106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu
Italian Student Visa Packet
Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco
This consulate is for students whose zip codes fall under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of
Italy in San Francisco. Your assignment is based on your home or school zip code from your Syracuse
Abroad application.
Before you begin:
Ensure you have a passport valid at least 6 months after your program ends.
Ensure you will not need your passport before the program starts.
If you will need your passport for international travel before the start of the program, we cannot
guarantee you will receive your visa in time and you may need to apply independently.
Contact us immediately to verify your eligibility for the group submission process.
Visa application due date: Friday, May 1, 2020
Main contact:
o Courtney Eppel, Italy Visa Coordinator
315-443-9428, [email protected]
International students may apply through the group submission when residing in Alaska,
California (except the following counties: Imperial Valley, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange,
Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Ventura), Hawaii,
Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Am. Territories of Samoa, Am. Territory of
Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Johnston Atoll, Wake Island, Midway Islands. Submit a copy
of your I-20 or Green Card with your other paperwork. If you are on a F1-visa, make sure it is
valid at least 3 months after your Florence program ends.
Students with European Union citizenship traveling with their EU passport do not need a visa.
Full year students: If there is any chance that you may decide to stay a second semester with our
program, you should get a visa to cover both semesters in advance. If you do not, you will have
to return to the US during the break and apply for a new visa for the second semester. Please
contact us if you are planning on staying for two semesters.
Mail or bring completed visa documents to:
Syracuse Abroad
ATTN: Italy Visas
106 Walnut Place
Syracuse, NY 13244
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 2
Rules for Submitting Your Italian Visa Application:
Make sure your passport is signed!
Respect the deadline!
All documents must be received by the deadline, sent in one package. If you miss
the deadline, we can’t guarantee you to be part of the group submission and you
may have to submit your application independently.
Print all documents single-sided only.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or tape on any portion of your application.
All forms with handwritten sections must be legible and written in black or blue
All photos, photocopies and scans must be clear and easy to read.
You may print and photocopy in black and white or color.
You may use the forms in this packet or download them from your
Make copies of all documents for your records and reference.
o Note: Especially keep a copy of the ID page of your passport.
Send applications through a courier service (FedEx or UPS) as the US Postal
Service (USPS) may take up to two days longer to reach the Syracuse Abroad
IMPORTANT: Please do not, under any circumstance, contact the consulate
regarding your visa application.
As you are part of our group submission, the consulate requires that all contact regarding
the group submission must come from Syracuse Abroad
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 3
Checklist of Required Visa Documents
These documents are mandatory, no exceptions will be made.
The following documents must be mailed or brought to Syracuse Abroad:
1. Official SIGNED passport
2. One official passport photo with your name written on back
3. A copy of your driver’s license
o International students: a copy of your I-20 form or Green Card (both sides)
4. Italian visa application form (with 3 signatures)
5. Official bank letter and (if applicable) notarized affidavit of financial support
6. Enrollment verification letter from your home university (non-SU students only)
7. Visa fee- money order payable to the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco
8. Notarized Affidavit of Health Insurance
9. Pre-Paid shipping label (for us to ship your passport back to you)
10. Declaration for mailing passports
11. Copy of round-trip flight itinerary (Note: if you are traveling on the group flight,
Syracuse Abroad will get this for you)
12. Visa application authorization form
Remember to keep a copy of all documents for your records!
Note: What is a Notary?
You will notice at least one document requires notarization. A notary is a person authorized to perform
legal formalities; in this case, authorization of a signature on an official document. This tells the consulate
that it has been legally confirmed that YOU signed the document before him/her. You can find notaries
at most banks.
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 4
1. Your Official Passport
The consulate requires your official passport in order to place the visa inside as a permanent page. This
visa confirms the official approval of your stay in your host country and is required for any student not
of European Union citizenship.
If you do not have a passport or your passport will expire within six months of your program ending,
apply for or renew your passport immediately!
