ENSP Benchmark Contract
BY THE END OF TERM 2 (second semester in the ENSP Program), an ENSP major would need to complete the following with a
C- or higher:
All ENSP Students
_____ ENSP101 or ____ ENSP 102
_____ MATH 120 /130 /140
And two of:
_____ ECON200 /AREC240/AREC 241
_____ BSCI 160/161
_____ CHEM 131/132
_____ ENSP Core Lab Science
BY THE END OF TERM 4 (fourth semester in the ENSP Program), an ENSP major would need to complete the benchmarks
above and the following with a C- or higher:
All ENSP Concentrations
_____ ENSP101 and ENSP102
_____ Two ENSP Core Lab Sciences
“Policy-oriented” concentrations:
Culture and Environment, Environmental Economics; Land Use;
Environmental Politics & Policy; or Society & Environmental Issues.
_____ ECON201 (if required by the concentration)
_____ Statistics
_____ 6 credits in their prospective concentration
“Science-oriented” concentrations:
Environment and Agriculture; Environmental Geoscience and
Restoration; Global Environmental Change; Marine & Coastal
Management; or Soil, Water, and Land Resources
must complete three of:
_____ MATH 121/131/ 141 or appropriate Earth Science
_____ CHEM 231/232 or appropriate Earth Science course
_____PHYS 121 or PHYS161/174 or appropriate Life Science course
Wildlife Ecology and Management and
Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
must complete three of:
_____ CHEM 231/232
_____ BSCI 222
_____ PHYS 121 (Wildlife only)
_____ MATH131 or MATH141 (Biodiversity only)
I acknowledge my graduation could be delayed due to:
Delayed course registration
Attending advising meeting after registration date
Change of concentration or major
Failure to register for courses agreed upon
Failure to take all UMD GenEds
Failure to take all ENSP requirements (or approved
Failure to earn 120 credits
Failure to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above
Failure to earn a C- or above in ENSP required courses
Students who have:
earned < 2.0 GPA in required courses or
have accumulated 9 or more repeated credits in required
courses by the end of Terms 2 or 4 or
missed a required benchmark requirement
must sign an agreement outlining a 2-semester plan to: improve
academic performance, explore and decide upon another concentration,
or choose a more suitable major.
Student signature/date:
Advisor signature/date: