1 Definitions
1.1 The words defined in the form, and those set
out below, apply to these Terms and Conditions
(terms) unless the context otherwise requires:
additional persons means the people other than
you whose mail you apply to have redirected;
agreement means an agreement to provide
a Redirection on the terms of the form and
these terms;
application means an application made for
a Redirection;
form means the relevant form requesting
a Redirection, whether in paper format or
available online;
new address means the address to which mail
is to be redirected, as detailed in an application;
old address means the address in the United
Kingdom from which mail is to be redirected, as
detailed in an application;
Redirection means our service described in
these terms for mail to be redirected from one
address to another address;
Redirection term means the length of time for
which we agree to provide a Redirection;
Special Circumstances Redirection means
a Redirection further to an application made in
any of the circumstances set out in clause 4;
Consumer Redirection means a Redirection
that is not a Special Circumstances Redirection;
w e, us, our and ours means Royal Mail Group Limited,
a company registered in England and
Wales (company number: 4138203) whose
registered office is at 185 Farringdon Road,
London, EC1A 1AA, the Royal Mail Group VAT registration
number being GB243170002;
working day means any day other than
Saturday or Sunday or any bank holiday or other national
holiday in any part of the United
Kingdom; and
you, yourself and your means (i) in relation to
a Consumer Redirection, the person who signs
the paper form or, where the application is
made online or by telephone, the person who
makes the application; and (ii) in relation to a
Special Circumstances Redirection, the person
who signs the form.
2 Our agreement with you
2.1 Our agreement is with you alone and you must:
2.1.1 comply with each of the provisions of
the agreement;
These Terms and Conditions, together with the relevant Redirection application form, govern our
Consumer Redirection Service and our Special Circumstances Redirection Service.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before you make an application for either of these
Redirection services. If you do not understand any point, or have any questions, please call our
Customer Services Team on 03457 777 888.
Your attention is drawn to clauses 10, 11, 12 and 20 of these Terms and Conditions, which set out the limits
to the Redirection service; your liability and our liability in connection with our Consumer Redirection Service
and our Special Circumstances Redirection Service; and how we use personal data provided in your application.
If you are applying for a Special Circumstances Redirection, your attention is also drawn to clause
4 of these Terms and Conditions.
Delivery times are not guaranteed under our Consumer Redirection Service or our Special
Circumstances Redirection Service. This includes any items sent by Royal Mail Special Delivery.
This does not affect your statutory rights.
Please retain for your reference
Terms and Conditions for the Royal Mail
Consumer Redirection Service and Special
Circumstances Redirection Service
Royal Mail and the Cruciform are registered trade marks of Royal Mail Group Ltd, registered in England and Wales
with number 4138203, registered office: 185 Farringdon Road, London, EC1A 1AA.
© Copyright Royal Mail Group Ltd 2019
4 Applications in special
4.1 We will only accept an application relating to
mail addressed to a deceased person if the
application is for a Special Circumstances
Redirection and is made by (in order of priority:
4.1.1 the person holding the Grant of Probate
in respect of the deceased person;
4.1.2 the person holding Letters of
Administration in respect of the
deceased person;
4.1.3 an executor named in the deceased
person’s will; or
4.1.4 the holder of a certified copy of the
deceased person’s death certificate.
4.2 Where a person (the donor) has given a Power
of Attorney to another person (the attorney), we
will accept an application relating to the donor’s
mail from the donor themselves or the attorney
and our agreement will be with the person
who signs the form. If the application is by the
attorney, it must be for a Special Circumstances
4.3 Applications for Special Circumstances
Redirections must be made using our
Special Circumstances Redirection form
and be accompanied by the following
identification evidence:
4.3.1 for the person whose mail is to be
redirected, either:
(a) in the case of a deceased person,
the original or an office copy of their
death certificate; or
(b) in the case of a donor of a Power of
Attorney, and where the application is
made by their attorney, a certified copy
of that Power of Attorney.
