1 SEPTEMBER 2021 - 31 AUGUST 2024
January 2022
1.1 Recognition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Dues Deduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 Voluntary Deduction for Committee on Political Education (COPE) -------- 1
1.4 Pertinent Data - Notification -------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.5 Building Access ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.6 Bulletin Boards ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.7 Work Site Representatives ---------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.8 Union Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
1.9 Negotiations Committee ------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.10 Labor/Management Committee ---------------------------------------------------- 4
1.11 No Strike/No Lockout --------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.12 Mail Services -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.13 Distribution of Agreement ---------------------------------------------------------- 5
ARTICLE 2 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ---------------------------------------------------- 5
3.1 Definition of Employees ------------------------------------------------------------ 6
3.2 Union Membership ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
3.3 Probationary Period ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
3.4 Workday/Workweek ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7
3.5 Overtime/Over assigned ------------------------------------------------------------- 9
3.6 Higher Job Classification ------------------------------------------------------------ 9
3.7 Mileage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.8 Special Materials -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.9 Job Descriptions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.10 Rehires -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
3.11 Nondiscrimination ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
3.12 Orientation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
3.13 Workload and Working Conditions ----------------------------------------------- 15
3.14 Assignment Confirmation ---------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.15 Designated Early Learning Worksite Closures ---------------------------------- 16
3.16 Substitutes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
4.1 Corrective Action Process ---------------------------------------------------------- 16
4.2 Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace ------------------------------- 19
5.1 Seniority ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19
5.2 Position Openings ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
5.3 Filling Position Openings ---------------------------------------------------------- 20
5.4 Reduction-in-Hours Procedure ---------------------------------------------------- 20
5.5 Reduction in Force (Layoff) ------------------------------------------------------- 22
5.6 Recall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
5.7 Voluntary Separation --------------------------------------------------------------- 25
5.8 Trial Period --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
6.1 Holidays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26
6.2 Vacation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27
7.1 General Leave ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29
7.2 Bereavement Leave ----------------------------------------------------------------- 32
7.3 Leave of Absence -------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
7.4 Civic Responsibility Leave -------------------------------------------------------- 33
7.5 Military Leave ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
7.6 Religious Leave ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
7.7 Leave Without Pay ------------------------------------------------------------------ 34
7.8 Professional Leave ------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
7.9 Leave for Educational Purposes --------------------------------------------------- 35
7.10 Leave Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
8.1 Insurance Benefits ------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
8.2 Retirement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
8.3 Industrial Insurance ----------------------------------------------------------------- 36
8.4 Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment ------------------------------- 36
8.5 Dental/Vision Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------ 36
8.6 Section 125 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
8.7 VEBA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
8.8 Employee Assistant Program ------------------------------------------------------ 37
9.1 Personnel Files - Contents---------------------------------------------------------- 37
9.2 Public Records Requests - Notification ------------------------------------------ 37
10.1 Purpose and Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------- 38
10.2 Unsatisfactory Performance-------------------------------------------------------- 39
10.3 Evaluation Appeal ------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
11.1 Salary Schedule ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
11.2 Increments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
11.3 Pay Warrants ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
11.4 Leads Program Stipend ------------------------------------------------------------- 42
11.5 Leadership Funds -------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
11.6 Mentorship Stipend ----------------------------------------------------------------- 42
11.7 Referral Bonus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
11.8 District Cell Phones ----------------------------------------------------------------- 43
12.1 Skill Improvement ------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
12.2 Staff Development Committee ---------------------------------------------------- 43
12.3 Staff Development Fund ----------------------------------------------------------- 44
12.4 Professional Standards Certificate ------------------------------------------------ 44
12.5 Mentoring Program ----------------------------------------------------------------- 45
12.6 Part-Year Employees and Professional Development ------------------------- 45
12.7 Online Training for All Employees ---------------------------------------------- 46
12.8 Preschool Stipends and Professional Development ---------------------------- 46
13.1 Purpose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
13.2 Definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
13.3 Procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
13.4 Time Limits -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
ARTICLE 14 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION --------------------------------------------------- 48
ARTICLE 15 - ENTIRE AGREEMENT ----------------------------------------------------- 49
16.1 Severability --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
16.2 Duration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
16.3 Modification -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
16.4 No Sub-Contracting ----------------------------------------------------------------- 50
SIGNATORIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51
A Job Family Position Table ------------------------------------------------------- 52
B 2021-2022 Salary Schedules ---------------------------------------------------- 53
C Preference Pool Assignment Form --------------------------------------------- 54
D Grievance Form ------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
E Request for Working Conditions Committee --------------------------------- 56
F Substitute Plans and Checklist -------------------------------------------------- 57
G AISP Leave Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59
H Leadership and Mentoring Pilot------------------------------------------------- 60
I Memorandum of Understanding ------------------------------------------------ 62
Impact of the Pandemic of Coronavirus and Vaccination Requirements
for the 2021-2022 School Year
THIS AGREEMENT is by and between BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 405, (herein-
925, (hereinafter called the Union).
1.1 Recognition
The District agrees to recognize the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for all
administrative and instructional support personnel covered by this agreement with respect
to wages, hours, working conditions, and adjustment of grievances arising under this
1.2 Dues Deduction
Upon receipt of an individual authorization by a bargaining unit employee, the District
shall deduct from the pay of such employee the amount of dues as certified by the
bargaining agent to be uniformly required as a condition of membership in the Union,
and shall transmit the same to the Union each month.
Such authorization will be continuous from one agreement to the next, except in case of
termination, resignation, or written notice from the employee canceling authorization.
Dues deduction authorization by the employee shall be on a form approved by the parties
to this Agreement.
SEIU 925 agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from all claims, demands, suits or other
forms of liability that shall arise against the District for, or on account, of any
membership dues or COPE deduction made from the pay of a bargaining unit employee.
1.3 Voluntary Deduction for Committee On Political Education (COPE)
Beginning each contract year, SEIU 925 shall provide a full and complete list of bargaining
unit employees who are current members of SEIU 925 to the District, and shall provide
updates, additions, and/or other changes in membership status to the District on at least
monthly basis thereafter, or as needed within a bargaining unit. Upon notification of an
employees membership status in SEIU 925 and/or election to participation in the SEIU 925
political program (COPE), the District shall deduct union dues and COPE contributions as
identified by SEIU 925.
1.4 Pertinent Data - Notification
1.4.1 New and Separated Employees
The District shall notify SEIU 925 and the SEIU 925 chapter president or
designee of all new hires three (3) business days prior to the new hire’s
orientation first day of work, or as soon as practical, including name, home
mailing address, job title, phone number, work email, work location, and hire
1.4.2 All Employees
In November, February and May of each school year, the District shall forward to
the Union an alphabetical roster of all bargaining unit employees including the
employee’s name, address, date of hire, job classification, work location, rate of
pay and FTE status, and any substitutes who have worked more than thirty (30)
days during the current school year. This information will be transmitted by hard
copy or electronically. The District agrees to make available to the Union upon
written request an employee’s phone number.
1.5 Building Access
The authorized representatives of the Union shall have access to the Districts premises at
any reasonable time for the purpose of adjusting grievances, investigating working
conditions, or ascertaining the provisions of this Agreement are being adhered to;
provided the representatives notify the supervisor of their presence and that they do not
interfere with employees in the performance of their duties.
The Union shall furnish the District with the names of its authorized representatives.
1.6 Bulletin Boards
The District will make available suitable space in each building for the exclusive use of
the Union for posting notices of its meetings, elections, recreational and social affairs,
reports of Union committees, and rulings and policies of the Union. Notices and/or
announcements shall not contain anything political or reflecting adversely upon the
District, any of its employees, or any labor organizations among its employees.
1.7 Work Site Representatives
The District agrees that the Union will be permitted to appoint work site representatives
and Chapter Officers. The duties of the work site representative and the Chapter Officer
shall not interfere with the regular work assigned to that individual by the District. Under
no circumstances shall there be any interference with the orderly processes of the District
during working hours.
Employees acting as Union representatives at meetings called by the District shall be
released from work duties to attend when such meetings are held during normal working
hours. Such meetings and the number of employees to be released from work duties will
be mutually agreed to by the District and the Union.
When a work site representative is performing such duties on work time at the request of
the District, he/she shall be treated as if working for the District for pay and benefit
accrual purposes.
The Union shall furnish the District with the names of the work site representatives and
Chapter Officers.
SEIU worksite representatives and Chapter Officers covered under the AISP contract
shall be allowed up to sixty (60) hours per year of release time to assist in processing
and/or resolving grievances and other issues during regular work hours provided there is
adequate coverage for required work.
Not more than two (2) staff members represented by SEIU per bargaining unit shall be
released pursuant to this provision at any given time without the written authorization of
the District provided to SEIU in advance.
1.8 Union Activity
The Union agrees that activities related to the internal operation of the Union and
activities not specifically authorized by the terms of this Agreement shall be performed
only during the non-duty hours of the employees unless otherwise approved in advance
by the immediate supervisor. Examples of such activities include solicitation of
membership, distribution of literature, preparation for negotiations, preparation of unfair
labor practice complaints, campaigning for Union office, and preparation of employee
1.9 Negotiations Committee
A Negotiations Committee may be selected by the Union.
Negotiation sessions will be held at a time mutually agreed to by the District and the
Employees serving on the Negotiations Committee may be released from work duties,
with pay, if negotiation sessions are held during their normal working hours.
1.10 Labor/Management Committee
The parties recognize the importance of timely and open discussions between the District
and the bargaining unit and its representatives on matters affecting the employer/
employee relationship. This Article establishes a procedure for either party to initiate
discussions regarding administration of this Agreement and other matters of general
concern affecting District conditions of employment.
1.10.1 There is hereby established a labor management committee consisting of not more
than six (6) bargaining unit members/union representation and a like number
representing the District. By mutual agreement, the parties may bring in
additional participants related to specific issues that may be addressed. For the
duration of the contract, the Union and the District will schedule monthly labor
management meetings for the school year by September 30
of each year. The
Committee shall meet on an as-needed basis as agreed by the parties but not less
than three times during the school year, if requested by either party for the
purpose of reviewing the administration of this Agreement and attempting to
resolve other problems that may arise. Either party will respond to a meeting
request within one week of the request. The meeting will occur within two weeks
from the date of the response. All meetings of the Committee shall start at or
after 3:30 p.m., or as mutually agreed by the parties with members of the
bargaining unit being granted time off without loss of pay for all regularly
scheduled hours not worked. Likewise, the District will not be required to
compensate Committee members for time spent after their regularly scheduled
1.10.2 A proposed agenda will be prepared by the convening group and distributed
reasonably in advance of the meeting. The agenda for these Committee meetings
will be limited to items which are of a group, rather than individual interest or
concern. The Committee through its representatives shall write down any
outcomes agreed upon at the meeting. If agreed upon in advance by both the
Union and the District, either party may have one or more (a small number) of
observers attend a given Labor Management Committee meeting. Such observers
are not to participate or in any way interrupt the proceeding of the Committee.
1.10.3 Where possible, building administrators will consult with district administrators
prior to making staffing decisions that impact bargaining unit employees and
staffing assignments. Said consultation shall include review of resource
allocations that impact health and safety issues. Labor management meetings
shall be the venue to address any concerns that may arise regarding these staffing
1.10.4 The disposition of matters covered in Committee meetings will not contradict, add
to, or otherwise modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The
Committee may make recommendations to the Union and District negotiation
teams to amend or modify the terms of this Agreement.
1.11 No Strike/No Lockout
During the term of this Agreement, the Union and/or the employees agree not to cause or
engage in any strike, slowdown, sickout, or other work stoppage. Employees who
engage in any of the foregoing actions shall be subject to such disciplinary action as may
be determined by the District. Also, during the term of this Agreement, there shall be no
lockout of employees covered by this Agreement by the District.
It shall not be a violation of this Agreement for an employee, for reasons of personal
physical safety, to refuse to cross the picket line established by a labor organization
which holds a labor agreement with the District.
1.12 Mail Services
The Union will have the right to use the District mail services, employee mailboxes and
the District email system, provided said use does not violate any federal or state statute
and does not require added costs for the District.
1.13 Distribution of Agreement
This Agreement in complete form will be reprinted and distributed, or available
electronically, by the District to all employees in the bargaining unit and to all new hires.
The Union recognizes the Districts inherent and traditional right to manage its business as has
been its practice in the past.
Except to the extent specifically abridged by the express terms of this Agreement, the Union
recognizes the right of the District to hire, transfer, promote, demote, assign, and retain
employees and to discipline, suspend, or discharge employees for just cause and to maintain the
discipline and efficiency of its employees; the right of lay off, or otherwise relieve employees
from duty because of lack of work for them to do or for other reasons set forth in this
Agreement; the right to establish, change, and direct the methods and processes of doing work, to
introduce new and improved work methods or equipment, and to assign work to outside
contractors; the right to determine the starting and quitting times and the number of hours to be
worked; and the right to make and amend such reasonable rules and regulations as it may deem
necessary for the conduct of its business, and to require their observance.
The exercise of the Districts rights stated herein is an exclusive function of management.
However, the exercise of these rights by the District also includes the responsibility of the
District to provide an explanation to employees of changes in procedures and causes for
disciplinary action.
3.1 Definition of Employees
Employees: For the purpose of this Agreement, Employees shall mean those
individuals as described in Section 1.1 who are members of the administrative and
instructional support personnel bargaining unit.
Full-Time Employees: Employees who are assigned for minimum of thirty-one (31)
hours per week up to forty (40) hours per week.
Full-Year Employees: Employees who are assigned for twelve (12) months per year.
Generally, there are 259 or more work days in a full year schedule.
Part-Year Employees: Employees who are assigned for fewer than 210 workdays per
year. Generally, these employees work less than 12 months.
