Training Manual
Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr., Presiding Bishop
Bishop Matthew Williams, Adjutant General
Bishop Clarence Lewis, III, Senior Deputy Adjutant General
Bishop Robert L. Perry, Jr., Senior Deputy Adjutant General
Bishop Robert G. Rudolph, Jr., Scribe of the Adjutancy
Mother Geraldine Miller, Senior Adjutant Mother
Mother Connie Smith, Assistant Adjutant Mother
Overseer Guy Glimp, M. Div., STM., Dean
Dr. Doreatha J. Fields, Assistant Dean
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Course Materials List By Levels
2015 Summer Academy Training Matrix 3
Foreword by Overseer Guy Glimp, Dean 4
2015 Summer Academy Faculty 5
Level I Catechumen (1 3 years)
Course A: Called to Serve: Commitment, Cords & Communication 6
Course B: Called to Serve: Sanctification & Sacraments 9
Course I: PARTS I & II: Historical Tenets of the National Adjutancy 27
Course J: Organizational Structure of the National Adjutancy 32
Course O: COGIC: Serving the Church & Knowing Its Leaders 47
Level II - Intermediate (4 + Years Non Leadership)
Course C: Organizing for Excellence 12
Course D: Place Preference & Protocol 14
Course E: Semantics, Emblems and Symbols of the National Adjutancy 17
Course F: Liturgical Components of Divine Worship 19
Course K: Personality, Attitude and Performance Essentials 36
Course L: Five Service Fundamentals of the National Adjutancy 38
Level III - Jurisdictional Chief Adjutants and Lead Adjutant Sisters
Course C: Organizing for Excellence 12
Course D: Place Preference & Protocol 14
Course E: Semantics, Emblems and Symbols of the National Adjutancy 17
Course F: Liturgical Components of Divine Worship 19
Course K: Personality, Attitude and Performance Essentials 36
Course P: Distinguishing Features: National & Jurisdictional Adjutancy 48
Level IV - Overseers & Adjutant Mothers
Course G: Sanctity & Servitude 22
Course H: Hospitality, Hosting & Hallowing Visiting Leaders 24
Course M: Preferred Platform Seating: Protocol, Planning & Performance 42
Course N: PARTS I/II- Official Worship Experiences: Program, Processes & Programs 46
Course Q: Technical Skills for Effective & Efficient Services 50
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JUNE 30, 2015
Session A
10:00 10:55 AM
Session B
11:05 A M 12:00 PM
Level I
(1-3 Years)
“Called to Serve:
Commitment, Cords
& Communication”
Deputy Adj.
Gen. Bishop
“Called to Serve:
Sanctification &
Sr. Adjutant
Geraldine Miller,
Level 2
(4+ years)
“Organizing for
“Place Preference &
Dr. Lena McClain
Level 3
Chief Adjutants
and Lead
Emblems and
Symbols of the
National Adjutancy”
“Liturgical Components
of Divine Worship”
Dr. Herman Platt
Level 4
Overseers and
“Sanctity &
Deputy Adj.
Gen. Bishop
Robert Perry
“Hospitality, Hosting &
Hallowing Visiting
Leaders” (H)
Dianne Bogan
JULY 1, 2015
Session A
10:00 10:55 AM
Session B
11:05 A M 12:00 PM
Level I
(1-3 Years)
“PART I: Historical
Tenets of the
National Adjutancy”
Structure of the National
Doreatha J.
Level 2
(4+ years)
Attitude and
Essentials” (K)
Herman Platt
“Five Service
Fundamentals of the
National Adjutancy”
Bernadette Jeffrey
Level 3
Chief Adjutants
and Lead
“Organizing for
“Place, Preference and
Dr. Lena McClain
Level 4
Overseers and
“Preferred Platform
Seating: Protocol,
Planning &
Performance” (M)
Connie Smith
“PART I Official
Worship Experiences:
Process &
Bishop Robert G.
Rudolph, Jr.
JULY 2, 2015
Session A
10:00 10:55 AM
Session B
11:05 A M 12:00 PM
Level I
(1-3 Years)
“PART II: Historical
Tenets of the
National Adjutancy”
“COGIC: Serving the
Church & Knowing Its
Michelle Rudolph
Ma’Ron King
Level 2
(4+ years)
Non -
Emblems and
Symbols of the
National Adjutancy”
“Liturgical Components
of Divine Worship”
Herman Platt
Level 3
Chief Adjutants
and Lead
Attitude and
Essentials” (K)
Herman Platt
Features: National &
Joseph Conner
Level 4
Overseers and
“Technical Skills for
Effective & Efficient
& Overseer
Ma’Ron King
“PART II - Official
Worship Experiences:
Program, Process &
Paperwork” (N)
Bishop Robert G.
Rudolph, Jr.
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Welcome to 2015 National Adjutancy Corp Summer Academy.
It is my pleasure to provide this training manual from the Dean of the National Adjutancy
of the Church of God in Christ, Inc.
This manual is intended to prepare the men and women of the Church of God in Christ
who have been called by God to assist the Presiding Bishop in fulfilling his mandate as
the Chief Apostle of the Church of God in Christ, Inc.
The primary mission of the Adjutancy Corp is to “Sanctify the Leader in eyes of the
people”. Toward that goal, this manual provides a variety of core competencies,
strategies and techniques that are designed to help Servant-Leaders live out their call in
active ministry.
This manual was compiled with the assistance of Dr. Doreatha Fields, Assistant Dean
and a diverse group of experienced, ministry-tested Leaders of the National Adjutancy.
This training manual is organized to provide in-depth training on the three major tenets
of the Adjutancy Corp (1) Ceremony, (2) Liturgy and (3) Protocol.
Through a proper understanding of the Foundations, Fundamentals and Functions of
the National Adjutancy, you will be equipped to serve the leadership of our Church and
the people God.
Grace and peace to you as you move forward in your training and discern the will of
God for your life and the life of the Church.
Overseer Guy Glimp, M. Div., STM,
Dean of the Adjutancy
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2015 Summer Academy Faculty
Senior Deputy Adjutant General Clarence Lewis, III
Senior Adjutant Mother Geraldine Miller
Dr. Doreatha J. Fields
Overseer Antonio Buckley
Sister Michelle P. Rudolph
Overseer Ma’Ron King
Bishop Augustus Pullen
Overseer Gabriel Hatcher
Dr. Lena McClain
Dr. Herman Platt
Dr. Bernadette Jeffrey
Senior Deputy Adjutant General Robert Perry
Deputy Senior Adjutant Mother Connie Smith
Bishop Robert G. Rudolph, Jr.
Supervisor Dianne Bogan
Dr. Joseph Conner
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COURSE A Called to Serve: Commitment, Cords &
Senior Deputy Adjutant General Clarence Lewis, III
Welcome to the National Adjutancy Corp
You are here because you have expressed a desire to be a part of this National Service
Ministry, and your Jurisdictional Prelate has endorsed you.
At the end of this session, you will have a basic understanding of the mission of the Adjutancy,
what the term ‘called to serve’ really means and your commitment to this ministry.
Mission Statement:
The National Adjutancy is a ministry of service. Adjutants serve with good conduct, character
and behavior. Our common purpose and goal is to ‘Sanctify the Leaders in the eyes of the
people’, perform our duties with integrity, honesty and courtesy. We will define Liturgical
Worship related to our Most Holy Faith and serve with a Servant’s heart. (Manual)
As an Adjutant, there will be many times when you will have to make sacrifices especially of
your time.
To understand your role as a member of the National Adjutancy Corp, you must understand
what the Adjutancy is and what it is NOT:
The Adjutancy in the Church of God in Christ is a service ministry with the Presiding Bishop
serving as Commander-in-Chief. The Adjutant General, who is the leader of the Corp of
Adjutants, serves as Aide or assistant to the Presiding Bishop. The Adjutant General has a staff
of men and women serving under him. We are that branch The National Adjutancy of the
Church of God in Christ.
We should not view our role in a derogatory light. SERVING IS MINISTRY. ‘The son of man did
not come to be served, but to serve.’ Mark 10:44. God and the Church of God in Christ are
looking for people of humility, special dedication, and a willing mind to serve.
It is not a social club. To be sure, the Adjutancy is not a fraternal organization that you are
initiated into because of your parents or any other prestigious reasons. The Adjutancy is not for
you to ‘rub elbows’ with your Leaders. Members do not meet to discuss ‘church politics’,
‘complain about the inequities of the church’, or ‘talk about the inadequacies of the leaders’.
COMMITMENT: (The ‘call to serve’ requires commitment)
The Adjutancy is to “Sanctify the Leader in the eyes of the people”.
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In fulfilling our creed ‘to sanctify the Leader in the eyes of the people’, the National
Adjutants, through dignified and reverent ceremonial decorum unveil the sacredness of the
Office of the Presiding Bishop, while assisting in the awesome responsibility of ‘service to all
Protocol in the National Adjutancy
Protocol is a prescribed code of etiquette that applies to a given situation, occasion, etc. It is
that form of ceremony observed by diplomats, heads of state and leaders. Etiquette refers to
codes that govern correct behavior. Protocol performs those acts of courtesy on behalf of
leaders (e.g. proper public behavior towards a leader, etc.). All Adjutants must have a
thorough knowledge of accepted codes and courtesy and proper behavior toward leadership.
An Adjutant must know his/her position
It is always improper for an Adjutant to walk in front of his Superior except to clear the
way for the superior to walk. It is further improper for an Adjutant to walk in front of the
Superior seated in a pulpit setting. The Adjutant must always use the back of his leader
as a means of access.
An Adjutant must know when to speak and when to keep quiet (not to join in
conversation with leader and others)
Adjutants must never approach a Superior when he is engaged. You must never
converse with the Superior standing above his head. If he is seated in a public service or
conference, you should approach, kneel on one knee, lean close enough to hear and
respond, then arise and retreat quickly to do whatever your instructions were. If you
must cross in front of another leader to get to the one you are approaching or leaving,
you must always excuse yourself. Never use the Superior, or his chair, as a leaning post
support yourself in getting up and down.
It is important that we respect our leaders
In the same spirit, the Adjutant is not to seek to ‘buddy’ the leadership, but to serve
them. When your mission is completed, move quickly from the immediate presence of
the Apostles being served.
The Adjutant is not to correct the leader in public.