4.3.2 for you (if you are applying to redirect
another person’s mail), the evidence
listed on the form.
4.4 It is possible to include other persons in
the application for a Special Circumstances
Redirection, provided:
4.4.1 their old address and new address are
the same as those of the person whose
details are set out in section 2 of the Special
Circumstances Redirection form; and
4.4.2 we are supplied with the same
identification evidence for those other
persons as if they had applied for a
Consumer Redirection. For each of those
other persons set out in section 2 of the
Special Circumstances Redirection form,
an individual fee will need to be paid.
4.5 We may accept an application relating to mail
addressed to a bankrupt person made by the
appointed Trustee in Bankruptcy and/or the
Official Receiver, provided that we are given
confirmation of the appointment and any
supporting information we ask for.
4.6 We will set up and provide a Special
Circumstances Redirection if required to do so
by a Court order.
4.7 We may set up and provide a Special
Circumstances Redirection in other limited
situations (e.g. where someone has been
granted deputyship). Please call our Customer
Services Team on 03457 777 888 to find out
5 Payment
5.1 You agree to pay our current charges for the
Redirection and any extension to it. Current
charges are available from www.royalmail.
com/redirection or on request from our
Customer Services Team. Where applicable
the charges include VAT.
5.2 As part of our security measures, where you
pay for the Redirection by telephone the Credit
or Debit card used must be registered at the old
address, or to such other person or address as
we may require. This restriction does not apply in
relation to any extension to the Redirection term.
Where you pay for a new Redirection online, the
Credit or Debit card can be registered at the old
or new address. Any refund will be made to the
Credit or Debit card used to make payment.
6 Online applications
6.1 The online form is available for completion
on at www.royalmail.com (the Website).
The Website is operated by us.
6.2 The steps you need to take to make an
application using the online form can be found
at www.royalmail.com/redirection.
6.3 After you submit the online form, you will
receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that
we have received your application.
6.4 We will also confirm our receipt of the online
form by sending a confirmation notice in
accordance with clause 6.1.
6.5 We will not file a copy of our agreement with you.
7 Confirming the Redirection
7.1 Upon receiving an application, we will send
a letter to the old address, addressed to you,
2.1.2 co-operate with us in all matters relating
to the Redirection we provide for you;
2.1.3 give us, as soon as possible, any
additional and up to date information
we may reasonably require.
2.2 If you are applying to redirect the mail of any
person other than yourself you must ensure you
have that other person’s express consent to do
so or you are otherwise authorised to request
the redirection of their mail (including where the
other person is under 16 years of age and you
are his or her parent or guardian). By making
an application you confirm that you have this
consent from all other persons whose mail
you are applying to redirect or otherwise have
authorisation to request the redirection of their
mail, and that you and where appropriate mail
of persons you are redirecting mail for must
understand how we may use your and their data
as described in clause 20 .
2.3 Each agreement takes effect from the time we
accept the relevant application and received
payment of our charges for the Redirection.
We accept the application when we send a
confirmation letter.
2.4 Each agreement ends on the date when the
Redirection to which it relates ends, as stated
in the application for that Redirection, or when
we notify you that the Redirection has been
cancelled or has been ended by us in accordance
with clause 15.
3 The application
3.1 We will not set up a Redirection unless we
are satisfied as to your identity and authority
to make an application. A list of the items
we will accept as evidence of this is listed on
the application form and at www.royalmail.
com/redirection. Unless stated otherwise,
identification evidence must be provided both
for you and any other person specified in the
application who has a different last name to
3.2 You may only apply for a Redirection (or
extend a Redirection) if you are at least 18
years old. You (and anyone specified in the
application with a different last name to
yours) must have been resident at the old
address in the 6 months preceding the date
of your application. Fraudulently applying for
a Redirection without proper authority may
be a criminal offence, which could result in
3.3 We can refuse an application where we have
a reason for doing so. Reasons why we may
refuse an application include:
3.3.1 failure to provide documents required
by us to verify your identity and address,
or the identity or address of any other
relevant person;
3.3.2 we have reason to believe that the
documents you have provided to us are
not genuine;
3.3.3 we believe that you or any other relevant
person is not resident at the old address;
3.3.4 we suspect that any other relevant
person has not given their consent to
the Redirection or you do not have the
authority to make the application on his
or her behalf; or
3.3.5 the Redirection would be
operationally impracticable.
