South Panola School District
Student Handbook
(Grades Pre-K-3)
Providing Opportunities for Educational Excellence
Batesville Elementary
School 2023-2024
Batesville Elementary School
South Panola School District
Parent/Student Handbook
Dr. Del Phillips, Superintendent
Dr. Jamone Edwards, Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Amy K. Sutton
Assistant Principal
Jackie Johnson
Lead Teacher
Tammy Weldon
School Board Members
Sandra Darby, President
Jerry Cooley, Vice-President
Dr. Leigh Taylor Unruh, Secretary
La’Keldra Pride, Member
Kenny Hopper, Member
110 College Street
Batesville, Mississippi 38606
Phone: (662) 563-4596
Fax: (662) 563-0028
Batesville Elementary School
110 College Street
Batesville. MS 38606
Building Excellent Students
Greetings from Your Principal!
Dear Little Tiger Families,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Batesville Elementary School. As the principal of BES, I am
deeply committed to our district’s mission of “Providing Opportunities for Educational
Excellence for All Students” by facilitating positive communications, providing a safe learning
environment, respecting cultural differences, and having high expectations for all. We will also
continue creating a “high quality school” by promoting a warm and nurturing atmosphere,
maintaining a continuous focus on improvement of instructional practice, and setting high
standards for everyone in our school, with Purpose, Passion, and Pride.
Whether you volunteer in your child’s classroom, are a member of the Booster Club, participate in
special school events, or are a member of one of our school communities, you are encouraged to be
involved! The likelihood of a child’s school success is greatly impacted by parent participation. You
may become an active participant in your child’s education by asking about school each day; reading
with your child daily; promoting healthy habits like getting plenty of rest and eating balanced meals;
being positive about school and learning; getting involved at school; setting high expectations; and
making school important with good attendance and punctuality.
We will embrace the challenges of the future while we continue to honor and celebrate the
traditions of the past. Our outstanding staff, involved parents and committed students come
together to make Batesville Elementary School a special and unique place. If you ever have any
questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to give your child’s teacher or me a call.
I look forward to having a long and rewarding relationship with you and your family.
Dr. Amy K. Sutton
Principal, Batesville Elementary School
South Panola School District
District Vision: Educational Excellence for All
District Mission: Providing opportunities for educational excellence for all students
Batesville Elementary School Mission Statement
The mission of Batesville Elementary School is to provide opportunities for educational excellence by creating
an environment conducive to the success of all students wherein the students are able to reach their maximum
potential and become self-directed lifelong learners.
Belief Statements
Student success is always the major focus.
Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
Teaching each child the way he/she learns best is essential.
High expectations for student achievement guide the development of the curriculum.
A safe and orderly environment promotes an atmosphere conducive to learning.
Teachers, administration, parents, and community share the responsibility for advancing the
school’s mission.
Pre-Kindergarten Philosophy and Goals
The Pre-kindergarten program as outlined in this document is built on scientifically-based child development
principles. These principles shall be embodied in the curriculum design and general learning environment. The
instructional delivery is to be organized around learning centers and responsive interactions with adults where
opportunities are provided for children to acquire skills and concepts involving problem-solving, decision-
making, questioning, evaluating, and discovering.
The realistic goals for pre-kindergarten education are as follows:
To help the child develop a positive self-concept;
To help the child achieve intellectual growth;
To help the child enlarge his/her world of people, experiences, ideas and things;
To help the child increase competencies and skills in oral language, literacy, writing, listening, and
To help the child increase the skills involved in physical coordination, both gross and fine motor skills;
To help the child increase competence in dealing with emotional feelings and social situations;
To help the child increase competence in self-direction and independence;
To help the child develop cooperative, trusting relationships;
To help the child develop his/her natural curiosity and his/her creative potential;
To help the child develop self-discipline; and
To help the child develop a love of learning.
Pre-Kindergarten Organizational Procedures
The teacher-child ratio should be 1:10 maximum. If an assistant teacher is assigned to the four
year old classroom, the teacher-child ratio shall not exceed 2:20.
The school day programs located in public schools should be a minimum of several hours.
The school term for programs located in public schools should be the same as that for the other grades
of the school unless the four year old program is part of the school’s extended year. If the program is
located in a center not affiliated with a public school, the length of the school term should conform to
center policy.
Children may engage in 60 to 90 minutes of quiet/rest time daily. Activities during quiet/rest
time should include opportunities for individual activities (e.g. listening to books on tape,
listening to music, and drawing) in addition to resting as appropriate for each individual child.
Children will engage in a minimum of 60 minutes of indoor/outdoor physical activities during the day
for seven-hour or eight-hour programs.
Kindergarten Philosophy and Goals
The kindergarten program shall reflect an understanding of child development principles. These principles
shall be embodied in the curriculum design and general learning environment. The instructional delivery
is to be organized around learning centers where opportunities are provided for children to acquire skills
and concepts that include problem-solving, decision-making, questioning, evaluating, and discovering.
The realistic goals for kindergarten education are as follows:
Develop a positive self-concept.
Achieve intellectual growth.
Enlarge a student's world of people, experiences, ideas, and things.
Increase competence and skills in reading, writing, listening, thinking, and speaking
Increase the skills involved in physical coordination.
Increase competence in dealing with emotional feelings and social situations.
Increase competence in self-direction and independence.
Develop cooperative trusting relationships.
Develop natural curiosity and creative potential.
Kindergarten Organizational Procedures and Staff
Required Ratio: The teacher-pupil ratio shall be 1:22 maximum. If a full-time assistant teacher is
assigned to the kindergarten classroom, the teacher-pupil ratio shall not exceed 1:27.
Required Length of School Day and Term: The length of the school day and school term shall be the
same as that of the other grades of the elementary school.
Required Physical Activity Time: Students shall participate in physical activity for a minimum
of 30 minutes during the school day, in accordance with MS Code 37-13-134.
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Policy
Section I. Requirements for Enrollment of Children in Public Schools
A. Entrance Age:
Required Age: A kindergarten pupil shall have reached the age of five years on or before September 1. A Pre-
Kindergarten pupil shall have reached the age of four years on or before September 1.
Required Documentation: A birth certificate, social security card, and immunization record are required for all
pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students and shall be presented to the proper school authority. In addition,
Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of students enrolled or seeking to enroll must provide this district with at least two
forms of residency. Accepted forms of residency may be found on Page 10 labeled A through K.
All statements in this publication are
announcements of present
policies only and are subject
change at any time by proper
authority without prior
Providing Opportunities for Educational Excellence
Batesville Elementary School
Phone: 662-563-4596 110 College
Batesville Intermediate School
Phone: 662-563-7834 200 College
Pope School K-3
Main Street
Pope, MS
Phone: 662-563-3732 1110
Procedures and Responsibilities
Participate fully in the learning process. Students must be at school and class on time with
needed supplies. Students must pay attention to instruction, complete assignments to the best
of their abilities, and ask for help when needed.
Avoid behaviors that impair the educational achievement of themselves or others.
Students must follow school rules, maintain school property, and cooperate with others.
Show respect for the knowledge and authority of teachers, administrators, and other
school employees. Students must obey reasonable directions, use acceptable and courteous
language and behavior, and follow school rules and procedures.
Recognize and respect the rights of other students. All students should show concern for
and encourage the educational achievements of others.
1. Students are expected to obey the rules of the classroom as set forth by the teacher.
2. Students are expected to be respectful of adults and to those who are in authority.
3. Students are expected to assume an individual responsibility for their behavior, conduct, and
classroom performance.
4. Students are expected to be respectful of other students and are not permitted to fight, engage
in scuffles, or horseplay while on campus.
5. Students are expected to refrain from making loud and excessive noise whenever on campus.
6. Students (for safety reasons) are expected to walk at all times while moving
throughout the building.
7. Students may not sell or trade any items at school, school sponsored events, or on the bus.
Successful students will come to class prepared, actively participate, and exhibit good behavior. It is
important to show courtesy and respect to classmates and adults at all times. Everyone at SPSD is
expected to show pride in themselves, fellow students, teachers and facilities. Appropriate conduct
will be enforced at school and at all school sponsored events. It is the student’s responsibility to know
and follow school rules. Disrupting the educational process, extreme noise, running, pushing, shoving,
fighting, harassing others by inappropriate language or actions are not acceptable behaviors. Those
who cannot abide by the rules should expect to receive appropriate disciplinary action.. It is the
school’s responsibility to provide a safe environment with a sound curriculum. The teachers and/or
school administrators determine consequences of inappropriate behaviors.Reporting a problem to an
adult is essential. Teachers, guidance counselors, assistant principals or the principal can help you if
you have a problem with someone.
