Announcement Issue Date:
May 24, 2024
Submission Deadline for Letter of Intent:
July 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET
A Letter of Intent is required
Letters of Intent must be submitted by an
authorized institutional representative
Letter of Intent Response Date
July 9, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET
Submission Deadline for Proposals:
July 24, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET
Table of Contents
UPDATES AND REMINDERS ...................................................................................................... I
SECTION II AWARD INFORMATION .....................................................................................7
II.A. TYPE OF AWARD INSTRUMENT ..................................................................................7
II.B. ESTIMATED FUNDING ...................................................................................................7
II.C. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AWARD SIZE .................................................................7
II.D. EXPECTED NUMBER OF AWARDS ..............................................................................8
II.E. ANTICIPATED AWARD SIZE .........................................................................................8
II.F. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE ..........................................................................................8
II.G. TYPE OF PROPOSAL .......................................................................................................8
SECTION III ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION ...........................................................................9
III.A. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS AND TOPICS ........................................................................9
III.B. COST SHARING ...............................................................................................................9
III.C. ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS ...............................................................................................9
III.D. LIMITATIONS ON SUBMISSIONS................................................................................9
SECTION IV PROPOSAL AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION .........................................10
IV.A. ADDRESS TO REQUEST PROPOSAL PACKAGE ....................................................10
IV.B. LETTER OF INTENT AND PRE-PROPOSAL .............................................................10
IV.C. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION AND CONTENT ...............................................................12
IV.D. SUBMISSIONS FROM SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS ...............................................21
IV.E. SUBMISSION DATES AND TIMES .............................................................................21
SECTION V - PROPOSAL REVIEW INFORMATION .............................................................23
V.A. CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................23
V.B. REVIEW AND SELECTION PROCESS .........................................................................25
SECTION VI - AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION ..............................................26
VI.A. AWARD NOTICES ........................................................................................................26
VI.B. ADMINISTRATIVE AND POLICY REQUIREMENTS ..............................................26
VI.C. REPORTING ...................................................................................................................26
SECTION VII - QUESTIONS/AGENCY CONTACTS ...............................................................27
VII.A. QUESTIONS ..................................................................................................................27
VII.B. AGENCY CONTACTS .................................................................................................27
SECTION VIII SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ...................................................................28
VIII.A. HOW-TO GUIDES .......................................................................................................28
VIII.B. POLICY PROVISIONS ................................................................................................41
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) encourages you to register in all
systems as soon as possible. You are also encouraged to submit letters of intent and proposals
before the deadline.
Applicant institutions are limited to no more than one letter of intent or proposal as the lead
All new and renewal proposals must provide a Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research
(PIER) Plan as an appendix to the research narrative. Please read the instructions in Section IV
and the associated review criteria in Section V.
Interagency common instructions for preparing current and pending support and biographical
sketches are being developed. The Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) system
at will be updated to support the forthcoming common
instructions and formats. The fillable PDFs provided by the National Science Foundation are no
longer available. When interagency common formats and instructions are promulgated, their use
will be accepted. See for more
information. SC strongly encourages all researchers to use the online SciENcv system to ensure
that their documents are prepared in the appropriate format with the least inconvenience.
Follow the updated instructions in Section VIII and consider the use of the Collaborator
Template available at Do
not include this list as part of the biographical sketch.
The DOE SC is fully and unconditionally committed to fostering safe, diverse, equitable, and
inclusive work, research, and funding environments that value mutual respect and personal
integrity. SC is committed to advancing belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and
inclusion across the portfolio of activities we sponsor. SC’s effective stewardship and promotion
of safe, accessible, diverse, and inclusive workplaces that value and celebrate the diversity of
people, ideas, cultures, and educational backgrounds across the country and that foster a sense of
belonging in our scientific community is foundational to delivering on our mission. We are
committed to promoting people from all backgrounds, including individuals and communities
that were historically underrepresented and minoritized in science, technology, engineering, and
math (STEM) fields and the activities we sponsor in recognition of our responsibility to serve the
public. We also recognize that harnessing a broad range of views, expertise, and experiences
drives scientific and technological innovation and enables the SC community to push the
frontiers of scientific knowledge for U.S. prosperity and security. Discrimination and harassment
undermine SC’s ability to achieve its mission by reducing productivity, discouraging, or
inhibiting talent retention and career advancement, and weakening the integrity of the SC
enterprise overall. SC does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind, including
sexual or non-sexual harassment, bullying, intimidation, violence, threats of violence, retaliation,
or other disruptive behavior at institutions receiving SC funding or other locations where
activities funded by SC are carried out. All applicants and collaborators should familiarize
themselves with the SC Statement of Commitment available at
All applicants are encouraged to update their profiles in the PAMS website at regularly, at least annually, to ensure SC has your most up
to date information. The PAMS profile now requires that individuals provide responses to the
demographic related fields. SC strongly encourages personnel at applicant and awardee
institutions, including Principal Investigators (PIs), Co-PIs, and other Key Personnel, to provide
their demographic information. By providing your demographic information, you are assisting
with SC’s continued commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in its business
practices. Alternatively, for information you wish not to disclose, please select, “Do not wish to
provide.” Your individual demographic information will not be shared with peer reviewers and
the information in your PAMS profile is protected by the requirements established in the Federal
Privacy Act of 1974. Aggregate, anonymized demographic information may be shared with
confidential review committees who are charged to evaluate the quality and efficacy of SC’s
business practices. For example, summary statistics of all applicants to or award selections from
a particular SC FOA may be reviewed by a Committee of Visitors.
The research narrative in a proposal must be one single machine-readable PDF file that contains
the DOE Title Page, project narrative, all required appendices, and other attachments. This single
PDF file may not be scanned from a printed document and must be uploaded in PAMS. This
must be a plain PDF file consisting of text, numbers, and images without editable fields,
signatures, passwords, redactions, or other advanced features available in some PDF-compatible
software. The research narrative will be read by SC staff using the full version of Adobe
Acrobat: Please ensure that the narrative is readable in Acrobat. If combining multiple files into
one research narrative, ensure that a PDF portfolio or binder is not created. If creating PDF files
using any software other than Adobe Acrobat, please use a “Print to PDF” or equivalent process
to ensure that all content is visible in the research narrative. Once a research narrative has been
assembled, please submit the combined research narrative file through a Print to PDF” or
equivalent process to ensure that all content is visible in one PDF file that can be viewed in
Adobe Acrobat. Review your submission to ensure that blank pages are not present.
Checklist for Avoiding Common Errors:
Submitted in PAMS. Do not submit proposals
in or FedConnect. Do not attempt
to submit a proposal unless you are affiliated
with a DOE/NNSA National Laboratory.
Letters of Intent (LOIs)
- LOIs must be submitted in PAMS by an
authorized institutional representative
- Do not submit the LOI in
- Follow the instructions in Section IV for the
preparation of an LOI.
Page Limits
Strictly followed throughout proposal,
including particular attention to:
- Research Narrative
- Appendix 2 Narrative, if any
- Biosketches
- Data Management Plan(s) (DMPs)
- Letter(s) of Recommendation, if any
Personally Identifiable Information
None present in the proposal
Research Narrative
Composed of one PDF file including all
Project Summary / Abstract
Name(s) of applicant, PI(s), PI’s institutional
affiliation(s), Co-Investigator(s), Co-
Investigator’s institutional affiliation(s)
DOE Title Page
Follow instructions closely
Use current negotiated indirect cost and fringe
benefit rates
Budget Justification (attached to budget)
Justify all requested costs
Biographical Sketches
Follow page limits strictly and do not include
list of collaborators.
Current and Pending Support
Ensure complete listing of all activities,
regardless of source of funding.
List of Individuals who Should not Serve as
Merit Reviews
Emailed to the program manager by LOI due
Provided as separate file in proposal
Data Management Plans (DMP)
- If referring to an experiment’s DMP,
describe the relationship to the proposed
- Include a DMP even if no experimental
data is expected
Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research
(PIER) Plan
PIER Plans are a new requirement for new
and renewal proposals.
Institutions capable of being funded through
the DOE Field Work System
Do not create new institutions in the PAMS
website for any DOE/NNSA National
Laboratory or DOE Site.
Submissions will be evaluated for technical
merit, but any resulting funding, work, or
awards will be made under the laboratory or
site’s contract with DOE. No separate
financial assistance awards will be made. No
administrative provisions of this
Announcement will apply to the laboratory or
any laboratory subcontractor.
Technical/Scientific Program Contacts:
Dr. Shaima Nasiri
Dr. Sally McFarlane
The DOE SC program in Biological and Environmental Research (BER) hereby announces its
interest in receiving proposals for the development of a pilot study to measure marine aerosols,
clouds, and other environmental parameters of interest from commercial ocean vessels. Oceans
cover 71% of the Earth’s surface and the responses of marine clouds to climate change are a
critical uncertainty in Earth system models. More observations of marine aerosols, clouds,
greenhouse gases, and other atmospheric properties are needed to evaluate and improve Earth
system models. The ability to leverage the vast number of commercial vessels that regularly sail
the world’s oceans would provide opportunities to greatly expand the reach of shipborne
observations, but significant challenges must be addressed before a sustained atmospheric
observing program on commercial vessels would be feasible. This announcement solicits
proposals led by DOE/NNSA National Laboratories (including academic or industry partners, as
appropriate) that focus on the identification, development, and pilot deployment of a small suite
of instruments that can be operated autonomously on commercial vessels to address BER science
Program Objective
The mission of the Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program
( is to support transformative science and scientific user facilities to
achieve a predictive understanding of complex biological, earth, and environmental systems for
energy and infrastructure security, independence, and prosperity. Within BER, Atmospheric
System Research (
Program) is focused on quantifying the interactions among aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and
radiation to improve understanding of key cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and radiation processes
that affect the Earth’s radiative balance and hydrological cycle, especially processes that limit the
predictive ability of regional and global models.
