Student and Parent Handbook
Escuela Vista Grande
Student and Parent
Student and Parent Handbook
"Providing an engaging, bilingual learning environment where students will build
their foundation to be successful world citizens."
"Building upon the natural curiosity and sense of wonder of our learners."
"Together... We dream and achieve!"
"Juntos... Soñamos y logramos.
mportant Phone Numbers and Contacts
Page 3
Page 3
Bell Schedule
Page 4
Contacting Us
Page 4
Page 5
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Page 6
School Fees
Page 7
Attendance and Late Procedures
Page 7
Discipline at School
Page 8
Library Program
Page 9
Physical Education Program
Page 10
Learning Support Programs
Page 10
Additional Information For Parents
Page 10
Page 13
Head Lice
Page 13
Special dates and students days off
Page 14-15
Table of Contents
Student and Parent Handbook
Fire, Police, Ambulance
Kids Help Phone
Poison Centre
Crisis Line - Counselling
Child Abuse Hotline
Child & Family Services
Mental Health
AADAC Help Line
Crime Stoppers
Welcome to Escuela Vista Grande! EVG is a safe and caring school dedicated to academic achievement and the
positive personal development of children. We are staffed by a group of caring and passionate people who love
kids. Throughout our school there is an atmosphere of energy and enthusiasm that reminds us that teaching and
learning is fun!
Here are a few of the many quality opportunities that we provide our students:
Spanish Bilingual program beginning in kindergarten.
Comprehensive supports for students with special educational needs.
Physical education classes every day in our gymnasium
School-wide art projects that represent our children and their work.
Performance assemblies by each grade level as well as professional music and/or drama performances.
Inclusive EA support
Learning Team approach to support classes or individual students.
Community Liaison Worker.
Character Education
Parents are encouraged to check our social media regularly for special events, newsletters, forms, and information
about our school.
Web:, Escuela Vista Grande, @EVistaGrande, escuelavistagrande
On behalf of the entire EVG staff, we extend a welcome to all the students and parents of our school community,
especially those new to our school. We look forward to a terrific year!
Hans Huizing,
Important Phone Numbers & Contacts
Welcome to Escuela Vista Grande
Student and Parent Handbook
8:33 8:35
Transition to Classes
8:35 - 10:15
Classes begin
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Classes begin
12:00 12:20
12:20 12:50
12:50 - 1:00
School wide reading time
Classes begin
We ask that parents who are picking up their children support our classroom teachers and
academic learning time by waiting until after 3:05 to come into classrooms. Thank you!
ECS hours:
a.m. program starts at 8:40, dismissal at 11:22
p.m. program starts at 12:21, dismissal at 15:05
Communication with our parents and those interested in our school is very important to us. We appreciate
positive feedback as well as suggestions for improvement. The following table highlights the many different
ways we can keep communication lines open:
Visiting Us
We love seeing parents in the school, please sign in at the office, and to get
your badge.
Call us at 342-4434 during school days (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Our website at, is an excellent source of info
Answering Machine:
Leave a message for us after hours and on non-school days
Email addresses are available at
Principal: Hans Huizing
Vice Principal: Rafaela Marques
Bell Schedule
Contacting us
Student and Parent Handbook
Reporting Absences
For the safety of our students, it is very important that parents contact the school prior to 8:25 a.m. in the event
that their child will be absent from school. Parents are also encouraged to leave messages on our answering
machine, which is in operation 24 hours a day.
Late Students
Classes begin at 8:35 a.m. and attendance will be taken at that time and sent to the office. If your child is
later than 8:35, please stop at the office and sign in your children in the binder that is located at the front desk.
This allows us to keep track of all of our students and avoid any unnecessary calls home.
Messages for Students
Calling the school with messages for students or stopping at the classroom with forgotten items can take away
from productive learning time, and be disruptive to classroom routines. Thus, we ask that parents make
students aware of after-school plans each morning, before the day begins. If circumstances do not allow for
this, we ask that parents call prior to 2:40 p.m. so that students can be informed in time. As well, if you need to
drop something off for your child please leave it at the office and we will call your child down during a break.
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
During the months of October, December and March teachers will be meeting with ALL PARENTS of the
students they teach. We feel it is essential that parents meet with their child's teacher to discuss and see the work
done by their child. When we share your child's learning growth with you, please keep the following points in
We evaluate children according to their personal growth or progress as related to the curriculum for that
grade level.
