This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources Board and
approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the
views and policies of the Air Resources Board, nor does the mention of trade names or
commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Date of Release: October, 2015
a. General Test Procedures 7
b. New Protocols for Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing in 11
40 CFR Part 1066 PM Test Procedures
a. PM Emissions below 1 mg/mi levels from Pre-LEV III LDVs 14
b. Source of Measurement Variability 16
c. Evaluation of PM Sampler Equivalency and
Measurement Precision 26
d. Equivalency of CFR PM Sampling Options 31
a. PMP Method: Solid Particle Number Measurement 39
b. Particulate Mass Estimation Using Particle Size
Distribution and Particulate Effective Density 46
c. Black Carbon 49
Combination Methods: Apportionment of PM mass
with BC measurement
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted more stringent particulate matter
(PM) emission standards as part of the Advanced Clean Cars program and its Low
Emission Vehicle (LEV) III regulations in 2012. During the proceedings, the Board
directed staff to report back to address industry’s concerns both on the feasibility of PM
mass measurement at very low emissions levels and on the technicological feasibility
for vehicles, especially those with technologies expected to be used to meet the
national greenhouse gas standards, to meet the future standards. Since then, ARB
staff, in collaboration with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA), industry, and other stakeholders, has been working on the first of those two tasks
and has completed extensive studies to verify the feasibility of measuring PM emissions
at the levels required to comply with the LEV III 1 milligram per mile (mg/mi) standard.
Several of these studies were focused on investigating concerns regarding the limitation
of the gravimetric measurement method that has been historically used in vehicle
testing to determine PM mass. In addition, ARB staff continues to explore and evaluate
other metrics for measuring PM emissions. For the second task of confirming the
feasibility of the standard for vehicles (and the appropriate implementation timing of the
standard), testing will be carried out over the next year with a report back to the Board
scheduled for late 2016.
Gravimetric Method is Suitable for Measuring PM Emissions below 1 mg/mi
Through this research, ARB staff has concluded that the gravimetric method specified
for vehicle emission testing in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1065/1066 is
indeed suitable for measuring PM mass emissions at the sub 1 mg/mi level. This
conclusion is based on evaluations of the potential sources of measurement variability,
determination of the PM measurement precision, and a comparison of collocated
measurements of selected sampling options described in 40 CFR Part 1066.
Gravimetric Measurement Variability
The total variability in the gravimetric analysis can be estimated by combining the
sources of variability related to filter sampling, handling, and weighing. These sources
of variability are quantified by repeatedly measuring the mass loadingon blank filters
filters exposed to various points of the sampling/measurement environment but not to
the vehicle exhaust. The variability of reference blanks, which are only exposed to the
weighing room environment, indicates microbalance stability and cleanliness in the
clean room. Trip and field blanks are indicators of additional contamination introduced
by sampling media preparation and handling outside of the clean room; whereas tunnel
blanks, which are exposed to the entire sampling process including dilution air but still
excluding vehicle exhaust, determine overall variability in sampling processes and the
typical contribution from background dilution air.
In ARB studies, the average mass loadings of reference, trip, and field blanks are very
close to zero, indicating that minimal contamination is introduced by ARB’s filter
handling procedures. Typical levels of tunnel blanks in ARB’s Haagen-Smit Laboratory
(HSL) test cells average ~2.1 micrograms (µg, 1 µg = 0.001 mg). Relative to field
blanks average, mass loading on tunnel blanks are slightly higher, representing the
additional contribution from background dilution air and the sampling tunnel.
The variability of the gravimetric analysis is calculated from the standard deviations of
reference blank measurements. The standard deviations of ARB’s reference blanks are
~0.5 µg, indicating that the variability from the microbalance is very low. Trip and field
blanks undergo more handling by testing personnel and exposure to the vehicle test cell
and therefore, have an expected higher variability with one standard deviation of 2 µg at
ARB. Tunnel blank results encompass additional variability due to dilution air
background and potential sampling tunnel contamination, yet the standard deviation of
tunnel blanks increases only slightly (by an additional 0.5 µg) to 2.5 µg. The average
and variability of tunnel blank results show that the subtraction of up to 5 µg allowed by
the official test procedures to account for background contamination is sufficient.
For frame of reference, if we take the worst case scenario of adding an additional one
standard deviation of mass loading (2.5 ug) to each of the three phases of the FTP
emission test and all in the direction of adding mass to the filter, the impact would be an
uncertainty of less than 0.1 mg/mi, or 10% of the 1 mg/mi PM emission
standard. Furthermore, if a single filter sampling method is used instead of the
traditional 3-filter method, the contribution is reduced to approximately 5% of the 1
mg/mi standard.
Precision and Reproducibility of the Gravimetric Measurement
The precision of the gravimetric measurement was established by measuring PM mass
with five collocated gravimetric samplers, and then comparing the relative deviations of
the multiple measurements across a fleet of vehicles spanning a range of emissions at
or below a 1 mg/mile level. Measurement precision is a quantification of the possible
errors due solely to measurement, excluding any differences caused by variability of the
vehicle emission levels. ARBs study determined that the precision is 11% (or 0.1
mg/mile) at sub 1 mg/mi levels.
To establish vehicle test reproducibility, ARB carried out an in-house correlation study
with one vehicle and an average of nine repeat PM emission measurements per test
cell in each of three different light-duty vehicle (LDV) test cells. The study showed that
the three test cells utilized can reproducibly measure PM emissions at sub 1 mg/mile
levels. The vehicle test-to-test variability was determined to be greater than the inter-
laboratory (test cell-to-test cell) variability, suggesting that the instability of the emission
source (vehicle) can be a critical factor in determining the total vehicle testing
Equivalency of CFR Sampling Options
ARB’s study showed that the single filter, flow-weighted sampling method allowed in 40
CFR Part 1066 for FTP testing yields an emission rate equivalent to that of the
conventional 3-filter sampling method, provided they are both corrected with the actual
PM background (e.g., tunnel blank). The single filter method also has the advantage of
reducing the material and labor costs needed. The test results show that these two
sampling options are equivalent.
Evaluation of Alternative Methods
ARB staff has evaluated several approaches for measuring PM mass that incorporate
alternative metrics for PM, including those based on solid particle number (SPN),
integrated particle size distribution with effective density, and black carbon (BC)
measurement. PM mass results determined by all three methods correlate well with
gravimetric PM mass. However, the slopes of the correlations vary by test cycle and
engine technology as does the variability in PM mass. The observed relationship
between PM mass and real-time methods (particle number and BC) strongly suggests
that regulating PM emissions through a mass standard will simultaneously reduce the
emissions of solid particles and black carbon.
The SPN method is used as one of the metrics for LDV PM standards and emission
measurement by the European Union. It is of special interest because it is the only
method besides the gravimetric method that has been subjected to rigorous
international round robin studies. Although previous studies have reported more
repeatable emission measurements with the SPN method and there are potential cost
savings with the method, one major drawback is that it only measures a portion of the
constituents that make up the total PM emissions. Specifically, it does not measure the
semi-volatile components nor particles smaller than 23 nm in diameter. Various studies
have shown that the portion of PM attributed to semi-volatiles or to particles smaller
than 23 nm can (and likely will continue to) vary substantially based on the engine fuel,
engine technology, and exhaust aftertreatment applied. Given the uncertainty as to
both the chemical nature of PM that future vehicles will emit and the possible effects in
adverse public health from PM in these excluded portions, ARB will continue to utilize
the gravimetric mass measurement method as the recognized method for official
emission tests. However, staff will continue to monitor developments from the
European Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) working group which is seeking
improvements in the SPN instrument calibration and extension of the particle size
measurement range to include smaller particles, possibly down to 10 nm in diameter.
ARB will also continue to follow the improvements in other methods and instruments for
measuring particle number and BC as well as any other promising emerging
ARB LEV III PM Emission Standards
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted the Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) III
PM emission standards as part of its Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) program in 2012.
Full implementation of the 1 mg/mi PM emission standard is achieved by model year
(MY) 2028. The standard is codified in title 13 section 1961.2, California Code of
Regulations, “Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures - 2015 and
Subsequent Model Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles”.
The regulation lowers the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) PM emission standard for
passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty passenger vehicles in two phases.
The first phase lowers the standard to 3 milligrams per mile (mg/mi) over a phase-in
period starting with MY 2017 vehicles and reaching full implementation by MY 2021.
The second phase further lowers the FTP PM emission standard to 1 mg/mi beginning
with MY 2025, and reaches full implementation in MY 2028.
Current 2017 2025
PM Emissions (mg/mi)
Figure I-1. LEV III FTP PM standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and
medium-duty passenger vehicles.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) has also lowered the national PM
emission standards as part of the Federal Tier 3 regulations. Identical to the LEV III
program, the Federal Tier 3 program will limit FTP PM emissions to 3 mg/mi over a
phase-in period beginning in MY 2017 and reaching full implementation by MY 2021.
However, the EPA standards do not decrease to 1 mg/mi in later years like the LEV III
standards. In October 2014, ARB adopted additional minor changes to the LEV III
standards to more closely align with Federal Tier 3 standards without sacrificing any
emission benefits or the more stringent 1 mg/mi standard.
While the vast majority of gasoline vehicles today easily meet the existing 10 mg/mi PM
standard, the more stringent LEV III PM standards will prevent emission increases as
vehicle manufacturers transition to low greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting technologies,
some of which can increase PM emissions. The light duty vehicle fleet is currently
dominated by port-fuel injection (PFI) gasoline vehicles, the majority of which emit PM
at or below 1 mg/mi. In recent years, an increasing segment of the market share is
comprised of gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles, a technology that reduces fuel
consumption and therefore, GHG emissions, but sometimes increases PM emissions.
Engine technology is rapidly evolving as manufacturers introduce new variations of GDI
systems and components such as improved injectors, higher pressures, and different
mounting locations to reduce any undesired increase in PM emissions. Some other
GHG-reducing technologies such as non-stoichiometric gasoline operation have also
been mentioned as concerns where PM emissions may increase. In some cases,
vehicle manufacturers and suppliers are even investigating after-treatment devices such
as gasoline particulate filters (GPFs), similar in concept to the diesel particulate filters
(DPFs) already in use on light- and heavy-duty diesel vehicles.
Vehicle manufacturers have expressed concerns over the lower PM standards,
particularly the future 1 mg/mi standard. The uncertainty of the traditional filter-based
gravimetric method for measuring PM emissions at the 1 mg/mi level has been
perceived to be relatively high, thereby making reliable measurement extremely
challenging. In 2012, the Board directed staff to review and report back on the
feasibility of reliable measurement at these low levels and to re-assess the technical
feasibility (and appropriate implementation timing) of future vehicle technologies to meet
these tighter PM standards.
The LEV III regulations also include a more stringent PM emission standard for the
Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP), also known as the US06 cycle, which
represents much more aggressive driving speeds and accelerations than the FTP test
cycle. The magnitude of the US06 PM emission standard is significantly higher than
that of the FTP standard and, therefore, PM measurement uncertainty has a much less
significant impact on the test results. Accordingly, ARB staff focused its evaluation on
the measurement feasibility at levels required to meet the future FTP standards.
ARB adopted the updated federal test procedures (40 CFR part 1066) as part of the
LEV III update in October 2014. These new procedures include allowances for
background correction, as well as provisions for new PM sampling options. Current PM
sampling and measurement protocols along with the updated sampling options are
discussed in further detail in Section II. Staff’s findings on PM measurement feasibility
and on the alternative PM measurement metrics are presented in Sections III and IV,
respectively. Section V addresses stakeholdersconcerns regarding the limitations of
the gravimetric test method. Finally, Section VI summarizes findings and
recommendations regarding the suitability of the gravimetric test method for the LEV III
1 mg/mile PM emission standard, benefits and limitations of new sampling approaches
in LEV III and CFR test procedures, and an assessment of alternative PM measurement
Regarding the Board’s request for staff to re-assess the technical feasibility of future
vehicles meeting the 1 mg/mi PM standard and the appropriate implementation timing
for that standard, staff has begun the analysis and will present its findings as part of the
comprehensive midterm review of the national GHG standards and ARB ZEV regulation
at a later date.
a. General Test Procedures
Light-duty vehicle (LDV) testing at ARB is conducted on a chassis dynamometer in a
test cell equipped with a Constant Volume Sampling (CVS) system and the associated
equipment for gaseous and PM mass emissions collection. Measurement of PM mass
during testing is carried out using prescribed procedures defined in 40 CFR Part 1065
and 1066, which cover everything from vehicle/fuel preparation to vehicle test cycles,
emissions sample collection, and the gravimetric determination of PM mass. Figure II-1
shows a picture of one of ARB’s LDV emission test cells and Table II-1 summarizes the
specifications of the three ARB LDV test cells used to carry out this evaluation. The
typical CVS flowrate of the FTP test cycle at ARB is 350 standard cubic feet per minute
ARB Cell 7
Figure II-1. A picture of an ARB test cell 7
LDV PM emissions are determined with gravimetric measurement by taking a sample of
diluted vehicle exhaust from the CVS and collecting PM on a 47mm
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter. The sample is collected using a temperature-
controlled (47 ± 5°C) PM filter sampling system at a nominal flow rate of 60 standard
liters per minute (L/min, or 2.12 scfm). The typical filter face velocity for sample
collection is near 100 cm/s. The filter sample is then subjected to the gravimetric
analysis in an environmentally controlled clean room, maintained at a temperature of 22
± 1°C and a dew point of 9.5 ± 1°C. The clean room cleanliness meets the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for clean room environments (ISO
14644-1). Filters are equilibrated for a minimum of 30 minutes in the clean room prior to
carrying out the weighing on a microbalance (XP2U, Mettler Toledo, Columbus, OH).
Currently, ARB’s gravimetric analysis of filters is conducted using an automated
weighing system controlled by an MTL robotic weighing system, shown in Figure II-2,
with triplicate weighing and zero drift correction. The PM mass loading is the difference
between the pre-test and post-test buoyancy corrected filter masses. The weighing
procedure is detailed in SOP MV-AEROSOL-145 v5.2 (ECARS, 2011b) and the filter
handling and preparation procedure is described in SOPs MV-AEROSOL-156 and 158
(ECARS, 2014a and 2014b).
ARB HSL Test Cell
Cell A Cell B Cell C
48" Burke Porter
2WD Electric
Electric Dyno
48" Horiba 2WD
Electric Dyno
Sampler (CVS)
AVL CVS 150-
900 SCFM
1,000 SCFM
Horiba CVS
150-814 SCFM
Gas Analyzers
Horiba MEXA-
7200 LE
Horiba MEXA-
7200 LE
PM Sampler
2. Horiba Quad
Horiba HF-PM
Transfer Tube
3-4" Stainless
Steel Tube
Steel Tube
3-4" Stainless
Steel Tube
Table II-1. Summary of testing equipment in ARB light-duty vehicle test cells
Figure II-2. An operator loads filters on ARB’s automated filter weighing system.
