Advertising Agencies
This publication is designed to help you understand how sales and use tax applies in your business operations. If you
cannot find the information you are looking for in this booklet, please see our website at, or contact
our Customer Service Center. Customer service representatives are available to answer your questions Monday
through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time), except state holidays
For general information about sales and use taxes, the obligations of seller’s permit holders, and filing sales and use
tax returns, please see
publication 73, Your California Seller’s Permit. It includes information on obtaining a permit;
using a resale certificate; collecting and reporting sales and use taxes; buying, selling, and discontinuing a business;
and keeping records. Information on obtaining this and other publications begins on page 41.
We welcome your suggestions for improving this or any other publication. If you would like to comment, please
provide your comments or suggestions directly to:
Audit and Information Section, MIC:44
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
PO Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0044
Please note: This publication summarizes the law and applicable regulations in effect when the publication was
written, as noted on the back cover. However, changes in the law or in regulations may have occurred since that time.
If there is a conflict between the text in this publication and the law, decisions will be based on the law and not on this
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
Introduction–Sales Tax Basics for
Advertising Agencies 1
Sales that are Generally Nontaxable 6
Sale and Use of Production Aids and
Special Printing Aids 13
Sale and Use of Artwork 17
Sale of Printed Matter 25
Technology Transfer Agreements 31
Creative Arts Services for
the Motion Picture Industry 35
Applying Tax to Your Purchases 37
General Tax Reporting Requirements 39
For More Information 41
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Introduction–Sales Tax Basics for Advertising Agencies
As an advertising agency, you develop and implement ideas to promote a client’s products and services. The way sales tax
applies to your charges depends on 1) your business relationship with the client; 2) the product you provide to the client;
3) whether the product you provide is produced in-house, and 4) your billing method. You may act as the agent of your
client on some jobs and act as a retailer on other jobs. You may also act as an agent with respect to the acquisition of
some products for your client and as a retailer of other products on the same job. Some of your sales will be taxable and
others will not. This chapter discusses the rules that apply when you purchase products and services on behalf of your
clients and helps you determine when you are regarded as a retailer and how tax applies to your sales as a retailer. The
next chapter explains what sales are generally nontaxable. Specific information about your sales as a retailer is provided
in the other chapters.
Services and products
Advertising agencies provide both services and tangible products to their clients. As an agency, your services
include such things as planning, media placement, market research, advertising, radio spots, and public relations.
Your products include such items as print ads, brochures, logos, posters, artwork, video productions, and website
design. When you sell tangible products, tax will generally apply to your sale of the products as well as any charges
for services associated with the production of the products. When you sell services only, your charges are generally
not taxable.
Depending on the business relationship between you and your client, you may qualify as a retailer in some cases
subject to the general sales and use tax laws and an agent in other cases. The following information will help you
understand when you are an agent of your client and when you are considered the retailer.
Business relationship
Acting as an agent
An agent represents its client in dealings with third parties.
For purposes of the sales and use tax, the state presumes an
advertising agency acts as an agent of its client in dealings
with third parties such as artists, printers, or video and audio
producers. As an agent, you are not regarded as purchasing
the product on your own behalf, nor are you considered to be
selling the product to your client. Accordingly, your transfer
of products to your client is not taxable when these three
elements apply:
You buy the product from a third party,
You buy the product on behalf of your client, and
You separately state on your invoice to your client the
amount you paid for the product.
Generally, you will pay an amount for tax to the third party
at the time of purchase (you should not furnish a resale
certificate to the third party). If you buy a product without
paying tax, for example, from an out-of-state retailer who did
not collect California tax, you must report and pay use tax on
the purchase price. As an alternative, your client may elect to
report use tax on the purchase. (See page 38.)
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Example: Your client is holding a sales presentation to promote a new product line. You contract with the client
for the production of brochures to be given to attendees at the presentation. You hire a printer to design and
produce the brochures on behalf of your client. The printer designs and produces the brochures in-house and
delivers the printed brochures directly to you or to your client when the job is done. The printer invoices you a
lump-sum amount of $10,000 plus tax at 7.75 percent. In turn, you invoice your client $11,775, which includes a
separate charge of $10,775 for the brochures and an additional charge of $1,000 for your agency fee.
Since the state presumes you are the agent of your client and you separately stated the actual amount paid to
the printer on your invoice to the client, your charges are not subject to tax. As an agent of your client, you are
neither the purchaser nor the retailer of the brochures.
Acting as a retailer
You are a retailer in relation to your client and your sale or use of your products may be taxable when any one of the
following circumstances applies:
You choose (elect) to act as a retailer by written notification to your client,
You do not separately state the amount you paid to the supplier when billing your client,
You sell products that you or your employees have made in-house, or
You furnish a resale certificate to your supplier, in which case you are presumed to have purchased the product
on your own behalf for resale to your client.
Your sales of products to your clients, as a retailer, are taxable unless they qualify for a specific exemption or
Example: You contract with your client to design and produce a logo. You do not choose to act as a retailer.
You hire an artist to design the logo and produce the finished art. The artist’s charge for designing the logo and
providing the finished art is $5,000, plus the applicable tax. You transfer the finished art to your client on a CD
and charge your client $7,500 plus the tax paid to the artist. Your invoice separately states the $5,000 plus tax
you paid to the artist on your client’s behalf and a $2,500 agency fee. Since the law presumes you are an agent
of your client, your charges are not taxable.
If, however, you bill your client a lump sum amount of $7,500, you are considered the retailer of the artwork
and your entire charge is taxable. You may, however, claim a tax-paid purchases resold credit on your sales and
use tax return for the tax paid to the artist. (See page 38.)
Choice to act as a retailer
To choose retailer status when providing products to your client, you must have a written statement in your master
agreement, job order, or invoice stating that you are a retailer of the products you are selling to the client. The
statement should use the following or similar language:
“[Name of advertising agency] will not be acting as an agent of [client’s name] for purposes of this transaction.”
If you elect this option, generally you may issue a resale certificate when you buy any property you plan to resell to
your client.
No separate statement
You are considered a retailer if you transfer to your client items you have purchased from a supplier and you do not
separately state the amount paid to the supplier on your client invoice. For example, you purchase brochures for a
client and pay the printer $700 and sales tax of $54.25, at the rate of 7.75 percent. You charge your client a lump-
sum amount of $1,000, which includes your cost of the printed brochures plus a markup for your services rendered.
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Your entire charge is taxable. If your lump-sum charge includes charges for both products and nontaxable services,
such as a consulting fee, you will need to calculate the selling price of the property as described below.
(Please note: You are generally allowed a credit on your sales and use tax return for any tax you paid to the printer.
For more information on tax-paid purchases resold, please see page 38.)
Items created in-house
You are the retailer of any item you create in-house and tax is generally due on the stated selling price, except for
certain sales of artwork. When you create and sell property as a retailer, you should purchase the materials that
become an ingredient or component of the property you will sell to your client for resale. To make a purchase for
resale, you must issue a timely, signed resale certificate to the vendor. If you do pay tax on your purchase, you may
generally claim a tax-paid purchases resold credit, provided you make no use of the property before you resell it
(see page 38). For information on the rules that apply to sales and purchases of intermediate production aids and
special printing aids, see pages 13-16.
Sale of printed matter
When you contract with your client for the sale of printed matter, in most cases, you are not only the retailer of
the printed matter, you may also be the retailer of the intermediate production aids and special printing aids used
during the production of the printed matter. If you make sales of printed matter purchased from a printer or print
broker for resale to your client, you should read the chapter beginning on page 25 for an explanation of the special
rules that apply to sales of printed matter and the aids used in the printing process. Pages 13-24 discuss the rules
that apply to the sale or use of production aids, special printing aids, and artwork in general.
Issue a resale certificate
You are presumed to have purchased items on your own behalf for resale to your client when you issue a resale
certificate to your supplier. In this case, you are acting as a retailer, not as an agent of your client. Normally, charges
on the transfer and sale of products and other property to your client are taxable. However, there are some
exceptions to this general rule:
Some transfers or sales may not be taxable because of legal exemptions or exclusions.
Tax may apply to only a portion of your charge for certain sales of artwork.
Please note: If you mistakenly issue a resale certificate to your supplier, you may overcome the presumption that you
are a retailer if you can show that you issued the resale certificate in error, and that you did not collect an amount
for tax from your client on the sale.
Calculation of the taxable selling price
In general, you should separately state and tax the sell-
ing price of the products you sell as a retailer. If you do not
separately state the selling price, you must calculate a taxable
selling price for the product. When calculating tax on your
charges for items other than artwork (see discussion begin-
ning on page 19 for how to calculate tax on your charges for
artwork), you must include the following components in the
taxable selling price:
Direct labor, including commissions, fees and other charges exclusively related to the creation of the item
being sold;
The cost of property that becomes a component part of the item being sold;
The cost of any intermediate production or special printing aids, for example, the cost of a printing plate used
to produce newsletters; and
A reasonable markup.
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Sales of taxable labor, services, and products in general
In California, sales or use tax applies to retail sales of tangible products sold and delivered for use in this state.
However, when you sell and deliver products outside the state, sales tax generally does not apply. Tax also applies
to your sale of capital assets used in the course of your business, such as processing or printing equipment, fixtures,
computers, and furniture whether the sales are incidental or sold when you sell your business. If a lump-sum sale of
your business includes these or similar capital assets, you must report and remit sales tax based on their fair market
Monthly agency or retainer fees
When an advertising agency charges the client a monthly agency or retainer fee, and the agreement or contract
stipulates that any transfer or sale of tangible products will be billed separately, the agency or retainer fee is not
taxable. If you are considered a retailer and the monthly agency or retainer fee is for both services and the sale of
tangible products, the fee will be prorated and the portion of the fee that is related to the sale of tangible products
will be subject to tax.
Charges for taxable labor and related expenses
Your labor and overhead charges may be taxable depending on the product and service you provide to your client
or others on your client’s behalf. The following sections explain which charges are taxable.
Fabrication labor
Charges for labor to create or produce a new product (such as finished art, mechanical assemblies, illustrations,
brochures, printed matter, prints, or printing aids) are generally taxable. Tax applies whether you supply the
materials or use materials supplied by your client to create or produce the product.
Common examples of fabrication labor relating to sales of artwork and related products include:
Printing brochures
Creating special printing aids
Creating finished art or intermediate production aids
For more information on fabrication labor, you may obtain a copy of Regulation 1526, Producing, Fabricating, and
Processing Property Furnished by Consumers—General Rules, and publication 108, Labor Charges.
Taxable digital fabrication labor
Charges for labor you perform to create or produce digital artwork are taxable when the product you sell to your
client is:
An item in a tangible form, such as an image or transparency; or
A digital image delivered on storage media, such as a disk, DVD, CD, or flash memory card, whether the media is
furnished by you or your client.
Typical taxable fabrication labor for digital images and such products includes:
Scanning images or artwork and saving them on digital storage media
Making prints or slides from digital images provided by clients
Producing finished art from intermediate production aids
Editing (cropping, retouching, or otherwise modifying) a digital image when you deliver the image on a storage
media such as a CD or DVD
Although you may separately state charges for your computer-related fabrication labor and charges for the storage
media itself, all charges are taxable.
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Example: A client brings you a photograph and asks that you edit and modify the image to add a special
background and remove any imperfections. The client plans to use the image in their production of
advertising brochures. You scan the photograph and save a copy on your computer. You edit the scanned
image to remove any imperfections and save a copy to a CD. Then, you add the requested background and
save a copy of the edited image to another CD. You provide both CDs to your client. Your charges to your
client for scanning, editing, and retouching the photograph are taxable. Whether or not you separately state
your charges for the editing, scanning, and retouching, your total charges are taxable since you performed
fabrication labor in connection with the sale of a tangible product.
Charges for overhead and project-related expenses
Your charges to clients that represent your expenses for creating artwork and other tangible products that you sell
are taxable. These expenses may include:
Setup charges, model fees, and overtime charges
Equipment and computer rental
Travel expenses
Prop construction or rental
Technicians, assistants, or graphic artists’ salaries or fees
When you rent equipment from a California vendor, tax will normally apply to the rental fees you pay to that vendor.
