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All contractors performing work on Bell premises are required to understand and comply with the
following Contractor Code of Conduct. This document can be found on Bell’s Controlled Forms
Library, form number 70413. It can also be found titled “Appendix O - Outside Contractor
Requirements and Code of Conduct”.
1. Notify the Facilities or Equipment Engineering Departments, as applicable, prior to your
arrival at Security Gate to start work on a project. This will minimize the time required to
gain security clearance and get to job site.
2. Contractor admittance to Bell plant will be given after person for whom work is being
performed is notified. If directions to job site and/or instructions are required by contractor,
they will be furnished at this time.
3. Contractor materials will not be received nor stored by Bell while awaiting installation.
These items will be the sole responsibility of contractor personnel until job is accepted as
“complete” by Bell.
4. Roof and/or exterior wall penetrations will not be left open to weather overnight or in such
conditions that will subject building or its contents to damage due to wind or water unless
otherwise specifically approved by Bell’s applicable project manager and Bell Risk
5. Removal of contractor-owned material, equipment and/or job salvage is subject to
inspection by cognizant Bell Plant Engineering or Equipment Engineering personnel and
by Bell Security.
6. When a job necessitates night or weekend work, a request for performing such work
(except emergency conditions) must be submitted 24 hours in advance for weekday nights
and before 12:00 noon Thursday for the following Saturday and/or Sunday work.
7. At no time will travel across heliports and flight lines be permitted without approval of
Flight Operations, or the Bell personnel overseeing the applicable project.
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In the event of a Pandemic or other unforeseen event, Bell may implement additional requirements
to protect employees and facilities. All contractors may be subjected to temperature testing
depending on Federal, State or Local guidance. All contractors will need to check with their Host
to understand what additional requirements are in place.
The contractor shall adhere to applicable Bell policies/procedures governing emergencies. All
emergencies within Bell must be reported to the Security Operations Center (SOC) at Extension
1-3333 (using an internal Bell phone) or 817-280-3333.
The contractor shall be responsible for contacting its employee(s) for personal emergencies.
The general contractor is responsible for providing Bell with a list of workers requiring access to
the facility. The list will be created by the general contractor on the required Mass Visi Upload
Form and must be returned to the Bell Project Manager no less than 72 hours prior to arrival on
site. Obtain the Visi Upload Form from your Project Lead/Host. The Mass Visi Upload Form
confirms all general contractor visitors requested are US Citizens or Green Card/Visa holders in
addition to documenting other necessary visitor information. Bell Visitor Badges are to be worn
on the outer garment in the area of the heart while the worker is on Bell premises. Upon check in,
all visitors are required to have a valid photo ID such as state driver’s license or ID card or passport.
Unscheduled workers will not be allowed on the facility without approval of the Bell
sponsoring department and the Bell Security Department.
Prime contractor will report lost Bell badges to Bell Security immediately. Bell will access the
prime contractor a charge of $15.00 for each lost badge.
Workers will be limited to the area of their specific job. If workers are found out of their
designated area, this could be grounds for permanent removal.
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A foreign person is any person who is not a lawful permanent U.S. resident. A U.S. Person is
any form of business enterprise or entity organized, chartered or incorporated under the laws
of the United States or its territories and any person who is a citizen (including Naturalized) of
the United States, a permanent resident alien (“Green Card” holder), a Political asylee, or a
refugee. A U.S. person does not include foreign persons working in the U.S.
Foreign persons on Bell premises must be escorted at all times while on Bell property by a Bell
employee who is a U.S. person. Foreign persons who will be on Bell premises for 90
consecutive days or more will be issued a Bell picture badge provided the Bell Security office
issues him or her, a Technology Control Plan (TCP). Foreign persons will be issued a red
lanyard and a badge with a red border signifying them as a foreign national. Upon failure to
comply, the visitor will be removed from Bell premises and will not be permitted to return.
The contractor will be responsible to provide to Bell a copy of Proof of Status as a U.S. Person
or a legal permanent resident for each of their employees three (3) days in advance of arriving
at work.
Contractors will ensure that all their employees have adequate proof of status as a U.S. Person
or an appropriate U.S. Government issued work visas prior to entering Bell premises. Adequate
proof of U.S. Person status includes a U.S. Passport, Resident Alien Card (green card), certified
U.S. birth certificate, or proof of status as a Refugee or Political asylee. Proof of status as a
legal Foreign Person is a valid U.S. Government issued work visa.
Prime contractor must request permission to bring vehicles/equipment on the facility. Request
must include the description of the vehicle/equipment and license number. The number of
vehicles authorized on the facility will be kept to an absolute minimum as related to the work
being performed. Vehicles will not be allowed entry if the driver cannot show a valid driver’s
license and proof of insurance and/or financial responsibility of the vehicle.
All persons and vehicles are subject to search upon entering and exiting the facility. Any
toolboxes, equipment or property used by the contractor personnel on the facility is subject to
search at any time.
Illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, firearms, photographic equipment, pornography, radios, and
recording devices are not authorized on Bell property. Contractor agrees to, as soon as possible
but not later than 30 days after award of a Bell Purchase Order, publish a statement notifying
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its employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a
controlled substance is prohibited on Bell property.
No firearms, regardless of potential visitor being a concealed or open carry permit holder, will
be allowed on Bell property inside the secured area of the property. No other unlawful weapons
according to Texas State Penal Code will be allowed.
Contractor shall adopt and publish personnel procedures that specify the actions that will be
taken against employees for violation of the stated policy. Contractor will communicate to all
its employees and subcontractor employees that any contractor or subcontractor employee
found to be distributing, dispensing, in possession of or using a controlled substance or alcohol
within the confines of Bell will be immediately removed from Bell premises.
Clothing worn by contractor personnel should be appropriate for their job and not create any
safety hazard. No one is allowed on Bell property wearing shorts or clothing with any offensive
1. Body Protection - At a minimum, proper attire will include;
a. Slacks or jeans and must be long enough to ensure that skin is not exposed to
manufacturing processes.
b. Sweatpants, wind pants, jogging suits, capri pants, or crop pants are not allowed.
c. Tops must cover the torso completely and have sleeves at least two inches below the
shoulder seam
2. Foot Protection - In production, manufacturing, and warehouse areas where safety shoes are
not required, minimum footwear requirements are;
a. The entire foot shall be enclosed up to the ankle or more to provide sturdy support.
b. Must have a leather upper (or comparable) NOTE: No mesh, canvas, or cloth.
c. Soles shall be appropriate thickness to prevent penetration of foreign debris, and shall be
of leather or oil resistant material (i.e. rubber or neoprene)
d. Height of heel shall not exceed two inches.
e. Diameter of the heel shall be at least one inch at the tread surface.
f. Footwear such as sandals, open heels, open toe, spiked heels, and platform soles or
Shape-ups are considered unsafe and shall not be worn while on the manufacturing floor
or in a manufacturing environment NOTE: Manufacturing areas include warehouse,
dock, production, maintenance shop, shipping/receiving, and any areas where punctures,
crushing, burns, electrical hazards, or lacerations may occur.
g. Shoes must be in acceptable condition. Shoes with holes or tears shall not be worn.
Smoking is not permitted on any Bell facility/property.
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The prime contractor will be held responsible for the actions of all their employees as
well as their subcontractors. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure all their
subcontractors are fully aware of Bell’s Contractor Requirements and Rules of Conduct
(Appendix O).
Any person found stealing any property will be immediately removed from the facility and
denied any future access. As appropriate, instances will be reported to the proper local
Security rules and restrictions are subject to change without notice based on the existing
security/operational situation. Failure to comply with Security rules is grounds for removal
and denying access to any facility. Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable Bell
Security requirements for contractor/subcontractor sponsorship, access control and escort
It is the general contractor’s responsibility to assure that all its subcontractors are aware of
and comply with Bell rules and regulations.
Contractors will not use Bell equipment in the performance of work, unless authorized
pursuant to their contract.
Each Contractor shall designate one spokesperson to address any questions that may arise
during performance.
Access to Bell facilities and vehicular traffic
a. Contractor vehicles entering Bell facilities must be of a condition to minimize
environmental contamination.
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b. All Contractor drivers and their subcontractors must observe Bell traffic regulations
including parking restrictions, while on company property.
- Obey speed limits as posted, otherwise 10 mph outside of manufacturing areas.
- Inside plant buildings – 3 mph maximum
- Yield to pedestrians
c. No cell phone texting or conversations are allowed on Bell property while operating
motorized equipment or vehicle.
d. Vehicles permitted in the controlled area shall be of the non-polluting type, such as
electrically powered or hand propelled. Internal combustion powered vehicles are not
While on Bell property, supplier personnel, including vendor representatives, must comply
with the Bell Foreign Object/Foreign Object Damage (FO/FOD) Prevention Program as
a. Restraint of any materials which could be blown from supplier’s vehicles.
b. Control and accountability of personal effects and tools.
c. Exercising proper care in disposing of potential foreign objects. Potential FOD:
- Metal or wire clippings, solder balls, and debris lying in the vicinity of electrical
terminals, circuitry, connectors, components, etc.
- Tools, hardware, personal items, consumables, or debris left on or in the vicinity of
an aircraft or aircraft components.
- Debris lying on runways, ramps, and taxiways.
- Propeller exhaust, jet exhaust, and tilt rotor downwash blast
- Inclement weather
- Ice and salt
- Birds and other animals
- Electro-static discharge (ESD)
- Construction debris
d. Reporting all FO/FOD incidents to the designated Bell contact.
e. Entry into FOD Critical or FOD Sensitive areas requires an escort unless FOD training
has been provided.
- FOD Critical Areas: Areas that contain a helicopter/tilt rotor major assembly or
where the assembly/disassembly of engines occurs, or a Flight Line. FOD Critical
Areas are at the highest risk for potential FOD incidences. Exposure to foreign
objects in these areas would potentially cause system or product failure due to
deterioration, malfunction, or damage.