The Leader is to be addressed by his/her proper title
Our forefathers taught that familiarity breeds contempt. This truth prevails in every area of
life. It is, therefore, in that same spirit that we insist that Adjutants never seek to be ‘familiar’
with their Superiors. Unsolicited interference in the conversations of Superiors is the mark of
ignorance and disrespect.
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Every leader is to be referred to by his highest title and last name. Nicknames are never to be
used in public or private. First name basis is out. The Superior may refer to you by your first
name, or affectionately as ‘Son’, but you must always respond with ‘Sir’ or ‘Bishop’. Short,
discourteous or familiar answers will never be tolerated. Terms such as ‘okay’, ‘yeah’, ‘huh’, are
not proper. In the event any Adjutant is found to be in breach of any of the above, he will be
Adjutants must anticipate the needs of the leader
Every Adjutant must have a spirit of humility and must be discrete
The Adjutant must learn to work in the company of the Church-fathers, and hear only
that which is spoken to him. The Adjutant must never
repeat any matter he happens to
It is never in good taste for an Adjutant to be photographed with his Superior except it
being with permission, preferably on a pre-arranged basis. Remember, you are not
selected to ‘star’ but rather to ‘serve’.
As Adjutants, we are charged with many things including the Leader’s vestments;
As an Adjutant, you are charged with the responsibility of securing the personal
belongings of the Leader you assist. You must always know where your particular
Superior’s garments are placed. You must be certain that his belongings are in good
order and secure before
you leave that particular area.
REMEMBER: The Adjutancy is a service ministry. Only those who have the mind-set of a
Servant can serve effectively. We must have a servant’s heart, coupled with a serving
spirit. We should not view our role in a derogatory light. SERVING IS MINISTRY. ‘The Son of
Man did not come to be served, but to serve.’ Mark 10:44. God and the Church of God in Christ
are looking for people of humility, special dedication, and a willing mind to serve.
(The National Adjutancy Training Manual serves as the reference for the material used for this
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Course B - “Called to Serve: Sanctification & Sacraments”
Senior Adjutant Mother Geraldine Miller, Executive Consultant
The Adjutancy is the servant's ministry of the Church. It is composed of men and women of
willing hearts who realize the value of "sanctifying" the leaders of the church in the eyes of the
people. The 2014 volume of the official Adjutancy Manual reflects the most recent revisions of
the various service areas, ranks, roles and responsibilities of these special servants and
handmaidens of the Lord.
1st Corinthians 12 enumerates some of the gifts that God set in the church. Among them the
Apostle Paul lists the gift of "helps". An Adjutant is a helper, supporter and aide to those who
are in leadership.
One cannot serve effectively in the Adjutancy without first possessing a servant's spirit.
Adjutants must be men and women of Godly demeanor and behavior. They must be an
example of loyalty and holy submission to those in authority at all levels of the church. Adjutants
cannot be those who expect praise for the service they render. Therefore, those who are
selected for the National Adjutancy are men and women who have acknowledged the call of
God to serve the leadership of the Church in matters of (1) Service (2) Protocol, (3) Order and
(4) Worship.
The primary original task of the Adjutancy was the organizing and coordinating of National
communions, inaugurations, installations of new Bishops and National Officers. The Adjutancy
now serves in any setting where the Presiding Bishop is serving.
The Adjutancy is a service ministry. Only those who have the mindset of a servant can serve
effectively. We must have a servant’s heart coupled with a serving spirit. We should not view
our role in a derogatory light. SERVING IS MINISTRY. "The Son of Man did not come to be
served, but to serve" Mark 10:44. God and the Church of God in Christ are looking for people of
humility, special dedication and a willing mind to serve.
One of the chief ceremonies and ordinances of the Church of God in Christ is HOLY
COMMUNION. As described in detail in the National Adjutancy Corp Official Manual, below are
some key protocol concepts that all Adjutants must adhere to:
When we go into the place set apart for preparation, the first order is prayer. We thank God for
the privilege of serving at this altar and handling the holy vessels. We also ask Him to keep us
in remembrance as to why we are observing the Feast and to count us worthy to help in the
preparation, serving and partaking. All service is done quietly, with dignity, and reverence.
There should be no unnecessary talking or moving about. A lavabo bowl is prepared with warm
water for the minister to cleanse his hands. A very small amount of alcohol is usually added to
the water. Soft white lavabo towels are used to dry his hands.
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After the sacrament of Holy Communion is concluded, all the vessels and linens are removed
and taken to the work area for cleaning. This is also done in a reverent disposition and
atmosphere. Unused consecrated wine should be poured into the piscine (basin equipped with
a drain running directly to the ground) or carried outside and poured on the ground. Used
vessels are washed in hot soapy water and dried with soft cloths. After cleaning, they should be
handled with soft, dry gloves or cloths in order to prevent marking them. All sacramental linens
should be laundered and ironed after each use.
The corporal, pall and purificators are kept in the burse when not in use. The burse is a
container like
an envelope for storing the corporal, purificators and other linens and for carrying them to and
from the altar for the Holy Communion.
The Officiating Minister as distinguished from his Assistant in the celebration of Holy
Chalice Cup
Used for administration of wine in Holy Communion.
It is the most sacred instrument of the Church's
Worship. It reminds us of the cup which the Lord blessed and drank from when He instituted
the sacrament. It is also called "the common cup," "the cup of blessing," and the "communion cup".
Square white linen cloth placed on center of mensa, on which communion vessels are placed.
The bread and wine used in Holy Communion, and the water in Holy Baptism.
Unleavened wafer used in Holy Communion.
Lavabo Bowl
Bowl used for cleansing of Presiding Minister's hands in Holy Communion.
Refers to three groups of white linen cloths: altar linens (cerecloth, protector linen, and fair
linen); communion linens (corporal, pall, purificators, and veil); and other linens (lavabo
towel, credence linen, and baptismal napkins).
Linen-covered square placed over rim of chalice when not in use.
It covers the chalice before &
after communion. It is a linen covered square of stiff cardboard or plastic usually 7" to 9" square. The top
of the pall is often embroidered in white with a cross. It is important to note that the corporal and pall are
the most "sacred altar linens".
Cloth hangings of various liturgical colors used to adorn the altar, pulpit, and lectern.
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Plate used to hold bread during the distribution of Holy Communion.
It is made to fit or rest in the
rim of the chalice. It is symbolic of the "one bread" (body) broken in pieces. These pieces are called
"wafers" or "hosts".
Basin which drains directly into the ground, used for disposal of baptismal and wine remaining
after Holy Communion.
Square linen napkin used to cleanse the rim of the chalice
. It is usually 12" to 15" square with a
cross embroidered in the center or on one end.
A rite commanded by Christ which uses an earthy element as a sign of God's grace. The two sacraments
are Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
Sacred Vessels
The sacred vessels are used to serve at the altar in our churches. The pieces include the chalice and the
Room used for storage and preparation of items needed in worship; also used by the clergy for vesting
before services.
Cloth placed over sacramental vessels before and after the celebration of Holy Communion. It is used to
cover the sacred vessels. It may be large white linen or silk veil.
Church of God in Christ National Adjutancy Official Manual. 2014 Revised Edition.
Called to Serve: Adjutants Handbook. Mother Geraldine Miller. Available at the COGIC
Bookstore and Exhibits.
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COURSE 1C Organizing for Excellence
Presenter: Overseer Gabriel Hatcher
Training Emphasis: Organizing For Excellence: The National Adjutancy As Servant Leaders:
Partner Excellence, Set Up For Up Coming Events, and Servant Responsibilities
I). Why Excellence?
a. Gathering information
b. Staying On Top of the Game
c. Shared Tasks
II). Partnering Excellence
a. Recognize when there is "Burn Out"
b. Leadership Renewal
c. Remain Pleasant and Approachable
III). Roles
a. Find Your Lane and Stay In It
b. Survey "The Land"
c. Maintain Your Position
IV). The Style of Handling Conflicts
a. Evaluate the situation
b. Stay neutral and focus
c. Do not become forceful
d. Know how to compromise
v). Event Planner
a. Be On Top of your game
b. Keep a mental Calendar of up coming events
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COURSE 2C Organizing for Excellence
Overseer Gabriel Hatcher
Training Emphasis: (1) Chief Adjutants and Lead Sisters come alongside those the Lord has
made choice of to lead His Church, (2) Knowing your Place and Maintaining your Place, (3)
Knowing How to Both Lead and Follow and (4) Your Role Performed Well.
I. The National Adjutancy as Servant Leaders
a. The National Adjutancy is a Ministry of Service
b. A Common Goal as we Work Together
c. Having the “Eyes of an Eagle & Heart of a Servant
II. Multi-Tasking
a. See a Need, Meet a Need
b. Know How to Flow
c. Know When to Let Go
III). Role of Jurisdictional Chief Adjutants and Lead Adjutant Sisters
a. Establish Order
b. Maintain Order
c. How to Handle Upcoming Events and/or Unforeseen Happenings
d. Be Creative
e. Follow Instructions as well as Give Instructions
IV. C.E.L.S.
a. General Standards
b. Personal Appearance and Body Up-keep
c. Know your Ceremonial Dress
d. Its Okay to Be Colorful
e. Be Flexible
f. Be Aware that the “Program Is Subject to Change by the Leading Of:
g. Maintain a Positive Tone
h. Beware of Late-comers
Always Remember: We maintain our integrity, because we are not here to bring spot light or
praise unto ourselves but rather, we are here, and we keep this in the forefront of our minds:
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Presenter: Dr. Lena McClain
This course will provide Adjutants with the knowledge and essential skills in deportment and
decorum necessary to serve effectively.
The Adjutancy
The Adjutancy in the Church Of God In Christ is a servant ministry. The Bible speaks of the gifts
that God set in the church (1 Cor. 12:28). Among these gifts is one that is not frequently sought
after“the gift of helps.” The gift of helps speaks of support, assistance, aid and service. The
Adjutancy can be classified as a “ministry of helps.”
The word ‘Adjutant comes from the Latin word "adjutare" meaning to aid or assist. From its
inception, the Adjutancy was not designed to be a social organization or a prestigious position.
The basic premise and chief aim of the Adjutancy is service. Adjutants are trained to serve! No
one can serve effectively in the Adjutancy unless he or she has a servant’s heart and a serving
spirit. "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve" (Mark 10:45). Adjutants seek to
bestow honor, not receive it. No Adjutant looks forward to recognition, praise, honor or
recompense. Their concern is not who gets the credit as long as God gets the glory.
