Protocol for the Sampling and Analysis of
Finished Marijuana Products and
Marijuana Products for Marijuana
Establishments, Medical Marijuana
Treatment Centers, and Colocated
Marijuana Operations
Implemented March 11, 2021 and Revised December 30,
Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission
Steven J. Hoffman, Chairman
Nurys Camargo, Commissioner
Ava Callender Concepcion, Commissioner
Kimberly Roy, Commissioner
Bruce Stebbins, Commissioner
Shawn Collins, Executive Director
This document is issued by the Cannabis Control Commission. The applicable Marijuana laws,
which include M.G.L. c. 94I, 94G, 935 CMR 500.000 and 935 CMR 501.000, should be reviewed
as they may provide or clarify the legal requirements related to this document. This protocol
document should be checked periodically for revisions. Questions with regards to this document
may be directed to Commissi[email protected].
1.0 Purpose and Applicability.................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Applicability ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Definitions and Acronyms ................................................................................................. 5
3.0 Applicable Regulations .................................................................................................... 10
4.0 Sampling and Analysis Requirements ............................................................................. 11
4.1 Overview of Marijuana Products and their Production ................................................... 11
Exhibit 1. Overview of Marijuana Production ........................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Contaminant Testing .................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Cannabinoid Profile Testing ........................................................................................ 16
4.2.3 Usable Marijuana Content ........................................................................................... 16
5.0 Sampling Program Design ............................................................................................... 18
5.1 Representative Sampling ................................................................................................. 19
5.2 Representative Sampling by Physical Form and Quantity .............................................. 19
5.3 Sampling Guidance by Matrix ......................................................................................... 20
5.4 Quality Control (QC) Samples ........................................................................................ 21
6.0 Sample Collection Procedures ......................................................................................... 22
7.0 Sample Analysis .............................................................................................................. 25
7.1 Cannabinoid Profile ......................................................................................................... 25
7.2 Metals .............................................................................................................................. 25
7.2.1 Metals and Marijuana Vape Products ........................................................................... 26
7.3 Pesticides Residues and Plant Growth Regulators .......................................................... 27
7.4 Microbiological Contaminants and Mycotoxins ............................................................. 28
7.5 Residual Solvents ............................................................................................................ 28
7.6 Vitamin E Acetate ........................................................................................................... 29
8.0 Data Evaluation ............................................................................................................... 31
Reanalysis ................................................................................................................................... 31
Remediation ................................................................................................................................ 31
Destruction.................................................................................................................................. 31
9.0 References ....................................................................................................................... 34
1.0 Purpose and Applicability
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this protocol is to provide Massachusetts Marijuana Establishments, Medical
Marijuana Treatment Centers and Colocated Marijuana Operations (herein referred to collectively
as “Licensees”) with required and recommended best practices for the collection and analysis of
plant material and other finished adult-use and medical Marijuana products and Marijuana-infused
products (MIPs) to comply with Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission’s (“Commission”)
regulations: 935 CMR 500.000: Adult Use of Marijuana and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of
This protocol is subject to revision based on evolving best practices, updated scientific information
or standards/guidelines, or other information relevant to the contents of the protocol.
1.2 Applicability
This protocol applies only to Massachusetts Licensee operations, and not hardship cultivation
operations. Testing requirements in this protocol apply only to adult and medical-use Marijuana
and Marijuana products cultivated, manufactured, or otherwise intended to be dispensed or sold
by Massachusetts Licensees, including finished Marijuana and Marijuana products (i.e., plant
material, resin, concentrates and MIPs) made with finished Marijuana ingredients. This protocol
only addresses sampling and analysis to characterize cannabinoid identity and content profiles, and
biological (microbial and fungal) and chemical (e.g., solvents, pesticides, growth enhancers,
metals) contaminants introduced through cultivation of Marijuana plants and post-harvest
processing and handling of Marijuana products and ingredients.
This protocol does not apply to nutritional product testing, allergen testing, or characterization of
non-Marijuana ingredients in MIPs except as noted for vaporizer products. It does not address
sampling and analysis to verify compliance with state regulations or best practices for production
and handling of food products, pharmaceuticals, or dietary supplements, except for criteria for
biological and chemical contaminants that may be introduced through inclusion of Marijuana as
an ingredient.
Sampling and analysis of environmental media used for cultivation are addressed in a companion
protocol, Protocol for Sampling and Analysis of Environmental Media for Marijuana
Establishments, Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, and Colocated Marijuana Operations.
2.0 Definitions and Acronyms
Terms listed in italic typeface are those defined in 935 CMR 500.002: Definitions and 935 CMR
501.002: Definitions. Additional terms defined for this protocol are underlined and not in italic
typeface. Capitalized terms not defined here are defined in 935 CMR 500.002 or 935 CMR
Cannabinoid means any of several compounds produced by Marijuana plants that have medical
and psychotropic effects.
Cannabinoid Profile means amounts, expressed as the dry-weight percentages, of delta-nine--
tetrahydrocannnabinol, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, and cannabidiolic acid in a
Marijuana Product. Amounts of other cannabinoids may be reported but are not required.
Certificate of Registration means a certificate formerly and validly issued by the Department of
Public Health (DPH) or currently and validly issued by the Commission, that confirms an MTC,
ITL, individual or entity has met all applicable requirements pursuant to and 935 CMR 501.000:
Medical Use of Marijuana and is licensed by the Commission. An MTC or ITL may have been
issued a provisional or final Certificate of Registration. After November 1, 2019, new or renewal
Licenses, as applicable, may be issued to MTCs and Independent Testing Labs.
Colocated Marijuana Operations (CMO) means an MTC operating under a License pursuant to
935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana and a Marijuana Establishment operating under at
least one License pursuant to 935 CMR 500.000 on the same Premises. Colocated Marijuana
Operations pertain to cultivation, product manufacturing, and retail licenses, but not any other
adult-use License.
Commission means the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission as established by M.G.L.
c. 10, § 76, or its representatives. The Commission has authority to implement the state Marijuana
laws which include, but are not limited to, St. 2016, c. 334, The Regulation and Taxation of
Marijuana Act, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, An Act to Ensure Safe Access to Marijuana; M.G.L.
10, § 76, M.G.L. c. 94G; M.G.L. c. 94I; 935 CMR 500.000: Adult Use of Marijuana, and 935
CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana.
Consumer means a person who is 21 years of age or older.
Cultivation Batch means a collection of Cannabis or Marijuana plants from the same seed or plant
stock and that are cultivated and harvested together and receive an identical propagation and
cultivation treatment. including, but not limited to growing media, ambient conditions, watering,
and light regimes, agricultural or hydroponic inputs. Clones that come from the same plant are one
batch. The Licensee shall assign and record a unique, sequential alphanumeric identifier to each
Cultivation Batch for the purposes of production tracking, product labeling, and product recalls.
Department of Public Health (DPH) means the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, unless
otherwise specified. DPH is the agency that administered the Medical Use of Marijuana Program
prior to 2019.
Duplicate Samples means two samples taken from and representative of the same material that are
carried through all steps of the sampling and analytical procedures in an identical manner.
Duplicate samples may be used to evaluate variance in the assessment method, including sampling
and analysis.
Edibles means a Marijuana Product that is to be consumed by humans by eating or drinking. These
products, when created or sold by a Marijuana Establishment or an MTC, shall not be considered
a food or a drug as defined in M.G.L. c. 94, § 1.
First Amended Quarantine Order means the First Amended Quarantine Order Applying To
Vaporizer Products With Conditions M.G.L. c.94I, M.G.L., c. 94G, § 4(a)(xix) and (a
935 CMR 500.340: Quarantine Order, and 935 CMR 501.340: Quarantine Order issued by the
Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission on December 12, 2019.”
Finished Marijuana means Usable Marijuana, Cannabis resin, or Cannabis concentrate.
