please contact Patient Financial
Services at 855-398-1633 to discuss payment arrangements.
Your request for financial assistance is pending approval. However, the following
information is required before any adjustment can be applied to your account:
Your request for financial assistance has been denied because:
REASON: _______________________________________________________________________
Granting of financial assistance is conditioned on the completeness and accuracy of the
information provided to the hospital. In the event the hospital discovers you were injured
by another person, you have additional income, you have additional insurance or provided
incomplete or inaccurate information regarding your ability to pay for the services
provided, the hospital may revoke its determination to grant Financial Assistance and
hold the you and/or third parties responsible for the hospital’s charges.
If an application has been submitted for another health coverage program at the same
time that you submit an application for Financial Assistance, neither application shall
preclude eligibility for the other program.
Hospital Bill Complaint Program: The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state
program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your
hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a
complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to
HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to file a complaint.
Help Paying Your Bill. There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you
understand the billing and payment process You may call the Health Consumer Alliance
at 888-804-3536 or go to https://healthconsumer.org for more information.
If you have any questions on this determination, or would like to appeal the decision,
please contact:
Patient Financial Services
Attachment G
[For non-NHCS Clinic]
Important Billing Information for Patients
Financial Assistance Plain Language Summary
Thank you for choosing Sutter Health. This handout is designed to help our
patients understand the Financial Assistance that is available to eligible patients,
the application process for Financial Assistance, and your payment options. Your
hospital bill will not include any bill for services you may receive during your
hospital stay from physicians, anesthesiologists, clinical professionals,
ambulance companies, and other providers that may bill you separately for their
services. If you wish to seek assistance with paying your bills from these other
providers, you will need to contact the providers directly.
Emergency Services: If you received emergency services at the hospital you will
receive a separate bill for the emergency room physician. Any questions pertaining
to the emergency room physician’s services should be directed to the physician.
An emergency room physician, as defined in Section 127450 of the Health and
Safety Code, who provides emergency medical services in a hospital that provides
emergency care is required by law to provide discounts to uninsured patients or
insured patients with high medical costs who are at or below 400% of the federal
poverty level.
Payment Options: Sutter Health has many options to assist you with payment of
your hospital bill.
Payment Plans: Patient account balances are due upon receipt. Patients may elect
to make payment arrangements for their hospital bill. A Financial Agreement must
be signed before the Patient Financial Services office can accept payment
arrangements that allow patients to pay their hospital bills over time. These
arrangements are interest-free for low income uninsured patients and certain
income-eligible patients with high medical costs. The payment plan is negotiated
between the Hospital and the patient.
Medi-Cal/Medicaid & Government Program Eligibility: You may be eligible for a
government-sponsored health benefit program. Sutter Health has staff available
to assist you with applying for government programs like Medi-Cal/Medicaid.
Please contact Patient Financial Assistance at (855) 398-1633 if you would like
additional information about government programs, or need assistance with
applying for such programs. This facility also contracts with organizations that
may assist you further with applying for government assistance, if needed.
Covered California: You may be eligible for health care coverage under Covered
California, which is California’s health benefit exchange under the Affordable Care
Act. Contact the hospital financial assistance department at (855) 398-1633 for
more detail and assistance to see if you quality for health care coverage through
Covered California.
Summary of Financial Assistance (Charity Care): Sutter Health is committed to
providing financial assistance to qualified low-income patients and patients who
have insurance that requires the patient to pay significant portion of their care.
The following is a summary of the eligibility requirements for Financial Assistance
and the application process for patient who wish to seek Financial Assistance.
The following are categories of patients who are eligible for Financial Assistance:
Patients who have no third-party source of payment, such as an insurance
company or government program, for any portion of their medical expenses
and have a family income at or below 400% of the federal poverty level.
Patients who are covered by insurance but have (i) family income at or below
400% of the federal poverty level; and (ii) medical expenses for themselves or
their family (incurred at the hospital affiliate or paid to other providers in the
past 12 months) that exceed 10% of the patient’s family income.