You may not issue a resale certificate to avoid paying tax on those rental charges.
Please note: If you charge a client for overhead and project-related expenses, but do not deliver a tangible product
to your client, tax does not apply to your charges. For more information on how tax applies to products delivered
electronically, please see page 7.
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Sales That Are Generally Nontaxable
This chapter includes information on your sales as a retailer that generally are not taxable, such as sales for resale, sales
to the U.S. government, sales in interstate and foreign commerce, electronic transfers of artwork, repair labor, and certain
other transactions.
Sales for resale
You are not responsible for sales tax on sales you make to others who will resell the items they purchase in the
regular course of their business. You must obtain a valid resale certificate from the purchaser at the time of the sale
and retain that certificate in your records. The purchaser must sell the item as is or physically incorporate it into
another product they sell.
Example: Your city has a new professional sports team. The team contracts with your firm to develop a
promotional campaign. As part of the campaign, you design and produce T-shirts with the new team logo
on the front and the team schedule on the back. Although team management will be giving some of the
T-shirts away at promotional events, they plan to sell most of the T-shirts through the team store. If your client
provides a timely, completed resale certificate, your sale of the T-shirts is not taxable. The team should pay
sales tax on the sale of the T-shirts sold in their store and report use tax on the cost of the T-shirts given away.
Example: As part of the same promotional campaign, you produce 50,000 wallet cards with the team logo and
schedule. The team distributes the cards free of charge at various promotional events. Your client cannot issue
a resale certificate for the purchase of these cards since the team does not intend to resell the cards.
Please note: Photographs, artwork, or other property used in the creation of (for example, image is reproduced), but
not incorporated into, finished art or printed matter are considered intermediate production aids or special printing
aids. Generally, your sale of the aids will be taxable. For instance, in the examples above you may have sold a silk
screen or other tangible printing aid in connection with your sale of the shirts and cards. In both examples, the sale
of the aids will be taxable. For more information regarding intermediate production aids and special printing aids,
see discussion beginning on page 13.
Sales to the U.S. government
Sales tax generally does not apply to sales made to the U.S. government or its agencies, or to sales made to certain
U.S. government-related corporations. Sales tax also does not apply to sales made to certain instrumentalities of the
federal government. Examples include sales to:
Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
Federal reserve banks, federal credit unions, federal land banks, and federal home loan banks
The American National Red Cross, including its chapters and branches
For more information, you may obtain a copy of Regulation 1614, Sales to the United States and Its Instrumentalities,
and publication 102, Sales to the United States Government. If you need help determining whether the exemption
applies to a specific client, you may call our Customer Service Center for assistance (see page 41).
Sales in interstate and foreign commerce
Sales tax
The sale of artwork, development and fabrication services, or other tangible goods or services to clients who live
outside California is generally not taxable, provided you ship the items:
APRIL 2022
Directly to a client at a destination outside the state, and you
Use your own business vehicles, the U.S. Mail, or a common carrier to deliver the items.
Items delivered to the California office of an out-of-state client are not eligible for this exemption. This holds true
even if the products are ultimately delivered into the client’s courier pack for shipment to the client’s out-of-state
location by common carrier.
Sales of intermediate production aids, special printing aids, and similar products
used in this state
Advertising agencies commonly use products within this state to produce finished art or similar items they will
ship out of state. A common example is the use of a tangible, intermediate production aid to create finished
art or a special printing aid when you sell both the artwork and the aid to an out-of-state client. Your sale of the
artwork is an exempt sale in interstate commerce when the artwork is delivered outside the state. Your sale of the
intermediate production aid used to create the artwork is generally a taxable sale because you use the aid in-state
before shipping it to your client. In contrast, your sale of an unused production aid that you ship directly to a client
located outside the state is not taxable. To claim an exemption for interstate and foreign commerce, you must retain
records of delivery or shipment, such as shipping invoices, postage receipts, or other shipping documentation
showing the location and method of delivery. For more information regarding the sale or use of production aids
and special printing aids, see pages 13-16.
Use tax
If you ship an item to a California resident at an out-of-state or foreign address, you should collect use tax on your
sale unless you get a written statement signed by the purchaser confirming that the item is being purchased for
out-of-state use for more than 90 days. The statewide use tax rate is the same as the sales tax rate.
For example, you might create artwork for a San Francisco resident who asks you to ship the artwork to Reno,
Nevada. Unless that client gives you a signed, dated, written statement that says she will use the artwork in Nevada
for more than 90 days after its purchase date, you must collect use tax on the sale.
Please note: A district use tax may also apply to your client’s purchase if the property is purchased for use in a city or
county with a district tax in effect.
Sales in interstate and foreign commerce are discussed in detail in Regulation 1620, Interstate and Foreign
Commerce, and publication 101, Sales Delivered Outside California. Information about the tax rates in effect in a
specific city or county is available by selecting California City & County Sales & Use Tax Rates, or from our website at, select Tax & Fee Rates, then select Sales and Use Tax Rates.
Products delivered electronically
Tax applies to your sale of tangible products, including artwork, photographs, production aids, and other such
products. However, if you transfer your product electronically and do not include any tangible product, tax does
not apply. This is true whether you transfer the product by the “load and leave method or remotely (for example,
by email or file transfer protocol [FTP]). Please note that sales tax will apply if you provide your client with a copy of
the electronically transferred product in any sort of tangible form such as a copy of the product on a CD or other
storage media or a tangible print, copy, or transparency of the product. In addition, your itemized charges to your
client for tangible, intermediate production aids, or special printing aids used in California to produce your product
are generally taxable even though you may deliver the finished product electronically. For more information
regarding intermediate production aids and special printing aids, see pages 13-16 and pages 25-30.
You should document any electronic transfer of a product so that you can show why tax does not apply to that
transaction. For instance, if you electronically transmit an image to a customer by email, you should print out a copy
of the transmittal email and retain that copy in your records. If you transfer an image by FTP or download it to your
customers computer directly from your computer, a CD, or another storage media that you keep (the “load and
APRIL 2022
leave method), you should document the transfer in your records.
One way to do that is to place a document in your project file listing the customers name and the date, place, and
method of the transfer and noting that you did not provide the customer with any tangible products in addition to
the electronically transferred image. You should have your customer sign and date the document at the time of the
transfer. We suggest you use language such as the following for your documentation:
“This electronic image was loaded into the computer of [client’s name] by [advertising agency’s name], and
[advertising agency’s name] did not transfer any tangible personal property containing the image, such as
electronic media or prints, to [client’s name].”
As you read the rest of this publication, please remember this exclusion for electronic transfers of products.
Inserts for newspapers and periodicals
Tax does not apply to your charges for printed advertising inserts provided to clients for inclusion in newspapers
and periodicals qualifying for exemption under Regulation 1590, Newspapers and Periodicals. This includes
handbills, circulars, flyers, order forms, reply envelopes, maps, or the like—when such items are inserted in or
attached to the newspapers or periodicals when distributed. However, tax will apply to your charges for any
intermediate production aids and special printing aids transferred or used in a tangible form as part of the
production of the inserts.
Printed sales messages
Sales of printed sales messages are not taxable if they meet all of the following three conditions. The material
must be:
Printed to the special order of the purchaser;
Mailed or delivered by the seller, the seller’s agent, or by a mailing house acting as an agent of the purchaser
through the U.S. Mail or by contract or common carrier; and
Received by the recipient at no cost where the recipient becomes the owner of the printed material.
Example: A local museum engages you to design brochures announcing each new exhibit. You are responsible
for having the brochures printed and shipped to a mailing house for distribution to the museum membership,
at no charge. This transaction qualifies as a sale of printed sales messages, since the material is printed to the
special order of the museum and the museum does not take possession of the brochures. Instead, the mailing
house delivers the brochures by U.S. Mail to the membership at no charge to the members.
Example: For one of the exhibits, the museum asks you to have extra brochures printed. These brochures are
shipped to the museum for free distribution to visitors. The sale of these brochures does not qualify for the
printed sales message exemption since the museum has taken possession prior to distribution. Consequently,
the selling price of these brochures to the museum is taxable.
Please note: Tax will generally apply to your purchase of items used
to produce the printed sales messages (for example, items that
do not become a component part of the printed matter). Tax will
also generally apply to your charges for any tangible intermediate
production aids and special printing aides used in California to
produce the printed sales messages. Sales of printed sales messages
must be supported by complete, timely exemption certificates.
For more information about printed sales messages, you may see
Regulation 1541.5, Printed Sales Messages.
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Delivery and shipping charges
Nontaxable delivery charges
Tax does not apply to delivery or shipping charges for nontaxable sales. Delivery charges for the shipment of
taxable merchandise are generally not taxable if they are stated separately at actual cost on your invoice, and you
ship the merchandise directly to the purchaser using the U.S. Mail, an independent contract carrier, or a common
carrier, rather than your own vehicles.
If you charge your client more than your actual (not average) cost of delivery, the excess amount is taxable. For
example, if you charge $12.50 for shipping, but the delivery service charges you only $10.00, tax would apply to
$2.50 of your delivery charge.
It is important that you use terms such as delivery, shipping, or “postage on your invoice to identify delivery
Taxable charges related to delivery
Other charges related to delivery, including charges for “handling, are generally taxable, even if a postage or
shipping amount is listed on the package.
Combined charges
If you combine a nontaxable charge for delivery and a taxable charge for handling in a single amount, for example,
shipping and handling, you must ensure that you properly apply tax. As noted earlier, the portion of the charge
that represents handling is generally taxable. The portion representing delivery is not taxable, provided it does not
exceed your delivery cost (see previous entry on nontaxable delivery charges), and you do both of the following:
Ship the merchandise directly to the purchaser using the U.S. Mail, an independent contract carrier, or a
common carrier.
Record the actual delivery, postage, or shipping cost in your books.
Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) fees
Generally, tax applies to C.O.D. fees you charge your client on a taxable C.O.D. sale. However, if the C.O.D. fee is
not included on your invoice, and the delivery carrier collects the fee from your client and retains it, the fee is not
More information on delivery charges is contained in Regulation 1628, Transportation Charges, Regulation 1632,
C.O.D. Fees, and publication 100, Shipping and Delivery Charges.
Repair labor and nontaxable services
Your itemized charges for repairing or reconditioning an item to restore it to its original condition are not taxable.
Examples include charges for:
Airbrushing a client’s print to restore or repair it
Retouching a client’s print to restore or repair it
Other film or print processing charges that restore an item to its original condition
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Example: A client brings you a print that is scratched and torn. She asks you to repair the print and retouch it so
that the scratches and tears are less visible. Your itemized charges for labor to perform these services would be
considered nontaxable repair labor. However, if your client asks you to produce copies of the print after it has
been restored, tax would generally apply to your charge for the copies.
If you provide services that do not create or produce artwork or other products you sell, your itemized charges for
those services are not taxable. This may include charges for:
Services you provide or expenses incurred when you do not deliver any resulting tangible product to your
Electronically transferring artwork to your client (see page 7)
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Other nontaxable services
Tax generally does not apply to an advertising agency’s separately stated charges for:
Media commissions for advertising placement. The commissions may be paid by the media (newspaper,
magazine, radio, television, or cable network) on which the advertising is placed, by another advertising
agency, or by your client.
Commissions or fees received from suppliers such as premium manufacturers (or distributors) or direct-by-mail
Consultation and concept development related to client discussions and development of ideas, except when
such consultation and development result in tangible preliminary art sold to the client (see
page 17).
Research and account planning that entail consumer research and the application of that research to your
client’s business or industry.
Quality control supervision for proofing and review of printing or other products from outside suppliers
purchased on behalf of your client.
Charges for the formulation and writing of copy.
Charges for these services are generally not taxable, even if you transfer product to the client that you incidentally
produce in connection with the service. For example, you contract with your client to perform consumer research.