In 2018, BER hosted a workshop to facilitate input and discussion from the scientific community
on the highest-priority opportunities for BER observational capabilities to best address the BER
goal of improving the predictability of Earth system models (Atmospheric Radiation
Measurement (ARM) User Facility ARM Mobile Facility Workshop Report). One of the key
areas identified in that workshop were marine regions. As discussed in the workshop report,
“Approximately 80% of all low clouds on Earth occur over the oceans, and uncertainty in how
marine low clouds are expected to change with increasing greenhouse gases remains the largest
source of uncertainty in cloud feedback and climate sensitivity. In addition, although most
anthropogenic aerosols originate from emissions over land, models show that a
disproportionately large fraction of the global aerosol indirect forcing is associated with aerosol-
cloud interactions over remote marine regions. Earth system models suffer from major biases in
their representation of clouds, precipitation, and aerosols in marine regions. There is a great need
for surface and in situ observations of clouds, aerosols, and precipitation in marine regions, but
logistical and measurement challenges mean that such observations are mostly restricted to
relatively short campaigns with research vessels and/or aircraft.
Targeted field campaigns on dedicated research vessels allow deployment of complex
instruments to particular marine regions of interest to address important science questions.
However, these complex instruments usually require dedicated scientists and technicians to
operate them for high quality measurements. The expense of these dedicated campaigns and the
small number of available research vessels limit the amount of data that can be collected.
Development of suites of autonomously operating instrumentation that could be deployed on
ships without dedicated scientists/technicians would enable scientists to leverage the vast number
of commercial vessels that regularly sail the world’s oceans and would provide opportunities to
greatly expand the reach of shipborne observations.
A pilot study to identify and address the challenges in deploying unattended autonomously
operating instruments on commercial vessels for atmospheric observations would provide
important information for assessing the feasibility and scientific value of developing a sustained
observational program. In March 2024, BER organized a workshop to obtain information from
the research community on the highest scientific priorities, technical challenges and potential
solutions, and opportunities for deploying instrumentation to measure marine aerosols, clouds,
greenhouse gases, and other atmospheric variables on commercial ocean vessels. The draft
workshop report Observing Marine Aerosols and Clouds from Ships 2024 Workshop Report
identified key logistical challenges and potential solutions; opportunities for coordination with
existing efforts; high-priority feasible instrumentation for unattended autonomous operations;
scientific questions that could be potentially addressed with these measurements; and key
elements that would be necessary for a successful pilot program.
Pilot study
Given the significant challenges that must be overcome to develop a sustainable observational
program on commercial ships, BER is soliciting proposals for a pilot study to develop and
deploy a small suite of autonomously operating instruments on a commercial ship to address
BER science questions. The primary goals of the pilot study are to demonstrate feasibility of the
selected set of instrumentation for unattended operations on ships, develop data management
procedures suitable for the measurements, and illustrate the potential of the measurements for
addressing BER-relevant science questions.
Proposals must include:
A vision for a sustained observational program of unattended autonomous measurements
of marine aerosols, clouds, and other environmental factors on commercial ships to
address BER science questions;
A research plan and up to 3-year timeline for conducting a pilot study to test and assess
the feasibility and approach in support of the observational program vision;
Discussion of collaboration, leveraging, or coordination with existing activities; and
A comprehensive Data Management Plan (DMP) that spans quality control, data
processing, data flow, data archiving, and data distribution.
The proposed pilot study must include:
Metrics of success for the pilot study demonstration;
A set of specific BER-relevant science questions;
A defined set of planned instrumentation and measurements that are clearly linked to the
set of specific BER-relevant science questions;
Any necessary instrument development, hardening, packaging into modules, operational
configuration, and phased testing of autonomous operations;
Development of instrument maintenance and calibration processes suitable for a
sustained observational program (i.e., that do not require skilled technicians to
operate/maintain the instruments onboard the vessel);
Demonstration of unattended autonomous deployment of instrumentation on a non-
research marine vessel for at least a one-week period;
Analysis of the proposed observations and evaluation of their applicability and utility for
addressing the set of BER-relevant science questions;
A publicly available pilot study report that summarizes instrument development, data
management processes, best practices, and lessons learned; and
Communication and engagement with the broader scientific community.
Applicants may consider phased approaches for the pilot study, in which a small set of
instruments is initially deployed, and additional more complex instruments are added in later
phases. The pilot study may focus on a smaller subset of science questions than those described
in the vision for a sustained observational program.
Coordination with existing DOE or other agency activities
Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with and/or leverage expertise on instrumentation, data
quality control, data processing, and data archiving from existing DOE projects or facilities (or
other agency efforts), where appropriate rather than developing new or stand-alone capabilities.
Funding for the personnel/effort to support these activities should be included in the budget of
this application.
Applicants should not assume that instrumentation from the Atmospheric Radiation
Measurement (ARM) facility will be available for loan or deployment to support the proposed
pilot project. Applicants may propose to use existing equipment owned by their institutions or to
purchase new equipment to support the pilot project.
Participation in ASR Meetings
To ensure that the program meets the broadest needs of the research community and the specific
needs of BER, successful applicants are expected to attend the annual science team meeting and
to participate as ASR science team members in the appropriate working group(s) relevant to their
Costs for participation in the annual Joint ARM User Facility and ASR Principal Investigators
Meeting should be included in the budget. Estimated costs should be based on one one-week
meeting in Washington, D.C.
Teaming Arrangements
Teams of multiple institutions are invited to submit a proposal under this Program
Announcement. Any multi-institutional team must be led by a DOE/NNSA National Laboratory
1. Members of multi-institutional teams that are not DOE/NNSA National Laboratories
must be proposed as subawards under the proposal from the lead DOE/NNSA National
2. Members of multi-institutional teams that are DOE/NNSA National Laboratories must be
proposed using the collaborative proposal process described below.
Limitation on Submissions
Applicant institutions are limited to no more than one letter of intent or proposal as the lead
Open Science
SC is dedicated to promoting the values of openness in Federally-supported scientific research,
including, but not limited to, ensuring that research may be reproduced and that the results of
Federally-supported research are made available to other researchers. These objectives may be
met through any number of mechanisms including, but not limited to, data access plans, data
sharing agreements, the use of archives and repositories, and the use of various licensing
The use of the phrase “open-source” does not refer to any particular licensing arrangement, but is
to be understood as encompassing any arrangement that furthers the objective of openness.
To be in compliance with the data policy of the U.S. Global Change Research Program of full
and open access to global change research data and the Office of Science Statement on Digital
Data Management, the required DMP must include a description of the researcher's data sharing
plans if the proposed research involves the acquisition of data in the course of the research that
would be of use to the climate research and assessment communities. This includes data from
extensive, long-term observations and experiments and from long-term model simulations of
climate that would be costly to duplicate. The DMP must describe plans for sharing the data that
are to be acquired in the course of the proposed research, particularly how the acquired data will
be preserved, documented, and quality assured, and where it will be archived for access by
others. Data of potentially broad use in climate change research and assessments should be
archived, when possible, in data repositories for subsequent dissemination. Additional BER
requirements and guidance for digital data management is available at
Multi-Institutional Teams
SC uses two different mechanisms to support teams of multiple institutions.
Teams of multiple institutions may submit collaborative proposals for DOE/NNSA National
Laboratories. Each submitted proposal in such a team must indicate that it is part of a
collaborative project/group. Every partner institution must submit its own proposal through its
own processes. Each multi-institutional team can have only one lead institution. Each proposal
within the multi-institutional team, including the narrative, starting with the title page, and all
required appendices and attachments, must be identical with the following exceptions:
Each proposal must contain a correct PAMS cover page for the submitting institution only.
Each proposal must contain a unique budget corresponding to the expenditures for that
proposal’s submitting institution only.
Each proposal must contain a unique budget justification corresponding to the expenditures
for that proposal’s submitting institution only.
Each proposal must include a list for the Identification of Merit Review Conflicts for the
submitting institution’s senior/key personnel and its subawards’ senior/key personnel.
Each proposal must include the biographical sketches and current and pending support from
that institution’s senior/key personnel. The applicant leading the multi-institutional team
must include biographical sketches and current and pending support from each institution’s
senior/key personnel.
Our intent is to create from the various proposals associated with a multi-institutional team one
document for merit review that consists of the common, identical materials combined with a set
of detailed budgets from the partner institutions. Thus, it is very important that every research
narrative in the multi-institutional team be identical, while each team member must submit its
own system-generated cover page, budget, and budget justification.
Multi-institutional teams may submit one proposal from a designated lead institution with all
non-DOE/NNSA National Laboratory team members proposed as subawards.
Other Federal agencies and another Federal agency’s FFRDCs
may not be proposed as team
members, either as subawardees or using the collaborative proposal process.
The following points of advice to proposers may be helpful:
1. Both collaborative proposals and proposed subawards are methods by which multiple
institutions can work together to reach the scientific objectives described in this
Announcement. Choose the appropriate structure based on the institutions being
a. Team members that are not DOE/NNSA National Laboratories must be proposed
as subawards under the lead DOE/NNSA National Laboratory’s proposal.
b. Team members that are DOE/NNSA National Laboratories must be proposed
using the collaborative proposal process.
2. A single multi-institutional team may thus require the use of both subawards and
collaborative proposals.
An authoritative list of all Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) may be found at
DOE anticipates awarding laboratory work authorizations under this DOE National Laboratory
Program Announcement.
Any awards made under this Announcement will be subject to the provisions of the contract
between DOE and the awardee National Laboratory.
DOE will consider funding multi-institution teams submitted as collaborative proposals, in which
each institution must submit its own proposal with an identical common research narrative, under
this Announcement. Multi-institutional teams may also apply using a prime and subaward model
with one proposal submitted by the lead institution. Team members that are not DOE/NNSA
National Laboratories must be proposed as subawards under the lead DOE/NNSA National
Laboratory’s proposal. Team members that are DOE/NNSA National Laboratories must be
proposed using the collaborative proposal process.
DOE anticipates that a total of $3 million in current fiscal year funds will be used to support
awards under this Announcement.
DOE is under no obligation to pay for any costs associated with preparation or submission of
proposals. DOE reserves the right to fund, in whole or in part, any, all, or none of the proposals
submitted in response to this Announcement.
(See B. Estimated Funding section above.)
A multi-institutional team, whether applied for as a prime applicant with subawards or as
collaborative proposals, is limited to a total request of no more than $3,000,000.
$3,000,000 total
The award ceiling applies to the total budget, regardless of whether the application is from a
single institution or from a multi-institutional team.
$2,750,000 total
(See B. Estimated Funding Section above.)
One award is expected.
(See B. Estimated Funding Section above.)
