Beurer GmbH
Söfl inger Straße 218
89077 Ulm, Germany
instructions for use
Step by step
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 3
1 Getting to know your instrument ................................................................................ 4
1.1 Delivery scope, replacements and accessories .....................................................................5
1.2 Functions of the device .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Signs and symbols .................................................................................................................7
2 Warnings and safety notes ............................................................................................. 8
3 Description of units and accessories .....................................................................12
3.1 Blood glucose monitor .........................................................................................................12
3.2 Lancing aid and lancet needles ...........................................................................................12
3.3 Display symbols ...................................................................................................................13
3.4 Test strips .............................................................................................................................14
4 Initial use and basic settings ....................................................................................... 15
4.1 Removing the battery insulation strips, replacing the batteries ........................................... 15
4.2 Making and changing basic settings ................................................................................... 16
5 Measuring blood glucose values .............................................................................. 17
5.1 Preparing to take a blood sample ........................................................................................17
5.2 Taking a blood sample ......................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Reading out result and highlighting measurements .............................................................21
5.4 Post-processing and disposal ............................................................................................. 22
5.5 Evaluating measured blood glucose values ........................................................................ 23
5.6 Functional check with control solution ................................................................................ 24
6 Measurement memory ...................................................................................................27
6.1 Displaying individual values .................................................................................................27
6.2 Displaying average blood glucose values ............................................................................28
6.3 Displaying average blood glucose values for highlighted values .........................................29
6.4 Deleting individual measured values from the memory ....................................................... 30
6.5 Deleting the entire memory for measured values ................................................................ 31
6.6 Reset to basic settings ......................................................................................................... 31
6.7 Transferring measurements to a PC ..................................................................................... 31
7 Storing, maintaining and disinfecting the device .............................................. 32
7.1 Cleaning ..............................................................................................................................32
7.2 Disinfection ..........................................................................................................................33
8 What if there are problems? ........................................................................................ 33
9 Technical specifications ...............................................................................................35
10 Guarantee and customer service..............................................................................38
4 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing one of our products. Our name stands for high-quality, thoroughly tested
products for applications in the areas of heat, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose measurement,
body temperature, pulse, gentle therapy, massage and air.
Please read these Instructions for Use carefully and keep them for later use, be sure to make them
accessible to other users and observe the notes they contain.
With kind regards
Your Beurer team.
Getting to know your instrument
The GL44 blood glucose monitor is intended for fast and simple blood glucose measurement of
fresh capillary blood samples, either for self-testing or in a clinical environment by trained personnel.
It enables quick and easy blood glucose measurement, measured values to be stored and the aver-
age of all measured values to be displayed to ideally assist you in monitoring diabetes. The test is
performed exclusively externally (IVD).
The large backlit display shows measured values clearly. The user-friendly design with handy test
strips and a reduction in the controls to a few buttons guarantee simple, yet reliable measurements.
The device can be connected directly to a PC using the USB cable provided. You can evaluate the
measured values on your PC using blood glucose diary software and use the results to monitor your
blood glucose values.
Beurer blood glucose software is available as a free download at
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 5
1.1 Delivery scope, replacements and accessories
Check that the set packaging has not been tampered with and check the contents for completeness.
Before use, ensure that all packaging materials are removed and that there is no visible damage to
the unit or accessories. When in doubt, do not use the unit and contact your dealer or the customer
service address provided.
A 1 Blood glucose monitor
B 1 Lancing device with AST cap to take blood samples from alternative body parts
C 10 test strips
D 10 sterile lancet needles
E 2 button cell batteries, 3 V CR2032 (already inserted)
F 1 practical case
G 1 USB cable
These Instructions for use, additional information
If the packaging has sustained considerable damage or the contents are incomplete, please return
the system to your retailer.
The blood glucose monitor, test strips and additionally available control solutions have been specially
designed to complement each other. For this reason, use only test strips and control solutions that
have been approved for this blood glucose monitor.
Use original manufacturer accessories only.
6 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Follow-up purchases
You can also obtain test strips, control solution and lancet needles without a prescription.
Item REF
50 test strips REF 464.15
100 test strips REF 464.13
Control solution LEVEL 3 and 4 REF 464.16
100 lancet needles REF 457.01
1.2 Functions of the device
This device is intended for measuring the blood glucose content in human blood. It is also suitable
for self-testing at home.
The blood glucose monitor enables you to quickly and simply:
Measure your blood glucose level,
Display, highlight and save measured values,
Display the average measured blood glucose value from the last 7, 14, 30 and 90 days,
Display the average of the highlighted measured blood glucose values from the last 7, 14, 30 and 90
Set the time and date,
Trans fer sto red measured values to a PC for evalu ati on (ad dit ion al acc ess ori es requ ired ).
The blood glucose monitor also includes the following monitoring functions:
Warning in the event of unsuitable temperatures.
Low battery display.
Low test strips warning.
Do not use the device to diagnose diabetes; it is intended for regular monitoring only.
Please consult your GP with regard to insulin doses.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 7
1.3 Signs and symbols
The symbols on the packaging, type plate of the blood glucose monitor and accessories represent
the following:
In vitro diagnostics Manufacturer
Serial number
Please observe the Instructions
for Use
Temperature limit
+2 °C to +30 °C
PCT: certification symbol for
products that are exported to
the Russian Federation and
members of the CIS
Not for re-use/For single use
Use by
Green dot (Der Grüne Punkt):
German dual waste collection
Maximum shelf life after initial
opening in months
Contents sucient for <n> tests
Batch designation
Order number
Sterilised by radiation (lancets)
Unit of measurement for blood
glucose value
Warning, please observe ac-
companying documents
Biohazard, risk of infection
In the Instructions for Use, the symbols represent the following:
Warning indicating a risk of injury or risk to your health/your patients’ health.