Under the contract, you provide a report detailing the findings of your research. There is no tax due on the transfer
of the report since it is incidental to the services provided. However, charges for additional copies of the report are
To ensure charges for these services are not considered part of a taxable sale, you should separately state them
on your client billings. Otherwise, the charges could be considered part of the selling price of products you are
providing to your client. For example, you plan an advertising campaign for a client. As part of the campaign, you
design a brochure highlighting your client’s business services. You print the brochures and charge your client
$15,000 for the planning services and brochures. On your invoice, you should separately state the charge for the
planning to ensure it is not taxed as part of the selling price of the brochures.
Please note: As explained on pages 21-23, when you make a lump-sum charge for artwork, you may need to
calculate the retail-selling price of certain products by marking up the combined cost of the labor, materials,
production aids, and overhead. Charges for the nontaxable services described previously should not be included in
this calculation.
Website design
Generally, the design, creation, or hosting of a website is not taxable because the product you provide is electronic,
not tangible. Similarly, the posting of artwork on a website is not taxable if the posting does not involve the transfer
of a tangible product. However, if you deliver a tangible product to your client, whether on computer media or in
printed copy, your charges for creating the website may be taxable. For example, you contract with your client to
design a webpage for a new product. Your charges include a charge for designing the webpage, HTML production,
high-level programming, database management, and the creation and posting of images of the new product.
Whether your services are billed on an hourly basis or a flat fee, as long as you do not transfer any tangible product
to the client, such as a backup copy, your charges are not taxable.
Creative art services for a qualified motion picture
“Creative art services” provide ideas, concepts, looks, or messages in connection with the production, distribution,
or exploitation of a qualified motion picture. A qualified motion picture is a film or video production created for
commercial purposes, including TV commercials and movie trailers. It does not include a production created for
private noncommercial use, such as wedding or graduation videos. Your charges for creative art services are not
taxable. See page 35 for more specific information.
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Audio productions
Audio productions may include sound commercials for radio or Internet advertising, advertising jingles, and
sampler CDs or tapes that are provided to prospective clients. Generally, a recording that is made for the actual
broadcast of the audio advertising is considered a “master tape. The taxable charge for the sale of a master tape is
limited to the sales price of the unprocessed recording media on which the production is recorded. If a master tape
is used to produce sample CDs, tapes, or other media that will be distributed to potential clients, tax applies to the
entire charge for producing the samples.
Example: Your client sells self-help books and CDs. To advertise the business, you have a 30-second radio spot
produced, as well as an Internet spot that includes a sample lecture from your client’s self-help CDs. You also
have the sample lecture produced on CDs that will be included in advertising materials mailed to prospective
clients. For the radio and Internet spots, tax applies only to the cost of the unprocessed media on which the
spots are recorded. Tax applies, however, to the entire charge for producing the sample CDs.
Digital prepress instruction
“Digital prepress instruction” is the creation of original information in electronic form by combining more than
one computer program into specific, original instructions or information necessary to prepare and link files for the
output of an image to film, plate, or direct to press. Since digital prepress instruction is generated from proprietary
software for digital output specifically for printing purposes, it has very limited uses. Provided the files are prepared
to the special order of the client, it qualifies as a custom computer program and the charges associated with the
creation of the digital prepress files are nontaxable. However, digital prepress instruction is not considered a
custom computer program if it is a canned” or prewritten computer program, which is held or existing for general
or repeated sale or lease, even if the digital prepress instruction was initially developed on a custom basis or for
in-house use. The sale of canned or prewritten digital prepress instruction in tangible form is taxable.
For information about custom computer programs in general, you should read Regulation 1502, Computers,
Programs, and Data Processing. For more information about digital prepress instruction and the sale of printed
matter, see discussion beginning on page 28.
APRIL 2022
Sale and Use of Production Aids and Special Printing Aids
This chapter includes information on the sale and purchase of property used in the creation and production of
preliminary art, finished art, and special printing aids, including the presumptions that apply. You should read this
chapter and the four chapters that follow if you contract with your client for the production and sale of artwork (for
example, prints and images), special printing aids, or printed matter and are the retailer, not the agent of your client.
Please see the first chapter if you are unsure as to whether you are acting as an agent or retailer. See discussion beginning
on page 17 for more information regarding the sale or use of preliminary art and finished art; how tax applies to the sale
of printed matter purchased from a printer or print broker for resale to your client; technology transfer agreements, and
the application of tax to services performed for the motion picture industry. As you read this chapter and the following
chapters, please remember the exclusion for electronic transfers of products.
Preliminary production aids
A preliminary production aid is property used in the process of creating preliminary art and generally includes such
items as scans, layouts, visualizations, artwork, illustrations, proofs, images, etc. Unlike intermediate production aids
and special printing aids, preliminary production aids are not presumed sold to the client prior to use. As such, you
should pay tax on your purchase of tangible items developed and used to produce your preliminary designs. As
discussed on page 17, preliminary art is produced solely for demonstrating an idea, concept, look, or message for
acceptance by the client prior to their approval for you to produce finished art.
Although not generally the case, there may be times in which you contract with your client for the sale of the
preliminary production aids prior to their use. Assuming you hold title to the aids or are contractually permitted to
sublease the aids to your client, you may generally sell or sublease the aids to your client prior to use. However, to
do so, your contract or sales agreement must include a specific title clause transferring title to the aids to your client
prior to use. Or, you must have an explicit sublease agreement with your client subleasing the aids to the client
prior to the use of the aids. If your contract or agreement contains such a clause or sublease agreement, you should
separately state the taxable selling price of the aids from your nontaxable charge for your conceptual services and
preliminary designs.
When selling the preliminary production aids to your client prior to use, you may generally issue a resale certificate
for your purchase or lease of the preliminary production aids, or for the components or ingredients incorporated
into the aids when produced in-house. If you paid an amount for tax on your purchase of the aids or their
components, you may generally take a tax paid purchases resold deduction on your return.
Intermediate production aids
An intermediate production aid is property used in the process of creating finished art or special printing aids,
and includes such items as artwork, illustrations, photographic images, scans, and photo engravings. Intermediate
production aids do not include items used to produce preliminary designs/art.
When you are acting as a retailer, not an agent of your client, and you use intermediate production aids in the
creation of finished art or special printing aids, it is presumed that the intermediate production aids are resold to
your client prior to any use. This is true whether you separately state the charge for the intermediate production
aid or not, unless you choose to retain title to the aids rather than sell them to the client (see discussion beginning
on page 15 on how to rebut the presumption). As is the case with the sales of finished art and special printing
aids, tax will generally apply to your sale of a tangible intermediate production aid. Even if your client issues a
resale certificate for its purchase of the finished art or special printing aids, or the sale of these items is otherwise
nontaxable, except in certain cases, your sale of the tangible intermediate production aid is taxable.
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Example: Your firm is hired to create artwork for your client’s cover page of its annual report. Your contract
separately states your charges for the creation of the preliminary designs. You do not transfer title or
permanent possession of the preliminary designs to your client. Once your client approves the concept, you
purchase an illustration that will be reproduced in your final design, along with all rights to the illustration,
from an outside party. The illustration is sent to you electronically. You electronically/digitally reproduce the
illustration in your final design and email the final design to your client. You do not provide anything tangible
to your client.
Although your sale of an illustration (tangible product), which is used in California and sold to your client
prior to use would generally be taxable, this is not the case in this example. Your sale of both the illustration
(intermediate production aid) and the final design are nontaxable since they were transferred electronically
and no tangible products were used or provided to the client.
Special printing aids
A special printing aid is reusable property used in the printing process solely for a specific client. Examples
include silk screens, dies for cutting or embossing, lithographic plates, film, color separations, some intermediate
production aids, etc. As with intermediate production aids, the person selling the printed matter is regarded as
selling the special printing aids used to produce the printed matter along with the printed matter, prior to any use,
unless title to the special printing aids is explicitly retained by the person.
Example: Your firm is hired to develop advertising for a homebuilder. One brochure illustration will feature
a model home set in a forest landscape. To create the illustration, you hire a freelance photographer to take
a picture of the model home. You also purchase a photograph of a forest landscape. You digitally combine
the two images and an outside printer makes a reusable printing plate from the combined image. The
photographs of the model home and landscape are intermediate production aids used to create the printing
plate. The printing plate is a special printing aid because it is used solely to print your client’s brochures.
Whether you perform the printing in-house or purchase printed matter from a printer for resale to your client, the
special rules applicable to the sale of printed matter also apply to you. For more information about how tax applies
when you purchase printed matter from a printer for resale to your client along with the special printing aids, see
discussion beginning on page 25. For more information about how tax applies when you perform the printing in-
house, please refer to Regulation 1541, Printing and Related Arts.
Sold to the client prior to use
Since intermediate production aids and special printing aids are presumed sold to your client prior to use unless
you explicitly retain title to the aids (see page 15), the sales price of the aid is considered included in the selling
price of the final product. As such, you may generally purchase intermediate production aids or special printing
aids for resale to your client by issuing a timely resale certificate to your supplier for these items or for items that will
become an ingredient or component part of the aids. (See page 16 for an exception to this rule.)
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Example: You contract with your client for the production of artwork that will be reproduced in brochures to
be given to visitors at your client’s new housing development. You purchase two illustrations from a graphic
artist, including all rights to the illustrations, and use the illustrations to create finished art. The illustrations are
provided to you on a CD. The artist charges you $5,000 and, since you issued a resale certificate to the artist,
you were not charged an amount for tax. In turn, you charge your client $7,000, plus tax for the finished art.
As a retailer, assuming you sell the illustrations to your client prior to use (for example, you do not include a
statement in your contract to the contrary), their selling price is included in the $7,000 charge. The illustrations
are intermediate production aids sold with the finished art.
In some instances, you may use a tangible aid to create an item whose sale is nontaxable. For example, you may use
a special printing aid to produce printed matter in-house that you will ship to a client outside the state. Although
the sale of the tangible special printing aid may be included in the selling price of the printed matter, the aid is used
in California. Accordingly, you must generally report tax on the sale of the aid to your client. When the printing is
done in-house, the taxable selling price is the amount you paid for the aid or for the production of the aid. This is
true whether you separately state the selling price of the aids on your invoice or not.
Example: Your homebuilder client has a new subdivision in Arizona and asks that you produce brochures to
promote sales of the homes in the subdivision. The production of the brochures requires a new printing plate
(tangible product) costing $1,300. You mail all the brochures to the homebuilder’s office in Arizona. The sale
of the brochures qualifies as a nontaxable interstate sale. However, since the printing plate is sold to the client
prior to use and is used in California, sales tax applies to the sale of the printing plate. You charge your client
$25,000 for the printing of the brochures, which includes the sale of the printing plate. Assuming you paid no
tax when you purchased the printing plate, you must report tax on your cost of $1,300. If you paid tax at the
time of purchase, no further tax is due on the sale of the special printing aid.
Please note: When you purchase printed matter from a printer rather than produce the printing in-house, the rules
that apply to your sale of special printing aids may differ from the rules that apply to a printer. Using the example
above, if you had a printer print the brochures and your invoice to your client separately stated the selling price of
the aids, tax would generally be due on the stated selling price as long as it is not less than your cost. In this case,
you would be considered a print broker, not a printer and tax would be measured differently in relation to the aids.
For more information about the sale of printed matter by a print broker, see discussion beginning on page 25. For
more information regarding how tax applies when you produce the printing in-house, please refer to
Regulation 1541, Printing and Related Arts.
How to rebut the presumption
When you hold title to an aid, if you do not wish to sell the aid to your client, you must include specific language in
your contract or invoice stating that fact. That is, your contract must include a statement that the aid is not being
sold to the client as part of the sale of the finished art or printed matter and you do not intend to pass title to the
aid to your client. For example, you may include the following or a similar statement in your invoice or contract:
“The intermediate production aids [special printing aids] are not being sold to my client as part of the sale of
the finished art [printed matter], and the selling price of the finished art [printed matter] does not include the
transfer of title to the intermediate production aids [special printing aids].”
If you retain title to the aids, you should not purchase the intermediate production aids or special printing aids for
resale. If you are producing the aids in-house, you should pay tax on your purchase of the components incorporated
into the aids.