It is anticipated that award size will be approximately $3,000,000.
(See B. Estimated Funding section above.)
DOE anticipates making awards with a project period of two to three years.
Continuation funding (funding for the second and subsequent budget periods) is contingent on:
(1) availability of funds appropriated by Congress and future year budget authority; (2) progress
towards meeting the objectives of the approved proposal; (3) submission of required reports; and
(4) compliance with the terms and conditions of the award.
DOE will accept new DOE National Laboratory Proposals under this DOE National Laboratory
Announcement. Please only submit a PAMS lab technical proposal in response to this
Announcement; do not submit a DOE Field Work Proposal (FWP) at this time. SC will request
FWPs later from those selected for funding consideration under this Announcement.
This is a DOE/NNSA National Laboratory-only Announcement. FFRDCs from other Federal
agencies are not eligible to submit in response to this Program Announcement.
Cost sharing is not required.
Eligible individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed
research as a Principal Investigator (PI) are invited to work with their organizations to develop a
proposal. Individuals from underrepresented groups as well as individuals with disabilities are
always encouraged to apply.
Applicant institutions are limited to no more than one letter of intent or proposal as the lead
Should DOE receive submissions in excess of the applicable limits, DOE reserves the right, in its
sole discretion, to request additional or clarifying information to ascertain the institution’s
intended submissions. Otherwise, DOE will consider the latest received submissions to be the
institution’s intended submissions.
Letters of intent in excess of the limited number of submissions will be discouraged.
Proposals in excess of the limited number of submissions will be declined without review.
Individuals receiving less than half of their salary and benefits from a DOE/NNSA National
Laboratory may not be named as the PI in a proposal under this Announcement, regardless of
any arrangement between the Laboratory and another institution.
Proposal submission instructions are available in this Announcement on the DOE SC Portfolio
Analysis and Management System (PAMS). Screenshots showing the steps in DOE National
Laboratory proposal submission are available in the PAMS Help materials, accessible by
navigating to and clicking on the “PAMS Help” link.
Proposals submitted outside of PAMS will not be accepted.
IV.B.1. Letter of Intent
The LOI due date is printed on the cover of this Announcement.
The response date is printed on the cover of this Announcement. Applicants who have not
received a response regarding the status of their LOI by this date are responsible for contacting
the program manager to confirm this status.
A Letter of Intent is required and must be submitted by the date indicated on the cover of this
If a multi-institutional team is submitting collaborative proposals, only the lead institution should
submit an LOI.
The LOI is to help in planning the review and the selection of potential reviewers for the
proposal. The LOI must include, at the top of the cover page, the following information:
Title of LOI
Principal Investigator Name, Job Title
PI Phone Number, PI Email Address
Announcement Number: Include the Number indicated on the cover of this Announcement
A list of all known senior/key personnel at the applicant institution and all team member
A list of all known unfunded collaborators and their institutions
The material listed here defines the minimum acceptable information on a cover page. Additional
information may be provided at the applicant’s discretion.
The cover page must be followed by a clear and concise description of the objectives and
technical approach of the proposed research.
The description of the proposed research may not exceed two pages, when printed using
standard letter-size (8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and
right). The body text font must not be smaller than 11-point. Figures and references, if
included, must fit within the two-page limit. The cover page does not count toward the
two-page limit.
If a multi-institutional team is being proposed, provide the following information on a separate
page. This information will not count toward the page limitation.
List all institutions by name with each institutions PI on the same line.
Indicate the lead PI who will be the point of contact and coordinator for the combined
research activity.
Include a table modeled on the following chart providing summary budget information from
all institutions. Provide the total costs of the budget request in each year for each institution
and totals for all rows and columns.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Lead PI
Institutional PI
Institutional PI
Institutional PI
Example budget table ($ in thousands)
In addition, the LOI must include a listing of senior/key personnel and a listing of individuals
who should not serve as merit reviewers of a subsequent proposal (i.e., conflict of interest
information for senior/key personnel). Detailed instructions for how to craft such a listing are
provided in Section VIII of this Announcement. Note that the listing of individuals who
should not serve as merit reviewers is rarely empty because the instructions contain
mandatory inclusions requirements. This listing will not count toward the LOI’s page limit.
The list of individuals should be combined into a single Excel spreadsheet and sent via
email to [email protected] by the LOI due date.
The LOI may include a list of suggested reviewers (including email address and organizational
affiliation) who they believe are especially well qualified to review the proposal. DOE is under
no obligation to consider any suggested reviewers.
Those LOIs that are encouraged will be used to help SC begin planning for the proposal peer
review process. SC’s intent in discouraging submission of certain proposals is to save the time
and effort of applicants in preparing and submitting proposals not responsive to this
The PI will be automatically notified when the LOI is encouraged or discouraged. The DOE SC
Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) will send an email to the PI from
[email protected], and the status of the LOI will be updated at the PAMS
website Notifications are sent as soon as the decisions to
encourage or discourage are finalized.
LOIs are created in the software system of your choice and must be submitted electronically
through the DOE SC Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) website You cannot draft or edit an LOI in PAMS. Do not
submit an LOI through FedConnect or
LOIs may only be submitted by a user at the PI’s institution with the “Submit to DOE” privilege
in PAMS. A PI may draft a LOI but will only be able to submit the LOI for institutional
Applicants are strongly encouraged to inform their DOE Program Manager if teaming
arrangements, proposed personnel, topics, or the anticipated title change between submitting the
LOI and when a proposal is submitted, to ensure that their proposal is properly linked to their
LOI and that reviewers are properly assigned to the proposal.
Detailed instructions about how to submit an LOI are in Section VIII of this Announcement.
IV.B.2. Pre-proposal
Not applicable.
IV.C.1. Summary of Proposal Contents
Each DOE National Laboratory proposal will contain the following sections:
A Cover Page, entered into PAMS as structured data using the on-screen form
Budget, entered into PAMS as structured data using the PAMS budget form
Abstract (one page), entered into PAMS as a separate pdf
Budget justification, entered into PAMS as a separate pdf
Proposal, combined into a single pdf containing the following information:
o Proposal Title Page
o Table of Contents
o Project Narrative (main technical portion of the proposal, including
background/introduction, proposed research and methods, timetable of activities, and
responsibilities of key project personnel)
o Appendix 1: Biographical Sketch(es)
o Appendix 2: Current and Pending Support
o Appendix 3: Bibliography and References Cited
o Appendix 4: Facilities and Other Resources
o Appendix 5: Equipment
o Appendix 6: Data Management Plan
o Appendix 7: Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Plan
o Appendix 8: Other Attachments (optional)
Collaborator Information
Completed proposals must be submitted into the DOE SC Portfolio Analysis and Management
System (PAMS) at
Important Instructions to the Sponsored Research Office of Submitting Institutions: SC
requires that you create one single machine readable PDF file that contains the DOE Title Page,
project narrative, biographical sketch, current and pending support, bibliography and references
cited, facilities and other resources, equipment, data management plan, and other attachments.
This single PDF file may not be scanned from a printed document and must be uploaded in
PAMS. This must be a plain PDF file consisting of text, numbers, and images without editable
fields, signatures, passwords, redactions, or other advanced features available in some PDF-
compatible software. Do not use PDF portfolios or binders. The research narrative will be read
by SC staff using the full version of Adobe Acrobat: Please ensure that the narrative is readable
in Acrobat. If combining multiple files into one research narrative, ensure that a PDF portfolio or
binder is not created. If creating PDF files using any software other than Adobe Acrobat, please
use a Print to PDF” or equivalent process to ensure that all content is visible in the research
narrative. Once a research narrative has been assembled, please submit the combined research
narrative file through a “Print to PDF” or equivalent process to ensure that all content is visible
in one PDF file that can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat.
WARNING: The PAMS website at will permit
you to edit a previously submitted proposal in the time between your submission and the
deadline. If you choose to edit, doing so will remove your previously submitted version
from consideration. If you are still editing at the time of the deadline, you will not have a
valid submission. Please pay attention to the deadline.
The proposal due date is printed on the cover of this Announcement.
Letters from collaborators or from institutions providing access to data, models, software,
equipment and/or facilities may be appended to your research narrative and are not considered
part of the research narrative’s page limit. Please ensure that letters from collaborators or from
institutions providing access to data, models, software, equipment and/or facilities only describe
the nature of the collaboration or the access to data, models, software, equipment and/or
facilities: Letters of support or recommendation are not allowed in applications under this
All letters may be addressed “To Whom It May Concern:”.
Letters of collaboration for unfunded or funded collaborations should be placed in Appendix 6
(Other Attachments). Each letter of collaboration may contain two and only two sentences and
must use the following format:
Dear <Principal Investigator Name>:
If your application entitled, “<Application Name>,” is selected for funding under the
Announcement Name, it is my intent to collaborate in this research by <Complete
Sentence With a Very Short Description of What the Collaborator Offers to Do or
Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
<Collaborator’s Name and Signature Block>
IV.C.2. Abstract
The project summary/abstract is a summary of the proposed activity suitable for distribution to
the public and sufficient to permit potential reviewers to identify conflicts of interest. It must be
a self-contained document. The project summary/abstract must be comprised of
A cover sheet containing the name of the applicant, the project title, the PI and the PI’s
institutional affiliation, and any coinvestigators or unfunded collaborators and their
institutional affiliations
This information must be followed by a statement of the project’s objectives, a
description of the project, including methods to be employed, and the potential impact of
the project (i.e., benefits, outcomes).
The description of the proposed research may not exceed one pages when printed using
standard letter-size (8.5-inch x 11 -inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and
right). The body text font must not be smaller than 11-point. Figures and references, if
included, must fit within the one-page limit.
A sample is provided below:
Project Title
A. Smith, Lead Institution (Principal Investigator)
A. Brown, Institution 2 (Co-Investigator)
A. Jones, Institution 3 (Co-Investigator)
A. Williams, Institution 3 (unfunded collaborator)
Text of abstract (no more than one page, excluding Project Title and list of
The narrative portion of the project summary must not exceed one page when printed using
standard letter-size (8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left and right)
with body text font not smaller than 11-point. To attach a Project Summary/Abstract, click “Add
If an application is recommended for award, the project summary will be used in preparing a
public abstract about the award. Award abstracts and titles form a Government document that
describes the project and justifies the expenditure of Federal funds in light of the DOE and SC
mission statements at and
Do not include any proprietary or sensitive business information.