Safety note indicating possible damage to the unit/accessory.
Note on important information
8 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Risk of infection
All components of the blood glucose monitor and its accessories may come into contact
with human blood and are therefore a possible source of infections.
This blood glucose monitor must display the blood glucose content in mg/dL. The unit of meas-
urement mg/dL accompanies each blood glucose value. Please contact our customer service
if the device does not display mg/dL. You risk damaging your health if you measure your blood
glucose value using a unit of measurement with which you are not familiar, misinterpret the
values and therefore take incorrect measures.
When using the blood glucose monitor for various persons, please observe the generally applicable
regulations regarding disinfection, safety and contamination.
Medical carers and others who use this system on several patients must be aware that all products
or objects that come into contact with human blood must be handled, even after cleaning, as though
they could transfer pathogens.
The lancing device is suitable for self-testing. Do not share the lancing aid or the lancet needles with
others or amongst various patients (risk of infection!).
Use a new, sterile lancet needle for each blood sample (for single use only).
General notes
Do not use the device in the vicinity of strong electromagnetic fields and keep it away from radio
systems or mobile telephones.
Measuring the blood glucose content
The measurements taken by you are for your information only – they are no substitute for a medical
examination! Regularly consult your GP regarding your measured values. Do not alter the procedures
prescribed by your GP.
Despite the simple usage of the Beurer GL44 monitor for self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, you
may possibly need to obtain instructions for using the system from your healthcare professional (for
example, your GP, chemist or diabetes consultant). Only proper use will guarantee exact measure-
A lack of water, high fluid loss, for example perspiration, frequent passing of water, severe hypoten-
sion (low blood pressure), shock or hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic non-ketotic coma may lead to
incorrect measured results.
An excessively high or low hematocrit value (proportion of red blood cells) may lead to incorrect
measurements. In the event of a very high hematocrit value (above 55%), the displayed blood glu-
cose value may be too low; in the event of a very low hematocrit value (below 30%), it may be too
high. Please consult your GP if you do not know your hematocrit value.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 9
Do not use the test strips to measure blood glucose values on newborns.
Do not use NaF or potassium oxalate anticoagulants to prepare for venous blood samples.
Do not test any severely ill patients using this device.
Lipemia eects: High blood triglyceride values of up to 1000 mg/dL hardly influence the results.
However, triglyceride values above this level may aect the blood glucose test.
High blood cholesterol values of up to 500 mg/dL hardly influence the results. However, cholesterol
values above this level may aect the blood glucose test.
Use fresh capillary whole blood only. Do not use serum or plasma.
Use capillary blood without squeezing the penetration area. If the area is squeezed, the blood is di-
luted with tissue fluid and this may lead to an incorrect measuring result.
Do not use the test strips above an altitude of 7010 m.
Very high levels of humidity may influence the test results. Relative humidity of more than 90% may
lead to inexact results.
The Beurer GL44 mg/dL measuring system is intended to measure capillary whole blood.
Storage and maintenance
Store the blood glucose monitor and its accessories out of the reach of small children and pets.
Small parts, such as lancet needles, parts of the lancing device, batteries or test strips may be life-
threatening when swallowed. If swallowed, immediately seek medical attention.
The test strip box contains desiccant, which may irritate the skin or eyes when inhaled or swallowed.
Keep the box out of the reach of children.
The blood glucose monitor is made from precision and electronic components. The accuracy of the
measurements and service life of the device depend on its careful handling:
Protect the device and its accessories from impacts, humidity, dirt, strong temperature fluctuations
and direct sunlight. Do not store the device, test strips and control solution in your vehicle, in the
bathroom or in a cooling appliance!
Do not drop the device.
Batteries/Saving measured values
Keep batteries out of the reach of children. Children may put batteries in their mouth and swallow
them. This may severely damage their health. If aected, immediately seek medical attention!
Normal batteries must not be charged, heated or thrown into an open fire (risk of explosion!).
Do not disassemble or short-circuit the batteries.
Always replace all batteries at the same time and use batteries of the same type.
Leaking batteries may damage the device. If you do not intend to use the device for longer periods,
remove the batteries from the battery compartment.
10 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Leaked or damaged batteries may burn the skin. In this case, use suitable protective gloves.
The stored blood glucose values are retained when the batteries are replaced. If applicable, the date
and time must be reset after replacing the batteries.
Use lithium-ion batteries only.
Do not open the device. Failure to comply will result in voiding of the warranty.
Do not repair the device. Faultless functionality can no longer be guaranteed in this case.
Do not dismantle the lancing device into individual parts, except in the steps described in these in-
Please contact our customer service for repairs.
It is essential to comply with the generally applicable safety precautions for handling blood when
disposing of materials of the blood glucose monitor. Dispose of all blood samples and materials
with which you or your patients come into contact correctly in order to prevent injury and infection
of other persons.
After use, dispose of test strips and lancets in a puncture-proof container.
Batteries must not be disposed of with the household waste. As a consumer, you are required by
law to recycle used batteries. You can recycle your old batteries at public collection points in your
community or wherever batteries of this type are sold.
The codes below are printed on batteries containing harmful substances:
Pb = Battery contains lead,
Cd = Battery contains cadmium,
Hg = Battery contains mercury.