Driving Cycles
LDV PM emission standards are tied to specific driving cycles on a chassis
dynamometer. The driving cycle is intended to represent a specific duty or activity of a
vehicle during its operation. The two most relevant drive cycles for LDV PM emission
standards are the standard Federal Test Procedure (FTP) and the high speed, high
acceleration portion of the Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP or US06).
Federal Test Procedure (FTP)
The FTP consists of two Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedules (UDDS) run in series
(Figure II-3). Each UDDS is divided into two phases, with a start phase running for 505
seconds and a stabilized phase running for an additional 864 seconds. The first UDDS
is considered a cold start test because the engine is started in a “cold” condition after an
overnight engine off ‘soak’ period. The second UDDS is considered a hot start test
because it begins with a “hot” engine from a car that has been sitting with the engine off
for 10 minutes after the first UDDS ends. The stabilized phase in both UDDS cycles is
assumed to have the same emissions; therefore, it is typically not run after the hot start.
This three-phase driving schedule is commonly referred to as an FTP-75. The FTP-75
has a total distance travelled of 11.04 miles, an average speed of 21.2 miles per hour
(mph), and a total duration of 1874 seconds. The emission result is a weighted average
where the cold start and stabilized phase (the first UDDS cycle) is weighted at 43
percent and the hot start and stabilized phase (equivalent to the second UDDS) is
weighted at 57 percent.
Figure II-3. The FTP cycle speed trace
Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP or US06)
The US06 was developed to reflect aggressive, high speed, and high acceleration
driving behavior. The US06 driving cycle is shown in Figure II-4. It is a hot start test
typically run with two replicate US06 cycles. The first US06 cycle is a prep cycle, run
without emission measurement, to ensure the car is warmed up; the second US06
immediately follows the first, without an engine off or restart, and emissions are
measured on the second cycle. The US06 cycle represents an 8.01 mile route with an
average speed of 48.4 mph, maximum speed 80.3 mph, maximum acceleration rate of
8.46 mph/sec, and duration of 596 seconds. The higher acceleration rates and speeds
of the US06 cycle lead to higher engine loads, which typically generate higher PM
emission rates.
Figure II-4. The US06 cycle trace of the SFTP
Test Fuel
The Phase 3 gasoline certification specifications were adopted as part of the LEV III
regulations and specify a number of components in the test fuel. It has been shown that
the sulfur, olefinic, and total aromatic hydrocarbon content in the fuel could affect PM
emissions (Khalek et al., 2010 and Aikawa et al., 2010). Phase 3 certification fuel
replaced MTBE with ethanol (E10) as the oxygenate, and set specifications for other
parameters to better reflect the current composition of transportation gasoline sold
commercially in California. These specifications are detailed in Part II, Section
A. of the “California
2015 and Subsequent Model Criteria Pollutant Exhaust
Emission Standards
and Test Procedures and 2017 and Subsequent Model Greenhouse
Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for Passenger Cars, Light-
Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles.”
b. New Protocols for Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing in 40 CFR Part 1066
PM Test Procedures
40 CFR Part 1066 provides two new features for PM emission testing that include 1)
five different PM sampling options with their calculations, and 2) an allowance for
background correction. These elements are described in the following paragraphs.
PM Sampling Options
The U.S. EPA has led an effort to improve and standardize the test methods prescribed
in the CFR for vehicle testing. This effort resulted in the creation of Part 1066 which
ARB has adopted along with 40 CFR Part 1065 for its vehicle compliance testing
programs. One of the updates to 40 CFR part 1066.815 (Exhaust emission test
procedure for FTP testing) includes four additional PM sampling options, listed in Table
II-2 as options 2 through 5. These sampling options were intended primarily to increase
the amount of PM sampled and minimize uncertainties by reducing the number of filters
used. However, some options require extending emission test time to encompass two
full UDDS cycles, while others may result in laboratories needing two samplers. Option
1 is the original FTP test procedure and is used as a benchmark, whereas sampling
option 4 has been evaluated extensively as part of ARB’s efforts to determine the
feasibility of PM measurement at levels below 1 mg/mi. The results of ARB’s
comparison are presented in Section III.
No. of
Filter Face Velocity
Weighting Target
1 filter/phase of three-phase FTP
1 filter/UDDS of four-phase FTP
1 filter/phase 1&2 +
1 filter/phase 2&3
1 filter/three-phase FTP
1 filter/four-phase FTP
Table II-2. Summary of five PM sampling options described in 40 CFR Part 1066. The
maximum nominal filter face velocity is 100 cm/sec for all sampling options.
PM Background Correction
The subtraction of background PM mass allows corrections for a measurable bias. 40
CFR Part 1066 allows background correction of up to 5 µg, or 5% of the net PM mass.
The major sources of bias include dilution air contamination, as well as sampling train
and filter media adsorption/desorption effects. Not only do the contamination sources
contribute to undesirable background interference, but they could also increase
measurement variability. However, PM background interference and vehicular PM
emissions cannot be quantified simultaneously. The interference caused by deposit of
exhaust emission constituents onto the wall of the sampling train, and re-evaporation
and re-entrainment of those deposits back to the sample stream is dynamic, and
depends on the chemical nature of these constituents, as well as the temperature
gradient between the exhaust stream, dilution tunnel, and dilution air. Furthermore,
these interferences can undergo chemical reactions with the exhaust, the nature of
which also varies in transient test cycles.
In addition to the interferences and uncertainties in the CVS tunnel, filter sampling
media can also contribute to measurement uncertainties. Different filter materials have
unique characteristics for adsorption and desorption of gaseous organics. The use of
PTFE filters has resulted in the least degree of interference from gaseous organic
compounds (Chase et al., 2004 and Khalek 2005), whereas, earlier studies show TX40
and quartz fiber filters have a propensity to adsorb organic hydrocarbons and tend to
show much higher background levels and measurement uncertainty. Good filter
handling practices can also minimize the PM mass measurement variability.
a. PM Emissions below 1 mg/mi levels from Pre-LEV III LDVs
Prior to the 2012 LEV III rulemaking, ARB began monitoring PM emissions from LDVs
and assessing the capabilities of the gravimetric measurement method. The results
were discussed in the LEV III PM Technical Support Document, Appendix P. In this
effort, 19 LDVs, comprised of nine GDI and 10 PFI vehicles were tested using the FTP
cycle and California Phase 3 commercial summer fuel containing 6% ethanol by
volume. For the nine GDI test vehicles (Figure III-1), PM mass emissions were the
highest in phase 1 (cold start), with an average of 14 mg/mi; after engine warm up, PM
emissions were significantly reduced with an average of 1.1 mg/mi for phase 2
(stabilized phase) and 1.5 mg/mi for phase 3 (hot start). The FTP weighted average PM
mass emissions for the nine GDIs was 3.87 mg/mi. Detailed GDI vehicle information
and corresponding PM emission rates are listed in Appendix Table A-1.
Figure III-1. PM mass emission rates on FTP cycle for 9 GDI vehicles using
California E6 summer fuel (LEV III PM Technical Support Document, 2012)
The FTP weighted average PM emissions for the ten PFI vehicles (listed in Appendix
Table A-2) was 0.5 mg/mi, with a range of 0.16 mg/mi to 0.99 mg/mi. The results are
shown in Figure III-2, along with the US EPA’s test results from a set of 13 vehicles,
Vehicles A to M (detailed in Appendix Table A-2). These PM emissions were measured
in three test cells at the HSL and one test cell at US EPA’s National Vehicle and Fuel
Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL). The coefficient of variance (CoV, the ratio of the
standard deviation divided to the mean of results from repeating tests, also known as
relative standard deviation) from vehicles where there was three or four repeat tests
varied from 5 to 56% and was found to be independent of the PM emission rates.
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 3
Veh 4
Veh 5
Veh 6
Veh 7
Veh 8
Veh 9
Veh 10
Veh A
Veh B
Veh C
Veh D
Veh E
Veh F
Veh G
Veh H
Veh I
Veh J
Veh K
Veh L
Veh M
PM Emissions, mg/mile
COV, %
MY 2005-2009
ARB Study
U.S. EPA Study
MY 2005-2009
MY 2006-2009
w/o background corrections
w/ background corrections
X is the coefficient of variance of the testing results.
No error bar indicates only one test was performed.
Error bars show one standard deviation
Figure III-2. PM emission rates of LDVs tested at ARB’s HSL cell A and US EPA’s
NVFEL cell (Hu et al., 2014)
Repeat gravimetric measurements of FTP phase 2 and phase 3 PM emission rates for
GDI vehicles and FTP weighted PM emission rates for PFI vehicles demonstrated that
the gravimetric PM mass measurement method was capable of measuring PM mass
emission rates at ~1 mg/mi or lower.
In addition to the work at the U.S. EPA and ARB, other laboratories have also measured
low level PM emissions. Chase et al. (2000) reported that PM emissions from 11 LDVs
had a mean FTP-weighted emission rate of 0.60 ± 0.17 mg/mi for six low mileage
vehicles and 0.67 ± 0.19 mg/mi for five high mileage vehicles. Maricq et al. (2011) also
reported measurements of LDV PM emissions at LEV III levels.
A statistical analysis was conducted to verify the ability of a test cell to distinguish
vehicles with various PM emission levels. The PM emissions from vehicles with more
than three repeat tests and ranging from 0.2 to 0.99 mg/mi (Vehicles 1, 7-10) were
pooled to calculate test-to-test variability (
), vehicle-to-vehicle variability (
), and total
variability (
) by the equations listed in Statistical Analyses _Repeatability and
Reproducibility” in the Appendix. Using this statistical analysis, vehicle-to-vehicle and
test-to-test variability were compared to verify vehicles emitting at different PM levels
could be distinguished in the test cell. The calculated results are shown in Table III-1.
The vehicle-to-vehicle variability was found to be at least two times the test-to-test
variability. When one outlying emission value from Vehicle 8 is excluded, the vehicle-to-
vehicle variability becomes even more dominant while the CoV for test-to-test
repeatability decreases from 30% to 16%. The vehicle-to-vehicle variability accounts for
more than 90% (excluding the outlier) or 70% (all data) of the total emission variability.
These results suggest that the test cell itself can distinguish different levels of vehicular
PM emission below 1 mg/mi.
Variability Coefficient of Variance
Emissions Test-to-Test Vehicle-to- Total
PM 0.65±0.34 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.30 0.46 0.55
0.60±0.26 0.01 0.08 0.09 0.16 0.47 0.49
a. One suspicious “outlier” value of 1.53 mg/mi was excluded from Veh 8 to evaluate the influence of this
high value on the variability.
Table III-1. Repeatability and reproducibility of five vehicles (Vehicle 1, 7-10) tested at
ARB HSL test cell A (Hu et al, 2014)
Although the ability to measure PM mass repeatedly below 1 mg/mi has been
demonstrated, there are still some concerns regarding the measurement uncertainty
related to vehicle emission testing. To better understand the sources of measurement
uncertainty, ARB has conducted numerous tests to identify these sources, quantify
variability, and further confirm the feasibility of the gravimetric method for vehicle
emission certification testing.
b. Sources of Measurement Variability
To fully characterize the uncertainty of vehicle PM emission measurements, it is
essential to understand how the test is conducted and where the measurement
variability is influenced. Vehicle dynamometer testing contains three major potential
sources of variability, shown in Figure III-3:
(a) Emission source: the vehicle itself and a driver
Repeatability of PM emissions can be influenced by the variation of the engine
combustion process, and slight test-to-test variations in engine speed and load
operation that occur as the driver follows within a transient driving trace.
(b) Sampling train: heated transfer tube, dilution tunnel, dilution air, PM sampling
system, and sample collection media
The dilution air background and adsorption/desorption characteristics of semi-
volatile organic compounds in the sampling train can contribute the total
measurement variability. In addition, the PTFE filter’s property of
adsorption/desorption of organic hydrocarbons during sample collection can also
contribute to variability.
(c) Gravimetric analysis to determine the PM mass
The stability of the microbalance and environmental conditions in the clean room
can also contribute to measurement variability.
Transfer tube
Dilution tunnel
Filter sampler
Dilution Air
Figure III-3. Schematic illustration of the gravimetric method for determining PM mass
emissions in vehicle exhaust. (Modified from Mayer, 2006)
Blank sample measurements as indicators of sources of variability
ARB routinely measures background/blank samples to identify possible areas of
contamination as the filter is transported through each step of vehicle testing. The
results are used to quantify the variability from gravimetric analysis (reference and
replicate analysis), the filter handling process (trip and field blanks), and the sampling
train (tunnel blanks) to estimate potential background contributions to total vehicle
emission measurement variability. The various blank samples are diagrammed in
Figure III-4 to illustrate their relative contributions (not to scale) to variability.
Trip blank
Field blank
Tunnel blank
Figure III-4. Schematic of sources of total variability determined from filter blanks. The
relative contribution is not to scale. (modified from Watson et al. 2013 CRC Workshop)
Variability from Gravimetric Analysis: Reference Filter and Replicate Analysis
The vehicle PM emissions are collected onto a PTFE filter and the filter weight
determination can be influenced by environmental conditions. Therefore, it is important
to evaluate the measurement variability of reference, replicate filters, and NIST
traceable metal weights for quality assurance (QA).
The NIST Traceable Metal Weight
The filter weighing is conducted using an MTL robotic filter weighing system with
triplicate weighing and zero drift correction The NIST traceable metal weight is used to
validate the microbalance calibration. Figure III-5 shows the metal weight
measurements from April to September, 2014. The NIST metal weight ranged within
0.7 µg in six months, indicating excellent microbalance stability.
3/22/2014 5/1/2014 6/10/2014 7/20/2014 8/29/2014 10/8/2014
Metal weight, µg
Figure III-5. NIST traceable metal weight measurements for a period of six months.
Reference Filter Blanks
Three reference filters, stored in the weighing room environment, are weighed at the
beginning and the end of each sample (filter) weighing session. Typical weighing
sessions last several hours, depending on the number of samples. Reference filters are
used to check for particle contamination in the clean room environment and weighing
system stability during a weighing session. The reference filters’ mass difference (the
change of buoyancy corrected net mass of reference filters during each weighing
session) along with results from various types of blanks, are shown in Figure III-6. The
mean difference for the reference filters was -0.4 µg with one standard deviation of 0.5
µg, determined by a total of 138 reference filter samples collected during the period of
January to June, 2014.
Replicate samples
A replicate is a vehicle emission filter randomly selected for repeat weighing from each
batch of ten samples. Replicate results were used to assess measurement repeatability
for different filter PM mass loadings. The variability of repeat analysis is shown in
Figure III-6 for over 100 samples collected from January through June 2014 at the ARB
laboratory. The mean and standard deviation were 0.1 ± 0.5 µg. The results from
replicate analyses demonstrated that the performance of the weighing system is stable.
Reference Replicate Trip Field Tunnel
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Weight Avarage, µg
Filter Handling
Tunnel Blanks
Figure III-6. Average and standard deviation of blank filters.
