RES E AR C H Open Access
Course of COPD assessment test (CAT) and
clinical COPD questionnaire (CCQ) scores during
recovery from exacerbations of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease
Marc Miravitlles
, Patricia García-Sidro
, Alonso Fernández-Nistal
, María Jesús Buendía
María José Espinosa de los Monteros
and Jesús Molina
Introduction: COPD exacerbations have a negative impact on lung function, decrease quality of life (QoL) and
increase the risk of death. The objective of this study was to assess the course of health status after an outpatient
or inpatient exacerbation in patients with COPD.
Methods: This is an epidemiological, prospective, multicentre study that was conducted in 79 hospitals and
primary care centres in Spain. Four hundred seventy-six COPD patients completed COPD assessment test (CAT) and
Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) questionnaires during the 24 hours after presenting at hospital or primary care
centres with symptoms of an exacerbation, and also at weeks 46. The scores from the CAT and CCQ were
evaluated and compared at baseline and after recovery from the exacerbation.
Results: A total of 164 outpatients (33.7%) and 322 inpatients (66.3%) were included in the study. The majority
were men (88.2%), the mean age was 69.4 years (SD = 9.5) and the mean FEV1 (%) was 47.7% (17 .4%). During the
exacerbation, patients presented high scores in the CAT: [mean: 22.0 (SD = 7.0)] and the CCQ: [mean: 4.4 (SD = 1.2)].
After recovery there was a significant reduction in the scores of both questionnaires [CAT: mean: -9.9 (SD = 5.1) and
CCQ: mean: -3.1 (SD = 1.1)]. Both questionnaires showed a strong correlation during and after the exacerbation and
the best predictor of the magnitude of improvement in the scores was the severity of each score at onset.
Conclusions: Due to their good correlation, CAT and CCQ can be useful tools to measure health status during an
exacerbation and to evaluate recovery. However, new studies are necessary in order to identify which factors are
influencing the course of the recovery of health status after a COPD exacerbation.
Keywords: COPD, Health status, CAT, CCQ, Exacerbations
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a
major cause of death in industrialized countries. The
mortality rate of this disease is increasing and it is likely
to become the third leading cause of death worldwide in
2020 [1,2]. COPD is often aggravated by acute periods of
increased symptoms called exacerbations. These are the
most common reason for doctors visits, emergency de-
partment visits, hospital admissions and deaths [3].
In addition, numerous studies have shown that exacerba-
tions generate a large impact on health systems [3,4]. For
example, they cause 10-12% of primary care visits, 1-2% of
emergency room visits and 10% of hospitalizations in
Spain [4]. This is why, from an economic standpoint, these
data are of particular relevance since 44% of the annual
cost per patient involving COPD is due to hospital admis-
sions, exacerbations being the most frequent cause [5].
Among many other aspects, exacerbations are a ssoci-
ated to a deterioration in the patients quality of life [6].
* Correspondence: mmiravitlles
Pneumology Department, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Ciber de
Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERS), Barcelona, Spain
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2013 Miravitlles et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147
However, studies that have focused on determining the
evolution of a patient after suffering an exacerbation are
mainly based on investigating functional [7,8] or inflam-
matory changes [9-11].
Certain generic quality-of-life questionnaires such as the
EuroQol Five-Dimensional Questionnaire (EQ-5D) [12],
or respiratoryspecific questionnaires such as the St.
Georges Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) [13], may be
useful to assess the recovery of patients who have suffered
an exacerbation. However, the usefulness of the most
widely used short questionnaires, the COPD Assessment
Test (CAT) [14] and the Clinical COPD Questionnaire
(CCQ) [15] to assess the course of moderate or severe ex-
acerbations has not been investigated adequately. These
two questionnaires have the great advantage of simplicity
for the patient, both having a very good correlation with
the SGRQ [14-16], considered the gold standard of spe-
cific health-related quality-of- life (HRQoL) questionnaires
for COPD.
In this work we present the results of the course of CAT
and CCQ scores during the recovery of an acute exacerba-
tion of COPD and the factors associated to the changes in
scores of patients recovering from these episodes, as well as
the comparison and correlation between both instruments.
Study design
The ECO study (Exacerbations and quality of life in
COPD) was an observational, multicentre, prospective
study aimed at evaluating the predictive value of different
HRQoL questionnaires in the long-term course of patients
measured as time to the next exacerbation or death. In
order for the study to be feasible, we selected a population
of patients after recovery from an exacerbation, because
these subjects are more likely to suffer a second episode
during follow-up [17]. Patients were recruited upon pres-
entation at the hospital or at primary care offices with
symptoms of an exacerbation. Those who met inclusion
and exclusion criteria were informed about the study and
were asked to sign an informed consent document. The
physicians in charge collected information upon presenta-
tion or during the first 24 hours after admission. This in-
formation included demographic data, as well as data
related to smoking, medical history and comorbidities.