3.4 If we choose not to accept an application, or
if we are unable to implement the Redirection,
we will tell you in writing and refund any charges
we have received.
3.5 You must tell us immediately if any of
the information you gave us in your
application changes.
3.6 If we receive any objection to your application,
even if it is after we have accepted your
application, we are obliged to investigate the
matter to protect those named in it and the
residents of the affected addresses. Whilst
investigations take place mail which you
have applied to redirect may be held for up to
10 working days until enquiries are complete.
We may ask you to provide original documents
to prove you , or other people whose mail you
have applied to redirect live at the old address.
If you cannot do this, we may cancel, or refuse
to start, your Redirection.
3.7 If any objection concerns a dispute as to who is
entitled to apply for a Redirection, we will hold
mail from when we receive the objection for
up to 10 working days to enable the parties in
dispute to resolve the matter or to obtain a Court
order that confirms the identity of the person
entitled to make the application. If no resolution
can be reached within the 10 working days we
may cancel, or refuse to start, the Redirection,
or remove affected people from it, in which case
the mail will be delivered as addressed.
3.8 If we receive information relating to the misuse
of the Redirection service, or of fraudulent
activity, from the police or other official
bodies, we may cancel, or refuse to start, the
3.9 We do not have to provide the Redirection if we
consider it unsafe or unreasonable for you to
expect us to do so.
acknowledging receipt and acceptance of the
application (a confirmation notice). If you apply
online you will receive the confirmation by email.
7.2 If you (or any other relevant person) have already
moved from or are no longer at the old address,
or if you have requested that your Redirection
takes effect within 5 working days of the date of
your application, we will send the confirmation
notice to the new address.
7.3 As a security measure, we will also send
a letter to the old address to inform “The
Occupier” of the Redirection.
8 Duration of the Redirection term
8.1 Subject to the rights to cancel and end the
Redirection in clauses 13 and 15, the Redirection
will start on the later of:
8.1.1 5 working days from the date we
accept the application (unless we agree
otherwise); and
8.1.2 the date specified in the application.
8.2 We will stop providing the Redirection at the end
of period specified in the confirmation notice and
then deliver all mail as addressed.
8.3 The maximum Redirection term is four years,
including any extensions. This is reduced to
6 months for a Redirection where the old
address is a PO Box.
9 Extensions to the Redirection term
9.1 If you require the Redirection to be supplied
for longer than the period specified on your
application, you should make an extension
application online (at www.royalmail.com/
renewal), by post or by telephone (by calling
our Customer Service Team). We must receive
your extension application at least 5 working
days before the end of the current Redirection
term to ensure an uninterrupted service.
Renewals cannot be made at a Post Office®
branch. Redirections can be extended up to the
maximum period of four years.
9.2 You cannot extend a Redirection more than
6 months after it has expired. You will need to
complete a new application if this happens.
9.3 There is a charge for extending the duration
of the Redirection. The charges are variable.
Current prices are available from our Customer
Services team, Post Office
branches and at
www.royalmail.com/redirection. We will
confirm the price to you at the time you request
an extension.
10 Limitations on the Redirection
service and timing of deliveries
10.1 The Redirection service is not available in the
following circumstances:
10.1.1 where the old address is outside of the
United Kingdom.
10.1.2 where the old address is a British Forces
Post Office
address (but you may apply
where the new address is a British
Forces Post Office® address).