In summary, the QA system consisting of NIST traceable metal weights, replicate filters,
and reference filters verified the stability of the robotic filter weighing system and
cleanliness of the weighing room. The average and standard deviation results are
relatively insignificant, compared to other blank measurements (discussed later).
Jung et al. (2015) compiled reference filter results from 13 laboratories using either
manual or robotic weighing, as shown in Figure III-7. The robotic weighing system (labs
4, 6, and 9) exhibited the lowest average bias (mean of reference filters) and standard
deviation of reference filters, and the results were very similar to ARB’s. When
including the results from manual weighing, the 50
percentile of the average variability
for laboratories is 2 µg with the 5
and 95
percentile at 0.6 and 4.99 µg, respectively.
Error bars represents the one standard deviation of the average results for each short-term pair evaluated.
Figure III-7. Average reference filter weight differences for the pooled filters (outliers
removed) (Jung et al., 2015)
Variability from Filter Handling: Trip and Field Blanks
Trip Blanks
A trip blank is a filter randomly selected among a set of pre-weighed filters, transported
to the test cell where it is stored (but not used for sampling or exposed to the testing
facility environment) during vehicle testing, and then returned to the weighing room.
The designated trip blank is weighed in the same weighing session along with the PM
samples. A total of 146 trip blanks were collected from four ARB test cells during 2013
and 2014, and the results are shown in Figure III-6. The average of the trip blanks is
0.4 µg, with a standard deviation of 1.9 µg. As expected, the trip blank has more
variability than that of the reference filters. Trip blanks encompass additional sources of
variability such as the assembly and disassembly of the filter cassettes used to house
the sample filters.
Field Blanks
Compared to the trip blank, the field blank captures additional variability introduced by
loading the filter onto the sample holder for the duration of vehicle testing, but without
exposure to tunnel dilution air or vehicle exhaust. The average of the field blank results
is shown in Figure III-6. The average mass of 40 field blanks from two of ARB’s test
cells is 0.2 µg with a standard deviation of 2.2 µg. The lack of any increased mass
loading over trip blank results indicates that the additional assembly and disassembly of
the filter cassette onto the filter holder, and exposure to tunnel air (without flow) does
not increase the mass loading or the measurement uncertainty.
The average mass loadings for trip and field blanks were close to zero, indicating that
filter handing procedures do not result in significant filter contamination. However, an
elevated standard deviation was observed for trip and field blanks when compared to
that of the reference or replicate analysis.
Variability from the Dilution Sampling System: Tunnel Blanks
Vehicular tailpipe exhaust is drawn through a heated transfer tube to the CVS dilution
tunnel, where the exhaust is diluted with filtered ambient air. ARB uses the tunnel blank
to evaluate the contribution from sampling system to measurement variability with the
transfer tube sealed.
Tunnel Blanks
At ARB’s test cells, tunnel blanks are typically collected every week using the same PM
sampling system used for vehicle testing, except that the vehicle exhaust inlet (or the
transfer tube) to the CVS tunnel is sealed. The sampling duration and flow rate are the
same as those in vehicle emission testing; however, the temperature profile in emission
testing (e.g., due to variations in vehicle exhaust temperature and mass flow during an
actual test) is not replicated. Tunnel blank results from three different programs at ARB
are tabulated in the Table III-2.
Tunnel Blank
Average (µg)
Deviation (µg)
Cell A (Phase 1, 2, 3)
2.5, 2.5, 1.8
2.7, 3.4, 3.1
Hu et al., 2014
Cell A (Phase 1, 2, 3,
2.0, 2.1, 2.2
2.0, 1.9, 2.0
Sardar et al.,
Cell B (composite filter)
LDV surveillance test
(UC cycle)
Table III-2. ARB’s tunnel blank results from various vehicle test programs
Tunnel background levels were measured for tunnel blank tests from ARB’s test cell A,
prior to ARB’s LEV III rulemakings in 2012 (Hu, et al., 2014). Additional tunnel blanks
were collected from various ARB projects beginning in 2012. The utilization of only one
brand of PTFE filter (Whatman) and the implementation of a robotic filter weighing
system could help reduce the standard deviation of tunnel blank results (Sardar et al.,
submitted). ARB’s test cell B, which primarily carries out the emission tests for in-use
surveillance testing programs, showed similar results as those collected in test cell A
despite being exposed to significantly higher concentrations of PM mass.
Additional tunnel blank results, shown in Figure III-6, are from a total of 22 tunnel blank
samples collected for test cell A from September, 2013 through February, 2014,
including a full-flow 3-phase composite filter tunnel blank. The average and standard
deviation for the three phases and composite are 1.3 ± 2.0 µg (phase 1), 1.9 ± 2.9 µg
(phase 2), 1.0 ± 2.5 µg (phase 3), and 1.8 ± 1.9 (full flow composite).
The average tunnel blank mass loadings from ARB’s test cells was ~2.1 µg. Some
researchers suggest that the tunnel blank mass loading is from volatile or semi-volatile
hydrocarbons from the contaminants or wall losses of PM in the CVS tunnel while
others suggest it is from the dilution air. Nevertheless, official test procedures specified
in 40 CFR Part 1066 allow for a background ‘correction’ (subtraction) of up to 5 µg
which is sufficient to account for the observed tunnel blank background.
The average standard deviation of the tunnel blank results was approximately 2.5 µg,
which was slightly larger than that of trip and field blanks at 2 µg. The unpredictable
nature of contamination, either from the dilution air or tunnel wall, can increase
measurement uncertainty. The maximum tunnel blank measurement variability -
calculated by assuming that 2.5 µg is the PM mass loading for each FTP phase- is
equivalent to a 0.1 mg/mi FTP weighted emissions rate (350 scfm CVS flow rate and
100 cm/s filter face velocity). This theoretical worst case variability is approximately
10% of the 1 mg/mi emission standard and becomes even less significant (~ 5%) when
calculated using a single filter flow-weighted sampling option. Other investigators have
assessed the impact of tunnel blank uncertainty based on a standard deviation of 5 µg
(Bushkuhl et al., 2013), which is two times what has been observed at ARB. An
elevation of the standard deviation from trip blanks to tunnel dilution air blanks was
observed, attributed from the gaseous adsorption onto tunnel blank filters.
The results of a tunnel blank survey reported by Jung et al. (2015) are shown in Figure
III-8. Each participating laboratory had different practices for its tunnel blank
determination. The results show a large variation among laboratories. The average,
percentile, and standard deviation of all measurements (N=615) are 4.13, 2.8, and
3.62 µg, respectively. The 50
percentile of the variability (single standard deviation) for
the pooled laboratories is 2.8µg. If this tunnel blank variability reflects the overall
vehicle PM mass measurement uncertainty, improvements are needed for some
laboratories to quantify very low PM mass emissions.
= 13. 0 μg
= 2.8 μg
= 1.1 μg
Figure III- 8. Tunnel blank results from various laboratories (Jung et al., 2015)
To better understand the chemical characteristics of tunnel blank PM, ARB analyzed
PM samples for organic/elemental carbon. In addition to PM mass, collocated samples
were collected onto quartz fiber filters over the California Unified Cycle (UC) as part of
ARB’s LDV in-use surveillance program Series-19 conducted in test cell B. Both tunnel
blank tests (24 tests) and trip blanks (25 PTFE and 14 quartz fiber filters) were
conducted during the period from April 2013 to July 2014.
Sampling with quartz fiber filters allows for carbon analysis, which can differentiate
organic from elemental carbonaceous compounds. The quartz filter is pre-cleaned to
remove any contaminants before measurements. After PM sampling, the filters are
analyzed for organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) using a Thermal/Optical
carbon analyzer following the IMPROVE_A protocol. Detailed analytical procedures
can be found in SOP MV-AEROSOL-139 v 1.1 (ECARS, 2011a).
PM mass EC+OC PM mass EC+OC
Tunnel Blank
Trip Blank
Tunnel Blank
Trip Blank
Figure III-9. Average tunnel and trip blank PM mass and carbon analysis results from
ARB Test Cell B
As shown in Figure III-9, the average trip blank (25 samples) PM mass loading on the
PTFE filter was -0.5 ± 1.4 µg. The quartz filters were pre-baked at 900
C to reduce
background OC and EC. The quartz trip blank filters showed OC levels at 10.8 ± 4.1 µg
and 17.2 ± 3.9 µg OC level for tunnel blanks. However, the EC for both trip and tunnel
blanks were below the reporting limit (<2 µg). Although the high OC level in tunnel blank
is found, the average tunnel blank mass of 1.6 µg suggests that the adsorption of OC
from the dilution air onto PTFE filters is negligible.
The actual tunnel blank OC level should be much less when taking into account the trip
blank results. It is well known that quartz materials tend to adsorb organic volatile and
semi-volatile compounds to a greater extent than PTFE materials. This phenomenon,
sometimes referred to as “artifact” has been extensively studied in ambient particulate
matter sampling studies (Kirchstetter et al., 2001, and Turpin et al., 2000) as well as in
studies that sampled a mixture of pentadecane/soot on a coated glass fiber (Högström
et al., 2012). Although OC adsorption on filters is not completely understood, a variety
of correction approaches have been investigated, such as secondary filters and
denuders (Maricq et al., 2011, Mader et al., 2001, and Subramanian et al., 2004).
In an effort to reduce background contamination, ARB’s routine practice is to use
charcoal filters followed by high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to remove PM
and reduce organic carbon. The efficiency of contaminant reduction has been reflected
in reduced tunnel blank levels.
c. Evaluation of PM Sampler Equivalency and Gravimetric Measurement Precision
Two PM samplers, a Horiba Quad PM sampler and a collocated AVL 472 SPC PM
sampler, were used in a study to evaluate measurement precision and sampling unit
equivalency. The Horiba Quad PM sampler was connected to the CVS dilution tunnel
with a single inlet, which was subsequently divided into four air streams to feed into four
identical PM filter units.
A total of twelve vehicles, including two GDI and 10 PFI vehicles, were tested over 86
tests (FTP and US06). Vehicle information is presented in Appendix Table A-3.
Weighted PM emission rates over the FTP cycle were below 3 mg/mi and,
predominantly, below 1 mg/mi.
The vehicles were tested using California Phase III certification gasoline fuel, with the
exception of vehicles 6 and 7, which were tested using EPA Tier 2 Indolene fuel.
Sample probes for PM measurement were located near the tunnel center line and 10
tunnel diameters downstream of the mixing point. The schematic of the sampling setup
along with particle size and counting instruments is shown in Figure III-10.
PM Sampler
Horiba Quad
PM Sampler
Dilution Air
Filter box
Figure III-10. A schematic of the ARB LDV emission laboratory setup including CVS dilution
tunnel and simultaneous measurements utilizing two different PM samplers along with
particle size distribution and counting equipment
At PM filter loadings from 0 to 400 µg, there was a very good linear correlation between
the SPC and all four Horiba Quad units, as shown in Figure III-11 (a). Filter loadings of
less than 100 µg are most relevant to the LEV III PM emission standards, as they
correspond to emissions at or below 1 mg/mi. The correlation below 100 µg loading
shows slightly greater scatter than the correlation for mass loadings from 0 to 400 µg,
shown in Figure III-11 (b).
Figure III-11. PM filter loading correlation between SPC and Quad units for mass
ranges (a) 0-400 µg and (b) 0-100 µg. (Sardar et al., submitted)
For filter loadings below 100 µg, the percent deviation of the five sampling units is
illustrated in Figure III-12. The majority of the deviations is within ±20%, but is
noticeably higher where the filter loading is below 20 µg (± 40%). The deviation is
relatively stable for measured levels between 20 to 60 µg, and then generally decreases
as the average loading increases.
Figure III-12. Percent deviation from average loading for Quad and SPC samplers
(Sardar, et al., submitted)
PM emissions varied substantially across vehicles and test cycles, so “precision” was
calculated as percent variation applicable to emissions from 10 to 60 µg because of the
relevancy to PM emissions at levels of sub 1 mg/mi. A two-way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) was used for simultaneous evaluation of equivalency and measurement
precision. Table III-4 shows the ANOVA results. The overall F test for the samplers is
not statistically significant. The p-value (greater than 0.05) also indicated the
equivalence (95% confidence interval) of the five sampler units.
Source of
SS df MS F P-value F crit
0.09 20 0.00 0.43 0.98 1.70
0.01 4 0.00 0.32 0.87 2.49
Error 0.88 80 0.01
Total 0.99 104
Table III-4. ANOVA table for PM loadings from 10 to 60 µg (Sardar, et al., submitted)
The mean square error (MSE) in Table III-4 (the intersection of the column “MS” and the
row “Error”) is equal to 0.011, an experimental estimate of the “error variance” to which
individual observations are subjected. The root mean square error (RMSE)
characterizes the precision of measurement. The precision is determined to be 11.1%.
This value is most appropriate around the 35 µg PM loading (mid-range of 10 to 60 µg
Measurement - Repeatability and Reproducibility
Repeatability and reproducibility analyses were performed to evaluate the intra-lab and
inter-lab variability of the measurement systems in ARB’s HSL test cells. The
repeatability of a test cell is defined as the variability that results from repeat tests of the
same vehicle in a short time period under the same sampling conditions (including the
same operator and the same sampling system). Reproducibility is defined as the total
variability that results when different laboratories measure the same vehicle. It is
important to confirm that the results are reproducible between different test cells and
different operators.
One vehicle (Veh 9, a 2009 Nissan Altima in Appendix A2) was repeatedly tested in
three of ARB’s test cells (A, B, and C) to determine repeatability and reproducibility.
The vehicle was chosen because its PM emissions were in the range of interest - below
1 mg/mi. A summary of the PM emission statistics are presented in Table III-5. Of 28
tests in total, two results were above 1 mg/mi. Both of these measurements were
obtained from Test Cell B, which had the highest average emission results.
Cell A
Cell B
Cell C
All Tests
# of Tests
Standard Error
Standard Deviation
Sample Variance
Confidence Level (95%)
Table III-5. PM emission statistics of vehicle 9 tested in three test cells
The average PM emission rate and tunnel blank values from the three test cells are
shown in the Figure III-13. A set of three tunnel blanks was collected from each test cell
in the morning before each test. The tunnel blank mass was converted to an emission
rate using the actual FTP testing conditions (CVS flow = 350 scfm, PM sampler flow = 2
scfm, distance driven = 11.1 miles).
Test Facility
Cell A Cell B Cell C
PM Emisssions Rate, mg/mile
COV, %
PM, mg/mile
TB, mg/mile
COV, %
Figure III-13. PM emission levels (data not corrected for tunnel blank, TB) of vehicle 9.
Error bar represents one standard deviation. (Hu et al., 2014)
The average and one standard deviation of FTP weighted PM emissions in cell A, B,
and C were 0.67 ± 0.16, 0.87 ± 0.19, and 0.61 ± 0.16 mg/mi, respectively. Mean tunnel
blank values were consistently an order of magnitude lower than test results among all
three test cells, with values as follows: cell A (0.04 ± 0.06 mg/mi), cell B (0.06 ± 0.06
mg/mi), and cell C (0.06 ± 0.04 mg/mi). The variability of tunnel blanks was negligible
relative to that of the overall PM measurement. The test results from all three test cells
showed consistent test-to-test variability (CoV=22 to 26%). The range in measured PM
emissions across all three test cells was not a statistically significant difference at the
95% confidence level (Hu et al., 2014).