DOE may use the abstract to prepare public reports about supported research.
IV.C.3. Budget and Justification
The budget must be submitted into PAMS using the PAMS budget form.
Budgets are required for the entire project period. A budget form should be completed for each
budget period of the award, and a cumulative budget form for the entire project period will be
populated by PAMS. PAMS will calculate the cumulative budget totals for you.
A written justification of each budget item is to follow the budget pages. The budget justification
should be placed in a separate, single pdf document and attached on the appropriate screen in
PAMS. Further instructions regarding the budget and justification are given below and in the
PAMS software.
While subawards are listed in PAMS as “optional,” that is because the presence of a subaward is
optional. If a subaward exists, its budgetary information is required. The standard subaward
budget form allows for a maximum of 10 subawards. If a proposal contains more than 10
subawards, please present the budgets for the eleventh and subsequent subawards in a tabular
format, followed by the appropriate budget justification, as a part of the lead applicant’s budget
IV.C.4. Proposal
The following proposal title page information may be placed on a plain page. No form is
required. This cover page will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
The project title:
Street Address/City/State/Zip:
Postal Address:
Administrative Point of Contact name, telephone number, email:
Lead PI name, telephone number, email:
DOE National Laboratory Announcement Number:
DOE/SC Program Office:
DOE/SC Program Office Technical Contact:
PAMS Letter of Intent tracking number:
If a multi-institutional team is submitting collaborative proposals, provide the following
information on a separate page as a supplement to the title page.
List all collaborating institutions by name with each institution’s principal investigator on the
same line.
Indicate the lead PI who will be the point of contact and coordinator for the combined
research activity.
Provide a statement explaining the leadership structure of the collaboration.
Include a description of each institution’s facilities, equipment, and resources that will be
made available to the team.
Include a table modeled on the following chart providing summary budget information from
all institutions. Provide the total costs of the budget request in each year for each institution
and totals for all rows and columns.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Example budget table ($ in thousands)
* Note that collaborating proposals must be submitted separately.
The material listed here defines the minimum acceptable information on a title page. Additional
information may be provided at the applicant’s discretion.
The project narrative must not exceed a page limit of 18 pages of technical information,
including charts, graphs, maps, photographs, and other pictorial presentations, when printed
using standard letter-size (8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and
right). The body text font of all main text must not be smaller than 11-point. Merit reviewers will
only consider the number of pages specified in the first sentence of this paragraph. This page
limit does not apply to the Title Page, Budget Page(s), Budget Justification, biographical
material, publications and references, and appendices, each of which may have its own page
limit defined later in this Announcement.
Do not include any Internet addresses (URLs) that provide supplementary or additional
information that constitutes a part of the proposal. Merit reviewers are not required to access
Internet sites; however, Internet publications in a list of references will be treated identically to
print publications. See Section VIII for instructions on how to mark proprietary proposal
The Project Narrative comprises the research plan for the project. It should contain enough
background material in the Introduction, including a brief review of the relevant literature and
any prior research in this area, to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the state of the science.
The major part of the narrative should be devoted to a description and justification of the
proposed project, including details of the methods to be used. It should also include a timeline
for the major activities of the proposed project and should indicate which project personnel will
be responsible for which activities. There should be no ambiguity about which personnel will
perform particular parts of the project, and the time at which these activities will take place.
The following organization of the Project Narrative is suggested:
Background/Introduction: Explanation of the importance and relevance of the proposed
work as well as a review of the relevant literature.
Project Objectives: This section should provide a clear, concise statement of the specific
objectives/aims of the proposed project.
Proposed Research and Methods: Identify the hypotheses to be tested (if any) and details
of the methods to be used including the integration of experiments with theoretical and
computational research efforts.
For Collaborative Proposals Only: Each institution in a multi-institutional team
submitting collaborative proposals must submit an identical common narrative.
The common narrative must identify which tasks and activities will be performed
by which of the institutions in every budget period of the proposed project. The
budget and the budget justification—which are unique to each institution—may
refer to parts of the common narrative to further identify each institution’s
activities in the joint project. There should be no ambiguity about each
institution’s role and participation in the collaborative group.
SC will use the multiple proposals associated with a multi-institutional team to
create one consolidated document for merit review that consists of the common,
identical proposal materials combined with a set of detailed budgets from the
partner institutions. It is very important that every proposal in the team be
identical (including the title) with the exception of the budget and budget
justification pages.
The Project Narrative is considered the intellectual work of the proposed researchers. Concurrent
submission of the same or substantially similar narratives attributed to different researchers may
constitute academic dishonesty or research misconduct. Submission of a research narrative that is
not the work of the proposed researchers, including machine-generated research narratives, may
constitute academic dishonesty or research misconduct.
Provide a biographical sketch for the PI and each senior/key person as an appendix to your
technical narrative.
Provide the biographical sketch information as an appendix to your project narrative.
Do not attach a separate file.
The biographical sketch appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
Detailed instructions may be found in Section VIII of this Announcement.
WARNING: These instructions have been significantly revised to require
disclosure of a variety of potential conflicts of interest or commitment, including
participation in foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs.
The PI and each senior/key person at the prime applicant and any proposed
subaward must provide a list of all sponsored activities, awards, and
appointments, whether paid or unpaid; provided as a gift with terms or conditions
or provided as a gift without terms or conditions; full-time, part-time, or
voluntary; faculty, visiting, adjunct, or honorary; cash or in-kind; foreign or
domestic; governmental or private-sector; directly supporting the individual’s
research or indirectly supporting the individual by supporting students, research
staff, space, equipment, or other research expenses. All foreign government-
sponsored talent recruitment programs must be identified in current and pending
Provide a list of all current and pending support for the PI and senior/key personnel, including
subawardees. Provide the Current and Pending Support as an appendix to your project narrative.
Concurrent submission of a proposal to other organizations for simultaneous consideration will
not prejudice its review.
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
Detailed instructions may be found in Section VIII of this Announcement.
Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Project Narrative. Each reference must
include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication),
the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication.
For research areas where there are routinely more than ten coauthors of archival publications,
you may use an abbreviated style such as the Physical Review Letters (PRL) convention for
citations (listing only the first author). For example, your paper may be listed as, “A Really
Important New Result,” A. Aardvark et. al. (MONGO Collaboration), PRL 999. Include only
bibliographic citations. Applicants should be especially careful to follow scholarly practices in
providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing any section of the proposal.
Provide the Bibliography and References Cited information as an appendix to your project
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
This information is used to assess the capability of the organizational resources, including
subawardee resources, available to perform the effort proposed. Identify the facilities to be used
(Laboratory, Animal, Computer, Office, Clinical and Other). If appropriate, indicate their
capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity, and extent of availability to the project.
Describe only those resources that are directly applicable to the proposed work. Describe other
resources available to the project (e.g., machine shop, electronic shop) and the extent to which
they would be available to the project. For proposed investigations requiring access to
experimental user facilities maintained by institutions other than the applicant, please provide a
document from the facility manager confirming that the researchers will have access to the
facility. Please provide the Facility and Other Resource information as an appendix to your
project narrative.
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
List major items of equipment already available for this project and, if appropriate identify
location and pertinent capabilities. Provide the Equipment information as an appendix to your
project narrative.
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
Provide a Data Management Plan (DMP) as an appendix to the research narrative.
This appendix should not exceed a page limit of 5 pages including charts, graphs, maps,
photographs, and other pictorial presentations, when printed using standard letter-size
(8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right)
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
The standard requirements for a DMP may be found in Section VIII of this Announcement. The
DMP is an integral component of the pilot program and is expected to cover quality control, data
processing, data flow, data archiving, and data distribution.
In addition, the DMP must specifically address:
Additional BER requirements and guidance for digital data management
How FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable)
principles will apply to the
anticipated data sets, software
, and models
to be developed.
What developed software, data sets, and models will be made available using an
“opensource” licensing arrangement, noting the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)
identifier(s) ( when possible, and where deviation in this
arrangement is expected from The Open Source Initiative’s “Open Source Definition”
(, a specific justification must be provided.
How best practices in scientific software development will be applied to any development
activities. For more information on best practices, see Better Scientific Software
All new and renewal proposals that are not for conference support must provide a Promoting
Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Plan as an appendix to the research narrative. The
PIER plan should describe the activities and strategies of the applicant to promote equity and
inclusion as an intrinsic element to advancing scientific excellence in the research project within
the context of the proposing institution and any associated research group(s). Plans may include,
but are not limited to: strategies of your institution (and collaborating institutions, if applicable)
for enhanced recruitment of undergraduate students, graduate students, and early-stage
investigators (postdoctoral researchers, and others), including individuals from diverse
backgrounds and groups historically underrepresented in the research community; strategies for
creating and sustaining a positive, inclusive, safe, and professional research and training
environment that fosters a sense of belonging among all research personnel; and/or training,
mentoring, and professional development opportunities.
Plans may incorporate or build upon
existing diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion efforts of the project key personnel or
applicant institution(s), but should not be a re-statement of standard institutional policies or
broad principles. The complexity and detail of a PIER is expected to increase with the size of the
research team and the number of personnel to be supported.
Wilkinson, M. D. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship. Sci. Data
3:160018, 2016.
Chue Hong, N. P., Katz, D. S., Barker, M., Lamprecht, A-L, Martinez, C., Psomopoulos, F. E., Harrow, J., Castro,
L. J., Gruenpeter, M., Martinez, P. A., Honeyman, T., et al. (2022). FAIR Principles for Research Software version
1.0. (FAIR4RS Principles v1.0). Research Data Alliance. DOI:
Ravi, N., Chaturvedi, P., Huerta, E.A. et al. FAIR principles for AI models with a practical application for
accelerated high energy diffraction microscopy. Sci Data 9, 657 (2022).
Please see additional information at
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix should not exceed a page limit of 3 pages when printed using standard
letter-size (8.5 -inch x 11-inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right)
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation
If you need to elaborate on your responses to the PAMS Cover Page, please provide the Other
Attachment information as an appendix to your project narrative. Information not easily
accessible to a reviewer may be included in this appendix, but do not use this appendix to
circumvent the page limitations of the proposal. Reviewers are not required to consider
information in this appendix.
Do not attach a separate file.