- FOD Sensitive Areas: Assembly areas where a foreign object could become
entrapped or inaccessible within components and must have limited exposure to
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foreign objects due to the potential for migration, entrapment, ingestion, or damage
to the product, operation, or development of the product or product systems.
f. Ensure Foreign Object Debris is controlled using proper Housekeeping and Clean-As-
You-Go practices in the area.
- Clean the immediate area when work cannot continue
- Clean the immediate area when work debris has the potential to migrate to an out
of sight or inaccessible area and cause damage and/or give the appearance of poor
- Verify all foreign objects are removed at completion of a task, before the next
planned operation or inspection point, prior to work stoppage that is expected to
exceed 30 minutes, and at the end of each shift.
All tools used by vendors, suppliers, and subcontractors to perform work on components
in Bell’s flight operations, assembly (including gearbox assembly and NPDC) and bonding
areas are to be identified to the owner of the company and checked for identification and
inventoried by the manufacturing or quality supervisor.
Any questions concerning the Foreign Object Prevention Program (FOD) can be addressed
to the Quality FOD Prevention Program Administrator.
The contractor shall do everything within its authority to prevent fire or explosive hazards
that might result from work being performed on Bell premises. This includes the following:
a. Contractors performing cutting or welding operations must obtain a daily
welding/cutting permit from the Bell Fire Protection Department. See the Welding and
Flame Cutting section below.
b. Materials and equipment cannot block access to firefighting equipment.
c. Contractor shall furnish fire protection equipment necessary for performance.
Contractor shall provide fire extinguishers along with a fire watch when any welding
or cutting is conducted.
d. Gasoline, diesel fuel, oil and flammable paint and solvents shall be stored in approved
closed containers and placed in an area presenting the least hazard to plant operations.
All dispensing tanks shall be bonded to prevent static explosions and containers will be
properly labeled.
e. Vehicles and other gasoline or diesel-powered equipment will not be fueled while
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f. Oxygen, acetylene and other compressed gas cylinders must be capped and fastened
securely when not in use. Empty cylinders will be capped and tagged and segregated
from full cylinders. Cylinders in use must be secured in the upright position with chain
or other non-flammable material. Acetylene cylinders must not be placed on their sides.
g. No solvent, such as gasoline, acetone or naphtha with a flash point below 120 F, will
be used for cleaning equipment or parts.
h. Contractor is responsible for disposing of spent solvents and waste oil outside of Bell
property unless authorized by Bell Environmental Management. Under no
circumstances, shall any hazardous material, petroleum products, paint, paint residues
or any other construction waste be emptied into drainage ditches, sanitary sewers, storm
drains or dumpsters.
i. Oily rags and other highly flammable waste must be disposed of in separate containers.
Such containers must be provided by the contractor. Waste containers must be properly
labeled to comply with Federal, State and Local requirements.
Breaking into Utility Lines No utility line may be broken into until such time as
permission to do so has been obtained in writing from the public utility company and the
Bell Plant Engineering Department.
No control valves in the plant shall be operated by anyone other than Bell personnel or
without their express permission. No fire protection shall be shut down without prior
approval of the Fire Protection Department.
The contractor shall be responsible for any damage to a road or walkway surface which is
caused by his moving equipment on or across such road and/or which results in personal
injury to Bell employees.
a. Noise – The contractor shall inform Bell of any excessive noise that may be generated
at or around the work site.
b. Air Pollution The contractor shall inform Bell of any potential air contamination
generated by dust, fumes or vapors.
c. Hazard Materials The contractor shall comply with all requirements of OSHA’s
Hazard Communication standard.
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I. General
The contractor shall become thoroughly familiar with and follow all Bell contractor
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) requirements as well as all applicable federal,
state, and local laws, orders, rules and regulations. The contractor is responsible for
becoming thoroughly familiar with Bell operations at the work site. Before performing
work, the Contractor will determine, by its special knowledge, skill and expertise, that the
work site is safe for its work activities. The contractor will review all applicable regulatory
requirements prior to initiating any work. Contractors and all their employees are expected
to read and speak English with enough comprehension to understand work instructions and
orders, the requirements in this Appendix, workplace safety instruction signage, safety
work permits, environmental requirements and instructions and Safety Data Sheets. All
contract supervisors, working on company property, shall review this Appendix O at least
every twelve months and maintain documentation to show compliance. Bell does not
supervise or control the means, manner or methods by which work is performed by the
contractor. Bell requires its contractors to develop, implement and enforce necessary rules
and practices for the safe performance of contractor work. If contractor exhibits unsafe
behavior onsite, a member of the EHS department will stop construction and
immediately contact the Bell project manager.