Children's progress will be discussed in as positive a manner as possible. It is important to share what a
child can do as well as what needs to be worked on.
We are concerned about all aspects of children's development intellectual, social, emotional,
creative and physical. Therefore, we'll touch on all of these. Parents will see many samples of their
child's work in order to show growth.
Student and Parent Handbook
Each classroom teacher will be sending home regular classroom newsletters to inform you of the happenings in
your child's classroom. In addition, a school newsletter initiated by the administrative team will be distributed
once a month. A Quick Quetzal or Messenger (text or email) will be sent to inform families of anything in
between school newsletters.
Working Together
Please help us keep the lines of communication open. If you have a concern, please let your child's teacher know.
We sincerely want to know what's going on in our students' lives. Chances are that if you've noticed a problem,
your child's teacher has observed it too. By working together, we are able to come up with a solution that's right
for your child. Here are some examples of times when you should definitely call your child's teacher:
You see a dramatic change in your child's behavior. A happy child becomes withdrawn. A friendly child
wants to be alone.
Performance drops. This may be in one subject, or all of them.
You suspect that your child may be telling things about school that may not be the truth. He or she may
say there's no homework, or that the teacher never teaches math.
There's been a change in your family. A recent marriage, a divorce or a new baby can all affect
Parental Concerns
Parents who have concerns about their child's progress are encouraged to:
l. Speak to or meet with their child's teacher first. The majority of all concerns are addressed appropriately and
completely after this first step.
2. Contact administration in the event that major concerns still exist.
Remember that we're all working for the same goal. The better we know you and your child, the more we can
help. Getting involved means working together to provide the best education possible for your child. You are a
vital player in helping our students achieve.
Where do parents park?
Parent parking is available in the following areas:
On residential streets. We do ask that you are considerate of our neighbors and do not block their
Parents are asked not to park in the parking lot immediately in front of the school as there is no
supervision. We do this because the parking lot is unsupervised and it becomes an unsafe place for small
children when traffic is high.
Children are not to be let out of a vehicle while stopped in a lane of traffic.
Student Drop-off and Pick Up
Student and Parent Handbook
What does the morning routine look like at EVG
Morning playground and bus supervision is provided from 8:20-8:33 each day. No supervision exists
before this time.
Upon arrival to school in the morning, children put their backpacks by their entry door and go directly to
the playground. They are not permitted to play inside.
At 8:33 a.m., the first bell of the day invites students into classrooms. We appreciate the cooperation in
keeping our school clean.
What does the afternoon routine look like at EVG?
We ask that parents who are picking up their children support our classroom teachers and academic
learning time by waiting until after 3:05 to come into classrooms.
Parking lot and bus supervision is provided from 3:05 -3:15 each day.
Are parents permitted to bring dogs and pets into hallways?
NO, please do not bring dogs and pets into the EVG hallways. We ask this because dogs can be
unpredictable around children and vice-versa.
Dogs and pets may be involved in classroom activities such as "show and tell" by making prior
arrangements with the classroom teacher and transporting the animals in a safe manner when hallways
are clear.
School Supplies
Escuela Vista Grande is excited to offer you the opportunity to purchase your school supplies through School
Start, for the 2019/2020 school year (no obligation). This process will save you both time
and money.
There are a few simple steps to ensure your child will receive standardized brand name products (specified by
each teacher).
Lunch Fees
Red Deer Public School announced that lunch fees have now been eliminated.
Steady progress and success in school are greatly enhanced when a student's attendance is regular and punctual.
However, we also recognize that children do get sick and need to be at home until they return to normal health.
Please use the following procedures when reporting your child's absence:
If you know before hand that your child is going to be away please send a note to inform the teacher. If
you are unable to send a note, please call the school. Leave a message if the call is after office hours.
School Fees & School Supplies
Attendance and Late Procedures
Student and Parent Handbook
Absences not reported to the school will be followed up by a phone call from Power School call out
Students who are late are required to sign in at the office. Teachers and the office are jointly responsible for
follow-up when students are late. Students leaving the school for any reason during school hours must sign out at
the office.