The board believes that proper etiquette, social customs, and good grooming are a definite part of the
educational process. It is expected that students wear to school or school functions neat and clean
appropriate clothing that meets the standards of this educational environment. It is not the intention of
these guidelines to usurp the authority of parents by determining what is appropriate attire and grooming
for their children in accordance with the age and grade of students. The school will work with parents in
encouraging our students to assume this responsibility and to execute it sensibly as they mature. The
purpose of the home and school working together should be to help students accept and cooperate with
the guidelines. In view of this statement, the following acceptable clothing will be in effect in all
elementary and intermediate schools:
Undergarments must be covered at all times
Appropriately groomed hair
Garments and face coverings with appropriate and acceptable graphics
Tops should be appropriate and cover the midriff
Clothing should be appropriately sized and worn appropriately as determined by the administration
Shorts and skirts of an appropriate length
Appropriate shoes must be worn (NO Heelies)
Garments must be secured at the waist
Shirt tails that extend below the bottom of the zipper must be tucked in.
Head gear only by permission of school administration
Jeans/pants that allow skin to be visible above the knee are not allowed
Leggings/Jeggings, and tights will be allowed if they are worn with a shirt or
top that comes to the mid-thigh area
Earrings should only be worn in the ear
Regulations in reference to grooming and dress for special activities such as athletics and physical
education will be governed by the immediate person in charge of these activities under the direction of
the principal. The individual schools will assume responsibility for ruling on specific items of clothing
and general appearance for reasons of safety and health, or for the order, well-being, and general welfare
of students. Styles and fads are forever changing; therefore the principal or his/her designee shall
reserve the right to alter this code at any time throughout the year. The Board authorizes school
administrators to employ appropriate disciplinary procedures to carry out and enforce this policy.
These are minimum standards that will be enforced at each school. Schools have the right to set
higher standards based on administrative procedures. Certain events require special dress.
Teachers will recommend appropriate clothing for field trips, special events or campus dances. The
administration may set other dress standards as the need arises.
The school day for students begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m.
Students may NOT be dropped off at school earlier than 7:10 a.m. School buildings will not be
open prior to 7:10 a.m., thus proper supervision will not be available for students. Students will not
be permitted to loiter near buildings, cars or streets after arriving on campus before or after school.
BES Pre-K car riders will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m. from the double doors at the main entrance of the 2-
story brick building. Kindergarten and First-Grade walkers will be dismissed at 2:45 p.m. each day.
Students who ride buses will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m.
Walkers are dismissed at 2:30 p.m from the main office.
Kindergarten and First-Grade Car Riders will be dismissed from the double doors which connect the
Kindergarten building to the 2-story Red Brick Building. Students should be picked up in a timely
manner with a walker card or photo-bearing ID presented to staff. Please do not enter the pickup area
before 2:35 p.m.
Please refer to figure below:
In order to reduce distractions to our students, we ask parents or other persons dropping off or picking up
students please do so outside the buildings and not proceed into the hallways or classrooms.
Please remain in your car if you are waiting in the traffic line. It is also very important that you
AVOID picking up your children before the dismissal bell. Often their homework assignment is
given at the end of the day and by having to leave early they miss this crucial information.
Dropping off students on the street or in designated no parking/standing zones is
NOT permitted. Traffic Pattern for Student Drop-Off/Pick-UP
Parents may not park and get out of their vehicle to wait for their children at dismissal. An adult
staff member will direct your child to your vehicle during dismissal.
Students may be given a car rider sign to place in your window or a walker card to present when
picking up your child.
Please observe safe speeds while on campus (5 mph).
Pull up behind the last car in line.
If you wish for your child to ride a day-care van, please come by
the office and complete the appropriate form.
School bus riders shall conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. The safety and security of
our students is of utmost importance to SPSD; therefore, video cameras (with audio) are utilized to
ensure the safety of this environment.
Because school bus passengers’ behavior can directly affect their safety and the safety of others, the
following regulations apply at all times when students are riding a school bus, including school activity
Bus riders are expected to be respectful, responsible, and peaceful at all times.
Respectful communications among and between riders shall be observed at all times. Quiet talk
and subdued laughter at all times will help prevent the diversion of the driver’s attention,
thereby averting the possibility of a serious accident.
Riders shall remain in a normal, seated position while the bus is in motion. Books and other
belongings shall be kept out of the aisles.
Eating and drinking are prohibited on the bus.
Students must sit in their assigned seat, if the bus driver has arranged a seating chart.
Students must properly identify themselves when asked to do so.
Put all trash in the waste containers provided on buses.
Riders shall remain silent when the bus is approaching and crossing railroad tracks.
Students must wait for the bus at the road or in the space designated as the pickup area.
The student shall be at the designated loading point nearest his/her home before
the school bus arrives. Students will be notified of the approximate pick-up time.
Any student who must cross the roadway to board or depart from the bus shall pass in front of
the bus (no closer than 10 feet), look in both directions, and proceed to cross the highway only
upon signal from the driver.
Students will depart from the bus at the designated point nearest his/her home.
All students shall be received and discharged through the right front entrance door of the
school bus. The EMERGENCY door will be used for EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY.
Permission to open windows must be obtained from the driver. All articles and objects shall
remain within the bus until the student departs.
Do not damage the seats or other equipment. Students who damage seats or other equipment on
the school bus will be expected to pay the cost for the repairs or replacement.
Do not leave any items on the bus. Any personal items left on the bus are not the responsibility
of the district.
Students must travel to and from school on the bus to which they are assigned. In order to
ride an alternate bus, or go to an alternate location, students must have a signed note with
approval from the principal or his/her designee.
Authority of the Driver
Pupils transported in a school bus or in a school pupil activity bus shall be under the authority of and
responsible directly to the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly
conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted across a street, highway, or road.
Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be
sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave
the bus en-route between home and school or other destinations. Rules shall include, but not be limited
to, specific administration procedures relating to suspension of riding privileges and shall be made
available to parents, pupils, teachers, and other interested parties.
Bus Discipline
Not following bus rules, disobedience, and disrespectful behavior shown to the bus driver are
considered bus infractions. School administrators will determine what category of infraction the
behavior falls under: minor infractions or major infractions. Below are the disciplinary actions taken
for either category of infractions.
Some examples of minor infractions include, but are not limited to:
- touching other students
- extending hands and arms outside of the bus
- being too loud
- moving around the bus
Disciplinary Actions for Minor Infractions:
1st offense: Administrator warning; call parent
2nd offense: Corporal punishment or bus suspension until parent contact/conference
3rd offense: Parent contact and one (1) day bus suspension
4th offense: Parent contact and two (2) days bus suspension
5th and subsequent offenses: Parent contact and three (3) days bus suspension
Some examples of major infractions include, but are not limited to:
Throwing objects
Disrespecting the bus driver
Fighting or play fighting/tussling
Use or possession of weapons
Smoking or use of tobacco
Use or possession of drugs/alcohol
Vulgar/obscene/profane language
Vandalism/destruction of property
Disciplinary Actions for Major Infractions:
1st offense: Parent contact, three (3) days bus suspension, and possible discipline hearing.
2nd-5th offenses: Parent contact, five (5) days bus suspension, and possible discipline hearing.
6th and subsequent offenses: Parent contact, ten (10) days bus suspension, and possible discipline
hearing; may result in loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the school year
**Fighting on the bus will result in OSS
***If a student is suspended from any South Panola School District bus, he/she MAY NOT ride any
South Panola School District bus.
Cell phones, iPods, radios, compact disc players, electronic games or devices, tape players, tapes,
cameras, toys, laser pointers, trading cards, and cigarette lighters are not allowed at school and will be
confiscated by staff members. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Aside from money
needed for lunches or school supplies, do not bring cash to school. Students may not buy, sell, or trade
any items at school or on the bus.
Use of electronic devices without permission may result in disciplinary action:
1st offense: Verbal warning and parent can pick up device
offense: Corporal punishment or one (1) day ALS and parent/guardian must pick up device
3rd and subsequent offenses: Three (3) days
ALS and a parent/guardian conference and
parent must pick up device
Students who refuse to give up electronic devices will be in ALS for three (3) days.
**Devices must be picked up between 3:30 and 4:00 by parents and/or guardians.
***Devices are not to be used unless approved by administration.
Knives or any other weapons as described in School Board Policy. Violation may
result in expulsion.
Tobacco products (including electronic cigarette and cigarette lighter)
Dolls and toys (including computerized toys, trading cards, games)
Pets or any live animal
Large amounts of money
Sports equipment is provided for activities planned by the school. For safety and
accounting reasons, it is recommended that students not bring their personal equipment.
Tapes, CDs, DVDs, computer games, cameras, beepers, radios, I-Pods, MP3
players, or cell phones
Excessive amounts of jewelry or clothing accessories (Tommy key chain necklaces,
sunglasses, etc.) that detract students’ attention.
Candy and gum
When a student’s behavior dictates the need for an office referral, the administration will refer to the
following procedures. Be aware that where appropriate and/or allowable per district and state policies,
alternative consequences or other behavior modification methods may/and can be applied.
Consequences include but are not limited to:
Alternative-Learning Setting (ALS)
Students may be assigned to Alternative-Learning Setting for a period of time depending on the
situation. This is a very structured and supervised program. Parents will be notified if a student is placed
in ALS. All class work completed and turned in on time while a student is assigned to ALS will receive
full credit. Lunch will be delivered to students in ALS. Students who check- out of school when
assigned ALS will make up the time not served. This includes missing days. There is NO appeal of an
ALS assignment (though parents/legal guardians may request a review by the school principal).