The intra-lab (test-to-test) variability (
) , inter-lab (lab-to-lab) variability (
), and
reproducibility (
) are calculated by following the statistical analyses equations listed in
the Appendix. The results are shown in Table III-6.
Variability Coefficient of Variance
Emissions Intra- Inter- Total
mg/mile Laboratory
PM 0.70±0.21 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.24 0.17 0.30
Table III-6. Repeatability and reproducibility of one vehicle (Nissan Altima) tested at
three ARB HSL test cells (Hu et al., 2014)
For the vehicle tested in the three cells, the intra-lab variability (
) accounted for 75%
and the inter-lab variability (
) accounted for the remaining 25% of total variability (
reproducibility). The dominance of the intra-lab variability was also observed by
Giechaskiel et al. (2008) when measuring particle number emissions of a light-duty
diesel vehicle with diesel particulate filter. The intra-lab variability can be attributed to
the emission source (such as vehicle stability and operator) and tunnel
adsorption/desorption of semi-volatile organic compounds.
d. Equivalency of CFR PM Sampling Options
Equivalency of Single and Three-Filters Sampling Methods
As mentioned in Section II b, 40 CFR Part 1066.815 allows for five different sampling
options. ARB has evaluated the equivalency between two of these options, the
conventional 3 filter FTP and the single filter flow-weighted sampling methods.
The single filter approach is of interest due to its lower cost (reduced number of filters)
and potential for reducing variability, given that much of the variability is associated with
the very low mass loading of phases 2 and 3. For this sampling option (Table III-7,
Option 4), PM is collected on a single filter over the cold-start UDDS cycle and the first
505 seconds of the hot-start UDDS. The sample flow rate is adjusted proportionally to
the filter face velocity over the three intervals of the FTP based on weighting targets of
0.43 for phase 1, 1.0 for phase 2, and 0.57 for phase 3. Filters from the single filter
flow-weighted and conventional 3-filter sampling methods were collected from ARB’s
test cell A using the two collocated samplers illustrated in Figure III-10. Detailed vehicle
information is shown in Appendix Table A-3.
Shown in Table III-7 is a list of eight vehicles and their PM emission levels for evaluating
different sampling methods. An average result from 25 tunnel blanks is also included.
The CoV of the repeated tests is shown in Figure III-14. The CoV of vehicle emission
repeatability ranges from 1 - 55% and is somewhat inversely related to the emission
rate, in that the high CoV is typically associated with a lower emission rate.
Vehicle Make/Model
Number of Tests
Average PM Emission*
± SD
3 Filter
Single Filter
Honda Civic
Chevy Malibu LT
Toyota Camry LE
Dodge Grand Caravan
Nissan Altima
Honda Accord
Buick Regal
Ford Explorer
Tunnel Blank
*Emission results were not background corrected.
Table III-7. A list of vehicles and their PM emission levels for evaluation of 3-filter and
single-filter-flow-weighted sampling options
Figure III-14. CoV as a function of PM emission rates for the 3-filter and single filter
sampling methods
As shown in Table III-7, the conventional 3-filter and single filter method had
comparable variability despite the lower mass loading with the single filter method. The
benefit of reduced measurement variability with weighing only one filter was offset by
the increased variability at lower mass loading.
0 1 2 3 4 5
PM Emissions, mg/mi
3 filter Cov
1 filter CoV
Error bar represents 1 σ
The differences in the average PM emissions between the two sampling methods were
found to be less than 10%, with the exception of Dodge Grand Caravan which showed a
deviation of 14%. With the exception of the Nissan Altima, the single filter method has
slightly lower average emission levels compared to the 3-filter method. Bushkuhl et al.
(2013) compared PM mass emissions between the single filter at a constant flow (not
flow-weighted) and the 3-filter method. PM mass from the single filter method was
systematically lower than the sum of the three individual filters used over a FTP cycle.
These differences might be attributed to an increase in total organic compound
adsorbed when using more filters.
The correlation between the single and 3-filter methods (without background correction)
is depicted in Figure III-15 (a) for vehicular PM emissions below 3.5 mg/mi. The R
value of 0.99 indicates a very high degree of correlation between these two methods.
Figure III-15 (b) depicts the correlation of vehicle PM emission levels in the sub 1 mg/mi
range. The scatter increases slightly with an R
of 0.92.
To further investigate the anomaly of PM levels determined by the two methods, the sub
1 mg/mi PM mass data were corrected by subtracting the average tunnel blank PM
mass for each filter. The average tunnel blank PM loadings for phases 1, 2, and 3, and
for the single flow-weighted filter are found to be 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 1.9 µg, respectively.
Figure III-15 (c) shows the correlation between the two methods after the background
correction. The background correction improves the R
slightly to 0.94 and the slope
noticeably to 0.98.
A statistical analysis (paired t-test) was also performed for the background (tunnel
blank) corrected emission data. Results of the paired t-test at the 95% confidence level
(α=0.05) indicated no statistically significant difference between these two methods.
Figure III-15. Single and 3-filter method comparison: (a) For emission levels between 0
and 3.5 mg/mi; (b) For emission levels less than 1 mg/mi range without background
correction, and (c) Emission levels less than 1 mg/mi with background corrections
(Sardar et al., submitted)
Equivalency of Three- and Two-Filters Sampling Methods
ARB also evaluated a two-filter method, 40 CFR Part 1066.815 Option 2, by collecting
PM on one filter over the cold-start UDDS and on a separate filter over the hot-start
UDDS. However, only one vehicle (Nissan Altima) was tested for this sampling option.
A total of 7 paired samples for the 2-filter and conventional 3-filter methods were
collected. The results of these two methods for this vehicle are equivalent at an
emission level of 1 mg/mi. The PM emission rates for 2-filter and 3-filter were 0.94 ±
0.15 and 0.96 ± 0.14 mg/mi, respectively.
Partial Flow Dilution (PFD) for PM Sampling
EPA’s CFR Part 1065 Engine Test Procedures and Part 1066 Vehicle Test Procedures
permit an option for diluting exhaust either through a full flow CVS or a partial flow
dilution (PFD) sampling system prior to PM collection. PFD sampling dilutes only a
fraction of raw exhaust, which reduces the flowrate of dilution air needed but requires a
real-time exhaust flow signal to maintain the proportionality of dilution air.
A study by Khalek (2007) on diesel particulate measurement evaluated five different
PFD units for heavy duty engine testing. All of the PFD units demonstrated good
sample flow response times (on the order of 100 ms), and most had excellent
correlation between the sample flow and the exhaust flow with R
exceeding 0.99 and a
standard error <5%. Using a diesel particulate filter with continuous regenerative
technology and a bypass, the PM mass emission measurements from four out of five
PFD units showed that they performed well under steady-state engine operation.
However, three of five PFD units reported higher PM mass emission levels under
transient engine operation.
Though heavy duty PFDs have been evaluated for quite some time now, little has been
done to evaluate the applicability of PFD’s in LDV emissions. Two prototype PFD’s
have been evaluated for LDV application (Foote et al., 2013). Both prototype PFDs
were able to meet the flow proportionality requirements for traditional powertrains, but
not for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powertrains due to intermittent zero flow conditions.
The weighted PM emissions of the two PFDs and the CVS full flow dilution correlate
linearly when emissions were less than 3 mg/mi, yielding slopes of 1.03 and 0.74 with
of 0.95 and 0.86, respectively. The scatter increased when emissions were less
than 1 mg/mi, yielding R
of 0.58 and 0.38. Improvements to PFDs are still needed
when measuring emissions less than 1 mg/mi.
A partial dilution system can potentially add flexibility to compliance testing. However,
ARB currently has no such capability and will continue to evaluate the applicability of
PFDs in emission testing.
Vehicle PM emissions are a physically and chemically complex heterogeneous mixture
comprised of solid, liquid, semi-volatile, and gaseous compounds that are a byproduct
of incomplete combustion and have been recognized as a significant anthropogenic
source of ambient PM.
The characterization of PM emissions can be complex and challenging. Over the past
two decades, considerable progress has been made in both sampling and
measurement methodologies for determining a variety of physical and chemical
properties of PM, such as particle number, size distribution, and black carbon. Methods
that can measure ambient and source samples, including aerosol gravimetric
determination, are of great interest. Commonly used instruments for measuring particle
number, size distribution, and black carbon of vehicle PM emissions are described in
the Appendix along with their operating principles and capabilities.
Part of the complexity of measuring particle emissions relates to the transformations
that take place as the particles are emitted from the tailpipe at a high temperature, and
then measured after dilution and cooling in order to simulate its immediate formation in
ambient air. Figure IV-1 provides a simplified overview of the particle transformation
process, starting from a vehicle and ending at the measurement instruments, which are
connected to the CVS dilution tunnel to determine PM mass and particle number (PN)
emissions (Giechaskiel et al., 2014). The primary soot particles (typically small
spherules) form in the combustion chamber. After exiting the tailpipe and the transfer
tube and entering the CVS tunnel, soot particles agglomerate whereas semi-volatile
organic compounds either nucleate (both heterogeneously and homogeneously) or
condense onto soot particles. As they are transported through the dilution tunnel, there
can be a tri-modal size distribution with nucleation, accumulation, and coarse modes, as
shown in the upper left corner of Figure IV-1.
Typical PN and PM mass distributions for an uncontrolled diesel engine emission are
shown in Figure IV-2 (Kittelson, 1998). Although the nucleation mode particle number
concentration is high, the PM mass is much less compared to the accumulation mode.
Figure IV-1. Typical sequence of particle transformation from the engine to the
measurement location (modified from Giechaskiel et al., 2012)
Figure IV-2. Typical engine exhaust size distribution for both PM mass and PN
(Kittelson, 1998)
The relationship of total particle number and PM mass emissions for LDVs were
examined with TSI Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS) measurements between 5.6
and 560 nm and filter-based gravimetric mass measurements. Based on a dataset with
more than 150 FTP tests from 34 LDVs, a correlation between total particle number and
PM mass is presented in Figure IV-3. In this analysis, the particle number to mass ratio
for different vehicle technologies was found to be 2.8 x 10
particles/mg (PFI vehicles),
1.6 x 10
particles/mg (GDI vehicles), and 8.7 x 10
particles/mg (Diesel Particulate
Filter (DPF) equipped Light Duty Diesel (LDD) vehicles), respectively. The data
demonstrate that, per unit mass, conventional PFI gasoline vehicles emit a greater
number of particles than GDI vehicles.
Figure IV-3. Scatter plots for total particle number versus gravimetric PM mass (Quiros
et al., 2015b)
Figure IV-4 presents the average particle number emission rates calculated using the
EEPS data. Data are presented for (a) vehicles meeting the 1 mg/mi standard and (b)
vehicles meeting the 3 mg/mi standard. The majority of the particle number emissions
for all classifications of LDVs were in the sub-100 nm range (usually referred to as
ultrafine particles (UFP)). A smaller but still significant fraction of total particle number is
within the sub-23 nm size fraction: 28% when numerically averaged over all tests
plotted in Figure IV-3. As noted earlier, the sub-23 nm size particles are of interest
because the current EU particle number standards only count particles with a diameter
greater than 23 nm. The EU method for measuring solid particle number (SPN) >23 nm
was also evaluated using most of the same dataset, and is presented and discussed in
the following section.
Figure IV-4. Total number emissions (a) for vehicles meeting the 1 mg/mi standard
(n=115) and (b) for vehicles meeting the 3 mg/mi standard (n=152) (Quiros et al.,
a. PMP Method: Solid Particle Number Measurement
Based on
the recommendation of the Particle Measurement Programme (PMP), the
European Union introduced an SPN standard as a supplemental limit to PM mass in
Euro 5/6 (United Nation’s Economic commission for Europe (UN-ECE) regulation 83) for
direct injection vehicles (GDI and diesel).
The Particle Measurement Programme was launched in 2001 under the auspices of the
UN-ECE Group of Experts on Pollution and Energy (GRPE). The program was
designed to deliver a regulatory procedure for Europe that would either replace or
complement the existing method used for PM mass measurement for vehicle
certification. Based on the inter-laboratory correlation results
(Andersson et al., 2007),
the program showed that the PM mass measurement was feasible and that a SPN-
based limit was also able to distinguish between the emission regimes of various
technologies. It provided the scientific basis for the Euro 5/6 limits for particle number
and PM mass for EU type approval.
The SPN measurement requires a particle number measurement system, consisting of
a Volatile Particle Remover (VPR) and a Particle Number Counter (PNC) that measures
particles with a diameter greater than 23 nm. The specifications of the SPN system are
shown in Figure IV-5. When the exhaust enters the VPR, it is heated up to 300-400
the temperature at which most of the volatiles and semi-volatiles evaporate. The
nucleation mode particles, when they are dominated by volatiles and semi-volatiles, are
reduced significantly. Two other methods, based on the principles of adsorption on
activated carbon or oxidation by catalytic stripper, can also be utilized to remove volatile
components (Giechaskiel et al., 2014). From a practical standpoint, commercial SPN
systems use the evaporation method. The particle number counter, such as CPC,
measures particles with a counting efficiency of 50% and >90% at 23 and 41 nm,
respectively. Unlike the gravimetric method validation with a known traceable metal
weight, calibration of the PMP method is based on measurement comparisons to a
reference instrument rather than measurement of a known calibration standard. GRPE
is working on further refinements including the development of a calibration procedure
based on an ISO test method (27891:2015) which uses an electrometer for instrument
calibration. Figure IV-1 (upper right corner) illustrates the PMP method for particle
number measurement. Compared to the total particle number results, the nucleation
mode particles are almost completely excluded by this method.
Figure IV-5. Description of solid particle sampling protocol (B. Giechaskiel, and G.
Martini, 2013)
The key goal of the PMP is to achieve repeatable emission results, especially since the
method would be used for certification testing. To improve measurement repeatability,
the PMP method requires removal of volatile/semi-volatile compounds, which can be
heavily influenced by the sampling conditions.
Research conducted at the Joint Research Center (JRC in Ispra, Italy) has concluded
that 20 to 40% of particles emitted from GDI vehicles are smaller than 23 nm
(Giechaskiel and Martini, 2013). It has been shown that solid particles with smaller
sizes can be also measured with good repeatability (Herner et al., 2007). In recognition
of sub-23 nm solid particles in LDV exhaust, JRC is investigating the feasibility of
lowering the 23 nm cutpoint (Giechaskiel and Martini, 2013). The performance of PNCs
and VPRs for the standard PMP method was systematically evaluated for the purpose
of extending measurements to sub-23nm solid particles. The investigation concluded
that extending SPN measurement to ~10 nm may be possible, with a recommended
addition of a catalytic stripper (CS). However, certain outstanding issues would need to
be resolved.