Syracuse Abroad strongly recommends that you have your passport application expedited to ensure
your new passport arrives in time to apply for your visa with the group. If you do not use the expedited
service and your passport does not arrive until after the deadline, we cannot guaranty that you will be
able to be part of the group submission.
Applications for passports and passport renewal can be found online at Travel.State.Gov.
Once you have applied for your passport, immediately begin working on the remainder of your visa
application and submit it to Syracuse Abroad by the published deadline. Do not fill out ANY passport
information, we will fill that in when your new passport arrives. Add a note with your submitted
documents detailing the date you submitted your passport application. Once you receive your new
passport, do not forget to sign it before sending it to Syracuse Abroad.
2. One Official Passport Photo
The consulate requires a separate photo to create your visa. This does not
need to be the same photo in your passport. You may have official
passport photos taken at the post office, drugstores and other stores for a
fee. The photo should feature only you in front of a white background.
You may not take the photo yourself. Only send one photo with your
visa application, but keep the extra photos and bring them with you to
Italy. Please write your name clearly on the back of the photo. Please see
the sample at left.
3. Copy of your Driver’s License or State ID
Your driver’s license or state ID confirms that you live in the region
served by the San Francisco consulate. Please copy it onto a blank
sheet of paper and ensure the copy is clear and legible. See sample
at right.
International students: please make a copy of your I-20 or green
card (both sides).
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 5
4. Visa Application Form
You should have downloaded a blank application when you downloaded this packet. If you did not, please
here or in your log into your OrangeAbroad Portal.
Please fill out each page exactly as it is filled out on the sample (pages 6-9 in this packet) with your appropriate
information. There are three signatures required on this application and you must complete all for the application
to be complete.
Please refer to this page when answering questions 25, 29 and 30 of your visa application.
Number of Days for Fall 20 (question 25)
Question 25: Program
Number of Days
SU Florence Center
SU Florence Center: Studio Arts, Architecture, Design, Engineering
SU Florence Center & Intensive Language Program at University of Florence
SU Florence Center & Direct Enrollment at University of Florence
108 days
Signature Seminar (with any program above)
117 days
Program Dates for Fall 20 (questions 29 and 30)
Question 29: Program
Arrival Date
Signature Seminar- Borders in Flux or Empires of Exchange
Arrive 23 August, 2020
SU Florence Center
SU Florence Center: Studio Arts, Architecture, Design, Engineering
SU Florence Center & Intensive Language Program at University of
SU Florence Center & Direct Enrollment at University of Florence
Arrive 1 September, 2020
Question 30: Program
All programs
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 6
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 7
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 8
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 9
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 10
5. Bank Letter (Proof of Financial Means)
The consulate requires proof that you have financial means to reside in Florence by presenting the
consulate with an original, signed bank letter from a US bank or financial institution. Syracuse Abroad
cannot waive or alter this requirement. All students must provide documentation of their funding. See
the requirements below and sample bank letter on the following page.
If you are unable to provide proof of the required amount in your own personal checking or savings
account, you may submit a bank letter from a checking/savings account in a parent or guardian’s name
supporting you. If you wish to do this, the account holder must also complete the Affidavit of Support
on page 13, have it notarized and submit it with your visa materials. If you have a joint bank account
with a parent or guardian, your parent or guardian must complete the Affidavit of Support. Please
note you may only use the Affidavit of Support provided for you in this packet. You may not use a form
from another jurisdiction as they are different.
Statements from retirement accounts, 401k and stock portfolios are NOT accepted by the Italian
consulates in lieu of a bank letter.
Accessible amounts required:
Semester students: $4,000
Academic year students: $8,000
Fine Arts Graduate students: $12,000
**NOTE: Some programs vary in length. If your program is longer than four or eight months, you
will need to add $1,000 per month to the amount.
The format of the letter is basic, but should convey the following:
YOU (the student) OR the specified person in support of the student are the account holder
The specified funds are present in your checking/savings account(s) at the time the letter is
Guidelines for the bank letter:
The document must come from a United States bank or financial institution.