10.1.3 where the old address is a multi-occupied
address which is not separately rated for
council tax purposes and does not have a
unique delivery point (including boarding
houses, university halls of residence,
nursing homes, caravan sites, hospitals,
mail boxes and hotels).
10.1.4 where the old address is a Post Restante
address, or where the new address
is (i) a Post Restante address outside
the United Kingdom or (ii) a Royal Mail
delivery office or Post Office
10.1.5 where the old address is a
business address.
10.2 Redirections can only be provided from a single
old address to a single new address.
10.3 You accept that a Redirection may impact upon
delivery times. We will use our reasonable
endeavours to deliver redirected mail in
accordance with our usual timescales but this
is not guaranteed and delays may occur. We
will not be liable for any reasonable delay in
delivering redirected mail.
10.4 Guaranteed delivery dates, such as those
provided under the Royal Mail Special Delivery
service, do not apply to redirected mail. Royal
Mail Special Delivery and Signed For items will
still require a signature on delivery.
10.5 Jointly addressed mail (for example, mail
addressed to Mr and Mrs Smith) can only be
redirected where there is a Redirection in place
covering both names and redirecting mail
to the same new address. If there is no such
Redirection, we will deliver jointly addressed
mail as addressed.
10.6 We cannot redirect Royal Mail Special Delivery,
Parcels, Tracked or Signed For items to
addresses outside the United Kingdom.
10.7 We will not redirect:
10.7.1 items carried via our Tracked High
Volume service marked Restricted
Goods. We cannot redirect outside the
United Kingdom any item over 25mm
in thickness, or 100g in weight, that
appears to contain goods. Items below
this thickness and weight, and items
obviously only containing printed-
paper, can be redirected abroad. These
restrictions exist because:
(a) items containing goods sent to non-
EU destinations require a CN22 or CN23
customs declaration, which must be
completed and signed by the sender (not
us) at the time of posting;
(b) all countries, whether in the EU or
outside of the EU, have specific lists of
prohibitions and restrictions detailing
what can and cannot be sent to those
countries, so we cannot redirect items
abroad where we do not know their
contents; and
(c) international restrictions on item
sizes differ from those allowable in our
domestic services.
10.8 Any items sent to the old address using any of the
services set out in clauses 10.6 or 10.7. while a
Redirection is in place and which are addressed
to people covered by that Redirection will be
returned to the sender (where the sender’s
address is present). If you (or any other relevant
person) expect items to be sent to the old address
using one of these services you (or they) should
tell the sender to use the new address, and you
agree to let those other persons know this.
10.9 We will only redirect items that are sent using
our postal services (not including Parcelforce
Worldwide for these purposes).
10.10 There are laws that prevent us from redirecting
certain items. There are also laws that require
us to return certain items to the sender and
we may need to inform the authorities of
this (for example, mail from government
departments related to benefits). Even if we
accept an application, any such items will not
be redirected to the new address.
10.11 We cannot redirect items classified as Tracked
Permitted Goods.
11 Our liability
11.1 We will only provide the Redirection for domestic
and private use. You agree not to (and ensure
the other relevant persons do not) use the
Redirection for any commercial or business
purpose, and we will not be responsible for:
11.1.1 any loss of profit, loss of business,
business interruption or loss of business
opportunity; or
11.1.2 any other loss or damage that results
from any use of a Redirection for
commercial or business purposes.
11.2 If we do not provide a Redirection as required by
our agreement because of our negligence, our
breach of our agreement or for any other reason
for which we are responsible in law (such as
our duty to provide the Redirection service with
reasonable care and skill), we will refund the
charges you have paid for the Redirection on a
pro rata daily basis for each working day when
we did not provide the Redirection as required by
our agreement, and that will be our only liability
to you (subject to clauses 11.4 and 11.5).
11.3 Subject to clauses 11.4 and 11.5, the total
amount we will be liable to pay under clause
11.2, or otherwise under or in connection with
out agreement, will not exceed the charges paid
for the Redirection.