For environmental reasons, do not dispose of the device with the household waste at the end
of its service life. Please dispose of the device in accordance with EC Directive 2002/96/EC –
WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). If you have any questions, please contact
the local authorities responsible for waste disposal.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 11
3.1 Blood glucose monitor
1 Receptacle for test strips, illuminated
2 Display
3 Highlight button
4 On/O button
5 PC port
6 “+ –” rocker switch
1 Battery compartment
(bottom side)
2 Reset button
3.2 Lancing aid and lancet needles
1 Cap
2 AST Cap
3 Protective lancet disc
4 Sterile lancet needles
5 Lancet holder
6 Safety switch
7 Trigger
8 Tensioning device
12 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
3.3 Display symbols
1 Date
2 Symbols for highlighting measurements
3 Measured value display, HI, LO display, average
blood glucose value, Err
4 Blood droplet symbol
5 Speaker symbol
6 Hand symbol
7 Test strip symbol
8 Blood glucose unit mmol/L – not functional
9 Blood glucose unit mg/dL
10 Replace battery symbol
11 Memory symbol
12 Temperature symbol
13 Time
The blood glucose monitor is supplied with the following basic settings:
Blood glucose unit: mg/dL
Acoustic signal on
Backlighting on
3.4 Test strips
Front Rear
1 Gap for blood input
2 Handle
3 Contacts
You can identify the rear by the contact tracks.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 13
Insert the test strip into the device so
that the contacts are pointing inside
the slot.
Please ensure that the front of the test
strip is facing you.
Carefully read the following information on handling and storing your test strips. Please observe all
notes to ensure that the test strips supply accurate measured results.
Use each test strip only once and for one patient only!
Handling test strips
Immediately securely close the test strip box after taking out a test strip.
Do not use the test strips if they have expired. The use of expired test strips may lead to incorrect
measurements. The expiry date is printed on the box next to the hourglass symbol .
Test strips expire three months after the box is opened. Make a note of the expiry date (opening date
+ 3 months ) on the label. The shelf life is limited to the expiry date (see date next to the hourglass
symbol ).
Do not use the test strips if one of the expiry dates has passed ( / ).
You c an touch the te st s tr ip a t an y po in t wi th c le an , dr y hands .
Use the test strip for measurement immediately after removing it from the box.
Do not bend, cut or otherwise modify the test strips.
Do not use test strips that have come into contact with fluids.
Storing test strips
Keep the test strips in a cool, dry place above +2 °C and below +30 °C. Do not expose the test strips
to direct sunlight or heat. Do not store in your vehicle, in the bathroom or in a cooling appliance.
Permitted relative air humidity below 90 %.
Keep the test strips in the original box only – never use other containers.
14 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
4.1 Removing the battery insulation strips, replacing the batteries
Two ba tter ies a re i ncluded in the d eli v-
ery scope of the blood glucose monitor.
These have already been inserted into
the battery compartment.
Remove the insulation strip before initial
Remove the battery compartment lid on the bottom side of the device.
Remove all batteries when replacing batteries. The device retains the date and time as long
as one battery is still inserted. If applicable, reset the date and time (see “Making and chang-
ing basic settings” on page 14).
Insert two new CR 2032 3 V batteries. Make sure that the batteries are inserted with the cor-
rect polarity, according to the label. Please observe the graphic in the battery compartment.
Subsequently close the battery compartment lid carefully.
The batteries are almost empty if the replace battery symbol appears. Replace both batteries
as soon as possible.
appears on the display, the battery power level is so low that no more measurements are
4.2 Making and changing basic settings
Remove the batteries and reinsert them. Alternatively, press the “+” button
and the On/O button for a minimum of five seconds.
An acoustic signal sounds.
The year display flashes.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 15
Setting the date and time
You must set the date and time. Otherwise, you will not be able to save your measured values
correctly with a date and time to retrieve them later.
The time is displayed in the 24-hour format.
Set the year (calendar to 2099) by pressing the “+” or “–” button. Confirm by pressing the On/
O button [4].
The day display flashes.
Proceed as described above for the month, day, hour and minute.
and will be displayed. The background of the display is simultaneously illumi-
nated for a few seconds.
Switch backlighting on/o
To switch the blue backlighting o, press the “+” or “–” button.
” and “ ” will be displayed. Confirm by pressing the On/O button [4].
, “ ” and the speaker symbol are displayed.
Switching the acoustic signal on/o
To switch the acoustic signal o, press the “+” or “–” button.
” and “ ” is displayed.
The speaker symbol is no longer shown in the display.
Confirm by pressing the On/O button [4].
” and “ ” are displayed.
Deleting stored values
Proceed as follows to delete stored values:
Press the
button. “Mem” and “ ” are displayed
Confirm by pressing the On/O button
. “Mem” and “ flash in the display.
To irreversib ly del ete yo ur value s, pres s the On /O butto n a gain to conrm. Mem ”, and
” are displayed.
If you do not wish to delete your values, press the “+” or “–” button. “
” and “ ” are dis-
played again. Confirm by pressing the On/O button.
The blood glucose monitor is now ready for operation
16 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
If the protective disc on a lancet needle has already been removed, do not use the lancet needle.
If you have dropped the lancing aid with an inserted lancet needle, carefully pick it up and dispose
of the lancet.
Use the lancing aid only with lancet needles by the same manufacturer. The use of other lancet nee-
dles may impede the functionality of the lancing aid.
If you are using a third-party lancing aid, please read the respective Instructions for Use.
5.1 Preparing to take a blood sample
Choose a part of the body from which to take a blood sample. The lancing aid is intended
for taking blood samples from the fingertip or other body parts such as the palm of the hand,
forearm or upper arm. We recommend taking blood samples from the fingertip. To make the
procedure as painless as possible, do not take samples directly from the centre of the finger-
tip, but slightly to either side.
In the event of suspected hypoglycaemia: take blood from the fingertip only.