Individuals appointed to the Adjutancy must be men and women of godly deportment and saintly
decorum. They are always appropriately dressed, punctual, prepared, polite, trustworthy,
discreet, poised, and dignified at all times; never show-boating or seeking the applause of men.
They must have a good rapport with all levels of leadership in the church.
National Adjutants serve and assist the Office of the Presiding Bishop. We are under the
guidance and direction of the Adjutant General to serve our leaders, to "Sanctify the leader in
the eyes of the people."
Jurisdictional Adjutants serve under the guidance of the Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant. All
Chief Adjutants and Lead Adjutant Sisters should receive their training in the National Adjutancy
Academy so that there is harmony within the jurisdiction. If each adjutant knows their duties,
there will be order and no friction between them.
There should be a Lead Adjutant Sister who maintains close contact with the Chief Adjutant to
relay his wishes to the other Adjutants Sisters. Only when everyone works harmoniously
together can they “Sanctify the Leader in the eyes of the people.”
Deportment is a nebulous concept that is not easily explained yet it is vitally important for the
look and professionalism of the Adjutancy. It is defined as: the manner in which one conducts
oneself, behavior. Deportment encompasses many interrelated attributes that include, but not
limited to attitude, bearing, composure, confidence, diplomacy, courtesy, conduct, and
awareness of personal limitations. Deportment is the synthesis of these attributes into intra-
personal and inter-personal components.
It will be helpful to have an understanding of what the various attributes mean.
1. Attitude: Beliefs, feelings, values, and dispositions to act in
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certain ways.
2. Bearing: Dignified conduct or manner.
3. Composure: Calm, relaxed appearance, and steadiness of mind, particularly
under stressful situations.
4. Conduct: The way a person behaves toward other people.
5. Confidence: Self-assurance, belief in your abilities while being free
of doubt.
6. Courtesy: Polite behavior that shows respect for other people.
7. Diplomacy: Skillful handling of a given situation. Dealing with
others without causing bad feelings.
The Adjutant must serve with a clear, thoughtful and focused mind. Serving with a clear,
thoughtful and focused mind will enable you to anticipate and have a ready response for any
situation that may occur. In addition, adjutants should be familiar with their assigned area to
serve. For example, you should know the layout of the location, i.e., sanctuary or convention
center. If you know the layout, you are able to give clear directions and information to those
needing assistance, direction to various classrooms, nurse’s station, restrooms, the lost and
found. Also, the Adjutant must know how to get an announcement to the announcer.
The Adjutant must be focused and prepared for the unexpected. For example, if a person gets
sick in the section that you are serving, or you receive a life threatening message to relay to
someone in your section, you should be able to handle without panicking or causing chaos.
Calm, direct, and timely responses to such issues are trademarks of a skilled Adjutant.
Adjutants are to serve when they are needed, where they are needed, if they are needed. They
should always serve with quietude and dignity. Adjutants should demonstrate flexibility by being
able to shift from one assignment to another. Whenever you receive last-minute instructions
from the Lead Adjutant, submit to those instructions. Do not complain. Do not pout. Do not feel
inferior. Keep in mind that the Lead Adjutant receives directions from the Adjutant General and
there is a reason for the last minute changes. Remember you are assigned to serve and be of
help. Do your job to the best of your ability and God will be glorified.
Decorum is mostly commonly defined as the appropriateness of behavior or conduct in relation
to the surroundings. For example, the Adjutant displayed proper decorum by not walking in front
of the leader seated in a pulpit setting. The Adjutant must always use the back of his leader as a
mean of access. For example, the Adjutant displayed proper decorum by not walking in front of
the leader except to clear the way for the leader to walk.
Twelve Serving Essentials
1. When approaching the Leader in a public forum, the Adjutant must never stand above
the Leader’s head. If the need arises for the Adjutant to speak to the Leader, he should
approach, kneel on one knee (men only), lean close enough to hear and respond, then
arise and go quickly to the assignment. Never stand up and speak aloud to the Leader.
2. It is disrespectful to refer to the leader by nick names, his/her first name, or the slang,
“Doc.” The leader should be referred to by his/her highest title and last name. Always
respond to the Leader with respect and honor.
3. When working with Leaders, learn to hear only what is spoken to you. Never repeat
anything that you happen to overhear. Share your opinion only when asked.
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4. Be sensitive to Leaders; learn to read the verbal and non-verbal body language of your
5. If your Leader is engaged in conversation with another of like rank you must never
interrupt the conversation. Approach and stand quietly by until the opportunity to speak.
Then say "Excuse me", say what you need to say, wait for an answer, if need be, then
6. When your Leader has guests that you are acquainted with, do not dominate their time
in conversation. Briefly greet them and move on unless an invitation is extended to you
to join them. Remember, they are your Leader’s guests.
7. If photographs are being taken do not force yourself into the picture. Wait until you are
asked. Remember, you are not selected to “star” but rather to “serve.”
8. Never assume to state the position of, or to give an answer for your Leader in any
situation unless directed by the leader to do so.
9. You should always bear in mind that serving must be done with quietness, politeness
and dignity. There should be as little movement and talking among Adjutants as
10. Be aware of your body movement (especially your arms and hands) that emphasizes
an idea or a feeling.
11. Never dress to attract unfavorable attention to yourself. Always be clean and well-
groomed. Finger nails should be clean and befitting the occasion. Hair should be well
groomed and not in extreme styles. Scripture decrees modesty in dress. Your dress,
your hygiene, and all of your actions should reflect holiness. We are adjutants every
day of our lives!
12. Talk with a positive tone. Always remember who you represent. Prepare your heart to
serve the people and be a blessing to them before coming to church. If an Adjutant is
visibly shaken, too troubled or too tired to be a blessing by serving the people, he/she
should sit in the service that day and allow the Lord to minister personally to him/her.
The Adjutancy in the Church Of God In Christ is a servant ministry. Those who are committed to
this “ministry of helps” must have the heart of a servant, and seek to fully understand the
importance of servanthood. As Adjutants, we serve to “Sanctify the Leader in the eyes of the
people.” Therefore, our intra-personal and inter-personal skills are essential to ensuring
effectiveness and excellence in serving the leadership of our church in whatever place the need
to serve is necessary. Adjutants must understand that godly deportment and saintly decorum
should set them apart, not only to serve their leader, but to show the people how to honor and
respect the leadership God has placed in the church. Adjutants should maintain this attitude:
Serving our leaders equates to serving our Lord and to glorify God the Father. Apostle Paul
said, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the
Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ” (Colossians
3:22-24) Remember, do your job to the best of your ability, follow protocol, adhere to the
established guidelines set forth, honor and respect your leaders, and God will be glorified.
Church Of God In Christ National Adjutancy Training Manual “Protocol”. 2002.
Pages 98 - 99.
Lewis, Dr. Barbara McCoo. The Christian Woman’s Guide for Church Protocol &
Saintly Decorum. 1998.
Miller, Mother Geraldine E. “A Call To Order”. A Handbook for Those Who
Serve, Adjutants Deaconess Mother’s Board
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COURSE E Semantics, Emblems and Symbols of the Adjutancy
Bishop Augustus Pullen
The Symbol of Church of God in Christ
The Symbol of the Church Of God In Christ is an outgrowth of the Presiding Bishop’s Coat of
Arms which has become quite familiar to the Church. The design of the Official Seal of the
Church was created in 1973 and adopted in the General Assembly in 1981 (April Session).
The obvious GARNERED WHEAT in the center of the seal represents all of the people of the
Church Of God In Christ, Inc. The ROPE of wheat which holds the shaft together represents the
Founding Father of the Church, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, who, at the call of the Lord,
banded us together as a Brotherhood of Churches in the First Pentecostal General Assembly of
the Church, in 1907.
The date in the seal has a two-fold purpose; Firstly, to tell us that Bishop Mason received the
baptism of the Holy Ghost in March 1907; and, secondly, to tell us that it was because of this
outpouring that Bishop Mason was compelled to call us together in November of 1907, to
organize the Church Of God In Christ.
The RAIN in the background represents the Latter Rain or the End-time Revivals which brought
about the emergence of our Church along with other Pentecostal Holiness Bodies in the same
era. The rain also serves as a challenge to the Church to keep Christ in the center of our
worship and service, so that He may continue to use the Church Of God In Christ as one of the
vehicles of Pentecostal Revival before the return of the Lord.
Seal of the Office of the Bishop National Adjutancy Seal
Women’s Department Logo COGIC Bishop’s Ring COGIC Official Manual
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The Investiture - CLASS A
The Cassock: The robe which is worn during the service is the symbol of an Elder and
Servant. The Bishop is first and foremost, a Servant and one among
The Cincture: This garment is a symbol of Christ. It speaks of the Bishop’s willingness
to “wash his brethren’s feet” pursuant to the example of His Lord.
The Rochet: This white linen garment is a symbol of the Priesthood. Aaron’s Ephod is
found in the book of Leviticus and is a reminder to the Bishop that his role
as Celebrant and Worship Leader is prominent in the total mandate of the
The Chimere: This garment is a symbol of a Prophet. The Bishop of the Church
becomes the Chief Defender of the faith and the Preacher of the
doctrines of his Jurisdiction. This is one symbol that sets him apart from
Elders, for he alone wars this Mantle of Office.
The Tippet: The tippet is the symbol of a slave. It is the tippet that binds the Bishop to
his Church. Inscribed on the tippet, is the seal of the Church of God in
Christ, Inc. and the Seal of the Bishop. They are the symbols of
Jurisdiction or Assignment. The tippet signifies that the Bishop is a man
under authority.
The Pectoral Cross: This Cross of Gold is hung around the Bishop’s neck as a symbol of his
imprisonment for Christ. The Bishop is hereby officially inducted into the
College of Bishops.
The Ring: The Symbol of priestly authority.
Class A
Jurisdictional Bishop
Auxiliary Bishop
Cassock: Purple Black
Cinture: Purple Black/Purple
Chimere: Purple Black/Purple
Rochet: White White
Shirt: Purple Black/Purple
Tippet: Purple Black
Cross: Gold Gold
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COURSE F: “Liturgical Components of Divine Worship
Dr. Herman Platt
Worship is at the heart of congregational life, and studies show that the quality of the worship
experience is a crucial factor in attracting and retaining faith community members.
In order for worship to be effective in the church, we must understand what it is. Corporate
worship is the time when we give the Lord through our worship. Worship, however, goes
beyond a life of prayer and Bible study. It goes beyond a quiet time together with the Lord.