A. Contractor agrees to comply with:
1) All applicable Environmental, Health and Safety (“EHS”) statutes, regulations,
rules, ordinances, codes and standards (“EHS Laws”) of the jurisdiction where
Contractor performs work for Bell; and,
2) All applicable Bell EHS rules, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines
(“Bell Rules”), when performing work in a Bell facility or on a Bell site (“On any
Bell Facility”). EHS Laws in the United States of America (US) include: the
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA); the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); Uniform Fire Code (UFC),
Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the local jurisdiction, the Hazardous
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Materials and Transportation Act (HMTA) and Texas Railroad Commission
3) Proper Attire See “Clothing” (No. 9) in the Facilities and Security Section above.
4) Conduct routine audits of contractor’s employees and operations and their
subcontractor’s employees and operations to ensure provisions in this Appendix are
being complied with.
B. Upon request, contractor agrees to submit, to the Bell Project Manager, contractor’s
policies, procedures, guidelines, safety plan, specifications, and the like (hereinafter
“EHS Program”) prior to beginning any work at the facility. The EHS Program must
include all relevant EHS requirements, including but not limited to, management
communication system (e.g., safety meetings, incident reporting and the like),
recordkeeping, training, policies and procedures, standards and specifications, and
control and audit procedures, necessary to comply with all applicable EHS Laws, Bell
Rules and the specific requirements described in Section II of this Appendix
(hereinafter, “Specific Requirements”).
1) Contractor warrants that Contractor’s EHS Program is based upon the EHS Laws
and accepted safe practices and standards in the jurisdiction in which work is to be
2) Contractor agrees that if Bell determines that the Contractor’s EHS Program is
insufficient to ensure compliance with this Appendix, then Bell may require the
Contractor to amend its EHS Program.
C. Contractor agrees that it is solely responsible for ensuring that its employees, agents
and/or subcontractors (“Contractor’s Employees”) performing work on a Bell facility,
do so in accordance with Contractor’s EHS Program, all applicable EHS Laws, Bell
Rules and Specific Requirements including Appendix O.
D. Contractor agrees that review, approval and disapproval, by Bell of Contractor EHS
Programs will not relieve Contractor of any responsibilities, requirements or liabilities
accepted by Contractor in this Agreement.
1) Any waiver of or amendment to any EHS Program must be in writing and signed
by Bell and Contractor.
2) Contractor agrees that a waiver or amendment of any one or more of the
requirements of this Appendix will not relieve Contractor from the responsibility
to comply with any applicable EHS Laws or any other requirement of this Appendix
or from any liability that may result from Contractor’s or Contractor’s employees
actions or failure to act in accordance with applicable EHS Laws and requirements
of this Appendix.
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E. Before assigning any Contractor’s employees to perform work at a Bell facility,
Contractor will train Contractor’s employees to the extent necessary to ensure
knowledge of and compliance with applicable EHS Laws, Bell Rules and Specific
F. Contractor agrees to allow Bell to monitor, audit and inspect Contractor operations for
compliance with all the terms of this Appendix.
1) Bell will notify Contractor of any observed noncompliance with any requirement
of this Appendix.
2) Contractor agrees that Bell may “stop work” if Bell, in its sole judgment,
determines that such noncompliance may present a risk of an incident, accident,
injury, illness or a violation of EHS Laws.
3) Contractor will take immediate action to correct any noncompliance without cost
to Bell, including, but not limited to, the cost of Contractor’s and Contractor’s
employees’ downtime during any work stoppage.
4) Contractor agrees that should Contractor discover an unsafe condition, Contractor
shall correct, and notify the responsible Bell Project Manager.
5) Contractor agrees that should Contractor’s employee(s) or subcontractors fail to
take immediate action to correct any noncompliance, as described above,
Contractor will at Bell’s request, exclude the noncompliant Contractor’s
employee(s) or subcontractor from Bell facilities until such time as Contractor
provides evidence of compliance that Bell, in its sole judgment, determines to be
6) Contractor agrees that should the same Contractor’s employee(s) or subcontractor
be found to be in noncompliance a second time during the performance of work,
Contractor, will, at Bell’s request, exclude that Contractor’s employee(s) or
subcontractor from Bell facilities for ninety (90) days.
G. Hazardous Materials” means:
1) Any substance or mixture of substances which (a) is toxic, (b) is corrosive, (c) is an
irritant, (d) is a strong sensitizer, (e) is pyrophoric, flammable, ignitable or
combustible, (f) is radioactive, (g) is explosive, (h) is reactive, or (i) generates
pressure through decomposition, heat, or other means;
2) Any substance or mixture of substances that may cause personal injury or illness
during or as a proximate result of any customary or reasonable foreseeable handling
or use; or,
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3) Any substance or mixture of substances that is defined or regulated by any
applicable EHS Laws as hazardous including, but not limited to, hazardous
substances, hazardous materials, toxic substances, hazardous wastes, carcinogens,
reproductive toxins and the like.
H. Condition of Performance
1) Contractor agrees to comply and holds his subcontractors in compliance with this
Appendix as a condition of performance of this Order.
II. Specific Requirements
EHS Laws, Bell Rules or accepted industrial practice may establish additional
requirements, applicable to the work to be performed, which must be addressed in
Contractor’s EHS Program and complied with in accordance with Section I of this
A. Accident/Incident Reporting/Investigation
1) Contractor will require its employees to immediately report to Contractor any
accidents and incidents (including, but not limited to, illness, injury, fires, property
damage or Hazardous Material spills) that occur on a Bell facility.