Reason: changes to the blood glucose level can be determined quickly in blood samples taken
from the fingertip.
Blood samples from the fingertip and samples taken from another body part (AST) may lead
to completely dierent measured results. It is essential to seek medical advice before taking
measurements from other body parts.
Prepare the following items: blood glucose monitor, test strip box, lancing aid, sterile lancet
needle. You will also need the AST cap for measurements at other body parts.
Wash your hands with soap and warm water before taking a blood sample. This not only en-
sures optimal hygiene but also encourages good blood circulation at the puncture area on the
finger. Carefully dry your hands. Also ensure that the puncture area is hygienically clean when
taking blood samples from other body parts (AST).
If you have used alcohol for cleaning, ensure that the area has fully dried prior to measuring.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 17
5.2 Taking a blood sample
Change the puncture area for each measurement, e.g. a dierent finger or the other hand. Repeat-
edly using the same area may cause inflammation, numbness or scarring.
Without the cap, there is a danger of injury from the exposed lancet.
Do not use the AST cap to take blood samples from the finger.
Do not squeeze your finger to obtain a larger drop of blood. If squeezed, the blood is diluted with
tissue fluid and this may lead to an incorrect measuring result.
Please note that insucient blood circulation at the puncture area, e.g. caused by cold temperatures
or illness, may lead to incorrect results.
Do not apply any blood samples or control solutions to the test strips before placing these in the
measuring device.
Remove the cap from the lancing device.
Place a sterile lancet needle into the lancing aid and secure the lancet.
Rotate the lancet to remove the protective disc while holding the shaft
of the lancet. Keep the protective disc to safely dispose of the used
lancet needle after taking a blood sample.
Use various caps depending on the area from which you take the
Fingertip: Cap
Other body parts: AST cap (transparent)
Place the selected cap on the lancing device.
18 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Setting the penetration depth
You can se t se ve n diere nt pen etration dep th s on th e la nc in g de-
vice. The penetration depth is displayed by the markings in the cap.
soft or thin skin
normal skin
thick or callous skin
Turn the moving upper part of the cap until the desired penetration
depth is displayed.
When using the AST cap, penetration depth does not need to be set.
Pull the tensioning device back until it audibly engages. Release the
tensioning device. This automatically snaps back into the default po-
sition. The lancing device is now ready for use.
Put the already prepared lancing aid to one side and prepare the device for measurement.
Take a test strip from the box and immediately close it again.
Hold the blood glucose monitor so that the display is facing you.
Firmly insert a test strip into the device with the contacts first. Please
make sure that the front is facing you. You can touch the test strip at
any point with clean, dry hands.
Use the test strip within three minutes of taking it from the box.
The device automatically switches on and shows the start display. The device is ready for
measurement as soon as the hand and the droplet symbol flash.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 19
You may now use the lancing aid to take a blood sample. Please en-
sure that the blood remains a droplet and is not spread. Immediately
use the blood droplet to take a measurement.
Blood sample from the fingertip
The best penetration areas are the middle finger and
the ring finger. Firmly position the lancing aid slightly
to the side of the centre of the fingertip. Press the
trigger. Remove the lancing aid from the finger. A
round drop of blood of at least 0.6 microlitres (cor-
responds to approx. 1.4 mm, original size:
) must have formed.
Blood samples from other body parts (AST)
Find a soft area away from bones, without any visible blood vessels
and with as little hair as possible. Warm the penetration area to en-
hance circulation by gently massaging the area. Press and hold the
lancing aid against the penetration area for a few seconds and sub-
sequently press the trigger.
Continue to hold the lancing aid against the skin until a round drop
of blood has formed under the cap. Maintain the pressure until the
drop of blood reaches a size of at least 0.6 microlitres (corresponds
to approx. 1.4 mm, original size: )
Carefully lift the lancing aid o the skin.
Only take blood from other areas at the following times:
On an empty stomach (more than two hours after most recent meal).
At least two hours after administration of insulin.
At least two hours after physical activity.
Please also note the following:
If the blood glucose test results do not match how you feel, carry out another test using blood
from the fingertips.
DO NOT change your treatment purely on the basis of a measurement that was carried out
using blood taken from an alternative area. Carry out another test with blood from the finger-
tips in order to confirm the test result.
If you often fail to notice that you have a low blood glucose level, carry out a test using blood
from the fingertips.
If there is an insucient amount of blood, repeat steps 1 to 12 with a greater penetration depth.
When using the AST cap, repeat measurement at dierent parts of the body.
20 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
14 Hold the blood input gap (at the tip of the test strip) to the drops
of blood until the gap is completely filled and the measuring de-
vice in the display starts counting backwards. Do not press the
penetration area (fingertip or other body parts) to the test strip.
The blood must not be spread. The blood is sucked into the gap.
Error message “002” appears on the display if the gap was not correctly and suciently filled
with blood. Repeat the measurement using a new test strip and a greater penetration depth.
Do not add blood later if the device does not start measurement. Remove the test strip and end this
test. Use a new test strip.
The device switches itself o if the test strip has already been inserted into the device but no blood
is added to the test strip within two minutes. Briefly remove the test strip and reinsert it so that the
device automatically switches itself back on.
Contact our customer service if you are unable to fully cover the test strip in blood.
If you are measuring in a dark environment, press the On/O button to switch the device on. The test
strip light switches on and makes it easier to insert the test strip. The backlight is also switched on
in the results display.
5.3 Reading out result and highlighting measurements
Evaluating result
As soon as the gap is suciently filled with blood, the device performs the blood glucose measure-
ment. The blood glucose monitor counts down for approx. five seconds.
