Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
MDCG 2021-3
Questions and Answers on Custom-Made Devices
& considerations on Adaptable medical devices and Patient-matched medical devices
March 2021
This document has been endorsed by the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG)
established by Article 103 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745. The MDCG is composed of
representatives of all Member States and a representative of the European
Commission chairs it.
The document is not a European Commission document and it cannot be regarded as
reflecting the official position of the European Commission. Any views expressed in
this document are not legally binding and only the Court of Justice of the European
Union can give binding interpretations of Union law.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
This Q&A is a high-level document aimed at addressing the most pertinent questions relating
to custom-made devices falling under Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR).
Further guidance on this subject may be elaborated by the MDCG, as appropriate.
In accordance with Recital 5 of the MDR, certain references to International Medical Device
Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) guidance documents and terminology included therein have been
taken into account under this Q&A. Specifically, the MDR regulatory status of
medical devices and patient-matched medical devices (introduced by
FINAL: 2018) is clarified in this Q&A.
1. What is a custom-made device (CMD)?
MDR Article 2(3) defines a ‘custom-made device’ as any device that:
is specifically made in accordance with a written prescription of any person authorised
by national law by virtue of that person's professional qualifications; which gives
specific design characteristics provided under that person's responsibility; and
is intended for the sole use of a particular patient exclusively to meet their individual
conditions and needs.
Examples of CMDs include:
A dental crown manufactured according to a written prescription provided by a dentist
containing specific design characteristics for a particular patient’s individual condition.
An orthosis made in accordance with a written prescription containing specific design
characteristic to aid a person with neuromuscular or musculoskeletal impairment of the
lower extremity, such as a Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO).
Hand prosthesis intended to replace a lost body part and/or function made in
accordance with a written prescription, where the practionner provides patient specific
design characteristics necessary for the manufacturing of the device.
Devices which are not considered CMDs may include:
(a) Devices that are mass-produced which need to be adapted to meet the specific
requirements of any professional user, hereafter referred to as adaptable medical
(b) Devices that are mass-produced by means of industrial manufacturing processes,
potentially made in accordance with the written prescriptions of an authorised
An Adaptable medical device is defined in in IMDRF PMD WG/N49 FINAL: 2018 as a mass-produced medical device that must be
adapted or assembled at the point of care, in accordance with the manufacturer’s validated instructions, to suit an individual
patient’s specific anatomo-physio logic features prior to use.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
Note 1: Adaptable medical devices (products which fall under (a) above) are mass-produced
medical devices which must be adapted, adjusted, assembled or shaped at the point of care,
traditionally by a healthcare professional, in accordance with the manufacturer’s validated
to suit an individual patient’s specific anatomo-physiologic features prior to use.
Examples of mass produced adaptable medical devices may include:
certain spectacle frames and optical glasses (assembled together to form spectacles).
patient fitted wheelchairs.
hearing aids (otoplastic and amplifier).
orthotic braces.
According to MDR art. 16(1), a person (e.g. healthcare professional) who adapts, adjusts,
assembles or shapes an adaptable medical device for a particular patient is not regarded as a
manufacturer, as long as the adaptation, adjustment, assembly and shaping does not modify
the device in such a way that compliance with the applicable requirements may be affected or
changes the intended purpose.
Note 2: Patient-matched medical devices, as defined by IMDRF,
are devices which may fall
under point (b) above. A patient-matched device is defined as a medical device that meets the
following requirements:
it is matched to a patient’s anatomy within a specified design envelope using
techniques such as scaling of the device based on anatomic references, or by using the
full anatomic features from patient imaging; and
it is typically produced in a batch through a process that is capable of being validated
and reproduced; and
it is designed and produced under the responsibility of a manufacturer even though
the design may be developed in consultation with an authorized healthcare
Different from a custom-made device, these devices are typically produced in batches or
through mass production and do not require a written prescription by an authorised person
(see Q6 for more information on written prescriptions).
In particular, a patient-matched medical device is held under the sole accountability of the
manufacturer who is entirely responsible for the design, safety, performance and overall
compliance of the device.
A mass-produced medical device is defined in IMDRF PMD WG/N49 FINAL: 2018 as a medical device that is based on standardised
dimensions/designs; that is not designed for a particular individual; and that is typically produced in a continuous production run
or homogenous batch.
These instructions are those deemed necessary for the adaptation of the device and should not be confused with instructions
for use referred to in Annex I Chapter III 23.1d of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices.
Please note that components of a system or procedure pack, which can be assembled at the point of care are not subject of
this Q&A.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
It must be underlined that products which are adaptable medical devices or patient-matched
medical devices (as defined by IMDRF) are not qualified as CMDs and must follow the ‘standard’
MDR regulatory pathway for placing on the market.
Examples of patient-matched devices:
Plates used to fix a broken bone, which are made by 3D printing, based on a template
model and DICOM files/ images of the patient. The plates are printed within the
validated dimensional ranges allowed by the specified design envelope under the sole
responsibility of the manufacturer.
Cutting guides used in procedures such as knee arthroplasties, or guides used for
pedicle screw placement, that are made by 3D printing based on MR or CT data to
match a specific patient.