Remember, when acting as an agent, you may not issue a resale certificate for property you purchase on behalf
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of your client. When you issue a resale certificate, the law presumes you are buying the property for resale to
your client. As an agent, you never obtain title to the property and thus are neither the seller nor consumer of
intermediate production aids or special printing aids. In this case, the aids are sold by the vendor directly to
your client.
Client is reselling the aids to their customer
At times, your client will purchase products from you for resale to their customer. When your client is purchasing
finished art or printed matter from you and intends to resell the items, generally the client may also purchase the
intermediate production aids or special printing aids for resale. However, to do so, the client must have an existing
obligation to resell the aids to their customer prior to the time the aids are used. Unless your client is a printer or
print broker, it would be unusual for them to purchase special printing aids for resale to their customer.
Please note: You will not be regarded as selling the aids for resale to your client unless you separately state the
selling price of the aids or their components on your invoice and you accept a timely and valid resale certificate
from your client stating that the aids are purchased for resale. Additionally, as discussed in the following section,
you must have the right to sell or sublease the aids to your client.
For more information regarding your sale or use of intermediate production aids and special printing aids as part of
your sale of printed matter, please see pages 25-28. If you sell finished art or other intermediate production aids to
your clients for resale to their customers, you may read Regulation 1541, Printing and Related Arts. The special rules
applicable to special printing aids also apply to intermediate production aids.
Temporary transfers of production aids and special printing aids
The rule that intermediate production aids and special printing aids are resold to your client prior to use does not
apply if you purchased the aids from a third party and do not have a right to resell or sublease the intermediate
production aids or special printing aids to your client. This is frequently the case when you acquire artwork that is
copyrighted from artists and photographers. They may transfer a tangible copy of the image, whether in hard copy
or on digital media, and certain rights for copying and reproducing the image. However, artists and photographers
generally do not transfer the right for you to either resell or sublease the image to your client. Accordingly, you
cannot sell or lease the image to your client, and should pay any tax due to the artist or photographer or, if
appropriate, report use tax on your purchase.
Example: You contract with a photographer to provide a river landscape to be used in an annual report you are
creating for your homebuilder client. The photographer temporarily transfers a slide with the river landscape
image to you, along with rights to copy the image subject to the copyright. You do not receive the right to
sell or sublease the slide to your client, either temporarily or permanently. In this case, you cannot issue a
resale certificate to the photographer and should pay any tax due on the transaction to the photographer or,
if subject to use tax, self-report the tax. This is true even though you may have chosen to act as a retailer rather
than an agent of your client. Tax would also apply to your charges for the production of the annual report
shipped to your client in California without any deduction for the amount paid to the photographer or upon
which use tax applied.
For more information about sales and leases of artwork and reproduction rights, see pages 17-24. For an
explanation of when charges for the right to use and reproduce artwork are not taxable, see pages 31-34.
APRIL 2022
Sale and Use of Artwork
Artwork, whether in the form of drawings, photographs, or three-dimensional objects, is a key element in advertising.
Frequently, your charges for the transfer or use of artwork are only partially taxable, either because part of your charges
are related to preliminary art, or because the artwork sold or leased is part of a technology transfer agreement. At times,
your charges may also include a taxable charge for the right to reproduce artwork produced by you or an outside party.
This chapter discusses the special rules that apply to the sale or use of artwork. It also discusses taxable reproduction
rights. For information on how tax applies generally to retail sales, see first chapter.
Artwork includes illustrations, drawings, paintings, diagrams, color images, photographs, sculptures, and hand
lettering. The artwork can be created by hand or electronically. As an advertising agency, you normally buy, create,
or sell artwork for commercial use; that is, for use in activities such as advertising, promotion, publicity, marketing,
publishing, corporate communications, packaging, news reporting, product development, merchandising,
commercial display, etc. How tax applies to your charges for artwork will generally depend on the type of artwork,
as well as your billing methods.
Type of artwork
Preliminary art vs. nished art
When concept or design services are provided in conjunction with furnishing artwork, the job usually results in the
creation of “preliminary art, as well as “finished art.
Preliminary art is the product of your concept or design services. It is artwork used to convey original ideas,
concepts, looks, or messages to a client for review and acceptance before preparation of the final artwork.
Typically, preliminary art is not suitable for reproduction purposes. Preliminary art includes sketches, roughs,
visualizations, layouts, comprehensives, contact sheets, low-resolution images, direct positive prints, printed
copies of rough digital layouts, and proof prints from film or slides. Tax does not apply to charges for creating
preliminary art provided certain conditions are met. Instead, tax applies to the purchase of items used to
develop the preliminary art.
Finished art is the actual product sold or leased to a client for reproduction or display. Examples include
finished designs, photographs, transparencies, high-quality inkjet prints, and high-resolution digital or printed
images. Finished art may also include charts, graphs, or illustrations prepared for a client’s sales meeting.
Charges for finished art are generally taxable based on the value of the finished art, as explained later in this
chapter (but remember the electronic transmission exception—see
page 7). Except for technology transfer
agreements (see pages 31-34), charges for reproductions rights sold with the tangible artwork are also taxable.
APRIL 2022
Example: Your firm is engaged by a microbrewery to design labels for the different products it brews. Your
client asks you to design a label for one of its seasonal brews: Autumn Smoke. You sketch several different
designs and present them to the client. The client selects a design showing smoking hops and barley spilling
out of a cornucopia. You redraw the image and present it to your client for approval of the color scheme. The
client requests a few color changes, after which you create and provide the client with a full-color drawing that
will be used in making the printing plates. The initial sketch and redrawn image are preliminary art since the
client has not given final acceptance. The drawings were done prior to the client’s approval to move ahead
with the production of the finished art. The full-color drawing produced after receiving the client’s approval to
produce the final product is finished art.
Example: The owner of a small clothing boutique approaches your firm about a new logo it can use for its
signage, stationery, and advertising. The owner has a limited budget and cannot afford the usual design
services. To cut the costs, the owner accepts an existing design that was rejected by a prospective client,
subject to some minor changes. Since the owner accepts an existing design, your contract is for finished
art only.
How does tax apply?
The following table provides a basic illustration of how the tax rules apply to charges for artwork you sell to your
clients. It is provided as an introduction only. Be sure to read the rest of this section to determine how tax applies to
your charges. Also, please keep in mind the exclusion from tax for the electronic transfer of products.
Selling Artwork Created In-House
Service or Product How Tax Applies to Charges
Preliminary Art
Development of Ideas, Concepts,
Looks, or Messages for a Client
Sketches, Comps, Proofs, or Other
Preliminary Work for Client Review
and Approval
Charges are not taxable unless you
permanently transfer possession or
ownership of the sketches, comps, proofs,
or other preliminary work products to
your client.
Finished Art
Charges are generally taxable, based on
the value of the artwork.
Preliminary art
Your itemized charges for concept and design services that create preliminary art are not taxable when all of the
following conditions apply:
You create the preliminary art at the direction of your client,
The preliminary art is intended to convey ideas, concepts, looks, or messages,
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You present the preliminary art to your client for acceptance or approval purposes only,
You retain ownership and permanent possession of the preliminary art used to convey the idea or concept.
However, you may temporarily transfer it for review purposes directly to your client or to another advertising
agency, a graphic design firm, another commercial artist, or another party involved in the design process, and
Nothing in your contract transfers title to the preliminary art or the right to permanent possession to your
client. However, you may transfer to your client the ownership of the intellectual property embodied in the art
(ideas, concepts, designs, etc.), or agree not to use the preliminary art for any other client.
If you permanently transfer possession or ownership of some of the preliminary art products to your client, tax
applies to your itemized charge for preliminary art in proportion to the amount of art you transfer in a tangible
format. In other words, if your client keeps or owns all of the products of your creative work, your full charge for that
work is taxable. If the client keeps or owns 50 percent of the products, 50 percent of your charge is taxable.
Example: Your microbrewery client requests a label design for its Nice ‘n Spicy Winter Holiday Ale. You provide
color sketches for six different designs, which constitute preliminary art. Your client selects one for further
development and asks if he can keep three of the sketches. The client likes their holiday feel and wants to
frame and display them in the reception area of the brewery. You separately charge $3,000 for creating the six
sketches. Since the client is keeping three of the sketches, tax applies to $1,500.
Please note: You are the consumer of supplies and materials you use to create nontaxable preliminary art, including
film, paper, paint, art supplies, chemicals, internegatives, ink, etc. You must pay tax to your supplier at the time of
purchase or, when applicable, pay use tax on those items when you file your sales and use tax return.
Charging for preliminary art
As explained previously, itemized charges for preliminary art are not taxable unless you transfer ownership or
permanent possession of all or some of the tangible preliminary art prepared in-house to your client. If you
itemize your charges in your invoice or contract, be sure to identify charges for preliminary art as design charges,
“preliminary art, concept development, or another description that clearly indicates the charges are for the
development and creation of preliminary designs, not for finished art. If you prefer not to itemize your charges
for preliminary art, you may bill your client one lump-sum amount for preliminary and finished art. For lump-sum
billing options, see page 21.
Finished art
As explained on page 17, finished art is the final product you provide to a client for reproduction or display
purposes. Typically, finished art is delivered to clients in one of the following forms:
A tangible drawing, whether done by hand or by computer
An exposed piece of film (for example, a transparency, slide, film positive, or film negative)
Camera-ready mechanical assembly
A digital file on storage media, such as a CD, DVD, flash memory, or removable disk
A digital file you electronically transfer to your client by modem or in person from a CD or other electronic
storage media that you keep (not taxable, see
page 7)
A three-dimensional object, such as a sculpture
Tax generally applies to your charges for the retail value of the tangible finished art you sell, license, or lease. This
holds true whether your client keeps the finished art (a sale), a copy of the finished art (licensed copy), or returns it
to you after reproducing it (a lease). The amount of tax due will depend on the value of the art, which in turn can
vary depending on how you bill your client (see Alternative billing methods, on page 20).
APRIL 2022
Please note: These rules also apply to a commercial artist that makes a taxable sale of finished art to you directly or
to you as an agent of your client. If you are working with the artist to develop the concepts or designs used in the
artwork, a portion of the artist’s charges may not be taxable. That is, a portion may be for preliminary art.
Alternative billing methods
Your charges for artwork may cover all of the steps in the creative process, from your initial concept to the final
production of the product qualifying as finished art. As explained in the following sections, when this is the case,
you can itemize your bills or charge your client a lump-sum amount.
The table below provides a quick guide to how tax applies to different billing methods. Be sure to read the
explanation for each method in the text rather than base your tax decisions on this table alone.
Type of bill How tax applies (see text) See explanation
Itemized bill: Separate
charges for preliminary
art/conceptual services
and finished art.
Tax applies to charge for finished
art sold in a tangible form.
Page 21
Lump-sum bill method 1:
Value of finished art is
25% of total charge. (Can
only be used in certain
Tax applies to 25% of total charge
for preliminary art/conceptual
services and tangible finished art.
Tax will also apply to your charge,
if any, for the right to reproduce
the art (for example, copyrighted
Page 21
Lump-sum bill method 2:
Value of finished art based
on its retail value.
Tax applies to the retail value of
the tangible finished art based
on the actual cost of production,
markup, and any taxable
reproduction rights.
Page 22
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As you read the following sections, please keep in mind that charges related to copyrighted artwork generally
include an amount for the right to reproduce the artwork. The sale or use of copyrighted artwork typically involves
two elements: (1) the actual artwork sold, licensed, or leased and (2) the copyright interest transferred that permits
the use of the artwork as specified. When determining the amount of tax due on your sale or lease of tangible
finished art, you should include any taxable charges for the right to reproduce the artwork.
Itemized bill
When you itemize charges for conceptual services/preliminary art and finished art, your charges for the preliminary
art are generally not taxable and your charges for the tangible finished art are generally taxable. The charge for the
finished art should reasonably reflect the cost of creating the artwork plus a markup for profit. As noted earlier, be
sure to describe charges for preliminary art as design charges, “preliminary art, concept development, or another
description that clearly indicates the charges are for the development and creation of preliminary designs and not
finished art.
