1 Rare Disease Nonprot Business Plan Template
Produced by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD®)
When forming a nonprot organization, consider creating a business plan. A business plan acts as
the blueprint of your organization explaining what you intend to do, how, and why and it includes a
nancial plan in order to demonstrate the viability of your organization.
By creating a business plan, your board members will share a common understanding and vision for
what they want to accomplish and be better situated to make well informed decisions.
A business plan will prepare you for applying for tax-exempt status. Much of the plan information aligns
with the IRS form 1023, which is the application required by the IRS to receive 501(c)(3) nonprot status.
A business plan encompasses your organization’s program, operations, and nances while also
incorporating aspects of strategy and marketing.
BoardSource claries the dierence between a business plan and a strategic plan. A strategic plan “has
a broad focus that sets the overall direction for a nonprot and denes the mission-related goals and
strategies the nonprot is going to achieve over a period of time while a business plan “has a narrower
and more specic focus and it analyzes the nancial viability of the proposed project.
A business plan should contain the following elements:
Executive Summary
High level overview and summary of the business plan
Explanation of the rare disease and its impact on the people living with it, which sets the stage
for why your organization is needed
Mission Statement and Guiding Principles
Description of the organizations mission and principles
Proposed Activities to Further the Mission
List of the pending activities and a marketing strategy to execute on the mission
The Need for an Organization
The reason why your organization should exist and how it serves a unique need in the market
Target Beneciaries of the Organization
Who will benet from your organization and how (via the programs and resources you
will develop)
Communities where Activities will be Conducted
Describe the geographical reach of the organization
2 Rare Disease Nonprot Business Plan Template
Fundraising Plans and Research Grants
List the opportunities and grants your organization plans to target to support fundraising
Proposed Budget
Insert your proposed operating budget for the next three (3) years
Proposed Stang
Description of the organizational structure and committees
Access an example of a rare disease business plan: bit.ly/business-plan-example
3 Rare Disease Nonprot Business Plan Template
Executive Summary
Specify the name of your organization and conrm that it will operate as a 501(c)(3) nonprot in service of a
specic cause: _______________________________________________________________________________
High level summary about the unmet need your organization is meeting (i.e. why your organization exists):
Brief description about why this business plan was created and how it demonstrates an outline for success:
Describe the impact of a diagnosis with your rare disease: ___________________________________________
Provide details about your rare disease, which can be pulled from medically vetted sources such a NIH GARD or
the NORD Rare Disease Report Database: _________________________________________________________
4 Rare Disease Nonprot Business Plan Template
Mission Statement and Guiding Principles
Share your organization’s mission statement: _____________________________________________________
Detail the guiding principles of your organization: _________________________________________________
Make your case and highlight the need for a nonprot organization for your disease state (e.g. the history of
the disease, why now, what need will you meet?): _________________________________________________
Target Beneciaries of the Organization
Detail who will benet from your organization and how your website, services, network, etc. will serve your
beneciaries: _______________________________________________________________________________
5 Rare Disease Nonprot Business Plan Template
Proposed Activities to Further the Mission
Describe the short term plans your organization will execute on to start, manage and grow a healthy nonprot
(i.e., approve bylaws, establish a website, and recruit a Medical Advisory Board):
Initial actions: _______________________________________________________________________________
Essential next steps: __________________________________________________________________________
Ongoing action steps: _________________________________________________________________________
Detail your marketing plan (how will your organization engage the community to reach your mission?): ______
Communities Where Activities Will Be Conducted
Conrm where your organization is headquartered and if you serve a local, regional, national or international
population: _________________________________________________________________________________
Fundraising Plans and Research Grants
Detail opportunities you plan to target to raise funds to reach your mission:
Personal fundraising: _________________________________________________________________________
Corporate grants: ____________________________________________________________________________
Government groups: __________________________________________________________________________
Partnership with other philanthropic organizations: ________________________________________________
Proposed Budget
Insert your proposed budget for the next three (3) years. NORD’s template budget is available for download:
Proposed Stang
Who governs your organization and what do they do to support a thriving organization? Describe your
organizational structure (volunteer, paid sta, etc.) and the composition of your Board of Directors. You
can also describe other organizational committees here and how you plan to form them, such as a Medical
Advisory Board.
Board Members and their roles: ________________________________________________________________
Medical Advisory Board (composition and primary function): _________________________________________
©2022 NORD. All rights reserved. NORD, its icon and RareLaunch are registered trademarks of the National Organization for Rare Disorders.
NORD is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. NORD does not recommend or endorse any particular medical treatment but encourages patients
to seek the advice of their clinicians. Donations to NORD for this and other programs may be made by contacting NORD at rarediseases.org. NRD-2193