Corporal Punishment (CP)
The South Panola School District policy allows corporal punishment under certain conditions.
Contact your school for an opt-out form for you to sign if you choose not to have your child paddled.
Conditional Suspension/Required Parent Conference (RPC)
When necessary, students will be suspended from school until parents come in
for a conference to discuss the student’s misconduct or educational needs.
Suspension (OSS)
A student may be suspended from school by the Assistant Principal or Principal for up to ten (10)
consecutive days for violation of the Code of Student Conduct. While on out of school
suspension a student may receive schoolwork.
South Panola Alternative School Placement
Any student who is placed in an alternative educational environment for disciplinary reasons will not be
allowed to attend any South Panola School District extra-curricular function. (Ex: athletic events,
awards ceremony, et cetera.)
Any student who has met graduation requirements who receives an alternative school placement which
exceeds the number of days remaining in the school year may appear before the South Panola School
District Board of Trustees to determine eligibility to participate in graduation ceremonies graduation
practice and commencement.
Prior to consideration of returning the student to his/her home school, the alternative school
administrative staff, along with the home school’s administrative staff, shall evaluate the student’s
behavior, attendance, and academic progress.
All assigned work must be satisfactorily completed and returned to the student’s home school. If the
evaluation is not satisfactory, the student shall remain in alternative school until more favorable progress
is made.
Upon the recommendation of the school administration and the superintendent, a student may be
expelled by resolution of the Board for any serious breach of conduct including, but not limited
to weapons, drugs, willful disobedience, open defiance of authority, violence against persons or
property, or any other act which substantially disrupts the orderly conduct of the school.
A student who voluntarily reports to a teacher, principal, school bus driver, or other school employees
that he/she has unintentionally and without knowledge brought to school or any school-related function
a controlled substance, a knife, or other object or item prohibited by state, federal or local law or school
district policy may receive special consideration as a mitigating circumstance regarding any penalties
imposed by school district policy for possession of such substance, object or item. Nothing contained
in this policy is a guarantee that a student may receive any less discipline or punishment regarding
infractions of district policy or state, federal or local law. Further, nothing contained in this policy
conflicts with or impacts the District’s reporting requirements for violations of any laws. The phrase
“voluntarily reports” means that the student, immediately upon discovery of the prohibited substance,
object or item, reports the possession to a school employee.
This policy is adopted for the purpose of setting disciplinary guidelines for conduct of students of the South Panola School
District and administrative punishment for the violation of conduct requirements stated.
Section 1: WEAPONS
The possession of any weapon, or any item which could reasonably be considered to be used as a weapon, on the property
of the South Panola School District or any school-sponsored function is prohibited. The Board does hereby specifically
find that knives of any kind, box cutters, mace, pepper spray, guns, rifles, pistols, blackjacks, slapjacks, razors, explosive
devices (including firecrackers), and
all other items which might reasonably be considered to be used to inflict harm on others. Toy guns of any kind are
prohibited and students will be disciplined. Any student in possession of any weapon who makes a threat to kill, strike,
attack or harm any student, district employee or cause another person to become fearful for his/her safety by intimidation,
including verbal threats or gestures made in person, may receive additional punishment.
Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the Student Code may be expelled for not more than twelve (12)
calendar months, and will be subject to disposition according to the Mississippi Code Section 37-11-18 and 97-37-17.
Fighting and/or provoking a fight is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of this section of the Student Code will
be suspended for not less than three (3) school days and may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months. Appropriate
authorities may be notified in accordance with state laws. This applies to all SPSD grounds, property and events. South
Panola School District does not tolerate violent acts. Fighting will result in an out of school suspension and may result
in a referral to the Batesville Police Department/Panola County Sheriff. If involved in a confrontation, students should
seek help from an adult immediately.
Section 3: STEALING
The stealing of property of another individual or public property is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of
this Section of the Student Code will be placed in ALS for not less than three (3) school days and may be expelled for
up to twelve (12) calendar months. Authorities may be notified in appropriate instances.
The possession, consumption, or in any way use of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited. The attendance of any school
function or entrance to school property while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited. Any student
found to be in violation of this Section of the Student Code may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months and
local, state, and federal alcohol and drug control agents will be notified.
The possession, consumption, or in any way use of any unlawful drug or paraphernalia is prohibited. The attendance of
any school function or entrance to school property while under the influence of any unlawful drug is prohibited. Any
student found in violation of this Section of the Student Code may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months and
local, state, and federal alcohol and drug control agents will be notified. Any material possessed, consumed, or in any way
used that is represented as drugs or suspected to be drugs will be treated in the same way as stated above.
Section 5: TOBACCO
The use or possession of tobacco in any form, including electronic cigarettes, vaping devices and paraphernalia is
prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the Student Code may be placed in ALS for not less
than three (3) school days/possible suspension and may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months.
The use, spoken or written, of vulgar, profane, or obscene words is prohibited; vulgar, profane or obscene actions are
prohibited; the possession of vulgar or obscene signs or material is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of
the Section of the Student Code may be placed in ALS for no less than one (1) school day/possible suspension and may
be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months.
Willfully destroying, cutting, defacing, damaging or injuring any property belonging to another person or to the school
district is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the Student Code will be placed in ALS for no
less than one (1) school day/possible suspension and may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months. In the event
said property is school property, the parents or guardian shall be liable for all damages. Mississippi Code Section 37- 11-
Breaking and entering any school property is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the
Student Code may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months and appropriate authorities will be notified.
The disruption of the normal operation of the school or any activity of the school by student conduct is prohibited.
Inciting others to disrupt the normal operation of the school is prohibited; furthermore, any indicated gang activity is
considered disruptive . Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the Student Code will be placed in
ALS for no less than three (3) school days/possible suspension and may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar
Section 10: GAMBLING
The conduction or participation in any gambling game or device is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of
this Section of the Student Code will be placed in ALS for not less than one (1) school days/possible suspension and
may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months.
House Bill 1530 is an act to amend section 37-13-91, Mississippi code of 1972, to provide that a compulsory-school-age
child who is absent more that thirty-seven (37%) of the instructional day must be considered absent the entire day. Therefore,
for the purpose of determining and reporting attendance, pupils must be present for at least sixty-three percent (63%) of
their individual instructional day to be considered present the entire school day. The instructional day for each school
and/or student will be fixed by the school district. For further information, please refer to MS Code 37-13-91 and School
Board Policy JBD.
Leaving a class or school activity without permission is prohibited. Any student in violation of this section of the
Student Conduct Code will be placed in ALS for one (1) to five (5) school days.
Not Applicable to Elementary Students.
Supplying any school official false information concerning any school related matter is prohibited. Any student found to be in
violation of this Section of the Student Code will be placed in ALS for one (1) to three (3) school days/possible suspension
and may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months.
Refer to the Dress Code Section for acceptable clothing options.
Any student who is found to be guilty of two (2) or more violations to this code, said violations not arising out of the
same incident, may receive additional punishment for repetitive violations. Each violation in excess of one (1) may be
punished by three (3) school days’ suspension in addition to that set forth by the section violated. A student found to be
a chronic violator of the provisions of this Code may be expelled for the remainder of the academic year. Any student
found guilty of more than three (3) non-related violations of the Student Code may be expelled for the remainder of the
academic year.
Suspension or expulsions imposed under the provisions of this Code will be considered an unexcused
Students will be subject to the provisions of this Code at all times they are on school property or are in any way participating,
or attending, in school related activities sponsored by the South Panola School District or any other public school in the State
of Mississippi.
The duly elected and serving principals and their designated representatives are delegated and
charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Code.
Sexual misconduct by and among students is prohibited at all times. Any student found to be in violation of this Section
of the Student Code will be subject to discipline in accordance with District policies, rules and procedures including but
not limited to placement in ALS for no less than one (1) school day/possible suspension and may be expelled for up to
twelve (12) calendar months.
Students in the South Panola School District are protected from sexual discrimination, including SEXUAL HARASSMENT,
under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to the Civil Rights Act. Student complaints in regard to sexual
harassment shall be handled in compliance with district policy JB and JB-P.
The harassment or threatening of any other student, teacher, or staff member either verbally, physically, electronically, in
written form, with hand gestures, or any other means is prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the
Code may be suspended for not less than one (1) day and may be expelled for up to twelve (12) calendar months. Appropriate
authorities shall be notified in accordance with the state law.
Refusal to comply with rules or instructions or being rude or disrespectful to staff or fellow students is
prohibited. Any student found to be in violation of this Section of the Student code will be placed in
ALS for no less than one (1) school day/possible suspension and may be expelled for up to twelve (12)
calendar months.
A student shall not threaten to kill, strike, attack or harm any student, district employee or cause another
person to become fearful for his/her safety by intimidation, through any medium, including verbal
threats or gestures made in person, through another at the request of the perpetrator, on the phone, in
writing, or by any social media and/or electronic communication that poses a safety risk to any student,
employee or the school environment. Any student found in violation of this section of the Student Code
may be placed in ALS for a minimum of (3) school days with the possibility of suspension or expulsion
for up to (12) calendar months.
