Splice Design
Steel Bridge Design Handbook
February 2022
© AISC 2022
American Institute of Steel Construction
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The Steel Bridge Design Handbook covers a full range of topics and design examples to provide bridge
engineers with the information needed to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the selection, design,
fabrication, and construction of steel bridges. The Handbook has a long history, dating back to the 1970s
in various forms and publications. The more recent editions of the Handbook were developed and
maintained by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Bridges and Structures as FHWA
Report No. FHWA-IF-12-052 published in November 2012, and FHWA Report No. FHWA-HIF-16-002
published in December 2015. The previous development and maintenance of the Handbook by the
FHWA, their consultants, and their technical reviewers is gratefully appreciated and acknowledged.
This current edition of the Handbook is maintained by the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA), a
division of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). This Handbook, published in 2021, has
been updated and revised to be consistent with the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications which was released in 2020. The updates and revisions to various chapters and design
examples have been performed, as noted, by HDR, M.A. Grubb & Associates, Don White, Ph.D., and
NSBA. Furthermore, the updates and revisions have been reviewed independently by Francesco Russo,
Ph.D., P.E., Brandon Chavel, Ph.D., P.E., and NSBA.
The Handbook consists of 19 chapters and 6 design examples. The chapters and design examples of the
Handbook are published separately for ease of use, and available for free download at the NSBA website,
The users of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook are encouraged to submit ideas and suggestions for
enhancements that can be implemented in future editions to the NSBA and AISC at [email protected]rg.
1. Title and Subtitle
Steel Bridge Design Handbook
Chapter 14: Splice Design
2. Report Date
February 2022
3. Original Author(s)
Matthew Bunner, PE (HDR)
4. Revision Author(s)
Brandon Chavel, PE, PhD (NSBA)
5. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
National Steel Bridge Alliance, a division of the
American Institute of Steel Construction
130 E. Randolph, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601
6. Revision Performing Organization Name
and Address
National Steel Bridge Alliance, a division of the
American Institute of Steel Construction
130 E. Randolph, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601
7. Supplementary Notes
The previous edition of this Handbook was published as FHWA-HIF-16-002 and was developed to be
current with the 7th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. This edition of the
Handbook was updated to be current with the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, released in 2020.
8. Abstract
Typically, it is not possible to fabricate, handle, ship or erect the entire length of a girder in one piece.
In these cases, provisions must be made to splice multiple pieces of the girder together in the field to
provide the required length. These splices must be capable of transmitting the shear and moment in the
girder at the point of the splice.
This volume focuses on the factors which influence and the principles of the design of bolted field
splices. Factors that influence field splice design and layout are presented, including span layout,
curvature, and girder properties. General design provisions are also addressed in this module,
including flexural resistance provided by a bolted field splice at the Strength and Service limit states, as
well as detailing considerations.
9. Keywords
Bolted Field Splices, Welded Splices, Steel
Girders, Bolts, Splice Plates, Steel Bridges
10. AISC Publication No.
Steel Bridge Design Handbook:
Splice Design
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 SHOP SPLICES ..................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 FIELD SPLICES .................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 FACTORS INFLUENCING FIELD SPLICE DESIGN ....................................................... 8
4.1 Span/Structure Length ..................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Span Layout ..................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Curvature.......................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Girder Properties ............................................................................................................ 10
4.5 Coordination of Details .................................................................................................. 11
4.6 Other Factors .................................................................................................................. 11
5.0 FIELD SPLICE DESIGN GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .......................................... 13
5.1 Previous Bolted Field Splice Design Provisions ........................................................... 13
5.2 Current Bolted Field Splice Design Provisions ............................................................. 13
5.3 Current Design Procedures and Examples ..................................................................... 14
6.0 ROLLED BEAM SPLICE DESIGN ................................................................................... 15
7.0 BOX GIRDER SPLICE DESIGN ....................................................................................... 16
7.1 Flange Splice Design ..................................................................................................... 16
7.2 Web Splice Design ......................................................................................................... 16
8.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 18
List of Figures
Figure 1 Photograph of a Steel Plate I-Girder Field Splice ........................................................... 1
Figure 2 Photograph of a Steel Plate I-Girder Bolted Field Splice at a Flange Width Transition . 2
Figure 3 Photograph of a butt-welded slab shop splice prior to cutting flanges............................ 3
Figure 4 Sketch Illustrating Slabbing and Stripping of Flanges .................................................... 4
Figure 5 NSBA Recommended Shop Welded Splice Details (3) .................................................. 6
Figure 6 Photograph of a Field Splice for a Long Simple Span Steel I-Girder ............................. 9
Figure 7 Sketch of a Curved Girder Sweep ................................................................................. 10
Figure 8 Sketch of a Handrail Detail at Field Splice ................................................................... 11
Figure 9 Photograph of a Rolled Beam Field Splice ................................................................... 15
Figure 10 Photograph of a Box Girder Field Splice .................................................................... 17
Often, it is not possible to fabricate, handle, ship or erect the entire length of a girder in one
piece. In these cases, provisions must be made to join, or splice, multiple pieces of the girder
together to provide the required length. These splices must be capable of transmitting the shear
and moment in the girder at the point of the splice.