The measured result is subsequently shown on the display.
Read the measured values. For explanations and measures for the measured values, see chapter
“5.5 Evaluating measured blood glucose values”. If an error message is displayed, read chapter
“8. What if there are problems?”
Highlighting measured values
You have the following options to highlight measured values.
Before meals.
After meals.
General highlight (e.g. after exercising).
Highlighting measured values enables you, your GP or diabetes consultant to better check your
blood glucose values. For example, you can display the average values of all measurements taken
before meals.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 21
The measured value can be highlighted as soon as it is displayed. You cannot highlight it later.
For this purpose, briefly press the highlight button [3].
a) Pressing once highlights the value with
b) Pressing again highlights the value with .
c) Pressing yet again highlights the value with .
d) Pressing once more removes the highlight.
The selected highlight is stored in the memory of the device when it is switched o.
5.4 Post-processing and disposal
Remove the test strip from the device and carefully dispose of it according to the currently
applicable regulations to avoid infecting others.
Carefully undo the cap from the lancing device and remove it.
Place the stored protective disc flat on a hard surface. Stick the tip
of the needle into the protective disc so the needle is covered. Take
care not to touch the used lancet.
Press and hold the trigger and pull the tensioning device with your
other hand. This causes the lancet to drop out of the holder.
Carefully dispose of all blood samples and materials that came into
contact with you or your patient. Dispose of the lancet in a puncture-
proof container. This prevents injuries and the infection of others.
Replace the cap onto the lancing device.
22 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
5.5 Evaluating measured blood glucose values
You r blood glu co se mo ni tor ca n proc es s va lues be tw ee n 20 an d 630 mg/ dL . The warning is
displayed for measured results below 20 mg/dL. The “ ” warning is displayed for measured results
above 630 mg/dL.
If you suspect that the blood glucose results are incorrect, first repeat the test and, if applicable,
perform a functional test using control solution. Seek medical advice if doubtful results persist.
Immediately seek medical attention if your symptoms are not in line with your measured blood glu-
cose values and you have observed all instructions for the Beurer GL44 blood glucose monitoring
Do not ignore symptoms of too high/low blood glucose levels. Seek medical attention.
Blood glucose
The following table provides a classification of blood glucose values according to the diabetes guide-
lines of the Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG, German diabetes association).
Time of blood glucose
Normal blood
glucose values
Suspicion Diabetes
With an empty
Whole blood, capillary
Below 90 mg/dL 90 –109 mg/dL 110 mg/dL
Plasma venous
Below 100 mg/dL 100 –125 mg/dL 126 mg/dL
Two hours after a meal
Below 140 mg/dL 140 –199 mg/dL 200 mg/dL
Source: Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) 2009
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 23
Evaluating critical measured values
Display Blood glucose Action
Very low blood glucose level
Below 20 mg/dL
Immediately seek medical attention.
Low blood glucose level
Below 70 mg/dL
Have a suitable snack.
Follow your GP’s instructions.
High blood glucose level
On an empty stomach above
100 mg/dL
Two hours after a meal
Above 140 mg/dL
If this high value persists two hours af-
ter your last meal, this may indicate hy-
perglycaemia. Seek medical attention to
coordinate any measures, if applicable.
High blood glucose level,
possibly ketones
Above 240 mg/dL
Perform a ketone test. For this purpose,
seek medical attention.
Very high blood glucose level
Above 630 mg/dL
Take another measurement using a new
test strip. If the result is identical:
seek medical attention immediately.
5.6 Functional check with control solution
The control solution is used to test the entire blood glucose monitoring system. This helps to de-
termine whether the monitor and the test strips are working optimally together and whether the test
was performed correctly.
Perform the control solution test if you suspect that the blood glucose monitor and/or the test strips
could be faulty or if you have repeatedly measured unusual blood glucose values. Also test the blood
glucose monitor if it has fallen down or is damaged. The control solution is available separately. Please
observe the additional notes in the Instructions for Use of the control solution for the test.
Do not use third-party control solution. Correct functioning of your measuring device can only be
tested using Beurer control solutions (LEVEL3 + LEVEL4).
Control solution measurements: When using the device, specialist personnel must follow statutory
Do not apply any blood samples or control solutions to the test strips before placing these in the
measuring device.
24 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Performing a functional test using control solution
To obtain correct results, the measuring device, the test strip and the control solution must be the
same temperature. For the “Functional test using the control solution”, the temperature is to be be-
tween 20 °C and 26 °C.
Hold the blood glucose monitor so that the display is facing you.
Insert a test strip into the slot on the blood glucose monitor with the contacts first. Make sure
that the front of the test strip is facing you (see “Test strip” on page 12).
The device automatically switches on and briefly shows the start display. The device is ready
for measurement as soon as the hand and the symbol flash.
IMPORTANT: Control solutions and blood react to temperature influences in dierent ways.
It is therefore of vital importance that control solution measurement is always performed in
control solution mode. If this mode is not used, results may be obtained that are outside the
target range.
Press the rocker switch “+” or “–” to change to the control mode. “
” is shown on the dis-
play. This means that the result value is not stored in the memory, therefore not influencing
your measured value statistics. Press “+” or “–” again. disappears from the display and
the value is stored normally in the memory.
A clean surface is required to perform a correct functional test.
Shake the control solution well before use.
Undo the cap and press two drops next to each other on the
clean surface without touching them. Use the second drop for
the measurement.
Do not apply the drop directly to the test strip to avoid contaminating the remaining control
solution in the bottle by touching the test strip with the tip of the bottle.
Hold the input gap (at the tip of the test strip) to the drops of control solution until the gap is
completely filled and the measuring device in the display starts counting backwards.