Finished Plant Material means usable Marijuana that has been trimmed and dried. Trimming
includes removing the leaves immediately subtending the buds as well as any dead leaves or stems.
Flowering means the gametophytic or reproductive state of Cannabis or Marijuana in which the
plant produces flowers, trichomes, and Cannabinoids characteristic of Marijuana.
Hardship Cultivation Registration means a registration issued to a Registered Qualifying Patient
under the requirements of 935 CMR 501.027.
Independent Testing Laboratory (ITL) means a laboratory that is licensed or registered by the
Commission and is:
a) Currently and validly licensed by the Commission;
b) Accredited to ISO 17025:2017 or the International Organization for Standardization
17025 by a third-party accrediting body that is a signatory to the International Laboratory
Accreditation Accrediting Cooperation mutual recognition arrangement or that is
otherwise approved by the Commission;
c) Independent financially from any MTC Marijuana Establishment or Licensee; and
d) Qualified to test Marijuana and Marijuana Products, including MIPs, in compliance with
M.G.L. c. 94C, § 34; M.G.L c. 94G, § 15; 935 CMR 500.000: Adult Use of Marijuana; and
935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana; and Commission protocol(s).
Licensee means a person or entity on the application and licensed by the Commission to operate a
Marijuana Establishment, Marijuana Treatment Center or ITL under St. 2016, c. 334, as amended
by St. 2017, c. 55, M.G.L. c. 94G, 935 CMR 500.000: Adult Use of Marijuana and 935 CMR
501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana. Any person or entity that solely provides initial capital to
establish or operate the establishment and to whom, in return for the initial capital, requires only
repayment of the loan and does not have any ownership or direct or indirect authority to control the
Marijuana Establishment or ITL, will not be a Licensee. For the purposes of this Guidance
Document, Licensee will be referred to as Marijuana Establishments, Marijuana Treatment Centers
and Colocated Marijuana Operations collectively.
Marijuana (or Cannabis) means all parts of any plant of the genus Cannabis, not excepted in 935
CMR 500.002: Marijuana (a) through (c) and whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; and resin
extracted from any part of the plant; Clones of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt,
derivative, mixture or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin including tetrahydrocannabinol as
defined in M.G.L. c. 94G, § 1; provided that Cannabis shall not include:
a) the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil, or cake made from the
seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or
preparation of the mature stalks, fiber, oil, or cake made from the seeds of the plant or the
sterilized seed of the plant that is incapable of germination;
b) Hemp; or
c) the weight of any other ingredient combined with Cannabis or Marijuana to prepare topical
or oral administrations, food, drink, or other products.
Marijuana Establishment (ME) means a Marijuana Cultivator (Indoor or Outdoor), Craft
Marijuana Cooperative, Marijuana Product Manufacturer, Marijuana Microbusiness, ITL,
Marijuana Retailer, Marijuana Transporter, Delivery Licensee, Marijuana Research Facility,
Social Consumption Establishment or any other type of licensed Marijuana-related business,
except a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC).
Marijuana-Infused Product (MIP) means a Marijuana Product infused with Marijuana that is
intended for use or consumption, including but not limited to Edibles, ointments, aerosols, oils,
and tinctures. A MIP when created or sold by a Marijuana Establishment or MTC, shall not be
considered a food or a drug as defined in M.G.L. c. 94, s. 1. MIPs are a type of Marijuana Product.
Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC), (Formerly Known as a Registered Marijuana
Dispensary (RMD)), means an entity licensed under 935 CMR 501.101 that acquires, cultivates,
possesses, Processes (including development of related products such as Edibles, MIPs, Tinctures,
aerosols, oils, or ointments), Repackages, transports, sells, distributes, delivers, dispenses, or
administers Marijuana, products containing Marijuana, related supplies, or educational materials
to Registered Qualifying Patients or their Personal Caregivers for medical use. Unless otherwise
specified, MTC refers to the site(s) of dispensing, cultivation, and preparation of Marijuana for
medical use.
Mycotoxin means a secondary metabolite of a micro-fungus that is capable of causing death or
illness in humans and other animals. For the purposes of 935 CMR 500.000: Adult Use of
Marijuana and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana, Mycotoxins shall include aflatoxin
B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1, aflatoxin G2, and ochratoxin A.
Pesticide means a substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying,
repelling, or mitigating any pest, and any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a
plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant; provided that Pesticide shall not include any article that is
a "new animal drug" within the meaning of § 201(v) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(21 U.S.C. § 321(v)), or that has been determined by the Secretary of the United States Department
of Health and Human Services not to be a new animal drug by a regulation establishing conditions
of use for the article, or that is an animal feed within the meaning of § 201(w) of such act (21
U.S.C. § 321(w)).
Production Batch means a batch of finished plant material, Cannabis resin, Cannabis concentrate,
or Marijuana-infused Product made at the same time, using the same methods, equipment, and
ingredients. The Licensee shall assign and record a unique, sequential alphanumeric identifier to
each Production Batch for the purposes of production tracking, product labeling, and product
recalls. All Production Batches shall be traceable to one or more Cannabis or Marijuana
Cultivation Batches.
Propagation means the reproduction of Cannabis or Marijuana plants by seeds, cuttings, or
Residual Solvent means a volatile organic chemical used in the manufacture of a Marijuana Product
that is not completely removed by practical manufacturing techniques.
Seed-to-sale System of Record means the electronic tracking system designated and required by
the Commission to perform a process (Metrc).
Tincture means a Cannabis-infused alcohol or oil concentrate administered orally in small amounts
using a dropper or measuring spoon. Tinctures are not considered an Edible under 935 CMR
500.000: Adult use of Marijuana and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana and are not
subject to the dosing limitations applicable to Edibles under 935 CMR 500.150(4).
Trichome means a cannabinoid-producing glandular structure that grows on the plant surface of
Marijuana plants, particularly on the buds of the female plant.
Usable Marijuana means the fresh or dried leaves and flowers of the female Marijuana plant and
any mixture or preparation thereof, including Marijuana, Marijuana Products or MIPs, but does
not include the seedlings, seeds, stalks, roots of the plant, or Marijuana rendered unusable in
accordance with 935 CMR 500.105(12)(c) and 935 CMR 501.105(12)(c).
Vegetation means the sporophytic state of the Cannabis or Marijuana plant, which is a form of
asexual reproduction in plants during which plants do not produce resin or flowers and are bulking
up to a desired production size for Flowering.
3.0 Applicable Regulations
This protocol was developed to provide Licensees with guidance on complying with 935 CMR
500.000: Adult Use of Marijuana and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana. In particular,
the detailed steps outlined in this protocol address requirements of the following sections of the
regulations. Licensees should be familiar with the applicable regulations to ensure full compliance.
935 CMR 500.105(1)(h), 935 CMR 501.105(1)(h): Plans for quality control, including
Marijuana product testing for contaminants.
935 CMR 500.105(3), 935 CMR 501.105(3): Handling of Marijuana.
935 CMR 500.105(5), 935 CMR 501.105(5): Labeling of Marijuana and Marijuana
935 CMR 500.120(6), 935 CMR 500.130(4), 935 CMR 501.120(6) and 935 CMR
501.130(4): Selling and Transferring of Marijuana and Marijuana Products between
935 CMR 500.160, 935 CMR 501.160 - Testing of Marijuana and Marijuana Products.
4.0 Sampling and Analysis Requirements
Sampling and analysis requirements apply to all Marijuana-containing products dispensed or sold
by Massachusetts Licensees, which may include finished plant material, Cannabis resin, Cannabis
concentrates (including vaporizer products), and MIPs. Because the nature and concentrations of
contaminants and cannabinoid compounds may change throughout the production process, from
cultivation through packaging, this section identifies the types of sampling and analysis that are
required for each type of product. The results of the sampling and analysis are required for both
quality control and labeling requirements (e.g., cannabinoid profile, testing certification).