Lump-sum bill combining charges for preliminary and finished art
There are two options for determining the value of artwork when you bill a lump-sum amount that combines only
charges for preliminary and finished art. In the first, 25 percent of your charge is for finished art and the remainder is
considered a nontaxable charge for preliminary art. In the second, tax is based on the retail value of the finished art.
The methods are described below and on the following pages.
Method 1, “75/25”: Tax based on 25 percent of lump-sum charge
If your lump-sum charge to your client includes only charges for producing artwork, from concept to finished art,
you may use the “75/25” billing method. Charges for producing the artwork include the cost of any intermediate
production aids, which may be part of the lump-sum charge unless separately itemized on the billing invoice.
Under method 1, sales tax applies to 25 percent of your total charge. The other 75 percent of your charge is
considered nontaxable conceptual services and preliminary art.
To use this method, your lump-sum charge should include only charges that are related to the creation of
preliminary and finished art. You should not use the “75/25” tax method if:
Your lump-sum charge includes any charges not related to the creation of preliminary and finished art
(example: a combined lump-sum charge for research and artwork).
Your bill lists separate charges for any conceptual services or other nontaxable charges related to the creation
of the artwork in addition to a combined charge that represents preliminary art and finished art.
Your lump-sum charge includes a charge for the reproduction rights associated with the right to reproduce the
finished art. The reproduction rights in this case are not a cost associated with the creation of the finished art,
unlike the case with an intermediate production aid (see below).
Your cost for intermediate production aids to produce the finished art, including any taxable reproduction
rights associated with the use of the intermediate production aids (for example, license to use or right to
reproduce), is more than 25 percent of your lump-sum charge when a charge for these items is included in the
lump-sum amount.
Example: You charge your microbrewery client $5,000 for the Autumn Smoke label design. The charges are
only for the creation of the preliminary and finished art, which includes the cost of an intermediate production
aid purchased from an outside party for $550. Since the amount includes no charges for other services or
products unrelated to the creation of the artwork and the cost of the aid is less than 25 percent of the lump-
sum charge, you may use the “75/25” billing method. That is, you would report tax on only $1,250 of the total
charge ($5,000 x 25 percent). If the charge associated with the intermediate production aid were separately
itemized, tax would generally apply to the itemized charge in addition to 25 percent of the lump-sum amount.
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Example: You are hired to develop tangible artwork your client will use in its upcoming advertising campaign.
Your in-house art department develops various concepts and designs for use in the advertising materials.
You present the concepts and preliminary designs to your client and receive approval to go forward with
the creation of the final design. You transfer a copy of the final design to your client on a CD. You do not sell
the artwork (final design) to your client, but you do grant your client the right to reproduce the artwork in
its advertising materials. You charge your client a lump-sum amount of $5,000, which includes your charge
for the right to reproduce the artwork in their advertising materials. Your transaction does not qualify as a
technology transfer agreement (see page 31). Because your lump-sum charge includes an amount for the right
to reproduce the final design, you should remove and separately state your charge for the reproduction rights
from your lump-sum charge for the artwork prior to using the “75/25” method; or you should use the “actual
basis” method to calculate the retail value of the finished art.
As stated previously, you may use the “75/25” presumption only when your lump-sum charge includes an
amount for conceptual services (creation of preliminary designs) and the creation of the finished art. The
reproduction rights included in your lump-sum charge are not associated with the creation of the finished art;
rather they represent a charge for the right to reproduce the artwork after its creation.
Method 2, “Actual Basis”: Tax based on retail value of nished art
When you cannot use the “75/25” method of calculating tax on a lump-sum amount or you choose not to, you
should use the “actual basis” method. In this method, tax applies to the retail value of the tangible finished art. You
should calculate the retail value of the finished art by adding all of the following:
Cost of direct labor to create the finished art. This includes expenses such as amounts you pay to third parties or
employees, models, or technician fees. The cost of direct labor also includes the value of your labor. It does not
include travel expenses such as airfare, car rentals, or meals and lodging.
Cost of items you purchased, which are physically incorporated into the finished art.
Cost of any intermediate production aids, such as color separations or scans, used to make the finished art,
including any taxable reproduction rights associated with the use of the aids.
A reasonable markup based on your operations.
The difference between the calculated value of the finished art and your total charge is presumed to be the
nontaxable charge for your conceptual services and preliminary art. Remember, if you also make a charge for the
right to reproduce the finished art, you should include your charge for the reproduction rights when billing your
client. Unless your contract with your client qualifies as a technology transfer agreement, your charge for the right
to reproduce the finished art will generally be taxable (see page 23).
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Example: Your travel agent client hires you to produce brochures that will advertise its new package deal
for travel to Africa. Your staff photo grapher will travel to Africa and take photographs of various tourists on
safari. Given the client approves your concept, selected images will be reproduced in brochures the client will
provide to their travel agencies. The photographer takes 100 photographs during the visit, which illustrate
happy tourists of various ages on safari. The film for the shoot was purchased in California before the trip and
was processed in California upon the photographer’s return.
Your client reviews all the photographs and selects ten separate photographs for further enhancement and
reproduction in the brochures. The remaining photographs are retained by you. The client purchases all rights
to the ten photographs. You bill your client a combined charge of $8,200 for your concept development
and finished photographs, which includes the photographer’s time, preliminary and finished art charges,
production aids, and a reasonable markup. You provide no separate selling price for the ten photographs. To
determine the taxable selling price of the final images you compile the following costs:
Cost of the staff photographer (five days at $1,500/day) $7,500.00
Film and processing costs 200.00
Enhancement of selected images/aid 500.00
Total combined charge $8,200.00
Taxable finished ar $1,270.00
15% markup ($1,270.00 x 0.15 ²) 190.50
Value of finished art (taxable, plus markup) $1,460.50
Taxable amount includes photographer and film/development costs at 10%, plus enhancement (10 of the 100 photographs
purchased by client, resulting in 10% of the total costs for the photographer and film/processing being taxable.
(($7,500 + $200 = $7,700)($7,700 x 10%) + $500 = $1,270)).
Markup of 15 percent is shown for example purposes only.
Sales for resale
Occasionally you may create artwork in-house and sell it to a client who wants to buy it for resale. You may make a
nontaxable sale for resale if you transfer title to the artwork to the client and the client:
Gives you a timely, complete resale certificate, and
Intends to sell the artwork as is or physically incorporate it into another product that will be sold.
Reproduction rights
Graphic artists, commercial photographers, and other advertising agencies may sell, license, or lease, artwork such
as illustrations, photographic images, paintings, so forth and make a charge for the right to reproduce but not sell
the artwork. The charge may be identified as a charge for reproduction rights or as a copyright interest, “license
to use, (limited time or limited purpose)” “license, advance royalty, or “royalty contract. Generally, charges for
reproduction rights in connection with the transfer of tangible finished art such as an illustration or photographic
image are taxable when your client intends to reproduce the artwork, but not sell the product on which it is
APRIL 2022
Example: You hire a commercial artist to develop illustrations for your client’s letterhead. You are acting as
the agent of your client. The commercial artist provides conceptual design services with no transfer of title or
possession of the preliminary designs. Once your client provides approval to proceed with the final design, the
commercial artist produces the final illustration that will be reproduced on the client’s letterhead. A copy of the
illustration is transferred to you on a CD. The commercial artist makes a charge for the right to reproduce but
not sell the final illustration. The commercial artist’s billing to your client includes the following charges.
Concept development and preliminary designs $2,200.00
Final illustration 500.00
Reproduction rights 1,500.00
Tax ($2,000.00 x 0.0775) 155.00
Total $4,355.00
Since you acted as the agent of your client and the client will reproduce the illustration in its company letterhead,
the transaction does not qualify as a technology transfer agreement. Accordingly, the charge for the reproduction
rights is taxable along with the charge for a copy of the final illustration transferred in a tangible format. Because
the artist retained title and permanent possession of the preliminary designs, the charge for the concept
development is not taxable. For information regarding when reproduction rights are not taxable, see page 32.
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Sale of Printed Matter
An advertising agency may act as an agent of its client, or choose to act as a retailer, when purchasing printed matter.
Occasionally, an agency may produce the printed matter in-house. This chapter discusses the rules that apply to the sale
of printed matter purchased from a printer for resale. You should read this chapter if you contract with your clients for the
production of printed matter, and you purchase the printed matter from a printer for resale to your client. For information
on the rules that apply to the production and sale of printed matter in general, please see Regulation 1541, Printing and
Related Arts. For information about how tax applies to your purchases of items as an agent of your client, please see first
Printed matter purchased for resale
When you purchase printed matter from a printer, the printer is presumed to have made a taxable retail sale of the
printed matter, unless you issue a timely and valid resale certificate. The printer is also generally presumed to be
selling any special printing aids used during the printing process, as part of the sale of the printed matter. Normally,
the printers sales of the special printing aids are taxable.
The fact that the printer may sell the printed matter to you for resale to your client does not necessarily mean that
the aids are also sold to you for resale. For you to purchase the aids for resale to your client, you must intend to
resell the aids prior to the time the printer uses the aids. That is, along with your contract with your client for the
sale of the printed matter, you must also have a contract with your client for the sale of the special printing aids. The
contract must be entered into before the printer begins production of the printed matter. If this is not the case, you
should not purchase the special printing aids for resale.
Special printing aids defined
As discussed on page 14, special printing aids are reusable manufacturing aids, which are used by a printer during
the printing process and are of unique utility to a particular customer. Special printing aids include electrotypes,
stereotypes, photo engravings, silk screens, steel dies, cutting dies, lithographic plates, film, single or multicolor
separation negatives, and flats. Special printing aids may also include items such as artwork, illustrations, and
photographic images used to create other special printing aids or finished art (intermediate production aids).
Printer and print broker defined
A printer is a person engaged in the printing process. A print broker is a person who contracts to sell printed matter
but who does not actually engage in the printing process to produce the printed matter that will be sold. Instead, a
print broker purchases printed matter from a printer or another print broker for resale to its customers.
Issuance of a resale certificate
When you issue a resale certificate for the purchase of special printing aids, you are generally liable for tax on
your sale of the special printing aids to your client even if the sale of the printed matter produced with the special
printing aids is not taxable (for example, a sale in interstate commerce). This holds true unless your sale is to the
U.S. government or a print broker who issues you a timely resale certificate for their purchase of the printed matter
and aids.
Advertising agencys sale of printed matter and special printing aids
An advertising agency that purchases special printing aids for resale from a printer who uses the aids to produce
the printed matter is presumed to have resold the aids to its client prior to any use, along with the printed matter,
when the following conditions are met:
The agency acquires title to the aids,
The agency has an existing obligation for the sale of the aids to its client at the time the aids are purchased, and
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The agency does not include a statement in its contract with its client or in their sales invoice that it is retaining
title to the aids.
However, even though you may issue the printer a resale certificate for both the purchase of the special printing
aids and the printed matter, the sale of the aids to you will generally be taxable unless:
The printer separately states the charge for the special printing aids on its sales invoice, and
The printer’s charge for the aids is at least the amount the printer paid for the aids or their components.
Existing obligation to sell special printing aids
You cannot purchase special printing aids from a printer for resale unless you have an existing obligation to resell
those particular aids to your client prior to the printers use. If you do not have an existing obligation, the printer will
use the aids on your behalf before you can resell them to your client. The fact that you have an existing obligation
to resell the aids prior to use may be demonstrated by a purchase order, invoice, or other agreement as long as the
agreement was in place before the special printing aids were used in the printing process. The same is true when
your client is a print broker purchasing the aids from you for resale to their customer.
Sales to the U.S. government
When you issue a resale certificate for your
purchase of special printing aids and the printed
matter produced with the aids for resale to
the U.S. government, your sale of the special
printing aids and the printed matter is exempt
from tax. See page 6 for more information
concerning sales to the U.S. government.
You may also find additional information in
Regulation 1614, Sales to the United States and Its
Nontaxable sales of printed
When your sale of printed matter is not taxable,
even though you may issue a resale certificate
for your purchase of the special printing aids
and the printed matter produced with the aids,
your sale of the special printing aids is generally
taxable. This is true even though your sale of
printed matter may qualify as a nontaxable
sale in interstate commerce, an exempt sale of
qualifying news papers, periodicals, or printed
sales messages, or a nontaxable sale for resale.