The 23nm cutoff size in the PMP method causes the undercounting of a potentially
large but variable fraction of the total particle number. An example for the solid and
total particle number distribution for FTP phase 2 is shown in Figure IV-6. Herner et al.
(2007) showed that under certain duty cycles, a DPF-equipped engine can emit solid
particles and that approximately 25-75% of the solid particles are below 20 nm, and
therefore, not counted by the PMP method. Khalek et al., (2010) studied particle
emissions from a 2009 MY GDI vehicle using three different commercially available
fuels for FTP and US06 driving cycles. The study showed that about 15 to 20% of the
solid particles are smaller than 23 nm in diameter.
Another limitation of the PMP method is that it excludes volatile and semi-volatile
compounds, which intends to improve measurement repeatability but disregards
potentially harmful PM components. The volatile fraction can account for 10-30% of the
PM mass and 70-90% of PN (Biswas et al., 2008). Semi-volatile particles include
organic compounds (such as PAHs) and inorganic compounds (such as nitrates) that
can impact human health (Kado et al., 2005).
At this time, ARB does not recommend the use of the PMP method for determination of
PM mass based on the findings on the repeatability and correlation to the PM
gravimetric method, as discussed below. However, ARB will continue monitoring the
methods development and improvement going forward.
Figure IV-6. Total (T) and solid (S) particle number size distributions of FTP phase 2
testing for a MY 2009 GDI vehicle using three different fuels. (Khalek et al., 2010)
Relationship between SPN and PM Mass
In 2012, ARB evaluated PM mass and SPN emissions in several studies as part of the
LEV III rulemaking effort. In the PM emission range of 1-100 mg/mile, the SPN-PM data
correlated very well with a slope of ~ 2.2-2.5 x 10
particles/mg. These results are
summarized in Figure IV-9.
Figure IV-7. PM mass and SPN emissions for all available test results (LEV III, 2012)
As part of ARB’s continued efforts to evaluate the SPN method, the correlation between
PM mass and SPN were re-assessed with a more extensive dataset, collected from six
emissions testing programs. A total of 45 vehicles were tested, including 22 PFI, 18
GDI, and five DPF- LDD vehicles. Vehicle information is presented in the Appendix
Table A-4, and test results are summarized in Appendix Tables A-5 and A-6.
Figure IV-8 presents the relationship between SPN to PM mass for FTP and US06
driving cycles. For the FTP cycle, the general trend for PFI vehicles is similar to our
earlier findings, as well as other previously reported correlations of 2x10
However, the slope is lower for GDI vehicles due to the relatively low SPN to mass ratio
for some vehicles. Over the US06 cycle, there is greater scatter than for FTP tests.
(a) FTP cycle
(b) US06 cycle
Figure IV-8. SPN (particles/mi) vs. gravimetric PM mass (mg/mi) for entire (a) FTP
tests, and (b) US06. (Chang and Shields, submitted)
All of our results show a correlation between SPN and PM mass with slopes that are
within the range that have been reported from various studies, from 1 to 4 x10
particles/mg (Giechaskiel et al., 2012; Maricq et al., 2011). The variation in these
results suggests that SPN and PM mass correlations may vary with different engine
technologies, and could continue to evolve as engine and aftertreatment technologies
advance. Since the slope is not a constant, it is difficult to employ SPN as a surrogate
for PM mass determination.
Emissions Repeatability of PM Mass, SPN, and Black Carbon
Any repeat tests that were part of the correlation study were used to compare the
emissions repeatability of PM mass, SPN, and black carbon (BC). Black carbon is
quantified with an AVL Micro Soot Sensor (MSS) utilizing photoacoustic spectroscopy.
Table IV-1 summarizes these results for FTP and US06 tests. For PFI vehicles tested
on FTP cycles, emission variability of PM mass is 20.9%, compared to 27.7% and
23.3% respectively for SPN and BC. For GDI vehicles, the emissions variability is
5.7%, 13.3%, and 9.2% respectively for PM mass, SPN, and BC.
When comparing different driving cycles for the same engine technology, emissions
variability for US06 is higher than that of FTP for both mass and SPN measurements.
This higher variability may result from a combination of vehicle and driver in an
aggressive, high-acceleration US06 cycle. For the US06, the emission variability of PM
mass is higher than that of SPN, the opposite of FTP results.
Table IV-1. Summary of repeatability for gravimetric PM mass and SPN (Chang and
Shields, 2015, submitted)
b. Estimation of Particulate Mass Using Particle Size Distribution and Particulate
Effective Density
Various instruments available today can measure particle size distribution in real-time
and thus can be used to characterize PM emissions. When measuring real-time
electrical mobility diameter, and applying a relevant effective density function, an
estimate of the suspended PM mass can be determined. Using this approach to
characterize PM mass, real-time PM emission events can be monitored. This method is
attractive because the detection limit is potentially lower and there is no uncertainty
associated with collecting and weighing filters as in the gravimetric method. This
method has been called Integrated Particle Size Distribution (IPSD) because the size
distribution is integrated over a relevant size range.
The IPSD approach has previously been demonstrated to reduce overall emission
measurement variability and showed a good one-to-one relationship with gravimetric
measurements of emissions from heavy-duty diesel trucks (Liu et al., 2009, Maricq et
al., 2004 and Quiros et al., 2014). However, because no such evaluations had been
conducted on LDVs, ARB sought to evaluate the IPSD method as a possible alternative
to the gravimetric PM method. This evaluation consisted of determining the effective
density of PM from LDVs meeting the LEV III standards and evaluating the IPSD
method during steady-state and transient operating conditions, such as during the FTP
and US06 cycles.
Using the combination of Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA) and a Centrifugal Particle
Mass Analyzer (CPMA), ARB found the emissions from GDI vehicles were nearly
identical to those reported by Maricq and Xu (2004). For the first time, ARB reported
the effective density functions for conventional PFI gasoline engines, and PM emissions
of a light-duty diesel (LDD) vehicle downstream of a DPF (Quiros, et al. 2015a). The
determination of effective density of PM emitted from vehicles meeting the LEV III PM
standards were similar to those in previous studies over the past decade. Figure IV-9
shows the effective density functions determined during ARB’s evaluation for use during
the evaluation of the IPSD method to estimate PM mass.
Figure IV-9. Particle effective density functions applied to the FTP and US06 test
cycles. (Quiros et al., 2015b)
A comprehensive dataset including 168 FTP and 87 US06 tests, from 34 different
vehicles that included PFI, GDI, and DPF-LDD technologies, was used to calculate the
IPSD mass using the TSI EEPS (electrical mobility diameter between 5.6 and 560 nm),
over transient cycles. Results showed that the estimated IPSD mass was persistently
lower than filter-based gravimetric mass by 56-84%. These relationships are broken
down by FTP and US06 tests, and by vehicle technology in Figure IV-10.
There are two possible reasons why IPSD could underestimate PM mass. The first is
the accuracy of fast-sizing spectrometers such as the TSI EEPS, especially for particles
larger than 100 nm, which in vehicle exhaust are externally mixed with particulate of
various morphologies and chemical compositions. Because the unipolar charging state
of soot is highly variable, defining a single calibration to invert particle charge into size
distribution may fundamentally limit their use for measuring vehicle exhaust over
transient cycles. The ratio between the response of a reference size distribution
method, the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), and the EEPS was shown to
diverge greatly with increasing particle size beyond 100 nm. The calibration of the
EEPS response is under current exploration by multiple academic groups and
instrument manufacturers to further improve its accuracy and application for
characterizing vehicle exhaust.
The second possible reason that IPSD underestimates PM mass is that the EEPS has
an upper measurement size of 560 nm in electric mobility, whereas sampling filters
typically collect particles in aerodynamic diameters up to 2.5 µm. During steady-state
vehicle operating conditions, Quiros, et al. (2015a) showed that by combining an SMPS
and an aerodynamic size distribution instrument, a near one-to-one relationship
between IPSD and gravimetric PM mass was achieved. However, this relationship was
not observed when applied to transient emissions sources and measuring size
distribution using a TSI EEPS.
Figure IV-10. Correlations of M
versus M
for vehicle tests over the FTP (A, C,
E), and US06 (B, D, F) test cycles. Dashed lines indicate the 95% prediction intervals;
annotations include equations for the best fit lines (least squares), and fit parameters
including R
and standard error of the estimate (S
). (Quiros et al., 2015b)
Li, et al., (2014) confirmed ARB findings that the IPSD method consistently
underestimates PM mass by a large proportion (by 37%) when only using an EEPS
despite using a different density function for various vehicle technologies including
gasoline and different PFI, GDI, and DPF-LDD.
Therefore, the IPSD method in its current form is not a suitable alternative for
measuring PM at sub 1 mg/mi emission levels. Nevertheless, the relationship between
IPSD and gravimetric mass provided further support to demonstrate that measurement
uncertainty of the gravimetric and IPSD methods is small, and that test-to-test variability
largely originates from differences in PM emissions from the vehicles. Figure IV-11
shows test-to-test variability between gravimetric and IPSD methods for multiple repeat
tests using three vehicles with distinct emission levels. A positive correlation was
observed for vehicle emissions above the gravimetric background levels, while a
negative correlation was observed for PM emissions close to the gravimetric tunnel
Figure IV-11. Evaluation of test-to-test variability shown for two PFI vehicles (A, B) and
one GDI vehicle (C)
c. Black Carbon Measurement
Relationship between EC, BC and PM mass
ARB utilizes two methods to measure black carbon routinely: thermal/optical carbon
analysis and photoacoustic spectroscopy. Thermal/optical carbon analysis is a well-
established method and widely used in ambient air quality measurement for the
determination of elemental carbon (EC), which is used as a surrogate for BC (Chow et
al., 2007; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH], 2003). The
thermal/optical carbon analysis performed by ARB staff typically follows the
IMPROVE_A Protocol to determine the OC and EC in PM. The analysis procedures
can be found in ARB SOP MV-AEROSOL-139 v 1.1. However, EC measurements
based on thermal properties is not necessarily equivalent to BC. The measured EC may
not have a one-to-one linear relationship to light absorption. ARB staff has observed an
overall ratio of approximately 70% EC in the PM mass, although this ratio varied from
vehicle to vehicle as shown in Figure IV-12.
Figure IV-12. EC and PM correlation for four GDI and two PFI vehicles undergoing
FTP test (LEV III, 2012)
Another instrument utilized in the ARB laboratory is the Micro Soot sensor (AVL 483,
MSS) which employs photoacoustic spectroscopy to determine the BC concentration in
exhaust. The BC data collected after the 2012 LEV III rulemaking showed an excellent
correlation to PM gravimetric mass for all types of vehicles, with an average slope of 0.9
for the FTP tests as shown in Figure IV-13 (a). The BC to PM mass ratio is close to the
0.94 value reported by Bushkuhl et al. (2013). The BC to PM mass also correlates well
for US06 tests, shown in Figure IV-13 (b), except at a lower BC/PM mass ratio. It
should be noted that the emission levels below 1 mg/mi were primarily from PFI
The variability of EC and BC to PM ratio suggests that the relationship between these
two metrics may depend on the LDV fleet in the test program, and could continue to
change as vehicle technology evolves.
Figure IV-13. Correlation of BC (measured by MSS) and PM mass for vehicles
undergoing (a) FTP and (b) US06 test
Combination Methods: Apportionment of PM mass with BC measurement
Bushkuhl et al. (2013) have reported that an integrated filter-based measurement
combined with a real-time instrument shows an improvement in the measurement
repeatability of PM mass. This combination method utilizes a composite PM mass
collected using a full, unapportioned, flow rate during the entire FTP cycle, and the PM
mass is then apportioned to each phase according to the response of a real-time
instrument (Photoacoustic soot sensor) to calculate the FTP-weighted PM mass
emissions. ARB has examined the combination method because of the excellent
correlation reported between PM mass and BC results. Two real-time instruments were
deployed for the study, an AVL MSS and an Aethalometer (Magee Scientific, AE51).
The MSS detects concentrations of suspended black carbon using photoacoustic
spectroscopy, while the AE51 quantifies the BC deposit on a filter by determining
temporal changes in light attenuation.
An earlier study at ARB showed that increasing the PM mass loading reduces the
variability of the filter-based PM emissions measurement. The combination method
could improve the measurement variability by (1) maximizing the filter mass loading and
(2) reducing the uncertainty of filter weighing and handling from 3 filters to 1 filter.
However, the method is based on an assumption that the real-time instrument’s
response to PM mass is a constant, regardless of the emission composition, the engine
technology, or the driving cycle.
Figure IV-14 compares PM mass emission rates obtained by the gravimetric and the
combination methods (Kamboures et al., submitted). Both the MSS and AE51 measure
soot and ash, but neither is sensitive to semi-volatile hydrocarbons or sulfate
components. Semi-volatile and sulfate species can become part of the particles either
by adsorption onto existing particles or by nucleation. In both of these cases the BC
measurement will underestimate the total PM mass contribution whether it is
determined by MSS or AE51.
The combination method showed improved repeatability, regardless of the BC
measurement method or the vehicles tested. The standard deviations of the
conventional 3-filter sampling method, the combination method with MSS, and with the
AE51 are 0.11, 0.08, and 0.07 mg/mi, respectively. When all data are considered, the
correlation between the methods is good (R 0.9), but the correlation coefficients
differed substantially for vehicles. For example, the vehicle-specific correlation between
the combined method with MSS and PM mass ranged from -0.16 for the Caravan to
0.99 for the Malibu. The poor correlation between the methods in the Caravan tests
was likely due to the low mass loadings in these tests. The Caravan’s PM emission
rates were typically < 0.2 mg/mi. There was a negligible difference between the
combined and gravimetric method, with the exception of the 2009 Toyota Camry LE.
The difference was attributed to high OC emissions and/or lower levels of BC. BC is not
sensitive to organic hydrocarbons, which can result in mis-apportionment of PM mass
amongst the three FTP phases.
The average PM mass emission rate of the four vehicles tested in this study was 0.38
mg/mi, which is less than half of the LEVIII 1 mg/mi emission standard. The good
repeatability of the gravimetric measurements (σ=0.11 mg/mi) supports the conclusion
that the existing gravimetric method is suitable for quantifying vehicular PM emissions
below 1 mg/mi.
Figure IV-14. PM emission results for the three-filter reference and combination
methods (Kamboures et al., submitted)
V. Concerns Regarding PM Mass Emission Measurement at Low Levels
Staff has met collectively and individually with vehicle manufacturers and other
stakeholders several times over the last few years to discuss issues and test program
findings related to PM measurement. Over the course of those discussions, several
concerns and issues have been raised.
1. Sources of PM measurement variability make the gravimetric method infeasible.
The major source of background measurement variability results from the potential
contamination of dilution air, dilution tunnel, and PM sampling equipment.
Therefore, it is important to understand how to prevent, detect, and clean the tunnel
and PM sampling equipment if it becomes highly contaminated.