Licensees must ensure and be able to demonstrate to the Commission, that product label
information complies with all applicable sections of 935 CMR 500.105(5): Labeling of Marijuana
and Marijuana Products and 935 CMR 501.105(5): Labeling of Marijuana and Marijuana
4.1 Overview of Marijuana Products and their Production
Marijuana products that may be dispensed by Licensees in Massachusetts include finished plant
material, Cannabis resin, Cannabis concentrates, and a variety of MIPs. Marijuana for all of these
product categories must originate with plants cultivated by a Licensee and all product labeling
must include a batch number to identify the batch associated with manufacturing and processing
(935 CMR 500.105(5) and 935 CMR 501.105(5)). Therefore, Licensees are responsible for
carefully tracking Marijuana throughout the production cycle, from cultivation through dispensing
to consumers and patients. Marijuana and Marijuana Products procured by a Licensee from another
Licensee pursuant to 935 CMR 500.120(6), 935 CMR 500.130(4), 935 CMR 501.120(6) and 935
CMR 501.130(4) must be tested by the supplying Licensee and documentation of testing consistent
with this protocol must be provided to the receiving Licensee by the supplying Licensee, along
with chain-of-custody documentation.
Exhibit 1. Overview of Marijuana Production
Exhibit 1 provides an overview of the adult and medical-use Marijuana production process as
regulated in Massachusetts by the Commission. During cultivation, plants are typically grown
from seed, cuttings, or through a tissue culture method called micropropagation (AHP 2013).
Under 935 CMR 500.002: Definitions and 935 CMR 501.002: Definitions, an MIP is defined as a
Marijuana Product infused with Marijuana that is intended for use or consumption including, but
not limited to Edibles, ointments, aerosols, oils, and Tinctures. A Marijuana-infused Product (MIP)
when created or sold by a Marijuana Establishment or MTC, shall not be considered a food or a
drug as defined in M.G.L. c. 94, § 1.
Plants may be grown in soil, other solid growth media, or in hydroponic systems. All cultivation
methods place the plants in contact with environmental media and other inputs, such as soil or
agricultural products, which have the potential to introduce chemical or biological contaminants.
Because active compounds are at their highest concentration on the inflorescences of the female
plant, Marijuana plants are harvested when the plants reach peak maturity. Post-harvest handling
steps include drying and trimming, which should be managed carefully to avoid mold and bacterial
growth and to preserve active compounds. For further details on medical Marijuana cultivation
and post-harvest handling methods, refer to AHP (2013).
Harvested and dried Marijuana plants can be used directly to produce any of the three finished
Marijuana types:
1. Dried and trimmed usable Marijuana, the inflorescences (i.e., “buds”), may be used directly
(e.g., smoked) without further processing. It also may be used as a source material for other
finished Marijuana products or as an ingredient in MIPs.
2. Cannabis resin, commonly referred to as “hashish” or “hash,” is formed by collecting and
compressing cannabinoid-containing resin glands (i.e., trichomes). Cannabis resin also
includes “bubble hash,” which is made by extracting the resin glands using cold water and
physical separation.
3. Concentrates, which include various oils, waxes, and solids, are produced with solvent
extraction methods. Vape products that heat Cannabis oils fall under this classification.
Concentrates have higher cannabinoid concentrations than other finished Marijuana
products, but also may contain residuals of potentially harmful solvents if not manufactured
properly. In addition, any contaminants present in the source plant material may be
concentrated in a resin or concentrate product.
4.2 Commission Marijuana Testing Requirements
Testing for finished Marijuana and Marijuana products includes screening for chemical and
biological contaminants (Section 4.2.1) and cannabinoid profile testing (Section 4.2.2). Section
4.2.3 discusses methods for determining the amount of usable Marijuana contained within a
dispensed or sold product, as required for product labeling. Sections 5.0 through 7.0 further
describe the detailed sampling frequency, sample collection procedures, and analyses required for
contaminant and cannabinoid profile testing.
This protocol defines the minimum testing required to conform with 935 CMR 500.000: Adult Use
of Marijuana and 935 CMR 501.000: Medical Use of Marijuana. Licensees have discretion to
perform analysis beyond these requirements.
Testing for media used in Marijuana cultivation is discussed in the companion Protocol for Sampling and Analysis
of Environmental Media for Marijuana Establishments, Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers and Colocated
Marijuana Operations
Product problems should be reported to the Commission when there is a concern about the quality,
authenticity, performance, or safety of any finished Marijuana or Marijuana product. Problems
with product quality may occur during manufacturing, shipping, or storage. These may include:
suspected counterfeit product;
product contamination;
defective components;
poor packaging or product mix-up;
questionable stability;
labeling concerns; and
unknown fillers and cutting agents
Testing laboratories and Licensees are often the first to recognize a product quality problem.
Individuals shall report any concerns to the Commission by phone: (774) 415-0200; email:
[email protected]; or via Mail to:
Cannabis Control Commission
2 Washington Square Union Station 2
Floor Worcester, MA 01604
4.2.1 Contaminant Testing
Contaminant testing requirements are based on the contaminants potentially introduced at each
stage of production. Exhibit 2 identifies the potential contaminants of concern during each stage
of Marijuana production and the testing requirements for each product type.
Cultivation is not in the scope of testing of this protocol but is included in Exhibit 2 to identify the
contaminants of concern potentially introduced during cultivation. These include non-organic
pesticides, metals, and other synthetic organic compounds in environmental media or other
cultivation inputs (e.g., soil amendments, hydroponic products), as well as fungal and bacterial
growth on the plants. Environmental media must be tested, as described in the Protocol for
Sampling and Analysis of Environmental Media for Marijuana Establishments, Medical Marijuana
Treatment Centers and Colocated Marijuana Operations, to reduce the introduction of chemical
contaminants during cultivation. However, this testing will not necessarily ensure that the
Marijuana plants are free of chemical contaminants and does not address fungal/bacterial
infestation. Therefore, Marijuana products must be tested for chemical contamination before they
can be distributed, dispensed, or sold and consumed.
Marijuana should be cultivated and harvested in traceable “cultivation batches,” such that all
Marijuana within a cultivation batch has been produced with the same seed or plant stock, soil or
other solid growing media, water, other agricultural/hydroponic inputs, and growing conditions.
Cultivation batches should be sequentially numbered and traced throughout post-harvest
production steps, and manufacturing/processing batch numbers must be included on the labels of
all products to facilitate product recalls.
Finished Plant Material
Finished plant material dispensed or sold to patients or consumer consists of usable Marijuana that
has been trimmed and dried. Trimming includes removing the leaves immediately subtending the
buds as well as any dead leaves or stems. A “production batch” of finished plant material must be
traceable to one or more cultivation batch(es). All production batches of finished plant material
must be tested for pesticides and metals, which may be introduced during cultivation. Production
batches intended for dispensing and direct use as adult use or medical product must also be tested
for biological contaminants (bacteria, fungi, and mycotoxins), as shown in Exhibit 2.
Finished plant material is tested instead of living or freshly harvested plants because drying and
trimming may affect the concentrations of contaminants and because fungal/bacterial growth may
occur during finishing.
Finished plant material that exceeds a limit (see Section 7.0) for any contaminant included in the
required testing cannot be distributed as finished Marijuana without first being reanalyzed and/or
remediated pursuant to 935 CMR 500.160(13) and 935 CMR 501.160(12). The Commission may
require additional contaminant screenings to ensure compliance.