11.4 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability
that cannot by law be excluded or limited, such
as liability for death or personal injury caused
by our negligence or any liability for fraud or
fraudulent misrepresentation.
11.5 Nothing in this agreement affects your statutory
rights or other rights under a scheme or
contract for the delivery of a postal item. The
conveyance of a postal parcel, letter or any
other item under our postal services, which is
subject to a Redirection, is governed either by a
scheme made under the Post Office Act 1969,
the Postal Services Act 2000 or a contract with
us, and compensation for loss of, or damage
to, such an item, or if we deliver an item late,
is provided by that scheme or contract and
not by this agreement. You can find out more
about the schemes at www.royalmail.com/
termsandconditions Advice about your legal
rights is available from your local Citizens Advice
Bureau or Trading Standards office.
12 Your liability
12.1 You must pay to us our reasonable expenses
incurred as a result of defending any action
taken against us by or on behalf of any person
(or the estate of any deceased person), where
you were not authorised to make an application
on behalf of or concerning that person.
Such expenses will include our reasonable
legal costs incurred in defending any action,
negotiating any settlement and in paying any
amount awarded by a Court as a result of an
action brought by such a person or reasonably
agreed in settlement with such a person.
13 Cancelling the Redirection
13.1 You may cancel the Redirection at any time
before the Redirection has started and we will
refund the charges paid for the Redirection. This
right of cancellation is in addition to, and does
not affect, your statutory rights.
13.2 You also have a statutory right to cancel the
Redirection within 14 calendar days starting on
the day after we send you a confirmation notice
(the “Cancellation Period”).
13.3 To cancel the Redirection you must:
13.3.1 send your request in writing to: Cancel
my Redirection, Royal Mail Redirection
Centre, Trent House, Media Way, STOKE-
ON-TRENT, ST1 5ST. A Cancellation
Form is provided at Appendix 1;
13.3.2 call us on 03457 777888; or
13.3.3 if you applied online, visit
www.royalmail.com/contactus and
complete the appropriate webform.
For security purposes, your cancellation request
must be from the same email account that was used
to make your application (where relevant) and you
must provide your full name, date of birth, and the old
address and new address as given in the application,
and where you cancel in writing must be signed by the
same signature as given in your application. Please
note that it may take up to 5 working days from receipt
of your cancellation request for the Redirection to stop.
13.4 If you send your cancellation request:
13.4.1 within the Cancellation Period and
the Redirection has not started, we
will refund the charges paid for the
Redirection in full;
13.4.2 within the Cancellation Period and,
at your request, the Redirection has
started, we will refund the charges paid
for the Redirection less £10 to cover our
set-up and service delivery costs; or
13.4.3 after the Cancellation Period and, at your
request, the Redirection has started, we
will not provide a refund.
13.4.4 After the Cancellation Period and
the Redirection has not started, we
will refund the charges paid for the
Redirection in full .
13.5 We will issue refunds within 14 days following
receipt of your cancellation request.
14 Suspension of Redirection
14.1 We may agree to suspend the Redirection,
provided you give us 5 working days’ notice and
provided the Redirection has not started and
will not start within that 5 working days period.
If we agree to suspend the Redirection, the
Redirection term will not start until five working
days after you tell us in writing to start it.
14.2 We will only suspend a Redirection for up to
6 months from the date that the Redirection
was initially due to start. If at the end of this
period you have not informed us that you wish
the Redirection to begin within this period,
we will refund the charges paid to us for the
Redirection. If you subsequently wish to take out
a Redirection,
you will need to complete a new application.
15 Ending this agreement
15.1 We can end this agreement, or stop providing
the Redirection, by giving you at least 30 days’
warning by writing to the new address. If we
do so, we will make a pro rata refund of the
charges we have received in respect of the
unexpired period of the Redirection term.
e will end this agreement, and terminate the
Redirection immediately if:
e believe that you are not entitled to
the Redirection or authorised to apply
for it;
payment of our char
ges are dishonoured
or refused by the payor’s bank; or
e are required to do so as a result
of a Court order or any other legal or
regulatory decision or requirement.