If the gap is suciently filled with solution, the device performs a measurement. The devices
counts down for approx. five seconds. The measured result is subsequently shown on the
Check whether the result is within the specified range of results for the control solution. This
range of results is printed on the test strip box.
Expected results
At room temperature, the measured values of the test using the control solution should be within the
range printed on the test strip box in approx. 95 % of all tests.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 25
The result range printed on the test strip box applies only to the control solution. This is not a rec-
ommended value for your blood glucose level.
If measured values are outside the specified range, check the following possible causes:
Cause Action
The first drop of control solution was not dis-
posed of.
The tip of the bottle was not cleaned correctly.
The bottle was not shaken well enough.
Rectify the cause and repeat the test.
Control solution and/or test strips have passed
their expiry date or are contaminated.
Repeat the test using a new bottle of control
solution and/or new test strip.
The control solution, test strips or blood glucose
monitor are too warm or too cold.
Bring the control solution, test strips and blood
glucose monitor to room temperature (+20 °C to
+26 °C) and repeat the test.
The test strips and control solution were kept at
temperatures and in humidity outside the speci-
fied range.
Repeat the test using new/correctly stored test
strips and control solution.
Damaged test strips.
For example
Test strips that were exposed to fresh air for
too long.
The test strip box was not closed completely.
Repeat the test using a new test strip and/or a
new box of correctly stored test strips.
Old test strips. Open a new box of test strips. Repeat the test.
There is a problem with the blood glucose moni-
Contact our customer service.
Functional test was incorrectly performed. Repeat the test and follow the instructions.
Do not use the system to measure your blood glucose level if you are repeatedly provided with
measured values outside the specified range when using control solution. Contact our customer
26 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
For each measurement, your blood glucose value is automatically saved with the date and time un-
less “ ” was activated for a blood glucose measurement using control solution.
The memory can store a maximum of 480 measured values. If the memory is full, the oldest value is
replaced by the most recent value. You can call up every individual measured blood glucose value.
You can also calculate and display the average value for the last 7, 14, 30 and 90 days.
If you have already saved measured values and you reset the date, the average values are calculated
as from the new period.
“---” indicates an empty memory for measured values. Press the On/O button to switch o the de-
6.1 Displaying individual values
Individual values of the last 480 measurements are displayed. The most recent measured value is dis-
played first, and the oldest last. The blood glucose monitor simultaneously shows the date and time.
Switch the monitor on using the on/o button [4]. The initial display is shown briefly. Press
rocker switch [6].
” and the number of saved blood glucose tests are displayed briefly (Image 1). The
display then changes to the saved values including the measurement unit, date, time,
” and any possible highlighting. (Image 2).
Image 1 Image 2
Pressing the rocker switch “–” [6] will each time display the memory space number and then
the previous measured value. You can display a maximum of 480 previous measurements.
You can cancel the process at any time. For this purpose, press the On/O button or wait
until the device switches itself o automatically after two minutes.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 27
6.2 Displaying average blood glucose values
You can display the average measured blood glucose value from the last 7, 14, 30 and 90 days.
Switch the monitor on using the on/o button [4]. The initial display is shown briefly. Press
the “+” rocker switch twice [6].
The measurement unit of the blood glucose value, “ ” and the average value are displayed.
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average value for 7, 14, 30 and 90 days.
You can cancel the process at any time. For this purpose, press the On/O button or wait
until the device switches itself o automatically after two minutes.
Pos. Explanation
1 Average value
2 Time period, e.g. 7
3 Number of saved values used to calculate the aver-
6.3 Displaying average blood glucose values for highlighted values
You can display the average measured blood glucose value for highlighted values from the last 7,
14, 30 and 90 days.
Switch the monitor on using the on/o button [4]. The initial display is shown briefly. Press
the “+” rocker switch twice [6].
The measurement unit of the blood glucose value
and the average value of all meas-
urements are displayed.
28 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average value of all measured values for 14, 30 and
90 days.
After the display of the 90-day average value of all measured
the seven-day average for values measured “before meals”,
the symbol,
the unit of measurement for blood glucose values and
are shown on the display.
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average blood glucose level from the last 14, 30 and
90 days “before meals”
After displaying the average value for 90 days “before meals”
the seven-day average for values measured “after meals”,
the symbol,
the unit of measurement for blood glucose values and
are shown on the display.
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average blood glucose level from the last 14, 30 and
90 days “after meals”
After displaying the average value for 90 days “after meals”
the average for the last seven days of values highlighted as “gen-
the symbol,
the unit of measurement for blood glucose values and
are shown on the display.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 29
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average blood glucose level from the last 14, 30 and
90 days for values highlighted as “general” .
You can cancel the process at any time. For this purpose, press the On/O button or wait
until the device switches itself o automatically after two minutes.
Tip: Speed function
You are in the measurements memory. By pressing the highlight button [3], you can switch to the
dierent 7-day average values. In this way, you can get to the desired average value more quickly.
For example:
6.4 Deleting individual measured values from the memory
Press the buttons as described in 6.1 until the value appears that you would like to delete.
Press and hold the On/O button. Additionally press the “–” button for two seconds.
, “Mem” and the number of the value to be deleted flash.
Press the On/O button again. , the number of the value to be deleted, “Mem” and
are displayed.
If you do not wish to delete the value, briefly press the “+” or “–” button. You are taken back
to the memory spaces.
The device subsequently displays that the following measured value has moved to the memory
space of the deleted measured value.
6.5 Deleting the entire memory for measured values
You have two options to delete the measured value memory.
Option 1: Proceed as described in “4.2 Making and changing basic settings”.