Part-Time Employees: Employees who are assigned for less than thirty-one (31) hours
per week.
Temporary Employees: Persons called to work as needed to cover workload fluctuations,
emergency situations, or employee absences. Temporary employees may not be hired in
lieu of or to avoid the hiring of full-time or part-time employees.
Substitute Employees: Employees who work on an at-will basis filling in for absences or
vacancies or provide extra work for the District.
3.2 Union Membership
SEIU 925 and the District understand that at the heart of our labor management
relationship is the shared interest in providing the best services to the public. A strong
and vibrant union provides a true partner in the labor management relationship when
disagreement becomes necessary. Therefore, it is the expectation of both the SEIU 925
and the District that the District and all agents and representatives of the District shall
remain neutral on the issue of union membership and respect all employees’ decision to
join and maintain membership in their exclusive professional advocacy organization,
SEIU 925. To that end, all bargaining unit employees shall have the option of joining and
maintaining membership in the SEIU 925 upon employment with the District in a
bargaining unit.
3.2.1 Union Membership Rescission: Union members requesting to rescind
membership and membership rights in their exclusive professional advocacy organization
shall make such request in writing to SEIU 925, following the SEIU 925 constitution and
bylaws, and any and all relevant conditions, policies and procedures. Providing such
conditions have been met, SEIU 925 shall inform the District of such employee’s non-
member status consistent with the notification section of this Agreement, specifically
Dues and COPE (Committee On Political Empowerment) Deduction below.
3.2.2 Non-Interference: The District remains committed to its obligations under
collective bargaining laws, including chapter RCW 41.56. These commitments include
recognition that it would be an unfair labor practice “to interfere with, restrain, or coerce
public employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by this chapter” or “to control,
dominate, or interfere with a bargaining representative.” RCW 41.56.140. The District
agrees to reinforce with its administrators and supervisors and other employees the
importance of these obligations.
3.2.3 Agency Fee Restoration Contingency: In the event there is a change in law or
holding by a court of competent jurisdiction that allow for the withholding of dues or an
equivalent fee as a condition of employment, the SEIU 925 and the District agree to
restore the union security and dues deduction provisions of the CBA currently in force
prior to the ratification of this Agreement.
3.3 Probationary Period
A new employee shall be subject to a ninety (90) calendar day probationary period
commencing with their first (1st) compensated day of employment. Absences for an
extended period of time may lead to an extension of the probationary period. A new
employee who moves to another job title in the District covered by this Agreement before
completing their original probationary period in the job for which they were originally
hired shall complete a sixty (60) day probationary period in the job title they moved to or
the remainder of their original ninety (90) day probationary period, whichever is longer.
Any concerns regarding an employee’s performance will be shared with the employee by
the supervisor at the time they are identified. During this period, such employee shall be
considered on trial subject to termination at any time at the sole discretion of the District.
Discharge of an employee during this probationary period shall not be subject to the
grievance procedure. All other provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable to
employees on probation.
Any employee represented by SEIU hired to an open position in a different bargaining
group who does not successfully complete her/his probationary period for reasons other
than disciplinary termination shall be placed in the recall pool appropriate to her/his
original bargaining unit and be assigned to a vacancy equal to her/his former assignment
per the recall language in that collective bargaining agreement.
3.4 Workday/Workweek
The standard workweek for full-time employees shall be five (5) consecutive days,
Monday through Friday consisting of eight (8) hours to be completed within an eight and
one-half (8 ½) hour period for a total of forty (40) hours. Part-time employees shall work
the hours assigned. Employees required by their supervisors to work more than their
assigned hours are required to enter such time on their timesheets. Employees may work
other schedules with the concurrence of the District. This provision shall in no way be
construed to restrict the District’s right to assign overtime.
Employees shall receive an unpaid, duty-free lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes
for a workday of more than five hours of scheduled paid work time.
Example A: Lunch
Paid Time Total
Start Time:
8:00 a.m.
3 hours, 45 minutes
before lunch
9:45 a.m. (15 min.)
Paid time
11:45 a.m.
Duty Free, unpaid
Return to Work
12:15 p.m.
Paid 2 hours, 45
minutes after
End Time:
3:00 p.m.
Total Shift: 6 hours,
30 min.
Paid Time: 6 hours
Example B: No
Paid Time Total
Start Time:
8:00 a.m.
9:45 a.m. (15 min.)
Paid time
End Time:
1:00 p.m.
Total Shift: 5 hours
Employees shall receive a fifteen (15) minute rest period, as part of the regular workday,
for each four (4) hours of work.
For paraprofessionals, 30 minutes of each week shall be for the purpose of collaboration
with colleagues.
Travel time between schools shall be considered time worked when an employee’s work
assignment, as established by the District, requires travel to complete consecutive work
hours. An employee who voluntarily seeks two separate assignments shall not receive
paid travel time.
The starting and ending times for each employee shall be determined by the employees
supervisor, based on the program and schedule. If the starting and ending times are to be
changed, the supervisor will confer with the affected employee(s) prior to
It is understood by the parties that for purposes of applying the Fair Labor Standards Act
to employees covered by the FLSA, a work week is a seven (7) consecutive day period
designated by the employer consisting of twenty-four (24) hours each day. The District’s
seven-day period begins at 12:00 a.m., Monday, and runs through 11:59 p.m., Sunday.
3.5 Overtime/Over assigned
A) Overtime
All work beyond eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per any one work week shall
be overtime.
Overtime will be compensated with pay or compensatory time off at the rate of time and
one-half (1 ½). Employees who are authorized and work the overtime are required to
submit such time on their time sheets. It shall be mutually agreed upon between the
supervisor and the employee working the overtime as to whether the employee shall
receive pay or compensatory time off. If there is no agreement, the employee shall
receive pay.
The maximum amount of compensatory time that an employee may have accumulated as
recorded at the Payroll Office at any time is forty (40) hours. On an employee’s last
paycheck for the District’s fiscal year (September 1 through August 31), the District will
pay off the accumulated compensatory time of any employee who has not used their
accumulated compensatory time that was earned prior to that time.
Compensatory time off shall be taken at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and
their supervisor. If the work load is such that compensatory time cannot be taken, then it
shall be given in the form of pay.
Hours paid for holidays and vacation shall be considered as time worked for the purpose
of computing overtime.
There shall be no pyramiding or compounding of overtime pay.
B) Over assigned
Employees who are authorized and work the over assigned hours are required to submit
such time on their time sheets.
3.6 Higher Job Classification
An employee authorized by the supervisor to perform the duties of a position in a higher
range will move to the step in that range equal to their current placement step. The
increased pay rate shall commence on the fourth (4th) consecutive day of work in the
higher range, retroactive to the first (1st) day, prorated by the number of hours per day
worked in the higher range if less than a full work day, and shall continue until the
employee is returned to their range.
When a regularly assigned school employee is identified to substitute in a position in a
higher range on a routine but intermittent basis, the employee will be paid no less than
the substitute rate for that position or their regular rate of pay, whichever is higher, for all
such hours worked.
An employee authorized by the preschool administrator to perform the duties of a Lead
Preschool Teacher will move to the higher range at their current placement step. The
increased pay rate shall commence on the first (1st) day of work in the higher range,
prorated by the number of hours per day worked in the higher range if less than a full
work day, and shall continue until the employee is returned to their regular range.
An employee who is authorized by the supervisor to regularly perform the duties of a
higher range in the case of an employee’s intermittent medical leave for extraordinary
circumstances will be paid at the higher rate over their regular hourly rate for all hours
worked in such assignment, to commence following the first four days in such an
assignment retroactive to the first day.
Level II, Level III or Level IV paras or other employees who provide similar support
(preschool), when required by an administrator to perform duties typically performed by
an employee in a higher-level position, shall be compensated at the hourly rate of the
higher level position for which the employee has been assigned duties. This temporary
compensation shall be paid at the employee’s regular step. Said compensation for duties
performed above the employees’ typical duties shall be paid for all time worked
performing the higher duties as required by the administrator, as an exception for these
A bargaining unit employee who is authorized by the supervisor to perform the duties of
a CTSA position will be paid $4.00/hour (four dollars per hour) over their regular hourly
rate for the hours worked per day in the CTSA position, to increase after thirty (30) days
of continuous service in the position to $5.00/hour (five dollars per hour) over their
regular hourly rate for the hours worked per day in the CTSA position. The increased
pay rate shall continue until the CTSA employee returns to their job.
3.7 Mileage
Employees authorized to use their own transportation on District business shall be
reimbursed at the established IRS rate.
3.8 Special Materials
The District agrees to provide any special materials that it requires for the employee to
perform the job function.
3.9 Job Descriptions
The District shall develop a job description for each position within the bargaining unit.
Each job description shall be descriptive of the function, scope and complexity of the job
and the knowledge, abilities, minimum skills and academic qualifications required for the
position. Job descriptions are more general in nature and may not contain a specific list
of duties related to the employee’s job assignment. Duties may vary from one job
assignment to another that are covered by the same job description.
Copies of all job descriptions and revisions thereto will be provided to the Union
When the District creates a new classification (with the appropriate job description) or
materially modifies an existing job description, the appropriate salary range placement
will be determined through the negotiation process or through labor/management.
If the responsibilities or duties of a position materially increase or decrease, the
supervisor may require that the position be reviewed for possible reclassification as
delineated in Section 3.9.1.
3.9.1 Reclassification Procedure:
Purpose: The purpose of this section, 3.9.1, is to establish a process that employees and
supervisors will follow for the review of a position to determine if a reclassification is
Reclassification a request for a position to be evaluated and changed from one pay
range to another. Most reclassification requests are for a higher pay range, but a
reclassification in rare instances could be requested to a lower pay range.
Reclassification is NOT an external review of salaries and duties from other school
Job Family a group of positions that have some similarities in the broad scope of duties
performed by the position and identified in the AISP pay table.
Job Description describes the function, scope and complexity of the job and the
knowledge, abilities, minimum skills and academic qualifications required for the
Review Committee a committee comprised of equal numbers of AISP members and
District appointed representatives for the purpose of reviewing reclassification requests
and making a recommendation of either granting the request or denying the request.
Ad Hoc Appeal Committee a committee established on an as needed basis for Step 2
appeals for the purpose of reviewing a reclassification request appeal and making a
recommendation of granting the request or denying the request. The committee includes
Human Resources, AISP appointee, Finance, and another district administrator.
Criteria for Reclassification Review:
A request for reclassification must address the following to be considered by the Review
Clearly stated reason for the request for reclassification
o Significant change in duties or responsibilities within the
last eighteen (18) months
o Restructuring of the position
o Organizational changes that impact the position
Supporting evidence for the reclassification
o Documentation of changes in duties or responsibilities
o Documentation of position restructuring
o Documentation of organizational changes
Current Job Description
o Refer to new duties or responsibilities not currently in the
job description
o Identification of any components in the job description that
are no longer current or relevant
Supervisor Input
o Not required, but supervisor may provide letter of support
or other information
o Supervisor may be asked for information from the Review
Process for Reclassification Review:
Step 1
a) The employee must submit a request for reclassification to Human Resources with the
criteria listed above, on the appropriate district form(s). Reclassification requests will
only be accepted for review once per year. A request for review of a subgroup of
employees with the same job description may be submitted. Employees may pre-submit
paperwork by February 5 for review and input by committee members. All final
documents for reclassification requests must be received by Human Resources no later
than March 15 of each year. If March 15 lands on a non-school day, the requests may be
submitted by the end of the next business day.
b) Human Resources will review the request for reclassification to ensure that all required
components are included in the request. Any request for reclassification packet that is
incomplete shall not be considered by the committee and will not receive any further
consideration and will notify the employee as such.
c) Between March 15 and April 10 of each year, the Reclassification Committee shall meet
to review each of the complete requests submitted. Recommendations shall be shared
with the employee no later than April 15 of each year.
d) The Reclassification Committee may request additional information from the employee
or supervisor. The committee may also meet with the employee should the committee
determine the need.
e) Should a salary increase be recommended by the review committee and granted, Human
Resources will set the salary range and may consider more than 1 (one) pay grade
change. A salary increase would be effective beginning the first day of school of the year
the reclassification was received or the first day of the assignment change unless costs to
fund the changes are greater than the allocation, which would result in consultation with
the Union as identified in 3.9.3. There is no appeal for a request that is granted for an
additional salary increase upon the salary being set by Human Resources.
f) Should a reclassification be approved, Human Resources will automatically review all
other positions within the job family that are at the same pay grade or may be impacted
by the move of the approved position to a different pay grade.
g) Should a request for reclassification be denied, the employee may appeal to Step 2. Said
appeal must be received by Human Resources no later than ten (10) business days from
the date of the notification to the employee of the Committee’s decision.
3.9.2 Appeal Process
Step 2
Upon receipt of an appeal, Human Resources shall review the appeal through the
Establish an ad hoc appeal committee composed of no more than four (4) individuals,
Human Resources, AISP appointee, Finance, other district administrator who does
not have direct oversight of the employee or program.
The Ad Hoc Appeal Committee will review the request for reclassification and any
additional documentation provided for the Step 2 review within ten (10) business
days upon receipt of the appeal.
The Ad Hoc Appeal Committee may request additional information from the
employee or supervisor. The committee may also meet with the employee should the
committee determine the need.
The Ad Hoc Appeal Committee shall make a recommendation no later May 31.
All decisions at Step 2 are final. No other levels of appeal exist.
3.9.3 Funding for Reclassification
The District shall set aside $75,000 annually in order to fund any reclassification requests
granted per this process. Should the cost of reclassification be higher than the allocated
amount, the District will consult with SEIU to determine how to address the difference
between the allocated amount and the amount required to fully fund all reclassifications
for the identified contract year.