When done in the fabrication shop, the splice is defined as a shop splice as opposed to a field
splice which is performed at the project site. Field splices can be performed either on the ground
prior to erection or in the erected position.
After a brief description of welded shop splices, this volume focuses on the factors which
influence and the principles of the design of bolted field splices. Following this discussion, a
design example is provided which demonstrates the current bolted splice design provisions of the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 9th Edition, (2020) (referred to herein as
AASHTO LRFD BDS), (1). Throughout this volume, specific provisions of these Specifications
are referred to by Article number.
Figure 1 Photograph of a Steel Plate I-Girder Field Splice
The steel plates which are used for the webs and flanges of girders are available in limited
lengths and widths. Availability of plate thicknesses, widths and lengths may vary by plate
manufacturer, and are typically listed in “plate availability tables” available from the
Figure 2 Photograph of a Steel Plate I-Girder Bolted Field Splice at a Flange Width
In order to join pieces of a particular girder component (web or flange) together in the fabrication
shop, shop splices are made. These shop splices are generally complete joint penetration (CJP)
butt-welded splices. As shown in Figure 3, groove welds are utilized to join the pieces together.
Figure 3 Photograph of a butt-welded slab shop splice prior to cutting flanges
Where the thickness of a component remains constant, the fabricator will only provide shop
splices where necessary in order to minimize the cost of fabrication. This is generally not a
consideration for the bridge designer, beyond provision of the appropriate details in the bridge
However, a designer’s decision of whether or not to provide a plate thickness transition (for a
flange), which necessitates a shop splice, can influence the economy of the design. The
AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration G12.1 Guidelines to Design for Constructability
and Fabrication provides guidance on whether a potential savings in material cost (by reducing
the flange plate thickness) offsets the cost of edge preparation, fit-up, welding and testing
associated with providing a welded shop splice (2). The weight savings required to produce an
economical welded shop splice is dependent on the width and thickness of the smaller of the
plates being joined. If the weight savings is not sufficient, it is more economical to extend the
heavier flange plate.
Some other design considerations for welded shop splices are listed below.
Since the CJP weld develops the full-strength of the connected plates, actual welded
shop splice design by the bridge designer is not required.
Changing the width of a flange plate within a field section (at a shop splice) is not
recommended because it can preclude the “slabbing and stripping” method of girder
fabrication often employed for economy. Fabricators generally purchase plate
material of the required thicknesses as wide slabs directly from the mill or from
suppliers. After preparing the edges, the slabs are welded together as shown in Figure
4. This reduces welding time and eliminates many of the runout tabs and the excess
weld metal which are wasted by welding the flanges as individual pieces. This topic
is discussed in greater depth in the volume titled Stringer Bridges and Making the
Right Choices of the Steel Bridge Design Handbook.
It is not advisable to reduce the area of a flange by more than 50% at any flange
transition location. A 40% to 50% reduction in area is typical. For longer spans (>
180'), the reduction may be as small as 30% and still be economical.
Repeating the same plate arrangements for multiple flange locations can help reduce
the cost of fabrication since the fabricator can reduce the amount of fit-up and testing
which must be performed.
Figure 4 Sketch Illustrating Slabbing and Stripping of Flanges
Flange thicknesses should be changed using the following increments:
o 3/4" < t < 2" use 1/8" increments
o 2" ≤ t – use 1/4" increments
The minimum length for any flange plate should be limited to 10'.