After explaining how to set the beep, the section explains how to delete the measured value memory.
Option 2 is described in the following chapter.
6.6 Reset to basic settings
The blood glucose monitor must be switched o.
Remove the battery compartment lid.
Press the ‘RESET’ button for 1 second. All settings and measured values are subsequently
30 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Close the battery compartment lid again.
The blood glucose monitor is now in the settings mode.
6.7 Transferring measurements to a PC
The GL44 blood glucose monitor includes a PC interface [5] that enables you to transfer measured
values saved on the device to a PC (for the position of the port, see page 11). Beurer blood glucose
software is available as a free download at This software enables you to evaluate
your measured values, add insulin doses and print results. The software helps you and your GP to
better monitor your blood glucose level.
For more information, please read the instructions for use of the blood glucose diary software (also
available to download). There you will find all the information required for the data transfer and a de-
tailed description of the software.
The GL44 monitor is also compatible with Diabass and SiDiary.
An eective evaluation is only possible if you have correctly set the date and time (see page 14).
During data transfer, no measurements can be taken.
The measurements remain saved on the blood glucose monitor after they have been transferred to
the PC.
Use only the USB cable provided for data transfer. Otherwise you may damage your blood glucose
monitor or PC.
Position the blood glucose monitor near to your PC.
Connect the GL44 monitor to your PC using the USB cable provided.
Install the blood glucose diary software on your PC as described in the instructions for use of the
Transferring measurements
The blood glucose monitor must be switched o.
Insert the larger, flat USB connector of the connec-
tion cable into a USB port on your PC. Insert the
mini USB connector into the integrated PC interface
socket on the GL44 monitor.
” is shown on the display of the blood glucose
monitor. The blood glucose monitor is now ready for
the data transfer.
Follow the information on data transfer and evaluation provided in the software and the in-
structions for use of the software.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 31
Keep the Beurer GL44 blood glucose monitor in the case supplied after each measurement and do
not expose it to direct sunlight.
Do not store the device, test strips and control solution in your vehicle, in the bathroom or in a cool-
ing appliance!
Retain these Instructions for Use.
Remove the batteries if you do not intend to use the device for a prolonged period of time.
7.1 Cleaning
Only clean the device when it is switched o.
Clean the surface of the device using a soft, slightly damp cloth (water or a mild cleaning solution).
Dry the device using a lint-free cloth.
Make sure that moisture does not enter the test strip insertion slot. Do not spray cleaning agent di-
rectly on the device. Do not submerge the device in water or any other fluids and make sure that no
fluids can enter the device.
Lancing device
Clean the surface of the lancing device using a soft, slightly damp cloth (water, a mild cleaning so-
lution or rubbing alcohol). The lancing device must not be immersed in water or other liquids or be
cleaned in the dishwasher. Dry the lancing aid using a lint-free cloth.
7.2 Disinfection
Please comply with the generally applicable guidelines on disinfection when using the device on dif-
ferent persons. Do not submerge the device in disinfection solutions or any other fluids and make
sure that no fluids can enter the device.
The blood glucose monitor is made of precision components. The accuracy of the measurements
and service life of the device depend on its careful handling:
Protect the device from impacts and do not drop it.
Protect the device from damaging factors such as moisture, dirt, dust, blood, control solution or
water, strong temperature fluctuations, direct sunlight and extreme cold.
Do not use the device in the vicinity of strong electromagnetic fields, radio systems or mobile tel-
32 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
Display messages on batteries and blood glucose measurement
No. Cause Solution
LP Batteries empty. Replace all batteries.
Temp erat ure of the measuri ng env iron -
ment, blood glucose monitor or test strip
above the permitted range.
Repeat the test using a new test strip as soon
as the measuring environment, blood glucose
monitor and test strips have reached room
temperature (+20 °C to +26 °C).
Temp erat ure of the measuri ng env iron -
ment, blood glucose monitor or test strip
below the permitted range.
Repeat the test using a new test strip as soon
as the measuring environment, blood glucose
monitor and test strips have reached room
temperature (+20 °C to +26 °C).
Used or contaminated test strip inserted.
Insert unused test strip that has not ex-
Repeat the blood glucose measurement.
System error. Remove batteries, reinsert batteries. Contact
our customer service if the problem persists.
Insucient amount of blood on the test
Repeat the measurement using a new test
System error. Remove batteries, reinsert batteries. Contact
our customer service if the problem persists.
Unknown error messages. Remove batteries, reinsert batteries. Contact
our customer service if the problem persists.
Problem: device does not switch on
Cause Solution
Batteries empty. Replace batteries.
Incorrectly inserted or missing batteries.
Check whether the batteries have been inserted
correctly (see “Inserting and replacing the bat-
teries” page 14).
Test st rip in ser ted incor rect ly or n ot com ple tely.
Firmly insert the test strip into the slot on the
device with the contacts first. Make sure that
the front of the test strip is facing you (see “Test
strip” on page 12).
Device faulty. Contact customer service.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 33
Problem: the test does not start after inserting the test strip into the device and applying blood
Cause Solution
Insucient amount of blood or test strip not
filled correctly.
Repeat test using a new test strip and a larger
drop of blood. Please note the correct filling of
the test strip (see page 20).
Faulty test strip. Repeat the test using a new test strip.
Blood was applied while the device was switched
Repeat the test using a new test strip and only
apply blood after and flash.
The basic settings of the device were changed
and the changes were not completed (see “Mak-
ing and changing basic settings” on page 14).
Remove the test strip and press the “On/O
button until “ ” is displayed.
Repeat test.
Device faulty. Contact customer service.