SPSD definition of bullying:
The South Panola School District does not condone and will not tolerate bullying or harassing
behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior is any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal
communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act reasonably perceived
as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic that (a) places a student,
school employee, or volunteer in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his
or her property, or (b) creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering
with or impairing a student's educational performance, opportunities or benefits. A "hostile
environment" means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and
the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is
bullying or harassing behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior will not be condoned or tolerated when it
takes place on school property, at any school- sponsored function, or on a school bus, or when it takes
place off school property when such conduct, in the determination of the school superintendent or
principal, renders the offending person’s presence in the classroom a disruption to the educational
environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such
class as a whole.
The South Panola School District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no student, school
employee or volunteer is subjected to bullying or harassing behavior by other school employees or
students. Likewise, the District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no person engages in
any act of reprisal or retaliation against a victim, witness or a person with reliable information about
an act of bullying or harassing behavior. The District encourages anyone who has witnessed or has
reliable information that a student or school employee has been subject to any act of bullying or
harassing behavior to report the incident to the appropriate school official.
The School Board directs the superintendent or designee to design and implement procedures for
reporting, investigating, and addressing bullying and harassing behaviors. The procedures should be
appropriately placed in District personnel policy handbooks, school handbooks that include discipline
policies and procedures, and any other policy or procedure that deals with student or employee behavior.
The discipline policies and procedures must recognize the fundamental right of every student to take
“reasonable actions” as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an attack by another student
who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassment. Furthermore, the
South Panola School District defines “reasonable action” as promptly reporting the behavior to a
teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee when subjected to bullying or harassing
behavior. Ref: SB 2015; Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-301(e)
Online Bullying Report Form
The safety of our students, staff and administrators is the top priority of the South Panola School
In an effort to enhance our safety measures throughout the district, an online Bullying and Anonymous
Safety Report Form has been created to report any form of bullying or harassing behavior, or safety
The online form, which may be found by visiting the "Information" section on the SPSD website, will
be sent to administrators of the building/grounds where the event took place or is taking place.
Any student, school employee or volunteer who feels he/she has been a victim of bullying or harassing
behavior, or has witnessed or who has reliable information that a student, school employee or volunteer
has been subject to bullying or harassing behavior shall report such conduct to a teacher, principal,
counselor or other school official. The report shall be made promptly but no later than five (5) calendar
days after the alleged act or acts occurred. The school official shall complete a “Bullying/Harassing
Behavior” complaint form which shall include that name of the reporting person, the specific nature and
date of the misconduct, the names of the victim of the misconduct, the names of any witnesses and any
other information that would assist in the investigation of the complaint. The report shall be given
promptly to the principal or superintendent who shall institute an immediate investigation. Complaints
against the principal shall be made to the superintendent and complaints against the superintendent shall
be made to the Board chairman.
The complaint shall be investigated promptly. Parents will be notified of the nature of any complaint
involving their student. The District official will arrange such a meeting as may be necessary with all
concerned parties within five (5) working days after initial receipt of the complaint by the District.
The parties will have an opportunity to submit evidence and a list of witnesses. All findings related to
the complaint will be reduced to writing. The District official conducting the investigation shall
notify the victim and parents as appropriate when the investigation is completed and a decision
regarding disciplinary action, as warranted, is determined.
If the victim is not satisfied with the decision of the District official, he/she may submit a written
appeal to the superintendent. Such an appeal shall be filed within ten (10) working days after receipt
of the results of the initial decision. The superintendent will arrange such meetings with the victim and
other affected parties as deemed necessary to discuss the victim’s appeal within ten (10) working days.
If the victim is not satisfied with the decision of the superintendent, a written appeal may be filed with
the Board. Such an appeal shall be filed within ten (10) working days after the receipt of the decision of
the superintendents. The Board shall, within twenty (20) working days, allow the victim and parents as
appropriate to appear before the Board to present reasons for dissatisfaction with the decision of the
superintendent. The Board shall provide a written decision within ten (10) working days following the
victim’s Board appearance.
Parents who have a concern about their student should follow the chain of command:
Teacher>Counselor>School Administrator>District Administration or Coach>Athletic
Director>School Administrator>District Administration
The complaint should be expressed within five (5) days of the incident. If the parent is not satisfied,
then he/she should take his concern to the next level. If the complaint cannot be solved, then the
parent should put it in writing to the Superintendent.
Suspensions of Eleven (11) School Days or More, Expulsion and Alternative School Placement
1. The Parents/Guardians of the disciplined student are informed about the appeals process by an
administrator from the discipling school.
2. A hearing before the Discipline Hearing Committee (“DHC) shall be scheduled no later than the
tenth school day following the date of the written notice of the principal/administrator’s discipline
recommendation. A hearing is held in which the DHC makes a decision to concur with the
recommendation for suspension, expulsion or non-admission or not concur with the
recommendations for suspension, expulsion or non-admission by: (i) deciding against suspension,
expulsion or non-admission; (ii) increasing or decreasing the duration of the suspension: (iii)
recommending expulsion; or (iv) recommending admission with or without conditions.
3. Parents/ legal guardians who disagree with the DHC’s decision have the right to ask for a review
of that decision by the Superintendent within four (4) school days of the date of the written
decision of the DHC. Requests for review can be hand-delivered or emailed to Vicky Culp at
[email protected]. If the Parent/legal guardian does not submit a written request for review to
the Superintendent within the deadline period, the decision of the DHC shall be final.
4. Parents/ legal guardians who disagree with the Superintendent's opinion have the right to ask for
an appeal before the Board of Trustees. A written notice must be filed within five (5) school days
of the date of the Superintendent’s decision with the Superintendent to request a Board Hearing.
The decision of the Board will be given to parents/legal guardians within 72 hours following the
appeal before the Board of Trustees by the Superintendent. If the Parent/legal guardian does not
submit a written request for review to the Superintendent within the deadline period, the decision
of the Superintendent shall be final.
5. At any point in the appeal process described above, the Parent/legal guardian of the disciplined
student may waive any due process or appeal by signing a written waiver of such rights. There is
no right to appeal a suspension of ten (10) school days or less past the initial due process
informal hearing with the principal set forth in District Policy JCAA.
While we know that there are times that our students are absent, every opportunity must be taken to
come to school every day. If our students are not in our classrooms, they cannot benefit and learn from
our teachers. Regular and punctual attendance of all classes is required in compliance with Mississippi
law and district policy.
The School Attendance Law requires that the school report to the School Attendance Officer all
unexcused absences. The Compulsory Attendance Officer will contact the parent by telephone, letter or
home visit after five (5) unexcused absences to encourage attendance and to help with the problem of
nonattendance. Parents found in non-compliance with the law, which allows for no more than twelve
(12) unexcused absences for the year, are subject to having a petition filed with the appropriate court for
child educational neglect and subject to a fine of up to $1,000 or up to one (1) year in jail or both and/or
the student may fail for the year. A child over ten (10) years of age can be declared a delinquent if he/she
refuses to attend school. If there are any questions, please contact the Compulsory Attendance Officer at
662-563- 6025.
SPSD recognizes excused absences in the following categories:
1. Doctor’s excuse
2. Court proceedings
3. Death of family member (must have published obituary)
4. The discretion of the principal
5. Head lice will be excused for one (1) day with a maximum of three (3) days per school year.
6. Parent note (No more than seven (7) absences TOTAL may be excused by parent notes per school year.)
** Absences not included in the excuses listed above and while on bus suspension shall be unexcused.
The written excuse must be turned in to the office within three (3) days. Absences are recorded on the
report card and on permanent records. Students who skip school or skip classes are subject to
disciplinary action.
All excuses must include the following:
1. Date the excuse was written
2. The first and last name of the person writing the excuse along with their address and
phone number
3. First and Last name of student
4. Date on which the student is requesting to be excused
5. The reason why the student was absent
Any student absent for 20 consecutive days will be dropped from the school register unless the legal
guardian advises the principal that the student has a legitimate reason for the extended absence. The
principal will determine the course of action to be followed concerning a student’s progress and
placement following an extended absence.
When students arrive tardy to school (7:51 A.M. or later), they must sign in at the main office with a
parent (driving-age students who drive to school excluded).
Once students arrive on school grounds, they are under school supervision. No student will leave school
grounds without a parent/guardian checking them out in the main office. When parents pick up students
at any time during the school day, they must sign the child out in the main office, and proper
identification may be required. Signing out a student early will count as a “tardy.” When possible,
medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.
A checkout card will be sent home at the beginning of the year and should be returned promptly to the
school. This card will be provided for parents to designate any other person(s) who may checkout
his/her child. If a person’s name is listed on the emergency form, please be sure that the person has a
valid telephone number and transportation to pick up your child. If the courts have given one parent
custody of the child and the other biological parent has no custodial rights a copy of the court order
denying them the right to the child must be sent to school. Only individuals on the student’s check
out list are allowed to check out the student. Photo identification is required.