Cannabis Resins and Concentrates
Cannabis resins and concentrates may be produced from the finished plant material of one or more
cultivation batches. If the finished plant material fails to meet a required testing requirement, but
the finished plant material is not dispensed or sold to a patient or consumer, then it may be used to
derive resins and concentrates. The resins and concentrates may be dispensed or sold as long as
they meet the respective concentration limit identified in Section 7.0. Each production batch of
Cannabis resin or concentrate must be given a sequential identifier for product tracking and
labeling. The Licensee must keep records of the Marijuana cultivation batch(es) used for each
production batch and include the manufacturing/processing batch number on product labels.
Testing requirements for Cannabis resins and concentrates are summarized in Exhibit 2. Because
these products may be made only from plant material that has already tested below limits for
pesticides, testing for these contaminants is not required again. However, Cannabis concentrates
must be tested for metals, as well as residual solvents if solvents were used in their production. If
Cannabis concentrates are produced or extracted with solvent free processes, a solvent screening
is not required. Specifically, testing is required for any solvent used to make a Cannabis
concentrate production batch.
All Cannabis resin or concentrate production batches intended for distribution to patients and
consumers as finished Marijuana products must be tested for bacteria, fungi, and mycotoxins.
Testing for these biological contaminants is not required for Cannabis resin or concentrate
production batches that will be used only to manufacture MIPs.
If required testing finds that a production batch of Cannabis resin or concentrate exceeds any
applicable contaminant limit (see Section 7.0), the production batch cannot be dispensed or sold
as a finished Marijuana product without first being reanalyzed and/or remediated followed by
additional required contaminant screening to ensure compliance.
Marijuana Vaporizer Products
The provisions set forth in this protocol, in conjunction with 935 CMR 500.105(5)(c)(7), 935 CMR
500.140(13), 935 CMR 500.160(2), 935 CMR 501.105(5)(c)(7), 935 CMR 501.160(2) and 935
CMR 501.140(11), aim to mitigate the known risks associated with Marijuana vaporizer products
that utilize concentrated marijuana oils (vape products). At the time of adoption of this protocol
there remain many unknown factors and variables regarding the long-term use and overall effects
of using vape products. This section of the guidance protocol addresses several issues and
challenges faced when regulating legal vape products in the Commonwealth.
The Commission will continue to facilitate the availability of regulated, legal vape products while
also taking steps toward mitigating potential health risks associated with vape products. The
Commission understands the need to continue to develop and implement regulations and guidance
informed by scientific research that will reflect additional studies into the health effects of utilizing
vape products. This Guidance Protocol document shall be updated as new information becomes
available to the Commission through its ongoing investigations and findings, as well as through
industry research and scientific studies.
Marijuana-Infused Products
The Commission assumes that all MIP production batches will be destined to be either dispensed
or sold for patient or consumer use. Therefore, all MIP production batches must be tested for
biological contaminants (bacteria, fungi, and mycotoxins). Production batches must be discarded
and not dispensed or sold to patients or consumers if any biological contaminant limit is exceeded.
MIPs may be made only with finished Marijuana products that have passed applicable metals,
pesticide, and solvent testing requirements. For this reason, testing MIPs for metals, pesticide, and
solvent contaminants is not required. However, Licensees have discretion to perform this testing
of MIPs voluntarily.
Each MIP production batch must be given a sequential identifier (ID) for product tracking and
labeling. Records must be kept that identify the cultivation batch(es) and finished Marijuana
production batches associated with each MIP production batch. The manufacturing/processing
batch number must be included on product labels to aid in product tracking and recalls.
4.2.2 Cannabinoid Profile Testing
All Marijuana products, shown in Exhibit 1, including any finished Marijuana or MIP, must bear
a label that identifies the list of ingredients, including the cannabinoid profile of the Marijuana
contained within the product, including the THC level (935 CMR 500.105(5), 935 CMR
501.105(5)). Therefore, for the purposes of labeling Marijuana products in Massachusetts, the
cannabinoid profile must include, at a minimum, the percentage by dry weight (i.e., the weight of
the material remaining after it has been thoroughly dried) of D9- tetrahydrocannnabinol (D9-
THC), cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa), and cannabidiolic Acid (CBDa).
Medicinal benefits have been attributed to other cannabinoids, and these compounds may be
included in the cannabinoid profile at the discretion of the Licensee
It is important to note that heat (including combustion) can cause chemical reactions that convert
cannabinoids to more or less potent forms. For example, combustion (e.g., during smoking) causes
non-psychotropic cannabinoid acids, abundant in the plant material, to be converted to
psychotropic forms.
Because production of finished Marijuana products and MIPs may affect cannabinoid chemistry,
as well as the concentration or dilution of active ingredients, each product type must be tested to
characterize the cannabinoid content and profile.
4.2.3 Usable Marijuana Content
935 CMR 500.105(5)(a)(4), (b)(4),(c)(4),(d)(5) and 935 CMR 501.105(5)(a)(4), (b)(4), (c)(4),
(d)(5) require labels of Marijuana products to identify the net weight, which does not include
packaging, or volume of usable Marijuana contained within the product expressed in U.S.
customary units and metric units. Massachusetts has determined that 10 (ten) ounces of finished
plant material is the maximum 60-daysupply allowed for medical marijuana patients. While the 60-
day supply defaults to 10 (ten) ounces of finished plant material, the 60-day supply may be
modified by a Certifying Healthcare Provider.
When finished plant material is used to derive Cannabis resin or concentrates, processing alters
the physical form and quantity (i.e., weight and volume) of the usable Marijuana. To enable the
comparison of usable Marijuana in the various product types, DPH originally developed
assumptions that should be used to express the quantity of usable Marijuana in Cannabis resins or
concentrates in terms of the equivalent ounces of plant material. Based on Colorado Department
of Revenue (2015) sources previously reviewed by DPH, it can be assumed that the yield of a
Cannabis resin or concentrate is 19 percent of the starting weight of plant material.
This is based on the assumption that a typical butane extraction from 28.4 g (1 oz.) of flower will
yield 5.5 g of oil.
When the weight of Cannabis resin or concentrate in a dispensed product is known, the quantity of
usable Marijuana, expressed in equivalent plant material weight, should be calculated by
multiplying the resin or concentrate weight by 5.3 (i.e., 1 ÷ 0.19). For example, the quantity of
usable Marijuana in 1.9 ounces of Cannabis oil is 10 ounces (1.9 ounces of Cannabis oil x 5.3 =
10 ounces of usable Marijuana). Therefore, 1.9 ounces of Cannabis oil is equivalent to the
maximum 60-day supply of useable plant material, unless otherwise modified by a Certifying
Healthcare Provider.
The amount of usable Marijuana in a MIP is equal to the amount of usable Marijuana included in
the product ingredients, measured before mixing, baking, or other processing or manufacturing
steps. If more than one type of finished Marijuana ingredient is used to prepare a MIP, the amount
of usable Marijuana in the MIP is the sum of the usable Marijuana in the ingredients.
5.0 Sampling Program Design
Under 935 CMR 500.160(2) and 935 CMR 501.160(2), Marijuana and Marijuana products must
be tested for the cannabinoid profile and contaminants. The Marijuana products to be tested
include: finished plant material (i.e., inflorescences or “buds”), Cannabis resin, Cannabis
concentrates, and various types of MIPs. The purpose of testing is to ensure product quality and
safety, and to provide information needed for product labeling requirements.
Because it is not possible to test all Marijuana, Licensees must collect representative samples to
provide to one of the Commission’s licensed Independent Testing Laboratories. Specifically, each
Marijuana production batch must be sampled and analyzed, and the samples collected for a
production batch must be representative of all of the Marijuana in the batch. The protocol provides
the following definition of production batch:
Per 935 CMR 500.002 and 935 CMR 501.002, Production Batch means a batch of finished plant
material, Cannabis resin, Cannabis concentrate, or Marijuana-infused Product made at the same
time, using the same methods, equipment, and ingredients. The Licensee shall assign and record a
unique, sequential alphanumeric identifier to each Production Batch for the purposes of production
tracking, product labeling, and product recalls. All Production Batches shall be traceable to one or
more Cannabis or Marijuana Cultivation Batches.