Dimensions (W x H x D) 52 x 95 x 16 mm
Weight 44 g incl. batteries
Power supply 2 x 3 V CR 2032 button cell batteries
Battery life More than 1000 measurements
Measured value memory 480 measured values with date/time
Data retained upon changing batteries
Average values for 7, 14, 30, 90 days
Automatic switch-o Two minutes after last actuation
transport temperature
Temperature: +2 °C – +30 °C
Relative humidity: < 90 %
Operating ranges Temperature: +10 °C – +40 °C
Relative humidity: < 90 % non-condensing
Measuring range, glucose Glucose: 20 630 mg/dL
Blood sample capillary whole blood
Amount of blood 0.6 microlitres
Blood glucose measuring duration Approx. 5 seconds
Calibration Plasma
Test procedure Amperometric bio sensor
Using the device Suitable for self-testing
System function test Upon every switch-on
34 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
This device complies with the European standard EN 61326 and is subject to particular precautions
with regard to electromagnetic compatibility. Please note that portable and mobile HF communica-
tion systems may interfere with this unit. For more details, please contact our customer service at
the address indicated.
Test strip functionality
Test strips enable a quantitative measurement of the glucose level in fresh whole blood. When the gap
for taking blood comes into contact with a drop of blood, it is automatically filled by simple capillary
action. The blood is sucked into the absorbing gap on the test strip and the blood glucose monitor
measures the blood glucose level in the blood.
The test is based on the measurement of an electric current that is generated by the chemical reaction
of the glucose with the enzyme glucose dehydrogenase (Aspergillus sp.) on the strip.
During the reaction, a mediator transports electrons through the electrode surface and so gener-
ates a current.
The blood glucose monitor analyses this current. The current flow is proportional to the glucose con-
tent in the blood sample. The results are shown on the blood glucose monitor display. Only a small
amount of blood is required (0.6 microlitres) and measurement duration is approx. five seconds. The
test strip detects blood glucose values from 20 to 630 mg/dL.
Chemical components of the test strip sensor
FAD glucose dehydrogenase 6 %
Potassium ferricyanide 56 %
Non-reactive components 38 %
Control solution functionality
The control solution contains a fixed amount of glucose that reacts with the test strip. A test with con-
trol solution is similar to a blood test. However, control solution is used instead of blood. The measured
result using control solution must be within the result range. This range is printed on each test strip box.
Chemical composition of the control solution
The control solution is a red solution with the following D-glucose level (in percentage shares):
Ingredients Control solution LEVEL 3 Control solution LEVEL 4
D-glucose 0.14 % 0.37 %
Non-reactive components 99.86 % 99.63 %
The Beurer GL44 monitor corresponds to European guidelines IVD (98/79/EC) and MDD (93/42/EC).
Comparison of measured values with laboratory values
Performance characteristics: accuracy and precision
Whole blood glucose test results were compared to the YSI 2300 laboratory device. At a concen-
tration of < 75 mg/dL, 98 % were at +/-15 mg/dL, while at a glucose concentration of 75 mg/dL,
98 % were within 20 % of the reference values. The CV (coecient of variation) is < 5 %. The blood
glucose monitor is therefore comparable to a laboratory system.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 35
You will find further details and information regarding blood glucose results and various technologies
in generally relevant specialist medical literature.
Usage limits for specialist personnel from the healthcare sector:
1. If the patient shows the following symptoms, it may be the case that no correct values can be
2. Lipaemic samples: cholesterol levels up to 500 mg/dL and triglycerid levels up to 1000 mg/dL do
not influence the results. Severely lipaemic blood samples were not tested with the Beurer GL44
blood glucose monitor; therefore, using the device with these samples is not recommended.
3. In the case of severely ill patients, blood glucose monitors for home use should not be used.
4. The influence of interfering substances on the measurements depends on the concentration in
the blood. The maximum concentrations of certain substances listed below do not significantly
influence the measurements.
of tested substances
80 mg/dL 120 mg/dL 500 mg/dL
Ascorbic acid, 4 mg/dL
-1.8% 4.6%
Ibuprofen, 50 mg/dL 3.1% 2.9% 4.6%
L-dopa, 1.8 mg/dL
7.9% 4.9%
Sodium Salicylate, 50 mg/dL -2.6% 9.4%
Tetracycline, 1.5 mg/dL -5.3% 3.8% 3.2%
Tolbutamide, 100 mg/dL -2.6%
Bilirubin-unconjugated, 2.4 mg/dL -2.5% 4.1%
Uric acid, 8 mg/dL 2.7% 9.6%
Xylose, 4 mg/dL 7.6% 0.8% 7.5%
Blood glucose
36 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
We oer a 3-year product warranty against material and production faults.
The warranty does not cover:
Damage due to improper operation
Wearing parts
Deficiencies already known to the customer upon purchase
Cases of personal negligence on the part of the customer
Outside interference
The warranty does not aect the customer’s statutory rights. To assert a warranty claim within the
warranty period, the customer must provide proof of purchase. The warranty claim must be submit-
ted within a period of 3 years from the date of purchase to BEURER GmbH, Söflinger Straße 218,
D-89077 Ulm (Germany). In the event of a warranty claim, the customer reserves the right to have the
goods repaired at our own workshop or at a workshop authorised by us. No further rights are granted
to the customer (on the basis of the warranty).
Customer service address
Please contact our customer service if you have any questions: Please refer to the address list en-
closed for our customer service address.
OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU: We aim to satisfy you by providing high-quality medical products
and the best customer service. Please contact our customer service if you are not entirely satisfied
with the product.
Beurer GL44 mg/dL 37
38 Beurer GL44 mg/dL
GL44_mg/dL_0913_GB Subject to errors and changes