If you separately state your charge for the aids,
assuming your separately stated price for the
special printing aids is not less than the amount
the printer charged you for the aids, tax will
be due on your separately stated charge. If
your charge is less than the amount the printer
charged you, or you do not make a separate
charge for the aids, tax will be due on the
amount you paid the printer for the aids.
APRIL 2022
Example: You are hired to produce brochures for your client’s advertising campaign to kick off a new housing
development. You choose to be the retailer, not the agent of your client, and include the proper statement in
your contract. Your contract with the client also includes the sale of the special printing aids. The brochures will
be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to locations in the surrounding area at no cost to the recipients (printed
sales messages).
You hire a photographer to photograph several of the model homes. The photographer charges you $1,000 for
the photographs, plus tax, and transfers all rights to the photographs to you. You develop some preliminary
designs using the photographs and present them to your client. Your client approves one of your designs and
gives approval for you to produce the brochures. You reproduce one of the images as part of your final design.
You retain title and possession of all preliminary matter but do not retain title to the aids used to produce the
final design.
You hire a printer and transfer the necessary files to the printer. You issue a resale certificate for your purchase
of the printing aids. The printer produces a printing plate from the files and prints the brochures. The printer
also delivers the brochures to the mailing house for mailing. The printer invoices you a separate charge of
$1,500 for the printing aids and $5,000 for the printing of the brochures. You are also charged $550 for the
mailing of the brochures. Your invoice to your client shows the following charges:
Preliminary concepts and design $2,500.00
Illustration and layout (finished art) 500.00
Printing plate 1,600.00
Postage and delivery 550.00
Printing of brochures 5,500.00
Print supervision 300.00
Sales tax ($2,100.00 at 0.0725¹) 152.25
Total $11,102.25
¹ Tax rate of 7.25 percent used for illustration purposes only.
Given the brochures qualify as printed sales messages, your charge for the printing of the brochures is
nontaxable. Since the print supervision is for a third-party transaction, your charge is nontaxable. Your charge
for the concepts and design is also nontaxable. Since the itemized mailing charge is at cost, your charge for
this is also nontaxable. The only taxable charges are your charges for the illustration and layout (intermediate
production aid) and the printing plate (special printing aid).
Sales of special printing aids for resale
Occasionally, your client may ask to purchase both the printed matter and the special printing aids for resale to their
customer. Unless your client is a print broker and, in fact, will resell the special printing aids to their customer prior
to the printer’s use of the aids, you should not accept a resale certificate from your client for their purchase of the
aids. Even though your client may purchase the printed matter for resale to their customer, tax will generally apply
to your sale of the special printing aids used in California, as discussed on page 28.
Please note: A person never purchases special printing aids for resale when the printed matter produced with the
aids is sold to several purchasers. For example, a person purchasing newspapers for individual sale cannot purchase
special printing aids for resale because the individual purchasers of the newspaper are not also purchasing the
special printing aids. A person purchasing newspapers for sale to the general public is not purchasing special
printing aids for resale to the general public.
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Taxable sales of printed matter
When your sale of printed matter is taxable, your sale of the special printing aids purchased for resale to your client
is also taxable. Tax applies to your entire charge for the printed matter and the aids whether or not the charge for
the special printing aids is separately stated on your sales invoice. If you make a separate charge for the aids, the
separate charge is subject to tax along with the charge for the printed matter. If you do not make a separate charge
for the special printing aids, your taxable charge for the printed matter includes the sale of the aids, and no further
tax is due on your sale of the aids.
Example: Using the example on page 27, instead of mailing the brochures to area residents, your client asks
that you have the brochures sent to the model homes. Instead of separately itemizing all your charges on your
invoice, you decide to bill your client a lump-sum amount for the printing and the aids, which includes your
in-house production of the finished art. Your invoice to your client shows the following charges:
Preliminary concepts and design $2,500.00
Printing of brochures (including the applicable tax) 8,000.00
Print supervision 300.00
Mailing to Shady Acres Subdivision 550.00
Travel to assist photographer 300.00
Total $11,650.00
The brochures do not qualify as printed sales messages because they are mailed to the homebuilder, not to
recipients in the area at no charge. You are the retailer, not the agent of your client, since you elected retailer
status by making the required statement in your contract. Since the mailing charge is itemized on the invoice
at the actual cost, the charge is nontaxable. Because you retained title and possession of the preliminary
designs, your charge is nontaxable. Your charges for the print supervision and travel are also nontaxable since
the travel is related to the preliminary concepts and the print supervision is related to a third-party transaction.
Although you did not make a separate charge for the aids, these charges are included in your taxable charge
for the printing, and no further tax is due in relation to the sale of the aids.
Sale of the printed matter is partially taxable
Occasionally, you may sell printed matter, a portion of which is taxable and a portion of which is not. For example,
you may contract with your client for the production of printed sales messages. You deliver some of the printed
matter as required for the sale to be exempt from tax (see page 9). You also deliver a small quantity directly to your
client. When you make a sale of printed matter that is split between taxable and nontaxable, your sale of the special
printing aids is fully taxable.
Similar to your sales of printed matter that are fully taxable, if you separately state the taxable selling price of the
special printing aids on your sales invoice and the price is not less than the separately stated amount the printer
charged you for the aids, tax will be due on your charge.
If you do not make a separate charge, the taxable portion of the sale of the printed matter is regarded as including
the taxable sale of the special printing aids, as long as the sale price of the taxable portion of the printed matter is
at least equal to the separately stated amount the printer charged you for the aids. If so, no further tax is due on the
sale of the aids. If the taxable portion of your sale of the printed matter is less than the separately stated amount the
printer charged you for the special printing aids, you owe tax on the difference.
Digital prepress instruction
“Digital prepress instruction” converts electronic files produced by different computer programs into specific,
original instructions or information necessary to prepare and link files for the output of an image to film, plate, or
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press. Digital prepress instruction qualifies as a custom computer program, and the charges associated with the
creation of the digital prepress files are not taxable provided the files are prepared to the special order of the client.
The development of digital prepress instruction generally involves the following four steps/processes:
First step—image capture: The images needed for the print job are captured in a digital format. Hard copies of
artwork such as an image or illustration are scanned to capture the image. Programs used to perform this first
step are usually tied to the hardware used in capturing the image such as Agfa Fotolook or Epson LaserSoft
Silverfast Ai.
Second step—image manipulation: Once the image is captured, it must be reviewed and adjusted for output.
If the image is a photograph, the main objective is generally that the image matches the color desired by the
client and this is accomplished with paint software such as Adobe’s Photoshop. If it is an illustration or other
such graphic file, the image is manipulated to the desired output by software such as Adobes Illustrator.
Third step—page layout: Text, graphics, and photographs are combined in a single file and positioned for
output. Page layout software such as QuarkXpress or PageMaker allow these elements to be imported and
positioned, resulting in what is commonly called the mechanical, mechanical assembly, or finished art.
Fourth step—output: The page layout file is sent to “print” to a specific high-resolution device through
a postscript driver. The postscript driver converts the page layout program along with the graphics and
photographs to postscript code. Postscript code is a page description language developed to describe an
image for printing.
The postscript code is sent to a control device such as a Raster Imaging Processor that interprets the postscript
code into device specific language. An object or display list is created in the processor’s memory to control
certain options of the printing device and then converted (for example, rasterized) to a single file using the
parameters of the destination printing press. The resulting electronic file is digital prepress instruction, which
will be used to prepare film or plates or the file will be sent direct to press for printing.
The same person may perform all four steps or more than one person may perform one or more of the steps. For
example, you, or another person on your behalf, may perform the first three steps only and the file generated by the
first three steps will be sent to a printer or prepress house for conversion into postscript code and creation of the
digital prepress instruction. Alternately, you may produce the digital prepress instruction in-house and provide the
necessary files to a printer who will use the files to prepare film or printing plates. Whatever the case, it is important
to remember that the fourth step must be performed in order to create digital prepress instruction.
Please note: Persons who provide digital prepress instruction are consumers of any items used in the creation of the
digital prepress instruction. Accordingly, the purchases of items used in creating the digital prepress instruction or
the use of production aids that are not sold by the provider of digital prepress instruction prior to use (for example,
intermediate production aids and separations) are generally subject to tax.
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Example: You create a page layout file, which includes original artwork with a desktop publishing program.
You convert the file into a form readable by a plate maker for use in the printing of your client’s product.
Your charges for the time and material used for the file conversion that results in the specific instructions or
information necessary to prepare and link files for output to film, plate, or direct to press are charges for digital
prepress instruction and are not taxable. This holds true even when you transfer the digital prepress instruction
in a tangible form such as a CD or tape.
However, your purchases of materials used in the process of creating the digital prepress instruction would
be subject to tax. Tax would also apply to your purchase of any tangible intermediate production aids, or
their ingredients and components if produced in-house, unless the aids were sold to your client prior to use.
For example, if you had used a tangible intermediate production aid in your creation of your artwork rather
than creating it with a desktop publishing program, and the aid was sold to your client prior to use, tax would
generally apply to your sale of the aid. This is true even though your charges for the conversion of the file into
digital prepress instruction may have qualified as nontaxable.
Example: Using the previous example, even though you have the ability to perform the processes necessary
to create digital prepress instruction, you choose to forward the files containing the artwork to a printer for
completion of your client’s print job. If you do not perform the last step/process, you have not created digital
prepress instruction. When you perform the first three steps/processes and transfer a page layout file to the
printer, you have made a sale of a mechanical or finished art that, if transferred in a tangible form, is subject to
tax as discussed on page 13. Once the printer receives the page layout file, the printer will generally send the
page layout file to “print” and begin the process of creating digital prepress instruction.
Related charges that are not for digital prepress instruction
Fabrication labor—Charges for scanning artwork, creating original artwork by computer, or manipulating scanned
images are considered charges for fabrication labor and are generally taxable when the output of this labor
is transferred in a tangible form to the client or another party. In essence, you are producing an intermediate
production aid that will be used in the production of a special printing aid.
Proof art—As part of the digital prepress process, you, or the printer on your behalf, may provide proofs to your
client for review and acceptance prior to printing the final product. Charges for proof art delivered to your client or
another person on behalf of your client are taxable.
Film or printing plates—Charges for film or plates are charges for special printing aids and tax applies as discussed
previously. Such charges are not for digital prepress instruction even though the film or plates may be prepared
from the electronic digital prepress file.
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Technology Transfer Agreements
This chapter is intended for advertising agencies that are transferring or licensing rights to finished art for reproduction
on items that will be sold. If your sale or lease of artwork does not include the transfer of reproduction rights or any
assignment or licensing of copyright for reproducing artwork on items that will be sold, the information in this chapter
does not apply to your transaction. See section beginning on page 17. You may also wish to obtain a copy of
Regulation 1540, Advertising Agencies and Commercial Artists, and Regulation 1541, Printing and Related Arts.
Technology transfer agreements, dened
When you sell, license, lease, or otherwise assign a copyright interest in artwork or other like property, your
arrangement with your client may qualify as a technology transfer agreement” (TTA). A TTA, as it relates to artwork
you sell or lease to clients, must meet all the following conditions. It must:
Be in writing.
Assign a copyright interest in the product (finished art) being sold or leased (often indicated by language such
as copyright, “reproduction right, “use for limited time or purpose, “license, “license fee, advance royalty, or
“royalty contract”).
Show the buyer’s clear intent to reproduce and sell merchandise subject to the copyright interest.
If one or more of these conditions is not met, the agreement is not a TTA.
The following examples illustrate when a transaction does and does not qualify as a TTA.
Transactions that qualify as technology transfer agreements
Example: You obtain artwork as an agent of your client from a third party (commercial artist) under a written
contract that allows your client to reproduce the image on boxes of software it sells.
Example: You provide copyrighted finished art illustrating a landscape to a calendar publisher under a written
contract. The contract permits the publisher to reproduce the image in wall calendars the publisher will sell to
retail stores.
Example: You acquire copyrighted artwork under a written contract that allows you to reproduce the images
in advertising materials you will sell to your client for distribution at an advertising seminar. You have the
materials printed by a third party. Your master contract with your client reflects your retailer status.
