Transferring Ownership
of Farm Machinery
File A3-32
PM 1450 Revised August 2013
Ag Decision Maker
arm machinery is an important com-
ponent of transferring ownership (In-
formation File Business Ownership
Transfer Process) from the older party to the
younger party. The use and ownership of farm
machinery can be transferred from the older
party (seller or giver) to the younger party
(buyer or recipient) immediately or over sev-
eral years.
Five basic transfer methods are available:
• outright sale,
• installment sale,
• gradual sale over a period of years,
• lease agreement followed by a sale, and
• gift.
Each method has different fi nancial and in-
come tax consequences.
The methods of transferring machinery own-
ership outlined in this section are illustrated
by using examples. These examples are based
on the four machines listed in Example 1 with
a total current market value of $264,000 and
income tax basis of $102,916.
In all cases, a value must be placed on each
piece of equipment at the time it will be trans-
ferred. A machinery dealer or auctioneer may
be willing to make an appraisal for a fee. List
each item as it appears on the
seller’s depreciation schedule
and the value that is agreed
Outright Sale
An outright sale occurs when
the seller of machinery trans-
fers ownership to the buyer
immediately and is paid the
full purchase price by the buyer.
An outright sale gives the buyer complete free-
dom to use, sell, trade, or lease the machinery,
or use it as collateral for securing a loan. The
seller has no further claim to the machinery
and can spend or invest the funds received as
Financial considerations
For an outright sale, the buyer’s payment is
equal to the full agreed-on value of the ma-
chinery. A beginning farmer may fi nd it dif-
cult to generate this much cash from savings
and equity. A third party lender may be willing
to provide a loan if the machinery can serve
as collateral or if the buyer has other assets
to pledge. Beginning farmers with a small net
worth may need a co-signer for a loan. In fam-
ily situations, the co-signer may be the seller
of the machinery.
When the younger party doesn’t want to
use all savings for purchasing machinery, or
doesn’t want to go into debt, other methods
that reduce the initial fi nancial obligation can
be used.
Income tax considerations
The income tax consequences of an outright
sale can be substantial, as shown in Example
Example 1. Inventory of machinery.
Current Market
(sale value)
Original Tax
Last Adjusted
Tax Basis
Tractor no. 1 $70,000 $120,000 $51,456
Tractor no. 2 $40,000 $70,000 0
Planter $24,000 $40,000 $ 2,452
Combine $130,000 $160,000 $49,008
$264,000 $390,000 $102,916
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
2. For the seller, a large amount of recaptured
depreciation and capital gain may arise from
the sale, especially if some assets have an ad-
justed tax basis of zero; that is, they are “de-
preciated out.” Reporting all the income and
gain in one tax year may cause some of it to be
taxed at a higher marginal rate than the seller
usually pays. In addition, most sellers prefer
to spread out or postpone tax payments when-
ever possible.
The buyer can begin depreciating the machin-
ery in the year it is placed in service and may
use the expense method depreciation allow-
ance, if eligible. Buyers who are relatively new
in farming may not have enough taxable farm
income to make use of the maximum expense
method depreciation allowance, however.
Installment Sale
An installment sale gives the buyer immediate
possession and use of the machinery, just as in
an outright sale. However, the seller fi nances
the sale for the purchaser, and periodic pay-
ments are made, as shown in Example 3.
Financial considerations
An installment sale can ease the cash fl ow re-
quirements for a beginning farmer by spread-
ing payments over several years. Compared
with the terms of a commercial loan, an in-
stallment sale may have a longer repayment
term, lower interest rate, and/or a smaller
down payment.
The seller, however, does not have the ben-
efi t of receiving payment as quickly as with
an outright sale. In addition, the machinery
may depreciate faster than the debt is repaid,
causing the collateral value to be less than the
outstanding debt.