Samples from each Production Batch must be collected in a ready-to-use condition. For Production
Batches that will be dispensed or sold to patients or consumers, ready-to-use means ready for
packaging or post-packaging. For other Production Batches, ready-to use means ready for use as
an intermediate or ingredient in making other products. After samples are collected, the entire
Production Batch must be stored in a secure, cool, and dry location until analytical results are
returned by the laboratory.
Sampling frequency is dictated by the production schedules, which may vary among Licensees
due to scale, product types dispensed and sold, and patient and consumer demand. The Licensee
is responsible for implementing a Production Batch tracking approach that meets the regulatory
needs and definitions as well as ensuring representative sample collection and analysis of those
batches. The Licensees must be able to demonstrate to the Commission that the production
tracking, sampling, and analysis procedures are capable of obtaining representative samples. The
guidelines below are provided to aid Licensees in developing an approach that meets Commission
requirements for representativeness.
To perform required testing, Licensees will collect samples to be analyzed by licensed and
appropriately certified ITL, as noted in Section 7 of this protocol. The amounts of sample required
for cannabinoid or contaminant testing may vary by analytical method and laboratory- specific
procedures, therefore the Licensee should confer with the ITL to determine the minimum sample
size required for evaluation. In all cases, the amount of sample supplied to the laboratory should
be large enough and sufficiently homogenized to provide a representative sample of the Production
Batch but not in excess to raise issues with possible diversion or waste disposal.
5.1 Representative Sampling
Specific procedures for collecting representative samples of Marijuana Production Batches are
likely to vary depending on several attributes of the products and production methods:
Homogeneity A sample is more likely to accurately represent the Production Batch if the material
is homogenous (i.e., well mixed). Mixing or other homogenization steps help to homogenize the
product before sample collection.
Physical Form – Production Batches will vary in physical form (e.g., liquids, solids), density, and
viscosity. Physical form can affect homogeneity, homogenization steps, and sample collection
methods. For example, liquid products can be homogenized by stirring. Grinding and other
methods described further below can be used to homogenize solid products.
Quantity Because Production Batches may vary in scale (i.e., volume or weight), varying
numbers or sizes of samples may be required to promote representativeness.
In addition, sample representativeness can be affected by the timing and frequency of sample
collection. Because of variation among production schedules (e.g., due to product type, production
scale, patient, and consumer demand), sampling frequencies will vary among Licensees and
Production Batches. However, representativeness will be ensured by the requirement that all
Production Batches are tested.
5.2 Representative Sampling by Physical Form and Quantity
Exhibit 3 provides instructions for representative sampling of Marijuana Production Batches,
including finished Marijuana products and MIPs. These instructions were developed based on
sampling guidance for food products and herbal medicines developed by the United States
Pharmacopeia Chapter 561 (USP, Undated-b), and account for differences in the physical forms
of the Production Batches as they relate to homogeneity and quantity. If application of these
guidelines is impractical for specific products, it is the responsibility of the Licensee to develop
and document a scientifically defensible sampling approach.
Homogeneity plays an important role in methods for representative sampling. While liquid
products such as Cannabis oil and liquid MIPs can be stirred or mixed to homogenize the product
before sampling, other products such as Cannabis resin, baked goods, or hard candies cannot.
Homogenization of some solid products, such as ground plant material or semi-solid resin is
possible. Because of its importance, further guidance on homogenization methods is provided in
Section 5.3.
5.3 Sampling Guidance by Matrix
Finished Marijuana products and MIPs can be in varied physical states or matrix (e.g., liquids to
hard solids). To better understand the specific requirements the following guidance is provided
based on the matrix of the material to be characterized.
Liquids (Cannabis Oil and Some MIPs)
Liquid products such as Cannabis oil or liquid MIPs should be thoroughly stirred or mixed before
sampling to ensure homogenization of the sample. Cannabis oil or other liquid Cannabis from each
Production Batch should be sampled using units of volume. Samples of concentrates or oils should
be collected following each Production Batch if they are to be dispensed or sold, and before any
further processing into MIPs.
Finished Plant Material or Friable MIPs
Sampling shall be performed such that the dried and trimmed inflorescences, or buds, of the
Marijuana plant that are collected are representative in maturity and composition of the entire
production Batch of finished plant material. The sampling timeframe for Marijuana buds should
be after the completion of the finishing (i.e., drying and trimming) of the plant material Production
Homogenization of the finished plant material may be difficult to accomplish prior to sampling
due to the heterogeneous nature of the finished plant material. Recommendations from ISO 1839-
1980 guidelines for sampling loose leaf tea (i.e., a material similar in nature to Cannabis plant
material) state that in most cases it is “impracticable and purposeless” to re-blend the contents of
a large container of tea in order to obtain a representative sample. USP guidance for sampling
articles of botanical origin (USP Chapter <561>) recommends that, for items with component parts
larger than 1 cm in any dimension, samples should be withdrawn by hand, then combined and
mixed prior to analysis. ISO 1839-1980 also states that if the primary samples consist of loose
material, they should be combined to constitute the bulk sample for evaluation.
Quartering is a method to promote the representativeness of a homogenized Marijuana sample.
Quartering involves heaping the adequately mixed and homogenized ground product into a square
shape, dividing the heap into four equal quarters, and selecting samples from two of the opposite
quarters, which are mixed and sampled (Sexton and Ziskind, 2013; USP Chapter
<561>; WHO, 2007). The remaining quarters may then be combined and mixed, then used for
microbiological and contaminant testing (Sexton and Ziskind, 2013; USP Chapter <561>; WHO,
2007). The quartering process may be repeated until the required quantity is obtained, and the
remaining material may be returned to the batch if possible (USP Chapter <561>; WHO, 2007).
Solids and semi-solids (Cannabis Resin and Some MIPs)
Solid and semi-solid products such as resin should be ground and thoroughly mixed, if possible,
to be homogenized (USP Chapter <561>; WHO, 2007). A grinding device that minimizes loss
(e.g., leaching of resins from finished plant material) should be used, and the grinding device
should be cleaned thoroughly after each use. Once ground, quartering, as described above, can be
used to collect the sample.
If grinding is impracticable, subsamples of the product should be taken from different areas of the
product mass. For example, it might be possible to slice the product mass in sections prior to
collection of subsamples or take the subsamples directly from different locations on the product
surface (e.g., lower, middle, and upper).
Resin and other solids should not be melted as a means of homogenization. Heating the product
may alter the cannabinoid profile or contaminant levels (WHO, 2005) thereby rendering the
sample unrepresentative of the source product.
When subsamples are required, subsamples should be composited (combined), if possible, and
mixed to obtain a quantity sufficient for evaluation. The quantity sufficient for evaluation may
vary by analytical method and laboratory-specific procedures, therefore the Licensee should confer
with the ITL to determine the minimum sample quantity required for evaluation.
Compositing subsamples may be impractical for some product types (e.g., hard candies or other
products in discrete solid units). In these cases, individual product units can be provided to the ITL
as samples for analysis. In some cases, the ITL may combine extracts or digestates prepared from
the solid subsamples and analyze the volumetrically combined extract/digestate as a composite.
5.4 Quality Control (QC) Samples
Duplicate samples shall be collected to provide verification of sampling and laboratory procedures.
Specifically, a duplicate should be collected for 5 percent (1 per 20) of the samples collected for
each Marijuana product type. Duplicate samples shall not be identified to the ITL (this is
considered blind quality control). Duplicate samples are used to evaluate any variance in the
sampling and analysis procedures. To ensure authenticity, it should be noted that QC samples
should be taken on the same day and be derived from the same batch.