Please do not ask to check your child out during the day or call them to the office unless there is an
emergency or serious reason. Research shows that each time a class is interrupted, eight minutes of
instructional time is lost. Checking your child out early is detrimental to the learning process for all
of our students. PLEASE COOPERATE with us by not checking your child out early or disrupting
the class during the day. Students may not be checked out after 2:45 except for emergency situations.
Tardies/checkouts will be excused for the same reasons as absences, with the same required
documentation. All other reasons (i.e. car problems, lost keys, overslept, ran out of gas, etc.) will
be unexcused. An unexcused check-in will result in a tardy. Excessive tardiness or early pick-
ups may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Please reference Section 11 of the Student Conduct Code for more information about school
attendance. CONSEQUENCES
Attendance is part of the criteria for promotion; a student with excessive absences may
be in jeopardy of being retained for nonattendance.
A child is considered “excessively absent” if the student has five (5) days or more unexcused
A child is considered “habitually truant” if the student has twelve (12) or more unexcused
absences in a 90-day calendar period and will be reported to the attendance officer.
Tardies are cumulative but will be reset to zero at the end of each 9 weeks. Tardy consequences may
include, but are not limited to, verbal warning, parent conference, corporal punishment or ALS.
Students will have two (2) days upon returning to school to secure any assignments that
were missed due to an excused absence.
In the instance of an excused absence, students will have the number of days that equals
the number of days absent to make up any missed assignments. (Up to fifteen [15] days)
Assignments missed as a result of an unexcused absence are to be made up upon the
students return to school.
Fire drill instructions will be posted in each room for directions to fire exit routes. When the fire
alarm is activated, everyone must leave the building. Follow the teachers’ instructions immediately.
Without talking, walk in single file and do not run. All persons will remain outside, a safe distance
from the building, until the bell sounds for returning to the building.
There are particular instructions for other drills that occur during the school year, such as Tornado,
Earthquake, and Code Red Alert. Students must follow instructions carefully during those drills.
If it is necessary to delay the opening of schools, SPSD will send out information via messaging alert
systems and post to the website and social media pages. Please check those outlets accordingly for
1-Hour Delay: Buses run their normal routes, beginning one hour later than usual. Parents should
anticipate that their children will board the bus an hour later than they normally do. (For example: If the
bus normally comes at 6:40, it will arrive around 7:40, and if school normally begins at 7:51, it will
begin at 8:51.) This may vary given the weather conditions and logistical issues.
2-Hour Delay: Buses run their normal routes, beginning two hours later than usual. Parents should
anticipate that their children will board the bus 2 hours later than they normally do. (For example:
If the bus normally comes at 6:40, it will arrive around 8:40, and if school normally begins at 7:51,
it will begin at 9:51.) This may vary given the weather conditions and other logistical issues.
Academics and Grading
The following GRADING SCALE is used, and is in compliance with our district’s Student
Progression Plan:
Pre-K - Kindergarten = E Excellent 1st 3rd Grade =
S Satisfactory
IN Improvement Needed
U Unsatisfactory/Still Developing
P - Participation
A (Excellent) 90 100
B (Above Average) 80 89
C (Average) 70 79
D (Below Average) 65 - 69
F (Failure) Below 65
The following requirements must be met before a student is to be promoted to the next grade:
Kindergarten: Promotional decisions will be agreed upon by the teacher and the parent. If the
teacher feels that the child is not prepared for first grade, he/she will recommend retention. If the
parent is not in agreement, a waiver must be signed by the parent saying the child is to be placed
in the next grade. However, the state attorney general has issued an official opinion which states,
“the school board has the authority to retain a student in kindergarten for an
additional year if the district deems that placement of the student in the first grade would not be
the most appropriate educational level.”
st nd
1 2 : An average grade of 65 must be attained in all three (3) major subjects.
3 : An average grade of 65 must be attained in all major subjects.
All academic subjects are major subjects.
Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, a student scoring below Level 3 in reading on the established
rd th
state assessment for 3 grade will not be promoted to 4 grade unless the student meets
the good cause exceptions for promotion.
Progress Reports will be sent home midway through each grading period. These reports will be issued
to each student in order to report academic progress. Parents should carefully review these reports so
that they may assist their children. Report cards will be sent home approximately one week after the
end of the nine weeks period.
Students earning all A’s during a grading period will be on the Superintendent’s List. Students earning a
B or above in each subject will be on the Principal’s List. An unsatisfactory (U) in conduct will
disqualify a student for the Superintendent’s List or Principal’s List. At the end of the year an award will
be given to the student in each classroom with the highest average in reading, language arts, math and
spelling. Additional awards will be presented in the classrooms.
School Resources
Through a comprehensive developmental school counseling program, the school counselor uses a team
approach with the school staff, parents, students, and community to help all children achieve success
within their academic, personal/social, and career development. Referrals to the school counselor can be
made by students, parents, and staff members. Services available through school counselors include:
1. Classroom guidance lessons on a variety of academic, social, and career topics.
2. Individual, solution-focused, grief counseling service
3. Small group counseling services
4. Coordination and explanation of state testing
5. Assistance with family guidance, resources, and support for behavior and academic concerns
6. School-wide programs and activities to enhance school climate
7. Conference with families and teachers to assist in meeting student needs
8. Crisis intervention services
9. Coordination of the academic and behavior intervention process
The school district employs school nurses to assist with the health needs of our students. Parents are
required to complete a health card at the beginning of the school year that provides a health history,
emergency contact information, and signed consent for the school nurse to carry out first aid and
administer medications as listed in the School Health Nurse Standing Orders (standing orders located
in handbook). The health card will be kept in the nurse’s station. No child will be given medication
for headache or other minor ailments without signed consent from parent/guardian. A student should
be free of fever (fever is considered 100 degrees or greater), without the use of fever-reducing
medications such as Tylenol/Motrin and/or exhibit no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before
returning to school.
If it becomes necessary for the student to take any form of medication on a routine basis at school, a
Permission for Medication Form must be completed by a parent/guardian along with the
parent/guardian Authorization and Indemnity Agreement at the time the medication is brought in. These
forms can be obtained in the school office. The District does not allow the use of medical cannabis
while on district property. Medication must be provided in the labeled bottle obtained at the pharmacy
with the prescribing information and the parent/guardian must provide a physician’s order authorizing
school personnel to administer the medication. No medication will be administered if not in a labeled
bottle with correct student information. Medication that is prescribed three times a day (such as
antibiotics) should be given at home unless otherwise stated by a physician. Any student requiring the
use of inhalers or Epi-pens will be allowed to have access to these based on doctor’s orders. If your child
requires an inhaler or other asthma medication, please notify the school nurse to obtain the appropriate
forms to be completed. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school of any
medication changes and submit a doctor’s order for such changes.
Possession and/or administration of any drugs or other controlled substance(s) on school
grounds by students or others may constitute violation of the law and/or student
conduct code.
Illness and First Aid During the School Day
In case of illness during the school day, a student should explain to the teacher that he/she is ill. If
necessary, the teacher will refer the child to the nurse for further action. Upon students being
referred to the nurse, children will be returned to class unless they have a fever or show visible signs of illness. In
such cases, parents/guardians will be contacted. Care of any injury may be obtained in the school clinic.
In case of an emergency, the school should have alternate phone numbers and preference of
hospital. Please keep contact cards up to date.
Remove stinger if easy. Apply ice
Topical analgesic. Benadryl-
for 5 minutes.
25mg with parent permission.
Cold water for 5 minutes.
First Aid Ointment*
Lie down with feet elevated.
Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia
For temperature <100.1, call parent.
Acetaminophen -325mg by
For pain.
mouth1 or 2 tablets ages 12 and
up. Less than 12 based on
age/weight. One time fever
Send home >100.1. Child must be free of
occurrence or pain.
Ibuprofen- 200 mg by mouth 1 or
fever x 24 hours before returning to school.
2 tablets ages 12 and up. < 12
based on age/weight. NO
Simple Headaches
Bed rest in quiet, low lighted area for 15-
Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen as
above. Treat once for headache in
minutes. Cool compresses to forehead.
24-hour period. Refer if persists.
Cleanse with soap and water
Apply antibiotic ointment.
Refer if needed.
Menstrual Cramps
Bed rest for 30 minutes
as directed above.
Sore Throat
Temp. <101, gargle with salt water (1 tsp to
Throat Lozenges
8 oz. water)
as directed above.
Rinse with warm salt water. Cool
Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen as
compresses to cheek.
above. Topical Benzocain 20%.
Gastrointestinal (Stomach Ache)
Bed rest 15-20 minutes
Pepto-Bismol, Trial Antacid,
Maalox as directed on bottle.
Suspected Ringworm of skin
Rule out ringworm of scalp.
Antifungal cream
Rule out allergic reaction. Cool
1% Hydrocortisone- thin coat.
Conjunctival Irritation (eye)
Examine for foreign body. Refer if suspect
Artificial Tears**single
Pink Eye.
dose. Normal saline for
students with contacts.
Refer if persistent.
Allergic reaction
Rule out anaphylaxis. Attempt to detect
Administer Benadryl 12.5-25
allergen. Contact parent.
mg based on age and weight.
Refer to MD if indicated.