3.10 Rehires
Employees who are rehired shall have the full amount of their longevity reinstated for the
purposes of vacation accrual, if eligible. Upon rehire, any PTO leave balance will also be
3.11 Nondiscrimination
The District and the Union shall not discriminate against any employee for reason of
race, age, national origin, color, sex, disability, religion, marital status, sexual orientation
or Union membership.
Bellevue School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis
of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual
orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or
service animal and provides equal access to designated youth groups. The following
employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged
discrimination: Title IX Coordinator: Jeff Lowell, (425) 456-4010 or
[email protected]; Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Heather Edlund, (425) 456-4156 or
[email protected]; Civil Rights/Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator Nancy
Pham, (425) 456-4248 or [email protected] . Mailing address for all three: 12111 NE
1st Street, Bellevue, WA 98005.
3.12 Orientation
The District and Union share a mutual interest in support for new employees. Each new
employee shall be given an orientation which includes, but is not limited to the following:
A copy of this Collective Bargaining Agreement and a job description.
Details regarding hours, location of work, school calendar, leaves, and
job responsibilities.
Instruction on permits required to hold position and where to obtain
such permits.
A full explanation of insurance plans and options.
A personal introduction to supervisory staff.
Details regarding required qualification courses and training programs.
The District agrees to inform all new employees covered by this Agreement that Service
Employees International Union, Local 925, is their exclusive bargaining representative,
provide Union access and opportunity to speak with employees during orientation, and
will give them a Union membership packet provided by SEIU, Local 925.
A Union representative or shop steward as designated by the Union shall have up to 30
minutes (or as agreed to by both the District and Union) to meet on the job and on the
clock with newly hired employees. Bargaining unit employees designated by the union
shall be released with pay inclusive of travel time if necessary for meeting with the new
employees as part of the regularly scheduled orientations.
3.13 Workload and Working Conditions
3.13.1 Step 1
Workload issues/concerns will first be brought to the employees immediate supervisor
for resolution. If a resolution is not reached, upon request of the Union a meeting will be
scheduled involving the affected employee(s), a Union representative and/or shop
steward, the immediate supervisor or designee, and the next level supervisor. The
purpose of this meeting will be to seek clarification and resolution of the alleged
workload concern. The supervisor will respond to the Union and the affected
employee(s) within ten (10) calendar days. This time limit may be extended by mutual
agreement of the parties. Issues not resolved at this level may request a review of
working conditions (Appendix E).
3.13.2 Step 2
In the event an employee(s) believes the issues have not been resolved as identified in
Step 1, (s)he may request a review of the issue through the Working Conditions
Committee. This committee is an ad hoc committee with no more than four (4) members
appointed by the Union and no more than four (4) members appointed by the District.
This committee shall review the issues identified and respond to the employee(s) within
ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the Request for Working Conditions Review. The
results of the Committee review shall be reported to the Labor Management Committee
at its next regularly scheduled meeting
This provision shall not be subject to the Article 13 - Grievance Procedure.
3.14 Assignment Confirmation
Assignment confirmations will be distributed to employees within five weeks of the start
of the school year, date of hire, or change of an employee’s assignment.
3.15 Designated Preschool Work Site Closures
Absent some unforeseen situation that would make it impracticable to do so: During the
week prior to the first day of the new school year in the fall, those centers that house
summer preschool programs will be closed for two days. The first day is for summer
preschool employees to clean up and the second day is for employees at all centers to
prepare for the upcoming year. During the week following the final day of the school
year, centers that house summer preschool programs will be closed for one day to prepare
for the summer program.
3.16 Substitutes
3.16.1 The following provisions apply to substitute employees within bargaining unit
positions employed by the District for more than thirty (30) days of work within any
twelve (12) month period ending during the current or immediately preceding school year
and who continue to be available for employment as substitute employees.
Article 1-Union Rights
Article 2-Management Rights
Article 3 Conditions of Employment
3.1 Definitions of Employees (substitute)
3.2 Union Membership
3.4 Workday
3.11 Non-Discrimination
Article 8-Heathcare- As applicable by law.
Article 9-Personnel Files
Article 14-Affirmative Action
3.16.2 Substitute Plans Requirements of Regular Employees
Regular employees covered under this agreement are expected to have substitute plans to
cover their absence in case of emergency. These plans should be available for the
employee’s supervisor to ensure essential duties can be performed in case of the
employee’s absence. The District and Union will support training and implementation of
this provision throughout the duration of this agreement. Samples of substitute plans and
forms shall be made available to employees (see Appendix F). Substitute employees are
not required to develop substitute plans.
Up to four (4) hours paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay per school year are
available for employees for the purpose of developing substitute plans to be allocated one
(1) hour per each quarter of the academic year.
4.1 Corrective Action Process
The District shall have the right to discipline or discharge an employee for just cause. The
issue of just cause shall be resolved in accordance with Article 4 hereinafter provided.
Whenever the District has reason to correct the actions or behaviors of an employee, the
correction shall be done in a reasonable manner which, whenever possible, will avoid
embarrassment of the employee before other employees or the public.
The District and Union believe in the concept of Corrective Action actions taken by the
District to change the behavior of an employee. Corrective action does not automatically
result in discipline but rather is focused on changing the behavior of employees to
improve their conduct. Corrective action may include verbal counsel, letters of direction
or disciplinary actions, including letters of reprimand, suspension and termination.
The correction or discharge of an employee by the District shall be administered on the
basis of just cause. “Just cause” means that definition as contained in Washington state
and federal law, and includes, the following criteria:
1. Did the District inform the employee of the disciplinary consequences of rule
violations, performance deficiencies, or misconduct?
2. Was the rule reasonably related to the orderly, efficient, and safe operation of the
District’s business?
3. Prior to administering discipline, did the District make an effort to discover
whether the employee did in fact violate or disobey a rule or order of management,
or whether the employee failed to meet mutually-understood expectations of
4. Was the District’s investigation conducted in a fair and objective manner?
5. Did the District obtain substantial evidence from the investigation to prove
that the rule had been violated or that the employee failed to meet mutually-
understood expectations of performance?
6. Did the District apply its rules, orders, and penalties in an evenhanded manner, so
as not to discriminate against any employee?
7. Was the severity or degree of discipline reasonably related to (1) seriousness of the
employee’s offense, and (2) the record of the employee’s service with the District?
Generally, corrective action shall be progressive in nature. If the alleged or perceived
violation is minor without similar or related history or other additional concerns, the
employee’s immediate supervisor shall address the matter in an informal advisory
counsel with the employee. The employee may attend this informal counseling on his or
her own, or may request that a union representative be present. The supervisor may
document advisory counseling in the supervisor’s records, but any matter resolved at this
level shall not be a part of the employee’s personnel file.
Corrective action shall consist of the following steps.
1. Informal counseling with employee. The supervisor may document but no written
corrective action to the employee is required.
2. Letter of Direction Provides written direction for future conduct. A letter of
direction is not disciplinary and shall be limited to copies to the supervisor and
employee. Letters of direction are not part of the disciplinary record unless there is
subsequent misconduct that results in disciplinary action. An employee may request
that a letter of direction be removed from any school/department file after two (2)
years if there are no other corrections directed to the employee related to the
identified conduct. Any issue that resulted in verbal counseling shall not be
considered in a letter of direction after 18 months since the time of the verbal
3. A written reprimand. Such action shall remain in the employee’s official personnel
file for a period not to exceed three (3) years. At the end of the three (3) year
period, should no further misconduct related to the reprimand occur, the employee
may have the reprimand removed from the official personnel file.
4. Suspension. Should behavior related to the infraction reoccur during the two (2)
year period during which a letter of reprimand is in force, the employee may be
subject to suspension.
5. Termination. Should behavior related to the infraction reoccur during the two (2)
year period during which a letter of reprimand and previous suspension have
occurred, the employee may be subject to termination.
Discipline documents involving serious misconduct (suspension or termination) shall not
be subject to removal from the employee’s personnel file unless the Union and District
mutually agree and retention of the documents is not required by law.
In the event of serious misconduct, Progressive Discipline steps may be circumvented.
Serious misconduct may be subject to suspension or termination if the proven offense
falls under the category of insubordination, gross misconduct, or flagrant disregard for
clear and well-publicized District policies, including but not limited to sexual harassment,
bullying, and/or harassment on the basis of race or other protected categories. The
District may choose to place the employee on administrative leave with pay or temporary
reassignment while a complete investigation of the infraction is conducted. The union
will also be notified when an employee is placed on administrative leave or temporary
Any employee being suspended or terminated shall be entitled to a full and complete
written notification stating the precise reasons for the disciplinary action. Upon request,
the affected employee will be entitled to a meeting with the appropriate District personnel
to: (a) present the employee’s side of the story, and (b) ask any clarifying questions to
determine the reasons for the action taken.
Upon request, an employee may have a representative of the Union present during any
meeting that could lead to corrective or disciplinary action. When a request for such
representation is made, and a Union representative is not available, any disciplinary
action will be postponed for a maximum of three (3) workdays, or longer by mutual
consent, to afford an opportunity for a Union representative to be present.
The off-duty activities of employees shall not be the cause for disciplinary action unless
said activities are detrimental to the employee’s ability to function in the job.
4.2 Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace
District Board policy #5201 applies to all AISP employees a copy of which is available
on the District’s website (www.bsd405.org) for reference. A written copy will be
provided upon request to Human Resources.
5.1 Seniority
An employees seniority shall be defined as an employees continuous length of service
in the bargaining unit, excluding time served as a temporary employee and except as
provided below. Seniority shall begin from the employees most recent first (1st) day of
compensated work within the bargaining unit. Seniority dates will be adjusted for leaves
of absence (Article 7.3) and leave without pay (Article 7.7), and for all days when on
layoff status and if a member of the bargaining unit voluntarily resigns and is
subsequently hired into a new position in the bargaining unit within twelve (12) months
of their final pay warrant.
An employees seniority shall be broken so that no prior period of employment shall be
counted, and their seniority shall cease upon:
Justifiable discharge; voluntary separation unless rehired into the
bargaining unit within twelve (12) months of their final pay warrant;
layoff or leave of absence exceeding twelve (12) months, a medical leave
of absence exceeding twenty-four months, or failure of an employee to
return to work upon recall from an indefinite layoff.
In the event an employee accepts a position with the District outside the bargaining unit,
bargaining unit seniority established at that time will be restored if the employee returns
to the bargaining unit within one year or less.
Seniority does not apply to employees retired from the District who are rehired.
Retire/Rehire employees work on a yearly basis and should not have any expectation about
continued or re-employment with the District.
5.2 Position Openings
Notices of position vacancies which occur within the bargaining unit shall be posted on
the District website. For internal only vacancies, only District employees shall be
All job openings within the bargaining unit shall be advertised for a period of ten (10)
working days before such openings are filled.
An employee who wishes to apply for a job opening must apply with the Human
Resources Department in accordance with the job posting.
5.3 Filling Position Openings
Position openings will be filled by the District based on the ability, qualifications, skills,
experience, and other relevant factors of the applicant for the position.
The District and Union believe in providing opportunities for current employees, when
practical, for career advancement. Employees covered by this agreement shall have
consideration provided for their application for an open position for which they are
qualified and available to perform.
In addition, the District shall consider the requirements and intentions of laws and
regulations concerning equal employment opportunity and affirmative action programs in
filling position openings.
If two or more applicants for the position are equal, based on the criteria provided for in
this Section, then seniority shall prevail. The District shall be the sole judge of the
applicants ability, qualifications, skills, experience, and other relevant factors, provided
such judgment is not exercised in an arbitrary and capricious manner.
5.4 Reduction-in-Hours Procedure
Employees will be selected for reduction in hours in reverse order of seniority, provided
those with greater seniority are qualified to perform the remaining work. To be qualified,
an employee must possess appropriate experience, academic preparation and/or
specialized training as determined by the District.
An employee whose current assigned hours are to be reduced from their base hours shall
be notified of the reduction in writing by their building or departmental supervisor prior
to the end of the current school year. Such notification shall include the District’s
Preference Pool Assignment Form (Appendix D).
To ensure the least possible interruption to the educational program while providing
reasonable opportunity for employees to maintain their assignment hours, an employee
may choose from option 1) or 2) that follow:
1) Employee Remains in School/Department
For an employee who chooses to remain in their school/department, if additional
hours become available at their school/department, those hours will be provided
to the employee with reduced hours in order of seniority if scheduling and
program needs allow. If the school/department has no additional hours to assign
the employee, he/she may contact Human Resources to be considered for
additional hours in other schools/programs. The ability to have hours restored
shall be for a period ending on 15 October of the next year.
2) Employee Leaves School/Department
An employee who has been identified as having their annual assigned hours
reduced and who chooses not to remain in their assigned school/department or
who has had all their hours reduced at their school/department shall be placed in
the preference pool for a period ending 15 October of the next year.
An employee in the preference pool may be offered a position with a variance of
up to two (2) hours per week above or below their total weekly assigned hours on
October 15 of the previous year or the total weekly assigned hours at the time of
reduction, whichever is greater.
In the case of combined assignments in different ranges, only the assignments that
were reduced are eligible for an increase for a combined total of up to two (2)
additional hours per week.
An employee who accepts a position that results in more than a two (2) hour per
week reduction from their previous total weekly assigned hours at the time of
reduction may request additional hours from their principal or administrator,
which will be assigned in order of seniority if scheduling and program needs
allow. If the school/department has no additional hours to assign an employee,
the employee may contact Human Resources to be considered for additional hours
in other schools/programs.
3) Preference Pool
Employees may request Human Resources to reinstate hours using the District’s
Preference Pool Assignment Form. Employees shall complete and return to
Human Resources the Preference Pool Assignment Form within ten (10) working
days of receiving notice that their hours will be reduced. An employee may
change the information on the Preference Pool Assignment Form only once per
year, from February 1 through February 15 by submitting the revised Preference
Pool Assignment Form to Human Resources.