This appendix will not count in the project narrative page limitation.
IV.C.5. Collaborator Information
Provide a listing of senior/key personnel at the applicant institution and any proposed subawards
and a listing of individuals who should not serve as merit reviewers. You may also indicate
suggested merit reviewers. Detailed instructions for these listings may be found in Section VIII
of this Announcement.
If selected for award, DOE reserves the right to request additional or clarifying information.
IV.E.1. Letter of Intent Due Date
The LOI due date is printed on the cover of this Announcement.
You are encouraged to submit your Letter of Intent well before the deadline. LOIs may be
submitted at any time between the publication of this Announcement and the stated deadline.
IV.E.2. Pre-proposal Due Date
The pre-proposal due date is printed on the cover of this Announcement.
You are encouraged to submit your pre-proposal well before the deadline. Pre-proposals may be
submitted at any time between the publication of this Announcement and the stated deadline.
IV.E.3. Proposal Due Date
The proposal due date is printed on the cover of this Announcement.
You are encouraged to transmit your proposal well before the deadline. Proposals may be
submitted at any time between the publication of this Announcement and the stated deadline.
IV.E.4. Late Submissions
Delays in submitting letters of intent and proposals may be unavoidable. DOE has accepted late
submissions when applicants have been unable to make timely submissions because of
widespread technological disruptions or significant natural disasters. DOE has made
accommodations for incapacitating or life-threatening illnesses and for deaths of immediate
family members. Other circumstances may or may not justify late submissions. Unacceptable
justifications include the following:
Failure to begin submission process early enough.
Failure to provide sufficient time to complete the process.
Failure to understand the submission process.
Failure to understand the deadlines for submissions.
Failure to satisfy prerequisite registrations.
Unavailability of administrative personnel.
You are responsible for beginning the submission process in sufficient time to accommodate
reasonably foreseeable incidents, contingencies, and disruptions.
Applicants must contact the Program Office/Manager listed in this Announcement to discuss
the option of a late submission. Contacting the Program Office/Manager after the deadline
may reduce the likelihood that a request will be granted.
DOE notes that not all requests for late submission will be approved.
V.A.1. Initial Review Criteria
Prior to a comprehensive merit evaluation, DOE will perform an initial review to determine that
(1) the applicant is eligible for the award; (2) the information required by the Program
Announcement has been submitted; (3) all mandatory requirements are satisfied; (4) the
proposed project is responsive to the objectives of the Program Announcement, and (5) the
proposed project is not duplicative of programmatic work. Proposals that fail to pass the initial
review will not be forwarded for merit review and will be eliminated from further consideration.
V.A.2. Merit Review Criteria
Proposals will be subjected to scientific merit review (peer review) and will be evaluated against
the following criteria, listed in descending order of importance.
Scientific and/or Technical Merit of the Project;
Appropriateness of the Proposed Method or Approach;
Competency of Applicant’s Personnel and Adequacy of Proposed Resources; and
Reasonableness and Appropriateness of the Proposed Budget.
Quality and Efficacy of the Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Plan.
The evaluation process will also include program policy factors such as the relevance of the
proposed research to the terms of the DOE National Laboratory Announcement and the agency’s
programmatic needs, the balance of activities within the program, and the utility of the proposed
activities to the broader scientific community. Note that external peer reviewers are selected with
regard to both their scientific expertise and the absence of conflict-of-interest issues. Both
Federal and non-Federal reviewers may be used, and submission of a proposal constitutes
agreement that this is acceptable to the investigator(s) and the submitting institution.
The questions below are provided to the merit reviewers to elaborate the criteria:
What is the scientific innovation of the proposed research?
What is the likelihood of achieving valuable results?
How might the results of the proposed work impact the direction, progress, and thinking in
relevant scientific fields of research?
How does the proposed work compare with other efforts in its field, both in terms of
scientific and/or technical merit and originality?
Is the Data Management Plan suitable for the proposed research? To what extent does it
support the validation of research results? To what extent will research products, including
data, be made available and reusable to advance the field of research?
Is the Data Management Plan comprehensive? How effectively does it span quality control,
data processing, data flow, data archiving, and data distribution?
Does the proposed effort employ innovative concepts or methods?
How logical and feasible are the approaches?
Are the conceptual framework, methods, and analyses well justified, adequately developed,
and likely to lead to scientifically valid conclusions?
Does the applicant recognize significant potential problems and consider alternative
Is the timeline of activities reasonable and suitable for meeting the goals of the pilot project?
Does the proposed work take advantage of unique facilities and capabilities?
What is the past performance of the team?
Is the lead institution proposing to perform a greater portion of the scientific and technical
work than any other team member?
How well qualified is the team to carry out the proposed work?
Are the environment and facilities adequate for performing the proposed effort?
To what extent does the proposed work effectively leverage or coordinate with existing
Are the proposed budget and staffing levels adequate to carry out the proposed work?
Is the budget reasonable and appropriate for the scope?
Is the proposed Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Plan suitable for the size
and complexity of the proposed project and an integral component of the proposed project?
To what extent is the PIER plan likely to lead to participation of individuals from diverse
backgrounds, including individuals historically underrepresented in the research community?
What aspects of the PIER plan are likely to contribute to the goal of creating and maintaining
an equitable, inclusive, encouraging, and professional training and research environment and
supporting a sense of belonging among project personnel?
How does the proposed plan include intentional mentorship and are the associated mentoring
resources reasonable and appropriate?
V.B.1. Merit Review
Proposals that pass the initial review will be subjected to a formal merit review and will be
evaluated based on the criteria above.
V.B.2. Program Policy Factors
The Selection Official may consider any of the following program policy factors in making the
selection, listed in no order of significance:
Availability of funds
Relevance of the proposed activity to SC priorities
Ensuring an appropriate balance of activities within SC programs
Performance under current awards
Quality of international or interagency collaboration
Participation with multi-institutional teams
Commitment to sharing the results of research
Promoting principal investigators with a commitment to improving diversity, equity, and
inclusion in the STEM community
V.B.3. Selection
The Selection Official will consider the findings of the merit review and may consider any of the
Program Policy Factors described above.
V.B.4. Discussions and Award
The Government may enter into discussions with a selected applicant for any reason deemed
necessary. Failure to resolve satisfactorily the issues identified by the Government will preclude
award to the applicant.
It is anticipated that the award selection will be completed by September 30, 2024. It is expected
that awards will be made in Fiscal Year 2024.
VI.A.1. Notice of Selection
Selected Applicants Notification: DOE will notify applicants selected for award. This notice of
selection is not an authorization to begin performance.
Non-selected Notification: Organizations whose proposals have not been selected will be
advised as promptly as possible. This notice will explain why the proposal was not selected.
VI.A.2. Notice of Award
A work authorization/contract modification issued by the contracting officer is the authorizing
award document.
The following additional policy provisions are applicable to this Announcement. The full text of
each provision is in Section VIII of this Announcement and may be accessed by navigating to the
hyperlinks below:
1. Availability of Funds
2. Commitment of Public Funds
3. Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) Performance of Work at DOE Facilities
4. Evaluation and Administration by Non-Federal Personnel
5. Federal, State, and Local Requirements
6. Funding Restrictions
7. Government Right to Reject or Negotiate
8. Modification
9. Proprietary Proposal Information
10. Publications
Annual progress reports from the award investigator will be required and will be due 90 days
before the end of each budget year.
For help with PAMS, click the “PAMS Help” link on the PAMS website, You may also contact the PAMS Help Desk, which can
be reached Monday through Friday, 9AM – 5:30 PM Eastern Time. Telephone: (855) 818-1846
(toll free) or (301) 903-9610, Email: sc.pams[email protected]. All submission and
inquiries about this DOE National Laboratory Program Announcement should reference the
Announcement number printed on the cover.
Please contact the PAMS help desk for technological issues with the PAMS system.
Questions regarding the specific program areas and technical requirements may be directed to
the technical contacts listed for each program within the DOE National Laboratory Program
Announcement or below.
Please contact the program staff with all questions not directly related to the PAMS
Customer Support
855-818-1846 (toll-free)
Program Manager
Scientific Contact
Dr. Shaima L. Nasiri
Dr. Sally McFarlane
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) maintains a Hotline to facilitate the reporting of
allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement in DOE programs or operations. If you
wish to report such allegations, you may call, send a letter, or email the OIG Hotline
[email protected]. Allegations may be reported by DOE employees, DOE contractors, or the
general public. OIG contact information is available at
VIII.A.1. How Consortia May be Used
Incorporated consortia are eligible to apply for funding as a prime recipient (lead organization)
or subrecipient (team member).
Each incorporated consortium must have an internal governance structure and a written set of
internal rules. Upon request, the consortium must provide a written description of its internal
governance structure and its internal rules to the DOE contracting officer. There is no
requirement that subawards be formalized into incorporated consortia.
Unincorporated consortia (team arrangements) must designate one member of the consortium to
serve as the prime recipient/consortium representative (lead organization). There is no
requirement that subawards be formalized into unincorporated consortia.
Upon request, unincorporated consortia must provide the DOE contracting officer with a
collaboration agreement, commonly referred to as the articles of collaboration, which sets out the
rights and responsibilities of each consortium member. This agreement binds the individual
consortium members together and should discuss, among other things, the consortium’s:
Management structure;
Method of making payments to consortium members;
Means of ensuring and overseeing members’ efforts on the project;
Provisions for members’ cost sharing contributions; and
Provisions for ownership and rights in intellectual property developed previously or under
the agreement.
Note that a consortium is applied for in one proposal and results in one award with subawards to
consortia members. Multi-institutional teams may, if permitted under this Announcement, submit
collaborative proposals with each institution submitting its own proposal with an identical
research narrative, resulting in multiple awards to the collaborating institutions.
VIII.A.2. How to Submit Letters of Intent
It is important that the LOI be a single file with extension .pdf, .docx, or .doc. The filename must
not exceed 50 characters. The PI and anyone submitting on behalf of the PI must register for an
account in PAMS before it will be possible to submit a letter of intent. All PIs and those
submitting LOIs on behalf of PIs are encouraged to establish PAMS accounts as soon as
possible to avoid submission delays.
Submit Your Letter of Intent:
Create your letter of intent outside the system and save it as a file with extension .docx, .doc,
or .pdf. Make a note of the location of the file on your computer so you can browse for it
later from within PAMS.