The cardiovascular risk was assessed according to BMI,
gender and waist circumference [18]. Patients were asked
to fill in COPD assessment test (CAT) and Clinical COPD
Questionnaire (CCQ) quality-of-life questionnaires in
their validated versions in Spanish.
The patients were evaluated again after 4 to 6 weeks
from the initial visit, at which point they filled out both
questionnaires once more. For the study, only those pa-
tients who recovered from the exacerbation during that
time frame were followed up for time to next exacerbation
or for death and they comprise the population of this ana-
lysis. The investigator had to verify clinical recovery; in
addition, patients had to answer somewhat better or
much better to a question about their health status: In
relation to the previous visit, how are you? using a 5-
point Likert scale with the following response options:
Much worse, worse, same, better, much better. Further-
more, the CAT score must have improved by at least 5
units to consider that the patient had recovered from the
exacerbation [19].
Moderate COPD exacerbations were defined as a sud-
den increase in respiratory symptoms that required am-
bulatory treatment with systemic corticosteroids and/or
antibiotics, and exacerbations were considered severe
when the patient required hospitalization.
The study was approved by the ethics committee of
the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona , Spain. Reference num-
ber 2012/5918) and all participants provide d a w ritten
informed consent.
Patients of both genders, aged 40 years or older, were
recruited in the study if they met the following inclusion
criteria: a) COPD demonstrated by spirometry performed
in stable state not more than 12 months before being
recruited in the study with a post-bronchodilator ratio of
FEV1/FVC < 0.7; b) smoker or former smoker of at least
10 pack-years; c) exacerbation defined as an increase in re-
spiratory symptoms that requires treatment with systemic
corticosteroids, antibiotics or both, and/or hospitalisation.
On the other hand, the exclusion criteria in the study
were: (i) patients with another chronic respiratory dis -
ease (e.g. bronc hia l asth ma, cystic fibrosi s, severe bron-
chiectasis , cancer, restrictive lung disease, etc.), (ii)
patients with a COPD exacerbation due to other causes
such as pneumonia , pneumothorax and de compe nsated
congestive heart failure, (iii) patients requiring inva sive
or non-invasive me chanical ventilation (iv) patient s
who, in the opinion of the investigator, did not retain
sufficient cognitive capacity, prese nting sensory or psy-
chiatric disability or language barriers that prevent or
hinder a normal conduction of the study , (v) patient s
participating in another study or clinical trial.
The CAT consists of 8 items with scores ranging from 0
to 5 (0 = no impairment). An overall score is calculated
by adding the score from each item with total scores
ranging from 0 to 40, higher scores indicating a more se-
vere health status impairment or a poorer control of
COPD [16]. The CATs minimal clinical important dif-
ference (MCID) is not yet established and has been esti-
mated at 3.76 points [20]. The CCQ has three domains:
symptoms (4 items), functional status (4 items) and
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147 Page 2 of 9
mental state (2 items), graded on a 7-point Likert scale
from 0 to 6 (0 = no impairment) [14]. The MCID has
been established at 0.41 points [21].
For the collection of information, a web-based form
(e-CRF) h as been designed specifically for this study.
Statistical analysis
In order describe the qualitative variables, absolute fre-
quencies and percentages were used; furthermore, for or-
dinal qualitative variables, cumulative frequencies and
percentages were used. The description of quantitative
variables was performed using the mean, standard devi-
ation (SD), median and quartiles. A comparison of qualita-
tive variables between two or more groups was performed
using the chi-square test and/or Fishers exact test. A com-
parison of quantitative variables between two groups was
performed using the MannWhitney U test or Students
t test, depending on the distribution of the data. A com-
parison of quantitative variables between three or more
groups was carried out using the Kruskall Wallis test or
ANOVA, depending on the distribution of the data. The
results of the analysis were adjusted by the techniques of
Oldham and Blomqvist. The correlation between quantita-
tive variables was performed using the Pearson correlation
coefficient; a correlation was considered good when the R
coefficient was higher than 0.7 and acceptable between 0.5
and 0.7.