Mandibular implants produced by a 3D printing manufacturer, from a template model
and DICOM files.
Made to order contact lenses which are produced on request typically in batches with
validated or verified production processes using standardised tools and materials and
within clearly specified dimensions. No specific or individual design process necessary.
An externally worn orthosis to support, prevent or assist body functions, based on
external 3D scan images and or measures, by a manufacturer who produces this
under his sole responsibility, within validated parameters.
Can parts, components or materials specifically intended to be used in a
custom-made device, adaptable medical device or patient-matched
medical device be placed on the market as medical devices according to
the MDR?
In accordance with Article 2(1) MDR, the intended purpose of a medical device can be achieved
either alone or in combination with other devices or products. Certain parts, components or
materials may carry a medical intended purpose and can thus fulfil the definition of a medical
device. By analogy, parts, components or materials of custom-made devices, adaptable medical
devices or patient-matched medical devices may be CE-marked medical devices.
Accordingly, it is possible for intermediate productswhich are specifically intended for the
manufacture of CMDs, adaptable medical devices or patient-matched medical devices to be
also placed on the market as medical devices, as these products are specifically intended to
become a part or component of a final CMD, adaptable medical device (finally adapted) or
patient-matched medical device.
Instructions for use provided by the manufacturer of these
CE marked devices should be followed when performing further preparatory processing,
preparation, configuration, installation, assembly, adaptation or fitting in order to meet the
needs of the user or patient prior to their use.
This essentially applies to dental ceramics and modular components for prosthesis, if these intermediate products are specifically
intended to be used for the manufacture of CMDs, adaptable medical devices or patient-matched medical devices.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
Are there specific considerations/requirements which must be taken into
account by manufacturers of devices referred to in Question 2?
Manufacturers of devices referenced in question 2 shall fulfil all relevant and applicable
requirements of the MDR. To determine the risk classes of those products, it is necessary to
the intended medical purpose of the final CMD, adaptable medical device or
patient-matched medical device;
whether it is an implantable medical device (i.e. whether the part, component or
material is intended to be used in the manufacturing of an implantable CMD,
adaptable medical device or patient-matched medical device)
the risks related to the intended contact or interaction of the product as a part,
component or material in the final CMD, adaptable medical device or patient-
matched medical device with the patient’s body.
If any of the physical, chemical or biological properties of those products referred to in question
2 change during the manufacturing of the CMD, patient-matched medical device or the
adaptation process of the adaptable medical device (e.g. plastics, metallic compounds, ceramic
fluids for crowns), compliance of the finished product with the general safety and performance
requirements of MDR Annex I has to be demonstrated.
It is important to note that the manufacturer must also demonstrate that these products do
not create unacceptable risks to the persons performing the relevant preparatory processing
(such as preparation, configuration, installation, assembly, adaptation or fitting) to the needs
of the patient prior to their use.
The clinical evaluation conducted by the manufacturer should focus on demonstrating the
clinical benefit related to the intended medical purpose of the products when used as parts,
components or materials of a custom-made devices, adaptable medical devices or patient-
matched medical devices.
To perform a post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF), liaison with the authorised person
responsible for the issuing of the relevant written prescription, CMD manufacturers who have
utilised the part, component or material and persons adapting the final device is necessary.
Furthermore, the manufacturer of devices referred to in question 2 bears the responsibility
over these CE marked medical devices and is responsible for all incumbent MDR obligations
such as post-market surveillance activities and vigilance reporting for the parts, components
or materials.
Implantable devices encompass those devices which are partially or wholly implanted. Please refer to Article 2(5) of the MDR for
the definition of an ‘implantable device’.
In general, the risk class of the product is expected to be the same as the risk class of the final CMD, adaptable medical device
or patient-matched medical device. For example, if a part, component or material is specifically intended to be used for the
manufacture of a Class III implantable custom-made device, then that part, component or material would be classified as a Class
III implantable.
For further clarifications on clinical evaluation for custom-made devices, please refer to question 8.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
Can manufacturers use state of the art industrial manufacturing
processes to manufacture CMDs?
As long as the definition of a CMD is fulfilled (refer to question 1) and the device is not mass-
produced, manufacturers may use modern state of the art technologies (such as CAD CAM,
3D-Printing etc.) to manufacture CMDs.
Does a 3D printed device (additive manufacturing) qualify as a CMD?
A 3D printed device does not qualify as a CMD by default. An assessment should be performed
on a case-by-case basis. In order for a 3D printed device to qualify as a CMD, the following
requirements must be met:
a written prescription, containing patient specific design characteristics, of an
authorised person is in compliance with the requirements expressed below (see
question 6),
the manufactured device is intended for the sole use of a particular patient,
exclusively to meet their individual conditions and needs,
the device is not mass-produced.
What defines a written prescription containing patient specific design
A written prescription must be issued by a qualified person authorised by national law. At
minimum, it should contain:
the name of the patient (or pseudonym if relevant),
specific design characteristics made by the authorised person which are unique to
the patient’s anatomic-physiological features and/or pathological condition.