Remember: If you want your child to perform to the best of his/her ability, make sure that they are coming to
school regularly and on time. This sends the message that school is important and develops good habits for later
on in their working life
Discipline Defined
Discipline is one issue that unites parents and people who work with children. We all want to see more
respect and responsibility from children, fewer disruptions at home and in the classrooms, as well as a
reduction in aggressive and defiant behaviours.
Discipline is a learning process and not an event where consequences are applied. Discipline is about
preparing children for all the choices they will be making and ensuring they are ready to handle them.
EVG Discipline Components
Daily Routines: Daily procedures and routines are clearly established and practiced daily. Most of the
smaller discipline issues that we see in schools are caused by the failure of students to follow the routines
and procedures off the class, particularly during transitions.
EVG Discipline Process
The Re-Direct: When a child fails to give due regard to another person at EVG, a teacher or supervisor re-directs
the child to appropriate conduct. This may include providing the child with strategies to avoid making the same
mistake in the future. Most of the time, the child complies and the issue is resolved.
Additional Interventions: Sometimes, children fail to comply and/or repeat the misbehavior within a short time
frame. When this occurs, the supervisor or teacher will conference with the child (away from other children) until
the child accepts responsibility and can clearly articulate a plan to avoid such misconduct in the future. The staff
member may also put interventions in place such as increased supervision, a move within the classroom, limited
activities on the playground, or additional check-in conferences. At this point, the interventions used will be
recorded and filed in our Behavior tracking binder with a copy of the Behaviour Incident Report and Action Plan
being sent home for a parent’s signature.
Continued Misbehavior: Continued misbehavior will result in the homeroom teacher and/or administration
contacting parents and arranging a conference if necessary. Administration may also decide to put additional
interventions in place to help the child do the right thing and to protect the health, safety, and well-being of other
Disipline at School
Student and Parent Handbook
children. This may include suspension. Also, previously recorded interventions will be reviewed by
Conflicts Between Students: When children have disagreements or fights with each other, they will be asked to
sit down together under the supervision of a staff member. The children must then work together to resolve the
School-Wide Discipline: Each and every staff member has the authority and responsibility to help children with
the discipline process outlined above. As such, EVG students are expected to respect all adults in our building
and comply accordingly.
Peer Conflict vs. Bullying
It is important for all of us to keep in mind the difference between peer conflict and bullying.
Peer conflict is a normal part of growing up. It happens when there is a problem between two or more
students. It is for students to develop skills to deal with disagreements in order to be happy and successful
in the world today. The staff at EVG are very good at teaching students the tools they need to accomplish
Bullying, on the other hand, occurs when persistent and targeted remarks or behavior create a power
imbalance and seriously jeopardize a child's right to a safe and caring learning environment. In the event
that a student is repeatedly harassed by the same individual or group, it is important for the student or the
parent to report it to the classroom teacher immediately. Administration should also be informed if the
behavior continues in any way.
We continue to build our library collection for student, teacher and parent use. It is important for parents to know
All students have a book exchange period with their librarian each week.
Taking Good Care Of Library Books By helping your child take care of their books, you are teaching them the
importance of respect and responsibility and that you value reading.
1. Remember your child's library day. A schedule will be available from your classroom teacher.
2. Please help your child find a place where they can keep their library books so that they will not be lost or
3. We ask that children keep their books in their backpacks when traveling to and from school. Please use a
plastic bag to protect books from bad weather and leaky drinks.
4. Please keep books away from babies and pets. They may accidentally damage them.
5. Encourage your child to use a bookmark.
6. If you are moving, please make sure your child returns their library books.
Damage to books
Only the library staff should repair books. Books with extensive damage, especially water damage, cannot
be repaired. Books that cannot be repaired must be paid for in full. The school's library collection is
valuable and very important to the staff and students. It must be protected so that everyone can enjoy it for
many years.
Library Program
Student and Parent Handbook
At Escuela Vista Grande, we believe that regular participation in Physical Education enables individuals to
develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Our Physical Education
Program follows the Alberta Education Curriculum closely. Students at EVG utilize the vast green space
surrounding the school and are provided opportunities such as skating, learning movement patterns, dance,
gymnastics, games and sports skills. At EVG, it is an expectation that children play cooperatively, help each
other in their learning, and care for their school equipment.
EGV has a variety of learning support programs in place to support children unique learning needs. A
Learning Assistance Teacher (LAT) is on staff and we have tremendous support from our division.