Letter(s) must be original. Copies, scans, emails, and faxes are unacceptable.
Letter(s) must be on the bank’s original letterhead and have a signature of a representative.
Electronic signatures are unacceptable.
Bank statements are unacceptable.
Letter(s) must be dated as close to the visa deadline as possible.
You may combine multiple accounts from different institutions to reach your required amount.
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 11
United States Bank of Syracuse
123 Main Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
April 20, 2016
To The Honorable Italian Consulate General:
This letter certifies that the title of the following accounts reflects [your name here] as an account holder.
The above mentioned balance(s) is accurate as of [today’s date].
John Doe
Bank Teller and Customer Service Representative
(315) 555-2252
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 12
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 13
6. Enrollment Verification Letter from Home University
For Non-SU students only. Obtain this letter from your school’s registrar’s office; it should confirm
that you are enrolled full time at your home university, and should contain your anticipated graduation
date. Letters from National Student Clearinghouse will not be accepted.
Send the original letter with a stamp or seal, copies will not be accepted. If your school would rather
send your letter directly to Syracuse Abroad, please contact Courtney Eppel.
7. Visa Fee- Money Order
The Italian consulate charges a fee for a long stay student visa. Please submit a money order made out to
the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco for the exact fee amount (fees change quarterly based on
exchange rate; new fee info will be available April 1. You will receive an email in early April with
details). Money orders can be purchased at your local post office.
8. Notarized Affidavit of Health Insurance Coverage
As part of the visa process, the Italian Consulate General requires that all students purchase an
insurance policy with I.N.A. ASSITALIA for the duration of their stay as a student in Italy. Syracuse
Abroad purchases this insurance for every student once they arrive in Florence. Therefore, this affidavit
is the documentation acknowledging that the student is aware they will have this coverage. You do not
need to send any money with this application. This insurance covers only emergency care and alone is
not enough medical insurance for a student for the entire semester. Students and their families are
responsible for ensuring that they are adequately covered while abroad.
The notarization should be completed at the bottom of the page or as the notary sees fit. Do not sign the
document until you are in the presence of the notary. The actual form is on the following page. Please
ensure this form has NOTHING printed on the back when you complete it.
1. Print out the form on the following page. *DO NOT SIGN YET*
2. Take the sheet to a notary and have the document notarized (see note on page 3).
3. Send the original along with you visa application.
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 14
born in (Town/State) on (D/M/Y)
residing at (permanent address)
Phone number: Area code Tel.
That within 8 (eight) days of my arrival in Italy I will report to the local Police Headquarters
("Questura") for the issuance of my Permit of Stay ("Permesso di Soggiorno"), as required
by the Italian Law of all foreigners residing in Italy for an extended period of time.
That prior to appearing at the Questura I will have purchased an Italian insurance
policy, such as that issued by I.N.A. Assitalia or comparable insurance carrier, conforming
to Italian standards.
That prior to appearing at the Questura, I will have to purchase one of the following medical
and hospitalization programs:
_____ a) Insurance policy with I.N.A. ASSITALIA, Via del Tritone 181, Rome - Bank account n.
7127003 - which can be purchased at any Post Office upon arrival in Italy or
with any other Italian insurance company of my choice,
_____ b) Insurance policy with any other private health insurance company that will cover me for
the medical/hospitalization bills in line with the Italian Government standards.
That the above mentioned coverage will be for my entire stay in Italy and will be granted
without any sort of limitation and deduction.
Signed before me on: Place and date:
(Seal of the Notary Public) (Signature of the Student)
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 15
9. Pre-Paid UPS Label
You must provide Syracuse Abroad with a pre-paid UPS, FedEx, or US Postal Service label WITH
TRACKING INFORMATION in order to have your passport and visa returned to you. You do not
need to provide Syracuse Abroad with an envelope, just the label. Following are directions on how to
create a label through UPS. The label is available for printing for 24 hours; if you do not have immediate
access to a printer, you can save the label as a PDF file and print it later.