6.0 Sample Collection Procedures
This section describes sample collection procedures that are generally applicable to any Marijuana
product that Licensees may dispense or sell, including, but not limited to, finished plant material;
liquid concentrates or MIPs; resins, waxes, creams, or other semi-solid products; or solid
concentrates or MIPs; or vape products. Because of the wide range of Marijuana products that
Licensees may offer, particularly MIPs, these sample collection procedures may require adaptation
in some cases.
In all cases, sample collection must be conducted in a manner that provides analytically sound and
representative samples so that all Marijuana products dispensed or sold are safe, effective, and
accurately labeled. The Licensee must document every sampling event and provide this
documentation to the Commission upon request.
Prior to Sample Collection, the Licensee should assemble all equipment and information needed
before beginning. Items to assemble before sampling include, but are not limited to, the following:
Sample collection plan for each product type;
Logbook or sample collection forms;
Chain-of-custody forms (COCs);
Disposable gloves;
Decontaminated tool(s), such as a spatula, knife, sampling spear, or pipette;
Stainless steel bowl and implement to homogenize the product (e.g., by stirring, chopping,
or grinding);
Clean decontaminated surface for sample processing;
Sample containers appropriate for the analyses required;
Container labels and pen with indelible ink;
Supplies to thoroughly clean, decontaminated, and dry sampling equipment between
samples; and
A cooler with ice to keep samples cool until refrigeration or shipment to the laboratory.
Sample collection personnel should create a new entry for each sampling event in a sample
collection logbook or prepare sample collection forms for documentation of sample collection.
Sample collection documentation should identify the sample collection date and start time,
participating personnel, a general description of the product type and batch number sampled, a
description of the sampling procedures used, and a record of batches that would potentially be
impacted should analysis results indicate unacceptable contamination levels.
Sample collection personnel shall identify or determine the Cultivation Batch number, Production
Batch, and number of samples to be collected based on the guidance provided in Section 5, as well
as further guidance obtained in consultation with the ITLs. The number of samples taken from
each Cultivation and/or Production Batch must be recorded in the sample collection logbook or
forms. Record the sample Cultivation and/or Production batch identifiers (ID) for each sample.
The batch IDs will be included on sample labels. In addition to the batch ID, create a unique sample
ID for each sample. Sample identifiers should be unique for a given sample event.
Record the batch and sample IDs in the sample collection logbook.
Any tools that contact the samples should be made of stainless steel or other inert material to avoid
potential contamination of the sample. Appropriate sample containers should be made of suitable
Preparing sample labels and affixing them to sample containers immediately before sampling is
recommended. Information to include on the label includes at a minimum the batch and sample
IDs and date/time of collection and by whom. Additional information that must be recorded in
documentation, if not on the label, includes sample collector’s name, product type, collection
method, and other details about the product, such as MIP type or production method.
Sample Collection. Collect the planned samples from each cultivation or production batch one at
a time. Follow these basic steps for each sample:
1. Wear disposable gloves to mitigate potential for contamination of samples.
2. Ensure that the sampling area is clean and decontaminated and lay out any tools and
equipment needed.
3. Collect the sample using an appropriate tool. Do not touch the sample with your hands or
allow the sample to touch anything that might cause cross contamination.
4. If necessary, place the sample in the stainless-steel bowl or on a decontaminated cutting
surface for homogenizing the sample using either the sample collection tool or separate
clean, decontaminated implement.
5. Record the time each sample was collected and record any difficulties, inconsistencies with
the sampling plan, or other remarks (e.g., environmental conditions) that might be relevant
to data analysis or quality assurance.
6. To avoid cross contamination of samples, any tools or equipment that comes in contact
with the finished plant material or other Marijuana products should be cleaned before
collecting the next sample.
7. All samples should be placed in clean, airtight sample containers that are large enough to
hold the prescribed sample quantity with minimal headspace. Sample containers must be
firmly closed and appropriately labeled.
8. To preserve the chemical and biological composition of the samples, they should be
refrigerated or maintained on ice until shipped to the analytical laboratory.
9. Chain-of-custody paperwork should be completed immediately prior to shipment to the
analytical laboratory.
Marijuana products and MIPs, especially solids or semi-solids such as finished plant material, may
be heterogeneous with respect to distribution of cannabinoids or contaminants. To obtain a
representative sample, liquid products should be thoroughly stirred or mixed before sampling.
Solid and semi-solid products must be ground and thoroughly mixed. A grinding device that
minimizes loss (e.g., leaching of resins) should be used, and the grinding device should be cleaned
thoroughly after each use.
Another method to promote the representativeness of a ground Marijuana product is quartering.
Quartering involves heaping the ground product, dividing the heap into four equal quarters, and
selecting samples from two of the quarters, which are combined and mixed (Sexton and Ziskind,
2013). The remaining quarters may then be combined and mixed, then used for microbiological
and contaminant testing (Sexton and Ziskind, 2013).
Resin and other solids should not be melted as a means of homogenization. Heating the product
may alter the cannabinoid profile or contamination levels (WHO, 2005) thereby rendering the
sample unrepresentative of the source product.
Edible products tend to be relatively homogeneous (Sexton and Ziskind, 2013), so a selection of
packaged or ready-to-dispense MIPs may be provided to the analytical laboratory to represent a
given production batch (Sexton and Ziskind, 2013). MIPs may be either liquid or solid, and the
solid MIPs may be of varying density (e.g., baked goods and candies). Laboratory samples of MIPs
shall be homogenized prior to testing such that the sample is representative of the whole product.
Homogenized samples should be mixed and quartered similar to the procedure described above. If
production batches of individually packaged MIPs are sampled, multiple packaged products
should be sampled such that they are representative of the production batch size.
7.0 Sample Analysis
All sample analyses described in this protocol shall be conducted by an Independent Testing
Laboratory (ITL) that is either:
1. Accredited to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025 by a third-party
accrediting body such as A2LA or ACLASS, or
2. Certified, registered, or accredited by an organization approved by the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health.
3. Licensed with the Commission pursuant to 935 CMR 500.050(7) and 935 CMR 501.052.
Further requirements concerning the eligibility and responsibilities of analytical laboratories are
provided in 935 CMR 500.029 and 935 CMR 501.029.
In addition to the regulatory qualifications and requirements referenced above, the ITL should
have a demonstrated ability to perform the specific analytical methods required and to provide
defensible documentation and quality assurance.
The sections below identify the analytical methods and analyses required for characterizing the
cannabinoid profile of Marijuana products, as well as the presence and levels of potential
contaminants, including metals, pesticides and plant growth regulators, microbiological
contaminants and mycotoxins, and residual solvents.
7.1 Cannabinoid Profile
Although many cannabinoids and related compounds are present in the Cannabis plant,
characterization of the cannabinoid profile should include, at a minimum, the dry-weight
percentage of delta-nine-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
Because target cannabinoid contents and ratios may vary depending on the desired dosage and
other use considerations, minimum profile standards are not mandated. However, the cannabinoid
profile must be included in product labeling under 935 CMR 500.105(5) and 935 CMR 501.105(5).
Analytical procedures for determining cannabinoid profiles are available in AHP (2013).