Special needs programming is arranged by the classroom teacher in cooperation with our LAT and
administration. Small group instruction, one-on-one instruction, in-class and pullout instruction with educational
assistants are all offered.
All identified students have an Individual Program Plan that is developed by the teacher, parent and other
pertinent personnel.
Alberta Health Services supports our students with services such as speech and language therapy and
occupational therapy.
School Council
All parents and guardians of children at our school can attend the school council meetings. Regular
meetings provide parents with the opportunity to support, share and become actively involved in our
school. Check the EVG newsletter for meeting dates and school council contacts.
Out of School Age Care Program
The before and after school program operates out of Room 119 at EVG. The hours of operation are
6:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. and 3:05 a.m. 6:00 p.m. on school days. For more information, call 403-
Physical Education Program
Learning Support Programs
Additional Information for Parents
Student and Parent Handbook
Lost and Found
EVG has a lost and found box. It is located by the gym. It will be emptied periodically throughout
the year. Please check them for your child's lost items.
Custodial Care
EVG has dedicated custodians who keeps our school clean. We ask that visitors to our school
make sure that their footwear is clean before walking through the school We would also ask
that you do not send hand-held pencils sharpeners with your child as the shavings often end up
on the floor and the lead is very difficult to clean up. Thank you.
Fire Drills, Hold and Secure and Lockdown Practices
In order for students to know how to act quickly and without confusion in case of an emergency,
drills will be held throughout the year. It is important that the building be evacuated or secured
quickly and quietly. Instructions are posted in each room regarding exits to be used.
Electronic Devices
We strongly encourage children and parents to keep all electronic devices at home, where parents
deem it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for children to carry devices on the way to and from
*Devices should remain turned off and stored in backpacks between 8:35-3:05 and
*EVG does not have locked storage areas for student use (except for Gr. 6 lockers). The school
is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices.
Snacks and Lunches
From 10:10 10:15 a.m., the students eat a nutritious snack from their lunches.
This is to ensure that they have some "fuel" in their bodies. It also eliminates the garbage on the
playground as well as promotes safety because the children aren't eating food when playing on
the equipment.
Dress Code
FOR OUTDOORS ACTIVITIES AND RECESS. Flip-flops or sandals are not safe,
especially on the playground, and are never permitted in the gym. Students must also wear
socks and footwear at all times inside the school. Laces need to be tied.
Student and Parent Handbook
the width that would be covered by three adult fingers; MUSCLE SHIRTS ARE
NOT ALLOWED as proper underarm coverage is expected.
students may be asked to tuck their top in depending on the activity.
ARM EXTENDED DOWN THE BODY. Girls are encouraged to wear shorts under a skirt
when engaging physical activities at recess or in gym
CLOTHING; this includes crude language, anything related to violence, drugs or
alcohol. Administrators will have final say.
general sign of respect used in our communities. Other items meant for outside wear should
also be removed upon entering the building; such items include sunglasses and gloves.
Clothing should be comfortable for Physical Activity. Please also ensure that your child is
dressed appropriately for playing outdoors at recess and noon. Students are expected to
play outdoors unless there is inclement weather or the temperature drops below -20
degrees Celsius.
Visitors and Volunteers
security measure as well as a record of those who are in the building. We encourage volunteers in
our school. They are used in the classrooms as well as for special occasions or events. Call us for
more information.
Life -Threatening Allergies
EVG has many procedures in place to ensure the safety of children with life-threatening allergies.
Parents of these children work closely with the office staff and the classroom teacher to help
communicate precautions, symptoms, and emergency measures.
Student and Parent Handbook
Nut school:
Please be considerate of students who have nut allergies by refraining from sending foods that
obviously contain nuts. It is almost impossible to ensure that we are a nut free environment,
however, we can all work together to make it as nut free as possible. If your child has a
classmate that has allergies, you will be notified. Should your child bring a lunch that contains
food to which the classmate is allergic to, your child will be asked to eat his/her lunch in another
location. Thanks for your cooperation!
Volunteer Who Me? Most of us believe that education is very important and we know that our children's
future success and happiness may very well depend on the education they receive today. That is why we are
asking for your help as a volunteer.
Why should you volunteer? There are many reasons:
First, your kids will benefit. Even if you are not in the classroom, your children
will know that you are in the school. They will see that you value learning. You
get to know your children's teachers.