A preference pool employee may apply for open positions and if not selected, will
remain in the preference pool. Initial consideration for position openings will be
limited to those employees in the preference pool.
Preference for the position opening will be given by seniority to qualified
employees if scheduling and program needs allow. Employees will not be
considered for position openings in a higher range than that in which they
currently are employed or which would result in a total weekly increase of more
than two (2) hours.
An employee will remain in the preference pool until s/he has; 1) had hours and
range restored, 2) been placed into a position based on their Preference Pool
Assignment Form 3) been hired into a position for which s/he applied, or 4) opted
out of the preference pool by written notification.
If an employee in the preference pool with a current assignment of hours refuses
an offer which matches the information on the Preference Pool Assignment Form,
the employee shall be removed from the preference pool. If an employee with no
hours currently assigned refuses an offer which matches the information on the
Preference Pool Assignment Form, the employee will be processed as a
resignation to the Board of Directors. If the District is unable to match a position
on the preference form by 15 October of the following school year, the employee
will be processed as a Reduction-in-Force (Article 5.5)
4) Position Openings
If the position opening is not filled pursuant to this Section or Section 5.5, such
opening shall be advertised in accordance with Article 5, Section 5.3. Any
employee may apply for any advertised opening, and if selected, will be hired,
even if the new position is in a higher range or for more hours or days than was
the employee’s previous position.
5.5 Reduction in Force (Layoff)
Employees will be selected for layoff in reverse order of seniority, provided those with
greater seniority are qualified to perform the remaining work. To be qualified, an
employee must possess appropriate academic preparation and/or specialized training as
determined by the District.
To the extent allowed by law, the order of reduction will be in conformance with and
may be impacted by the District’s affirmative action policy.
Once the least senior employee at a building or department level has been selected for
layoff, that employee may displace the least senior employee in the District who is in a
position for which the senior employee is qualified in another classification in the same
salary range or a lower salary range. This process shall be implemented in the following
1) The employee will be placed in a vacancy within the same pay range for which
they qualify if one exists.
2) The employee will be placed in the least senior position within their current job
title. For an employee with combined assignments, the assignment with the
majority of hours per week will be considered the job title for placement
purposes. If the hours are the same, then the job title in the highest range will be
considered the job title for placement purposes.
3) The employee will be placed in the least senior position for which they qualify in
the same pay range.
4) The employee will be placed in the least senior vacancy/position for which they
qualify in a lower pay range.
An employee who lost a benefits eligible position and refuses an offer of a benefits
eligible position identified in 1 through 4 above will be processed as a resignation to the
Board of Directors. If an employee who was in a non-benefits eligible position refuses
any offer of a position, benefits eligible or not, identified in 1 through 4 above, they will
be processed as a resignation to the Board of Directors.
If an employee is placed in a position with fewer hours than their previous assignment,
then they may request additional hours from their principal or administrator which will be
assigned in order of seniority, if scheduling and program needs allow. If the
school/department has no additional hours to assign an employee, the employee may
request Human Resources to consider them for additional hours in other
schools/programs. The ability to have hours restored shall be for a period ending on 14
October of the next year.
If Human Resources offers the employee an assignment that restores their hours, days
and pay range lost at the time of layoff and the employee refuses the assignment, the
employee will be removed from the recall pool. Employees who are laid off may remain
in the recall pool for up to two (2) years.
Employees laid off under the provisions of this Section shall be notified in writing by the
District no less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current school year or no less
than thirty (30) days prior to the date of layoff, whichever occurs first. The District shall
provide the Union with the names of all such employees as soon as possible after such
determination has been made.
Prior to laying off employees, the District will meet with the Union to explain the reason
for the layoff.
5.6 Recall
The District will fill vacant positions from the recall pool as specified in these
procedures; provided, however, if there is no qualified person in the recall pool, the
District may hire a person from outside the pool.
Positions will be filled from the recall pool as follows:
a. Each individual in the recall pool will be considered for assignment in any of the
classifications for which they are qualified.
b. The most senior qualified employee for the position opening will be assigned;
provided a more senior employee in the preference pool specified in Article 5,
Section 5.4, is not selected for the position.
c. An employee cannot be assigned to a higher pay range than that which they held at
time of layoff. However, such employees may apply for open positions, and if not
selected, will remain in the recall pool.
d. If an employee who held a full-time position is assigned to a part-time position, they
shall be afforded the opportunity to remain in the recall pool until such time as they
are given a full-time assignment or until their recall rights expire.
e. If an employee has a reduction in their assigned days per year, they shall be afforded
the opportunity to remain in the recall pool until such time as they have the reduced
assigned days reinstated or until their recall rights expire.
f. If an employee is assigned to a position in a lower salary range than that which they
held at time of layoff, they shall be afforded the opportunity to remain in the recall
pool until such time as they are given an assignment in the higher salary range or until
their recall rights expire.
g. If Human Resources offers an employee an assignment that restores their hours, days
and pay range lost at the time of layoff and the employee refuses the assignment, the
employee will be removed from the recall pool.
An employee who lost a benefits eligible position and refuses a placement in a benefits
eligible position will be processed as a resignation to the Board of Directors. If an
employee who was in a non-benefits eligible position refuses a placement in any position,
benefits eligible or not, they will be processed as a resignation to the Board of Directors.
If an employee is placed in a position with fewer hours than their previous assignment,
then they may request additional hours from their principal or administrator which will be
assigned in order of seniority, if scheduling and program needs allow. If the
school/department has no additional hours to assign an employee, the employee may
request Human Resources to consider them for additional hours in other
schools/programs. The restoration of hours shall be for the period ending on 14 October
of the next year.
Persons in the recall pool shall be responsible for maintaining their current address, e-
mail and telephone numbers with the Human Resources Department. Employees are
required to notify the District of their preferred method of contact.
The District shall notify laid off persons selected for recall by telephone, e-mail or
U.S.P.S. mail. The individual will have two (2) workdays from receipt of such
notification to accept employment in the position. A person who fails to notify the
District of intent to accept the position offered within the two (2) workdays above shall
have no right to placement in the position and shall be processed as a resignation to the
Board of Directors. In the event that the person selected for recall fails to notify the
District of intent to accept the position within the two (2) workdays or the person declines
employment in the position, then the District shall select the person next in order of recall
and notify them of the selection as set forth herein; provided a more senior employee in
the preference pool specified in Article 5, Section 5.4 is not offered the position.
The District shall notify the Union immediately of each individual selected for recall.
5.7 Voluntary Separation
Each employee shall give the District at least two (2) weeks’ notice of their intention to
terminate. The District will direct its contracted benefits administrator to provide the
employee with notice of any eligibility for benefits following termination. Failure of the
employee to give such notice shall not constitute a breach of contract by the Union.
If an employee is absent for three (3) consecutive workdays without notifying the District
as to the reason for their absence, then said employee shall be considered as having
voluntarily terminated. An employee may be reinstated without penalty if, in the
judgment of the Human Resources administrator, there are extenuating circumstances
which made it impossible to notify the District as to the reason for the absence.
5.8 Trial Period
An employee who is 1) promoted to a position in a higher job classification or 2) who
subsequently accepts another job in a different classification covered by this Agreement
but one which is at the same pay level shall serve a trial period of up to sixty (60)
workdays. An employee serving a trial period who is found to be performing
unsatisfactorily, as documented in the employee’s evaluation in the new position, will be
afforded an opportunity to return to their former position if it is available, or comparable
position if one is available. If a position is not available, the person will be placed in the
recall pool as delineated in 5.5 until such time as a position for which he/she is qualified
becomes available or until recall rights have been exhausted. Such an unsatisfactory
evaluation may be appealed by the employee under Section 10.3 of this Agreement.
6.1 Holidays
The following are District recognized holidays.
September February
Labor Day President’s Day
November March/April
Veteran’s Day Last Friday of Spring Vacation
Thanksgiving Day
Day following Thanksgiving
December May
Christmas Day Memorial Day
Day before or after Christmas Day
January July
News Year’s Day Independence Day
Day before or after New Years Day
Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday
Full-year, full-time employees shall receive holiday pay for the District recognized
Full-year, part-time employees who are assigned for fewer than eight (8) hours per day
for twelve (12) months per year shall receive holiday pay on a pro rata basis.
Part-year employees with a weekly assignment of thirty (30) hours or more shall be paid
for all designated holidays which fall within the period of their working assignment on a
pro rata basis.
The District shall designate whether the day before or after Christmas Day and New
Years Day shall be the paid holiday.
Employees who work on a designated holiday shall be paid for the hours worked on such
holiday at one and one-half (1-1/2) times their regular rate of pay per hour in addition to
their holiday pay.
When a holiday falls within an employees vacation period, the holiday will not be
counted as a day of vacation.
6.2 Vacation
Vacation accruals shall apply to all employees assigned 30 or more hours per week.
Employees must review Section 6.2.1 and Section 6.2.2 to determine if they are eligible
to schedule vacation during the school year.
Accrued vacation rates shall change on the employee’s anniversary date of employment
and shall be as follows:
a) The first through the fifth year of continuous employment, fourteen (14) days of paid
vacation shall be authorized. Vacation shall be earned at the rate of 1.17 days per month
for each month worked.
b) After five years (60 months) of continuous employment, seventeen (17) days of paid
vacation shall be authorized. Vacation shall be earned at the rate of 1.42 days per month
for each month worked.
c) After ten years (120 months) of continuous employment, twenty-one (21) days of paid
vacation shall be authorized. Vacation shall be earned at the rate of 1.75 days per month
for each month worked.
d) After fifteen years (180 months) of continuous employment, twenty-six (26) days of
paid vacation shall be authorized. Vacation shall be earned at the rate of 2.17 days per
month for each month worked.
e) After twenty years (240 months) of continuous employment, twenty-eight (28) days
of paid vacation shall be authorized. Vacation shall be earned at the rate of 2.33 days
per month for each month worked.
Employees will not earn vacation benefits for any absences for which they were not
compensated, except as provided for in Article 7, Section 7.7. Employees will continue
to earn vacation benefits for any absences for which they were compensated.
6.2.1 Vacation for Full-Year Employees (employees assigned for twelve (12) months
per year)
Generally, there are 260 days in a full year schedule who are assigned to work 20
or more hours per week.
Full-year, part-time employees who are assigned for fewer than eight (8) hours
per day for twelve (12) months per year shall receive vacation pay on a pro rata
Vacation for full-year employees shall be scheduled at a time mutually agreed to
by the employee and the supervisor within the schedule requirements of the
In the event of the full-year employees death, all earned and unused vacation
days shall be paid to the employees beneficiary to the extent of allowed payout.
A full-year employee may carry forward three hundred fifty-two (352) hours of
unused vacation as of the 30 September payroll cut-off date. An employee who is
separating for the District may cash out up to 240 hours or at retirement such
lesser amount as will avoid any excess compensation liability to the District.
Employees retiring under the PERS 1 retirement plan shall have vacation cashed
out on a first-in, first-out basis and be limited to 240 hours cashed out over two
An employee moving from full-year to a part-year position, or to a position that
does not qualify for vacation accrual shall be cashed out unless the balance is 40
or more hours. Balances of 40 or more hours shall be held until separation from
the District or until the employee returns to a full-year vacation eligible position.
6.2.2 Vacation for part-year employees (assigned for fewer than 259 days per year)
Generally, these employees work less than 12 months per year and are assigned to
work 30 or more hours per week.
Part-year, vacation eligible employees will receive vacation accrual on a pro-rata
basis using the schedule in in 6.2 (a. through d.). This accrual shall be cashed out
monthly as accumulated. All previously accumulated hours of 40 or more, shall
be held until separation from the District or until the employee changes to a full-
year, vacation eligible position, at which time the vacation may be taken as stated
in Article 6.2.1.
6.2.3 One-Time Vacation Cash Out
For the 2021-2022 school year only, all employees who have accrued vacation as
of May 1, 2022 shall be eligible to cash out up to six (6) days of vacation at their
regular hourly rate. Requests for vacation cash out will not be prior must be
submitted no later than June 15, 2022. Vacation cash out will be paid during the
summer months only.
(refer to Appendix G for Matrix of Leave Types)
7.1 General Leave
The District and Union share a mutual belief that the person best suited to perform the
duties of their position is the regular employee. We value the commitment and
contributions our employees make on behalf of our students. To that end, regular
attendance is a critical aspect for employees to be able to perform their duties and support
the educational mission of the District.
Employees who are unable to work because of illness, injury, quarantine or emergencies
are authorized the number of days of general leave accumulated under this section. Full-
time employees accumulate one (1) day of leave for each month of their employment and
part-time employees shall accumulate such general leave on a pro-rata basis. general
leave credits shall be cumulative from year to year.
For employees new to the District, up to six (6) days of general leave are available for the
employee on a case-by-case basis as determined by the supervisor and Human Resources.
In said cases, the District shall notify the Union. Said days may only be used for purposes
identified in Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.
The following leaves shall be deducted from your cumulative general leave balance:
illness, injury, emergency, personal, ceremony and religious leave.
Employees and/or their beneficiaries shall be compensated annually and upon separation
or death for unused general leave days as provided by law and in accordance with
regulations established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Unused leave credits shall be transferred to or received from other school districts in the
State of Washington in accordance with state law.
Leave sharing will be permitted in accordance with State law and District policy.
7.1.1 Use of Leave for Illness or Injury
Illness, injury or disability shall be reported at the beginning of any period of leave to the
District by the employee or a person acting for him/her.
Disabilities caused or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, and
recovery therefrom are, for all job-related purposes, temporary disabilities.
In accordance with the Family Care Act, an employee may use leave for illness or injury
or vacation to care for a child of the employee under the age of eighteen (18) with a
health condition that requires treatment or supervision; a child eighteen (18) years of age
or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability; or a spouse,
domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent of the employee who has a serious
health condition or emergency condition.