Go to www.ups.com
Select “ship” from the quick start menu
1. Where are you shipping from?
a. You are shipping FROM Syracuse Abroad, 106 Walnut Place, Syracuse NY 13244,
315.443.3471, [email protected] (check the box to send status updates to this
email address)
b. Continue
Where is your shipment going?
c. You are shipping TO your home address. Enter those details here.
d. Continue
2. What kind of packaging are you using?
a. From the drop down list, select “UPS LETTER”, weight 1lb, declared value $170 USD
b. You can add a reference number or other options if you like, but it’s not required
c. Continue
3. How would you like to ship?
a. Select “I’ll drop off my shipment or include it in another pickup.” Skip the estimated ship
b. From the selection of boxes shown, disregard the dates listed and choose the box
that says “UPS 2
DAY AIR”. You can choose next day air if you prefer.
c. Continue
4. Almost done. Let’s check a few more details.
a. What are you shipping? Enter a descriptor such as “Italian visa”
b. Add your personal email address so you can receive notifications of your passport’s
whereabouts. Select any other options you wish.
c. Continue
5. How would you like to pay?
a. Select payment card and fill out your billing information.
6. Review the details; if everything is correct, click “PAY AND GET LABEL”.
a. If you can’t print the label out right away, save it as a PDF so you can print it later. The
label is available for printing for 24 hours. If you wait longer than 24 hours, you will
have to call UPS customer service for assistance to print the label.
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 16
Although we will do everything in our power to help you locate a missing package,
Syracuse Abroad cannot be responsible for shipments that are wrongfully delivered or lost by UPS.
It is UPS policy to require a signature for a package unless otherwise instructed and to leave
packages in a secure location. However, we unfortunately have no control over individual drivers
and whether they adhere to UPS policy.
Syracuse Abroad recommends that you track your package when you are notified that your
passport has been sent. If you have special requirements for delivery (a specific door, ringing the
doorbell, etc.), these must be addressed by you as the customer with UPS.
For greater control over how your UPS shipment is delivered, please consider signing up for the
UPS My Choice service. You can receive alerts regarding the package and can provide further
instructions how you would like the package delivered (leave inside a side door, reschedule, bring to
a different address, etc.). Read about this service here:
To sign up, use this link: http://www.ups.com/mychoice/welcome.html
Please contact UPS Customer Service at 800-PICK-UPS (800-742-5877) with your tracking
number if you have questions about the delivery of your package or to file a claim for a missing
package. You may also file a claim from your online account.
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 17
10. Confirmed Round-Trip Flight Itinerary
To obtain a visa, students must provide proof of entry and exit from Europe. You must provide
confirmation that you have purchased a round-trip ticket to Italy and out of the Schengen area
(explanation on the following page). Make a copy of the flight confirmation from the airline, agent or
travel agency. This must include all legs of your flight and confirmation that you purchased the flight.
If you are traveling on the group flight and/or booking your flight through Advantage Travel, we
will get your itinerary directly from them. Please ensure that you purchase this flight before the visa
deadline. If you have questions regarding group flights, call Advantage Travel (315-471-2222).
You are responsible for researching whether you need a visa for any independent travel before, during
or after the program. International students are strongly advised to check tourist visa requirements
thoroughly as there may be restrictions.
11. Declaration for Mailing Passports
The Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco requires that all students submit this document,
releasing them from any responsibility if passports are lost or damaged in transit.
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 18
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 19
What is the Schengen Area?
The Schengen Area includes the countries listed below. You will be able to travel freely in these
countries within the dates of your program and/or visa.
Czech Republic
Iceland (not EU)
Liechtenstein (not EU)
Norway (not EU)
Switzerland (not EU)
106 Walnut Place I Syracuse, NY 13244 I p 315.443.3471 I p 800.235.3472 I f 315.443.4593 I e suabroad@syr.edu I suabroad.syr.edu 20