Date of Approval: April 06, 2023
PIA ID Number: 7509
Enter the full name and acronym for the system, project, application and/or database.
Bank Discrepancy, Bank Disc
Is this a new system?
Is there a PCLIA for this system?
What is the full name, acronym, and milestone of the most recent PCLIA?
Bank Discrepancy, BANK DISC, previous PCIA 4639
What is the approval date of the most recent PCLIA?
Changes that occurred to require this update:
Expiring PCLIA
Were there other system changes not listed above?
What governance board or Executive Steering Committee (ESC) does this system report to? Full
name and acronym.
W&I Risk Committee
Current ELC (Enterprise Life Cycle) Milestones:
Operations & Maintenance (i.e., system is currently operational)
Is this a Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) reportable system?
What is the general business purpose of this system? Provide a clear, concise description of the
system, application or database, the reason for the system, and the benefits to the IRS to use the
information, and how the information will be used.
The Bank Discrepancy program is used by Accounting Operations to control and track bank
discrepancy inventories. The Bank Discrepancy Application controls and monitors
Unresolved Debit Vouchers (Standard Form (SF) 5515) received from depositaries which
indicate discrepancies between the original Deposit Ticket (SF 215A) and the supporting
checks such as: Encoding Errors, Slipped Blocks, piggyback checks, lost checks, and
improper SF 5515 charge backs. The federal tax deposits that business owners make to banks
to pay their quarterly taxes are not part of the bank discrepancy inventories. The Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) deposits all monies paid to IRS by the taxpayer. Discrepancies occur
when input errors in depositing the checks are encoded incorrectly. For example: the
taxpayer writes a check for $1,000.00, IRS encodes the check for $10,000.00 in error. The
depositary will return the $9,000.00 debit voucher back to IRS. The Bank Discrepancy
Application controls the returned Debit Voucher until the taxpayer is debited for the
$9,000.00 via the Dishonored Check File database. The application controls these cases by
systemically assigned sequence numbers for each debit voucher or deposit ticket number
entered. History is retained for each case. Baseline or customized reports can be generated
for management use. Managers, administrators, and account technicians for Bank
Discrepancy will have access to the data. This access is determined by the manager based on
a user's position and need-to-know. All data is manually input into the system. IRS
employees manually research/pull personally identifiable information (PII) data from
Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS). This is a manual interaction and not systemic one.
Does the system use, collect, receive, display, store, maintain, or disseminate IR Code 6103
taxpayer information: or any other type of Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) information or PII
such as information about IRS employees or outside stakeholders?
Does the system use, collect, receive, display, store, maintain, or disseminate Social Security
Numbers (SSN's) or tax identification numbers (i.e., last 4 digits, etc.)?
What types of tax identification numbers (TIN) apply to this system?
Social Security Number (SSN)
List the approved Treasury uses of the SSN:
Interfaces with external entities that require the SSN
Legal/statutory basis (e.g., where collection is expressly required by statute)
Explain why the authorized use(s) above support the new or continued use of SSNs (or
tax identification numbers).
The Office of Management and Budget Circular A-130 requires that federal agencies
develop a mitigation or elimination strategy for systems that use SSNs, which the
Service continues to develop strategies to meet. An exception to that requirement is
when the SSN is uniquely needed to identify a user's record. ISR-S requires the use
of SSN's because no other identifier can be used to uniquely identify a taxpayer at
this time.
Describe the planned mitigation strategy and forecasted implementation date to mitigate
or eliminate the use of SSN's (or tax identification numbers).
The BANK DISC system requires the use of SSNs because no other identifier can be
used to uniquely identify a taxpayer at this time. SSNs are permissible from Internal
Revenue Code (IRC) 6109, which requires individual taxpayers to include their SSNs
on their income tax returns.
Employer Identification Number
Other Taxpayer Identification Number
Does this system use, collect, receive, display, store, maintain or disseminate other (non-SSN)
PII (i.e., names, addresses, etc.)?