Patients who are covered by insurance but exhaust their benefits either before
or during their stay at the hospital and have a family income at or below 400%
of the federal poverty level.
You may apply for Financial Assistance using the application form that is available
from Patient Financial Services, which is located within the Patient
Access/Registration Departments at the Hospital or by calling Patient Financial
Services at 855-398-1633, or on the Sutter Health or Hospital website
(www.sutterhealth.org). You may also submit an application by speaking with a
representative from Patient Financial Services, who will assist you with
completing the application. During the application process you will be asked to
provide information regarding the number of people in your family, your monthly
income, and other information that will assist the hospital with determining your
eligibility for Financial Assistance. You may be asked to provide a pay stub or tax
records to assist Sutter with verifying your income.
After you submit the application, the hospital will review the information and notify
you in writing regarding your eligibility. If you have any questions during the
application process, you may contact the Patient Financial Services office at (855)
If you disagree with the hospital’s decision, you may submit a dispute to the
Patient Financial Services office.
Copies of this Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy, the Plain Language
Summary and Application, as well as government program applications are
available in multiple languages in person at our Patient Registration and Patient
Financial Services offices as well as at www.sutterhealth.org and available by
mail. We can also send you a copy of the Financial Assistance Policy free of
charge if you contact our Patient Financial Services office at 855-398-1633.
In accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 1.501(r)-5, Sutter Health adopts
the prospective Medicare method for amounts generally billed; however, patients
who are eligible for financial assistance are not financially responsible for more
than the amounts generally billed because eligible patients do not pay any amount.
Pending applications: If an application has been submitted for another health
coverage program at the same time that you submit an application for charity care,
neither application shall preclude eligibility for the other program.
Notice of Availability of Financial Estimates: You may request a written estimate
of your financial responsibility for hospital services. Requests for estimates must
be made during business hours. The estimate will provide you with an estimate
of the amount the hospital will require the patient to pay for health care services,
procedures, and supplies that are reasonably expected to be provided by the
hospital. Estimates are based on the average length of stay and services provided
for the patient’s diagnosis. They are not promises to provide services at fixed
costs. A patient’s financial responsibility may be more or less than the estimate
based on the services the patient actually receives.
The hospital can provide estimates of the amount of hospital services only. There
may be additional charges for services that will be provided by physicians during
a patient’s stay in the hospital, such as bills from personal physicians, and any
anesthesiologists, pathologists, radiologists, ambulance companies or other
medical professionals who are not employees of the hospital. Patients will receive
a separate bill for these services.
If you have any questions about written estimates, please contact Patient Access
at 855-398-1637. If you have any questions, or if you would like to pay by
telephone, please contact the Patient Financial Services at 855-398-1633.
Hospital Bill Complaint Program: The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state
program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help
paying your hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial
assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go
to HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to file a
Help Paying Your Bill. There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will
help you understand the billing and payment process You may call the Health
Consumer Alliance at 888-804-3536 or go to https://healthconsumer.orgfor more
information. Please contact Patient Financial Services for further information.
Price Transparency. Healthcare cost transparency is important to help
consumers make informed decisions about their care. We post a list of standard
charges for more than 300 services provided in Sutter hospitals. Please visit the
following website for more information:
ATTENTION: If you need help in your language, please call 855-398-1633 or visit
the Patient Financial Services office at the hospital. Our telephone hours are 8:00
A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Aids and services for people with
disabilities, like documents in braille, large print, audio, and other accessible
electronic formats are also available. These services are free.
Attachment H
[For NHCS Clinic]
Important Billing Information for Patients
Financial Assistance Plain Language Summary
Thank you for choosing Sutter Health. This handout is designed to help our
patients understand the Financial Assistance that is available to eligible patients,
the application process for Financial Assistance, and your payment options. Your
hospital bill will not include any bill for services you may receive during your
hospital stay from physicians, anesthesiologists, clinical professionals,
ambulance companies, and other providers that may bill you separately for their
services. If you wish to seek assistance with paying your bills from these other
providers, you will need to contact the providers directly.