The following (non-exhaustive) additions can accompany a written prescription and if so, also
constitute specific design characteristics:
models (physical or 3D model data).
moulds (e.g. for dental or orthotic purposes).
dental impressions.
Note: Dimensions and/or geometric parameters (such as DICOM files from CT scans) are not
considered specific design characteristics on their own. Additional measured data or
by the prescribing person is necessary as part of a written prescription in order
for the definition of a CMD to be met.
Such as the thickness and trajectory of a plate, the number, type and positions of fixation screws, choice of material, shall also
be provided for in the prescription to be considered as containing specific design characteristics.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
Shall the authorised person referred to in the definition of a CMD be a
healthcare professional?
No. The Regulation explicitly states that it should be any person authorised by national law.
Therefore, it is up to Member States to establish who qualifies as an authorised person.
What are the obligations of CMD manufacturers according to the MDR?
With the absence of stated exceptions, CMD manufacturers must meet nearly all of the MDR
requirements. Although the authorised person issuing the written prescription primarily
determines the design and intended purpose of the CMD, it is the responsibility of the CMD
manufacturer to consider which MDR Annex I requirements are applicable to the device at
Additionally, and as any other medical device manufacturer, CMD manufacturers shall
establish, document, implement, maintain, keep up to date and continually improve a quality
management system (QMS) that shall ensure compliance with the MDR in the most effective
manner and in a manner that is proportionate to the risk class and the type of device. The QMS
must address all elements described in Article 10(9) of the MDR.
To implement an MDR compliant post-market surveillance system, the CMD manufacturer
should establish appropriate communication channels with relevant healthcare
providers/professionals or patients to receive feedback on the quality, performance and in
particular the clinical performance and safety of the devices in the field.
For risk management, post-market surveillance and clinical evaluation life cycle processes as
defined by the MDR, CMD manufacturers should apply these obligations to groups of devices
with the same intended purpose, materials used, process utilised, same principal design etc.
and not to each individual CMD.
In accordance with Article 87(1) of the MDR, CMD manufacturers shall report to the competent
authorities any serious incidents and/or field safety corrective actions as soon as they learn of
Which obligations of CMD manufacturers differ from those of other
medical device manufacturers?
The conformity assessment procedure for all types of CMDs is described in MDR Annex XIII. In
accordance with section 1 of Annex XIII, and in place of a declaration of conformity, CMDs shall
be accompanied by an Annex XIII statement. This statement shall be made available to the
particular patient or user identified by a name, an acronym or a numerical code.
A conformity assessment procedure covering QMS certification by a notified body (in
accordance with Chapter I of Annex IX or Part A of Annex XI of the MDR) is applicable to Class
III implantable CMDs.
According to Article 56 (5), the registration of QMS-certificates issued
for Class III implantable CMD shall be entered into EUDAMED. In addition, manufacturers may
Article 52(8) MDR.
Medical Devices
Medical Device Coordination Group Document MDCG 2021-3
have to comply with national requirements on the registration of economic operators and
CMD manufacturers are exempt from device UDI registration, assignment and labelling
requirements. As such, and although they must appoint a person responsible for regulatory
compliance (PRRC) in accordance with Article 15 of the MDR, they are not required to register
these persons in EUDAMED.
In addition, Article 32(1) prescribes that a Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance (SSCP)
is not required for a custom-made device.
As for post-market surveillance, a report for Class I devices according to Article 85 MDR and a
Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR) for class IIa, IIb and III according to Article 86 MDR, must
be established by the CMD manufacturer. Both the post-market surveillance report and the
PSUR must be part of the CMD documentation according to Section 2 of Annex XIII of the
In case of Class III implantable CMDs, PSURs are not required to be sent to notified bodies but
must be part of the CMD documentation according to Section 2 of Annex XIII of the MDR.
What are the implications for a CMD manufacturer using CE-marked
devices referred to in question 2 instead of non-CE marked devices?
In both cases, it is the responsibility of the CMD manufacturer to establish full compliance of
the CMD with the MDR.
Where a CMD manufacturer uses a CE marked device, part, component or material (as
described in Q2) for the purpose of manufacturing a CMD, then the CMD manufacturer may
take into consideration the compliance of these aforementioned CE-marked products with the
general safety and performance requirements of the MDR. When performing a clinical
evaluation for the CMD, the CMD manufacturer can make use of the clinical evaluation
performed for the aforementioned CE marked products, as this clinical evaluation (see also
answer to Q3) can support the fulfilment of the general safety a performance requirements
and demonstrating clinical evidence necessary for the final CMD.
When the CMD manufacturer has to perform further preparatory processing, preparation,
configuration, installation, assembly, adaptation or fitting to the needs of the patient prior to
the device’s use, this must be done in accordance with the instructions provided by the
manufacturer of the CE-marked device.
It must be noted that it is not possible to presume conformity or to rely on clinical evaluations
of non-CE marked devices. It is also not possible to presume conformity or to rely on clinical
evaluations of CE
marked devices when they are being used outside of their intended purpose or outside the
instructions provided by the manufacturer.