Head Lice
Instruct family in treatment and
Over the counter Pediculos
prevention. May return to school after
(head lice) shampoo.
proof of treatment
** Without preservatives / *** First Aid Ointment should not contain cortisone.
These orders have been approved by a local physician to be followed by the school nurses. You
MUST complete and SIGN the student’s health card in order for the nurses to administer any
treatment or medications as indicated above. Please list any allergies that your child has on his/her
health card.
Health Screenings
The school nurse will screen vision and hearing on all first and fourth graders. Parents will be
notified of any failed results requiring follow-up. The school nurse will also screen vision and
hearing on students referred by a teacher or by parent request. Screening will be done during
the school year as the schedule permits.
Head Lice
For any student who has had head lice on three (3) consecutive occasions during one (1) school year,
the principal shall notify the county health department of the recurring problem of head lice with
that student. The student shall not be allowed to attend school until proof of treatment is obtained.
It is expected that students will utilize good manners.
Students will not be allowed to share food for health reasons.
Breakfast and lunch must be eaten in the cafeteria, whether it is purchased at school or brought
from home. All food and drinks bought in the cafeteria must be consumed there before leaving
the cafeteria.
Student Scan Cards will be used in the cafeteria. Each student will be issued a NEW card at
the beginning of the school year. It is important that students bring their cards for breakfast
and lunch. A fee will be charged for replacing lost cards.
No local commercial restaurant meals are allowed to be brought in for students’ lunch.
Breakfast = free for BES students
Lunch = $2.35 Reduced Lunch = $0.40 Extra Milk = $0.50
It is encouraged that students pay for their meals a week or a month at a time. No more than three (3)
charges, please. To make other arrangements, call the cafeteria in advance.
Parents may complete a new lunch form at any time by getting a new form from the district
office. It is the student’s responsibility to pay any charges occurring before the status has changed
to free or reduced. A new application must be completed each school year. Students are able to carry
over their lunch status from last year for thirty (30) days into the new school year. It is important that
the new lunch form be completed as quickly as possible.
Parents/Guardians and Guests
The residential parent is considered the primary parent contact by the school.
It is essential that the school always has current information regarding students. If you change your
address, home telephone number, work number, or any other information, please inform the school
office personnel at once or send a written notification. This is especially important in case of
student emergencies.
Parents are required to make appointments by writing the teacher a note or telephoning the
school office for conferences with teachers, counselors, or the principal. Unscheduled
conferences are an interruption and cause the loss of valuable instructional time. Conferences
may be scheduled either before/after school or during the teacher’s planning time. When a
conference is scheduled please make every effort to meet on the scheduled day and time.
Teachers may not conference with parents/guardians when other students are present.
For safety purposes, if you need to go into the classroom buildings, office area, cafeteria, or clinic we
will give you a visitor’s badge to wear as long as you are on the campus. Please do not go anywhere else
on the campus other than your specified visit location. Classroom instruction cannot be interrupted
during the school day. If a parent wishes to have an official conference with the teacher, arrangements
must be made with the teacher prior to the visit.
Becoming involved in our active Booster Club provides an opportunity to contribute to your child’s
school. Throughout the year many educational, fun-filled, and money-raising events take place. We
look forward to working with you this year!
Plan to chaperone a field trip or to become a school volunteer? There are many ways that you can help
our school and students. Watch for information coming home. Parents and other interested persons may
not volunteer until they have completed all requirements from the school in which they wish to
Miscellaneous Information
SPSD provides access to Chromebooks to all students for educational purposes. Students and teachers may
use these Chromebooks to access the internet to explore, research, and complete some assignments. Students
are supervised while on the internet, and we make every effort to make sure no student is exposed to
inappropriate materials. Please sign the Acceptable Computer, Network Resources and Internet Use
Policy found in Appendix C of the handbook to allow students to use
Chromebooks and the internet. TEXTBOOKS
The State of Mississippi provides textbooks that are issued by the teachers. Students must take care of
all textbooks issued to them. They are the responsibility of the student. Textbooks are very
expensive to replace or repair. A fee for excessive wear or damage to textbooks will be charged to
students who fail to take proper care of the books. A fee will also be charged for lost textbooks and lost
library books. All books must be returned when students are withdrawing from school. Students who
find lost textbooks should return them to the office.
Throughout the school year, activities with pictures are published in the local newspaper and the
district’s websites. Videos are sometimes made of activities and events. If you do not wish for your child
to be photographed, please sign and return the photo consent form in Appendix D of the handbook.
Parents are encouraged to purchase the school accident insurance coverage for their children. This policy
has a rate for school-time and 24-hour coverage.
No unauthorized use of school property, including athletic facilities, after school hours such as
skateboarding, rollerblading, bike riding, using playground equipment, etc. is allowed.
Checks should be made payable to Batesville Elementary School. Individual checks must be made for
each child in school. Checks will no longer be accepted after a check has been returned for insufficient
funds. Future payments must then be made in cash.
During the school year, special events/educational opportunities may be offered for student participation
on a first come, first serve basis. These events may be during the school day or during non-school hours,
on or off campus. Examples may include, but not be limited to, all extracurricular activities (i.e. clubs),
educational tours/visitations, speakers, assembly programs, field trips, etc. Please make sure that you
submit all of your child’s paperwork and any fees in a timely manner to ensure his/her attendance.
Please contact your child’s teacher if there are any extenuating circumstances. It is at the discretion of
the administration and classroom teacher to revoke the privilege of attending field trips.
Mississippi statute requires that the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag be recited at the beginning of each
day in every public elementary and secondary school in the state. Exemption from participation may be
granted upon written request of the parent or guardian.
Your child’s records are available for you to review at any time. Parents/guardians may wish to set up
an appointment to review the files so adequate time can be given to explain test data or other pertinent
information. When transferring to another school, the child’s records will be sent as soon as the request
is received from the school in which the child is enrolling. Early notification of plans to transfer is
always appreciated.
Birthday parties, and/or surprise parties are generally prohibited in order to prevent disruption of
other classes and daily activities. Special events, holidays, and activities that correlate with
subject material may be held at the discretion of the administration. Classroom parties are
provided on a scheduled basis. Gifts of any kind are prohibited.
Physical education is a required program in Mississippi. Students may be excused from participating
in P.E. with a signed note from the parent/guardian; however, missing extended periods shall require a
note from a doctor. Students shall wear clothing and footwear appropriate to the physical education
activities. Shoes should be closed with rubber soles and should allow children to perform to the best
of their physical ability. This policy will be enforced due to safety concerns.
The office may take messages for students when deemed an emergency or essential. Parents wishing
to confer with teachers are invited to call the office, and every effort will be made to have the teacher
call back when feasible. Let your children know before they come to school what they are to do
at the end of each day. Children participating in after hours’ programs, such as P.E. events or chorus
should make arrangements with parents before arriving at school.
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Aside from money needed for lunches or school
supplies, students should not bring cash to school. Students may not sell or trade any items at school,
school sponsored events, or on the bus.
It is the policy of the South Panola Public School District to provide equal opportunity without regard to
race, national origin, religion, sex, age, qualified person with disabilities or Veteran, in the educational
program and activities. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, educational services, financial aid and
employment. Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to the central office.
LEGAL REF.: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Educational Amendments
of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitations Act of 1973; Title II Americans with
Disabilities Act.
As provided under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, no person in the U.S. shall, on the
basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination
under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Standard 2 is as follows:
School board policies that comply with state and federal statutes, rules, and regulations serve as the basis
of operation for the district, and current copies of school board policies are published and available for
public review. The South Panola School District shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex,
age, disability, religion, national origin, or military status with regard to any policy, procedure, or program
operation. The South Panola School District is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate
in such a manner. Questions or complaints concerning Title IX may be directed to Dr. Jamone Edwards,
209 Boothe Street, Batesville, MS 38606;(662) 563-9631;
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access
to, or treatment or employment in, its program and activities to the extent provided by law. Questions
concerning Section 504 may be directed to the Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator
as follows: Mrs. Melinda Price, 209 Boothe Street, Batesville, MS 38606 or (662) 563-9361.
This school district affirms the employee rights under Title VI and therefore "shall not tolerate verbal or
physical conduct by any employee, male or female, which harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another's
work performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment.”
LEGAL REF.: 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI; 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII;
Executive Order 11246, as amended; 1972 Education Amendments, Title IX; 45
CFR, Part 86; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503; 1973 Rehabilitation Act,
Section 504; 45 CFR, Part 84; 29 U.S.C.A. 621, et seq.
CROSS REF.: Policies GACN Sexual Harassment
The South Panola School District shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age,
disability, religion, national origin, or military status with regard to any policy, procedure,
or program operation. For inquiries regarding this policy on discrimination contact:
Title IX Coordinator ADA/504 Coordinator
GBD Professional Personnel Hiring
Dr. Jamone Edwards Mrs. Melinda Price
South Panola School District 209
Boothe Street
Batesville, MS 38606
Legal Information
SPSD Non-discrimination
The South Panola School District shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age,
disability, religion, national origin, or military status with regard to any policy, procedure,
or program operation. For inquiries regarding this policy on discrimination contact:
Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Jamone Edwards,
ADA/504 Coordinator: Mrs. Melinda Price 209
Boothe Street, Batesville, MS 38606
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years
of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These
rights are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after
the day the South Panola School District (“School”) receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students who wish to inspect their child’s or their education records should
submit to the school principal a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect.