Worship is what comes out of an understanding and realization of who God is, and what He
means to us personally as Savior and Lord. The Father is not seeking worship in and of itself,
but worshippers (John 4:23).
I. A Biblical Definition of Praise
A. Barak: To bless God
B. Halal: To boast of or give glory to God
C. Yadah: To give thanks to God
II. The Purpose of Praise
A. To declare the goodness of the Lord to others
B. To help is get to the place of worship
III. A Biblical Definition of Worship
A. To glorify and exalt God
B. Declaring the worth of God
C. To present a yielded life of holiness to God
IV. Hindrances to Worship
A. Tradition
B. Sin
C. Pride
D. Wrong Motives
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E. Disobedience
F. Unforgiveness
V. Why Won’t People Express Themselves in Worship?
A. The “Davis” and the “Michaels” (Samuel 6:14-170
B. Different strokes for different folks
C. What are they seeing from you as Leaders? Are you following your lead?
D. Going from Spectator to Participator
VI. The Role of the Senior Pastor as Worship Leader
A. The Senior Pastor must be a visible worshipper
B. Staff members must be visible worshippers
C. Learn the heart of your Senior Pastor; Share your heart with hi,
VII. How Do the People Perceive You?
A. “Do people see me as a worshipper?”
B. Grasping the concept of Servanthood
C. If they trust you, they will follow you
VIII. Where Are You and Where Are They?
A. Do you know where you are in your personal worship?
B. Do you know where you want to go?
C. Do you know where your people are?
D. Be patient with your people as they grow to where you are
E. Compelling people to come out of their comfort zones and into true worship
F. No matter where your people are, they can go further
Maxwell, Lee A. The Altar Guild Manual. Copyright 1996, Concordia Publishing House.
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Liturgical Seasons & Celebrations
A. Advent
1. A season to prepare for Christmas
2. A season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to await
Christ's Second coming at the end of time
3. Advent is a period for devout and joyful expectation
4. The royal colors are purple or blue
B. Christmas
1. Celebration of the birth of Jesus.
2. The promised Messiah
3. The Epiphany of the Lord, traditionally January 6, is celebrated on the
Sunday that falls between January 2 and January 8
4. The color is white for Purity
C. Epiphany
1. The feast that celebrates the manifestation to the world of the newborn
Christ as Messiah, Son of God, and Savior of the world
2. This celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men from the east.
3. The color is green for growth
D. Lent
1. Lent is a preparation for the celebration of Easter
2. Focus on changing your lives through prayer and love
3. Reflect on the suffering of Jesus
4. The color used during Lent is purple.
E. Easter
1. The greatest and oldest Christian feast
2. Christ's Resurrection from the dead
3. Christians prepare for it during Lent and Holy Week
4. The color is white
F. Pentecost
1. The "fiftieth" day following Easter
2. The Holy Spirit was manifested
3. The birth of the Christian church
4. The color is red
G. Ordinary Time
1. Non-festival time of the church year
2. From the Monday following Pentecost Sunday until
the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent
3. The color is green
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COURSE G Sanctity & Servitude
Senior Deputy Adjutant General Robert L. Perry
As Adjutants, we are taught to "Sanctify our Leaders in the eyes of the people." That same
degree of commitment should be evident at their passing. We must strive to adequately provide
the same degree of respect and reverence during this very solemn time as during the tenure of a
Bishop. He is not a fallen leader but a promoted one. II Kings 13:21 says ... "And it came to pass
as they were burying a man, that behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man
into the sepulcher of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha,
he revived, and stood up on his feet." This passage leads me to believe that our commitment to
serve our Bishops should continue, even after death.
If the bones of the Prophet Elisha could bring life back to the body of the unrighteous, the
remains of the leaders of our church must be viewed and handled with upmost respect
and reverence. Therefore we feel compelled to continue assisting the Adjutancy in its
challenge to provide dignity and service to our Bishops to the very end.
The Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant should be well versed in various responsibilities. Here is a list
of them for review:
• Have an updated biography of the Bishop.
• Have current color photo of the Bishop, dressed in his vestments.
• If the Bishop is terminally ill, tactfully discuss his final arrangements with his family and
jurisdiction. Make certain that you inform them of the procedures of the National Church.
• Make certain that you have the Adjutant General's contact information.
If the Bishop is terminally ill, if at all possible, the Jurisdictional Chief and/or the Episcopal
Adjutant should be present at the time of transition. This is to make certain that his departure
takes place in a dignified manner. For example, make certain that he is properly covered in his
bed, only allow select individuals to be present and that the family is as comfortable as possible.
If the Bishop's death takes place totally unexpected, once you arrive to the location of departure,
it becomes your responsibility to dignify the place and situation as much as possible.
Once the Funeral Home Staff arrives it is advised that you do the following:
Please be aware that the National Adjutancy is praying for you during this very trying time in
your lives and we are availing ourselves to assist throughout this time of preparation. The
following is a list of concerns:
• Stress to the funeral home handling the arrangements to adhere to the instructions that will be
given by the Office of the Adjutant General and/or his representative.
• Please prepare and provide us with biographical information that is required for the national
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• Feel free to work with the jurisdictional staff in the preparation of the local and jurisdictional
home-going service programs. The national service format is already set, and will be facilitated
by the Presiding Bishop and the General Board.
• Allow the Jurisdiction to do whatever is necessary, in preparing to receive the leadership of our
church. The Adjutant General and his staff will make certain that the same level of dignity and
spirit for hospitality is exhibited as during your beloved one's tenure.
• Make available the Bishop's vestments, cross and ring to the Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant.
The Jurisdictional Adjutancy has a tremendous responsibility during this time of preparation.
They must work very closely with the jurisdiction's Chief Adjutant, and he must maximize the
abilities of all of the men and women that are serving with him. You are challenged to utilize the
training that you have received in the Academy sessions. The following is a list of concerns in
this area:
• Make certain that your Bishop's remains properly cared for, and the utmost dignity is
maintained. Be available to accompany every movement or transporting of your leader's remains.
• Stress to the funeral home handling the arrangements, the necessity to adhere to the
instructions that will be given to them by the Office of the Adjutant General and / or his
representative. • Secure and properly care for the Bishop's cross, ring and vestments. • Maintain
constant contact with the Adjutant General's Office.
When the time comes make certain that the Bishop is properly vested. YOUR
• Introduce yourself and inform them of your role in the preparation and arrangement process of
your leader. Stress to them that they will not be conducting a basic service, but one of
• Request that they provide you with their business card, and inform them that they will need to
await instructions from the Adjutant General's Office prior to starting the Process of Preservation
of the Bishop's body.
• Accompany the remains to the funeral home and remain on the premises during the embalming
of the body (outside of the embalming room) making certain that the
Bishop's presence in their facility is noted and properly respected. There should be NO
ROOM(S) where the Bishop's remains are placed.
Suggested process and / or procedures will be given to the Funeral Service Provider, with
reference to how we prefer that the Body be prepared by the Adjutant General's designee. After
the embalming of the Bishop's body, the following steps are to be taken:
• The Bishop is to be attired in his pajamas and robe, until he is dressed for casketing.
• The Bishop's body is to be placed in a NON-COMMON AREA of the funeral home. Preferably
• The Bishop is to be covered from shoulders to feet with a PURPLE FABRIC that is at least 4'
by 7" and his head is to be covered by a piece of WHITE LINEN 3' by 3’, overlapping the purple at
the shoulders. He is to remain in this state until preparation for casketing.
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During the local and/or Jurisdictional Services, the Bishop can be dressed in garments other than
his vestments, but for the national service he must be in his vestments. It is permissible and
proper for him to be in his vestments for all services.
The Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant or Episcopal Adjutant are to be present to oversee and assist in
the dressing and casketing of their leader.
Additional instructions will be given during the time of preparation for the home-going services. •
Select Pastors and Elders to serve as Honor guard during the local and / or Jurisdictional Home-
going Services.
Work with the Jurisdictional Leadership to make certain that the proper housing and
transportation be provided for the national leadership that will be attending the national home-
going celebration.
• On the day of the national service, avail yourself to the needs of the Adjutant General.
The following are choices of caskets available, for the Bishop's family of which to select. They
are SOLID BRON ZE, and available through the Overseer of Memorials.
The casket ill be CUSTOM DESIGNED for each individual Bishop, and will be Full couch with
removal Lids, as per sample photos.
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COURSE H Hospitality, Hosting & Hallowing Visiting Leaders
Mother Dianne M. Bogan
Jurisdictional Supervisor
Great Lakes First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Michigan
It is important to know that our leaders are a gift from God to the church. It is therefore
necessary that we have the proper attitude towards our leaders. Romans 12:10, 13 admonishes
us to “honor and prefer one another and to be given to hospitality.” It further states that we
should render to all tribute and honor to whom it is due.
As Adjutants/Servants, you should not only have a servant’s heart and spirit, but you
should also know the proper code of ethics and behavior towards leaders. Let me add that it is
necessary to “like” your leaders. When you “like” someone, you are happy for them, and happy
to be with them. That brings us to a related key, which is to serve as if you were serving Jesus.
As we discussed in our lesson on protocol, we must build good practice habits of
following the proper chain of command, having a meek and quiet spirit, studying the areas of
leadership, knowing their titles and positions and always making preparation for executive
seating before the start of all services and events.
Rendering your service must be done with humility, having a humble spirit and an
attitude of unselfish concern for the welfare of others. It is the total absence of arrogance,
conceit and haughtiness. Have a deep sense of respect for the leader, and acceptance for, and
tolerance of, your leader’s personality and their way of doing things. It is out of love that we
serve. In fact, service is the manifestation of love.