2) Contractor agrees to notify Bell EHS Department as soon as possible, no later than
one hour if possible, of any accidents and incidents. Go through your Bell Host if
needed to contact EHS.
3) Contractor will investigate accidents and incidents before the end of work day or
shift, document the results of the investigation, prepare a corrective action plan, and
verify completion of actions in a written report. Bell may request a joint
investigation and Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with such a joint
investigation. Investigations must be diligently pursued and completed as soon as
4) Contractor agrees to notify Bell of any inspection by a governmental agency, before
inspection begins.
Contractor agrees to maintain injury, illness and accident/incident data/information on the
Bell site where the work is being performed and agrees to provide Bell with a monthly (or
at any other mutually agreed frequency) report on injuries, illnesses and accident/incidents
involving Contractor’s employees. This report shall include information on total recordable
and lost day cases and any other data as may be required by the Bell site on which the work
is being performed.
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B. Confined Space
1) Contractor agrees that work requiring confined space entry shall comply with
applicable EHS Laws and, at a minimum, comply with Title 29 of the United States
Code of Federal Regulations (Section 1910.146 (29CFR §1910.146) or 29CFR
§1926, as applicable, including, but not limited to, training entry permits, provision
and use of required PPE, atmospheric monitoring devices, and rescue practices.
2) Contractor further agrees to follow Bell’s confined space guidelines as required. If
Bell’s confined space guidelines are unknown, Contractor agrees to request same
from their Bell Project Manager/Host and review them with Contractor’s
Employees before beginning any work involving confined space.
3) A contractor entering a confined space shall Obtain information regarding hazards
of the permit spaces and entry operations from Bell.
4) A contractor entering a confined space shall coordinate entry operations with Bell
when both, contractor and Bell, will be working in or near permit spaces.
5) Contractor will provide its own equipment, including but not limited to, PPE,
extraction and monitoring equipment, required for confined space work.
6) A contractor entering a confined space shall inform Bell of the permit space
program that the contractor will follow and of any hazards confronted or created in
permit spaces, either through a debriefing or during the entry operation.
C. Contractor Incident Prevention Plan
1) Contractor will prepare a written Contractor Safety Plan (CSP). The CSP must
include a description of how the work will be performed. This plan must be
submitted to and approved by Bell EHS Department at least 24 hours prior to
commencing such work.
D. Emergency Response
1) Contractor will train its employees on emergency response procedures, including,
but not limited to, a description of the type of incident for which the Bell Emergency
Response Team (BERT) should be activated, the procedure to report an incident
and activate the BERT, evacuation procedures, assembly areas and purposes/roles
of the BERT and Contractor’s ERT (if one exists).
2) Bell agrees to provide reasonable information and assistance to Contractor to
support Contractors emergency response training.
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3) Contractor agrees to notify Bell prior to contacting a public or government agency
regarding EHS matters on Bell’s site. This requirement is waived if prior
notification to Bell would cause a violation of EHS Laws or cause unreasonable
delay in actions that are reasonably appropriate and necessary. In such cases, the
notification to Bell must occur as soon as is practicable.
4) Contractor and Bell may conduct joint training and drills if appropriate.
5) Should a contractor cause a chemical release or spill, the contractor must take
immediate actions to prevent the material from entering storm drains or the
environment. If Bell must intervene to assist or take over the clean-up, the incurred
costs will be billed to the vendor. Bell’s Security Department must be notified at X
1-3333 or 817-280-3333 in the event of a spill or release.
E. Equipment
1) Contractor will provide their own tools and equipment, including, but not limited
to, personal protective equipment, respirators, rescue equipment, exclusivity and
oxygen monitors, electrical safety testing equipment, and lifting equipment.
2) Equipment used by Contractor’s employees performing work for and/or on a Bell
facility will be calibrated and maintained in accordance with standard industrial
practice for each type of equipment which shall, at a minimum, include provisions
designed to prevent injury/illness to persons using or in the vicinity of such
equipment including, but not limited to, provisions for electrical shock protection
and ergonomics.
3) Contractor agrees to provide to Bell a copy of Contractor’s calibration and
maintenance standards. Contractor agrees that Bell’s review approval or requested
amendment of said standards shall not relieve Contractor of its responsibility to
provide safe equipment or its liability for any injuries/illnesses that result from use
of such equipment.
4) Contractor will provide ground-fault circuit protection in accordance with EHS
5) Contractor will provide secondary containment for storing chemicals brought on to
Bell property and that will remain on Bell property for 2-days or greater. The
containment must be capable of holding the entire contents of the largest container
plus a reasonable rainfall amount. The containment must be maintained clean and
F. Excavation and Trenching
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1) Contractor will perform excavation and trenching in a safe manner, including, but
not limited to, proper barricading, marking, lighting, shoring or sloping, in
accordance with applicable EHS Laws.