Emergency Services: If you received emergency services at the hospital you will
receive a separate bill for the emergency room physician. Any questions pertaining
to the emergency room physician’s services should be directed to the physician.
An emergency room physician, as defined in Section 127450 of the Health and
Safety Code, who provides emergency medical services in a hospital that provides
emergency care is required by law to provide discounts to uninsured patients or
insured patients with high medical costs who are at or below 400% of the federal
poverty level.
Payment Options: Sutter Health has many options to assist you with payment of
your hospital bill.
Payment Plans: Patient account balances are due upon receipt. Patients may elect
to make payment arrangements for their hospital bill. A Financial Agreement must
be signed before the Patient Financial Services office can accept payment
arrangements that allow patients to pay their hospital bills over time. These
arrangements are interest-free for low income uninsured patients and certain
income-eligible patients with high medical costs. The payment plan is negotiated
between the Hospital and the patient.
Medi-Cal/Medicaid & Government Program Eligibility: You may be eligible for a
government-sponsored health benefit program. Sutter Health has staff available
to assist you with applying for government programs like Medi-Cal/Medicaid.
Please contact Patient Financial Assistance at (855) 398-1633 if you would like
additional information about government programs, or need assistance with
applying for such programs. This facility also contracts with organizations that
may assist you further with applying for government assistance, if needed.
Covered California: You may be eligible for health care coverage under Covered
California, which is California’s health benefit exchange under the Affordable Care
Act. Contact the hospital financial assistance department at (855) 398-1633 for
more detail and assistance to see if you quality for health care coverage through
Covered California.
Summary of Financial Assistance (Charity Care): Sutter Health is committed to
providing financial assistance to qualified low-income patients and patients who
have insurance that requires the patient to pay significant portion of their care.
The following is a summary of the eligibility requirements for Financial Assistance
and the application process for patient who wish to seek Financial Assistance.
Patients who have a family income at or below 400% of the federal poverty level
are eligible for Financial Assistance.
You may apply for Financial Assistance using the application form that is available
from Patient Financial Services, which is located within the Patient
Access/Registration Departments at the Hospital or by calling Patient Financial
Services at 855-398-1633, or on the Sutter Health or Hospital website
(www.sutterhealth.org). You may also submit an application by speaking with a
representative from Patient Financial Services, who will assist you with
completing the application. During the application process you will be asked to
provide information regarding the number of people in your family, your monthly
income, and other information that will assist the hospital with determining your
eligibility for Financial Assistance. You may be asked to provide a pay stub or tax
records to assist Sutter with verifying your income.
After you submit the application, the hospital will review the information and notify
you in writing regarding your eligibility. If you have any questions during the
application process, you may contact the Patient Financial Services office at (855)
If you disagree with the hospital’s decision, you may submit a dispute to the
Patient Financial Services office.
Copies of this Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy, the Plain Language
Summary and Application, as well as government program applications are
available in multiple languages in person at our Patient Registration and Patient
Financial Services offices as well as at www.sutterhealth.org and available by
mail. We can also send you a copy of the Financial Assistance Policy free of
charge if you contact our Patient Financial Services office at 855-398-1633.
In accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 1.501(r)-5, Sutter Health adopts
the prospective Medicare method for amounts generally billed; however, patients
who are eligible for financial assistance are not financially responsible for more
than the amounts generally billed because eligible patients do not pay any amount.
Pending applications: If an application has been submitted for another health
coverage program at the same time that you submit an application for charity care,
neither application shall preclude eligibility for the other program.
Notice of Availability of Financial Estimates: You may request a written estimate
of your financial responsibility for hospital services. Requests for estimates must
be made during business hours. The estimate will provide you with an estimate
of the amount the hospital will require the patient to pay for health care services,
procedures, and supplies that are reasonably expected to be provided by the
hospital. Estimates are based on the average length of stay and services provided
for the patient’s diagnosis. They are not promises to provide services at fixed
costs. A patient’s financial responsibility may be more or less than the estimate
based on the services the patient actually receives.