Log into PAMS and click the Proposals tab. click the “View DOE National Laboratory
Announcements” link and find the current announcement in the list. Click the
“Actions/Views” link in the Options column next to this Announcement to obtain a
dropdown menu. Select “Submit Letter of Intent” from the dropdown.
On the Submit Letter of Intent page, select the institution from which you are submitting this
LOI from the Institution dropdown. If you are associated with only one institution in the
system, there will only be one institution in the dropdown.
Note that you must select one and only one PI per LOI; to do so, click the “Select PI” button
on the far right side of the screen. Find the appropriate PI from the list of all registered users
from your institution returned by PAMS. (Hint: You may have to sort, filter, or search
through the list if it has multiple pages.) Click the “Actions” link in the Options column next
to the appropriate PI to obtain a dropdown menu. From the dropdown, choose “Select PI.”
If the PI for whom you are submitting does not appear on the list, it means he or she has not
yet registered in PAMS. For your convenience, you may have PAMS send an email
invitation to the PI to register in PAMS. To do so, click the “Invite PI” link at the top left of
the “Select PI” screen. You can enter an optional personal message to the PI in the
“Comments” box, and it will be included in the email sent by PAMS to the PI. You must wait
until the PI registers before you can submit the LOI. Save the LOI for later work by clicking
the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. It will be stored in “My Letters of Intent” for
later editing.
Enter a title for your letter of intent.
Select the appropriate technical contact from the Program Manager dropdown.
To upload the LOI file into PAMS, click the “Attach File” button at the far right side of the
screen. Click the “Browse” (or “Choose File” depending on your browser) button to search
for your file. You may enter an optional description of the file you are attaching. Click the
“Upload” button to upload the file.
At the bottom of the screen, click the “Submit to DOE” button to save and submit the LOI to
Upon submission, the PI will receive an email from the PAMS system
<[email protected]> acknowledging receipt of the LOI.
You are encouraged to register for an account in PAMS at least a week in advance of the LOI
submission deadline so that there will be no delays with your submission.
WARNING: The PAMS website at will permit
you to edit a previously submitted LOI in the time between your submission and the
deadline. If you choose to edit, doing so will remove your previously submitted version
from consideration. If you are still editing at the time of the deadline, you will not have a
valid submission. Please pay attention to the deadline.
VIII.A.3. How to Submit a Pre-Proposal
It is important that the pre-proposal be a single file with extension .pdf, .docx, or .doc. The
filename must not exceed 50 characters. The PI and anyone submitting on behalf of the PI must
register for an account in PAMS before it will be possible to submit a pre-proposal. All PIs and
those submitting pre-proposals on behalf of PIs are encouraged to establish PAMS accounts as
soon as possible to avoid submission delays.
Submit Your Pre-Proposals:
Create your pre-proposal (called a preproposal in PAMS) outside the system and save it as a
file with extension .docx, .doc, or .pdf. Make a note of the location of the file on your
computer so you can browse for it later from within PAMS.
Log into PAMS and click the Proposals tab. click the “View DOE National Laboratory
Announcements” link and find the current announcement in the list. Click the
“Actions/Views” link in the Options column next to this Announcement to obtain a
dropdown menu. Select “Submit Preproposal” from the dropdown.
On the Submit Preproposal page, select the institution from which you are submitting this
preproposal from the Institution dropdown. If you are associated with only one institution in
the system, there will only be one institution in the dropdown.
Note that you must select one and only one PI per preproposal; to do so, click the “Select PI”
button on the far right side of the screen. Find the appropriate PI from the list of all registered
users from your institution returned by PAMS. (Hint: You may have to sort, filter, or search
through the list if it has multiple pages.) Click the “Actions” link in the Options column next
to the appropriate PI to obtain a dropdown menu. From the dropdown, choose “Select PI.”
If the PI for whom you are submitting does not appear on the list, it means he or she has not
yet registered in PAMS. For your convenience, you may have PAMS send an email
invitation to the PI to register in PAMS. To do so, click the “Invite PI” link at the top left of
the “Select PI” screen. You can enter an optional personal message to the PI in the
“Comments” box, and it will be included in the email sent by PAMS to the PI. You must wait
until the PI registers before you can submit the preproposal. Save the preproposal for later
work by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. It will be stored in “My
Preproposals” for later editing.
Enter a title for your preproposal.
Select the appropriate technical contact from the Program Manager dropdown.
To upload the preproposal file into PAMS, click the “Attach File” button at the far right side
of the screen. Click the “Browse” (or “Choose File” depending on your browser) button to
search for your file. You may enter an optional description of the file you are attaching. Click
the “Upload” button to upload the file.
At the bottom of the screen, click the “Submit to DOE” button to save and submit the
preproposal to DOE.
Upon submission, the PI will receive an email from the PAMS system
<[email protected]> acknowledging receipt of the preproposal.
You are encouraged to register for an account in PAMS at least a week in advance of the
preproposal submission deadline so that there will be no delays with your submission.
WARNING: The PAMS website at will permit
you to edit a previously submitted pre-proposal in the time between your submission and
the deadline. If you choose to edit, doing so will remove your previously submitted
version from consideration. If you are still editing at the time of the deadline, you will not
have a valid submission. Please pay attention to the deadline.
VIII.A.4. How to Prepare and Submit a Proposal
The following information is provided to help with proposal submission. Detailed instructions
and screen shots can be found in the PAMS Help materials, accessible by clicking the “PAMS
Help” link on the PAMS home page. Onscreen instructions are available within PAMS.
Log into PAMS. From the proposals tab, click the “View DOE National Laboratory
Announcements” link and find the current announcement in the list. Click the
“Actions/Views” link in the Options column next to this Announcement to obtain a
dropdown menu. Select “Submit Proposal” from the dropdown.
Note that you must select one and only one Principal Investigator (PI) per proposal; to do so,
click the “Select PI” button on the far right side of the screen. Find the appropriate PI from
the list of all registered users from your institution returned by PAMS. (Hint: You may have
to sort, filter, or search through the list if it has multiple pages.) Click the “Actions” link in
the Options column next to the appropriate PI to obtain a dropdown menu. From the
dropdown, choose “Select PI.”
If the PI for whom you are submitting does not appear on the list, it means he or she has not
yet registered in PAMS. For your convenience, you may have PAMS send an email
invitation to the PI to register in PAMS. To do so, click the “Invite PI” link at the top left of
the “Select PI” screen. You can enter an optional personal message to the PI in the
“Comments” box, and it will be included in the email sent by PAMS to the PI. You must wait
until the PI registers before you can submit the proposal. Save the proposal for later work by
selecting “Save” from the dropdown at the bottom of the screen and then clicking the “Go”
button. It will be stored in “My Proposals” for later editing. As a minimum, you must
complete all the required fields on the PAMS cover page before you can save the proposal
for the first time.
The cover page, budget, and attachments sections of the lab proposal are required by PAMS
before it can be submitted to DOE.
Complete the sections in PAMS one at a time, starting with the cover page and following the
instructions for each section.
Click the “+View More” link at the top of each section to expand the onscreen instructions.
On the budget section, click the “Budget Tab Instructions” link to obtain detailed guidance
on completing the budget form.
Save each section by selecting either “Save” (to stay in the same section) or “Save… and
Continue to the Next Section” (to move to the next section) from the dropdown menu at the
bottom of the screen, followed by clicking the “Go” button.
If you save the proposal and navigate away from it, you may return later to edit the proposal
by clicking the “View My Existing Proposals” or “My Proposals” links within PAMS.
You must enter a budget for each annual budget period.
You must also enter a budget for each proposed sub-award. The sub-award section can be
completed using the same steps used for the budget section.
In the attachments section of the lab proposal, the abstract, the budget justification, and the
proposal narrative are required and must be submitted as separate files.
You must bundle everything other than the budget, abstract, and budget justification into one
single PDF file to be attached under “Proposal Attachment.”
Do not attach anything under “Other Attachments.”
To upload a file into PAMS, click the “Attach File” button at the far right side of the screen.
Click the “Browse” (or "Choose File" depending on your browser) button to search for your
file. You may enter an optional description of the file you are attaching. Click the “Upload”
button to upload the file.
Once you have saved all of the sections, the “Submit to DOE” option will appear in the
dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen.
To submit the proposal, select “Submit to DOE” from the dropdown menu and then click the
“Go” button.
Upon submission, the PI will receive an email from the PAMS system
<[email protected]> acknowledging receipt of the proposal.
The proposal will also appear under My Proposals with a Proposal Status of “Submitted to
Please only submit a PAMS lab technical proposal in response to this Announcement; do not
submit a DOE Field Work Proposal (FWP) at this time. SC will request FWPs later from those
selected for funding consideration under this Announcement.
All files submitted a part of a proposal must be PDF files unless otherwise specified in this
Announcement. Attached PDF files must be plain files consisting of text, numbers, and images
without editable fields, signatures, passwords, redactions, or other advanced features available in
some PDF-compatible software. Do not use PDF portfolios or binders.
Please note the following restrictions that apply to the names of all files attached to your
Please limit file names to 50 or fewer characters
Do not attach any documents with the same name. All attachments must have a unique name.
Please use only the following characters when naming your attachments: A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
underscore, hyphen, space, period, parenthesis, curly braces, square brackets, ampersand,
tilde, exclamation point, comma, semi colon, apostrophe, at sign, number sign, dollar sign,
percent sign, plus sign, and equal sign. Attachments that do not follow this rule may cause
the entire proposal to be rejected or cause issues during processing.
Proposals submitted under this announcement may be withdrawn from consideration by using
the PAMS website at Proposals may be withdrawn at any
time between when the applicant submits the proposal and when DOE makes the proposal
available to merit reviewers. Such withdrawals take effect immediately and cannot be reversed.
Please exercise due caution. After the proposal is made available to merit reviewers, the
applicant may contact the DOE program office identified in this Announcement to request that it
be withdrawn.
After a proposal is withdrawn, it may be resubmitted, if this Announcement is still open
for the submission of proposals. Such resubmissions will only count as one submission if this
Announcement restricts the number of proposals from an applicant.
Proposals submitted under this Announcement will be stored in controlled-access systems, but
they may be made publicly available if an award is made. As such, it is critical that applicants
follow these guidelines:
Do not include information subject to any legal restriction on its open distribution, whether
classified, export control, or unclassified controlled nuclear information.