Based on ARB’s extensive dataset of tunnel blank results, the average background
level is ~2 µg with a standard deviation of ~2.5 µg. These tunnel blanks were
collected according the FTP test procedure with only dilution air drawn through the
CVS system. To put this in perspective, these background results are equivalent to
an emission rate of 0.08 ± 0.1 mg/mi relative to the 1 mg/mi standard. Furthermore,
contamination from the background can be corrected for as permitted by the CFR on
actual emission tests. Frequent checks of the tunnel blanks and the additional use
of real-time PM instruments for background determination can help to identify
contamination issues. When contamination is detected in the CVS system, running
a known clean vehicle with high temperature exhaust may help to ’clean/condition
the tunnel. However, ARB’s testing experience suggests that high tunnel
contamination is rare.
2. Sampling artifacts and their impact on the variability of PM mass determination
creates large uncertainties.
Sampling artifacts refer to contamination from resuspension of PM from the wall of
the sampling train (including CVS) from prior emissions testing, as well as some
exhaust constituents that interact with the sampling train and sampling filters. These
sampling artifacts can be either positive or negative in nature and, therefore result in
measurement variability. Unfortunately, the sampling artifacts cannot be measured
simultaneously with the emission test as the process is dynamic. However, 40 CFR
Part 1066 allows an adequate background correction to reduce the impact of
contamination on emission results.
3. Based on data from several round robin studies, inter-laboratory (‘lab-to-lab’)
measurement variability for PM mass determination is too high to ensure robust
results for a vehicle meeting the 1 mg/mi emission standard.
ARB’s own study conducted across three of its test cells did not find a high variability
as suggested by the older round robin studies that relied on older test methods and
generally were focused on pollutants other than PM. On the contrary, the coefficient
of variance of repeat tests demonstrated that PM emissions at the 1 mg/mi level can
be repeatedly measured. Industry has generally acknowledged that they are still in
the process of upgrading their facilities for the new test procedures and methods
required for 40 CFR part 1066 compliance and has suggested delaying any new,
PM-focused round robin studies until such upgrades are complete.
4. Limited data suggests that barometric pressure and possibly ambient humidity may
affect tunnel blank results.
Industry recently provided a limited data set showing some variation in tunnel blank
background during periods of time where barometric pressure and/or relative
humidity were varied. The data is inconclusive as to whether there is a correlation
between these ambient parameters and the tunnel blank background. The
distribution of the presented tunnel blank levels appears to be within a typical range
of tunnel blanks. Therefore, ARB does not expect environmental conditions to have
a significant impact on the tunnel blank background.
5. The multiple PM mass sampling options allowed for official testing by the CFR can
lead to higher variability in results.
ARB is continuing to evaluate all five sampling options and their results. To date,
ARB has evaluated the two most likely options (the conventional 3-filter method and
the newer single-filter, flow-weighted method) and found them to be equivalent.
ARB has partially evaluated a third option utilizing two filters and preliminary data
suggests it is likely equivalent. ARB discontinued further evaluation at this time
because this method is less likely to be used as it requires additional vehicle test
time and does not reduce the number of filters (and their associated analysis time)
as much as other methods.
6. The cost of gravimetric measurement is high.
There is an expense associated with any measurement including PM mass
determination. Historically, minimal PM testing has been done for certification or
compliance on gasoline vehicles and, as a result, vehicle manufacturers are facing
an additional test burden to include PM emission measurement for the majority of
testing in the future. However, this was taken into account when the standards were
adopted both by phasing in the standard over several model years and by requiring
test data to be submitted each year for no more than 25 percent of a vehicle
manufacturer’s models. Additionally, ARB’s evaluation finding the single-filter flow-
weighted sampling method as equivalent to the traditional 3-filter method is an
example of how the new test alternatives provide options to manufacturers to reduce
filter and analysis time and costs significantly. To further reduce costs,
manufacturers are expected to continue employing real-time PM instruments that
correlate well with PM mass measurements for much of their development and
calibration testing needs.
7. ARB’s findings are from laboratory testing that reflects more of a research
environment than a production environment like the vehicle manufacturers’ labs.
Vehicle manufacturers have often argued that ARB’s laboratory is not representative
of the types and volume of tests that they are required to run in their own laboratory
facilities. Accordingly, they have suggested that ARB’s PM measurement findings
are better than other laboratories and not reflective of what one of their laboratories
can realistically achieve. This argument, however, is inconsistent with ARB’s
experience and knowledge of manufacturer testing facilities.
Just like manufacturer facilities, ARB runs multiple vehicles per day per test cell and
tests vehicles over different cycles with associated varying emission levels in each
cell. Furthermore, ARB and vehicle manufacturers alike recognize the need for
good laboratory practices and engineering judgment in scheduling and the
assignment of test vehicles to test cells. For example, even though ARB’s
experience is that sampling tunnels in the test cell are not contaminated easily,
prudent steps are still taken to use dedicated test cells for vehicles with similar
emission levels and testing purposes. ARB often will rely on a specific test cell or
two for test programs testing the lowest emitting vehicles and include emission
measurement equipment with the lowest ranges for increased sensitivity to the
expected low pollutant levels. Likewise, ARB programs that target much older and
higher emitting vehicles often are directed to different test cells where
instrumentation is set-up to account for the higher expected emission levels.
Manufatures have dedicated test cells for specific purposes such as those used for
research, development and calibration, or official certification-grade tests. Therefore,
when predominantly testing relative new vehicles, they may have the luxury of not
having to test as wide a range of vehicle emissions as ARB. ARB expects such
practices to continue both at ARB and at vehicle manufacturers’ facilities. Past
experience suggests such practices will lead to PM measurement results
comparable to ARB’s laboratory.
This report reflects ARB’s efforts to date on the first of two tasks the Board had
requested of staff with respect to the future 1 mg/mi PM standard adopted in 2012 for
2025 model year implementation. The first task was to validate the feasibility of robustly
measuring PM emissions at these low levels given concerns by industry and others
about the reliability of such measurements. In conducting this assessment, staff
focused on confirming the feasibility of gravimetric measurement for determining PM
emissions at 1 mg/mi. Additionally, during the course of this evaluation, significant
knowledge was gathered on the development and evaluation of promising alternative
approaches to measure or characterize PM emissions. For the second task, confirming
the technical feasibility (and reasonable implementation date) of future vehicles to meet
the 1 mg/mi standard, work has begun at ARB and will continue throughout next year
before reporting back to the Board.
In assessing measurement feasibility, ARB conducted several studies to verify the
applicability of PM mass measurements and to address industry and stakeholder
concerns regarding the perceived high variability of the gravimetric measurement
method at sub 1 mg/mi levels. These studies focused on the variability and precision of
gravimetric measurements, and provided an evaluation of CFR permitted sampling
options that had opportunities for measurement cost reduction and precision
improvement. In addition to the traditional gravimetric measurement method, three non-
gravimetric approaches were evaluated for their ability to determine PM mass emissions:
the PMP method; the IPSD approach; and a method that combines a gravimetric
approach (single full flow composite filter) with real-time BC measurement.
Based on the key findings summarized below, staff has concluded that gravimetric
measurement is a suitable test method for reliably determining vehicle PM emissions
relative to the 1 mg/mile standard. Staff has also found that the allowable option of
using a single flow-weighted filter is equivalent to the traditional 3-filter method and
likely offers measurement analysis time and cost reductions. Regarding the non-
gravimetric approaches that were investigated, staff has found that, as of today, none of
the methods are sufficiently developed or studied to be considered as an equivalent
substitute measurement for PM mass. However, some of these alternative methods
continue to show promise especially in quantifying characteristics of PM other than the
total mass (e.g., particle number, particle size distribution). Accordingly, while official
emission testing will continue to be carried out with the gravimetric method at ARB’s
laboratory, staff will also continue to monitor advances in alternative approaches to stay
current with further developments in PM measurement.
Sources of Gravimetric Measurement Variability
Following 40 CFR Part 1065 or 1066 specifications, a dynamometer test cell (with CVS
dilution) in conjunction with gravimetric analysis conducted on a microbalance (with 0.1
µg resolution) in a temperature- and humidity-controlled clean room environment can
repeatedly measure vehicle PM emission at levels below 1 mg/mi.
With good laboratory practices, measurement variability can be minimized. The
standard deviation calculated from measuring various types of blank samples shows
that the variability from the gravimetric analysis of reference blank and replicates is ~0.5
µg, and increases with filter handling of trip and field blanks to ~2 µg. The magnitude of
averaged trip and field blanks is very close to zero µg, indicating that there is no
significant contamination from filter handling procedures.
Typical mass loadings of tunnel blanks in ARB’s HSL test cells average ~2.1µg.
Although the actual contamination and the resulting measurement uncertainty for each
emission test cannot be determined simultaneously, the tunnel blank is a good indicator
for potential interference. The increased mass loadings of the tunnel blanks, as
compared to those of trip and field blanks, indicates the contamination of organic
hydrocarbons comes from tunnel dilution air and from the CVS tunnel walls. The mass
loadings of the weekly tunnel blanks evaluated over a period of five years in HSL test
cells were consistent and stable. The impact of the tunnel contamination is likely to be
very low. The 40 CFR Part 1066 background correction allowance of up to 5 µg is more
than sufficient, based on ARB testing, to adequately account for background
contamination in a PM emission test.
The slightly higher observed variability (one standard deviation, 2.5 µg) in tunnel blanks
relative to blanks capturing filter handling effects (2.0 µg), may also result from the
potential uncontrolled adsorption/desorption of organic hydrocarbons on filters.
However, the total measurement uncertainty (estimated from tunnel blanks, σ = 0.1
mg/mi assuming 2.5 µg for each phase) is a small fraction, ~ 10 %, when compared to
the emission standard at 1 mg/mi.
Evaluation of Gravimetric Measurement Precision
The precision of the gravimetric method was determined by collecting PM emissions
from various LDVs with collocated samplers. The precision averaged 11% for filters
with a mass loading ranging from 10 to 60 µg, which is the typical range for emissions at
or below a 1 mg/mi emission level.
Most importantly, PM emissions can be measured reproducibly. In some cases, test-to-
test variability from the vehicle is greater than the inter-laboratory variability. Data
obtained from one selected vehicle tested across three ARB test cells showed that the
vehicle test-to-test variability accounted for three-quarters of the total vehicle test
reproducibility. The repeatability of vehicle emissions is likely to contribute the largest
component of total variability in quantifying vehicle PM emissions, compared to the
variability of the gravimetric method.
Equivalency of CFR PM Sampling Options
The single filter flow-weighted sampling method allowed in 40 CFR part 1066 yields an
equivalent emission rate (if the background is corrected with tunnel blanks) to that of the
conventional 3-filter sampling method for FTP test cycles and has the advantage of
reducing resources (analysis time, handling, and materials) needed for one filter instead
of three filters per test.
Alternative Metrics for Particulate Mass determination
ARB utilizes several instruments to measure PM properties other than mass, including
particle size and number distributions, and black carbon. Particle number and black
carbon have been implicated in adverse impacts on public health and environment.
Three methods of particular interest are PMP solid particle number, IPSD, and a
combination method of gravimetric mass and BC measurement.
The PM mass emissions estimated by each of the three alternative methods showed a
good correlation with the gravimetric method. Generally, a reduction in the PM mass
also coincided with a reduction in the alternative metrics, including total particle number,
solid particle number, and black carbon. However, the correlation of the alternate
methods to the gravimetric mass varied considerably among test cycles and engine
technologies, and is likely to continue to change as newer engine technologies are
introduced. Further, the overall variability observed in repeated measurements for each
of the alternative methods was similar to the gravimetric method. Given staff’s findings
that the variability of the vehicle itself is substantially larger than the variability of the
gravimetric method, a similar level of overall variability for these alternative methods
suggests that any difference in measurement variability of the alternative methods is
minor and relatively insignificant compared to vehicle variability.
Overall, staff’s analysis suggests that real-time instrumentation can provide semi-
quantitative data during engine development and calibration efforts. As noted above, a
good correlation was observed between alternative methods such as the PMP and the
gravimetric method in that reductions in one generally resulted in reductions in the other
even though the exact relationship between the two varied for different test cycles and
technologies. Directionally, increased stringency in standards based on either method
should achieve additional (but not necessarily equivalent) reductions in both mass and
sold particle number. And, although previous studies reported the PMP method can be
more repeatable and cost-effective, staff’s testing found PMP measurement
repeatability and overall test-to-test repeatability to be similar to the gravimetric method.
Additionally, all of the alternative methods investigated have some specific limitations
(e.g., for PMP, exclusion of particles less than 23 nm and semi-volatiles) that increase
the risk that the method will not adequately capture a portion of the PM that could turn
out to be critical to improve air quality or mitigate adverse health impacts. Accordingly,
ARB will continue to utilize the gravimetric mass measurement method as the
recognized method for official emission tests. ARB staff will, however, continue to
monitor the ongoing development of alternative methods such as the PMP SPN method
as the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) study looks to make
further refinements such as inclusion of particles as small as 10 nm in diameter.
Aikawa K., Sakurai, T., and Jetter, J. J. (2010). Development of a Predictive Model for
Gasoline Vehicle Particulate Matter Emissions. SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-2115.
Allen, G.A., Lawrence, J., and Koutrakis, P. (1999). Field Validation of a Semi-
Continuous Method for Aerosol Black Carbon (Aethalometer) and Temporal Patterns of
Summertime Hourly Black Carbon Measurements in Southwestern PA. Atmospheric
Environment 33: 817-823.
Andersson, J., Giechaskiel, B., G., Muñoz-Bueno, R., Sandbach, E., Dilara, P. (2007).
Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) Light-Duty Inter-Laboratory Correlation
Exercise (ILCE_LD) Final Report. European Commission, Directorate General, Joint
Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability, 2007, EUR 22775
Arnott, W. P., Hamasha, K., Moosmüller, H., Sheridan, P. J., and Ogren, J. A. (2005).
Towards Aerosol Light-Absorption Measurements with a 7-Wavelength Aethalometer:
Evaluation with a Photoacoustic Instrument and 3-Wavelength Nephelometer. Aerosol
Sci. Technol. 39, 17-29.
Babich, P., Davey, M., Allen, G., Koutrakis, P. (2000). Method Comparisons for
Particulate Nitrate, Elemental Carbon, and PM
Mass in Seven U.S. Cities. Journal of
the Air and Waste Management Association 50: 1095-1105.
Bushkuhl, J., Silvis, W., Szente, J., and Maricq, M. (2013). A New Approach for Very
Low Particulate Mass Emissions Measurement. SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-1557,
Cappa, C. D., Lack, D. A., Burkholder, J. B., and Ravishankara, A. R. (2008). Bias in
Filter-Based Aerosol Light Absorption Measurements Due to Organic Aerosol Loading:
Evidence from Laboratory Measurements. Aerosol Science and Technology 42: 1022-
Chang, M.-C. O. and Shields, J. E. (2015). Evaluation of Solid Particle Number and
Black Carbon for PM emissions Standards in Light Duty Vehicles. Aerosol Science and
Technology (submitted).