The hospital can provide estimates of the amount of hospital services only. There
may be additional charges for services that will be provided by physicians during
a patient’s stay in the hospital, such as bills from personal physicians, and any
anesthesiologists, pathologists, radiologists, ambulance companies or other
medical professionals who are not employees of the hospital. Patients will receive
a separate bill for these services.
If you have any questions about written estimates, please contact Patient Access
at 855-398-1637. If you have any questions, or if you would like to pay by
telephone, please contact the Patient Financial Services at 855-398-1633.
Hospital Bill Complaint Program: The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state
program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help
paying your hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial
assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go
to HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to file a
Help Paying Your Bill. There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will
help you understand the billing and payment process You may call the Health
Consumer Alliance at 888-804-3536 or go to https://healthconsumer.orgfor more
information. Please contact Patient Financial Services for further information.
Price Transparency. Healthcare cost transparency is important to help
consumers make informed decisions about their care. We post a list of standard
charges for more than 300 services provided in Sutter hospitals. Please visit the
following website for more information:
ATTENTION: If you need help in your language, please call 855-398-1633 or visit
the Patient Financial Services office at the hospital. Our telephone hours are 8:00
A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Aids and services for people with
disabilities, like documents in braille, large print, audio, and other accessible
electronic formats are also available. These services are free.
Attachment I
[for non-NHCS Clinics]
Notice of Rights
Thank you for selecting Sutter Health for your recent services. Enclosed please find a
statement of the charges for your hospital visit. Payment is due immediately. You may
be entitled to discounts if you meet certain financial qualifications, discussed below, or if
you submit payment promptly.
Please be aware that this is the bill for hospital services only. There may be additional
charges for services that will be provided by physicians during your stay in the hospital,
such as bills from physicians, and any anesthesiologists, pathologists, radiologists,
ambulance services, or other medical professionals who are not employees of the
hospital. You may receive a separate bill for their services.
Summary of Your Rights: State and federal law require debt collectors to treat you fairly and
prohibit debt collectors from making false statements or threats of violence, using obscene
or profane language, or making improper communications with third parties, including your
employer. Except under unusual circumstances, debt collectors may not contact you before
8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. In general, a debt collector may not give information about your
debt to another person, other than your attorney or spouse. A debt collector may contact
another person to confirm your location or to enforce a judgment. For more information
about debt collection activities, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission by
telephone at 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357) or online at www.ftc.gov.
Nonprofit credit counseling services, as well as consumer assistance from local legal
services offices, may be available in your area. Please contact Patient Financial
Services office at 855-398-1633 for a referral.
Sutter Health has agreements with external collection agencies to collect payments
from patients. Collection Agencies are required to comply with the hospital’s policies.
Collection Agencies are also required to recognize and adhere to any payments plans
agreed upon by the hospital and the patient.
Financial Assistance (Charity Care): Sutter Health is committed to providing
financial assistance to qualified low-income patients and patients who have
insurance that requires the patient to pay significant portion of their care. The
following is a summary of the eligibility requirements for Financial Assistance and
the application process for patient who wish to seek Financial Assistance. The
following categories of patients who are eligible for Financial Assistance:
Patients who have no third-party source of payment, such as an insurance
company or government program, for any portion of their medical expenses
and have a family income at or below 400% of the federal poverty level.
Patients who are covered by insurance but have (i) family income at or below
400% of the federal poverty level; and (ii) medical expenses for themselves or
their family (incurred at the hospital affiliate or paid to other providers in the
past 12 months) that exceed 10% of the patient’s family income.
Patients who are covered by insurance but exhaust their benefits either before
or during their stay at the hospital and have a family income at or below 400%
of the federal poverty level.
You may apply for Financial Assistance using the application form that is available
from Patient Financial Services, which is located at located within the Patient
Access/Registration Departments at the Hospital, or by calling Patient Financial
Services at 855-398-1633, or on the Sutter Health or Hospital website
(www.sutterhealth.org). You may also submit an application by speaking with a
representative from Patient Financial Services, who will assist you with completing
the application. During the application process you will be asked to provide
information regarding the number of people in your family, your monthly income, and
other information that will assist the hospital with determining your eligibility for
Financial Assistance. You may be asked to provide a pay stub or tax records to assist
Sutter with verifying your income.