Specify the PII Elements:
Mailing Address
Tax Account Information
Does this system use, collect, receive, display, store, maintain, or disseminate SBU information
that is not PII?
Specify the types of SBU from the SBU Types List:
Agency Sensitive Information - Information which if improperly used or disclosed could
adversely affect the ability of the agency to accomplish its mission.
Official Use Only (OUO) or Limited Official Use (LOU) - Information designated as OUO
or LOU is information that: is exempt under one of the statutory Freedom of Information Act
exemptions; is prohibited by other laws or regulations; would significantly impede the
agency in carrying out a responsibility or function; or would constitute an unwarranted
invasion of privacy.
Are there other types of SBU/PII used in the system?
Cite the authority for collecting SBU/PII (including SSN if relevant).
PII for federal tax administration is generally Internal Revenue Code Sections 6001, 6011, &
SSN for tax returns and return information is Internal Revenue Code Section 6109
PII about individuals for Bank Secrecy Act compliance 31 USC
Has the authority been verified with the system owner?
Explain the detailed business needs and uses for the SBU/ PII, and how the SBU / PII is limited
only to that which is relevant and necessary to meet the mission requirements of the system. If
SSNs (or tax identification numbers) are used, explicitly explain why use of SSNs meets this
criteria. Be specific.
Each data item is required to gather history from time of receipt to closing of each debit
voucher (DV) or deposit ticket (DT). The application is a control and tracking system for DV
and DT received from the depository.
How is the SBU/PII verified for accuracy, timeliness, and completion?
Each DV or DT is balanced prior to being entered on the application, meaning they are
crosschecked for verification purposes when assigned on the application. All reports have an
indicator that denotes cases that are over 90 days old. An age report can be generated and
customized to generate specific age dates.
The Privacy Act requires Federal agencies that maintain a system of records to publish systems
of records notices (SORNs) in the Federal Register for records from which information is
retrieved by any personal identifier for an individual who is a US citizen, or an alien lawfully
admitted for permanent residence. The Privacy Act also provides for criminal penalties for
intentional noncompliance.
Does your application or this PCLIA system pertain to a group of any record from which
information is retrieved by any personal identifier for an individual who is a US citizen, or an
alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence? An identifier may be a symbol, voiceprint,
SEID, or other personal identifier that is used to retrieve information.
Identify the Privacy Act SORN(s) that cover these records.
IRS 24.030 Customer Account Data Engine Individual Master File
IRS 24.046 Customer Account Data Engine Business Master File
Identify the individuals for the following system roles:
## Official Use Only
Does the system receive SBU/PII from other systems or agencies?
Does the system receive SBU/PII from IRS files and databases?
Enter the files and databases:
System Name: Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS)
Current PCLIA: Yes
Approval Date: 10/26/2021
SA&A: Yes
ATO/IATO Date: 9/20/2022
Does the system receive SBU/PII from other federal agency or agencies?
Does the system receive SBU/PII from State or local agency (-ies)?
Does the system receive SBU/PII from other sources?
Does the system receive SBU/PII from Taxpayer forms?
Please identify the form number and name:
Form Number: 5515
Form Name: Unresolved Debit Vouchers
Does the system receive SBU/PII from Employee forms (e.g., the I-9)?
Does this system disseminate SBU/PII?
Does this system use social media channels?
Does this system use privacy-sensitive technologies such as mobile, global position system
(GPS), biometrics, RFID, etc.?
Does the system use cloud computing?
Does this system/application interact with the public?
Was/is notice provided to the individual prior to collection of information?
How is notice provided? Was the individual notified about the authority to collect the
information, whether disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, the purpose for which the
information will be used, with whom the information may be shared, and the effects on the
individual, if any, if they decide not to provide all or any of the requested information?
Notice, consent, and due process are provided via IDRS and in the tax forms and instructions
filed by the taxpayer, and pursuant to 5 USC.