A licensed health care provider’s certificate of illness or injury may be required for
approval of leave for illness or injury after three (3) consecutive workdays of
absence. The supervisor should make a reasonable effort to communicate the concerns to
the employee(s).
A written statement may be requested by the District from a licensed health care provider
which verifies the employee’s ability to return to work.
Employees absent from work due to illness or injury compensable under the District’s
self-insured industrial insurance shall be allowed to use their available vacation and/or
general leave up to the amount of their earned credit consistent with state workers
compensation provisions. Any overpayments shall be returned by the employee.
Employees may elect to combine the time loss benefit with their available vacation
and/or general leave payments in accordance with State law.
Employees shall be allowed leave with compensation for illness or injury up to the
amount of their earned credits under the following conditions:
a) During an illness or injury which has incapacitated the employee from performing
their duties.
b) During the infectious period following the exposure of an employee to a contagious
disease during which their attendance on duty would jeopardize the health of fellow
employees or the public.
c) For the purpose of medical, dental, or optical appointments if arranged in advance
with the immediate supervisor. Non-routine appointments, such as those with a
medical specialist, do not require the approval of the immediate supervisor.
7.1.2 Use of Leave for an Emergency
Emergency leave shall be designated by the District for it to be used. Should a school or
District closure be determined, employees who are unable to work may take general leave
accumulated under this section for the number of days designated eligible by the District.
This designation of emergency leave does not require any preapproval. On a case-by-
case basis, non-instructional employees covered under this agreement may work with
their supervisor for making up a workday instead of having to use the employee’s general
7.1.3 Ceremony Leave
One day of general leave per year shall be granted under this Section for matters directly
involving the employee’s family. Such leave shall be granted only for the following
specified purposes occurring during the workday or requiring workday travel and over
which the employee has no control:
a) Marriages
b) Graduation ceremonies
c) Other ceremonies of an exceptional, distinctive nature
7.1.4 Personal Leave Preapproval:
An employee may take up to three (3) days (equal to the number of hours per day
employed) of general leave as personal leave, provided said employee has at least
three (3) days of accumulated general leave from which the personal leave shall
be deducted. Personal leave may be granted in increments of two (2) hours, with
an understanding that most personal leave requests of two (2) hours may not
result in substitute coverage for the absence. Preapproval shall be required for the
use of personal leave except as designated in Wherever possible, requests
for personal leave shall be submitted to the employee’s supervisor no later than
ten (10) workdays prior to the date of the requested leave. Leave requests entered
within ten (10) workdays may be approved by the supervisor at their discretion.
Personal leave is intended to be used to address personal business that can only be
attended to during normal work hours. Personal leave is not intended to be used
to extend a vacation.
Applications for Personal Leave shall be granted unless the leave is taken at any
of the following times:
a) The first five (5) or last five (5) school days of the year.
b) The day before or after any holiday or non-student day identified on the
c) When such scheduled leave would result in the absence of both the office
manager and assistant principal’s secretary at the middle or high school, unless
approved by the supervisor.
d) When the number of substitutes requested in any one-day District-wide to
cover personal leave exceeds fifteen (15) classroom support personnel. If a
request for personal leave is denied by the District’s automated substitute system,
an employee may e-mail the Substitute Program Coordinator asking that the leave
request be reconsidered. More days may be granted if, in the judgment of the
Substitute Program Coordinator or the department administrator, granting such
leaves will not affect the District’s ability to cover all other absences.
32 Submission After an Absence:
Personal Leave may also be used in the event an employee has personal
circumstances that meet the following criteria:
a) The problem must have been suddenly precipitated; or must be of such a nature
that preplanning is not possible or that preplanning could not relieve the necessity
for the employee’s absence.
b) The problem cannot be one of minor importance or mere convenience but must
be serious.
Written application for consideration for personal leave will be submitted on the
designated form to the Human Resources Department within thirty (30) days of
the employee’s return from the absence.
The form will require an explanation of the personal situation causing an
The decision regarding whether the leave will be considered as personal leave will
be transmitted to the employee within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the
request. During the period prior to a decision being made, no deduction from pay
will occur.
7.1.5 Domestic Violence Leave
Employees may use general leave under the provisions of Article 7.1.1 as delineated in
RCW 49.76.030.
7.2 Bereavement Leave
Bereavement leave is defined as leave for the purpose of mourning the death of a family
member or others. Bereavement leave is intended to be applied in a timely manner
related to the death of the individual. The District has established a time frame of thirty
(30) days from the time of death to be considered eligible for bereavement leave.
Bereavement leave will be granted and paid by the District. Bereavement leave shall be
non-cumulative and shall not be deducted from the employee’s accumulated general
It is understood that sometimes a memorial service, funeral or other activity may occur
later than one month after the death. In such cases, the District may grant the
bereavement leave, provided there is sufficient documentation to account for the time of
the memorial service. Employees who serve as executors to an estate or have other legal
considerations may use Personal Leave to take care of affairs of the deceased.
The District may allow up to five (5) days per event of paid bereavement leave for the
death of an employee’s family member.
The District may allow up to one (1) day per event of paid bereavement leave for the
death of an employee’s non-family member not to exceed three (3) occurrences per fiscal
In situations where serious personal complications occur as a result of bereavement, the
employee may be granted an extended leave of absence without pay not to exceed ninety
(90) calendar days upon approval of the Superintendent in accordance with Section 7.3 of
this Article.
Generally, bereavement leave requests shall be granted with an understanding that a
request may not automatically result in five (5) days of leave taken as bereavement.
Should there be a concern regarding the appropriate use of bereavement leave, Human
Resources may require specific documentation related to the bereavement request.
7.3 Leave of Absence
Upon recommendation of the immediate supervisor and approval of the Superintendent
or designee, leave of absence may be granted to an employee for such things as: (a)
family emergency, (b) education, (c) personal business, or (d) medical disability leave.
The District shall state in writing the terms of the leave of absence.
Seniority established at the time of departure on an approved leave of absence shall be
restored when the employee returns to work provided such leave did not exceed twelve
(12) months. If an employee does not return from leave after twelve (12) months, the
employee is considered to have separated from the District. For an employee with a
verified (d) medical disability leave, seniority shall be maintained up to twenty-four (24)
months. If an employee on medical disability leave does not return to a position by the
end of twenty-four (24) months, they shall be considered to have separated from the
When an employee returns from leave of absence not exceeding twelve (12) months, with
the exception of item (d) above, the employee shall be reinstated in a position equivalent
in duties and wages to that which he/she had at the time their request for a leave of
absence was approved, if a vacancy exists. If a vacancy does not exist, the employee will
be placed on a waiting list subject to recall by seniority for positions for which he/she is
An employee who fails to return at the end of their approved leave of absence will be
considered resigned from the District.
7.4 Civic Responsibility Leave
An employee shall be granted a leave for jury duty or subpoena.
There will be no deduction in the employee’s compensation for jury duty or subpoena,
provided the employee is not the plaintiff or defendant in an action.
7.5 Military Leave
The District shall pay the employee their regular salary for the purpose of discharging
military reserve obligations as required by State and/or Federal law.
An employee who enlists, is inducted, or recalled to active duty, shall be granted a leave
of absence without pay for the period of their military service and shall be reinstated to
their former or comparable position, provided application for such position has been
made to the District within ninety (90) days after the expiration of such military service.
7.6 Religious Leave
Employees planning to participate in a religious observance(s) on a scheduled work day
shall be granted up to three (3) days leave for this purpose.
The employee shall have the days charged to their allocated general leave.
An employee desiring to take leave for religious observance must submit written
notification to their supervisor at least ten (10) days in advance of the leave date(s)
requested. Supervisors will forward all notifications of such leave to the Human
Resources Department.
7.7 Leave Without Pay
Employees may use Leave Without Pay should no other provisions of general leave in
Article 7 apply. Requests for leave without pay must follow the following steps to be
considered for approval:
a) Application for leave without pay shall be made as far in advance of the requested
leave as possible through the employee’s principal/supervisor.
b) The principal/supervisor will acknowledge receipt of the request and submit to
the Human Resources Department.
c) In consultation with the principal/supervisor, the Human Resources Department
will review the request, including exploring other leave options that may be
available to the employee.
d) The granting of leave without pay shall be on a case-by-case basis.
e) Leave without pay requests for the first five (5) or last five (5) school days of the
year shall not be granted unless special circumstances or needs of the individual
as well as the best interests of the educational program will be considered in
making the determination to grant or deny the application. Such leaves will have
no effect on seniority or benefit accrual.
f) The employee shall be notified no later than five (5) business days after receipt by
Human Resources whether or not the leave without pay request has been
7.8 Professional Leave
An employee may be allowed leave with pay to attend classes, conferences, seminars,
etc., which would enhance the job performance of said employee. Professional leave is
district paid and is not deducted from the employee’s General Leave. Prior approval must
be obtained from the employee’s immediate supervisor by completing a Prior Approval
7.9 Leave for Educational Purposes
When an employee participates in an approved professional development or career
development activity or program, such as student teaching or practicum experience as
part of a recognized teacher certification program, and when it is necessary for the
employee to miss their regularly scheduled workdays to participate in said opportunity,
an employee may apply for an unpaid leave of absence for the required educational time.
During this leave, the employee’s district-paid benefits will continue to be available, and
the employee may return to their regular position upon completion of the educational
An employee desiring to take leave under this policy must seek approval of their
principal or supervisor and Human Resources at least thirty (30) calendar days, or as soon
as practicable, in advance of the requested leave. If completing student teaching or a
practicum experience, they must have an approved placement within the Bellevue School
7.10 Leave Exceptions
Unusual or extraordinary circumstances may exist with an individual employee regarding
leave requests. In such cases, Human Resources will notify the Union of the situation
and will make every effort to mitigate the situation with the employee.
8.1 Insurance Benefits
Employees are eligible for benefits as determined by the School Employees Benefits Board
(SEBB) and administered by the Health Care Authority (HCA). Employees are eligible for
SEBB benefits if they are expected to work a minimum of 630 hours during a calendar year.
Employees who are not initially expected to work enough hours to be eligible, but who reach
the hours threshold during the calendar year, shall become eligible for benefits upon reaching
the hours threshold, and shall be presumed eligible for the following calendar year.
An employee who has exhausted all illness, injury, or emergency leave benefits and is on
medical leave of absence shall continue to receive the District health insurance
contribution until the expiration of their current assignment. The phrase “current
assignment” under this paragraph means the twelve-month period between September 1
through August 31 of the ensuing calendar year, during which the employee would
otherwise be regularly scheduled to work if they were not on a medical leave without
8.2 Retirement
All employees covered by this Agreement are subject to the rules and regulations of the
WA State Department of Retirement Systems in accordance with WA State law.
8.3 Industrial Insurance
The District will provide industrial insurance in accordance with state law.
8.4 Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) are provided by
SEBB and administered through the HCA as described in 8.1 above. SEBB has
established group term life insurance of $35,000 and Accidental Death and Dismemberment
at $5,000 for each employee.
8.5 Dental/Vision Insurance
Dental and vision insurance are provided by SEBB and administered through the HCA as
described in Section 8.1.
8.6 Section 125
Under the auspices of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code the District shall provide
1) a medical premium conversion program which allows an employee to elect to have any
of their health insurance premium contributions paid before the application of income
taxes under the Internal Revenue Code; 2) a Health Care Expense Account (HCEA)
which allows an employee to use pre-tax dollars to pay for expenses not 100% covered or
ineligible for payment through the group health care plans; and 3) a Dependent Care
Reimbursement program which allows an employee to use pre-tax dollars to pay for
allowable dependent care costs. 125 plans are provided by SEBB and administered
through the HCA as described in Section 8.1.
8.7 VEBA
The District and Administrative and Instructional Support Personnel will vote annually to
participate in the Voluntary Employee Benefit Account (VEBA) for all employees
retiring between September 1 and August 31 of each year.
8.8 Employee Assistance Program
All employees have initial access to the Employee Assistance Program free of charge through
the Human Resources Department.
9.1 Personnel Files Contents
An employees personnel file shall contain job assignments, transcripts and other
documents pertaining to education/ certification where appropriate, performance
evaluations, and such additional communications and records as are related to an
individuals employment status with the District.
The employees personnel files shall be open to their inspection at reasonable times upon
Notice will be provided an employee when material is placed in or removed from their
personnel file. The employee will be given an opportunity to attach comments to
materials placed in their file.
Upon written request of an employee, the District shall remove from that employees
personnel file a written reprimand that is three (3) years old or older as long as said
employee has not been disciplined further since the date of the written reprimand. In
accordance with WAC 181-88, no information related to substantiated verbal or physical
abuse or sexual misconduct may be removed from any employee file.
9.2 Public Records Requests Notification
Prior to the release of any information regarding union membership pursuant to a public
record request received by the District the response to which would reasonably result in
releasing personally identifiable information about an employee or employees, the
District will notify the Union of the receipt of such request. The District may, if
appropriate, notify the potentially affected employee(s) via email or certified mail to the
employee’s last known address maintained in the Human Resources Department in order
to allow the employee an opportunity to seek court intervention to prevent such release.
Nothing in this requirement implies or suggests that the District itself has any obligation
to seek court relief or prevent the release of such information on behalf of any employee.
The employee or Union will have ten (10) business days to seek court intervention to
prevent the release of information responsive to the request.
Notice will include:
A copy of the request;
A general description of the responsive records;
The estimated date the District intends to produce the records.
10.1 Purpose and Procedure
This performance evaluation system is intended to facilitate communication and provide
constructive feedback between supervisors and employees regarding the improvement of
employee performance in the areas of:
a) Recognition of successes
b) Areas for improvement and/or growth
c) Targeted professional development
This evaluation system should be implemented in a fair, equitable, and positive manner.
Performance evaluations are not intended to be used for the purpose of corrective action.