The school will benefit. The time you spend in school will allow our staff to do more things for the
children. That means better learning for all.
Volunteering is satisfying: You will meet other parents. You may learn new skills and you will know
that you have done something important.
There are many jobs that need doing in a school and the help of parent volunteers is greatly appreciated.
Please contact your child's teacher if you would like to help out. A Criminal Record check is required
ahead of time.
Head lice and/or nits do regularly occur in children. The majority of cases reported involve girls as lice prefer
long, clean hair. At EVG, it is our practice to keep parents informed when cases of head lice are reported. Here
are some frequently asked questions regarding head lice.
What does EVG do "hen lice/nits are reported?
l . A designated staff member checks the entire class for lice.
2. If a new case is found, the secretary will call the parents of the child. If the new case has not been
treated, the parents are called and asked to pick up their child immediately and begin the treatment.
Head Lice
Student and Parent Handbook
3. A letter is sent out to all the parents of the class informing them of the case(s) and asking them to
check their child over the next seven days.
Why doesn't EVG exclude children from attending school if they have nits?
There is no need to exclude a child from school once treatment has begun as the lice are killed by the
treatment and one cannot "catch nits". It can sometimes take up to a week to comb out all the dead and
dormant nits. Excluding a child from attending school based on the fact that they are combing out nits is
clearly not necessary. Only in extreme cases, where the parent refuses to treat the child, would exclusion be
Why doesn't the health unit become more involved with head lice?
Head lice, although a nuisance, do not pose a significant health risk. Public Health Nurses
will provide education and consultation regarding the identification and treatment of head
lice. Public Health Nurses will not complete individual assessment and treatment.
- David Thompson Health Region Policy PHN-1-100
Reducing the frequency of lice/nits incidents is best accomplished through cooperative efforts between
home and school. Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated.
Please make sure to read your monthly newsletter for a notification of any changes in dates
September 3 First Day of School
September 4 Student Orientation Gr. 1-7
September 12 Meet the teachers 6:30 pm.
September 17 Terry Fox Run / Dawe Run
September 20 Staff Learning Day (No school)
September 24 Terry Fox Run / Dawe Run, alternate day
September 27 Orange Shirt Day
September 30 School Assembly 2:00pm
October 10 P/T Conferences (No School)
Book Fair (Library)
October 11 Staff Learning Day (No School)
October 14 Thanksgiving Day (No School)
October 31 Halloween Assembly 1:00pm
November 6 Remembrance Day Assembly 10:45am
November 7 Staff Learning Day (No School)
November 8-11 Fall Break
November 12 Back to school
November 24 Festival of Trees 2:00pm
December 2 Report Cards go home
December 5 P/T Conferences (No School)
December 6 District PD Day (No school)
Special dates and students days off
Student and Parent Handbook
December 12 Christmas Concert 6:30pm
December 20 Early Dismissal 2:05pm
December 23-Jan 3 Christmas Break
January 6 Back to School
January 17 Staff Learning Day (No School)
January 31 School Assembly 2:00 pm
February 17 Family Day (No school)
February 18-21 Winter Break
February 19 Staff Learning Day (No School)
February 20-21 Teachers’ Convention
February 24 Back to School
February 26 Pink Shirt Day
February 28 School Assembly 10:40 am
March 16 Report Cards go Home
March 19 P/T Conferences (No school)
Book Fair (Library)
March 20 Staff Learning Day (No School)
March 31 School Assembly 2:00 pm.
April 2 Autism Awareness Day (Wear Blue)
March 9 Staff Learning Day (No School)
April 10 Good Friday (No school)
April 13 Easter Monday (No School)
April 14-17 Spring Break
April 30 School Assembly 10:40 am
May 14 Go Girls/Grow Boys (gr. 5)
May 15 Staff Learning Day (No School)
May 18 Victoria Day (No School)
May 29 School Assembly 2:00 pm.
June 12 Staff Learning Day (No School)
June 17 Field Day
June 19 Talent Show 1:00 pm.
June 24 Field Day alternate day
June 25 School Assembly 10:40 am.
Grade 5 Graduation
Early Dismissal 2:05 pm.
Report Cards go Home
Last day for students
June 26 School Organizational Teachers & staff only (No school)