After you submit the application, the hospital will review the information and notify
you in writing regarding your eligibility. If you have any questions during the
application process, you may contact the Patient Financial Services office at (855)
If you disagree with the hospital’s decision, you may submit a dispute to the Patient
Financial Services office.
Copies of this Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy, the Plain Language Summary
and Application, as well as government program applications are available in
multiple languages in person at our Patient Registration or Patient Financial Services
offices, as well as at sutterhealth.org and available by mail. We can also send you a
copy of the Financial Assistance Policy free of charge if you contact our Patient
Financial Services office at 855-398-1633.
In accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 1.501(r)-5, Sutter Health adopts the
prospective Medicare method for amounts generally billed; however, patients who are
eligible for financial assistance are not financially responsible for more than the
amounts generally billed because eligible patients do not pay any amount.
Pending applications: If an application has been submitted for another health
coverage program at the same time that you submit an application for charity care,
neither application shall preclude eligibility for the other program.
Health Insurance/Government Program Coverage/Financial Assistance: If you have
health insurance coverage, Medicare, Medi-Cal/Medicaid, California Children's Services,
or any other source of payment for this bill, please contact Patient Financial Services at
855-398-1633. If appropriate, Patient Financial Services will bill those entities for your
If you do not have health insurance or coverage through a government program like Medi-
Cal/Medicaid or Medicare, you may be eligible for government program assistance.
Patient Financial Services can provide you with application forms and assist you with the
application process.
If you have received an award of Financial Assistance from the Hospital that you
believe covers the services that are the subject of this bill, please contact Patient
Financial Services at 855-398-1633.
California Health Benefit Exchange: You may be eligible for health care coverage under
Covered California. Contact the hospital Business Services for more detail and
assistance to see if you quality for health care coverage through Covered California.
Hospital Bill Complaint Program: The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state
program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your
hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a
complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to
HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to file a complaint.
Help Paying Your Bill. There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you
understand the billing and payment process You may call the Health Consumer Alliance
at 888-804-3536 or go to https://healthconsumer.orgfor more information. Please
contact Patient Financial Services for further information.
Price Transparency. Healthcare cost transparency is important to help consumers make
informed decisions about their care. Sutter Health post a list of standard charges for
more than 300 services provided in Sutter hospitals. Please visit the following website
for more information: https://myhealthonline.sutterhealth.org/mho/GuestEstimates
Contact Information: Patient Financial Services is available to answer questions you may
have about your hospital bill or would like to apply for Financial Assistance or government
program. The telephone number is 855-398-1633. Our telephone hours are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00
P.M., Monday through Friday.
ATTENTION: If you need help in your language, please call 855-398-1633 or visit the
Patient Financial Services office at the hospital. Our telephone hours are 8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Aids and services for people with disabilities, like
documents in braille, large print, audio, and other accessible electronic formats are also
available. These services are free.
Attachment J
[for NHCS Clinics]
Notice of Rights
Thank you for selecting Sutter Health for your recent services. Enclosed please find a
statement of the charges for your hospital visit. Payment is due immediately. You may
be entitled to discounts if you meet certain financial qualifications, discussed below, or if
you submit payment promptly.
Please be aware that this is the bill for hospital services only. There may be additional
charges for services that will be provided by physicians during your stay in the hospital,
such as bills from physicians, and any anesthesiologists, pathologists, radiologists,
ambulance services, or other medical professionals who are not employees of the
hospital. You may receive a separate bill for their services.
Summary of Your Rights: State and federal law require debt collectors to treat you fairly and
prohibit debt collectors from making false statements or threats of violence, using obscene
or profane language, or making improper communications with third parties, including your
employer. Except under unusual circumstances, debt collectors may not contact you before
8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. In general, a debt collector may not give information about your
debt to another person, other than your attorney or spouse. A debt collector may contact
another person to confirm your location or to enforce a judgment. For more information
about debt collection activities, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission by
telephone at 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357) or online at www.ftc.gov.