The parties agree that the employee and supervisor should share a common understanding
of the evaluation criteria and process. Supervisors should be familiar with the role,
responsibilities, and duties of the employee. Supervisors will adequately observe
employees performing duties to get a full understanding of their performance.
Employees will receive two (2) written performance evaluations annually, an abbreviated
mid-year and a year-end. Timelines for each are outlined below.
As part of the probationary status, new employees will receive two (2) evaluations in
2021-22, a 90 day and a year-end evaluation. Beginning in 2022-23, new employees will
receive three (3) evaluations. The first on or about 45 calendar days, the second at the end
of the 90 calendar day probationary period, and a year-end. Employees hired after
January 1 shall receive a probationary and a year-end evaluation for a total of 2
To better meet the stated purpose of performance evaluations, the written evaluation will
be supported by in-person conferences between the employee and the supervisor. This
conference may occur online at the employee’s request. Conference topics may include:
Highlighting of successes and areas of improvement
o If an employee scores below proficient in any area, the employee shall be
provided with specific examples from the employee’s work and suggestions
for improvement.
Employee goal setting and progress reporting may be included as part of the
conference. Where appropriate, these should be incorporated into the written
Written evaluations will focus on employee performance including strengths, areas for
improvement, recommended strategies or actions, and opportunities for professional
development where appropriate.
If an employee feels the written evaluation does not accurately reflect their performance
of duties, the employee may inform the supervisor they elect to throw out the evaluation
and have it redone based on updated observation, information, etc. This may occur one
(1) time in a year.
A copy of each written evaluation will be place in the employee’s personnel file and a
copy will be provided to the employee.
Mid-year Evaluation Due By
Year-end Evaluation Due By
School Year Employee
The Friday before Winter
May 15
Full Year Employee
March 15
August 15
10.2 Unsatisfactory Performance
If an employee’s performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory at any time, the immediate
supervisor shall meet with the employee to discuss performance concerns and address
areas of performance where the employee will need to improve.
Following at least one evaluation in a given year, the supervisor may place the employee
on a formal performance improvement plan. The employee shall be informed of the
duration of such plan, the areas of performance where the employee shall be required to
improve, the performance expectations to be achieved and, if applicable, any district
support to be provided to the employee. The supervisor shall meet periodically with the
employee and provide the employee feedback on their performance during any
performance improvement plan period.
Following the initial notice to the employee of performance concerns and the
establishment of a performance improvement plan, an employee may not be terminated
for poor job performance unless the employee has been provided feedback regarding
continuing performance concerns during the improvement plan.
If the employee does not successfully meet the expectations established in the plan, the
employee will be subject to having their employment terminated. Nothing in this Article
10 shall be construed to prevent an employee from being discharged or disciplined for
misconduct that is unrelated to the satisfactory performance of assigned duties.
10.3 Evaluation Appeal
An employee may appeal an evaluation which has a potentially adverse effect on their
employment status through the following appeals process:
Step One
Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of an evaluation, the employee either
directly or with the assistance of the Union, will commit such appeal to writing, sign it,
and present it to the supervisor. The written statement should include (1) the nature of
the appeal, (2) the alleged discrepancies in the evaluation, and (3) the recommended
corrections to the evaluation.
Within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the written appeal, the supervisor shall
communicate their written response to the employee.
Step Two
If the employee is not satisfied with the resolution at Step One, he/she may, within
fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the written response, submit their appeal to
the next level of supervision.
The administrator shall meet with the employee within fourteen (14) calendar days after
receipt of the appeal. A written decision shall be rendered within thirty (30) calendar
days of such meeting. Said decision shall be final and binding on the District and the
The District and the Union may mutually agree in writing to extend the limits at any one
of the steps described herein.
11.1 Salary Schedule
All employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid according to their proper
classification step as set forth in Appendix A or on the Paraprofessional Salary Schedule
in Appendix B.
For the 2021-2022 contract year, base salary is increased by 3%, plus market
adjustments for identified positions, and by the creation of the Paraprofessional Salary
Schedule. In addition, all employees shall receive an additional sixty-five (65) cents per
hour for requirements related to the required use of technology as a condition of
employment. For the 2022-2023 contract year, base salary shall increase by 3%. For the
2023-2024 contract year, base salary shall increase by 2%.
Employees working 8 hours per day for 228 to 261 days per year as of August 31, 2021,
will continue to receive an additional hourly amount of seventy-one (71) cents in
recognition of District contribution of benefits which are received by part-year employees
as negotiated in previous contracts prior to the implementation of benefits through SEBB.
This hourly differential will continue until the employee is no longer in a designated
position that qualified prior to September 1, 2021. As of September 1, 2021, or after,
employees hired into a position working 8 hours per day for 228 or more days shall not
be eligible for this additional hourly amount.
Any employee who voluntarily resigns and is subsequently rehired into a new position in
the bargaining unit within twelve (12) months of their final pay warrant shall be placed at
their former wage step and vacation accrual rate. All unused PTO leave will be restored.
11.2 Increments
Beginning employees through five years of experience within the bargaining unit will be
placed on Step 1 of the salary schedule. Employees who have completed five years of
employment in accordance with Article 5, Section 1, Seniority, by November 1 of a
school year will advance to Step 2 of the salary schedule. Employees completing ten
years of employment in accordance with Article 5, Section 1, Seniority, by November 1
of a school year will advance to Step 3 of the salary schedule. Beginning September 1,
2023, a Step 4 will be added to the salary schedules. Employees completing fifteen (15)
years of employment in accordance with Article 5, Section 1, Seniority, by November 1
of a school year will advance to Step 4 of the salary schedule.
11.3 Pay Warrants
11.3.1 All employees will have their salary paid in twelve (12) equal warrants except
when an eligible employee exercises the option described in 11.3.2. Each
warrant shall contain one-twelfth (1/12) of the contracted salary.
11.3.2 Those employees assigned in positions of two hundred and six (206) or fewer
days per year may elect to be paid based on eleven (11) equal warrants with the
final two payments made on the June payroll. An employee electing this option
must notify the Payroll Office, in writing, not later than September 15 of each
school year. Said employee agrees to a triple deduction on the June warrant for
any applicable medical benefits in excess of the District contribution.
11.3.3 Temporary hourly assignments, over assigned or overtime hours will be paid on
the first pay warrant after the services were provided if the time sheet is
received by the Payroll Office on or before the payroll cutoff date. The time
sheet entry may be date stamped by the Office Manager or other office
personnel to verify the submission was prior to the cutoff date.
11.3.4 Electronic payroll warrants shall be available on-line to employees on the last
working day of each month except: December warrants shall be issued prior to the end of the calendar year
(December 31).
42 In no case will the District be required to issue payroll warrants prior
to the date scheduled for payment of state apportionment. However, in no case shall employees be issued the preceding months
payroll warrant later than the first working day of a month.
11.3.5 Electronic Transfer of Pay Warrants
Within forty-five (45) days after receipt of authorization from an employee, the District
shall electronically deposit the employees monthly pay warrant directly in any bank
which is capable of receiving electronically transferred payroll deposits through an
automated clearing house.
11.4 Leads Program Stipend
The District will continue the pilot program for identified lead employees. For identified
leads, a two (2) dollar per hour differential shall be paid for work performed as a lead.
For the 2021-2022 contract year, this number shall be set for approval of nine (9) lead
positions. Efficacy of the leads and expansion shall be determined through
11.5 Leadership Funds
Each school shall be provided one hundred (100) hours of time for employees covered
under this agreement to participate in leadership responsibilities at the school site. For
employees who perform these duties during their regularly scheduled workday, a four (4)
dollar per hour differential shall be paid for each hour the employee performs leadership
duties. For employees who perform these duties as over assigned but less than forty (40)
hours during a work week, they shall be paid at their regular rate plus the additional
differential identified in this section. For employees that perform leadership duties in an
overtime status, pay identified in Article 3.5, using the employee’s base pay plus the
leadership differential as the base calculation for overtime.
11.6 Mentorship Stipend
Employees serving as mentors shall be eligible for stipend of three-hundred fifty (350)
dollars for each twelve (12) hour mentoring cycle. In order to receive the stipend, the
mentoring employee must mentor at least one (1) employee and no more than five (5)
employees during the mentorship cycle. Employees serving as leads who are assigned as
mentors receive extra compensation as delineated in 11.4 and do not receive the
mentorship stipend.
11.7 Referral Bonus
Employees who refer a new employee that is hired within the bargaining unit shall be
eligible for a one-time referral bonus of $500 to be paid out after the employee has
successfully completed their probationary period per Article 3.3.
11.8 District Cell Phones
The District shall provide cell phones for specific employees based upon the needs of
their position, up to a maximum of seventy (70) employees in the bargaining unit.
12.1 Skill Improvement
The District may offer and require employees to participate in classes, conferences,
workshops, and courses which are designed to enhance or broaden the employees’
knowledge and job capabilities. If employees are required to participate outside the
assigned work day, the employee shall be paid the applicable regular or overtime rate of
pay. If there are tuition or other charges for the programs, the fees will be borne by the
District for those specifically requested to participate. If such training is held outside of
the District, regular policies and procedures regarding mileage reimbursement or use of
commercial transportation will apply.
If participation outside the assigned work day would represent a personal hardship to the
employee, the employee may be excused from participation after s/he describes the
hardship in writing and submits it to the District. However, the employee will make
every reasonable effort to participate when so requested and will work cooperatively with
the District to seek other programs or experiences which may fill the identified need.
Employees not specifically requested to attend training classes may do so without pay if
class size allows.
When an employee is the instructor for activities described in the first paragraph of this
section, the employee will receive an additional $5.00 for each hour worked as an
instructor, consistent with the Fair Labor Standards Act. The time worked as an
instructor must be reported on a timesheet.
Employees who receive prior approval from their supervisors to attend training classes
held during their regular work assignment will not be required to make up that time.
12.2 Staff Development Committee
The District and the Union affirm their commitment to an ongoing training program of
staff development that will provide opportunities for employees to develop their
professional skills and abilities. The goals of the training program will be to 1) improve
the quality of support staff for the District, 2) make the most effective and economic use
of employee and District resources in accomplishing common goals, and 3) enhance
employees career advancement opportunities.
The District and the Union agree to establish a Staff Development Committee composed
of four (4) representatives appointed by the District and four (4) representatives
appointed by the Union to ensure implementation of an ongoing training program for job
related staff development and training within the financial parameters contained in this
The Committee is charged with developing the policies and procedures applicable for
individuals or job-alike groups interested in specific staff development and/or training.
These policies and procedures developed by the Committee will be distributed to
bargaining unit members.
12.3 Staff Development Fund
The District will provide $75,000 each year for the duration of this contract for staff
development and will work with the Staff Development Committee identified in Section
12.2 to establish program guidelines for the allocation of these funds. This fund may not
be used to provide released time for elementary office manager meetings. Participation
in the staff development program will be voluntary. Unused funds shall not be carried
forward. An individual may access up to $1,200 per contract year.
12.4 Professional Standards Certificate
Employees are encouraged to develop standards of excellence through continuing
education. The Professional Standards Program (PSP), established by the National
Association of Educational Office Personnel (NAEOP), is recognized by the District as a
means to achieve various levels of professional standards.
All employees with a regular assignment of twenty (20) hours or more per week who
achieve certification pursuant to the Professional Standards Program (PSP) will be
eligible to receive additional stipends for Professional Standards Certificates as stated
below; provided they have successfully completed the probationary period.
Any employee whose assignment is reduced by the District to fewer than twenty (20)
hours per week shall continue to receive their PSP stipend(s) under this Section. The
stipend will be discontinued if, at any time, the employee refuses an assignment of twenty
(20) or more hours per week.
An employee who has earned a PSP certificate(s) will receive the highest stipend for
which s/he qualifies:
Basic Certificate $300 per year
Associate Professional $400 per year
Advanced I $550 per year
Advanced II $700 per year
Advanced III $850 per year
Associate’s Degree $1,000 per year
Bachelor’s Degree $1,100 per year
Master’s Degree $1,200 per year
Immediately upon receipt by the Human Resources Department of written notification
that the certificate(s) have been earned, an amount equal to 1/12 of the annual stipend
earned, as stated above, will be allocated monthly to the employee’s annual assignment.
Certificates earned after September of any year will be prorated over the remaining pay
warrants of that year. Once earned, the employee will continue to receive the stipend
until s/he retires or resigns.
NAEOP also offers a five (5) year recertification program for all PSP recipients. To
qualify for recertification, one must have maintained continuous membership in NAEOP
and have accrued sixty (60) hours of approved continuing education, such as adult
education, in-service training, CEUs or formal college classes. Upon receipt of a written
notice that an employee has earned PSP recertification, the employee will receive an
additional recertification stipend of twenty-five ($25) dollars per month for each
qualifying recertification, up to a maximum seventy-five ($75) per month, in addition to
the PSP certification stipend for which they have previously qualified.
Bargaining unit members who have earned a PSP certificate(s) and choose not to seek
recertification will not be eligible for the recertification stipend; however, they will
continue to receive the stipend for which they have previously qualified.
12.5 Mentoring Program
12.5.1 The District will provide a mentoring program for new employees. The
purpose of this program shall be to assist the new employee in developing and
enhancing the knowledge and skills necessary for effective performance. All
new employees shall be provided mentoring support for the first six (6) weeks
of their employment. This mentoring may be provided by a mentor or lead in
the employee’s field or position as delineated in Articles 11.4 and 11.6.
12.5.2 Each new school employee shall be assigned a mentor who agrees to meet with
the new employee, demonstrate procedures and processes, and guide the new
employee through the daily operation of a school or work location.
12.5.3 SEIU 925 and the District shall develop and implement the selection process,
criteria and logistics for the mentoring program as delineated in Appendix H.