Points to Ponder:
I. Being Hospitable Towards Leaders
a. How to address/speak to the leader
b. Be mannerable
II. Hosting Leaders
a. Hotel accommodations
b. Transportation (ground, air)
c. Parking
d. Seating
e. Changing Room
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III. Hallowing Leaders
a. Keep the people focused on the leader
b. Exalt them in your conversation with others
c. Enhance their position against contenders
d. Make sacrifices for the betterment and growth of the leader
e. Avoid being “COGIC Paparazzi” for your social media pleasures
“Protocol Guidelines and Procedures for the Servant Ministry by Supervisor Dianne
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COURSE I Parts I & II: Historical Tenets of the National Adjutancy
Overseer Antonio Buckley
The Historical Snapshots of the National Adjutant Corp
Historically, the Presiding Bishop has charged the National Adjutancy Corp with the sacred task
of standardizing the fundamentals of our ceremonial, liturgical and protocol traditions. The
Presiding Bishop Joseph Oglethorpe Patterson as the Church continued to expand
organizationally and as he developed its ceremonial pomp and circumstance, had a strong need
for men and women that would serve, set up and assist in these ceremonies to fulfill the worship
of its organizational denomination - the Church of God in Christ. This ministry as we know today
is called the National Adjutancy Corp. The National Adjutancy Corp was developed and did
evolve in the home of, then, Military Officer Air Force Colonel Jesse Delano Ellis, as he assisted
as an Elder at Pentecostal Temple Institutional Church of God in Christ of Memphis,
Tennessee. Elder Ellis was given permission to gather men and women who would help in this
ministry. Therefore, the Elder Phillip Aquilla Brooks, of Detroit, Michigan, Elder Walter Emil
Bogan of Flint, Michigan, and Elder Roy Lawrence Hailey Winbush of Lafayette, Louisiana and
Elder Floyd Eugene Perry of Cleveland, Ohio were asked to work and serve on the newly
formed Adjutancy as active members of the Corp.
Their first act as a Corp was to assist the Presiding Bishop in the elevation service of, then,
Jurisdictional Secretary, Timothy Titus Scott of Clarksdale, Mississippi, to the office of
Jurisdictional Bishop in Northern Mississippi, after the death of Bishop B. S. Lyles in 1972.
Additional brethren were added: Elder Marcus Butler of Jackson, Mississippi and Elder Bufford
Terry of Cleveland, Ohio.
The Adjutancy Corp was established as the mechanism through which these essential traditions
could be preserved and enacted. The essence of this servant ministry in the Church of God in
Christ is long-standing. However, the Corp has been under formal organization and appointed
leadership since 1976, under the administration and direction of the first elected Presiding
Bishop - His Grace, the Honorable Bishop James Oglethorpe Patterson, Sr.
The first uniform that distinguished the Adjutancy Corp. was a black cassock trimmed in red
piping. This later was upgraded by Elder Ellis. During the Convocation of 1976, then, Elder P. A.
Brooks was appointed Chief Adjutant and Elder Ellis, to his disappointment, unknowingly was
giving position of Adjutant Apostolic; This was done in order that Elder Ellis could continue to
assist the Presiding Bishop in forming the ceremonial, liturgical, protocol and uniformity of the
denomination. Elder Jesse Ellis was considered very vocal and did not always agree on all
matters with the Presiding Bishop therefore Bishop Patterson kept Elder Ellis close.
Women were added to the Corp. The General Supervisor of the Women’s Department Mother
Mattie McGlothen of San Francisco, California, sent Mother Rebekah Gorham, of Hartford,
Connecticut, to represent the Women’s Department. Mother Emily Bram- Bibby of Brooklyn,
New York was sent because of her influence with Presiding Bishop Patterson. During the
Convocation, the altar was prepped and fell short of what was needed for proper protocol
decorum in preparation for the communion service. As a result, Elder Ellis approached the
Trustee Board for funds and were denied by, then, Elder Willie Lee Porter of Memphis,
Tennessee and Elder Roger Jones of Flint, Michigan. After exhausting all avenues Mother
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McGlothen was approached and was persuaded to assist in the giving of the necessary
Under the leadership of Bishop P. A. Brooks men and women were added to the Corp. Protocol
was broadened. Elder P. A. Brooks, was leader of the Corp and soon became the Bishop of the
historic Northeast Michigan Jurisdiction after the Bishop Charles J. Johnson was given emeritus
status because of health reasons. Seeking to serve this church at a higher level, Bishop Brooks
ran for a seat on the General Board and was elect to the General Board in 1981 leaving the
Chief Adjutant position vacant. Again, Elder Ellis was not concerned. Bishop Floyd Eugene
Perry was appointed because the Presiding Bishop didn’t want to elevate an Elder over a
Bishop. Bishop Floyd Eugene Perry had become while in the Adjutancy at that time.
Working closely to the Corp, the Bishop Perry continued to do great services for the church,
traveling with the Presiding Bishop as he appointed new officers and Bishops to this now vastly
growing denomination. Promotions continued for those who served well until UNAC needed a
Chairman after the elevation of the Bishop Roy L. H. Winbush to the General Board. Bishop
Perry was appointed and given the opportunity to serve as the new UNAC Chairman currently
known as AIM (Auxiliaries In Ministries). As a result, the first Adjutant to the Adjutancy, Elder
Jesse Delano Ellis was giving this position Chief Adjutant in 1988.
Presiding Bishop J.O. Patterson health was failing and he informed the church of his health
condition and of his faith in God to fight until the end. However, during that time, Elder Ellis was
called and offered a position as Pastor and Bishop of a growing reformation called the United
Pentecostal Churches of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio. He accepted this position. Bishop Harold
Jenkins Bell of Nashville, Tennessee - the nephew of the Presiding Bishop and, son of the
Mother Freddie Bell, First Assistant General Supervisor of the International Women’s
Department under Mother Mattie McGlothen - was considered and appointed Chief Adjutant in
During the tenure of Bishop Harold Jenkins Bell the Adjutancy Corp grew to it large constituency
of servants, men and women giving themselves to the SERVANT’S MINISTRY. Bishop H.
Jenkins Bell established the Adjutant’s Academy and it was under the leadership of Bishop Bell
that he commissioned the preparation and publication of the first Official Handbook of the
National Adjutancy Corp. This exhaustive manual contained the do’s and don’ts of servant
ministry. Bishop Bell introduced the regional Adjutant’s Training for Regional Adjutant Mothers
and Overseers. He pioneered the present job description of the Chief Adjutant soon to be
known as Adjutant General to the Presiding Bishop as he traveled with the Second Elected
Presiding Bishop Louis Henry Ford of Chicago, Illinois. Bishop Bell served Bishop Ford during
his visits to many Jurisdictional Convocations, Denominational Conventions, the burying of
Auxiliary/ Jurisdictional Bishops, Consecrations of new Jurisdictional Bishops, preparing the
funeral services of our General Supervisor Mother McGlothen and the appointing of Mother
Emma Crouch, of Dallas, Texas. Bishop Bell established and started the Summer Academy
where men and women came together all over the country and throughout the world to be
trained in what was the PROPER PROTOCOL of the CHURCH. This Academy caused the men
and women of the church to study intensely from 9am to 4pm in the evening.
Bishop H. Jenkins Bell established and recorded with his jurisdictional choir the hymns of the
church and led the ceremonies of the Church in the singing of church hymns. Bishop Louis
Henry Ford made his transition into the presence of the Lord suddenly. As a result, Bishop
Chandler David Owens of Atlanta, Georgia, succeeded Bishop Ford as the Third Elected
Presiding Bishop and Bishop Bell continued to serve the Office of the Presiding Bishop as he
had done in times past. However, promotion always followed the General of the Adjutancy Corp.
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At the death of General Board Member, Bishop Morgan James, of Cleveland, Ohio, the
Presiding Bishop and General Board, with the approval of the General Assembly filled the then
vacant seat with the Adjutant General Bishop H. Jenkins Bell who was the fourteenth man after
the General Board quadrennial election. Then Bishop Owens filled the vacancy left by Bishop
Bell in 2000 with the Dean of the Academy, Dr. Barnett Karl Thoroughgood, of Virginia Beach,
Virginia. Dr. Barnett Karl Thoroughgood carried the mantle of excellence in service by revising
the Official Manual of the Adjutancy and giving the Corp a Mission Statement & Purpose that
resonates in our spirits until this very day: That our sole purpose and goal of the Adjutancy was
In the 2000, Quadrennial Election of the General Board and Presiding Bishop was changed.
Never in the history of our church had a seated Presiding Bishop been removed from his
position. However, Bishop Chandler David Owens maintained a seat on the General Board and
became known as the Former Presiding Bishop while Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson of Memphis,
Tennessee, ascended to the seat of Chief Apostle of the Church of God in Christ. Dr. Barnett
Karl Thoroughgood continued to serve and seeing that there had never been two Presiding
Bishops serving on the General Board one former and another presently serving, Dr.
Thoroughgood and Mother Geraldine Miller met with the newly elected Presiding Bishop G. E.
Patterson and suggested that the Chief Servant’s vestments color should change from red
purple to scarlet. Bishop Patterson soon elevated Dr. Thoroughgood to Adjutant Bishop and
made Mother Miller the Adjutant Supervisor.
Bishop Thoroughgood appointed Dr. Lemuel Thurston of Kansas City, Kansas, as the Adjutant
Dean of the Academy.
Bishop Barnett Karl Thoroughgood, was given the authority to change the seating chart for the
platform by enlarging, beautifying and changing the whole appearance of the National Holy
Convocation. It was during his tenure that the Quadrennial Inaugural services had more
protocol, decorum, pageantry and splendor. In addition, under his administration, the final
memorial services, obituaries and programs that were given to the fallen leaders were made
It was in 2005, that the Presiding Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson made choice of Bishop Matthew
Williams of Tampa, FL to carry the legacy further. Bishop Matthew Williams became attentive to
the needs of the Presiding Bishop and was instrumental in setting a separation and distinction
between the Adjutancy and Security. He defined the roles of each Adjutant Overseer positions
and assigned personal Adjutant Overseers to each General Board Member which took the
pressure off the General Board Chamber Overseer. Bishop Matthew Williams also gave the
officers of the Adjutancy great exposure to the Church Leaders so much so that under his
leadership there are three Auxiliary Bishops who serve within the Corp whom the General Board
felt was worthy of the elevation. During his administration, the Acolytes Ministry was established
and altar paraments were purchase to adorn the altar of our most holy meeting - the HOLY
CONVOCATION of the Church of God in Christ. Under his administration he has endorsed
women in active leadership. Dr. Doreatha Fields of Palm Bay, FL, was appointed as the first
female Assistant Dean of the Academy. Yes, Bishop Matthew Williams continue to expand on
the foundation that was laid by his predecessors. He embraces our rich tradition that shall
continue to lead us to a greater destiny.
Remember, the primary original task of the Adjutancy was the organizing and coordinating of
National communions, inaugurations, and installations of new Bishops and National Officers.
The Adjutancy now serves in any setting where the Presiding Bishop is serving. For the
Adjutancy’s sole purpose is to: “Sanctify the Leader in the EYES of the People.”