In an installment sale, the amount and timing
of the payments can be scheduled to match
the income stream generated by the assets. For
example, the payment for purchasing a line
of machinery may come once a year when the
crops are sold.
The payment schedule also should specify the
rate of interest to be paid on the unpaid bal-
Example 2. Machinery outright sale.
Sale price (Ex. 1): $264,000
depreciation (Ex. 1): $161,084
(264,000 - 102,916)
Capital gain
: $ 0
Beginning basis: $264,000
Depreciation in rst year:
nonfamily sale
-- expensing: $ 38,000
-- MACRS: $ 24,205
[(264,000 - 38,000) x .1071]
family sale
-- expensing $ 0
-- MACRS: $ 28,274 (264,000 x .1071)
There is no capital gain because the sale price of each
machine is below the original tax basis.
Depreciation includes section 179 expensing of
$38,000 (a larger amount could have been de-
ducted) plus seven-year class MACRS depreciation
using the 150% declining balance method.
Example 3. Machinery installment sale.
Sale price: $264,000
Term: Four annual payments
Interest: 6% on the unpaid balance
Down payment: none
Payment schedule:
Year Principal Interest Total
Now ------ ------ ------ $264,000
1 $66,000 $15,840 $81,840 198,000
2 66,000 11,880 77,880 132,000
3 66,000 7,920 73,920 66,000
4 66,000 3,960 69,960 0
Income tax consequences are the same as in Example 2.
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
ance. This rate can be fi xed for the life of the
contract or renegotiated periodically. Family
agreements sometimes contain below market
interest rates. If the interest rate is lower than
the “applicable federal rate,” the payments
must be recalculated at the federal rate when
reporting interest for income taxes. The ap-
plicable federal rate is adjusted monthly and
can be obtained from most tax preparers or the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Income tax considerations
For the buyer, the tax consequences of an
installment sale are the same as for an outright
purchase. The assets are immediately trans-
ferred to the buyer’s depreciation schedule. In
addition, interest paid becomes a deductible
The seller must report all recaptured deprecia-
tion in the year of sale, even if payments are
spread over more than one tax year. When the
buyer and seller are closely related, all capi-
tal gains (if any) also may be taxable in the
year of sale. This applies to parents, children,
spouses, and certain corporations, partner-
ships, and trusts. Check with a qualifi ed tax
preparer to determine what rules apply to your
particular situation. For unrelated parties,
capital gain is taxed in the years that debt pay-
ments are made, but recaptured depreciation is
still taxed in the year of sale.
When several pieces of machinery are sold
together, the selling price is allocated among
them based on their relative fair market val-
ues. Likewise, the buyer allocates the purchase
price among the items based on relative fair
market values to obtain the beginning basis for
Interest is taxed as it is received. Thus, the
taxation of the payments of a sale between
related parties can be spread out somewhat
by increasing the interest rate and lowering
the purchase price of the machinery within a
reasonable margin.
Example 4. Machinery gradual sale.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Item sold (Ex. 1): tractor no. 2 planter tractor no. 1 combine
Sale price:
$40,000 $22,000 $56,000 $90,000
Adjusted basis:
0 0 $22,056 0
depreciation: $40,000 $22,000 $33,944 $90,000
Beginning basis: $40,000 $22,000 $56,000 $90,000
Depreciation in rst year:
-- nonfamily sale:
$38,214 $22,000 $39,928 $43,570
-- family sale:
$ 4,284 $ 2,356 $ 5,998 $ 9,640
Sale prices are decreased in later years to re ect wear and obsolescence.
The adjusted basis is decreased in later years to re ect the additional tax depreciation claimed.
Depreciation includes section 179 expensing at the $38,000 level (more could have been taken), plus MACRS
depreciation using the 150% declining balance method.
Depreciation is based on the MACRS 150% declining balance method. No section 179 expensing is allowed.
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
Gradual Sale
A line of machinery also can be transferred
by selling one or two items outright each year
as shown in Example 4. Such a gradual sale
can spread out tax payments as well as the
cash fl ow requirements. The assets transferred
each year must be clearly specifi ed. The buyer
becomes responsible for repairs, insurance,
and other ownership costs when each piece of
machinery changes hands.
A plan should be developed identifying which
items of machinery will be transferred each
year and how many years will be required to
complete the transfer. A gradual sale can con-
tinue until all the machinery is sold.
If the parties farm together, the gradual trans-
fer may change how farm income is divided
each year. The younger party will own more of
the business assets each year so should receive
a larger share of the income. If the older party
has already left the business, the younger party
will need to lease items that have not yet been
Financial considerations
With a gradual sale, the cash fl ow require-
ments are spread over a period of years, simi-
lar to an installment sale or an outright sale
nanced by a lender. However, the gradual sale
does not require the buyer to borrow money to
buy the entire machinery line.
Another advantage of a gradual machinery sale
is that the number of items transferred can be
adjusted each year to fi t the buyer’s cash fl ow
situation. For example, if the younger party
has a low profi t year, the number of items
purchased that year can be reduced or elimi-
nated. Conversely, the number of items can be
increased in a year of high profi ts.
Some sellers elect to transfer ownership each
time a major equipment item is replaced. The
buyer can supply the down payment money
for the trade and pay the seller the fair market
value of the item traded. If co-ownership is de-
sired, the fair market value of the item traded
is counted toward the seller’s portion of the
cost of the new machine.
Income tax considerations
The tax consequences of a gradual sale are the
same as those described for the outright sale,
but occur over several years. Unlike an install-
ment sale, a gradual sale spreads both recap-
tured depreciation and capital gains over a
period of years. It also allows an eligible buyer
to use the expense method depreciation option
each year.
In addition, selling machines with the high-
est adjusted tax basis last allows the seller to
continue to depreciate them.
A lease can be used in situations where the
owner (older party) already has left the busi-
ness. For example, if the older party leaves the
business before the machinery ownership is
transferred, the machinery can be leased until
it is purchased.
The lease payments should be reasonable and
should cover the owner’s fi xed costs of depre-
ciation, return on investment, and insurance.
Tax depreciation is usually a poor estimate of
actual economic depreciation. Economic de-
preciation can be estimated by multiplying the
current market value of the machinery by 8 to
10 percent. Return on investment can be com-
puted by multiplying the current market value
by a return of 6 to 8 percent. The actual cost of
insurance can be used. Alternatively, the lease
payment can be computed by multiplying the
current market value by 15 to 20 percent.
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
The renter (younger party) is usually
responsible for all costs related to use, such
as fuel, lubrication, repairs, and maintenance.
The owner (older party) is usually responsible
for paying for capital improvements, such
as major overhauls or the replacement of an
engine. These improvements increase the
value of the machine, the rental rate, and the
eventual sale value. Rental payments should
decrease as the machinery line ages, unless
older machines are replaced.
When a machine is used by both the owner
and the renter, an agreement (Information File
Machinery and Labor Sharing Agreement) can
be created and lease payments can be calcu-
lated by the acre or by the hour. A lease ar-
rangement often is combined with one of the
methods of transferring ownership described
Lease with Option to Buy
Leasing machinery with an option to buy al-
lows the younger party to use
the equipment for a period of
years and then buy it at the
end of the lease period.
Financial considerations
Leasing a machine from the
older party can lower the
cash fl ow requirements of
the younger party in the
early years, as illustrated in
Example 5. It also allows the
buyer to accumulate fi nancial
resources and to be more
certain about what direction
the farming operation will
take before purchasing.
Income tax considerations
Lease payments are taxed as
they are received by the owner (older party)
and are a deductible expense to the renter
(younger party). All leased machinery remains
on the depreciation schedule of the owner. If
the option to purchase is exercised, the same
tax consequences arise as described for an
outright sale, but they are based on the sale
price at the time the option is exercised.