We developed two regression models to determine the
factors that could best explain the change in score in each
of the questionnaires from the time of exacerbation until
recovery. Due to the non-normal nature of the variable
obtained for change in scores (recovery-exacerbation) for
CAT, it was decided to analyse this variable as categorical
by means of logistic regression analysis, divided into
tertiles of change: improvement of 56 points; improve-
ment of 712 points and improvement of more than 12
points. A linear regression analysis model for change in
the CCQ was developed taking into account the variable
as quantitative. Univariate analyses were carried out with-
out considering an intercept in the model, since each
intercept would vary depending on the type of each vari-
able (e.g., there is no estimate of a mean population prob-
ability of intensity change in the CAT, but all the
variability depends on the value of the dependent vari-
able). The multivariate model, however, in addition to
adjusting for the variables of the model, includes an inter-
cept. For the analysis we used the SAS Enterprise Guide
4.3. (SAS v.9.2)
Patient population
A total of 675 patients were recruited in the study. Of
these, 45 were lost to follow-up, 39 did not meet inclu-
sion or exclusion criteria, 28 did not recover from the
exacerbation by 4 to 6 weeks and 77 were excluded due
to insufficient information for analysis, leaving 486
(72%) eligible patients. The demographic characteristics
of the patients are show n in Table 1. One hundred sixty-
four (33.7%) were outpatients and 322 (66.3%) were in-
patients. The majority were men (88.2%), the mean age
was 69.4 years (SD = 9.5) and the mean FEV1 (%) was
47.7% (17.4%). Compared with outpatients, inpatients
had a lower BMI, a longer smoking history and a lower
cardiovascular risk. Regarding COPD, these patie nts had
a longer history of the disease, as well as a greater num-
ber of exacerbations reported in the previous year and
more se vere lung function impairment as shown by
Changes in health status
At the time of exacerbation, the patients had high scores
on the CAT: [22.0 (SD = 7.0)], with differences between in-
patients [22.8 (SD = 7.0)], and outpatients [20.4 (SD =
6.9)]. After recovery, there was a significant reduction of
9.9 (SD = 5.1) points. Improvements were significant in
both inpatients and outpatients [8.9 (SD = 4.6) and 10.4
(SD = 5.3) respectively; p < 0.001 for both groups], (Table 2,
Figure 1).
Regarding the CCQ, the patients experienced a statis-
tically significant improvement in the global scale after
recovery, from a score of 4.4 point s (SD = 1.2) at the
time of exace rbation to 3.1 points (SD = 1.1) once stabi-
lized. This improvement occurred similarly in outpa-
tients and inpatient s [1.0 (SD = 0.9) and 1.4 (SD = 1.0),
of the questionnaire, but particularly in the symptoms score
(difference = 1.6 points (SD = 0.7); p < 0.001) (Table 2,
Figure 2).
Correlation between the questionnaires
Whatever the type of exacerbation (outpatient/inpatient),
there was a good correlation between the CA T scores and
the CCQ scores, both at exacerbation onset (R = 0.748;
p < 0.0001) (Figure 3), and once the patient had reco-
vered (R = 0.780; p < 0.001) (Figu re 4). Fu rthermore,
there wa s an acceptable correlation between the change
(exacerbation-recovery) scores in both questionnaires
(R = 0.594; p < 0.0001) (F igure 5).
Predictors of changes in health status
After performing the logistic regression analysis, it was
observed that the variation in the CAT scoring between
exacerbation onset and recovery wa s greatly dependent
on the score at exacerbation onset. Thus, there was a
greater improvement for patients who began with the
worse initial status [OR (95% CI): 0.84 (0.81 to 0.86),
p < 0.00 1]. In this model, the outcome variable (change in
CAT score) wa s categorised into 3 categories and the
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147 Page 3 of 9
OR indicates the odds to move from each category to
the next. Nevertheless, the adjusted model can only ex-
plain 32.4% of the variance ( Table 3).
Regarding the CCQ, the resulting model explains
30.8% of the variability. The improvement in CCQ
scores at recovery from exacerbation is greater when:
there is a higher baseline CCQ score [β (95% CI): -0.46
(0.52 to 0.40); p < 0.001], fewer total exacerbations in
the past year [β (95% CI): 0.04 (0.01 to 0.07); p = 0.007]
and the patient is not living with smokers [β (95% CI): -
0.25 (0.44 to 0.06); p = 0.01] (Table 4).