Each of these agreements/contracts qualify as a TTA: they are in writing, they assign a copyright interest, and the
buyer will reproduce the images on, or incorporate into, products that are for sale and subject to the copyright
Transactions that do not qualify as technology transfer agreements
Example: Same fact pattern as presented in the previous example except your master contract does not include
the necessary language to document your status as a retailer and no other circumstances have occurred under
which you would be regarded a retailer. Since you are presumed to be the agent of your client and your client
will not be selling the advertising materials, your contract does not qualify as a technology transfer agreement.
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Example: A corporation hires you to design a company logo for its annual report. Your contract authorizes your
client to reproduce the logo in the annual report, which is distributed free to shareholders.
Example: A client purchases some of your illustrations to reproduce in a series of roadside billboard
advertisements promoting its products.
These agreements/contracts do not qualify as technology transfer agreements because the buyer will not
reproduce the images on or incorporate into products that are for sale and subject to the copyright interest. These
contracts are likely covered by the rules that apply to sales of artwork in general.
If your transaction does not meet the conditions for a TTA or fit any of the examples of a TTA, it does not qualify as a
TTA. Please return to page 17 for more information regarding sales and transfers of artwork in general.
Applying tax to a technology transfer agreement
As is the case for copyrighted artwork in general, when you sell, license, or lease artwork as part of a technology
transfer agreement, the transaction generally involves two elements. Each element has value. The elements are:
The actual artwork or image you sell, license, or lease.
The copyright interest you transfer to your client that permits the client to use the artwork as specified in the
Unlike copyrighted artwork in general, under a technology transfer agreement, tax applies to the fair market value
of the artwork itself but not to the value of the copyright interest. If you transfer artwork in a tangible format to your
client, such as a print, slide, negative, transparency, or digital image on a CD, you must determine its taxable value in
one of the ways explained on the table on page 33. However, if you transfer a digital image in any of the ways listed
below, and you do not transfer any tangible products to your client, tax will not apply to your charges for the artwork.
Remote, electronic transfer to your client (see page 7).
“Load and leave electronic transfer (see page 7).
Temporary transfers of the finished art on a digital storage media provided your client returns the media to you
within a 30-day billing cycle (or within a longer period if necessary to allow the client sufficient time to copy the
digital file).
Example: You acquire artwork from a commercial artist that you will reproduce in materials you will sell to
your client. You make the necessary statement in your contract for you to act as a retailer, not an agent of your
client. The artist indicates in their written contract that reproduction rights are being sold. The rights being
sold allow you to reproduce the artwork in materials you will sell to your client. You are not allowed to resell
or sublease the artwork or the licensed copy of the artwork. The artist transfers some of the artwork to you in
digital files on CDs. Other artwork is transferred on paper or art board. You must return all of the artwork to the
artist after downloading or scanning the images into your computer within 30 days.
All transfers of artwork in this example are being made pursuant to a technology transfer agreement.
Therefore, no tax is due on the fair retail value (artist’s charge) of the artwork temporarily transferred to you
by CD. Tax is due, however, on the artist’s charge for the temporary transfers made on paper or art board. The
charges for the right to reproduce the artwork would not be taxable.
Please note: If the artwork transferred to you on CD was not returned by you as required by your agreement,
the artist’s charges to you for the artwork could be taxable in the same manner as the artwork transferred
on paper or art board. For information regarding how to determine the tax due on charges for artwork sold,
leased, or licensed under a TTA, see page 33.
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The following table shows how to determine the tax due on your charges for finished art (artwork) you sell, license,
or lease under a technology transfer agreement.
Applying tax: technology transfer agreements
Written contract terms The taxable fair market value is
Includes a charge for the sale or lease of
the artwork and a separate charge for the
reproduction rights.
The separately stated sale or lease price for
the artwork.
Charges are lump sum. 1) The price at which you have sold or
leased, or offered for sale or lease,
that artwork or similar artwork to an
unrelated third party, when either of
the following is true:
You did not transfer reproduction
You transferred reproduction rights
and separately stated the selling price
of the artwork.
2) If you cannot determine a separate
price based on prior sale or lease price,
200 percent of the combined cost of
materials and labor used to produce or
acquire the artwork. See “Establishing
the cost of labor and materials below.
Establishing the cost of labor and materials
The cost of materials includes your cost for items used in producing the artwork or incorporated into it. Cost of
materials also includes the cost of any tangible product transferred as part of the TTA. Examples include:
For an image provided on digital media: (1) your cost for the blank diskette, flash memory, removable disk,
DVD, or CD; and (2) your cost for leasing any equipment or props for the development or creation of the specific
image (for example, photo shoot).
For finished art in a tangible form, for example, a transparency: (1) your cost for paper, ink, and chemicals
incorporated into the final print or transparency; and (2) your costs for any production aids used, including any
taxable reproduction rights associated with the production aids.
The cost of labor includes any costs to you for the labor used to create the artwork, such as labor you purchased
from a third party or work performed by your own employees. This includes costs for work performed by people
who create the artwork as well as those who share in its creation.
The cost of labor does not include any of the following:
The value of your own labor if you are a sole proprietor
Travel expenses such as airfare and car rental
Meals and lodging expenses
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Example: You contract with a manufacturer to develop a product logo that will be reproduced on the
manufacturer’s product and packaging. Your written contract is lump sum and you have no similar sale or lease
price upon which to determine the fair retail value of the artwork. The contract price is $40,000. The transaction
is a TTA because there is a transfer of reproduction rights and the manufacturer will reproduce the image
on property subject to the copyright interest that will be sold. You will permanently transfer the logo to the
Your records indicate that your in-house art department spent 50 employee hours creating the finished
art/logo. The average labor cost for the in-house art department is $35/hour per employee. The records
also indicate that the materials used to transfer both a hard copy and digital copy of the finished art cost
approximately $10. The measure of tax for the sale of the finished art transferred is computed as follows:
Labor: $35/hour x 50 $ 1,750.00
Materials 10.00
Total for materials and labor $1,760.00
Taxable total ($1,760 x 200 percent) $3,520.00
Tax ($3,520 x 0.0775) 272.80
Contract Price $40,000.00
Tax due 272.80
Total $40,272.80
Licensing arrangement may be a lease
If your licensing agreement requires your client to return the tangible property on which you transferred the
artwork, the transaction is considered a lease. Tax applies as for any other TTA (see special exception for transfers on
digital media, page 32).
A client may want to give you a resale certificate for a lease transaction (see below). However, the temporary
transfer of artwork under a lease does not qualify as a nontaxable sale for resale unless you are authorizing the
client to sublease the artwork to a third party in the same form you are providing it. If you are not authorizing that
kind of subleasing, you should not accept a resale certificate.
Sales for resale
Artwork sold under a TTA will normally not qualify as a sale for resale, since your client will use the artwork to create
or produce other products to sell. In addition, your client cannot pass ownership or possession of the artwork to
another person unless you specifically allow the client that right.
If you accept a resale certificate from your client under a technology transfer agreement transaction, be sure the
TTA states that the specific artwork is being purchased for resale in the regular course of business before any use,
and that you have given your client the right to transfer ownership or possession of the artwork to a third party.
For more information, see publication 103, Sales for Resale, and Regulation 1668, Sales for Resale.
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Creative Art Services for the Motion Picture Industry
This chapter addresses the special rules that apply to advertising agencies that work in the motion picture industry. For
more information, you may order a copy of Regulation 1529, Motion Pictures.
“Creative art services and qualied motion pictures, dened
Creative art services are services performed only to convey ideas, concepts, looks, or messages, as opposed to
services that create artwork your client will reproduce or display. Sales tax does not apply to your charges for
creative art services provided in connection with the production, distribution, or exploitation of a qualified
motion picture.
Qualified motion pictures may be for any purpose including entertainment, commercial, advertising, promotional,
industrial, or educational. They include:
Motion pictures produced for display at theaters, amusement parks, or on commercial carriers; television shows
including closed circuit and broadcast; commercials; trailers; television spots; specials; featurettes; “promos;”
sneaks;” corporate training and sales presentations; video press kits; music videos; and special effects, titles,
and credits on film, tape, or other motion picture media, including digital media.
Original and adapted versions including productions adapted to another language or medium.
Motion pictures produced for the federal government or its instrumentalities, foreign governments, and state
and local governments and their political subdivisions.
Films and videos created for family use, such as wedding videos, do not qualify as motion pictures.
Your creation of visualizations, drawings, sketches, renderings, illustrations, layouts, comprehensives, photographs,
negatives, transparencies, prints, scans, laser graphics, visual prototypes, electronic imagery, and other preliminary
designs can qualify as creative art services as long as the client will not reproduce or display your work. However,
qualifying creative art services do not include services for the preparation of finished art. The fact that your client is
a motion picture studio does not necessarily mean all of your charges qualify as creative art services.
Applying tax
Unlike conceptual services in which you may create and transfer permanent possession of your preliminary designs
to your clients, resulting in a taxable sale, when you provide qualifying creative art services, you are performing
nontaxable services rather than selling tangible products. This is true even if you transfer the product of the creative
art services to your client. Because you perform nontaxable services, you are considered the consumer of the
tangible items used in providing the creative art services, such as CDs, transparencies, paper, etc. Your purchases
of those items do not qualify as nontaxable purchases for resale. If your client later reproduces or displays the
products of your services, the client owes use tax based on the amount paid to you for the creative art services.
Example: You contract with a movie studio to create a rendering of a horse during the filming of a feature
film. The renderings are intended to convey your ideas about possible ways to advertise the film. As part of
your contract, you provide the client your preliminary designs. Although the movie studio may not return the
designs, your activities qualify as creative art services since you are transferring the designs only to convey
ideas and concepts and the movie studio will not reproduce or display them. The transfer of the designs is not
a taxable sale, and you are the consumer of the paper, production aids, and related items used in producing
the designs.
APRIL 2022
Example: You contract with a movie studio to create preliminary color schemes for molds that may be used in
the production of animal figurines. The studio is considering using various figurines to advertise and promote
a movie soon to be released at theaters. The studio asks you to create renderings and molds in various color
schemes, with a deer sitting, standing, running, etc. You do not have a contract for the production of molds the
studio may actually reproduce and use in their advertising. The rendering and molds are solely to convey your
ideas for varying color schemes.
You produce renderings and preliminary molds in varying colors and send all the renderings and molds to the
studio for their consideration. Under your agreement, the studio retains your renderings and molds, but does
not enter into a contract with you for any further development of your ideas. Your services qualify as creative
art services and tax does not apply to your charges to the studio for your work. However, you must pay tax on
your cost of any items used to produce your preliminary designs, including items that are incorporated into
your preliminary designs.
Example: The studio executive you worked with on your last job liked your work so much he asks you to attend
his daughter’s wedding reception and produce drawings and renderings of the wedding party. If he likes the
drawings, he may have you produce items that will be displayed in his office. You prepare the drawings and
send them to the executive for approval. He decides to keep all the drawings, but does not ask you to produce
a final version of any of the drawings. Your charges to the studio executive are subject to tax. Although he may
work for the studio, you did not perform creative art services. Since he kept all your drawings, you have made a
taxable sale of the preliminary designs.
For more information regarding the sale of preliminary art in general, you should read the chapter beginning on
page 17.
APRIL 2022
Applying Tax to Your Purchases
This chapter addresses purchases commonly made by advertising agencies. It includes information on purchases of
services, production aids, special printing aids, finished art, and other like items. For more information, you may obtain a
copy of Regulation 1540, Advertising Agencies and Commercial Artists.
Purchases for resale
You may issue a resale certificate to your vendor when you buy items you will resell rather than use. This allows you
to make the purchase without paying tax until you sell the product. You may issue a resale certificate to purchase:
Products you sell to clients as is.
Products that become a tangible part of products you sell to your clients.
Intermediate production aids and special printing aids sold to the client prior to use.
Digital storage media (DVDs, CDs, flash memory, diskettes, removable disks) you sell to clients rather than retain
in your business.
Fabrication labor.