Either you or w
e can end this agreement
immediately by giving notice to the other
if the other does not comply with any of its
responsibilities under this agreement and:
they cannot do anything to put the
matter right; or
they can put the matter right, but fail to
do so within 14 days of being ask
If either you or w
e end this agreement, we will
each keep the rights we have against one another
and which have already arisen regardless of the
fact that the agreement has ended.
Any clauses that ar
e expressly or by implication
intended to continue in force following the end
of this agreement shall do so. Without limiting
the preceding sentence, clauses 1, 11, 12,
15.5,19, 20 and 22 will survive and continue to
apply regardless of the end of this agreement.
16 Amending the Redirection
16.1 Only you may apply to amend the Redirection
provided that we receive written notice of the
amendment no later than 7 working days before
the start of the Redirection term. No amendment
to the old address or new address is possible.
A different old address and/or new address will
require another Redirection. We will confirm in
writing if we have accepted an amendment.
Due to the period of time w
e require to set up
the Redirection, you agree that any amendment
to the Redirection that is requested in the
7 working days before the start of the
ection term, or at any time thereafter, will
require the cancellation of the Redirection which
will be processed in accordance with clause 13.
In these circumstances you will need to apply
for a new Redirection and you will be required to
pay the charges for the new Redirection.
17 Changes to this agreement
17.1 We may amend these terms (including changes
to applicable charges) by giving you at least
30 days’ notice by publishing such changes on
our website (except as explained in clause 17.3).
We will only make changes for reasons below:
making these terms clear
er and more
favourable to you;
eflecting legitimate increases or
reductions in the cost of providing a
Redirection (any such increase shall not
be applied retrospectively);
17.1.3 providing for the introduction of
new systems, services, changes in
technology and products;
ectifying any mistakes that may be
discovered in due course; or
eflecting a change of applicable law
or regulation.
If w
e amend this agreement and you are not
happy with those changes, you can end this
agreement by writing to us and we will make a
pro rata refund to you of the charges we have
received in respect of the unexpired period of
the Redirection term.
Any amendment that is made to r
eflect a change
of applicable law or regulation may take effect
immediately or otherwise as we may specify.
18 Complaints
18.1 If you are unhappy with the service provided by
us we have an internal complaints process. You
can obtain details of our complaints procedure
at www.royalmail.com
18.2 If you are not satisfied with our final response
to your complaint, your case will be considered
deadlocked. In these circumstances, you may
be able to escalate your complaint to the Postal
Redress Service (POSTRS). This is an external,
independent Ombudsman style scheme.
18.3 POSTRS’s role is to resolve customer disputes.
POSTRS provide a free service and we are bound
by their findings. For further information please
refer to POSTRS’s website www.cedr.com/
19 Notices
19.1 Where notices or information are required to be
given to us in writing, you must send them to us by
post to Royal Mail Redirection Centre, Trent House,
19.2 We will generally address any notices to be sent by
mail to you at the new address, marked for your
attention. However if we have reason to consider
another address or person as more appropriate,
we reserve the right to send any notice to that
address or person instead or in addition.
19.3 Unless otherwise stipulated in this agreement, we
will class any notice to have been given 2 working
days after the date it was correctly posted.
20 Data Protection and confidentiality
20.1 This clause 20 sets out the ways in which we
may use information provided in the application,
including information relating to the persons
named in it.
20.2 For further information about how we use
information relating to persons, and about your
rights, please see our Privacy Policy, which you
can find at www.royalmail.com (or, to obtain a
paper copy, please see the leaflet accompanying
the paper version of this form).