The results of the current study have demonstrated
there is a severe impairment in the health status of exac-
erbated patients, both in inpa tient and outpatient set-
tings. As expected, scores of both questionnaires were
significantly worse in admitted compared with ambula-
tory patients. The patients who recovered from the acute
episode showed a highly significant improvement in the
scores of the CAT and the CCQ. Furthermore, there was
a good correlation of the scores of both questionnaires
at exacerbation onset and at recovery. The best predictor
of the magnitude of the improvement in scores of both
questionnaires is the score of the given questionnaire at
exacerbation onset. These results suggest that both ques-
tionnaires can be used in a clinical setting to evaluate the
improvement in health status during and/or after the
treatment of a moderate or severe exacerbation of COPD.
The CAT questionnaire has shown to provide signifi-
cantly different scores in stable and exacerbated patients
in cross-sectional studies. Jones et al. [22], in a validation
study, reported a mean score of 17.2 points in stable
COPD patients compared with 21.3 in exacerbated COPD
patients. Agus et al. [23] obtained a score of 22.4 points
in a group of COPD inpatients compared with 15.8 in
stable patients. Interestingly, we obtained an almost identi-
cal CAT score in our inpatients (22.8 points), which was
significantly reduced to only 12.4 after recovery from the
acute episode. This large improvement in CAT scores after
an admission is similar to the one reported by the previous
group of investigators in patients who claimed to feel
much better after recovery from the hospitalization (8.9
units) [13]. When analysing the data in the opposite
Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics
Variable Total Ambulatory Hospital p value
N = 486 N = 164 N = 322
Sex, male 432 (88.9) 138 (84.2) 294 (91.3) 0.022
Age, years 69.4 (9.5) 69.5 (9.1) 69.3 (9.7) 0.91
BMI, Kg/m2 27.8 (9.7) 29.4 (14.9) 26.9 (5.1) <0.001
Active smokers 139 (28.6) 49 (29.9) 90 (28) 0.65
Smoking habit, pack/years 54.5 (30.5) 48.9 (28.9) 57.3 (30.9) 0.004
Level of education
No school 117 (24.1) 22 (13.4) 95 (29.5) <0.001
Primary education 245 (50.4) 93 (56.7) 152 (47.2)
Secondary/higher education 124 (25.5) 49 (29.9) 75 (23.3)
Cardiovascular risk
None 123 (25.3) 28 (17.0) 95 (29.5) 0.009
Increased 128 (26.3) 45 (27.4) 83 (25.8)
High 115 (23.7) 39 (23.8) 76 (23.6)
Very high 120 (24.7) 52 (31.7) 68 (21.1)
Diabetes mellitus 127 (26.1) 41 (25.0) 86 (26.7) 0.68
Waist circumference, cm 99.2 (18.7) 101.3 (14.7) 98.1 (20.4) <0.001
Time walking per day, minutes 55.0 (26.0) 68.2 (32.3) 48.08 (24.2) <0.001
Time of COPD evolution, years 9.9 (8.3) 8.6 (7.4) 10.6 (8.6) 0.013
Number of exacerbations previous year 2.9 (2.7) 2.4 (1.9) 3.2 (2.9) 0.002
FVC, mL 2549.1 (795.9) 2930.9 (864.8) 2357.0 (683.0) <0.001
FVC, % 68.1 (17.5) 76.3 (16.1) 64.0 (16.7) <0.001
FEV1, mL 1312.9 (523.8) 1658.9 (534.9) 1138.8 (422.5) <0.001
FEV1, % 47.7 (17.4) 59.3 (16.2) 41.8 (14.9) <0.001
FEV1/FVC, % 51.4 (11.7) 56.9 (9.8) 48.7 (11.6) <0.001
Values are expressed as mean (standard deviation) or frequency (%).
Footnote: BMI Body Mass Index.
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147 Page 4 of 9
direction (from stable state to exacerbation) MacKay et al.
[19] noted a change from 19.4 to 24.1 points in the CAT
score in a population of outpatients with COPD. This
change was smaller in magnitude to the one observed in
our study, but the health status impairment of those pa-
tients was more severe than that observed in our popula-
tion (CAT = 12.1 at recovery). Another difference is that
return to baseline in the aforementioned study was con-
sidered at 11 days, in contrast to 4 to 6 weeks in our study.
Previous studies using the SGRQ suggested that the health
status may require up to 12 weeks to full recovery [13].