Nonprofit credit counseling services, as well as consumer assistance from local legal
services offices, may be available in your area. Please contact Patient Financial
Services office at 855-398-1633 for a referral.
Sutter Health has agreements with external collection agencies to collect payments
from patients. Collection Agencies are required to comply with the hospital’s policies.
Collection Agencies are also required to recognize and adhere to any payments plans
agreed upon by the hospital and the patient.
Financial Assistance (Charity Care): Sutter Health is committed to providing
financial assistance to qualified low-income patients and patients who have
insurance that requires the patient to pay significant portion of their care. The
following is a summary of the eligibility requirements for Financial Assistance and
the application process for patient who wish to seek Financial Assistance.
Patients who have a family income at or below 400% of the federal poverty level are
eligible for Financial Assistance.
You may apply for Financial Assistance using the application form that is available
from Patient Financial Services, which is located at located within the Patient
Access/Registration Departments at the Hospital, or by calling Patient Financial
Services at 855-398-1633, or on the Sutter Health or Hospital website
(www.sutterhealth.org). You may also submit an application by speaking with a
representative from Patient Financial Services, who will assist you with completing
the application. During the application process you will be asked to provide
information regarding the number of people in your family, your monthly income, and
other information that will assist the hospital with determining your eligibility for
Financial Assistance. You may be asked to provide a pay stub or tax records to assist
Sutter with verifying your income.
After you submit the application, the hospital will review the information and notify
you in writing regarding your eligibility. If you have any questions during the
application process, you may contact the Patient Financial Services office at (855)
If you disagree with the hospital’s decision, you may submit a dispute to the Patient
Financial Services office.
Copies of this Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy, the Plain Language Summary
and Application, as well as government program applications are available in
multiple languages in person at our Patient Registration or Patient Financial Services
offices, as well as at sutterhealth.org and available by mail. We can also send you a
copy of the Financial Assistance Policy free of charge if you contact our Patient
Financial Services office at 855-398-1633.
In accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 1.501(r)-5, Sutter Health adopts the
prospective Medicare method for amounts generally billed; however, patients who are
eligible for financial assistance are not financially responsible for more than the
amounts generally billed because eligible patients do not pay any amount.
Pending applications: If an application has been submitted for another health
coverage program at the same time that you submit an application for charity care,
neither application shall preclude eligibility for the other program.
Health Insurance/Government Program Coverage/Financial Assistance: If you have
health insurance coverage, Medicare, Medi-Cal/Medicaid, California Children's Services,
or any other source of payment for this bill, please contact Patient Financial Services at
855-398-1633. If appropriate, Patient Financial Services will bill those entities for your
If you do not have health insurance or coverage through a government program like Medi-
Cal/Medicaid or Medicare, you may be eligible for government program assistance.
Patient Financial Services can provide you with application forms and assist you with the
application process.
If you have received an award of Financial Assistance from the Hospital that you
believe covers the services that are the subject of this bill, please contact Patient
Financial Services at 855-398-1633.
California Health Benefit Exchange: You may be eligible for health care coverage under
Covered California. Contact the hospital Business Services for more detail and
assistance to see if you quality for health care coverage through Covered California.
Hospital Bill Complaint Program: The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state
program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your
hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a
complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to
HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to file a complaint.
Help Paying Your Bill. There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you
understand the billing and payment process You may call the Health Consumer Alliance
at 888-804-3536 or go to https://healthconsumer.orgfor more information. Please
contact Patient Financial Services for further information.
Price Transparency. Healthcare cost transparency is important to help consumers make
informed decisions about their care. Sutter Health post a list of standard charges for
more than 300 services provided in Sutter hospitals. Please visit the following website
for more information: https://myhealthonline.sutterhealth.org/mho/GuestEstimates
Contact Information: Patient Financial Services is available to answer questions you may
have about your hospital bill or would like to apply for Financial Assistance or government
program. The telephone number is 855-398-1633. Our telephone hours are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00
P.M., Monday through Friday.