Do not include sensitive and protected personally identifiable information, including social
security numbers, birthdates, citizenship, marital status, or home addresses. Pay particular
attention to the content of biographical sketches and curriculum vitae.
Do not include letters of support from Federal officials.
Do not include letters of support on Federal letterhead. Letters that are not letters of support
(such as letters confirming access to sites, facilities, equipment, or data; or letters from
cognizant contracting officers) may be on Federal letterhead.
Clearly mark all proprietary or trade-secret information.
VIII.A.5. How to Prepare a Biographical Sketch
A biographical sketch is to provide information that can be used by reviewers to evaluate the PI’s
potential for leadership within the scientific community. Examples of information of interest are
invited and/or public lectures, awards received, scientific program committees, conference or
workshop organization, professional society activities, special international or industrial
partnerships, reviewing or editorship activities, or other scientific leadership experiences.
SC requires the use of the format approved by the National Science Foundation (NSF), which
may be generated by the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv), a cooperative
venture maintained at The fillable PDFs provided by the
National Science Foundation are no longer available. When interagency common formats and
instructions are promulgated, their use will be accepted. See
personnel-documents for more information. The use of a format required by another agency is
intended to reduce the administrative burden to researchers by promoting the use of common
Requested information may be appended to a biographical sketch, whether produced from a
fillable PDF or in SciENcv.
SC strongly recommends the use of SciENcv to reduce administrative burden by allowing the
use of digital persistent identifiers, including the Open Researcher and Contributer ID (ORCiD).
Do not attach a listing of individuals who should not be used as merit reviewers: This
information is no longer collected as part of a biographical sketch.
VIII.A.6. How to Prepare a List of Individuals Who Should Not Serve as Reviewers
To assist in identifying individuals who should not serve as merit reviews, provide the following
information for each and every senior/key person who is planned to be or is identified in Section
A of the proposal budget for the applicant and any proposed subrecipients:
Advisees (graduate students or postdocs) of the senior/key person
Advisors of the senior/key person while a graduate student or a postdoc
Close associates of the senior/key person over the past 48 months
Co-authors of the senior/key person over the past 48 months
Co-editors of the senior/key person over the past 48 months
Co-investigators of the senior/key person over the past 48 months
Collaborators of the senior/key person over the past 48 months
Do not identify any personnel at the applicant institution or any proposed subrecipient or team
institution: Those personnel are prohibited from serving as merit reviewers.
Large collaborations of 10 or more researchers do not require that all collaborators be identified:
rather, only list the researchers with whom the senior/key person actually collaborated.
For all identified individuals, provide the following information:
The senior/key person to whom the individual was an advisee, advisor, close associate, co-
author, co-editor, co-investigator, or collaborator, identified by first name and last name
The individual’s first (given) name
The individual’s last (family) name
The individual’s Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD), if known
The individual’s institutional affiliation spelling out acronyms (For joint appointments,
separate each institution with a slash (“/”). Do not list departmental affiliations.)
The reason for listing the individual (advisee, advisor, close associate, co-author, co-editor,
co-investigator, collaborator)
The year when the individual last was a close associate, co-author, co-editor, co-investigator,
or collaborator
You may also provide a list of all senior/key personnel who are planned to be or are identified in
Section A of the proposal budget for the applicant and any proposed subrecipients.
The lists do not need to be sorted in any method.
The lists must be submitted in tabular format, preferably as Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx) files.
For your convenience, a template is available at
Guidance/Agreement-Forms. If using the template:
Do not add tabs to the spreadsheet
Do not merge the existing tabs
Do not remove headers
Fill out the requested headers on both tabs with the same information
Ensure that given and family names are presented in the correct columns
VIII.A.7. How to Prepare Current and Pending Support
WARNING: These instructions have been significantly revised to require
disclosure of a variety of potential conflicts of interest or commitment, including
participation in foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs.
Current and Pending support is intended to allow the identification of potential duplication,
overcommitment, potential conflicts of interest or commitment, and all other sources of support.
The PI and each senior/key person at the prime applicant and any proposed subaward must
provide a list of all sponsored activities, awards, and appointments, whether paid or unpaid;
provided as a gift with terms or conditions or provided as a gift without terms or conditions; full-
time, part-time, or voluntary; faculty, visiting, adjunct, or honorary; cash or in-kind; foreign or
domestic; governmental or private-sector; directly supporting the individual’s research or
indirectly supporting the individual by supporting students, research staff, space, equipment, or
other research expenses. All foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs must be
identified in current and pending support.
SC requires the use of the format approved by the National Science Foundation (NSF), which
may be generated by the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv), a cooperative
venture maintained at The fillable PDFs provided by the
National Science Foundation are no longer available. When interagency common formats and
instructions are promulgated, their use will be accepted. See
personnel-documents for more information. The use of a format required by another agency is
intended to reduce the administrative burden to researchers by promoting the use of common
For every activity, list the following items:
The sponsor of the activity or the source of funding.
The award or other identifying number.
The title of the award or activity. If the title of the award or activity is not descriptive, add
a brief description of the research being performed that would identify any overlaps or
synergies with the proposed research.
The total cost or value of the award or activity, including direct and indirect costs. For
pending proposals, provide the total amount of requested funding.
The award period (start date end date).
The person-months of effort per year being dedicated to the award or activity.
If required to identify overlap, duplication of effort, or synergistic efforts, append a description
of the other award or activity to the current and pending support.
Requested information may be appended to current and pending support, whether produced from
a fillable PDF or in SciENcv.
SC strongly recommends the use of SciENcv to reduce administrative burden by allowing the
use of digital persistent identifiers, including the Open Researcher and Contributer ID (ORCiD).
Details of any obligations, contractual or otherwise, to any program, entity, or organization
sponsored by a foreign government must be provided on request to either the applicant institution
or DOE.
VIII.A.8. How to Prepare a Data Management Plan
In general, a DMP should address the following requirements:
1. DMPs should describe whether and how data generated in the course of the proposed
research will be shared and preserved. If the plan is not to share and/or preserve certain data,
then the plan must explain the basis of the decision (for example, cost/benefit considerations,
other parameters of feasibility, scientific appropriateness, or limitations discussed in #4). At a
minimum, DMPs must describe how data sharing and preservation will enable validation of
results, or how results could be validated if data are not shared or preserved.
2. DMPs should provide a plan for making all research data displayed in publications resulting
from the proposed research open, machine-readable, and digitally accessible to the public at
the time of publication. This includes data that are displayed in charts, figures, images, etc. In
addition, the underlying digital research data used to generate the displayed data should be
made as accessible as possible to the public in accordance with the principles stated in the
Office of Science Statement on Digital Data Management (
opportunities/digital-data-management. This requirement could be met by including the data
as supplementary information to the published article, or through other means. The published
article should indicate how these data can be accessed.
3. DMPs should consult and reference available information about data management resources
to be used in the course of the proposed research. In particular, DMPs that explicitly or
implicitly commit data management resources at a facility beyond what is conventionally
made available to approved users should be accompanied by written approval from that
facility. In determining the resources available for data management at Office of Science
User Facilities, researchers should consult the published description of data management
resources and practices at that facility and reference it in the DMP. Information about other
Office of Science facilities can be found at
4. DMPs must protect confidentiality, personal privacy, Personally Identifiable Information,
and U.S. national, homeland, and economic security; recognize proprietary interests, business
confidential information, and intellectual property rights; avoid significant negative impact
on innovation, and U.S. competitiveness; and otherwise be consistent with all applicable
laws, and regulations. There is no requirement to share proprietary data.
DMPs will be reviewed as part of the overall SC research proposal merit review process.
Applicants are encouraged to consult the SC website for further information and suggestions for
how to structure a DMP:
VIII.A.9. How to Prepare a Budget and Justification
The following advice will improve the accuracy of your budget request:
Funds requested for personnel (senior, key, and other) must be justified as the product of
their effort on the project and their institutional base salary.
Funds requested for fringe benefits must be calculated as the product of the requested salary
and, if present, the negotiated fringe benefit rate contained in an institution’s negotiated
indirect cost rate agreement.
Funds requested for indirect costs must be calculated using the correct indirect cost base and
the negotiated indirect cost rate.
You are encouraged to include the rate agreement used in preparing a budget as a part of the
budget justification.
Do not prepare a budget justification using the expired DOE form F4260.1.
Budget Fields
Section A
Senior/Key Person
For each Senior/Key Person, enter the requested information. List
personnel, base salary, the number of months that person will be
allocated to the project, requested salary, fringe benefits, and the total
funds requested for each person. The requested salary must be the
product of the base salary and the effort.
Include a written narrative in the budget justification that justifies the
need for requested personnel. Within the justification, explain the
fringe benefit rate used if it is not the standard faculty rate.
Section B
Other Personnel
List personnel, the number of months that person will be allocated to
the project, requested salary fringe benefits, and the total funds
requested for each person.
Include a written narrative in the budget justification that fully justifies
the need for requested personnel. Within the justification, provide the
number of positions being filled in each category of other personnel.
Section C
For the purpose of this budget, equipment is designated as an item of
property that has an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and an expected
service life of more than one year, unless a different threshold is
specified in a negotiated Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate. (Note
that this designation applies for proposal budgeting only and differs
from the DOE definition of capital equipment.) List each item of
equipment separately and justify each in the budget justification
section. Do not aggregate items of equipment. Allowable items
ordinarily will be limited to research equipment and apparatus not
already available for the conduct of the work. General-purpose office
equipment is not eligible for support unless primarily or exclusively
used in the actual conduct of scientific research.
Section D
For purposes of this section only, travel to Canada or to Mexico is
considered domestic travel. In the budget justification, list each trips
destination, dates, estimated costs including transportation and
subsistence, number of staff traveling, the purpose of the travel, and
how it relates to the project. Indicate the basis for the cost estimate
(quotes from vendors or suppliers, past experience of similar items, or
some other basis). To qualify for support, attendance at meetings or
conferences must enhance the investigator’s capability to perform the
research, plan extensions of it, or disseminate its results. Domestic
travel is to be justified separately from foreign travel. Within the
budget justification, detail the number of personnel planning to travel
and the estimated per-traveler cost for each trip.