Despite of these results, we have to take into consideration
the fact that CAT has not been validated for determining
the severity of an exacerbation. In fact, some subjects in-
cluded in the Mackay [19] study had a decline in the CAT
score when they suffered an exacerbation, while others
had no significant changes. Questionnaires designed spe-
cifically to assess the changes in health status during exac-
erbations such as the EXAcerbations of Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Tool (EXACT) can be
more useful for quantifying the severity of these events
In addition, it must be noted that due to the design of
the study, we only considered those patients who recov-
ered from the exacerbation and one of the criteria for re-
covery was an improvement of at least 5 points in CAT
scores. Therefore, we cannot analyse the validity of the
questionnaires to identify patients who could fail in the
treatment of an exacerbation. However, only 28 patients
(4.2%) could not be recruited in the study because they
did not reach this thresh old at recovery.
Figure 1 Course of CAT scores following an outpatient or
inpatient exacerbation.
Figure 2 Course of CCQ scores following an outpatient or
inpatient exacerbation.
CAT Total
CCQ Total
Figure 3 Correlations between CAT and CCQ scores at onset of
exacerbation. Correlation of scores in the global population R =
0.748 (p < 0.0001), in outpatient exacerbations R = 0.788 (p < 0.0001)
and in inpatient exacerbations R = 0.723 (p < 0.0001).
Table 2 Course of health status, CAT and CCQ test scores
Questionnaire Exacerbation Recovery Change (R-E) P value
CAT total
Total 22.0 (7.0) 12.1 (5.9) 9.9 (5.1) <0.001
Outpatient 20.4 (6.9) 11.5 (5.8) 8.9 (4.6) <0.001
Inpatient 22.8 (7.0) 12.4 (6.0) 10.4 (5.3) <0.001
CCQ total
Total 4.4 (1.2) 3.1 (1.1) 1.3 (0.9) <0.001
Outpatient 3.8 (1.2) 2.8 (1.0) 1.0 (0.9) <0.001
Inpatient 4.6 (1.1) 3.2 (1.1) 1.4 (1.0) <0.001
CCQ; symptoms
Total 4.7 (1.3) 3.1 (1.1) 1.6 (0.7) <0.001
Outpatient 4.4 (1.3) 3.1 (1.1) 1.3 (0.9) <0.001
Inpatient 4.9 (1.2) 3.1 (1.1) 1.8 (1.0) <0.001
CCQ: functional
Total 4.1 (1.4) 3.1 (1.3) 1.0 (1.2) <0.001
Outpatient 3.4 (1.3) 2.6 (1.1) 0.8 (0.5) <0.001
Inpatient 4.5 (1.3) 3.3 (1.3) 1.2 (0.7) <0.001
CCQ: mental
Total 4.1 (1.5) 2.9 (1.4) 1.2 (1.1) <0.001
Outpatient 3.6 (1.5) 2.7 (1.3) 0.9 (0.9) <0.001
Inpatient 4.4 (1.5) 3.1 (1.4) 1.3 (1.1) <0.001
Values are expressed as mean points (standard deviation).
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147 Page 5 of 9
Regarding the CCQ, we noted a mean reduction of 1.3
points at recovery, which was even higher for the symp-
toms scale (1.6 points) and clearly higher than the sug-
gested clinically significant minimum difference of 0.41
[20]. In a previous cross-sectional study on 3,935 COPD
patients in Spain, the mean value of CCQ was 2.5 and it
was significantly associated to the degree of dyspnoea, the
frequency of previous exacerbations and hospitalizations,
the severity of FEV1 impairment and a low level of educa-
tion and physical activity [25]. However, longitudinal data
of CCQ during recovery from exacerbations is limited. In
contrast, an improvement in total scores of around 0.50
points has been observed after quitting smoking (improve-
ment of 1.02 points in symptoms) [14,26]. The CCQ
scores have been used for monitoring patients to predict
treatment failure or the occurrence of an exacerbation.
Using weekly measurements, an impairment of 0.20 points
had a positive predictive value of 43.5% and a negative
predictive value of 90.8% for the onset of an exacerbation
in the next week [27]. Furthermore, a recent work in
which the patients were monitorised daily during an ex-
acerbation, showed that the absence of improvement in
CCQ symptoms score and impaired lung function were
independent predictors of treatment failure [28]. Concur-
rent with our results, the authors find the rate and pattern
of recovery very similar in outpatients and inpatients [28].