12.5.4 The parties agree to review the efficacy of the mentoring program in
Labor/Management with any recommendation for changes or modifications.
12.6 Part-Year Employees and Professional Development
12.6.1 Part-year employees, including paras and general school assistants, will be
allocated up to four (4) supplemental hours per school year to be used to attend
building or department meetings or professional development opportunities which
are outside of the employee’s regular work schedule. These supplemental hours
will be mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee and scheduled
in advance. These hours may be used for attendance during teacher professional
work days throughout the school year. Attendance will be documented to ensure
employees are paid correctly for this time.
12.6.2 Employees whose positions require additional training as required by OSPI shall
receive up to six (6) hours of District provided training paid at the regular hourly
rate should the training time not be provided during the employee’s regularly
scheduled workday.
12.7 Online Training for All Employees
All employees shall receive up to four (4) hours additional pay for completion of online
training modules as required by the District.
12.8 Preschool Stipends and Professional Development
12.8.1 Employees previously employed in the Early and Extending Learning Programs
and who are currently employed in preschool positions are eligible for
professional development funds as delineated in Article 12.3 and may exceed the
$1,200 annual limit for any college courses related to requirements for an Early
Childhood Education State Certificate or Short Certificate or equivalent.
12.8.2 Employees who previously earned stipends for the completion of
qualified/approved courses will receive compensation in the form of an annual
stipend of $100 per college credit. Employees must be employed in an applicable
position for a minimum of six (6) months to be eligible. Credits may be
submitted up to September 1 of each year for consideration. Annual stipends
shall be processed once yearly after September 1. Employees will be able to earn
credits in each position that are the equivalent of the credits for advancement to a
position in the next highest pay range.
13.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a means for the orderly and expeditious
adjustment of grievances of employees.
13.2 Definition
A grievance is a claim by an employee and/or the Union that the express terms of this
Agreement have been misrepresented or misapplied by the District.
13.3 Procedure
An employee may institute a grievance on their own or may request the assistance of the
Union. The proper procedure for pursuing adjudication of alleged grievances is as
Informal Step
Prior to filing a grievance at Step 1, the grievant shall first meet with their supervisor to
try to resolve a potential grievance. The employee may ask a union representative to be
present at the meeting.
Step One
If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, within thirty (30) calendar days of the
time a grievance arises, the grievant will commit the grievance to writing on a Grievance
Review Request Form (Appendix D), sign it, and submit it to their immediate supervisor.
This written grievance shall include: 1) the nature of the grievance; 2) the section(s) that
allegedly have been misinterpreted or misapplied; and 3) the recommended solution to
the grievance. A copy of the Grievance Review Request Form also shall be sent to the
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
Within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the written grievance, the appropriate
administrative supervisor shall communicate their written response to the grievant and
the Union.
Step Two
If the grievant is not satisfied with the resolution at Step One, he/she may, within
fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the written response from Step One, submit
the grievance to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources or their designee shall meet with the grievant in an
effort to resolve the grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the
second step.
Within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the grievance, the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources or their designee shall communicate a written
response to the grievant and the Union. At the conclusion of Step Two, either the Union
or District may request voluntary mediation in an attempt to resolve the grievance. Both
parties must agree to mediation. In the event mediation occurs, the parties agree to
suspend the timelines for submission to Step Three should there be no settlement at
mediation. The parties will select an agreed upon mediator, which may utilize the Public
Employees Relations Commission or another accepted entity. The parties will evenly
split the cost of the mediator, if any and bear their own costs and expenses for mediation.
Should the parties reach an agreed upon mediated settlement, the grievance shall be
considered resolved.
Step Three
If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at Step Two, within fourteen (14) calendar
days after receipt of the written response in Step Two or failure to reach a mediated
resolution, the Union may submit the grievance to the American Arbitration Association
for arbitration under their voluntary labor arbitration rules and within the following
1. The arbitrator shall limit their decision strictly to disputes involving the
application or interpretation of the express terms of this Agreement. The
arbitrator shall have no power to change, alter, detract from, or add to the
provisions of this Agreement.
2. The arbitrators decision shall be final and binding on the Union, the employee(s)
involved, and the District.
3. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the District and
the Union. All other expenses shall be borne by the party incurring them, and
neither party shall be responsible for the expenses of witnesses called by the
13.4 Time Limits
The number of days within each step is the maximum, and every effort shall be made to
expedite the process. Failure on the part of the District to act within the time limits will
move the grievance to the next step automatically. Failure of the grievant or the Union to
comply with any time limits specified in this procedure shall constitute withdrawal of the
The District and the Union may mutually agree in writing to extend the time limits at any
one of the steps.
It has been and continues to be the policy of the District to provide equal employment
opportunity to all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, national
origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or sex. This policy is intended not only
to assure compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations concerning
affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, but to actively promote equal employment
opportunities toward the end of enhancing the educational program of the District.
It is the intent of this policy that efforts be made to identify and eliminate any evidence of
existing discriminatory practice, and further, that efforts be made to prevent future
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations resulting in this Agreement, each had the
unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals to any matter deemed a proper
subject of collective bargaining. The results of the exercise of that right are set forth in this
Agreement. Therefore, the Union unqualifiedly and specifically waives the right, and agrees that
the District shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter not
specifically referred to or covered in this Agreement, even though such subject or matter may not
have been within the knowledge of the parties at the time of execution hereof. This Agreement
constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and concludes collective bargaining for its
16.1 Severability
In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall, at any time, be declared invalid
by any court of competent jurisdiction or through government regulations or decree, such
decision shall not invalidate the entire Agreement, it being the express intention of the
parties hereto that all other provisions not declared invalid shall remain in full force and
16.2 Duration
The 2021-2024 Agreement shall be in full force and effect from September 1, 2021
through August 31, 2024. This beginning effective date applies to all provisions of this
Agreement except where the express terms of a specific provision of this Agreement
provide otherwise.
16.3 Modification
16.3.1 This Agreement may be modified only with the written consent of both parties.
16.3.2 Reopener: The District and Union shall reopen the contract for wages should
student enrollment increase by 800 students over the course of the 2022-2023 or
2023-2024 school year.
16.3.3 If for reasons related to legislative action or a vote of the people resulting in the
District being imminently faced with a reduction in available revenue for any
school year during the term of this Agreement equal to more than three percent
(3%) of the total revenues available to the District during the current year or the
year following the current school year, the parties shall enter into negotiations to
address the crisis. Said negotiations shall commence within twenty (20) days
following a written notification from the District to SEIU of the District’s
intention to enter into said negotiations. Said notification shall include the
reason(s) for the notification, the projected revenue loss, and those provisions of
the Agreement the District desires to modify, together with the manner of
modification proposed.
16.4 No Sub-Contracting
The Union recognizes that contracting out work normally performed by bargaining unit
employees is a right of the District.
The District and Union share the belief that we can best serve the needs of our students when we
have highly trained, effective and supportive employees. This belief is strengthened by the
collaborative relationship between the Union, its members, and the District. Therefore, the
District and Union agree that for the duration of this contract the District will not engage in any
consideration of subcontracting for positions covered under this Agreement.
Job Family Pay Range A Pay Range B Pay Range C Pay Range D Pay Range E Pay Range F Pay Range G
Administrative Support Level I Level II Level III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment
Instructional Materials/
Textbook Assistant
Testing Specialist Copy Center Specialist Library Specialist
Specialist, Mentor and
Registrar, High School School Office Manager
Instructional Kits Specialist Preschool Office Manager Registrar, Middle School
Registrar, Big Picture,
School Library Assistant Receptionist, ESC Department Office Manager
Support Coordinator -
Advanced Learning, Technical
School Office Manager
Records Retention/File
Attendance Specialist Record Retention Specialist
Secretary, School
Secretary/Office Assistant
Admin, Counseling, Senior,
Asst. Principal, Early Learning
Admin. Secretary
Student Services Data
Support Coordinator -
Testing, Student Services,
Advanced Learning, Student
Management, Advanced
Placement, CTE Testing, CTE
Instructional Support Level I
Level II Level III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment
General School Assistant Bus Attendant
Special Ed Paraeducator -
Level III
Behavior Support Specialist -
Behavior Intervention
Special Ed Paraeducator -
Level II
Special Ed Paraeducator
Designated - Level III
Special Ed Behavior Para -
Level IV
General School Assistant -
Deaf-Blind Intervener Hearing Support Services
Assistive Technology
Student and Family
Level I
Level II Levell III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment
ESL Testing Liaison ELL Testing Specialist Family Services Specialist College and Career Advisor Graduation Success Coach Classified Nurse
Family Engagement Specialist
- Preschool
Specialist - Learning Through
Accounting Level I
Level II Levell III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment
Accounting Tech
Nutrition Services
School Accounting Tech
Preschool Level I
Level II Levell III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment
Assistant Teacher
Lead Preschool Teacher
Specialized Lead Preschool
Special Needs Asstant
Teacher III
Site Supervisor
Tech Support Level I
Level II Levell III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment Technology Specialist Technology Specialist
Payroll Support Level I
Level II Levell III Level IV Level V Level VI Level VII
Position Assignment
Payroll Specialist
Instructional Support
positions are listed on the
GSA/Para Schedule
Pay Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
A 20.89$ 21.49$ 22.08$
B 22.98$ 23.57$ 24.16$
C 25.04$ 25.66$ 26.26$
D 27.13$ 27.74$ 28.33$
E 29.21$ 29.80$ 30.41$
F 31.29$ 31.89$ 32.49$
G 33.37$ 33.96$ 34.57$
SPED (20
ELL (40
20 hours
(75 hours)
A A2 B C D E
General School Assistant - Para 1 Range 1 Step 1 $21.40 $21.65 $21.90 $22.40 $22.90
Step 2 $21.90 $22.15 $22.40 $22.90 $23.40
Step 3 $22.40 $22.65 $22.90 $23.40 $23.90
Learning Resource Center - Para 2 Range 2 Step 1 $22.90 $23.15 $23.40 $23.90 $24.40
Step 2 $23.40 $23.65 $23.90 $24.40 $24.90
Step 3 $23.90 $24.65 $24.40 $24.90 $25.40
Center - Para 3 Range 3 Step 1 $24.90 $25.15 $25.40 $25.90 $26.40
Cascade, Olympic Step 2 $25.40 $25.65 $25.90 $26.40 $26.90
Step 3 $25.90 $26.65 $26.40 $26.90 $27.40
Center - Para 4 Range 4 Step 1 $26.90 $27.65 $27.40 $27.90 $28.40
Pacific, Specialized Para Step 2 $27.40 $27.65 $27.90 $28.40 $28.90
Transition Step 3 $27.90 $28.15 $28.40 $28.90 $29.40
Behavior Intervention - Para 5 Range 5 Step 1 $28.90 $29.15 $29.40 $29.90 $30.40 $30.90
Specialized Para Step 2 $29.40 $29.65 $29.90 $30.40 $30.90 $31.40
Step 3 $29.90 $30.15 $30.40 $30.90 $31.40 $31.90
Includes $.65 per hour for tech requirements
September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022
Administrative & Instructional Support Personnel/SEIU
Request for Transfer and Preference Pool Assignment Form: End of Year
To be completed and returned to Human Resources by the designated due date
Employee Name Employee ID #
Hire date (mm/yyyy) Phone number
Current Hours/Week: Current/Recent Assignment (check one): Exceeds 180 daysCurrently 180 days
Hours per Week
Note: Transferring is an open process and should be communicated with the supervisor. Timeline: June 1 last day of school
Request for a new building and/or level
Requested Level (elementary/middle/high):
Requested Building(s): Requested Position(s):
Please check one:
I will re-locate even if it is for fewer hours (Not fewer than hours per week)
I will not re-locate if it means a reduction of current hours (Current hours: per week)
HOURS AS HOURS HAVE BEEN REDUCED OR POSITION HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. Timeline: Within 10 working days of receiving notice
that hours have been reduced (Reference CBA: 5.4, section C)
Note: If an employee declines an offer matching the preferences, the employee will be removed from the preference pool and will be
processed as a resignation to the Board of Directors.
Number of hours reduced/lost: /week Minimum number of hours I will consider: /week
My position was eliminated: Yes No
Requested Level: ElementaryMiddle High
Level(s) I will not consider: ElementaryMiddle High
Requested Building(s):
Building(s) I will not consider:
Positions requested:
Additional Comments:
Employee Signature: Date:
Human Resources: Date Received
Attach copy of new assignment if applicable
Grievance Form
Employee’s Name:
(If group grievance, description of class of employees impacted, names may be included on separate document)
Phone/ Home or Cell Work Phone
Work Location Shift Hrs.
Job Title Date of Hire Rate of Pay
Immediate Supervisor’s Name Worksite Leader’s Name
Date of Grievance Date of Incident(s)
When was this issue discussed with the supervisor?
Statement of Grievance (be specific; use back of form or separate sheet of paper, if necessary)
Remedy of Grievance
Section(s) of Contract Violated (including but not limited to)
Employee’s Signature Date Submitted
Please give completed grievance form to your supervisor with a copy to your worksite leader or steward.
Service Employees International Union, Local 925
1914 N. 34
Street, Seattle, WA, 98103. Phone 206.322.3010 Fax 206.632.7219
AISP/SEIU: Request for Working Conditions Committee
Purpose statement: The following option is provided for groups to engage in problem solving
around issues and concerns that pertain to working conditions. Note: This is not a process for a
request for re-classification.
Name of group requesting meeting Date of request
Requestor name
Who should be included in problem-solving?
List or describe interests pertaining to working conditions:
Describe prior efforts to resolve the interests and concerns (ex. Meet with supervisor,
informal process toward resolution):
Suggested solutions:
Preferred dates and times to meet:
Post-Meeting Follow-up:
1) Human Resources
3) Supervisor(s)
Substitute plans may be uploaded in the SmartFindExpress for substitute access for
positions that are covered through SmartFindExpress. For other positions, plans should be
submitted to the employee’s supervisor.