Packaging supplies you use to wrap property you sell.
Items you use exclusively for demonstration and display while you hold them for sale in the course of your
For general information on purchases for resale, see publication 103, Sales for Resale or Regulation 1668, Sales for
Resale. For information on purchases for resale of photographs, production aids, or other photographic materials,
see publication 68, Photographers, Photo Finishers, and Film Processing.
Taxable purchases
Some of your purchases are taxable. If you know a purchase is taxable at the time you make it, you should not issue
a resale certificate to your vendor. If you buy from an out-of-state vendor who does not collect California tax, or you
buy merchandise for resale but use it before you sell it, you must report and pay use tax with your sales and use tax
return. To do that, list the cost of your purchase under “Purchases subject to use tax” on the return for the reporting
period in which you used the item. The rate for use tax is the same as the rate for sales tax in the location where you
used the item.
Tax applies to amounts you pay for:
Materials and supplies that do not become a tangible part of products you sell.
Materials and supplies that become a tangible part of nontaxable preliminary art (see page 19).
Items you use for demonstration and display unless you will also offer them for sale.
Items you use for donations, gifts, or other personal use (donations to charitable organizations may not be
taxable; please call our Customer Service Center for guidance).
Equipment you use in your business rather than sell, such as office supplies, furniture, props, lighting,
backdrops, film and print processing equipment, computers, order forms, printers, etc.
Property from out-of-state vendors that would be taxable if you made them in California (see “Purchases from
out-of-state retailers,
page 38). This includes purchases made by phone, mail order, or over the Internet.
You should also pay tax on charges for leasing or renting equipment provided the owner of the equipment
charges you an amount for tax.
For more information on use tax, see publication 110, California Use Tax Basics, and Regulation 1685, Payment of Tax
by Purchasers.
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Tax-paid purchases resold before use
If you pay an amount for tax when you buy an item then later sell it before using it, you may claim a deduction on
your sales and use tax return, under “Cost of tax-paid purchases resold prior to use.
Example: You pay an amount for tax when you buy a stack of CDs you intend to use in your business. You pay
$20.00 plus tax for 50 CDs. Later, you sell ten of those blank, unused CDs to a client in a taxable transaction.
You would report the amount you charged for the CDs in “gross receipts” on your sales and use tax return and
take a $4 tax-paid purchases resold deduction for their purchase price (10 CDs = 20 percent of total 50 CDs
purchased; $20.00 x 20 percent = $4.00).
Purchases from out-of-state retailers
Purchases on your own behalf
Tax applies to out-of-state purchases the same way it does to purchases within California: a purchase that is
taxable in California is taxable when you make it from an out-of-state vendor. In general, you will owe use tax if
you purchase merchandise from an out-of-state retailer without paying California tax and use the merchandise
in California for a purpose other than resale. You must report the tax on your sales and use tax return. Some out-
of-state retailers are authorized to collect and pay California use tax. If your sales receipt indicates that the retailer
collected the correct amount of California use tax on your purchase, you do not need to report that purchase on
your return. However, if the retailer did not collect enough tax, you would owe any additional tax that should have
been charged.
If you purchase artwork, photographs, intermediate production aids, special printing aids, or other such products
from vendors located outside of California for resale to your client prior to use, no use tax is due on your purchase.
Instead, you will owe tax on your sale of the items to your client. For more information on how tax applies to the
purchase of items presumed sold to your client prior to use, you should read the chapters beginning on
pages 13 and 25.
Purchases as an agent of your client
When you purchase products from out-of-state retailers as the agent of your client, the vendor is regarded as
making the sale directly to your client. Accordingly, your client would generally be liable for any use tax due on its
purchases. However, because of the unique circumstances surrounding the transactions between an agency and
its client, it is the agency that is liable for any use tax due on purchases of products as an agent of the client. Your
liability for the use tax is not extinguished unless the client has, in fact, already self-reported and paid the use tax.
Credit for payment of another state’s tax
If you were required to pay, and did pay, another states sales tax on a purchase on which you will owe California use
tax, you may claim a credit against your use tax liability by doing the following:
Report the amount of the purchase under “Purchases subject to use tax.
Deduct the amount of tax paid under “Sales and use taxes imposed by other states” on your return. You may
claim a deduction up to the amount of California use tax due on the purchase.
You may not claim this deduction as a credit against your sales tax liability.
APRIL 2022
General Tax Reporting Requirements
This chapter provides general information on how to report your sales and purchases on your sales and use tax return. It
also includes information on invoicing clients, applying tax to credit sales, and claiming deductions and exemptions on
your return. For more information, please refer to publication 73, Your California Sellers Permit.
Including an amount for tax in your charges
You are responsible for paying sales tax on all your taxable sales. However, you can collect tax from your clients
equal to the amount you will owe on each sale. This is called “sales tax reimbursement. You may add the tax amount
to your taxable charges, being sure to itemize it on your invoices or receipts. Or, you may include it in your charges.
If you choose the latter method, you must either post a visible sign stating, All prices of taxable items and services
include sales tax reimbursement calculated to the nearest mill, or include a similar statement on your sales invoices
or receipts.
Tax due with your return
You must report all of your sales on your sales and use tax return, including nontaxable sales. The tax due with each
return is based on your total gross receipts for the period less deductions for allowable nontaxable sales and other
adjustments. You may not deduct any expenses related to your sales—such as travel expenses, model fees, phone
charges, equipment rentals, etc. Some common exemptions and deductions are noted below.
Common deductions and exemptions
Common deductions and exemptions include:
Sales for resale (see page 6)
Tax-paid purchases resold prior to use (see page 38)
Repair labor and nontaxable services (see page 9)
Preliminary art/conceptual services (see pages 18-19)
Certain sales in interstate and foreign commerce (see page 6)
Sales to the U.S. government (see page 6)
Cash discounts on taxable sales
Bad debts
If you paid tax on a sale and then were not able to collect payment, you may claim a deduction for the bad debt.
Bad debts may take the form of:
Checks returned unpaid by the purchaser’s bank that you have determined to be uncollectible, or
Accounts from charge or credit sales found worthless.
Before you take the deduction, you must charge off the bad debt for income tax purposes. You should claim the
deduction on the sales and use tax return you file for the period in which you found the amount worthless and
charged it off for income tax purposes. If you are not required to file income tax returns, you must charge off the
debt following generally accepted accounting principles. If the tax rate has changed since you made the original
sale, you must adjust the amount of the bad debt deduction to conform to the tax rate in effect at the time of the
sale. You cannot deduct amounts you paid to collect the funds due.
If you later collect the money due for a bad debt (including worthless checks), you must include in your taxable
gross receipts any amount you previously claimed as a bad debt deduction.
Please note: There are many rules governing deductions for bad debt losses. For assistance, you may request a copy
of Regulation 1642, Bad Debts, or contact our Customer Service Center.
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Credit sales and installment payments
Tax is due for the period in which a sale takes place, regardless of when you receive payment. The sale takes place
when you transfer ownership or possession of your product to your client. You should not report deposits you
receive from clients for future delivery of products until the sale is complete.
Example: You design logos for small businesses. Customarily, you take deposits for your services, requiring 50
percent of your payment in advance and 50 percent when you deliver the product to your client. You charge
your client $2,000 for designing and producing a logo, taking a deposit of $1,000 from your client in late March.
You deliver the finished art with the logo at the end of May. Your client pays the remaining $1,000 in June. You
must report the entire $2,000 charge on your sales and use tax return filed for the tax-reporting period that
includes the month of May.
Be sure to keep complete records of your sales and purchases. You should keep required records for at least four
years unless we give you specific, written authorization to destroy them sooner. For nontaxable transactions, your
records should clearly indicate the reason the transaction was not taxable.
Exception: Records that cover reporting periods before January 1, 2003, may be covered by an extended statute of
limitations if you did not participate in the 2005 tax amnesty program, or if fraud or intent to evade tax is discovered
during an audit. You must keep these records for at least ten years.
If you are being audited, you should retain all records that cover the audit period until the audit is complete, even
if that means you keep them longer than four years. In addition, if you have a dispute with us about how much tax
you owe, you should retain the related records until that dispute is resolved.
For more information on recordkeeping, please see publication 116, Sales and Use Tax Records, or
Regulation 1698, Records.
APRIL 2022
You can visit our website for additional information—such as laws, regulations, forms, publications, industry guides,
and policy manuals—that will help you understand how the law applies to your business.
You can also verify seller’s permit numbers on our website (see Verify a Permit, License, or Account).
Multilingual versions of publications are available on our website at
Another good resource—especially for starting businesses—is the California Tax Service Center at
The quarterly Tax Information Bulletin (TIB) includes articles on the application of law to specific types of
transactions, announcements about new and revised publications, and other articles of interest. You can find
current TIBs on our website at Sign up for our CDTFA updates
email list and receive notification when the latest issue of the TIB has been posted to our website.
We offer free online basic sales and use tax classes including a tutorial on how to file your tax returns. Some classes are
offered in multiple languages. If you would like further information on specific classes, please call your local office.
For your protection, it is best to get tax advice in writing. You may be relieved of tax, penalty, or interest charges that
are due on a transaction if we determine that we gave you incorrect written advice regarding the transaction and
that you reasonably relied on that advice in failing to pay the proper amount of tax. For this relief to apply, a request
for advice must be in writing, identify the taxpayer to whom the advice applies, and fully describe the facts and
circumstances of the transaction.
For written advice on general tax and fee information, please visit our website at to email
your request.
You may also send your request in a letter. For general sales and use tax information, including the California
Lumber Products Assessment, or Prepaid Mobile Telephony Services (MTS) Surcharge, send your request to:
Audit and Information Section, MIC:44, California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, P.O. Box 942879,
Sacramento, CA 94279-0044.
For written advice on all other special tax and fee programs, send your request to: Program Administration Branch,
MIC:31, California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, P.O. Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279-0031.
If you would like to know more about your rights as a taxpayer or if you have not been able to resolve a problem
through normal channels (for example, by speaking to a supervisor), please see publication 70, Understanding Your
Rights as a California Taxpayer, or contact the Taxpayers Rights Advocate Office
for help at 1-888-324-2798. Their fax
number is 1-916-323-3319.
If you prefer, you can write to: Taxpayers Rights Advocate, MIC:70, California Department of Tax and Fee Administration,
P.O. Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279-0070.
For More Information
For additional information or assistance, please take advantage of the resources listed below.
1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711)
Customer service representatives are available
Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Pacific time), except state holidays. In addition to
English, assistance is available in other languages.
Please visit our website at
for a complete listing of our office locations. If you
cannot access this page, please contact our
Customer Service Center at 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711).
Regulations, forms, and publications
Lists vary by publication
Selected regulations, forms, publications, and industry guides that may interest you are listed below.
Spanish versions of certain publications are also available online.
1507 Technology Transfer Agreements
1528 Photographers, Photocopiers, Photo Finishers and X-Ray Laboratories
1529 Motion Pictures
1540 Advertising Agencies and Commercial Artists
1541 Printing and Related Arts
1541.5 Printed Sales Messages
1543 Publishers
1614 Sales to the United States and Its Instrumentalities
1620 Interstate and Foreign Commerce
1628 Transportation Charges
1641 Credit Sales and Repossessions
1642 Bad Debts
1668 Sales for Resale
1698 Records
1700 Reimbursement for Sales Tax
1821 Foreword
17 Appeals Procedure: Sales and Use Taxes and Special Taxes and Fees
44 District Taxes (Sales and Use Taxes)
46 Leasing Tangible Personal Property
51 Resource Guide to Tax Products and Services for Small Businesses
58A How to Inspect and Correct Your Records
61 Sales and Use Taxes: Exemptions and Exclusions
70 Understanding Your Rights as a California Taxpayer
73 Your California Sellers Permit
74 Closing Out Your Account
75 Interest, Penalties, and Collection Cost Recovery Fee
76 Audits
100 Shipping and Delivery Charges
101 Sales Delivered Outside California
102 Sales to the United States Government
103 Sales for Resale
105 District Taxes and Sales Delivered in California
108 Labor Charges
109 Internet Sales
116 Sales and Use Tax Records