Similarly to CAT, the best predictor of a large im-
provement in CCQ score after re cove ry wa s a worse
score at exacerbation onset. A regression to the mean
effect cannot be ruled out; however, for the improve-
ment in CCQ scores other variables showed a signifi-
cant and independent association with the magnitude of
change. The patient s who experience d fewer exacerba -
tions in the past had a higher improvement in CCQ
scores, as did those who lived with smokers. The rela-
tionship between repeated exacerbations and impair-
ment in HRQoL has been noted in numerous studies
[6,29], and wa s seen consistently with our results; a pre-
vious study demonstrated that patients who suffered re-
peated exacerbations did not revert to the baseline
values of he alth status after an exacerba tion [13]. The
relationship between a higher improvement in CCQ
scores and living with smokers is difficult to account for
and might be related with worse scores at onset be cause
more se vere symptoms as sociat ed to second hand
smoke, but this hypothesis should be tested adequately.
However, only a small part of the variance has been
explained by the variables included in the regression
models. Other factors not addressed in our study may
influence the re covery of these patient s. For instance,
Papaioannou et al. [30] observed that depressive symp-
toms had a negative effect on CAT improvement during
recovery from an exacerbation.
The difference between the predictors of recovery found
for CAT and CCQ can be explained in part by the different
types of analysis; however, there are also some differences
between them. CA T is a one-dimensional questionnaire, in
turn, CCQ has different domains that correlate better with
the corresponding SGRQ domains [20]. Furthermore,
CCQ has been validated to be used at the level of individ-
ual patients [31].
More interesting and unique in our results was the rela-
tionship between the scores of both questionnaires. We
have demonstrated a good correlation of the scores of
CAT and CCQ at exacerbation onset and at recovery and
also an acceptable correlation of the changes in scores ob-
served in both questionnaires after recovery. These results
suggest that both are measuring the same effects and that
both can be used reliably in this context. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first study to compare the per-
formance of both questionnaires during the recovery of
CAT Total
CCQ Total
Figure 4 Correlations between CAT and CCQ scores after
recovery from the exacerbation. Correlation of scores in the
global population R = 0.780 (p < 0.0001), in outpatient exacerbations
R = 0.827 (p < 0.0001) and in inpatient exacerbations
R = 0.760 (p < 0.0001).
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Change in CAT
e in CCQ
Correlations of change in CAT and CCQ scores)
Figure 5 Correlations between CAT and CCQ changes in scores
between exacerbation and recovery. Correlation of scores in the
global population R = 0.594 (p < 0.001), in outpatient exacerbations R =
0.561 (p < 0.0001) and in inpatient exacerbations R = 0.591 (p < 0.0001).
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147 Page 6 of 9
outpatient and inpatient exacerbations. The CAT and the
CCQ have also demonstrated a good correlation in
stable COPD; Tsiglian ni et al [20] obser ved a rho = 0.64
between both scores in a group of 90 stable COPD pa-
tients over three repeated measurements. More over, in
a study of severe COPD patients referred for rehabilita-
tion, a correlation of r = 0.77 was shown between the
CAT and the CCQ [32]. These values are similar to
those obtained in our patient population ranging from
r = 0.72 to r = 0.82 for correlations betwe en both ques-
tionnaires e ither at onse t or at re covery from the ex-
acerbation. These result s support the use of either
questionnaire in the clinical assessment of patients with
COPD, a s suggested in re cent guidelines [33,34].
Our study ha s several limitations , we have only
analysed the patients that recovered from an exacerba-
tion and therefore we cannot investigate a different
course of scores ac cording to clinical outcomes. Our re-
sults describe only the course of improvement of health
status after an exacerbation. Another limitation is the
use of a C AT cut-off value of 5 points for defining re-
covery from an exacerbation. Currently, the re is no
well-established MCID for CAT, which is why we also
used the investigators clinical judgement and a question
with a Likert scale for the patient to contribute t o the
definition of re covery.
One of the strengths of our study is its obser vational
design in a large sample of patients in different settings ,
which allows for the extrapolation of result s with a high
external validity.
In summary, our results have demonstrated a severe
impairment in the health status of COPD patient s at ex-
acerbation onsets, a s measured by CCQ and CAT
scores. Health status significantly improves during re-
covery. There is a strong correlation between the scores
of both questionnaires at onse t and at re covery and the
best predictor of the magnitude of improvement is the
severity of the score at onset. Both instrument s can be
used to monitor the course of recovery of outpatient or
inpatient COPD exacerbations.