Do individuals have the opportunity to decline from providing information and/or from
consenting to particular uses of the information?
Describe the mechanism by which individuals indicate their consent choice(s):
Notice, consent, and due process are provided via IDRS and in the tax forms and instructions
filed by the taxpayer, and pursuant to 5 USC.
How does the system or business process ensure 'due process' regarding information access,
correction, and redress?
Notice, consent, and due process are provided via IDRS and in the tax forms and instructions
filed by the taxpayer, and pursuant to 5 USC.
Identify the owner and operator of the system (could be IRS owned and Operated; IRS owned,
contractor operated; contractor owned and operated).
IRS Owned and Operated
The following people have access to the system with the specified rights:
IRS Employees
Users: Read Only
Managers: Read Write
System Administrators: Read Write
How is access to SBU/PII determined and by whom?
Managers in Campus Accounting Dishonored Check function will approve users via
BEARS. System Administrators/Managers determine access level for each user.
Are these records covered under a General Records Schedule (GRS, IRS Document 12829), or
has the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved a Records Control
Schedule (RCS, IRS Document 12990) for the retention and destruction of official agency
records stored in this system?
How long are the records required to be held under the corresponding GRS or RCS, and how
are they disposed of? In your response, please provide the GRS or RCS chapter number, the
specific item number, and records series title.
Bank Discrepancy data is approved for deletion/destruction 6 years, 3 months after the period
covered by the account (Job No. N1-58-11-3, approved 6/5/12). These disposition
instructions are published in Document 12990 under Records Control Schedule (RCS) 29,
item 157. Any records generated and maintained by the system will be managed according to
requirements under IRM 1.15.1 and 1.15.6 and will be destroyed using IRS Records Control
Schedule (RCS) 29, and as coordinated with the IRS Records and Information Management
(RIM) Program and IRS Records Officer.
Has the system been through SA&A (Security Assessment and Authorization) or ASCA (Annual
Security Control Assessment)?
What date was it completed?
Describe the system's audit trail.
Audit trail records for the transactions identified above includes the following data elements,
where applicable: The type of event (e.g., command code), the terminal and employee
identification, date and time of input, and account accessed to include the Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN), Master File Tax (MFT), and tax period. Bank Discrepancy is
following the appropriate audit trail elements pursuant to current Audit Logging Security
Does the system require a System Test Plan?
Is the test plan completed?
Where are the test results stored (or documentation that validation has occurred confirming that
requirements have been met)?
Treasury FISMA Inventory Management System.
Were all the Privacy Requirements successfully tested?
Are there any residual system privacy, civil liberties, and/or security risks identified that need to
be resolved?
Describe what testing and validation activities have been conducted or are in progress to verify
and validate that the applicable Privacy Requirements (listed in header) have been met?
The applications System Security Plan (SSP) show the results of the Privacy Controls in
Section 5. All Privacy controls were either tested or validated during the assessment. Bank
Discrepancy is currently in the Operations and Maintenance phase of its lifecycle.
Continuous Monitoring (now called Annual Security Control Assessment) occurs annually to
ensure that controls remain in place to properly safeguard PII.
Does this system use, or plan to use SBU Data in Testing?
Identify the number of individual records in the system for each category:
IRS Employees: Under 50,000
Contractors: Not Applicable
Members of the Public: 100,000 to 1,000,000
Other: No
Does the system maintain any information describing how any individual exercises their rights
guaranteed by the First Amendment?
Is the system information used to conduct 'data-mining' as defined in the Implementing
Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, Public Law 110-53, Section 804?
Will this system have the capability to identify, locate, and monitor individuals or groups of
Does computer matching occur?
Does the system include or require disclosure of tax or employee information to anyone other
than IRS employees in the performance of their duties, or to the person to whom the information
pertains or to a 3rd party pursuant to a Power of Attorney, tax, or Privacy Act consent?