7.2 Metals
Finished Marijuana products must be tested for the four metals listed in Exhibit 4. Quantification
of metals must be performed with a validated method. A production batch of finished Marijuana
products (e.g., finished plant material, Cannabis resin, or Cannabis concentrate) may only be
dispensed or sold to patients or consumer if all four of the metals are below the upper limits for
the respective product and intended use specified in Exhibit 4 (e.g., ingestion only or all other
uses). These limits are in micrograms (µg) of contaminant per kilogram (kg) of product
If the quantification of metals in finished Marijuana is below the upper limits specified for
“Ingestion Use Only”, as described in Exhibit 4 (b), the production batch of finished Marijuana
must bear the additional label:
7.2.1 Metals and Marijuana Vape Products
Heavy metal accumulations are an issue of particular concern when analyzing and assessing the
potential health impacts associated with the use of vape products. Instances of elevated levels of
heavy metals have been identified in vape products tested by the Commission that have been
subject to quarantine in accordance with the First Amended Quarantine Order Applying to
Vaporizer Products with Conditions (“First Amended Quarantine Order”), issued on December
12, 2019. In some cases, the sampled vape product(s) failed testing due to heavy metal
concentrations in excess of allowable limits. The upper allowable limit for heavy metals in
Marijuana and Marijuana products is 500 parts per billion (ppb) for all uses and 1,000 ppb for
ingestion only as stated in Exhibit 4.
The leaching of heavy metals into vape products may be due to a number of factors including time,
device composition, temperature, and usage. The factor of time is particularly concerning because
it is not known how long leaching occurs after vape devices are filled with cannabis oil. In the
absence of sufficient information developed over the course of long-term studies regarding vape
devices that all potential contributing factors that impact the leaching of metals into vape products
will continue to be monitored and investigated by the Commission. Accordingly, Licensees shall
continue to conduct a second heavy metal screening requirement on all finished vape products
subject to the First Amended Quarantine Order.
Every vape product sold must be accompanied with a written insert at the point of sale which
identifies the manufacturer of the device and its known components, including the battery, and
discloses materials used in the device’s atomizer coil (e.g. titanium, titanium alloy, quartz, copper,
nichrome, Kanthal, or other specified materials). Specific additives used in the production of the
vape product, including thickening agents, thinning agents, and terpenes, shall also be disclosed
along with their Certificates of Analysis. The Commission will continue to gather information
regarding the manufacturing and design specifications of the vape cartridge and devices and will
update this Guidance Protocol regarding heavy metal accumulations in vape products accordingly.
7.3 Pesticides Residues and Plant Growth Regulators
Non-organic pesticides may not be used to cultivate Marijuana in Massachusetts (935 CMR
500.120(5) and 935 CMR 501.120(5). As discussed in Section 5, all production batches of finished
plant material must be tested for residues of prohibited pesticides. At a minimum, samples of
finished plant material must be tested for the pesticides, including plant growth regulators, listed
in Exhibit 5. Exhibit 5 identifies appropriate analytical methods for each of the listed pesticides.
A production batch of finished plant material may be dispensed to consumers, patients or be used
to make other Marijuana products if no individual pesticide or plant growth regulator is detected
above 10 ppb. A laboratory that is unable to perform the required testing of pesticide residues at
or below the 10 parts per billion (ppb) criteria may determine compliance by ensuring that any
pesticide residues are present at a level less than or equal to 5 percent of the US EPA tolerance for
the specific residue. EPA pesticide tolerances are available from Title 40 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR). In such circumstances, DPH should be notified regarding the specific
pesticides to which this method is being applied.
Marijuana and Marijuana products shall be tested for contaminants specified by the Commission
but not limited to any plant growth regulators and the presence of pesticide. State law prohibits
use of pesticides on marijuana cultivation. The Commission applies a 10 parts per billion (10 ppb)
threshold to determine detection of pesticides for purposes of compliance with pre-market testing
requirements. Any product that obtains a true value at the limit of detection (LOD) concentration
means there is at least a 99% probability of reporting a detection. Pesticide detection above the
LOD but below the quantification limit (BQL) is also considered out of compliance.
The ITL’s shall report the pesticide levels in Marijuana products that are detected in the certificate
of analysis. If a sample is found to contain pesticides or is above the permissible limits in the
pesticides table (exhibit 5), it is considered out of compliance and or a failure. Under 935 CMR
500.120(5) and 935 CMR 501.120(5) licensees are required to immediately report to the
Commission any test result indicating pesticide noncompliance. The associated product batch may
not be released for retail sale and may not be remediated.
Exhibit 5 requires Marijuana and Marijuana products to be tested for the following pesticides:
1. Bifenazate (Miticide)
2. Bifenthrin (Insecticide)
3. Cyfluthrin (Insecticide)
4. Extoxazole (Insecticide/Insect Growth Regulator)
5. Imazalil (Fungicide)
6. Imidacloprid (Insecticide)
7. Myclobutanil (Fungicide)
8. Spiromesifen (Insecticide)
9. Trifloxystrobin (Fungicide)
Acknowledging that no method currently exists that analyzes all registered pesticides efficiently
(USDA, 2012a), USDA developed a “target” analyte list of 195 prohibited pesticides (USDA,
2011). Under USDA procedures for pesticide residue testing in organic food (USDA, 2013;
USDA, 2014), Specifically, pesticide testing should be performed consistent with the following
sections of National Organic Program Handbook: Guidance and Instructions for Accredited
Certifying Agents and Certified Operations (USDA, 2014):
NOP 2611: Laboratory Selection Criteria for Pesticide Residue Testing NOP 2611-1:
Prohibited Pesticides for NOP Residue Testing
NOP 2613: Responding to Results from Pesticide Residue Testing
A further discussion of the application of this testing approach is available in USDA’s 2010 - 2011
Pilot Study Pesticide Residue Testing of Organic Produce (USDA, 2012b).
7.4 Microbiological Contaminants and Mycotoxins
Analytical requirements for microbiological contaminants and mycotoxins are listed in Exhibit 6.
Requirements for total viable aerobic bacteria, total yeast and mold, total coliforms, and bile-
tolerant gram-negative bacteria are given in colony forming unit (CFU) counts per mass of product
sample. The requirement for pathogenic E. coli and Salmonella spp. is based on detection in a one-
gram sample, and the requirement for mycotoxins is based on the concentration per kilogram of
sample. Analytical methods for enumerating and identifying specific microbiological
contaminants must be consistent with the following United States Pharmacopeia (USP) chapters:
USP Chapter <61>: Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Microbial
Enumeration Tests. USP 36, Chapter <61>
USP Chapter <62>: Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Tests for
specified Microorganisms. USP 36, Chapter <62>
Analytical methods for mycotoxins must be consistent with USP chapter:
USP Chapter <561>: Articles of Botanical Origin. USP 36, Chapter <561>
7.5 Residual Solvents
As discussed in Section 4.2.1, residual solvents testing is required only for Cannabis resins and
concentrates where solvents have been used in the production process. In particular, a production
batch of Cannabis oil may be dispensed or sold as a finished Marijuana product or used to make
another Marijuana product only if:
Laboratory analysis verifies that all solvents used at any stage of Cannabis oil production,
except in cleaning equipment, are below the limits provided in Exhibit 6; and
The production batch passes all other applicable testing requirements.
Only solvents listed in Exhibit 7 may be used in the production of Cannabis oil. A Licensee is
required to test only for those solvents used, and it is not required to test for any residual solvents
if it can document that no solvents were used in the Cannabis oil production process.
The upper limits for residual solvents in Exhibit 7 are given as milligrams of residual solvent per
kilogram of Cannabis oil. The upper limits are based on residual solvent standards provided by the
United States Pharmacopeia (USP Chapter <467>), the International Conference on
Harmonization (ICH, 2011), and AHP (2013). Consistent with the standards provided by these
sources, “Class 1” solvents including benzene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,2- dichloroethane, 1,1-
dichloroethene, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane may not be used in the production of any Marijuana
Analyses to determine residual solvent concentrations in Marijuana products must be performed
in accordance with the methods identified in USP Chapter <467>.