Top and bottom flange transitions do not have to be placed at the same locations
along the girder. Placing them at different locations will result in additional design
effort (more sections to check), but may result in more efficient plates since the top
and bottom flanges are governed by different requirements.
Flange transitions in positive moment sections are typically uneconomical except for
very long spans. The top flange is usually governed by the b/t ratios and lateral
buckling stresses in the flange prior to the hardening of the concrete slab. Therefore,
the stresses in the top flange only reach 35 to 50 percent of the flange capacity under
full factored loads. A bottom flange transition may be economical in the end spans
near the end support due to the small live load and fatigue load force effects that must
be carried by the section, but bottom flange transitions between the points of
maximum positive moment and points of dead load contraflexure are generally not
economical due to the large fatigue stresses and possible compressive stresses in the
bottom flange.
Flange transitions in negative moment sections are common. Typically, one top and
one bottom flange plate transition between the centerline of the interior pier and the
adjacent bolted field splice is generally economical.
Longitudinal web splices are costly due to the welding associated with joining the
plates together. Some points to remember when designing deep girders are:
Web depths in excess of 130" (assuming 6" for camber cuts and 136" available plate
width) may necessitate a longitudinal web splice, which can significantly increase the
cost of the girder.
Girders that are haunched to depths greater than 130" may also require a longitudinal
web splice (typically welded, but sometimes bolted).
The AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration G1.4, Guidelines for Design Details provides
recommended details for welded shop splices in plate girders, as shown in Figure 5 (3).
Figure 5 NSBA Recommended Shop Welded Splice Details (3)
Field splices are the connection of separate sections of the girders (field sections) which occur in
the field. Generally these splices are bolted connections as field welding is usually discouraged
due to the high cost of field welding and problems associated with welding in less than ideal
conditions, such as inclement weather. It should be noted that some agencies do permit welded
field splices, although their use is becoming less frequent.
Due to piece shipping constraints and job site constraints, the majority of bridges that exceed 120
to 140 feet in length will require at least one field splice somewhere in the girder.
Introducing a bolted field splice in the girder also introduces a region where stresses may be
significantly higher than in the areas which are immediately adjacent due to the reduced area of
the flange plates. The area of the web and girder flange plates is reduced by the holes for the
connection bolts; these areas also produce stress concentrations around the holes themselves
which are not easily quantified.
Field splices can be made between girder sections (or components) which are either similar in
size or of different width and/or thickness.
The remainder of this volume will focus on the factors which influence the design of bolted field
Many factors influence the design of steel beam and girder field splices. Some of the more
important factors are described below. While this list may not be all-encompassing (there are
often unforeseen or project-specific issues that could also influence the design), the factors
discussed generally play an important role in the field splice design process.
4.1 Span/Structure Length
Perhaps the most important factor influencing the locations and design of field splices is the
length and the span arrangement of a bridge structure. If the overall structure length is less than
the length of girder that can reasonably be fabricated, shipped, handled and erected, then field
splices are not necessary, and should not be included in the design. Many agencies have
limitations on shipping dimensions and weights. Designers should investigate local regulations
and contact regional fabricators prior to making decisions on girder lengths.
If the overall girder length must be longer than can reasonably be fabricated, shipped, handled
and erected, then at least one field splice will be required. Selecting the appropriate locations of
field splices is influenced by other factors, as described in the following sections.
Often, based on perceived shipping, handling and erection considerations, the designer may
provide for field splices in the design. However, it is possible that a contractor may be able to
utilize some other mode of transportation to ship the girder pieces or employ an unanticipated
method to erect them, which may eliminate the need for certain field splices. In recognition of
this fact, some agencies stipulate that either all or certain field splices should be designated as
“optional”. Such requirements should be verified with the particular agency during the design
4.2 Span Layout
Continuous Spans: On continuous structures, it is normal for the designer to attempt to locate
field splices near the points of dead-load contraflexure (where dead load bending effects change
from positive to negative and are therefore zero). As specified in AASHTO LRFD Article, bolted splices in continuous spans should be made at or near points of permanent
load contraflexure if possible. Splices located in areas of stress reversal near points of permanent
load contraflexure are to be investigated for both positive and negative flexure to determine the
governing condition.