Providing our Redirection service
20.3 We will use all the information provided in the
application of each person whose mail is being
redirected to set-up and provide the Redirection
service for which you are applying and otherwise
to comply with these terms. In respect of
information about you, this is necessary for us
to perform our agreement; and in respect of
information about the other persons whose mail
you have applied to redirect, and considering the
confirmation you give us under clause 2.2 of these
terms, we have a legitimate interest in using that
information in the ways described to provide a
well-functioning postal service by redirecting
those persons’ mail to the new address.
Helping to prevent fraud
20.4 We may also use all the information provided
in the application of each person whose mail is
being redirected to pass details regarding the
provided in the application to produce analyses of
home moving, which may be of interest to other
organisations. You will not be identifiable from
what we share with those other organisations.
Special Circumstances Redirections
20.17 The details included on a Special Circumstances
Redirection form will not be used in the ways
described in clauses 20.6 to 20.16.
20.18 The Redirection is not confidential. Any
undelivered item may be returned to the sender
bearing details of the new address.
20.19 We may also confirm the existence or not of a
Redirection to any third party which we consider
has a legitimate right to such information.
20.20 We are required by law to inform certain
authorities when a Redirection is in place,
including the Department for Work and
Pensions, other government departments and
local authorities.
20.21 The details included in the application may also
be used by us and shared with third parties when
we believe it is necessary to comply with the
law or protect our or another persons rights,
property, or safety. For further information
about how we use personal data please see our
Privacy Policy at
www.royalmail.com/ privacy-policy
21 Matters beyond our reasonable
21.1 We will not be responsible to you or any additional
person if we are not able to provide a Redirection
because of something beyond our reasonable
control (such as war, acts of terrorism, extreme
weather conditions, earthquakes, fire, floods,
traffic congestion, mechanical breakdown –
including of machinery, equipment, and vehicles
any public or private road being blocked, or
industrial action and the outcomes of it if this
prevents us from providing our usual service). We
will try to tell you promptly about any such events.
21.2 If we are not able to carry out our duties fully for
more than 4 weeks in a row because of something
beyond our reasonable control, you can end this
agreement by telling us in writing. Any notice
from you under this clause 21.2 must be sent to
us in writing by you or on your behalf. Where you
cancel under this clause 21.2 you will receive a
refund for the Redirection service for the period
from the date (we receive your cancellation) to the
end of the Redirection term.
22 General
22.1 A person who is not a party to this agreement
will not be able to enforce any term, provision,
right or benefit under or in connection with it.
22.2 Each of the provisions of this agreement
operates separately. If any Court or competent
authority finds any provision (or part of any
provision) to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable:
22.2.1 that provision (or part-provision) will,
to the extent required, be excluded from
forming part of this agreement; and
22.2.2 the remaining provisions will remain in
full force and effect.
22.3 Each of us acknowledges that we cannot
transfer the rights and duties under this
agreement without the consent of the other,
such consent not to be unreasonably withheld
or delayed. You will be responsible to us for any
action that person takes or fails to take. We can
use others to perform our duties and exercise
rights but we will be responsible for them.
22.4 To avoid any uncertainty about what you expect
from us and what we expect from you, this
agreement consists only of the form and these
terms and conditions. Please read the form and
these terms carefully. If you do not understand
any point, please contact our Customer Services
team for further information on: 03457 777 888.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, we offer a
textphone service on 0345 600 0606. Calls may
be recorded, monitored and used for training
and compliance purposes. Alternatively, please
write to Royal Mail Redirection Centre, Trent
House, Media Way, STOKE- ON-TRENT, ST1 5ST.
Nothing in this clause or this agreement will
operate to limit or exclude any liability for fraud
or fraudulent misrepresentation.
22.5 This agreement is governed by the law of that
part of the United Kingdom in which the old
address is located. Any dispute regarding the
Redirection or arising out of or in connection
with this agreement or its formation will be
dealt with by the Courts of that part of the United
Kingdom in which the old address is located.