To be taxed as a true lease agreement, a lease
with an option to buy arrangement must allow
for the purchase at the end of the lease to be
optional, and the eventual purchase price must
be near the fair market value of the machinery
at that time. Lease payments must reasonably
refl ect the value of the machinery. If the lease
does not meet IRS conditions for a lease, it will
be taxed as an installment sale.
Lease with Gradual Sale
A lease can be combined with a gradual sale
in situations where the owner (older party)
leaves the business before the sale is com-
Example 5. Machinery lease with option to buy after three years.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
$264,000 $238,000 $214,000 $192,000
Lease payment
$ 39,600 $ 35,700 $ 32,100
Purchase $192,000
Sale price in fourth year: $192,000 (fair market value)
Adjusted tax basis: 0
Recaptured depreciation: $192,000 (after year 4)
Beginning basis: $192,000
Depreciation in rst year of ownership:
nonfamily sale:
-- expensing $ 38,000
-- MACRS: $ 16,494
[(192,000 - 38,000) x .1071]
family sale
-- expensing $0
-- MACRS: $ 20,564
(192,000 x .1071)
Current value is reduced to re ect economic depreciation.
Computed at 15% of current value.
Depreciation includes section 179 expensing at $38,000, plus MACRS
depreciation using the 150% declining balance method.
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
Example 7. Machinery outright gift.
Fair market value: $264,000
Sale price: 0
Adjusted basis: $102,916
Depreciation recapture: 0
Capital gain: 0
Purchase price: 0
Beginning basis: $102,916
May reduce the uni ed credit and could be subject to gift
pleted. Each year, the buyer (younger party)
purchases one or more items of machinery
and leases the machinery that has not yet
been purchased. As items are purchased, they
are dropped from the lease arrangement and
the lease payments are reduced accordingly.
Example 6 shows an example of a combined
lease and gradual sale.
Machinery also can be transferred from the
older party to the younger party as an outright
Financial considerations
With a gift, the giver (older party) receives no
payment from the recipient (younger party) in
exchange for the machinery. Although a gift
program is fi nancially advantageous for the re-
cipient (younger party), it may be a burden to
the giver (older party) if money is needed for
living expenses and other commitments. Also,
in a parent and child situation, other family
members may feel that they have not been
treated fairly unless gifts of an equal value are
made to them as well.
Income tax considerations
The adjusted income tax basis of machinery
transferred as a gift generally carries over to
the recipient’s depreciation schedule as shown
in Example 7. Gifting has the advantage of
delaying the income tax consequences of the
transfer until a later time. However, the re-
cipient (younger party) will have few or no
depreciation deductions from items with a low
adjusted basis, such as older machinery.
Gift tax considerations
Federal tax laws allow gifts of present inter-
ests of up to $14,000 (2013) annually to be
excluded from gift tax (AgDM File C4-23 Gift
Tax). The exclusion is annual so it can be used
every year (the gift tax exclusion amount may
be adjusted each year). Up to $28,000 can be
given by a wife and husband, even if only one
of them owns the property. When gifts are
made to both the gift recipient (younger party)
and his/her spouse, the amount is doubled.
So, the older party husband and wife can give
Example 6. Machinery gradual sale/lease combination.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Item sold (Ex. 1): tractor no. 2 planter tractor no. 1 combine
Sale price: $40,000 $22,000 $56,000 $90,000
Value of remaining machinery: $194,000 $152,000 $90,000 0
Lease payment (15%): $29,100 $22,800 $13,500 0
Total payment (lease plus sale): $69,100 $44,800 $69,500 $90,000
Recaptured depreciation and depreciation in rst year are the same as for Example 4.
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
Example 8. Machinery combination sale and gift.
Fair market value: $264,000
Sale price: $200,000
Adjusted basis: $102,916
Depreciation recapture: $ 97,084
(200,000 - $102,916)
$ 64,000
(264,000 - $200,000)
Purchase price: $200,000
Beginning basis: $200,000
Depreciation in rst year:
nonfamily sale
-- expensing: $ 38,000
-- MACRS: $ 17,350
[(200,000 - 38,000) x .1071]
family sale
-- expensing: $ 0
-- MACRS: $ 21,420
(200,000 x .1071)
May reduce the uni ed credit and could be subject to gift
Depreciation includes section 179 expensing at $38,000,
plus MACRS depreciation using the 150% declining
balance method.
up to $56,000 to the younger party husband
and wife without being subject to gift tax fi l-
ing. Taxable gifts beyond this exclusion are
included in the calculation of federal estate
tax (Information File Federal Estate Tax) after
death and may increase the amount of federal
estate tax due.
Combination Sale and Gift
Machinery gifts can be combined with an out-
right sale. The difference between the fair mar-
ket value of the machinery and the amount of
cash paid for the machine is considered a gift.
These values should be documented carefully.
If the size of the gift is equal to or less than the
annual exclusion, no gift tax fi ling is due.
Financial considerations
The combination sale and gift method reduces
the buyer’s (younger party’s) cash fl ow re-
quirements. However, the seller (older party)
receives less money to spend or invest, which
could reduce fi nancial security during retire-
Income tax considerations
The tax consequences of a combination sale
and gift are shown in Example 8. The lower
sale price reduces the amount of recaptured
depreciation and could lower or eliminate cap-
ital gains. However, the buyer (younger party)
will have a lower initial tax basis to depreciate
when the machinery is purchased.
Gradual Gift and Sale
Combining a gradual sale with a gifting pro-
gram is similar to a gradual sale except that
the sale price of each item is below fair market
value. The difference is considered a gift. An
advantage of this method is that the annual
gift tax exclusion can be used every year.
Financial considerations
In addition to spreading the purchase cost over
several years, it also reduces the size of the
payment each year. However, the seller (older
party) receives less cash, which may negatively
impact his/her fi nancial position during retire-
Some gradual sale and gift agreements specify
that when a machinery item is replaced, the
item to be traded is gifted to the younger party
who then supplies the cash difference needed
to complete the trade.
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Transferring Ownership of Farm Machinery
Income tax considerations
The income tax consequences of this method
are shown in Example 9. The value of the gift
reduces the sale price of each machine, which
reduces the amount of recaptured deprecia-
tion. However, the initial basis and amount of
depreciation that can be claimed by the buyer
also is reduced.
… and justice for all
Iowa State University Extension programs are available to all without regard to
race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic
information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries can
be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Compliance, 3280 Beardshear
Hall, (515) 294-7612.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30,
1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress,
director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and
Technology, Ames, Iowa.
Prepared by William Edwards,
emeritus economics professor
and Don Hofstrand,
retired extension fi eld specialist
Example 9. Machinery gradual combination sale and gift.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Item sold (Ex. 1): tractor no. 2 planter tractor no. 1 combine
Market value:
$40,000 $22,000 $56,000 $90,000
Sale price:
$24,000 $12,000 $36,000 $50,000
Adjusted basis:
0 0 $22,056 0
Depreciation recapture: $24,000 $12,000 $13,944 $50,000
$16,000 $10,000 $20,000 $40,000
Purchase price: $24,000 $ 12,000 $36,000 $50,000
Depreciation in rst year:
-- nonfamily sale:
$24,000 $ 12,000 $36,000 $39,286
-- family sale: $ 2,570 $ 1,286 $ 3,856 $ 5,356
Market values are reduced in later years to re ect wear and obsolescence.
Adjusted basis is decreased in later years to re ect the additional tax depreciation claimed.
Equal to market value minus sale price. May reduce the uni ed credit and be subject to gift tax.
Depreciation includes section 179 at $38,000, plus MACRS depreciation using the 150% declining balance method.