Section E
Support Costs
If applicable, submit training support costs. Educational projects that
intend to support trainees (precollege, college, graduate and post
graduate) must list each trainee cost that includes stipend levels and
amounts, cost of tuition for each trainee, cost of any travel (provide the
same information as needed under the regular travel category), and
costs for any related training expenses. Participant costs are those costs
associated with conferences, workshops, symposia or institutes and
breakout items should indicate the number of participants, cost for each
participant, purpose of the conference, dates and places of meetings and
any related administrative expenses.
Indicate the basis for the cost estimate (quotes from vendors or
suppliers, past experience of similar items, or some other basis).
Section F
Other Direct Costs
Materials and Supplies: Enter total funds requested for
materials and supplies in the appropriate fields. In the budget
justification, indicate general categories such as glassware, and
chemicals, including an amount for each category (items not
identified under “Equipment”). Categories less than $1,000 are
not required to be itemized. Indicate the basis for the cost
estimate (quotes from vendors or suppliers, past experience of
similar items, or some other basis).
Publication Costs: Enter the total publication funds requested.
The proposal budget may request funds for the costs of
documenting, preparing, publishing or otherwise making
available to others the findings and products of the work
conducted under the award. In the budget justification, include
supporting information. Indicate the basis for the cost estimate
(quotes from vendors or suppliers, past experience of similar
items, or some other basis).
Consultant Services: Enter total funds requested for all
consultant services. In the budget justification, identify each
consultant, the services he/she will perform, total number of days,
travel costs, and total estimated costs. Indicate the basis for the
cost estimate (quotes from vendors or suppliers, past experience
of similar items, or some other basis).
ADP/Computer Services: Enter total funds requested for
ADP/Computer Services. The cost of computer services,
including computer-based retrieval of scientific, technical and
education information may be requested. In the budget
justification, include the established computer service rates at the
proposing organization if applicable. Indicate the basis for the
cost estimate (quotes from vendors or suppliers, past experience
of similar items, or some other basis).
Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs: Enter total costs
for all subawards/consortium organizations and other contractual
costs proposed for the project. In the budget justification, justify
the details.
Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees: Enter total funds
requested for Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees. In the budget
justification, identify each rental/user fee and justify. Indicate the
basis for the cost estimate (quotes from vendors or suppliers, past
experience of similar items, or some other basis).
Alterations and Renovations: Enter total funds requested for
Alterations and Renovations. In the budget justification, itemize by
category and justify the costs of alterations and renovations,
including repairs, painting, removal or installation of partitions,
shielding, or air conditioning. Where applicable, provide the square
footage and costs.
Other: Add text to describe any other Direct Costs not
requested above. Enter costs associated with Other” item(s).
Use the budget justification to further itemize and justify.
Section G
Direct Costs
This represents Total Direct Costs (Sections A through F). PAMS will
automatically calculate this.
Section H
Other Indirect Costs
Enter the Indirect Cost information, including the rates and bases being
used, for each field. Only four general categories of indirect costs are
allowed/requested on this form, so please consolidate if needed.
Include the cognizant Federal agency and contact information if using a
negotiated rate agreement. Within the budget justification, explain the
use of multiple rates, if multiple rates are used.
Section I
Total Direct and
Indirect Costs
This is the total of Sections G and H. PAMS will automatically
calculate this.
VIII.A.10. How to Register in PAMS
You must register in PAMS to submit a pre-proposal, letter of intent, or DOE national laboratory
Notifications sent from the PAMS system will come from the PAMS email address
<[email protected]>. Please make sure your email server/software allows
delivery of emails from the PAMS email address to yours.
Registering to PAMS is a two-step process; once you create an individual account, you must
associate yourself with (“register to”) your institution. Detailed steps are listed below.
To register, click the “Create New PAMS Account” link on the website
Click the “No, I have never had an account” link and then the “Create Account” button.
You will be prompted to enter your name and email address, create a username and
password, and select a security question and answer. Once you have done this, click the
“Save and Continue” button.
On the next page, enter the required information (at least one phone number and your mailing
address) and any optional information you wish to provide (e.g., FAX number, website,
mailstop code, additional email addresses or phone numbers, Division/Department). Click
the “Create Account” button.
Read the user agreement and click the “Accept” button to indicate that you understand your
responsibilities and agree to comply with the rules of behavior for PAMS.
PAMS will take you to the “Having Trouble Logging In?” page. (If you have been an SC
merit reviewer or if you have previously submitted a proposal, you may already be linked to
an institution in PAMS. If this happens, you will be taken to the PAMS home page.)
1. Click the link labeled “Option 2: I know my institution and I am here to register to the
institution.” (Note: If you previously created a PAMS account but did not register to an
institution at that time, you must click the Institutions tab and click the “Register to
Institution” link.)
2. PAMS will take you to the “Register to Institution” page.
3. Type a word or phrase from your institution name in the field labeled, “Institution Name
like,” choose the radio button next to the item that best describes your role in the system, and
click the “Search” button. A “like” search in PAMS returns results that contain the word or
phrase you enter; you do not need to enter the exact name of the institution, but you should
enter a word or phrase contained within the institution name. (If your institution has a
frequently used acronym, such as ANL for Argonne National Laboratory or UCLA for the
Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles, you may find it easiest to search for the
acronym under “Institution Name like.” Many institutions with acronyms are listed in PAMS
with their acronyms in parentheses after their names.)
4. Find your institution in the list that is returned by the search and click the “Actions” link in
the Options column next to the institution name to obtain a dropdown list. Select “Add me to
this institution” from the dropdown. PAMS will take you to the “Institutions List” page.
5. If you do not see your institution in the initial search results, you can search again by clicking
the “Cancel” button, clicking the Option 2 link, and repeating the search.
6. If, after searching, you think your institution is not currently in the database, click the
“Cannot Find My Institution” button and enter the requested institution information into
PAMS. Click the “Create Institution” button. PAMS will add the institution to the system,
associate your profile with the new institution, and return you to the “Institutions – List” page
when you are finished.
For help with PAMS, click the “PAMS Help” link on the PAMS website, You may also contact the PAMS Help Desk, which can
be reached Monday through Friday, 9AM – 5:30 PM Eastern Time. Telephone: (855) 818-1846
(toll free) or (301) 903-9610, email: sc.pams-help[email protected]. All submission and
inquiries about this Announcement should reference the number printed on the cover page.
VIII.A.11. How to View Proposals in PAMS
Upon submission, the PI will receive an email from the PAMS system
<[email protected]> acknowledging receipt of the proposal.
Upon submission, the proposal will appear under My Proposals for the PI and the Submitter with
a Proposal Status of “Submitted to DOE.”
VIII.B.1. Availability of Funds
Funds are not presently available for this award. The Government’s obligation under this award
is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for award purposes
can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until
funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for this award and until the awardee receives
notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer.
VIII.B.2. Commitment of Public Funds
The Contracting Officer is the only individual who can make awards or commit the Government
to the expenditure of public funds. A commitment by other than the Contracting Officer, either
explicit or implied, is invalid.
VIII.B.3. Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) Performance of Work at DOE
With respect to the performance of any portion of the work under this award which is performed
at a DOE-owned or controlled site, the recipient agrees to comply with all state and Federal
ES&H regulations, and with all other ES&H requirements of the operator of such site.
Prior to the performance on any work at a DOE-Owned or controlled site, the recipient shall
contact the site facility manager for information on DOE and site specific ES&H requirements.
The recipient shall apply this provision to all subawardees at any tier.
VIII.B.4. Evaluation and Administration by Non-Federal Personnel
In conducting the merit review evaluation, the Government may seek the advice of qualified
non-Federal personnel as reviewers. The Government may also use non-Federal personnel to
conduct routine, nondiscretionary administrative activities. The applicant, by submitting its
proposal, consents to the use of non-Federal reviewers/administrators. Non-Federal reviewers
must sign a conflict of interest and a certificate of confidentiality prior to reviewing a proposal.
Non-Federal personnel conducting administrative activities must sign a non-disclosure
VIII.B.5. Federal, State, and Local Requirements
With respect to the performance of any portion of the work under this award, the recipient agrees
to comply with all applicable local, state, and Federal ES&H regulations. The recipient shall
apply this provision to all sub awardees at any tier.
VIII.B.6. Funding Restrictions
Funding for all awards and future budget periods are contingent upon the availability of funds
appropriated by Congress and the availability of future-year budget authority.
VIII.B.7. Government Right to Reject or Negotiate
DOE reserves the right, without qualification, to reject any or all proposals received in response
to this DOE National Laboratory Announcement and to select any proposal, in whole or in part,
as a basis for negotiation and/or award.
VIII.B.8. Modification
Notices of any modifications to this DOE National Laboratory Announcement will be posted on
the Grants and Contracts website (
VIII.B.9. Proprietary Proposal Information
Patentable ideas, trade secrets, proprietary or confidential commercial or financial information,
disclosure of which may harm the applicant, should be included in a proposal only when such
information is necessary to convey an understanding of the proposed project. The use and
disclosure of such data may be restricted, provided the applicant includes the following legend
on the first page of any document included in the proposal that contains such proprietary
information and specifies the pages of the document which are to be restricted:
“The data contained in pages _____ of this document have been submitted in confidence and
contain trade secrets or proprietary information, and such data shall be used or disclosed only for
evaluation purposes, provided that if this applicant receives an award as a result of or in
connection with the submission of this proposal, DOE shall have the right to use or disclose the
data herein to the extent provided in the award. This restriction does not limit the government’s
right to use or disclose data obtained without restriction from any source, including the
To protect such data, each line or paragraph on the pages containing such data must be
specifically identified and marked with a legend similar to the following:
“The following contains proprietary information that (name of applicant) requests not be released
to persons outside the Government, except for purposes of review and evaluation.”
VIII.B.10. Publications
Researchers are expected to publish or otherwise make publicly available the results of the work
conducted under any authorization resulting from this Announcement. Publications and other
methods of public communication describing any work based on or developed under an
authorization resulting from this Announcement must contain an acknowledgment of SC support.
The format for such acknowledgments is provided at
opportunities/acknowledgements/. The author’s copy of any peer-reviewed manuscript accepted
for funding must be announced to DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
and made publicly available in accordance with the instructions contained in the Reporting
Requirements Checklist incorporated in all Assistance Agreements.