The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student
of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or
eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s
privacy rights under FERPA.
Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the School to amend their child’s or their
education record should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they
want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the School decides not to amend the
record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or
eligible student of the decision and of their right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the
parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to provide written consent before the School discloses personally identifiable
information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA and
34 C.F.R. § 99.31 authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with
legitimate educational interests. A school official includes a person employed by the School as
an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical
staff and law enforcement unit personnel) or a person serving on the school board. A school
official also includes a volunteer, contractor, or consultant who, while not employed by the
school, performs an institutional service or function for which the school would otherwise use
its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use
and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, medical
consultant, or therapist, who has been determined by the School to have legitimate educational
interests; a parent or student volunteering to serve on an official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting
another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate
educational interest if the official needs to access or review an education record in order to
fulfill his or her professional responsibility or to perform the services or tasks for which the
School has retained it.
Upon request, the school discloses education records without consent to officials of
another school or school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already
enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning
alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and
address of the Office that administers FERPA are:
Student Privacy Policy Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
South Panola School District
209 Boothe Street, Batesville, Mississippi 38606
Phone (662) 563-9361/Fax (662) 563-6077
Web Site:
Providing Opportunities for Educational Excellence
Dr. Del Phillips, Superintendent
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that South Panola School District,
with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your
child’s education records. However, South Panola School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory
information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District
procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the South Panola School District to include
information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include:
A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production;
The annual yearbook;
Honor roll or other recognition lists;
Graduation programs; and
Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members.
Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if
released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations
include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws
require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965, as amended (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with the following information names, addresses
and telephone listings unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed
without their prior written consent. If you do not want the South Panola School District to disclose any or all of the types
of information designated below as directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written
consent, you must notify the District in writing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of this notice. South Panola School
District has designated the following information as directory information:
Student's name
Telephone listing
Electronic mail address
Date and place of birth
● Major field of study
Dates of attendance
Dr. Del Phillips, Superintendent
All South Panola School District Schools are Title I schools and follow federal regulations.
Parental support and involvement are vital to a child’s educational success. All schools develop a
parental involvement plan each year. If you would like to learn more about Title I programs,
parental involvement plans, express suggestions and concerns or file a complaint, contact Tammie
Skelton, Director of Federal Programs and School Improvement at 563-9361.
Title I also specifies certain additional information which parents have the
right to know, such as, but not limited to the following:
The professional qualifications of your child’s teachers and paraprofessionals.
Your child’s level of achievement in statewide assessments.
Notification of your child will be taught four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who
is not highly qualified.
To receive information in an understandable and uniform format in a language that you
can understand.
Please be informed by this notice that during the 2021-2022 school year all of the school
buildings of the South Panola School District were re-inspected for asbestos and lead paint for a
three (3) year period. Management plans were updated and copies stating that the buildings met
all requirements were forwarded to the Mississippi State Department of Education where they
are on file. The Management Plans will be updated from time to time as the need arises.
A copy of the results of the inspection is contained in a Management Plan Document that is on
file in the office of the Director of Maintenance and in the office of the superintendent of schools
located at 209 Boothe Street. Any interested party should feel free to go by any of these locations
to read these reports.
Faculty Meeting and Staff Development ......................................................................... July 26-28,31 2023
School Begins For Pupils Cafeteria Opens ........................................................................ August 1, 2023
Labor Day .............................................................................................................................. September 4, 2023
Fall Break………………….. ............................................................................................. October 2-6, 2023
Thanksgiving Holidays ............................................................................................. November 20-24, 2023
School Resumes ............................................................................................................. November 27, 2023
Christmas Break (60% day) ......................................................................................... December 15, 2023
Teacher Work Day ............................................................................................................... January 2, 2024
School Resumes for Students ................................................................................................ January 3, 2024
Martin Luther King Day ...................................................................................................... January 15, 2024
President’s Day ................................................................................................................. February 19, 2024
Spring Holidays ................................................................................................................ March 11-15, 2024
School Resumes .................................................................................................................... March 18, 2024
Good Friday .......................................................................................................................... March 29, 2024
Easter Monday .......................................................................................................................... April 1, 2024
Last Day for Pupils (60% day) .................................................................................................. May 22, 2024
Teacher Work Days ............................................................................................................. May 23-24, 2024
Graduation ............................................................................................................... Saturday, May 25, 2024
Total Pupil Days……………………………………….(1
Semester 88)…(2
Semester 92) ................................. 180
Total Teacher Days .................................................................................................................................................. 187
First Nine Weeks………………………………………………………….. September 25-29, 2023
Second Nine Weeks……………………………………………………..….December 11-15, 2023
Third Nine Weeks……………………………………………………………....... March 4-8, 2024
Fourth Nine Weeks…………………………………………………….…... ......... May 13-17, 2024
Appendix B
South Panola School Board
Acceptable Computer, Network Resources and Internet Use Policy Revised October 2020
The South Panola School District School Board wishes to make available to all students and staff
access to computers, computer networked resources, and Internet Resources. The SPSD Board
also desires these computers, networked resources and the Internet be used in ways appropriate
for an educational institution. The intent is to make Computers, Network resources and the
Internet available to improve the educational process, enhance student achievement and enhance
productivity and related responsibilities and tasks where applicable.
Access to the district’s computers and network resources entails responsibility. Access is a
privilege, not a right. All users are to be held responsible for appropriate behavior while using
school computers, network resources and the Internet just as they are during any other school
activity. General rules for behavior and communications apply.
Students, parents, staff and other network users should be aware that objectionable information
may be found on the Internet. Be warned that some material accessible via the Internet may
contain items that are illegal, defamatory, objectionable, inaccurate, and / or potentially
offensive. While SPSD will make reasonable attempts to filter objectionable material, the district
will not be held responsible for inappropriate material.
Parents and guardians of students should impress upon their children the need for the appropriate
use of media and information sources available via the Internet. Be advised, that some courses
require Internet access and students must adhere to this policy. Failure to agree and comply with
this policy may require the loss of network privileges, the removal of a student from the course,
and / or other disciplinary and legal action.
Ownership and Privacy issues for Computers and Network Resources
South Panola School District affirms ownership of computers and network resources that have
been purchased with District funding sources. Network supervision and maintenance may require
review and inspection of computers, hard drives, cache engines, routers and other electronic
devices. The District reserves the right to record and monitor computer usage, access and review
stored files, access and review email, messages, links on Computers and Network Devices within
the School District. Courts have ruled that computers, computer hard drives, computer files, email
records and other electronic information devices may be subpoenaed, and that appropriate
administrators may examine electronic information in order to ascertain compliance with network
guidelines for acceptable use.
Statements and Disclaimers
South Panola School District will adhere to the Child Internet Protection Act Legislation, and
other state and federal laws with reference to school network resources where applicable.
South Panola Schools may post pictures and names of staff and students on the school’s
website that are viewable on the World Wide Web. Exclusions to this policy must be written to
the School Principal requesting that no photos be published for a particular individual. These
efforts are being made to give positive exposure to all individuals and related school activities.
This Acceptable use policy will be posted in student handbooks, staff handbooks and on the
South Panola Website. Signatures of the student handbook which encompasses this policy
are to be kept on file in the principal’s area.
The School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for
the service it is providing. The school system will not be responsible for any damages
suffered by any user. Use of any information via the Internet is at the risk of the user.
General guidelines for using computers, network resources and the Internet
Individuals will be held responsible for their behavior and communication while accessing
network resources and the Internet. Students, staff and other computer network users are
responsible for appropriate behavior on computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a
school hallway. Some common issues are discussed below:
June 2012 : The South Panola School Board has approved a District Internet Safety Policy
in addition to this Acceptable Computer, Network Resources and Internet Use Policy to
strengthen its stand on Internet Usage. This Internet Safety Policy can be found in the School
Board Minutes and is linked from the South Panola School District Home Page.
Don’t use school network resources for illegal purposes. Don’t pirate software or violate
copyright laws. All software installed on district computers must be licensed. Other than
district or state provided software, any additional software to be installed must have prior
approval of the principal, technology director, or superintendent.
Don’t search for, access, display or transmit offensive messages or objectionable materials or
inappropriate non educational web sites. Don’t access or transmit any material that promotes
violence or the destruction of property. Don’t share passwords or access another user’s
account. Don’t change files, desktop settings, screensavers, or other system/network settings
that do not belong to you. Don’t post chain letters or engage in “Spamming”. Don’t use,
disclose, disseminate, or divulge personal and/or private information about yourself, minors
or any others. Don’t employ or perform network actions disruptive to the normal operations
of school.
In general the computer is not to be used as an entertainment box or radio. Technology is not
to be used to download music. PBS, educational recordings and speeches for classroom
enhancement is encouraged. But, Internet radio for non educational use is discouraged.