Chase, R. E., Duszkiewicz, G. J., Jensen, T. E., Lewis, D., Schlaps, E. J., Weibel, A. T.,
Cadle, S., and Mulawa, P. (2000). Particle Mass Emission Rates from Current-
Technology, Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles. Journal of the Air and Waste Management
Association 50, (6), 930-935.
Chase, R. E., Duszkiewicz, G. J., Richert, J. F. O., Lewis, D., Maricq, M.M., and Xu, N.
(2004). PM Meausrement Artifact: Organic Vapor Deposition on Different Filter Media.
SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-0967.
Emissions within the European Legislative Framework: A Review. Aerosol Science and
Technology 46, 719-749.
Giechaskiel, B., Maricq, M., Ntziachristos, L., Dardiotis, C., Wang X., Axmann, H.,
Bergmann, A., Schindler, W. (2014). Review of Motor Vehicle Particulate Emissions
Sampling and Measurement: From Smoke and Filter Mass to Particle Number. J.
Aerosol Science 67, 48-86.
Giechaskiel, B., and Martini, G. (2013). PMP: Sub 23 nm Review, Institute of Energy
and Transportation, Joint Research Centre, November, 2013.
Hansen A.D.A., Rosen H., and Novakov T. (1984). The Aethalometer - An Instrument
for the Real-Time Measurement of Optical Absorption by Aerosol Particles. The Science
of the Total Environment 36: 191-196.
Herner, J.D., Robertson, W.H., and Ayala, A. (2007). Investigation of Ultrafine Particle
Number Measurements from a Clean Diesel Truck Using the European PMP Protocol.
SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-1114. DOI: 10.4271/2007-01-1114.
Hitzenberger, R., Jennings, S. G., Larson, S. M., Dillner, A., Cachier, H., Galambos, Z.,
Rouc, A., Spain, T.G. (1999). Intercomparison of Measurement Methods for Black
Carbon Aerosols. Atmospheric Environment 33: 2823-2833.
Högström, R., Karjalainen, P., Yli-Ojanperä. J., Rostedt, A., Heinonen. M., Mäkelä, J.
M., and Keskinen,J. (2012). Study of the PM Gas-Phase Filter Artifact Using a Setup for
Mixing Diesel-Like Soot and Hydrocarbons. Aerosol Science and Technology 46, 1045-
Hu, S., Zhang, S., Sardar, S., Chen, S., Dzhema, I., Huang, S.-M., Quiros, D., Sun, H.,
Laroo, C., Sanchez, L. J., Watson, J., Chang, M.-C. O., Huai, T., and Ayala, A. (2014).
Evaluation of Gravimetric Method to Measure Light-Duty Vehicle Particulate Metter
Emissions at Levels below One Milligram per Mile (1 mg/mi). SAE Technical Paper
2014-01-1571, DOI: 10.4271/2014-01-1571.
Huai, T., Smallwood, G.J., Ayala, A., Bachalo, W., Payne, G., Witze, P.O., Johnson, K.,
Durbin, T., Chernich, D.J., Maldonado, H. (2006). Comparison of Particulate Matter
Emission Measurements by Laser-Induced Incandescence to the Gravimetric
Procedure. 16
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Diego, California.
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classification of air cleanliness.
Jung, H., Johnson, K. C., Russell, R. L., Durbin T. D., Miller, W., Xue, E. J., Swanson,
J., and Kittelson, D. (2015). Final Report, CRC Paroject No. E-99: Very Low PM Mass
Kado, N. Y, Okamoto, R. A., Kuzmicky, P. A., Kobayashi, R., Ayala, A., Gebel, M. E.,
Rieger, P. L., Maddox, C., and Zafonte, L. (2005). Emissions of Toxic Pollutants from
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Low Sulfur Diesel-Fueled Heavy-Duty Transit
Buses Tested Over Multiple Driving Cycles. Environmental Science and Technology 39:
Kamboures, M. A., Rieger, P. L., Zhang, S., Sardar, S. B., Chang, M.-C. O., Huang, S.-
M., Dzhema, I., Fuentes, M., Hebert, A., Ayala, A. (submitted). Evaluation of a Method
for Measuring Vehicular PM with a Composite Filter and Real-Time BC. Atmospheric
Kamboures, M. A., Hu, S., Yu, Y., Sandoval, J., Rieger, P., Huang, S.-M., Zhang, S.,
Dzhema, I., Huo, D., Ayala, A., and Chang, M.-C. O. (2013). Black Carbon Emissions
in Gasoline Vehicle Exhaust: a Measurement and Instrument Comparison. Journal of
the Air and Waste Management Association 63, 886-901.
Khalek, I. A. (2005). Final Report, CRC Project No. E-66-Phase 1: 2007 Diesel
Particulate Measurement Research.
Khalek, I. A. (2007). E-66 - Diesel Particulate Measurement Research, Phase 3 Final
Report, CRC E-66-3.
Khalek, I. A., Bougher, T., and Jetter, J. J. (2010). Particle Emissions from a 2009
Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Using Different Commercially Available Fuels. ASE
Technical Paper 2010-01-2117.
Kirchstetter, T. W., Corrigan, C. E., Novakov, T. (2001). Laboratory and Field
Investigation of the Adsorption of Gaseous Organic Compounds onto Quartz Filters.
Atmospheric Environment 35, 1663-1671.
Kirchstetter, T. W., Novakov, T. (2007). Controlled Generation of Black Carbon
Particles from a Diffusion Flame and Applications in Evaluating Black Carbon
Measurement Methods. Atmospheric Environment 41, 1874-1888.
Kittelson, D.B. (1998). Engines and Nanoparticles: A review. Journal of Aerosol Science
29: 575588.
LEV III PM Technical Support Document Appendix P (2012). Development of
Particulate Matter Mass Standards for Future Light-Duty Vehicles.
Li, Y., Xue, J., Johnson, K., Durbin, T., Villela, M., Pham, L., Hosseini, S., Zheng, Z.,
Short, D., Karavalakis, G., Asa-Awuku, A., Jung, H., Wang, X., Quiros, D., Hu, S., Huai,
T., and Ayala, A. (2014). Determination of Suspended Exhaust PM Mass for Light-Duty
Vehicles. SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-1594.
Liu, Z. G., Vasys, V. N., Dettmann, M. E., Schauer, J. J., Kittelson, D. B., and Swanson,
J. (2009). Comparison of Strategies for the Measurement of Mass Emissions from
Diesel Engines Emitting Ultra-Low Levels of Particulate Matter. Aerosol Science and
Technology 43, 1142-1152.
Mader, B. T. and Pankow, J. F. (2001). Gas/Solid Partitioning of Semivolatile Organic
Compounds (SOCs) to Air Filters. 3. An Analysis of Gas Adsorption Artifacts in
Measurements of Atmospheric SOCs and Organic Carbon (OC) When Using PTFE
Membrane Filters and Quartz Fiber Filters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35 (17), 3422-3432.
Maricq, M. M. and Xu, N. (2004). The Effective Density and Fractal Dimension of Soot
Particles from Premixed Flames and Motor Vehicle Exhaust. J. Aerosol Sci. 35, 1251-
Maricq, M. M., Szente, J., Loos, M., and Vogt, R. (2011). Motor Vehicle PM Emissions
Measurment at LEV III Levels. SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0623, DOI:
Mayer, A. (2006). Why Use Size, Substance and Number of Solid Particles Instead of
PM-Mass to Characterize and Limit Particle Emissions of IC-Engines. SCAQMD/CARB,
April 30 May 2, 2006, Los Angeles, California.
Mamakos, A., Ntziachristos, L., and Samaras, Z. (2006). Evaluation of the Detati Mass
Monitor for the Measurement of Exhaust Particle Mass Emissions. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 40, 4739-4745.
National Institute for Occupatioanl Safety and Health. (2003). Diesel Particulate (as
Elemental Carbon) Method: 5040. In NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods.
Quiros, D. C., Yoon, S., Dwyer, H. A., Collins, J. F., Zhu, Y., Huai, T. (2014). Measuring
Particulate Matter Emissions during Parked Active Diesel Particulate Filter
Regeneration of Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks, J. Aerosol Sci. 73, 48-62.
Quiros, D. C., Hu, S., Hu, S., Lee, E. S., Sarder, S., Wang, X., Olfert, J. S., Jung, H. S.,
Zhu, Y., Huai, T. (2015a). Particlee Effective Density and Mass during Steady-State
Operation of GDI, PFI, and Diesel Passenger Cars. J. Aerosol Sci. 88, 39-54.
Quiros, D. C., Zhang, S., Sarder, S., Kamboures, M. A., Eiges, D., Zhang M., Jung, H.
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Particulate Organics in the Atmosphere: Problems and Prospects. Atmospheric
Environment 34, 2983-3013.
Fuel Injector
Total PM Mass Emissions (mg/mi)
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
FTP weighted
2009 GMC
GDI - Wall-guided
2008 Lexus
GDI - Wall-guided
2009 Mazda
GDI - Wall-guided
2008 VW
GDI - Wall-guided
2007 VW
GDI - Wall-guided
2009 Porsche
GDI - Wall-guided
2009 BMW
GDI - Spray-guided
2009 BMW
GDI - Spray-guided
2010 VW
GDI - Wall-guided
9 GDI Vehicle Avg.
Table A-1. FTP PM mass emissions rates from GDI vehicles
ehicles Tested at CARB HSL Test Cell A
Veh 1 Saturn SL2 2002 PC 43k LEV I
Veh 2 Nissan Maxima 2000 PC 115k LEV I
Veh 3 Lexus 2002 PC 66k LEV I
Veh 4 Honda Accord 2005 PC 19k LEV II
Veh 5 Toyota Camry 2006 PC 42k LEV II
Veh 6 Saturn VUE 2006 PC 32k LEV II
Veh 7 Ford Focus 2007 PC 15k LEV II
Veh 8 Hummer 2009 LDT3? 21k LEV II
Veh 9
Nissan Altima 2011 PC 29k LEV II
Veh 10 Spectra 2007 PC 34k LEV II
a. PC: Passenger car; LDT: light-duty truck
b. Veh 9 was also tested at CARB HSL Test Cell B and C. \
Table A-2. Summary of vehicles tested at CARB HSL Test Cell A and US EPA NVFEL
Test Cell
Vehicles Tested at US EPA NVFEL Test Cell
Veh A Honda Civic 2009 PC 121K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh B Toyota Corolla 2009 PC 121K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh C Honda Accord 2007 PC 124K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh D Dodge Caliber 2007 PC 115K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh E
2006 PC 114K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh F Ford Taurus 2008 PC 115K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh G
Honda Accord
2007 PC 37K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh H Toyota Tundra 2005 LDT2 121K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh I
2007 LDT2 117K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh J Jeep Liberty 2009 LDT2 122K Tier 2/Bin 5
Veh K Ford Explorer 2009 LDT3 122K Tier 2/Bin 4
Veh L Ford F150 2005 LDT4 112K Tier 2/Bin 8
Veh M
2006 LDT4 111K
Tier 2/Bin 8
( x10
1 Honda Civic 2012 PC PFI 32 PZEV
Chevy Malibu
LT 2012 PC PFI 26.5 PZEV
Toyota Camry
Dodge Grand
Caravan 2013 LDT PFI 40 SULEV
5 Nissan Altima 2011 PC PFI 30 PZEV
6 Buick Regal 2011 PC PFI 11.5 ULEV
7 Ford Explorer 2012 LDT PFI 21 ULEV
8 Honda Accord 2012 PC PFI 32 PZEV
Silverado 2007 LDT PFI 158 ULEV
10 Ford Fusion 2013 PC GDI 9 SULEV
11 Nissan Juke 2011 PC GDI 51 ULEV
12 Smart Fortwo 2008 PC PFI 77 ULEV
Table A-3. Test vehicles information for ARB Test Cell A sampler precision study
Mode l
Mode l Fuel Inj. Mileage
Cyl .
Tra ns.