Simple Span: Since there are no dead load inflection points on a simple-span bridge, as the entire
girder is in positive bending, it is not possible to locate field splices near points where dead load
bending effects are nearly zero. The field splices for simple span structures are therefore
sometimes larger than those for continuous bridges, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Photograph of a Field Splice for a Long Simple Span Steel I-Girder
Continuous for Live Load: Occasionally it is possible to provide field sections for a multi-span
structure which can span from support to support. This option can minimize the need for
erection devices (such as falsework or pier brackets) and can reduce the impact on traffic beneath
the structure. In these cases a girder splice is often made at the supports to provide continuity of
the girder (and thereby eliminate the need for a deck expansion joint, which is desirable). These
splices are often made after the majority of the deck has been cast and therefore the splice need
only be designed for live load effects. These types of splices are somewhat unique, and are not
discussed in further detail in this volume.
4.3 Curvature
If a girder is curved in plan, it can influence both the location chosen for (frequency of) and
design of the field splices. The radius of the curvature determines the amount of sweep of a
particular length (arc length) of girder. If the sweep is too large then the section cannot be
reasonably shipped and an additional field splice may be required. Typically this will only
control for relatively tight radii. This is demonstrated in Figure 7. For example, a 120 ft long
piece with a radius of 400 ft has a sweep, S = 4.5 ft.
Figure 7 Sketch of a Curved Girder Sweep
The flanges of a horizontally curved girder are subjected to flange lateral bending. However, for
flanges with one web in straight bridges and in horizontally curved girders, the effects of flange
lateral bending do not need to be considered in the design of bolted flange splices since the
combined area of the flange splice plates will typically equal or exceed the area of the smaller
flanges to which they are attached. In the current AASHTO LRFD BDS (1) bolted field splice
design provisions, the effects of flange lateral bending due to curvature do not need to be
considered in the design of the flange splices since the flange splices are designed to develop the
full yield capacity of the flanges, which cannot be exceeded in the design of the flanges for
combined major-axis and lateral bending for constructability and at the strength limit state.
4.4 Girder Properties
Steel Grade The field splice design provisions of the AASHTO LRFD BDS are applicable for
all grades of steel commonly used for bridge construction (F
= 36, 50, 70, 100 ksi).
Hybrid Plate-Girders Hybrid plate-girders are those which have flange and web plates with
different yield strengths. The current bolted field splice design provisions in the AASHTO LRFD
BDS do not consider the hybrid factor, R
. The hybrid factor, R
, as well as the load-shedding
factor, R
, are not included since they are considered in the calculation to determine the flange
sizes. The bolted splice connections are designed to carry the full design yield resistance of the
Flange Width As a general rule-of-thumb, it is advisable to use a minimum flange width of
L/85, where L is the length of the field piece. Doing so helps to prevent difficulties during
handling and erection. Some agencies have even more restrictive minimum flange width ratios.
4.5 Coordination of Details
Cross-frame Connection Plates/Transverse Stiffeners Field splices should be located far
enough away from cross-frame connection plates/transverse stiffeners that there will be no
interference between the connection plates/stiffeners and the splice plates. In preparing
preliminary layouts for the framing, it is advisable to leave a minimum of 3' (and preferably 4')
between proposed cross-frame or stiffener locations and the centerlines of proposed field splices
to provide adequate length for the flange splice plates. On rare occasions, girders are kinked at
field splice locations to accommodate complex (curved or flaring) framing; in these cases,
providing a cross-frame as close as possible (but not interfering) with the splice is advisable to
help resist lateral loads on the girder due to the kink.
Longitudinal Stiffeners Two options are possible where longitudinal stiffeners intersect field
splices. Termination of the longitudinal stiffener at the splice location (if acceptable by design)
can be accomplished by providing a radiused end treatment at the end of the longitudinal
stiffener, or the longitudinal stiffener can be spliced at the field splice location. The termination
point of longitudinal stiffeners is known to be a fatigue sensitive detail. Designers should verify
the fatigue resistance of the details chosen.
Inspection Handrails When inspection handrails are attached to the girder web, they will need
to be continued over the web splice, but not interfere with the splice. Figure 8 provides a method
to maintaining the handrail continuity across the web splices.