Programs like kazaa, audiogalaxy, GNutella, Warze, AIM, and Zebra should not be installed.
Programs like instant messenger or weather bug that have an always on, constant connection
should not be installed. Technology is not to be used to play online games, access chat rooms,
dating services, or non instructional bulletin board messaging sites. Technology resources are
not provided as a baby sitting device or as a free for all. Just because its lunch or study hall or
instruction has finished for the period is not a reason for individuals to play computer games
or randomly surf the web.
All services, including Google Hangouts Meet, should be used only for intended and
permissible educational purposes. Pursuant to the District’s Acceptable Use Policy, usage
of resources operated by the District may be monitored by the District. Students who
abuse or misuse District technology resources may be subject to disciplinary action.
Violations may result in a loss of access to computers, network resources, and the Internet.
Violations may also include other disciplinary and / or legal action.
Observed abuse of computers, network resources and / or the Internet should be reported
to the teacher, supervisor, principal, Technology Director or Superintendent.
(See next page to sign agreement)
Network User Agreement
For anyone to access the district computer network she/he must agree and adhere to this
acceptable use policy.
Students and Parents:
By signing the student handbook; I hereby agree to comply with the South Panola School District
Board Policy on acceptable computer, network resources and Internet usage. I understand that my
child will be subject to disciplinary action for violations of the Acceptable Use Policy. Violations
may result in a loss of access to computers, network resources, and the Internet. Violations may
also include other disciplinary and / or legal action.
By accepting employment with South Panola Schools: I hereby agree to comply with the South
Panola School District Board Policy on acceptable computer, network resources and Internet
usage. Violations may result in a loss of access to computers, network resources, and the Internet.
Violations may also include other disciplinary and / or legal action.
Therefore: If you do not agree with this policy and choose not to access South Panola School
District computers, networked information resources and the Internet, please notify the school
Principal, Technology Director or Superintendent in writing.
Guests or any others are required to sign below before using South Panola Network Resources.
Name & Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Name & Signature (if needed) Date
For additional information and complete review of the Technology/Network policies and procedures, please
Appendix C
Dear Parent/Guardian:
It is the intent of the School Administration, faculty, and staff to provide all students a relevant,
positive, and smooth flowing educational experience. This handbook was compiled with that
intent in mind. It contains information, guidelines, codes of conduct, discipline policies and help
to ensure that our intended purpose is accomplished.
Please help us accomplish this by doing the following:
A. Please read and familiarize yourself and your child with its contents.
B. Please allow us to answer any questions you may have about items contained within.
C. Please acknowledge your receipt and reading of this handbook by completing
and returning the lower portion of this page.
If there are any questions about the information in this book, please contact the principal.
Please detach and return this portion of the page to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Student’s Name:
Parent/Guardian’s Name:
My child and I have read the South Panola School Handbook. I agree to encourage my child
to abide by the information, guidelines, codes of conduct, discipline policies and rules
contained within.
We further acknowledge:
Notification of Asbestos and Lead Paint Inspections
Acceptable Use Policy for Technology
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Student’s Signature
Appendix D
South Panola School District
Disciplinary Referral
Student Name:
Person Reporting:
Level One:
Running/excessive noise
Public Display of Affection
In an Unauthorized Area
Dress Code Violation
Electronic Device
Loitering in halls, restrooms, etc.
Disruptive Behavior
Refusing to do classwork
Level Two:
Skipping Class (did not leave school grounds)
Profanity/Vulgarity (minor/indirect)
False Information (dishonesty, lying)
Tobacco Use/Possession (including electronic cigarettes)
Possession of Cigarette Lighter
Minor Defacing School Property (no repairs needed)
Abusing the Rights of Others (arguing, pushing,
hitting, horse-playing, being confrontational)
Level Three:
Disruption Of Normal School Day
Provoking a Fight
Violation of No Contact Contract
Vandalism (property damage)
Gang Activity
Leaving Campus w/o Permission
Major/Direct Profanity
Threatening (verbal, physical or electronic threats)
Sexual Harassment/Misconduct
Possession/Use of Illegal Drugs or Alcohol
Possession of Weapons
Level One Interventions & Date (2 are required):
Conference with Student (Date:_______)
Changed Seating Assignment (Date:
Writing Assignment (Date: ___________)
Parent Contact (Date: ________________)
Description of Infraction/Incident:
Disciplinary Action Taken:
Administrative/Student Conference
Referred to Guidance Counselor
Parent Conference
Conditional Suspension(Required
Parent Conference)
Corporal Punishment
Administration Comments:
Appendix E
South Panola School District
209 Boothe Street, Batesville, Mississippi 38606
Phone (662) 563-9361/Fax (662) 563-6077
Web Site:
Providing Opportunities for Educational Excellence
Student’s Name:
Batesville Elementary School
South Panola School District uses corporal punishment as a means to correct
behavior as stated in the 2022- 2023 Student Handbook. Please mark below:
South Panola School District Administration has my permission to use corporal
punishment as a means to correct behavior. Prior to issuing corporal punishment,
a phone call will be made to the parent/guardian.
South Panola School District does NOT have my permission to use corporal
punishment as a means to correct behavior.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature:
Phone Number: Home:
Work: Cell:
Appendix F
Batesville Elementary School
Photo Consent Form
Child’s Name Grade
Photo/ Video
I authorize Batesville Elementary School (including its related entities) to photograph and/ or
video my child to use for educational or promotional purposes in school related media. I
understand that I will not be paid or rewarded for providing this authorization.
Mark ONE choice below
_____Yes, I do give authorization for photos and videos for educational purposes.
_____No, I do not give authorization for photos and videos for educational purposes.
Please return to the BES office.
Appendix G
Terminology: Parent Biological or adoptive parent
Guardian Legal guardian as documented through
Court Proceeding Custodian Appointed by a court or
governmental agency
A biological or adoptive parent may enroll a child with two (2) proofs of residency for the
SPSD. If a custody agreement exists from a divorce, only the custodial parent may enroll the
student. In the case of parenthood with no marriage or custody agreement, and both parents
are listed on the birth certificate each has parental rights to enroll a child.
A legal guardian of a child is only recognized when a court order exists naming
the guardian for the minor child. Notarized personal statements are not legal
guardian documents.
A person may register a child if they have been appointed the custodian of a child
by a court or governmental agency. Consideration will be given due to deployment
for military service.
The overlying goal is to make sure that there is a responsible adult with authority concerning
the welfare of children in the district. Questions regarding residency should be forwarded to
the Department of Personnel and Pupil Services at the district office.
Residency must be filed yearly and with each child inside the South Panola School District.
A student enrolling in or entering the school district will be required to provide documentation of
the residency address as a part of the registration process in accordance with Mississippi State
Department of Education Policy Rule 68.1.
All enrolling students must register annually which includes providing an updated residency
Any new student enrolling or entering the school district or any continuing student whose
residence has changed will be required to verify his or her residence address as herein provided
as a part of the registration process.
Any change of address by an existing student requires updated residency documents to be
submitted. Students are not legally enrolled until the documentation is provided and
verification of residence has been completed.
Except for those students who have been legally transferred, each student must establish his or her
residency in the following manner:
The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a student seeking to enroll must provide this school district
with at least two of the items numbered (a) through (k) below as verification of their address,
except that a document with a post office box as an address will not be accepted.
a. Filed Homestead Exemption Application form;
b. Mortgage documents or property deed
c. Apartment or home lease
d. Utility bills
e. Driver’s license
f. Voter precinct identification
g. Automobile registration
h. Affidavit and/or personal visit by a designated school district official
i. Any other documentation that will objectively and unequivocally establish that the
parent or guardian resides within the school district
j. Certified copy of filed petition for guardianship if pending and final decree when
k. Cellphone of telephone bill
In addition to the residency proofs, Parents/Legal Guardians of students entering South
Panola Schools for the first time will have to provide:
A. Student's final report card and a transcript of courses completed if the student is in
high school
B. Certified Birth Certificate
C. Record of Immunizations transferred to a Mississippi 121 Form
(Can be obtained from the Health Department or found online at:,0,71,969.html )
D. Students from schools or programs (including correspondence,
tutorial, or home study) that are not accredited by a state or
regional agency must undergo standardized achievement tests
and/or teacher-made special tests to determine; (1) the grade level
to which the elementary transfer student should be assigned or (2)
the number and validity of the Carnegie units the secondary
transfer student has earned.
Please Note: If any of the requested proofs of residency are not available for any reason, a
separate affidavit must be completed, notarized, and presented to the school. The affidavit
must be accompanied by separate alternative proofs deemed acceptable. Failure to
complete these requirements prior to the date assigned by the administration of the
district will result in your child not being issued a schedule or assigned a teacher.
Parents who decide to withdraw students from South Panola Schools must:
Return all books and clear all debts or fines.
Notify the guidance office of the withdrawal and the new school’s name and location.
Parents may pick up copies of medical documentation, etc., with a 24-hour prior notice.
A withdrawal from the South Panola School District must be completed before enrolling
in another school district. Please note that transcripts can be held until all books and fines
are returned and paid. This includes cafeteria fines.