1990 BUIC Le Sa bre PFI 121504 TIER0 3.8 6 A4
2000 HOND ACCORD PFI 108113 SULEV 2.3 4 A4
2001 CHEV CAVALIER PFI 101511 LEV 2.2 4 A4
2003 FORD F150 PFI 104560 LEV 5.4 8 A4
2007 CHEV Silverado PFI 0 ULEV 8 A4
2007 HOND CIVIC HYBIRD PFI 105671 L2SUL 1.3 4 A4
2008 CHEV Uplander LS PFI 90369 L2LEV 3.9 6 A4
2009 CHEV IMPALA LS PFI 93461 L2ULV 3.5 6 A4
2009 TOTA CAMRY PFI 64033 LEV 2.4 4 A5
2010 JEEP LIBERTY PFI 33137 L2ULV 3.7 6 A4
2011 BUIC REGAL CXS PFI 11754 ULEV 2 4 A6
2012 CHEV MALI BU PFI 26576 PZEV 2.4 4 A6
2012 HOND CIVIC PFI 31742 PZEV 1.8 4 A4
2012 TOTA CAMRY PFI 30776 PZEV 2.5 4 A6
2012 TOTA COROLLA PFI 30655 ULEV 1.8 4 A4
2013 CHEV TAHOE PFI 24057 ULEV 5.3 8 A6
2013 DODG DART PFI 14088 LEV 1.4 4 A6
2013 KIA FORTE PFI 26580 L2SUL 2.4 4 A5
2008 MINI MINI COOPER S GDI 50237 ULEV 1.6 4 M6
2010 VOLK JETTA GDI 11302 PZEV 2 4 A6
2011 NISS JUKE GDI 51341 ULEV 1.6 4 A5
2012 BUIC LACROSSE GDI 13386 L2SUL 2.4 4 A4
2012 CHEV EQUINOX GDI 25226 PZEV 2.4 4 A6
2012 FORD FOCUS GDI 36714 SULEV 2 4 A6
2012 MINI COOPER S GDI 12943 L2LEV 1.6 4 M6
2013 CAD ATS GDI 23441 ULEV 2 4 A5
2013 CHEV IMPALA LTZ GDI 28084 L2SUL 3.6 6 A4
2013 FORD FUSION GDI 13417 PZEV 1.6 4 A4
2013 FORD FUSION GDI 8951 PZEV 1.6 4 A6
2013 HYND ACCENT GDI 18284 ULEV 1.6 4 A4
2013 HYND VELOSTER GDI 11486 ULEVB 1.6 4 M6
2013 MAZD 3 GDI 21779 L2ULV 2 4 A4
2013 NISS JUKE GDI 19919 L2ULV 1.6 4 CV
2013 VOLK JETTA GLI GDI 13783 SULEV 2 4 A4
2014 DAG MERCEDES E350 GDI 11294 L2SUL 3.5 6 L7
2014 KIA OPTIMA GDI GDI 4464 PZEV 2.4 4 A6
2002 DODG RAM 2500 LDD/DPF 228390 TIER1 5.9 6 A4
2011 DCAG E350 LDD/DPF 24412 ULEV 3 6 OT
2012 VOLK PASSAT LDD/DPF 15427 ULEV 2 4 A6
2013 VOLK JETTA LDD/DPF 4844 TIER2 2 4 A6
2014 CHRG RAM 2500 LDD/DPF 13540 L2ULV 6.7 8 A5
Table A-4. Vehicles tested, including mileage, fuel injection type, emission standard
certified under, engine displacement and cylinder number, transmission type, and
presence of turbocharger. (Chang and Shields, 2015, submitted)
Mode l
Mode l
Avg BC
1990 BUIC Le Sa bre 1 0.36 9.45E+11 0.24
2000 HOND ACCORD 1 0.52 5.07E+11
2001 CHEV CAVALIER 1 0.09 4.02E+11 0.13
2003 FORD F150 1 0.68 7.58E+11
2007 CHEV Silverado
2007 HOND CIVIC HYBIRD 1 1.78 2.47E+12 1.38
2008 CHEV Uplander LS 1 1.30 2.69E+12
2008 DAG PASSION CABRIOLET 3 0.56 0.20 1.33E+12 5.1E+11
2009 CHEV IMPALA LS 1 1.06 1.95E+12 0.83
2009 TOTA CAMRY 15 0.48 0.13 1.25E+12 1.78E+11 0.28 0.09
2010 JEEP LIBERTY 5 0.54 0.10 2.45E+12 7.38E+11 0.54 0.24
2011 BUIC REGAL CXS 6 3.33 0.26 8.3E+12 1.39E+12 3.36 0.49
2011 CHRG GRAND CARAVAN 7 0.19 0.05 6.63E+10 1.09E+10 0.10 0.01
2011 NISS ALTI MA 9 1.38 0.21 2.66E+12 1.33E+12 1.01 0.31
2012 CHEV MALI BU 12 0.35 0.10 1E+12 8.43E+10 0.31 0.08
2012 HOND CIVIC 17 0.67 0.39 1.41E+12 1.63E+11 0.45 0.14
2012 TOTA CAMRY 1 0.54 8.53E+11
2012 TOTA
2012 TOTA COROLLA 1 0.07 2.27E+11 0.08
2013 CHEV TAHOE 1 1.20 3.24E+12
2013 DODG DART 3 1.41 5.74E+12 4.07E+11 1.85 1.01
2013 DODG GRAND CARAVAN 10 0.14 0.06 0.12 0.01
2013 KIA FORTE 1 0.45 7.93E+11 0.20
2008 MINI MINI COOPER S 3 2.83 0.16 6.89E+12 3.61E+11 2.33
2010 VOLK JETTA 1 1.68
2011 NISS JUKE 3 10.23 0.49 1.37E+13 1.16E+12
2012 BUIC LACROSSE 1 2.70 7.22E+12
2012 CHEV EQUINOX 1 1.05E+13 3.77
2012 FORD FOCUS 1 0.77 1.6E+12
2013 CAD ATS 1 2.51 2.72E+12 1.51
2013 CHEV IMPALA LTZ 1 1.42 2.95E+12 1.08
2013 FORD FUSION 1 1.54 3.91E+12
2013 FORD FUSION 2 1.23 3.61E+12
2013 HYND ACCENT 1 9.10 1.23E+13 9.32
2013 HYND VELOSTER 3 3.91 0.29 7.57E+12 1.79E+12 3.31 0.28
2013 MAZD 3 1 4.52E+12 2.17
2013 NISS JUKE 1
5.13 3.67
2013 VOLK JETTA GLI 1 1.79 3.41E+12
2013 VOLK JETTA HYBRID 1 0.22 4.49E+11
2014 DAG MERCEDES E350 1 0.56 1.21E+12
2014 KIA OPTIMA GDI 1 2.72 2.05E+12
2002 DODG RAM 2500
2011 DCAG E350 2 0.06 8.68E+10
2012 VOLK PASSAT 2 0.14 4.98E+10 0.05
2013 VOLK JETTA 2 0.17 4.27E+10 0.05
2014 CHRG RAM 2500 1 1.33
Table A-5: Average emissions and standard deviations FTP test cycles. (Chang and
Shields, in preparation)
Mode l
Mode l
Avg BC
1990 BUIC Le Sa bre 1 2.42 4.46E+12
2000 HOND ACCORD 1 4.17 2.62E+12
2003 FORD F150
2007 CHEV Silverado 1 2.68E+12
2007 HOND CIVIC HYBIRD 1 5.00 2.16
2008 CHEV Uplander LS 1 7.45 9.85E+12
2008 DAG PASSION CABRIOLET 3 2.96 1.03 3.66E+12 2.98E+11
2009 CHEV IMPALA LS 1 6.98 5.87E+12 4.34
2009 TOTA CAMRY 8 2.29 1.59 3.72E+12 1.42E+12 0.80 0.16
2010 JEEP LIBERTY 1 6.40 1.75E+13
2011 CHRG GRAND CARAVAN 5 0.29 0.29 1.2E+11 4.23E+10 0.08 0.01
2011 NISS ALTI MA 4 1.76 0.31 4.82E+12 3E+12 0.95 0.27
2012 CHEV MALI BU 6 1.51 0.70 4.82E+12 1.19E+12 0.82 0.29
2012 HOND CIVIC 12 0.75 0.61 1.06E+12 4.63E+11 0.25 0.12
2012 TOTA CAMRY 1 0.20 2.7E+11 0.17
2012 TOTA COROLLA 1 0.51 1.59E+12
2013 CHEV TAHOE 2 4.30 8.68E+12 2.90
4 4.91 3.29 1.32E+13 1.81E+12 3.72 2.85
2013 KIA FORTE 1 0.61 1.51E+12
2008 MINI MINI COOPER S 3 5.60 3.26 7.34E+12 8.61E+11 2.14 0.00
2011 NISS JUKE 4 7.35 3.67 3.43E+12 1.02E+12
2012 MINI COOPER S 1 7.71 1E+13
2013 CAD ATS
2013 CHEV IMPALA LTZ 1 2.36 2.26E+12
2013 FORD FUSION 1 1.33 3.89E+12
2013 FORD FUSION 3 1.02 0.12 3.02E+12 1.94E+11
2013 HYND VELOSTER 6 9.02 3.87 2.1E+13 6.34E+12 6.87 3.55
2013 MAZD 3 1 1.72 1.21E+12
2013 VOLK JETTA GLI 1 3.57E+12
2014 DAG MERCEDES E350 1 0.21 2.33E+11
2002 DODG RAM 2500 1 3.21E+14
2011 DCAG E350 3 0.33 0.28 1.93E+11 4.94E+10 0.08 0.00
2012 VOLK PASSAT 3 0.25 0.19 1.22E+13 2.07E+13 2.02 3.34
2013 VOLK JETTA 3 0.43 0.64 2.11E+11 2.96E+11 0.16 0.16
2014 CHRG RAM 2500 1 5.45E+12
Table A-6: Average emissions and standard deviations US06 test cycles. (Chang and
Shields, submitted)
Statistical Analyses _Repeatability and Reproducibility
The intra-lab variability (
) and inter-lab variability (
) can be calculated by the
following equations:
Where, p is the total number of test cells, N is the total number of measurements, j is
the j-th test from the test cell i (e.g., cell A, B, and C), x is the emission measurement,
is the estimated mean value of PM emissions from i-th test cell, and is the estimated
mean value of all of the PM emission measurements.
The sum of intra-lab and inter-lab variability equals total variability
The coefficient of variances (CoV) within labs, between labs (or vehicles), and
reproducibility are defined, respectively as Equations 7-9:
It should be noted that when p =1, equation (1) is the conventional definition of the
variance of the testing results. Equation (8) is the coefficient of variance (CoV) of
repeat tests.
Particle Number and Size Distribution Measurement
The pertinent functions and features of commonly used instruments to measure particle
size and number are tableted in Table A-7.
Data Output
Size range (nm)
Uni-polar Charging
Aerodynamic classifying
Cover major size range for PM in
Fast response, 1s
Estimate of effective density
Good agreement with PM mass
Uni-polar Charging
Electrical mobility classifying
Fast response, 1s
Fine size resolutions (22 sizes)
Can measure transient phase
Bi-polar Charging
Electrical mobility classifying
Accurate size
High size resolution
Can measure very high
Frequency of Light scattering
being interrupted by particles
passing through
3-2500 (depends
on model)
Fast measurement, 1s
Calibration ISO standard available
Can measure very low concentration
Table A-7. Commonly used instruments for measuring particle number and size
distribution of vehicle exhaust
Dekati Mass Monitor (DMM)
PM mass can be estimated at a one second resolution by the Dekati Mass Monitor
(DMM) which combines electrical mobility and aerodynamic particle size measurements
(Mamakos et al., 2006). Particles are charged in a corona discharge environment,
separated by mobility, and passing through a mobility classifier enter a six-stage
cascade impactor. The resulting electrical currents estimate particle numbers, then
yield PM mass when the particle numbers are combined with the effective particle
density profile calculated from the aerodynamic and mobility size reported by
instrumentation . The Phase 1 of CRC project E-66 (Khalek, 2005) reported that the
DMM-230 correlated very well (R
> 0.95) with the gravimetric measurement method for
an engine equipped with a Continuously Regeneration Trap- Diesel Particle Filter (CRT-
DPF). Another study (Mamakos, et al., 2006) showed, for the Euro 2 and 3 vehicles,
that the two measurements also correlated well, yet DMM results are significantly higher
than the gravimetric PM mass. It is expected that the DMM can yield semi-quantitative
trends in particle mass emissions.
Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer Spectrometer (EEPS)
EEPS is mostly used to measure fast response particle size and number data. The
EEPS is a mobility-base particle sizing instrument. An aerosol stream entering the
instrument is subjected to two unipolar diffusion chargers to put a predictable net
positive charge on the particles. The charged particles are separated and detected by
size in an electrical field to determine particle numbers and sizes simultaneously.
Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS)
SMPS measures particle counts for each size in a scanning cycle which is as short as 2
minutes. It is usually used for measurements at steady-state engine operation. It
consists of a Krypton 85 bipolar ion charger/neutralizer to charge particles, a classifier
to select mobility size, and a particle counter.
Condensation Particle Counter (CPC)
Most CPC determines particle number concentration by condensing butyl alcohol on the
particles via supersaturation process to grow them to an optically detectable size,
approximately 2 μm. Adjusting the supersaturation ratio will change the effectiveness of
growing smaller particles therefore can accordingly change the 50% courting efficiency
of the lowest particle size. CPC developed over the past decade can effectively grow
particle either through diffusional process, with deionized water, or a combination of
both. The CPC in the European legislation must be full-flow (the total inlet flow must
pass the counting optics), and have a 50% counting efficiency at 23 nm (Giechaskiel, et
al., 2009) with butyl alcohol.
Black Carbon Measurement
The commonly used instruments for BC measurement and their operation principle and
capacity are listed in Table A-8.
Size range
EC and
Used in ambient monitoring
Long-standing database in
emissions inventories.
BC mass
Fast response
Easy to use
Sound wave
BC mass
No sampling medium interference
Fast response
BC mass
soot size
Fast response
Table A-8. Commonly used instruments/methods for measuring BC or EC
Laser-induced incandescence (LII)
Particles are heated with a short laser pulse to just below the carbon sublimation
temperature and the subsequent incandescence decay is measured by a
photomultiplier. The incandescence intensity and decay rate are analyzed to derive the
number and average size of primary particles and, thereby, soot volume. Data from a
study showed that these instruments are capable of measuring BC without being affected
by the presence of OC coatings (Slowik et al., 2007), which may impact measurements
made using photoacoustic or light attenuation methods.
The LII method requires
calibration to measure PM mass, commonly by comparison to extinction measurement
of flames.
BC and EC measurement in ARB
EC is the only mass-based carbon measurement method and is often used as a
reference method when comparing BC results measured with different principles. ARB
conducted a correlation study to investigate the relationship between EC and six
different BC measurements, and results are shown in Figure A-1 (LEV III, 2012;
Kamboures et al, 2013). Overall, good correlations are observed between some of BC
measurements and EC, yet the slopes varied depending on the range of emissions and
instrumentation used.
Operating Principle
Intake Flow
633 nm
Time Integrated
60 L/min
Light Attenuation
Light Attenuation
880 nm
Time Integrated
60 L/min
Photoacoustic Instrument
808 nm
1 sec
1.9 L/min
Photoacoustic Instrument
781 nm
1 sec
1.0 L/min
Light Attenuation
Light Attenuation
880 nm
5 sec
2.0 L/min
Light Attenuation
Light Attenuation
880 nm
1 sec
0.10 L/min
Figure A-1. Same test BC and EC data from LDV Undergoing FTP testing and the
instruments used for the measurements are listed in the table below the figure. (LEV III,
The ARB also participated in a series of studies to evaluate the LII (Huai et al., 2006).
These studies compared LII measured BC to same-test PM mass and EC diesel
exhaust. Overall, LII BC was well correlated with both PM and EC, yet returned BC
values that were higher than total PM. The erroneously higher values of BC, determined
by LII, were determined to have been due to inadequate calibration.
ACC Advanced Clean Cars
ARB or CARB California Air Resources Board
AE Aethalometer
BC Black Carbon
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CoV Coefficient of Variation
CPC Condensation Particle Counter
CPMA Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyzer
CRC Coordinating Research Council
CS Catalytic Stripper
CVS Constant Volume Sampling
DF Dilution Factor
DMA Differential Mobility analyzer
DMM Dekati Mass Monitor
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
E10 Gasoline with 10% Ethanol
E85 Gasoline with 85% Ethanol
EBC Equivalent Black Carbon
EC Elemental Carbon
EEPS Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer
FFV Filter Face Velocity
FTP Federal Test Procedure
GDI Gasoline Direct Injection Technology
HC Hydrocarbons
HD Heavy-Duty
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air
HSL Haagen-Smit Laboratory
IPSD Integrated Particle Size Distribution
ISO International Organization of Standardization
JRC Joint Research Center of the European Commission
LDD Light-Duty Diesel
LDT Light-Duty Trucks
LDV Light-Duty Vehicles
LEV Low Emission Vehicle
LII Laser Induced Incandescence
MY Model Year
MSS Micro Soot Sensor
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NVFEL National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
OC Organic Carbon
PA Photoacoustic
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PC Passenger Cars
PFD Partial Flow Dilution
PFI Port Fuel Injection
PFSS Partial Flow Sampling System
PM Particulate Matter
PMP Particulate Measurement Programme
PN Particle Number
PNC Particle Number Counter
PSD Particle Size Distribution
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
QC Quality Control
SCFM Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
SFTP or US06 Supplemental Federal Test Procedure
SMPS Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SPN Solid Particle Number
TD Thermal Denuder
UC California Unified Cycle
UDDS Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedules
UFP Ultrafine Particles
UN-ECE United Nation’s Economic Commission for Europe
UN-ECE-GRPE United Nation’s Economic Commission for Europe - Group of
Experts on Pollution and Energy
U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
VPR Volatile Particle Remover