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Bishop Phillip Aquila Brooks Bishop Walter Emile Bogan
Bishop Roy Lawrence Hailey Winbush Bishop Floyd Eugene Perry
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Bishop Jesse Delano Ellis Bishop Harold Jerkins Bell
Mother Rebecca Gorham Mother Emily Bram-Bibby
Bishop Barnett Karl Thoroughgood Bishop Matthew Williams
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Course J:
“Organizational Structure of the National Adjutancy”
Dr. Doreatha J. Fields, Assistant Dean of the Adjutancy
The purpose of the National Adjutancy Corp of the Church of God in Christ is to serve and
assist the Office of the Presiding Bishop as he fulfills the arduous duties of "Chief Servant" of
the church. As his "entourage" of servant leaders, the Adjutants help our leader fulfill the
mandate that "he who is greatest among you must be servant of all" The enormous task of
ceremonially serving over four million constituents and the thousands who attend our national
conventions is impossible for one man to accomplish. However, with the assistance of the
National Adjutancy, our leader can serve the entire constituency in services of worship,
communions, funerals, installations, inaugurations and dedicatory activities.
The National Adjutancy is an extension of the Office of Presiding Bishop. Direction for service is
given by him. The National Adjutancy is the Chief Office of Protocol for the entire church.
The efficient fulfillment of the purpose of the Adjutancy is accomplished through those dedicated
servant-leaders who qualify for the sacred task of serving the leadership of our church.
Membership in the Adjutancy is not automatically granted simply because someone wishes to
join the Corp. There are specific pre-requisites to membership. (page 17 National Adjutancy
Manual Pocket Guide)
Those persons seeking membership in the National Adjutancy Academy must be recommended
to the Adjutant General by their Jurisdictional Bishop and/or Supervisor of Women for that
Jurisdiction. Subsequent to this recommendation and approval, the candidate must attend the
National Adjutants Academy. A Certificate of Completion of the Academy's course of study must
then be earned. Following the final approval of the candidate's application, he or she will be
inducted into the National Adjutancy Corp (page 17 National Adjutancy Manual Pocket Guide)
The Ranks Within the National Adjutancy:
(National Adjutancy Corp Manual pages 17 22 Pocket Manual)
A. The Adjutant General
By definition, an Adjutant General is one who serves as an aide and/or assistant to a
commanding officer. As an assistant, the Adjutant General usually has a staff under his
direction. So is the case with the Adjutant General of the Church of God in Christ. He is a
Special Aide and Assistant to our Presiding Bishop, from whom he receives his appointment.
This appointment, when approved by the General Board, establishes the Adjutant General's
responsibilities as the Minister of Service, Protocol, Order and Worship for the Church of God in
As the Chief of the National Adjutancy, he is responsible for the general oversight of the Corp.
His term of office is concurrent with that of the administration. The Adjutant General maintains
an open line of communication with the Presiding Bishop. As well, he must endeavor to work in
harmony with all leaders, branches, departments and auxiliaries of our National Church.
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In consultation with the Presiding Bishop, the Adjutant General selects qualified men and
women to serve the Church through the Adjutancy. Upon approval, National Adjutants are
placed under the direction of the Adjutant General for instruction, training and assignments. The
various divisions of the Adjutancy are coordinated by the Adjutant General. He gives direction
for all matters of ceremony.
When Jurisdictional ceremonies are under the auspices of our National leaders, the General
precedes the Apostles of the church to the Jurisdiction and prepares the Jurisdiction for their
arrival. Further, this officer is responsible for the adornment of the altar; for processional
protocol and the implementation of the official dress code for all National ceremonies (Pages 18
19 2014 National Adjutancy Corp Manual Pocket Guide)
B. Senior Deputy Adjutant General
As of 2010, the term "Senior Deputy Adjutant General" (formerly "Assistant Adjutant General") is
second in order, this Servant must be available to assist the Adjutant General in all matters of
concern. He is appointed by the Adjutant General. He also serves as Vice- Chairman of the
Executive Committee and fulfills such other duties as assigned to him by the Adjutant General.
C. Adjutant Apostolic
This servant is the Apostolic Aide to the Presiding Bishop. He is appointed by the Presiding
Bishop and is responsible for the care of the Chief Apostle's vestments. He must be available at
all times to travel with the Presiding Bishop. Due to the nature of his assignment, the Adjutant
Apostolic must be in constant contact with the Adjutant General for the harmonious conduct of
duties. He is also a member of the Executive Committee.
D. Scribe of the Adjutancy
This servant is responsible for the accurate record keeping of the minutes of the Executive
Committee and General Sessions of the Adjutancy. He is to keep an active list of members of
the Adjutancy. As well, he fulfills other duties as assigned by the Adjutant General. He, too, is a
member of the Executive Committee.
The National Scribe has within his possession certificates of appointments and a file on each
National Adjutant. (This file consists of an application, photo, resume, and letters of
recommendation from his/her Pastor, Bishop or Supervisor when applicable. He also maintains
all national inaugurations, installations, consecrations, and communion programs. The Scribe
keeps application renewal forms and seating charts for special services. The Scribe's duties are
The Jurisdictional Scribe should maintain files, certificates, letters of recommendations,
Jurisdictional programs, seating charts, etc. for the Jurisdiction. A roster of the Jurisdictional
Adjutancy, including addresses, telephone numbers, local churches, and district data, should
also be maintained. Letters, communiqués, and all records for the Jurisdictional Corp should be
included in this secretary's files. He is the counterpart, on the Jurisdictional level, to the Scribe
on the National level.
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E. Dean of the Academy
The Adjutant General is the chief instructor and trainer of the Adjutancy. Assisting him is the Dean of the
Academy. This Servant must be knowledgeable in all matters of service, protocol, order, and worship. He
shall, with the Adjutant General, coordinate all schedules and activities for the Academy.
F. Assistant Dean of the Academy
The Assistant Dean works with the Dean of the Academy and assists in developing and planning Adjutancy
training curriculum and materials.
G. Adjutant Overseers
These servants are in charge of the various divisions of the Adjutancy such as the: (1) Apostolic Chamber,
(2) Episcopal Chamber, (3) Induction Chamber, (4) Holy Chamber, (5) Platform Protocol and (6)
Processional Protocol. They are assisted in their duties by National Adjutants.
H. The Executive Committee. These Servants will, in consultation with the Adjutant General, conduct the
affairs of the Adjutancy throughout the year. The Executive Committee shall be composed of:
Adjutant General,
Senior Deputy Adjutant General (2010),
Adjutant Apostolic,
Scribe of the Adjutancy,
Senior Adjutant Mother,
Deputy Adjutant Mother,
Dean of the Academy,
Assistant Dean of the Academy,
Overseer of the General Board Chambers,
Overseer of Ceremonies,
Overseer of the Induction Chamber,
Overseer of preferred & Special Seating
Chief Financial Officer,
Chief Operations Officer,
Treasurer and
I. Women in the Adjutancy
Female candidates for the National Adjutancy must receive recommendations from both the Bishop and
Supervisor of Women of the Jurisdiction where they are constituents. These candidates must be women of
good reputation and personal integrity. They must possess tact, discretion, diplomacy, and love for the
church and its leaders. As assistants, these women aid their Jurisdictional Supervisors and National
Supervisor of Women. There are basically four ranks within the National Adjutancy for women:
1. Senior Adjutant Mother - Serves as the highest-ranking female responsible for coordinating and
leading the Adjutant Mother and Adjutant Sisters
2. Deputy Senior Adjutant Mother - Serves as an Assistant to the Senior Adjutant Mother.
3. Adjutant Mothers- Serve in cooperation with Adjutant Overseers in preparation for National
ceremonial occasions. Their duties are assigned by the Adjutant General.
4. Adjutant Sisters - Serve as assistants and aides to the National Adjutant Mothers in the execution
of their assigned duties.
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J. Other National Adjutants
Ceremonial Adjutants - As in the case of all National Adjutants, Ceremonial Adjutants must qualify
for service. Usually they are the servants who assist in National ceremonial occasions. Their duties
are assigned by the Adjutant General. They serve under the immediate direction of an Adjutant
Overseer or Senior Adjutant Mother.
2. Adjutant Levites - Lay Brothers in the church who desire to assist in this ministry are called
Adjutant Levites. Their service is limited to those areas in which clerical credentials are not
required. They are appointed by the Adjutant General upon the recommendation of heir Pastor and
Jurisdictional Bishop.
3. Vergers and Acolytes - These persons are appointed by the Adjutant General and are under
the immediate direction of the Apostolic Adjutant. Vergers bear the Processional Cross and
Acolytes serve as Candle lighters. They may be men, women, or children. An Acolyte is a youth
member (male and female) of the congregation ranging in age from 10 to 12 who assists with altar
duties. Acolyte duties make include: Leading procession during Official Services and annual Advent
Vespers (candlelight) service; Carrying candle lighter/extinguisher (bell-shaped snuffers); Lighting
candles; Standing guard at altar during communion; and
Extinguishing candles at the end of worship.
K. Adjutant Episcopal
The designated aide to the Jurisdictional Bishop consults with the Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant to make
sure that primary and immediate concerns of the Bishop are met. He must be available to travel with the
Bishop, especially within the Jurisdiction. He is also responsible for the upkeep and security of the Bishop’s
L. District/ Regional Adjutants
District/Regional Adjutants represent the Jurisdictional Adjutancy whenever the Leader's presence is in that
particular region or district. They are to make sure that the desires and wishes of the Jurisdictional Bishop
are adhered to and carried out. This includes: proper transportation, appropriate accommodations and that
the required honorarium is provided. They should be knowledgeable of the general duties and wishes of
the Jurisdictional Leadership.
“A Call To Order”. A Handbook for Those Who Serve, Adjutants Deaconess Mother’s
Board. Mother Geraldine Miller.
National Adjutancy Official Manual. 2014 Revised Edition
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Course K Personality, Attitude and Performance Essentials
Dr. Herman Platt
In many instances, resolving conflict is a part of the ministry of Servanthood of the National
The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing: As long as it is resolved
effectively, it can lead to personal, professional and spiritual growth. The good news is that by
resolving conflict successfully, you can solve many of the problems that it has brought to the
surface. As well as getting benefits that you might not at first expect. However, if conflict is not
handed effectively, the results can be damaging.
To calm down negative situations, it helps to take a positive approach to conflict resolution. The
focus should be on improving the situation and issues rather than on individuals.
Step One: Set the Scene
As you seek to resolve conflicts, emphasize the fact that you are presenting the perception of
the problem. Use active listening skills to ensure you hear and understand other's positions and
Step Two: Gather Information
Here you are trying to get to the underlying interests, needs and concerns. Ask the other
person’s viewpoint and confirm that you respect his or her opinion and need his or her
cooperation to solve the problem.
