Subject-Verb Agreement
A “grammar help worksheet” by Abbie Potter Henry
(Subjects are in bold typeface and verbs are underlined)
Subject-Verb Agreement means that subjects and verbs must always agree in number.
Not only does a verb change its form to tell time, but it also can change its form to indicate how
many subjects it has.
For example, take the verb “run.” When we are in the present tense, the verb “run”
changes form to show that its subject is singular when its subject is anything but “I” or “you.”
Study the following chart.
Singular Subjects Plural Subjects
First Person: I run. We run.
Second Person: You run. You all run.
Third Person: He runs. She runs. The boy runs. They run.
Did you notice that in the third person singular, an “s” was added to the verb form? The
fact is that all present tense verbs have an “s” added to them when the subject is third person
Think for a moment about the verbs, walk, run, eat, sleep, try, study, and work. Now,
give these verbs the subject “I.” I walk; I run; I eat; the pronoun “I” is the only word that can
be a first person subject; likewise, the word “you” is the only word that can be a second person
subject. The present tense verb for you remains the same as for “I.” You walk; you run; you eat.
However, when we change the subject “I or “you to he,” or “the cat,” we must add an
“s.” to each verb. The cat walks; the cat runs; the cat eats; etc. This is a simple rule that most of
us automatically use without even thinking, and it applies to every singular third person verb in
the entire English language, from walk/walks to run/runs to laugh/laughs to cry/cries. This also
includes the helping verbs do/does, is/are, and has/have.
While we are not likely to write or speak the following sentences: I walks; They walks;
The cat walk, if we do, we create a Subject-Verb Agreement Error.
Subject-Verb Agreement Errors are very serious and signal that the writer does not
have mastery over the English Language. Thus, it is important that writers understand the
following thirteen different situations that might cause subject-verb agreement errors. Because
of these special situations, there are thirteen corresponding rules to ensure that our subjects and
verbs always agree in number.
Once you have gone over these 13 rules and written your own example sentences, you
can practice your skill on the website Chompchomp.com. Once on the website, go to “Exercises
and find “Subject-Verb Agreement.” Have fun and keep writing.
13 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement
1. Two or more subjects joined by “and” are considered plural and require a verb form
without an “s.”
a. Example: Jan, John, and Bob walk to the store.
Bob and his brothers walk to the store.
Create your own examples here:
2. If a subject is modified by the words “each” or “every” that subject is singular and will
take a verb form that ends in “s.
a. Example: Each boy and girl walks to the store.
Create your own examples here:
3. If plural subjects are joined by “or,” “nor,” or “but,” the verb must only agree with the
subject that is closest to it.
a. Example: Either Bob or his brother walks to the store.
Neither Bob nor his brothers walk to the store.
Not Bob but his brothers walk to the store
Not Bob but his brother walks to the store
Create your own examples here:
4. Indefinite pronouns* are usually singular and take a verb form that ends in “s. (You will
find a list of indefinite pronouns at the end of this handout.)
a. Example: Everyone walks to the store.
b. Everything comes back eventually.
Create your own examples here:
*See page 5 for a complete list of these words.
5. The subject of a verb is never in a prepositional* or verbal phrase. Therefore, you must
isolate the phrase and find the proper subject.
a. Example: The mother duck (with all of her little ducklings) walks to the store.
The mother duck (including all her ducklings) walks to the store.
Create your own examples here:
6. Some indefinite pronouns and nouns will be singular or plural depending on the object of
the prepositional phrase. These words are always about number or amount such as: all,
half, some, none, most, part, etc.
a. Example: Some (of the students) are gone.
Some (of the cake) is gone.
The mother duck and all (of her ducklings) walk to the store.
Create your own examples here:
7. When a collective noun, such as family, group, committee, or class, is the subject, the
verb will end in “s.
a. Example: My family with all my crazy cousins always walks to the store.
Create your own examples here:
8. A few nouns, such as economics, mumps, measles, or news end in “s” but are considered
singular. You can tell these “s” words are singular because if you take the “s” away, you
don’t have a noun. For example, economic and new are adjectives that describe a noun.
Mump and measle just don’t make any sense.
a. Example: Economics is her favorite subject.
Create your own examples here:
*See page 5 for a list of common prepositions.
9. When the subject is a unit of measurement of time, distance, money, weight, etc. The
unit is considered singular, and the verb will end in “s.
a. Example: Ten pounds of chocolate is too much to eat at once.
b. Thirteen feet of kite string tangles very easily.
Create your own examples here:
10. In a question or in a sentence that begins with there or here, the verb will often come
before the subject.
a. Example: Where is my sweater?
There are my sweaters.
Create your own examples here:
11. The verb must agree only with the subject.
a. Example: The biggest problem we face is all the squirrels that have rabies
around here.
Create your own examples here:
12. Gerunds (“ing” words) can be subjects and follow all the same rules above.
a. Example: Running with ducks is my favorite sport.
Running to the store and flying through the air are my favorite sports.
Create your own examples here:
13. When using who, that or which, you must look to the noun these relative pronouns are
referring to in order to determine whether the subject is singular and will have a verb
ending in “s” or is plural and have a verb without an “s.
a. Example: The girls who eat cake are happy.
The girl who eats cake is happy.
Create your own examples here:
Words that can cause confusion with Subject Verb Agreement
Indefinite pronouns that always take a singular verb form:
anybody either neither one
anyone everybody nobody somebody
anything everyone no one someone
each everything nothing something
Peculiar Pronouns and Nouns that can be singular or plural depending upon context:
(Notice these all refer to amount.)
all most some none half part
Common Prepositions
(Remember, a subject never shows up in a prepositional phrase, but these phrases often come
between a subject and its verb.)
about above across after among around as
at because of before Behind below beneath beside
between by during except for from in
in spite of into like near of on onto
over past through till to toward under
until up upon with without
Pronoun agreement
Pronouns that take the place of a noun must be either plural or singular just like the noun they
Example Everyone has his or her own way of thinking. Correct
Everyone has their own way of thinking. Incorrect
All the rules of pronoun agreement are based on the rules of subject-verb agreement.
Pronouns must also agree in person.
Example: I love the beach because I can get a good tan. Correct
I love the beach because you can get a good tan. Incorrect