2) Contractor will notify the Bell Project Manager prior to opening any excavation or
3) Contractor will take all necessary precautions, including requesting drawings and
information from Bell, to determine the existence and location of underground
utilities. For example, sewer, water, electrical, telephone and natural gas lines.
G. Exposure Monitoring
1) Where the potential exists for Contractor’s Employees to be exposed to hazardous
material or physical hazards during performance of work, Contractor agrees to
comply with applicable EHS Laws for exposure monitoring, and, at a minimum,
comply with 29CFR 1910 including, but not limited to, 1910.1000 or 29CFR 1926,
as applicable.
2) Contractor agrees to provide Bell copies of all exposure monitoring and related
documentation, upon Bell’s request.
3) Contractor agrees to provide, to Bell’s Medical Department within 24 hours of
Bell’s request, a copy of any occupational medical information by a process that
maintains employee confidentiality.
4) Contractor agrees to allow Bell to perform periodic work area air monitoring,
during performance of project work (e.g., during certain maintenance or work on
contaminated equipment or systems). Bell agrees to notify Contractor and obtain
written consent of any Contractor’s employees to be monitored prior to performing
personal air monitoring tests (i.e., tests designed to measure a specific person’s
potential exposure). Bell agrees to report the results of such monitoring to
Contractor. Contractor agrees to provide Contract’s employees with the results of
such monitoring.
H. Fall Protection
1) Contractor will perform elevated work in a safe manner, including, but not limited
to, use of protective barriers, use of harness and lanyard, proper selection of ladders,
and proper design, installation and use of scaffolding, in accordance with applicable
EHS Laws.
2) Contractors, third parties, and other affected personnel shall not work on Elevated
Work Surfaces unless required fall protection is used and all required training has
been completed. The contractor must use a defined OSHA competent / qualified
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person to pre-determine if elevated work will be performed. If determined, this
person will complete an elevated work evaluation that discusses the type of fall
protection measures necessary. In addition, this person must create a job specific
fall event rescue plan that provides for prompt rescue of each employee in the event
of a fall and the person is unable to recover. Resources needed for the rescue will
be provided by the contractor. All workers involved will be familiar with the
evaluation and rescue plan before the job begins.
3) Contractor further agrees to follow Bell’s Fall Protection guidelines as outlined in
this section and Contractor agrees to follow OSHA Fall Protection requirements.
4) Contractor will provide its own equipment, including but not limited to barriers,
safety harness and line, ladders and scaffolding required for elevated work.
I. Scaffolding
1) Scaffolds will comply with 29 CFR 1926.451 at a minimum.
2) The use of shore or lean-to scaffolds is prohibited.
3) Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be inspected for visible defects by a
competent person before each work shift, and after any occurrence which could
affect a scaffold's structural integrity.
J. Aerial Lifts, Cranes, Hoists and Rigging
1) All equipment must be operated according to the manufacturer’s specifications and
2) Conduct a pre-start inspection to verify that the equipment and all its components
are in safe operating condition.
3) An aerial lift shall not be moved when the boom is elevated in a working position
with employees in the basket, except for equipment that is specifically designed for
this type of operation.
4) A body harness shall be worn with a lanyard attached to the engineered anchor
point when working from an aerial lift except where lift manufacturers do not
recommend this practice.
5) Any employee who uses personal fall protection systems and are exposed to a fall
hazard must be current in their Fall Protection training.
6) Cranes, Hoists, Running Ropes must have current documented inspections.
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K. Portable Ladders
1) Ladders shall always be maintained in good condition.
2) Do not use the top step/rung of a ladder as a step/rung unless it was designed for
that purpose.
L. Welding and Flame Cutting
1) If the object to be welded or cut cannot be moved from all fire hazards, then all
movable fire hazards shall be moved to a safe place.
2) Welding or flame cutting shall be done only by trained and, where required,
certified personnel in designated areas. For any welding or flame cutting in non-
designated work locations, a written permit shall be obtained.
3) Prior to welding or flame cutting, a written permit shall be obtained for any non-
designated hot work locations from the Fire Protection Department, or EHS
Department when a site does not have a Fire Department.
a. Fire extinguishers must be ready for immediate use.
b. A fire watch lasting at least 30 minutes after the welding or cutting operations is
required if more than a minor fire might develop.
4) Prohibited areas for welding include:
a. Areas unauthorized by management
b. Areas where sprinklers are impaired
c. Areas closer than 35 feet to fueled aircraft or in aircraft hangers with fueled
d. Areas in explosive atmospheres
e. Areas near storage of large quantities of readily ignitable materials including
gases or vapors, explosives, munitions, etc.
f. Areas that have been freshly painted
M. First Aid
1) Contractor will provide first aid as required for Contractor’s employees.
2) Bell agrees to provide emergency first aid to the extent that such services are
available at the Bell site where the work is being performed.
N. Hazard Communication
1) Contractor will provide all hazard information, training and other communication
to Contractor’s employees required by applicable EHS Laws and, as a minimum in
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compliance with 29CFR 1910.1200 or 29CFR 1926.59 (relating to construction
safety standards), as applicable.
2) Bell may provide information to Contractor to support Contractor training of its
employees in specific hazards, hazard labeling and emergency procedures in work
areas under the control of Bell.
3) Many of Bell’s facilities involve Heavy Manufacturing/Industrial Operations.
Many typical hazards may be present and could include, for example,
moving/rotating equipment, pinch points, air borne contaminants, mists, vapors
and/or particulates, high noise, high voltage, chemical tanks/baths, surface coating,
surface prep, media blasting, uneven surfaces, slip and trip hazards, confined
spaces, hazardous energies, overhead lifting devices, hot surfaces, composite fibers,
hazardous materials, hazardous waste, and etc. Many of these hazards or warnings
are posted near the area of concern.
It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact your Project Manager or locate a
Bell representative for the area and inquire about any hazards you are not aware of
or familiar with before entering the area. The proper PPE must be worn before
entering the area or around such hazards. Reference the Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) section.
Prior to work, contractor will be required to conduct a safety assessment of all
potentially hazardous substances and critical systems that currently exist (i.e.,
Hazardous chemicals/gases used in area, gas alarm systems, etc). Once all potential
hazards are identified, contractor will work with Bell to determine what safety
measures need to be taken to eliminate potential hazards from the work the
contractor is hired to do.
O. Hazardous Energies
1) Contractor agrees that work involving hazardous energies (including, but not
limited to, electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, temperature, pressure or
chemical) shall comply with applicable EHS Laws and, at a minimum, comply with
29CFR 1910 or 29CFR 1926 including, but not limited to, 1910.301 through 399
and lock out and tag out procedures (29CFR 1910.147), as applicable.
2) Contractor further agrees to follow Bell’s hazardous energies guidelines, including,
but not limited to; welding, electrical hot work, flame work, hot work permits, and
lockout/tag out, as required by the specific site where work is being performed.
3) If Bell’s hazardous energies guidelines are unknown, Contractor agrees to request
same from their Bell Project Manager and review them with Contractor’s
Employees before beginning any work involving hazardous energies.
P. Hazardous Material
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1) Contractor agrees that Contractor and Contractor’s Employees will not bring any
Hazardous Material on a Bell Facility, or perform work that may generate a
Hazardous Material (i.e., hazardous waste) at a Bell Facility, without notifying the
Bell Project Manager and prior written approval from the Bell’s site EHS
a. Contractor agrees to provide a written notice to Bell that includes a list of
Hazardous Materials and a copy of a current Safety Data Sheet for each
Hazardous Material at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work
requiring the Hazardous Material.
2) In the event that Contractor or Contractor’s employees bring Hazardous Materials
on a Bell facility, or perform work that may generate a Hazardous Material (i.e.,
hazardous waste) at a Bell facility, Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable
EHS Laws and the provisions in this Appendix.
3) Items 1 and 2 above are not applicable to small quantities (less than 4 liters total
and 1 liter in an single container) of Hazardous Materials provided that: the
Hazardous Materials are totally consumed in the work or removed from the Bell
site at the end of work shift, without any emission, exposure to persons or other
incident; and, the presence of the Hazardous Material on a Bell facility would not
create or add to any requirements for Bell under applicable EHS Laws.
AND MATERIALS ARE USED AT Bell FACILITIES. If the work requires that
Contractor’s employees work in the vicinity of such materials, Bell agrees to
provide information to Contractor as required by EHS Laws. Contractor is fully
responsible for requesting information from his Project Manager or an area
representative regarding any industrial hazard the contractor is not familiar with.
Contractor agrees to be solely and completely responsible for training Contractor’s
employees. Determination of the need for such training will be mutually agreed
between Bell and Contractor prior to Contractor’s employees entering or working
in or near areas containing Bell’s Hazardous Materials.
Q. Chemical Usage Inventory
Contractors working on Bell property are required to track and maintain a detailed
inventory of all chemicals used on a project by project basis. Chemicals include but are
not limited to paints, solvents, epoxies, adhesives, caulk and etc. This detailed
inventory of chemicals must be submitted to the Environmental Department monthly,
for the duration of each project. The detailed chemical inventory must include:
a. Location and description of the project for which the chemical inventory is being
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b. Name of chemical and application method of each chemical used (brushed, rolled,
extruded, etc.)
c. Amount of each chemical used (either in pounds (lb) or tons)
d. An MSDS or SDS for each chemical used; each SDS must have the following to be
- 100% speciation of components
- Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content
- Specific Gravity or Density
- Vapor Pressure
Additionally, all painting operations occurring on Bell property by contractors must be
brushed or rolled on. Paint guns are not allowed.
R. Hearing Conservation
1) Contractor will provide hearing protection to all Contractors’ employees as
required by applicable EHS Laws and, at a minimum, in compliance with 29CFR
1910.95 or 1926, as applicable.
S. Maintenance Procedures
1) Contractor will provide Contractor’s employees detailed maintenance procedures
that include necessary safety precautions. Where Bell has site specific
requirements, Contractor agrees to incorporate such requirements into its specific
programs and documentation.