Try to understand the conflict in objective terms. Be sure to focus on the issues and leave
personalities out of the discussion. Following these tips will be beneficial:
Listen with empathy and see the conflict from the other person’s point of view.
Identify issues clearly and concisely.
Use “I” statements.
Remain flexible.
Clarify feelings.
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Step Three: Agree the Problem
You will need to agree that the problems you are trying to solve before you will find a mutually
acceptable solution. Sometimes different people will see different but interlocking problems. If
you can’t reach a common perception of the problem, then at the very least, you need to
understand what the other person sees as the problem.
Step Four: Brainstorm Possible Solutions
If everyone is going to feel satisfied with the resolution, it will help if everyone has had fair input
in generating solution. Brainstorm possible solutions, and be open to all ideas, including ones
you never considered before.
Step Five: Negotiate a Solution
By this stage, the conflict may be resolved: Both sides may better understand the position of
the other, and a mutually satisfactory solution may be clear to all.
However, you may also have uncovered real differences between the positions. This is where a
technique like win-win negotiation can be used to find a solution, that, at least to some extent,
satisfies everyone.
There are three guiding principles here:
Conflict Resolution Resolving Conflict Rationally and Effectively. James Manktelow & Amy
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Dr. Bernadette Jeffrey, National Adjutant Mother
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our
hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” Psalms 90:17 [KJV]
Under the guidance and direction of the Adjutant General - Bishop Matthew Williams, the goal of
the Adjutancy is to serve and assist Office of the Presiding Bishop. All action of the Adjutancy
follows this structure. The Adjutant serve the leaders of God and the people of God in the
things of God to the glory of God. Adjutants do not seek honor, rather we bestow honor.
Adjutants, you have been blessed with the opportunity for service and empowered to walk in
anointed for service. Each of you are here today because you believe that you are called to
serve. You want to do your best as unto the Lord so that your labor is not in vain. This requires
us to be prayerful, diligent, trustworthy, confidential and sanctified. We say yes to the Lord and
allow us to shape us as vessels prepared for His use.
Adjutants are Servants in God’s holy church and view their giving their time, talents, and
treasury as an honor and a privilege and a demonstration of their love for the Lord and His
people. According to Jesus, there is greatness in serving. For indeed Jesus reminds us that if
anyone wishes to be great….. ‘He [or she] is to be servant of all. The operative word here is
SERVE. We are called to help, assist, or give aide. We serve the temporal…everyday needs
of leaders. We usually are the first to get to church and the last to leave. And often we may not
be noticed, we serve with a praying spirit, a humble heart with dignity and self-control. In
practical terms this means we ‘Sanctify the leader in the eyes of the people’ and know what to
do at the proper time. If you stay in your place…..you will always have a place.
Protocol is an essential part of our work and brings beautiful order in our gatherings and times
of worship. The Adjutant General appoints National Adjutant Overseers and National Adjutant
Mothers over areas of service. Men and women are assigned to various divisions of the
Adjutancy and work with the Overseers and Mothers.
The National Adjutancy Training Manual identifies five fundamental areas of service. Those
areas are 1. Holy Communion, 2. Episcopal Elevation/Induction; 3. Episcopal
Transitions/Memorials; 4. Official Day Processionals and 5. Floor/Platform Seating.
Specific order is required for each of these areas. Please note that no Adjutant has the
authority to change any of these fundamental areas of service.
1. Holy Communion
Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper, reminds us of what Jesus did in the past,
symbolizes our present relationship with Jesus, and promises of what Jesus will do in the
. At the time of the Passover, Jesus [the bread of life] broke unleavened bread and gave it
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to the disciples. Then He poured out wine [His blood for our sins] and gave it to the disciples.
Then Christ ordered them to hold communion often in remembrance of His death on the cross,
burial and resurrection. During each Holy Communion we have fellowship with Christ and every
Christian believer who shares in the symbolic meal of the bread and the cup. This is the chief
service of the Church and the Lord requires us to do this until He returns.
Adjutants are responsible for preparing the sacred vessels and linens for Communion. This
works well when a specific person[s] are designated by the Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant. Know
where the sacred items are kept and take responsibility for making sure that special and specific
care is always given to those items. In the Jurisdictions, person[s] with this assignment works
closely with the Chief Adjutant and Jurisdictional Lead Adjutant Sister to ensure proper timing
and actions before the scheduled Holy Communion Service
. Every Jurisdiction should have a
worship place and space to prepare for Holy Communion. (Speak to your Jurisdictional Chief
Adjutant for guidance). Official clerical attire for men and women is required when conducting
these duties. You begin your first action with prayer for the privilege and honor of serving Holy
Communion and handling the Holy vessels of Communion.
a. Thank and ask God to hold each in remembrance once more of why we observe this
Holy Feast and to count each worthy to handle the sacred vessels and serve and
partake Holy Communion.
b. Do not talk unless necessary.
c. Give yourselves to quiet hymns with no unnecessary movements or talking.
d. Prepare a warm lavabo bowl with a small amount of clear rubbing alcohol for the
celebrant to cleanse His hands.
e. Prepare the bread and the cup as directed.
f. Dress the High Altar as illustrated in the Handbook
g. Dress the Supply Tables as illustrated in the Handbook.
h. Set all sacred vessels in order and in place.
i. Serve in your assigned areas.
National Adjutant Mother Geraldine Miller will give specific and guidance concerning
**See your NAC Official Handbook
for additional details.
2. Induction/ Consecration
The Official Induction Ceremony for each Bishop Designee occurs on the final day of the Annual
Holy Convocation. It is a sacred, somber, confidential, unique and eternal event that requires
each Inductee and Inductee’s Wife to appear before the National Church for an Official Act of
Induction. The closed ceremony is part of the consecration acts as the Presiding Bishop,
General Board and Board of Bishops in Church Of God In Christ, Inc. who acknowledges,
credentials and dedicates those called by God to lead the people of God. It is a sacred once-
in-a-lifetime event that forever changes the leader, the leader’s family, the church and the world.
We know that God anoints and appoints great men with great vision to achieve great harvests of
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souls for His glory and honor. Only the Adjutant General can authorize access to the Induction
Chamber for an Adjutant. All Adjutants are invited to pray for these leaders and diligently strive
‘sanctify’ the leaders in the ‘eyes of the people’.
Each Bishop Designee and his wife are contacted by the Adjutant General and Mother Mary
Bell. Adjutant Mother concerning the Induction Ceremony. Mother Mary is widow of former
Chief Adjutant Harold Jenkins Bell and is a national expert in all things pertaining to Induction
and is assisted by Adjutant Mother Bernadette Jeffrey. The Adjutant General directs and guides
the preparation and details of the Induction. Mother Mary Bell selects recommended Adjutant
Sisters to serve in the Induction Chamber. At the conclusion of the Induction Ceremony, Mother
Mary Bell and Mother Bernadette Jeffrey escort the procession of the newly inducted Bishops’
Wives into the front of the assembly for the concluding of the Acts of Consecration for the new
Although access to the areas pertaining to the Induction Chamber is highly restricted, it is
important that every Adjutant show special care and concern for the Bishop Designee, Wife and
family members. This is an once-in-a-lifetime occasion that forever changes everyone. We
believe that it is a great honor and sobering event to be called by God into greater leadership in
this great Church, the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. **See your NAC Official Handbook for
3. National Funerals
The Adjutant General, as directed by the Presiding Bishop, welcomes the Chief Adjutant and
Lead Adjutant Sister to extend this Sacred service to the mourning families and Jurisdiction
through the Jurisdictional Adjutancy. For National Funerals, adjutants play a key role as liaisons
and comforters in the Jurisdictional and National Church Services with the Bereaved Family, the
Jurisdiction and Community. Adjutants follow the directives of the Adjutant General in all
arrangements. Assignments could include matters related to transportation, lodging, technical
assistance, vestments, and decoration of the altar, floral arrangements, processional, seating,
floral bearers, recessional and other areas. Jurisdictional Bishop’s funeral is about 90 minutes
long. The Jurisdictional Supervisor’s funeral is slightly less than 90 minutes long. Adjutant
Mother Dianne Bogan
is the Official Liaison for the Department of Women for all funerals of
Jurisdictional Supervisors. At all times politeness, quietness, dignity and honor should be
shown when serving. Talking should be kept at a minimum. You should never display a spirit of
‘familiarity’ nor use this opportunity to promote yourself. Official attire is required. **Review
your NAC Official Handbook for details.
4. Official Day Processionals
Official Day Processional occurs Sunday at the Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God
In Christ, Inc. Specific directives and suggestions for Official Day Processionals are determined
by the Adjutant General and directed by Bishop Robert Rudolph, Jr., Scribe of the NAC.
Official attire for this Sacred service is always required. Specialized attention is given to
orderliness, schedules, and personal grooming.
**See your NAC Official Handbook for additional details.
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5. Platform Seating
Platform Seating strictly follows the protocol of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. It is important
that all platform seating is reserved to insure proper order, decorum and sacredness during
worship services. National Platform Seating protocol is designed from Official Men and Official
of the church. Deputy Senior Adjutant Mother Connie Smith and Bishop George Davis
determine the reserve seating structure and options based on the official protocol of the church.
Limited movement and talking help to reduce the chances that the audience will be distracted
during worship services. All Adjutants working in Platform Seating should know what to do.
Accessed 2015. https://www.gci.org/church/lordssup/3fold.
Miller, Geraldine M. (2013). National Adjutant Training Manual
Church Of God In Christ, Inc. National Adjutancy Official Handbook.
Bogan, Dianne M. (2015). Protocol, Guidelines and Procedure.
Name the five key areas of service.
What new thing did you learn about Areas of Service today?
Can you identify which Area of Service would you like to learn more about?
**What is the question that you need answered today?
Additional Comments Here:
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Course M Preferred Platform Seating: Protocol Planning and
Deputy Adjutant Mother Connie M. Smith
It is very important that we respect and honor our leaders. The Bible teaches us to respect
leadership. We are to “give honor to whom honor is due” and “in honor preferring one another”
Romans 13:7. Seek to bestow honor, not to receive it.
Protocol doing what is correct at the proper time and having the proper conduct along with the
ability to perform. (CMS)
Seating and platform protocol deals with ensuring dignity and order while properly receiving the
leadership of all ranks and any guest who's been invited to share the platform. Seating is
according to rank related to elected officials, executive levels of leaders, as well as national
appointed officers of the church.
