Note: All documents led by the Secretary of State’s ofce are considered public record and may be viewable online.
How to complete the Foreign Application for a foreign
(non-Kansas) business:
Each of the numbered instructions below corresponds to a section on
the form.
1. Select the covered business type the business is operating as in
their domestic state. This may be found on the certicate issued
by the covered business’s domestic state or contact the ofce that
issued the certicate for assistance with the covered business’s
2. Provide the name of the covered business. The name provided must
match identically to the name as it appears on the certicate from
the covered business’s domestic state.
Check to see if the name of the covered business is in use by any
other business already registered with our ofce online at https://
If the name is currently in use, either a letter of consent from the
current business, or a letter of advertising must be submitted with
the foreign application.
Letter of consent: Pursuant to K.S.A. 17-7933, the letter of consent
must include an indication that the current business consents to
the use of the name. This letter must be executed by an authorized
person for the current business registered.
Letter of advertising: Pursuant to K.S.A. 17-7933, a letter of
advertising must indicate that the business, in all means of
identication and advertising, will identify as a business out of
their foreign (non-Kansas) state. If the current covered business is
domesticated in the same foreign state, a letter of advertising can’t
be used and a letter of consent from the current business must be
3. Provide the jurisdiction where the covered business organized. This
must be either a U.S. state, U.S. territory, or foreign country.
4. Provide the name of the resident agent.
Resident agent: This is either an individual or a business registered
in Kansas (may be the business the foreign application is for) who
will receive any legal documents (e.g., subpoenas, court orders,
summons, etc.) for the business named in section 2. If the resident
agent is a business, search for the legal name of the business at
5. Provide the registered ofce for the resident agent.
Registered ofce: Must be an address in Kansas where the
resident agent may be regularly present. The address must include
the building number, street, city, state, and zip code. This can’t be
a PO box.
6. Provide the date the covered business began doing business in
Kansas. This eld may be left blank if this date would be the date
the application is led with the Kansas Secretary of State’s Ofce.
This date determines if information reports must be led with the
foreign application.
Information report: This is a document that is led every two years
to maintain good standing with the Kansas Secretary of State. If an
even year was entered in section 6, the information report would
have been led every following even year, and if an odd year was
entered in section 6, the information report would have been led
every following odd year. Perform the following steps for the type
selected in section 1 to determine how many reports to submit.
Not-for-prot corporations: If the business has passed a
reporting period for an information report, the foreign application
must be submitted with the most recent information report missed.
All other businesses: Each of the information reports that have
not been led within the reporting period that would have been
due, limited to the last 10 years of information reports, must be
submitted with the foreign application.
7. Provide the date of organization in the covered business’s
domestic state. This may be found on the certicate issued by the
covered business’s domestic state.
8. Provide the corporation’s purpose statement. This statement is a
general indication as to the nature of business of the business.
9. This section only applies to LLCs that can create series:
These two statements must be reviewed, and at least one of the
statements checked for the business to be registered with our
ofce as an LLC that can create series in their domestic state.
If not true, then leave the boxes blank and the LLC will not be
registered as a series LLC.
10. An authorized person on behalf of the business must sign.
ka ns as s ec re tary of state
Application for Registration
Foreign Covered Business
K.S.A. 17-7931
Rev. 5/15/24 tc
Do Not
Please continue to next page.
Note: All documents led by the Secretary of State’s ofce are considered public record and may be viewable online.
Fee Schedule
Foreign Application
The ling fee for the foreign application is as follows:
For-prot: ................................................... $115
Not-for-prot: .............................................. $115
LLC: .............................................................. $165
LLP: .............................................................. $165
LP: .............................................................. $165
Series LLC: .................................................... $165
For all entities, except for not-for-prot corporations, a one-time
penalty fee of $85 must be submitted if one or more information
reports are being led after the business’s forfeiture date. Forfeiture
dates are 3 months after the end of the reporting period.
If information reports are being submitted, the ling fee for each must
also accompany the information reports. For more information and
to download the information reports, go to
Mail to:
Kansas Secretary of State
Memorial Hall, 1st Floor
120 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka KS 66612
Checks and credit/debit cards are accepted for payment. Make checks
payable to the Kansas Secretary of State. Once processing the foreign
application is completed, a certied copy of the foreign application will
be mailed to the address of the sender.
ka ns as s ec re tary of state
Application for Registration
Foreign Covered Business
K.S.A. 17-7931
Rev. 5/15/24 tc
Please proceed to form.
Do Not
Note: The credit/debit card information will be destroyed upon the ling of the document.
Contact Information
Contact Person
Direct Phone Number for Contact Person
Payment Information
Credit/Debit Card Number
Expiration Date
Billing Zip Code
ka ns as s ec re tary of state
Application for Registration
Foreign Covered Business
K.S.A. 17-7931
Rev. 5/15/24 tc
Do Not
All information on the application for registration must be complete and accompanied by the correct ling fee or the document will not
be accepted for ling.
1. Choose type of covered
Corporation for prot
(fee $115) 51-03
Limited partnership
(fee $165) 51-06
Corporation not for prot
(fee $115) 51-17
Limited liability partnership
(fee $165) 51-18
Limited liability company
(fee $165) 51-10
Series limited liability company
(fee $165) 51-33
2. Name of covered
Must exactly match name on
3. State or foreign country
of jurisdiction:
4. Name of resident agent:
Must be an individual, the business
named in section 2, or a business
already registered with our ofce.
Do not leave blank.
5. Registered ofce in
Kansas for the resident
Must be a street, rural route,
or highway. A PO box is
Street Address (A PO Box is unacceptable)
City State
6. Date the covered
business began doing
business in Kansas:
Month Day Year
Provide a date only if this date is in the past.
Otherwise, leave blank.
7. Date of formation in state
or foreign country of
Month Day Year
8. Full nature and character
of business to be
conducted in Kansas:
1 / 2
K.S.A. 17-7931
Rev. 5/15/24 tc
ka ns as s ec re tary of state
Application for Registration
Foreign Covered Business
Memorial Hall, 1st Floor (785) 296-4564
120 S.W. 10th Avenue [email protected]v
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Do Not
Please continue to next page.
Please complete the form, print, sign and mail to the
Kansas Secretary of State with the filing fee. Selecting
'Print' will print the form and 'Reset' will clear the entire
9. This statement applies only to foreign limited liability companies who may create series in their domestic state and
must check the corresponding statements. All other LLCs or business types may skip to section 10.
The limited liability company is governed by an operating agreement that establishes or provides for the
establishment of a series of members, managers, limited liability company interests or assets having separate rights,
powers or duties with respect to specied property or obligations of the foreign limited liability company or prots
and losses associated with specied property or obligations.
Check all
that apply:
The debts, liabilities and obligations incurred, contracted for or otherwise existing with respect to a particular
series, if any, are enforceable against the assets of such series only, and not against the assets of the foreign
limited liability company generally or any other series thereof.
Any of the debts, liabilities, obligations and expenses incurred, contracted for or otherwise existing with respect
to the foreign limited liability company generally or any other series thereof shall be enforceable against the
assets of such series.
The foreign covered business hereby consents, without power of revocation, that actions may be commenced against
it in the proper court of any county in the state of Kansas; and the foreign covered business stipulates and agrees that
such service shall be taken and held in all courts to be valid and binding as if due service had been made upon the
authorized persons of the foreign covered business.
As of the day of this ling, the foreign covered business exists in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
10. I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signature of Authorized Person
Name of Signer (Printed or Typed)
2 / 2
K.S.A. 17-7931
Rev. 5/15/24 tc
Please review to ensure completion.