2) Contractor will erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and
performance of this Agreement, reasonable safeguards for safety and protection of
persons or property. Such safeguards shall include, as appropriate but not be limited
to: posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, constructing
barricades, promulgating and implementing safety rules and notification to owners
and users of adjacent work locations.
T. Medical Monitoring
1) Contractor will provide its employees any and all medical monitoring required by
applicable EHS Laws.
U. Nuisance
1) Except as required to perform an Order as specified, the Contractor will not create
any nuisance or other condition, including but not limited to odors, fumes, dust,
particulates or visible plumes, that may crate injury or illness to or reasonable
concerns by any person or interference with or stoppage of work.
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V. Personal Protective Equipment
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1) Contractor will provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and adequate training
for the use of PPE to all Contractors’ employees as required by applicable EHS
Laws and, at a minimum, in compliance with 29CFR 1910 or 1926, as applicable.
2) Contractor will ensure that proper PPE is provided for each task.
3) Contractor agrees to ensure that Contractor’s employees wear required PPE.
W. Project Work Site Orientation
1) The Bell Facilities Project Manager, if appropriate, will provide/coordinate work-
site orientation and basic safety familiarization as described below:
a. Introduction to the Bell Facility
b. Bell Facility walk of the area where work is to be performed
c. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) policy for areas of the Bell facility where
work will occur
d. Communication of unusual/uncommon hazards that exist in the area where
work will occur
e. Location of medical treatment facilities and,
f. Location of critical shut-off locations (e.g., water, gas, electrical), and related
notification and shut-off procedures
2) Contractor will prepare and provide basic safety training to its employees,
including, as applicable and necessary, but is not limited to:
a. Review of Bell Orientation training
b. Specific Bell Safety requirements
c. Housekeeping
d. Emergency Response, including role of Bell
e. Contractor’s Emergency Response Teams, role of Bell Security and reporting,
f. Contractors basic safety program, which shall include, as applicable, but not
limited to, ladder safety, fall protection, chemical storage and handling, fire
prevention, lockout/tag out, confined space, flammable storage and handling,
and electrical safety as applicable to the work being performed.
X. Respiratory Protection
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1) Contractor agrees that work shall comply with the respiratory protection
requirements of applicable law and, at a minimum, comply with 29CFR1910 or
1926, as applicable, including, but not limited to, training, medical monitoring, fit
testing, and respirator care and maintenance.
2) Contractor further agrees to follow Bell’s respiratory protection guidelines as
required by the Bell facility where work is being performed. If Bell’s respiratory
protection guidelines are unknown, Contractor agrees to request same from their
Bell Project Manager and review them with Contractor’s Employees before
beginning any work involving respirable hazards.
3) Contractor’s employees may be permitted to use, where available, and subject to
prior written notice to and approval by Bell, Bell’s installed breathing air supply
system or portable breathing air system. Contractor agrees to provide Contractor’s
employees with respirators which are compatible (e.g., same connections) with
Bell’s installed or portable breathing air system.
4) Contractor agrees to provide, at Bell’s request, written documentation of their
respiratory protection program prior to commencement of work requiring
respiratory protection.
Y. Waste
1) Contractor will use best efforts to, in the following priority order:
a. Minimize the generation of waste materials in performance of the work
b. Recycle waste materials generated in performing the work, including, but not
limited to, recycling of paper, cardboard, glass, wood, metal and oil.
2) Contractor further agrees to provide to Bell documentation of Contractor’s efforts
to minimize and recycle, upon Bell’s request. This data will include the types of
materials segregated and recycled including the quantity, weight, and/or volume of
each type.
3) Where work may result in the generation of Hazardous Material (i.e., hazardous
waste), except for small quantities as described and in accordance with the
conditions in Section II.L.3, Contractor agrees to notify Bell prior to performing
such work. Such work may include by way of example, but not limited to: cleaning
of Bell equipment or piping contaminated with Hazardous Material; changing
lubricating oil; or, grinding or welding on equipment, piping or structures that may
contain or be contaminated with Hazardous Material, spill cleanup, painting, etc.
The communication with EHS mentioned above is to determine who will be
responsible for the waste generated and if the waste will be left at Bell or removed
by the contractor. For example, painting contractors are expected to take their paint
related wastes with them including clean up materials.
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4) Contractor will evaluate waste generated by the work, as required by EHS Laws to
determine if the waste is hazardous or not, and why, and to document findings.
Contractor agrees to make such documentation available to Bell upon request.
5) Contractor agrees that work shall comply with applicable EHS Laws regarding
waste. No waste including paint related and paint brush/roller cleanup can be
poured into a sink or other drain at Bell.
6) Contractor agrees to comply with the Bell Construction Waste Management and
Disposal Procedures as summarized above. If Bell’s Construction Waste
Management and Disposal Procedures are unknown, Contractor agrees to request
same from their Bell Project Manager and review them with Contractor’s
Employees before beginning any work.
End of Document
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