One should have a thorough knowledge of these persons by name and presence. So as to
minimize undo embarrassment both for the leader and/or guest, as well as unnecessary
disruption and confusion that draws public attention which brings disparage upon the Presiding
Bishop and Presidium as we are the extension of the Office of the Presiding Bishop.
Grace in movement, proper appropriate clothing and grooming, in addition to oral care is an
absolute necessity.
Each National Convention preferred platform seating is different. The difference includes, but is
not limited to the measurement of the stage, the number of chairs and how the chairs are
arranged. Guidelines and schematics are followed.
The Holy Convocation
The suggested preferred platform seating necessitates a disciplined servanthood team that
consists of the following persons that serve and assist in executing assignments.
The scope of their assignment may include these persons, as well as, others.
Convocation Chairman, Director, Liaison
Convocation Platform Commissioners
Deputy Adjutant Mother
National Adjutant Mothers
National Adjutant Sisters
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The team members are responsible for, but not limited to the proper seating of the following:
(Note: Not listed by rank or position. This is an example only.)
The Presiding Bishop's Family
The Presiding Bishop's Staff
The Presiding Bishop’s Guests
The Presiding Bishop’s Wife
The First Lady’s Staff and Guests
Wife of the First Assistant Presiding Bishop
Wife of Second Assistant Presiding Bishop
Wives of Former Presiding Bishops
Wives of General Board Members
Wives of Former General Board Members
Wives of National Elected Officers
Wife of General Assembly Chairman
Wife of General Assembly Vice-Chairman
Wife of Adjutant General
Wives of Board of Bishops Chairman, First Vice-Chairman, Second Vice Chairman
Board of Trustees
General Supervisor, Department of Women
Assistant General Supervisor, Department of Women
National Appointed Department Assistants (Females)
Wives of National Appointed Department Presidents
The Mason Family
Department of Women Executive Board
Department of Women Advisory Board
General Board Members Family
Women's International Convention/Crusade
The suggested preferred platform seating necessitates a disciplined servanthood team that
consists of the following persons that serve and assist in executing assignments. The scope of
their assignment may include these persons, as well as, others.
National Adjutant Mother, Liaison, Department of Women, Logistics
Deputy Adjutant Mother
National Adjutant Mothers
National Adjutant Sisters
The team members are responsible for, but not limited to the proper seating of the following:
(Note - Not listed by rank or position. This is an example only.)
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General Supervisor, Department of Women/Convention President
Presiding Bishop's Wife
Assistant General Supervisor, Department of Women
Wife of First Assistant Presiding Bishop
Wife of Second Assistant Presiding Bishop
Wives of Former Presiding Bishops
Coordinator, Women's International Convention/Crusade
Marshal, Women's International Convention/Crusade
Department of Women Executive Board Chairperson
Department of Women Advisory Board Chairperson
Department of Women Legal Counsel
Co- Coordinator, Women's International Convention/Crusade
Host Supervisor
Host Bishop’s Wife
Wives of General Board Members
Event Planner Logistics, Women's International Convention/Crusade
Event Planner Public Relations, Women's International Convention/Crusade
Treasurer, Department of Women
Department of Women Executive Board
Department of Women Advisory Board
Wives of Former General Board Members
Co-Host Supervisors and Bishop’s Wives
Wives of National Elected Officers
Appointed Department Assistants (Females)
Wives of National Appointed Department Presidents
Board of Trustees Members (Females)
Auxiliaries In Ministry (AIM)
The suggested preferred platform seating necessitates a disciplined servanthood team that
consists of the following persons that serve and assist in executing assignments. The scope of
their assignment may include these persons, as well as, others.
Appointed National Adjutant Overseer, Liaison
Deputy Adjutant Mother
National Adjutant Mothers
National Adjutant Sisters
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The team members are responsible for, but not limited to the proper seating of the following:
(Note - Not listed by rank or position. This is an example only.)
Auxiliaries in Ministry Chairman
Auxiliaries in Ministry Vice-Chairmans
Auxiliaries in Ministry National Appointed Department Presidents
Auxiliaries in Ministry National Appointed Department (Females)
Auxiliaries in Ministry Executive Staff
The Chairman's Family
General Supervisor, Department of Women
Presiding Bishop's Wife
Wife of Auxiliaries in Ministry Chairman
Assistant General Supervisor, Department of Women
Wife of First Assistant Presiding Bishop
Wife of Second Assistant Presiding Bishop
Wives of Former Presiding Bishops
Wives of General Board Members
Wives of Auxiliaries in Ministry Presidents
Auxiliaries in Ministry Departmental Representatives
Host Supervisor and Host Bishop’s Wife
Co-Host Supervisors and Co-Host Bishop’s Wives
Supporting Supervisors and Supporting Bishop’s Wives
Board of Trustees Members (Females)
Other National Conventions that require Preferred Seating:
Pastors and Elders Conference (The Shepherds Conference)
The Bishop’s Conference
The Leadership Conference
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COURSE N Parts I & II: Official Worship Experiences: Program,
Process and Paperwork
Bishop Robert G. Rudolph, Jr.
As Adjutants, we are taught to "sanctify our leaders in the eyes of the people."
That same degree of commitment should be evident at their passing.
We must strive to adequately provide the same degree of respect and reverence
during this very solemn time as during the tenure of a Bishop.
He is not a fallen leader but a promoted
The Adjutancy believes that our commitment to serve the Bishops of our church
should continue, even after death.
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“COGIC: Serving the Church& Knowing Its Leaders”
Presenters: Sister Michelle P. Rudolph & Overseer Ma’Ron King
Join us for an Audiovisual Presentation and Website Tour
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COURSE P Distinguishing Features: National & Jurisdictional
Dr. Joseph Conner
National Adjutants are to serve and assist the office of the Presiding Bishop. They are under
the guidance and direction of the Adjutant General, to serve our leaders, to “sanctify the leader
in the eyes of the people.”
The National Adjutancy includes a viable Corp of women who serve as National Adjutant
Mothers and National Adjutant Sisters. The female candidates who wish to serve must be
recommended by both the Jurisdictional Bishop and the Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women.
These women should be women of good reputations, godly deportment and personal integrity.
They must possess tact, discretion, diplomacy and must be both lovers of God, the church and
their leaders.
Jurisdictional Adjutants serve under the guidance of the Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant. All
Chief Adjutants would do well to receive their training in the National Adjutant Academy, as
should the Lead Sister, so that there will be harmony in the Jurisdiction. If each knows their
duties, there will not be friction between them.
There should be a Lead Adjutant Sister who should be in close contact with the Chief Adjutant.
She can then contact and relay his wishes to the other sister adjutants. Only when all work
together in harmony can they “sanctify the leader in the eyes of the people.”
It would be helpful if each jurisdiction would use similar order as that of the National Adjutancy.
The following is a list of suggested positions with comparisons:
National Adjutancy Jurisdictional Adjutancy
Adjutant General Chief Jurisdictional Adjutancy
Sr. Deputy General Assistant Chief Adjutant
Adjutant Apostolic Adjutant Episcopal
Scribe Secretary
National Adjutant Overseer Jurisdictional Adjutant Overseer
National Ceremonial Adjutant Jurisdictional Ceremonial Adjutant
National Adjutant Mothers Jurisdictional Lead Sister
National Adjutant Sisters Jurisdictional Adjutant Sisters
National Adjutant Levites Jurisdictional Adjutant Levites
Acolytes and Vergers Acolytes and Vergers
The Jurisdictional Adjutants filling these positions have the same responsibilities assigned to
their National counter parts.
This structure within each Jurisdiction will insure proper coordination between the National
Adjutancy and the Jurisdictional Adjutancy. Also, a viable Jurisdictional Adjutancy will insure
proper conduct when the Presidium of the church visits.
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To insure uniformity throughout the entire church, it is recommended that the Adjutant’s
Academy only operate on the National level.
The Jurisdictional Adjutancy is a group of man and women from within the Jurisdiction having
acknowledged a call from God and then is selected to serve the leadership of the church in
matters of Service, Protocol, Order and Worship. The Jurisdictional Adjutancy is a ministry to
serve the leaders of the Jurisdiction. Appointments to the Adjutancy are based upon the
Jurisdictional Bishop wishes and desires.
The duties of the Jurisdictional Adjutancy are numerous throughout the year and seasons. The
Adjutants prepare for the consecration and installation of the Bishop, District Superintendent,
Pastors, and District Missionaries. The Jurisdictional Adjutancy is responsible for executing a
dignified Home Going service for deceased members of the same offices.
The Jurisdictional Adjutancy also assists the Jurisdictional Bishop in the orderly promotion of
Jurisdictional Ceremonial occasions and other duties requested and assigned. The
Jurisdictional Adjutants serve at the pleasure and will of the Jurisdictional Bishop and are
designated to work in any area of work in the Jurisdiction to which they may be assigned by the
Bishop or the Chief Jurisdictional Adjutant.
Chief Jurisdictional Adjutant
One who serves as an aide or assistant to the Jurisdictional Bishop. He serves at the pleasure
of the Bishop. He is responsible for general oversight of all Protocol and Etiquette within the
Jurisdiction. He must maintain an open line of communication with the Bishop and
Administrative Staff in an attempt to bring harmony to all departments and leaders within the
Jurisdiction. He makes certain that all Ceremonial and Official Dress codes are understood and
carried out. A consultant to Pastors and Jurisdictional Leaders in the areas of Protocol, Order
and Programming.
Adjutant Episcopal
The designated Aide to the Jurisdictional Bishop. Consults with the Chief Adjutant to make sure
that primary and immediate concerns of the Bishop are met. He is responsible for the upkeep
and security of the Bishop’s vestments.
Resources used for this presentation:
National Adjutancy Official Manual
National Adjutant Sister Training Manual
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“Technical Skills for Effective & Efficient Services
Sister Michelle P. Rudolph & Overseer Ma’Ron King
Saved, Sanctified and Using the World Wide Web
I. Technology keys for our Leaders
a. National Church Keys
b. Ministry Keys
II. Navigating through COGIC
a. Technology tools used by the Church of God in Christ
i. COGIC Website
ii. ICAS
iii. Adjutancy Website
III. Phobias (Barriers to use)
a. Learning something new
b. Uninformed / Misinformed / Fear
c. Generational Divide
d. Privacy Issues
IV. Getting your leaders to become Tech Savvy
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