3.1 Employee name, room #, phone number
3.2 Who to call information:
In case of emergency:
Office phone numbers for a ‘live’ person (Office Manager, Attendance,
Technology Specialist: First and last name, phone number, room number
Teacher/content support (if applicable): First and last name, phone number, room
3.3 Daily schedule & transition times
Lunch time and break time(s)
Any changes in the daily schedule? (assembly, drill, etc.)
Expectations for tutorial (if applicable)
3.4 Student information pertaining to safety: Life-threatening information, pertinent
IEP information, BIPs, etc.
3.5 What is it you expect of the substitute? (i.e. following lesson plans - what can be
flexible? checking assignments, tidying/cleaning room, expected follow up notes
3.6 Emergency instructions/directions School should provide
3.7 How do you want the substitute to communicate follow up with you?
Plan B sub notes:
3.8 What if technology does not work?
3.9 What if there is an emergency?
Work Location: _______________________________________ Date: ____________
Employee Name: ______________________________________
Room #/Phone #: _______________
Who to call:
Emergency phone #: __________________
Office phone #: ___________________________(Office Manager, Attendance, Administrator):
Technology Specialist: First and last name, phone number, room number
Teacher/content support (if applicable): First and last name, phone number, room number
Instructional Technology Curriculum Coach (if applicable): First and last name, phone
number, room number
Daily Schedule:
Student Safety Information (if applicable)
Health concerns:
Behavioral (triggers, basic plans, who to call for help, etc.):
Classroom Management (if applicable)
Attention-getting signal(s):
Emergency Information/Procedures:
Student Learning (if applicable)
Schedule for the day including times, learning objectives & activities that align (include
transition times, specialists & location, student changes, etc.:
Key Responsibilities and Description of Duties for the Day
Other Expectations for the Substitute:
Sub Comments/Notes to the Employee
Leave type To be used: Form:
Is there a Balance in
Comes out of
Sick leave
An absence resulting from an employee’s mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition
To accommodate the employee’s need for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or
physical illness, injury, or health condition
To accommodate and employees need for preventative medical care
To allow the employee to provide for a family member with a mental or physical illness, injury, or
health condition
For the care of a family member who needs medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental of
physical illness, injury, or health condition
To care for a family member who needs preventative medical care
For any absence that qualifies for leave under the domestic violence leave act
Not required but
documentation may
be requested
NO, balance is in
Employee online
You accrue
based on
hours worked
Personal Leave
You may take up to 3 days (equal to the number of hours per day employed)
Personal leave may be granted in increments of 2 hours, up to a maximum of an employee's
regular work day
Cannot be taken during the blackout dates*
Request must be entered in Smartfind at least 10 business days prior to the leave date
A 2 hours absence may result in NO Substitute coverage
A maximum of 10 office personnel, or 15 classroom support personnel leave request is allowed
per day
Not required
Ceremony leave
One day for ceremonies such as marriages or graduations, work day or requiring a work day travel.
Please submit the form in advance if you have any questions.
Required + attachment
and/or details needed
Bereavement leave
Up to 5 days available can be taken in the case of the death of a family member within 30 days
from the date of death
One day may be taken for the death of a non-family member, with a limit of 3 days per year
Form and
required within 30
Religious Leave
Employees may take up to 3 days of leave total/year for religious purposes, that needs to be
entered in Smartfind at least 15 days in advance.
Required YES YES
Professional leave
To attend classes, conferences, seminars that will enhance the job performance of the employee.
Prior approval must be obtained from the supervisor by completing a prior approval form
Prior approval form NO NO
Civic Responsibility A copy of the summons is needed
Required + attachment
Leave without pay
Applications for leave without pay will be made as early as possible to the employees supervisor
who will make a recommendation to human resources
Granting leave without pay is not guaranteed, so employees should not make plans prior to
Required + attachment
and/or details needed
*Blackout dates: the first and last 5 days of the school year, the day before or after a holiday or non
student day.
AISP Leaves
Paraeducator Lead/Mentor
AISP and BSD continue the lead/mentor program pilot within the paraeducator Pacific Program.
The schools/programs piloting lead/mentors include: Phantom Lake Elementary (PALS),
Sherwood Forest Elementary, Highland Middle, Interlake High School and Evergreen Transition
The following describes the duties and responsibilities of a lead/mentor as well as information
about the application process.
Lead: A lead is an expert in the job. They know the technical skills and components of the
position, support policies and procedures and have knowledge of day-to-day job
duties/responsibilities. A lead may coordinate and facilitate meetings. The lead works with the
unit in its entirety and may be a colleague and coordinates district to building communication. A
lead must be willing to advocate for the unit with management.
Mentor: A mentor’s responsibility is to set employees up for success! A mentor’s role is one an
employee may seek advice from, helps with growth and development and can provide formative,
non-evaluative feedback. A mentor must be aware of school climate, culture and procedures
related to the position. A mentor will exhibit and model BSD’s values of respect, compassion,
service, integrity, excellence and collaboration.
Lead/Mentor roles and responsibilities
A lead/mentor is an expert who employees can seek advice from, help with growth and
development, and provide formative, non-evaluative support. Job responsibilities may include:
Supports new and continuing paraeducators
Exercises confidentiality, ethics and integrity
Explains job duties and responsibilities of paraeducators
Provides on-site support as needed
Available and accessible for questions
Provides social-emotional support
Helps employees navigate the school and district system
Brainstorms, problem solves and supports the growth and development of paraeducators
Explains and has knowledge of evaluation process and criteria
Participates and engages in professional learning as needed
Engages in and has knowledge of equitable practices
Fosters connections for paraeducators to access resources and professional relations in
school district and community
Possesses knowledge of school climate, culture and procedures
Open to reflective and transparent communication and observation
Facilitates team building and ongoing communication
Maintains positive relationships, including ongoing communication, with administrators
Willing to make a minimum of a two (2) year commitment
Requirement/pre-requisite training:
Experience of 3+ years within the program
Completion of more than 14 hours of the Fundamental Course of Study (FCS)
Experience in the position and/or site-specific program
Demonstrates knowledge and skills that are proficient in the position
Proficient evaluation status
Application process for lead/mentors
Interested lead/mentor employees will submit:
o Application
o Letter of interest
o Confidential references including at least 1 supervisor and 2 colleagues
between the
and the
Impact of the Pandemic of Coronavirus and
Vaccination Requirements for the 2021-2022 School Year
A. COVID-19 Vaccination as Required by Law
1. Vaccination Verification Process
An executive order in the state of Washington requires Employees to have a COVID
vaccine as a condition of employment. The district will designate a person to accept
verifications. The district will set a secure place to store the personal vaccination
health information of employees and not share the information with any outside
entities. The district will accept the following forms of verification.
a. CCD COVID Vaccination Card (Original)
b. CDC COVID vaccination Card (Picture or copy)
c. WA State Certificate of Vaccination available at www.myIRmobile.com
d. WA State Immunization Information System (print out)
2. Vaccination Exemption Process
a. Medical Exemption. Medical Exemptions will be treated through the district
established medical accommodation process and the district will determine
the level and ability to accommodate per the individual.
b. Religious Exemptions. An employee who has a sincerely held religious belief
that prevents them from being vaccinated against COVID-19 may request an
accommodation by notifying Human Resources. The employee must meet
with Human resources or submit the form to actively initiate the process. The
employee must provide all information reasonably needed to evaluate the
request. The employer will follow OSPI guidance to evaluate the request.
c. Documentation of requests: The employer will document the accommodation
granted or the denial. The information will be kept in a secure and
confidential location.
3. COVID Vaccine incentive and recovery
a. Employees may secure COVID-19 vaccine appointments during their regular
workday. Any leave taken for a vaccine appointment shall be paid leave and
not deducted from the employee’s general leave. The district will pay up to a
½ day (4 hours) for an employee for vaccine appointments. Employees are
requested to provide as much advance notice as possible to support other
employees and provide any coverage if needed.
b. Staff have access to a pool of sick leave (“sick day pool”) for side effects from
vaccine administration. Staff may access up to one day of leave within 24-48
hour after inoculation if you have side effects and are unable to work.
c. Staff who experienced side effects related to vaccination and used sick leave
within 24-48 hours of vaccination may request restoration of one (1) general
leave day. Requests for restoration will not be unreasonably denied.
4. Failure to Provide Proof of Vaccination
a. Employees who do not provide proof of vaccination or do not have a medical
or religious exemption or accommodation, will retain recall rights for up to
one (1) year from their date of separation.
b. If an employee becomes fully vaccinated (two weeks after their final dose)
after the October 18
, 2021 deadline, the employee may provide the District
proof of vaccination and be recalled to the next open a position within their
former bargaining unit in the District in accordance with the appropriate
contractual provisions: Administrative and Instructional Support Personnel
Article 5.6, Nutrition Services Article 5.5, Truck Drivers and Warehouse
Article 5.5.
i. Employees covered under the Transportation contract will be recalled
in seniority order to positions they are qualified to fill.
c. If the vaccination requirement is no longer the required, employees will be
recalled following the procedures above.
B. Health and Safety:
Without a safe and healthy work environment, students cannot maximize learning and
employees cannot fully engage in their profession. As a result, the District will continue
to follow health and safety guidelines as described in the COVID-19 Job Site Safety Plan
in ensuring the health and safety of our staff and students. These include, but are not limited
to social distancing guidelines, proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and
appropriate sanitation practices. As recommendations change and are updated (from the
CDC, Public Health Seattle King County, OSPI, L&I, OSHA and others), the District and
the Union will continue to meet to discuss and apply those impacts.
The District’s COVID-19 Plan, Implementation Plans, and other applicable documents
will be shared with staff, summaries posted throughout work sites, and made available on
the District website. Updates to plans or guidance will be regularly communicated to
employees. Site-specific COVID-19 supervisors have been designated at each work site
to monitor the health of employees, enforce the COVID-19 Job Site Safety Plan, and field
concerns raised by staff members.
Employees who allege their workplace is unsafe are encouraged to immediately report
their concerns to their supervisor and/or the workplace safety committee or the COVID
Site Supervisor. Such employees may in limited circumstances also have recourse
through the Department of Labor & Industries under WAC 296-36-150.
Other accommodations identified through the interactive process of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD) may
be provided to employees.
C. Leaves of Absence and Emergency Health Leave:
COVID-19 presents unique health, family, disability and staffing challenges for the
District and its employees. The following provisions are included to provide clear,
objective, and practical options for the District and the employees facing those
challenges. In all cases, strict compliance with all relevant District safety and health rules
will be an essential function of each employee’s job.
Employees exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace: Employees who have been
confirmed/diagnosed with COVID-19 due to exposure in the workplace, as verified by
contact tracing, may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of
the following benefits under the terms of the applicable CBA or law:
1. Three (3) days of District provided leave with no deduction from the Employees
leave bank, followed by workers compensation benefits.
2. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home,
if available and requested by the employee;
D. Face Coverings and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
In accordance with King County Public Health Directive dated May 11, 2020, all
employees are required to wear face coverings over their noses and mouths while inside
school district facilities.
Individuals are required to follow the most recent health and safety guidelines, including
proper face coverings and PPE. Assignment of PPE by the District is assessed by the risk
of their individual duties.
The following individuals do NOT need to comply with this Health Directive:
1. Any individual who has a physical disability that prevents easily wearing or
removing a face covering;
2. Any individual who is deaf and uses facial and mouth movements as part of
3. Any individual who has been advised by a medical professional that wearing a
face covering may pose a risk to that individual for health-related reasons;
4. Any individual who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated, or
otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
The District will provide appropriate PPE as needed based on health and safety
Certain circumstances may require alternative protection to be considered beyond the
identified acceptable face coverings. In these instances, specific approval must be
obtained through the immediate supervisor and Human Resources.
The district shall provide appropriate PPE and training for employees who must perform
tasks related to the duties of the position and the potential risk that an employee may face
such as having to work within physical distancing guidelines and potential exposure
through activities such as toileting, or forms of therapy that may require person to person
In instances where specific recommendations and safety measures will be difficult to
ensure, the employee will be made aware of any additional risk they may be exposed to
in the work environment. In such instances, the employee will be involved in determining
alternate or additional safety measures.
F. Assignments:
Coverage of emergency situations. No employee covered under this agreement will cover
in-person instruction to students, for more than one (1) day unless mutually agreed upon
by the employee and supervisor. In the event of a short-term leave of absence for
emergencies (less than 24 hours) the following process will apply:
1. Prior to assigning Bargaining Unit staff, the site administrator will follow
certificated staff emergency coverage processes.
2. The District will provide notification, including the specific classroom and
program to Instructional employees including general school assistants (GSAs)
and Paraeducators who may be assigned to cover classes for up to one (1) day, in
the event that the regularly assigned certificated staff member is not available.
3. Administration will seek volunteers from the Bargaining Unit who would be
interested in covering classrooms.
4. In the event that a volunteer may not be available, a Bargaining Unit employee
may be assigned to the duty not to exceed one (1) workday.
5. If there are insufficient volunteers from the Instructional Support Staff, the
District will provide notification, including the specific classroom and program to
Administrative support staff who may volunteer to cover the class.
6. An employee assigned to emergency coverage in this section will be
compensated at a Class Coverage Premium equal to ten dollars ($10) an hour in
addition to their regular hourly rate during the hours of class coverage for a
minimum of two (2) hours. In the event that multiple staff are in a classroom, the
District will clearly designate the employee.
7. Should an employee be asked to work in this assigned position for more than ten
(10) working days, the District will notify the Union.
All other terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreements not modified in
this MOU will be in full force and effect during the remainder of the school year. This
agreement is non-precedent setting.