Figure 8 Sketch of a Handrail Detail at Field Splice
4.6 Other Factors
Shipping Requirements Most states require hauling permits for loads over a certain length
and/or certain weight. Beyond length and weight, special permits and/or restricted routes (i.e.
multi-lane highways) may be required. Designers should review agency hauling restrictions and
requirements, but can also check with regional fabricators about shipping lengths and weights
from their shop to the particular job site. These restrictions and requirements can have a impact
on where field splices should be located. While a contractor may be able to obtain the required
special permits to allow shipping of longer pieces and thereby eliminate a field splice, it may not
be prudent to make this assumption during the design phase. Some agencies may require that
shipping requirements for a particular design be included in the contract documents.
Project Site Accessibility This factor may drive or go hand-in-hand with the shipping
requirements. Remote locations which are accessible by minor roadways (which may have
several tight turns) may prevent field piece lengths that would normally be acceptable. In
addition, a site which requires girder picks which are very tall or at a long reach may limit the
weight of individual girder pieces unless a prohibitively large crane is used.
Steel Erection Limitations Girder pick limitations discussed previously are a consideration.
Also, longer or imbalanced field sections can force the erector to utilize additional falsework,
pier brackets, stiffening trusses and other types of erection devices. These factors can influence
the decision on limiting or establishing an appropriate field piece length and layout.
5.1 Previous Bolted Field Splice Design Provisions
The bolted field splice provisions prior to the 8th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications were to be designed at the strength limit state for not less than the larger of:
The average of the flexural moment-induced stress, shear, or axial force due to the
factored loadings at the point of the splice or connection and the factored flexural, shear,
or axial resistance of the member or element at the same point, or
75 percent of the factored flexural, shear, or axial resistance of the member or element.
Where the girder section changes at a splice, which is frequently the case, the “smaller” section
was to be used for determining the above requirements.
The above requirements were relatively straightforward when applied to a splice or connection
for a truss member subject only to axial tension or compression since the stress is equal in the
various components of the member. Application of this rule to the design of a bolted splice for a
composite steel flexural member becomes more complex however since the stresses in the
flanges are typically not equal, and the distribution of the stress in the web is a function of the
loads applied to the composite and non-composite sections. In most designs, the factored
resistance of the member controls the design of the bolted splice since the Engineer typically
places the splice in a low-moment region near the point of dead-load contraflexure.
These requirements were initially replaced in the 8
edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications.
5.2 Current Bolted Field Splice Design Provisions
Beginning with the 8
edition AASHTO LRFD BDS, the bolted field splice provisions for
flexural members were significantly revised to simplify the design process. Experimental
research at the University of Texas showed that a simpler method of design, on which the design
procedure provided in the 8
Edition AASHTO LRFD BDS is based in principle, produced a
connection with adequate design resistance (7, 8). The results showed that the web did not carry
significant moment until the flange connection slipped. After the flange connection slipped, the
web connection slipped and the force in the web did not increase until the flange bolts went into
bearing and the flange yielded.
The design procedure for the design of bolted splices for flexural members introduced in the 8
edition AASHTO LRFD BDS, and subsequently provided in the 9
Edition LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications (1), is based upon designing the bolted flange and web splice connections
for 100 percent of the individual design resistances of the flange and web; that is, the individual
flange splices are designed for the smaller design yield resistance of the corresponding flanges
on either side of the splice, and the web splice is designed for the smaller factored shear
resistance of the web on either side of the splice. Therefore, the method satisfies the AASHTO
design criteria since the web and flange splices have design resistances equal to the design
resistances of their respective components. However, additional forces in the web connection
may need to be considered if the flanges are not adequate to develop the factored design moment
at the point of splice. No additional checks of the web connection shear resistance are required.
Furthermore, in accordance with the new design provisions bolted splice connections for flexural
members are to be designed as slip-critical connections. Slip-critical connections are
proportioned to prevent slip under Load Combination Service II and to provide bearing and shear
resistance under the applicable strength limit state load combinations. In addition, bolted
connections for flange and web splices in flexural members are proportioned to prevent slip
during the casting of the concrete deck to provide geometry control.
5.3 Current Design Procedures and Examples
The NSBA publication Bolted Field Splices for Steel Bridge Flexural Members: Overview &
Design Examples () guides an engineer through how to design a bolted splice connection from
start to finish using the current AASHTO LRFD BDS (1). The publication is available for free
download at the NSBA website (, and it provides a comprehensive overview
of the current design procedures, in addition to three design examples. Design Example 1 is an
example design of a bolted field splice for the interior girder of an I-section flexural member.