Table 3 Study of univariate and multivariate association of change in CAT score from exacerbation to stable state,
categorized into three categories (56 points, 712 points, and over 12)
Variable Univariate Multivariate
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P
Type of exacerbation (inpatient vs. outpatient RC) 2.3 1.6 to 3.2 <0.001
Gender (men vs. women RC) 2.3 1.6 to 3.3 0.051
Waist circumference 0.994 0.992 to 0.996 <0.001
Smoking status (current vs. former smoker RC) 1.64 1.17 to 2.32 0.004
Exacerbations previous year 0.89 0.85 to 0.93 <0.001
FEV1 (%) 0.99 0.98 to 0.99 <0.001
CAT at inclusion 0.96 0.95 to 0.97 <0.001 0.84 0.81 to 0.86 <0.001
CCQ at inclusion 0.84 0.80 to 0.87 <0.001
Independent variables: waist circumference, exacerbations in the previous year, FEV1 (%) and CAT and CCQ at inclu sion were continuous variables. The strength
of the association is presented by the OR and 95% confidence interval obtained by logistic regression.
OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, RC Reference category.
Table 4 Study of univariate and multivariate association of change in CCQ score from exacerbation to stable state
Variable Univariate Multivariate
B 95% CI P B 95% CI P
Type of exacerbation (inpatient vs. outpatient RC) 1.44 1.56 to 1.32 <0.001
Gender (men vs. women RC) 1.27 1.38 to 1.17 <0.001
BMI 0.004 0.008 to 0.0002 <0.001
Smoking (current vs. former-smoker RC) 1.33 1.57 to 1.09 <0.001
Lives with smokers (yes vs. no RC) 1.44 1.12 to 1.75 <0.001 0.25 0.44 to 0.06 0.010
Exacerbations previous year 0.25 0.28 to 0.22 <0.001 0.04 0.01 to 0.07 0.007
FEV1 (%) 0.023 0.043 to 0.003 <0.001
CAT at inclusion 0.057 0.06 to 0.05 <0.001
CCQ at inclusion 0.84 0.80 to 0.87 <0.001 0.46 0.52 to 0.04 <0.001
The CCQ score change has been studied as a continuous variable and the strength of the association occurs through the beta coe fficients obtained by linear
regression. BMI, exacerbations previous year FEV1 (%) and CAT and CCQ at inclusion were continuous variables.
B Beta coefficient, CI confidence interval, RC Reference category.
Miravitlles et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013, 11:147 Page 7 of 9
Competing interests
Marc Miravitlles has received speaker fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer,
AstraZeneca, Bayer Schering, Novartis, Talecris-Grifols, Takeda-Nycomed,
Merck, Sharp & Dohme and Novartis, and consulting fees from Boehringer
Ingelheim, Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, Bayer Schering, Novartis, Almirall, Merck,
Sharp &Dohme, Talecris-Grifols and Takeda-Nycomed. Alonso Fernández is a
full time employee of Takeda. The rest of authors have no conflicts of
interest to disclose.
Authors contributions
MM, JM and AFN designed the study and directed the data analysis. MM
and AFN drafted the manuscript. PGS, M JB, MJEM, JM participated in data
collection and critical revisión of the data analysis. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
The study was sponsored by Takeda Farmacéutica España S.A. The authors
thank Dr. Jesús Aparicio (Medical Department, Takeda Farmacéutica España) for
his contribution to the design and execution of the study.
Investigators and study sites are listed below: David De La Rosa (Hospital Plató,
Barcelona), María Magdalena Medinas (Hospital Joan March, Mallorca), Juan Luis
Rodriguez Hermosa (Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid), Luis Perez De Llano
(Hospital Universitario HULA, Lugo), Berta Avilés Huertas (Hospital de Palamós,
Girona), Bernardino Alcázar Navarrete (Hospital De Alta Resolución De Loja,
Granada), Silvia Molina Aguilera (Hospital De Campdevànol, Girona), Javier
Labayen (Hospital de Donostia, Guipuzcoa), Juan Pablo De Torres (Clínica
Universidad De Navarra), Ada Luz Andreu Rodriguez (Hospital Los Arcos Del Mar
Menor, Murcia), Montserrat Vendrell (Hospital Josep Trueta, Girona), Maria Jesus
Buendía Garcia (Hospital Infanta Leonor, Madrid), Maria Victoria Medina Cruz
(Hospital Doctor Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Valentin Cabriada Nuño