7.6 Vitamin E Acetate
Vitamin E Acetate (VEA) is a contaminant of concern that has been linked to unregulated vape
products acquired on the illicit market. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has
previously identified VEA as a potential contributor to the 2019 EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping
product use associated lung injury) outbreak. While results from tests ordered by the Commission
show that no licensed vape product tested positive for VEA, the Commission will continue to
require mandatory VEA testing on final, ready-to-sell vape products until a final determination
between VEA and EVALI has been reached by the CDC or until the Commission amends its First
Amended Quarantine Order and issues any further administrative order apply to vaporizer
The Marijuana vape product guidance protocol recommends that for a final, ready-to-sell vape
product, a test sample of the finished product containing at least one (1) gram of marijuana oil
must be sent to one of the Commission’s licensed ITLs for heavy metal and VEA testing. A one
(1) gram test sample will provide the ITLs with enough source material to run the required tests in
addition to any duplicative screenings if needed. The one (1) gram sample size amount takes into
consideration the inherent challenges and difficulties with extracting marijuana oil from final,
ready-to-sell vape products.
Marijuana vape products will continue to receive all required contaminant testing for concentrates
as required under 935 CMR 500.160 and 935 CMR 501.160. Additionally, per the Commission’s
First Amended Vape Order and 935 CMR 500.160 and 501.160, final ready-to- sell vape products
must also pass a second heavy metal screen in addition to a Vitamin E Acetate (VEA) screen.
To date, a standardized method for opening Marijuana vape products and extracting the oil
contents has not been developed by any of the Commission’s licensed ITLs. The Marijuana oil
from the pre-filled vape products must first be carefully extracted from the device or cartridge
before conducting the heavy metal and VEA tests to prevent introducing contaminants. Many of
the vaporizer product devices are not constructed in a manner that easily allows them to be
reopened after being sealed. These vaporizer products are not easily opened once sealed partly due
to concerns with tampering of finished devices. Care must be taken during the extraction process
such as not to introduce metal fragments that may inadvertently become lose from tools or
instruments. The Commission will continue to work with the ITLs and vape product device
manufacturers in efforts to eventually create standardized instructions for extracting marijuana oils
from final, ready-to-sell vape products.
8.0 Data Evaluation
Licensees are required to reanalyze or remediate failed Marijuana and Marijuana products pursuant
to 935 CMR 500.160(13)(a),(b), and (c) and 935 CMR 501.160(12)(a),(b) and (c). Upon receiving
notification that Marijuana or Marijuana product has failed any test for contaminants, the Licensee
shall either reanalyze the Marijuana or Marijuana product, shall take steps to remediate the
Marijuana or Marijuana product or destroy the Marijuana and Marijuana product. Licensees must
ensure that any failed Marijuana and Marijuana product are properly remediated through the
Commission’s Seed-to-sale System of Record (Metrc).
If the Licensee chooses to reanalyze the sample, the same sample shall be submitted for reanalysis
at the ITL that provided the initial failed result. If the sample passes all previously failed tests at
the original ITL, an additional sample representing the same sample set previously tested shall be
submitted to an ITL other than the original ITL for a Second Confirmatory Test. To be considered
passing and therefore safe for sale, the sample shall have passed the Second Confirmatory Test at
an ITL other than the ITL that provided the initial failed result. Any Marijuana and Marijuana
product that fails the Second Confirmatory Test shall not be sold, transferred, or otherwise
dispensed to consumers, patients, or Licensees. Any such product is subject to an Order of
Destruction to be issued by the Commission at its discretion.
If the Licensee chooses to remediate, a new test sample shall be submitted to any licensed ITL,
which may include the ITL that provided the initial failed result, for a full-panel test. Any failing
Marijuana or Marijuana product may be remediated a maximum of two times. Any Marijuana or
Marijuana product that fails any test after the second remediation attempt shall not be sold,
transferred, or otherwise dispensed to consumers, patients, or Licensees. Any such product is
subject to an Order of Destruction to be issued by the Commission at its discretion.
If the Licensee chooses to destroy the failed Marijuana and Marijuana product it shall do so in
accordance with 935 CMR 500.105(12) and 935 CMR 501.105(12). Licensees are required under
935 CMR 500.160(4) and 935 CMR 501.160(4) to “have a written policy for responding to
laboratory results that indicate contaminant levels are above acceptable limits established in the
protocols.” The analytical results provided by the ITLs, including those for finished Marijuana and
Marijuana products discussed in this protocol, will be a primary means for Licensees to ensure
compliance with this requirement.
The ITL results must include, at a minimum, the following in the laboratory data
Case Narrative:
o The narrative, written on laboratory letterhead, shall describe any sample receipt,
preparation, or analytical issues encountered as well as any method non-
conformances or exceedance of QA/QC criteria used by the laboratory.
o The narrative shall identify the preparation and analytical methods utilized by the
o The narrative shall include a signed statement by an authorized laboratory
representative as to the accuracy, completeness, and compliance with the methods
of the results presented.
Chains-of-custody (COC) information or other paperwork indicating requested
analyses and documentation of sample collection and receipt.
Summary of analytical results including sample identifier, methods performed, target
analytes analyzed for, result or reporting limit, proper qualifier according to
laboratory standard procedures, units of measure, preparation date(s), where
applicable, and analysis date(s).
It is highly recommended that the laboratory data package also includes sufficient data to evaluate
the laboratory results, including a summary of laboratory QA/QC results. The type of applicable
QA/QC results differ by analysis method, but can include surrogates or deuterated monitoring
compounds, laboratory QC samples such as spikes, blanks, and duplicates, and calibration
summaries. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to provide information sufficient to demonstrate
that the results are accurate and precise, and in line with method capabilities and project data
quality objectives (DQOs).
Depending on the outcome of the analysis, the Licensee may need to take action to address
unacceptable levels of contamination or to perform follow-up investigation. Exhibit 8 is a
flowchart Licensees should use to determine the correct course of action in response to each
laboratory analytical data package. As discussed above, if any analysis fails to meet all applicable
DQOs, then the finished Marijuana product or MIP cannot be dispensed. In this case, the
production batch may be resampled for follow-up testing. A production batch may be retested once
and records of the original analysis must be retained. If applicable DQOs are not met, the
production batch cannot be dispensed or sold to consumers or patients or used in the production
of MIPs.
If a batch of finished plant material fails to meet a metal or a bacteria/fungi/mycotoxin standard
described in Exhibits 4 and 6, the finished plant material cannot be dispensed or sold to a patient
or consumer as finished Marijuana without first being reanalyzed and/or remediated pursuant to
935 CMR 500.160(13) or 935 CMR 501.160(12). Finished plant material that fails to meet a metal,
or a bacteria/fungi/mycotoxin standard may be used to derive other finished Marijuana products
(e.g., resins, concentrates). While the finished plant material or finished Marijuana product may
be treated in a manner to reduce the concentration of metals or bacteria/fungi/mycotoxin
contaminants, the finished plant material or finished Marijuana product may not be treated to bind
or restrict the availability of the metals or bacteria/fungi/mycotoxin in an analysis without reducing
the total contaminant content.
If a batch of finished plant material fails to meet a pesticide residue and plant growth regulator
limit described in Exhibit 5 and Section 7.3, it cannot be dispensed to consumers or patients, or
used to derive other products. Marijuana and Marijuana products that fail for pesticides or plant
growth regulators may not be remediated and the associated batch will be subject to an Order of
Destruction issued by the Commission at its discretion.
If a concentrate or resin exceeds the residual solvent requirements described in Exhibit 7 and
Section 7.5 it cannot be dispensed to consumers or patients without first being reanalyzed and/or
remediated pursuant to 935 CMR 500.160(12) and/or 935 CMR 501.160(11). If upon reanalysis
and/or remediation the concentrate/resin meets the residual solvent standard, the ultimate finished
Marijuana product may be dispensed to consumers and patients as long as all applicable limits are
As required by 935 CMR 500.160(5) and 935 CMR 501.160(5), the Licensee must maintain the
results of all testing for no less than one year. These records must be available for inspection by
the Commission upon request.
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