Design Example 2 is an example design of a bolted field splice for the exterior girder of an I-
section flexural member. Design Example 3 is an example design of a bolted field splice for a
horizontally curved continuous twin trapezoidal tub girder on radial supports.
Furthermore, NBSA has developed NSBA Splice, which is presented in an easy-to-understand
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet form and can be used by designers to for the design and checking of
a bolted field splice connections used in steel bridge flexural members. NSBA Splice is based
on the current AASHTO LRFD BDS (1) and allows users to explore the effects of bolt spacing,
bolt size, strength, and connection dimensions on the overall splice design. NSBA Splice is
available for free download at the NSBA website (
The procedure for the design of field splices for rolled beams is similar to the procedure for the
design example of plate girders. Webs are to be spliced symmetrically by plates on each side.
The splice plates are to extend as near as practical for the full depth between flanges without
impinging on bolt assembly clearances or fillet areas on rolled beams.
Figure 9 Photograph of a Rolled Beam Field Splice
The primary differences between the design of bolted field splices for plate-girders and box
girders are provided below.
7.1 Flange Splice Design
The vector sum of the St. Venant torsional shear and the design yield resistance is to be
considered in the design of the bottom flange splice at the strength limit state (AASHTO LRFD
Article for the following box sections:
single box section in straight bridges
multiple box section ins straight bridges which do not satisfy the requirements (including
geometric restrictions and no skew) of AASHTO LRFD BDS Article
single or multiple box section in horizontally curved bridges
single or multiple box sections with box flanges not fully effective according to the
provisions of AASHTO LRFD BDS Article
Longitudinal warping stresses due to cross-section distortion may be ignored at the strength limit
state since the bottom flange splices are designed to develop the full design yield capacity of the
flanges. These longitudinal warping stresses are typically relatively small in the bottom flange at
the service limit state and for constructability and may be neglected when checking the bottom
flange splices for slip. Furthermore, flange lateral bending due to curvature is not a
consideration for bottom flanges of box girders.
The effects of flange lateral bending need not be considered in the design of the top-flange
splices since the flange splices are designed to develop the full yield capacity of the flanges,
which cannot be exceeded in the design of the flanges for combined major-axis and lateral
bending for constructability and at the strength limit state, and because the top flanges are
continuously braced at the strength limit state. Longitudinal warping stresses due to cross-section
distortion also do not need to be considered because the top flanges are continuously braced at
the strength limit state.
7.2 Web Splice Design
For box sections specified in AASHTO LRFD BDS Article, the effect of the
additional St. Venant torsional shear in the web may be ignored at the strength limit state since
the web splice is to be designed as a minimum for the full factored shear resistance of the web.
Furthermore, for box sections specified in AASHTO LRFD BDS Article, the web
shear for checking slip is to be taken as the sum of the factored flexural and St. Venant torsional
shears in the web subjected to additive shears. For box girders with inclined webs, like tub
girders, the factored shear is to be taken as the component of the factored vertical shear in the
plane of the web.
Figure 10 Photograph of a Box Girder Field Splice
1. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications, 9
Edition, 2020.
2. AASHTO/NSBA, G12.1-2020, Guidelines to Design for Constructability and
Fabrication, AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration, 2020.
3. ASHTO/NSBA, G4.1-2006, Guidelines for Design Details, AASHTO/NSBA Steel
Bridge Collaboration, 2006 .
4. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Guide
Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges, 2003.
5. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17
Edition, 2002.
6. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Steel Construction Manual 13
7. Sheikh-Ibrahim, F.I., and K.H. Frank. 1998. “The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam
Bolted Splices,” AISC Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction,
Chicago, IL, Vol. 35, No. 3, 3rd Qtr., pp. 106-118.
8. Sheikh-Ibrahim, F.I., and K.H. Frank. 2001. “The Ultimate Strength of Unsymmetric
Beam Bolted Splices,” AISC Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Chicago, IL, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2nd Qtr., pp. 100-117.
9. Grubb, M.A., Frank, K., and Ocel, J., Bolted Field Splice for Steel Bridge Flexural
Members: Overview & Design Examples, National Steel Bridge Alliance, 2021.
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National Steel Bridge Alliance
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