ATTENTION: If you need help in your language, please call 855-398-1633 or visit the
Patient Financial Services office at the hospital. Our telephone hours are 8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Aids and services for people with disabilities, like
documents in braille, large print, audio, and other accessible electronic formats are also
available. These services are free.
Attachment K
Sutter Health Hospitals, Physical Address and Website Address for Financial
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
Ashby Campus
2450 Ashby Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94705
Herrick Campus
2001 Dwight Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Merritt Peralta Institute (MPI)
3012 Summit Street, 5
Oakland, CA 94609
Summit Campus
350 Hawthorne Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
Summit Campus (South Pavilion)
3100 Summit Street
Oakland, CA 94609-3412
California Pacific Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
California Campus
3700 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94118
Pacific Heights Campus
2333 Buchanan Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Davies Campus
Castro and Duboce
San Francisco, CA 94114
Van Ness Campus
1101 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94109
Mission Bernal Campus
3555 Cesar Chavez St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Eden Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
Eden Campus
20103 Lake Chabot Road
Castro Valley, CA 94546
Kahi Mohala, A Behavioral Healthcare System
Patient Access/Registration
91-2301 Fort Weaver Road
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Memorial Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
1700 Coffee Road
Modesto, CA 95355
Memorial Hospital, Los Banos
Patient Access/Registration
520 I Street
Los Banos, CA 93635
Menlo Park Surgical Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
570 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Mills-Peninsula Health Services
Patient Access/Registration
1501 Trousdale Drive
Burlingame, CA 94010
(650) 696-5400
Novato Community Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
180 Rowland Way
Novato, CA 94945
Sutter Amador Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
200 Mission Blvd.
Jackson, CA 95642
Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
11815 Education Street
Auburn, CA 95602
Sutter Coast Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
800 East Washington Blvd
Crescent City, CA 95531
Sutter Davis Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
2000 Sutter Place
(P.O. Box 1617)
Davis, CA 95617
Sutter Delta Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
3901 Lone Tree Way
Antioch, CA 94509
Sutter Lakeside Hospital and Center for Health
Patient Access/Registration
5176 Hill Road East
Lakeport, CA 95453
Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center of Santa Cruz
Patient Access/Registration
2900 Chanticleer Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95065-1816
Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento
Patient Access/Registration
2825 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95816
Sutter Center for Psychiatry
Patient Access/Registration
7700 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95826
Sutter Roseville Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
One Medical Plaza
Roseville, CA 95661
Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
30 Mark West Springs Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Sutter Solano Medical Center
Patient Access/Registration
300 Hospital Drive
Vallejo, CA 94589
Sutter Surgical Hospital - North Valley
Patient Access/Registration
455 Plumas Boulevard
Yuba City, CA 95991
Sutter Tracy Community Hospital
Patient Access/Registration
1420 N. Tracy Boulevard
Tracy, CA 95376-3497
Attachment L
Help Paying Your Bill
Sutter Health is committed to providing financial assistance to qualified
How to Apply
You may apply for Financial Assistance using the application form that is
available from Patient Financial Services, which is located the Patient
Access/Registration Departments at the Hospital, or by calling Patient
Financial Services at 855-398-1633, or on the Sutter Health or Hospital
website (www.sutterhealth.org). You may also submit an application for
financial assistance by speaking with a representative from Patient
Financial Services, who will assist you with completing the application.
Hospital Bill Complaint Program
If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a
complaint with the State of California’s Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go
to HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to
file a complaint.
More Help
There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you
understand the billing and payment process You may call the Health
Consumer Alliance at 888-804-3536 or go to https://healthconsumer.org for
more information. Please contact Patient Financial Services for further
Help for Patient with Disabilities
Please contact Patient Financial Services at 855-398-1633 if you would like
to obtain a copy of this notice in an accessible format, including but not
limited to large print, braille, audio, or other accessible electronic format.