(Hospital de Cruces, Bizkaia), Maria Jesus Mena Rodriguez (Hospital La Mancha
Centro, Ciudad Real), José Calvo Bonachera (Hospital de Torrecardenas, Almeria),
Lourdes Lázaro Asegurado (Hospital General Yagüe, Burgos), Jose Manuel Cifrián
Martinez (Hospital Marqués De Valdecilla, Cantabria), Manuel Brufal (Hospital
Virgen De Los Lirios, Alicante), Xavier Vilà (Hospital De Mataró, Barcelona), Ana
Bustamante (Hospital de Sierrallana, Cantabria), Ana Pando Sandoval (Hospital
Universitario Central De Asturias), Salvador Díaz Lobato (Hospital Ramon y Cajal,
Madrid), María Carmen Fernández (Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, rdoba),
Felix Del Campo Matías (Hospital Rio Hortega, Valladolid), Graciliano Estrada
(Hospital De Segovia), Agustín Medina (Hospital de La Laguna, Tenerife), Marina
Blanco (C. Universitario A Coruña), Ernesto Centeno (Hospital San Eloy, Bizkaia),
Isaura Parente (Complexo Hospitalario De Ourense), Joan Serra (Hospital General
De Vic, Barcelona), Silvia Fernández Huerga (Hospital De León), Eva Balcells
(Hospital Del Mar, Barcelona), Beatriz Lara (Hospital Universitario Arnau de
Vilanova, Lleida), José Alcázar Ramírez (Clínica Quirón, Málaga), Sagrario
Mayoralas Alises (Hospital Moncloa, Madrid), Rosa Cordovilla Pérez (Hospital
Universitario Salamanca), Ángel Ortega (Hospital General Nuestra Señora Del
Prado, Toledo), Manuel Agustin Sojo (Hospital San Pedro De Alcantara, Cáceres),
Gustavo Villegas (Hospital Torrecardenas, Almería), Gerardo Pérez Chica (Hospital
Ciudad De Jaén), Dolores Aicart Bort (CS Rafalafena, Castellón), Tertuliano
Amat Sotos (CS Acacias. Alicante), Maria Teresa Almela (CS Salvador Pau,
Valencia), Juan Luis Mendía (CS Ondarreta, Guipúzcoa), Isidro pez (UAP
Begonte, Lugo), Javier Pérez (CS Calzada 2, Asturias), Maria Angélica Molina
(CS A Ponte, Ourense), Carmen Llorente (CS Villalba-Estación, Madrid), Luisa
Fernanda Sidro Bou (CS De La Vall DUixó, Castellón), Francisco Ponce (CS Petrer
I, Alicante), Carmen Vizuete (CAP Montclar, Barcelona), Carlos Ramirez (CS
Salvador Allende, Valencia), Enrique Mascarós (CS Fuente De San Luis, Valencia),
Luis García-Giralda (CS Murcia-Centro, Murcia), Rosario Timiraos (CS de
Culleredo, A Coruña), Jesus ndez-Cabeza (CS Torrelodones, Madrid), Alvaro
Aguirre De Cárcer (CS La Ventilla, Madrid), Jose Maria Fernandez Rodriguez-
Lacin (CS Natahoyo, Asturias), Albert Brau Tarrida (CAP La Mina, Barcelona),
Tomas Soler López (C.S. Zona VII, Albacete), Javier Amiama (EAP Sodupe,
Bizkaia), José Paredes Saura (CAP Hostalric, Girona), Jose Ignacio Sánchez
(CS Fuente San Luis, Valencia), Ramon Cervera (CS Godella, Valencia), Vicente
Alfonso Corral (UGC Puerto Sur, Cádiz), Araceli Fernandez (CS Delicias Sur,
Zaragoza), Olga Vicente Lopez (CS Las Rozas, Madrid), Mario Bárcena Caamaño
(CS Nóvoa Santos, Ourense), Manuel Angel Gómez (CS La Alamedilla,
Salamanca), Miguel Florido Rodríguez (Consultorio De Playa De Arinaga, Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria), Montserrat Mas Pujol (EAP Chafarinas,
Barcelona), Xavier Flor (CAP Chafarinas, Barcelona), Javier Antón Ortega
(CS Repelega, Bizcaia).
Author details
Pneumology Department, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Ciber de
Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERS), Barcelona, Spain.
Pneumology Unit,
Hospital De La Plana, Villarreal, Spain.
Medical Department, Takeda
Farmacéutica España S.A, Madrid, Spain.
Pneumology Department, Hospital
Universitario Infanta Leonor, Madrid, Spain.
Pneumology Department,
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Salud, Toledo, Spain.
Centro de Salud
Francia, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain.
Received: 30 April 2013 Accepted: 29 August 2013
Published: 29 August 2013
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Cite this article as: Miravitlles et al.: Course of COPD assessment test
(CAT) and clinical COPD questionnaire (CCQ) scores during recovery
from exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Health
and Quality of Life Outcomes 2013 11:14 7.
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