22.6 This agreement (comprising these terms and the
form) is only in the English language.
status of the Redirection to other organisations
to help prevent fraud and/or money laundering
(this may include identity verification for
fraud prevention and anti-money laundering
purposes), which we, and those other
organisations, have a legitimate interest in
helping to prevent.
Helping to avoid incorrectly addressed mail
20.5 We may use all the information provided in the
application of each person whose mail is being
redirected [and who is at least 16 years old] to
inform organisations which have their contact
details that they are no longer at the old address,
but without supplying any of that information to
those other organisations. We have a legitimate
interest in using the information this way to
provide a well-functioning postal service by
helping avoid mail being sent to incorrect
addresses; and the other organisations which
we inform that a contact of theirs has changed
address have a legitimate interest in not sending
mail to incorrect addresses in order to avoid
wasting money and resources.
Address Update Service
20.6 At no extra cost, we may also share all the
information provided in the application of each
person whose mail is being redirected [and who is
at least 16 years old], including their address, email
address and telephone number, to businesses
which have their contact details so they can
update their records and keep in touch. Those
organisations have a legitimate interest (and a
legal obligation) in maintaining the accuracy and
usefulness of their contact lists, which may also
help to prevent fraud and reduce waste.
20.7 We will not share this information if you
indicate on the form, or when you apply for the
Redirection service by telephone, that you (or any
other person whose mail is being redirected) do
not want us to. You can also contact Customer
Services at any time to ask us not to share this
information and after then we will not do so.
Offers and discounts for movers
20.8 Provided you have consented, we may also
share the information about you provided in
the application (but not information about any
other person whose mail is being redirected),
including your address, email address and
telephone number, to organisations in the
retail, lifestyle, utility, telecommunications,
finance and insurance sectors, so they can send
you discounts, offers and information that are
relevant to home movers. We may combine your
information with other data, for example from
our Postcode Address File, when sharing it for
these purposes.
20.9 We have a legitimate interest in using the
information this way to create services to
assist organisations that also have a legitimate
interest in using postal marketing to people who
are more likely to be receptive, thus making
these products more cost-efficient.
20.10 We will screen all those discounts, offers and
information before they are sent, to ensure they
are relevant to home movers, and will also take
steps to ensure that you are only contacted by
any organisation a limited number of times.
20.11 We will not share this information if you indicate
on the application, or when you apply for the
Redirection service by telephone, that do not
want us to. You can also contact Customer
Services at any time to ask us not to share this
information and we will take action to remove
your details from this service.
20.12 We may also use the information about you
provided in the application to identify to other
organisations, after you have moved, that your
address has a new occupant, so they can send
the new occupants offers and information
relevant to home movers. You will not be
identifiable from what we share with those other
Promoting Royal Mail services
20.13 We may use the old address, new address and
move date specified in the application:
20.13.1 prior to the move date , to contact
the current occupants of the new
address, on an unnamed basis, to
suggest that they also apply for a
Redirection, so they continue to
receive mail after their move; and
20.13.2 after the move date , to contact the
new occupants of the old address, on
an unnamed basis, to offer them home
mover discounts, offers and information
from us.
20.14 We would also like to keep in touch with you
about our products, services and offers that
might interest you, including extensions to the
Redirection term. By submitting an application
you acknowledge that we may contact you by
post, email and telephone to do this but if you do
not want to hear from us by any or all of these
means, please mark X in the relevant box(es) on
the form.
20.15 In all the above cases, we have a legitimate
interest in marketing our services.
20.16 We may also use the information about you
This form is not for use by businesses.
(Please complete this form and return to the address below ONLY IF YOU WISH TO CANCEL this agreement).
Cancel my Redirection
To: Royal Mail Redirection Centre, Trent House, Media Way, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5ST.
I hereby give notice that I wish to cancel my agreement with Royal Mail for the Redirection Service.
Reference number:
Full name of applicant
: Date of birth
Old address
New address
Signature of applicant: Date:
*Information required for security purposes and must match information given in the original application.